TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Doomsday SW Radio Transmission Prior to Assassination of Russian General
Episode Date: December 17, 2024Today would be a good day to check your heart to see if all is well between you and God. America took a momentous step today toward nuclear war with Russia. Ukraine’s intelligence agency assassinate...d the Russian general in charge of nuclear war. Adding to the suspense, Russia’s doomsday shortwave radio station broadcast a long-encrypted transmission.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 12/17/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comCelebrate Christmas with TruNews! Donate $200 or more to TruNews and receive 8 gifts: 2 Final Day books, 2 Sacrificing Liberty DVD sets, 2 The Greatest Reset DVDs, and 2 talking Fauci Elves. Donate at, call 800.576.2116, or mail to PO Box 399, Vero Beach, FL 32961. Request your gift bag today!Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Eight Christmas gifts from True News.
Our gift to you for your gift of $200 or more.
Make sure you request the Christmas gift bag when you donate $200 or more. today would be a good day to check your heart to see if all is well between you and God. America took a momentous step toward nuclear war with Russia.
Ukraine's intelligence agency, with the help of friends, assassinated the Russian general in charge of nuclear war.
And adding to the suspense, Russia's doomsday shortwave radio station broadcast a long encrypted transmission.
This is true news for Tuesday, December 17, 2024.
Let's begin our analysis and commentary of World War III news by looking at this RT report.
Chief of Russian chemical defense forces killed in Moscow blast.
That was the early headline this morning.
Of course, the general was in charge of the entire arsenal, nuclear, biological, chemical, radiation, whatever you want to call.
He was the top guy.
And it's a name familiar with many True News listeners and viewers. Talked about him many years.
As the RT article here states, Lieutenant General
Igor Kirov, head of Russia's
radiological, chemical, and biological defense forces, has been
killed along with his deputy in a bomb blast in southeastern Moscow early
Tuesday. Officials have confirmed.
You're seeing video of that blast right now.
The explosion occurred around 6 a.m. outside a residential building where he lived,
and his aide were leaving the premises heading to the Kremlin.
Russian investigators said an improvised explosive device packed with about 300 grams of TNT
was likely attached to an electric scooter near the building's entrance.
It was possibly detonated remotely, likely by a radio signal or a mobile phone.
The blast shattered windows, damaged the building's entrance, and destroyed the parked vehicle.
And we'll show that video once again here so that folks can see this.
It also killed
his top military aid yes uh the uh the repercussions of the blast were felt about six blocks away
according to many reports so this was a significant blast and but what is even more significant than the blast itself is to who it was. And RT had a great segment on
the murder, really the assassination of General Kirilov. Let's watch this.
Joining me now here in the studio is RT correspondent, Saskia Taylor. So Saskia,
still very early on in this investigation. We're just getting very scant details at the moment.
Is there anything that you are hearing to update us?
Well, it did take, obviously, a while to understand the who, the what, the where.
Obviously, no one wanted to make any grand statements without official confirmation.
But we do now have that.
And it has been stated that one of Russia's top military officials, that's Lieutenant General Igor
Kirillov, of course, is a face that many would recognize because he headed up for around
seven, eight years the country's radiological, chemical and biological defense forces.
So he was killed in the early hours of Tuesday morning.
And we often saw him speaking about biological weapons laboratories on Ukrainian territory.
He was always talking about how this was under not just the funding, but also the patronage of the West, specifically Washington,
which, of course, you and I, Rachel, know this is something that Victoria Nuland herself admitted to at a Senate committee hearing.
Only recently, the last couple of months, if we want to talk about highlights
from some of his speeches, he added that chemical elements were actually being smuggled through NATO
territory. He highlighted Romania, mentioned Moldova, and had been warning that Kiev was
planning a false flag operation. So from his chair, he really was, I think, a voice that was trying to expose some of the truly dirty and, of course, the most kind of base and dangerous types of warfare.
Another individual who was killed was Kirillov's assistant.
And just very quickly to recap what Anastasia was there saying.
It took place early on Tuesday morning near a residential block on really a major thoroughfare in Moscow. He's a Moscow
native in the southeast
of the capital. And we know that it was
blast triggered by a remotely controlled
improvised explosive
device, an IED, which had been apparently
attached to an electric scooter. Apparently that
scooter has now been taken off site
for analysis. And it was
near the block's entrance. The two were exiting.
Now there's even
a rumor that potentially the person who pressed the, you know, the blast button might have been
hiding, waiting and watching for those two to exit. But the power of the explosion, it's
interesting. Some eyewitnesses are talking about how windows even on the third floor had actually
blasted out. And of course, Ukraine took credit for the assassination today.
This is France 24, a statement from the Ukrainian government.
The liquidation of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, chief of Russian Armed Forces Radiation
Chemical Biological Defense Troops, is a special operation by the SBU.
That's the Ukrainian Intelligence Agency.
Dmitry Medvedev obviously had a statement to make and called for punishment on those who werely for the death of chief of Russia's radiation, chemical, and biological protection troops and attempts to intimidate our nation, stop the Russian offensive, or so fear or doom. the top military and political leaders of a crumbling country, he said.
Went on to say this terrorist attack demonstrates the agony of the Bandarite regime, which is struggling to justify its shaky existence in the eyes of its Western patrons
and prolong the deadly hostilities while delivering cowardly attacks on civilians in cities and towns.
They did convene a meeting of the security council it was already scheduled
but of course this became the top topic of the day dimitri maveta they normally don't publish
on video the security council meetings but they did this one today and we have a short segment
of that where dimitri manvetev made a statement regarding this i'll read the captions
as we play this video we are having a meeting regarding the contracts for the military
industrial complex for the next year but that's not what we'll start with. Today, as a result of a terrorist act, our colleague and friend, Igor Kirillov, died.
He was a military commander, loyal to his duty and oath.
Each one of us here at this table knew him as a very good professional and a very good and honest man.
Everyone understands what happened and what needs to be done.
Regardless of the fact that the investigation has just begun,
our enemies have rushed to publish information about their involvement,
but in any way, the law enforcement needs to find the killers in Russia and everything must be done
to destroy those who ordered it.
Those who are in Kiev, they are known.
It's the military and political leadership of Ukraine.
And so this was published.
All the Russian people saw this statement.
Did he add allies?
I didn't see anything beyond that.
So I have to just...
He said, we all understand what needs to be done.
But he directly pointed at Ukraine's military and political leadership in that segment.
So obviously they're the first, if you will, the first item on the list of people that they are willing to take out as a response to this assassination.
And I don't think they're going to do it individually.
I don't think so either.
I think you're going to see another hypersonic missile that's going to go flying into downtown Kiev.
That's my estimation of what will happen.
They'll take out the core governmental building structures of Ukraine.
There won't be a place for Zelensky to meet.
There won't be a place for him to live.
There won't be a place for him to live. It won't be a place for their military
to have strategy meetings.
I think they're going to wipe out those buildings
with hypersonic missiles.
To put this in context,
and I saw this, you know,
that's the first thing I saw
when I got up this morning, Doc.
Yeah, me too.
When I see, when you go to RT
and you see a headline in red,
you know, this is bad. Okay. a headline in red, you know this is bad.
It's just immediately you know this is going to be a very, very bad article.
And I saw that today, and I knew who Kirillov was because we've talked about him for years.
So put this in context. Imagine today if the Russians assassinated in America the top general in charge of our entire nuclear arsenal.
Right now that's General Brandt.
So imagine as he came out of his house, Russian agents blew him up.
And his aide.
And his top assistant, his attache.
Just think about what would we be doing today?
Oh, we'd be talking. We need a war. Not just any general.
The general see Kirillov was the general that when if Putin was launching a nuclear war, Kirillov was the general that Putin would call and say, launch.
That's how important this is.
He's in the direct line of the president of Russia to launch the nuclear warheads.
So we've talked about Kirillov for a long time.
He's been a major player.
I'm going to go back through some of our archives just to remind you of things that we've talked about involving this general.
This is a Turkish news report from October 2023.
Russia claims the United States moved part of its biological projects from Ukraine to Africa.
That's a story from October 2023.
And when it says Russia, it was specifically Kirillov that made that.
Kirillov had held a press conference and made the claim that the United States moved biological laboratories from Ukraine to Africa.
Right. from ukraine to to africa right okay look if you could karilov was the russian leader in charge of
investigating the alleged u.s bio labs in ukraine the experiments on ukrainian children
the the presence of u.s pharmaceutical companies, the laundering of
money from the Pentagon to the labs, to the pharmaceutical companies, and then back to
U.S. politicians as donations.
He's the one who was doing the investigation.
So this next article, this is task january of this
year russian defense ministry in 2023 identified over 50 participants in u.s bio labs in ukraine
just looking at these headlines was there anybody else besides ukraine that had a reason to kill Kirillov?
If you were a homicide investigator, could you make a list of people that might want Kirillov dead?
Be at least 50 names long, Rick, when you start thinking about it.
Here's another one.
This is September 2022. along rick when you start thinking about it so uh here's another one this is uh september 2022
this was a statement from the russian ministry of defense oh this is a video i'm sorry it is
this uh let's watch i haven't seen it i don't know what we're going to see right i'll let you
take care of it okay provocations of a biological nation aim of blaming the russian federation
due to the fact that we manage the implementation. Wow, it's going fast here.
Well, in this particular statement, Rick, he's making the connections, as you said,
between the various political organizations and pharmaceutical companies.
And this was what really got him in trouble.
So this is connected to the report where he said the U.S. has moved its Ukrainian biological laboratories to Africa.
And this next video that we'll watch, this is actually a sit-down interview that he did with a Russian news correspondent where General Kirillov was expressing his frustration in trying to get straight answers from the West,
in particular the U.S., in accountability for these biolabs.
They weren't owning up to anything.
Let's watch this.
The growth in illnesses caused by atypical infections
has been noted in a number of countries right now.
So can we say that this is a result of some help from American biologists?
We can't say this so indiscriminately.
We are public officials after all.
As for biological weapons, if we assess the damage caused by COVID
over the course of two years around the world. The main pandemic
lasted two years. It cannot even be compared with the damage from World War II.
It is dozens of times greater. However, those who make the profits such as
Big Pharma, do you mean the pharmaceutical companies?
Yes, the profits of the pharma companies, which are mainly in the U.S., are colossal.
That's the way it is.
So the question is, the question is being asked.
We provide documents.
The reaction in the U.S. that we are talking about is typical.
There has not been a single refutation of the documents we presented.
We sent more than 2,000 pages of these documents to the United Nations.
What sort of reply did you receive?
We usually get two replies.
A standard one from the U.S.
All that is done in the interest of the national security of the USA.
And you must trust us.
Trust them blindly?
Yes, trust them blindly.
They have a policy of global biological control.
They understood that this works and that by creating artificial crises,
which are biological in nature, they can rule the world.
There is nothing they do for free.
Even when they provide supplies to certain states free of charge,
they are not as free of charge as they say.
By the way, that was at SPIF last year.
That's what I was thinking.
It was a SPIF conference in St. Petersburg. So he alluded to COVID.
He was hinting that COVID was a man-made military operation.
Yes, and that the West was behind it.
He was saying that the West creates biological diseases as part of its operation to rule the world.
See, all that is classified as conspiracy thinking.
By us.
By the people who are doing it.
See, the people who are doing the crimes
are the ones who call that kind of analysis
a conspiracy thing, a conspiracy.
But we wanted to show you some of these videos so you understand who this guy was who died today.
He was a target.
He was outing big pharma.
He was outing the deepest of the deep state.
When you get into it, it gets into the Clintons the Bidens all of it
because of the obamas all associated with Ukraine he knew too much
um I want to drop drop down um and skip some of these things um
I'm going to go down here to number 14.
So this is a couple years old, two years old.
Senator Romney, former Senator Romney, said that Tulsi Gabbard, who is now nominated to be director of U.S. intelligence,
her claims of U.S.-funded biolabs in Ukraine is treasonous.
He called it treason.
Now, that's a pretty stark accusation there, Rick.
To hang people for treason.
Yes, and now Mr. Trump wants her to run U.S. National Intelligence.
So, they just killed Kirillov.
So, an honest question is... Will they kill Tulsi Gabbard?
This is 2022.
This is not a video, is it?
This is still okay.
And then the next one is a video.
That we showed before.
And this is Tucker Carlson talking to RFK Jr.?
Yes, it is.
And he's talking about Ukraine biolabs. All right, let's
watch. Let me add this interesting segue because Toria Newland kind of blithely announced during
congressional testimony last year that, oh, by the way, we have these biolabs in Ukraine.
Yeah. And that was like kind of ignored and the people who covered it got attacked for covering
it. But the fact remains there are U.S. biolabs in Ukraine.
Why would we have biolabs in Ukraine?
We have biolabs in Ukraine because we're developing bioweapons.
And those bioweapons are using all kinds of new synthetic biology and CRISPR technology
and genetic engineering techniques that were not available to previous generations.
They can make frightening, frightening stuff.
What happened was, you know, when we walked away from,
when the Patriot Act reopened the bioweapons arm race in 2001,
the Pentagon began putting a lot of money into bioweapons, but they were
nervous at that time because if you violate Geneva, the Geneva Convention, it's a hanging
And they weren't sure that that provision in the Patriot Act would actually hold up
as a loophole to treaties that had been ratified by Congress.
They were nervous about actually going full force into bioweapons development.
So they transferred the authority for biosecurity to one agency in the HHS,
called the National Institute for Infectious and Allergic Diseases, run by Anthony Fauci.
So Anthony Fauci got all the responsibility
for bioweapons development.
He got, at that time,
a 68% raise from the Pentagon
in order to do that work.
And that's why he was the highest paid official
in the American government,
of 4 million people in the American...
He's the highest...
He gets more money, he got more money,
$450,000 a year than the president that any supreme court judge any member of congress
he was the highest paid and it's because he got that 68 percent raised from the panic on to do
bioweapons development now when you do bioweapons development every Every bioweapon needs a vaccine.
So you develop one side by side.
Because in 100% of the cases, when you deploy a bioweapon, there's blowback.
Your side also gets sick.
So in order to deploy one offensively,
you need a vaccine to counter.
So you need to vaccinate your team before you deploy it.
So is RFK next? counter so you need to vaccinate your team before you deploy it so is rfk next i think anybody that outs what these satanic freaks have been doing is in danger now you're dealing with people who are evil i mean this is evil it's wicked and they and killing murdering is not
it's not something that they flinch at the idea they have to kill somebody
now i came across this article early this morning from navasti news service doomsday radio broadcast dozens of mysterious messages doc as
soon as i saw the headline i knew what radio station it was yes there's a short way so you
those of you who are hardcore shortwave radio fans you know what i'm talking about
it we call it the doomsday station okay Okay. It is UVB-76.
That's the official name of the station, UVB-76.
And it has been on the air for 40 years.
It's also known as the Buzzer.
Nickname is the Buzzer.
It's a Russian government shortwave radio station
um and generally it's just buzz and stag with that's why they call the buzzer right okay
it broadcasts on shortwave frequency 4625 and many of you who have shortwave radios you've heard it
it just usually there's just a monotone buzz. Occasional beeps.
Kind of like a Morse code.
Right. So the description here.
And foghorn-like
sounds, Russian voices
issuing messages,
beeps, but very sporadic.
Right. You could listen for days and
days and days and never hear anything
at all. Okay.
Well, last Tuesday, December 11, and days and days and never hear a message not hear anything at all okay well last tuesday december
11 the doomsday radio station
transmitted more spoken words than it has ever done in 40 years right
now these are messages going out to top secret Russian agents, spies, military officers, commandos, special operations people, Spasna, so forth.
There is a list of the transmission times and the information that went out.
And words like bundle, billiards, alphabet, you know, of course, all in Russian, and then
numbers following those.
And the numbers could be either frequencies or they could be codes or who knows what they
were, but they were all issued within the same time period.
It's the most, as the Rio Navaste article said it, wordy delivery of messages.
Most chatty.
So there are Russian commandos, Russian spies around the world with shortwave radios who who monitor that frequency right and when when that station sends a signal a message uh those agents those commandos are are transcribing
the words that are being spoken and the numbers and those are encrypted messages. Right. So one week ago, actually six days ago, Tuesday or Wednesday, last Wednesday, the Doomsday Radio station of nuclear war was assassinated outside of his home.
Was the assassination because NATO and American military and intelligence officials monitored the transmissions and knew that Russian agents were being told to prepare for nuclear war now
did did we just take out the man who pushes the button well he's gone somebody took him out today
the man that would push the button to start the war right and one theory on the Doomsday radio station is that it's the dead hand station. Oh, yes.
Where a monotone is the signal that everything's alright.
Everything's okay. But the signal stopping is what
you really have to worry about. Well, the dead hand
and I've been talking about the dead hand going back to 1998.
The dead hand is a computer system underground in Russia.
It's supposed to be in the Ural Mountains is where it's located in a bunker underground.
It is connected to sensors above ground.
The sensors are throughout Russia. When the sensors detect that there's no life on the surface of Russia, it sends a signal
to the dead hand in the mountain, notifying the dead hand computer, everybody's dead on
the surface.
Right. The dead hand then launches every single weapon that Russia has remaining.
No human involved.
It's a dead hand.
Everybody's dead, but the dead hand gets the last say.
Last gasp, last laugh.
So even if you kill every single russian on the surface of russia
the dead hand is still alive right and it's believed that this radio station is connected
to the dead hand today the general in charge of launching the nuclear arsenal died in an
assassination folks you can't dismiss this stuff. No. This is significant.
We're dangerously close. I mean
possibly hours,
days, or a week or two
from nuclear war. Rick, this very
well could be that Archduke Ferdinand
moment that we've
kind of mentioned. The
assassination of Archduke Ferdinand
is what set off World War I
over a century ago.
Well, the vet have said today those who did it are going to pay.
I've got a – I found a YouTube video today.
Somebody recorded the radio station's transmission from last week.
This is what it sounded like. So that's a sample of what they were hearing.
There's much more.
We could continue playing, but you get the idea.
That hum is what you normally hear.
You don't normally hear voices.
You never hear voices.
Almost never.
Typically, when I tuned in, I heard occasional, what would be like Morse code.
You know, a do-do, do-do, and that's it.
Nothing for hours.
Something very serious is happening, folks.
You know, we have a lot of shortwave listeners out there, people that monitor shortwave channels.
Once again, that frequency is 4625.
So you might want to, you know, have a few of our friends tune in every once in a while.
Let us know if you hear anything.
So anything unusual.
Well, look at this Wall Street Journal editorial op-ed.
The United States should show it can win a nuclear war.
Yeah, thanks a lot, guys.
Isn't that just wonderful this
this is the kind of thinking this is the kind of thinking that has
now look at the date of that that's that's two years ago two and a half years ago right
when did the war when did the ukraine war started february of 2022 so that article was
published just months after it started and the title the united states should
hey show russia it can win show the whole world we can win a nuclear war but i want you i just
want to make some comments about who wrote it it was written by a gentleman
named seth cross cropsy that's him right there uh a deep stater that's all i really need to say
a deep deep stater his father was joseph cropsy and he was a deeper deep stater.
He wrote the definition in Webster's of deep state.
Well, his mentor was
the real deep state, Leo Strauss.
I knew when I started going down this path where I was headed.
That's his father.
This man is the father, Doc, of the neocon movement.
That's right.
So back when George W. Bush was in the White House, the reason I recognized these names is because I knew it would lead to leo strauss and i talked a lot about leo strauss the years that george bush was in the white house because this man was the father of
an architect the architect of the neo-conservative movement which folks bottom line
warmongering jews there's no other way to put it.
They were war-mongering Jews who had George Bush's ear.
And they are the reason we went to war
in Afghanistan, in Iraq, in Libya, and so forth.
They're the ones that set loose
this 20-some year perpetual war.
A couple disciples of Strauss were Rumsfeld and Cheney.
They were heavily influenced by Cropsey and Strauss,
and as Rick said, the whole neoconservative movement.
These are significant.
So when the name Seth Cropsey popped up today,
your bells started going off.
Lindsey Graham would be a student of Leo Stra strauss all these warmongers they they they're convinced they can win a nuclear war
that's right and we're we're about to find out maybe in the next week or two
reuters nato takes over coordination of military aid to Kiev from U.S., sources say.
NATO has taken over the coordination of Western military aid to Ukraine from the United States as planned, a source said Tuesday, in a move widely seen as aiming to safeguard the support mechanism against NATO skeptic Donald Trump.
We reported on this many months ago.
We said they're going to trump proof the war you know they
just came right out and said it and they did it i said hey you know what no longer military aid
will no longer be coordinated by the united states of america nato is now in charge so all countries
are now sending their equipment to nato then nato ships it to ukraine but the purpose was to block donald
trump times of israel estonia's prime minister tells times rather and so what's that london
times oh london times sorry when i said times of israel i'm sorry london times estonia's prime minister tells NATO leaders,
only a demented, sick, twisted
warmongering neocon
would talk like this.
To prepare for war if you
want peace. Yes.
what we need, Doc, to have peace on
Earth. We need to have war.
This is the way they think.
And they're telling the public, you people need to accept war because if you have war, we'll have peace.
It's on the front page of the Times of London today.
That's right.
It says that NATO is on course to raise its defense spending target to as much as 3% of national GDP.
That's coming from Estonia's prime minister speaking to The Times.
Kristen Michael, who is hosting Sir Kerr Starmer and eight other European leaders at a security summit in Estonia,
said that if the Allies wanted to have peace, they needed to prepare for a defensive war against Russia that could begin,
Rick, here we go again, in the next five or ten years.
Russia has a mentality that war is something sacred, that this is a sacred war.
And they are against everybody, he said.
They are against Europe.
They are against NATO.
They are against the united states and the only way they would diverge from this path is if they were to meet something bigger or stronger on this path so they've got their
targets and they've got the dates marked out on the calendar rick yes they do um
rt western leaders think they're chosen by god says putin
putin understands what's going on
he's he's he just says what many people in the world already know these guys act like they're god
right and they have their own And they have their own rules.
They make their own rules.
They have life and death of billions of people in their hands.
They create new life forms.
They do whatever they want to do.
Who who thinks who else, Doc, in the history of the universe saw himself as a God? Satan. Yes. That's really what we're dealing with folks we have
Satanists in charge of Western Nations this really is not a battle between NATO and Russia it's a battle between satanists and christians yes okay that's really what we're dealing with
because these people will kill us too they certainly will they they have a plan to wipe out
anybody that believes in jesus christ this is Satan, I am convinced,
has been turned loose from the abyss.
I believe the horsemen of the apocalypse are riding.
I believe we're in the age of tribulation.
Look, Jesus didn't say seven years of tribulation.
He said there'll be tribulation.
It'll be great.
It'll be so great that his heavenly father
will have just to cut it off
or no flesh would
survive that we're that's where we're at it has started doc it has started and
we're going to see news that is going to be so terrible that we will think that we can't catch our breath.
It'll be so shocking, Doc.
We're going to see things in the coming years that's going to be so shocking.
We'll think this can't be happening.
I just today in the building that we're in, I got out of an elevator.
Well, I was rode in an elevator with a person.
OK, we started talking an elevator with a person. Okay?
We started talking.
A businessman.
And, you know, he asked me a question.
He said, how are things going?
I said, well – he goes, what's on your mind today?
And I said, well, to be honest with you, sir, nuclear war.
And he goes, what?
And I saw an elevator.
He goes, why are you thinking that?
I said, well, I said I do a news podcast here in this building.
I said, I follow things very closely.
And I said, you know, the West today killed the general that runs Russia's nuclear warfare program.
He said, I heard that on the news.
He said, that's really bad, isn't it?
And I said, oh yeah, this could lead to nuclear war.
Well, it opened up
and he started talking.
Doc, you would think he's one of us.
He just, he understood where we're at.
He understood that, you know,
how serious the times are that we're in.
And the point that i'm making is that people people who don't even go to church people who have never
read the bible are aware that the times are evil and they're dangerous and he said man i hope donald
trump gets in the white house before they
they blow up before biden and that gang blows up the world see he's thinking it yeah he goes well
he says we know biden's not running the white house but you know you know that gang that's
running biden he goes they're they're gonna blow up the whole world to keep trump see here's a
businessman who doesn't watch true news or anything but he's
aware of how dangerous it is and so it's on the minds of people right now right and and
this is what i'm telling you is so we've got one month to donald trump's inauguration
and this is the most dangerous 30 days we're ever going to live in.
Doc, yesterday, do you think if we would have said, hey, what's the crazy news we're going to report tomorrow?
Oh, they're going to kill General Kirillov coming out of his house tomorrow.
On a public street.
On a public street.
They were sending a message with this.
Nobody's safe.
The highest ranking Russian military leaders are not safe walking out of their house.
Very serious.
World War III is on.
What happened today is justification in Putin's mind to nuke us tonight.
Doc, in their minds, we've crossed the crossed the line right because it wasn't just an
attack on a single general the biggest the highest it was an attack on the entire russian government
yes it's saying if we can get kirillov we can get anybody anybody at all so you know putin made
these remarks today you know that the the west, they just act like they're gods.
And that's an accurate statement.
He said, in fact, there is only one stable rule, no rules for those who make the rules.
For those who consider themselves to be at the head of the whole world.
Those who consider themselves to be the representatives of God on earth, although they themselves
do not believe in God.
See, he knows they're Satanists.
What I want to show you next
on the
surface seems out of context.
But it is in context.
Doc sent over
to me yesterday several
videos of
Christmas pageants
in churches in America.
This is Christmas time. Churches have
Christmas pageants.
Which normally you think
they do the nativity scene, the kids dress up as shepherds.
The sheep and the camels are going to come down the aisle.
You know, it's Christmas. It's Bethlehem.
That's not what's happening this
year in large churches. This first
one is at James River Church in Missouri.
Springfield, Missouri.
Springfield. This is Assemblies of God Church.
The largest church in Springfield, Missouri.
The largest church? Yes.
And it's also an Assemblies of God Church.
We're going to show you
two videos
of their Christmas pageant.
Let's watch. Cheer about one more time. Here comes the big one. Yee-haw! Woo-hoo! Oh, yeah!
Come on.
Here they go.
One big last finish.
One big last finish.
Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Donner and Blitzen!
Yee-haw! Okay, so you have elves standing around a trampoline with reindeer jumping on the trampoline.
Where's the gospel message in this gadget?
I don't know.
Another one, I don't know if we have a 25 or not production, but this was, you know, sometimes churches, they have animals in their nativity pageant, which I don't really
have an issue with or anything like that. This is also
St. James Church with their monkey? He'd call it St. James Church,
Rick, James River Church. Oh, James, yeah, I'm sorry, James River.
This is when the video label
says monkey, but it was actually a lemur that got loose and uh i
attacked a about a christmas princess in the audience for real it did it really did or yeah
part of the plot is that part of the plot it was uh it actually got loose there was okay let's watch
help us find someone that can press the button to make some snow happen
oh my goodness hey little buddy come here jump on me right here right here
come here little buddy right here jump down on me here there we go there we go all right
well go find us a contestant go find us a little boy or girl who wants to help.
All right.
Again, James River Church, Springfield, Missouri, Christmas pageant.
If there were people in the audience unsaved, doesn't know Jesus Christ, don't know the gospel.
Did they hear the gospel in that pageant? If they did,
I mean, if they did, you know, they were so distracted with everything
else that was going on. But James River isn't the only
church. Lots of churches are doing it. Another major church is down
the Dallas... Prestonwood. Yes.
One of the most
conservative churches
in the country.
Prestonwood Baptist Church.
Let's watch
their Christmas pageant.
Ladies and gentlemen, this is the moment you've waited for
Been searching in the dark and we've kept everyone on course
Buried in the snow, there's a man waiting to be born
Two eyes of gold, judging happy soul
The coin come high, then the heart of gold You've stopped the ice freezing, it's snowing now You eyes are cold, dirty happy soul, the cold can't hide the blood to know
You accept the end's reason if it's going down
But the best of man can give that to that happy man
Give that place a ride upon his head, the link in the deck
But only do you wanna know
When eternity long gets in sight
You're part of a world true, easy on you to do So they had people flying above the audience.
In one segment, they had Santa and his reindeer.
They were flying through the air in all of this, too.
So The Greatest Snowman, a take off on the greatest showman
and this is prestonwood baptist church you know doc uh
the late dr robert schuler i don't know people had they were critics of Dr. Shuler, okay? Crystal Cathedral.
They always criticized him because of his showiness and everything.
Well, I attended several of his Christmas pageants.
And the reason I was there is because when I worked in the cable industry, it was called the Western Show.
And the cable industry. It was a big
trade show. It was always held in
late November, early December
in Anaheim at the Anaheim Convention Center.
Which I guess like a few blocks from the Cathedral.
And so I was working at CBN
and the TBN. Dr. Schuller's office would
always invite us, come on over to the church and watch the Christmas pageant.
So, and they brought, you know, live camels, live donkeys, live sheep, you know, down the center aisle of the church, you know, on the stage.
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful Christmas pageant about the birth of Christ.
The angels were in the air.
They had flying angels in the ceiling of the church, you know.
Awesome production.
But it was all about Jesus.
It was all about Jesus.
The entire production was about Jesus Christ.
Baptist, Prestonwood Baptist is about a snowman.
James River
is about elves.
Why am I showing this to you
right after I just gave you
the direst news about nuclear war?
Because I want you to see
that America's churches
are spiritually bankrupt.
That's the message to you.
They're not warning the people to repent.
They're leading the people into darkness.
They're not telling the congregation,
you could die tonight.
This might be the last time you live.
Do you realize how close we are to a nuclear war?
They're not telling them that stuff.
They're telling them, look at the reindeer.
Look at the elves.
Look at the snowman.
Why aren't you telling them, look at Jesus?
Why aren't you telling them that we're near the end of time?
America's churches are backslidden.
They're apostate.
And this is the condition of the church
on the eve of destruction.
And it's because of them
that this country will be destroyed.
It's not because of the homosexuals. It's not because of the homosexuals.
It's not because of the prostitutes.
It's not because of the drug addicts.
It's because of the pastors.
They're the ones bringing destruction on the country.
All right, in the remaining time,
I want to talk about the drones
i'm not going to spend a lot of time you all know about it you've seen the videos and so forth
uh here's what look i don't know if these videos are are we can't verify it this is stuff i found
this claim this this is a video that somebody in a helicopter now this is from an aircraft this morning allegedly a flight
from newark um a flight over newark in la gradia going from uh newark to chicago yes this is they
claim this is what they saw outside the window of their aircraft can't verify it it's on twitter
on x uh the other one uh that we just you, also somebody said that they recorded it either from a small aircraft or from a helicopter.
It was over New Jersey.
The first part was over LaGuardia.
Over LaGuardia.
If you go back and look at this, look at that first one.
The person that posted it claims that they recorded this from an aircraft this morning.
But this is really just a small sample of the number of recordings that are being made out there of these drones that are flying around that the government seems to have no idea what they're all about. Right. ABC News, no national security risk after 5,000 tips, says the FBI.
And the FBI, the Homeland Security, the Federal Aviation Administration, the Department of Defense, they jointly issued a statement and said, we don't know what you're all worried about.
We looked around.
There's nothing out there.
This article quotes them as saying, having closely examined the technical data and tips from concerned citizens,
we assess that the sightings to date include a combination of lawful commercial drones, hobbyist drones,
and law enforcement drones, as well as manned fixed-wing aircraft, helicopters, and stars mistakenly reported as drones, the joint statement said.
Sure. Okay.
New York Post.
New Jersey pilot drone lost power in restricted flight space while mystery drone kept flying.
We've got a short, no, we don't have any video on this.
This was a, he did a podcast interview.
His name was Michael B., CEO and host of the Terror Talk podcast.
But he gave a description he said as his uh small drone approached the the larger
drone uh his drone which had full battery power suddenly had zero battery power right and this is
multiple people have reported this so his his drone battery was drained and he was unable to continue following it.
Now, the next thing I'm going to show you, I get up early.
You know, my mind's clear in the morning when I wake up.
I hear the most from the Lord early in the morning, Doc.
Before all this junk starts happening.
And what came to my mind very early this morning was orson wells you know i'm
an old radio show buff i love old radio i'm fascinated by it and uh so i listened to a lot
of old radio well one of the most fascinating old radio shows was halloween 1938 and a young actor orson wells who few people had heard of at
that time a man of extraordinary talent orson wells i guess he was probably late 20s early 30s
and cbs radio network hired him and a group of actors and actresses, and they reenacted live theater.
They did H.G. Wells' War of the World.
And it was a spectacular production, live radio.
And they did it kind of as a news coverage of it.
They would break in the way it started.
CBS was playing music
and we're you know uh the music that you're hearing is coming from the ballroom of such
and such hotel in new york city which was typical radio in those days okay and then there would be a
breaking news report ladies and gentlemen we have this report that scientists witnessed an unusual explosion through their telescopes that happened on Mars.
And now back to your regular programming, okay?
They were setting the public.
Now, think of mom and pop out in Kansas on a farm.
They're there on Halloween night. They're listening to the radio. They're there on Halloween night.
They're listening to the radio.
They're in their living room.
The fire's crackling in the fireplace.
And they're listening to the radio
and they're hearing this unusual reports, okay?
It was the first media hoax.
It was the first media hoax it was the first media hoax and what happened was millions of
americans went into panic there was hysteria this is in spite of the fact that they announced at the
beginning yeah but if you missed the beginning that's right have you tuned in one minute later
and you didn't hear the beginning that this is theater.
If you just were listening, you thought this was real, this happening.
And what was it?
It was H.G. Wells' novel, War of the Worlds.
And it was a Martian invasion.
And guess where the Martians landed?
When you brought this up today, I never made the connection until today.
New Jersey! when you brought this up today i never made the connection till today new jersey the martians
landed in new jersey in 1938 in war of the worlds all right so i'm going to play just sound by if
you've never listened to it you should it's it's it's awesome radio it's one of the best you'll ever hear uh but it's the first media hoax it was the y2k of 1938 right okay
they convinced the american people that martians had landed in new jersey where are the drones
being seen new jersey this is a hoax folks what we're watching is a government media hoax, but
it's evil. What took place
in 1938 was
entertainment. What they're doing
today is not entertainment.
It's evil, it's wicked,
but it is a hoax.
This is War of the
Worlds, CBS Radio,
Orson Welles 1938. The infamous War of the Worlds radio broadcast on Sunday, October 30, 1938,
was an episode of the American radio drama series
The Mercury Theatre on the Air.
It was performed as a Halloween episode of the series
and aired over the CBS radio network.
Directed and narrated by Orson Welles,
the episode was an adaptation of H.G. Welles' 1898 novel
The War of the Worlds.
The setting was switched from 19th century England
to contemporary Grover's Mill,
a village in the West Windsor township
of New Jersey in the United States.
It's about a two-hour drive from New York City.
The programme's format was a simulated live newscast
of developing events as Martians invaded America.
Wait a minute, something's happening.
A humped shape is rising out of the pit.
I can make out a small beam of light against a mirror.
What's that? Okay, so that's just the beginning of that documentary. You can watch it on YouTube and listen to the entire 1938 broadcast. It was the first media hoax. And I believe it was done to test
the reaction of the American people. And remember, it's just a couple years before we entered World
War II. I don't know what they're doing in New Jersey. I know that it's not good. I know they're
up to something. this is not entertainment
this is not just going to go away we're being prepped for something are we going to be told that the russians that these are russian drones are what are we going to be told here in the next
couple days you need to be prepared for it my friends be prepared most of all be prepared spiritually make sure everything is right with
you and god because we may not wake up one morning that's how serious this is we're extremely
dangerous times i don't have any elves here i don't have any snowmen to entertain you. It's just Doc and me telling you
the old-fashioned gospel that Jesus Christ came as God in human flesh, was born to a virgin mother.
God was made a human embryo, was born sinless, grew up, became a man and lived a sinless life, was crucified for our sins,
crucified on a cross for our sins, was buried, descended to the place of the dead,
rose from the dead, raised himself from the dead, and took the keys of hell and death from the devil, ascended to heaven, and is seated
at the right hand of his Father Almighty God. He's coming back in glory. He's coming back for
his church. He's coming back for those who believe in his name and are waiting for his arrival.
That's the gospel. It has nothing to do with elves or snowmen or reindeer. I want you to hear the gospel.
You need to believe in the name of Jesus Christ.
You need to be baptized in water.
You need to get this done as quickly as possible.
God willing, I'll be back here tomorrow and will continue to tell you the countdown to the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Thank you.
God bless you.
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