TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Did Spies Kill Princess Diana? UK Author Peter Hounam Weighs In
Episode Date: May 27, 2021Today on TruNews, we examine the mysterious circumstances of Princess Diana’s death and how she may have been the 1st casualty of the war between the abusive elite and the populous class. We speak w...ith British investigator Peter Hounam about the numerous reports of SAS and CIA involvement in an assassination plot to ‘save’ the Royal Family, and we relate it the current scandal engulfing the House of Windsor, through Di’s son, Prince Harry. Edward Szall, Peter Hounam. Airdate 5/27/21.
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll.
Today we're going to explore a topic that has birthed a thousand
conspiracies over the years. The death, possibly from state-sponsored foul play,
of the People's Princess, Diana Frances Spencer. Now, True News isn't a tabloid and we're not TMZ.
We're not going to bore you with the lesser thoughts of newspapers, which are best used
to fold up and serve fish and chips. But we are going to examine
how the life, the untimely death, and the cover-up of Princess Diana in August 1997
plays a serendipitous role in understanding why, how, and who conquered America and the West.
And I don't mean a land invasion or a battle over the skies of Boston. No, it was a slow and steady domination of our minds.
To the benefit of everyone from Chatham House Manchurians and their Bilderberg buddies.
To the shadowy work of an army of spies in every Western country.
Doing the deeds of the devil almost always to the detriment of you and I.
I was the CIA director.
We lied, we cheated, we stole.
It was like, we had entire training courses.
Former director of central intelligence, Mike Pompeo,
is but one example of this unholy class.
And he learned the devilish mindset
from a long line of American
spymasters from both parties, including George Tenet, who oversaw operations at Langley under
President Clinton while American nuclear secrets were being smuggled to the communist Chinese
out of Los Alamos, and while Israel sucked the secrets out of D.C. through wiretapping,
honeypotting, and blackmailing
slick Willie at the Resolute Desk.
George Tenet also oversaw the start of the 20-year running war on terror, which stripped
the rights and lives of Americans, Brits, and anyone deemed a threat or an enemy of
the national security state.
In helping to craft the lie of mysteriously disappearing weapons of mass destruction,
CIA Director Tenet also seeded another lie, one much more dangerous and poisonous. The lie being
that all Muslims and dark-skinned human beings are jihadis in waiting. Worse, he sealed the deal by
actively recruiting terrorists for the CIA, saying once, in Islam, as in many other
religions, anyone can call himself a religious leader. So besides paying mullahs, the CIA created
fake mullahs, recruited agents who would proclaim themselves clerics. Now there is an interesting
tie-in to the death of Princess Diana and this anti-Muslim mindset planted by America's CIA in the minds of so many.
She was dating a Muslim at the time of her death and may have been pregnant. More on that later.
Prince Harry, the second son of Princess Diana, brought attention to this fact in a recent
interview with population control princess Oprah Winfrey. My mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone that wasn't white.
And now look what's happened.
You wanna talk about history repeating itself?
They're not gonna stop until she dies.
It's incredibly triggering
to potentially lose another woman in my life.
Like, the list is growing.
And it all comes back to the same people, the same business model, the same industry.
The blindly woke among us have taken Harry's statement as proof of systematic racism,
not a clear example of the transmission of generational sin through unmended trauma,
nor as a key clue in the suspicious events which led to the deadly crash of his mother.
Harry may blame the press, but an honest observer may take his statement
that his mother was chased to her death while she was in a relationship with someone who wasn't white
and ask, who was that person? And could the same people, the same business model, and the same industry have been after him?
And for what reason?
The man was Dodi Al-Fayed, the son of an Egyptian business mogul,
who began dating Princess Diana one month before her death.
They had first met 11 years earlier, when Mr. Fid beat Prince Charles in a polo match at Windsor Castle.
Then, only a year after the official divorce from the Prince of Wales,
the billionaire Muslim heir, Sanhurst Military Academy graduate and producer behind Christian movie Chariots of Fire,
was seen courting and kissing the mother of the future king of England. He even hosted Prince
William and Harry on his father's yacht and estate, showing them a new life and maybe a new father.
But less than a month later, those dreams would be eternally dashed, and at the young age of 36,
Princess Diana would die in a Paris surgical room after a high-speed crash.
The official story? Death by paparazzi and a drunk driver.
But the dot connectors of the day wondered, was something sour afoot?
The media were not responsible for Diana's death.
Diana invited the media.
She was the one who actually let them in.
There are unsupported but persistent rumors that Diana was pregnant when she died.
And many have a hard time believing Princess Diana would die such an ordinary death.
Polls in Europe show that many believe she was assassinated.
By one theory, because the royal family wouldn't tolerate a marriage between a
Muslim and the mother of England's future king. And just recently, Diana's former butler, Paul
Burrell, released an unsettling letter she wrote predicting someone would try to have her killed
in a car crash made to look like an accident. Many thought it, few dared to print it. But for
the Republicans in Ireland, this served as a great opportunity to expose the cold, calculated propensity of the British Empire,
especially when it perceives its survival is threatened.
On September 20th, 1997, barely a month after Princess Diana's death,
the Irish Times, based in Dublin, repeated a claim made by Time magazine in the US.
Diana may have been pregnant.
Quoting an unnamed emergency service doctor who had spoken to an associate at the scene,
the paper said that Princess Diana told medical personnel that she was six weeks pregnant
and even made a rubbing gesture on her belly.
Would she have done that if she didn't think she was pregnant?
Her boyfriend's father, Mohamed Al-Fed, claimed Princess Diana wasn't just pregnant,
but that the couple were engaged to be married, and planned to raise their kids outside Paris, in the former villa that England's abdicated King Edward lived out his exile. Mr. Fyde secured a
50-year lease of the property from the French government
in the 80s, and with the pictures, portraits, and memories intact, this move would have been
a double insult to the crown, since it was the marriage to an unfavorable bride that forced King
Edward to abdicate the throne to his brother, Queen Elizabeth's father. And it wasn't just their home. Alfred even has the
ring that his son was going to propose.
An £11,600
engagement ring with
engraving, tell me yes, in
Would Dodi and Diana have got married, do you think?
Definitely. And what did Dodi say
to you? He said, Dodi? Yeah,
one hour before.
And yet, it's Dodi enjoying, having great fun, dinner, and said, daddy, on Monday we're declaring our engagement.
I'm going home now, having a bottle of champagne.
I'm going to give her the ring.
I bought the ring.
And he told me from where he bought the ring.
During the inquest conducted by British and French authorities, London Detective Chief Inspector Paul Carpenter found a receipt dated August 30th, 1997, which lists an engagement ring as the product purchased.
The corresponding ring was recovered from Dodi visited a jeweler
across the street from the Fiat-owned Ritz Hotel in Paris, where the couple were staying
in the Imperial Suite.
Princess Diana was not with him, but he was surrounded by staff and is seen inspecting
rings before leaving with a brochure.
Later, Claude Roulette, assistant to the president of the Ritz, is seen entering the same jewelers and taking an item in a bag,
then to the room where Princess Diana and her boyfriend were staying.
The bag was deposited in the hotel's strong room before they left to go to Dodi's apartment about five minutes away.
According to Mr. Fayyad, Princess Diana and Dodi had previously met the jeweler, Alberta Rapozi,
at his Monte Carlo store a week earlier,
while sailing the Mediterranean on Fayad's yacht.
There they chose the ring, and then had it sized in Italy and sent to Paris for a special announcement.
Rumors about a pregnancy or engagement announcement were also being heard by media executives,
with veteran photographer Thierry Orban telling the inquest that
he had been dispatched to the Ritz that evening by his editor to capture the moment. Other paparazzi
also crowded around to secure the shot. Princess Diana even consulted with an Anglican priest,
Father Frank Goli, then curate of St. Mary Abbott Church in Kensington, West London. According to Father Goli, Princess Dinah secretly began attending church a few months before her death,
always slipping in the back during the service so she could keep a low profile.
She even came in to pray when no one was there.
In one conversation, Princess Dinah directly asked Father Goli if it was possible
for two people
of different religions to marry, to which he answered yes.
He also agreed to perform the service, with the obvious groom, Dodi, interrupting their
conversation with a telephone call.
Father Gly says that the authenticity of their love was evident by the way her eyes lit up
speaking to him.
Father Gly said, Princess Diana was impressed by the respect she got from Dodi and thought
he could take care of her and offer her the love and security she never really had known.
He was also great with the princes, and they greatly enjoyed his company.
During her vacation in the Mediterranean, a week before the crash, and at the time, Mystified claims the couple signs their engagement rings.
Father Gly says Princess Diana called him from Dodi's yacht, telling him she had great news,
and that she'd like him to meet her at Kensington Palace when she returned.
Father Gly feels sure that had Diana and Dodi not been killed, they would have been happily married. And this
is the reason why Mr. Fyde believes Princess Diana and his son were murdered. He believes the couple
got engaged shortly after picking up the rings, and when British security services learned of this,
and that Diana believed she was pregnant, an order was given to murder them by none other
than Prince Charles's
father, the Duke of Edinburgh, Prince Philip.
Little is known of his life before he emerged, prophet-like, to deliver Harrods from decay
and near dereliction.
But we do know that rather than a knighthood for his efforts, the British have yet again
refused him citizenship.
It doesn't bother you at all?
Doesn't bother because again...
Sounds like it bothers you.
I just like to talk about it when I have the chance to talk about it, to expose him.
Is this too harsh to say that the British establishment don't accept you because you're
the wrong race and you're the wrong religion and you're the wrong nationality?
Right, I have curly hair, I'm a little bit dark skinned, you know.
I am Egyptian, right, okay.
Racism, pure and simple? Racism at the core. So why do you bother with Britain? I put my roots here for
35 years, right. Still I love the country and I love the masses and the people. I don't care about those
pastors. For me they just, they have no value for me. For a man who says the British elite can go to hell,
Mohamed Al-Fayed and his son Dodi came impossibly close
to smashing their way into it.
It started on the French Riviera,
when Princess Diana accepted an invitation to be a guest on their yacht.
But she ended up more like one of the family.
You believe there was a conspiracy to kill Dodi?
Definitely. They've been murdered. Dodi and Diana have been murdered, definitely.
I am the father who knows everything, who follows up everything, who sees things,
because I am the one who has been hit by the tragedy.
Who would want them dead? And why would anyone want to kill them, Dodi and Diana?
Because they still don't accept that Dodi, my son, an Egyptian, a Muslim, can be
the stepfather of the future king, right?
In the world according to Muhammad Al-Fayed, the Paris car crash almost two years ago,
which claimed Diana and Dodi, was calculated and cold-blooded.
A massive conspiracy involving the spy agencies MI6 and the CIA working on the orders of the
British establishment.
Because not only MI6 have done it by themselves,
they have also used the American intelligence to spy on Dory
and Diana during their trip by bugging their phones,
all the satellites, all the mobile, know where they are, fine,
everywhere, every step.
I'm passing all the information to MI6.
So this is an amazing story you're telling.
Yeah. Are you sure you're not a
grieving father? Are you sure you're not just trying to find a reason, a
conspiracy? Are you sure it's not just your grief? It's not? No. It's real because I'm
the father, he's my son and I know what happened to him and I know who have done it.
And it upsets you still? Yeah.
What was he like, dating your boy?
Do you want me to stop? Yeah.
Take a moment? Yeah.
But after all these years of battling the establishment,
you're this close to having the Al-Fayed name right at the centre
of the British name. Don't give a damn, don't give a **** about the establishment. For me,
they are nothing. They are just a bunch of **** and crooks and people want to create a class
of themselves and they think they are different. I never want to be related to any type of a class system.
Do you suspect the royal family or their staff ordered MI6 to have them killed?
Someone there of this invisible criminal power.
Is it yes or no? You suspect them?
I suspect them, but I can't just say 100% until I get to the truth. I'm sure God will help me to get to the truth, right?
And I'm sure God will help me to get to the truth.
Demystified it was a conspiracy, not a crash, a slaughter, not a press event.
He believes the tunnel was the kill zone,
and the crash itself was orchestrated by a team of intelligence agents with help from the CIA.
According to eyewitnesses that testified at the inquest, a bright white flash was seen
shortly before Princess Diana's limousine crashed into a pillar in the Paris underpass
and that it might have been struck by another car.
This blinding light, Mr. Fide believes, was used to deliberately distract the driver,
provoking the bloody crash.
The lying and scheming of nuclear-armed monarchies and principalities often come with a price paid in blood,
the blood of children in Palestine, Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine,
but also the blood of princesses who challenged the survival of the firm.
The subject of Princess Dinah's death was resurrected this past week,
not just from the outcries from her son Harry about the trauma and elite racism of the royal
family, but due to a report regarding how the BBC secured their breathtaking interview with
the Princess of Wales in 1995. The reporter, Martin Bashir, is being painted as a scoundrel
who took advantage of the Princess's naivety and paranoia in order to get her to agree to sit down and speak candidly on record about everything from the adultery to the gaslighting and her struggle with depression and bulimia.
Princess Diana also suggested Prince Charles was unfit to be king and that she was grooming her son to take his place.
Bashir is accused of using falsified bank records to convince Diana's brother, Earl Spencer,
that his former head of security and ex-soldier, Alan Waller,
was being paid by Rupert Murdoch's News International and MI5 and MI6 to spy on his family.
According to notes created by Diana's brother from the meeting with
Bashir, the reporter claimed that Prince Charles's private secretary, Commander Richard Aylard,
was conspiring against Diana and had been handed secretly recorded conversations to give England's
future king an advantage in the War of the Waleses. As part of this conspiracy, Basher claimed Dinah's own private secretary,
Commander Patrick Jefferson, was working with the enemy.
Basher backed up these claims by saying a member of GCHQ provided him with confidential proof
that government spies were intercepting Dinah's communications as part of a state-sponsored operation.
All of this convinced Princess Diana that Bashir was an ally and telling the truth. And according to Bashir, also turned her into a source to confirm his own suspicions of an MI5, MI6 spy operation.
And it was this assurance and trust that Diana's brother believed led to her giving up her
royal security detail, who would have been present to ward off paparazzi and provide
crucial medical care on the scene of the crash.
Now, while royalists want Bashir's head on a pike, it is also true that Princess Diana
signed a note regarding the interview, saying,
Martin Bashir did show me, did not show me any documents nor give me any information that I was not previously aware of. regarding the interview, saying, This note has gone over the heads of the loyalists out for blood,
and tragically, even Princess Diana's son, Prince William,
has taken the latest revelation as justification to call for the eye-opening interview to never air
Legally, his call has no bearing, but that hasn't stopped websites and social media
platforms from purging the interview.
True News has acquired an unedited copy of the interview, which aired in 1995, with statements that give
an unparalleled view into the dysfunction and abusive environment Diana died in, and why the
Hornets of Windsor may have ordered the hit. Do you really believe that a campaign was being
waged against you? Yes, I did. Absolutely. Why? I was a separated wife to the Prince of Wales. I was a problem, full stop.
Never happened before.
What do we do with her?
Can't we pack her off to somewhere quietly
rather than campaign against her?
She won't go quietly.
That's the problem.
I'll fight till the end
because I believe that I have a role to fulfil
and I've got two children to bring up.
Up until you came into this family,
the monarchy seemed to enjoy an unquestioned position
at the heart of British life.
Do you feel that you're at all to blame for the fact
that the survival of the monarchy is now a question that people are asking?
No, I don't feel blame.
I mean, once or twice I've heard people say to me
that, you know, Diana's out to destroy
the monarchy, which has bewildered me because why would I want to destroy something that is
my children's future? I will fight for my children on any level in order for them to be happy and
have peace of mind to carry out their duties. But I think what concerns me most of all about
how people discuss the monarchy is they become indifferent. And I think what concerns me most of all about how people discuss the monarchy is they
become indifferent. And I think that is a problem. And I think that should be sorted out, yes.
When you say indifferent, what do you mean?
They don't care. People don't care anymore. They've been so force-fed with marital problems,
whatever, whatever, whatever. They're fed up. I'm fed up of reading about it. I'm in it.
So God knows what people out there must think.
Do you think the monarchy needs to adapt and to change in order to survive?
I understand that change is frightening for people,
especially if there's nothing to go to.
It's best to stay where you are.
I understand that.
But I do think that there are a few things that could change
that would alleviate this doubt
and sometimes complicated relationship between monarchy and public.
I think they could walk hand in hand, as opposed to be so distant.
What are you doing to try and effect some kind of change?
Well, with William and Harry, for instance, I take them around homelessness projects.
I've taken William and Harry to people dying of AIDS, albeit I told them it was cancer.
I've taken the children to all sorts of areas where I'm not sure anyone of that age in this family has been before. And they have a knowledge.
They may never use it, but the seed is there. And I hope it will grow because knowledge
is power.
What are you hoping that that experience for your children, what impact that experience will have on your children?
I want them to have an understanding of people's emotions,
people's insecurities, people's distress and people's hopes and dreams.
Do you think you'll ever be queen?
No, I don't, no.
Why do you think that?
I'd like to be a queen of people's hearts, in people's hearts.
But I don't see myself being queen of this country.
I don't think many people would want me to be queen.
Actually, when I say many people, I mean the establishment that I'm married into.
Because they've decided that i'm a non-starter
why do you think they've decided that
because i do things differently because i don't go by a rule book because i lead from the heart
not the head and albeit that's got me into trouble in my work i understand that
but someone's got to go out there and love people and show it.
And do you think that because of the way you behave,
that's precluded you effectively from becoming queen?
Yes, well, not precluded me, I wouldn't say that.
I just don't think I have as many supporters in that environment than I did.
You mean within the royal household?
They see me as a threat of some kind.
And I'm here to do good.
I'm not a destructive person.
Why do they see you as a threat?
I think every strong woman in history
has had to walk down a similar path.
And I think it's the strength
that causes the confusion and the fear.
Why is she strong? Where does she get it from?
Where is she taking it? Where is she going to use it?
Why do the public still support her?
When I say public, you're going into an engagement
and there's a great many people there.
Do you think the Prince of Wales will ever be king? I don't think any of
us know the answer to that. And obviously it's a question that's in everybody's head.
But who knows? Who knows what fate will produce? Who knows what circumstances will provoke?
But you would know him better than most people. do you think he would wish to be king
there was always conflict on that subject with him when we discussed it and i understood that
conflict because it's a very demanding role being prince of wales but it's equally more demanding
role being king and being prince of wales produces more freedom now being king
would be a little bit more suffocating and because i know the character i would think that the top
job as i call it would bring enormous limitations to him and i don't know whether he could adapt to
that do you think it would make more sense in the light of the marital difficulties that you and the Prince of Wales have had,
if the position of monarch passed directly to your son, Prince William?
Well, then, you have to see that William's very young at the moment,
so do you want a burden like that to be put on his shoulders at such an age?
So I can't answer that question.
Would it be your wish that when Prince William comes of age
that he were to succeed the Queen rather than the current Prince of Wales?
My wish is that my husband finds peace of mind
and from that follows other things, yes.
Why have you decided to give this interview now?
Why have you decided to speak at this time?
Because we will have been separated three years this December,
and the perception that has been given of me for the last three years
has been very confusing, turbulent,
and in some areas I'm sure many, many people doubt me.
And I want to reassure all those people who have loved me
and supported me throughout the last 15 years
so I'd never let them down.
That is a priority to me, along with my children.
And so you feel that by speaking out in this way,
you'll be able to reassure the people?
Mm-hm. The people that matter to me, the man on the street.
Yeah. Because that's what matters more than anything else.
Some people might think...
Some people might interpret this
as you simply taking the opportunity to get your own back on your husband.
I don't sit here with resentment. I sit here with sadness because a marriage hasn't worked.
I sit here with hope because there's a future ahead.
A future for my husband, a future for myself and a future for the monarchy.
Transparent tragedy.
But through those seeds she planted in the minds of her boys,
she may end up having the last laugh.
But one has to wonder if they killed Diana for challenging the monarchy
or simply wanting to change it
so it's more compassionate, responsive, functional.
What does that mean for me and you?
Yes, I know as an American the the crown holds no sway over here.
But the royal family is a snapshot of all elite families and dynasties around the globe,
which rule through fiat, exert influence with wealth, and they subdue enemies with government-sponsored, at that time, assassination.
As Americans, we know British spies have influenced our foreign and domestic affairs.
Take, for example, the Steele dossier produced by retired MI6 agent Christopher Steele.
With it, our national security elite were able to wage war against President Trump for most of his term in office.
Think about the pandemic.
Where was the university which Bill Gates paid to produce the apocalyptic casualty models prior to lockdowns throughout the world.
That would be Imperial College in London.
Without the death porn projection of 65 million dead,
no one would have relinquished freedoms to shut down society,
let alone fork out trillions for vaccine programs and universal basic income payments.
And where is this war on Russia being waged from?
It's literally a British aircraft carrier named after the Queen that is heading to harass the Russians in the Black Sea and eventually China.
You could even go as far back as World War II,
where British agents planted false stories about Germany
in order to influence public opinion towards supporting intervention.
Now, I've said my piece, and I think I've got your attention, but stick with me.
There's a lot more.
One man who has tussled and won against these demons on many occasions,
and especially on the aisle that always reigns,
is an investigative journalist and author named Peter Hunem.
In 1998, Peter authored a book titled Who Killed Diana?
And in his book description,
he came right out of the gate and suggested it was no act of fate, but instead a possible planned hit by a group skilled in the proven technique of killing by stealth. Now, Peter
has broken many stories over his long career, especially while working as the chief investigative
reporter for the Sunday Times.
One of his most important investigations was the Mordecai Venunu affair,
which revealed Israel's secret nuclear weapons program to the whole world.
He has also done extensive and dangerous work exposing the lies and propaganda surrounding the Six-Day War,
including the relentless and thankfully failed assault by the State of
Israel on the USS Liberty in June 1967.
If you'd like to learn more about that and how the world narrowly escaped nuclear war,
consider purchasing the docuseries we released last year, Sacrificing Liberty.
Well, there's no question it was a big cover-up from the top on down.
What did we do wrong? Why are we being labeled the bad guys? We can't talk about it.
Why would they go ahead and tell me not to say nothing?
If you do, you're going to go to prison or worse.
They sent all of us in different directions.
That was to ensure that we didn't talk to each other and come up with a plan.
It was only the USS Liberty items that you were not permitted to put on your uniform.
Lies and deceit cover up the truth.
We want to uncover the lies and deceitfulness for the last 52 years. It's a terrific combination of American money,
French equipment, and Israeli Air Force pilots.
What was he doing about all these people who were wandering
in and out of the White House at the time?
His girlfriend from the Mossad told him that he could raise
all kinds of money to continue the Vietnam
War. The story has to be told. I am not saying anything about the liberty, period.
Again, that's, a great gift for Memorial Day and a patriotic watch for those who want to honor the most decorated U.S. ship in a single combat encounter.
Now, Peter Honim is featured in that series, but today his mind is on the death of Diana and maybe soon the monarchy itself.
Let's see what he thinks.
Join me to make sense of this mystery surrounding the murder of
Princess Diana that might as well be its own spy novel is the Honorable Peter Hounam. Welcome to
True News, Peter. I'm not sure I'm honorable. Oh, I hope you are, sir. It's a pleasure to be with
you. Nice to be with you. I'm glad to talk to you. You've been a constant source of wisdom on the subject when we're looking into the Middle East,
whether it be the many wars, which many don't know much about still,
or two, one of your early works, which was the investigation of the death of Princess Diana.
Now, you're in Scotland right now, but I'm sure you happen to escape the hysteria from London about this inquiry.
What have you heard so far living through this resurrection of the Princess Diana interview?
Well, there's no doubt that the BBC acted in a very questionable fashion
in actually persuading Diana to give this interview.
And the false bank statements were produced by the
reporter. I'm saying that having a high court judge finding to that effect and lots of others
slightly misleading stuff was fed by Diana's brother Earl Spencer to her about what was going on which I think
led to her becoming even more
sceptical about her
safety and of course
eventually this guy Martin Bashir
managed to get that interview which you've shown
a chunk of on today
the danger is that we'll focus on
the actions of the reporter
which to my book would never have been allowed.
I've worked for TV and newspapers, and there's certain rules that you stick to.
And one is that you don't take decent people like Diana, who have not actually committed any crimes, and mislead them using false documentation. However, the danger is that we will forget what
she actually said in that interview. And most of what she said had no bearing on what she'd been
fed by Martin Bashir, the reporter. But she just wanted to get over how she felt after three years
of being separated from Prince Charles, about the royal family.
And it was indeed very revealing.
And the idea that they should now, the BBC should now block the viewing of it because
of its failings is journalistically very wrong, because we need to see what she had to say.
You know, you just made a very powerful point, Peter.
It does feel like we're being gaslighted by the British monarchy and even the press in England and America.
Trust me, in America, I'm seeing, oh, the Basher interview.
You shouldn't even bother looking at the Diana interview at this point.
Just know that they lied to her and everything she said must have been tainted.
What was in that interview was incredible.
I watched the full hour program.
We found a rare copy of it online.
And wow, I have never heard.
We're both British.
We both have a passport with the Queen's signature on it.
I'd never heard this interview to the extent that I, seriously,
the fact that this wasn't common knowledge to my generation has honestly opened the door for not only the current affair, which has everyone's minds captured with Harry and William and Charles, but more so, I see this, I see the Princess Diana scandal as a prerequisite to modern day spy scandals. Imagine that the public would not have been shocked as much or maybe dismissed as much
the notion that there were certain elements of the security infrastructure in both England
and the United States that wanted to go to war in the Middle East prior to going to war
in the Middle East and before, for example, the Harvey Weinstein or Epstein
sex scandals.
None of that would have been as much of a shock had we had a base understanding that
this had already happened to Diana.
And I think this business of spying is a huge subject.
And you've got to remember, by the way, that the CIA was set up just after the Second World
War with the help of MI6, which is obviously figuring now in this Diana story.
And some of the tactics that the CIA has got up to, which has been obviously discredited
over the years, you know, they learned that from MI6.
So, you know, the idea.
So just going back to the question of Diana's suspicions about being spied on,
nobody can say, because nobody has actually come forward with documentary evidence,
that MI6 was spying on her.
However, given the situation, the way she was behaving after she separated from Prince Charles,
there is no doubt in my mind that they must have been keeping a close eye on her.
They would want to know exactly where she was going. was Mohammed Fayed, who was a highly controversial businessman, whose source of wealth has always
been some doubt about.
They would have been watching.
So going back to the death in Paris, I have no doubt they were around.
And there were lots of talk of people in nice suits speaking in English, for example,
sitting close to Diana and Dodie in the Ritz Hotel the day she died, and other shadowy
figures in very large limousines near the crash.
So without going into whether or not it was murder, they would be there, they would have a very
good idea what really happened.
And of course, they've never said a thing.
Certainly, the subject, we have to be responsible with this because of course, some have taken
both ends of this argument, have gone off the rails with it.
I think what's certainly true, reading the inquest last night, I realized how naive the people doing the investigation were. Naive or
willfully deceptive. There were statements in there such as, no one could believe that a
journalist would be speaking with a member of GCHQ. No one would believe that a member of
intelligence would be leaking communications
and surveillance transcripts to the press. Hello. Let me just cite James Comey admitting to doing
that here in America. He said he was doing it for our own good, though. You know, that's the
difference. But it's incredible. And you mentioned listening devices. I'm making sense of this subject. I have to weigh people's biases. Clearly, there is a bias in the British press to kind of be able to put this chapter to rest so that if Prince Charles or, let's say, Prince William need to take the throne in the death of Queen Elizabeth, they wouldn't have to rehash this.
And, of course, one of the stories is that Bashir, Martin Bashir,
Manu, did you ever run into him in your
time? No. I worked for the same
TV department
at the BBC that he worked for,
but we never met.
Your opinion is that he definitely
committed some
unethical practice. I would agree that
fabricating bank statements, right?
What he was doing was the classic confidence trickster
technique of feeding information that she thought she would like to hear Diana and
And then feeding him other bits of evidence to get her get into her confidence and then
Persuaded to talk now. there's a certain amount of justification
with crooks and people that you've got documentary evidence that they are crooks. You can actually
justify doing things like that. But she was not a crook. She was a public figure. She was a decent
person. She was a mother. They shouldn't have done that. Nonetheless, the interview is important. And of course, a year and a half after that interview, she died in the car crash. So after all this fuss about the BBC programme, what we now need to focus on is, you know, what was the timeline after that, you know, what happened in the next 18 months? Did the program have any bearing on her being less cautious about her safety, her inability to actually have
proper security around her now that she'd been shivelled out by the royal family? All
that becomes very interesting.
Well, and another interesting part to this too, I believe, is that the characterization
of Martin Bashir is a scoundrel, someone who's dishonorable. They won't characterize his actions
as the actions of an intelligence agent or asset. The things you've just described there are things
that intelligence agents do, right? Yes. Like her brother, Earl Spencer, is saying that he believes,
he doesn't believe the government would have planted listing devices in Diana's home and her vehicles.
But he does believe Martin Bashir might have.
I mean, it's interesting that he's willing to say that a journalist that he doesn't believe to be an intelligence asset planted a listing device.
But he doesn't think the British government would do something like that.
And on the whole, I should say that somehow some of these sort of dirty tricks that the CIA get up to are quite often exposed.
But MI6 has been much more successful in keeping quiet what it gets up to.
So we haven't been as good at exposing their peccadilloes.
Well, aside from the reason why this scandal has been resurrected, we go to now the actual death
and the suspect circumstances around that death. You're a much better expert on this subject than me, and I want to pull from your knowledge on this.
What I've read, okay, what I've read is that there was a confluence of events the month before the crash.
And obviously you mentioned Dodi Al-Fayed and his father, the Egyptian billionaire Mohammed Al-Fayed.
These two, honestly, you don't really know where the money came from, per se.
It's one of those instances where maybe you don't want to ask.
There was a connection through the woman that Muhammad Al-Fayed was married to.
This is the father of Diana's boyfriend.
He was married to the sister of Adnan Khashoggi. Yes.
Now, Adnan Khashoggi, the arms dealer, the uncle to Jamal Khashoggi, who was butchered in an Istanbul consulate.
With this, did you know this at the time when you were researching this, that there was this arms dealer, Saudi kind of connection to the Fayyads?
And what was your experience with the Fayyads?
You've met the father, is that correct?
Yeah, I met Mohammed Al-Fayed because after he discovered I was investigating Diana's death,
he wanted to meet me and he wanted to pay me to do more investigative stuff for him.
He had already got a very well-paid ex-Scotland Yard superintendent working for
him doing some investigations
and we met several times
it was a very, you know, when I do
an investigation I try to keep an open mind
and it was very focused, the way they were going
about it, obviously they got
the idea in their head that it was
the Duke of Edinburgh that was behind
for which I've never seen any direct evidence.
Because I wanted to make the point, actually, that, you know,
if you're in the royal family and you want something done,
you don't have to sort of call a meeting and say, do this.
You just have to pass the word around. And nobody will ever know who originated it.
It will happen.
So, and it's been going on for hundreds of years in
this country. You must not we must not lose sight of the possibility that it was a genuine
accident. Because the car was going very fast into the tunnel. The tunnel was very badly
designed. There were all these factors that could have led to it being an accident. But as soon as I heard about her death,
things started going through my head. I spent quite a lot of time in the previous years in
South Africa, looking at some of the dirty tricks that their secret services got up to,
and how they had a special department devising ways of killing people, quote, accidentally, one of which was
doctoring cars so that they crashed, but making it look as though it was a natural crash.
Another was, of course, poisoning people so they didn't look as though they'd died from poisoning.
There was an enormous expertise in South Africa, which the South African nationalist government
used to sell to other countries.
And of course, there were close links with the DI, particularly the Defense Intelligence
Agency in the States, and also the British intelligence agencies.
So I thought, well, it was worth doing the book because I thought, well, look, here are
the possibilities.
And then as I dug further into it,
I thought the crash is in itself very suspicious
because if you look at the way the markings were on the road
when the car was attempting to brake,
it more or less followed a very gentle curve
straight into a pillar.
And of course, even if you're a drunk driver
and you could see a pillar coming up, you do your best to steer where he was going.
And, of course, that supported this idea that there was a very bright flash.
And then I discovered, of course, that the army had precisely that sort of device,
the British army, a very bright flash that could dazzle the pilot of a plane or a car
and lead to their crashing, where everyone would think it was an accident.
And then there's a story that a motorbike overtook the car just before it crashed, and
people saw a bright flash.
So although none of this is proof of anything, it was worth putting together all the possibilities.
And now, years and years and years later, we're still discussing it. We still don't know the truth. And it's very similar to the JFK story, isn't it? You know, people are not satisfied with the official position. They're not satisfied with the inquest, theem on Diana. It was the Queen's personal physician
who did the autopsy.
And he was the one who said
that she wasn't pregnant.
He said that she'd looked into her womb.
Well, what would you expect him to say?
Would he confirm it if it was true?
So, of course, I'm a professional skeptic, but I do think we don't know the full story
And that's what's important here.
I think what you're addressing has been a decade-long loss of trust in government.
I think when we see these stories, we are skeptical, and rightfully so.
We're not given all the facts and all the details, and it's not completely transparent.
Because we think of the last time the governments lied to us, or whether it be the United States, Britain, any government.
I know.
There was a sort of acceptance in government services, I think in the States and in Britain, years ago,
that you didn't overtly ago, that you didn't
overtly lie, but you didn't go out of your way to tell the truth about things. That seems
to have gone out of the window now. Outright lying takes place. And we've seen it now with
the present government in the UK over the coronavirus situation. So let's not go into that.
Going back to Diana, my view is that there should still be a proper inquiry into this,
that we should actually make it a judicial inquiry in which people from the security services
can be brought to talk on oath about what they know. We know
of two names of people who are allegedly members of the security service who were around in Paris
and indeed, apparently in the Ritz, the very point that just before she left to go on her car
journey. We know there's a suspicion that they were in the British Embassy
controlling communications that day.
Why were they there if they were there?
This needs to be brought out.
And it's sad if the fuss over the BBC's behaviour gets in that way.
Well, something very important there is that the government's policy
now is that they're allowed to lie to us. This is a policy in the West, as long as it's for
national security. Now, this was around before the Patriot Act, before the war on terror,
but it was really codified into place and we're now 20 years into that understanding.
And I think one of the most interesting aspects of this is what you brought up with the agents.
There were MI6, MI5, other intelligence, French intelligence.
I read the Israeli intelligence.
Every intelligence agency, I guess, had presence in Paris on the day that Princess Diana died.
But specifically, there have been a couple MI6 agents which have come forward.
And there was one that actually came forward a year after the accident. This is the Irish
Times, August 29th, 1998. The title was, Ex-MI6 Man Says Diana Driver Was an Agent.
Now, the man quoted by the Irish Times was former MI6 agent Richard Tomlinson. Now, he was actually testifying to the French judge overlooking the inquest, Harve Stephan.
And what he told the judge, this is beyond an oath.
This isn't something you can simply just make a statement and get away with telling a lie.
He is claiming that Princess Diana's driver, Henri Paul, was actually working for MI6
and that her bodyguards were in direct contact with British intelligence.
That's an incredible statement.
What did you make of that when you saw that?
Well, so very five-star hotels almost always have security section. And it would not be surprising if they were not fed the odd payment
to feed information about special guests in the hotel to the security services.
So that wouldn't surprise me in the least.
There's a difference between someone being paid as a sort of assist,
to assist with inquiries, as opposed to being actually an agent of the
Secret Service.
I don't actually think that the chauffeur, who was also head of security at the Ritz,
was actually a paid agent.
That would imply that they trained with MI6 or MI5 or the CIA or Mossad.
No, I don't think that.
But I do think that they would have a very close link.
And of course, they would facilitate.
So if one of the security services wanted to get into a room,
there would be no problem because he would be just able to provide the key.
Well, I think the outrageous statements that kind of we miss often
are printed and I feel like the newspapers said they've done their due diligence
as long as they get a quote or a statement in there.
And if you didn't see it, it's your own fault.
Something that the Irish Times article stated, it kind of threw me back.
It stated that the MI6 agents were in Paris, but they claim,
and this is from that man,
Richard Tomlinson,
he claimed that they were there
for another assassination.
They were there to kill
another foreign personality in Paris.
So they weren't involved
in the Diana Doty crash.
But my goodness,
are you telling me
that was a state-sanctioned assassination
at the same time
that Princess
Diana was mysteriously killed in a car accident?
That's incredible.
I would love to be able to tell you I've proved that they get up to these sort of euthanization
No evidence ever comes out.
More evidence is coming out, as I said, about what the CIA has got up to.
And of course, they use the mafias to do sort of dirty tricks like that. I have no doubt that it's been done
in this country too. Well, what do you remember about the CIA invokes? I know that Fyde,
he's mentioned this in his interview with 60 Minutes Australia. He said it wasn't obviously
just the British. He claimed that intelligence had been shared by the CIA.
I have to wonder why the CIA was getting involved here.
Clearly, Princess Diana's work going and raising awareness about landmines in Bosnia to the AIDS epidemic, that clearly was getting their attention.
But what do you know about the CIA's involvement in this? Well, you've got to remember that MI6, CIA, and New Zealand and Canada and
Australia work very closely together under an organization called the Five Eyes. And they
share intelligence. So if any of the British intelligence agencies needing help, the CIA would undoubtedly be there to render
assistance. Whether the Americans wanted, had any interest in spying for their own ends,
I do not know. But all I know is that what, where Diana was going, dating Dodi Fayed was
a very dangerous move to make. Now, it's been made, one of the points that's been made here in the last few days
is that Diana was a conflicted sort of person.
She was possibly a bit gullible.
However, you saw in that interview, she's highly intelligent
and she's very articulate.
And she was in control of herself.
She was her own agent.
So she has to bear some responsibility for what happened to her.
So going back to the crash in the tunnel,
one of the horrible things is that she never put her seatbelt on.
And neither did Dodi.
And although Dodi was on the side of the car that was most badly damaged,
where she was, she would have doubtfully lived had she had a seatbelt on.
So were they really trying to kill her?
I mean, they couldn't have known whether she had a seatbelt on or not.
Or were they trying to harm her and do more damage maybe to Dodi,
who was, of course, the bigger threat.
Who knows? All I know is that the sequence of events, you know, there was a very short period
of time between her meeting Dodi, going on trips with her, introducing her children to him,
getting to know Mohammed Al-Fayed, staying in Mohammed's mansion, once on by the Duke of Windsor, and then ending
up dying.
It was a very short period of time.
And it has never been properly investigated.
Well, you mentioned investigation.
And Peter, what I'd say is if the government, both America and England at this point, since
we have her son living out in
California, if they don't get involved, I'll tell you what is going to happen is there's going to
be thousands of conversations like this. And there's going to be freelancers. There are going
to be regular influencers, social media influencers who are independently going to pursue this
question and inquire about it. I do think you made a great point about the death itself could be explained by a simple crash.
But I think what is undeniable at this point is there was an ongoing gaslighting operation.
The paranoia, the hysteria that they drove Diane into.
And I wouldn't say that she lost her mind because clearly in that interview,
she's a mother looking to protect her kids. I'll always bet on a mother looking to protect
her children. But why would the British intelligence or the CIA be threatened by an
Egyptian man whose father has gotten money from means we don't quite know? Why would they be
threatened by that? And that the princes might be raised by that father? Well, of course, I don't quite know why would they be threatened by that and and that the princes might be raised by that father?
Well, of course, I don't share this
Mentality but you've got to remember in this country the royal family, you know is is
revered by a
significant section of the population
the the the Armed Services technically come under the command of the queen. So they
swear allegiance to the queen and they're made to think that she is, if you like, the
titular boss of them. Other people in government circles are equally devoted to the idea of the monarchy.
And so whether they're acting for national security reasons
or to help the royal family, no one knows at the moment
because none of that has come out.
What would it do?
You could argue, so I was going to say that you could argue
that her death and the death of Dodi Fayyad suited the royal family.
But equally, you could argue that it was a disaster for them,
considering what happened thereafter.
And what's happening now with one of her sons
basically flown away to America and beginning to speak out.
And I just want to make another point.
I don't have the...
If there's any truth in any of the suspicions we've talked about, Prince Harry will know them because he will have been able to
talk to people who will know. They will have told him. He will know. So will his brother.
So whether they ever feel like talking, well, they can find my name in the phone book.
Well, and that's, I might start Well, and I might start doing that.
I might start doing that because of something I found while researching for this interview.
Only about eight years ago, there was a couple of officials that came forward.
Now they're now a retired or senior SAS soldiers.
They started saying some very interesting things about their capabilities,
even suggesting in part that you need to respect my skills as a trained murderer,
as a trained assassin, as a trained agent of the British government because of what we did to Diana.
Peter, I want to share this Channel 4 News Report for 2013 with you.
When we come back, I want to dig your brain a little bit about the story of Sergeant Nightingale.
The idea the SAS was involved in the Princess of Wales' death appears to have come from within
the SAS. But was it the delusion of a troubled soldier? Princess Diana and Dodi Al-Fayed had
left the Ritz Hotel in Paris
and were being chased by paparazzi when their car crashed. In 2008, an inquest jury found they'd
been unlawfully killed, partly down to their driver, Henri Paul, who was drunk and speeding.
Police investigations on both sides of the channel completely dismissed
persistent conspiracy theories that the couple were murdered by the state.
A theory supported at the time by Mr. Al-Fayed's father, Mohammed Al-Fayed.
Scotland Yard says this is not a new investigation, that Princess Diana and
Dodi Al-Fayed's deaths were thoroughly investigated at the inquest.
It is, though, looking at whether the information is relevant and credible.
The police won't say where it came from,
but Channel 4 News has seen a letter which it's thought may be the source.
It was written by the former mother-in-law of a then SAS soldier to his commanding officer.
Last month, that soldier, known as Soldier N, gave evidence that the court-martial of Danny Nightingale
for illegally possessing a gun and ammunition.
Soldier N had already admitted the same offence.
The letter, written two years ago, was released during the court-martial with names and details blanked out.
But Sol Durenne's former mother-in-law expresses concerns about him based on things he's reported
to have said to his ex-wife. He told her it was that who arranged Princess Diana's death
and that has been covered up. So what chance do my daughter and I stand against his threats?
The letter says he told his ex-wife
he could make her disappear, warning some members of the SAS had a box with the name,
address and details of what they want done for private jobs. The letter also alleges the soldier
had boasted about killing women and children and brought guns and bullets into the home. It begs special forces to step in,
saying the soldier is not presenting with normal behaviour. This man's reign of terror has got to
stop. We can't verify what the letter alleges about the now ex-soldier's behaviour, but if true,
it raises questions about how the SAS monitors its personnel's mental health.
This year, the SAS has been under an unwelcome spotlight with the trial of Sergeant Danny
Nightingale and criticism of its training after a tragedy in the Brecon Beacons in which
three men died.
The MODs refusing to say anything about soldier N's reported comments about Princess Diana. It's 16 years
since she died. The royal family is starting a new chapter, but still new claims come.
Do you remember that story, Peter?
I do, actually. Of course, that referred to the mother-in-law confirming what it was all about.
The actual wife of the guy was later interviewed and said a little bit more and basically said that they had been on the motorbike and they'd used a very powerful flashlight to flash into the eyes of the driver, which this is several years after I wrote my books. And my mind was just a sort of speculative thing based on the fact that there were reports
of this very bright flash.
But here is a member of the secret army unit that is trained to do these sort of operations
saying this happened.
Now, as far as I'm aware, they weren't being
paid to say it. So why would he be making it up? Again, as you notice, Scotland Yard
never properly followed it up. It never came out that they'd found anything. These things
just seem to get buried. And it's unfortunately all too often that it happens.
Yes, you're right. In December of that year, in 2013, they closed the inquiry.
They said there was no evidence the SAS were involved.
But reading how they came to that, they said we just can't verify if there is any information to support this.
They don't want to re-litigate or re-inquire about the actual death.
Their position was, we just want to
try to verify if the military
and this is being a widespread
problem, that trained killers
and that's what soldiers are.
They're trained killers. It's been tough for
Americans to reintegrate. Just imagine what
it's like for the British who don't have half of the support
structure that we have in our country
that trained SAS soldiers were coming back, making boasts to their wives that they can make people disappear.
They have a box with names and addresses that they use for private jobs.
I mean, they're talking about covers.
They're talking about operating as intelligence assets.
Isn't that a fair characterization?
That's right. And it's important, therefore, to distinguish between the activities of MI6 and the Special
Air Service, which is the SAS, because one is a military operation and one is a civil.
And the MI6 is controlled by the British Foreign Office.
Obviously, SAS comes under military control.
And they both have different roles.
So if MI61 did something done, it would be given to something like some organization
like the SAS to do it.
And of course, within the SAS, because I've known some people in it, there are decent
people and they tend to choose the people who are much more unscrupulous for this sort of operation.
Peter, I wonder what the state of politics would look like today if someone like Diana and her voice was still present.
If she had a Twitter account, she could commentate.
I wonder if it would have still destroyed her, the modern chaos would have destroyed her.
But I also wonder what other issues she would have picked up.
In 2005, there was talk that one of the issues that Princess Diana was considering
and taking up as a cause was the cause of the Palestinians.
The Jerusalem Post.
She was very told to.
So you've heard of it.
The Jerusalem Post in 2005 reported that Donna was murdered over Palestinian support.
Do you think there's anything to this?
Well, there are plenty of other reasons for her to be murdered. It's quite a possibility.
But I'm just going to make another interesting point about her if she'd not died.
A bit like Harry, I think she would probably have ended up in the States.
Because living here with all this pressure and also disapproval from many, many people,
it would have been for her exactly like it has been for Harry. I think that many in America can see parallels between not just the scandal now, the royal inquiry between Harry, the un-really-healthy obsession with the royal family and just entertainment in general in this country and around the world, in the West too. But I think we could see parallels between Princess Diana fighting against establishment,
fighting against censorship, fighting against being suppressed, and the war which was waged
against President Trump.
Now there's plenty of things President Trump did to harm his own case.
But what I think at this point both sides, who are being honest, could agree is that
there were elements of our government, our infrastructure, which were weaponized against the president that he was also spied
Like Diana was alleged or at least believed to have been spied upon.
Peter Robinson He made this big promise of clearing the swamp.
I don't think he ever did it, unfortunately.
Paul Jay He never did.
He filled the swamp up.
That is absolutely true.
Peter Robinson But it struck me before he was elected when he said that
he was absolutely right.
You know, there's some things very wrong.
And it's an issue here, because I live
in Scotland, we have an issue of Scottish independence.
And a lot of people who are now
talking about Scottish independence are fed up with
the way our government works in London.
Not just because of the
distance between the two and the fact that
Scottish people have different ideas,
but because we've been so badly governed over the last 20 or 30 years,
you know, tucking us into wars in Iraq, as with you, your country,
that people didn't want.
So we're at a very interesting juncture here.
And anyway, I do think that what will be worrying the palace and the establishment
at the moment is whether Harry is going to say any more about what he understands happened
to his mum.
Peter Robinson Well, I think that is the next shoe to drop.
I think Prince Harry is but one step from going there, like saying, OK, you already said that they want to kill my wife.
He's already said that he went after my mother because of her boyfriend.
Dare he open up what would be the third rail of the Princess Diana scandal,
which is that his father or his grandfather may have been involved past the way that she was ostracized,
the way that she was pushed to bulimia, depression.
She was isolated.
She was kicked out of the family without being removed from the family.
If he goes there, Peter, I do think, I don't think it's a wild thing to say that this could lead to the end of the monarchy.
What do you think? Yeah, because I think it won't be too long before the queen passes away.
And this will be the point where the whole thing will begin to be questioned again.
However, I'm always astonished.
I'm not a monarchist myself.
I'm always astonished at how much support the monarchy has here.
And it is a bit like a glue.
And of course, it's interesting, the Daily Mail, one of the newspapers that you quoted,
they actually run royal stories under their entertainment section.
So in a way, the royal family is part of the entertainment industry.
And that is even more the case in the States, as Netflix has discovered, you know, with
the crown, you know. Well, and Princess Diana actually addressed that in the States, as Netflix has discovered, you know, with The Crown, you know.
Well, and Princess Diana actually addressed that in a 95 interview. She said that the people have
become indifferent to the monarchy. They're tired of seeing it, but she might have been wrong on
that regard. I think that many a newspaper, you know, it's for pagan media in England,
many a newspaper, many an ad has been sold by just having the allure of secrecy about the monarchy.
But in a lot of regards, it's kind of like a paper tiger.
I mean, if you think about this, Peter, you live somewhere where the hardiest of men come out.
I mean, the Scottish Highlanders, the men that come serve in the armed forces,
that produce the resources, also are out in the old rigs of the North Sea.
They come from Scotland. You've got a hearty stock up there.
And the SAS.
And you've got a lot of smart people living up there.
You moved up there for a reason.
But that's the thing.
For you, up there in Scotland, the monarchy is separated from you.
You really don't wake up every day fearing the Queen.
Yet, that is the head of state for you.
No, I mean, she lives up here quite a lot of the
time but we don't see much uh but but the the um the younger again you've got to come back to the
younger generation is more indifferent uh i mean it is for them purely entertainment
to see stories like this uh when diana was around i met her once, by the way. If her picture appeared on the front
page of a newspaper, it would sell significantly more copies. So she was a commercial asset
to newspapers, to the royal family, though they probably didn't realize it, God, they missed an opportunity there.
I mean, if they'd embraced her and embraced her,
the fact that she was more in tune with the ordinary folk of the country,
it might well have changed the whole mentality of the royal family
and structure of it.
Oh, and if it doesn't change the royal family,
I do think it's going to change
the next generation.
I think the seed that she sought to plant in her sons, this seed of humanity, the care
about the emotions of people, care about the people who are actually serving.
You are serving.
It's not just a regent that you become king.
You're serving your subjects.
I think that that has taken seed.
I think it has taken root, especially in my life.
Now, Peter, I want to give you the last word on this.
What do you think, actually?
Do you think that she was murdered by the spies?
I think that her death is not easily explained as an accident and that she was a target and there was a motive for her to die.
You know, the moment that she started taking up with Dodi Fayed, she was playing with fire.
And and so there is at least a 50-50 chance she was murdered. And that very suspicion at that level, 50-50,
it should be properly investigated. The problem is you're delving into areas here
that the establishment just will not allow us to go. But somebody will come forward eventually
and it will come out, I have no doubt. It may well be
Prince Harry is the person through whom it'll come out.
Well, fair for the establishment has never kept you at bay. I want to give you an opportunity
real quick to share news about your upcoming book. Now, as we worked with you on our Sacrificing
Liberty project, but you're taking that a little bit further.
Yeah, the book's called Goliath's Guilty Secret.
It really goes into what was going on in the Six-Day War around the time of the Liberty was attacked.
And the Goliath in the title is actually the United States of America,
because America had more of an involvement in the Six-Day War than anyone has realized.
It's a very, very interesting and rather alarming story.
And sort of on the last lap through the book,
as you know, I've been writing it for quite a long time
because I keep getting sidetracked
and looking at new bits and pieces of evidence,
even some of the stuff that you managed to deal by
out when you were doing your programs.
So, but I'm getting there.
Meanwhile, I've started another business here.
So everything, at the age of 77,
I'm probably time that I sort of wound down.
But I'll get the book out first.
For our audience, you said you mentioned it.
You're also a chocolatier.
So for you, the truth is bittersweet.
I'm a chocolatier.
Well, what's the website that you can share with our audience
that they can find information about your books?
My stepson is called
Ian Burnett, spelled
I-A-I-N Burnett,
the Highland Chocolatier.
turned it into quite a substantial business.
we've gone all the way through this lockdown
period with COVID,
making even bigger
profits because our online
sales have gone through the roof. So we've we've done all right.
For your book, though, what's your website that we can send our audience to if they want
the first one?
There will be a website with my name on it, Peter Houneman.
So, but there's nothing, there's a bit of information there.
But as you know, I'm giving a talk shortly to the liberty survivors in Pensacola, their meeting.
So we may put that on the website as well in due course.
But anyway, it's great to talk to you again, Ed.
Yes, it was a pleasure to have you on the program, Peter.
I'm sure this won't be the last time we chat. God bless you.
No, no, no.
You must do one on South Africa.
All the best. Okay, will do.
Take care, sir.
All the best. Bye-bye. Bye-bye.
Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
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as it is 20 years from now.
And we'll need to keep these revelations close at mind as more Dianas mysteriously die.
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