TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Depopulation Plot: The Feb. 2020 Report That Got TruNews Deplatformed
Episode Date: July 6, 2021Today on TruNews, we share the Godcast that got us banned on YouTube. In the February 19th, 2020 episode we discussed the Chinese PLA origin of the COVID bioweapon, the coming impact to the global sup...ply chain, and the satanic obsession the elite have with depopulation, eugenics, and reincarnation as super viruses. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall. Airdate (7/5/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zell.
For our American audience and those patriots living abroad, I hope you've had an enjoyable
Fourth of July weekend.
Today we have something special to share with you.
For long-time viewers, you know that the techno-fascists at YouTube deemed our program too true to
remain on their platform.
Last February, on the 19th to be specific, we published a Godcast titled Empty Shelves.
Coronavirus shortages could hit U.S. stores by April.
In this Godcast, we address how the pandemic, real or manufactured,
would create global supply chain disruptions over the coming year to 2021
and shortages in American warehouses and pharmacies. We also discussed the satanic
connection between depopulation, eugenics, and the outbreak of super viruses, especially the one
that was released from the bioweapons lab in Wuhan, China. We've had numerous requests from
you and the audience to replay the Godcast, and we listened.
Here's Rick and I from last February.
Clearly, the news media is trying to discredit Senator Cotton.
He's the most prominent, most trustworthy official to come forward.
And not just make the statement.
This could potentially be tied to the weapons lab near the epicenter
of the release, but he's put his reputation on it.
Had you heard of Senator Tom Cotton, other than his votes for war and his credible resume
in the neocon realm, had you heard about him making a stand on an issue before this?
He's put his reputation on the line to question the origin of the Wuhan coronavirus. And I appreciate that he's doing it.
He's raising legitimate questions. Look, if this virus broke out in Frederick, Maryland,
China would be justified in asking, did it come from Fort Detrick?
Absolutely. I mean, just based on the global implications, is coronavirus not a global issue?
Has it not threatened the biological sovereignty of every nation in the world,
especially with the dire predictions of some scientists that it will reach 60 to 80 percent of the world's population?
Absolutely, they'd be asking if it was an American potentially biological weapon that was released.
Hey, the other day I mentioned, I think maybe it was Monday,
I mentioned that in 2009 there was a Times of London article. Actually, the original source was Irish Central, a news source out of Ireland.
And then the Times of London picked it up.
And it was about a secret meeting of billionaires in Manhattan to discuss how to reduce the world's population.
Now, there it is.
There's the Times of London.
That story was May 24, 2009.
And the headline was,
Billionaire Club in Bid to Curb Overpopulation.
I just wanted our audience to see it
because it just came to my memory the
other day. And so I wanted I wanted people to see that's the headline. And what it said was that
the meeting was organized by Bill Gates and they discussed the billionaires discussed joining forces to overcome political and religious obstacles to change.
Notice that. Wow. Political and religious obstacles to change.
I wonder who they're talking about. The article said David Rockefeller Jr. was there, who's now passed away. Warren Buffett,
George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey attended a little secret gathering.
They met at the home of Sir Paul Nurse, a British Nobel Prize biochemist,
president of the Rockefeller University in Manhattan.
The meeting was May 5th, 2009, said the session was so discreet that some of the billionaires aids were told that they were at security briefings.
The Times article said the billionaires were given 15 minutes each to present their favorite calls. At dinner,
they discussed how they would settle on an umbrella calls that could harness their interest.
Taking their cue from Gates, they agreed that overpopulation was the priority.
Over steak and bonbons, they decided they were going to deal with
overpopulation with a mindset of eugenics. A group of billionaires having dinner in Manhattan.
They agreed there's too many people on the planet. We've got to do something.
And we have to overcome political and religious obstacles to depopulating the
earth. Are they talking about Christians who believe that we
have a command from God to be fruitful and to multiply? Are they talking about Christians who
would not accept forced sterilization, killing through other means, whether it be genocide or
just simply not allowing kids? Abortion, eugenics, those are all their favorite topics. Who gave us this stuff?
Where did we get abortion, eugenics, population?
This comes from this mindset.
It's really a Nazi mindset.
It's a love child of this Naziist ideology.
The article said this is something so talking about overpopulation and they're quoting a guest. The guest is not identified in this 2009 article.
Quote, this is something so nightmarish that everyone in this group agreed it needs big brain answers.
Well, we know that Michael Bloomberg's got a big brain because he said the other day, I mean, teach anyone to be a farmer.
Anybody could be a farmer.
Then this last line.
Why all the secrecy?
This again, this is the Times of London.
Why all the secrecy? the source said they wanted to speak rich to rich without worrying anything they said would end up in the newspapers,
painting them as an alternative world government.
Alternative world government. That's not like alternative facts. That's like shadow government.
That's like a world order of rich billionaires, right?
A group of rich billionaires. Yeah, well, rich and billionaires, yeah.
Yeah, synonymous.
But a group of powerful billionaires
get together to talk about depopulating the planet.
But hey, we don't want anybody to think this is a conspiracy.
We don't want them to think we've got
a shadow world government.
Isn't that exactly what the system is?
Let's meet in secret so nobody gets the wrong idea about what we're doing.
We're not conspiring.
We're discussing.
Well, I just wanted you to know that story really happened.
And some of you remember it.
And then I got up when I woke up early this morning.
I don't know why my brain works like this.
But very early this morning, somewhere around 5 a.m., I remember reporting the story, but it actually,
the origin of it goes back to a book that was published in Great Britain. The book was If I Were an Animal. There it is. If I were an animal, I think it was published in 1986.
Yes, that's correct.
If I were an animal.
So Prince Philip wrote the foreword to this book.
And he said, if I were, if I came, if I were reincarnated as an animal,
I would like to come back to Earth as a killer virus.
There it is.
In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation.
Who thinks like this? Megalomaniacs. I can't even put words to it.
He picked of all animals, okay, a virus. And my enemies call me a conspiracy theorist. Crazy.
That's crazy what we just showed on screen. I quote them. I quote them and then I get smeared.
You know why they smear me? Because I quote them.
That's the way this game works.
If you quote what they really say,
they smear you because you're daring to tell the public what
these freaks are doing.
They're trying to bully people into silence,
and we've refused to silence.
Why would Prince Philip's desire to come back to life as a deadly virus to contribute
to depopulating the world? Well, in his mind, he also believes that there is a religious objection.
In short, when he was saying this and writing this forward for the, if I were an animal,
he also said that there are religious, and he specifically named them,
Orthodox Christians. Because of their belief that the Lord created the earth and that the Lord is
sovereign, they are less likely to go ahead with governmental reforms to control what, as you
noted from the billionaire meeting, has been described as a nightmare situation where overpopulation diminishes the limited resources of the world.
Let's put up number six, Edward, and he said, I don't claim to have any, this is a quote,
now this is not from the book, I don't claim to have any special interest in natural history,
but as a boy I was made aware of the annual fluctuations
in the number of game animals and the need to adjust the call to the size of the surplus
population. Did we put it up? Number six. This is a quote. There it is now.
Yeah, it was written actually in his book, Down to Earth.
Oh, that's it right there. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I was thinking that was the same book.
So that was the book he wrote it in, a book that he wrote himself.
But he said as a boy, he understood the need to call, C-U-L-L, not phone call.
To call a population, you know, like you would kill off too many deer, you know, or whatever.
So this is his mindset. This is the eugenics mindset of the Nazi establishment that rules
the West. They think of us, the regular citizenry, as cattle, dogs to be shot out back if we've done our use.
You found some video quotes of Prince Philip.
Yes, and again, looking through his day was just absolutely shocking.
I knew that Prince Philip had those skeletons in his closet related to family who were Nazis,
but this took it to a whole new level.
First, a quote I wanted to share is from BBC One in 2011.
He gave an interview as part of his 90th anniversary, his 90th birthday.
It was in June.
And what he said is that in order to face this overpopulation crisis,
we need to have voluntary family limitation.
You pick.
You choose.
Just stop having kids to help the whole
world. And if you don't do it
voluntarily, we'll do it the Chinese
way. Involuntarily. Yes.
Alright, this is
Prince Philip talking about the need to
limit the human population.
What do you see as the biggest challenges in
The growing human population.
Because where we are, there's nothing else.
And do you have views about what should be done about that?
Can't you guess?
Well, it could be on a spectrum from mass sterilisation
to, you know, greater availability of contraception.
I don't know. I don't know what your views are as to what can be done about it.
Well, I think it might be described as voluntary family limitation.
But if he could come back to life, he'd be a deadly virus.
And what would a deadly virus do?
Kill. Kill relentlessly.
Because that's what viruses do.
You really have to be a psychopath
to think like that.
Is this giving you an idea
of who these people are?
I've said for years,
the world is run by Satanists.
They are demon-possessed Satanists.
It explains his children.
Prince Andrew and Jeffrey Epstein, this is his father, okay?
He wants to be a virus.
Prince Andrew wanted to be a playboy playing around with children in America.
Hey, Edward, you had an opportunity today to talk to a True News supporter.
Can we give out his name?
Yes, Stan Martin.
Stan? Okay.
And he gave us some information about what he received firsthand
from a person from China.
Yes, an employee that works at his company recently came firsthand from a person from China. Yes, it's an employee that works at his company.
Recently came back from a trip during the Chinese Lunar New Year.
And what Mr. Martins told me is that this individual had quite a story to talk about the experience inside a quarantine zone,
specifically what the Chinese people are saying about the origins of coronavirus.
Here in the open, you noted that no one knows the origin.
Well, the Chinese people think they've got quite an idea of it.
Who is this person that he talked to?
It's an employee at his company.
It's in the IT industry.
He's a senior employee at one of the largest multinational IT consulting firms in the world based out of Canada. And what this employee told them as his employee to boss was, sir, I'm hearing that
the coronavirus patient zero, first ever patient was an employee of that bioweapons lab.
Is the employee that he's talking about, is this man or woman?
It's a woman.
It's a woman. And is she Chinese?
Yes, she's a Chinese national.
And is she from Wuhan? No, she's not from Wuhan.
She's from another city, Chengdu, is where her family lives.
They live in an apartment complex.
And this province is one of the provinces under quarantine.
And this individual had visited her parents during the Chinese Lunar New Year
and was able to see firsthand some of the stories,
but specifically seeing inside, behind really, the Great Firewall of China. A lot of the information you and I have not been
able to read, she was reading daily and speaking to Chinese individuals about what they're actually
seeing, what they've heard about the origins. Okay, so again, what you're about to hear
is Edward's conversation with Stan Martin, who was a True News supporter, contacted us today. He's passing on
information that was relayed to him. So, I mean, this is secondhand, thirdhand information. I want
you to understand that. But it's important that you hear this because this is how bits and pieces
of information is leaking out of China that we're able to build a picture
of what is really going on. So watch this and then we'll be back in just a few minutes.
Mr. Martins, you had an employee that just came back from China. Can you start from the top and
explain to me what this employee told you about the quarantine and the origin,
the potential origin of that, of the coronavirus in China?
Yes, Edward, thank you. I have an employee who flew to China approximately January 11th,
intending to spend some time with her family for Chinese New Year's. And she intended to spend four weeks there. When the story
broke about coronavirus, approximately January 24th, 25th, she was able to reconsider and cut
that vacation short and come back to Canada. Now, she arrived back in Canada on February 3rd
and just completed 15 days of self-quarantine in her home.
So when she returned to work yesterday, I took the opportunity to speak to her face-to-face about
her experience on the ground in Chengdu. So what she conveyed to me that I had not heard before
is that through her connections on Chinese social media and what the people in
the community were talking about, there is an understanding about the level four biohazard
lab in Wuhan.
And there is an understanding among the community there that there's a so-called patient zero
who got the infection from the lab.
First of all, she said nobody in China thinks that this infection came from a meat market.
So the understanding through social media is that a person became infected at the lab,
and she used the term patient zero.
It's incredible to use that term because patient zero context is the first person
that had the viral version of coronavirus, which has now started the epidemic in China. And you're
referring to the bioweapons lab that's based in Wuhan. That's correct. So she said patient zero
is reported to be an employee of that lab. The person passed away. Patient one was a worker at
the funeral home who handled the body. Patient number one picked up the corona infection.
And what is being reported is that one of the symptoms was pressure in the eyes.
And that led this patient one from the funeral home to seek
medical treatment from the ophthalmologist in Wuhan I believe his name was Dr. Li who's now
deceased unfortunately and of course Dr. Li tried to sound an early warning about it.
Now she is basing this information off of what she was told during the visit, but also what she saw on social media. So we don't necessarily know the validity of this, but people in China are talking about it. And as
you noted, they believe that not only did the virus originate from this controversial bioweapons
facility in Wuhan, but the first patient, which would indicate it leaked from that facility,
the first patient came from the bioweapons lab.
Yes, that is widely believed.
And she also noted that nobody in China believes the official statistics
or the official death toll or anything of that nature.
Now, the next part I wanted to discuss was there was an exodus of Chinese citizens from Wuhan as the quarantine was being announced, the shutdown of travel around January 23rd.
About five million Chinese citizens and others escaped the city to other parts of China, reportedly even around the world.
There was a news crew, for example, from CNN that was able to get out of the country right before the quarantine was put in and the city was placed on lockdown. Now, how has China, according to this Chinese employee that
visited there, how has China tracked those individuals? So she said the people of Wuhan
had about 24 hours notice that their city was going to be locked down into quarantine. And she said about,
indeed, as you said, 5 million people left. She said the reason that the number is well known
is because the government tracks their mobile phone usage. So there are millions of phones
registered to Wuhan, and 5 million of them are not located in city limits at this moment.
My, because they're using the cell phones, individual cell phones as tracking devices.
I don't think George Orwell could have even thought of something so diabolical in this sense.
So they know, based off those phones that I'm sure they can now track,
and in part are probably connected to the social credit system that China has already implemented,
that those individuals have dispersed far and wide.
Now, you mentioned to me that the death statistics and those infected,
that number is also being questioned.
What did Xi say about that?
Well, Xi said there are media reports in China of high-profile celebrities
who have passed away and what their stories are and how devastating
the virus has been to their families. And so that's just somewhat of anecdotal evidence of how
wide and far and far-reaching the virus has affected their society. And that's leading
them to believe that the statistics are vastly understated.
Now, in regard to the quarantine itself,
there has been reports that there's been a shortage of groceries, supplies in some cities.
What was her experience while she was there?
And is it true that most Chinese are not allowed to leave their home?
They're under some form of not just a quarantine, but even a curfew.
Yes. So many people live in high-rise apartment buildings, and her family of origin is in such a building.
She said each member, each household is assigned one residency card.
And in order to leave the building,
one member of the family must carry that card to be allowed out
to go do their grocery shopping and then to return
to that specific building. And I did ask her about the grocery situation as well. She said
the stores in her particular city of Chengdu were well stocked with meat and vegetables.
Where they are running into shortages is around medications.
So there's absolutely nothing on the shelf to control a fever right now.
And she also said her elderly mother is diabetic and insulin is being rationed at this point,
simply because not enough people have returned to work to produce it at regular levels.
That's incredible.
If they're seeing shortages in medical supplies in China, and China is one of the main hubs for not just America, but most of the world to get
pharmaceutical products, that definitely could be a clarion bell for shortages to come in the West
for medical products. You mentioned unemployment. A lot of people are anxious about getting back to
work, according to social media postings, videos, interviews that are even being done with those in
quarantine or coming out of the country. What did she say about that? And what is the
prospect of individuals not just returning to work, but running out of money itself because
they're not working? Well, she said it's a very agonizing decision for people in general. And
she spoke about her sister in particular, around returning to work now that
the holiday season is over. On the one hand, they've been conditioned to remain in their home
and respect the quarantine. But on the other hand, they're being ordered to go back to work.
And so they're weighing the issue of the odds of getting sick versus the odds of unemployment
without a safety net.
Now, the individuals that are potentially not going to work and Wuhan being in the epicenter of this, they can't go to work.
They also can't travel. Did she talk about checkpoints on highways forcing those with a Wuhan license plate to essentially become a pariah and be forced to go back to the city where coronavirus
started. Absolutely. Excellent choice of words. She said the people of Wuhan have become somewhat
of pariahs in their own country. She did mention door-to-door checking in her city for people who are sick, and in particular looking for people from Wuhan who
are taking shelter in homes or whatever. And also, the vehicles from Wuhan being
identified with certain license plates are coming up to checkpoints. So there are,
at boundaries of major cities, there are major concrete blockades
on the road. There are checkpoints. Medical people take temperatures. And if a particular
household is from Wuhan, as identified by their license plate on their car, they are pointed back
in the other direction in order to go back where they came from. But all of these cities are barricaded.
And so she said there are reports on social media about people stranded on highways
going back and forth between checkpoints and not being admitted to stay anywhere.
Well, social media has been one of the main places for information to leak out
about what's actually happening in China.
One thing of many that's been very troubling to watch is
is the mass spraying of an unknown substance throughout all the public spaces in China.
In addition to this, the the use of hazmat wearing police forces going through areas,
dragging away individuals not wearing masks or even putting locks and clamps on doors of
apartment buildings of the infected. Did she personally witness anything like this, the spraying, the police state activity,
or any of the activity by the police?
She did not talk to me about any spraying or have any knowledge of the substance,
but definitely the door-to-door searches for sick people is something she talked about.
She talked about, interestingly, her flight back to North America went through Shanghai.
So in the departure airport, there were no biohazard measures visible to her.
But when she got back to Shanghai, the passengers filed out of the plane
and there were people in biohazard suits on the tarmac
taking temperatures of the passengers right on the spot.
And there was a family on the plane from Wuhan
and they were directed to go to a different place than the rest of the passengers.
Oh, that's incredible what you just shared,
because we've
heard reports that there have been no passengers, no individual citizens specifically from Wuhan,
let alone Shanghai, Beijing and other cities. But Wuhan, that have been able to leave the city
since January 23rd, you're saying on her flight, the beginning of February, she was not only able
to get to Shanghai, but to a major city in Canada.
That is incredibly troubling.
And it appears that they at least did some kind of medical treatment and quarantine procedures on the tarmac.
We're hearing in America, Stan, that they're not doing any of those procedures at the major airports in this country,
major hubs with direct flights from China.
So at the departure point, those measures were in place. So just to be clear, the people from Wuhan had boarded in a different city, not Wuhan. Wuhan was their
place of origin. And they were segregated and not allowed to go further. My employee had her
temperature taken. She was passed and allowed to board back to North America. And interestingly, she said the flight attendants were very well suited up on the flight home.
Well, my last question to you, Stan, as a fellow colleague of this employee that did do some self-quarantine but now has come back to work. worried that this individual not only could infect other employees in your building, in your office,
but yourself could be potentially exposed to the coronavirus by this individual that's come from
China? Based on what I know about the maximum incubation period being around 14 days, I did
have in mind to order her to quarantine herself at home. And I was a little bit of an early adopter of that.
And she solved the problem for me by volunteering to do it herself.
So she did quarantine herself at home for 15 days.
So I'm reasonably satisfied that that is enough and that my team is safeguarded.
Well, Stan, this is my last question.
As a believer, how have you responded
to the outbreak of the coronavirus?
And are you praying before you go to work?
Are you praying for your employees?
How has it affected you and your family?
I do pray for my employees, and I do,
my team delivers technical services to an essential sector in society.
And I'm very concerned about how my team will continue to operate if coronavirus comes here.
And so in a sense, I watch True News and I see what's happening in China.
And I worry that that is an early template of what's going to happen here. And so I want my team to be
able to work remotely, test their access rights now. I am counseling them on a personal level
to, you know, stock up on some canned fruit and some things for their home groceries,
just in case of a supply chain disruption. Where I live is very
far from the fruit trees in California. And so that's just being prudent in my opinion.
And, you know, I do, you know, try to cultivate a sense of duty around the essential services
that we provide and just taking their responsibilities seriously.
Oh, thank you so much for your time, Stan.
Thank you. That was a time, Stan. Thank you.
That was a lot of information.
It was, yes.
In that piece, Edward.
So this woman that works for his company,
she was in China about the time, well, when we were in Davos.
So she-
And DeGeneres came back right after-
Yeah, so she returned back to Canada,
I think he said February 3rd or 4th.
We came back from Davos February 1st
and the coronavirus story was just starting to break.
So what she heard during that time was the early reports.
The raw reports.
In terms of where we're at now, it was a long time ago. And what she heard is radically
different than anything that we've heard. The idea that it started patient zero. It started with somebody in the lab. That person died.
The funeral home worker contracted it.
And then there was pressure in his or her eyes.
Went to the doctor and the doctor died.
The ophthalmologist, the famous ophthalmologist.
This would explain, again, how an ophthalmologist got sucked into what is now an epidemic, arguably for a virologist, a biologist, not an ophthalmologist.
This explains that connection.
And that was Dr. Li?
Dr. Li. And to note here, the story that really broke this out of Zero Edge and Great Game India, that came out that week. So some would say, well, the Chinese, they just read that story. No, they
wouldn't have read or heard even of the accusations being leveled at the Wuhan Biological Research
Laboratory. No, no, that was, if we're going to argue with that, that was that week after
we got back from Davos, because that was the second largest population of Christians next to America.
China is the second largest and actually is on track this year to have the largest population of Protestants.
And I think by 2025, they have the largest population of Christians of all denominations.
You know, by 2025, all of us need to be praying for our Chinese brothers and sisters.
We can only imagine. Think about the Christians in Wuhan.
Think about our brothers and sisters.
This hit me the other night sitting at home.
I was eating dinner and the Lord just placed it on my heart.
Like, Rick, you've not been praying for your brethren in China.
And that's correct.
I've not been thinking about the impact on the church in China.
So let's all become sensitive to their needs.
Let's be interceding, praying that God is protecting them, providing for them, sheltering them. Some of the things that he, you know, that this gentleman just said,
people being, they're literally, the people that escaped Wuhan, homeless. They're driving back and
forth between checkpoints. They can't get into any city. Prize in their own country. Chinese
government tracking everybody by their phones, tracking the people who left Wuhan. I want to go back,
before we move on with more coronavirus news,
I want to go back to a theme that I was talking about at the beginning of the program,
that the 2009 meeting of billionaires in Manhattan,
Bill Gates, Mike Bloomberg, Oprah Winfrey,
George Soros, Ted Turner, and so forth, David Rockefeller,
where they agreed that overpopulation of the world was the greatest crisis.
And they were going to pull their resources together and their brilliant minds and their money.
And they were going to overcome religious obstacles and political obstacles,
and they were going to find a way to depopulate the planet. But they had to have this meeting
secretly because somebody would accuse them of having an alternative world government.
We wouldn't want to do that. But I want to go back to this. And then we had Prince Philip saying,
oh, I wish if there was reincarnation, I would be a virus.
You know, I'd come back to Earth and kill everybody. All right. There's a sicko thought.
So are there more people like this on the planet?
More princes of pestilence. People that think like this, talk like this.
Yes. Here's another one that came back to my mind yesterday.
2006, there was a story about a Texas professorist of the Year by the Texas Academy of Science.
And so there he is right there.
Dr. Eric, Professor Eric Bianca, known as Dr. Doom at the University of Texas.
And he's an ecologist.
He's a professor today.
And he's still there. And when you,
if you don't know about this story, just hold on. And I covered this story back in 2006.
So he gave a talk at the Texas Academy of Science in 2006. And he said there needs to be a virus that kills 90% of the human population.
Now, his vote was for Ebola.
Airborne Ebola.
He was rooting for airborne Ebola because he said it kills fast.
It gets the job done quickly.
And he said we could take out 90% of the human population.
He got a standing ovation at the Texas Academy of Science.
They gave him a standing ovation.
So I interviewed a man who was there, Forrest Mims, also a scientist.
And a believer.
And a Christian believer. And I interviewed him in 2006.
And then 2014, when the Ebola virus broke out in Uganda, I was in Uganda.
That's where it broke out, I think.
So in Africa, 2014, I went back and I revisited that interview and did a second interview with Mr. Mims to just refresh the True News audience's memory about Eric Pianca,
hoping that there would be an airborne Ebola that would wipe out 90 percent of the human population.
So I asked Edward today to go back and listen to those
interviews. And so we have some excerpts from my
2014 interview with Mr. Mims.
And what are we going to hear in the first one? The first one here you're going to hear, Rick,
is a professor, a scientist,
and very renowned, just a man of great academic prowess.
You're going to hear Mr. Mims talk about specifically what it was like to sit in the room
as talk of the four horsemen, an apocalypse to knock off the earth,
and cheers of ovation about airborne Ebola mercifully ending the overpopulation of the planet.
Isn't it ironic that, and it really isn't ironic, there's a reason for it.
I just use that term, but there's a reason for it.
These, Eric Pianca says he's an atheist.
You know, I don't believe he's an atheist.
I personally believe he's a Satanist, okay?
But they quote Scripture.
They talk in biblical terms.
Why is it?
If you're an atheist and you believe in evolution,
why do you quote Scripture?
And why do you use biblical terms like the four horsemen of the apocalypse?
Why do they do that? Well, I know i know the reason all right because they know truth and he really would like to help release all right he wants to
help release the four horsemen of the apocalypse really not that far off from the evangelical
zionists who want to build a third temple and help bring about a war of Armageddon.
I mean, it's all the same strain of craziness there.
All right, so here is an excerpt from my 2014 second interview with Mr. Mims.
After all this happened and I was being condemned by some of these folks for reporting accurately on what Pianca said in his lecture,
a college professor, I'm sorry, a college president took me aside in a private meeting,
and he told me that he's been confronting this his entire career.
I was stunned.
He thanked me for revealing this, what was going on at the University of Texas.
And so I began more research on this.
Dr. Pianca's students, one of them even told me that this is what he was saying in class.
Pianca presented on his website excerpts from student evaluations.
One of the students wrote, quote, I don't root for Ebola, but maybe a ban on having more than one child.
I agree.
Too many people are ruining the planet. Another student wrote, and this is ban on having more than one child. I agree. Too many people are ruining the
planet, another student wrote, and this is still on his website. Though I agree that conservation
biology is of utmost importance to the world, I do not think that preaching that 90% of the human
population should die of Ebola is the most effective means of encouraging conservation
awareness. The people advocating this, I hate to say it, tend to be white Anglo-Saxon folks who
generally reject organized religion because they have a different religion.
It's called Darwinism.
And they all share those beliefs, the ones I've met.
And I can assure you, I heard from a number of them after I wrote my article.
Some of them, I received some threats and so on to my career for even writing the article.
All right. And so you personally heard him state that he wishes for a global pandemic of Ebola virus.
He stated airborne virus that would take out 90% of the human race.
He works to that effect, and he illustrated his talk by having a,
he showed a slide of human skulls, and one of them had flashing red lights.
He had a slide of the four horsemen of the apocalypse,
and he seemed to delight in saying all this.
In fact, the audience would laugh at some of what he was saying. It's a religion, Rick. It's a religion. It's evolution, which is satanic. The same religion
that Greta Thunberg and Al Gore subscribe to is the very religion that Eric Pianca was speaking
about when he said it was merciful for there to be an airborne Ebola that kills women, children, anybody
it faces. Edward, this book, Final Day.
In Final Day, I talk about
that there will be a revival of creationism
in the last days that preachers will once
again preach with boldness the genesis account of
creation that it's going to come back that the the preaching of it it has to come back
why because there are three angels that have an assignment And the first angel that's encircling the earth is saying, fear God, worship the creator.
This is part of the last day's message.
If you worship the creator, then you have to believe in his creation and the way he created it, which is in the Holy Bible. So I believe that creationism will have a resurgence in Christian churches.
And I believe that Satan is already preparing his reply to those of us who are going to boldly defend creationism? And his reply is evolutionary science, which is satanic.
It's demonic.
Now, I want to go to for our control room.
I want to play number 11.
And this is this is a scientist, Mr.
Mims, describing what he heard that day at the Texas Academy of Science
coming out of the mouth of Professor Eric Bianca. Listen to this one.
Well, it was the annual meeting of the Texas Academy of Science,
and every year they present an award to what they call the Distinguished Texas Scientists.
And that year, that was the 109th annual meeting, that year they presented this award to Professor Eric Pianca of the University of Texas.
He's an evolutionary ecologist and teaches at the university.
And he then accepted his award.
They did not allow any recording or television of this. In fact, a television
fellow up front was apparently pointing, he had a camera pointed at the speaker's stand,
and one of the officials went up and then this fellow left. He did not record the lecture.
And so during the lecture, some very strange things were said, and I've written about those
as you have in your article there, but I think it's better for me to quote what other people heard, because I came in for some considerable criticism for my article.
And another professor who was there, his name is Dr. Ron Ken Summey. He's at the University of
Texas, Pan American in South Texas. And he wrote to the board of, in fact, the entire membership of the Texas
Academy of Sciences, if they condemn me for my article, he wrote, quote, I attended the presentation
given by Dr. Eric Pianca at the Reese TAS meeting in Beaumont. My overall impression of Dr. Pianca's
presentation was a doomsday message that life on Earth is about to end, and the sooner the human population crashes,
the better. I hope he was joking or being sarcastic when he stated that a pandemic of
Ebola virus would be great for the Earth. No sane person would really believe that.
Forbes memes did not misrepresent anything regarding the presentation. I heard these
statements myself and would be willing to bet that most of the audience attending the presentation. I heard these statements myself and would be willing to bet that most of the audience
attending the presentation
got the same impression that I did.
So, you know,
if we have a global pandemic
of Ebola someday,
will we call it
the Prince Philip virus?
Well, he is now
the Prince of Pestilence.
So maybe we will,
especially if they're obsessed with it.
And we don't believe in reincarnation you know these new age and uh reportedly hindu potentially
even jewish uh beliefs but these are the statements from world leaders kings uh princes in this case
world-renowned scientists who trained the next generation of scientists who may even be responding to the
coronavirus today. Why do they, why do these people at the top want to depopulate the planet?
Well, they're going to tell you, well, there's a climate crisis. There's a, the planet can't handle
any more people, which is a bunch of baloney. Anybody who's ever flown on a plane or a jet
long distance, you can look down out of the
window and you can see empty land everywhere. All right. So the earth is not overpopulated.
It really is for two reasons. Number one, if Satan can kill people prematurely, they can't
get saved. If they're not saved, they'll never enter the kingdom
of God. That's the number one reason right there. Satan has come to kill, steal, and destroy.
If he can get his minions on earth to do something really wicked and evil and wipe out billions of
people, those billions will never be saved and enter the kingdom of God. He wants a depopulation of New Jerusalem. Yes, but He'll
populate hell. Number two,
it's a selfish reason for them, if they could just get rid of
all the little peons on the planet, they could have
artificial intelligence and robots and the whole planet
would belong to them.
Their own empire. The robots would do the work. The artificial intelligence would
run the affairs of the world and they could play 24-7 all their lives. They
wouldn't have to work. They wouldn't have to do it. They'd have everything. Unopposed sin.
They'd have it. Total control.
Hey, now, you found a video clip of Dr. Eric Pianka.
And this, I think, is a speech from 2004.
Yeah, it was two years before the infamous speech in Texas.
And it was at Purdue University.
He said essentially what Forrest Mims said.
He said in 2006, I couldn't believe
when I found this, because not only does it tie in the infamous statement that Dr. Pionta denies
that he would even support, but it shows you that he's doing it out of a hatred of Christ.
All right, this is for control. This is number 13. This is Dr. Eric Pionta himself,
the man who wants a virus to kill 90% of the human race.
This is unbelievable. Just sit and think about it. How long ago was it we passed 6 billion?
We're now almost at 6.5. Another five years, be seven. All we can hope, all we can hope for is that AIDS epidemic kills a lot of Africans.
They've all got it.
Or even better, that Ebola mutates to be airborne,
and there's a massive epidemic around the planet killing 90% of us
and knocking us back to a population density that's reasonable.
Be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth. Organized religion is the enemy, man.
They have painted the path to get where we are.
There it is.
Organized religion is the enemy.
And he quoted the Holy Bible.
Yes, he did. The book of Genesis.
The spirit of Antichrist.
There's no confusion, no misunderstanding about what these people want,
who they serve, what their agenda is. They're very clear about it. And it's also very clear who their enemy is, the Lord Jesus Christ. Hey, we have more
Corona news coming up on this edition of True News, your end time newscast. If you ever wondered
what a newscast would look like in the last days. You're watching one right now in real time.
We're Heaven's News Network,
and we're giving you a report on the countdown
to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
I encourage you to share this edition of True News
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Tell everybody you know that they need to start watching
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and we'll keep them informed because the news media will keep them disinformed make them dumb make them stupid you don't want to
watch news networks you'll be stupid if you watch them too often you actually your i IQ will go down. So I just want to take a little break here in the coronavirus news.
And I want to mention the locust invasion.
Don't forget what's happening on the African continent.
We have a virus outbreak in Asia, but we have an outbreak of locusts in Africa at the same time. We've got a couple
news reports that we want to show you. The first one, I believe, is from BBC.
Yes, that's correct. Number 17 for control. And this is not just detailing, again, the
major biblical effect on, and that's what the newscasters are calling it. It's a biblical locust swarm.
They've run out of words to use.
Well, Edward, again, it's interesting that what's happening is so startling that the world's news networks,
when they are forced to deal with it, recognize it, they're using biblical terms,
but it's the religious broadcasters
who are burying their heads in the sand and won't say it.
And then when we say it,
they get upset at us and they take shots at us.
But anyhow, let's watch this.
This is a BBC report.
This is number 17.
Billions of locusts devastate East Africa. We've heard that they've come from all the way as far as Yemen and coming down through
Ethiopia and Somalia and Kenya ya maa. Nesikia mbaya zaidi
Chakula makahi tunalima
Karibu makakadaa tujabata mvua
Safari indio tulibata bahati
Tulibata bahati sasa
Indio hii mnyama nakuja na kalia
Tulibata asara kubwa sana
Sababu marawe yote
Anakula kichu anaisha
Sasa hii yawezikuwa chakula tena Sasa hii maindi mearibika Kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, kwa hivyo, From the literature, back in the 1950s there was something as big as this, but not at the
In the recent years we have had very small groups of workers and having warms
but something to this magnitude it was early in the 1950s I have a question for you.
Is your name written in God's book of life?
The book of life contains the names of every human being
who is saved for eternity.
How can you be saved?
Well, you must repent of your sins,
believe on the name of Jesus Christ.
Be baptized in water in the name of the Father,
the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
Have you done it?
Have you been born again?
Why do you have to be born again?
What is being born again?
Being born again is Jesus Christ
quickening your dead soul,
bringing it to life.
You see, when you were born,
when you came out of your mother's womb,
your body was alive,
but your soul was dead.
Your soul was born,
your soul arrived, D-O-A,
dead on arrival.
But your body's alive.
But your soul's dead.
Why was your soul born?
Why did you come out of your mother's womb with a dead soul?
Because of the sin virus.
The sin virus is the worst virus known to man it has infected 100 of the human population
for thousands of years every human being born has the sin virus you're born with it
it's passed on from your father and mother and where did did they get it? It goes all the way back to Adam and Eve
because they listened to Satan.
They doubted the word of God.
They sinned against God
and sin came into this world.
And when sin came into this world,
death came to this world.
There was no death in the world
prior to Adam and Eve's sin. They were meant to this world. There was no death in the world prior to Adam and Eve's sin.
They were meant to live forever.
Animals were meant to live forever.
Trees, plants, everything was meant to be eternal.
There was no death.
Sin brought death.
And everything dies because of the sin of mankind.
So God desired to save the human race.
In the Garden of Eden, God walked in the garden with Adam
and Eve. Almighty God, He walked in the garden with them. He talked
with them. He fellowshiped with them. But when they sinned,
that fellowship was cut off. They were cast out of the garden.
They were cast out into the wilderness, into the wasteland.
Adam had to work by the sweat of his brow to make something grow in the dust.
Eve gave birth with pain.
This was part of the curse.
And death came upon them.
And it was passed on to every one of their offspring
but god had a desire he had a plan from the beginning to save the human race
and thousands of years later his only begotten son jesus christ left heaven and entered our dimension of time space and matter and he came into this dimension
as an embryo and he inserted himself in the womb of a young virgin named mary
he was born in bethlehem and the angels sang. Why did they? What did they sing?
Peace on earth, goodwill toward men. They weren't announcing the end of wars. They were announcing
that there was peace between God and the human race. There was goodwill now coming from heaven
to earth. Peace on earth, goodwill toward men.
Why was this peace here, this goodwill?
God was making a way for the human race to be saved,
to escape death, to find a way back to the garden.
And so that baby grew up, became a man,
and the Lord Jesus Christ preached the gospel of the kingdom.
He was crucified by the rebellious Jewish leaders,
the Pharisees who wanted to steal his inheritance.
They convinced the Romans to crucify him.
But Jesus Christ was resurrected.
Almighty God brought him out of the grave.
And I am so grateful that thousands and thousands of Jews in Jerusalem and Israel believed on the name of Jesus Christ.
And they formed or they retained Israel. That was Israel because God removed all the Jews who rejected Jesus Christ.
He removed them from Israel.
And the Jews who believed on the name of Jesus constituted the population of Israel.
And from there, the gospel of the kingdom went out to all the world.
And the good news was preached to the Gentiles, to the non-Jews.
And we were brought in.
We were grafted into Israel.
Jesus told Nicodemus, you must be born again.
And Nicodemus said, how can I be born again?
Am I supposed to go back inside my mother's womb and come out again?
No, no.
Jesus said, that's not how you must
be born of water and spirit. All right. You have to be born again. And it is to repent of your sins
and believe on the name of Jesus Christ and be baptized in water. This is the way. And so I'm saying to you right now,
many of you who are watching me,
you are not saved.
You're not born again,
but you're attracted to this program.
Why are you attracted?
It's the Holy Spirit.
he is here on earth representing almighty God,
his father,
representing God,
our father.
He's here.
The Holy Spirit is here administering the gospel and speaking to individuals, wooing people, tapping them on the shoulder, speaking to them in dreams and visions and putting things in their path and people in their path.
He's trying to get you to come.
The door is going to shut.
This world is coming to an end.
Look around you.
Look at what's happening.
How many signs do you need?
How much evidence do you need?
Christ is coming.
Jesus Christ is coming.
And if you're not ready,
if your name is not in the Lamb's book of life,
you need to get this done before you go to sleep tonight. You make peace with God, the creator.
Yes. The creator, the creator of the universe. Make peace with him before you go to sleep tonight.
Look, we've got more news. I want to finish up here in the next few minutes. Our title was supposed to be supply shortage supply chains.
Here we are an hour and 10 minutes into this.
And we haven't even talked yet about how the supplies are going to be.
There is a lack of supply of godly preaching.
There is a lack of supply of repentance and the message of hope in the world.
We addressed one of the supply
shortages, the lack of supply chain. Right. And I would encourage people, if you're going to prep,
make sure the first thing that you store is the word of God in your heart.
Get the word deep down in your heart. Okay. We have a report from ABC Television Channel 7 in New York City, Westchester County.
There are 26 people in Westchester County, New York, that are in quarantine today.
Watch this report from ABC.
CBS New York.
Is it CBS?
CBS New York.
It says on my paper, ABC.
All right. So here it is. Whoever did it my paper, ABC. Okay. All right.
So here it is.
Whoever did it, we thank him.
Here it is.
People in Westchester are being monitored tonight after possible exposure to coronavirus.
And on the same day, hundreds of Americans are heading home after two weeks in federal quarantine.
CBS 2's Allie Bauman here now with the latest on that.
Well, Christina Maurice, county officials say the 26 patients in Westchester are being quarantined as a precaution
because even though they haven't shown any symptoms of the novel coronavirus,
they may have recently been exposed to the illness abroad.
This as China saw a second straight day of declines in new cases.
But worldwide, there are still more than 75,000.
This is serious, but it has not reached a stage by which undue speculation is warranted.
Health officials say 26 people are currently being quarantined in Westchester County,
most in their own homes. And while none have shown symptoms of the novel coronavirus or COVID-19,
all have recently returned to New York from areas where the disease is more prevalent.
The county is making sure that the individuals have everything they need to maintain their separation, their isolation within their homes.
So food, medications, whatever they need, we're ensuring that they have these things.
County officials say doctors are able to video conference with patients around the clock
while monitoring their conditions.
You're watching to see if people develop symptoms of the disease.
And at that point, you would then test them if they did.
While there have been no positive cases of coronavirus in New York state,
there are currently 15 confirmed cases across the U.S.
All right. So that was CBS Television, New York City,
local affiliate. But 26 people in Westchester County, New York, right now today in quarantine
for coronavirus. And the county's plan right now is to be their lifeline, to bring them food,
bring them medication. But with 26 cases. China clearly got overwhelmed even
trying this strategy. Yeah. Hey, we got some new pictures in from China. They are they have now
deployed 40 mobile incinerators to burn debris. And also it cleans the air. So I guess they don't want that,
those yellow clouds to appear on maps that people wonder, what are they burning?
So this is a picture out of China today. They have 40 of these units now in Wuhan.
What do you think they're burning? I don't think it's vegetables and I don't think it's clothes. I think they brought this in, as you noted here, the CIA satellites and other satellites around the world were picking up an odd increase in gas emissions in the country.
Now they can cover it up with their own mobile incineration machines.
Yeah. And I also saw today, Edward, I know you saw it.
I don't think we have the video, maybe we'll bring it out tomorrow. They also introduced a miniature tank. This is a remote
control robotic tank that sprays disinfectants on the streets. Yes, it actually, you use it
essentially like the size, I'd say it's about
maybe the size of three dogs, about that, you know, and has the same sounds as a tank,
but it will stop. Those are big dogs. Yeah, of course, big dogs. I'm thinking of Great Danes,
but in this case, the Great Dane is the explosion of sprays that happen when it stops. It's the freakiest thing I think I've seen so far. But it
may be, again, a sign that it won't be a tank that's rolling through your town doing this in
the future. It'll be a physical robot. How far are we from that if they're already deploying
remote-controlled sprayers? I'm waiting to see it any day. We're going to see robotic soldiers on the streets enforcing quarantines.
I'm going to give you a photograph of what it looks like now to be.
Oh, there it is.
There's the tank.
Oh, yeah.
Control your brain.
See, that's bigger than three dogs, Edward.
Look at that.
That's a large tank there.
That's a thing of three gators.
That's about three gators.
So, but anyhow, this thing sprays disinfectant on the street.
So this is operating.
There he goes.
Hey, we actually got some video.
Look at that.
Here it is.
What would you say, Rick, if you're walking down the street and you see this odd contraption stopping?
Well, you're not allowed on the street.
Oh, sorry.
It's only one for a family.
You'd have to be watching out the window and wondering what they're spraying out of that promo-controlled tank.
I want to show you a photograph of what some airline flights in the United States look
like now.
I'm not doing any flying.
I've clipped my wings and will be staying home.
I'm not interested in going anywhere right now.
And if you know me, that's quite a change.
But this one, let's see, this is this one that we have.
Was this a.
Do you want to see the video from the New York Post or you want to see.
What's the number?
OK, yeah, I want to see from the New York Post.
That's 21, 21.
So, Rick, this video, again, it was played in loop on their website because I guess the video is itself of people wearing this.
This man. This is an Australian flight. Australian flight. Yes, this is an Australian flight.
They're fully donned in protective. It looked like they put an entire transparent trash bag over his head to fly.
All right. Let's take a look at this. This is number 21 Now, they're not wearing trash bags just yet in America, but we know because of Doc, Doc's flight, that masks have become the standard for any flights now going to Asia.
Yeah, so there's entire flight crew, flight attendants, pilots, the entire crew were wearing masks and a lot of passengers.
This is Doc's flight today.
This is in Asia. This is Atlanta, Georgia.
Yeah, this is a plane leaving Atlanta to fly to the Philippines. And so you can see that it's already changed the behavior
of Americans flying internationally. I've seen strange things on flights, but this is
especially like that one we just saw from Australia. Okay. Hong kong this is number 22 i got this from south china morning post
hong kong retailers stage unprecedented strike in 14 shopping centers to demand
lifeline as foot traffic plunges amid coronavirus outbreak. Okay, the retailers, the store owners went on strike.
Not the store employees.
The store owners went on strike.
Those who pay rent to the overall malls and the other.
They closed their stores in the malls.
14 malls telling the mall owner, cut our rent, reduce our rent.
We can't pay the rent.
There's nobody here.
And it's not even just the coronavirus.
This, again, is the effect from the protests,
which began really of last summer.
They were never able to make it over the hump,
make it over the obstacle of not making profit
during their biggest time of year,
especially the Lunar New Year.
Should have made a ton of money during that time.
Cathay Pacific, the Hong Kong airline, again, more financial trouble.
They've halted all flights between Hong Kong International Airport and Tel Aviv Ben Gurion Airport. and airport. We also have here, let's get into the disruption to the supply chain. Now, folks,
I've been warning you for weeks that you've only have weeks to prepare. Now, if you're chilled out
about this and you're not bothered about this you don't have anything
to worry about here okay or if you've been proactive for years and you've been preparing
then you're you know you're already uh you already have a stockpile you already have
your supplies and and so that's good but if you have none and you're not taking this seriously, well, I'm trying to wake you up.
This situation is intensifying by the day.
And the disruption to the supply chain has already started.
We were talking about this weeks ago.
And the establishment news media is only starting to talk about it.
You see it mainly in the financial news sectors, CNBC, Wall Street Journal, Financial Times of London.
They're talking about it, but you're not going to see it on Fox News or CNN.
They're barely talking about anything like this because they want all the focus on politics and stupid idiotic topics but I'm really strongly encouraging you to prepare for
a major disruption in the supply chain and we're going to run through some some
stories very fast here Reuters China's a virus hit industrial cities start to
ease curbs restore restore production. Now,
this is the propaganda coming out of China. Yeah, they're claiming it's over. It's over.
We're going back to work. I don't believe it. And the production lines don't believe it. The
ships not leaving China for Southern California don't believe it. And as you look at this,
this will have an effect not just in the technology sectors of Asia and the United States, but everything from toys to even products being sold in Walmart, any tchotchke or even candy.
Anything you're going to maybe want to buy for Easter is going to be disrupted by this. here says this is from Morgan Stanley. Macro and micro data suggest production activities are
resuming at a slow pace in China, reaching 60 to 80 percent of normal levels by the end of February
and normalizing only by mid to late March. If the spread of the virus is not contained within the
next two weeks, the disruption to production could extend into the second quarter.
Well, Morgan Stanley wrote this report a week or two ago.
Before numbers are coming out like from Shanghai, 78 percent of companies don't even have enough staff to run a full production line.
78 percent of companies out of the center of production in Asia. Shanghai
is the super city for not just plastics, but all industrial goods. Morgan Stanley's predictions
next quarter could be far worse than dire. You might even see China no longer be the second
largest economy in the world. I mean, dare I say, they would drop, not increase. As some
predicted, they would surpass the United States. They're not going
to meet that marker now. No, they're not. Barron's, their headline, U.S. manufacturers
face staff shortages in China due to coronavirus. So these are American corporations that have
businesses in China. And the U.S. owned corporations are now reporting this is
based on a survey by the American Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai 78% of
American companies operating in China told the Chamber of Commerce they do not
have enough staff to run their production lines. That means no goods being produced. Almost 80 percent.
So don't believe this propaganda news that's circulating today saying China's getting back
to work. No, they're not. They're not getting back to work. And and if you if you if you fall
for that stuff, it's going to be to your own detriment in a couple of weeks when you realize, no, the the the inventory supply has contracted severely.
From what I can tell, we're going to start seeing here in America, we're going to start seeing shortages appearing in stores sometime in April.
That's what it looks like to stores sometime in April. That's what it looks like to me.
Sometime in April. Now, one reason, Edward, is that a lot of stuff comes from China in
shipping containers. And it takes about a month to arrive to North America. So stuff
that left a month ago in China is just showing up now. But the
containers aren't leaving this month.
That's right.
So when do you start seeing the shortages? Late March, early April? That's when the dominoes
start falling.
And once you see the shortages, there obviously are people that are paying money
back to these factories, these shippers. and that isn't even talking about the shortage of drivers, for example, something that China is experiencing to just get the goods from the factory to the port itself before it's even placed on a ship.
Absolutely. Let's run through some headlines very quickly.
Los Angeles Times from toys to Tesla's China's coronavirus disrupts flow of global business.
They quote one chief executive, Isaac Larian.
He said the situation is a disaster, frankly.
Next headline.
This comes from Al Jazeera. Virus fallout. India braces for massive supply chain disruptions.
And so I spent some time today reading newspapers out of India and realizing that they're already being hit. I'm talking about their factories already shutting down in India because they get so much.
The raw materials.
Their raw materials come from China.
They manufacture things in India, but the raw materials come from China.
And so Indian corporations are already shutting down because of a lack of raw materials coming in.
Next one.
This is from NDTV, this New Delhi television.
Components supply chain could be disrupted if coronavirus outbreak persists longer.
And it says the Indian auto industry could see manufacturing constraints over the lack
of component supplies
due to the virus outbreak in China. Thinking about it, a little more than 25, 27 percent of
India's auto component imports are coming from China. So again, one fourth of their industry
is affected by the lack of supply coming from their neighbor. But if that one part prevents you from finishing the unit.
Because you can't have planes without parts.
It doesn't matter if only 25% comes from China.
If that one part.
It could be 1%.
They couldn't finish that product, that car.
Another one from New Delhi TV, Jaguar Land Rover shipping.
Listen to this.
Jaguar Land Rover is shipping auto parts in suitcases to India.
That's how desperate they are to get the part.
Think about that, Edward. At another location outside of India, corporate executives at Jaguar or Land Rover are saying, just put the parts in a suitcase.
Anything can get the parts there.
That's how desperate they are.
Another one, New Delhi TV.
Generic drug makers may face supply shortages from China.
Pay attention to this one.
Almost 70% of the active pharmaceutical ingredients for medicines are coming from China.
That's not just India.
Okay, this story is coming out of India, out of New Delhi,
but that's a story you can tell anywhere in the world because every country is dependent on China for this.
Pharmaceuticals are either made in China or the active ingredients are made in China. And we're not even talking about the
packaging of that medication, that bottle, the plastic bottle comes from China.
CNN business drug makers could be hit by the coronavirus. India is especially vulnerable.
Are you starting to get the idea now this week?
They're now starting to admit there's a supply chain disruption coming.
Next one is WCNC expert warns of mass medicine shortages. says time is running out. Imagine birth control pills, HIV, Alzheimer's disease,
bipolar disorder, high blood pressure,
colon cancer, antidepressants,
and 90% of antibiotics gone from pharmacies.
That's what people in the industry are now saying and so again i've been telling you for weeks
there's going to be a major disruption in supplies it looks to me like it's going to start hitting
in april and it's it's going to have an effect on the civility of society there's the antidepressant
part selective reuptake inhibitors are often the case. And we look at shooters in mass shootings. They've been
on one of these drugs, stopped taking it inadvertently, and they go on a psychotic rampage.
That's not in every case, but individuals are on these drugs and others. There is an effect when
you have to go cold turkey. Many are going to be forced to go cold turkey just by the fact there
won't be supplies to give to them. That's a good point. I hadn't thought about that, Edward. Okay. So the
U.S. FDA, Food and Drug Administration, they put out a statement a couple of days ago,
FDA's actions in response to coronavirus at home and abroad. And I just want to read a few lines. This is an official FDA
statement. We are keenly aware that the outbreak will likely impact the medical product supply
chain, including potential disruptions to supply or shortages of critical medical products in the
U.S. We are not waiting for drug and device manufacturers to report shortages to us.
We are proactively reaching out to manufacturers as part of our vigilant and forward-leaning approach
to identifying potential disruptions or shortages.
Again, this is an official statement from the Food and Drug Administration of the United States government.
And they are now admitting they're expecting a disruption in the supply of medical devices and and pharmaceuticals.
They're talking about the masks, for example, and 95 masks, but also drugs. In China, what the government did when they were at this stage is they started buying up all the supply, preemptively creating storehouses and stockpiles of this.
That completely drained the availability for the public. You think here in America,
the effect of that will be you can no longer go on Amazon to buy medical supplies. You're not
going to be able to call a company directly. And if you work, if you own a company like this,
you probably already have received a call from the FDA and they're putting a halt on your commercial sales.
You may later this year need a permit from the federal government to purchase certain things.
In that FDA article, again, the statement from the FDA, I found one particular line. It's OK. So the the U.S. Food and Drug Administration does inspections of Chinese
corporations. I don't know if you know that, Edward. I didn't know. So so much of our our
medicine and our food makes sense. It makes sense to do our food and medicine comes from China. So much so that the U.S. FDA has inspectors in China to inspect
the quality of the Chinese production. I found this line in the FDA statement.
The FDA conducts approximately 500 inspections per year in China,
with the majority of these inspections being for drugs, foods, and medical devices.
Here's the catcher line, the killer line.
The FDA is not currently conducting inspections in China due to the State Department warning against travel to China.
Quality control has gone out the window.
You get this, folks?
The U.S. FDA is doing no inspections in China.
That is incredible.
You have no idea.
If you do get something from China, you have no idea whatsoever whether it meets U.S. standards.
And they're still going to sell it.
There's nothing in here about we're halting shipments. They're just not inspecting them
at the production zone anymore. No. That was an amazing revelation to me.
OK, so the FDA is saying, hey, we're out. We're gone. We're not sending our inspectors into China
right now. We care so much about the safety of inspectors
we are not going to look out for the safety of the consumer yes we're just going to take their word
that it's of high quality south china morning post china's surgical mask shortage ripples
through global supply chain as health crisis continues. And the story goes into detail about the shortage of masks,
not only in Hong Kong and Asia, but around the world.
Look at the image, the United States, the European Union. This is a global shortage of N95 respirators. And this story is not about the general public wanting to buy masks.
It's about hospitals, medical clinics unable to buy masks.
That's what's shocking in this.
The people treating and basically helping those in quarantine are not able to get protective gear so they don't get infected themselves.
Just regular hospital for, I mean, surgery and dental offices, they can't get masks.
It doesn't matter if it's just, if it's, if somebody's trying to get a mask.
It's any regular medical needs.
You know, the neighborhood walk-in clinic can't get masks.
Next one is from K-R-O-N-T-V-4 in San Jose, California.
Coronavirus fears lead to mask shortages in the Bay Area health clinics.
Talks about places like Foothill Community Health Center
in Santa Clara say they can't get their hands on N95 masks. They're running out of surgical
and procedure masks. Foothill has 13 clinics across the county and all of them are facing shortages. Market Watch, coronavirus could drive up out of
stock. Excuse me, let me read this. Coronavirus could drive up out of stocks at stores by April,
says Wells Fargo. Wells Fargo Bank is warning that American retailers will start experiencing shortages by April.
So I'm right on the money on this.
Yes, 60 to 90 days, the analysts gave.
60 to 90 days.
This is, shoppers could start seeing empty store shelves as soon as mid-April,
according to Wells Fargo analysts who say concern about the supply chain is rising among retailers.
And it mentions the major retailers, Walmart, Target, so forth.
And they're bracing for exporting goods.
We talked about Target and Walmart, two of the biggest shopping locations for most Americans.
This is every logistics store that has any supply chain that's built out of cheap work and cheap production in China.
All right. Hey, we're at one hour, almost 37 minutes.
And, you know, we can keep going, folks.
You know, there may be a day that True News is just 24-7.
We're just, I would not be surprised, Edward,
that there's so much stuff happening by the day
that God just enlarges this,
this ministry. We're, we're,
this is the countdown to the second coming of Jesus Christ. And,
you know,
we can continue for another hour with what we have gathered today.
We've just barely scratched the surface.
What we wanted to get across to you is that there's a supply chain disruption.
You have weeks to prepare.
By the way, the food that we ordered for our team, I got two things.
Number one, it's paid for.
Praise the Lord.
One True News supporter said the Lord put it on her heart to pay for that food.
So it's paid for. My credit card bill hasn't even arrived and and it's already paid.
That's how God's economy works. That's that's faith in action.
And that individual will be blessed. That individual will go through this crisis
with God providing for her needs
because she provided for this ministry's needs.
She put the staff of this ministry ahead of her own need.
God will put her needs at the top of his list.
All right.
So praise God, it's already paid for.
Number two, the company, the manufacturer, the food processor.
And again, when we're talking about, you know, freeze dried food, emergency preparedness
food, there's only about three major processors in the United States of America.
There's some small ones, but I'm talking about the big boys.
The ones who actually make the stuff, not the brands.
Well, I'm talking about, I mean, there are smaller, but they can't do the volume.
I'm talking about, you know, it's the 80-20 rule, all right?
And so there's only three processors that produce about 80 percent of the emergency food supply in the United States.
And so we had placed an order with one of them to give food to our staff.
And now when I bought it, when I ordered it, I ordered the items that they said were in stock.
And I skipped over the ones that said out of stock.
It would make sense, right?
We're trusting the advertising.
So we're, yeah, well, you know, I'm like, I want to get it here as quickly as possible.
So the company called me today.
They just wanted to verify the address, where to ship it.
They wanted to make sure that we were the rightful purchasers of it. And I
appreciate them doing that. And I said, so what day next week will we be receiving it? And he
said, oh, no, sir. He said, we are about five weeks behind schedule right now. I thought,
wait a minute. I ordered this last week. Your website
said it was in stock. You're telling me now you're five weeks out. So what he was telling me is that
it probably will not leave their processing plant until the last of March. Now, what am I getting at? What am I getting at? You've got just about a month to to get your supplies.
Because if I would wait until the end of March to order this food, I have a feeling they'll be telling me, well, we're about three to four months behind right now.
We'll try to get it to you at the end of the summer.
As the crisis worsens, it will become impossible to get things.
It means that those in the know, we're getting it in January or potentially even before.
If there's a five-week wait now, we're in mid-February.
Look, I'm not selling anything.
Anything I'm selling is this book, okay? I want you to get the book. It's $29. not selling anything. Everything I'm selling is this book. Okay.
I want you to get the book.
It's $29.95 plus shipping.
I want you to get the book.
All right.
Eat the book.
All right.
Devour this book.
That's the only thing I'm selling here.
I want you to know about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
I'm passing on the information to you about food, whatever you need, basic supplies. If you have children, you need diapers.
What are the things that you need? What if you couldn't buy certain things?
A minimum 30 days. But what if it stretches out? See, if the supply chain breaks,
you could be talking about a year disruption.
The way that you've operated, how you've gone grocery shopping weekly, that's completely out of the window in these scenarios.
You will now have certain items that you might be able to get, especially if you're in some parts of the country with a great road system, the supply system intact.
But many items, milk, cheese, food for your dogs.
We've talked about that. That's right. You won't be able to get it. And you know how
much pet food comes from China? A lot. A lot of it. A lot of pet food is made in
China. Do you have a way to filter water? Okay, so are you able to take water out of a pond, a lake, a swimming pool?
Do you have a way to filter that water? You should, because what if, what if the water system
shuts down because there are no employees to run the city utility? All right? That's how bad this can get.
So you should have a way to filter water.
At least you can drink water out of your swimming pool,
out of the pond, someplace, you know,
where you can just filter the water and consume it.
Listen, there are filters out there that do that.
You should have them on hand.
Start thinking through worst case scenario. What do you need? How do you survive?
The food that you have, how would you cook it? And really, how would you have if it's dehydrated?
How do you how do you hydrate if you don't have water? Do an actual test with your family.
Actually try the food. You don't want to try it for the first time when you're starving.
As we see here, it's not just on a private level. If you have an opportunity now,
businesses, capacitors, batteries, these other things, you have to think in a way that your business may not be able to get necessary equipment,
necessary parts that do come from China. You need to get them now before
they're out of complete stock. You won't be able to operate anymore.
That's right. Okay. We can't operate anymore right now. We're way past our time. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for watching.
Please share this program. Please order the book. Final day. What is the final day? It's the last
day of the human race as we have known it. That's what the final day is. It's the day Jesus Christ
comes back and turns out the lights on this sinful world.
And those of you who have been born again and your name is in the book of life, you will start the first day of eternity.
And there will be a new earth and a new heaven.
And I don't even think we will even remember this place.
That's my personal view.
I believe God just erases it
completely from our minds. I think he just gives us a new start. Why would we want to think about
this? Why would we want to think about our loved ones, our friends who did not make it into eternity
in the kingdom of God, but are trapped in the lake of fire.
I don't want to think about that.
And I think God just wipes it all from our mind.
But it's the final day, the last day.
What happens?
This book is about what happens on the last day of the human race.
There are 10 characteristics of the second coming of Jesus Christ. Go to,
click the banner at the top. The book is $29.95 plus the shipping. And hey, some people have been
asking, will you keep autographing them? So I told the staff today, I said, okay, put it back up on
the website. I'll keep doing it. I'm still signing every morning.
I'm signing books from, well, really up until about noon.
And it's, but I'll keep it up.
I'll keep doing it.
So it's, we're asking for a hundred dollar donation
to keep this ministry strong and going and vibrant.
We appreciate your support.
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