TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Democrats Tout Domestic Extremism Social Credit Score Scheme
Episode Date: March 27, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall discusses the demonic plot to confiscate the gun owners before they take the guns. We detail legislation being introduced by Democrats to place Christians on terror... watch lists through a “Extremist Score” system designed by the Masonic Matrix Mafia. We also address the oddities with the shooting in Boulder, Colorado, and respond to Sidney Powell’s lies about what she said in court this week. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Matt Skow. Airdate (3/26/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help, visit www, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
President Joe Biden says he will order executive action on gun control next week while visiting Pittsburgh.
He made this promise during his first televised press conference.
The tragedy is in Georgia and Colorado.
You had said to stay tuned for actions that you might take on gun control. I'm wondering if you've made a decision either about sending the manufacturer liability
bill that you had promised on day one to Capitol Hill or executive actions like going after ghost
guns or giving money to cities and states to battle gun control.
All of the above. It's a matter of timing.
While biding time, his comrades in Congress have put forward several bills which seek to place Christians and gun owners on terrorist watch lists,
with new federal pre-crime units dedicated to rating the thoughts of fellow Americans.
Joining me to discuss this story and more are True News founder Rick Wiles and film director Matt Scow.
Hey, Edward. And Doc, Doc Burkhardt is in Texas on a family visit. He'll be back early
next week. Glad to have Matt here. Good to be here. So did you notice President Biden looking
down at his cheat sheets to see what the answer would be to the preselected question? And who the
reporters were? Yes. There was a side photo from the press conference yesterday that showed he had this dossier of reporters.
And as you noted, questions.
They made sure they took every precaution necessary so they didn't have a slip up during that press conference.
I didn't hear any reporters shouting, yelling.
Yeah, where's Jim Acosta?
Nobody was attacking him.
Where's Jim Acosta these days?
He's still reporting to the White House, but he didn't seem to have any issue with President Biden.
Berating a president?
What happened in those days?
The double standards are so obvious.
Wasn't it ominous, though, Biden's, like, in time?
Like, there is a time where this is going to happen.
Is it after the next shooting?
I mean, these tend to happen, and then here come the gun confiscations.
Look how, like, kind of lulled with Trump, huh?
Like, we didn't have as many.
Biden is just, boom, here we go.
The shootings have increased and then that, you know, dialogue starts.
When are we going to come take the guns?
The biggest irony is that they seem to have these bills pre-written and the FBI and Department
of Homeland Security are quick to jump in, yet they always seem to know the shooter.
Have you noticed that?
Sam Bernardino, the Pulse Nut Club shooting in Orlando, even the Parkland shooting, Nicholas
Cruz, they've known the shooter, known to the FBI, known to officials.
Well, it really gets back all the way back to September 11, 2001.
They always knew the terrorist.
That's right.
It was on our radar.
We were watching him.
The radar.
It's always on the radar.
We were watching him.
Well, if you were watching, why didn't you do something?
But they were always watching.
Yeah, you were watching, you know, because they're on your payroll where they've been through your your mind control program.
They're your, you know, your assets, your assets that you you deploy to carry out these these strikes. today, guys, is the Biden administration is putting together a legislative and regulatory
scheme to label conservatives and Christians and patriots as domestic terrorists.
Yeah. We saw that with how they kind of vetted the military when they were going to be posted up in the Capitol.
Oh, yes.
Any post that involved Q or Trump.
Even patriotism.
If you expressed your political beliefs and they just happened to be right-leaning, you were taken off duty by the National Guard.
That's the Biden administration's position. So the first time in American history, the Pentagon is implementing a political litmus
test to be in the U.S. military. A purge of the ranks. And it's past the military,
because now we have the Department of Homeland Security weighing major changes to what they're
calling the fight against domestic violent extremism. This is an article
posted by NBC News. And in here, there's something very, there's a couple of troubling things. First,
that they're quoting an unnamed senior official. I have to state that off the top, especially with
the dealing with the Washington Post and their mischaracterization outright lies before.
NBC is quoting a senior Department of Homeland Security official
and what they told NBC News was
that Department of Homeland Security
plans to expand its relationships
with companies that scour public data
for intelligence,
as well as to better harness
the vast trove of data
it already collects about Americans.
And this includes travel
and commercial data
through the Customs and Border Protection,
immigration and Customs Enforcement, ICE, the Coast Guard, the Secret Service,
and other Department of Homeland Security components.
Now, they went on to say that the DHS is also contemplating changes to its terrorist watch listing process to see if there are ways we can leverage it to take
into account international and domestic travel of known violent extremists.
This official said that the idea is to identify people who may, through their social media
behavior, be prone to influence by toxic messaging spread by foreign governments, terrorists,
and domestic extremists.
They ended by saying, we want to identify the narratives that are emerging, assess which narratives are likely to incite violence, figure out what targets are likely, and then
take steps to mitigate the risk.
Rick, what they're describing here is taking the Patriot Act, the National Defense Authorization Act,
and all the mechanisms of legalized spying, all the data they've been gathering on you and I,
and they're now going to put it into an artificially intelligent algorithm, a matrix.
Because they're going to arrest Antifa and Black Lives Matter terrorists.
They do their work at nighttime.
So it's not terrorism.
That's what I'm...
Oh, after five.
That's right.
The attorney general said if you burn a building after 5 p.m., it's not domestic terrorism.
It appears...
It's called extreme protesting.
Extreme protesting.
The truth is stranger than fiction.
I think with this, their targets are clearly.
It's called the second shift.
The second shift.
The second Molotov.
But here they're going after conservatives, Christians, gunners.
That's who's going to get the negative score.
That's who's going to be on the terrorist watch list.
What it is, it's if you don't align in our way of thinking, you have to be taken out or reeducated. So what does that sound like
to you? Oh, it's the game plan of totalitarian communism. China, the social credit score that
China has taken over America. We've got to get through our heads that we have people inside the
DHS, CIA, and the FBI who belong to China. And their ideals.
Belong to the Communist Party.
Yeah, their ideals and ideology come from communism.
That's what they are.
They're neo-Marxists.
This is just a fact.
This is their writings they read.
This is the discussions they talk about.
They are now in power again.
There was a hearing yesterday in Congress,
and you had the top social media barons,
Mark Zuckerberg of Facebook, Jack Dorsey of Twitter, they were testifying about what should
be done about domestic treason.
There was something that caught my ear.
Mark Zuckerberg, he boasted that we did everything to share all the data we had on anyone the
government asked us about.
Facebook worked directly with this group forming inside the Biden administration. Well, I guess they got their funding from the government asked us about. Facebook worked directly with this group forming inside
the Biden administration. Well, I guess they got their funding from the government.
Oh, absolutely. Facebook, I mean, all these social media companies are projects.
They're DARPA projects. Of QAnon.
Yes, they're, yeah. The CIA Venture Fund and then the DARPA
Project Life Law. Our documentary series that's coming out, The Greatest Reset, we're going to go into where these information gatherers came from.
Because that's what they are.
Facebook is an information gatherer that takes information about you and me,
stores them, and makes algorithms to predictably program where we're going to do,
what we're going to stop certain things, and to keep a database on us.
They're snitch sniffers.
That's all they are.
Yeah, that's what they are.
Snitch sniffers, that's good.
And at the same time, we are giving them that.
So we have to just admit it.
We are feeding this beast, and they're using that against us.
And you're not going to elect your way out of this.
The elected officials, Senator Ted Cruz, for example,
questioning Mark Zuckerberg
and others, they were actually challenged themselves. It was pointed out in the hearing
that if President Biden and his administration and the Democrats in Congress get their way with
this new terrorist watch list, members of Congress will be listed. They have already
committed the thought crimes of questioning the election integrity,
of questioning how the government has been carrying out its procedures,
especially going up to the inauguration.
You've already committed the crime of questioning the deep state. So what becomes a crime is opposition to the Communist Party agenda.
Yes. And we saw a little preview of this about a month and a half ago.
There was a leak.
It was a leak about something called extremist scores.
This was from a man on Twitter who basically runs a data and analytics firm.
But he said he had gotten a leak that Airbnb and several major hotel, you know, like Marriott and other firms like that are attempting to basically implement this before they even allow you to book. Now this had a list of what was called extremist identifiers.
Whether you're a likely GRP voter based on your zip code, registered GRP voter,
GRP campaign donor, you donate to the Republican Party.
If you use what's called extremist platforms such as Gab and Parler or anything else that they decide to arbitrarily,
basically characterizes that. If you have a hunter safety certificate, farm training course registration, a farm registration, or the big kahuna, if you were in the Capitol on January 6th,
all these would add toward negatively your score. Everything right there, guys, used to mean a good citizen.
Yeah, used to be a patriot. An upright citizen who votes, who has, who takes firearm training, hunter safety training.
These are the marks likely opponents of a communist takeover of the USA.
Because they have guns.
They have brains.
That's the thing.
The guns are the number one because that creates revolution.
You can't come into my house if I have a gun.
They have to get those away from us.
And we've known this. We're just seeing how they're going to implement this. They do it with these, they
build upon these shootings because there's emotion connected to them. But then you have to look at
so many of these things that happen are so strange and then, and that they know them beforehand.
And then we as a society think like, there's something strange with these, with these
shootings. They're over and over.
They there's weird things that happen.
And well, they're not just random. Right.
And but they build upon them because what's the first thing you hear?
Gun control. Nothing more than that.
That's what comes out. The initial gun control or narrative.
The Asians. He was a bad Asians.
No, he had a problem with sex, I guess. It triggered him.
Who knows? But they have a narrative already planned out.
One of the biggest mass shootings in U.S. history.
The Las Vegas shooting in 2017. We still don't know anything about it.
We still have no video of Steven Paddock's shooting from the Mandalay.
News blackout.
You'd think there's something as simple as this.
And again, that was a figure that the FBI knew about.
It appears he had a very lucrative career with the government
prior to going mental in a hotel room that he somehow got up to
with an arsenal of weaponry.
The point here is the FBI knows about these figures,
but they're not doing anything to stop them.
Yet that same group, the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security,
is now being empowered to create pre-crime units,
not to monitor and watch those people, to watch you and I.
That's what the beast system is being built for.
It's predictive policing, because your thoughts and how you feel
they're all going to this score this system and it will spit it out to the ai well watch out for
this guy pinpoint him watch where he goes and they're collecting this and then there's this
group that shares the same commonality so they have you know they'll be monitored all these things
that this credit score are just opposition to what they want to build that's basically all it is
there's several bills that have been introduced in the democrat controlled congress the first
one is from florida congresswoman stephanie murphy so this bill, it's called the Security Clearance Improvement Act of 2021.
Sounds nonchalant.
That sounds like it couldn't be anything too crazy.
What this is intended to do is take the security clearances away from anyone who has violated political correctness,
has violated the rules, has talked, for example, about
Or let's say you've ever looked at a post about the QAnon conspiracy.
What they're saying is there are certain forms of speech that someone in government, it's
unbecoming of you to even have in your brain.
With an act like this, and specifically in the act, they're going after what's called the security clearance, the standard form 86.
Anyone who's been in government knows about this.
It's a form you have to fill out and you have to say all the people you know, your family.
It's basically your life.
If there's any discrepancies, an officer in the government comes and interviews you, and that's how you get a security clearance.
For any job that matters in the military, you need this.
It's not just the military.
Obviously, it's Congress, too.
You maybe can't even become an aide to a congressman or a congresswoman.
Maybe you can't even serve as a congressman or a woman or center on a very significant committee.
But in this case, the military will be the first one hit.
And the member introducing it is a member of the House Armed Services
Now this is a thank you control. I'll just I'll quote one thing from this
Any individual who participated in the assault on the Capitol or who is a member of the conspiracy movement QAnon?
Should be required to disclose this fact when applying to obtain or maintain a federal security clearance.
Now, she's going to do this through the Office of Personal Management, and clearly it's not
going to just be about QAnon. If you can get it classified around just QAnon or any political
belief, you get to arbitrarily decide that it could be, do you believe that Jesus Christ is
the Son of God? All right. Do you believe that abortion
is wrong? Do you believe the vaccine is dangerous? Any of these can be considered to be unbecoming
beliefs, stopping you from progressing in the military.
It's gone, folks. I don't know what to say. I can't get worked up about it. Sure.
It's gone.
The country's gone.
Well, you have to vote her out because...
Don't vote her out.
You're not going to vote.
The elections are cooked.
That too.
All right, look what's happening right now.
The last election, excuse me, the last election of 2020 was for a House seat out of Iowa.
They've counted the votes and counted the votes and recounted the votes and recounted the votes.
And the state government officials finally decided the Republican candidate won by six votes.
Wow, that was close.
We're in late March for an election that was in November.
How many times have they counted the votes?
So they've officially declared the recounting is over.
No more recounting.
The Republican won by six votes.
And Nancy Pelosi said, no, I get to count the votes.
Isn't that interfering in the election process?
Yes, she's interfering in the election process.
For an Iowa, what, Senate seat?
A House seat?
So Nancy Pelosi most likely is not going to allow
this Republican to take her seat,
even though she legally won the House seat,
because Nancy Pelosi said,
She didn't like it.
I'm the one who determines who wins.
I don't even try to hide it anymore.
I thought it's the people that vote people in, right?
The elections are over.
It's done.
It's finished.
I'm not voting anymore.
It's done.
The country's gone.
It's finished.
Isn't this just like China, North Korea?
You can run for office, but you've got to be part of the Communist Party.
You're going to be approved candidate of the Communist Party.
You're in communism now.
What I'm trying to discern is how long can Rick Wiles stretch it that he can continue
to do this before I'm totally shut down.
This is a communist state now.
We're in a communist state.
We're only here by the grace of God.
And I don't know how long I will be allowed to do this because the takeover is complete.
The next step is to confiscate guns.
And they're working toward that as Joe Biden's comrades in Congress.
Another one is Senator Durbin from Illinois.
He's actually put forward what can only really be described as a
domestic terror pre-crime cyber unit. What he's suggesting is a bill to authorize a dedicated
domestic terrorism office that will operate inside the Department of Homeland Security,
the Department of Justice, the FBI, and their job will be to analyze and monitor domestic
terrorist activity and require the government to to analyze and monitor domestic terrorist activity
and require the government to take steps to prevent domestic terrorism
and for, quote, other purposes.
They don't quite have a great name for the bill yet, as you can see.
You mean like holding meetings in your community
to decide how to resist a communist takeover?
Yes, that is exactly one of the actions
I think that they would consider to be domestic terror.
Before they confiscate the guns,
they're going to confiscate the gun owners.
Let that sink in.
The guns are secondary.
They're going to confiscate the gun owners first.
Then they'll go back and get the guns.
And the rights.
And so what they're doing is they're now implementing the system to apprehend and imprison the people that they know will resist gun confiscation.
If they can't put you in jail, they're going to make your life a living hell outside of it. You're going to have to decide if you care more about Starbucks, going to the grocery store, attending church.
Do you care more about that than you do owning a weapon or even having freedom of speech?
How about having a job?
Having a job.
How about allowing your children to enter school?
Yeah, that too.
Look, Rutgers University, they have to have a vaccine now, a vaccine to enter a public school.
Rutgers is a publicly funded school.
Well, maybe Franklin Graham will will support the students that don't want to be vaccinated.
Maybe maybe Robert Jeffers will pray for them.
No, even the church has sold out in America.
You know why? Because it's not the true church.
It's the Harlot Church and the Harlot church is run by a bunch of Freemasons. And we've been giving millions
of dollars to Freemason pastors for decades in this country. And now they're coming out
and showing their true colors. Robert Jeffers, Franklin Graham. Look, I now believe I'm at the
point now with Franklin Graham. I have to ask the question. Yesterday I was asking the question.
Have Scientologists infiltrated the Samaritan's Purse ministry and Billy Graham Evangelistic Association?
That's not where I'm at today. Twenty four hours later, I'm now asking the question.
Has Franklin Graham secretly converted to Scientology?
They're on the same team, is what you're saying.
They're all on the same team.
I mean, why else would you delete a page on your organization's website about cults?
I can't even begin to fathom that decision.
And defending it later on.
We don't have the video today. We had so much stuff in here to talk about, and I'll save it for Monday.
But let me tell you, last week, Robert Jeffress, Pastor Bob Jeffress of First Baptist, Dallas, Texas.
It was either, I think, CBN. I think it was on the 700 Club or CBN News.
I think it might have been Fox.
Maybe it was Fox News.
He was doing his COVID vaccine promotional tour.
Yeah, that's what it is.
That's what it is.
He's promoting the cross.
He said, Jesus was an innocent man who died so that we may live.
And these babies, these aborted babies have died so that we may live.
I am not kidding you.
Robert Jeffers said it.
I heard it.
I'm done with these people.
I don't consider them my brothers anymore.
I'm done with them.
I'm separating myself from all of them.
Completely separating myself from them.
I don't want anything to do with them.
They're a bunch of reprobates.
I don't even know what to say.
I mean, it's so unbiblical to say that.
It is unbiblical, and it's unchristian,
and I'm telling you, they're a bunch of Freemasons.
W.A. Criswell, his predecessor, was a 33rd degree Freemason.
That's right.
That's the truth.
Does Bob Jeffers
want to deny it? He can come
on here and deny that W.A.
Criswell was a 33rd
degree Freemason. He can deny
that his church was started
in a Freemason lodge.
It's on his own stationery. We presented that.
Look, I heard for years
people told me Billy Graham was a Freemason and I wouldn't listen.
I don't want to hear that.
I don't want to hear it.
I'm at the point today that I'm thinking Franklin Graham is a Scientologist.
Well, he hangs out with them.
Well, birds of a feather flock together, right?
And it's strange because it's like, for this vaccine, it's like, why are they pushing this vaccine so hard?
Like, are they compromised? You know, they don't believe the science.
No, there's an agenda.
They're part of this.
There's an agenda.
And while they're doing that, we have to present day the biggest push to disarm Americans underfoot.
The Biden administration is not just working through
Congress, not even just announcing executive action, but they are urging the Supreme Court
to empower police to enter homes and seize guns without a warrant.
Why do you need a warrant when you don't have a constitution?
You don't. You don't.
It's gone, folks. It's gone. The Constitutional Republic died in 2020.
Come to grips with it.
You're in a post-Constitutional Republic state of tyranny.
We've lost the country.
You have to wake up every day thanking the Lord for it.
Because you don't know if today will be the day you go to a grocery store
and there is a whacked out man known to the FBI ready to kill you,
shoot you dead, and do so in his underwear.
Of course, we're talking about what has caused this latest push,
the shooting in Boulder, Colorado.
Wait a minute.
Ten dead.
Wait a minute.
He went into this store in Boulder, Colorado, carrying a semi-automatic rifle and he was in his underwear.
He went in. He went in clothed. Did did he have a mask on?
Well, he would be if he if he didn't, he'd be violating not just the state policy in Colorado, but he would also be violating the stores.
OK. All right. So I'm trying to get this straight.
If I walked into that supermarket store in Boulder without a mask,
they're going to stop me, harass me, and maybe call the police.
Because we've seen the police come and body slam people.
They see you 30 yards away.
Yeah. They body slam you. All right. They
handcuff you. They body slam you, put handcuffs on you, take you away. You don't have a mask on,
but you can walk into the store in your underwear carrying a semi-automatic rifle and no mask,
right? New America. That's a new America. Nobody saw it. Nobody said, sir, you need to put a mask
on. I see you're in your underwear and you have that gun, but you need a mask.
Nobody saw that, did they?
But the next guy walked in fully clothed without his mask.
Oh, sir, if you don't get a mask on, we're going to call the police.
Is that not what happened?
It's what happened.
There's quite a few odd things with this shooting.
The man we've been told, he's called Ahmed Elisa, 21-year-old.
It turned out he's a Syrian refugee.
White supremacist.
Yeah, a white Arab, I guess now we're finding out.
Family owns a $300,000, sorry, $800,000 home.
This individual, once they found out that he wasn't a Trump-voting conservative Christian,
they were very quick to try to drop, at least put his photo up on 24-hour news.
But they are still using this attack to justify confiscation of weapons which could have been used to stop this man.
What is of note here, first, is that this man was known to the FBI.
He bought what's considered to be a rifle pistol.
It's a pistol with a rifle grip, a rifle frame, six days before the shooting.
He was known to have made statements, aggressive, actually threatened to kill his classmates.
He's a Syrian refugee.
And at the time that he entered the country, we weren't necessarily checking and verifying birth certificates.
Who brought him here as a refugee?
Barack Obama, from my understanding.
Barack Obama brought him in and dropped him off in towns.
Yes, and he came in, stated that he was of high school age, able to come in the country.
For all we know, it could be 50.
I mean, that man looked at least 35.
I'm sorry, it doesn't look like a 21-year-old.
But with that said, he went into the supermarket in Colorado, in Boulder, Colorado.
And for the first time, Rick, there was a fellow shopper that instead of running from the scene,
pulled out his smartphone and just started recording the live shooting.
He didn't even call 911 right away.
The oddest thing I've ever seen, Rick, this man has brought to life the mass shooting.
He broadcast it, live streamed it.
For how long?
How long?
About three hours.
Three hours.
He live streamed a mass shooting for three hours on YouTube, and YouTube didn't shut him down.
No, I grabbed this as soon as I could.
And you've watched it all the way through. But if I say Zionism,'t shut him down. No, I grabbed this as soon as I could. And you've watched it all the way through.
But if I say Zionism, they shut me down.
So they eventually took it down, but it was up for a while.
People being killed and YouTube doesn't, the algorithm doesn't kick in.
But if you say something against Israel, or if you say two words that rhyme, right?
That's third rail.
Man, you're immediately
taken down.
But you can,
you can live stream
mass murder.
It's okay.
He did it.
I'm just trying,
I'm just trying,
I'm just trying to follow along
so you can go in.
You can live stream
an abortion too.
You can go in
to the store
in your underwear
without a mask
carrying a big gun.
They don't stop you.
Somebody watches the thing, can live stream it on YouTube, a whole thing for three hours.
It's not stopped.
It promotes the agenda.
And of course, they're trying to say here, this justifies taking your weapon, your weapon, my weapon away.
Taking away our right to even have a weapon to defend ourselves.
And they're also trying to say this is due to mental illness.
So we've also got to do some work with that.
The question I have, because this man, this 21-year-old, Ahmed Elisa, he reportedly entered
the store with his clothes on and then made a conscious decision prior to being arrested
to take his clothes off.
Oh, he went in dressed?
He did go, he got a confirmation from the arrest warrant
that he did have his clothes on entering.
He made a conscious decision inside
after engaging with the police,
after killing, murdering shoppers
to take his clothes off.
I have to wonder why the decision was made.
They haven't given us a reason.
I do wonder if it's...
Wait, the police allowed him to disrobe?
They gave him enough time to do so.
And you have to wonder, did he do so so they couldn't shoot him claiming that he was wearing a suicide vest?
Something like that.
Something that would be a conscious, logical thought, a strategic thought.
Something someone who's mentally ill wouldn't necessarily be thinking about.
It kind of has completely messed their narrative up.
If they do say that he may... And first, as you pointed out, Rick, they gave him the space to take his clothes off, and then he made the decision to take his clothes off prior to being apprehended alive. They tell us that was because he didn't want to be shot. We know the mental illness thing goes out the window. But again, it comes back to the FBI knew about him beforehand.
How did he get a weapon if he was it comes back to the FBI knew about him beforehand.
How do you get a weapon if he was on the list of the FBI?
He wasn't that big of a threat to them. Yet, Matt, they are very, very, very concerned about Christians, gun owners, patriots, domestic terrorists, but not this, Matt.
Which Obama brought into the country.
Yes. That Obama brought in this terrorist.
So the strangest thing here, guys, is the video.
And we have we have this is weird.
Say we have some of the most shocking scenes from this video.
We have blurred the language, but kept the the scenes in it.
So if you have children around, you don't want necessarily to see this body laying on the ground.
These other things, please remove them from the room
But this is the live stream video that YouTube allowed up of the shooting that's now being justified to take your weapons
The video is still up. No
We found one yesterday I downloaded that right when I hear these things I get in downloaded because I mean they scrub it, you know
But I did find it
there you know people are posting and it's getting taken down so it's not they are taking it down but
we got it we got it they allowed it to go out three hours uninterrupted it was live broadcast
at all but do you know why they're taking it down now because people are showing the inconsistencies
of things in the video for sure yeah let's start with the first one and we'll tell you
after watch this with us and we'll we'll talk about the inconsistencies in it.
Hey, guys, I don't know what's going on.
I'm at King Soopers in South Boulder.
I heard gunshots.
They were very close.
Someone's down right here.
Something just happened here, guys.
Someone's down, I'm sure, 911.
Did we see which way the shooter went?
Look, there's people lying in the street, guys.
We need 911 here now.
We're at King Soopers in South Boulder, Table Mesa.
We've got injured parties on the ground.
911 now now people.
We don't know if there's a shooter, active shooter somewhere.
Could be in the store.
Yeah, he went in there.
He went in the store.
Went right down there.
My God.
Guys, we got people down inside King Soopers.
Look, holy. Guys, we got people down inside King Soopers.
Look there's a...
Holy sh...
Look there's a...
I'm getting away guys.
There's a shooter, Active shooter! Get away!
Get back!
He's in the store guys! Guys this happened not even 30 seconds ago.
I heard gunshots going.
Guys, there's an active shooter.
Okay. I saw so many unexplained inconsistencies in that video.
First of all, the guy who's streaming it.
He's telling people to call 911.
You have a cell phone.
You have a phone in your hand.
You have a phone.
You have a phone, but you are capturing all the video.
The guy at the door, he's on his phone.
The greeter.
The greeter, he's on his phone.
Oh, over there, there's a dead body over there.
And then there's a body laying out there in the parking lot.
Two in the parking lot.
Two in the parking lot.
I noticed the parking lot had cars but no pedestrians.
There were no shoppers.
Nobody's walking around.
You look in the store, there's nobody in the store.
There's nobody in the parking lot.
There's nobody entering the store.
The parking lot is packed, so you think there are people everywhere.
Where are the people?
That's a very good point.
What time of the day did this happen?
Midday. Midday. So drive up into a parking lot of a grocery store at midday and see how many people are going in and out of the store.
Oh, it's packed.
There's nobody there.
But the cars are there.
But there's nobody walking around.
But there's a guy with a phone saying, there's a shooting going on.
Not even that.
He said active shooter.
Active shooter.
Active shooter.
Oh, I heard shots. He even that. He said active shooter. Active shooter. Active shooter. Oh, I heard shots.
He didn't. How did
he know it was an active shooter when you get
up on the scene? Because you just see someone laying down.
You don't know what's going on. How do you know
it was an active shooter? That's a good point. How did he know it was an active shooter?
First thing out of his mouth was active shooter.
I'll tell you, the first thing out of my mouth,
the first call in the police, second, I'm going to go
check on that lady. Maybe it's my military
training. Maybe it's just I'm a human being.
There's a human being laying in front of me.
Put the phone down.
I'm not going to record her.
I'm going to go check.
I'm going to try to help her.
I'm going to pull her out of my car.
I'm going to drive to the hospital.
Are these kill shots?
Like everyone's a kill shot?
Like they don't bleed out.
They're like all die instantly.
Like there's no blood around any of the victims.
I'm not doubting.
Maybe they did that.
I'm not saying that, they did that i'm not
saying that but it's so weird all these are like a good point you brought it because i'll tell you
god praise the lord he made us in a way that we are very hard to kill and i say it takes a lot
you've been in combat you've seen a lot i've seen men shot i've seen i've seen gun wounds all kinds
of things it's a lot to kill somebody And there's a long process in the death.
Unless, again, in this case, this marksman, this 21-year-old marksman is able to kill these people.
But again, where are the blood piles?
Where are the puddles of blood?
That person who was dead reportedly inside the door, they're just laying over on the side.
And you can hear the gunshots still going on.
But the people, they're not acting as if murder is at the doorstep.
There's no panic.
There's no terror.
There's no fear.
It's surreal.
Is this what America is now?
Are we watching again?
I don't know if we just have been desensitized to where this is now in our normal thoughts.
Like, I've never been involved in an active shooter, you know, never seen this.
But for the man to just sit there and say, there's one there, you know, it's so weird.
It is weird.
I'm sorry.
It's weird.
Do we have more weird stuff?
We do.
We have two more videos from this live stream that went out on YouTube without being banned.
Here's the second clip. And please watch carefully. We'll talk about the inconsistencies in it,
the oddities, after we get back. Yeah, yeah.
All right.
It's all right. I'm a journalist. I don't know, I'm just freaking out.
Guys, we got an active shooter situation at King supers in South Boulder and table Mesa
He's inside the building right now
We got people down on the ground inside
We've got cops responding everywhere. They've got the whole parking lot surrounded.
This guy was shooting. It sounded like a shotgun. It was big.
This is no joke.
Still shooting. Cops are shooting probably.
They're taking cover right there.
Guys this is Boulder, Colorado.
South Boulder Table Mesa King Soopers.
Active shooter inside.
We got people down. I am. I mean, okay.
We paid the police.
To go in there and take out the bad guys.
Police officers meant to protect us, right?
How long until the police arrived?
It appeared that the first police started arriving within 10 minutes.
The main task force, and when they really entered and started,
we're looking at the live stream, I'd say about an hour hour they brought in SWAT team an hour later an hour to assemble
yeah they had the men uh matt would you say within 45 minutes when would you say i think it was
probably like 40 minutes they got it but actually the manpower they had probably like 100 people
there yeah easily for one for a guy, like, don't you want to
go inside and take this guy out? Remember, this, what you're seeing here, this is why
our guns have to be taken away. That's the justification. But this, things that I saw in
that video is very reminiscent of other mass shootings. By the way, the old man was still
walking around on his phone. He hadn't even left.
He was still walking around texting somebody.
I don't know what he was doing, playing, you know, Angry Birds or something.
I don't know what he was doing on his phones.
Still no shoppers, just a few people walking around, very vacant parking lot.
The people are walking around, though, nonchalantly when there's dead people and people can hear
gunshots going off in the store.
So straight like there's no like reaction.
But this is like, this is like other mass shootings.
I go back to Columbine.
The police waited a long time before they went into the school.
I remember that day.
I was in a hotel that
day traveling. I remember watching it on TV. What are they doing? Why aren't the
cops going in? We saw it at Fort Lauderdale. The police officer who would
not enter the school. That's right. Parkland. At Parkland. El Paso. El Paso. They walked a
guy out like he had a traffic fine.
All right?
Well, look.
They didn't slam the guy to the floor.
They just walked him out and put him in the car gently and everything.
In this one, they allowed the guy to take his clothes off.
Then they walked him out.
This next video, you just segue nicely into the capture of this guy.
And kind of what you said happened in El Paso,
you're going to see how they took down this mass murderer.
And look very carefully to the additional man.
The police are cuffing and searching.
Well, they ain't cuffing.
Another one?
At least searching him.
They're searching him against the building.
Yeah, they take him into questioning or something.
All right, let's watch it.
Uh-oh, we got suspect coming out. Sorry guys, my phone doesn't want to focus
They've got him in handcuffs, so it leads me to believe that this is a suspect They're saying somebody's coming out.
I don't know if this is another shooter or a victim. This is an old man, it looks like.
I'm going to keep it on this guy guys
he's got his hands up This guy is also up against the wall here now.
I've seen worse for not wearing your seatbelt and drug out and stomped on the ground.
I mean, how about the woman last week in the bank in Texas? They threw her on the floor and handcuffed her.
A grandmother.
He just shot a cop, killed a cop,
and 10 other people, or nine other people.
He literally just did that, and he was escorted out.
What were they talking about?
I guess where to get a good cup of coffee.
I don't know.
It wasn't about, hey, you shot people.
Were there still bodies on the,
were there still bodies in the sidewalk or in the parking lot?
From my understanding, the victims were still laying where they were shot, especially inside.
The police at that point were focusing on apprehending the shooter.
They'd gone in finally, at least after he'd taken his clothes off.
But people are bleeding out inside.
Where are the ambulances outside to pick up the bodies that were outside?
How do they know that they were dead? Maybe they were still breathing.
They have to treat them as if they're still alive. You don't get to say that person's dead.
That's something weird. A doctor has to say that.
That video is so weird. That is so weird.
So the 45 minutes they were ramming
SWAT cars in there trying to go through windows amrat
they had that uh fire hose on top of the roof I mean what are they doing with a machine they all
have machine guns why don't they just run in there and get it and get the guy like you're gonna have
to you these are this is why we we arm you to go in there and it's a tough. And that's why they tell us we can't have weapons, right?
Because we already have police.
We already have military.
No, in those situations, we absolutely need to be armed.
Because the movie script says you pretend that you're going in.
And then when he comes out, you escort him gingerly and talk to him.
They did the same thing in El Paso.
They did the same thing in El Paso. They did the same thing in other mass shootings.
They walked the shooter out like he, like you said, like he just did a, you know, traffic
Not mass murder.
But you, you go into a store without a mask and you get slammed to the, to the back.
You're treated like a mass murderer.
That's right.
Without a doubt.
Something's weird.
Isn't it odd that that's, to put those side by side? The lady who refused to leave
with her mask gets beat down, but he kills a cop and nine others
and is nicely escorted. So weird.
We're living
in a Masonic matrix. That's a good phrase.
It is. It's a Masonic matrix. That's a good phrase. It is.
It's a Masonic matrix.
And the Masons are the puppeteers.
Most of what we're witnessing is not real.
I'm talking about the whole society.
Most of it's not real.
And when he was recording,
he's behind a police officer.
Does he not think that he might be part of this like how would you why would you like
just nonchalantly let some guy stand behind you i've seen traffic incidents where they record the
car and they're like you need to get like 100 feet away arrested because we're we got a traffic
ticket she didn't have her seat belt on but a mass shooting's going on and you can allow them 10 feet
from you and there's still there is nobody in the parking lot. There was nobody looking out the windows.
Nobody hanging out doors.
The people who he said, hey, there's a
shooter. They're in the parking lot
like this chilling, looking at
the show. And you could say part of that
lockdown, part of that
lack of costumes. But as you noted,
the parking lot's full.
The parking lot is full of cars.
Cars, but no people.
Doesn't make sense.
There's nobody in the offices. There's nobody in the stores.
There's nobody looking out the doors to try to get a peek at the action.
On the New America, they get to tell you what the reality is.
They get to tell you what they need to do to keep you safe.
In this case, it's guns, gun confiscation,
a list, a tearing list for you and I instead of this man.
That mass shooting was as realistic as the Biden inauguration.
You could make a case.
Was there an inauguration?
I don't know.
No one could attend, so how would we know?
You don't know.
Did they have a couple hundred people there?
Yes, just about.
Mainly members of Congress.
Lots of military.
A lot of military.
First time an inauguration had to be so well guarded, you have to wonder if it was from a popular vote.
The takeover has happened.
The next thing is to confiscate the gun owners.
Then they'll pick up the guns. They're not is to confiscate the gun owners. Then they'll pick up the guns.
They're not going to confiscate the guns. They're going to confiscate the gun owners.
They'll pick up the guns. And your favorite conservative commentators aren't going to save
you. Their rhetoric has been interesting. It's been tickling your ear. Well, they got their own
problem. Your TV preachers aren't going to pray for you either because they're part of the matrix and the first initial thing was ar-15
that's how i saw the captions every ar-15 and we know it wasn't even an ar-15 but but that doesn't
matter because they'll get that out in the newspapers and everybody oh there you go another
we have any more we have any more video on this that was it so after that they stayed another 20
30 minutes looking for,
I guess, more people in there that weren't. He had, eventually they get them out of there
because they roped out the whole thing and he, he goes off and does his thing. But yeah,
that was about it. And when did they come in to get the bodies? I don't know. He left.
Is there video of the ambulances coming to pick up the bodies?
How do they know they're not alive? Like they're just laying there?
That's a very good point.
Where's the video of all the ambulances coming in to get them?
Because of the live stream, we have an uninterrupted timeline. A video of what occurred. I didn't see any ambulances. Did you?
That's odd, right?
I saw a fire truck.
You saw a SWAT? You saw a fire truck?
You guys see any EMTs?
We got action. We got lights flashing. They assumed everyone was dead. That's odd, right? I saw a fire truck. You saw a SWAT? You saw a fire truck? You guys see the E&Ts? Light flashing? Yeah.
We got action.
We got light flashing.
No, no.
So they assumed everyone was dead.
They just assumed it.
Oh, they're all dead.
What if that person's laying there pretending to be dead because you don't want to get shot What was the fireman doing on the ladder?
They went up there and like, this was like a whole like, it looked like a movie.
That's what it looked like to me.
Really cheesy movie.
But you should have, I should have put more clips on here of how many, like, army fatigued,
like, military style people coming in, machine guns, M-Rats.
The fire truck was to bring people on to the roof to maybe rappel in.
But for one man.
If you attended, not entered, if you attended not entered but you
attended the January 6th rally I'm hearing reports that countless droves of
federal officers showing up your house just to question you just to intimidate
you they've got scores of armed officials they're organized for that but
that man a mass murderer two policemen one behind him without even having his gun on him,
gingerly walking him out.
Walking him out.
The weird thing is, too, is, again, that he was on a list of the FBI and acquired a firearm.
How did that happen?
What's the list for?
What's the reason the FBI does it?
Very good question.
What is the list for?
Well, we're starting to learn the list is for you and I.
Is that the truth.
All right. Hey, we're going to wrap it up with some comments about Dominion Voting System and Sidney Powell.
So was it last week? I don't know. I've lost track.
Beginning of this week, Sidney Powell, her court documents came out in which her lawyer stated in the court document,
which is her response to the Dominion lawsuit.
By the way, Dominion sued Fox News today for $1.6 billion.
But Sidney Powell's response was no reasonable person, this is CNN, no reasonable person would believe her election
fraud claims. Now, we reported this and we showed you the documents, we showed you the quote,
and then the next day Sidney Powell and General Flynn came out and said, fake news, fake news, don't believe it, this is not true. Excuse me, Sidney Powell and
General Flynn, all due respect, we have your court document right here. Let me
hold this. This is the actual court document from Sidney Powell. We didn't
just read CNN, we read what you put into the into the district. We printed out all the pages. We read it. You did say it.
Your lawyer did say that no reasonable person would have believed your claims about election fraud.
That's exactly what is in the document. And you can deny it all you want.
I don't know what you're, I don't know what's going on here, but I know what I'm reading.
And I'm holding it in my hand, and these two eyeballs still work.
And my eyeballs are still connected to my brain.
I can read and I can interpret words.
Now the next question, are you reasonable?
To be reasonable, I want our audience to know. Her defense is, I made outrageous claims,
but they're not libelous, they're not slanderous, because
a reasonable person would have known. That was crazy. It was just my
legal opinion. I'm sorry, Ms. Powell.
We saw all the interviews. We
read all the articles.
We read the lawsuits that
were being published last year. And we've
read this lawsuit.
And page 27 and 28 of the
lawsuit, you are very clear
here. This is it right here.
I want to make sure I got the right document.
This is it right here. The statements
at issue are protected and not actionable.
Determining whether a statement is protected involves a two-step inquiry.
Is the statement one which can be proved true or false?
And would reasonable people conclude that the statement is one of fact in light of its phrasing?
This is where Sidney Powell wrote,
analyzed under those factors and even assuming argumento
that each of the statements alleged in the complaint could be proved true or false, no
reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact.
There it is.
I'm holding the page.
I'm holding the actual page of the court document.
That's what her
lawyer said. She tried to gaslight
people. I hate to say that. That's what it
is. She knows if you
read this, that's what it says.
But she's telling people, don't
believe what you're reading.
Don't believe media. Don't believe true news.
Isn't this her chance to
show all the evidence?
Why not?
Discovery now.
See, that's what I...
Great point, Matt.
I thought going into the...
I was excited.
I thought, hey.
Bring it on.
Now she's got discovery.
She's going to lay it out there.
She's going to bring that cracking boy out there and bring it all out.
Nope. and bring it all out. But my analysis of it is
Sidney Powell knows
there is no way for her to win.
No way.
The country's gone.
The courts are corrupt.
The Justice Department is corrupt.
The FBI is corrupt.
The media is corrupt.
The whole system is corrupt. The Republican Party is corrupt. The Democratic Party is corrupt. The FBI is corrupt. The media is corrupt. The whole system is corrupt.
The Republican Party is corrupt. The Democratic Party is corrupt. The churches are corrupt.
The whole country is corrupt. And we're almost out of time. You got to.
Well, Rick, you know, it's exactly what we need to say. And honestly, Rick, the one thing we can
hold to is that the body of Christ must not be corrupt.
We have to be righteous.
We have to live a righteous life for Christ as the second coming approaches.
And I think the audience, especially as we move forward, we're telling the truth.
It's always going to be the truth and nothing but the truth.
Thank you for joining us here on True News.
God bless you.
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