TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Dems Freak Out: Biden May Withdraw…. Kamala Harris Ready to Enter 2024 Race
Episode Date: July 3, 2024Democratic leaders are in a growing state of panic today as rumors swirl that President Joe Biden may withdraw from the 2024 campaign. The rumors surfaced as the White House confirmed reports that the... President will meet with Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday afternoon.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 07/03/2024Listen to this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comGold & Silver Re-Imagined. Buy it. Break it. Trade it. Order your Prepper Bar now!’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Democratic leaders are in a growing state of panic today as rumors swirl that President Joe Biden may withdraw from the 2024 campaign.
The rumors surface as the White House confirmed reports that the president will meet with Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday afternoon.
I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Wednesday, July 3rd, 2024.
Before we begin our analysis and commentary on the 2024 presidential campaign, I must start today's program by highlighting the news media's ridiculous attack
on Robert F. Kennedy Jr. So our first article is from dear old Mother Jones.
This is from back in May.
Back in May, but they started, you know, that was the warm-up here on this attack.
RFK Jr. is even crazier than you might think,
says Mother Jones.
And of course,
they paint him as a bizarre
conspiracy theorist,
a vax denier.
He denies all kinds of things,
science denier and everything.
So that's the beginning of the attack.
I just wanted to get this article
out of the way
before we talk about the rest of the things.
So I'll show you the next one.
I started laughing on this.
So this is Vanity Fair.
RFK Jr.'s family doesn't want him to run even they may not know his darkest secrets.
Darkest secrets.
He's got dark secrets, okay?
They're so dark that Van vanity fair can't tell you
okay his family don't know his his his relatives his uncles and aunts nobody really knows just how
dark how dark the secrets are in the kennedy closet well you want to see one? So ridiculous. So here's the next one.
I can't do this without laughing.
RFK ate a dog.
He's so crazy, Doc.
He ate a dog.
He ate a dog.
Photo appears to suggest.
They got a photo of the man eating a dog.
Look at that.
Look at that.
Look at that man eating a dog.
There's the proof Robert F. Kennedy Jr. is a dog eater.
I'm sorry.
I know.
You caught me off guard on that one.
It's the propaganda.
He's a dog eater.
The propaganda is so crazy.
Doc, over your lifetime, how many photographs have been taken of you posing, doing something ridiculous,
that 20 years later, you wouldn't
remember why you did that photograph.
I'm sure there's plenty of dark secrets.
Dark secrets.
There's somebody took a photograph of Kennedy pretending to be eating a carcass.
And they said, look, this is proof he's a dog eater.
So this stuff is really being printed
and published today by newspapers. So Robert Kennedy appeared on News Nation, and he answered
the questions about whether he is a dog eater. Let's watch.
I'm having people called, you know, people that I attended a 12-step meeting with 40 years ago who are getting the call from the DNC.
People that I had, you know, just literally hundreds of people looking for any shred of dirt about me.
And then, you know, Vanity Fair gave them a dumpster to put all this stuff in.
You can tell, you know, the quality of that research from the fact that they said that I, you know, they did this story that I ate a dog.
And they have a picture of me supposedly eating a dog.
And, of course, it's not a dog and they said I was eating a dog in Korea and that they had checked with
experts of metadata experts and identified it as Korea and checked with veterinarians who
who validated that it was a dog and it's a goat and it's in Patagonia and it's a river trip that
I used to do on a big whitewater river called the Fudulefu every year. And it's a big, you know, kayaking trip that, where that's what we ate.
That's what everybody eats down there is goats.
Oh, but, you know, the fact, the irony is Vanity Fair is the most persistent complaint against me
is that I'm promoting misinformation, but that whole article is just a dumpster of misinformation.
It tells us that the media is very concerned about Robert F. Kennedy.
They won't attack him on policy.
They call him a dog eater.
Now, personally, if you ate a dog,
I wouldn't really have an issue with you on that
because I lived in Korea for a while.
They have dog restaurants in Korea, or at least they did when I was there.
I think now this past fall they passed a law shutting them down.
Do you remember, Doc, I don't know, six months, 12 months ago, there was a story that got published circulating that Kennedy drove around in a van with a dead groundhog in the back of the van for like a week or two.
He travels the Massachusetts countryside looking for roadkill and throwing him in his van.
Sure, yeah.
There's a Kennedy driving around with a dead groundhog.
Sure, I'll believe that story.
And if he did, who cares?
If that's your hobby, go for it. I don't care.
If you're an amateur taxidermist, okay. Believe me, if you put a dead groundhog in your vehicle,
you're not going to drive around more than five minutes with it. Okay. The odor is going to be
so bad. But why now? Why this attack today? Because the Democratic Party is imploding right
now. That's right right it is in a state
of panic and that means that there are people that are seriously looking at rfk jr as a possible
candidate now and they're like going hey we we gotta you know we gotta call him a dog eater
that's exactly we gotta stop this now what is happening so look at this next article. This just came out a few hours ago. Biden says,
this is Reuters, Biden says he
nearly fell asleep
during the debate.
No kidding.
We almost
fell asleep too
watching him.
So he blames it,
he blamed his
sleepiness, his drowsiness during the debate on his world travel.
So I went back and looked.
He left.
He came back in the United States.
He was in Los Angeles for a fundraiser on June 15.
Arrived in D.C. on June 16.
Right. All right. Then he went.C. on June 16. Right.
All right.
Then he went to Camp David to prepare for the debate.
For seven days.
So what day was the debate?
Was it June, what was it?
21st, right?
Was it the 21st?
Let me double check here on the calendar. Anyhow, you have at least seven days he's at Camp David in the mountains, in the Catoctin Mountains of Maryland.
And let me tell you something.
It was last Thursday, so that's the 27th.
That's what I was saying, the 27th.
So from June 16 to June 27, he's back in the D.C. Maryland area.
And the last seven days of that span, he's up in the Catoctin Mountains of western Maryland.
I know that area where Camp David's at.
And I'll tell you, it will make you sleepy.
You will be so relaxed in the Catoctin Mountains that all you'll want to do is just lay around and sleep. The point I'm making is,
if he went to the Catoctin Mountains for a week and he didn't get rested, there's something wrong.
Okay? He had seven days to recuperate at Camp David in the mountains.
Now, Rick, you and I have traveled a lot. I mean, a lot over the past 10 years. And some of those trips have been,
you know, on the other side of the world. I have to come back. And then within a day or two,
we're back in the studio here. The most arduous for me was, I don't know, five years ago,
I went to Hong Kong twice in the same month. That was rough. That's right. I remember that.
That was rough. Okay.
But you did it.
I did it.
And I was there for like five days each time.
Came back and then went back to Hong Kong for another conference.
Jet lag is serious.
Oh, yes.
I schedule, I tried to the best of my ability, if I have to go to an international event, I try to schedule that I land at least one full day before the event because I need to sleep.
I need to get in the hotel and rest and get over the jet lag.
Or I'm no good at the conference.
I'm walking around in a daze.
I get that.
But you know what?
The plane that he flies
on has a bed bedrooms he doesn't sit up you know and read while he's flying from from japan to the
united states or wherever he was at there's a bedroom in air force one right so the man was
sleeping um he's he's gasping he's he's gasping he's gras. He's gasping.
He's gasping.
He's grasping.
He's grasping for anything to explain the horrible performance that the whole world saw.
And the world is shocked.
And if that's the case, let's say, all right, we'll take him at his word, that the travel made him sleepy.
Then as an 81-year-old man, should you be traveling around the world?
No, and I've wondered about that.
Why is his staff letting him do these things?
I've wondered about it.
They know the wear and tear it would have on his body.
Why would you send him unless you're trying to get him out of the white house well
that's a real possibility there is look this thing is fluctuating it's it's swinging back and
forth day to day one day you know last week right after the debate the democrats were in a state of
panic then for a day or two earlier this week i guess it was Monday, they were circling the wagons
around the White House. We're going to defend
Biden. Until the Indians
showed up. Yeah, and now here we are
on Wednesday, and they're
ready to scalp him. They want
him out. We're going to
walk through this. We're going to show you how bad it is for
Biden today.
So when the press secretary is asked
if the president has dementia,
that's a bad sign.
And that's,
yesterday's press conference
was horrible for the White House.
Let's watch.
Does President Biden at 81 years old
have Alzheimer's, any form of dementia or degenerative illness that cause these sorts of lapses?
And it's a yes or no question. And if you don't know, why don't you as one of his senior staff members know?
I have an answer for you. Are you ready for it? Yes.
It's a no.
And I hope you're asking the other guy the same exact question.
And that's the latest strategy that has flopped like a wet rag, is questioning Trump's
mental acuity.
Well, we all watched the debate.
Trump wasn't fumbling for words.
He was quite alert.
It was only, what, two weeks ago that when videos surfaced of showing Biden, you know, stumbling around on the stage, didn't know how to get off the stage.
Barack Obama was leading him off stage.
And there's other types of videos.
That same woman said those were fake, deep fake videos.
They called them cheap fakes.
Cheap fakes.
I don't know what the difference is between a deep fake and a cheap fake, but she implied that—
Don't believe your lying eyes.
Don't believe your lying eyes that those videos had been edited. Well, are you saying that the things that we saw in the video didn't exist?
What are you saying when you say it's a cheap fake?
Because she was implying that the videos were not real.
So she was asking about the cheap fakes also.
Let's ask about the cheap fakes also. Let's watch. The administration strongly criticized the media for clips showing the president appearing to be confused, freezing at times.
And you called it cheap fakes, misinformation, disinformation.
In one case, even implied that it was the product of artificial intelligence, calling it deepfakes.
Do you have any regret over using that language?
Not at all.
Not at all.
And let me be clear, it was a certain part of the media.
I mean, you can speak to this better than I can.
A certain part of the media which was doing this.
And look, independent mainstream fact checkers in the press and misinformation experts have been calling out cheap fakes.
And at the end of the day, they're fakes.
That's what they were, targeting the president.
They had said, the reporters and these misinformation experts said that this president was being targeted.
And what we did was echo them.
That's what we did.
And look, we'll certainly continue to call that out. And the
cheap fakes didn't come from me. I didn't coin that. I didn't come from this White House or
this podium. That came from the media. They called the cheap fakes. And they said this president,
President Biden, was being targeted on misinformation. It was purposefully being
done to this president. And what we
did is we echoed that. So I don't regret it at all. It was just the facts.
Let me tell you how the way this game works. The White House told their friends in the
news media, put this story out, call them cheap fakes, and then we'll respond to your articles. We'll respond to your television news reports and talk show programs.
That's the way the game works.
They fed that story.
So what happened, Doc, is the narrative collapsed.
The narrative that the White House and the DNC and the news media had kept going for over three and a
half years, it collapsed on the night of the debate. Right. Are you going to call the debate
a 90 minute cheap fake? There was no editing. Right. It was what it was. And he's out to lunch.
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We're told he only functions between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.
And that's for staffers.
What if the crisis is at 10 p.m.?
Will they be able to wake him up?
I mean, he has trouble sleeping
after plane trips, right?
Will he make sense
if they wake him up
in the middle of the night
and say,
hey, North Korea just fired off
an ICBM. How long does it take to get Joe Biden coherent?
Everybody needs to be thinking about this. Who is running the White House right now?
This guy's a Democrat. He said Donald Trump is going to win the election,
and democracy will be just fine. Democracy will carry on. He said after the first presidential
debate, now this is from his op-ed,
lots of Democrats are panicking about whether President Joe Biden should step down as the party's nominee.
He's saying that out loud, folks.
Biden's poor performance in the debate was not a surprise.
It also didn't rattle me as it has others because the outcome of this election has been clear to me for months.
While I don't plan to vote for him, Donald Trump is going to win, and I'm okay with that.
Doug, that's the first sign of a Democrat thrown in a towel.
Remember what I said after the debate?
Collectively, the American people made Donald Trump their president on the night of the debate.
Like they're not even waiting for the election.
That's what happened at the debate.
The American people watched the debate and said, what on earth did we do putting Joe Biden in the White House?
There's the real Joe Biden.
And there's the man we kicked out.
Let's go back to Trump.
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