TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Did DOGE Discover Subterranean Government Funding Mechanism?
Episode Date: February 18, 2025The Department of Government Efficiency, led by tech billionaire Elon Musk, claims it discovered a whopping $4.7 trillion in government disbursements by the U.S. Treasury that are almost impossible to... trace. This shocking news came days after DOGE discovered the number of Social Security numbers vastly outnumbers the U.S. population, and that the Social Security files have people who are over 150 years old.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 02/18/2025Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Because strength comes from smart preparation. American Reserves,
your ally in emergency readiness. Visit our website and become prepared today. The Department of Government Efficiency, led by tech billionaire Elon Musk, claims it discovered a whopping $4.7 trillion in government disbursements
by the U.S. Treasury that are almost impossible to trace. The shocking news
came days after Doge discovered that the number of Social Security numbers vastly outnumbers the U.S. population and that the Social Security Administration files have people who are over 150 years old.
This is true news for Tuesday, February 18, 2025.
Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news with this article about Doge's discovery of untraceable trillions
yes there's a new phrase doc untraceable trillions i like that uh so uh the article says that the
department of government efficiency doge said an identification field in federal government transaction reports for $4.7 trillion in payments had often been left blank.
Right. This is known as a TAS symbol or Treasury Access symbol that the Department of Treasury defines as an identification code for an appropriation, a receipt receipt or other fund account.
When blank, made traceability nearly impossible, according to Doge, the White House unit led by Elon Musk.
All federal government financial transactions are classified by TAS symbols for reports to the Treasury Department and the Office of Management and Budget. The field became required for the individual filling it out as of Saturday.
Prior to Saturday, it wasn't required, Rick,
which added that change improves insight into where money is actually going.
Well, that's where it's – we'll know where it's going from Saturday on. But the fact that $4.7 trillion of money was dispersed without
any transaction code on it, Rick.
From the United States Treasury.
This is the tweet that Doge posted on
Twitter. Right. So the Treasury access symbol is an ID code
linking a Treasury payment to a budget line item.
In the federal government, the TAS field was optional for $4.7 trillion in payments
and was often left blank, making traceability almost impossible.
As we mentioned, as of Saturday, it's now required.
Thanks to U.S. Treasury for the great work, cooperation between Scott Besant and Elon Musk.
But the fact that this is going on for – I mean, this is not an accident.
This is not a galley.
We just forgot to fill out the form there.
Doc, I'm going to submit a suspicious activity report.
Yeah. there doc i'm i'm going to submit a suspicious activity report yeah oh no if you go down to the
bank and take out three four thousand dollars cash the bank is required to file a suspicious
activity report with the u.s treasury department right because doc burkhardt came in and took out
three thousand dollars in cash these these turkeys are transferring nearly $5 trillion without any traceability.
At some point, this is when the people are going to become so furious.
When they finally can wrap their heads around the scope, the depth of the corruption.
You and I were talking yesterday after the program about Social Security.
You've got elderly people barely making it month to month, hoping that maybe they'll get a little increase in Social Security.
And now we know that there are fictitious people 150 years old getting Social Security.
That there are tens of millions of Social Security accounts above the number of the population of the entire country.
I think, Doc, what Elon Musk has discovered, and I'm certain that he's using AI.
I don't think the deep state ever anticipated AI being used against him.
And I really believe they're using AI, and mechanism that the deep state used to finance the subterranean government.
The underground subterranean government.
Doc, I have believed for years, 25 years of looking at this stuff. I came to the conclusion years ago that there is a secret government
below ground, and I believe they're in tunnels, actual real tunnels. I believe that there is a
subterranean government. It has its own constitution, their own laws, their own laws their own congress their own courts there's another government
operating below us and we fund it
and the money is sucked out of the of the taxpayers it goes into these
government agencies that are on the surface,
goes down these black holes,
can't be traced,
goes into the secret accounts of the subterranean government, and from there,
they disperse it to their henchmen, their agencies.
And this is how NGOs, think tanks, ops have all been all these things i and i
i am convinced major religious ministries also maybe a different system but yes but the same
pattern just wait it's going to show up it's going to show up that some of the biggest names on Christian television and radio are funded through USAID and other nefarious funding mechanisms.
I believe that.
It's going to be brought out.
So what we're finding is that this is the way they've been funding the operation used against us.
Yes, we've been paying for it.
That's what frustrates me.
We've been paying for it.
I've been writing checks every year for it.
That's right.
And so people are told, well, you won't be able to retire now until you're 70. You won't be able to your Medicare
request was denied. Or if you're a veteran
you can't have that surgery that you need. You've got to wait nine months.
Yes. While trillions of dollars was going into
these greedy hands for who knows what
revolutions, assassinations, to these greedy hands for who knows what.
Revolutions, assassinations,
the destabilment of governments,
promoting all kinds of wicked,
evil schemes and plans.
Satan was stealing.
This is, we're really seeing Satan's subterranean government.
And it's been outed.
What I am watching for are the signs of people going out of business.
And D.C. is a perfect example of that.
People putting their houses on the market, unemployment claims.
Real estate crashed in the D.C. market.
D.C., Montgomery County, Maryland, Fairfax County, Virginia.
The market has crashed.
Nearly a 40% drop in property values in two weeks.
People are fleeing.
The game's over.
They know it.
And they know that at least for the next four years, there's not going to be any money made.
And if the cuts are deep enough, it'll be a lot longer than four years if the cuts are deep enough.
And, Doc, it's more than losing the money.
A lot of them know they could end up in prison.
That's coming.
When they drill down deep enough and they find how this was done.
See, when you hear somebody talking about doge and government waste, just forget that.
When you hear about government waste, you're wasting your breath calling it waste.
This is deliberate theft.
Although they'll put projects there that on the surface and say,
oh, that was wasteful.
You funded a transvestite opera somewhere.
How do you know the money went to a transvestite opera?
Did anyone see the opera?
Did anyone show up? Who would spend money to travel somewhere to go see a transvestite opera?
Nobody's going to look.
Nobody's going to investigate.
But these projects are given titles.
But the money never goes to those projects.
They're going into secret bank accounts of this subterranean government.
And so once you understand that Elon Musk has, he's picked up the lid on a septic tank that is so deep that none of us know if it has a bottom.
And nobody really wants to go down and look and see what's in there.
Is this having impact anywhere else? Oh, it is in Europe.
Take a look at this story. Soros network
fleeing to Europe after Trump's USAID crackdown.
Hungary Prime Minister says he
won't let them. That's right. What is going on, Doc?
Well, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Tuesday vowed to safeguard the European continent
from NGO networks led by Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros, which he alleged
are fleeing to Belgium now. Following Donald Trump's crackdown on USAID,
Victor Orban posted on X this, warning, our fears have come true.
The globalist liberal Soros NGO network is fleeing to Brussels
after President Trump dealt a huge blow to their activities in the U.S.
Now 63 of them are asking Brussels for money
under the guise of various human rights projects.
Not going to happen.
We will not let them find safe haven in Europe.
The USAID files expose the dark practices of the globalist network.
We will not take the bait again.
And then we have this article from the Hungarian conservative as well.
We must sweep the Soros network out of Hungary.
So this is, you know,
Viktor Orban, of course,
has been in this mindset for quite some time.
But now I believe that he's going to start
gaining some real traction.
Doc, there is a global rebellion
against the globalists.
They're in trouble. The World Economic Forum, There is a global rebellion against the globalists.
They're in trouble.
The World Economic Forum, Bilderberg, the network, the George Soros network.
We're going to find out that George Soros hasn't spent as many of his billions as we were told he spent.
Yeah, why would you?
It's just called the George Soros Network.
And we're made to believe that he is giving billions and billions and billions of dollars.
No, they're stealing billions and billions from us.
And giving it in the name of George Soros. And sitting back and laughing.
And we're directing our anger and frustration at George Soros. And sitting back and laughing. And we're directing our anger and frustration at George Soros.
Instead of the people who are
The real thieves are the ones that are running this subterranean government.
The next one.
Oh, so yesterday the big story about the mysterious Social Security accounts.
So look what happened today.
The head of Social Security resigned.
She doesn't want to answer questions, Doc.
No, Social Security Administration acting commissioner has stepped down from her role over the agency, mainly because of the DOGE efforts to access Social Security recipient information,
according to two people familiar with the official's departure
who were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.
Acting Commissioner Michelle King, who you see there on the screen,
her departure from the agency over the weekend after more than 30 years of service
was initiated after King refused to provide DOge staffers at the Social Security Administration with access to sensitive information.
White House spokesperson Harrison Fields released a statement Monday night saying President Trump has nominated the highly qualified and talented Frank vincignano to lead the social security
administration we expect him to be swiftly confirmed in the coming weeks in the meantime
the agency will be led by a career social security anti-fraud expert as the acting commissioner
until that time also doc cnbc reporting department of homeland Security preparing to fire hundreds of senior leaders this week.
And I wanted to get down just to the basics here.
And this is the firings come on top of hundreds of more firings have already occurred at DHS.
But at the bottom of this article, it said, this week, three sources told NBC News, career employees at high managerial levels, this again, Homeland Security, namely, Senior Executive Service and General Schedule 15 employees may be removed from agencies across DHS, not to reduce the size of the workforce, but to remove employees
whom the administration sees as potentially standing in the way of the goals of the Trump
So, Homeland Security includes FBI.
FBI is under Homeland Security.
I thought it was under Department of Justice.
You're right. You're right.
I'm wrong. You're right.
And Secret Service is under Treasury.
But Homeland Security,
I believe,
I believe this is connected to the
assassination attempts.
I think so, too. Yes.
I think the Trump administration has a list
of people whom they
know knew something about
the assassination attempts.
And they're going after them.
I agree with that.
They are going after them. And you notice the people
that are getting fired, they're not talking.
They're just putting their houses up
for sale and getting out of town before they get arrested.
Something big is underway.
And even the few that are talking that were relieved from various agencies, they're getting shut down so quickly.
They had a couple in 60 Minutes this past weekend.
And they were supposedly fired from USAID, but they were both contractors.
I mean, they weren't even federal employees.
So their contracts got canceled.
That's not firing.
Your contract got canceled.
More states embracing Trump's crackdown on remote government work.
Yeah, the big change
that's taking place now.
You've got to come into work, folks.
So it's in government agencies,
the federal government,
the state governments,
county, city governments
are telling employees
come back to work.
You've got people
who have not been in the office
since 2020.
Half a decade, Doc.
I mean, another five years, it would be a decade since they showed up
for work. Now, you may have
heard this over the weekend. J.P. Morgan
CEO Jamie Dimon. I'm not going to play the audio.
It would have more edits and bleeps we played it on friday you did play it yes it was the bleeps bleep bleep bleep okay
so you already did it but he read the right act to uh the uh gen z years uh on the call and i mean
he was i tell you what whatever he's drinking's drinking now, it's woken him up.
And so he, I'll tell you what it is, Doc.
I heard him in the audio say, he said, I come to work seven days a week.
No, that's it right there.
That's it. I sent that audio to some of our team managers, and I said, this is a baby boomer talking to Gen Z employees.
This is what we sound like.
And not me.
I don't cuss like that.
All right?
But you have to understand the mindset.
What Jamie Dimon was saying was, I'm fed up coming to work seven days a week and you're sitting at home in your
pajamas. But you know what, Rick? I find it a bit disingenuous
of Jamie Dimon to come out and say that because he went right along with
all the Biden policies. Of course he did. Of course he did. Just rolled
along with it. But now it's a new day.
You're absolutely right. He back he's got he has
the political cover to do what he wanted to do in the beginning right but he wouldn't do it when
when the democrats were in control right okay because he he doesn't want bank regulators
messing with his bank and they would of course so now the way you get bank regulators messing
with your bank is to enforce dei yes and they will interfere with and that's why they've been
taking dei down at jp morgan and other banks but the point i'm making here is the world has changed in the last three weeks yes four weeks we're now four weeks
in the trump administration right right the world has changed this country has changed the world has
changed in four weeks and you know what has changed it really i mean you get right down to it artificial intelligence yes that's what Doge is
using the reason why they're downsizing at JP Morgan is AI they don't need these people anymore
that's right I think we're beginning yet to see that first wave of the, you know, AI eliminating jobs.
And it's going to be in the millions here
before the year is out. That's right.
I brought in some articles. Here's
Zero Hedge.
Gen Z faces
difficult labor market due
to AI and their own
bad habits.
So, Doc Gen Z
ages, what, 18 to, what, bad habits. So, Doc Genzy ages what?
18 to what? Now it would be 18 to 30.
18 to 30? Right. Okay. So, if you're
Genzy, listen up to us, okay? This is really important
because your world as you've known it has just
crashed. If you're Genzy and the only thing you've known it, has just crashed.
If you're a Gen Z and the only thing you've known is wokeism.
And working from the home.
And waving pride flags at work.
Right. And expressing your feelings at work.
Or having Fijian basket weaving month at work, whatever it might be.
It's over.
Yes. It's over. Yes.
It's over.
Your generation is smashing into a brick wall right now.
And the jobs are going to disappear.
And nobody's going to listen to you whine and cry.
And I'm being very blunt with folks right now because the workforce is going to become brutal.
Doc, it's going to become brutal over the next five years.
I know this year.
I know.
It's starting this year.
But it's not going to stop.
It's not going to stop. And so this Zero Hedge article is talking about how difficult it's becoming for Gen Z job seekers to find a job because there are fewer jobs and the Gen Z generation has a bad reputation.
You know, habits like, you know, actually getting a job offered.
And the company offers the job.
And on the first day of work, the Gen Z new recruit doesn't show up.
And the new employer is calling their home and calling their cell saying, where are you?
Oh, I got another job.
Because this is the attitude.
I'm not obligated. I don't have to tell you anything. I got another job. Because this is the attitude. I don't, I'm not obligated.
I don't have to tell you anything.
I got another job.
Found one better than yours.
Instead of calling and saying, hey, I found another job.
I'm not going to accept this one.
But, you know, letting the employer, the new employer actually believe that they have filled the position.
And not discovering until the first day of work. Right have filled the position and not discovering until the
first day of work right that the position was still open those are the kind of habits in the
gen c generation that employers are furious with discussing like getting a reputation you know
don't hire them okay so i So, I'm saying this.
If you're in the Gen Z age group.
Well, any age group, really, but especially Gen Z.
But the AI is going to take out jobs by the millions.
It's already started.
I found, now, this video is actually from Fox 26 in Houston.
It's actually a year old.
But I got to share it because they were talking about the work habits or the work, the job seeking activities of Gen Z job seekers.
I didn't know it was this bad, but watch this.
I am so confused by this story.
I don't even know what to think of this.
A new survey by online magazine Intelligent reveals
nearly 20% of Gen Z applicants brought their mom or dad with them to a job interview.
They needed some help, I guess.
I don't know. All right,
here we go. A majority of employers say most college graduates, one, are unprepared for the
workforce. One of the biggest reasons has to do with the interviewing process. Employers say
younger candidates are struggling with eye contact, they're asking for too much money,
and they're not dressing appropriately for the interview. 21% of employers say candidates also
refuse to turn on their cameras for virtual interviews.
See, instead of sitting here, though, and saying things that I shouldn't say,
I should make a video because I feel like in our industry,
we are actually in college taught how to dress and taught how to go into an interview
and eye contact and communicate.
And you see how we're both dressed right now?
This is a good example of how to go to an interview, okay it's for like a fancier job i guess but um if you're like interviewing for an
amusement park or something you can do like the khakis and the polo but come on like you're not
turning the camera on for the interview like i know come on you gotta at least turn the camera
on and i would always say just in any case put shoes on and have the right pants on even if it's
on zoom you never know you never know like stand up and show me your best like i don't know but just make sure you're in pajamas
yeah so don't do that we actually we've had you know applicants here just to let you folks know
we've had applicants here that showed up wearing flip-flops flops. Flip flops.
To impress me why I should
bring them on the team.
All I'm
telling you is that day is over.
When you
voted in Trump,
you voted in
a change of culture.
Oh, yes.
Because Donald Trump,
you try to get a job interview with Donald Trump wearing flip-flops.
See what happens.
He's got a protocol system set in.
They weed him out, but you would never get the first interview.
No. They weed them out, but you would never get the first interview.
So there's a new attitude in the world.
Something's changed. We just flushed out about two decades of wokeism.
It's gone.
In four weeks.
Yes, it's gone.
Wokeism is not coming back the people are not going to let this stuff come back
there are cycles and we just took a strong move to the right and it's worldwide
and this is why this is why in germany is why in Germany they're putting people in prison
for their social media posts. Because
the leftists in Germany don't know what to do.
People are speaking their minds. There's a rebellion against this stuff.
Doing the same thing in the UK too. Other European countries. Not all of them
are. Some of them are some of
them are waking up to all of this like lee and hungary of course you you mentioned a couple
minutes ago about ai and that's what i wanted to to talk about here here's another one from cnbc
southwest airlines to slash 15 of corporate jobs in unprecedented move to cut costs.
That's a big cut.
15% of corporate jobs.
It's about 1,800 corporate positions that are going to be eliminated. it now the um the the ceo uh mr jordan said this decision is unprecedented in our 53 year history and the change requires that we make difficult decisions we are at a pivotal moment as we
transform southwest airlines into a leaner faster more, more agile organization. So what has Southwest been doing lately?
Well, they've been investing in AI and robots.
Where are they going to have robots?
Baggage handling.
And the baggage.
All right.
They're going to eliminate human baggage handlers.
Which hopefully will eliminate a lot of theft.
Because theft's become a problem at the airports.
The baggage handlers are stealing out of the suitcases.
You're right. I mean, and it's been going on for a long time
and there are a few airports now that are integrating airport
robots into the baggage handling system. But I think this is the
year you're going to see a massive change in that.
Listen, these airlines are having to compete, you know, with other carriers and everything.
And so they're going to start cutting.
They're going to start looking for ways to implement new technologies, new ways of doing
We're about to see a major overhaul in the air traffic control system.
I mean, we're using World War overhaul in the air traffic control system. I mean,
we're using World War II technology. The computers themselves. In the current air traffic control system. So there's massive changes coming in every industry, but you're
going to see big changes in transportation. Hopefully bring some costs down but we'll see what happens cnn reported 41
of companies worldwide plan to reduce workforces by 2030 due to ai this is globally right not just
america 41 of all the companies in the world right i mean even uh you know uh, Wall Street is facing this as well.
We have this from Fortune magazine.
Wall Street job losses may top over 200,000 as AI replaces roles.
This includes in stock trading, in managing portfolios.
I can see within a year or two, why would you even need a stockbroker anymore, stock analyst anymore?
You're just dealing with numbers and data.
You can't go by gut feelings anymore.
You can't go by, well, I got a tingle in my ears on a stock.
No, it's going to be dollars and cents, numbers, pluses and minuses.
I was looking online.
I heard the ad on radio, on satellite radio, SiriusXM.
I heard an ad for an AI-driven stock brokerage firm.
Oh, sure.
It's like, well, why would you want a human if you can have AI that's making faster and smarter decisions on investments.
What's the point in having a human?
And so you're going to see a lot of stockbrokers
and a lot of agents out of work very, very soon.
I mean, you could own a major stock brokerage company and employ very few humans and be at the top of the field right now.
Another one.
Well, you just mentioned Wall Street.
So that's just one industry, just the financial industry.
Look at Salesforce.
Salesforce reportedly cuts 1,000 jobs while adding AI salespeople.
They're firing 1,000 humans and hiring AI salespeople.
Not salespeople who sell AI, but. AI that sells Salesforce. Right. So Salesforce
is reportedly cutting over a thousand jobs while hiring staff
as Rick said. Workers who are displaced will apply for other roles within the
company. We're not here to complement the status
quo. We're here to replace
it. That's coming from Salesforce Senior Vice President General Manager for Retail, Nitin
Maghtani, speaking to the financial outlet payments after the launch. Retailers need
technology, but that doesn't just power transactions, but transforms the entire shopping experience from discovery to checkout.
That's what this Gen AI powered point of sale system is built to do.
They're rolling out a brand new AI driven point of sale software package that's supposedly going to transform the way that people process payments.
And it's going to be completely regulated by artificial intelligence, by AI.
What does Salesforce do?
Salesforce sells software products, online-based products to help with productivity and business.
They've been around for a long time but they've now woken up to the fact that
we're in the software business but we're we're not implementing our own technology right so doc
last month i asked you to tell a private story it's affecting your own life, your wife, Mia, working at the hospital in data records.
And there were 14 people in the department.
In November.
In November.
And they started using AI.
How many people are in the department today?
It's down to four now.
Since November.
In her department.
She's one of the four that remain. And this is the
system that she's a part of is a national healthcare system
with locations all around the country and international locations.
Their data records department has been slashed
by 80% globally. Globally
within the past six months. The past six months? Yeah.
80% reduction in personnel? In data records
personnel. And so
they've caught up with records that have gone back decades.
That's where they're at on it. I think you said about 100
years. Yeah, some of these hospitals had records going back 100 years,
including the one here in Vero Beach back when the nuns ran the hospital.
And they were able to – there's pluses and minuses to it.
I understand the need for it because with it you can accumulate a lot of data,
make health decisions and everything.
It's a cost-cutting thing.
But when you're on the receiving end of the cut, suddenly it's not as fascinating anymore.
Don't worry, folks.
We're not poor or anything.
We're not going to go broke or anything like that.
But it's been interesting to watch this now on a personal level.
You know, my wife will say, we lost another one today.
And so, you know, you've got to be thinking about next.
And it's all due to AI. I mean, it's artificial intelligence.
And it's all happened in six months. Yes. Okay, so
next weekend, we leave for Barcelona, Spain.
For Mobile World Congress.
One year ago, we were in Barcelona for the Mobile World Congress 2024.
And I was in a session.
It was a large session, maybe about 900 people in it.
I don't remember who the speaker was, but he said something that made me perk up and listen to everything he said.
And the way he said it to the business executives and the politicians and the corporate executives who were there, he said it like they all knew it.
I felt like I was the only one in the audience that hadn't gotten the memo and he said
within two years all major companies will have two classes of employees human and non-human
within two years that was 2024 which means that by the end of 2026
all companies he's talking about major companies will have human and non-human employees and he
started talking about how there would be human resources for non-human employees yes that you could have you could have a part of your of
your workforce that's not a human being and it stunned me because he said within two years
so here we are doc we're halfway through it yes and what's happening we're seeing that radical
transformation of various industries it's taking place right now happening we're seeing that radicals transformation of various
industries it's taking place right now only we're only at this part of it folks just a little part
salesforce is is firing a thousand humans and replacing them with non-humans yes and they're
not even robots yeah they're they're they just exist. They're not robots. They're a piece of software floating around.
We haven't even talked about how robots are going to change things.
Yes. Wait until we dump about 250,000 robots
on the market here within the next two years.
Including Elon Musk and several other
companies that are rolling them out.
That's going to change things so much.
It is.
I mean, there are restaurants now that have robot waiters.
Japan has had them for quite some time.
There's a Chinese restaurant up in Orlando that has one we went to.
The robot came up to the table, took our order, didn't talk. Humanoid robot
or like a moving cart? Like a moving cart.
But then everything was done with that
robot, including delivering the food to the table.
And so they didn't set it on the table. You had to take the tray off and stuff like that.
But the fact is, here was at one time that was maybe a waitress and a prep cook that probably did that.
Now you've got ones that do both.
And so McDonald's has rolled out a robot version of McDonald's in Texas.
And so this is going to happen and you you can say well i'm not going to get involved in that
artificial intelligence or i'm not going to mess with a robot you you're not going to be able to
avoid it you don't have a choice i'm not going to use a car you're not going to have a choice
in the matter this is people get upset with us because you guys go to mobile world and you go to these tech conferences and you're so excited about technology and you're
promoting no we're just telling you this is what's happening we're telling you these things so you
know where the world is at and where it's headed i am of the belief that the body of Christ, those of us who call ourselves the children of God, that we should be in the forefront of understanding what's happening in the world.
I agree.
And how we should cope with it and interact with it.
I think of the sons of Issachar.
They knew the times.
They discerned the times and they knew what Israel should do.
They could discern the times that they were living in, and they had wisdom to know what the people of God should do.
That's why I follow the technology, the trends in technology, because it's radically altering our world, and there's no way you're going to escape it.
Just absolutely no way. What you can do is you can allow God to put you on top of the wave.
This is a technology wave that's coming across the world. it's going to wipe out tens of millions of jobs in the next two years.
And a lot of people, low income, low education, low skills, good people, just good, hardworking people get up, go to work.
We interact with people every day,
and these are people who are just doing their best to buy groceries
and just live.
Raise their kids.
Week to week, and their jobs are going to disappear.
I do not know how government is going to solve
that problem.
I mean, some people say UBI.
Everybody's going to
get a universal basic
income. Is that the solution?
Where's that money come from?
Right. Where's
that money coming from?
I don't know. It's got to come out of somebody's pockets okay
i don't see that as a solution i wouldn't want to be paid just to sit home and do what just wait to
die um you know there are more dystopian ideas of what they'll do someday. Just say, hey, we'll
pay your children if you will
self-euthanize. Just put
yourself out. I see that coming.
However, none of those things are for the
people of God. We're called to be the head
and not the tail. We're called to be
the lender, not the borrower.
And my desire is to see God's people on top and leading and moving with the changes in society and not being swept up, not being pulled into the undertow and needing benevolence and financial
help to make it.
God wants you to be on top.
He has a way.
He has a proven way.
He has a system.
He put a system in place for earth.
After Christ comes back, you're not going to need that system.
But now we need that system.
That system is giving to the work of God in faith.
That's it.
I don't care what you want to call it.
You want to call it prosperity gospel.
Call it anything you want to call it.
I call it Bible.
God has always
expected people to bring
an offering to Him.
In the Old Testament, they brought
animals as offerings.
They brought vegetables as offerings.
They brought
They brought offerings
to God. And those offerings were lifted up to worship him.
And the offerings were also for the upkeep of the temple. In the Old Testament times,
the temple had to be kept up. The synagogues had to be financed. God's always had a system for giving. He doesn't
need the money. You need it. He needs your praise. He needs your faith. He needs, that's what he's
seeking from you, your faith in him that you would take from your earnings. And why?
Why does God say give money? I'll tell you why. Because money represents your life.
Yes. You give up 40, 50, maybe 60 hours a week for money. That's your life. You're exchanging hours of your life for money. When you bring money to the Lord,
you're giving the Lord a big chunk of your life. You're saying, this is of my being. This is what
I expended in order to get this money. I'm bringing this to you as an offering.
He blesses your faith. He blesses your faith in him that you would give up part of what you've earned
so that his work on earth would be expanded and that's the financial system he has the system is
in place to pay for the preaching of the gospel but the return onto the giver pays for the needs, the expenses of the giver.
So, you have no reason to fear inflation.
We're in an inflationary cycle.
We're also in a job loss cycle.
You're going to see high unemployment and high prices
for quite some time.
God's people
do not have to be in a state of suffering
or loss. They can be on top.
You could be somebody who's employing others who've lost their jobs.
God can give you wisdom to make investments, to make changes in your life so that you're not caught up by these strong currents of change.
I'm simply encouraging you to become a giver.
Become a giver, a faith giver in 2025.
And you can bust inflation with your faith.
You can outsmart AI.
God will give you wisdom to outsmart AI.
But you got to put your trust in Him
you gotta put your faith in Him
we would like you to partner with us this year
this ministry
is not gonna be the same at the end of this year
as it is today
I promise you that
I can feel it
God's dealing with me about changes that
He's making, the direction that we're going in.
It is in faith, teaching faith and
believing God for miracles and signs and wonders.
This is a new day. Things are changing.
And we are rapidly moving towards the day that Christ comes back.
And if we get a job, it's got to get done.
And God is looking for men and women who will help his preachers get that job finished.
So, why don't you become a partner with us this year?
Make a vow. I'm this year? Make a vow.
I'm asking you to make a vow.
Make a specific dollar vow.
You make that vow to God.
Whether it's $500, $1,000, $5,000.
I'm not saying you pay it today. I'm saying you make a vow that this is how much you're going to give
to True News
in whatever time period as God supplies it to you.
Yes. It works, folks. It does work. I paid my vow last night.
Did you? I sure did. On your miracle money? Yes.
So you got your miracle money and you paid your vow. I paid my vow last night. Did you? I sure did. On your miracle money? Yes. Did you? So you got your miracle money and you paid your vow.
I paid my vow.
You know what you're going to get?
More money.
More miracle money.
You're going to get more miracle money.
All right.
Step into this world.
It's a fun world.
It's a good world.
As you see God moving in your life and blessings coming to you and your life just increasing that's what the lord
has for you and you know i we get so many emails so people say i rick i'm i barely have money
to live on i understand that's why i'm that's why i'm talking to you. That's not God's will.
You got to give something.
You know, if it's only 50 cents, you've given something.
He can't bless zero, but he can bless the 50 cents.
All right.
So there's no excuse.
Step out in faith.
Give something.
You've got something.
Give something and watch what God does.
Doc, would you tell them how to give, please?
And the easiest way to do it is to either use the website or the app.
The website is
You'll see a heart button on the website.
I did exactly that last night when I paid my vow yesterday evening.
And go to Click
on the heart. Very easy to do.
You can also do it on your phone, too.
If you've got the True News app, very easy
to do there as well. If
you'd like to have somebody
that talk to and to take
your information and everything, you can do that as well.
We make it easy. Our toll-free number
is 800-576-2116.
That's 800 57576-2116. And our office manager,
Jody, she goes to the post office every day because people still write us at P.O. Box 399
Vero Beach, Florida 32961. That's P.O. Box 399, Vero Beach, Florida, 32961.
So we'd love to hear from you. We'd love to hear your miracle money stories as well.
And for those of you that are out there right now and you've got a little bit of hair rising up on the back of your neck,
I hate it when they talk about money.
That's the Holy Spirit dealing with you, dealing with your flesh there.
I'm just being dealing with you, dealing with your flesh there. Okay.
I'm just being straight with you.
That's the Holy Spirit dealing with you.
And you need to decide whether or not you're going to choose to believe God by faith and give and support this ministry or, you know, move on.
You know, there's a place for givers in God's kingdom, and God wants you in it. And so I encourage you
prayerfully ask the Lord what he would have you give.
This isn't a donation. You're making an investment in the kingdom of God.
If you're getting angry because we're talking about giving, it's because
your old flesh doesn't want to give an offering to God.
It's just that simple.
All right?
You don't want to give an offering to God.
And so you get angry and say something ugly about a preacher.
You're really angry that God's dealing with you about giving.
I want to switch over here and talk about, we'll talk about gold.
We talked about money.
Let's talk about uh we'll talk about gold we talk about money let's talk about gold so this is the
the gold co report our sponsor gold co so here is uh this report uh goldman sachs raises year-end
gold price forecast to 3100 that's for this year right that. That's Reuters article. Actually, it says Goldman Sachs' report said there's a likelihood it'll go to 3,200.
But they think 3,100 is the safe estimate of where gold is going to be by the end of 2025.
Another report.
This is Barron's.
How much higher can gold prices go?
Wall Street sees more records ahead.
That's today.
That's Barron's today.
And then here's Market Insider.
This was published yesterday.
Traders are scrambling to fly gold bullion across the Atlantic.
Here's why.
And wouldn't say flying it here.
They're flying it to the United States.
People are
moving gold to the United States.
Trump is going to turn
America, his plan
is to turn America into
and military
A juggernaut, yes.
I think he plans on
draining Switzerland.
I think they're going to
set up laws
and they're going to make
storing gold in America
so attractive.
With privacy and security that will be beyond anything Switzerland ever offered.
And it's going to be here in America.
And people are going to move their gold here by the tons.
You're going to see giant vaults
go up in the United States.
Hey, Texas already has one.
All right.
Texas built a gold depository.
You're going to see these gold vaults
being built in America and people moving.
See, right now, the three main places overseas for gold storage.
Switzerland's always been number one.
Right, because of the mountains and everything and the caves.
And then Hong Kong.
But Hong Kong lost its position when the Chinese government took over Hong Kong.
And a lot of people now are scared.
They've got their gold there and they don't know what to do.
They don't know what to do with it.
And then Singapore.
Singapore is very, very attractive to a lot of people.
Donald Trump is going to make America the number one place to own gold.
So that's my prediction.
It's not Gold Co.'s prediction.
That's my prediction.
But my prediction is you would be very wise if you called Gold Co.
And their phone number is 844-960-GOLD.
Again, God's people, the sons of Issachar, they discerned the times and they knew what Israel should do.
And I'm doing my best to discern the times for you.
And part of that discernment is that Donald Trump is transforming America.
And we're already seeing a large amount of gold leaving Europe and being brought to the United States of America.
That only happens if they consider this a safe haven for gold.
So gold is going to be a very, very good asset to invest in.
GoldCo is the people I would recommend.
I've got a few minutes left to tell you about World War III.
And Mr. Zielinski, he's running out of places to visit, Doc.
In desperation.
He went to Istanbul, and he met with President Erdogan of Turkey.
Yeah, we reported yesterday he was on his way to Saudi Arabia.
No, he canceled that trip.
Yeah, he's going to go sometime.
He said March the 10th.
So we'll get to that story yeah he
did he he just doesn't know what to do so he went to see president erdogan and uh this is the daily
happy president erdogan is too to see him oh he's delighted all right um this is the daily sabah in
istanbul president erdogan said Turkey would be an ideal host
for the planned peace discussions between Russia,
the United States, and Ukraine,
as he hosted President Zelensky in the capital Ankara on Tuesday.
Speaking at a joint news conference with Zelensky,
President Erdogan said Turkey has always supported peace
between Russia and Ukraine, blah, blah, blah,
and all that kind of stuff. And he says says given our active diplomacy over the last three years turkey remains an ideal
host for the talks between russia ukraine the united states they you know they haven't decided
where i mean it hasn't been publicized where president putin president trump are going to meet
i hope it's yalta yalta that? That would be unique, wouldn't it?
But Turkey would be an excellent choice, safe choice.
You know, there's an ICC arrest warrant for Putin.
Right, that's true.
Oh, that's going to be, watch that.
Oh, doc.
That's going to be, watch that. Oh, doc. That's going to be a demand.
The ICC is going to have to rescind the arrest warrant.
Put that down on the list of things that the Russians are going to demand.
Well, as we mentioned, President Zelensky did postpone his visit to Saudi Arabia.
But he's getting a little feisty here in the past 24 hours or so.
Zelensky said on Tuesday he'd postpone his visit to Saudi Arabia.
And then in the talks on how to end the war with Russia could not be held behind Ukraine's back.
I quote from this article by Reuters.
We want no one to decide anything behind our backs. No decision can be made without Ukraine
on how to end the war in Ukraine. Zelensky speaking to reporters during
his visit to Turkey. Zelensky said that he had postponed his trip to
Riyadh until March 10th as he did not want any coincidences.
No, you canceled your trip to Riyadh because no one there wanted to talk to you.
Doc, again, he's like a delinquent child who's angry that the adults are meeting in a locked room to talk about him.
And he's not invited, and he doesn't know what they're talking about.
And he's throwing a temper tantrum right now um let's see you read uh which one you
read the reuters yes yeah so the next one is daily mail furious selinsky warns he will never never
accept putin's automatums as he lashes out at u.s russia peace talks don't worry they'll just
replace you yeah he said this is the last one he
says we were never we were not invited to this russian american meeting in saudi arabia it was
a surprise for us i think it was a surprise for many people no no we're not surprised at all
because the war wasn't between ukraine and. It was between the United States and Russia.
And you were the little puppet that the United States was using.
And the sad thing is that Mr. Zelensky doesn't have enough sense to know that he was a puppet.
Yeah. And what's so ironic in all of this is that the U.S. used Ukraine, Britain, France, Germany.
I mean, they sent all their equipment to Ukraine.
And the United States is going to be the one that wins out of all this.
We won a war.
We didn't even fight it.
But we paid for it. we did pay for it london times
europe divided over boots on the ground in ukraine they're still going at it aren't they
london termined london telegraph germany rejects starmer's ukraine peace plan
starmer being uh the prime minister Great Britain, Keir Starmer.
Germany on Monday night rejected Keir Starmer's call for Europe to step up and deploy troops to Ukraine.
The Prime Minister had used an article in the Telegraph to declare that Britain would play the leading role in a post-war security guarantee for Ukraine. But after an emergency meeting of European leaders in Paris on Monday,
Germany's Olaf Scholz said the suggestion was completely premature,
highly inappropriate, and that he was a little irritated.
He said, it is completely premature and a completely wrong time to be having this discussion now.
I am even a little irritated by these debates, Mr. Schultz told reporters.
And then France 24, France plans a second meeting.
Second meeting to decide nothing. thing yeah and this next meeting uh norway canada lithuania estonia latvia czech republic greece
finland romania sweden belgium they're all going to be invited do you know why they're having the
second meeting because they didn't get any troops in the first meeting well no they left all these
other countries out in the first meeting and they were uh you know pitching royal fit, as we would say back home.
We'll have a second meeting and we'll invite you guys in.
But you're going to accomplish nothing there.
The same thing.
No troops were committed in the first meeting,
which was the big European countries, Germany, France, Britain, and so forth.
But they're going to bring in all the smaller countries.
At the end of the day, they're going to say, nope, we're not sending troops.
Yes, because they might get killed. Yes.
And that is my prediction. There will not be any troops.
Folks, on today's episode of Rick was right again.
They're just not going to send troops.
Well, I'm talking about we're about ready to make a deal with Russia, aren't we?
Yes, we are.
And the Europeans are starting to wake up to that as well.
They are.
And this story, this is the French prime minister is warning of growing ties between Putin and Trump.
Let's go ahead, Doc.
The Emergency Summit of European Leaders in Paris onary 17th did not dispel concerns that's coming from french prime minister francois
barou uh speaking uh to french news outlet bfm tv bfm tv uh you see uh the french prime minister
there barou warned that for the first time since 1945, war could break out on European soil around us
We are in a context reminiscent of the 30s
Icebergs are approaching us and the Paris meeting at the Élysée Palace failed to stop them, the Prime Minister said
Referring to the emergency summit
Now, Bayrou also voiced deep concern over the rapprochement
Between U.S. President Donald Trump and
Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.
We are witnessing an unthinkable
alliance between Putin and Trump
which marginalizes
Europe on its own soil.
It is horrifying to see the
European Union's weakness on
this matter, the French
Prime Minister concluded. Let me translate
that for you.
Europe is being cut out.
And you said it.
You said it.
The United States is going to make a peace treaty with Russia.
And we're going to pull the rug out from under Europe.
We're going to end NATO.
And Russia and the U.S. are going to make money.
Yes. And Europe is going to decline nato and russia and the u.s are going to make money yes and europe is going to decline
okay economically it will decline because the people who are in charge european elite
don't know how to make money that's right they know how to spend it they know how to get it
from ngos they know how to control free speech and they
know a lot of stuff like that but they don't know how to make money uh but the russians and americans
are going to go in business together and what president trump is doing is that he's eliminating
russia as a as a an opponent in world war three we just fought the russians in world war iii yes this is a peace
treaty in world war iii between russia and the united states and russia will either be on the
side of the united states against china or it will be neutral either way that's a win for it's a win
the big war is the united states and china and that's coming up by 2032. Financial Times.
U.S. and Russia agree to lay the groundwork for ending Ukraine war.
So this is about the meeting in Saudi Arabia.
So I'm going to skip over to BBC.
Secretary of State Rubio explains the four principles that they agreed upon
and this is a
video by the way. We've got a video. Yeah. So
let's watch it. This is Secretary of State Marco
Well, I would start by saying we've agreed
on four principles that I think are important.
The first is that we are going to work.
We're going to appoint our teams respectively
that have worked very quickly to reestablish
the functionality of our respective missions in Washington and in Moscow.
For us to be able to continue to move down this road, we need to have diplomatic facilities
that are operating and functioning normally.
The second point is that we're going to appoint a high-level team from our end to help negotiate
and work through the end of the conflict in Ukraine in a way that's enduring and acceptable
to all the parties engaged. The third point is to begin to work at a high level as well, to
begin to discuss and think about and examine both the geopolitical and economic cooperation that
could result from an end to the conflict in Ukraine. Obviously, we'd have to see that conflict come to a successful and enduring end in order for that to be possible. And the last thing we agree
to is that while our teams are going to be working on all of this, the four of us who were here today,
the five of us that were here today, are going to remain engaged in this process to make sure
that it's moving along in a productive way. So what they did in Saudi Arabia is they did not negotiate the settlement. They negotiated
the big meeting, the protocol of how Putin and Trump will meet. Those two will work out the deal. Right. But I think each side
presented what they would like to get and what they're not
willing to get. In fact...
Well, that first point that he puts out there, Rick, the restoration of the
missions. We're not talking about mission as in the job, but
we're talking about diplomatic missions. Yeah, the embassies. These things have been shut down
since Russiagate. Yes. I mean,
basically when Russiagate, which was a farce in itself, funded by
USA money, we shut down our
diplomatic mission. We expelled Russian diplomats. Right, and they did the same thing.
Right. And so that's a biggie right there.
But did you notice, Doc, that Mr. Rubio said that they will begin to discuss economic cooperation?
They want to make money.
The Russians and the Americans are going to make money.
It's going to be a good time.
I'll tell you somebody who's going to be very excited about this.
Jim Rogers.
He's waited for years for this day. He's waited decades for this day
when it's okay to do
business in Russia.
If that happens, I bet he's just waiting with bated breath for North Korea.
Oh yeah, he would be waiting.
Now, number 28, Sergey Lavrov said NATO troops in Ukraine will be perceived as a direct threat to Russia and are totally unacceptable.
Which means they already determined at that meeting there will be no NATO troops in Ukraine.
My hunch is that Mr. Rubio said to Mr. Lavrov
that we're okay with that.
We're letting Emmanuel Macron go through
the motions of trying to get troops, but we know that they're not going to come up with troops.
And we're not sending troops.
So don't worry about it.
It's not an issue,
because the Europeans will never come up with troops.
So, I've got a lot more,
but I'm going to save it for tomorrow.
I've got a really important story
about the deal that Mr. Trump is making with the Russians regarding Ukraine's minerals.
And we're shaking the tree in the Middle East on the Gaza situation.
And while Mr. Rubio is in Saudi Arabia, he's talking to the Saudis about Gaza.
And the Arabs are coming up with their own plan to outbid Donald Trump's plan.
But aren't they in the same situation as Europe is with Ukraine?
I mean, are they just a lot of talk?
Are they really going to pony up to really doing something? That remains to be seen.
But it would be interesting if at the end of the day
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, UAE, all these countries
pay for the rebuilding of Gaza, which I think is
Donald Trump's plan anyway. I was just going to say that, which I think
maybe his offer, or not his offer his statement uh america is going to just take ownership of gaza
and they were like well you can't do that that he did it to shock the arabs into actually into
action yes yeah either you stop talking and do something or we take it. And maybe that was his plan the entire time because they are now talking.
But I'm still going to suggest
that the Palestinians are going to be relocated to Ukraine.
We'll see.
We'll see.
That's it.
Thank you so much.
Appreciate you watching.
I pray for those who support us.
Amen. Those who are with us financially in prayers and financial gifts i pray for you every day i ask for god's blessing and
favor to be upon you i ask for mercy and goodness to pursue you every day i couldn't do this without
you and i'm deeply grateful for everybody who financially supports
us. And if you've not done it, once you become part of the family, join with us. Watch what God
does in your life in 2025. You, I promise you, you need divine help in 2025. You will need it.
You will need divine help in 2025. There's only one way to get it,
by faith. I'll see you tomorrow. God bless you.
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Good morning. Welcome to Morning Manna. We're glad that you have joined us today for a one-hour Bible study.
We meet every Monday through Friday at at 8 a.m. Eastern Time.
And you are welcome to join the live class.
If not, just listen whenever you have the opportunity throughout the day.
We're delighted that you would spend an hour, whatever hour of the day you choose.
But we'd love to have you in the group so that we could chat with you.
Well, we're in the fifth chapter of Romans, and today we will study verses 6 through 10.
Let's pray and invite the Holy Spirit.
Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, Father, we come to you with hearts of thanksgiving and praise and adoration.
Father, we desire to be taught by your Holy Spirit from the depths of your word and so we invite the Holy Spirit to take his place at the head of the table and direct this Bible study to make us strong mighty Saints
and warriors for your son's kingdom in the name of Jesus amen amen and we
continue our study in Romans we're in a Roman chapter 5 today And we're going to be focusing on verses 6 through 10.
So I'll give you an opportunity to turn there real quick.
Romans chapter 5, verses 6 through 10.
We appreciate everyone joining us for the live morning manna here today.
We have folks that are checking in from New Zealand today, from Brazil,
of course, our friends in the Philippines and South Korea,
Switzerland, just everywhere. We appreciate you very much taking time out of your schedule.
And even if you're here in regular time zones in the U.S., we appreciate you being here too.
I don't want you to feel left out or anything there. So if you turned to Romans 5 verses 6
through 10, I'll read.
Reading from the King James.
For when we were yet without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly.
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die, yet per venture for a good man, some would even dare to die.
But God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Much more than being now justified by his blood, using that word justified again, like we talked about yesterday,
we shall be saved from wrath through him.
For if, when we were enemies, we were reconciled to God by the death of his son,
much more being reconciled, we by the death of his son, much more being reconciled.
We shall be saved by his life.
Praise God.
All right.
Further expanding on what we started on yesterday.
And so theme yesterday was justification and answer to God's justice.
And so now we're getting the real world application of it.
Amen. So verse six, for when we were yet without strength in due time, Christ died for the ungodly. to humanity's spiritual incapacity to save itself
due to sin's pervasive power and influence.
Humanity was and is morally and spiritually weak,
entirely reliant, dependent on divine intervention
to bring about salvation humanity is completely incapable
of escaping sin incapable of attaining righteousness incapable of
obtaining reconciliation with god through its own efforts so verse 6
is highlighting humanity's moral and spiritual weakness utter helplessness under the weight of sin.
The phrase, the ungodly,
I believe refers to all humanity.
Some Bible scholars and commentators believe it's speaking specifically about the wicked,
but I believe we're all, before we're're saved we're all ungodly right so to me it it's it's it's speaking about the universal need for for redemption and the
universal application of that redemption too yes so. So Christ died not just for some, but for all.
But do all receive it?
That's the question.
And Paul said, in due time.
Well, what does that mean, in due time. The phrase signifies God's perfect timing
in his redemptive history,
that Christ died at the most appropriate moment,
ordained by God,
fulfilling prophecies,
and addressing humanity's dire need.
In other words, God scheduled the crucifixion for a specific day and hour. to me, Doc, it speaks
that God's perfect orchestration of history,
that he brought Christ's son to humanity
at precisely the right moment.
What if Christ didn't die
2,000 years ago
what if his death was 500 years
from now
what would that mean for us
did you ever put in that
what if we were living
without Christ right now
that God didn't schedule his death for another 500 years What if we were living without Christ right now?
That God didn't schedule his death for another 500 years.
No, God had a precise time, an exact time.
Due time.
It's his due time. his the arrival the death
the burial the resurrection of
aligns with Old Testament
everything is on time
because it
it speaks of God's
plan and purpose in the redemption of mankind.
He didn't just roll a dice and go, let's go for it now.
This was God's plan.
He knew precisely when he would bring forth Jesus.
So, the sacrifice of Jesus is unparalleled in human history
in that he died not for the deserving,
but for the sinners
who were entirely undeserving, but for the sinners who were entirely undeserving.
I mean, you could make an argument, okay, not everybody's wicked.
We're all sinners, but not everybody's wicked.
There are good people.
There are people that try to live a good clean righteous life and you could
say well Christ had to die for the wicked now he died for all of us his his sacrifice is unparalleled his willingness to lay down his life for those who are undeserving,
is the ultimate evidence of God's love for humankind. It's one thing, again,
to sacrifice to do something
for people who are good and kind,
but to do something extraordinary
for somebody who's not good and kind?
That's the challenge, isn't it?
So, I mean, even, even you know even the most wicked judge will have mercy on a widow woman that pleads her case before him just to get just to get her off his docket
yes that's that's not god's attitude god said yes they're wicked. Yes, I know they're ungodly.
Yes, I know they're rebelling against me.
But yes, I love them,
and I'll send my son to die for them.
I mean, think of the people in your life
who you love,
you care about them,
you'd do anything for them. But now think about the people that in your life who are just the opposite, who would hurt you if they could.
Would you do anything you could for them oh come on be honest we'd all say no way i'm not gonna do anything good for them they're out to get
me they're out to hurt me to destroy me why would why would i why would i do some super kind act for them.
But see, this is,
God didn't send his son just for the people who were trying to live a right, good, clean life.
He sent his son for the people
who were determined to live a wicked life
and gave them the option, gave them the choice,
even though he knows the ones that will accept it and those who will reject it.
And we've learned in our study of the word that over time,
if you continue to reject the word of God,
God will close your eyes and your ears so that you can't see and hear the word.
But he still sent his son for their salvation.
So, I mean, we all know the act of salvation is entirely God's doing.
It's his plan, his program.
He initiated it.
Humans are incapable
of saving themselves.
We're incapable of coming up with a
salvation plan.
Can you see
the United Nations
adopting a plan of salvation?
What would it look like?
We're incapable.
Because blood had to be shed.
I'm going to go down to verse 7.
The King James says,
For scarcely for a righteous man will one die,
yet per adventure for a good man
some would even dare to die.
Modern English,
for one will hardly die for a righteous man,
yet perhaps for a good person someone would even dare to die.
So I see that there are differences between a righteous man and a good man,
a righteous woman, a good woman.
There's a subtle difference between righteous and
A righteous man is just and upright, while a good man or a good woman is loving, kind,
benevolent, generous. so the way I perceive Paul's words is that he's saying it's uncommon for anyone to die for a
righteous person their justice may command respect but not enough to die for them.
He says, scarcely. That's talking about how rare it is for someone to willingly sacrifice their life
for another who is morally upright, yet detached from their life.
But a good man, a good man, a good woman may inspire affection, enough personal affection and gratitude to prompt sacrifice on their behalf.
But even then, only some. It's still rare. Right. And gratitude to prompt sacrifice on their behalf.
But even then, only some.
It's still rare.
Right. Right.
So what he's saying is that it's rare that anybody would sacrifice their life for a righteous person,
even though they respect them.
But you might get some who would sacrifice their love for a good person,
somebody that they deeply love.
It's the affection, love, the emotional bond between two people that would compel somebody to sacrifice themselves for the other person.
Okay, so I think about it.
You know people.
I know people that are righteous.
Would I give my life for them?
Be honest.
But now think about people whom you love.
You have an emotional connection, a bond. Yes, now, yes, you'd be willing to give your life for somebody you love.
See, the respect's not enough.
It's the bond of love thatsacrifice is pointing to humanity's limitations. it's only God that's willing to sacrifice his son
for a world full of undeserving people.
At the heart of it, that's the message.
You've got to be God to be willing to give up your son
for a bunch of people that don't deserve the goodness.
So Jesus didn't go to the cross for righteous and good people only.
See, and that's another way that some people would think of it is,
yeah, so you got all these good people, righteous people.
They need a savior.
They're doing their best.
They're trying to be good.
Yes, God died for them.
Human reasoning would conclude
that that was a heroic deed
on behalf of humans who were trying
to live a good and clean and righteous life jesus went to the cross for them but jesus went to the
cross for the most ungodly most undeserving people on the planet. Yes.
So his death is radically different because it was not for the deserving,
but for the undeserving.
But the truth is, none are deserving.
We've all sinned.
Verse 8. verse 8
but God
God commendeth
not command God commendeth
his love towards us
in that while we
were yet sinners
Christ died for us
the term While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
The term commendeth, he commends.
It's a deliberate showcasing, a demonstration of his love.
That's probably a better word for English is demonstration.
Or to prove something.
We don't generally use that word
commendeth anymore
in describing this, but we
would say, but God
demonstrates his love toward us
in that while we were still sinners,
Christ died for us. That's how
he's proving it. He's proving it
by sending his son.
So God actively proves his love
through the sacrifice of his son.
And this love of God
is shown to be unprovoked
by human merit or actions.
It's entirely initiated by him.
Grounded in grace.
What's the motivation?
What's God's motivation?
Go back to what we were talking about yesterday with the Garden of Eden.
He is not going to let Satan get away with robbing him of the creation of mankind in his image.
He's not going to let Satan get away with it.
He got robbed.
God was robbed.
That's the best way I can see it.
God was robbed in the Garden of Eden.
Satan stole his most cherished creation, mankind.
God made man for God's pleasure.
Yes. He made man for God's, for God's pleasure. Yes.
He made man for God's, for his own pleasure.
He desired to have fellowship.
And Satan robbed him.
Satan, you know, was Lucifer in heaven uh sin was found in him found in him it was pride
he he wanted to be he wanted to be loved and adored by god like god adored his son
he wanted the adulation and the praise
that the angels gave Jesus.
He wanted it for himself also.
He was jealous of Jesus.
That's what I believe.
I believe he was jealous of Jesus.
He wanted that praise
for himself.
I will be like the most high.
So he got evicted.
Cast down.
Excuse me. Cast down
to earth.
this is
when he became the devil.
Because an evil thought came in his mind.
He was pondering, how am I going to get revenge?
You know, a lot of the angels,
maybe a third of the angels went with him.
He's got an army.
Well, maybe they thought they could launch a full frontal attack on heaven.
Attack and overtake God and capture his throne.
No, that's not going to work. But I think Satan pondered and schemed and thought, what can I do to get revenge?
And then he looked in the garden and he saw God walking in the cool of the day with Adam and Eve, talking to them.
And God was smiling.
He was happy.
He enjoyed these humans he made.
And they were pure.
They were absolutely pure.
They were made in his image.
And Satan got this idea.
Ah, if I could get them to sin like I did, he would be compelled to evict them from the garden because he is just and fair.
He evicted me from heaven.
Therefore, if I can get Adam and Eve to sin, I can say to God, now you be fair.
You be just.
You evict them from the Garden of Eden.
You have to do it.
Which was absolutely the truth.
God had to do it. And so he struck at God's heart to get revenge. He stole mankind from God. He
stole you. He stole me. He stole a human race from the maker and god was determined that he would get mankind back and
he would get man back into the garden and he would talk with man again
he would walk in the cool of the day and talk with men and women
and fellowship with them and be their
friend and be their father and have a love affair with his creation.
And so God has always been determined to get people back into the garden. so when you understand that you understand that
the plan of salvation is totally God's plan
he came up with a plan
he came up with a plan that Satan can't defeat
and this plan
will come to an end at some point
in time.
The curtain
will fall.
The play will be over.
And those
believed on the name of Jesus
and were baptized
will be in the garden with God forever.
New Jerusalem is the new Garden of Eden.
And the tree of life will be there.
It says so in the book of Revelation.
The tree of life will be there.
The river will be there. The river will be there.
The trees, the leaves of the
trees will be for the healing of the nations.
What is God doing?
He's healing mankind.
Bringing them back
to where they were supposed
to be before Satan entered
the picture.
You got to see it from God's point of view.
What is he up to?
Once you understand what he's doing, then you get in the groove with him.
You start flowing with him.
Well, what is it, Father? What can I do today to help you be
reconciled with more humans?
Oh, he'll start showing you things to do.
Because that's
all they're doing all day long.
looking for humans to be reconciled
They're not interested in politics. They're not interested in politics they're not interested in culture
they're interested in the salvation of fallen men and women so verse 8 says but God commends his own love towards us
in that while we were yet sinners
Christ died for us
so God's love is displayed in actions
not words
the death of Christ on the cross
is the ultimate proof
of God's love for us his his love
is visible tangible through the concrete actions of his son so the cross is not just a religious object.
It's the ultimate evidence of God's love in action.
Anytime you doubt whether God loves you, you look at the cross.
Don't you dare ever question his love for you he went to a cross for
you when they were pounding the nails in his hands and feet he was thinking of you
while we were yet sinners.
So the death of Christ occurred when humanity was in a state
of active rebellion against God.
The rebellion was universal.
The state of humanity was fallen worldwide.
There was not one place on earth
that was not in a state of rebellion.
Do you know how delighted Satan was
with his devilish scheme?
See, Adam was given dominion over the earth.
Adam was to extend the garden worldwide.
The planet was not a garden when Adam was made.
The role of Adam was to extend the garden.
To take over the world with the garden.
Satan interrupted that plan.
And said, sin will take over the world.
I'll make the entire planet a wasteland.
So, this has been the battle for thousands of years God is determined to restore humankind back into the garden and that's what the plan
of salvation is all about.
I mean, he didn't go to the cross so that someday we'd have a hymnal with songs in it about the cross.
What was the purpose in going to a cross?
What would drive anybody to be willing to be nailed to a cross and die?
Because he had a plan that was so great, so big, so stupendous,
that going to the cross was just something that had to be done so that this plan could come to fruition.
So, you know, human love is conditional.
It's reserved.
You love me, I love you.
You do this, I do that.
And we do it for those who we deem worthy.
But God's love transcends human limitations.
Praise God.
Aren't you glad it does?
Amen. Amen.
I shudder to think, Doc, where I would be if God had not saved me on June 11, 1978.
What would be my state right now?
On my way to hell, if I were even alive.
Don't even know if I'd be alive.
So, verse 9.
Much more than being now justified by his blood,
we shall be saved from wrath through him so Paul's reasoning
it's intensifying now
he's asserting that
this greater act of justification
assures a lesser act of deliverance
that assures a lesser act of deliverance.
That the death of Christ,
the shedding of blood,
is the basis for justification.
That this is signifying God's ultimate provision for reconciliation.
Remember, God's
ultimate goal
is reconciliation with humans.
But his ultimate
to get that reconciliation
is the blood
of his Son.
No other blood would do.
You think about that.
That was the blood of God that ran down that cross.
And life is in the blood.
So the
the efficacy,
the power of
the blood of Christ
speaks about the cost,
the power of atonement
and when
you think about it that
assures you of your
standing before God because there's
no greater price that could be
paid. That's right.
What greater
gift could God
than of himself?
Could he give you a world?
Could he give you the universe?
He had the capability to do it, but that doesn't compare to himself.
But would it be greater than the blood?
And would giving some tangible thing, how would it erase your sin?
So God's wrath represents his righteous judgment against sin.
But we are now delivered from that wrath
through the blood of Christ,
through the sacrifice.
We don't have to fear that wrath.
That wrath is reserved for those,
the rebellious, the wicked,
those who refuse
to accept his mercy.
So believers are
now justified.
It's a past
You are now
Look at what Paul said.
Much more than being now justified by his blood,
we shall be saved from wrath.
See, we are now justified,
and because we are now justified,
we shall be saved.
It's not you will be justified in the future, and hopefully you'll be saved. It's not, you will be justified in the future, and hopefully you'll be saved
from wrath. No, we are now justified. The justification is a past event. It's happened.
Your name is written in the book of life as justified.
And because you're justified, you shall be saved from the wrath of God.
That's your assurance of your salvation.
In that sense, you know, the debate over once saved, always saved and all that.
Look, if you know who you are in Christ and you're staying in Christ,
you have no reason to worry about your salvation. Your salvation is eternal.
It is there.
God doesn't take salvation away from people on a whim.
No, he gave his son for you to be saved.
He's not going to be flippant about it.
But if people are flippant about their salvation, I don't know what's going to happen to them later.
I don't even want to go there
because I don't want to think like that.
I get up every day thinking I'm saved.
Glory to God.
My sins are forgiven.
My name is in the book of life.
The Holy Spirit is dwelling inside of me.
I am blessed.
These are my first thoughts when I get up. My heart is beating. My lungs have breath. I'm alive. This is a day to
glorify God. I'm not getting up thinking, what could I do today to stretch and see how far I can go without losing my salvation?
So, just believers, as I said, are now justified.
It's a past event with ongoing implications.
While justification is a present reality,
deliverance from wrath is a future hope.
Our hope. Our hope,
our confidence,
is that we will be delivered from wrath.
We can be at peace.
We have a hope.
We trust in the Lord.
That keeps us,
that keeps us walking the line every day.
Not becoming complacent,
loose in our thinking and our behavior.
We need to stay in that place of justification.
So our hope of salvation rests, it depends on God's nature, which is unchanging, and his commitment to his plan.
He's going to finish his plan. He's going to finish his plan. You know,
he's looking forward to the day
that he can say to Satan,
he lost big time.
It's over.
It's over.
I've got my children back.
I've got my garden back.
I've got my animals back. I've got my garden back. I've got my animals back.
I've got everything back.
I've got creation back.
And you're on your way to the lake of fire.
That's what he's looking forward to.
And when he pushes the devil into the lake of fire,
and when the angels carry all the wicked and godly people to the lake of fire, God
is going to wipe his memory of them.
He's not going to spend another moment thinking about them.
He's going to spend all of his time enjoying the children who are in the garden with him.
Praise God.
And I'm one of them.
Amen. I can't wait for this. It's like, bring it on, please. I'm eager. I'm waiting for the garden. What's in this world that you want.
I don't understand.
People who say they're Christians. But they're not really eager.
And excited for the kingdom.
To be manifested.
I don't understand that.
Verse 10.
For if.
When we were enemies. We were reconciled to God by the death of his son, much more being reconciled, we shall be saved by his life.
So enemies speaks of not just estrangement from God, but active rebellion, active hostility towards God.
And sin, obviously, is the root cause of this enmity,
and it creates a profound barrier between humanity and God.
But God's love is magnified
in his choice to reconcile
those who were
at one time opposed to him.
Paul is a perfect example.
The man who wrote this letter.
He was at war with Christ.
Right. He was at war with Christ. He was an enemy of Christ.
He killed and persecuted
and imprisoned
followers of Christ.
Because he saw them as
traitors to Judaism.
So, Paul said,
For if while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through the death of his Son,
much more, being reconciled, we will be saved by his life reconciliation is the restoration of a of a broken relationship
we're all called to a ministry of reconciliation
we should not be dividing people we should not be saying and doing things that divide people,
especially in the church.
Because that is a reflection of God's nature.
God's a reconciler.
Blessed are the peacemakers.
Happy are the peacemakers.
They will inherit the kingdom of God.
And what is reconciliation?
Reconciliation is the restoration of a broken relationship.
So we have to admit that we are out of relationship with God.
That we need
this reconciliation.
We absolutely need it.
And so
Christ's death,
if Christ's death
reconciled us while we were
enemies, his life
now guarantees our salvation.
Amen. There was a
point in time where we were reconciled,
but that's not when we were saved.
That's when salvation began.
And this passage here is really about that.
There was a point in time where we were reconciled,
but that same ongoing presence of Christ,
that same reconciliation that occurred in a moment of Christ, that same reconciliation
that occurred in a
moment of time, now continues.
So we were saved,
and we're being saved, if you will.
So Paul is saying,
if this reconciliation
occurred while we were still
enemies of God,
how much more certain is our salvation now that we are reconciled?
That's exactly right.
That's what he's saying.
Praise God.
So, reconciliation is a past reality.
It's a completed act.
Salvation is ongoing.
And it has a future assurance.
Reconciliation has already happened.
Our salvation is underway right now. Right.
And we have the assurance in the future we shall be saved.
You know, you talked, it started off today, Rick,
talking about God's perfect timing.
You know, in due time, Christ came.
And one of the interesting things about when God sent Jesus
was a particular time where the Greek language was predominant.
God chose that time for a specific reason because the Greek language, or at least ancient Greek, has more tenses and more, let me just put it this way.
It is, there's more you can do with the Greek language, okay?
It's sort of like a Swiss army knife.
You can unfold it and do a lot with it.
So that last portion of verse 10 there, it says,
we shall be saved by his life.
Implies that there, you know, if we're just reading it in English,
we shall be saved,
as if it's some future event
that's going to occur.
But in the Greek,
the way it's,
on the tense of the verb there,
you're saved and you're being saved.
We don't have comparable English,
you know,
description of that,
but that's the,
in the Greek,
that's what it's saying.
You were saved and you are continually being saved.
I was saved.
I am being saved.
I shall be saved.
It's alive. Yes. It's alive.
Salvation's alive.
Paul said, by his life, the life of Christ.
He's referring to the resurrected, glorified life of Jesus that ensures ongoing intercession for us.
Christ is seated at the right hand of God the Father,
making intercession for the saints.
And so the presence of Christ secures the believer's eternal relationship with God.
Praise God.
And the resurrection of Christ confirms the completeness of the reconciliation.
That's right.
It's done.
Yes. There's no further reconciliation
that needs to take place
again this
this refutes
Christian Zionism
they're waiting
on something else to happen for the Jews
what does God have
does Jesus have a does jesus have a twin brother
is a second jesus coming for the jews
god has already done everything he's going to do for the jews
he loves him and he he desires them to come and accept his son. What greater thing could he do for the Jews than send his son?
That's it.
What's a greater thing?
What's better than that?
There isn't anything better.
But they don't want to accept him on his terms.
Comes back to this thing about whose terms are in control.
Whose rules dominate the house?
It's the Father's rules.
And there are people that will not accept this plan of salvation because they don't like his rules.
He's not going to change his rules.
He's not going to have two plans of salvation.
Because the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ confirms the completeness of reconciliation.
It guarantees the believer's salvation.
And as the living Savior,
Jesus Christ is actively sustaining and interceding for you and me.
Praise God.
Because He reconciled us.
He's not going to lose us.
He paid the ultimate price.
He's not going to let the devil
snatch us away.
What did he say
in the book of John?
He's not going to
let the devil take away anybody
who's in his hands.
Praise God.
There are times our lives get really squirrely,
but God doesn't let us get lost.
He doesn't let us fall away.
We may get sideways,
but he always brings us back he paid too great of a price for your soul he's not gonna let you faithfulness to complete what he began.
And that provides you and me with confidence and hope.
God's going to get it done.
This is what I was saying a few minutes ago. He's looking forward to the day when he can say to Satan, you have lost,
completely lost. It's over. I have my family back. I have them in the garden. I've re-established
creation. I've brought my animals back. I've restored everything you destroyed.
Get out of here, Satan.
You're going to the lake of fire.
The restoration of all things.
The restoration of all things.
All, all, all, all.
I don't know how that works.
I don't know how that works.
The restoration of all things.
When he brings about the end of this world,
the complete total end of this world,
he then restores all things. so we are
of our secure standing
with God
we're motivated
to trust him
because of his
ongoing grace
that's our assurance of salvation
and that inspires us to persevere and Because of his ongoing grace. That's our assurance of salvation.
And that inspires us to persevere.
And rely on Christ.
Whatever situation that we're in, we'll get through it.
He's with us.
Nothing's going to happen to us today that's bigger than him.
Nothing's going to happen to us today that he can't solve.
Could be some difficult times, but Christ will be there with you.
He'll get you through it.
Because he's committed to you.
And so when we understand this grace, we have to respond with worship and praise and adoration and thanksgiving.
Just to ponder and think upon what God did for you because he loves you.
He loves you.
He loved you enough to go to the cross.
He's not going to forget about you.
You're not going to drop off.
He's not going to lose sight of you.
He knows who you are now.
He knows what you're doing now.
And he's praying for you now.
And so that's our assurance.
That's our assurance. And that's our peace every day.
Doc, that's it for me.
Unless you have anything you want to add to this?
No, when you talked about that assurance,
I remember that old hymn we used to sing in church.
Bless the assurance.
Jesus is mine.
Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine amen
air of salvation purchase of God
born of his spirit
washed in his blood
we don't have hymns like that anymore
we just have pop songs
that's right
and we say the same words over and over again
oh well there's a new song coming That's right. And we say the same words over and over again. Yep. So, oh, well.
Because they don't, well.
There's a new song coming. There's a new song coming.
Yes, there is.
Because the Spirit is on the move, and whenever the Spirit moves, there's a new song.
There's new music.
That's right. It happens every time, doesn't it?
Yes. that's right it happens every time doesn't it yes church history and uh every time that god
moves by spirit and some sort of new revival or move of god he brings some new music as if there's
a new song that needs to be sung so doc several months ago i was uh i was praying i was i was talking to the Lord about obstacles that we have, you know,
and projects involving music.
And I don't know if our team, our classmates, if you understand,
just about all of the so-called Christian music is owned by ungodly, unsaved people.
Legally owned by some of the most ungodly people on the planet.
They own it.
They have the copyrights.
They have the intellectual property.
And you're going to pay them.
They're going to collect the money. And I was
talking to the Lord about it, and I said, Lord,
there are things we can't get done because
they own the music.
And I heard the Holy Spirit
say, well, it's time
to write some new songs.
And I knew what he meant, Doc.
He's going to move in a mighty way.
There's going to be a wave of new songs,
praise and worship songs that are going to be birthed,
and once again, you know,
it'll be up to the Christians who write those songs
not to sell them to the world.
Why give up a gift of God and give it to the world and say, here, you own it.
I'll sell my birthright. I'd like to have some porridge.
Yeah. Isn't that it?
Okay. I'm done. All right. Well, Rick, we appreciate the lesson. Now we're going to pick back up on verse 11 tomorrow, so be sure to join us.
Tomorrow being Wednesday, of course.
And if you're listening to the recorded version of Morning Man, we'd love to have you join us live each and every weekday morning.
We're almost 400 people every day get together to study the Word of God.
And some intriguing questions and interesting comments
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8 a.m. on the East Coast on And we'd love to have you. We really would.
But even if you can't join us live, you can listen to us on the repeats and various social
media channels. And of course, we have archives on Faith and Values as well, where if you happen to miss one of our studies, you can come back in and listen to it again as well.
So also we're providing summaries and some of Rick's insights as part of that summation each day as we post the Morning Man of Devotion on faith and values.
And so we encourage you to take advantage of that to go for a deeper study and to be able to share it with others.
So, Greg, any final words before we close out for today?
Be blessed and just know that Jesus is praying for you today.
Praise God. He's interceding for us. Hebrews 725.
He's in your corner. He's in your corner cheering for you. Praise God. He's interceding for us. Hebrews 725. He's in your corner. He's in your corner cheering
for you. Praise God.
God bless you, everyone. We love
you very, very much, and we appreciate
you being here. Be praying for this
ministry each and every day
that God will continue to expand
the frontiers for us, that
we may go where
no church has gone before.
So God bless you.
We'll see you on the Wednesday edition of Morning Man.