TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Dems Cry Racism Over Republican Laws to Tighten Voting Rules
Episode Date: July 14, 2021Description:Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and the team look at President Biden’s response to the proposed 2020 election audit in the state of Pennsylvania, as he quotes Stalin. As Democrats cry ra...cism and Jim Crow in fear of being exposed for election fraud, voter groups around the country are rising up to challenge the deception. Lauren Witzke interviews Garland Favorito of Georgia as he talks about his fight for truth about ballots in his state. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/14/21)Hashtags:#TruNews #AfterLifeMatters #FinalDayTags:trunews, true, news, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Salvation, USS, Liberty, President, biden, kamala, harris, hunter, Trump, Donald, rick, wiles, final, day, book, second, coming, of, end, times, wuhan, china, coronavirus, pandemic, virus, emergency, flu, test, positive, prepare, mask, quarantine, world, spread, shutdown, israel, infect, lockdown, test, 5g, fauci, surveillance, covid, 19, gates, foundation, soros, unemployment, great, depression, tracing, closed, plandemic, riots, antifa, warzone, protest, depression, police, civil, unrest, riot, mandate, terrorists, election, court, vaccine, fraud, vaccine, stimulus, capital, maga, impeachment, gay, lgbt, pedophile
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Wednesday, July 14th, 2021.
I'm Edward Zoll.
President Joseph Robinette Biden says it's racist to check IDs and limit
unverified mail-in voting. But the most important aspect of the next election is not who gets to
vote, but who gets to count the votes. In addition to quoting Stalin, our president also thinks the
national campaign to audit the contested 2020 election results is the most significant test of our
democracy since the Civil War. We'll have more on that in a moment and an exclusive interview
with Garland Favorito, the man just quoted by President Trump as the highly respected
author of a report showing the Fulton County hand recount was wrong by 60 percent. But first,
here is Kerry Kenzie with today's True News Headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Times of Israel says Charles Kushner hosted a
fundraising event for Nikki Haley and speculated about the former South Carolina governor becoming
president. He's the father of Jared Kushner and the father-in-law of Ivanka Trump.
Haley is among the more popular potential Republican candidates among pro-Israel Jews.
She visited Israel last month with pro-Israel Christian evangelists.
UK Daily Mail says the U.S. Olympic Committee is considering redesigning the American flag,
its logo to include just five stars and five stripes.
The redesign would take the place of an existing logo, which has the full 13 red and white stripes, but just 13 stars.
Olympic medalist Gary Hall Jr. doesn't like it. You know, the American flag, this is
the greatest honor that an athlete in this country can achieve. To represent all of the United States,
you know, let's start with the question, does the American flag, old glory, need rebranding? The answer to that is no. Next question. I like it. The changes, if brought in,
would take effect for the Paris 2024 Olympics. For information on this story and more,
visit our companion website. It's called UK Daily Mail reporting that a Texas
couple, along with their son and two daughters,
are charged with taking part in the January 6th Capitol event after a family friend turned them in.
Five members of the Munn family facing four charges included disorderly conduct in a Capitol building and parading, demonstrating, and picketing in a Capitol building.
According to the criminal complaint, the family posted photos on their social media accounts,
including Facebook and Snapchat.
They were also seen in Capitol security footage.
The UK Daily Mail says a relative of Christy Munn's fiancee contacted the FBI
after seeing social media posts. Christie posted photos of her family at the Capitol on her Snapchat and Facebook pages. reporting that 563 people have been arrested for taking part in the January 6th event at the Capitol.
Hill says, the Hill rather, says the San Diego judge ruled that survivors and families and victims of the 2019 shooting at a California synagogue can sue Smith & Wesson, the manufacturer of the weapon used in the incident, in addition to the gun store that sold it. of Lawful Commerce and Arms Act. That's a federal law that usually shields gun manufacturers
and sellers from being sued over shootings. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's
toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching. Thank you, Kerry. Well, we have something very
interesting to talk about today. In addition to the question of what the next election will look like, Rick, apparently our flag itself is being reimagined.
Is this part of the communist takeover?
You know, this is the first time I've heard about it. would even dream, even dare to not only suggest, but take action to redesign the flag of the
most powerful nation on the planet.
I mean, would you just go redesign the flag of Russia or Israel or Great Britain?
No, and their government wouldn't let you.
You don't get to just change a country's flag.
The flags have significance.
So is it the Olympic Committee that's doing this?
For the U.S., yes.
The U.S. Olympic Committee,
the one that picks the athletes, decides who's going.
They don't have the authority to do it.
They said there have been a lot of protests
from some of the athletes who want to go,
and they don't want to be represented
by the old American flag, the old glory with the 13 stars.
Oh, so we're caving in to Marxist agitators.
No, that's exactly the group we're caving in to.
All right, so when Kerry was reporting it, and we're sitting here, Doc asked me, how many stars are on the flag of China?
And I didn't know.
But you looked it up and you have an answer.
I do have an answer.
I don't know if our control room is ready or not,
but we can show our audience whenever they're ready.
There are five stars on the Chinese flag.
There's one big star and four little stars.
So. And the Olympic Committee wants to alter the American flag to five stars.
Yes, five stars and five bars. You've got to wonder where they got their inspiration from.
Once again, a not so subtle hint that China is in control of the political establishment
of the United States of America.
They're altering the flag to resemble the Chinese communist flag.
So have they really capitulated to that level?
I mean, where they say we have to be like China now, even with our flag?
Or is, look at this.
There's a comparison there.
So on the right, of course, is the reimagined American flag there.
And then on the left is the Chinese flag.
Each with five stars.
This is, to me, I feel like I'm in a bad dream and I want to wake up.
Like this can't be happening.
I mean, just a few years ago,
somebody would have dared to alter old glory
to resemble the China flag.
There would have been such an outrage,
furious outrage in this country.
And yet right now, this is underway and it's not even,
few people even know about it. It's not debated. It's just to finish. It's just done.
Well, they've been taking down our history. It started with the Confederate soldiers. Then it
moved on to people like Caesar Rodney that signed the Declaration of Independence.
It comes as no surprise that next is the American flag, our symbol of our history,
the bloodshed, you know, to free the slaves, you know, all this stuff like that makes up our
American history, they want it erased, and they're going to replace it with a Marxist dystopian
corporate flag looking thing, you know, and it is, you know, and it's replicates China,
and it's on purpose, they do this on purpose. Rick, I remember, and this was when I was just a young man in Boy Scouts,
that we were taught that when you raise the American flag on a pole or anything like that,
that it wasn't supposed to share another flag space unless it was like another government that was subject to the flag.
But now what do we do?
We raise the flag and we'll put the gay pride flag beneath it.
Every embassy, except in certain Muslim countries where we don't want to offend them, we raise the American flag.
We put the gay pride flag up there, too.
We don't have a respect for the flag.
Now we want to reimagine the flag.
And this reimagination is actually a desecration of the flag.
It's a desecration of the flag. It's a desecration, but, Doc, I think this is far more sinister than just the Olympic
committee caving in to some ungrateful, foul-mouthed, anti-American athlete who's going to the Olympics
representing the United States of America, but doesn't want Olympics representing the United States of America,
but doesn't want to represent the United States of America. She wants to represent a new communist state. But I think this is more than the Olympic Committee just caving in. I really believe this
is another sign we're being told you're under occupation.
You've lost your country.
We've taken your flag from you.
They're taking it right in front of our eyes.
Once you take over a country, you change the flag to represent.
You sure do.
We're getting really close, Lauren, to the day.
And I used to tongue-in-cheek joke about this, but I was actually serious.
This is going to happen someday.
And I was saying this 20 years ago, that the Supreme Court is going to rule that the Constitution is unconstitutional.
Oh, I believe that game will occur.
The Constitution literally, which establishes there is a Supreme Court.
The Supreme Court will rule that that document, that agreement, to be honest, it's a contract
between Americans dating back to the beginning of our country, that that document is now
It's gone.
Well, when the voters of California passed Proposition 8 to protect traditional
marriage, they placed it, they passed a constitutional amendment.
They put it into the constitution of the state.
The Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional.
How can a constitutional amendment passed by the voters be unconstitutional?
But that happened. And nothing was said about it.
Nothing was done. I mean, it was an outrageous decision to declare a constitutional amendment
to be unconstitutional. So it's not that far-fetched that the Supreme Court will rule
that the United States Constitution is unconstitutional, the entire Constitution. What we saw, Doc, in this past Fourth of July, we saw commentators on MSNBC and CNN
trash-talking the Declaration of Independence.
Oh, that's right.
NPR, where they did their reading, their annual reading, they prefaced it by saying,
this is racist. There's racist
and misogynistic undertones inside of this, and it's from a time of the past. They already
have it in people's minds that you can change this.
Yes, all history is from a time in the past.
That's why they call it history. And so, but I agree with you, Rick. I believe
that we're fast approaching the day where the Constitution of the United States will
be not only declared unconstitutional but anti-American, anti-American, and that the Bible will be declared hate speech and anti-Semitic.
We're not that far away from Amazon banning the sale of the Holy Bible.
Well, they've already come up with a Queen James Bible.
They're already doing a good job of perverting what we have to the point that that's only going to be the Holy Bible. Well, they've already come up with a Queen James Bible. They're already doing a good job of perverting
what we have to the point, then that's only going
to be the thing available.
We're only going to be able to purchase
the edited version of the Bible that
doesn't offend people that don't participate
in traditional marriage.
Yes, and there's a sizable, there's
a growing number of Zionists who want the Bible edited
because it reflects poorly on Jews in their view.
And so they want it edited.
And they want New Testament books taken out.
Rabbi Shmuley, in his debate with Dr. Michael Brown, many of the books, he said, you should
remove this.
Get rid of Paul.
Get rid of Matthew.
Get rid of John.
Anything that references the crucifixion, that the Jews carried out the crucifixion,
or the Jews persecuted the apostles, they want that removed.
OK, so we're not that far away from the day that we see Amazon ban the book, T-Mobile, Apple, Google banning any Bible app.
You won't be able to open up a Bible app on your phone.
Bible verses.
Rick, for years you said that you kept off social media and everything.
And it took
a while for me to catch up with you on that.
But what finally broke the straw
on the camel's back for me is when I got
pinged on Facebook
for quoting the Bible.
Well, they actually outright said this post
was offensive. How long ago was that?
Oh, that was about a year and a half ago.
But, yeah. Do you remember the verse?
Pinged me.
Pinged you.
For quoting scripture.
For quoting the Bible.
And then you realize.
That's it.
We're a lot farther.
Rick was right.
Well, it starts with the corporations first.
You know, the social media networks.
Big Tech is labeling the Bible offensive.
And then these corporations are labeling Scripture as offensive hate speech.
And then next, they push it to become law.
It's like a precursor.
Every time you can see it coming.
So that's just a signal.
The Bible is now considered hate speech on Big Tech.
As soon as they pass the Equality Act, then they'll be able to throw us in prison for it.
That's what's coming next is to make it law. Right now, we're witnessing the alteration of the American flag to resemble the Chinese flag.
Yes. Wow.
And this should not be permitted. It absolutely should not be permitted.
You know, for what it's worth, contacting your congressman will be you know some of them may actually
make an effort most of the democrats will cheer the olympic committee
but there there's certainly some republican members of the house and senate if they find
out about this uh you know i would hope that they would put some pressure on the Olympic
But probably not.
The one thing to do is, you know, withdraw all support for the Olympic Committee.
Just end it.
Cut it off.
They don't want to represent our country.
Our country doesn't have to pay for it anymore.
How much tax money goes to the Olympic Committee?
I would say hundreds of millions of dollars easily.
Well, can we get Mitt Romney to speak up on behalf of the flag?
Yeah, because he...
He's a senator.
Let's contact...
Let's bombard Mitt Romney's office with messages.
He's got a lot of clout with the Olympic Committee.
That's right, because he led the Olympics in the U.S., I think, when was it?
Back in 20... I forget. So that was a big deal.
Remember, everybody was telling him what a great job he did.
Then next year, the Olympics will be in Beijing, and the communists will be taking the DNA
of our athletes in order so that they can produce
hybrid superhumans and to know
the DNA of Americans.
So, and this thing's, I don't like saying this because I know some people are like,
should I just get a razor blade and cut my wrist at this point?
Don't do that.
No, but the country is finished.
We are conquered. We are conquered. You're conquered. They're bragging about it. That
kind of stuff that they're doing. They do that on purpose, just like Joe Biden quoting Stalin.
Unheard of. You would never in a million years expect the president of the United States to do
something like that. But they do it because they know they've conquered us and they're mocking us
and showing it to our faces. Listen, we won and there's nothing you can do to stop it. This is
just a humiliation ritual. That's what they do. They humiliate the public, the American public,
just to continue demoralizing them. And this comes weeks after Biden said we'd use nukes on
the American people if they dare to rise up against the Washington establishment.
We know what's on their mind.
All right, so in a few minutes here, we're going to share with our audience what Joe Biden said,
where he literally, whether he knew it or not, quoted Stalin.
But we've got some other election fraud stories that we want to talk about first.
Yes. I wanted to lead up to why Joe Biden was in Philadelphia to begin with. Now, this is the speech yesterday we're referring to. The president went to Philadelphia because
in his mind, there is an all out assault on voter rights in the country.
Oh, he didn't go to the Liberty Bell?
No, no, no, Rick. If's such a racist thing, isn't it?
If there was a Marxist bell, he might have attended that, or maybe Hunter had a reservation
already set aside. But he went because of the push right now in Pennsylvania specifically to
start a new audit, to do a recount, to check, again, just out of Philadelphia.
Was this done correctly?
Were the practices which were used in Arizona with the group Cyber Ninjas, could that be applied maybe to find something else about the recount?
But the president went there to cast a shadow over that and say, look, we're still in charge
of what's happening.
And I want to reaffirm my election.
He actually made the speech a complete affront
to what's being referred to as the big lie. Now, the big lie is the phrase the Marxist media has
come up for any attempt to discuss fraud in 2020. If you say, you know, I don't know about those
ballot boxes under tables in Fulton County, big lie. If you dare talk about the bad guys and that
voting machine company, you're not going to get us today. You are talking about the big lie. If you dare talk about the bad guys and that voting machine company,
they're not going to get us today. You are talking about the big lie.
So, speeches on the big lie.
Well, so now they're talking about doing an audit in Pennsylvania.
So why now? Why didn't they do this back, an audit back in, let's say, November, December,
while President Trump was still president?
I mean, why couldn't they have started an audit then? Why now, Edward?
Well, as it's come out today, the attorney for the DOJ in the Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
his name is William M. McSwain. Now, according to a memo which has now been released and
has been promoted by President Trump, Bill Barr directly ordered
that attorney to send a message to President Trump to not investigate any of the voter
Now, this is, I would say, is a big deal in the sense that we were all questioning when
the Attorney General said, I'm going to allow.
Remember this?
He allowed for some investigation.
It was in December. He made this announcement. He said, wow, the Attorney General is getting behind
maybe looking into some of these claims about machines and fraud.
What we're now seeing is in one of the alleged hotspots,
this is Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, the representative
for the DOJ was ordered not to do anything.
He's not just the representative.
Mr. McSwain was the highest level,
most powerful Department of Justice prosecutor
over the state of Pennsylvania.
I mean, you can't go any higher
in the state of Pennsylvania than Mr. McSwain.
Whoever is sitting there as the
US Attorney, he reports to this to the Attorney General of the United States of
America. But ultimately he is accountable to the President of the United
States of America and the President had ordered had ordered US Attorneys
around the country to investigate any substantial allegations of fraud anywhere in the country.
So he was ready to investigate.
And Bill Barr, appointed by Donald Trump, once again, the man that we're told is a genius in hiring.
He's not a genius.
He was maybe in his corporations, but not in politics because somebody whispered into his ear and said,
you need to bring Bill Barr back from the dead and put him in the attorney general's position.
You don't know my theory on this.
Oh, I'd love to hear it.
About who it is in his ear?
No, about why Bill Barr.
Okay, it's just a theory.
But it's a good one.
I like it.
Yeah, it's a good one.
If you've got a better one, send it this way.
So several years ago, when did George Herbert Walker Bush die?
I forget what year that was.
Was that 2019?
I believe it was 2019.
All right.
Senior Bush.
All right.
At the funeral, do you remember the envelopes being handed out?
Yeah, I do remember that.
To the Bush family, and Jeb Bush almost passed out.
I remember. It looked like they were going to have to get smelling, and Jeb Bush almost passed out. I remember.
It looked like they were going to have to get smelling salts for Jeb Bush.
Whatever was on that envelope in that envelope horrified him.
It was all over his face.
And so there was a lot of speculation,
and I'm not even going to go there, about what was in the envelope. So that would be wrong to say that you know.
And it's something that could be extremely detrimental
to President Bush.
Maybe he did, maybe he didn't.
We don't know.
So I don't want to traffic in that kind of stuff.
But whatever was in the envelopes,
members of the Bush family were horrified.
My speculation was,
you can remember, the Robert Mueller investigation was underway.
Everybody was expecting Mueller
was going to indict or come after,
issue the report, go after President Trump.
And suddenly, right after the funeral, I think it was just a matter of weeks, Robert Mueller dropped the investigation.
All right. Case closed. Done. Wait a minute. For years, the media and the Democrats. For two years. The media and the Democrats said Russia collusion, Russia hacked the election.
Trump is a stooge of the Russians.
He's going to jail.
He's going to go to prison.
Yeah, all this.
We heard a nonstop day after day after day.
And all of a sudden, Robert Mueller just packs up his briefcase and leaves town.
All right.
In fact, when he was questioned, do you remember how he did the amnesia?
It was obvious he didn't even read his own report.
No, no, that was fake.
People said, oh, he suddenly has dementia.
They said he sat there in the hearing.
Right. Couldn't answer it. No, that was
an act. That was an act. It was on purpose. Okay. But here's my theory.
My theory is that President Trump
played his card.
Obviously some entity
had evidence of something on the Bush family, on George Herbert
Walker Bush.
He put it in the envelopes and then had it distributed at the funeral as the body is
being, the coffin is being taken down the church away. I think that was President Trump's message to the Bush
family saying I know that your dead father ran the investigation. He was
running Mueller. Mueller was a Bush man. Barr is a Bush man. Papa Bush, not junior. And I think Donald Trump sent a message that said,
I'm aware that the investigation is run by your father, not the Democrats. And if you continue
with this investigation, this, what's in the envelope, is going to be published to the whole world. Suddenly Robert Mueller shuts down his investigation and goes home.
And my theory was a truce was arrived at between the crime syndicate families, the Bush crime
syndicate family and the Trump crime syndicate family. They are crime syndicate
families. I don't care. And the Bush and Clintons are aligned. Yes, and that includes, yes, so the
Clintons, you know, when they have to choose in a mafia war I believe that there was a truce,
and Bill Barr was chosen as the lawyer who would enforce the truce.
The consigliere.
You following the story?
I am.
Okay. You following the story? I am. Okay.
And so part of that truce was Donald Trump was not going to be able to investigate any
of the people who were behind the crimes that they did against him.
And so every time something came up, Attorney General Bill Barr just knocked it down. Just said, no, we're not going to investigate.
Because Bill Barr was working for the Bush crime syndicate, not representing the president.
The Bushes and the Clintons.
Watch him in his testimony before.
So who gave Trump the brilliant idea to place Bill Barr there, though?
So it was like a deal between the two of them?
No, the Bush family, they all arrived at this.
This is the man that we accept who will enforce the truce.
He must be made the attorney general.
So what do they have on Trump?
Do they have something on Trump?
Is what that would mean.
Well, this would have been before the Epstein scandal broke.
I mean, you could start there.. It was discussed maybe loans with China. There's plenty of
things that could be held over President Trump's head. But there's also plenty of
things that could be held over the Bush's head too, especially senior Bush
with their own sexual accusations against him. And so, but if you think of politics
in the terms of crime families, Lauren,
it makes it a lot easier to sort out.
So you have different crime families that are operating
just like the mob would work in New Jersey
or New York or Delaware.
And then you start,
things start making a lot more sense then.
So when it came down to it and Bill Barr, it was, you know, the election for like the election hoax, fake election, as you call it, had happened.
And he said, all right, I'm leaning in. I'm going to finish this. We're not investigating.
So that's what you're saying, right. Even though even though President Trump had given a direct order to all U.S. attorney generals around the country to investigate any claims of substantial fraud.
And hear this, Mr. McSwain, as Rick pointed out, the top prosecutor in the state,
this would have been the man to investigate it. He actually disagreed with Barr.
He said to the president, President Trump, you were right to be upset about the way the Democrats ran the 2020 election in Pennsylvania.
You were right. You weren't crazy. You weren't nuts. You weren't lying. You were right.
Again, we're now learning about this. We did not hear about this in January.
You know, this would have been a time to bring this out. But this is Pennsylvania.
Do we have a do we have a copy of the memo?
We don't have it to show, but we can pull up in front of us, yes.
It's a letter.
It's a letter.
Okay, so can you read a paragraph or something?
Yeah, I can read directly from the letter.
So in this, he says, William Barr instructed me not to make any public statements or put
out any press releases regarding possible election irregularities.
I was also given a directive to pass along serious allegations to the state's attorney Now this is where he also added that,
President Trump, you were right to be upset.
He laid out his directives.
And again, part of it was he had to report back
both to the State Attorney general and to Bill Barr.
He really had no power.
Yet we were being told the appointment of this man,
the man, this would have been the person looking to fraud in Philadelphia.
We thought he had guns.
We thought he had power.
But really, he was just, in this sense, a puppet for William Barr.
Well, he was handcuffed.
He was handcuffed. Yes. He was handcuffed.
He was not permitted to conduct the investigation
and ordered, if you have any evidence,
you've got to turn it over
to the corrupt Democrat Attorney General of Pennsylvania.
So why now?
Why did it take this long for him to tell the truth?
Why not then?
He should have called it out right then
and be like, hey, listen, here's what's really going on.
We're watching as they're taping pizza boxes to the windows.
And it's like, you can't do anything.
That would require courage.
I think he felt guilty because in the letter he said, I disagree with that decision, but those were my orders.
As a Marine infantry officer, I was trained to follow the chain of command and respect the orders of my superiors, even when I disagree with them.
Mr. President, public service is in my blood.
I would like to serve the people of Pennsylvania and restore conservative leadership in our
And he goes on to say, I'm sorry, and that he hopes he can help the president with his
efforts to challenge the election.
Is this a letter that he sent to Donald Trump? Yes, it's a letter he sent to President Trump. And as he air it, signed
the bottom, William M. McSwain. This is an official letter. You have a former U.S. attorney
writing to a former president saying, I was ordered not to investigate a rigged election.
And he had already in the past, he had already, in the past,
he had already prosecuted several cases of election fraud
in the state of Pennsylvania.
So he was aware of the fraud taking place within the state there,
and he had the practical experience of it.
So it's an amazing letter.
I question the timing of it, why now as opposed to maybe months ago when
we were in the heat of battle concerning these things I'm glad it's out now he is
planning to run for governor in the state of Pennsylvania that might be part
of the timing it is politics and so that's something else to consider too so
but that this letter was sent to the president and then President Trump released it is very significant.
So, yeah, and I guess apologizing is a good start.
That takes you know, I think that it takes courage to publicly apologize and be like, hey, listen, I made a bad decision.
I'm sorry. And I'm going to willing I'm willing to help you fix it.
That means something.
You know, because they have so much pride now.
You never hear that anymore.
And I can appreciate that.
And probably because of the developments in Arizona in their state audit, and he's hearing about it,
perhaps influential Republican Trump supporters in Pennsylvania went to him and said,
is there anything that you could tell us about why you didn't investigate?
Or maybe he said something casually to somebody, you know, that got back to some Republican leaders.
And then they respond and went to him and said, is this true?
Did you were you ordered not to report?
Or it could be somebody close to him who said, is his name William?
You know, Bill, look, you've got to go public.
You know, maybe he confessed something privately and somebody said, you've got to go public.
You need to tell what happened. This is our country. We can't allow this to go on. Yeah, I think you're right. Better late than never. Yeah. And also courage is
contagious too. During the whole Stop the Steal segment of last year, they were shaming people,
anybody that questioned the election fraud. They're like, we're going to ruin your life and make you known as like a crazy conspiracy theorist for the rest of your life.
So now people are starting to fight back and other people are looking around like, OK, like this actually happened.
And there is a call. There is a serious movement underfoot in Pennsylvania to do an audit.
Yes, that and also to implement voter ID. Those are two things that are happening at the same time there.
The audit is what's being talked about a lot out front.
But the real scare for the Democrats in Pennsylvania is voter ID, because then they start making all sorts of accusations how that's racist and everything else.
We'll get to that in a minute. But getting back to the audit, they're fighting this tooth and toenail as well, right, Edward? Yes. The representative in the states, a state-level member of the GOP, Mr. Matriano.
He represents Franklin. That's a very conservative area in Pennsylvania. He's been fighting for this
for months. He's gotten to the point, Rick, where he actually is moving ahead an audit,
and not just any audit, a forensic audit very similar to Arizona.
They've had discussions.
I spoke to someone who's on Mr. Maturana's staff over the weekend.
They have actually a contract with Cyber Ninjas.
So Cyber Ninjas will be coming to Pennsylvania if they can get this going.
But the problem is they're already getting major pushback, not just obviously from the president showing up in Philadelphia,
but the county itself. There's a county that is actually refusing to give over voting machines for any audit.
And this county is Tiaga County. This is a rural Republican county. It's controlled by Republicans.
There are three commissioners in this county who said they will not give up the voting machines from that voting
machine company despite threat of subpoena. And what's their reason? They said they don't want
to rehash the election. They think it was done fairly. You know, they think that it would be
detrimental to trust. Your opinion doesn't count when you have a subpoena.
I mean, they know that.
Sure they do.
They're calling the bluff right now.
They're seeing if the Democrats in the state will enforce a subpoena. The sheriff brings a subpoena to your door and you say, you know, I just don't feel like I'm obligated to receive that subpoena.
What do you think?
Well, there's also another aspect to this in calculating this.
The governor of Pennsylvania, Tom Wolf, gave orders to his acting secretary of state, Veronica de Graffenfeld,
told counties in the state that they would decertify any election equipment that was accessed by a third party.
Now, I want to point this out again.
We pointed this out in Arizona.
You are telling us those machines from that voting machine company cannot be altered, cannot be changed.
They cannot be, let's say, messed with, hacked, right?
Unless they're audited.
Unless they're audited.
Apparently, that's the way to hack the machines. So let's say that messed with, hacked, right? Unless they're audited. Unless they're audited. Apparently that's the way to hack the machines.
So let's say that this is the case.
Let's say that this particular county,
Tealga County in Pennsylvania, they allow an audit.
The state then turns around, the Democrat-controlled state,
turns around and decertifies their ballot machines.
Well, the state's going to buy new ballot machines, right?
The county has to buy new ballot machines.
And so then it's on the county at that point.
It's the form of blackmail.
It is blackmail.
The county has to turn around, and they have to buy new voting machines because the state won't certify the ones.
Let's go back to old-fashioned paper ballots.
That is actually Edward and I have been talking about this all day.
Works for Iraq. Works for India. Let's go to paper ballots.
Works for Iraq, works for India.
Well, might as well work here too.
Purple ink on the finger to prove you didn't vote twice.
You know, if it was good enough for Iraq, it's good enough for the United States of
Get rid of the electronic voting issues.
They would say that's a form of voter ID and they would say that's racist.
That hails back to Jim Crow laws.
They'll do exactly that.
Because you can know by your thumb what color your skin is?
Maybe you're against purple, purple people eaters or something like that.
But the thing is, that's where they go with it.
Every single time, if you try to verify a person with a vote,
that is voter ID, and that to them is Jim Crow all over again.
And that was the message President Biden brought to Philadelphia.
As we've noted here, this speech, for those paying attention, has got quite a response,
not just for the contents, but even just the indirect message.
He went to ground zero of the next audit to discourage it from taking place.
I guess so.
He knows he cheated.
He knows, I mean,
he knows he's not a legitimate president.
Half the country doesn't see him as the president right now.
I mean, this is just headlines,
so he can say it so other people repeat it,
but the truth of the matter is,
Delaware, his home state,
these same voting laws that we're fighting for, the same thing that got him elected for 40 years, you know,
as well, he was Senator in Delaware and then he was also vice president. I mean, these are
the same voting laws, voter ID, voting on election day. Actually, these laws that they're trying to
pass now are weak compared to Delaware state voting laws. Okay, just based on what we know about the Biden family
and their business dealings in Ukraine and China, would you say that
Joe Biden is of such high moral standards he wouldn't cheat to win an election?
Oh, in a heartbeat. Absolutely. Look at their business deals in China.
The big guy.
Of course they'll cheat.
The only thing the man's done is crooked deals.
If we're to trust what we've learned about the Burisma deal, just that alone,
they were willing to cheat the entire country of Ukraine, right?
Out of oil revenue, out of gas revenue look what a lot of voters don't Realize is that the reason people fight so hard for high political office is not that they
Want to serve?
It's they want to pillage they want to plunder. It's the spoils
It's what you can get what you can grab. The power and the prestige allows you to cut crooked deals.
And if you can hide the money, you can amass tens, hundreds of millions of dollars.
Look at what the Clintons did with their foundation.
And that's the reason.
I don't want to accuse a already, but somehow Nancy Pelosi's husband
just profited about $11 million based off a decision that his wife was about to make regarding Amazon.
Edward, this has been going on for a number of years of insider information
where members of the House and Senate on committees, maybe it's banking or it's energy,
depending on what committee you're on.
And you have inside information about...
I mean, regulation.
Yeah, a regulation or the removal regulation
or a patent or something like that.
And these politicians are making investments
with that inside information and becoming extremely wealthy.
And it's just a thoroughly corrupt system.
And this has been going on, you know, that particular thing, I would say, to my knowledge, at least for 20 years.
I mean, that kind of stuff goes on all the time at smaller levels.
But I'm talking about this raw, brazen corruption
where they are using this inside information
to make tens of millions of dollars
and nobody says anything about it.
So we just get back to Biden is in Pennsylvania.
He's worried.
He's really worried that the curtain's going we just get back. Biden is in Pennsylvania. He's worried. He's really worried
that the curtain is going to be pulled back. He's going to be exposed as a fraudulent,
fake president. And the whole world is going to say, I mean, most of the world knows
that Trump won. Look what happened to Kamala Harris when she went down to, where was it?
The people down there were shouting, Trump won.
They sure were.
I mean, all over the world, people know that the Democrats stole the election.
It's only here in the United States that half the country doesn't know it.
Remember, how many countries waited to even congratulate?
I mean, the major countries, China and Russia even waited.
And we're saying that China might have a role somehow in this.
They waited.
Who was the first country, I think, to congratulate?
I think it was Israel.
I think Netanyahu congratulated Biden first.
No, no.
He was very late.
Very late.
Are you sure?
He was early, though.
They aren't friends.
He wasn't early.
He was very late.
We reported.
We said, this is, wow, look at this.
Benjamin Netanyahu has not called.
Oh, it wasn't right away.
Joe Biden hasn't called.
Well, ironically, President Biden was at the National Constitution Center where he droned on for about 25 minutes.
But there was some significant things that he said in his, in his diatribe against what's going on in Pennsylvania.
He's obviously shaken in his boots about what's going to be happening related to the audit and related to implementation of voter ID laws.
Edward, you found a couple of significant sound bites from the speech.
Yes, he's correct the world's watching, but they're watching
because they're looking to see what the plan,
and part of it's going to be revealed when President Biden speaks.
President Biden appears to have an obsession with references to the Civil War,
and he didn't leave it out of this speech either.
The assault on free and fair elections is just such a threat, literally.
I've said it before.
We're facing the most significant test of our democracy since the Civil War.
That's not hyperbole.
Since the Civil War.
The Confederates back then
never breached the Capitol
as insurrectionists did on January the 6th.
I'm not saying this to alarm you. I'm saying this
because you should be alarmed. So the Democrats didn't reach the Capitol during the Civil War,
but now they're in the Capitol. They're in the White House right now. The president obviously
doesn't remember that the Confederates were Democrats. Right. The Civil War was started
by Democrats. And obviously he doesn't remember his civics class either because we're not a democracy.
We're a republic.
We're a republic.
And when they say the word democracy, what they really mean is communism.
One of the biggest political con jobs in this country in the past 30, 40 years
is how the Democrats in the news media have flipped history to the
point that most people don't even know that the Democratic Party in the 19th century was
a racist political party.
They were pro-slavery.
It was racist.
It was racist up until the 1960s.
I say they're still racist.
Yes, they are.
They've just flipped it around.
And they're now racist against white people.
They're still racist.
But it's a racist party.
But in the 19th century, it was the Democratic Party that fought for slavery.
The Civil War was started by the Democrats fought for slavery. The Civil War was
started by the Democrats
who wanted slavery.
Okay? I know somebody's going to write to me and go,
Rick, you don't know history.
You know?
It was all about states' rights.
Yes. The states' rights. The states'
right to have slavery. Yes.
Alright? So both
answers are correct. Yes, it was about states
rights and it was about slavery. Both answers are correct. The states rights issue was can a state
have slavery? And the country as a whole said, no, it's an abomination. It must end. And the
Republican Party was formed around two major social issues,
the abolition of slavery and the protection of traditional marriage.
Yes, in the 19th century, the Republican Party was fighting for traditional marriage
because the Mormons, a new cult in the 19th century, was introducing polygamy.
And so the Republicans were outraged and they said, we have to stop this assault on traditional
marriage because if this polygamy takes hold in the country, we've just destroyed the family in
this country. So the Republicans fought against polygamy
for traditional marriage and they fought against slavery. Who were their opponents?
The Democrats. So we have a Civil War, massive amount of suffering and
destruction. Then comes Reconstruction of the Dixie South. During the Reconstruction, when the Republicans were in control of Reconstruction,
under Ulysses S. Grant and other presidents,
you had blacks voting in the South and running for office and winning.
As Republicans.
As Republicans.
You had black U.S. senators, black, I think there were some black governors.
I know you had U.S. senators.
But that only lasted for a season.
Then the Democrats reformed in the South, and they took control when Reconstruction ended and the federal government
left Dixie and let the states go back to running their own affairs.
The Democrats then passed Jim Crow laws.
Segregation laws.
All of the segregation laws, all that stuff.
They talk about Jim Crow and all this stuff,
all passed by Democrats. And they have the audacity. I mean, you got to give them credit
for being brazen liars. Yeah, just absolute brazen lie. The Democrats can stand in front of people and lie and lie and lie and never show any emotion that they're liars.
Yeah, because they stop being held accountable for it. So now they're like, oh, I can say whatever
I want and there's nothing you can do. So. So they created segregation. They created.
The Klan. The Klu Klux Klan was all the Democrat creation.
The Republican Party.
So you had Theodore Roosevelt who invited a black man to dinner at the White House and the Democrat news media, the Democrat congressional members were outraged that he defiled the White House by bringing a black man
into the Oval Office and into the White House, into the private quarters to have dinner, okay?
I mean, the Republicans, every step of the way, have been the, I hate using the word because they've changed the word, progressive, all right,
on matters of race. The Republicans were leading the way. The Democrats were always fighting.
You get into the 1960s, okay, the Voting Rights Act to end the Democrat suppression of black votes in the South.
Was opposed mainly by Democrats.
It was, and if it had not been for Republicans like Everett Dirksen of Illinois and Republicans
who led the way to get that bill passed, you wouldn't have a Voting Rights Act today because
the Democrat senators and the Democrat House members
fought like crazy to prevent it.
Lyndon B. Johnson, a racist, a racist.
Jack Kennedy did not want to put Lyndon Johnson on his ticket, but he was told, you won't
carry the South without a racist Democrat.
He had to put a racist Democrat on the ticket.
And that's in 1960.
That was 1960.
He had to put a racist Democrat on the ticket in order to beat Nixon.
And it was an extremely close election.
The Democrats are racist.
They're still racist today.
And they're accusing the Republicans of what?
Of being racist. They were still racist today. And they're accusing the Republicans of what? Of being racist.
They were. What they still are.
The call right now is, these are new Jim Crow laws.
That's what the voting laws are.
The irony is, Rick, that it was the Democrats,
the racists in the South, that came up with
obstructions to vote for African Americans,
such as the poll tax.
They knew that newly freed African Americans
didn't have a lot of money free
laying around for them to be able to pay a tax to vote.
So many African Americans said,
this discourages me.
I'm not going to go out of the way to use money for this.
I've got to pay for food.
The other thing they did
is they were introducing literacy tests.
So African Americans who weren't taught,
you know, they weren't allowed to go to school
while they were slaves, most of them,
weren't taught to read.
The Democrats came up with a scheme to depress the voting population of African Americans.
They knew that African Americans would vote Republican in southern states.
And there's a lot more to that, too.
And so, because they would give waivers to poor white families where they wouldn't have
to take literacy tests and everything, or they'd waive the poll tax for white families where they wouldn't have to take literacy tests and everything, or they'd
waive the poll tax for white families by saying, if your family was a citizen before the Civil War
and voted, you don't have to do this. Well, the blacks, that's right. That's how they are.
But we'll get into poll taxes and all that in a little bit. But Joe Biden said something else really significant today.
I mean, yesterday, that should shock everybody.
Well, not really, because he's a communist.
Yes, because it's not important anymore about who gets to vote.
That should already be a pretty radical statement.
But according to our president, the most important thing now
is who gets to count the votes. It's no longer just about who gets to vote or making it easier
for eligible voters to vote. It's about who gets to count the vote, who gets to count whether or
not your vote counted at all. It's about moving from independent election administrators who work for the people to
polarized state legislatures and partisan actors who work for political parties.
To me, this is simple.
This is election subversion.
It's the most dangerous threat to voting in the integrity of free and fair elections in
our history.
Never before have they decided who gets to count.
Count what votes count.
So during the campaign, I've created the biggest voter suppression program.
Voter fraud program.
Voter fraud. Voter fraud. I've created the biggest voter, was it voter suppression program? Voter fraud program. I've created the biggest
voter fraud program in history. Yeah, we believe you, Joe. We really believe you.
So first of all, I mean, he quotes Stalin. Voter fraud organization.
Yeah. So he quotes Stalin by saying what really counts is who counts the votes. And then he lied about the state
legislatures. But the Constitution clearly says that the state legislatures are in charge of the
elections of their states. Yes, that is 100 percent correct. You know, and he he didn't write that
speech. That wasn't him. His speechwriters, whoever that is, they knew exactly what they were doing when they put that Stalin quote in there.
You know, like I said.
Yeah, like a good communist would write a communist slogan.
He just reads the teleprompter. That is his legacy. An old man in front of a teleprompter just reading what the communist regime writes out for him to say.
By the way, there are a lot of sources online that say Stalin
never said that, but there is documented evidence of that he did say that. OK, I'll give you the
direct quote of Stalin. This is from memoirs of Stalin's former secretary that in 1923,
Stalin said, I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote or how.
That's important.
But what is extraordinarily important is this, who will count the votes and how.
So that's the complete quote there.
So you're going to see all sorts of people online yesterday and today saying, Stalin never said that.
But that is exactly what he said. Okay, so let's consider what we have learned so far today.
We're 55 minutes into today's true news.
Number one, the Olympic Committee has altered the American flag to resemble the Chinese communist flag.
Number two, the fraudulent, illegitimate president of the United States
today quoted Joseph Stalin about counting the votes.
This isn't one show here today, one newscast.
To make it like a communist election.
Communist flag, communist election.
I mean, how much evidence do we need
that there's been a communist revolution in this country?
And that they cheated, that they stole an election.
And look, there's more evidence coming out daily, at least according to lawsuits in Georgia.
We get to that probably after the break.
But Rick, what we've laid out about the true racists in this, it's important.
Doc, you already noted about the Jim Crow laws.
That's a takeaway here.
If you hear at church, wow, did you hear on MSNBC the Republicans are racist, trying to stop black
people from voting? No, that is not what is happening. What is actually taking place is
there is a Marxist election system that's already been put in place. It's being enforced through
that voting machine company and the bad people
running the voting machines, among other things. Do you remember a guy named Saddam Hussein?
Oh, yeah, I remember that. And that guy and gassed people. Yes. And his career started
working for the CIA. He was on the CIA payroll. OK, so he ends up becoming the president of Iraq. And he'd win 99% of the votes. Now,
he wouldn't. He knew that if he won 100%, that would look suspicious. But 99 is believable.
But how many people know that Saddam Hussein was a socialist?
They don't know that about the Ba'ath Party.
The Ba'ath Party was socialist.
The various countries.
Syria, too, had the Ba'ath Party.
They were a socialist organization.
It's a socialist party, which is communism-lite.
Yeah, so Saddam Hussein was a socialist.
The United States put him in power, and then the United States killed him.
But he was a socialist, and he rigged the elections.
Like good socialists and communists do.
The only thing they care about is securing their power.
Nothing else matters.
Your vote doesn't matter.
Your rights don't matter.
The only thing that matters is that I get to stay as a ruling elite over you.
How many people ran against Xi Jinping?
Very few. None named. And he was made emperor for life.
Who ran against Fidel Castro?
He didn't live to tell the tale.
No. I mean, communists, this is the way you go. When you have a communist takeover, you may have something they call elections, but it's not a free and fair election.
It's the illusion of elections.
It's only an illusion. And that's where we are right now in the United States of America.
If the Republicans don't get their act together, I mean, I'm not going out in 2022 to
vote. This is stupid. It's crazy. I mean, we're going to sit here and talk about rigged elections
and then get excited about voting out the riggers in 2022. Well, Rick, you don't even have to go
out and vote. It turns out that maybe the machines will vote for you. Well, they will. That's what we're seeing now.
So it's either the people have to fix it
in the next six months,
or it's over.
And I don't know what they're waiting for.
You know, they're tiptoeing around with legislation,
voter bill legislation on the state level,
because it is up to the state level,
where Republicans do have the majority. Why aren't they immediately pushing, you know, I're tiptoeing around with legislation, voter bill legislation on the state level because it is up to the state level where Republicans do have the majority.
Why aren't they immediately pushing?
You know, I'm not optimistic.
And so I'm like, OK, we can still fix this. So why aren't they pushing through the most stringent voting laws possible that make it so election fraud is impossible?
You know, I want my vote to count.
Americans want our votes to count.
And you only get one chance at this.
We already have a conquered nation. You get one more shot because 2022, we're done.
Unless election of Republicans on the state level get these elections.
Not not to diminish your optimism, but the Republicans are able to raise money on the fight.
Yes. Not the win, but the fight. Because if if they were able to raise money on the win, we would have eliminated abortion 40 years ago.
We've raised billions of dollars in the fight against abortion over 40 years, but we still have abortion.
We've raised billions of dollars and, you know, for the protection of marriage.
But what's happened?
We've gone backwards.
We're allowing men to marry men and women to marry women. Because Republicans at the top of the party favor those things,
like Dick Cheney, like George Bush, who have expressed their support for same-sex marriage.
I knew that battle was going the wrong way
back when the second term of George Bush and Dick Cheney
were in the debate, vice presidential debate,
and Dick Cheney endorsed civil unions. I said, that's it. The
Republican Party just capitulated. It's done. There's no fight left. They're done. And they
could still raise money on the fight. They do fundraise a lot off the outrage. That's what
they're good at. They get us outraged and they fundraise off us and then they do nothing.
2018, we had the House, the Senate, and the presidency.
Republicans, we had the majority, and we still signed a budget into law
that forced taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood.
But keep being optimistic, Lauren.
You know what?
But my generation...
We're optimistic.
There's a few of us good young ones left that, I mean, I'm not going to stop fighting.
I'll fight all the way to the end.
I love my country. I'm not giving up. And I'll keep pressuring and making Republicans' lives
horrible until they do what I want. So that's my goal. Well, that's good. Yeah, that's good.
But I quit being a Republican because I just got tired of doing that. I understand.
Because I got tired of being bamboozled by the same Republican leaders. And after a while,
you just say, you know what? I'm not playing this game anymore.
I'm not doing this anymore.
You know, oh, we got to get a new Republican member of the Supreme Court.
And you do everything to get one in, and they vote with the liberals.
So I know Kerry Kinsey's got another set of headlines.
Yes, yes.
We have an interesting interview to share in just a moment.
But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's second Headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey.
The BBC says an outbreak of COVID-19 has been confirmed on the Royal Navy flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth.
There have been around 100 cases on the aircraft carrier, which is partway through a world tour.
Other warships in the fleet are also affected.
The defense secretary says the outbreak is being managed.
UK Daily Mail reporting that Miami's mayor says President Biden should consider airstrikes on Cuba.
Francis Suarez tells Fox News
that military action may be needed there.
So there have been many, many opportunities
in the history of-
Are you suggesting airstrikes in Cuba?
What I'm suggesting is that that option
is one that has to be explored
and cannot be just simply discarded
as an option that is not on the table.
And there's a variety of ways the
military can do it, but that's something that needs to be discussed and needs to be looked at
as a potential option in addition to a variety of other options that can be discussed.
Now, talk of possible American military action in Cuba in support of Havana dissidents prompted
warnings on Tuesday from Iran, Russia and China.
For information on these stories and more, visit our companion website.
It's called news coup dot com.
U.S. Air Forces in Europe and Africa say F-16 fighting Falcons from the 555th Fighter Squadron are now in Bulgaria.
It's an exercise called Thrashing Star 21.
These types of exercises emphasize interoperability
and give us the opportunity to learn how to work together
and learn how to fight together,
said US Air Force Lieutenant Colonel John Ryan,
555th Fighter Squadron Commander.
This multilateral training exercise aims to enhance
the ability to rapidly deploy
to remote locations and provide credible force to assure stability for the region.
More than 150 personnel and eight F-16 Fighting Falcons assigned to
Aviano Air Base in Italy are participating in the exercise. Washington Times says China's
military recently deployed electronic warning and
surveillance aircraft and helicopters on two disputed islands in the South China Sea.
Analysts say it's a sign that the People's Liberation Army has started monitoring routine
air operations from the bases on the Spratly Islands. South China Morning Post reporting that Australia's
military is monitoring a Chinese PLA Navy ship that's sailing towards the Australian coast.
It's a development the country's prime minister admitted being wary of.
Tianwang Xing is a Chinese intelligence gathering vessel believed to be en route to waters off Australia to monitor the
country's joint exercise involving the U.S. and its allies. That's a look at True News headlines.
Let's get back to Edward now. Thanks for watching.
Thank you, Kerry. Well, as we were discussing before the headline segment, clearly there is a push against the audits, but also a major motivation to get audits done at the state level throughout the country.
Now, we don't know how effective they're going to be, but look, bless those patriots who are pushing for it.
One state this is happening in is in Georgia.
They haven't got a brand new audit just yet, but there has been a major discovery,
at least according to a well-respected election expert in the state. Right now, the Secretary of
State, you know, Raffensperger, we've spoken about him, Brad Raffensperger, he is trying to,
not nationalize, but bring the power, the control of the elections to the state level. Now, local
level elections are run by a local level board, okay? The Secretary of State has control to a
certain extent, in the sense that they certify, but they're not supposed to run the elections
themselves. There's been questions about how this was conducted, and a group called Voter Georgia,
run by a man named Garland Favarito, looked specifically into how recounts were done after the election.
Now, we actually interviewed this man, Rick, right after the election. It was in December.
Oh, that's right. And this man is very knowledgeable about
a certain company that runs a certain election machine. He believes
they should be abolished. He says there's no way these machines can
conduct an election fairly, especially without transparency of both the code, the algorithm, and the conduct of counting.
Lauren actually got to speak to this man today. This is right after President Trump put out a press release about him afterwards.
You know, last night it was going viral. It was all over the Internet that they had done a press
conference and a press release voted. It's actually a well-renowned, really legitimate
nonprofit that protects the Georgians right to vote and, you know, the security of their vote.
And they last night they audited the audits is what they did. So, you know, we were told that,
oh, there was an audit done. Raffensperger, I remember specifically saying it. So I don't trust a word
he says ever, you know, but he said that, oh, we did an audit. He employs a witch, you know. Yeah,
he does. Yes, yes. Well, a former teenager witch. A former teenage witch, yes. We don't know if
she's still a witch. Right. Well, it says a lot about the company you're trying to keep.
I mean, I hope she finds Jesus, but it's probably not the case.
But anyway, so last night they did a press release and a press conference
revealing the audit fraud that they had found in the audit itself.
And it was significant to the degree that they claimed that it was 60% of the audit itself was an error.
They did absolutely wrong. So they get the results, the ballot results,
and then they have to tally them up. Well, people were just writing in whatever number they wanted,
like 100, 200, 150. So I had the opportunity to have an interview with Garland earlier today and
talk about what exactly they found and what this means. So let's go ahead and run that
interview. Gerlin, tell me a little bit about Voter GA. What do you guys do? I know you guys
have won a case recently before, and you do legitimate work protecting the vote of voters
in Georgia here in America. So do me a favor and tell me a little bit about what you guys do and what your mission statement is. Okay.
Well, we are, Lauren, we're a nonpartisan nonprofit, all-volunteer, dues-free organization.
We're tax exempt.
We've been founded 15 years ago exclusively to do election integrity work, and our focus
is on vote counting, not so much voter eligibility
or any of the other issues.
So we were founded, dedicated to restoring the election integrity in Georgia after the
initial paperless voting machines came into Georgia.
I opposed those even before they came in, back in 2002.
And when the Secretary of State ignored us and the legislature legalized the new type of paperless, unverifiable voting, we filed a lawsuit.
We went to the Georgia Supreme Court.
The Georgia Supreme Court blew us off. And then in 2019, the U.S. District Court confirmed that the machines were, in fact,
unconstitutional, and they banned them from future use, which is what I had said exactly 17 years earlier. So that led to a whole new type of machine being purchased in Georgia.
And those machines are equally as unverifiable as the ones that we had previously.
And we warned the secretary of state and the legislature and the voting system commission about buying this type of machine that we have now.
And that machine has actually been already ruled by the same court to be in violation of Georgia law.
Okay. So yesterday in your press release, you claimed that the audits, there was a whopping, quote unquote,
whopping 60 percent error rate within the audits.
Can you tell us what you guys found, what exactly you found, if you could break it down for us
so we understand what exactly we're looking at here. Right. The reported results line of the audit
don't match to the ballot images that they claim to be reporting on a batch by batch level.
So we looked at it and we saw, OK, for example, Biden had maybe had 60 votes in a batch and Trump had 40, but what was
reported in the audit was 100 to nothing for Biden.
So it was a 60 percent audit rate.
If you look on batch by batch, the error rate is 60 percent.
Now, I don't know how you can verify certified results with an audit that has a 60 percent error rate.
Maybe the secretary of state can explain that to the people of Georgia.
Now, where did you get this information from? Did this come from the county?
No, great, great point. This is all public information. We took the information that was on the Secretary of State's website for the audit, which we
call the audit results and the tally sheets, and then we just recently got the ballot images
made public because of our lobbying effort at the Georgia legislature.
Once we did that, we still had to get a court order to get the Fulton County to release
the ballot images that they were legally required to release three weeks earlier. But we got all
that ironed out. That gave us two weeks to look at the, or I'm sorry, two months since then,
to look at the images and analyze them compared to the audit results.
And that's when we determined that nothing added up properly.
Okay. So you also allegedly saw yesterday, you actually showed the video of duplicate ballots.
I believe his name was Mr. Cross, is that his name, was covering this issue. Now, are you seeing a lot of that in these audit results that you actually were given access to?
Actually, it's public record, so anybody has access to it.
That's right. That's right.
And we found over 4,200 duplicate batch reporting, ballots that were reported in duplicate.
So what that means, we don't know if all of those were duplicately scanned, but we
do know that for sure some of them were scanned multiple times.
Just how many, we don't know.
But the 4,200 means that if you break that down, that's 3,390 or so extra votes for Joe Biden, 865 extra votes for Donald Trump,
43 extra votes for Joe Jorgensen, net increase of 2,500 for Joe Biden in the audit results,
which shouldn't be there. Okay. So what are we looking at next? I know that you are still going
through the audit results. Actually, you're auditing the audit, you know, per se, is what we could say you're honestly doing through public record.
But, you know, what is next? Like, are we looking at a lawsuit in the future?
What can state legislators do at this point?
Should you be proven to move forward with this process that you're doing?
Well, the first and most immediate thing, Lauren, that's already occurred is that we have taken those tally sheets
at people. These were the falsified tally sheets that I mentioned. Some of this was legitimate
errors. And some of this was sloppy work. But there were other parts of it that were actually
falsified. So tally sheets with this 100 to nothing Joe Biden, 150 to nothing Joe Biden, 200 to nothing Joe Biden.
That didn't add up to the ballot images. It wasn't even close. So we took those tally sheets
immediately this morning to the Fulton County Board of Commissioners meeting and informed them
that someone during the hand-count audit in Fulton County fraudulently, basically falsified
the tally sheets for the election purposes, and they need to immediately find out who
it was because the signatures were redacted.
And they want to make sure that these people were not happy-faced employees because we suspect that that would be the
most logical type of individual who might be willing to forge these types of sheets or
fabricate them, meaning the results. So that was the first thing we did.
The next thing would be to go back. We have to get ready for the next time we go to court. And we're going
to go back to our original issue, which was the fact that there's, we have sworn affidavits
from senior poll managers that there are counterfeit ballots in the count. This, everything we
presented yesterday is over and above the issue of the counterfeit ballots in the count.
So these are all new counts that we've put into our lawsuit,
which alleges that the equal protection
and due process violations of our voters here in Georgia
were violated through the dilution of votes
with illegal votes being included in the count.
Okay, so you're saying that this goes beyond
just a mathematical or human error. You believe this was intentional. Is that correct?
Well, right, right. And we showed it yesterday. We showed seven tally sheets,
100 to nothing Biden, 150 to nothing Biden, 200 to nothing Biden. it adds up to 850 votes to zero.
And that's not a mistake.
That's not an accident.
That was intentional.
And I think if you intentionally commit this kind of act, then that certainly should meet
the definition of fraud in Georgia.
It certainly would meet anybody else's, you know, the average
person's definition of what fraud is in foreign election. And so therefore, that exposes the big
lie that the media has been telling us that there was no fraud anywhere in the country.
Okay. One last question for you before I let you go. I appreciate you taking the time to come on
our show today and talk to us. I know you've been busy. You know, right now there is a call for a
ban for the electronic voting machines, and they're saying that U.S. citizens need to go back to
paper ballots, voter ID verification. What are your thoughts on getting rid of these electronic
voting machines? Are they more susceptible to fraud than an auditable paper ballot?
Absolutely, Lauren. So we've explained point by point to the legislators, to the RSA Voting
System Commission that evaluated the machines, as well as the Secretary of State before he ever became Secretary of State. We have explained the problems with these systems.
In Georgia, we particularly have a problem because our system accumulates votes in a
QR code that the voter never verified.
We told the secretary, don't buy this type of machine.
We showed him the good machines, we showed him the bad machines.
And this was when he was running in the Republican primary, long before he ever was actually elected secretary.
So we try to keep ahead of what's going to happen. They bought these machines anyway. And so,
yes, they need to go. The ballot marking devices which we use are subject to security risks.
I've got a report out there about the security risks of ballot marking devices on VoterGA, the Studies tab.
It has the unresolved security risk of ballot marking devices.
All of the security experts, most all of them in the country have all agreed with me on that report.
They pretty much back the conclusions that are in that report.
So, yeah, absolutely, they should go.
And you still, if you're going to use a tabulator to tabulate the results, it's got to be open
source tabulation.
So you can verify that so there can be no confusion about the
So the long answer is that, yeah, we should get rid of the ballot marking devices here
in Georgia.
Use those only for people who need them, the disabilities, those folks who legitimately
need a ballot marking device, but not for everybody because that opens the door for
And then if you're going to electronically
tabulate these, then they have to have the own open source software. So a long answer to a really
good question, but thanks for asking it. Yeah, absolutely. So where can we follow your work?
Where can we stay updated? What is your website? And share with Americans where we can follow you
and stay up to date on what you guys are working on next. Great. Thank you, Lauren.
So it's
We have almost everything you want to know out there.
Our legal tab has all of our legal briefs.
Our event tabs have all the hearings that we've been through.
We have the history of what went down here in Georgia, all in that tab.
And what's most important to us is we have the Donate tab, because we are
legitimate 501c3. We operate on small donations. These are the $10 to $100 donations that keep us
alive, and they're funded on the backs of the patriots around the country and in Georgia. So we appreciate all the help we can get. And again, I do not take a
penny out of this. I'm all volunteer living off Social Security right now. So we have got to
get this straight. And we appreciate everybody's help. And we definitely put that money to good
use for both the inspection process that we're going to undergo and the attorney's fees and court costs.
Garland, thank you so much for coming on today.
We really appreciate it.
And we'll be following up with you, OK, to see if you have any more updates for us.
All right.
Great. Thanks for having me.
Yes. Thank you.
Great job, Laura.
Thank you. My first on. Yes, thank you. Great job, Laura. Thank you. My first on-screen interview.
Very exciting.
Well, if that's your first, I can't wait to see your 100th.
That was a very good interview.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
You know, my favorite part of the interview was when we got his insight on the electronic
voting machines.
You know, it has been a super huge problem, and people realize, you know, there's something
wrong with them.
Why not go back to paper ballots? You know, it has been a super huge problem. And people realize, you know, there's something wrong with them. Why not go back to paper ballots?
You know, it's common sense thinking.
Let's go back to paper ballots so I can be sure my vote counts.
And one of the most well-renowned election integrity voter security protectionists, you know, called for it as well.
So that was good to see.
That was my favorite part.
And the interview, I mean, the core of it is, again, that there's duplication of ballots.
And I thought this could never happen.
That's what we were assured.
They were told that there was no cheating, absolutely none.
Everything being said about the election is just a big lie.
It's just a big cheat, as we've seen on screen.
Those are the duplicated ballots that your interview was mentioning.
Well, Lord, are there any other state-level representatives who are saying what you just heard from Garland,
that we need to get
rid of the election machines themselves if we're going to have a fair election. Is anyone else
taking up that call? Right. Well, it's up to the state legislators. You know, as we discussed
before, it always comes down to the state. Our girl, State Senator Wendy Rogers out in Arizona
put out a tweet yesterday calling for the protection of our right to vote, no more machines, paper
ballots only, encrypted watermarks, and copy proof paper. I'd even go as far as the ink on the finger
to prove you can't vote twice and to prove you voted. But you know, that is a great start. I
love seeing fighters on the state level. If we're going to win, if we're going to take back our
conquered country, it's going to be by fighters on the state level.
There's my optimism again.
Keep it up.
Keep it up.
That's good.
Hey, one other story.
And here in the United States, we're not, as Christians, we're not paying attention to this.
But there has been ongoing attacks on churches in Canada.
I've been seeing these stories since June. ongoing attacks on churches in Canada.
I've been seeing these stories since June.
So we're talking about less than six weeks.
So far, 45 Christian churches have been attacked,
many of them burned to the ground. Yes.
So the communists are on the march in Canada.
We've seen in Canada this year, we've seen pastors arrested. We've seen
churches confiscated by the government. Now the communists are burning down the churches in Canada.
What does it take? What does it take to get Christians to snap out of their coma and realize there is a communist movement underway,
a revolution in North America.
Do you have to wait until they lock up your pastor?
When do you realize, hey, this is real?
They really are going after the Christians.
Yeah, and I mean, it's starting in Canada,
but a lot of things you've seen that have started in Canada,
ideas, social ideas, they make their way to America next.
They just kind of start there.
You know, okay, it's totally normal to arrest pastors,
drag them through the street and throw them in prison
and burn down your churches.
Then it starts to migrate over to their neighbors
and become social.
See, the Canadians surrendered their guns years ago.
All right, first thing, gun control, confiscation of guns. So there's no more crime in Canada,
right? No one gets murdered? No. Well, there's crime, but it's in Ottawa.
Right now, churches are being burned down in Canada. I mean, if we heard that churches were being burned down
in North Korea, which they're not even allowed to have
churches, but home churches, okay?
I mean, we would be saying, look what the communists are
doing to our brethren.
Well, look what they're doing to our brethren in Canada.
Look what the communists are doing in Canada.
So how long until the communists
do it in the United
States? Another six
months? When
do we have to physically
put down the communist
revolution? And I'm talking
seriously. When do we
physically stop it?
It should have been last June.
And any day now is perfectly fine to start fighting this.
But you look at this.
They already accomplished in shutting down the churches in this country.
They may not have burned any churches, at least recently in America.
But they locked the door.
They used the COVID pandemic to implant plenty of rules against the American people and the communism in versus of a medical communist tyranny.
We're looking down at basically and then to inform consent when it comes to medical decisions in this country.
It may not just be a vaccination you're forced to have to take.
What happens if you're forced to commit an abortion?
What happens if you're forced because of population controls in this country? They haven't even begun to discuss
that. They want all of it because they love bloodshed.
That's right. Well, hey, one thing, I cheer the young Cubans who are standing up
against the communist regime at risk of their own lives and saying we've had enough of this.
We don't want communism anymore.
We want freedom.
Well, we need to keep our ear close to the ground on that
because apparently the Cuban government shut down the Internet in Cuba.
You mean communists censor the Internet?
They don't allow free speech?
But that's always kind of a signal that they're ready to do a big crackdown.
That's right.
Because they don't want the pictures and words to be out.
Well, haven't we seen censorship on the Internet in the United States?
Doesn't that mean that we're close to the big crackdown?
They sure did.
And, I mean, there's going to be some horrors going on there.
I don't know what the Cuban government is going to be doing to their people,
and nobody will know because they've cut off access to the rest of the
world. Well, right now, our pro-communist government in Washington is not
going to intervene on behalf of the citizens of Cuba that want
freedom from communism. Unless we went
there to install another communist regime
controlled by China.
More extreme communism.
And redesign the Cuban flag to have five stars on it.
Or brought him Drag Queen Story Hour and trans bathrooms.
Well, enough of this craziness for one day, Edward.
And it's only Wednesday.
It's only Wednesday.
It's a good show, good information,
and I hope the audience is able to share it with their friends and family.
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