TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - DJ Don: Was Trump Townhall Meeting Sabotaged?
Episode Date: October 15, 2024Some news media outlets are mocking President Donald Trump’s town hall meeting in South Dakota by implying that the former president is losing his mind. A closer look, however, indicates that perhap...s something else was happening that the public did not know.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/15/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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take advantage of this BOGO deal before it's gone. Secure clean water for you and your family today. Some news media outlets are mocking President Donald Trump's town hall meeting in South Dakota
by implying that the former president is losing his mind.
A closer look, however, indicates that perhaps something else was happening
behind the scenes that the public did not know about.
I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Tuesday, October 15, 2024.
Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news by looking at this Washington Post article, Trump Sways and Bops to Music for 39 Minutes in Unusual Town Hall Episode.
And we'll just read a few paragraphs from the Washington Post article and then we'll comment.
And then we're going to show you some other things from that event. The Washington Post said the town hall, moderated
by South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem, began with questions from the pre-selected attendees for the
former president. Donald Trump offered meandering answers on how he would address housing affordability
and help small businesses, but it took a sudden turn after two
attendees required medical attention president trump after jokingly after jokingly asking the
crowd whether anybody else would like to faint took a different approach quote let's not do any
more questions let's just listen to music let's make it into a let's make it into a music who the
hell wants to hear questions right he said for 39 minutes trump swayed bopped and sometimes stopped
to speak as he turned the event into almost a living room listening session of his favorite
songs from his self-curated playlist he played nine tracks he danced he shook
hands with people he pointed to the crowd governor noam stood beside him nodding with her hands
claps trump stayed in place on stage slowly moving back and forth he was done answering questions for the night as trump stood on stage in
his oversized suit and bright red tie swaying back and forth it was almost as if he were taking a trip
back to decades past trump's decision to cut short the question answer period of the town hall
instead have the crowd stay and listen to his favorite songs was a bizarre move, given that the election was only 22 days away.
Well, Doc, when I read this this morning.
You probably thought he was ready for the loony bin.
I did. I thought, what happened to him?
We're three weeks from the election and he turned into DJ Don?
Honestly, you know, if you just if you just.
If that was your only source if this is your only source
the washington pulse you would think donald trump is losing it that he's he's catching up with joe
biden right whereas joe wanders around on stage don was dancing that's the impression the washington
pulse wanted to give you. Bizarre night.
Strange night.
Donald Trump becomes a DJ.
Doesn't answer questions.
Plays songs.
I thought, what happened last night?
So I started searching to see what else is out there.
I just pieced together some various videos to try to make sense of this.
So the next one, we're going to show you a little bit of what was happening.
And then we're going to talk about perhaps what was going on behind the scenes.
So this next one is the former president introducing some of his favorite songs.
Because I would love that piece of paper a lot.
So put on Pavarotti
singing Ave Maria.
Nice and loud. Turn it up louder.
We want a little action here.
Turn it up louder.
Turn it up louder.
Ave Maria All right.
So, Doc, the president is on stage.
He's got his favorite playlist.
Yes, that he has for the rallies and everything.
No, no, no, this is his playlist.
Yeah, I know.
For his home and his jet.
These are his favorite songs.
There have been stories circulating for months that the former president is an avid music fan.
And that if you attend a private event at Mar-a-Lago, you know, a very private event,
he may just be the DJ for a social event.
Mr. Trump loves to take charge of the music at his home in Mar-a-Lago.
So when I first saw it, I thought, okay, he likes music.
I'm not going to criticize him because he likes music.
I like music too.
But I'm looking at this going, what is the –
The Washington Post is saying Trump went bonkers last night.
He was supposed to have a town hall meeting.
Instead, he played songs.
Is that what happened last night?
That's not what happened last night.
He'd already had a 45-minute town hall prior to an emergency – actually two emergency events that took place at the rally.
So he answered questions for 45 minutes.
Then something happened. Yes.
Then something happened.
Let's look at some more videos.
The next one.
This is where the audience broke out.
There are some moments here, Doc, that are very touching.
You're going to see this. This next one, the crowd began singing God Bless America. I know she's born.
God bless America.
I know she's born.
It's obvious Governor Noem doesn't know quite what's going on what to do she's kind of following
the president's lead uh you know you can tell she she feels uh she she somewhat awkward uh
but as you as you watch this you can understand why okay so the next one um and this is actually
washington post video
from that previous article is it this is the one they put together yes let's see what their spin was
let's not do any more questions let's just listen to music let's make it into our music
who the hell wants to hear questions, right? Ave Maria
This is the man, well How about this?
We'll play YMCA
and we'll go home. Hallelujah. Come every night and sleep all day.
Live a world that takes a turn.
Okay, so that's the video I saw, the first one I saw.
Which accompanies the Washington Post article.
Right. And that's when I was still in my wondering mindset.
Like, I'm wondering what just happened last night with Donald Trump at this town hall meeting.
Did he snap?
And I'm thinking through, what would make him do this?
What would make him behave this way?
Why would he not answer questions?
Why would he play music?
Then I was thinking, is he so confident that he's won the election that he's like, I'm not doing any of this.
We're just going to coast for the next 22 days.
But again, as you watch this, you'll see there's the possibility.
I don't know.
There's a possibility.
Well, let me, before I go there, all right?
So the next one shows one of the audience members who experienced a medical emergency.
It's a very short video. And Bobby's there! Financing room and bed. All right.
So obviously something's happened.
There's a person on the floor. The event has stopped.
The next video shows the president stopping the event to deal with the second, the second, a second medical emergency. Let's watch this one.
Thank you very much. your time doctor Alright so at this point doc
That was the second medical emergency
By the time I saw that video
Now I'm thinking okay something
Something strange is going on here
And it's not Donald Trump
The Washington Post
Wants us to believe Donald Trump
Went bonkers
Started playing music
and he's gone off the rails yeah he's he's he's lost his uh his mind um but two medical emergencies
in the same event and this is south dakota and i don't know what the temperature was last night
south dakota but i can tell you it was a lot cooler than Florida.
I mean, this is mid-October.
And, you know, they're inside a building.
It's got climate control.
It wasn't as though people had heat strokes.
I mean, these people weren't outside.
Even here in Florida, you can't have a heat stroke right now in Florida if you tried.
Not today.
You couldn't if you tried right now today.
So it got me wondering, what was happening?
We don't know.
But the thought that came to my mind, Doc, is it was a deliberate sabotage.
That the Democrats have a new strategy.
Pass out in the crowd.
Stop the show.
Just disrupt a Trump rally.
He can't speak.
He can't do anything. And then when they get the first
victim hauled away, the second one
passes out. And you just keep doing that
until they shut it down. That's a possibility.
I can't prove it
without us talking to the people who allegedly passed out.
We can't prove it, but that's where my mind is at.
This is a new tactic.
This is the communist left, the Marxist left, using their Marxist tactics to disrupt and shut down.
And I thought I was a cynic.
Did I get one on you, Doc?
Oh, yeah.
I hadn't even gone there.
I hadn't even thought about that aspect of it.
But it would be, I'd hate to say it, just a great strategy.
So what do they do?
What do the leftists do at, let's say, a congressional hearing?
They'll have one person stand up, you know, in the far back.
And then they get that person hauled away.
The police come and get that person.
Then the second one pops up.
It's like whack-a-mole.
And it goes on for an hour.
The hearing's over.
They've run out of time.
It's over.
It's a tactic.
Yes. out of time it's over it's it's a tactic yes so is this a new tactic by the communist left to disrupt
president trump and then if it works they'll disrupt other people every time you're trying
to have a meeting they'll do it in churches they'll do it in conservative meetings they
they do do it in church and it has been done in churches and churches don't know how to respond to it. But usually it's somebody standing up to shout.
This is they fall down and be quiet.
It actually has a more powerful effect
because when you stand up and shout,
you psychologically coalesce
all the other people there against you.
But in a situation like this,
there's sympathy.
And people are quiet.
Or helping.
Or helping.
Not knowing what's going on.
Like we saw.
They're fanning them.
Mr. Trump was quiet.
Now, Donald Trump's extremely shrewd and smart.
He may have gone to music, Doc, because he knew something's going on here.
I've got to cover for this.
I've got to do something.
I've got to come up with a way to keep the people calm so that they don't start leaving.
Well, so he turned it into a DJ party.
Well, you know who else couldn't leave?
Donald Trump.
Well, yes.
Because you've got an emergency situation.
Now, two of them going on.
How do you get the president out?
You can't get him out.
Well, I'm sure they could get him out a back door but
but it causes a delay it's a delay and a disruption and and now i haven't thought about this at all
and this may be a strategy that for the next three weeks
they're striking at him in a different way every week.
So he never knows what's going to happen.
I'm just throwing the idea out there.
I'm not the only one because I think some other people were starting to get suspicious about this too.
So let's watch.
This is number eight. This is Real America's Voice.
And this is Brian Glenn.
And they're talking about, you know, this is a video of their live coverage of the event.
Well, number nine is live coverage.
Oh, is it?
What's number eight?
What is number eight?
I think they're interviewing Brian Glenn after glenn after okay so nine is alive yes
okay let's go to nine it's not hot in here it is not out the temperature outside is 50
it feels like it's 42 degrees i have done hundreds of press press of trump press press
events trump rallies i've felt hot conditions it's not hot in
here so i don't know why those two individuals had any kind of medical uh incident not heat related
in my opinion because it's not hot now as far as the room is going a few people left behind
the meteorizers and off to the side but as you you can see, and behind me, everyone's still here.
Why not?
Trump's playing some music, having some fun up there with Governor Kristi Noem.
And, well, what turned out to, what started as a town hall was turned out to a DJ set.
And I don't know.
Hey, look, we've got 23 days left in this election.
This was not on my bingo card, but it is now.
Trump concert here in Oak, Pennsylvania
happening tonight. Okay, well, I think you said it all, Brian. Now listen, if he looks like he's
going to start crowd surfing, maybe you might have to just jump in there because that might be a
little too far. So I don't know what's left for the president to do. Is he still on the actual
stage behind you? Yeah, let me put my phone down for a second.
I was trying to get some updates.
Okay, he's still on the stage.
Now, stay with me for a second.
This is abnormal.
He's already wrapped up the town hall.
He said, I'm going to play some songs and let's call it a night.
I'm just wondering, why hasn't he left this building?
Why hasn't he left the stage?
I know about playing a couple songs and having kind of a moment to let the medical conditions play out.
And I understand that.
You play some opera songs, let the mood end it on a good note with YMCA.
But I don't understand why he has not left the building.
So Doc asked me the same question while this video was playing before you heard him say it.
Why didn't Mr. Trump leave?
And my response to you was because he had figured out, I think at the time of the second medical emergency,
I think Mr. Trump wisely figured out, okay, something odd is going on here, something unusual.
This could be sabotage.
And he knew that if he exited the event, the news media would say Trump abandoned his people and just left them there because there were two medical emergencies that didn't allow him to speak.
They would have spun this thing as Trump marched off in a huff
because he wasn't the center of attention.
And so he turned the thing around and really made it about to people and not himself
and just said, hey, let's just be happy.
Let's just listen to some music.
He was wise enough to realize
I'm not going to be able to speak
and I don't want everybody
leaving here right now.
I don't want the media
to have video
of thousands of people leaving
while there's two medical emergencies
going on.
And the president left,
the crowd left,
and the sick people
are there behind.
I am going to,
until proven wrong,
I'm going to go with...
No, that makes sense.
I'm going to go with the theory
that this was leftist sabotage.
Might be wrong,
but what's the odds
of two people passing out on the same night, on a
cool night in South Dakota?
We got another clip from Real America's Voice.
Let's watch.
I want to make it very clear.
First and foremost, I suspect that people are most likely had some kind of medical emergency
and everything is above board.
The question is, you just never know anything and everything needs to be investigated.
With that said, I want to go out to Brian Glenn, who is out there because, Brian, you
and I were texting back and forth during this.
You're telling me it's not that hot out there right now.
Yeah, Grant, I got to say, this is not exactly the town hall that we expected now let me kind of
set the stage here in the room it is not that hot outside we had a cold front come through
uh it is probably i i would very mild conditions so it's windy uh it's almost on the cool side
outside inside i gotta say it's not hot.
It's just not.
And I've got a suit on.
So I've had far, far worse.
Now, not to say those two individuals have not been out here all day waiting to get in.
And perhaps they have maybe low blood sugar or whatever the case may be.
I don't know.
And we certainly hope those two individuals are okay.
And the one put his fist in the air, looks like he's okay.
The other one did walk out with assistance.
But I started thinking for a second, but what if this was the new way to disrupt a rally?
What if this was the new approach that we could do?
Instead of standing up and screaming and yelling and holding up a sign and getting escorted out? Well, what if you had a kind of
a medical emergency and you had to stop the show? And of course, maybe five, six minutes later,
another one would happen. Stop the show. Now, I am not saying that that's the case right here,
but this is 2024. We've had numerous presidential assassination attempts on President Trump.
We've had all kinds of crazy stuff going on in the world.
All right, let's move on.
We'll see what develops out of this.
You know, Doc, I would assume that the security at the Trump events have been increased.
I would assume so.
So that could be a new tactic.
To bypass security screening, you just look like a regular Trump supporter.
And you go in and you pass out.
You pretend that you passed out.
You wait for the ambulance to come, and the event has been sabotaged.
We'll find out, maybe.
We've got three weeks to go.
We haven't seen the end of weirdness yet.
Let's switch over to World War III Financial Times, Israel.
No, excuse me, Times of Israel.
Here's the headline.
Israel faces potential shortage of interceptor missiles.
Those poor guys, they're running low, Doc.
If only there were some other country that was giving them $3 billion a year.
Just give them missile defense system to them.
Let's see what's next. Financial Times.
Israel races to supply anti-missile shield. Financial Times in London says Israel faces
a looming shortage of interceptor missiles as it shores up air defenses to protect the country
from attacks by Iran and its proxies, according to industry executives, former military
officials and analysts.
The U.S. is racing to help close gaps in Israel's protective shield, announcing on Sunday the
deployment of a terminal high-altitude area defense THAAD anti-missile battery ahead of
an expected retaliatory strike from Israel on Iran that risks further regional escalations.
The article quotes, again, this is Financial Times, it quotes Dana Strahl,
former senior U.S. defense official with responsibility for the Middle East,
saying, quote, Israel's munitions issues is serious. If Iran responds to an Israel attack with a massive airstrike campaign and Hezbollah joins in too,
Israel air defenses will be stretched, she said, adding that the U.S. stockpiles were not limitedless.
You mean ours?
The ones that we paid for to defend our country from mysterious drones flying over Langley and Norfolk?
Well, not those, Rick.
Well, we couldn't shoot them down because we had to ship them to Israel.
Or Ukraine.
She went on to say, the U.S. can't continue supplying Ukraine and Israel at the same pace.
We are reaching a tipping point.
I guarantee if you have to choose between Ukraine and Israel, who's getting the munitions?
Oh, Israel.
But if you had to choose between the United States and Israel, who's getting them?
Israel first, America second.
That's the political.
It's actually Israel first, Ukraine second, America third.
That's the pecking order in Washington.
It goes on to quote Boaz Levy,
chief executive of Israel Aerospace Industry,
which builds the aero interceptors that shoots down ballistic missiles.
He said his company was running triple shifts to keep production lines
running. Some of our lines are working 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Also, they don't honor
the Shabbat when it comes to war?
Nope, not when it comes to war? No, not when it comes to war.
Our goal is to meet all of our obligations.
He said, adding that the time required to produce interceptor missiles was not a matter of days.
When Israel does not disclose the size of a stockpile, he added, while Israel does not
disclose the size of a stockpile, it's no secret that we need to replenish stocks.
And where do you go to replenish your stocks?
That's right.
That's why Joe Biden announced over the weekend that he was deploying not only the THAAD missile interceptors, but American troops to manage them.
Now, this next story, Jerusalem Post.
The U.S. threatens Israel.
Resolve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza or face an arms embargo.
The U.S. has told Israel that it would impose an arms embargo on the Jewish state
if it does not resolve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza,
Channel 12 in Israel reported today.
The White House reportedly expressed deep concern over the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in Gaza in recent weeks
and called for urgent steps within the next month to reverse the trend.
It went on to say that Strategic Affairs Minister Ron Dermer
and Defense Minister Yoav Galant received a letter,
they sent a letter,
from the Biden administration outlining American positions on Gaza.
N12 noted,
the letter reportedly called for Israel to be held to its March 2024 commitment
to allow and not prevent the transfer of American humanitarian aid or aid
supported by the administration in Gaza. It says part of this commitment, the State Department
would conduct an audit. They're going to do an audit, Rick, in accordance with the aid law.
So the letter reportedly highlighted that since March, the lowest amount of aid entering Gaza
was recorded in September. It added that Israel had 30 days to rectify the situation.
That failure to do so would lead to consequences for Israeli aid, as per American law.
Ain't nothing going to happen, folks.
Doc, what was the story we reported yesterday out of Israel?
That they plan to starve the Gazan children again.
They're doing it again.
It said, if you don't get out of the way, we're going to starve you.
Surrender, move, get out of the way, or no food.
And so the Biden administration has sent them a letter.
A sternly worded letter.
Or maybe it wasn't. The stern.
Did the letter arrive before or after
or with the THAAD missile interceptors?
Was it like
inside the crates?
He got a note.
If you don't straighten up and behave,
we're not sending any more
of these multi-billion dollar THAAD missile
interceptors. Because you know
what this really comes down to?
The Biden administration,
the Secretary of State,
Mr. Blinken,
they're telling Netanyahu,
we want those little children to have full stomachs before you kill them with American missiles.
Isn't that what it's about?
We feel bad that they're going to die with an empty stomach.
So you feed them before you kill them with our American-made missiles.
How sick.
See, the conscience is bothering me.
Actually, what it is, there's a federal law.
This is really what it is.
There's a U.S. federal law that says they can't do this.
You can't send American military aid to a country that's starving humans.
See, they're stuck.
The Biden administration doesn't know.
That's why the letter gave them 30 days.
Yes, 30 days.
What can Israel do in 30 days, Rick?
How many children can Netanyahu kill in 30 days?
He laughs at this stuff.
He'll cause a war so big in the next 30 days?
Oh, hey, your letter got burned up.
Sorry. Sorry.
Washington Post, Netanyahu tells U.S. that Israel will strike Iranian military, not nuclear or oil targets.
Officials say sure.
He's lied before.
Look at him.
Do you think he would lie?
Look at that guy.
Would he lie?
Maybe the right question is, would he tell the truth?
Would he break his habit and tell the truth? Because the man is a liar and a murderer.
Prime Minister Netanyahu has told the Biden administration he is willing to strike military rather than oil or nuclear facilities in
Iran, according to two officials familiar with the matter, suggesting a more limited counter-strike
aimed at preventing a full-scale war. The Washington Post said the White House had no immediate
comment. The Israeli prime minister's office said in a statement that, quote,
we listen to the opinions of the United States,
but we will make our final decisions based on our national interests.
Did he say anything there about only striking military targets?
No, not at all.
That's something that Jeff Bezos' newsletter inserted in there.
That's right.
Somebody in the White House or the State Department told the Washington Post, we think he's going
to only hit military targets.
It's not something Netanyahu said.
He may have said, look, I'm going to try.
I'm going to try.
That's all we hit.
But I can't promise you that a few of our missiles aren't going to hit
some nuclear facilities.
But no, he said it right here.
make our final decisions.
Yes. We'll listen to the opinions
of the United States. We'll take their money.
We'll take their missiles.
We'll take their bombs. We'll take their bullets.
We'll take their troops.
Yes. But we do what we want to do.
Because we're the Jews.
And you can't do anything about it.
You won't do anything.
And you won't do anything about it.
Because we have videotapes of you having sex with little girls.
That's how they work.
Look, it's the reality of American politics.
They had 20 to 30 years of Jeffrey Epstein recording blackmail videos on just about every influential man in Washington.
Some of them are dead.
But they have controlled the United States foreign policy.
They have pillaged our treasury. But they have controlled the United States foreign policy.
They have pillaged our treasury.
And they have threatened American leaders that if you do not bow down and serve us, we will reveal the videos.
Nobody's going to do anything. So is secretary of state's a member of the tribe he's not going to do anything
so where is this headed um the this again a washington post the retaliatory action would
be calibrated to
avoid the perception of political interference in the U.S. elections.
The official familiar with the matter said, signaling Netanyahu's understanding that the
scope of the Israeli strike has the potential to reshape the presidential race.
Who does Netanyahu want to win the election?
I mean, Kamala Harris or Donald Trump?
If he had to choose.
Donald Trump.
It was Donald Trump.
So if he does something right now that hurts Kamala Harris, does that bother him?
Does he come out ahead if Donald Trump wins?
Way ahead.
Way ahead.
It's party time if Donald Trump wins? Yes. Way ahead. Way ahead. It's party time if Donald Trump wins as first, even though the two of the guys don't like
each other.
But they respect each other because they're both strong-willed men.
But Netanyahu knows he'll get his way with Donald Trump.
Now, once again, this article, that was just an official speculating on what Netanyahu might do.
Not what Netanyahu said.
But the headline says it, Doc.
Netanyahu tells the U.S. that Israel will strike Iranian military, not nuclear or oil targets.
I read the whole article, and I couldn't find it.
It's not in the article.
It's only in the headline.
See, the propaganda's in the headline.
The meat is in the article.
But when you read the article, nowhere does it say Netanyahu did promise Biden he won't strike oil targets.
No, he said he will listen to the U.S.
But he'll make up his own mind.
You know, we'll signal an understanding. But he'll make up his own mind. We'll signal an understanding.
But he never said anything.
He never said it.
And again, the Washington Post.
An Israeli strike on Iranian oil facilities could send energy prices soaring,
analysts say, while an attack on the country's nuclear research program
could erase any remaining red lines governing Israel's conflict
with Tehran, triggering further escalation and risking a more direct U.S. military role.
Right now, Doc, for Netanyahu, who has had dreams for decades about destroying Iran
and killing all the Palestinians.
I mean, he's gone all the way back to the 80s talking about Iran in front of the U.S. Congress.
He's dreamed about this day.
I've been doing this show for 25 years.
Multiple times throughout those 25 years, we thought, oh, here it is.
It's going to happen.
But George W.
Bush wouldn't do it. You know, Barack Obama wouldn't do it. Donald Trump didn't do it.
Netanyahu has not been able to get the United States to bomb Iran. This is his best time he's ever had in decades. And if you look at it,
Joe Biden is in a weakened position.
He's a lame duck.
He really does, you know,
well, let's just say he may be challenged right now
in his mental faculties.
I don't want to say cruel things about him, okay?
But it's obvious.
We'll let the Democrats say the cruel things.
Yeah, they're the ones who are saying it.
I'm never going to make fun of people in their old age or anything.
But we all know that he shouldn't be in the White House right now.
What am I saying?
Mr. Biden is a lame duck.
He's not really happy that Kamala Harris is the nominee.
He wanted to be the nominee.
He was forced out.
By the way, Nancy Pelosi
is in London. She just did a
she spoke at Chatham House.
That's not a steakhouse.
For those of you who don't know,
Chatham House, sorry.
That's where the
globalists meet in London.
And she gave a speech
there, or she was part of a
panel discussion, but she also did an
interview with The Guardian newspaper in which she said, yeah, Joe hasn't talked to me for months.
I wonder why. Is there something that happened between the two of them?
Well, she made it very clear. She said, I made a decision long ago Donald Trump would never, ever, ever step foot in the White House again.
And if you listen to the podcast, what she said was, I had to make a decision.
Joe Biden was not going to be able to defeat Donald Trump, and so he had to go.
It's as cold as that.
The primary thing is the defeat of Donald Trump.
So where am I?
I want to go back to what I was saying.
Politically, Netanyahu does not care about the American elections.
They control Congress.
Every congressman and senator.
They control the purse.
Every congressman and senator has an APAC handler. It's all right, according to Thomas Mancy. They don the purse. Every congressman and senator has an APAC handler.
That's all right, according to Thomas Mancy.
They don't care.
Elections mean nothing because whoever you elect in America is a Zionist.
Is a puppet of the Israeli regime.
Democrat, Republican, doesn't matter.
They're not bothered about the election.
But he knows that the Americans are bothered about the election.
And this is really the best time for him to strike Iran.
The confusion.
The lack of strong leadership in Washington.
Biden won't know what to do.
If Netanyahu goes after Iran in a big way, Joe Biden won't know what to do. If Netanyahu goes after Iran in a big way,
Joe Biden won't know what to do.
And the pressure will be on.
Mr. Biden,
you've got to get behind Israel.
You've got to put U.S. troops in this war
or Kamala's going to lose the election.
And others are going to be saying,
Mr. Biden, if you get involved in this war,
Kamala's going to lose the election.
You see where... You think Netanyahu cares?
He'll play that.
He'll leverage it for himself, for Israel.
So, would he attack the oil facilities and the nuclear facilities in Iran? has this headline today.
Is the West prepared to deal with
potential Iranian sabotage
of the oil market?
Notice how it's
Iran that's going to
Wait a minute. I thought we were talking about
Netanyahu attack Iranian
Well, oil price can't say that.
That's a truthful headline there, Rick.
So, yes.
Those Iranians are going to sabotage their oil fields.
Well, it goes into, you know, more than the Iranian oil fields.
It goes to the Strait of Hormuz.
But why would the Iranians do it?
Just because they want to be crazy? No, they make
money from oil. Or would it be
because Netanyahu
burned down their oil
refineries, blew up their
harbors, their shipping
vessels, their pipelines?
Would that be the reason? They might sabotage
the rest of the world's oil?
Is that why they may bomb oil refineries in Saudi Arabia and Qatar and the UAE?
Is that possibly why they might do it?
Is that why they may put mines in the Strait of Hormuz and blow up ships?
Because Netanyahu is going to blow up their oil industry.
I just want you to see the headline.
I want you to see what people in the industry, the oil industry, okay, is the West prepared
to deal with the potential Iranian sabotage of the oil market?
You really need to ask the question, is the West prepared to deal with Israel's destruction of the oil market. You really need to ask the question, is the West prepared to deal with Israel's
destruction of the oil market?
Next one.
This is RT in Russia.
Will the Middle East war spiral
into a global economic meltdown?
This is an opinion piece.
I don't have time to go through the entire article.
I just want you to see the headline.
This is what the Russians are talking about about will this war in the middle east that's getting ready to spin out of
control is it going to set off a global economic meltdown what would do it doc the destruction of
the oil industry right oil going to 300 400 400 dollars a barrel. Right at election time.
OK. Or just about. A week after the election.
And guess what? Oh, I'm sorry. President elect Kamala Harris, president elect Donald Trump.
I'm sorry, but we blew up the oil industry.
You'll have to deal with that on your first day in office.
You're going to have to deal with a crisis, a world crisis, a global economic crisis.
What did Jamie Dimon say last week on cnbc he told city a city bank investors i i've never seen world conditions this
dire this scare there it is jamie diamond says geopolitical risks are surging conditions are
treacherous and getting worse yes that's coming from the CEO of the world's biggest bank. I guess it's the world's.
I know it's the U.S.'s biggest bank. And he's nervous. He's saying, hey, things are becoming
treacherous. They're not getting better. They're getting worse. So you put all this together, and my viewpoint is it doesn't matter who wins in three weeks.
It doesn't matter who wins.
It doesn't matter.
You know why?
We're in the fourth turning.
We are in the fourth turning, and we're in the end of the fourth turning.
We've got about, I don't know, less than 10 years of the fourth turning left,
maybe less than that. It's my view, my personal view, and this is based on what I
came home from Myrtle Beach after a week of very serious prayer, seeking the Lord for myself.
Okay, I'm not telling you you have to accept it for you. I'm accepting
it for me.
You don't have to accept it.
I'm telling you how Ricky
is changing his life now
based on what Ricky heard in
Myrtle Beach.
What Ricky heard was the
Lord said, Rick, you've got six
years to prepare
for a calamity beyond your comprehension.
You've got six years.
He didn't say it's going to happen in 2030.
That's six years from now.
He said, you have six years to prepare.
You have six years to finish the job I gave you years ago. You have six years to finish the job i gave you years ago you have six years to finish it
i came home and i we i did a program and what did i point out i said look at these three articles i
saw while i was in myrtle beach all about war one said was the defense uh the new defense chief of great britain uh david lammy
right and he said hey things over there in ukraine it's going to get really bad in late 2025 and
early 26 going to get bad yes remember that day we did that show yes and then I showed you another one, another article. And the U.S. Navy Admiral, Chief of Naval Operations, I want to say Frechetti.
I'm sorry.
I don't remember her name.
I want to say Frechetti.
I believe that's correct.
I apologize.
I don't have the exact name.
But she issued a report to the Pentagon and and said hey we're not ready for war
with china we we need to be ready for war with china by 2027 and then there was a third article
and i want to say it was a german uh defense official or maybe a nat NATO official who said, World War in Europe by 2029.
Yeah, it was the Germans.
The Germans.
Okay, and then you had the other article that they're preparing for mass casualties on the battlefield in Europe.
Yes, and how they're going to transport them,
that they don't have enough transport vehicles for the amount of wounded and dead they expect to.
So put all that together.
That's what I was looking at when I was in Myrtle Beach.
I did very little news, but those are the articles that the Lord led me to,
and he used it to speak to me saying,
Rick, you have six years to finish your work.
You have six years to prepare.
So here we are right now now and Netanyahu is getting
ready to blow up the Middle East because
he's bloodthirsty.
And he doesn't want to leave
power until he has destroyed
Iran and
killed off as many Palestinians
as he can possibly kill.
And that
risks a global
economic meltdown.
So while I'm on the topic of the economy, I've got to show you this next article.
This came from RT.
German opposition leader
suggests look at this word mobilizing private savings that sounds so patriotic doesn't it it
does you're you're saving they're going mobile rick no they're they're mobilizing like like
troops yes we're gonna march into the government treasury.
And how are they going to do that, Rick?
They're going to take it right out of your back pocket.
It's called confiscation.
It's called confiscation.
This guy over in Germany, he's a major political leader.
He says, we're going to have to mobilize the private
savings of the German people.
We're going to borrow their savings.
Oh, Doc,
it's so patriotic to mobilize it.
The borrow doesn't have that kind of feeling
to it. Yes, but if you mobilize it,
man, that's going to war.
Aren't you a patriot? How about your savings
We're going to war with Russia.
Mobilize your savings and fight the Russians.
We laugh about it, but it could happen here.
It will.
Especially if Kamala Harris is in the White House.
I guarantee you, if she gets in the White House.
Look, Barack Obama flirted with us.
Oh, yes.
I remember those stories.
He flirted.
He never really came out.
Everything in a safe deposit box belonged to the government.
Well, Doc, they were flirting with the idea of, and it was, I think, Robert Reich, his little Marxist-Communist labor secretary.
Okay? communist labor secretary. Okay. They were proposing ideas back then of basically forcing you to loan your savings to the government
to cover the deficits.
They would pay you back, but you wouldn't have a choice in the loan.
You're 401. you back, but you wouldn't have a choice in the loan. Your 401, your investments would be mobilized to pay down the government debt.
All right?
No, it wasn't to pay down.
I would take it back.
They weren't going to pay it down.
They were using it as a new source of funding so that they wouldn't have to go out and float
It would just, hey, we'll just float your savings account.
Yeah, we'll borrow against it, but you don't have to say so about it.
And you don't have a say in it.
So this leads me, folks, this is, I think you know where I'm going.
This stuff is real, friends.
You've got six years to prepare, okay?
I truly believe with all my heart we have six years.
At times, and for me for years,
it seemed like it's going to happen today.
We're right on the edge of it.
What the Holy Spirit conveyed to me
when I was in Myrtle Beach was,
Rick, the world's situation is getting worse, but you've got another six years.
This massive war that you've been prophesying about, it's going to be held off into the early 2030s. Okay?
I'm personally looking at 2032, 33, 34, but you better be ready by 2030, okay?
Because things are going to get really dicey, choppy, very unstable in the coming years.
It's going to get more unstable every year.
Look, we're not going to have smooth sailing to 2030.
It's going to be very, very choppy.
So the two things that I'm recommending, all right, preparedness foods and water filtration and such, and then also precious metals.
And this is why we've been so happy that Gold Co. came on board. They contacted us.
Gold Co., I guess, I don't know if it's the biggest gold company in the United States.
It's definitely one of them.
But they contacted us and said, we would like to partner with True News.
We would like to offer our services to the True News audience. I was quite surprised and very appreciative.
We didn't go knocking on their door.
They came to us.
And so what they're offering our audience is a free 2025 gold and silver kit.
And to get the kit, the phone number is 844-960-GOLD. 844-960-GOLD.
And also, you should ask them about whether you qualify for a 10% instant match in bonus silver.
This is talking about if you buy a certain amount of silver,
they will give you an extra
10%. That's my understanding of it.
This is for qualified accounts, but the
gold and silver kit is free.
The shipping is free.
The phone number is
Tell them that you heard about it on
True News. We get back to
World War III.
Folks, this isn't ending at all.
I mean, London Times, one-fourth of Lebanon is under Israeli evacuation orders.
This just started.
This just started weeks ago.
The Israelis went into Lebanon, and now one-fourth of the entire country has been ordered by Israel to evacuate their homes.
Who are these people?
Doug, who are these people?
They're the Zionists who get away with everything.
They just go into another country and order one-fourth of the people, leave your home.
We're going to blow it up.
Well, they've had plenty of practice.
We're the Jews.
We can blow it up.
And there's nobody going to do anything about it.
The UN, ha!
You think we pay attention to the UN?
They don't care about the UN.
They told the UN Secretary General, you can't come in this country.
The very UN that created Israel.
It wasn't God, by the way.
God didn't create this thing called the State of Israel.
It was created by the Rothschilds and the United Nations.
God didn't have anything in it.
But they've ordered one-fourth of the Lebanese people to evacuate their homes.
25% of the country under a direct Israeli military evacuation order, according to Rima Jameis-Emsias, a UN High Commissioner for Refugees.
More than 400,000 children in Lebanon.
This is not Gaza, folks.
More than 400,000 children in Lebanon have been displaced in the past three weeks.
And so if you've got 400,000 children, you've got 800,000 parents.
Yes, at least.
Plus grandparents. Right. Uncles, brothers and parents. Yes. At least. Plus grandparents.
Brothers and sisters.
They said this is a lost generation.
More than 2,300 Lebanese people have been killed by the Israelis in the past month.
These are not 2,300 Hezbollah fighters.
These are 2,300 Lebanese citizens.
In the past three weeks, the Israelis have killed 100 children, have injured 800 more children.
Who are these people?
I'll tell you who they are.
It's the Antichrist Army.
What we're witnessing is the rising up of the Antichrist Army.
And it is starting to march and is going into other nations.
And this will become a global military alliance.
It won't just be the Israeli IDF.
It will become a global military alliance, and it's killing people.
It's killing children.
It's burning people alive like they did Sunday night, which 99% of the American people don't know anything about it.
The Israelis burned humans alive Sunday night in Gaza in a hospital, in tents.
Well, a quarter of Lebanon has been under an evacuation order.
That doesn't mean that the rest of Lebanon isn't suffering from the Israeli strikes.
The strikes are reaching as far as to the northern end of Lebanon as well, a primarily Christian area.
This is a Maronite Catholic village.
Maronite is a Catholic denomination.
It is not...
It predates Roman Catholicism.
Yes, it does.
A couple centuries.
Yes, it was there, as Doc said,
centuries before the Roman Catholic Church.
The Maronite Catholic Church is not connected to the Roman Catholic Church. The Maronite Catholic Church is not connected to the Roman Catholic Church.
This is a Maronite Catholic village in north Lebanon.
Christians live there, folks.
Christians live in that peaceful, beautiful little mountaintop village.
I want to show you, this is just a week ago, I want to show you, now this is just a week ago.
I want to show you what that little village looks like right now.
Let's take a look at the next picture.
Now we're starting to see what's happened.
You see this text, smells of rotting flesh.
As rescue workers continue to pull pieces of bodies from the rubble.
And you just see on there.
Who did it to them?
The Israeli Jews blew up a Christian village.
In northern Lebanon.
What did these people do to the Israelis?
They didn't evacuate.
They were there.
They didn't evacuate.
And they're Christian.
Who kills Christians?
People who are antichrist are antichristian.
Let's take a look at another image.
These are, I'm going to show you some of the Christians who died.
This is a mother and her child.
She was killed.
These are some young guys in the village all Christians these are Christian
victims of the
Israelis you want to stand with Israel
really you want to
stand you stand with them you're not
my brother or sister I disown you
I'm tell you right now I rebuke you if
you stand with Israel after you've been
told they're killing Christians
right I rebuke you I If you stand with Israel after you've been told they're killing Christians, I rebuke
you. I don't want anything to do with you.
They're killing my brothers and sisters
and I will condemn them.
I will rebuke them. I will
speak out. I will
protest. I will do everything I can
because I will not
go to my grave and have to stand
before Almighty God and say, I was afraid of the Jews.
I was afraid of what they could do to me.
They might put bad things on the Internet and Wikipedia about me.
They might call me names.
They might call me an anti-Semite.
They could call me names.
They might call my employer. They might call me an anti-Semite. They could call me names. They might call my employer.
They might call my business associates and say bad things about me.
That's why people are afraid.
I want to jump down here.
This is number 23.
I want to show you Israeli soldiers, how they behave when they go into lebanese homes And those videos could be repeated over and over and over again since the beginning of this whole conflict.
They're disgusting. They're absolutely disgusting.
They're mocking the dead.
My friends, we're marching towards the end of the age.
I don't know how long this planet has, but I know this.
There's a mega war coming to this country in the early 2030s.
I've got to go.
Morning Manor coming up.
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Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna. We are gathered here with classmates from around the world in many nations,
usually 15 to 20 nations gather every weekday to study the Word of God.
Our meeting place is
You can join the live class at 8 a.m. Eastern Time
and meet brothers and sisters in Christ
from around the world.
Many of you are listening to a repeat later in the day as we release the Bible study on
social media.
Whatever way you're listening, we're glad to have you with us.
We're studying the gospel according to St. Matthew. We're in the 24th
chapter, and today we're in verses 36 through 42. I'm going to pray, and we're going to invite the
Holy Spirit to take charge. Father, thank you for this awesome day. We glorify you and praise you. We come here, Father, to be fed.
And we ask that the chef, the Holy Spirit, come and feed us with a divine meal of manna from heaven, Father.
To make us strong disciples who will serve your son with courage and dedication in this world, Father, in Jesus' name. Amen.
All right, Doc.
Verses 36 through 42.
All right. We are in Matthew chapter 24, and so I'm reading from the King James.
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be.
For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking,
marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark,
and knew not until the flood came and took them all away,
so shall also the coming of the son of man be
then shall two be in the field the one shall be taken and the other left two women shall be
grinding at the mill the one taken and the knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
But of that day.
That day refers to the final day.
Jesus declares that regarding the specific day and hour of his return, no one possesses this knowledge.
The statement, no, not the angels of heaven, emphasizes the depth of the divine secrecy regarding the timing of certain events.
That even heavenly beings are not privy to this knowledge now mark
says it this way this is mark 13 verse 32 but of that day and that hour knoweth no man no
not the angels which are in heaven neither the son but the Father.
All right, so Doc,
I've got a question and I have never thought about this question
until last night.
Does Jesus know now?
I'm of the opinion that he does now.
Can I prove it from Scripture?
No, I can't prove it from Scripture.
I never thought about it before last night.
Right. At one point,
he did not know. It's possible
he does not know now,
but the Scripture just simply
doesn't tell us. Right.
So the questions I was
asking myself last night was,
was his knowledge of the timing of the second coming
limited during his earthly ministry as the son of man?
And as he is now seated on the right side of his heavenly father,
does he now possess knowledge of the father's divine plan as the son of God?
I'm of the opinion, yes,
but like I said, I can't find any scriptural basis for that. It's just my gut feeling. I mean, he said it at the right hand. I mean, I can almost imagine, you know, Jesus leaning over and said,
is it time yet? You know, Or he can look up God's calendar book
or something along that line.
But you would think that
now that he's in heaven,
seated at the right hand of the Father,
assuming full divinity,
that he would not lack any information
about anything.
But can I prove that from Scripture?
No, I can't.
And so,
I just have to go with the character of Christ.
I agree.
But as I said,
I never thought about it
before last night.
But now I'm wondering.
And you're correct.
You know,
the Scripture doesn't tell us
if he knows now.
But we do know that at that time, when he was on earth, he did not know.
As a human, as all human, all God, the son of man, he didn't know.
But there is the possibility that he knows now that when he took his seat next to his father,
the entire divine plan was revealed to him.
The term hour, I believe, refers to a broader period of time than the way we measure an hour of 60 minutes.
You know, we could say, you know, people say,
we live in an hour of uncertainty in the world today. We live in an hour of division.
It's talking about the age, the time that we're in, okay?
So when he says we don't know the hour i don't
think he meant down to the the last 60 minutes uh but obviously the day nobody knows the day
nobody knows the year no knoweth no man that includes
all humanity
for all times
Doc and I have been around long enough
that we have witnessed
when various preachers
have tried to
predict the year that the lord was coming back
yes the one that stands out the most in my mind is 1988. and where did that come from
christian zionists you know where they got it they said israel came back into existence in 1948.
That is the fig tree.
And Jesus said, this generation that sees Israel come back,
well, a generation is 40 years.
That means the rapture is in 1988.
That's where they got it.
And when that didn't work.
Then they said, oh a generation is is 80 years
they're always adding to it yes okay they're always adding and the reason why they're having
to add is because jesus didn't come back on their schedule. That's right.
And, you know, Rick, most of the cults that came out of the 1800s, most of the Christian cults, in one way or another, got their origin as a result of trying to figure out when Jesus was coming back.
Yes. Whether it's Mormons or Jehovah's Witness or Adventist or anyone in that circle of things.
When Jesus didn't come back, they had to create a group of people to explain why Jesus didn't come back.
Or say he did come back, you just didn't see it.
Or he came back halfway and so uh but all
the you know christian cults out of the 1800s had something to do with the uh predicting the return
the millerites yeah they went out and stood in the field stood on rooftops waiting to be raptured.
They even had ascension robes.
Somebody got the marketing on that one.
Said, listen, you don't want to be wearing your ordinary clothes when the Lord returns.
We're selling you a robe.
I'm surprised you're not selling them now.
There are people who gave away their homes and their farms.
Because they said, I don't need it anymore. We're going to be raptured. And they weren't raptured. But they did start a new
denomination, the Seventh-day Adventists. Yes. So that's what they got out of it. I guess, Doc, we should prepare for any day, probably in 2025, a new book
predicting the rapture in 2028. Yeah, we have to because we missed the 75-year mark. That was the
latest one. They said it was 75 years, so that would have been 2023, and so once again, they have to come up with a number. What's going to happen in 2028
when Jesus doesn't come back then? Are they going to redefine a generation again?
Well, they've done that so far. Yes. Well, Jesus is answering the questions of his disciples.
When shall these things be? What is the sign of your coming? What's the sign of the end of his disciples. When shall these things be?
What is the sign of your coming?
What's the sign of the end of the age?
And he's telling them that on these last two,
it's beyond human and angelic comprehension.
You won't know.
But he did give signs. Yes yes see he he gave the signs we just
studied and the fig tree parable is not a prophecy of the future state of israel it's a parable to understand the signs he says when you see these signs know that I am at the door so instead of
trying to guess the date we should be looking at the signs right and a lot of the signs are in play right now in a big way yes so that indicates he is he's either at the
door or he's walking towards the door it's close and what is close in human time i don't know i
mean it could be 10 years 20 years 50 years the lord doesn't have a watch he doesn't wear a rolex
um so it's it's pointless to try to speculate how many years how many decades we have
as i said yesterday the remaining signs that i think have not appeared yet
could happen in a in one year altogether.
Suddenly those signs have been fulfilled.
I'm not trying to figure out the date, I'm trying to see the signs.
I point this out in Final Day, the analogy of highway signs so when you take a long trip let's say you've got
you you're going somewhere you you got a hundred miles to go you know your exit you know where
you're going to get off the highway now you know today we have, and it tells us what exit to take.
But before GPS, you actually had to read highway signs.
And as you would leave on your journey, you would see a sign that says the name of the city, your destination, 100 miles ahead.
Let's say for here, you know, we'll choose Miami. Miami, 100 miles ahead let's say for here you know we'll choose Miami
Miami 100 miles okay I can set the cruise control and just sit back listen
to music talk on the phone look at this look at the scenery as I'm driving by. I've got 100 miles.
I don't have to think about anything.
But then later, I see a sign that says Miami, 50 miles.
Okay, I'm halfway there.
And then later, I see a sign Miami, 25 miles.
Okay, I'm almost there. And then suddenly, it's Miami, 10 miles. Miami, 5 miles. Miami, I'm almost there. And then suddenly it's Miami, 10 miles. Miami, five miles.
Miami, one mile. Miami, next exit. Those are the signs. When you see these signs, be ready to exit.
If you're not paying attention to the signs signs you're going to drive past the exit
and and then you're lost well you don't want to be lost with these signs he gave us the signs
and he's saying hey read the signs pay attention to the. Don't try to figure out the timing. Just read the signs.
And let the timing up to me.
You pay attention to the signs.
So looking at the signs does not contradict what he says in these verses.
They're not contradictory.
Because some people would say
well you're trying to guess when he's coming back
no he just said watch the signs
he said it
and he said watch the signs
pay attention
so the theme in these verses
is readiness
watchfulness, being alert, paying attention to what's going on around you,
knowing that things could speed up.
Like I said, with the highway signs, when the highway sign says your destination is 100 miles,
you're not on a state, you're not
on the edge of the seat paying attention.
You know, I've got time.
But when the sign says one mile, you better pay attention. Because if you're in heavy traffic and
how I'll traffic is here when you get down towards Miami you know you might
have to cross six lanes of traffic and if you see a sign that says next exit
and you're in the far left lane and you got to get to the right lane and you've
only got a quarter of a
mile to go you might have difficulty getting over there you might miss the
exit you might miss the exit because you weren't paying attention so Jesus what
he's teaching us here is the watchfulness, the state of readiness, paying attention to the signs.
Christians who lived a hundred years ago didn't have this issue like we have now.
They could only speculate, imagine what would it be like when these signs are fulfilled?
We're seeing them fulfilled.
And a lot of Christians aren't
even bothered by it.
It doesn't
faze them.
The signs are being fulfilled and it doesn't
bother them at all.
And that in itself is a sign.
The normalcy of the world before the flood yes you got it so that
takes us to verses 37 38 and 39 but as the days of noah were so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days that were before the flood,
they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage,
until the day that Noah entered the ark and knew not until the flood came
and took them all away,
so shall also the coming of the Son of Man be. So now Jesus draws a parallel between his second coming and the days of Noah.
And he cites three similarities.
Firstly, the world will be grotesquely wicked like it was in the days of Noah.
As the days of Noah were, so shall it be.
Secondly, his arrival will be unexpected.
Thirdly, his arrival will be sudden.
Extreme wickedness, unexpected arrival,
unexpected arrival suddenly.
You can study this more deeply by reading the second chapter of my book, Final Day.
His second coming shall be suddenly, unexpected and suddenly so the time before the great flood was characterized by widespread wickedness and unrepentant sinfulness Noah and his
family were saved from the flood by building an ark as God instructed.
And Noah had faith and obeyed God.
The Bible says he was moved with fear to the building of an ark.
Moved with fear.
Well, that doesn't sound like faith, does it?
His faith, he was moved by fear.
Fear of God.
The fear of God to have faith to build the ark.
He had a preparation plan.
God told him, hey, there's going to be a serious storm coming,
and you need to build this boat.
And we have no evidence that they even knew what a boat was for.
No, right.
Or even what rain was, for that matter. So what we know here
is that the days before
Jesus returns,
the world will be
characterized by moral decay,
widespread sin and wickedness,
and a disregard
for God's law.
I think it goes beyond a disregard.
It goes into outright rebellion
they know they're breaking god's law and they they relish in it
uh the phrase until the day that noah entered the ark
that emphasizes the persistence of sinful behavior up to the very moment of divine intervention.
And this, Doc, goes to what you mentioned earlier, the sense of normalcy and routine,
as if nothing extraordinary was about to happen.
They had the normalcy bias.
Each year
as wickedness became more wicked,
they became more extreme.
They acclimated to the wickedness.
I'm going to take it to
the reality of where we're at right now in this country
weeks ago donald trump sold out the pro-life movement
and then his wife melania came fully out publicly as pro-abortion and the church leader said nothing yes
not a word not a peep because they wanted to be inside his administration
you know what that means they bargained with the lives of unborn babies to get a seat at the table
a seat at the trump table means more to them than the unborn babies
melania trump raised millions of dollars for the log cabin
republican club the homosexual club.
Not a word out of the church leaders.
Doesn't offend them at all.
See, they're acclimating to the wickedness of the world.
The sinfulness of the world doesn't bother them.
Sunday night, the Israeli army burned humans alive in tents at a hospital.
Burned them alive.
Horrifying videos of children and adults on fire inside those tents. Nothing in this country. Most of the country doesn't know about it because the media won't talk about it. They're okay with the wickedness.
Stand with Israel. This is what wickedness looks like when Christ comes back.
So like the flood in Noah's time, the coming of the Son of Man will be sudden and unexpected,ness, sexual deviancy, debauchery, sorcery, thievery, lying, violence, bloodshed.
All those things will become the norm in human society.
Doesn't that sound like Chicago, New York, Manila, Buenos Aires, Los Angeles, Las Vegas.
I mean, Las Vegas actually promotes itself as the city of sin.
They have billboards when you go there.
Sin City.
Welcome to Sin City.
They're proud of it. Adam's fall in the Garden of Eden produced a
harvest of wickedness, sin, rebellion, and bloodshed. And mankind's compulsion to sin
grieved God so much that he regretted the day he made Adam.
You can read it in Genesis 6, verses 5 and 8.
And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth,
and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually.
And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth
and it grieved him at his heart.
And the Lord said, I will destroy man whom I have created
from the face of the earth, both man and beast
and the creeping thing and the fowls of the air
for it repented me that I have made them.
But Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord.
Ducas, to me, one of the saddest scriptures in the Bible.
That Almighty God looked down and said, I wish I never made them.
I regret the day I made them.
I was better off.
What was I thinking when I came up with the idea to make man?
What on earth was I thinking?
Look at what they've become.
See, the same thing is going to happen again.
He's looking down at us now.
At the extreme wickedness and saying.
I went through this before.
The time of Noah.
And it's time to.
It's just time to wrap this up.
Permanently. And I'm going to gather up all the Noah's. It's just time to wrap this up permanently.
And I'm going to gather up all the Noahs.
There are Noahs all over the earth in every nation.
I'm going to gather them up because they're going to find grace in my eyes.
But I am going to destroy everything else.
Yes. everything else yes so in these verses Jesus is recounting to his disciples what went down that day more than 2300 years earlier talking about the great
flood it happened 23300 years previously.
Jesus would know because he was there to supervise the great flood.
Christians don't think about this.
Where did Jesus get his knowledge of the flood?
Did he read Genesis? Is that his knowledge of the flood did he read
genesis is that his knowledge no he he's god he was there to supervise the flood
jesus said the people when i come back people will be partying, getting drunk, feasting, getting married, just like it was right up to the day that I released the rain. It'll be just another day in Sin City. So humans lived in a state of unrestrained rampant sinfulness for over a thousand for
thousand years after adam's fall in the garden
and rebellion against god became a way of life
i think the garden story was old news to people yes oh yeah yeah yeah i heard my great grandfather talk
about the garden of eden that's so that's so long ago it's just a myth we've moved on
we're advanced in our culture now yes humans we don't need to fear god that god that evicted our
ancestors from the garden of eden he that god is gone he's he doesn't come to this earth anymore
right and about the only person that talks to him is that guy noah yeah you know the one outside the city limits building a big old boat
yeah which is proof that he's crazy
he's down there building a boat talking to an unseen god
see god had become irrelevant to the lives of most people at the time of Noah.
Where we are in this country today is God is irrelevant to most people.
Even the people who claim to be Christians.
So then it happened and the rebellious humanity at the time of noah did not see it coming suddenly unexpectedly god re-entered humanity's dimensions of time space and, and matter. And he made a big statement to humans who arrogantly rebelled
against their divine maker,
who said,
he's gone or he doesn't exist anymore.
He's irrelevant.
And he said, really?
You think I'm irrelevant?
You think I'm gone?
You think I don't see this?
Well, watch this.
The great flood is not a parable. It's not an ancient fable. It's not folklore. It's history.
People say, where's the evidence of a worldwide flood?
Well, why don't you look at the ancient cities that to this day are
under the ocean? Yes. How do you think they got there? Or buried under sand. Yeah, right.
What about the archaeologists who have discovered numerous dinosaur mass burial sites around the world yes not just a dinosaur but mounds of dinosaurs yes
the explanation is a river flood caught them by surprise and carried them downstream and deposited them at the end of the river.
Really? That happened all over the world.
Could it be that dinosaurs were swept away by massive walls of water in a sudden worldwide flood?
My son Jeremy went to China and visited one of those dinosaur burial sites.
And that was the explanation the Chinese scientists gave him.
Oh, there was a great flood at a river, and brought these dinosaurs down here and piled
them up in a big mound.
Jeremy also traveled to the Alps near Milan, Italy, with an archaeologist,
and they found shark teeth on top of the mountains.
How did sharks get to the top of mountains in Italy? guess they swam there Rick mm-hmm up up
a mountain so Moses who is the human author of genesis told us when the deluge started he gave us a date genesis 7 11.
moses wrote in the 600th year of noah's life in the second month the 17th day of the month
the same day where all the fountains of the great deep broken up and the windows of heaven were opened. I mean, he named a day.
Noah preached God's warning for over 100 years.
But only his family believed him.
So this is what the human race doesn't understand this is
what most Christians don't understand that unbeknownst to planet Earth's
inhabitants the judge of the universe has already rendered a verdict in heaven's court.
He has already set the date of imprisonment.
The judge, the judge of the universe has already put in his calendar
the day he will judge all of them.
But he hasn't told anybody the date, but he knows it.
This is what Jesus is teaching.
My Father already knows the day he's going to judge the earth.
Judge mankind on earth.
For Noah,
the people at that time did not know that the judge had already set a date,
that his gavel had already come down
with a guilty verdict,
and the judge decreed the punishment was death by drowning.
Angels did not notify earth's inhabitants
that they had been found guilty in heaven's court.
Nor did they inform the worldwide human population
of their appointment with sudden death.
In God's kingdom, in God's courthouse, the guilty have no rights.
The Lord had no obligation to tell them the date of their execution.
Because Noah warned the people for over a century, but they mocked the preacher of their execution because noah warned the people for over a century but they mocked
the preacher of righteousness right and then suddenly it was god's turn to mock the mockers
as in genesis 6 the earth also was corrupt God, and the earth was filled up with violence.
And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt.
For all flesh had corrupted his ways upon the earth.
And God said unto Noah, The end of all flesh has come before me.
For the earth is filled with violence through them.
And behold, I will destroy them with the earth. So Jesus is teaching us that Noah's flood is a powerful lesson for us today.
The worldwide flood reminds us that God's patience with humanity's sin and rebellion
will be exhausted again, and heaven's court will render a guilty verdict,
and God will set the date of humanity's execution,
but not inform the earth's population.
And that execution day will arrive suddenly and unexpectedly.
This is why Jesus said,
the great flood and the day of the Lord are similar.
Just as it was in the days of Noah,
so will it be in the days of the Son of Man.
Same thing here.
People will be eating and drinking,
getting married, being given in marriage.
But what happened next in Noah's situation?
The ark's door was shut.
But Noah didn't shut it.
God shut the door.
How many of you know that?
God shut the door on the ark.
It had to be sealed from the outside there is there is an essential sentence in Genesis 7 that we must note concerning the second coming of christ the 16th verse says and the lord shut him
in when all the animals and his family had entered the boat noah went inside too and god personally
shut the door and sealed noah safely in the ark so divine judgment swept over the planet. But Noah and his family were kept from it
even while they were in it.
Listen to what I just said.
Judgment swept over the planet.
Noah and his family were kept from it
even while they were in it
god did not rapture noah off the planet yes he sealed him
he protected him jesus did not secretly appear
and rapture noah away for 40 days to escape the trouble on earth.
Noah was not removed from the place of punishment, but he was safely sealed and preserved by God.
Now, Apostle Peter also teaches us something about Noah.
Peter said that baptism is the ark that saves us.
Now, this will cause some people to have theological, what, conniption fits?
1 Peter 3, verses 18 to 21.
Because Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteous,
that he might bring you to God, being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit,
in whom he also went and preached to the spirits in prison,
who before were disobedient.
Now here, listen.
When God waited patiently in the days of Noah,
while the ship was being built. In it, few, that is eight
souls, were saved through water. This is a symbol of baptism, which now saves you. Not the putting
away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience towards God
through the resurrection of Jesus
What is
the ark
in this age as we prepare
for the second coming of Christ? It is
You may not like that,
but that's what the Word of God says.
It's pretty plain.
So another flood will suddenly
and unexpectedly cover the earth.
The future deluge will be a flood of fire.
Isn't it interesting, Doc,
that the second arc is baptism, and so we are saved by being plunged in the water?
See, in the first one, the people died who were plunged into the water.
In the second time, the people who were plunged into the water are saved.
Just like Noah was saved.
So, Jesus told his disciples that when he returns to earth,
people will be gleefully sinning and rebelling against God, just as they did in the days of Noah.
It was business as usual until Noah entered the ark.
And they did not know it was their last day when God sealed Noah inside the ship.
Think about it.
People got up that morning started their
morning like they did every morning they had no idea they were gonna die that day
no idea at all they were gonna die that day
maybe the rain for some maybe it was raining during the night and they're
waking up say wow is it raining hard today tonight and by sunrise they see
that hey there's water coming around my house when is this rain going to stop? When did they realize?
How many days into the rain?
40 days.
How many days until they started to think,
hey, this is weird.
Something's not right.
Well, Rick, I'm of the opinion that it happened so quickly,
it caught everyone by surprise.
It did.
Because it says that the windows of heaven
opened and the fountains of the deep
burst forth.
And so
there's that idea that
sudden destruction
almost instantaneously
And so
maybe... It took 40 days to kill all of them.
That's right.
They had to flood the whole earth to do it.
Because there were some people
that were fleeing to the mountains
and said, okay, I'll get you there.
That's how the sharks got to the top of the Alps so there was a never-ending
atmospheric river that drenched them from above and underground seas below below the earth's surface broke open the planet's crust cracked
open and underground oceans came up onto the surface until it finally covered the
mountains of Ararat and the Alps and the Rockies and all the mountains of the world.
This deluge came suddenly and unexpectedly.
The sinners did not see that coming because their eyes were blinded by sin and lust.
That's right.
Jesus said the flood came and destroyed them all.
So in the same manner, the final day's flood will come suddenly and unexpectedly and it will be a flood of fire a fire that will engulf the planet the flames will be higher than the tallest mountains You know, Satan conveniently neglected to inform humanity that sin is a highly combustible substance.
He left that off the package ingredients. When Jesus lights a match on the final day,
this sin-soaked planet and its inhabitants will burst into ferocious flames,
and anybody not sealed inside the Ark of Baptism will perish that day.
Well, if there are people listening, I'm under,
I'm hearing the Holy Spirit right now saying there are people listening to us right now who are not baptized.
Whoever you are, wherever you are in the world, you've got to get baptized.
If you are, first, you have to be born again.
Baptism alone will not save you.
It's belief and confession of Jesus Christ and baptism that saves you.
But there are people listening to me right now who have confessed Jesus Christ,
but for some reason you were never baptized.
You got to get that done.
Yes. Baptism is the ark that saves
you on the last day i mean how much more plain can you be than first peter chapter three on this
why do people argue with it i know i i don't get it rick i really it is beyond my comprehension to
understand when it says it in black and white that baptism saves you just like
the ark saved Noah.
I don't know, Doc.
I'm too simple-minded. I just believe
what's there on the Bible pages.
I try not
to think about it too much.
It's like, that's what it says.
One thing is for sure. The global fire that's what it says one thing is for sure the global fire that's coming will erupt
suddenly and unexpectedly and sinners will not hear fire alarms warning them to flee the planet
elon musk will not be able to get into one of his rocket ships and fly off to Mars.
No stairwells will miraculously appear to allow people to exit a burning world.
No heroic firefighters will extinguish the raging infernono on every continent even the oceans will be on fire yes even fire
will be on fire you understand that this fire is going to burn up the oceans it's going to
burn up all the fire on the Earth the elements of this Earth and the universe will dissolve in the fervent heat.
And fire is one of the earth's elements.
Heaven's fire will burn up the earth's fire.
Another thing, the wicked and the unsaved, the unbelievers,
will not receive a text message on their phone.
That's right.
No alerts coming in.
You know, we got plenty of warnings last week.
There were too many warnings about tornadoes.
I've seen so many warnings coming in in a couple hours telling me telling me hey you better hide right now
that's what they said take cover now go inside now take cover in a safe room
you're not going to get a text saying hey god's god is getting has repeatedly warned the people to repent,
but they would not listen.
Or they would not respond.
The other thing that's happening is that the Antichrist spirit of this world
is increasing its efforts to censor and silence the voices of real,
true righteous men and women who are crying out to the lost souls to repent,
believe in the name of Jesus, and be baptized in water. And some of those people who are censoring
the righteous are people in the church. Yes. The tares are censoring the wheat.
But I'm going to tell you something.
Censors may censor the saints,
but God will turn the censors into cinders.
When angelic reapers suddenly separate the wheat and the tares,
the sheep and the goats.
Because the harvest of souls will be sudden, swift, and final.
And souls found outside the church will not have permission
to speak before the great judge to plead their defense
and make excuses for their behavior.
They will arrive in heaven's court on judgment day shackled
with guilty on arrival stamped on their foreheads.
The purpose of their brief appearance before the great God
will be to receive the punishment they chose while
living on earth and that punishment is eternal damnation in the lake of fire they chose it
and i i put this in my book, Final Day.
Perhaps there's a large sign in heaven's court that says,
no repenting allowed.
What? What are you saying?
Oh, on Judgment Day, no repenting is allowed.
Repenting is for now.
You can't repent in heaven. Not the not in the court on judgment day you can't repent that day
if you're going to repent you better do it today
you know you you go into a courthouse anywhere in america and there's a sign that says
cell phones must be turned off.
You're not allowed to say you can't use your phone.
Well, same thing is going to be in heaven's court.
No repenting allowed.
Your tears will not move God's heart on the final day.
Now, this is the time for remorse and weeping over your sins. I said in my book, there are no hankies in heaven.
No angel is going to hand you a handkerchief and say, there, wipe your eyes, blow your nose.
You're crying too much.
They're not going to pay attention to it.
You don't want to be in that line.
The crying is just starting.
You want to be in the other group of people
who didn't have to go through that sentencing hearing.
Doc, I'll pick up tomorrow on verses 41 and 42.
All right.
And we'll just wrap it up for today.
All right.
Well, we appreciate you being here with us on a Tuesday morning,
a beautiful Tuesday morning here in Vero Beach after the week that we had last week.
A gorgeous day out there, beautiful weather.
The Lord's blessing us with that. And I hope
He's blessing you wherever you are today.
We invite you to be back here with us
tomorrow morning, Wednesday morning,
8 a.m. here on the East Coast
on for
Morning Manor. We'd love to have you
with us no matter when you listen to
us. And you can also listen to previous
editions of Morning Manor as well
and catch up on this uh
deep bible study in the book of matthew any final words rick before we sign off for today
yeah if you're saved and you're walking with christ and you're humble um and you are poor in
spirit meaning you know what poor in spirit means because you went through the lesson on the Sermon on the Mount.
Poor in spirit means you are aware that you are a sinner.
You are aware.
And to mourn, according to the Sermon on the Mount, means that you are remorseful for being a sinner.
We have the promise, the kingdom of heaven is yours.
You don't have to worry about what we just taught today.
If you stay in that humble, broken, contrite attitude towards God,
you don't have to fear these things that are coming.
You can rejoice.
You can be at peace.
You can know that Christ will save you.
You will not go through this fire.
Praise God.
All right.
So have that peace.
Have that joy.
And rejoice in it today.
All right, got to go.
See you.
We'll see you tomorrow.
God bless you.
You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave Radio. You can find True News on frequency 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern.
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