TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Dr. Peter McCullough: COVID Vaccine Has Likely Killed 45,000 and Injured Half a Million

Episode Date: August 6, 2021

Today on TruNews, Edward Szall welcomes Dr. Peter McCullough to the Godcast, as together they discuss the vaccine hazards that are becoming apparent through the deaths and injuries being registered. R...ick Wiles shares his response and presses further with the CDC revelation that the vaccinated are spreading the virus. Lauren Witzke and Edward Szall welcome Roosh V, as they discuss his radical transformation from notorious pick-up artist to committed follower of Christ. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Raymond Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/06/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Welcome to True News, I'm Edward Zoll. The director of the CDC has made a game-changing admission. The COVID-19 vaccines are not preventing transmission of coronavirus. Dr. Walensky made this shocking statement last night on CNN. But what about all the fully vaccinated people who get the breakthrough infection? Can they pass it on? Could they pass it on to their children? Could they pass the virus on to older people, especially more vulnerable people with the underlying health conditions?
Starting point is 00:00:56 And that's exactly the point that we made in our guidance. So yes, they can with the Delta variant. And that was the reason that we changed our guidance last Tuesday. Our vaccines are working exceptionally well. They continue to work well for Delta with regard to severe illness and death. They prevent it. But what they can't do anymore is prevent transmission. What's the point of getting vaccinated if it doesn't stop you from getting the virus? Well, I'm not a doctor, but there are some brave, courageous doctors who have risked license and life to speak their conscience during this chaotic era. And one of those brave souls is on the line with me right now. Dr. Peter McCullough is a board-certified internist and cardiologist from Dallas, Texas.
Starting point is 00:01:38 Welcome to True News, Dr. McCullough. Well, thanks for having me. Well, sir, you saw the statements from the CDC director. What's your response to what she's now said is the official position of the government on the COVID-19 vaccines? You know, as an internist and cardiologist, as well as an academic physician, I'm seeing patients every week and very actively publishing in this area. I've dedicated the last year and a half now to COVID-19 and effectively have done a full year or more of training. So I've reviewed thousands of reports and opined on this in the academic literature as well as in the media. And I can tell you at this juncture, which is I'm seeing in my patient practice, I've been treating patients
Starting point is 00:02:23 with COVID-19 all the way through. It's clear that the COVID-19 vaccines are failing and patients can acquire and then carry and transmit the Delta variant to another individual as they're fully vaccinated. So as she indicated, the COVID-19 vaccines have failed against the Delta variant, and I'm not convinced that they have any impact at all once the virus is in the body. What influences whether or not someone has severe disease is the degree of treatment. Treatment's most important. It doesn't, the vaccine itself is not a form of treatment, but early multidrug treatment reduces hospitalization and death greatly. Well, Dr. McCullough, the politicians,
Starting point is 00:03:09 especially you and our president, have characterized the vaccine as the treatment. Joe Biden said it's the cure, it's the solution to the pandemic. Obviously, the government has had a one-shot approach to this pandemic in the sense that everything was bet on the vaccine and getting most of the population vaccinated. With this statement now, sir, what about all the people who were injured, who were killed in basically conjunction with after effects from the vaccination? Well, I testified in the U.S. Senate on November 19th and published this in the peer-reviewed literature. There's four pillars to pandemic response. The first is try to reduce the spread with hand washing and masks and things like that. The second is early treatment. That's
Starting point is 00:03:50 most important. When people get sick, they need treatment. And if they don't get treatment, it can be fatal, particularly in patients over age 50 or those with medical problems or those who present with severe symptoms. The third pillar is the hospital itself. And the hospital can be, you know, basically a safety net for individuals. But most patients who die of COVID-19 actually die in the hospital. Hospital doesn't save them. And then lastly, the fourth pillar is vaccination. But in my view, it should only be selected for those who really need the vaccine because we can have a situation like we have now where we try to indiscriminately vaccinate the population and it backfires. And as you implied, the vaccines are not without risks. So this vaccine is not like a flu shot or it's not like a meningococcal vaccine or a tetanus booster. This vaccine has
Starting point is 00:04:35 been associated with record numbers of safety reports. The CDC keeps telling patients and doctors, go to the VAERS database and review the safety. That's what we're told to do. And I'm telling you right now, I just reviewed it. We're at over 500,000 safety reports. We've had 160 million Americans get the vaccine, but we've had half a million actually be injured by the vaccine. We're at over 11,000 deaths. We're at over 100,000 hospital, ER, or clinic visits. And the array of syndromes is extraordinary. They fall into four categories, neurologic, cardiac, immunologic, and hematologic. We know that the deaths from independent reports, the deaths, 50% of them occur within 48 hours, 80% occur within a week, and 86% of the time, there's no other explanation. So it looks like the vaccine is
Starting point is 00:05:24 directly related to the death of individuals who volunteer for it. Well, Dr. McCullough, many are watching this surge. We're being told that it's going to change society. We're going to have to have extreme measures, maybe new lockdowns. But for the unvaccinated, many are wondering if the vaxxed are hurting the unvaxxed. Is there any truth to that? Can vaccinated people shed mRNA, spike protein, or anything from their vaccination onto those who are not vaccinated? I can tell your audience, you know, as an internist and cardiologist,
Starting point is 00:05:58 that about 70% of my patients got the vaccine through December, January, and February. And the vast majority did fine. They took the vaccine. They had some side effects. They got through. People in my family took the vaccine. We wish everybody who took the vaccine well, and we hope it protects them. But the data suggests, for instance, in Israel, over 90% of people who have COVID had been
Starting point is 00:06:20 fully vaccinated. The majority of seriously ill patients in Israel right now with COVID-19 have been fully vaccinated. The majority of seriously ill patients in Israel right now with COVID-19 have been fully vaccinated. The same thing is true in the United Kingdom. We just had a report now from a group in London, separate academic group, that's confirmed that the Delta variant, clearly approximately 40% of people have been fully vaccinated. It's not, the Delta variant's not holding up. Separately from the UK variant report on late in June, that we had 65% of those who died with Delta were fully vaccinated. So the answer is the vaccine is not protecting the individual.
Starting point is 00:07:01 I don't think the vaccinated people are hurting others per se. They're just able to transmit it. The vaccine almost certainly causes some minor degree of shedding of the spike protein through secretions. But my interpretation is if that has an effect on an individual, it's minor. But others may disagree, but I think it's minor. Okay. I have a question for you, Dr. McCullough. So with the VAERS data reports of the vaccine injuries, you said over half a million reports. It's right there on the government website. What are the chances, how in good conscience can the FDA approve a vaccine like this when they would have ripped it off the market a long time ago?
Starting point is 00:07:38 And it seems like mandates are coming. We're not going to be able to go out to restaurants. We're not going to be able to congregate 50 people or more unless we're all vaccinated. And it's getting really scary. People are getting really scared. But how can the FDA in good conscience approve a vaccine with such a high data report of injuries? Well, you're right. Americans don't want the vaccine. We know that the vaccination rate started dropping April 8th in the United States, and we're at 52% of America doesn't want the vaccine. They don't like what they've seen. They don't think the vaccine works, and they think the
Starting point is 00:08:14 vaccine is unsafe. And these over 500,000 safety reports, those are the ones that are certified by the CDC. CDC has done some verification work on this. Now, I've submitted a handful myself in my clinic, some serious ones. And I can tell you, for instance, myocarditis in a young person who has no business taking the vaccine. Vaccine has no favorable impact on young people. He took the vaccine because he thought he was going to have to for school. Now he has serious heart damage. And I filled out the forms correctly. I did everything pinpoint in terms of his hospitalization and his data. And I was actually called by the CDC officer to verify it. So the horrendous safety data January 22nd when we had only 27 million people vaccinated. And if we would have had a proper data safety monitoring board, the program would have been shut down.
Starting point is 00:09:11 And you're right. For full FDA approval, they should examine all the safety data. And if they do, a typical drug would have been pulled off the market after 50 deaths. So I can tell you that it would be an impossible task for an FDA committee to fairly review this product and give it full approval. But people are worried that everything's off the rails at this point in time. And there are citizen petitions in from prominent doctor groups and nursing groups to not approve the product. There are formal calls into multiple government agencies to stop the program. And that came in through the evidence-based consulting group in England to the MHRA, said their products are unsafe for human use. Very prominent paper from Bruno and colleagues, 57 authors, 17 countries, went everywhere, said, listen, if you can't get
Starting point is 00:10:00 safety under control for the vaccines, shut them down. I think now in the last month, where it's clear the vaccines don't work for everybody, we have a compelling case to just stop here. The mandates are making people feel so uncomfortable because people know the vaccines don't work fully and they know that they have a poor safety profile. People don't want to be the next person who's going to die with vaccination. Well, sir, you're quoting from the VAERS database, and a lot of people are looking at the FDA approval and even this database and saying these are official government statements. This is the full strength of the United States government, the flag, the eagle, everything. You can trust this. It's the hallmark. You've laid out some serious shortfalls they appear to have had. Can we trust the numbers that are even being told to us through the virus? Like you said, 11,000 deaths, 500,000 injuries.
Starting point is 00:10:52 Could it be much higher than this? Are those just the reported deaths, for example, that have made it through that strenuous process? Well, we know there's a backlog. We don't know how long. The CDC and the FDA are the sponsors of the research program. So they actually are the research sponsors. So they actually need oversight from independent bodies. And we haven't seen that. But they had an obligation to America to have at least weekly safety reports, if not monthly safety reports, where they had a press briefing. And they told Americans what was going on with the program and who was at risk for one of these injuries. The last thing we want to do is see an American walk into a vaccine center thinking they should take the vaccine or being mandated to take the vaccine and then have that person die within 48 hours or die within a week, as we've seen in 11,000 individuals. That
Starting point is 00:11:41 is just a horrific proposition. So we needed these weekly or monthly safety briefings. We needed safety reports. We haven't got them. So all we're given is the VAERS data. So things came to a head two weeks ago where there was a lawsuit that was filed against the government. And the lawsuit basically used a Center for Medicare and Medicaid data, which is open access and understood in that database, they could also see the deaths occurring. And they realized that they didn't completely overlap with VAERS. So when you put this all together, at that juncture, we could have had 45,000 Americans that have died with the vaccine. And interestingly, on social media, on Twitter,
Starting point is 00:12:23 there's been a survey. And the survey has asked people, on Twitter, there's been a survey and the survey has asked people, do you know anybody who's died of the vaccine? I know it's not scientific, but we're up to about 20% of Americans know somebody in their circle who's died with the vaccine. This is extraordinary. One in five Americans. that's incredibly obviously if that is true and and mind you i i do i do find it ridiculous that um the public who is worried are now held with the burden to actually investigate this slash um collect the data we the government has uh funding correct to to collect this that's the whole point of theirs right there for the cdc so the fact that we're wondering what the number is is ridiculous ridiculous. What if it is above 45,000? 45,000 already.
Starting point is 00:13:10 That's an incredible number, sir. Those are casualties that we'd see in wartime. So the CDC, on average, through the entire vaccine program, we have 70 products on the market, probably half a billion shots are administered. I had two shots this year myself, shingles and influenza. We kind of all accept our vaccines. They receive on average about 16,000 safety reports in a year, and they sift through them. And on average, there's about 150 deaths, but they're not related in time to the vaccine. They do get reported into the system. We know the reports, by the way, come in over 80% occur from doctors and nurses who think the vaccine is actually related to the event. So there's always that kind of point of causal inference. But the
Starting point is 00:13:56 idea here is that this catastrophe of vaccination and mortality and injury may be grossly underreported. We may be in a situation where it could be way worse. Americans know this now. The data suggests that people are talking to each other. And the worry that our government had from the very beginning was vaccine hesitancy. They were worried that people were not going to go for the vaccine. Well, you can imagine people talking to their friends and family members and seeing them die after the vaccine. The vaccine hesitancy is through the roof. People are so uncomfortable now that this is being mandated on them. And then on top of that, it looks like the vaccines are failing and they
Starting point is 00:14:39 don't work. It's absolutely a catastrophe. When it comes to vaccine injury, I will say I have noticed that I have friends that are dying. I have people, young people that I know that are dying. They won't say why or what it is. You said that the symptoms of whatever injury the vaccine, the COVID vaccine gave these people, it's about 80%, you said, it shows up within the prior week after getting vaccinated. I'm seeing a lot of injuries, heart injuries, neurological injuries. Are these injuries permanent vaccine injuries, or is it something that people can bounce back from in a couple years? Or is this stuff that you are stuck with it, it is here to stay? We simply don't know at this point in time.
Starting point is 00:15:20 The deaths appear to be very closely related to the vaccine. Again, 50 percent within 48 hours, 80% within a week. The injury patterns have different timeframes. So myocarditis, that really heart inflammation that lands about 90% of the young people in the hospital that the CDC reviewed at a couple hundred cases, we're now coming up on 3,000 cases of myocarditis. That's heart inflammation with chest pain, EKG changes, positive blood tests for heart damage, and then in some of them actually reduced heart pumping function and the risk for heart failure. We know that that explosively occurs about two days after the vaccination, two days. Now these
Starting point is 00:16:02 other syndromes, the blood syndrome, there's one called vaccine-induced thrombocytopenic purpuria, this deadly blood syndrome, that takes about two weeks to develop. And some of the neurologic syndromes, and the FDA has formal warnings on this for Guillain-Barre syndrome, as an example, or blood clots in the brain, that can actually take weeks or months to develop. But these are official government warnings. We have warnings from the FDA and we have data from the CDC. All of this is in the open. What we're not having is we're not having that verbal and media transparency from our government agencies to the people. So doctors like myself or people like you, you actually have to go to the primary source of
Starting point is 00:16:43 data and then interpret it. Okay. So we're hearing more and more reports. There's a woman in Minneapolis recently who two days after being vaccinated, she ended up having to have her legs amputated. Now, I am seeing there was a Democrat senator in Tennessee who had to have a leg amputated after getting the vaccine. They're trying to say it's COVID, COVID, this new whatever variant of COVID-19 is causing people to lose their their limbs. But it's only after they get vaccinated that it's been activated. What could be it? Does the heart issues that come with it, the blood clots or anything like that, does that relate directly to these amputees and the vaccinations? Like they're trying to say it's not related. Could it possibly be related? Well, there's a lot to unpack there.
Starting point is 00:17:29 The FDA and the vaccine manufacturers, they strictly excluded COVID-recovered patients or even suspected COVID-recovered patients from the clinical trials because they knew they couldn't benefit from the vaccine and they knew they could be harmed. What you're describing truly, if someone's fully vaccinated and they get COVID-19, that in fact, potentially there's an opportunity for some real
Starting point is 00:17:51 serious injuries, including blood clots and the loss of limb that you're describing. So I have great concern since no study has ever shown benefit of the vaccine in someone who's been fully vaccinated. There's no evidence of benefit whatsoever. And there are three studies showing harm, one by Ra, one by Kammer, and one by Methudius. Now, they only follow patients short term. They did show higher risks of safety events, including hospitalization. What you're describing now takes us into a whole new problem. And that is the problem of being vaccinated, taking the risk of the vaccine when one doesn't need it because they're already immune and then getting COVID on top. So we need more reports on this right now. I'm extremely worried for all the people who have natural immunity.
Starting point is 00:18:35 They have absolutely no benefit of the vaccine and now they're being mandated to take it. And then if they do acquire COVID, it sounds like it could be a potential disaster. Dr. McCullough, the thing I've seen is the elimination of the word herd immunity. The discussion of both society becoming immune to it through exposure, but also what you mentioned are the COVID recovering patients. I'm a COVID recovering patient. I'm not vaccinated, but I've read that I have some kind of protection now moving forward. Is that true? Especially for those who've had COVID maybe once or twice even with different variants, whatever they're calling it. Is there something to be had, maybe even more effective than this vaccine, mRNA vaccine from natural immunity? I've looked at the data pretty carefully, and I haven't seen proof
Starting point is 00:19:30 that one can actually get true COVID a second time, like two serious illnesses. Almost all the reports in the literature is somebody having COVID, and they were sick on one occasion, and the other occasion they had a false positive PCR. It actually happened to somebody in my family where he intermittently tested positive, you know, for months afterwards. He didn't get five episodes of COVID. He just had one episode
Starting point is 00:19:53 of COVID. But even in poorly defined cases where it's not really sure we had COVID, but they had some antibodies afterwards or some evidence, an analysis by Murchu and colleagues, 615,000 individuals, 11 clinical studies combined, the risk of getting COVID is 0.2% over the course of the year. I can tell you, natural immunity is robust, complete, and durable. All the data suggests that the antibodies, the library of antibodies is much larger and extensive, including IgA antibodies in the nasopharynx, T cell, T helper, T presenter cell, natural killer cell, thousands of changes. That immunity is very similar to chickenpox. When you get chickenpox as a child, you're done. When you get SARS-1 17 years ago, very similar virus, done. You don't get it a second time.
Starting point is 00:20:43 So patients with COVID-19 don't go through a revolving door of getting it over and over again. We do know even through the spring that the vaccine was failing and that the CDC had over 10,000 vaccine failure cases spontaneously reported to them up to May 1. The CDC said they weren't going to report any more vaccine failures in the data. But through that time period, we had the vaccine fail 10,000 times, and we didn't have a single failure of natural immunity. Well, so you said something very important there is that the data itself is being skewed or not
Starting point is 00:21:15 reported. The vaccine failures is certainly a very interesting question. The CEO of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg, before the vaccinations were available, he was worried, and he said this in a call to his staff, that the mRNA vaccines would change his DNA, maybe the DNA of those in his organization taking it. We're facing now potentially mandates for these vaccines to be used among the general public here in America. Is it true that it changes you? I'm talking about the mRNA vaccine specifically. Does it change your DNA or impact your body in a way past the side effects and death that we've discussed?
Starting point is 00:21:57 Messenger RNA is naturally made in the human body and it's used one time and it's digested by RNAases. So the vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, create a synthetic messenger RNA and it has caps on the end. The caps on the end of the messenger RNA basically prevent it from being dissolved after single use. So the understanding is the messenger RNA is taken up into cells and it's used over and over again to produce the spike protein. That itself is dangerous because the spike protein damages cells. When it goes to the cell surface of the cells, the body recognizes it foreign, so it attacks the cells. And then the spike protein breaks free and circulates in the body for sure for two weeks, maybe longer, destroying blood vessel cells and promoting blood clotting.
Starting point is 00:22:45 So we know the vaccine itself, by its nature, is dangerous to the human body. It's a dangerous mechanism of action. Now, the hope is it would give immunity and the body would survive this insult and get immunity. That was kind of the hope of the whole design of it. But if the messenger RNA has a laminated amount of DNA that's actually annealed to it, produced from it, then that DNA can go into a region called the HERV region, H-E-R-V region of chromosomes, just like zoster virus does, just like herpes virus does, just like Epstein-Barr virus does, and then that actually gets permanently installed into our chromosomes. That's called a reverse transcription. It's debatable whether or not this happens,
Starting point is 00:23:31 but I can tell you all these genetic platforms, and these are genetic technologies, were all designed for durable effects in the human body. They were designed for Fabry's disease and heart failure and cancers. So it's not inconceivable that, in fact, reverse transcription can occur and then the vaccines could permanently change our DNA. A leading expert on this is Dr. Anthony Kirigopoulos from Greece, and he has two manuscripts right now under review that, in fact, point to that very fact. So I think it's a kind of a disturbing discovery that the vaccines potentially could permanently change our DNA. So I did. OK, so you've we've been seeing these videos
Starting point is 00:24:11 everywhere of people. They're being they're becoming magnetic after getting the vaccinations like at the ejection sites, some people all over their bodies. I'm not sure if those are real. I actually wanted to show you a video of what I did to my grandparents. I checked my grandparents both had the Moderna vaccine and I was like, I have to see this for myself. And I wanted to run this for you because it was obviously a pool, a magnetic pool to the spot on their arms. You could not change my mind that what I saw wasn't real. Every news outlet is telling me that I'm insane for what I saw myself. There was an obvious pool at the injection site of where my grandparents got vaccinated with the Moderna vaccine. So and this was six weeks after they both received the vaccine. And I tried the magnetic pool six weeks after. And I'm wondering if you can tell me what could
Starting point is 00:25:07 be causing this, you know, because I can't find the truth anywhere, but I know what I saw and I know what I felt. And there was obviously a pool. Well, I mean, I'm reassured to know that that's a relative of yours and that, in fact, you observed it. At one point in time, I was the chief of cardiology at the University of Missouri in Kansas City, and Missouri is what's called the show-me state. And I've always said, boy, I wish someone would show that to me, and you did. I saw somebody who took the vaccine the other day when I was in the pharmacy, and I almost wanted to go up to him and say, can I try to see if it, and I didn't have the guts to do that. I simply don't know. All I can say is that it seems like there's almost too many of
Starting point is 00:25:51 these videos, too many credible people like you showing us that in some way, the magnetism, again, is one of these very disturbing things that we're seeing in the vaccine program. And there appears to be no explanation for it. The CDC has on its website many different disclaimers that the vaccines don't have trackers in them. They don't have nanotechnology. You know, one may ask, why does the CDC need to put all these disclaimers on their website? But in fact, they're there. You can go to the CDC and go ahead and take a look at their disclaimers on the vaccine. I simply don't know. That's interesting because they're being proactive in the fact that, oh, don't worry, don't worry, because we're not going to put a chip in it or any kind of metal. But, you know, it's interesting because I look around at all the news headlines and they're telling me I'm crazy
Starting point is 00:26:40 and I'm not crazy. And I appreciate that. So let's all be not crazy together. I'm not crazy. Dr. McCullough, I know we only have about two or so minutes left. I wanted to ask, and this is for much of the audience, we're facing these vaccines already give protection 180 days. They're now saying we might have to get third, fourth, fifth. If you are even vaccinated, you're going to have to maybe get a vaccine every six months. Are you vaccinated? And if you're not, why didn't you get vaccinated? You know, everyone's vaccine history is their own personal private information. In Texas, we actually have an executive order that came out early in April.
Starting point is 00:27:20 So listen, you know, for Texas in government agencies, you can't ask about vaccine status. You can't discriminate on it. They recognize natural immunity and they prohibit vaccine mandates in Texas government institutions. But I'll tell you, like you, I'm COVID recovered. I had pulmonary involvement. It was well known in October and I had some residual effects of COVID. So I know my immunity is robust, complete, and durable. I even went to the extent of measuring antibodies and the T-detect test. So no, I'm going to exercise my right to decline the COVID-19 vaccine. I go into work in an environment where I can come in contact with COVID. I know the Cleveland Clinic study is very reassuring. COVID recovery patients,
Starting point is 00:28:01 even if exposed in an environment with ambient COVID, don't acquire the infection. So I know I am zero risk to individuals myself, and those individuals are zero risk to me. And I gave a presentation at a Better Business Bureau in Dallas recently. I told small employers, the single greatest thing you want to know is who are your COVID recovered employees as you're setting out your shifts. Whether or not they had the vaccine is irrelevant. They get COVID anyway. The people who don't get COVID are the COVID-recovered. Okay. So I know you've been taking a lot of heat. People have been slandering your name, coming after you. How can our viewers and ourselves, how can we pray for you?
Starting point is 00:28:42 Well, that's so nice to ask about in that manner, but you're right. There's been a slanderous lawsuit actually filed against the health system of which I'm on staff at two of the hospitals. I'm on active medical staff in good standing. My practice is within the major medical center and I'm being sued by Baylor Scott and white health system, uh, because they claim I'm using prior titles. Now I've had hired titles in the past from Baylor. I was previously at Ascension health and I never carry forward prior titles. And my opinions are always myself. So I think it's a frivolous lawsuit and I intend to have a vigorous defense, uh, on this, but, uh, those who are interested in helping can go to truth for health foundation, truth of health foundation. And there is a donate box, and in the honor box, just put McCullough,
Starting point is 00:29:29 and if I prevail, that'll be even a greater source of money to defend others. Doctors are afraid that, in fact, their licenses are going to be attacked for having fair discussion of data. Like we did today, I was pinpoint on the citations. I wasn't making things up. I was giving the information. Everything can be sourced and fact-checked in terms of what I told you today. Well, sir, I appreciate you coming on the program to explain, not just to us, but to our audience. And, sir, if I can reassure you, you're not standing alone.
Starting point is 00:30:00 We look to stand with you. We look to pray for you, and we look to stand for Christ in these times. Thank you again, sir, for coming on the program. Thank you. God bless you. God bless you. We look to pray for you and we look to stand for Christ in these times. Thank you again, sir, for coming on the program. Thank you. God bless you. God bless you. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Wall Street Journal says the FDA expects to have a strategy on COVID vaccine boosters by early September that would lay out who gets the follow-up shots and when. Some say extra shots are a way to extend protection against the coronavirus. For more information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's a good one. It's called
Starting point is 00:30:42 Well, if you've been to Las Vegas, you know the Aria Hotel is pretty tall. So why would anybody try to scale it? The Review-Journal says to protest a mask mandate. Yeah, urban climber Mason Deschamps says he's been scouting out a hotel for a long time now. After his grandfather died by suicide during last year's lockdown, Deschamps said he was inspired to find a way to peacefully protest against Nevada's latest mask mandate, all in his grandfather's honor. Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett compared not getting the jab to spraying machine gun fire at the innocent. He said, in part, when you don't get vaccinated, you're endangering those around you. It's as if you're walking around with a machine gun firing Delta variants at people. Distressing video shows a man from Australia suffering a heart attack while being arrested for not wearing a mask as he exercised outdoors. The New York Post says this happened even though
Starting point is 00:32:00 he told the cops he was exempt from the strict mandate due to medical reasons. You f***ing pigs! No! Leave me alone! Leave me alone! He's got a... I told you! I f***ing told you he wasn't... Well, the son says his family later claimed that the cops didn't believe his heart condition and made a joke about the seizure. says one of Australia's top military figures is warning about the true threat China poses to Aussies and Americans. Former Army Major General and current Liberal Senator Jim Molan says don't assume America will protect Australia from China. He says the U.S. army is weaker than most people realize. You were talking last week about the fact that even $270 billion in new military hardware
Starting point is 00:33:13 won't save us because if China wants to wage war with us, if we join with the U.S. in doing so in this region, we'll be over and done within about two days. Are you still that confident that there'll be a full-scale war in the Pacific led by China? No, I don't think we can be confident that it will occur. It's possible because everyone's armed. It's likely and becoming more likely because so much is going on, but it's not inevitable. My fear is that a war between China and the U.S. may occur and we get caught in collateral damage.
Starting point is 00:33:49 Or, Chris, even more frightening, the U.S., because it hasn't won a war game in the last couple of years over a Taiwan scenario, is that they don't engage and Taiwan falls. That is the big problem. Wow. Molan says war is more likely than most people are prepared to admit. That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching. The Prazer audience requests for new features has been well received. The all-new Prazer On Demand app will be available soon. The new Prazer app includes an interactive dashboard, hand-curated categories, offline listening, search for music, create custom playlists, and much more. Pre-register today at and get the first month free. The new interactive Prazer app will be available soon.
Starting point is 00:34:42 Pre-register today at Something new and exciting is coming this fall. It's a digital platform for young Christian men. The name is God Tribe. God Tribe is diverse. One tribe, many colors. A safe place online for Christian men to be real men. Social media features to connect with other men who love Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:35:05 Digital campfire conversations, uplifting and inspiring Bible study courses. Register at for more information. God Tribe. Welcome to the Ryman Auditorium here in Nashville, Tennessee, the mother church of country music. I'm so glad you are able to join us from all over the world. And I'm so happy to have some dear friends and incredibly talented musicians and singers joining me today. Welcome back to True News. In that interview, Rick, we let out quite a bit. First of all, that the mRNA vaccines are indeed impacting us.
Starting point is 00:35:59 There's no research going into the extent of it, but it's clear, as you heard Dr. McCullough say, all the strange heart inflammations, blood clots, mysterious deaths, amputations, all these could have potentially been prevented had the FDA done their due diligence. The Portland Ethics Committee done anything more than a fast-tracked research into human viability. I agree. The FDA is under tremendous pressure to put a stamp of approval on these experimental drugs. Donald Trump owns it. He said they should be called the Trump scenes. He wants everybody to know he's responsible for Operation Warp Speed. They're rushing to get approval of these vaccines. Every death caused by the vaccine,
Starting point is 00:36:50 every heart attack, every paralysis caused by the vaccines belongs on the doorstep of Donald J. Trump. He wants to be known as the man who got the vaccines rushed through. Well, then you take ownership of all the deaths and paralysis and all the serious side effects and complications that have hit people around the world because of these vaccines.
Starting point is 00:37:17 You know, last week, there was a shift in the official narrative. The CDC and other agencies and the news media just quietly said, the critics are right. Vaccinated people are infecting unvaccinated people with the virus. They're admitting it. They're saying, yes, it's happening. And they just made the announcement like, well, doesn't everybody know this? But two weeks ago, you were a conspiracy theorist, if you said it.
Starting point is 00:38:00 Two weeks ago, you would be deplatformed from social media. Two weeks ago, there were influential people in the country saying, we have to shut down the people who are spreading this kind of misinformation. Then the CDC comes along and says, they happen to be telling the truth. Well, two weeks ago, you were killing people. Remember that? Yes. Remember what Joe Biden said? Yes. You're killing people with that information. No, we were
Starting point is 00:38:25 just using logic. The vaccine is killing people. The vaccine has killed a lot of people. And the numbers cited by Dr. McCullough, shocking numbers. And that may just that may be understated. We don't know. Nobody knows how many people have died because of the vaccines. Look, most of the deaths and most of the serious side effects have never been reported. So it's not even a matter of the CDC or the Department of Health and Human Services covering up the numbers. The truth is probably 90% or more have never even been reported to a government agency. I mean, I personally have heard numerous stories about people vaccinated and dying within two weeks or heart attacks, heart inflammation, some type of serious side effect. And when I've asked, did you report it? Did you did you did you file a report with any agency?
Starting point is 00:39:36 Oh, no, no. The doctors didn't want to do anything. The agency, the nursing home isn't doing anything. The hospital isn't doing anything. I mean, when I was in the hospital with COVID, one of the nurses told me, she said, my husband was vaccinated and it seemed to me it was like a week or two earlier and he immediately within days had a heart attack. And she said, the hospital here is being very hush-hush about his heart attack. Now, do you think that they reported it? Probably not. Of course not.
Starting point is 00:40:12 It didn't get reported. If they're keeping it hush-hush, they're keeping it quiet. You multiply that out thousands of times all over the country. And that's in, you know, remember about this time last year that if you had a motorcycle crash, it was caused by COVID. Remember that? But now they don't want to report the deaths because it's being caused by the vaccine. They overstated the number of COVID infections. Yes.
Starting point is 00:40:39 And they're under counting the number of vaccine deaths. And it's own purpose. You talk to anybody, Edward, that works with elderly people in nursing homes or in home care, and they will tell you that the elderly who are vaccinated die within two weeks. And the symptoms after the vaccination are pretty standard. They lose their mobility. They stop walking. They develop amnesia, not amnesia, dementia.
Starting point is 00:41:20 All this is onset within two weeks. And by the second or third week, they're dead. And I've had people tell me they've seen this repeated over and over in elderly people who are in some type of care. Why are people, and I've asked, why did they get vaccinated? Because their children or grandchildren insisted on it. Okay, so grandma's living at home. Grandma's 90 years old. She doesn't go anywhere.
Starting point is 00:41:55 Right. But you're insisting that she gets vaccinated. And two weeks later, she's dead. And you don't put it together. You don't put this together that the vaccine and the death are connected. Most of them are just rationalizing. Well, it was granny's time to go. They're not even thinking that they contributed to their parent or grandparents death by insisting that their family member be vaccinated. They're not even putting it together. by insisting that their family member be vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:42:26 They're not even putting it together. Rick, there's been a clot with the spreading of information. It's been caused by the government. What you laid out here, we're unable to talk about those that have died. We're unable to talk about what might have killed them. We're unable to talk about stories coming out from testimonies that I tend to believe. People that come out of long-care nursing homes, facilities. The people working there are like best friends with the people they're taking care of.
Starting point is 00:42:54 They're saying, I'm seeing a lot of dead after vaccination. We need to take that seriously. But to me, it is a perfect mirror of what happened in the Soviet Union with the NKVD, the secret police. You couldn't talk about the problems in the secret police, you couldn't talk about the problems in the Soviet Union. You couldn't talk about the problems with leadership. Everyone knew it. Everyone intuitively were thinking it. But you dare not say it out loud.
Starting point is 00:43:14 The situation we have right now is, it's not that you dare not post it online, that some are having to make the decision if they want to keep their license. It's more of, you can't post it online. You can't go to the public square and warn people. Something that he said is that 45,000 could be dead right now. We don't know because they've changed the requirements. That's nearly as many people as died in Vietnam. That's right.
Starting point is 00:43:35 That's right. There is a war. And I think the number is probably much higher. What are the things in America that you can't talk about? Well, number one, you cannot talk about Zionism. End of discussion. You talk about Zionism. You're done. They come after you immediately. And your reputation is done. You're deplatformed. Your reputation is destroyed.
Starting point is 00:44:03 Business contracts are taken from you. That's topic number one. You cannot talk about transgenderism. Same thing. They come after you. What's the third thing you can't talk about? Vaccine. Yes. What is going on in this country? Who controls freedom of speech in this country? We've lost freedom of speech. Who is controlling the thought processes and the public discourse of issues? Whoever they are, there's a connection between the topics. All right. The three big topics you can't talk about. Zionism, transgenderism, homosexuality and vaccines. They will get you. Those topics will get you deplatformed, delisted, destroyed. You name it. You bring it up. The same whoever they are, they have the same.
Starting point is 00:45:03 It's the same people with the power. It's the same, whoever they are, they have the same, it's the same people with the power. It's the same people. How can three topics separately have the same radioactivity to it? Unless they're connected by the same group of people. Yes. That's where I'm going with it. But they all impact society. So we need to find out who owns the pharmaceutical companies, who owns the vaccine company, who's making billions of dollars. Who owns the media? Who owns the news media? Who could it be? Just follow the money.
Starting point is 00:45:38 Well, who owns the airline companies? Because right now, Rick, United Airlines is becoming the first airline company to require the COVID vaccine for their employees. Now, the mandate is not yet, but their CEO said today, published a memo to all the staff, including stewardesses, pilots, even staff who work at headquarters. Five weeks after the FDA fully approves the COVID vaccine or five weeks after September 20th, all employees must get it or they're fired. Now, that's unusual. Why not just wait till after the COVID vaccine approval? What is there something special about the 20th of September that we need to be concerned about? I don't know. When I read the article, it said September 20. If you have been
Starting point is 00:46:28 vaccinated or if you get vaccinated by September 20th, you will be rewarded with one extra day of pay. If you're not vaccinated by September 20th, you have until October 25th. If you are not vaccinated by October 25th, you will be fired. Rick, are they paying severance pay or are they paying death pay to those? Death benefits. So where are the trade unions for the pilots, the flight attendants, for the ground crew workers. Those trade unions need to speak up. And look, I'm not a big proponent of strikes, but this would be, if I worked, if I was a member of a union and my employer put this mandate on me, I'd be calling for a strike. Well, there are discussions right now, Rick, around, I believe it's a nurse union, a nurse organization is organizing something called Walkout Wednesday.
Starting point is 00:47:34 is the website for it. It's supposed to be across the country. Here it is right here. No forced shots. I am not an experiment. But you can join this, according to the organizers, on August 11th. They're doing it just simply over the mandate of vaccines. Of course, not every hospital is unionized.
Starting point is 00:47:54 UnityPoint Health is the organization, rather, that is organizing this too. Yeah. So not every hospital is unionized. But this will have impact in some states where nurses and hospital workers are unionized, but this will take, this will have impact in some states where nurses and hospital workers are unionized. But even if you're not in a union, if your employer tells you that you have to be vaccinated, you need to draft a written letter, give it to your employer that states that you object to the vaccine mandate and that you will hold the employer responsible if you suffer an adverse reaction, including death, and that there will be legal consequences against the employer for forcing you to do something against your will. And put them on notice. Don't let them just do this.
Starting point is 00:48:54 Most people are afraid to speak up. So you would say to someone that maybe works for one of these airlines, Rick, is to, you know, present a letter to their supervisor, to their manager or whatever, saying, listen, you're requiring me to get a vaccine. Can you guarantee there will be no side effects to this, no ill effects if I take this? Now, I'm still shouldn't take it. Right. But make it make it an issue with them that they have to guarantee. Yes. Force the company to write back and say, we assure you that there will be no side effects. And they can't do that, can they?
Starting point is 00:49:34 They cannot do it. They absolutely cannot do it. They know that's why they're offering a medical and religious exemption. But the unions need to push on this to actually hammer the process. And don't put a religious test on it either. Because we're seeing in England, for example, those who are claiming to be vegan, because part of the vaccine was tested with animals,
Starting point is 00:49:55 and they're able to claim this vegan exemption. It's worked in some cases. But they are talking about putting a test to it, seeing if you're truly a vegan. In this case, are you truly a Christian? Do you live a truly Christian life? They don't get to dictate that. That's between you and the Lord. This building here, we have tall ceilings in here, very tall ceilings. If I had a fairly flimsy scaffolding put up here, and I said,
Starting point is 00:50:22 Doc, as your supervisor, i'm ordering you to climb that scaffolding and get up to the very top and change the light bulb and i would say to you rick can you guarantee that that scaffolding will hold me to get up there and change that light bulb and if i replied that's uh not the issue the issue is the light bulb's out and i'm ordering you to go up there climb it not with a ladder i want you to I'm ordering you to go up there, climb it, not with a ladder. I want you to climb the scaffolding and stand up there and do it in the dark. Get it done. Or if you don't do it, I'm going to fire you. And the president is going to force the first agency you should call would be OSHA.
Starting point is 00:50:57 That's right. My employer is trying to make me do something that could cost my life. Yes. You know how emphatic I am here in this building about safety. I don't like seeing things on the floor. I don't like seeing things in hallways. I don't like seeing employees doing anything that they could get hurt or a visitor could get hurt. Yes. That's because you're a current person, but there's a liability aspect. Yes, it's too. It's because I have a big heart. You're right, Edward. I don't want anybody to get hurt. No, I really don't want anybody to get hurt. But it's also, there is a liability issue. If somebody trips over a cable. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:40 All right. If somebody is on a forklift in this building without a harness, okay. Yes. All right. If somebody if somebody is is on a forklift in this building without a harness. OK. Yes. And he falls off. I am responsible. This church, not that they didn't hook up to the harness, but they didn't tell them to. That's right. That's right. And so we have to be proactive in safety for staff. But in these cases now. With the vaccine, the companies aren't being proactive in the safety of their people. You know, something else that's an aspect of this, too, can an employer ask me what my sexual orientation is? No. Why? Why can't they?
Starting point is 00:52:17 Because it's protected. Okay. Why isn't my health information protected? It is. Then how can they ask about my vaccine status? That's the question I have, because you have in the United States, people have medical privacy rights. And they're not allowed to ask you. So they're violating. Look, there's so many legal things that employees could do. Lawyers should be stepping up right now. This is like easy money. This is like easy money for lawyers. If I were a lawyer, I'd be advertising all over the
Starting point is 00:52:55 place right now. Let me sue your employer over vaccine mandates. Now, if they started seeing billboards saying, you know, I'll fight the vaccine mandate for you. OK, you start seeing those billboards like the traffic accident billboards and stuff. Yeah. And the TV commercials. Were you forced to take the vaccine? Call, you know, Baker, Klein and Smith. We'll sue for you. All right. You're going to hear those ads later. Too late. Later. After a lot of people have died. And that's the primary question here today is there is no punishment for the CDC or the government in getting this colossally wrong. And that's giving them a lot of grace here that they got this wrong. OK, they have changed their stance today. They have changed what they've been saying about the vaccination. The whole convincing argument was to those who've taken it. Many would say this.
Starting point is 00:53:54 I heard this was going to keep me safe, keep me from getting infected, going to stop me from spreading. Right. Wasn't that why you could take your mask off if you got vaccinated? Well, that was the whole story throughout the year. As soon as everybody gets vaccinated, we can get back to normal. Everybody can take their mask off. The businesses can open up. Schools can reopen. Well, here we have half the country vaccinated and they're saying mask up again. Everybody's got to put their mask on. The people who are vaccinated are spreading the virus. Look at this. Put number 10 up on the screen. This is from Sky News. COVID-19 Delta infections may produce similar virus levels regardless of vaccination status.
Starting point is 00:54:34 This is Public Health England. Let's come up. They're saying exactly what the CDC is now saying. But as you just noted, Rick, after the mass vaccination drive. And this is right on par with what Sage said earlier this year, as far as the timetable is concerned. Rick, remember, we're to expect that spike in August and September, not only in the number of infections, but in the number of deaths. And that would primarily come from the vaccinated. That's right. If you want to impose self-lockdown, you want to stay away from recently vaccinated people. My understanding is they are shedding the proteins. There's a spike protein. They're shedding it for about two weeks after they've been vaccinated, which means that you can be infected. Again, I personally think that my own case of COVID came because I came in contact with somebody who had been recently vaccinated
Starting point is 00:55:37 and was unaware of it. And and the virus was passed to me me and then it spread to other people. So all of us are coming in contact with the vaccinated and the vaccinated are the ones who need to be quarantined. Stop hassling the people who are well. The people who need to be in quarantine are the vaccinated. They're the ones carrying the virus around with them and infecting everybody. This whole Delta story, I mean, it's fake. There's no Delta variant. It's the vaccine variant. That's what's causing the spike of sickness right now. And it's so bad they're finally starting to admit that, you know, people who are vaccinated are spreading the Delta. No, the Delta is the vaccine. Yes.
Starting point is 00:56:36 And it's becoming so obvious they don't know what to do about it. Edward, I want to mention number 12. This is from Israel, Haaretz. And Israel exempts houses of worship from COVID restrictions. It sounds like a great headline when you first read it. Sure, that's what I saw. So synagogues, Christian churches, and Muslim mosques are exempt from the current restrictions on gatherings in Israel.
Starting point is 00:57:09 Until you read the article. Yes. And if the church or mosque or synagogue has more than 50 people in attendance, then everybody must be vaccinated. Do you understand this? Listen, Dr. Fauci said Israel is leading the way. We should follow Israel's example. They're doing it the right way. That's what Dr. Fauci said. He's paid for that.
Starting point is 00:57:41 And they gave him a million dollars. A big giant million dollar check, remember? It's a big one. But if you million dollar check, remember? A big one. But if you are a government employee and you get money from a foreign government and you don't report it, in fact, you're not even allowed to keep more than $500 from a foreign government. That didn't come from a government. It came from a private foundation. That's true.
Starting point is 00:58:04 So that was the loophole for Fauci. He got to keep the million dollars. But what Israel is doing is saying, as of today, all religious organizations must, every member must be vaccinated if you have more than 50 people in attendance. So if you can't go to church. They've shut down those churches meeting. That's what just happened. You can't go to church anymore in Israel if you're not vaccinated. Unless you're attending a church with less than 50 people.
Starting point is 00:58:37 Is that coming to New York State? Is it coming to California, Oregon? Rick, they're the model. They're the model for the world. They're the model. So brace yourself for it. Michigan, Illinois. I could see Illinois doing this.
Starting point is 00:58:51 I could see New York. Yeah, absolutely. de Blasio would be glad to do something like that. San Francisco. San Francisco's probably doing it for the whole city employee list. Yes. Now, if everyone in the synagogue or in the mosque or in the church, if they were vaccinated, you could have as many
Starting point is 00:59:08 people as you want, right? Yes. Even though a lot of them could be sick and spreading the virus. It doesn't make any sense. It's crazy. Everything's upside down. Topsy-turvy world. Well, Rick,
Starting point is 00:59:23 in addition to the prospect of mandatory vaccination and statements regarding infection, we also, after the break, will discuss some updates on war. There's also discussion, Rick, about Apple
Starting point is 00:59:37 getting access to every phone in the country, every iPhone, that is, for potential spying. They're claiming that you're going to try to help catch child predators. Well, they seem to be doing a little bit of a shadow move here. We're going to be discussing that right after the break. But Rick, I think the primary message here is that we need to be in prayer and we need to also have our discernment up because we don't know who's around us. We don't know who
Starting point is 01:00:04 could be making decisions that will impact us and our family. And that's the truth. I'll be back in just a moment. Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge. But he who hates correction is stupid. A man is not established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous cannot be moved. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones. The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel
Starting point is 01:00:52 is wise. A fool's wrath is known at Lord, but those who deal truthfully are His delight. I have a big announcement for you. Very soon, we will launch our biggest project ever. It is God Tribe. God Tribe is an exciting new digital online platform for young men to learn more about Jesus Christ and his kingdom. The first phase of God Tribe will launch in early fall 2021, and it will include social media and audio chat rooms. Our chat feature is called Campfires. Any member of God Tribe will be able to start and conduct a campfire conversation any time of the day. And I personally plan to have a campfire conversation every weeknight from the comfort of my home. I am confident that you will love holding your own campfire chats along with your friends. But there's more.
Starting point is 01:02:11 God Tribe will also have its own 24-hour television network. God Tribe TV is the first Christian television network for men. The programming will include hunting and fishing and outdoor shows, do-it-yourself shows, sports, news, and inspirational programs. Our in-house development team has been quietly working since January with developers around the world to build the God Tribe platform, and it's not been cheap. We have invested several hundred thousands of dollars into God Tribe. The souls of young men are more than worth the money we have invested. All of these exciting projects are for the glory of Jesus Christ and the expansion of his kingdom
Starting point is 01:03:02 on earth. They are made possible because generous people just like you contribute money each month to underwrite the growing expenses of flowing streams. I'm asking you to join me as a monthly partner of Flowing Streams. This is fertile soil that is producing a rich harvest of souls for God's kingdom. The Lord himself will richly reward your generosity and faithfulness. Welcome back to True News. Before the break, we were discussing the restriction of congregations in Israel. Well, Israel is also having to make up some decisions this week. I'd say they may have already made the decision, but the convincing aspect of it, getting the West,
Starting point is 01:03:52 getting the United States to sign on to a war with Iran has been the holdup. But, Doc, CENTCOM, CENTCOM, the Central Command for the United States, has come out today and said that Iran was responsible for the attack on the oil tank or the explosive drone that we spoke about earlier in the Central Command of the United States has come out today and said that Iran was responsible for the attack on the oil tank, or the explosive drone that we spoke about earlier in the week. And did they provide any evidence to this, other than just take our word for it, it was Iran that did this? Intelligence reports. Intelligence reports.
Starting point is 01:04:18 Intelligence reports. Secret stuff. Secret stuff. And you're just supposed to trust the official story, same with the CDC and FDA. But by CENTCOM saying this, that now can be used as a justification for support to Israel and entry in the war. It's not the only place in the country, a place in the world that we need to be paying attention to. China is responding to the deployment of the HMS Queen Elizabeth, the new aircraft carrier the British deployed to the South China Sea. And they are launching a series of carrier killer drills. They have missiles, hypersonic ones, that can reportedly sink a carrier.
Starting point is 01:04:56 They've never been tested. They're telling the United Kingdom they better hope they don't give them an opportunity to test them. But right now, the PLA Navy is doing drills where even U.S. soldiers, their Marines, there's F-35s on that aircraft carrier and in that battle group that is forming. Another war situation that we need to be in prayer about. And lastly, if the Russians weren't to be left out of this, the Russians are also very busy. They've been very clear, actually, on the intent of this ICBM launcher drill in Siberia. Doc, they said the reason for this is to do with the political provocations which are being sowed in both media and by other Western politicians.
Starting point is 01:05:44 It wasn't even that the risk of Western involvement or confrontation. These were specifically in response to the propaganda, they say, that's being spread about them. They're doing war drills with nuclear weapons because of lies being told about it. Now, the Yars missile system, for those that don't know, that's their mobile missile system, the one that sits either on the back of a truck or is on a train and it's going all over different parts, in this case, all over Siberia. So you've got China doing drills. You've got Russia doing drills right now. They're standing by. They're up on alert because they know that in this day and age right now,
Starting point is 01:06:21 they have to stand on alert because of what's going on with the West and especially the U.S. And so we'll be keeping an eye on that over this weekend to see if there's any escalation and activities on that because what happens there impacts the rest of the world as well. Yes. And if anything does happen, you'll see it on News Coup. Honestly, I think we're always watching news updates, aren't we, Doc? Yeah, and I mean, there's so much propaganda out there, yes, but keeping an eye on everything. You know what I'm saying? Because one of these times, you know, we see so-and-so has nukes, so-and-so is launching these drills. One of these times, it is going to be, you know, it's going to be a precursor to war. So it's good to keep an eye on it because you don't know.
Starting point is 01:07:04 That there will be wars and rumors of wars in the end times. And what's a greater way for the devil to steal away unsaved souls? Well, one of the ways is war. You know, right now, here in Florida, we live in what's called a fire prone state. When people think of Florida, you don't think of fires and everything. But throughout the spring and summer months we go through periods of time where it can be very very dry here in Florida and the slightest spark will create you know huge fires. Oh that's right. Hundreds of thousands of acres
Starting point is 01:07:38 that most of time when people think of fires or think of California or the Sierra Nevada something like that but here Florida, we suffer it as well. And that's the way the world is right now. The world is full of just dry kindling right now. And one little spark could really set everything off. And as you mentioned, Jesus himself said that you're always going to have wars. You're going to have rumors of wars constantly. And the reason why that's the case is because, once again, men's hearts never change.
Starting point is 01:08:07 They still are dealing with the same sins, the same issues that they were dealing with in Jesus' day. That hasn't changed. So where do we as believers fit in all that? Well, we have to walk in that with an understanding that we live in a sinful world that is constantly in conflict with itself, constantly at war with itself. Jesus came both to bring peace and a sword. He brings peace to men's hearts, but he brings division between light and dark. Darkness is going to keep fighting until the very end. The light is going to win eventually.
Starting point is 01:08:41 Doug, I'm a believer in intercessory prayer. Yes. In 2 Timothy chapter 3, that the prayers of the saints can impact things in the world, especially stop things. And I have to wonder, when we get to New Jerusalem, we're going to find out possibly how many wars were stopped, how many men who were about to put the finger on the trigger, launch button, shoot off a nuclear weapon, shoot off a missile, how many of them were stopped, were frauded by the prayers of the saints? We heard about stories during the Cold War. There were incidents
Starting point is 01:09:12 there was generals, officers who just declined orders to shoot. Again, our job in these situations is to be engaged in it, be aware of it, be discernful, but also to pray. Yes. Pray. Pray for those in authority. It's not so we have another day to watch Netflix. Not so we have another day to go out and sin. It's another day that another million could be saved. Think about it.
Starting point is 01:09:34 Every single hour we're given is a blessing. And we need to be busy about the Lord's work. Hey, Edward, before we closed out the first hour of the program today, you mentioned that there's something new that's happening with Apple. I thought they were already doing this, but now I guess they just came out and made it official. What's happening right now? So the Financial Times first broke a story about how Apple plans to scan U.S. iPhones for child abuse imagery. Now, that title alone, you say, wow, Apple is going to start going after child sex traffickers.
Starting point is 01:10:09 They're going to start trying to find those who are engaged in the collection of images or maybe actively engaged in the abuse of minors. Sounds wonderful. Apple has confirmed that they're planning to do this through an update to the iPhone, the iPhone operating system. This will be next month. And they say that it is an AI software which will be installed. Now, where I think the discernment meter kind of starts ticking off, you start to learn exactly what this will do.
Starting point is 01:10:39 First of all, you're being automatically opted into this. You don't get to have a debate with Apple about this. And I have to suspect it will not only be those who are abusing children who get sucked into the dragnet of surveillance. Now, what they plan to do, they're going to install this software
Starting point is 01:10:57 in every iPhone. It's going to scan for what they call child abuse images. Now, this is going to be done through what's called the neuralural Match Automated System. It's an AI algorithm they developed. They've actually had it watch. This AI system has been watching about 200,000 child sex images.
Starting point is 01:11:16 It's been watching child porn to learn what child porn looks like. And what it's going to do is it's going to check to see, every time you take a photo or the ones that you already have in your camera roll of your phone, if that meets the criteria of, quote, a child abuse photo. It could be, let's say you're at a pool party. You take a picture of your child and the child is wearing nothing but a swim bottom.
Starting point is 01:11:39 If the algorithm determines that, that's child abuse and child abuse imagery, a human reviewer will look at the image. That human reviewer then makes his own arbitrary, her arbitrary decision on if it's child abuse, and then they call the police. They call the police based on what's on your phone. Now, again, on the face of this, their intent, they're saying, is to catch child sex predators. Who could be against that, right? But I have to suspect that it's not only going to, quote, catch child sex predators. It's going to flag individuals. And what if you have people inside Apple or the company maybe they hire as the fact checker?
Starting point is 01:12:20 What if you have someone there that has a bone to pick, knows that this phone belongs to Edward Zoll, Dr. Burkhardt, Lauren Witsky, and says, I'm going to flag this photo and I'm going to call the police. And I know the police, they're just going to think they're responding to a child sex case. You think that's plausible, Doc? Do I think it's plausible? I absolutely think it's plausible. Lauren, let me think about this. In order for them to be able to make a comparison, the picture on your phone is child porn. They have to have a database of child porn. Oh, good point, Doc. Good point.
Starting point is 01:12:51 Okay. And then, number two, it says that there's going to be a human that reviews it, right? All right. So is this human a law enforcement individual, or are they an employee of Apple? My understanding is they're an employee. All right. So this employee of Apple is going to be reviewing child porn images, which, guess what, is illegal. It's against the law.
Starting point is 01:13:16 Very good point. All right. And the third thing, if they have access, the one thing to think about for our audience is they're not just having, looking for, the cover is they're looking for child porn, but they're going to have access to all your images, everything that's on your phone. From the birthday party that you had for your grandkids to that camping trip you took at Yellowstone, everything. I just assumed they already had access to everything but they're going to be able to Actually use that now and pull that and they can do it for what they call child porn Then they can do it for anything right and the fourth thing is if they have access to your photos That means they also have access if they have access to pull data from your phone, they have access to put data on your phone. That's true. Planted. Think about that. Very good point, Don.
Starting point is 01:14:09 I'm going to take Edward Zoll down. So I'm going to put a dated photo from two years back, drop it in his phone, and then I'm going to report him to the authorities and say, hey, you should check Edward Zoll's phone out because he's got child porn images on there from two years ago. Now, the WikiLeaks Volt 7 release, everyone remembers this from a couple of years ago, right? It was a release of NSA and CIA software. The person who reportedly leaked that, I don't know if you know this, but they were arrested under charges of having possession of child pornography. Now, the story was, is this individual who worked for the NSA,
Starting point is 01:14:52 from my understanding, his server, he had a private server that he used for his friends to share movies and whatnot. A child sex abuse image found its way onto that server. He claims it was planted, but how do you fight that? And that's how they arrested him. And they used that, the way to get the warrant to look further into him, to prove that he released the WikiLeaks stuff. Why I bring this up, I've wondered this for quite some time, and it's
Starting point is 01:15:15 dangerous to wonder this. How many child sex images have been planted on people? How would you even know? No one wants to defend a child sex pedophile or someone who watches child pornography. And Lauren, how do you defend yourself? You can't. And what they do is they do a really good job putting good names on things. So it's like, you know, the Equality Act, the Patriot Act. It sounds good. We're doing this to stop
Starting point is 01:15:39 child abusers. And if you oppose us, what are you, a child abuser? You support child abusers. Exactly. So it's all a ploy. But really, you know, they try to sell it as good intentions. But the reality of it is it will be weaponized to use against us. Innocent people. It will be weaponized. It will be used to plant. I don't trust Apple, not one bit.
Starting point is 01:15:57 I don't trust these globalist corporations. It goes back to the Garden of Eden. Remember the symbol. I'm saying the half-Eden apple was inspired by the fall. Yes, and not to mention the fact get this, there are people that still have pictures from Hunter Biden's laptop. Good point. Journalists that
Starting point is 01:16:13 collect information on... Journalists can have porn image, you know, illegal porn. Journalists like Jeffrey Toobin? Well, here's the thing. It's going to be weaponized to use against conservatives. That is the end goal. That is just what is going to happen. They don't really care about kids being raped because they would have cared about Hunter Biden's laptop. You know what I'm saying? They would have cared. But they don't. They've proven they don't. So I want to know what they're really up to. qualified individuals who've spoken on this story, University of Cambridge professor Ross Anderson, for example, said it's absolutely appalling because it's going to lead to distributed bulk surveillance
Starting point is 01:16:52 of our phones and laptops. Okay? Basically, Apple's about to inherit what the NSA can currently do. John Hopkins University, Matthew Green, said this will break the dam. Governments will demand it from everyone. If Apple can do it, why can't the government at the federal level or even the state?
Starting point is 01:17:11 What if the cities start mandating this as part of a contact tracing network? They already have an app on your phone. If this becomes normal and a capability built into the cell phone, think about that. This is changing the device we're carrying around with us everywhere. The cities might find ways to utilize this. Security researcher Alec Muffet said, Apple's move is tectonic and a huge and regressive step for individual privacy. Apple are walking back privacy to enable 1984.
Starting point is 01:17:44 Well, personally, I think a good policy is don't put anything on your phone that you don't want the NSA or now Apple to see. That's why I got a lot of Bible stuff on my phone. I figure if they're going to survey on me, then they're going to hear about Jesus in the process. Amen. That's the world that we live in.
Starting point is 01:18:02 We live in a surveillance society now, Lauren. And so on a day-to-day basis, we can expect that we are surveilled at one point or another if we use any kind of electronic device connected to the Internet, a laptop. I know. But how do you disconnect from everything at this point? That's the challenge. So what you can do instead is be a light even in the web or on the net. With the understanding, yes, there are evil people out there that have evil intentions that may try to trap you. But, you know, there was an old song we used to sing in church when I was a teenager.
Starting point is 01:18:46 There's an all-seeing eye watching you. It was talking about the Lord watching every move and everything. But now Satan wants to be that all-seeing eye. And it's no coincidence that that's a Masonic symbol. He's the great imitator. But he wants to be able to surveil every aspect of our lives. The Lord looks on us because he doesn't want sin in our lives. Satan looks in on us because that's all he wants in our lives is sin, to keep us from God.
Starting point is 01:19:15 And so the more that he can surveil us and to keep us bound up into sin, the more he can keep us away from our heavenly destiny. Well, speaking of surveilling and what is not being surveilled, while they're setting up a panoptic surveillance grid to look at what's on our camera rolls, they are not looking at the border. Apple speaks about protecting minors. But what about the 834 migrant children, according to Joe Biden's DHS, that came across the southern border yesterday? They were found without a parent, without a guardian.
Starting point is 01:19:49 All right, so you're telling me nearly 1,000 kids came to the border yesterday, and no adult was with them? No adult. They don't, and it's, sometimes it's the same kids that keep coming back. They recycle children, is what they do. A lot of them use the children to get refugee status and then they smuggle them right back out. So we, you know, this is a common occurrence. We talked about this with Ben Berkwam when he came on, you know, about the human trafficking. These cartels are using little children to get into the
Starting point is 01:20:18 country and then sending them back and reusing them again. In that report, if I read it correctly, there was an asterisk on it that said that number did not include children from Mexico. Oh, wow. The 834 were from other countries. The ones from Mexico get automatically sent back. I guess they have some sort of agreement with the Mexican authorities to get the kids back.
Starting point is 01:20:43 I think they might still hold them, Doc, because they do say will be repatriated. But it makes it, the way I'm reading from this Department of Homeland Security report, that that's not right away. And plus, that would be kind of irresponsible. There's a child without a parent on the hot, dangerous Mexican border. You're not going to just send that child back across hundreds of miles of traffic zone. So, Apple, what about those kids? Are we getting pictures of them all over the place and everything?
Starting point is 01:21:09 Are they being abused? Are they being used for, well, some are being physically abused, some are probably being sexually abused and everything. Apple, where are you at on that? Are you going to stand up for those kids to protect them? Crickets, anyone? And so that's the way it's going to be, right? They don't care about the sexual abuse of little children. That is not their intention because they would have stopped that if that really was. They would have closed the southern border. Absolutely. And taken care of those little children that are being trafficked by the cartels if they cared. Well, President Biden is also pretty mum on this, very silent. What he's not silent on, again, is making comparisons to civil war. You know, from saying that he might
Starting point is 01:21:51 use F-15s and nuclear weapons to his constant referencing to civil war battlegrounds. And again, in this case, actually talking about the civil war. The president gave a speech yesterday, not on vaccines, not on the mandates, not on the many concerns most Americans have, but on the subject of Civil War. He says that January 6th was like Civil War. Good afternoon. Thank you, Vice President Harris. Folks, not even during the Civil War did insurrectionists breach the capital of the United States of America, the citadel of our democracy.
Starting point is 01:22:37 Not even then. But on January the 6th, 2021, they did. They did. A mob of extremists and terrorists launched a violent and deadly assault on the people's house, on the sacred ritual to certify a free and fair election. It wasn't dissent. It wasn't debate. It wasn't dissent. It wasn't debate. It wasn't democracy. It was insurrection. It was riot and mayhem. It was radical and chaotic. And it was unconstitutional, and maybe most important, it was fundamentally un-American. An existential threat and a test of whether our democracy could...
Starting point is 01:23:30 Last week, Jack Posobiec tweeted out that he had had a White House source that said that President Joe Biden was going to be doing a press conference as solemn and as sacred sounding as the 9-11 George Bush speech. So actually, this was planned. This was planned weeks ago. And they've been talking about this, how he's going to be presenting it. And, you know, it's all a stage theater is what they're doing. This is all planned. This is all calculated to manipulate the American people. They're setting up the infrastructure for lockdowns and mandates.
Starting point is 01:24:02 They're getting the mindset of Americans ready for them. They're also getting the mindset of Americans ready to be taxed for every mile they drive. This is the new America. This is the Green Deal. Pete Buttigieg, the homosexual transportation secretary that has been transporting his socialism into the White House, he has now debuted a new plan. Okay, they got it passed in the Senate. I'm sorry, you caught me off guard on that one. The trillion dollar infrastructure plan will have a provision in it to test drive, getting taxed for every mile you drive. How's this going to work for truckers?
Starting point is 01:24:38 Just average Americans in rural America. He's been itching to do this since he was running for president. I mean, when he was running for president, he said he wanted to do this. And, of course, who does that impact the most if they tax you per mile? It's not going to impact somebody living in the city. It's only going to impact somebody that lives in, you know, a rural community, rural area. You know, there are some people out there, and Lauren, you understand this, there are people that have to drive 30, 45 minutes, an hour to work for a good job.
Starting point is 01:25:10 They live out in suburbs for the purpose, so they don't have to deal with the nonsense in the city. The Nazis in the city. Exactly, and this only affects the working class. That's exactly right. This doesn't affect the unemployed, the people on disability. Like, this affects the people that get up and go to work every single day. Which matter of fact is Trump's base. Trump's base was working class. It was,
Starting point is 01:25:33 you know, it was the trucker, it was the farmer, it was the people driving to work. People showed up to vote for Donald Trump because they worked for a living, you know. The MAGA moms and MAGA dads. This is to punish them. Do Democrats even drive to work? Well, the wealthy elitist Democrats do. And then we have, like, they're trying to create two classes of people. They're trying to create the elitist government oligarchy and then a peasant class. A peasant class who can't afford to drive, actually can't afford to own a car, own a house, or own anything for that matter. Actually, you can rent a pod from BlackRock, maybe, if they'll let you, and eat the bugs.
Starting point is 01:26:08 That's what they want. So they're creating two classes of people and crushing the middle class. This kind of tax is a punishment to the working class of America. And they're not just creating two classes in the sense of the workers and those rules that apply to them. They're also doing it in the prison system. There's the female prisoners in California. And then there's the male prisoners who are pretending to be female who are getting female inmates pregnant in California. This is law enforcement today.
Starting point is 01:26:38 They have a problem now. They have inmates who are getting pregnant inside prison because of that man and others. This is in Chino Prison. That man is pretending to be a woman and now has gotten access to hundreds of females inside government-paid for housing. And if you get into this article, it actually says they don't know how many women are pregnant in the prison. They know one for sure, but they don't know how many women are pregnant in the prison. They know one for sure, but they don't know how many. Now, what did you think was going to happen? You put men in with women in prison.
Starting point is 01:27:13 What did you expect to happen? Well, they're not women. I mean, they're not men. They identify as female. What did you expect to happen? Well, probably what you wanted to happen. Exactly what you expect to happen? Well, probably what you wanted to happen. Exactly what you wanted to happen, happened. Chaos, anarchy, confusion. And now you've got a whole new set of problems that you're going to have to deal with in California. But this is
Starting point is 01:27:37 the democratic mindset. It's evil. It's an evil mindset. And to me, it's pure stupidity that they even allowed it in the first place. But the only remedy is to, I mean, there's a reason why they segregate men and women. Because things happen when men and women get together. Well, Doc, you're a pastor. You know, in California, you can't go into the prisons and preach the gospel of the kingdom. That's right. They've now banned this kind of thing. They call it conversion therapy.
Starting point is 01:28:04 How dare you talk to sinners about how to be saved? And the subject of this battle, this war, Joe Biden thinks it's a civil war. This is a spiritual war. And there are some praying nuns out there who understand the truth here. I saw a story today. There is a nun that has rightfully called this a battle between our Lord and the devil. Now, she, of course, is tied in against the subjects that keep getting tied into this fight. Vaccines and communism.
Starting point is 01:28:33 She's come out against all of them. She knows she rests in the Lord for her protection. You know, and she's more than a nun and a doctor. She's a 20-year military veteran. Is she really? Oh, yeah. She served in Afghanistan, Iraq, in several other conflicts as a medical doctor before she became a nun when she left the military. But what I was impressed with this article, Lauren, was her stand, when it's my stand as well, that these vaccines are sourced from
Starting point is 01:29:06 innocent children being harvested. And she is extremely outspoken on this and she will not back down on it. She is calling the vaccine exactly what it is. Uh, the heart, the harvesting of innocence. Exactly. Which is, she said, it's linked to the devil and communism. You know, like Satan himself breathed life into the vaccine from the harvesting of little children. And she named it for what it is. And good for her. It's the devil's work. After Kerry's headlines in just a moment, we got a very exciting guest, Roosh.
Starting point is 01:29:38 Yes. Roosh. I've been reading this man for quite some time. And we have a story right before we introduce Roosh that I think the audience is going to find very interesting. I'll leave you a little preview. Right before this whole last lockdown spree, we had Mel Gibson, the actor, say that he was going to share and did share Christianity
Starting point is 01:29:57 with Britney Spears, that the gospel can save her. It can save us all. He called her. And I got something very special to share with you after Kerry's headline segment. I thought something very special to share with you after Kerry's headline segment about where that message of the gospel went. We'll be back in just a moment. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Guardian says CNN fired three employees who came to work unvaccinated. Company President Jeff Zucker says masks are required in Atlanta, Washington,
Starting point is 01:30:27 and the L.A. offices when people aren't eating, drinking, or in an enclosed private space. The New York Post says the inclusion of transgender weightlifter Laurel Hubbard in the Olympics continues to stir controversy. Now, watch and listen to the silence from three fellow Olympians who are asked about competing with a New Zealander. It was a historic night here with Laurel Hubbard competing as the first openly transgender in an individual event. I was wondering what you felt about that and what you felt that took place in your sport. No, thank you. We are talking about nine seconds of silence. That is forever before getting a response. This is Hubbard here. Belgian weightlifter Anna van Bellingen called Hubbard's participation unfair to the sport and to the athletes.
Starting point is 01:31:33 She conceded that she felt powerless in that situation. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called Wall Street Journal says investors, get this, lost hundreds of billions of dollars on China last month. American investors are asking whether China is worth the risk. Economist Stephen Roach says a poor relationship between China and the U.S. will have widespread market implications. Now, Roach is considered one of the world's leading experts on Asia.
Starting point is 01:32:12 Look, China is the second largest economy in the world by one measure maintained by the IMF. Its share of the world economy is actually the largest in the world. And even if U.S. companies don't trade directly with China, virtually everything they touch that goes through global supply chains is impacted by China. So a chill in the U.S.-China relationship has significant implications for U.S. companies and for investors investing in U.S. companies. You can't get away from the China connection. ABC News says Mexico is suing several gun makers, accusing them of reckless business practices that supply illegal arms to violent Mexican drug cartels,
Starting point is 01:33:02 leading to thousands of deaths. The companies include Smith & Wesson, Colt, Glock, and Ruger. Christian Headlines says Eastland, Texas becomes the 30th city to ban abortions and declare itself a sanctuary city for the unborn. Now, the ordinance does not penalize the woman who wants an abortion. Instead, it holds those who profit from taking the child's life accountable, including the abortion doctor. That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching. A lot of exciting projects are underway here at Flowing Streams.
Starting point is 01:33:52 Most of you know us through True News, the most watched Christian news and analysis program in the world, and always from a conservative, traditional, biblical worldview. Over two decades of continuous broadcasting and streaming have not been easy, but they have been productive and rewarding. Only God in heaven knows how many lost souls have come to Jesus Christ through this news program. In addition to True News, thousands of people around the world each week join us for our digital New Zion Assembly Church service. And tens of thousands of people are blessed by Prazer, our digital music streaming service. And I'll let you in on a secret.
Starting point is 01:34:37 Prazer will take a big leap forward this fall. Watch for the all-new Prazer coming soon to your phone. Moreover, thousands of people watch Sacrificing Liberty, our first film. Likewise, my book, Final Day, has been read by thousands of people, and it has changed the way they think about the second coming of Jesus Christ. Now, we are ready to launch our biggest project ever. It's called God Tribe. It is an exciting new digital platform for young Christian men
Starting point is 01:35:08 to encourage each other in the Christian faith and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. And I'll tell you more about God Tribe in the weeks ahead. Welcome back to True News. Boy, we're going to win so many souls for the kingdom through God's trial. I'm looking forward to that. Before the break, I mentioned that there was a very interesting development in the life of singer Britney Spears. Yeah, Mel Gibson had witnessed to her and told her that Christianity could save her, meaning Jesus Christ could save her.
Starting point is 01:35:41 Yes, yes. You know, and she's somebody, she's going through this trial with the conservatorship. Conservatorship, is that how it's pronounced? Yeah, but it's really sad. It's modern day slavery is what's happening with her. You know, she's funding her whole family, but they're still in charge of everything. Her money, if she wants to go to the store,
Starting point is 01:35:59 she still has to, she has to ask permission. And, you know, even to get pregnant, you know, her father is forcing her to keep an IUD in, you know, so she can't get pregnant. So, you know, I really think that Jesus Christ is going to show up for Brittany. That's what I think. But I think that there was a huge development that she recently came out with on her Instagram. She shared that she went to church. She went to, I believe it was Catholic Mass this past Sunday.
Starting point is 01:36:27 And, you know, I think God's doing something really good. I think that God, despite all the darkness, God is still working. He's reaching in and He's saving people. You know, she has been in the Hollywood elitist swamp getting abused, getting taken advantage of. And, you know, I think that Jesus is going to do a miracle for her. You know, Lauren, I think one of the most humbling things I have to remind myself daily is people will look at Britney Spears. She hasn't clearly got everything worked out.
Starting point is 01:36:57 Her Instagram is a thirst trap. It's a trap for any man who's trying to avoid sexual sin, these other things. But the point is, I'm no different than Britney Spears if she's turned to the Lord in the sense that we're all going through sanctification. We're all sinners. And if she's seeking the Lord, God bless her. God bless her. I stand with her if that is her intent. I stand with George Soros seeking the Lord, Bill Gates, all these people. That's our primary goal. Clearly there are people that are seeking out and have a mission of evil in the world. Those people we have to stand against in the sense that we're standing for the gospel.
Starting point is 01:37:37 But to discuss this topic further, we thought today might be a very interesting day to bring on a man we've been following for quite some time. He started out as a blogger and a Casanova pickup artist. But Jesus picked up on him. I'll tell you, it worked on him. I've been watching his Twitter and now his Telegram and his blog Evolve. But it is a distinct honor to welcome to the program, Roosh. How are you doing, sir?
Starting point is 01:38:08 Thank you so much. It is great to be on. Is Milo not there? I wanted to get into a religious debate. Oh, Milo just, he left, the only message was that he says you're looking very slim. You're looking very healthy. Then we got a smile out of him. Okay, there it is. Great. Well, Sarah, if you wouldn't mind, I'm aware of your work and especially the transition you've had to a more orthodox Christian life. Would you mind sharing with our audience, those who are not familiar with you, about what you're doing right now and what is Roosh? Yeah, so after college, I got caught up in this pickup artist community where I decided that I wanted to sleep around. And I wanted to break down the science of that, the science of sin, how to execute sin. So there was an online community which helped to do that. And I put all of my effort, my intelligence into that. And I started to share
Starting point is 01:39:06 articles and later books. And I became somewhat of a figurehead in helping men to achieve casual sex, how to meet women in bars, clubs, coffee shops. And I thought that this was the right thing to do. I was a masculine person by doing it. This was natural, like how dogs hump each other. I was doing a natural biological thing. So I did this for a long time. I did this for over 15 years, just kind of digging the hole deeper and deeper. And then through a series of steps, I just hit a dead end. I couldn't do it anymore. I felt ashamed of myself. I felt disgusted with what I was doing. And after a loss in the
Starting point is 01:39:55 family, it really woke me up. It kind of revealed to me that I wasted my life. I wasted the prime of my life doing this. So in early 2019, I put all of it aside. I allowed God's grace to help me to heal, to transform. And I still had these online platforms. So I just basically said, I'm not teaching that stuff anymore. I'm not teaching you how to pick up girls. And I just started to share my faith with the world. And a lot of those men who followed me got very angry. They said I lost my mind. I have a brain tumor now because I don't want to fornicate. But over the past couple years, that audience has been replaced by a more Christian-oriented audience. And as of today, I'm just trying to share my journey with people and
Starting point is 01:40:46 share how Christ can change people. Well, sir, this is, I think, the perfect time. I know there might be a tendency to think that you might have wasted your youth. I would encourage you to say that that period actually humbled you. It brought you to the point where you would find Christ. Now, Doc, is that theologically correct? You're our resident pastor and doctor now. Roosh, this is Doc Burkhardt. He's my co-host here. Well, and first of all, it's great having you on the program, Roosh, and to hear about your transformation, because I was familiar with some of the news and information about you back in your pickup days. And, you know, you couldn't help but walk through back when they used to have actual bookstores where you bought books at, shelves of books on pickup artists and things like that, Barnes & Noble, different places.
Starting point is 01:41:40 And so there was a whole cult community revolved around this. It became like a religion, didn't it? Yeah. And a lot of men were blind to it. They thought, and me included, was that this was the modern way that it was really to spread your seed, to sleep with as many girls. That was proof of your superiority, your masculinity, your attractiveness, your strength, your power. So it was really a huge deception. Men like myself were deceived that this sin would exalt us in some way. In some ways, it did among other people who were addicted to sin.
Starting point is 01:42:18 But at the end of it, you do all these things. You use people as you allow other people to use you, and you have nothing to show for. There is no fruit, no virtue at the end of this. And all it does is darken your soul as the years go on by. I have a question for you, Rish. So I read that you were a microbiologist who believed in evolution as well. Now, when I know you were living in a life in, I'm, I had to have a transformation story as well. So I get it. Like I get this. Did your whole
Starting point is 01:42:51 ideology change when you had your encounter with Christ in 2019? When did you start realizing that God is the God of creation and that we haven't evolved over millions of years? I know that you were, you studied microbiology. It's what you did. But did it also, your transformation out of being a pickup artist and fornication, that lifestyle, how did also your other former beliefs change too? Was that at the same time? Or what did that transition look like?
Starting point is 01:43:22 Yeah, a lot of those beliefs started to fracture before, so maybe a few years before. And the weird thing is, in college, I studied a lot about how cells operate, biochemistry. It is incredibly complex. You can't understand how complex just creating an enzyme within your cell. It's like a dance. And it kind of struck me like this evolved in a random way. And I kind of put that thought to the back of my mind. But then I started to read more about the doubts. Because when you're in school, you're not exposed to the doubts that evolution is not a scientific fact. It's really a view of the world, a philosophy. And then I started to look at it and thought, this is improbable. This is very improbable. So a few years before, around 2015, it started to soften my view. But it's really that science, knowing the complexity
Starting point is 01:44:20 of it and the level I had to study it actually strengthens my faith because I see how complex it is. It's just so impossible. Impossible. I deem it impossible for us to have evolved from a primordial soup. I mean, that's just, now I look back, the fact that I believe that was testament to how deluded I really was. So if you can believe in that, if you can believe that we evolved from the apes and all that, then boy, they can get you to believe almost anything. Well, think about the rose. Can you imagine? I often pose this to acquaintances of the past that will try this debate about creation. I say, create a rose, create a flower. The most beautiful things in the world, the destructive power of the Lord, even.
Starting point is 01:45:06 People have tried to replicate this. They can't. Arusha, this ministry was founded on faith. It was founded on a founder having a vision. He stepped out in faith. He had a mission to tell a country to repent before we were judged and destroyed. I had the opportunity, I think it might have been about six months ago, to listen to a video that you were live streaming.
Starting point is 01:45:29 It was on, I believe, on your YouTube channel. You were talking at the time about going on a tour around the country. My understanding, you did that tour, and you actually met quite a lot of young men that you were able to share the gospel. You were working as a construction worker for a short period of time. Is that correct? Yes. So after I received God's grace, after just a couple of months,
Starting point is 01:45:51 now looking back, maybe it wasn't a great idea, but I got in my car and I drove around the United States for about six months. I met over a thousand people of all backgrounds, Protestant, Orthodox, Catholic, and really talking to people, sharing my story, my testimony with people. I was invited later to come back to Alabama to work in construction there. So it's really getting the pulse of where people are with the faith. But I agree with you that repentance is very important. We can't, I mean, how can you have an improvement in society without repentance? Why would God help you? Why would God help you if you're still dealing with your sins, you're still believing in falsehoods?
Starting point is 01:46:40 Why would he help you? In the Bible, you know, I'm reading the Old Testament now, God didn't help the Jews unless they repented. He didn't help them. He gave them up. And so, if you don't see a nationwide repentance movement, which if I can help to meme into existence, I will do it. But unless you see it, what's going to happen? Okay, so there's going to be a little bit of battles, a little bit of resistance against the masking and the vaccines. But if we don't repent, then it's basically going to be the strong against the weak. And we are the weak. They have all the power, at the forefront, not say stacking cans of tuna and guns and things like that. I mean, you know, there's a time and place to protect your family. But if you want to see an improvement, repentance should be the first step. Absolutely. You know, so a lot of people buy into the lie that their past disqualifies them from a great future. Even when they've repented, they've come back to the Lord, they've dedicated their entire lives to the Lord, shame creeps in.
Starting point is 01:47:47 Shame seems to be a hindrance that people that have transformed lives live. Now, did you have to overcome shame? Like, what did that look like? And can you encourage other young men who are walking away from the degenerate lifestyle and changing their lives and radically restoring, allowing God to restore their lives and repent restoring, allowing God to restore their lives and repenting and coming back to God. What advice can you give to people to overcome shame? Because shame has become a hindrance where people think because of their past, they are disqualified for
Starting point is 01:48:16 a great future. Now, when you first receive God's grace and you're turning away from sin, you're in a very vulnerable position because you're still, that sin is still in you, your soul is still corrupted to a large extent. So if a little bit of shame keeps you on the right path, I don't think it's actually hurtful. But once God starts to work through you, and once you do successfully turn away from sin, you work on your pride and your anger, then now if that shame is starting to hold you back, then that's a temptation that you have to fight. So I did. I mean, I still look back because I lived life in such a public way that I look back and all the works I've done are out there. It's like, man, I was an idiot. And I still think that. I was a big idiot. And I can say that, and I say that to myself often, and it doesn't hurt me. I was like, yes,
Starting point is 01:49:16 don't trust your own judgment. Make sure everything you do is aligned with what God wants you to do. Follow his commandments, avoid sin, serve your neighbor. And so I do a check on all the decisions that I come up with because I don't want to be that same idiot, deceived idiot that I was. So I think some people, they can't say that about themselves. It'll hurt them. But for me, I can do it because my pride is so large that I couldn't call myself an idiot all day and I'll be fine. But the point is only do what allows you to commune closer with God. If the shame is making you what allows you to commune closer with God. If the shame is making you fall into despair, you don't want to pray, you don't want to go to church. And obviously it has to be stopped.
Starting point is 01:49:52 But if it allows you to have a, you know, a contrite heart where you want to pray, then maybe it's not an entirely bad, bad thing. Bruce, as part of your transformation process here, and you wrote something here a while back, and might want to explain to our audience more fully what you meant by the red pill, black pill, and God pill. And you kind of laid that out, but I'd like to hear it from you and share it with our audience, that process that some people go through, the red pill process, the black pill process, and the God pill process. So there's also the blue pill. So this is a popular analogy that came out of the movie Matrix. And the blue pill is someone who's just ensconced in lies. They believe in lies. Oh, is the vaccine safe? Yeah, please inject me with it. Joe Biden, he won and all this. So those are the blue pill. So that's the blue pill people. I mean, you can show them the truth, show them the evidence. They don't want to see it. They're so demoralized.
Starting point is 01:50:58 They just cannot handle it. So then you get out of the darkness of the blue pill, then you get to the red pill. Now, a little bit of truth has come into you, but it's a worldly truth. It's a worldly truth you use to extract pleasure, extract happiness and money and sex partners. That's what I use the red pill for. I use the truth of the nature of men and women to be attractive and interesting and funny as much as I could to allow women to make an emotional decision like a salesman would to come home with me. So that's what I used the red pill for. Usually the red pill is not with God. Then after that, you extract as much as you want from the world.
Starting point is 01:51:44 You have an Internet business. You're making the big as much as you want from the world. You have an internet business. You're making the big bucks. You're traveling around the world. You're dating here and there, but you're still not happy. And why aren't you happy? Because worldly things do not fulfill. They don't give you meaning in life. So then you enter this despair, this what is the point of life? It's this nihilistic approach where there's no purpose, life is random, I'm just a molecule hopping around, bumping into other people. So this is the black pill. And for some people, that black pill stage, this hopelessness, which I went through, sets it up for the God pill, for God's grace to come into you. Why? Because during the black pill stage, you are humbled. You are humbled because all of your schemes and plans and worldly approaches,
Starting point is 01:52:30 the thing has failed. Everything has failed. All your plans have failed. You thought if I had A, B, and C, I'd be happy forever, but you weren't. In fact, you were digging a pit to where you were more unhappy. So that I think sets the stage up for the last bill, the final destination for our souls, and that's to be one with God. All right. That was some good stuff. Yes. Bruce, recently on your Telegram, I follow you on Telegram.
Starting point is 01:52:56 Bruce has a great Telegram channel. I suggest everybody go and follow it. It said, in regard to the mask mandates, I know all of us probably here have worn a mask. You know, we have submitted to the government and what their ruling was two weeks flatten the curve. So they told us in your telegram post, you said during the first round of mask mandates, I refused to wear a mask about 50 percent of the time and was yelled at, cursed at, refused service and told to leave stores multiple times. But not once was I banned from a store or physically removed.
Starting point is 01:53:26 I often participated in the lie because I didn't want to lose time or be inconvenienced. I didn't want to experience social stress or discomfort. I'm embarrassed of my weakness. Wearing masks, it is now clear, does not at all prevent transmission of coronavirus. But it is a grooming program to stroke fear and a clear path for vaccine mandates. As the second round of mask mandates draws near, I've decided to resist harder and absorb more blows by never wearing a mask. If I'm not banned from a store this time around, I can only conclude that I'm a coward, too weak to serve God in the most minor of
Starting point is 01:54:02 persecutions, fearful of carrying a tiny cross. May God give me the courage to stand up for truth, You know, this was, it was like, this humbled me because I was like, you know what? He's right. He's absolutely right. And, you know, if we can't carry the small cries, like Christian persecution is here. I mean, it's going to get far worse. And if we can't handle getting our feelings hurt, you know what I'm saying? By going to a storm, wearing a mask, we automatically submit, you know, when the real test comes, are we prepared? Well, Rich, I looked at this as a, it's your version of Martin Luther's 95 theses that you're putting up on the door. I think we should all be willing to be I say this with a heavy heart
Starting point is 01:54:46 because it's tough for people to accept this. Sometimes we might end up having to be martyred. We're going to have to take a stance for Christ. People might kill us for that. But they've been doing it since Christ died for us on the cross. I think the question
Starting point is 01:55:02 often many are asking is in this era, aside from the pills, because people seem, a lot of them seem to be overdosing on the black pill sometimes. But sometimes people decide not to take any pill at all. I don't know what to call that pill. Maybe it's the apathy pill. You were able to motivate an entire generation of young men to read something that might, in their minds at the time, their unsaved degenerate lives benefit them. They're going to pick up a girl that might be very attractive. Maybe, you know, I would wonder if you might go do something like that for Christian men to find a proper wife and get tied in, connected, really connected with a church. Is that where your
Starting point is 01:55:41 mission's going? I think so. That's what I am trying to do. I mean, you know, a lot of people, again, like, I can't bring a child into this world because it's so evil. Well, a child is a gift from God. It's a blessing from God. Don't worry. And I think a lot of people, I hate to say it, they don't put a lot of trust in God. They put a lot of trust in their own human powers
Starting point is 01:56:05 and their reasoning, and I'm going to think my way out of this. I mean, a lot of guys, they are stacking guns. They have so many guns, and they want to show me all their guns. I don't care about your guns. I don't like guns. So it's like, I'm going to solve this problem. Well, you cannot fight against an enemy as massive as we have now because Satan is the mastermind, and he has his henchmen under that. And I think we know the type of men who are really hell-bent on whether it's depopulation or masking us up or injecting us with toxic chemicals. So you cannot in a worldly way fight against this without God's help. God will be with you. And yes, there is maybe he wants you to suffer a little bit.
Starting point is 01:56:51 And I mean, I have never read an older book by a saint that said the point of the Christian life is to avoid suffering and discomfort. If you look, read the lives of the saints, and I don't know if Rick Wiles does read that, but the saints, they suffered greatly, greatly. I mean, we look at what they had to go through, what their early Christians had to go through. They were getting tortured. I mean, I just read there's a saint today, her body was tortured, chopped up. And what are we scared of? We're scared of we can't fly on an airplane. I mean, I don't know. I don't want to be hard on people.
Starting point is 01:57:32 I'm really hard on myself. Like when Lauren read what I shared the other day, yeah, I'm scared. I'm scared because I may go to the store and they'll say I can't check out with my cardboard plastic food and I'll have to waste another hour going somewhere else. That's how weak I am. And so I'm asking God, God, I know I'm weak. I know I don't have the power to overcome even the most minor of inconveniences. God, please help me because I know wearing this mask on my face is a lie. Scientifically, it's a lie. Many countries, once they implemented the mandates, their viral infection went up.
Starting point is 01:58:11 There's no study that really proves it is effective in any way. Instead, it becomes a rag, a sponge for even more germs. So it's like, can I just say no to a lie? Can I do it? And I'm going to need God's help, even as simple as not wearing a mask. But if we humble ourselves in this way, say, God, I am weak. Look at my past. Look at all the sins that I've done. Look at how I'm unable to control my passions, my eating, and so on. And please come and help me so I can speak the truth that I know all truth comes from you. Amen. Well, we have about a minute left. The Lord has blessed you with some very incredible oratory and, you know, theological skills here. If you go to an elevator, you got
Starting point is 01:58:58 15 seconds to share the gospel of the kingdom with someone. I I hate to put you on the spot. Yeah. Let's do it. Oh boy. You know, you're asking a man who does live streams that are like five hours long, not a bite-sized guy. But I would say that what's happening in the world, your consciousness is telling you is wrong. It is evil. But God, he loves you.
Starting point is 01:59:22 He is waiting for you to fix your life, to turn to him. And he's going to help you to get through all of this. Amen. That's so good. Thank you so much, Roosh. We appreciate your time. I know you're living, you were the hardest person to try and track down too, by the way. You know, that's what, uh, I guess it's good. You know what I'm saying? Cut off from society. There's nothing good here going on anyway. So we look forward to talking to you again. I know this won't be the last time. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:59:46 God bless you. Thank you, sir. Okay. God bless. Well, thank you for joining us today on True News. I hope you're enjoying the format. We're going to continue doing it, and we're going to be on God Tribe TV soon.
Starting point is 01:59:58 We'll be back on Monday. God bless you. the preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support

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