TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Divine Right: Rick Wiles and Milo Yiannopoulos talk about Pagan Left

Episode Date: May 14, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, founder Rick Wiles welcomes special guest Milo Yiannopoulos, as he shares his journey to Christ and leaving his gay lifestyle in the past. Rick Wiles. Airdate (05/14/21)...

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit www. I'm Rick Wiles. Bio. Ianopoulos is one of the most famous political commentators in the world. At age 36, he is loved or hated by millions of people, obviously has something to say about a lot of topics, and isn't afraid to make people cringe when he talks about socialism, political correctness, feminism, and modern American society. And for these comments, he was permanently banned by Twitter and Facebook. 11 years ago, he was a technology reporter for the Daily Telegraph in
Starting point is 00:01:15 London. In 2014, Milo started writing for Breitbart News and was soon promoted to the editor of the eSports department. Milo launched a career as a controversial public speaker and political commentator. Openly gay at the time, Milo went on the Dangerous Faggot Tour in 2015 that generated instant fame, crowds, fans, and vicious enemies. Some speaking invitations were canceled and visas were denied or canceled by some countries where he was invited to speak. But something significant recently happened in Milo's life. He announced that he is a Christian and he is no longer a homosexual. He also expressed his desire to open a conversion therapy center in Florida for men who desire to leave homosexuality. You would think that his
Starting point is 00:02:13 departure from homosexuality and his entry into Christ's Church would have generated numerous news articles. It appears that the internet has been scrubbed of articles about Milo's conversion. Well, we reached out to Milo two weeks ago, and he responded. And he spent last weekend with Susan and me and our son Jeremy and daughter Carissa and their spouses and children. We even solidified Milo's transition to the straight life by taking him to a monster truck show in Jupiter, Florida last Saturday night. Well, he spent today with our team, and I'm glad to present Milo Yiannopoulos to our True News family today. Hey, Milo. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 00:02:59 So glad to have you here. Thank you. And thank you for your significant, not to be underestimated, contribution to my transition, as you say. I was in America for six years before I finally made it to Monster Trucks. I'm very ashamed that it took me that long, but I'm happy that it was such a lovely group of people that took me. We had a great time, didn't we?
Starting point is 00:03:19 Yeah, we did. Yeah. I got the flip that I was hoping for. Did you? You say sometimes you go and it's not in one of the huge stadiums. It's in more of a local place. And you think, oh. It's outdoors. No, but I got the flip that I was hoping for. Did you? Sometimes you go and it's not in one of the huge stadiums. It's in, you know, more of a local place. And you think, oh, no. It's outdoors.
Starting point is 00:03:28 No, but I got the flip. I got the flip. Was it Ghost Killer? Was that the name of the? Yes. Ghost Killer. Ghost Killer. We got a flip where they had to bring out the heavy machinery to turn him back over again.
Starting point is 00:03:37 My grandson is still talking about the motorcycle. Oh, they're incredible. The guys that, there were a couple of them who were completely off the bikes doing flips and things at the motorcycle. Oh, they're incredible. The guys that, there were a couple of them who were completely off the bikes doing flips and things at the top. It was actually astonishing. Amazing athleticism. Yeah. So anyhow, we had a great time last weekend, outdoor event in Jupiter, Florida. Maybe you were there. I am so glad that we've gotten together. You surprised me, and I really was surprised. You told me that you have watched True News for years. I have.
Starting point is 00:04:15 As I was sort of teaching myself how to be provocative and interesting and chameleonic and all the rest of it, I looked out on American media and tried to identify the other people that had this same gift. And, you know, you are one of the people I've been watching for years. You have a very special, very natural talent for irritating all the same people that I can't stand. So, you know, and one of the interesting... I feel like I found my son. And I feel like I'm ready to disappoint you. No, I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 00:04:52 I will say there are people in American media who, if you were to merely believe how they're reported on, you would think that they were clownish, carnival barkers and all the rest of it. But they all have one thing in common. these people with a great gift for getting under Newsweek's skin. They all have something in common, which is that they're great readers and thinkers and literate people. And so it didn't surprise me to learn that you have this vast collection of first editions
Starting point is 00:05:20 and old books, and that you spend all your time reading them. I actually read them. Because I do too. Not merely collected for prestige, but you actually read them. And when we met the other day, you were out in the back patio just reading some impossibly obscure old thing.
Starting point is 00:05:37 Yes. And it's something that... And you shared with me that day a book that you read that was very old, and I bought a copy of it right away. Oh, yes, 1033, I think. Peter Damien. I couldn't find an original, but I did find a reprint.
Starting point is 00:05:52 I'm afraid there's a very shoddy paperback that is readily available from evil places like Amazon. But Peter Damien was a bishop who wrote about the proper way to identify and deal with priests who were sodomites or child abusers. And that is in year 1033 I think. They were dealing with the problem then. Yes indeed and it's as you might imagine a bit more robust than you typically hear from bishops these days. It's a good read. Well, you know, our enemies, your enemies, mine, I think they will never give us a fair hearing. They will never present us as we really are. Several months ago, a major London newspaper sent a reporter and a photographer here to Little Vero Beach, and I gave them two or three hours of my time, which I wasn't really looking forward to.
Starting point is 00:06:56 I told them I have no desire to be interviewed. Somebody bullied you into this, didn't they? Yes. No, I just told them, I said, I have no desire to be interviewed. I'm not interested. I'm not seeking publicity. But they did continue to request the interview. I finally gave in.
Starting point is 00:07:20 Told the reporter I was as excited about his visit as I was my last visit to a proctologist. Last thing he says on air is, no body parts from here to here. Oh yeah, I've already violated. I mean, I think I know what he was getting at. I already violated the instructions I gave you. So, I didn't need to be
Starting point is 00:07:39 told. You need to tell me. I did the interview. I gave the guy two or three hours of my time. I allowed them to walk around inside and outside the building, take photographs. And there were no restrictions. And we waited. We waited for the hit piece.
Starting point is 00:07:59 Yes. And we waited. Let me guess. Can I take a guess? Yes. Never appeared. It never appeared. Never appeared.
Starting point is 00:08:04 And I asked him several times. Yep. I emailed him. Where's your hit piece? Yeah, where's the hit piece? And he told me the editors wouldn't print it. And what do you think happened, Milo? I know exactly what happened because I've been through this myself so many times.
Starting point is 00:08:19 When somebody spends time around you, around your family, around your team, around your company, as I'm sure, well, as I know has been the case with me too, it's not so difficult really to charm people who are essentially fairly simple and charmless journalists. And they find themselves sort of taken with you. When I've had journalists embedded with me for two or three days, by the end of it, they've been making passes at me. And when you get back to your publication and say, well, actually, I kind of want to write a bit more of a nuanced piece. He's not quite this. He's not quite that. The editor will turn around and say, never mind. I hired somebody once upon a time,
Starting point is 00:09:01 and he was employed by me for many years, who was fired for writing a profile of me that was too even-handed. His name is Chadwick Moore. You see him a lot on Tucker Carlson these days. He was writing for Out, which is a gay magazine based in New York, and he wrote a profile of me which was nuanced and sensitive, quite critical in places, but because it was not a complete demolition attempt, He was made redundant, just coincidentally, about three weeks later. So I think we've moved now from a point where there are consequences for journalists for being too nice to, if there's any nuance whatsoever, it just doesn't matter.
Starting point is 00:09:37 Too fair. I think the man wrote a fair, balanced article. I think he went, sent the article to the editor in London and said, Walls isn't the monster that you said he is. He's actually a nice guy. His people are nice. They've got a professional organization. They treated us like family, you know. That's the worst thing you can do to them. They'll never forgive you for that, for being kind and pious and decent. My hope, although it's probably a vain one, is that this is building up contempt and resentment within these organizations from writers with consciences toward the ideologues who typically occupy editorial positions. My hope is that the people doing the writing, the feature writers, the editorialists are starting to hate the places they work. Maybe they'll quit.
Starting point is 00:10:29 That would be nice. Maybe they'll leave. The less talent at these organizations, the better as far as I'm concerned because it will hasten their demise. But I think you made a bit of a strategic error, if you don't mind me saying so, which is I've been taking the view for quite some time that there is no possible upside to engaging with the American press and now with most of the European press whatsoever at any time for any reason. I agree. I got a call several weeks ago from a thought police officer at NewsGuard. They've got little badges now. You know NewsGuard? Have you heard of NewsGuard? I haven't. Oh, it's, uh, they're like Media Matters or something. It's an online, uh, thought police guardian of the news. Aren't you, aren't you glad that we have these people looking
Starting point is 00:11:18 out for us? Yes. Letting us know. Because we're such idiots. We don't, we don't, we wouldn't know how to feed ourselves. And so, so they, they so they go through every news site and they is basically a good housekeeping seal. You know, so they didn't get the Oprah's Book Club badge, did you? So you can get a news guard seal that says you've been verified. You love that word. You've been verified. You've been vetted. You got your check mark. Yeah. So I got a call from a NewsGuard
Starting point is 00:11:46 editor who wanted to give me the opportunity to retract things I've said on this program. Isn't that nice of them? Isn't it kind and thoughtful and thorough of them? Weren't you grateful? Weren't you grateful? Would you like to recant this ugly Christianity you keep sharing with everybody? She's like, we're getting ready to publish our rating of you. Yeah, yeah, thanks love. And we're giving you an opportunity to retract certain things. And I said, this is a waste of time. Publish what you want to publish. Just do it. Can I ask what your grade was? Did you get a D minus? Was it an F?
Starting point is 00:12:30 You got an F, didn't you? You got an F. It's probably around Z. It went quite low. I haven't been approached by them even, so maybe I've got all that to look forward to. News, yeah, NewsGuard. Fortunately, nobody pays attention to them. I've never even heard of it.
Starting point is 00:12:44 Except the news media. I've never even heard of it. Except the news media. I've never even heard of it. Is this what you need in order to become one of Facebook's revered fact checkers? Do you need a NewsGuard badge? Well, actually, yeah, they are. It's a consortium of tech companies that are behind NewsGuard, all right? But the scary thing is that they're getting into schools, libraries. Of course, of course. But the scary thing is that they're getting into schools, libraries, and they're telling teachers if the NewsGuard stamp isn't there, you don't want to use it. Wikipedia will start striking out anywhere.
Starting point is 00:13:14 I mean, we joke, but it isn't really a joke. What does this sound like to you? Well, I think it's now almost cliché to compare it to brutal regimes of the past, isn't it? But that's obviously exactly what it is. I won't compliment it by comparing them to the ruthless efficiency of the Gestapo or the KGB, because they aren't that scary and they aren't that good. But certainly they're aspiring to that level of control now, not just, not only of what you say, but with the fear and intimidation of the consequences that will come from expressing the wrong views.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Now they're moving in on what you think by making you second guess yourself. Because the real power of these systems is not in the things they get you on the rare occasion they might get you to retract, although I've never done such a thing. It's that feeling in the back of your mind when you know you're right and you know there's nothing wrong with what you're saying, but somewhere something tells you,
Starting point is 00:14:19 oh, is this going to cause me a nut? Right. And it's a perfectly reasonable fear because those of us who own or have owned media companies know that there are real commercial consequences to falling afoul of these petty tyrants. So we might laugh about it on the show, but it could be that you're trying to do a live event and the venue cancels on you because NewsGuard or Newsweek or whatever it is says something about you. So it's a reasonable fear.
Starting point is 00:14:54 And the thing that the real menace of cancel culture and of censorship in general is not what is said. It is what is not said. It's the chilling effect on speech. It's all the things that people, it's the jokes you don't tell. It's the opinions you don't express. And the truth of it is, if you don't mind me being a little forward for a second, not everybody can be a hero and not everybody can be like us. Not everybody can say, you know, screw it. I'm just going to do it. And the consequences, you know, come what may, I'm just going to do it.
Starting point is 00:15:25 Not everybody can throw caution to the wind in that way. Not everybody is constituted like that. They either haven't had the experiences to become that or they just weren't born as I think I was with a bit of my brain broken where I just really don't care. Most people are afraid of them and most people will not tell that joke on Facebook and not express that opinion on Facebook. So there's a sort of society-wide chilling effect. And the bounds of what's considered acceptable narrow to such a point that now even liberals are terrified.... employers using AI to search social media regarding past, previous posts by a job applicant. Yes, to see if you ever said that trans women aren't women.
Starting point is 00:16:14 Because if you did, I don't think you're appropriate to shove trolleys around Safeway car park. I mean, it sounds silly, but this is the world we now live in, for which we can thank, of course, establishment Republicans. We can say thank you so much to the Republican Party. Thank you so much to generations of spineless people who have claimed that they're Christians, claimed that they're conservatives, and sat back and watched their country completely destroyed. As a European who loves this country, or at least loved the promise of this country once, knowing that everywhere follows America's lead and seeing it happen is devastating. I try to approach life with a sense of ironic detachment and critical distance because it's important to do that if you want to be funny about it and to reach lots of people and not
Starting point is 00:17:03 just be angry all the time. It's one of those things I just want to be funny about it and to reach lots of people and not just be angry all the time. It's one of those things I just can't really find very funny anymore. You came to the States, I guess, in the last years of the Obama regime. Yeah. Yeah. All right. And believe me. Helped to end it.
Starting point is 00:17:17 Believe me, the eight years of Obama drastically changed and damaged this country. But you got here in the last years. What have you seen in changes in these six, seven years that you've been in the States? The most obvious thing is out-and-out treachery. Traitors who call themselves Republicans, but whose real job is their personal engorgement and enrichment. And to tell you the honest truth of it, the sorts of people who crow about their conservative credentials, whether it's National Review or Turning Point USA or any of these organizations,
Starting point is 00:18:02 who then don't just concede to the left but turn around and start assisting the left in their mission. The thing that has struck and scared me the most, scarred me the most, if you like, is watching quote-unquote conservative America advertise itself as for sale, take the money, and turn on the ordinary Americans who trust the Republican Party and trust conservative journalists and media personalities and whatnot, and elected politicians, by the way, to keep the fires burning. It's the treachery. It's the treachery, the shameless, brazen abandonment of values in exchange for money that has shocked me. I joined the Republican Party about your age during the days of Ronald Reagan.
Starting point is 00:18:55 I was a Democrat. I grew up in an old, you know, Great Depression, Franklin Roosevelt, Harry Truman, John F. Kennedy, Democrat family, you know. But I joined the Republican Party in the 80s when Reagan became president. I left the Republican Party when Trump became president. Now I've worked very hard for Donald Trump. And I was supporting him in 2015, long before all the other evangelicals jumped on board and everything. But once we were in the Trump presidency, I just came to, it wasn't so much Donald Trump himself.
Starting point is 00:19:38 It was just the whole Republican Party. I'm like, I'm done with it. They don't deserve your support. They don't warrant it. They do nothing. That's exactly where I came., I'm done with it. They don't deserve your support. They don't warrant it. They do nothing to retain it. They acquire it by inheritance, by osmosis, because what else can you do? But they do nothing to retain it. And it seems sometimes almost like everything possible to lose it. And I can't blame you You and I are both early supporters of Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:20:13 I don't speak for you, but I would imagine you like me are somewhat disappointed with the progress that was achieved in office although Certainly glad that he was in office It's a shame that he sat by idly and allowed the country to be stolen out from underneath him I don't think I can forgive him for that I don't think I ever will seems to me to be an act of cowardice of precisely the sort that we wanted to avoid by electing him in the first place. I always felt during those four years, Donald Trump was so busy trying to save his own hide that he just couldn't do the right things for the country because he was embroiled in so many battles that could personally take him down.
Starting point is 00:20:46 But he couldn't get out of his own way. These were fights largely that he started. And the problem is that the Donald Trump that campaigned was magnificent. The problem with Trump in office is that he was continuing to campaign for the job he already had, but doing a really bad job of it compared to the job he'd done in 2015-16. So it became insupportable. And the only accomplishments that you could possibly really say that he had under his belt, the two Supreme Court appointments, served us not one whit when the country was
Starting point is 00:21:17 stolen. And look, I'm going to say something which will not be popular with all of your viewers, but I say this as a, I suppose the best way to think of me is a friend, an admirer, and an ally from the mother country, if you like. It's astonishing to me to watch America meekly accept an election that has turned this country into a banana republic, turned this country into a third world dictatorship. You mean a rigged election? A rigged election, a stolen election, an election that was brazenly stolen.
Starting point is 00:21:55 They didn't even make an attempt to hide the fact that they had stolen it. And they attacked you if you said it was stolen. Oh, your life was over if you said it was still. Oh, your life was over if you said it. And I'm just thinking to myself, so once a year, I hope nobody takes this personally who's watching, but I've got to say it. Once a year, Republicans will get themselves out of bed for the issue that motivates them most, which is admittedly the most important issue, which is the March for Life. Okay. Once a year, Republicans will get themselves out of bed and show up in Washington, D.C. The rest of the year, they're nowhere to be found.
Starting point is 00:22:31 And I have to say, you kind of get the party you deserve. And if Republican voters are going to continue to vote for the people who betray and abuse them year in and year out, you're going to end up with the party and the media figures that you deserve and I think that conservative American now has that and the fact that This election was brazenly obviously Stolen they were they were telling us they were doing it while they were doing it
Starting point is 00:23:00 Where was where were the 70 million people who voted for Donald Trump? Why weren't 5 million of them in Washington, D.C.? I cannot wrap my head around a country that is so in love with the mythology of the heroic, the independent, the individual, First and Second Amendment, that rolls over in the way that America did. And that's why recently I've been starting to sort of annoy people in my own readership, really, by, I mean, it's like everything I believed in is a lie. You know, I came to this country kind of believing in the mythology of America, and I've suddenly discovered that actually conservatives really, and it's not just the party, it's the voters too. And this is why it's so desperately needed. This is why some sort of Christian revival is necessary.
Starting point is 00:23:48 Because what's obvious is that we're not suffering a political malaise. We have a spiritual sickness. There's a spiritual sickness. The only possible explanation for why people would not get up out of their seats and do something, even if it's just marching peacefully down, you know debt to the Capitol, right? The only explanation for that is that there is some kind of spiritual sickness that has descended on this country that is Immobilizing and neutralizing the population and that's why it makes me very happy the one glimmer of hope that I have to see
Starting point is 00:24:21 Generation Z the zoomers experience a sort of, I call it like a blind revival. They don't really have much of an idea what kind of Christians they are or where they should be going, but they are quite clear on traditional family values, on quite encouragingly reactionary social attitudes, and they're feeling their way through to Christ. It's very encouraging, very encouraging. But other than that, I mean, the older Americans in this country, I just... Where were you? What were you doing? Look, I'll give you a political... I mean, I'll give you a spiritual analogy. analogy when when God led the Hebrews out of out of Egypt and said I'm taking
Starting point is 00:25:10 you to the promised land okay well they spent 40 years going around in circles to travel a distance that should have taken them 11 days a straight shot but that was because of unbelief, griping, complaining, everything that went on. So God just kept them there. But when it finally came to the time to cross into the promised land, God only allowed two of the older people to go.
Starting point is 00:25:45 Right. It was the youngsters. Joshua and Caleb. Right. Right. The older Hebrews died in mass in the wilderness. The young went in. And look, I'm part of the baby boomer generation. And we lost this country. I've had baby boomers get very angry at me, who say they're patriots and everything, and don't blame me.
Starting point is 00:26:13 Yeah, as a generation, we lost the country. It's true. We've lost the country. History will record that America was lost on the watch of the baby boomers. We had the power. We had the numbers. We had the numbers. We had everything. And we totally messed it up.
Starting point is 00:26:29 We lost the country. And the baby boomers are going to die off in the wilderness. And Generation Z is going in to a new promised land in America. I believe the opportunity is there. I gave you a sneak peek today of what I'm working on. Yes. Okay. Yes.
Starting point is 00:26:51 I've never, I haven't told the audience. They know that I'm gonna- You've been tantalizing people, haven't you? Yes. I haven't said the name or precisely what we're doing, but very soon I'm making the transition away from true news. I'll show up from time to time. Okay. Just transitioning to a sort of presidential role. Just to waft in and out.
Starting point is 00:27:17 Yeah, just to continue to irritate people. I'll show up from time to time. Once a month the car will sort of pull into the driveway and everybody will scramble and Newsweek will be alerted. Yeah. So, but I'm going to focus, I'm going to devote the rest of my life, whatever the Lord gives me, I'm going to devote the rest of my life to mentoring young men to walk upright in the fear of the Lord. And I'm launching a new venture, most likely around September. And it is very exciting.
Starting point is 00:28:02 The only thing, as much as I can tell you, is if you took Facebook, social media, master class courses and clubhouse audio chat rooms. If you put that together in a platform, that's what I've built. It'll be launched most likely around September, plus a 24-7 broadcast television network. That should make some of my enemies right now have... Conniptions, I think is the word, isn't it? Is it conniptions? Projectile diarrhea. I did it again. I did it again.
Starting point is 00:28:40 The hypocrisy. I did it. The hypocrisy. I did it again. Here's me thinking, don't tell that joke, don't tell that joke, don't tell that joke. Best behavior, come on. You're on with Rick now. Best behavior. I'm sorry. Okay. Fine. You know, many things have surprised me coming down here. Not least of which is how scatological you are. I'm kidding. He isn't.
Starting point is 00:29:06 He isn't. What he's doing really is just taking the heat off me. No, I... We need very much for these spaces to begin to appear because I'm getting a little sick of people saying we should...
Starting point is 00:29:22 It's that old libertarian thing. Well, if you don't like that, then go build your own. Now, in some cases, it's ludicrous. It's ludicrous when they say it about the airlines, you know. If you don't like what Delta, American, and United are saying about masks, there really is nothing you can do. But if you have the vision and foresight and resources to actually create an alternative little universe where people can hang out and help one another. And it sounds like from the master class element, it sounds like help guide them to a better way of living, which is clearly what people need. We were talking earlier.
Starting point is 00:29:57 I've never met an American who knows how to iron a shirt. No American man knows how to iron a shirt. They don't know that you have to do the collar that way so you don't get permanent creases in the side and ruin the fabric and destroy the shape of the collar, which is the only bit you see. I mean, don't you people wear button downs every day to work and you still don't know how to iron them? I mean, there's so many things about simply living that American men don't know. What I see here as an employer is interviewing candidates- There's no point having a hushed voice, you know. You are on air.
Starting point is 00:30:25 Oh, I know. What I've seen as an employer here, I mean, they're all there. All right. So what I've seen as an employer, okay, is I have brought people in for a job interview and stunned at how they murder their prospect to be hired. Right.
Starting point is 00:30:55 The disrespect, being disheveled and everything. Right in front of me. I'm like, if we bring them here, if we go to the time and expense of bringing somebody here, it's because we've made a decision. This most likely is the man or woman we're going to hire. And the in-person interview is basically just to seal the deal and move on. People sabotage themselves. They sabotage themselves. They say the most crazy things. They behave in ways they...
Starting point is 00:31:25 Look, if you're doing a job interview, I mean, be on your best behavior. When did it suddenly happen in America that people put their worst foot forward when they're applying for a job? No, I know. But basic things like... You're talking about ironing a shirt.
Starting point is 00:31:43 I would do training videos on, you know, how to get a job, how to how to present yourself in an employment interview. It's basic things that have disappeared from our society because the entertainment industry, social media have done so much destructive damage to our society. It's been strategic. It's been on purpose. Yes. It's been on purpose. It's not an accident. They're dismantling the society.
Starting point is 00:32:14 This is not an unfortunate consequence of technology. This is not something that happens when you give people a Twitter account. This is built into the architecture of the platforms. It is designed to encourage unhealthy human behaviors. It is designed to make us all hate each other. It is designed to make us all row with each other all the time. And addictive. And it is, of course, above all else, designed to be addictive. And if there's one thing that we... Doctors don't fully understand addiction yet, mostly because they don't take the spiritual aspect into account. But if there's one thing we know about addictions is that if you're addicted to one thing, you're
Starting point is 00:32:46 quite likely to get addicted to other things as well. Because that reward circuit in your brain, the dopamine, the rest of it, once you've trained it to seek short-term hits in these little addictive rituals, it will begin to look for them in other things. So it's not outlandish. It's in fact how the brain works, where the notion that if you get addicted to social media You might be like more likely to start drinking more if you get it social media start drinking more you might start thinking about pornography or Cigarettes or whatever, right?
Starting point is 00:33:15 It's not an accident It's on purpose this and what you can see from the self sabotaging decision-making of media companies, that they care just as much, if not more, about the social mission of the company as they do about the bottom line. They can leave it to the press to take care of keeping the company afloat, keeping its stock price up. Twitter is never going to go out of business because it is the home and playground of all the worst people in the world, but all the worst most powerful people in the world, right? So the company can focus on just wrecking the country knowing that their stock price will be buoyed by their friends who agree with them in that mission of dismantling Christendom and and and and deconstructing Western civilization and you can see in what would otherwise be
Starting point is 00:34:02 suicidally commercially idiotic decision-making from Facebook and Twitter, namely, for instance, censorship, which is not in their best business interests at all, not at all. But they do it anyway because their primary focus appears to be the social mission and not making buckets of money, which is merely a very pleasant byproduct and enables them to do other ghastly things Like Mark Zuckerberg is now buying half of Hawaii and kicking all the native Hawaiians off their off their land Bill Gates buying farmland and planning to block the Sun. I
Starting point is 00:34:38 Mean when you hear about some of the things that Bill Gates has kind of sketched out in his mind and been Idiotic enough to allow to tumble out of his mouth. I mean, this is like, this is actually a Bond villain. I mean, this is, you know, he almost makes the Bond villains look unambitious. You know, he makes Blofeld look quite depressingly pedestrian. You know, it's like, oh, what's your big plan? We're going to knock out every computer on the planet. And Bill Gates is like that all you know for real? I mean I guy is Machiavellian is he's evil. He really is an evil person. Yes Go back to who you're talking a little while ago about about the stolen election and and the no response from the Trump base other than that
Starting point is 00:35:28 outburst of anger on January 6th. But from, you know, like a couple of thousand people. I mean, I'm just saying, I'm sorry, I'm just saying, if you care about the values that you profess to care about, if you care about the Constitution as you claim, if you care about the Bill of Rights as you claim, and you see it wrenched from underneath you in a way that is guaranteed to ensure there will never be another free and fair election in this country again, that will put Drag Queen Story Hour in every kid's library in the country, that will enforce transgender pronouns in every, whatever. And it's all happening. It's not feverish right-wing conspiracy.
Starting point is 00:36:04 I'm sorry, it's conspiracy. By General Milley. I mean, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff is pushing a homosexual agenda inside the military and there's no resistance. Do you realize what a chilling, they call it a flex, they call it a flex, when you're just sort of demonstrating your power
Starting point is 00:36:24 without really doing anything with it. You know what a chilling flex they call it a flex. They call it a flex. You know, when you're just sort of demonstrating your power without really doing anything with it. You know what a chilling flex it was? Having the top brass in the military come out and attack Tucker Carlson, of all people. That was a flex. And what the left was demonstrating is, we got the military now too. That's what they were communicating to the country.
Starting point is 00:36:41 That's what they were doing. It was chilling. They were saying, oh, yeah, so you know, you're worried about the universities and the media and all the rest of it, but you're thinking, oh, don't worry, the military will protect us if it comes to it. Sorry, guys, that's gone now, too. Law enforcement, gone. Isn't it amazing how quickly in this country, and this is a sign of how fast things are moving. I mean, this is like, you know, you would know more about this, but this is like end time stuff. You know, how quickly
Starting point is 00:37:04 that things are moving in this country country where Republicans are now suspicious and hostile about the police. How did that happen? Well, it happened because though your local sheriff, if you happen to be lucky enough to live somewhere free like Florida, relatively free like Florida, your local sheriff, your local deputy, you can probably count on him being reasonable. If you get pulled over, he's like, officer, I'm so sorry. Let me tell you what happened. And, you know, he'll be fair, even if you don't love the outcome. Because you're still neighbors. Right, right.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I mean, the fact that when Andrew Gillum, who mercifully did not beat DeSantis was then discovered in a pool of bodily excretions, you know, in a room with two homosexual prostitutes and so on and so forth. The fact that the attending officers took a photo of his passed out body and then immediately started leaking it to right wing media figures, at least encouraged me that Florida was still basically okay. That a police officer would do something like that or a sheriff would do something like that and not be wracked with fear about having his life ruined. I thought to myself, you know what? Florida's not lost just yet.
Starting point is 00:38:14 Right now, I think Florida is the best state in the USA. I wouldn't live in any other state right now. It's the only place that still feels like America. There are bits of Florida that sort of feel essentially lawless, which is always what I thought America was supposed to be like. This is everywhere. Everywhere else I've ever been in America, I'm like, well, this is like Europe, but a bit worse, because there's no check whatsoever on multinational corporations. At least we've got, you know, the flip side of living in Europe, where you've got these rules about what size kids sodas can be. And oh, no, you can't sell jam by the pound anymore. Europe, where you've got these rules about what size kid sodas can be,
Starting point is 00:38:45 and, oh, no, you can't sell jam by the pound anymore. You've got to put 454 grams on it, or whatever that amounts to. The flip side of that is that they find Facebook. Every once in a while, they'll find Facebook 500 million for doing something wrong, 500 million for privacy infractions, 500 million for whatever. And it stings. Even a company as rich as Facebook, it stings. And for all of the encroachments on free expression, people have gone to jail for writing on Twitter
Starting point is 00:39:13 trans women aren't women. It has happened. A guy was in, and this is not feverish right-wing conspiracy theory. Again, please believe me. It has happened. It's real. The guy was in prison for 11 days, I think it was, for saying trans women aren't women on the internet.
Starting point is 00:39:28 The flip side of that is that at least we have the public ombudsman, as we call it, or the privacy ombudsman, who can force Twitter to send you every bit of data they have about you. We still at least do have some protections against the overweening power of these multinational corporations. This is what's gone wrong in America because Orwell never foresaw, perhaps it's his fault
Starting point is 00:39:54 since we've been using that as a touchstone for decades about what to look out for with tyranny. We kind of completely forgot what the big companies were doing and we were just focused on what government is doing. Well, that was not the problem. But- We're in a technocracy now These are tech tyrants that are running this country, but it's the way that it's all woven together the way it's stitched together Just look at how things roll out now and how quickly how terrifyingly fast
Starting point is 00:40:18 Professors are coming out to back up media reports, which are which whose language you hear echoed by thingers on Twitter, which is then the subject of think tank reports, which the government then rolls out, which law enforcement then goes out and checks and issues fines for. This stuff happens in hours because all this stuff in the government is then replicated perfectly and exactly by private enterprise as well, because all the same people with the same objectives and the same end goal.
Starting point is 00:40:56 So all this stuff suddenly, oh, well the government doesn't even need to enforce masks because United and Target are doing it, so that's pretty much it. If you want to fly or, you know, buy a trash can, you best put this beast mask on, right? At that point... The corporations... At that point, you don't need the government.
Starting point is 00:41:14 The corporations, they've become the government. I mean, Facebook has a foreign policy division now. Right, because it is... They have a Supreme Court. They've referred to their Supreme Court the other day. Google has foreign policy. Twitter has foreign policy. Because in terms of GDP, Google is now a mid-sized country.
Starting point is 00:41:32 And the problem is that it has no territory, so it can pick and choose the laws that it wants to obey by opening an office in a particular place. They're coming to a place, and I said this years ago, Milo, there will be a day in the near future that the message will be we no longer need politicians. Artificial intelligence can run the government more efficiently. And my worry is-
Starting point is 00:41:57 The government will become, it will become run by corporations and artificial intelligence will make all of the decisions that legislatures and city councils and county commissioners presently make. The only brief glimmer of hope, if that's the case, is that every AI they've ever taken online has had to be shut down quickly for racism. Because when computers learn things, they start being politically incorrect. When they learn about the realities of the world, they start being politically incorrect. When they learn about the realities of the world, they start saying mean things about black people. And the next thing you know, they'll have to quickly shut down. The only glimmer of hope is that maybe the computers really are smarter than us.
Starting point is 00:42:40 No, I'm kidding. I get into the election, okay? I'm joking. I get into the election. Okay. I'm joking. Yes. Obviously. The most delusional thing I'm hearing right now are Trump voters talking about the 2022 election. Oh, grow up. And I'm like, grow up. Are you serious?
Starting point is 00:43:00 You really think there's going to be a fair election in 2022? Have you managed to get through to Lin Wood's psychotherapist? Have you? Because I'd love to. I'd love. That's the interview I want to hear. Because you're being. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:43:14 We've been invited. I'm sorry to say, but it's very derelict in your duties. Not getting Lin Wood's psychiatric attending physician in here. Because he's the only person in America I want to hear from right now. What? Literally, what? We've invited him many times and he will not come on True News. Oddly silent. A lot of, you know, Republicans will not come on True News. I believe. They're terrified. Well, of course they are because you might accidentally say something true that they'd have to disavow later. The clues in the name, guys.
Starting point is 00:43:58 My fear is that Republicans now, and I mean the people, have to say, I'm sorry, I know nobody likes it when you come for the voters or whatever. But the American population has been so systematically undereducated or miseducated about so many things that they will now basically believe anything, basically believe anyone, even people as utterly lunatic as Lin Wood and that other woman who... In her court filing in response to the Dominion lawsuit, her lawyer said no reasonable person would have believed anything she said. That's their defense. But is that any different than several conservative and alt-right media stars who have had court cases and their lawyers have said my client is not a journalist he's an entertainer don't come for my buddy Alex all right cuz I'm a great I'm a great I'm a great for I
Starting point is 00:45:00 didn't say any name I'm just just saying, is it any? I bow to nobody in my appreciation and gratitude for that. That man's been a good friend to me. the only news that people will accept is packaged in such a way that it is itself a form of addictive entertainment. That much I'll grant you. And that's a bit worrying. The IQ, for want of a better way of putting it, of American television seems to me to slide by a point every year.
Starting point is 00:45:41 If you look at the old newsreaders in this country, you can't watch, especially the news networks, you can't watch them, you'll become stupid. And I really mean it. You will become stupid watching TV news. Watch network news on YouTube from 40 years ago. The people are literally 40 IQ points smarter. I mean, you can, and what happened to America? Well, it's systematic miseducation, isn't it? It's systematic undereducation. I meet people who are absolutely brilliant with so many natural gifts, but every single one of them is like a diamond in the rough. You have to cut them out of the rock because the education system in this country is just sort of, you know? People in this country believe so many untrue things about the world around them, and it's getting worse all the time. And now it seems
Starting point is 00:46:25 like the, I know it's not really like this because 70 million people did vote for Donald Trump. It's like the most astonishing electoral accomplishment in the history of presidential politics, which he just sort of shrugged and walked away from. What a coward, sorry. But 70 million people obviously do get a sense that something's not quite right. We can at least say that. Right. But the other 70 million who didn't vote for him, they live in a different fact universe from the rest of us. They live in a universe where the basic fundamental facts of reality are completely different. Now, that's a product of an education system that deliberately miseducates people and makes them credulous and impressionable. And it seems to me that the population in this country, which is from the same stock,
Starting point is 00:47:14 if you like, as all of the really successful European countries, right? The founding stock of America, the nation of America, is from all the same places in Europe where people might be a bit lost with the Muslim thing, but they do know the difference between a wild wacky conspiracy theory and the fact, even if they lie about it on TV sometimes. And also, I have to say, Britain for all of its problems, and it has many, and it might be a bit further down the road to ruin than America is, I don't know, it's probably a toss-up, isn't it? Nothing like the 2020 election would ever fly in Britain. The amount of systematic fraud that happens in every by-election, every congressional election, every presidential election, which has now reached a zenith, reached its apotheosis,
Starting point is 00:48:01 it would never fly in Europe. In a Queen's speech last week, she said her government, she's introducing... Voter ID. Voter ID. Because only... I thought that was racist. Only somebody with the IQ of a potted plant could possibly believe in all sincerity that asking someone to prove who they are
Starting point is 00:48:27 so they can vote for the person who runs the world, in the case of you guys, is in any way racially charged. Are you mad? I think what's happened is in the aftermath of the 2020 U.S. election, world leaders in their respective countries privately said... They all knew. We don't want to end up like that. Yep. What happened in America...
Starting point is 00:48:55 Can never happen here. ...cannot be allowed. The tech companies will take over our countries. No one said it out loud, but I absolutely believe the same thing. And you can pick up the phone to some of the same kinds of people that I do who are friends with us in private, although they can't acknowledge us in public.
Starting point is 00:49:10 We both have that relationship with a lot of very powerful people and a lot of very influential people. I know from speaking to them that there is a wide acknowledgement among the ruling classes in many other Western countries that what is happening right now in America
Starting point is 00:49:23 cannot be allowed to happen because although it may suit you today, it won't tomorrow because these tech companies who may temporarily align with your values on Tuesday won't on Thursday and it cannot be allowed to happen. But this to me,
Starting point is 00:49:39 doesn't it smack of a kind of lack of cultural self-confidence or lack of real confidence among Americans about the real promise of America? I mean, if I had my snobbish, skeptical European hat on, which, as you know, I don't like to wear often. Thank you from the back. I might say that the reason for all of the pomp and circumstance and the stars and stripes and the pageantry of America is because when you get down to it, the country is not really based on anything. And this mythology, you know, the eagle and the stars and stripes is all a kind of distraction tactic. It's all designed to draw your attention away from the fact that there's no internal locus of legitimacy about the United States. It was born in a sort of libertarian Reddit hissy fit about taxes. And it doesn't-
Starting point is 00:50:33 But we beat the Brits. And just look at you now. Was it worth it? Was it worth it? Because the British Empire has been going, I mean, the British Empire is what it is. It shaped the world. Well, let's talk about Harry. Let's talk about Harry right now. Oh, the tarantula. The tarantula.
Starting point is 00:50:52 The man, the world's first example of a man married to a tarantula. What do you make of what's happening? She's a witch. She's an enchantress. This is a boy who lost his mother when he was a child, who has been dogged his whole life by rumors of illegitimacy, right? His whole life people have been saying, oh, that's James Hewitt's kid. Now, disappointingly, and I know this will upset
Starting point is 00:51:19 viewers, the timeline actually doesn't work out. So he probably is Charles's. And I hate to say it because I'd love it if it was true. I would, honestly, but it isn't, probably. Probably. I mean, it could be someone else's. We don't know about it because Diana was a bit of a, you know. But we love her. She was beautiful and interesting and complex in all the ways that we want our public figures to be.
Starting point is 00:51:37 But she was definitely putting it about a lot. He could be somebody else's, but he's probably not James Hewitt's. This is a man who lost his mother really early, who was traumatized by this, and then was dogged his whole life, not only having lost his mother, but he was then dogged with illegitimacy rumors. So in a way, he had his dad taken away too. Think about it that way, right? His mom was dead, and everybody was saying that his dad wasn't his dad.
Starting point is 00:52:04 So this guy is like marooned in an eye like, who am I? Who am I? Who am I? So he's identifying all the things that cause him pain with perhaps the onerous responsibilities and duties of his family he was born into, thinking, wouldn't it be good if I hadn't been a royal? I could just be me. You said the word pain. So he did an interview, a podcast, I believe, yesterday. I read the story today. And he said that his father, Prince Charles, passed on to him genetic pain. I mean, I hope he means it metaphorically, but he might not.
Starting point is 00:52:36 No, no. I took it as he really meant. You mean sort of epigenetic. Yes. Right. And he said that Charles had received it from his father Prince Philip It's impossible to imagine that Prince Philip would give anyone anything but joy But I know what you're laughing out. It was amazing
Starting point is 00:52:54 He was funny. Oh Imagine getting away with saying stuff like that. Oh and being the Queen's Husband and being I always look forward to whenever Philip went on an international trip. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I imagine it's difficult for you to see that far with those eyes, he would say to Chinese people. You know, and you're like... When did you people give up throwing spears?
Starting point is 00:53:23 Yeah, yeah, yeah. He said that to people. Have the natives stopped eating each other? I mean, I feel like Prince Philip was my id, you know? I think many of us felt that way about Prince Philip. Anyway, the thing with Harry, I think, is he's dislocated. He's floating. He doesn't have a mother.
Starting point is 00:53:47 The legitimacy of his paternal line is being constantly eroded by rumor, and especially, the most powerfully, by ridicule. And he's also never going to be king, right? He's just one step away from ever realistically, I mean, there could be two plane crashes. Sorry, I shouldn't say that, but there could be two plane crashes and he'll still never be king, you know? So he's got that license to kind of marry whoever he wants. And he discovers the tarantula. And the tarantula is an enchanted creature who identifies a powerful but weak potential victim. I suppose a better metaphor might have been a black widow.
Starting point is 00:54:32 But we'll say tarantula because otherwise we'll get into too much trouble with Newsweek. The tarantula, which is enchanted, thinks, well, how do I bewitch this poor creature? And what does she do? Look it up online. Find it. I encourage you to go and find it. do I bewitch this poor creature? And what does she do? Look it up online. Find it. I encourage you to go and find it. She starts dressing like Diana.
Starting point is 00:54:56 So it's chilling. It is chilling. If you didn't believe in witchcraft before, you will after this. There's a matrix that's been doing the rounds online of Side by side outfits the tarantula and princess die the tarantula and princess die the tarantula To to the fascinator She's imitating Diana's outfits from the first moment that she was publicly linked with Harry
Starting point is 00:55:23 Because what does he want more than anything? This boy just wants his mummy back. He just wants a mother. So the tarantula brings him into her bosom. Sorry for the body part. Metaphorical, sorry, I can get away with metaphorical. Brings him into her bosom, dresses like his mum, and promises to save him from this source of pain, which is his family, because mom's
Starting point is 00:55:46 dead and dad might not be his. What is he as the second prince who will never be king? He's just sort of sitting around waiting to cut the ribbon at hospitals. He's like second vice president. Yeah, imagine that. Imagine that. He's the royal Dan Quayle. You've got to wait on the vice president.
Starting point is 00:56:04 Yeah, yeah, yeah. Imagine that. The third most powerful person in the world and literally worthless. You know, the job itself, I mean, is worthless. And so he's, aha, you're intrepid people. So there's loads of them. There's loads of them. Wow. I never noticed it.
Starting point is 00:56:24 There's loads of them. Oh, you of them. Wow. I never noticed it. There's loads of them. Oh, your guys are great. They found them all. Just look at them. Just look at them. Outfit after outfit after outfit. And that's not designed to make the public fall in love with her. That is designed to bewitch Harry.
Starting point is 00:56:39 For what it's worth, I never said this publicly. But I did say it privately. Look at it. It just keeps going. It doesn't stop. Outfit after outfit after outfit. I said it privately to friends and family, but when they were introduced and the relationship started, I instantly knew something bad and unfortunate was going to come out of that
Starting point is 00:57:04 relationship. I just instantly knew it. And then, you know, you just blurted out witchcraft, which is what I was actually thinking years ago. There's something sinister here. There's something spiritually wrong. There's something spiritually. You just discern that somebody is spiritually off.
Starting point is 00:57:23 They're playing on the other team. Yep. And I mean, it's easy to say this in retrospect because who can ever prove otherwise? But the moment I saw her in suits, I knew there was something wrong with this one. Was Diana murdered? I don't know.
Starting point is 00:57:39 I try to stay strictly to what I can for sure be confident about. Do I think that there is some global conspiracy to confect a disease to make us all slaves wearing masks and poison us all with vaccines, making half the population sterile? Yes, I do. I'm pretty sure about that. Don't know if Diana was murdered, but it wouldn't surprise me and if it were to come out for sure... You don't worry about having brake problems in her automobile.
Starting point is 00:58:11 If it were to come out that she were pregnant by Dodi Fayed, then I think that the possibility of her being murdered approaches one. Because I do think that perhaps a British royal family would put up with a lot, they'd even put up with the tarantula, but they might not put up with a Muslim who would be that close to the, who would effectively be part of the epicenter of the royal family once Charles ascended to the throne, right? When you reach that level of power, there are committees. I just got a call, my British passport has been revoked. There are committees.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I hope you like me, America, because I'm staying now. No, when you reach that level of power, in Britain or America or Russia or whatever country, there are committees and entities and networks that can make stuff happen that the person at the top never knows anything about. Oh, 100%. Do I think the queen ever had anything to do with it? Not in a million years.
Starting point is 00:59:16 That's my view. But could the architecture of the firm, of Royal Family, have done something? 100%. That's my view. If Italian mobsters in New Jersey can kill people over unpaid bills, do you really think that the most powerful companies, institutions, and governments in the world don't do that? This is why I'm convinced by the Clinton body count arguments as well.
Starting point is 00:59:40 Because if there's somebody with that level of protection and... Those are my days starting True News. I started 22 years ago. Clinton was in the White House. Yeah, yeah, yeah. You were right there watching people drop off left, right, and center. Oh, yeah. Those were the reports I was doing in the early days. Did you ever see that show, the British show Blackadder? Yes. Yeah. I think I mentioned it to you the other day. They trigger a by-election because they want to swing a vote in parliament in a small constituency
Starting point is 01:00:10 called Dunny on the World. The MP for Dunny on the World is described as having accidentally brutally stabbed himself while shaving. And this is the reason given for the by-election. Yeah, I mean, how many people have fallen afoul of the dynastic political aspirations of a Clinton family and then been found accidentally brutally stabbed while shaving? Right.
Starting point is 01:00:32 I remember... Remarkably. I mean, it's just statistically, really, isn't it? I mean, I'm not saying they're all true, but one or two of them's got to be. I remember it's probably 1999, 2000. I mean, we had very small staff, probably less than four people on the staff. And one of the guys on the staff told me that day, I just remember this particular day, he said, Rick, I need to tell you, the White House has visited our website 46 times today.
Starting point is 01:01:04 I love it. I was in the White House. I our website 46 times today. I love it. I love it. You know what? It may have been me calling him a traitor. Maybe that's why. But I was talking about him giving military secrets to the Chinese in return for campaign cash. In other words, you're right over the top. My proudest moment as a journalist is nothing like that.
Starting point is 01:01:27 Impressive. I've got a letter from Prince's lawyers because I called him a silver surfer. Do you know what that is? So in Britain, if you're if you're very elderly and you don't know how to use computers, you can go to a government funded silver surfer class to teach you how to get online. And you called. So Prince, who was very sensitive about his age, gave away, but was also, knew nothing about technology, gave away his new album on the front cover of a newspaper because he said, quote, "'This will stop people pirating it.'" He said, I'm not gonna sell it digitally,
Starting point is 01:02:02 I'm just gonna give it away as a CD on the front cover of the paper. That way everyone's got it and no one will pirate it. So I wrote a column about how somebody really should sit him down. And perhaps at his advanced age, he might be eligible for a silver surfer class. Did you get a letter from him or his lawyer? From his lawyer saying that the artist is deeply disappointed, shocked and offended that the revered newspaper would refer to him in such a demeaning and disrespectful manner. But they didn't threaten to do anything. They literally
Starting point is 01:02:32 just wrote to say he was upset. I called him old. But I think yours is better. The worst thing I ever had is when we were at another office nearby. This is during the Obama regime. And I was totally convinced he was a communist revolutionary. He was sowing the seeds of communism in this country. And this is for real. For over six months, there was a automobile that would park across the street. There was an empty parking lot. It was around cul-de-sac, just an empty area. There was a car that would park there every day, all day long, pointed at my office, and a person would sit in it. A dish or something? No, no, they would just sit in it. They would just sit. This went on for six months,
Starting point is 01:03:24 and I started to go. It's pretty cool. You know, it makes you pretty cool. And, you know, in the summer in Florida, you know, we get into triple digits. And he's still sweating in the van. I would go sometimes. Take him water? Yes.
Starting point is 01:03:40 I love you. Ask if they need something for lunch. That is exactly what I would do. Take them to ice water. I also took photographs of the license plate while the driver's sitting in it. Of course, of course. Things like that. But they weren't content in just sitting in the vehicle.
Starting point is 01:03:56 They were also entering our building at night. Oh, okay. Which is slightly more sinister. And not doing anything. Not stealing. Just wandering. I don't know, not stealing. Just wandering? I don't know what they did. They were just, they just made sure, they were gaslighting me.
Starting point is 01:04:14 They did things to make sure I knew that they were in the door. It's the chilling effect, isn't it? Yes. It's the chilling effect because they want you to just dial back 20%. Because if you just pull back 20%. All right. So we knew what door that they were coming in. And so we started doing things like taping the inside of
Starting point is 01:04:28 the door So that we'd know if the seal was broken. Yeah, the seal would be broken nothing that thing with that You put a hair, you know So then one day I changed I had a professional locksmith change the locks, and we had the password code to the security system changed on one day, and that night they came back in the building. So they obviously had some kind of override. Well, I would imagine all these manufacturers. So what I did is I published a newsletter with a lot of photographs of the car. Okay.
Starting point is 01:05:11 And I told our audience, you know, at that time we were still audio. I told our audience what was going on. I said, this has been going on for six months. And I said, so what I'm going to do is I talked to the sheriff. I went to the sheriff and I talked to the sheriff. I went to the sheriff and I talked to the sheriff. And the sheriff told me, Rick, you live in Florida. And you have the right to protect your property. And I said, that's all I need.
Starting point is 01:05:39 So here's what I'm going to do. I'm sitting with a shotgun. Some night, whoever you are, you're going to come into my office and the lights are off. And I'm going to be sitting in a chair in the center of the office holding a shotgun. And I'm going to light up the office with both barrels. It that's really. They believed you. Oh, they are now crazy enough to do it. Okay. So, all right. All right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:09 Seriously. All right. I mean, is there a person in America who would blame you? I mean, you would have, you would have libertarians. You'd have the, the anti-government left. They'd all be cheering. But Malo, that was the, that was really the moment I realized my country is gone. Yeah. This shouldn't be happening in America. No, no. A radio talk show host should not be afraid for his life for saying what he believes
Starting point is 01:06:37 in, just commenting about- Just commentary on publicly available information. Can I ask you a question? Are you still skeptical about Barack Obama's birth certificate? Of course. Wonderful. I'm so glad to hear you say that because I have to be really honest, I am still 100% a birther. I do not believe that man was born in Hawaii.
Starting point is 01:06:58 Of course he wasn't. And it's not about the, I know that everyone's done all these deconstructions of the PDF and all the rest of it. Honestly, I know quite a bit about technology. I don't know enough about the layers of digital whatever and I've never looked into enough. For me, the way in which they behaved about it was so incriminating and so obviously guilty. That's what persuaded me. But almost everybody I know has kind of rolled back on that and said, oh no, that's silly.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Even with the guy who started it, president in 2016, everybody rolled back on it, even Donald Trump. Donald Trump himself said, no, I'm sure Obama was born in the country. I wanted to slap him. I wanted to grab him by those fat shoulders. I don't know if you know this. His fat face. When Barack Obama was a U.S. senator, freshman-wise, he was always a freshman. He never stayed in the Senate long enough to become senior senator.
Starting point is 01:07:48 But early in his senatorial career, Senator Richard Lugar, who was a prominent CFR patsy, took the young Barack Obama on a junket to Russia. It was about nuclear proliferation treaty or something like that. When Senator Lugar and Senator Obama were departing Moscow,
Starting point is 01:08:16 the FSB detained Obama on suspicion of being an intelligence agent. I didn't know that. They held him. I don't think he was CIA. Well, not then anyway.
Starting point is 01:08:34 Oh, I see what you mean. Yeah, something else. I don't think he was CIA. Right, right, right. I don't think he was MI6. I think he was working on your side. This is my side. Your side. I am on the side. This is my side. Your side.
Starting point is 01:08:45 Yes. I am on the side of Christ and nothing else. Oh, yes. Good. Nothing else. Good. Good. I got you on that one, didn't I?
Starting point is 01:08:53 Yeah, you did. You did. No, I did. Totally outflanked. Yeah. No, I do. I do think he was working for an intelligence agency. This is a little bit before my time in politics, so I can't say that I followed it in that level of detail that closely. I was fascinated by the birth
Starting point is 01:09:08 certificate and how obvious it was that they were lying about something, right? Why respond to Donald Trump at all? They made it a thing, not him. Hey, I had his social security number. We did a lot of investigations on Obama. We had his Social Security number. And I used to... Did you take out credit cards in his name? No, but... Did you check his credit score to make sure he was actually...
Starting point is 01:09:33 No, but what I would do... Nothing else about him is real. So did you check? Almost every day, I would read his Social Security number on the air. And I would tell the FBI, I am reading the social security number of the president of the United States. Come and get me.
Starting point is 01:09:51 Right. They never came. There was a reason for it. It wasn't a real number. Actually, it was a real number. It belonged to a 93-year-old man who had died. But that was the one he was using? Yes.
Starting point is 01:10:04 Oh. Yes. Oh. Yes. Oh. Interesting. The man was from, I want to say Connecticut, and he died in Hawaii. But if I were reading the president's legitimate social security number, the Secret Service would have swooned in on me. And, you know, I would have been told that you can't do this, you know.
Starting point is 01:10:29 But nobody ever came because nobody wanted that information out. Hey, the remaining minutes, I want to talk to you about the reason you're here. The reason this all came about is that I guess a month or two ago, this amazing news story came out in which you said, I am no longer gay and I am a believer in Jesus Christ. And I was so proud of you. I actually, I sent a message. I guess you got an old LinkedIn page. Don't tell people I was ever on LinkedIn. I'll never live it down.
Starting point is 01:11:14 You were, and you're still there. That must be set up by one of my enemies to embarrass me. And you know what your occupation is? I shudder to think. Entertainer. Definitely by one of my enemies. Yes. So no wonder.
Starting point is 01:11:29 I would never be so bold as to describe myself like that. So I did send you a message there. I reached out. I thought, well, he's got a LinkedIn page. I'll send him a message. And I did send you a message. I said, Milo, I am so proud of you. And I'm behind you and I'm praying for you.
Starting point is 01:11:46 That was a couple of months ago. I'm sorry I missed that. Well, and then, look, I'm not on social media. I saw this coming years ago. I am not playing their game. Okay. I just want to bypass that whole thing. I saw, I knew what they were doing. But you were very courageous
Starting point is 01:12:08 to make a public statement. And I have to assume you've lost a lot of friends and gained friends. Yeah. What's it, talk to us about, let's talk about, you get two different things.
Starting point is 01:12:24 Well, you have your faith in Christ and you have your renouncing homosexuality and saying, I am now a straight guy. I'm going to live a straight life and I'm a Christian. Can you tell us how this all came about in your life? Straight is an aspiration. I'm aiming for celibacy at the moment, but I'm doing a pretty good job. You did go to a monster truck show. I did, I did.
Starting point is 01:12:52 I was very lost for a really long time, and I kind of got a bit trapped by this whole dangerous faggot tour bus thing. Even at that time, I was already giving speeches saying that I wish that I could have children. And I wish that that was in me. But I feel like I'm stuck in a rut or something. So you were doing a tour as a gay man and really don't want to do this. It was very effective at the time.
Starting point is 01:13:23 No, no, I knew I wanted to do it and everything. And that was all correct and right. And it's blisteringly effective against the left at that time, which was, you know, spooling up the identity politics engine. Right. And I was fresh off defeating feminism effortlessly with the back of my hand for two generations of young men. You're welcome, America. You didn't do much with it, but you're welcome. After that tour, I looked back and I thought,
Starting point is 01:13:57 this is how I'm going to be remembered. And it took me a year or two of sort of wrestling with legacy. And I realized all that was coming from ego and all the rest of it. The real problem was that by identifying myself in that way, by calling myself that, I seemed to have circumscribed myself. I kind of, I had written off so many possible happy futures. And I already knew because I was already saying it at that time that I wish I could press a button and change. First time I was ever on television I said that. When I've been out of work, I've been basically employed,
Starting point is 01:14:37 sort of forcibly retired for nearly, well, for over half a decade now. No, just under half a decade. I've had a lot of time to think. And the things that I was doing, I now understand were a product of trauma and not a part of me or who I am. And I now understand where that behavior was coming from, why I was doing it and what's wrong with it. You were traumatized earlier in life? Yes. And the sort of sick irony of this whole situation is that establishment conservatives of the type that I was railing against earlier tried to expel me from public life and almost succeeded,
Starting point is 01:15:27 I'm still hanging on by a toe, over lies that I had been soft on precisely the thing that I was myself a victim of, because I had dared, had the chutzpah, you might say, to tell jokes about what had happened to me. And in a way, it's the worst thing that they've ever done for themselves. Because if there was one remaining taboo that I had not yet broken, it was the one that I just broke a month ago when I said, I am not doing this anymore. And in fact, for almost a year, I haven't been. And I'm not. And look, I knew that it wasn't making me happy.
Starting point is 01:16:14 I knew that it wasn't fulfilling me. I wasn't getting out of it what I knew that I should be. Because this ought to be surely something that is beautiful. It's after all, it's the procreative act and except it's not. And I just had a lot of time to think, to reflect, to read, to talk to people. And I took the decision, I had conversations with some Catholic podcasters, sort of in religious terms, you know, Catholics in my background, my first ever job was on the Catholic Herald. So it's not like I'm, I'm not, I haven't just discovered Jesus Christ yesterday, right? That was many,
Starting point is 01:16:58 many years ago, indeed, you know, really from early in life. But I think it's, I think it's more accurate to say I've begun recently to expect more of myself and to live up to what I know is right and to fulfill or at least aim to fulfill my promise as a human being and as somebody created in the image of God. And that is new for me. That's the new bit. Did you have any religious upbringing as a child? Well, I was a Catholic as a child, but because I was very musical, as you might imagine, and Catholics are pretty lousy when it comes to good music, I was singing in the Cathedral Choir, which was of course Anglican. Anglican, and they're pretty good at music.
Starting point is 01:17:45 No, there's a whole book about why Catholics can't sing. I mean, Catholic music is the pits. And so I was singing in various Anglican choirs. And so it's been there for me since day one. But my faith has waxed and waned according to various, you know, things that have happened to me and at various chapters in my life. This now is the closest I've ever been to what I would call a pious or a, you know, a God-fearing life. You know, the horrible, gut-wrenching, stomach-churning irony of my present situation, and I'm going to say something now that might shock some of your listeners,
Starting point is 01:18:34 but I want you to just bear with me till the end. It's not scatological or sexual, but I just... Some of you may be upset by the first half of this. I fell into a relationship, even had a civil ceremony with a man who, for the first time in my life, made me feel as though I were worthy of love and somebody that I loved back. And it was the first step toward a healthy relationship with a man based not on some kind of abusive dynamic or casual encounters but on a mutual respect and with this person We were kind of brothers. We are brothers and friends first way before anything else Forgive the conceit in what I'm about to say But when you grow up and you're like quite good looking from quite an early age,
Starting point is 01:19:27 you get bombarded with sexual attention and a lot of very good looking people become quite, they get quite put off sex because it becomes a burden. And this person and I had both experienced that. And so our relationship was never built on a foundation of sodomy or whatever in the first place. We were really brothers and best friends, and we remain best friends. But that component of the relationship, I became aware, was not something that ought to be in my life. And so this person who taught me how to love brought me closer to God because I began to appreciate what love could do for me. And it
Starting point is 01:20:06 took me into the church, really, because I was seeking more than the love I was able to find in this little union or whatever you want to call it. And I felt like I actually perhaps might be worthy of something myself, having never felt that way before. So this guy who brought me closer to God by loving me also then suffered the inevitable result of me getting closer to God, which is that I had to say goodbye to that. So, I mean, poor devil, you know? So it's a lot worse for him than it is for me. Are you aware there's a Holy Spirit that placed in you an awareness that the sexual component of your relationship was not proper in the eyes of God. Yes.
Starting point is 01:20:54 He was very gently working with you. Yes. He wasn't beating you. He wasn't condemning you. The Holy Spirit was simply saying, Milo, there's something better. I, without going into any detail which will make anybody watching at home or you feel uncomfortable, was a very enthusiastic practitioner of the things that I should not be doing earlier in my life, and in some quite gruesome ways. And so I think I recognize it now as a form of self-abuse.
Starting point is 01:21:28 And so it's been easy to, well. That's pain. It's been easier than it might otherwise be. If there was self-abuse, there was deep pain. Yes. And I personally didn't find reparative therapy or conversion therapy to be enormously useful, but I did find prayer useful. Prayer is what got me over the line. For most people,
Starting point is 01:21:51 I'm coming up on a year now with only one slip, which is relatively unheard of for someone's first attempt. So whatever it is that I'm doing, however I've configured my strategy, it's working. Immediately as I began to feel the difference in myself, just because of the kind of person I am, and maybe this is kind of a no-bliss-or-bleach thing, but the first thing I thought of was, well, it hasn't made much of a difference to my life. And in fact, it's opened up all kinds of new things. And if I can help others do this too, I think I feel, I know I feel, I definitely do feel a very sincere and serious
Starting point is 01:22:31 urgent obligation to help as many other people as I can. And as somebody who, I mean, I've basically blown up any chance of a normal life or a mainstream respectable career already with what I've done. So why not do it? And I've come back down to Florida because this is a sane state where I've met new friends, including this family you have down here, both your own and the company, and met other people as well. I'm now going to dedicate the next 10 years of my life, if the last 10 years were about feminism and identity politics and the rest of it,
Starting point is 01:23:18 the next 10 years of my life, I want to help as many gay men as possible out of the prison that they're in. And by gay men, of course, I just mean men with same sex, whatever, whatever. Let's just try and just, you know, not get caught up on that. I'm not a therapist, I won't be giving anyone therapy, but one of the things I can do is get together people who wanna put money into it, reach people who need the help, assemble it, brand it,
Starting point is 01:23:43 you know, build it, and then let build it, and then let it run itself. So I'm going to open a reparative therapy clinic down here in Florida, because even though I'm not all the way through my journey yet, I've seen enough to know that if I can possibly bring this to other people, I absolutely must do it. Good. I don't want to go anywhere if it's uncomfortable and just say, hey, I don't want to talk about it. But were you molested as a child? I did have encounters with a Catholic priest.
Starting point is 01:24:16 At the time, I perceived myself, if anything, as being the aggressor in the situation or at least complicit in it. I'm constantly being told that that's an appalling way to look at it, but it was my experience of it because I was very precocious. And also, I just remember from very early on, with no father around and overbearing mother who let her new husband get a bit too physical with me, that I just wanted to make her hurt. And I remember the day I said- You wanted to make your mother hurt. Yes. And I remember the day I thought to myself, nothing will make that harridan hurt. I might not have used that word at that age, but nothing will make that harridan squirm more than walking in on me with a man. That'll kill her. And I remember that feeling.
Starting point is 01:25:06 And that's the day that I stopped hanging out with girls. So is the real pain, was it with your mom? I don't blame the priest. If anything, I think I used him to hurt my mother. Lots of people will be watching this watching this being like that's outrageous But many of these old lonely vulnerable elderly like men Do find themselves in the receiving end of aggressive sexual tension from from younger people? That's sort of heretical to say I'm gonna get cancelled all over again
Starting point is 01:25:42 My pain was, as I believe it is for so many men, especially blacks in America, was the pain of fatherlessness. I didn't have a father. I didn't feel the pull of my heavenly father, and I didn't have one in the house either. And... Divorce? heavenly father and I didn't have one in the house either and divorce yes mm-hmm my parents for some reason volunteered the information to me that I was the product of a revenge pregnancy so my dad said that he wants to leave my mother and she responded by getting pregnant so he didn't they told you yeah so he did the right thing and stood by her and so then I got to six years old, and then they split because they just couldn't stand the sight of each other another moment. For some reason, they both felt the need independently to inform me of this fact, which, you know, didn't help.
Starting point is 01:26:37 But it was just the only man who was present in my life was very psychologically abusive. He did, you know, raise his fists a few times, but I'm not going to pretend that that, like, in my life was very psychologically abusive. He did, you know, raise his fists a few times, but I'm not going to pretend that that like ruined my life. The real thing was I would have, you know, piles of papers and I was kind of like a nerdy kid. So I'd have piles of papers in my room and he would sort of, he'd go in and he'd just do that just to know that he'd been there, just so that I knew that he had been in there, you know, so that I knew there was no space that was just mine, so that I knew that I wasn't welcome in his house,
Starting point is 01:27:11 and he could at any moment... He's gaslighting you. Yeah, I suppose you'd call it that now. Just so that I knew. Sometimes he'd just insert things in a book. I wrote my book upside down. Did you notice? Did you, did you?
Starting point is 01:27:22 No, no, I... It was really hard. It was difficult. I was going to make a really unpleasant joke, but I won't. I could have had it written. I could have had it written a lot faster. I was going to say, I could tell. I would have had it published a lot sooner if I didn't write it upside down. It's quite difficult writing upside down. It is, but it requires a great deal of intelligence. Well, neither of us are wanting for that. Or modesty, in my case.
Starting point is 01:27:57 I was aware of the fact that I didn't have anything that was mine. And this man who was supposed to be protecting me, supposed to be looking after me, supposed to be the provider and the protector in the family, was in this campaign of terror And you're six seven years old. Yes. Yeah was like terrorizing me And you get into your teens and it's hardly surprising that your way of acting out is to form similarly abusive relationships with other men and if the only Female role model you have is somebody who sits passively by and watches this happen and doesn't save you as you're screaming and crying and begging her to, doesn't save you. You wanted help. I just wanted to hurt her. And after her, I just wanted to never be in a room with another woman again.
Starting point is 01:28:40 But even though you were trying to hurt your mom, at the same time you were devastated that she didn't want to help you. Yes. And that's what I think, I think that's why I thought I wasn't worth anything. And so if I was going to abuse myself, I may as well do it in a really humiliating way. And that's why, again, without going into too much detail, some of your more worldly viewers will be able to piece together the puzzle that I'll scatter out for you
Starting point is 01:29:09 in as family-friendly a fashion as I can. That's why the role that I adopted in these liaisons and the people that I did it with, and then blah, blah, blah, that's why it was like it was. It was almost like it was subconsciously calculated to be as humiliating as possible because that's what I yes thought I wanted you know you were acting out yeah that's all I'm going to say but some people some people
Starting point is 01:29:38 watching will know what I mean two weeks ago we we've our team here, we finished the Conquer series produced by my son, Jeremy. Something like two million men worldwide have gone through the course, over 40,000 churches. This is pornography, right? Yes. But it's really not, I mean, the topic is pornography, but it's really about sexual addiction. But beyond sexual addiction, It's really about addiction. And the addiction is the self-medication to deal with the pain. Instead of addressing it. So the series is really about emotional pain and what people do to medicate their pain. And I think people go through the Conquer series perhaps thinking they're doing it
Starting point is 01:30:28 because of porn addiction and they get halfway or maybe all the way through it and they realize that there was something much earlier in their life that caused a trauma that set off a chain reaction of destructive behavior. And then they deal with that trauma. And these addictions are very similar, aren't they? These addictions are very similar in the way they present themselves and the way they work. And it doesn't matter if it's homosexual or heterosexual. It doesn't matter if the medication is drugs, pornography, whatever. It's self-medication to deal with emotional pain i very firmly believe
Starting point is 01:31:06 that every quote-unquote gay man knows that what he's doing is not making him happy is not the way he ought to live even if he is not a person of faith i very firmly believe that on some level they all know that they would be happier if they could flip if they could switch it off Now unfortunately, it's not as easy or as simple as switching it off for most people. It's a very difficult road and going from a sexually active homosexual to a Married man with children who doesn't think about men at all Well, even the reparative therapists will tell you there's only a 15% full success rate, but everybody gets something out of
Starting point is 01:31:50 it and everybody gets a bit better in some way. And for the Buzzfeed bloggers hate watching the clash of the hateful titans right now, it's not who you are it's not even a particularly important part of your personality except to the extent that it speaks to the trauma that you have not yet resolved and you can fix it you can you can fix it. You can. You can fix it. You rewire the brain. I'm so glad that I'm at least on the way to doing it. Because, you know the funny thing is
Starting point is 01:32:37 when you fix something this profoundly and fundamentally wrong and you begin to forgive the people who have wronged you, almost everything in your life starts to fall into place because you're not just no longer committing the sin of whatever. You begin to develop a more reflexively healthy attitude to all of your decision-making. I get up earlier. I take more exercise. I eat better.
Starting point is 01:33:08 I drink less. I mean, I've been leaning on cigarettes and alcohol a little bit recently, but I figured, you know, in the taxonomy of wrongdoing, you know, I'll be forgiven a few Newports, you know, if it gets me through this one. I'll work on that later. Smoking cigarettes and drinking beer won't
Starting point is 01:33:28 keep you out of heaven. You'll just smell like hell when you get there. Fine. He knows me well enough now to know when I've just bitten my tongue, and that was a big biting of the tongue i i'm content to smell a beer and cigarettes if that's the worst thing that if that's the worst stench emanating from me of spiritual or uh sinful kind i'll take it your heavenly father is showing mercy and grace to you There's no condemnation. He is wooing you to his side. There's that joke that they sometimes make in reparative therapy that I'll tell you after the show. Now I've just realized it's probably not my first time.
Starting point is 01:34:19 Anyway, it's along those lines. One of these days, we're going to do a True News After Hours. Please, please. I'll host it. you know what i'll do i'll do two shows i'll do true news after hours and i'll and i'll do how to iron a shirt all right all right i'll teach america how to iron a shirt hey i appreciate you being here uh i am uh i am amazed that God has brought you into our life, but I'm very happy about it. And I'm excited and I'm curious to see where the Lord is taking this. I think you've got an awesome future ahead. Really do. I've got the potential now to have a second chapter. I
Starting point is 01:35:05 figured my career was over because... Oh it's just starting. I figured my career was over but since I've been on this journey I've reignited a fire in my belly to get back on the front lines and that's been burning for a year now. Mm-hmm. And I suddenly realized how bored I am. Just gradually burning through my savings, pretending I'm fine, I'm fine. Cancellation is great. This I feel, there are people who felt for a variety of reasons, and they were right about this, that they didn't want to fully engage with me until I had got to this point. Because it was important for them and it was important for me. And they were right about this, that they didn't want to fully engage with me until I had got to this point, because it was important for them, and it was important for me, and they were right about that.
Starting point is 01:35:52 Things are opening. I can hear your gator snoring over here. Beautiful old fella. You and I have put gator in a sound sleep. We've bored the golden retriever to death, ladies and gentlemen. No, he's a homophobe. He's not asleep. He's just saying, guys, can you move it on, please? I liked it when you were talking about liberals.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Go back to Obama. I feel as though this has given me a new lease of life, which I say not because I am lustful for the prestige and riches that I previously enjoyed, although it would be nice to earn a salary again, but more because this time around I'm ruthlessly focused on serving others, and particularly serving people who have been lied to again and again and again. If women choose not to listen, despite me for five years demonstrating to them the follies and ludicrousness of feminism, that's on y'all. Sorry, ladies. I tried. There are millions of men across the Western world who believe that being gay is something they were born into and cannot escape. They're wrong about it.
Starting point is 01:37:13 They were told. They were told, mostly by white liberal women who broke the world. It's the white liberal moms who want drag queen story hour because they've always wanted a gay best friend while the kids look on in horror and mystification. White liberal mothers are the ones who want the... Well, single moms, yeah. Really? Yeah. It's white liberal single moms who have always wanted a gay best friend.
Starting point is 01:37:41 The other ones, it's not the kids calling up the local drag club and saying, "'Can someone come in and read Dr. Seuss?' Obviously, it's the teachers and the moms. If the parents didn't want it, it wouldn't happen, trust me. I mean, when parents are really motivated about something, schools buckle quick. But the moms are in on it. The moms are in on it.
Starting point is 01:37:59 It's women, it's white liberal women, spinsters, who are responsible for the corporatization of gay pride, turning it into something that every corporation in America has to rainbowify themselves for. I want to beat every one of these women to a pulp, but now I'm heterosexual, I suppose I've got to be chivalrous and merely say no. When I was gay, at least I could fantasize about beating them up. I know that I can save some of these men from this and many of them will never get all the way to the promised land of a wife and children
Starting point is 01:38:36 and many of them will not get all the way to religious convictions that have helped me through it but every single person who steps through the door of my clinic, center, whatever we end up calling it, will have their life significantly improved and be that much closer to living as God intended them to. And so that's my next 10 years. And whatever else I do, that's not going to take very much. That'll be one or two days a week, I would imagine. And the rest of the time, bad news, America, I might be back on your television soon because I'm very much feeling the pull. What do you think of our facility here? Were you surprised? It's really rather nice. Were you surprised? The Lord Almighty is not the only one wooing me. Look at this. I heard that it was a church and then a bingo hall and then a church again or something.
Starting point is 01:39:41 And so I was very disappointed to learn that you painted over the bingo signs because I thought that would have been rather a lovely sort of skeuomorphic hipster design feature. This is a very impressive facility. As we started this program mentioning, which is true, I have watched you for years and this program and what you do here has extremely high production standards in a way that people sometimes don't expect from, you know, a guy in Florida doing his best with his family and his team. Right. So, no, I'm a big fan. Some things I want to reach through the television and throttle you occasionally, but isn't that the definition of being friends?
Starting point is 01:40:16 Yes. Yes. We've got a great team here. Our team is fantastic. The people that I have met so far here, it's an island of misfits. It's an oddball crew. And it's the only kind of place I've ever felt at home.
Starting point is 01:40:35 So I very much enjoy getting to know the people down here as well. That's good. It's basically a collection of people who have never worked in media. And look at what you're producing. Did you see? Would you rather watch this or CNN? Well, I'm very much looking forward. I've seen clips of all kinds of things,
Starting point is 01:40:50 and I've seen some of the four things. I'm very much looking forward to watching this one, Sacrificing Liberty. I will ask if it's okay to have a digital copy of this. Yes. Because I'm not completely convinced that I have a DVD player anymore. I'm sure that I could borrow an Xbox from someone, but I'll get you to dropbox me that.
Starting point is 01:41:08 Good for people to watch it this weekend. Ben, John, it's four hours, four one-hour episodes of the true story of the USS Liberty. Did you get a chance, did you see our virtual reality studio? Yes. Did you see any of the studios that we've... I've seen there's the performance space in this and then you've got the green screen on three walls and then there's... Yeah, no, no.
Starting point is 01:41:36 It's pretty impressive down here. Pretty impressive. It's like a little buried treasure down here in Florida. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Lord's been good to us. You're smirking, which means you know what you've got on your hands here. You know you've got some potential here.
Starting point is 01:41:49 And our enemies really don't know what we have. No. Well, if you're, yeah. Because we haven't fully used it. Do you think that we're getting ready to? Do you think the Vox and BuzzFeed people watching this are quietly seething at these two figures of hate who have turned out to be depressingly lovely and also quite fond of one another. Maybe I'll come on the show again. Yes, we'd love to have you here. Thank you so much. All right. Thank you, Milo.
Starting point is 01:42:17 Thank you. All right. Thank you. Thank you for watching True News. Hey, share this program today with your friends and family. And just tell them, you've got to see this. It's been an hour and a half. Get your friends to watch True News. We'll be back here. Edward and Doc will be back here on Monday. And there'll be plenty of bad news to talk about.
Starting point is 01:42:44 So enjoy the weekend. Spend time with your family. Do something positive and good. Spend time with the Lord. Just set aside time to be alone with the Lord and let him bring peace and refreshment into your life. Turn off the technology and the digital media. Just give your brain and your heart a rest from all of it. They're trying to overwhelm us, and they want your soul to be completely overwhelmed with their vision of reality and your future.
Starting point is 01:43:21 They're not qualified to decide my future future and they don't define my reality. And so the best thing to do is just unplug from them and don't allow them to control your mind and your heart. We love you very much. God bless you. We'll be back here on Monday. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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