TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Dr. Robert Malone: Resist PsyWar Indoctrination
Episode Date: March 3, 2025Today, governments, intelligence agencies, news media outlets, NGOs, and other organizations with vast financial resources relentlessly wage psychological warfare on the global population using techni...ques and weapons that overwhelm the public—most of whom are unaware of their existence. Rick Wiles' guest today is someone many of you remember from the COVID-19 era. Dr. Robert Malone is a pioneering virologist and immunologist, as well as the original inventor of mRNA delivery and vaccination technology—groundbreaking work that has shaped modern medicine. With a distinguished career spanning clinical research, regulatory affairs, and federal project management, Dr. Malone has been a vocal advocate for integrity in science and medicine. He is also the co-founder of the Malone Institute, which is dedicated to restoring trust in government and the biological sciences. He and his wife, Jill, are the co-authors of a provocative new book, PsyWar: Enforcing the New World Order.Rick Wiles, Dr. Robert Malone. Airdate 3/3/25Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Welcome to a special edition of True News.
My guest today is Dr. Robert Malone.
We will discuss his new book, Psy Wars Enforcing the New World Order.
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QR code. Now here is my interview with Dr. Robert Malone.
Propaganda has changed a lot since the days of H.G. Wells. Although he's known as a science
fiction writer, Mr. Wells' literary career started as a propaganda writer for the British
government's Wellington House, shaping public
opinion, especially to support Britain's entry into World War I.
He was also an early advocate of global governance, utopian visions, and what he called progressive
Today, in America, we have Fox News and CNN to persuade the public to support new wars,
vaccines, alternative lifestyles, and more. Propaganda has evolved to a much higher art form
than anything H.G. Wells practiced or imagined possible. Today, governments, intelligence agencies, news media outlets, NGOs, and other organizations
with vast financial resources relentlessly wage psychological warfare on the global population
with techniques and weapons that overwhelm the public, most of whom are unaware of the
techniques and the weapons being used against them. My guest today is somebody
most of you know from COVID-19 days, Dr. Robert Malone. He is a pioneering biologist and immunologist.
He's the original inventor of mRNA delivery and vaccination technology. He's conducted groundbreaking work that has shaped
modern medicine. He's got a distinguished career spanning clinical research, regulatory affairs,
and federal project management. Dr. Malone has been a vocal advocate for integrity in science
and medicine. He's also the co-founder of the Malone Institute dedicated to restoring trust
in government and biological sciences. Now, he and his wife, Jill, are the co-authors of a
provocative new book, Cywar, enforcing the new world order. Dr. Malone, welcome back to True News.
Thanks a lot for having me. I look forward to our chat today.
Yes, sir. I have more questions than we have time, so we'll have to have you back.
Let's start with the basics. What is Psy War?
So we didn't invent the term. It refers to psychological warfare, and it's an abbreviation or a neologism that the US Army has used historically.
So you can look up, for instance, on YouTube and find some recruiting videos from the Fort
Bragg unit.
It's the main enlisted unit for psychological warfare within the United States military
army specifically.
And they refer to themselves as the Psywar soldiers.
It's an adjacency psychological warfare, as you mentioned appropriately, it's an adjacency
to propaganda and is really a much more advanced form with a lot of nuances in that advancement.
Propaganda typically used for marketing historically, but also for selling publics, as you mentioned, on wars and other public policies.
And the other adjacency is called fifth-generation warfare, is often referred to in the kind of military academic space,
which is a way of thinking about war as involving stages of development. People often think that first, second, third,
fourth, fifth gen warfare are distinct.
They're not, it's all blended.
So it's basically an academic construct
that helps to think about the nature of warfare
and the evolving nature of warfare.
And what we've experienced is this advanced,
highly advanced technology that's really become
developed to a new level of capability
through government sponsorship,
largely to enable the color revolutions,
such as we saw in Arab Spring,
and to combat the likes of Al-Qaeda and the Taliban, which
are very effective fourth-generation warfare operations.
And unfortunately, this suite of technologies, is a good way to think about it, has been
developed to a significant extent, well, it's really been developed on all major nation states
that are involved in empire, CCP and Russia and the United States and NATO, et cetera.
But on our side, the most active groups in developing this kind of technology platform are the United
States in cooperation with the United Kingdom.
Those United Kingdom groups include MI5, MI6, and what's called the 77th Brigade.
It's a formal military unit that is open and transparent about their activities, but also uses civilians as paid recruits to support their PSI ops operations, particularly online.
And this is often referred to as the mutton crew. That's kind of the matrix that we're in. And there's been good documentation
from a variety of sources that virtually all
of the key five eyes intelligence alliance nations,
US, UK, Canada, New Zealand, and Australia
have deployed this military grade technology
against their own civilians
in order to advance a number of agendas, not the least of which
was the various lies having to do with COVID and the vaccine.
In my introduction, I mentioned H.G. Wells.
Now, he was a propagandist.
His job was to persuade the British public to accept World War I.
How does propaganda differ from psychological warfare?
It's kind of a matter of degree and depth in reach of technology and the overall objectives.
In the case of old school propaganda as defined by Edward Bernays in his seminal book on propaganda. Back in the day, he believed that propaganda
was appropriately used by the state, as by the way was Aldous Huxley. There's a great
video clip of Aldous Huxley in the early 60s in black and white, in which he talks about
the nature of propaganda, its necessity in order to govern, the kind of parsing the different
populations within any constituency into people who are highly skeptical, people who basically
will go whichever way the majority of the wind blows, and those that are highly suggestible,
as others, including Matthias Desmond, have talked about with his mass formation
hypothesis which is directly related to this.
There is always a fraction of the population that is readily hypnotized and very suggestible
that will readily accept these kinds of messages, typically coming from authority authority figures and integrate them and act
on them.
This is often cited as about 20% of the population in general.
And the argument is that this is absolutely necessary, that it would be impossible to
govern if it wasn't for the existence of this core group of highly suggestible individuals
that will follow authority figures.
Otherwise, the argument goes, we would descend into anarchy.
The argument is, of course, that anarchy is bad, anarchy being often thought of more in
line with the anarchist movement that was responsible for all the regicides and
eventually the starting of World War I, you know, around the turn of the century, the last century.
So how does it differ? The scope of the modern technology capabilities and its intent is to control all information that you encounter and also
to control literally your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.
So that is a scope far beyond the logic of traditional propaganda to convince and entice
a population to support some major state action, like, as you mentioned,
entering into World War I, or a case can be made the same as true with World War II.
And it's always been used by governments, of course.
If you read The Art of War by Sun Tzu, much of Sun Tzu speaks about basically fundamentals
of propaganda that are still true today.
The same is true of the logic of the prince and Machiavelli.
So it's always been a part of statecraft and of governance.
But now it's gone big.
Now it has the capabilities of the internet, as you have mentioned and focused on the capabilities associated with these mobile devices that we all carry and are increasingly obsessed with mobile telecommunications, which track our every move. remove. If you don't click off the box on Google, for instance, and you've got a Google window open,
it's capturing not only everything that you're doing online, but it's also capturing audio
tracks unless you prohibit it from doing so. And then, of course, that feeds back into
what I call in the book surveillance capitalism. It's not my terminology. It was another one that was created by others.
But the gist of this scope now includes building
granular detailed profiles of you as an individual,
your habits, interests, passions, potential buying activity in particular.
And then from that, extracting algorithmically, of course, with artificial intelligence and other tools,
because this has to be done at mass scale, what they call behavioral futures.
And then those are sold.
I argue that fundamentally what they're doing is stealing part of your soul from a Christian
perspective and reselling it.
And that is basically the model that has generated a lot of the profit that fuels Silicon Valley.
So no surprise that you have the Silicon Valley Titans very friendly with the government
efforts that's been documented by Schellenberger, Taibbi, and now the US Congress with the weaponization
of government hearings, and CISA, and GARM on the international scale, the Global Alliance of Responsible Media,
the Trusted News Initiative from the BBC, and we can go on and on.
So the scope now is truly global.
The technology is frighteningly capable. And all this fits in now algorithmically into the new model of transhumanism and the logic
that we will be able to have avatars that are the derivative of all this data that's
been collected about us in all our communications.
And those avatars can then be marketed, sold, so that you can have a virtual version of you or me on your own
access through your own cellular device as advisors or consultants or whatever.
And all this is being done without a permission.
I have a layman's definition of psychological warfare. It is a highly sophisticated campaign
to make your mouth say something your mind and heart knows is not true.
Yeah, I would probably pick at that because the tech is powerful enough that your conscious mind,
Because the tech is powerful enough that your conscious mind, because of neuro-linguistic programming and other things that are used, becomes consumed to the point where that if
you, I mean this is a surreal intellectual landscape when you step into it. I often use Salvador Dali images to kind of convey the flexible morphing nature of reality
now under the influence of this tech. And it seeks to plant ideas and belief systems into your brain
through a number of techniques so that you don't really know the truth is if
you if you process what I'm saying and nature the tech yes you don't really
know what thoughts are yours and what thoughts have been planted into your
brain it's very much I mean Neuralink and the logic of Neuralink basically
they're already doing
that without wires and implants.
Isn't this really...
Aren't we down now, we're talking about how many people are on the planet capable of resisting it?
Because that's what I feel like, like I'm actively resisting the indoctrination.
Well, good for you. You're out at the tip of the spear, of course. You're somebody that's
been aware of this growing trend now for well over a decade, or pretty close to a decade.
You shared before we went on your history of involvement in telecommunications and mobile data and the mobile phone industry and how
that was a wake-up call for you.
We're now in a space, as I'm trying to describe, where truth is subjective, of course.
We've seen examples of that in the transgender movement, the advocacy
for multiple genders. There's many, many examples where population at large, a significant fraction
of the population becomes convinced that reality is entirely subjective and can be defined
by their own feelings.
Of course, this is particularly prominent
in the age cohort that's grown up with video games,
where of course reality is whatever you want it to be.
And we have this language of non-player characters
and all of that, that's kind of integrated.
And then we have, so those, if you think about,
one way to structure this is there are those
that are living in the virtual world,
we refer to as virtuals.
So I define the new cast system as machines, overlords,
physicals and virtuals.
And physicals are the kind of people
that Mike Rowe talks about,
the folks that actually do stuff with their hands,
dirty jobs and everything else.
And there's something about having to encounter reality in a physical sense that makes it
a lot harder to buy into the logic that reality is whatever you feel it is at the moment.
And it turns out that, again, historically, there is about 20% to 30% of the population,
historically, that can't be hypnotized, that is very resistant
to this kind of technology, and is kind of the vanguard of the resistance, if you want
to call it that, using the Star Wars metaphor.
Or you could think of them as akin to the resistance in the Matrix, if that's a more
familiar metaphor for you, the resistance of the matrix, if that's a more familiar metaphor for you,
the resistance of the humans against the machines. But there is always this cohort, for some reason, and what makes people part of that is not well defined in psychology. It's
not well known. There's a lot of hypotheses. A lot of these are people that have had some traumatic experience in their life that have
caused them to become much more skeptical of promoted narratives and authority figures.
And then there's this persuadable middle that, you know, waxes and wanes that is very susceptible
to dominant narratives in the culture.
But when alerted and woken up,
which is a big part of the intention of the book,
is capable of moving back and forth
between accepting the promoted narratives
and questioning the promoted narratives.
And in terms of the big picture, in accepting the promoted narratives and questioning the promoted narratives.
And in terms of the big picture, the overreach that happened during COVID, I think has really
expanded that window of people that are open to alternative narratives from those that
are officially promoted.
And we're seeing that.
We're seeing that in all kinds of measures like originally it was, you know, Del Bigtree
likes to talk about quote anti-vaxxers.
Well they've redefined anti-vaxxers as anybody who's not good with vaccine mandates.
So then now we find if you run the numbers and do the polls,
anti-vaxxers are now in the majority of the United States,
largely consequent to all the malfeasance and mismanagement
of the COVID crisis, which Delby Tree celebrates.
At least people are now open.
And we have the tangible example of that
in the confirmation of RFK Jr., who historically
has been portrayed as a rabid anti-vaxxer.
That's not true.
It's just the promoted narrative about him to try to delegitimize him, just like they've
tried to delegitimize Trump as a fascist, and they've tried to delegitimize me in a
variety of different ways as a liar
and a promoter of misinformation.
You can still find all that in my Wiki page.
But then you have the likes of Joe Rogan recently coming out with Woody Harrelson and saying
everything Malone said was true in that notorious podcast that generated such a blowback from both the Laurel Canyon
musician crowd, as well as what's not generally known as Coca-Cola acting through the Garm
agreement trying to deplatform Spotify off of any advertising revenue.
Dr. Mullen, was the heavy-handed, iron-fisted propaganda on vaccines, was that the wakeup
call for you, where you realized as a scientist, hey, something, this isn't right, this isn't
I've been through multiple outbreaks.
I've been at the tip of the spear in multiple outbreaks.
I was seminal in moving forward what's now the Mercabola vaccine during the West African
I've been working on influenza vaccines most of my career one way or another, etc. I mean,
the irony of all this is I am the vaccine developing anti-vaxxer who has made breakthrough
vaccine technology. It's all, you know, intellectually flip-flopping. But the big wake-up call that
actually flip-flopping, but the big wake-up call that we were now in a totally different thought space and operational space was when Jill primarily, but my wife and I, published
on Amazon a book, a small monograph, highly referenced, you know,
this is coming from an NDMS and a PhD on how to prepare
and protect yourself from the novel coronavirus.
They didn't have a name then in February of 2020.
And within about a month and a half,
it was deplatformed from Amazon for quote,
a violating community standards.
And they couldn't tell us what community standards,
that's always been their policy to tell the authors,
you know, how they transgressed,
but they couldn't find any community standards
that we'd violated in their community standards code,
but they just said that's the case.
And when they did that, that censorship was the bell
that rang and let me know that we were now in an entirely
different era of communication and propaganda than anything I'd experienced.
And what we now know is there were government agencies calling the social
media companies and Amazon and others ordering them to deplatform people.
Yeah, they did it in kind of a sneaky little surreptitious way paraphrased as
nice social media company you have there would be a shame if something happened to it.
Maybe you should deplatform these people.
Because of the national interest, because otherwise
millions of people will die because of vaccine hesitancy.
So it was all wrapped around the thesis that the vaccines were safe and effective,
and that the novel coronavirus was highly lethal, both of which now have turned out to be false.
But the logic was, as actively developed,
there are literally thousands
of peer reviewed academic publications
focused on overcoming vaccine hesitancy,
including one notorious clinical trial at Yale University
that basically test marketed in a clinical trial structure
in an academic institution with multiple arms,
test marketed messaging strategies to get people
to not only accept a novel vaccine,
but to act to entice and compel
and propagandize those around them to accept the vaccine.
And that's what gave rise to this messaging
about safe and effective.
That's what gave rise to the messaging
that none of us are safe until all of us are vaccinated.
And the messaging that you owe it to grandmother,
metaphorically, to accept the vaccine to protect her.
That was all test marketed in the clinical trial structure
that in many ways was more rigorous and more honest than the clinical trials that were done
for the vaccines themselves. For the propaganda.
So have we entered an age of techno-fascism? I think the word has a lot of merit.
I think the word has a lot of merit. And that's our challenge is, whether you call it authoritarianism, it is, when we speak
about the New World Order, it's, in the book goes into this, kind of walking folks through
the meaning and details of the structure of the European Union and the European Council
and the literal treaty that exists between the World Economic Forum, which we argue is
a trade union of the thousand largest companies in the world.
These are all transnationals.
By the way, it was set up by the CIA.
Klaus Schwab was mentored by Henry Kissinger.
A lot of people don't know that.
So when we get angry at the WEF, we should have the same moral indignation and anger
that we have over what we're seeing from USAID, consequent to Doge.
I attended two world economic forums during President Trump's first term.
The White House took me along as a reporter.
But I walked around with a White House badge.
It didn't say press, it said White House.
And so I got to see the World Economic Forum up close.
And it's, I don't know, have you been to it?
Have you been to Davos?
I have not.
I'm just a student from afar.
So, well, I was for years and often wondered what it's like.
The best way to describe it is it's a country club meeting.
It's an alpine country club.
And you've got billionaires and generals and intelligence agents and media moguls walking around in casual clothing, you know, in an
alpine country club.
And they're just talking about running the world.
Remember that Davos is the winter conclave of the WEF.
The summer conclave rotates between two cities in People's Republic of China. Yes, yes.
And it's very, the WEF is very aligned officially.
You know, the WEF, as you know, has kind of shells or layers.
You know, we could use, people use terms like the Illuminati.
You know, that, whether, you know, you buy into that or not, the WEF has kind of concentric circles.
And the WEF absolutely has treaty relationships with the World Health Organization, the United
Nations, and they're quite open about discussing their intention to cooperatively become a
one world government.
There were some.
There were some meetings.
The structure of what they're proposing is modeled after the European Union and the European
Council, in which you have formerly sovereign nation states in Europe, now allied underneath
the European Parliament ostensibly.
But the European Parliament is kind of a toothless
What sits above the European Parliament is the appointed European Council and then the
director or president of the European Council, Ursula von der Leyen.
That structure, the European Council, is really where all the decisions are made
in Europe.
They're not directly elected.
They're pointed.
And they have the ability to overrule laws and decisions made by the legislative bodies
of the member states.
So that's the structure that is...
And then sitting above all that, as we discussed in the book,
is this network of think tanks
and non-governmental organizations
that kind of cooperate to set the agendas
and establish the narratives that guide the structure.
And this is absolutely what is intended
in when we speak about the New World Order.
By the way, Wikipedia and YouTube consider the New World Order to be propaganda when,
in fact, the term was first used by the first George Bush, former director of the CIA, at
least near as I can tell.
So term has been-
Well, you can go back to H.G. Wells.
You can go back to H.G. Wells.
He used to-
Well, fair enough, fair enough.
So what we're talking about is absolutely an intention and design to subvert the old
Westphalian nation-state system of a sovereign independent nation-states.
And to that end, they attempt to delegitimize anyone that considers themselves a patriot or
shows artifacts like flags representing their nation-state. And In Germany, I'm told by various young people that, and validated by Christine Anderson
of the Alliance for Deutschland, and a member of the European Parliament, that flying the
German flag in Germany now is considered kind of equivalent to demonstrating that you're
a Nazi and flying a Nazi flag in the United States.
There has been a concerted effort throughout Europe under the European Union to suppress
nationalism and to suppress national identity. And that is further bolstered by the open borders policy, which of course people don't
often recognize.
The open borders policy that is at the center of the angst of Make America Great Again movement.
So how do you interpret President Trump's second term?
Because he's not a globalist. He is a very strong nationalist.
He's building his own Americanism. Is this a direct challenge to the New World Order?
Is the old New World Order dying? Is another one being created? Are there going to be multiple
New World Orders? How do you see this playing out? Well, if I can just finish that prior thread. This logic is what is being promoted
as the model for this new world order, the logic of the European Union. And it's been structured in a series of treaties there, and we have signed
off on them. Obama and Clinton, and in particular, the Biden-Harris administration have signed off
on these things like Agenda 2030 that have not been considered by the Senate, but have the force of international
So we're all well along.
And among that, those treaties in Agenda 2030 is explicitly the endorsement that it's a
fundamental human right to migrate and live wherever you want.
So when we're experiencing the open border policies, what we're experiencing is the
consequence of UN Agenda 2030 implementation, which another big part of that is the One Health
Initiative, which is coming up quite a bit right now because this One Health Initiative,
that environmental health and animal health and human health are all equivalent on the priority stack. So it's no longer that we
place humans the priority for health of humans above the health of animals, let's
say laboratory rats, it's now considered equivalent. So this is part of the
kind of intellectual justification for the Green Agenda and the
whole global warming logic of CO2 trying to reduce use of meat, promotion of synthetics,
et cetera.
In terms of President Trump and Make America Great Again, and I'm just writing an essay
right now talking about the Make America Healthy Again movement and touching on the history
of populist movements, which of course MAGA is populist, as is the growing wave of center-right political parties that is threatening the
European Union establishment in Europe right now.
These are populist movements that have a history in the United States and worldwide of not
being well converted into policy.
They are a bottom-up kind of reaction against what is being imposed, but traditionally they
have had a lot of problems being converted into solid policy strategy and tactics that
can be converted into law and thereby become sustainable.
So President Trump, I concur with you, he is not a globalist.
He is a nationalist.
He's a nationalist populist.
You could also say he's an opportunist.
There's a lot of things you could say about Donald Trump if you want to get into his psychology,
but he may be one of the most consequential leaders in this way since Teddy Roosevelt
and is tapping into a lot of the same logic of Teddy, the kind of muscular foreign policy.
I like to say that with the election of Donald Trump and the failed assassination attempts, we have finally entered into a post-Kissinger
phase of our statecraft and our national policy.
Underpinning all of this is the longstanding logic post-World, that of American exceptionalism and that we, the United
States must act as an imperial power in order to exclude hostile third parties that don't share our Judeo-Christian value system that seek to also
dominate globally, economically and politically, notably Russia and the CCP.
Now we're in an environment that the ability of the United States to act unilaterally using these kind of dirty
trick operations like has been revealed by USAID is increasingly coming under
fire and I recommend to your listeners the Tucker Carlson Mike Benz interview
from February 7th. It's a little you have to walk into it with a little bit of a
skeptical ear or eye because
it appears that Mike Benz, who I like enormously and consider a colleague and a friend, but
he does seem to be bucking for a job at State.
So he kind of pulls his punches in various ways.
But the discussion, what I took away from the discussion that's really bothering me is that soft power is
a euphemism in a sense for regime change and other dirty tricks, kind of CIA USAID pressure
that we've exerted globally.
And Mike makes the case that our standard of living post World War II is the consequence of our
elevated standard of living compared to many other nation states, is the consequence of
our ability to exploit resources and opportunities in other states that are under our sphere
of influence.
And that this is good, that we need to have this if we wish to maintain our standard
of living.
I personally reject that thesis.
I think that if we go back to the 1800s when we had a much smaller government, I'm an unabashed fan of Murray Rothbard, so let's just get that off the table, as is Javier
Millier, who I met the other day at CPAC, and I said, anarcho-capitalism, and he got
the biggest stupid grin on his face and repeated the word, because that's where he's coming
from as an economist, is the Murray Rothbard who coined this word of anarcho-capitalism.
And so that's where I'm coming from, is that the United States should rethink the logic of functioning as an empire and move back to something more
akin to George Washington's frame of reference of avoiding foreign entanglements and aggressively
actively seeking out bilateral trade agreements.
But Mr. Chump right now is actually going aggressively towards empire building.
He's going to conquer Canada. He's going to take Greenland.
He's going to take Panama.
I agree.
This is one of the positions.
So this is this muscular US foreign policy that is very Teddy Roosevelt.
There are things about, you know, not, I have to be transparent.
I have to be a little cautious about my wording.
President Trump doesn't, he holds grudges.
So one needs to select their words a little carefully in this political environment, like
you do in any political environment, while still being honest and acting with integrity and transparency.
So I agree with you. There are fundamentals within MAGA and also as embodied by Donald Trump
and within MAHA as embodied by RFK that I'm not aligned with. And one of them,
That I'm not aligned with and in one of them, you know
As I'm just describing today in today's essay in terms of the make America healthy again movement. It's
primarily coming from the left
It's it's kind of emerging, you know with Bobby Bobby in some sense has become a spokesperson
And you could say Callie and Casey Means were more central to its genesis. But this movement in many ways endorses more government regulation.
And I think this is one of the tensions is the kind of doge version of MAGA is all about deregulation.
And Trump is about deregulation.
He's about deregulation in domestic policy, but he's about expansionism in foreign policy.
But an expansionism that's very nationalistic, again, akin to Roosevelt, not expansionism in the kind of surreptitious way under Kissinger
and CIA and the WEF that we were moving forward to advance corporatist interest, you know,
recognizing that what our major corporations have become is Black Rock State Street Vanguard, with all of them aligned
underneath so that these ostensibly major corporations that are transnationals are really
subsidiaries of a few big companies that all cross-own each other.
So this kind of vertical and horizontal integration under a global banner in which capital is
now decoupled from the nation state.
That's the strategy that's been moving forward.
And Trump seems to want to bring that back under an American banner, under the American flag,
and then build out from that.
So you see that JD Vance comments to Europe that has gotten all of the traditional
European politicos in a tailspin and the likes of Nigel Farage jumping up and down and celebrating.
So it is strange times with strange bedfellows and a lot of lack of clarity about what is the true strategic interests and how can those strategic
interests be translated into policy.
As I started off by mentioning, this is the history of populist movements.
Is they have this up swelling in a decentralized bottom-up way of basically gripes and hot
And they often don't coalesce well into well-thought-out strategic and policy positions.
And, you know, it's going to take amazing force of will to keep, make America healthy again,
from stepping right into yet more nanny state edicts about what thou shalt and shall not eat
or do. That's right. Or all that kind of stuff. So Dr. Millon, we've got 10 minutes remaining. I want to get back on your book, Cywar.
What is the role between government, the news media, and technology companies?
How are they working together in this psychological warfare against the public?
So there has been this long time advocacy now advocacy now expands back certainly to Obama, if not earlier,
that and it's very active in the UK.
This is central to UK liberal and conservative.
The traditional parties in the UK are all in on nudge technology and
the appropriateness of government manipulating the population for the common good, of course.
And there's a monopoly of advertising
revenue by things like Google's AdSense.
And I mentioned GARM, trusted news initiative.
There are these globalist structures now that have been set
up that if you think back to the old days when there would be a populist up-surgish
in people that were pissed off at, name your company, Bud Light, or Target selling transgender 90s for babies, where there would be movements to
boycott a given manufacturer or in the in the woke ism of Harley Davidson and John Deere.
I mean, that communities rose up against that and forced corporate
So if you take that logic now of action through impacting on market through consumers and you
Operationalize it in a in an integrated horizontal way
across the entire spectrum of advertising all in
support of
Ostensibly initially
Resisting Russian propaganda.
That was the bogeyman that's used.
And when we had the Hunter Biden laptop and the whole cascade of things we've all experienced,
but it started with this promoted narrative
of Russian propaganda, which has not withstood scrutiny.
Every single major nation state in the world propaganda, which has not withstood scrutiny.
Every single major nation state in the world engages in the use of bot farms and propaganda,
and they always have in one form or another.
So that whole narrative that it's the boogeyman of the Russians and Putin, that was all a
false promoted narrative. But it served the purpose of justifying the build out of this public private partnership
relationship between government, these globalist organizations like the WEF and the UN, and
the private sector and the establishment of what
Schellenberg and Taibbi call the censorship industrial complex,
much like we have a military industrial complex, which,
by the way, is the censorship industrial complex
has a significant academic component,
just like the military industrial complex does,
as embodied by the Stanford Internet Observatory
is just
one notable example.
And then a series of ostensibly nongovernmental organizations, but really, if you apply the
filter of if a nongovernmental organization loses its government funding and shuts down,
was it ever really a nongovernmental organization?
Right? It's really a government
surrogate. So we had the rise of these government surrogates, these programmatic structures like
the Global Alliance for Responsible Media, the Trusted News Initiative, etc., that in many ways
were established to support the ongoing dominance and control of what we now call legacy media, my wife calls dead media,
we could call it corporate media, the CNNs and MSNBCs and New York Times, Washington Post,
I could go on and on. You know, all of them have written hate pieces about me. So I'm intimately aware of who the players are. And that structure is collapsing economically
right now. It's being supported largely by pharma and government subsidies.
Did the shutdown of USAID cut off hundreds of billions of dollars to this
subterranean network of propagandists and mind manipulators?
So the USAID disclosures are profound.
And what we've learned, among other things, is that USAID would create these media-like
surrogates and they would train journalists that would be placed in foreign nations, ostensibly as independent media and as organizations tasked
with identifying corruption, for example.
But what we've learned is that these basically
were more US-funded propaganda operations,
and which Mike Benz, I really recommend that to your listeners
is the Mike Benz Tucker Carlson interview.
Mike Benz just lays them out, book chapter and verse and multiple examples with the kind
of granular detail behind the scenes of how this came to be.
But the USAID absolutely has been essentially, if you're familiar with Operation Mockingbird, or your
listeners are, it's been Operation Mockingbird on steroids and implemented internationally
for all the best reasons of fomenting these color revolutions and overturning unfriendly
governments and manipulating electoral outcomes.
I mean, we're all in a tizzy here
around the promoted narrative
of foreign election interference.
But the truth is, as we document in the book,
we've been doing foreign election interference
and regime change since World War II at least.
That's right.
And the example I use as the initial one is our manipulation of the outcome of the
first Italian election, that there was fear that the Soviet Union aligned parties were
going to succeed there.
And so basically, the United States government CIA interacted with the mafia to
Manipulate that election outcome so that it went our way
And in so doing, you know further strengthen the mafia mafia now in Italy
I go a lot of to Italy frequently a lot of my buddies consider the mafia basically now integrated into
The government they must have has become the government.
So it's kind of like here in the United States. So Dr. Malone, I promised to get you out of here
on time because I know you've got a schedule and we've got two minutes remaining. My last question
is, Jesus said, talking about the last days in Matthew 24, He said that in the last days, in Matthew 24, he said that in the last days, if it were
possible, even the very elect of God would be deceived.
And there's been over centuries a lot of discussion.
What does that mean?
Impressive words.
Amazingly impressive, you know.
Well, it's revealed gospel, right?
So where are we now? Are we now starting to see the full meaning of what Jesus prophesied that before he comes
back reality will be so distorted that even the strongest Christians will have difficulty
understanding what's real?
I think there's a lot of merit to that argument. And then the question is, well, is it just that many of us, you perhaps less so than
me, you and your crew came to my farm years ago and were talking about the WEF and the
New World Order.
I thought you were a little bit bonkers until Jill and I read the Klaus Schwab's book about
the Great Reset. I'll tell, Jill and I read the Klaus Schwab's book about the great reset. And then I started talking about the WEF
and we did this deep dive into the WEF
and the Young Leaders Training Program, et cetera.
And everything has been revealed to all of us.
So is it that this has been building
decade by decade, century by century? And now we've just come to the point where
if you want to stay within a theologic metaphor, the devil has shown his hand in an unabashed
way and the battle is adjoined.
It's out in the open.
Or is this a newer phenomena?
I think the preponderance of evidence demonstrates that what we're dealing with is just a more
evolved modern iteration enabled by technology. technology and of kind of a it's enabled those forces to advance and thrive in a
way that has never been possible before and but the flip side is yeah there are many Christians and others of faith and values that have been captured
by what's essentially cults.
A strong case can be made that the kind of woke progressive world is a cult, and it has
key cult features around it.
My own home church, the Episcopalian Church, Church of England, has just gone bonkers,
as evidenced by the Episcopalian bishop
that lectured Donald Trump from the National Cathedral.
And so that's, and then there's those that are awake,
that are perceiving the same reality that you and I are seeing.
And they represent the vanguard.
And I think the challenge is, that I repeat again and again and again, there's this dynamic
of people on our side attacking others for insufficient purity.
And it's really dysfunctional, the circular firing squads and purity spirals.
But our challenge, I believe, and maybe this is a good place to close, our challenge is
not to preach to the choir. Our challenge is to preach to the persuadable middle.
Our challenge is essentially a missionary challenge. It is how to bring our awareness
It is how to bring our awareness to that body of people that aren't so attuned to this kind of information, these trends, as we have become.
That is going to require a different type of language.
It requires empathy. It requires humility. It truly requires, staying
within the Christian theologic framework, it truly requires that we assimilate the teachings
of Christ and his behavior, his strategy. I mean, Christ, if you look, think back, big picture,
Christ was an amazing disrupter.
He destroyed the whole, the Roman Empire, okay?
But it happened way after his death, okay?
It took a long time, but he established these norms
of how one should behave culturally
and what is true and what is false.
And those norms resonated with humans, were effective, and were assimilated and overthrew
the prior civilization.
Just took a couple of centuries. And I think we need to personally, I think that it's a good practice to ask yourself,
what would Jesus do in these times?
He'd speak the truth and the truth would disrupt the world.
I'll let that be the final word.
My guest today, Dr. Robert Malone, the book is Cywar, Enforcing the New World Order.
Cywar, Enforcing the New World Order, written by Dr. Robert
and his wife, Jill Malone.
Dr. Malone, so good to see you again.
Thank you for being here and enjoy the rest of your day.
Thank you, sir.
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