TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Dual Loyalty Danger: Pollard Says Jews Must Betray USA For Israel and Zionism

Episode Date: March 30, 2021

Today on TruNews, we discuss the call by convicted traitor Jonathan Pollard for Jewish Americans to follow in his foot steps of betrayal. We also address the secret high level war drills being conduct...ed by America and Russia, as China’s unveils a world order shattering $400 billion defense pact with Iran. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Matt Skow. Airdate (3/29/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The most notorious spy in modern American history says he'd do it again, and that if you were a Jew, you should too. I'm Edward Saul. on Sheldon Allison's private jet and says American Jews will always have dual loyalty and aren't serious about their faith unless they are willing to infiltrate the U.S. government and commit treason. Join me to discuss this astounding story, China's world order shaking $400 billion alliance with Iran and the brewing war with Russia over the Crimea, is True News founder Rick Wiles and filmmaker Matt Scow.
Starting point is 00:01:25 Hey, Edward. Good to see you. I'm not sure that President Trump pardoned him. I think the situation is that Mr. Pollard was released on probation and The President saw it to Yes what the probationary Restrictions kept him in the United States and
Starting point is 00:01:52 In the last weeks of the Trump administration They chose to follow Jared Kushner's recommendations and not renew the restrictions and they just looked the other way as Jonathan Pollard got on a jet and flew To Israel where he was greeted by Benjamin Netanyahu as a hero and mr. Pollard got out of the jet fell to his knees and kissed the soil of Israel and Was welcomed as a hero although he's an American citizen. Yes, there were stories that he'd renounced his U.S. citizenship, though that wasn't confirmed.
Starting point is 00:02:33 You're right to question, I think, the word to use when we talk about how Jonathan Pollard found his way onto a private jet and to Israel at the end of President Trump's presidency, because it's an odd affair. There was reportedly secret dealings handled by Attorney General Bill Barr before his resignation. It ended with, as you noted, the parole requirements, things that require Jonathan Paul to stay in the United States, then just being dismissed, kind of, let's say, bypassed. And that could only have been done by the Department of Justice. That's exactly what happened.
Starting point is 00:03:09 A lot of people don't know who Jonathan Pollard is. I mean, some people aren't aware of the story. In my lifetime, the worst spy in the history of the United States, he did more damage to American national security than any other spy. And he was an American. He wasn't Israeli. He wasn't a Russian. He wasn't from another country. He was an American working for the U.S. government.
Starting point is 00:03:40 He spied from within the U.S. government. And, you know, I don't think anybody in the public knows how many how many American agents, foreign how many intelligence agents were betrayed, who died. We don't know how how many secrets were passed to Israel. And then Israel was passing the secrets to China. I'm not a death penalty person, but I would make an exception in the case of Jonathan Pollard. Personally, my view was he should have been put in an electric chair. They should have pushed start. And then they should have went to Starbucks to get a coffee and just let it on until they got the coffee done. What he did to this country was indescribable in the amount of damage done to our national security. And every recent president, Barack Obama and so forth, the Israelis tried to get Pollard sent to Israel.
Starting point is 00:04:46 It was only Donald Trump that agreed to it. He delivered. He delivered. He always delivered for Israel. At Golan Heights, delivered that, gave him Pollard. And look, the Trump supporters, you can't deny it. The embassy. Donald Trump sent to Israel the worst spy ever to be caught
Starting point is 00:05:08 in the United States of America that's not the real story here the real story is that Jonathan Pollard is in Israel bragging to Israeli news media that if he were in America again he'd do it again, he'd do it again. He'd proudly do it again. And not only that, he said every Jew in America is obligated to betray the United States of America. Okay, that's where, like, that's the reason this is so significant. They're obligated. Obligated because they're Jewish. Now, is it to the state or is it the religious part of it? I don't think he, as most Zionists, I don't think that they can separate ethnicity, nationality, and religion.
Starting point is 00:05:55 I don't think they can separate. In his mind, if you're Jewish, you have to belong to Judaism and you have to be loyal to the state of Israel and you must be a Zionist that's all one package what he did in this Israel Hayom newspaper interview what he did is confirm everything that we've been saying on this program yeah about Zionists in this country, that their loyalty is to Zionism, to the state of Israel, that they would betray the United States of America. They're obligated to. He said they're obligated. Now, I don't know how the ADL is going to attack me on this.
Starting point is 00:06:39 Oh, they're going to attack, for sure. Because I'm simply quoting Jonathan Pollard. In fact, we have, I don't know if we put number two. This is from. OK, that's number three. That's number two. That's the Times of Israel. Pollard claims Jews. Now, this is Times of Israel. Pollard claims Jews will always have dual loyalty, whether they know it or not. One of the things the ADL and AIPAC attack American patriots on is that we accuse Zionists, not American Jews, Zionists. We accuse American Zionists of having dual loyalty. That's different than American Jews. What Mr. Pollard is saying is if you're Jewish, you're obligated to have dual loyalty.
Starting point is 00:07:32 That contradicts everything that AIPAC says. AIPAC says only anti-Semitic bigots say that Jews have dual loyalty. No, Jonathan Pollard said not only do they have dual loyalty, they're obligated to have it. He said it was his motive behind it, his intent. He didn't do this out of a need for money, he didn't do this necessarily out of just a morbid curiosity to see what it looked like to be a traitor in the country.
Starting point is 00:08:01 He was very clear. And up until, I think, this point, I think he was waiting until he could get out of the country to be a traitor in the country. He was very clear. And up until I think this point, I think he was waiting until he could get out of the country to be this unapologetically arrogant. He made it very clear here why he committed treason. And we see it in the Israel high arm in number three. I don't regret helping my people and my land. Mr. Pollard, you were born in America.
Starting point is 00:08:24 You were an American citizen. You worked for the United States government. Your people are the American people. Your land is the United States of America. You are a traitor. You are a scoundrel, a low-life scoundrel. You betrayed America. You betrayed the American people. He's the modern-day Benedict Arnold. Well, imagine Benedict Arnold said, every colonist who is of British descent and a member of the Church of England
Starting point is 00:08:59 is obligated to spy on and betray the American Revolution. Look what it does in the big scope if you're a Jewish American. He's saying you're not Jewish enough unless you're spying on America or betraying America. He's putting the target on people here. He slandered every Jew in this country. This might be the most anti-Semitic statement of the era. If I were Jewish, I would be outraged that this scoundrel made this statement.
Starting point is 00:09:34 Because he's now, he has said, you can't trust any Jew in America because they are obligated to betray America. That's what Jonathan Pollard said. And the ADL knows he said it and AIPAC knows he said it and they can't cover it up. I'm not saying that's true. I'm saying the opposite. It's Jonathan Pollard who's saying that all Jews are obligated to spy and betray the United States of America. Yes. And it'd be one thing if he was just an individual, just someone sharing their opinion in the Israeli press. No, this is arguably the most notorious spy in modern American history.
Starting point is 00:10:15 And celebrated. When he got back to, it was a welcome back party. He was a hero. Job well done. He was a hero. So just think about that they are backing his efforts on spying on his country america the the jewish government israel is saying job well done of course on betraying your homeland he was born in galveston this he wasn't born in tel aviv or
Starting point is 00:10:40 something this he was an american yes american first. And Israel knew the entire time he was spying. They were running him. Oh yeah. I think the first time he traveled to Israel was 1970, visited the Wiseman Institute, known as a troublemaker even back then. So did they have, did they use the whole tactic? Did it have something on them?
Starting point is 00:11:00 Did they tell him what his marching orders? Did they tell him you need to do this for, don't you know you're Jewish? You better show how much you love Israel. I'm telling you, Matt, if I were a Jewish American, I would be furious. Oh, yeah, for sure. At Jonathan Pollard. And the Israeli government, both.
Starting point is 00:11:16 Furious at Sheldon Allison's Israel Hayom for printing this, for doing this interview. Well, they believe it. Yeah, it really was a confirmation for Sheldon Allison and other Zionists that this is the right path. Edward, I have talked to Christian Zionists in America. And to me, there's no such thing. You're either a Zionist or you're a Christian, okay? You can't be one or the other.
Starting point is 00:11:39 True. But we'll go with it, Christian Zionists. And I have brought up the name of Jonathan Pollard. And I've had Christian Zionists say to my face, Pollard was justified in doing it. They say the same thing about the USS Liberty. They said the same thing about the Liberty. They were justified in doing it for the sake of Israel. Think about that. Listen to this. This is a quote from the Israel Hayom news article. If you don't like the accusation of double loyalty, then go the F home.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's as simple as that. If you live in a country where you are constantly under the charge, then you don't belong there. You go home. You come home. If you're outside Israel, then you live in a society in which you are basically considered unreliable. The bottom line on this charge of dual loyalty is, I'm sorry, we're Jews. And if we're Jews, we will always have dual loyalty. American Jewry has one problem. They consider themselves more American than they do Jews. Now, he's complaining.
Starting point is 00:12:52 He's complaining that most American Jews will not spy on America like he did. Yeah. That upsets him. They're not as zealous as he is. Yes. They're serious about their faith. Too patriotic.
Starting point is 00:13:04 But he's saying to American Jews, prove that you're a Jew. The only way you can prove that you're a Jew is to spy and betray your country. Isn't this the same argument the Islamic State made? Prove that you're a true Muslim. Wait a minute. There is no Islamic State. That's a... ISIS. Islamic State. State. That's a...
Starting point is 00:13:25 ISIS, Islamic State, yes. The Israel State Intelligence Service, ISIS. Well, those operatives are making that argument, though. They're saying that if you are a true believer, that you'll commit jihad. All right, so we'll take your analogy. Let's say somebody, an Iranian- Iranian American gets caught spying for Iran. He gets released and sent to Iran.
Starting point is 00:13:52 He gets to Iran and he says, every Iranian American, you're obligated to betray the United States on behalf of Iran. Do you know how much Homeland Security would take to go and do the interviews? Because it would be over every paper, wouldn't it be? Look out for Iranians. They're everywhere. Their kill cells are out here to get us. They don't have to be trusted. Yes. Okay. Let's take it to another analogy. What if a Roman Catholic was caught spying on behalf of the Vatican, which is a state, a state that represents a religion. The Pope is both a religious leader, ecclesiastical leader, and the head of state. The Vatican is a state. So what if a Roman Catholic was caught spying on behalf of the
Starting point is 00:14:39 Vatican? He is allowed to go to Italy. He arrives in Italy. The Pope greets him. He falls down, kisses the ground, and kisses the Pope's feet. And the Pope welcomes him home as a conquering hero of Roman Catholicism. And then he stands up and he says, every Roman Catholic in America is obligated to betray America on behalf of the Vatican. If you're loyal to the Pope, you must betray America. What would we think of Roman Catholics? Well, of course. You can't trust them.
Starting point is 00:15:18 You're sowing seeds of mistrust. And that would be a legitimate concern. As an American, you'd be looking over your shoulder thinking about, should we hire this guy? And if you're in the government, you'd have to do security checks on every person of that faith because one of them just said you are obligated to do it. But here we're called that's anti-Semitic. No, they created that. We know that's a fake name.
Starting point is 00:15:44 It's a fake word but but even with uh he said his his dad morris was uh a cia operative i mean how how close and he said he was visiting massad after he graduated from stanford here we go again stanford and harvard these two schools come up a lot when we're dealing with espionage, spying. How close were they connected, the Mossad and then his dad at the CIA? I don't know. I have Jeffrey Epstein. Are they both the same? Are we talking about two of the identical same parties here? So much so, you ask the connection, that it can come up in candid conversation in an interview.
Starting point is 00:16:24 In this interview, he was asked, if a young Jewish naval intelligence officer today is asked by the Mossad to work for Israel and calls to ask for your advice, what would you tell him? To this, he replied, I'd tell him not doing anything is unacceptable. So simply going home is not acceptable.
Starting point is 00:16:41 Making Aliyah is not acceptable. You have to make a decision whether you concern for Israel and loyalty to Israel and loyalty to your fellow Jews is more important than your life. Because you know what would probably happen to you if you get caught. It would be hell. But you have to look at yourself every morning in the mirror. And you have to live with yourself. If you do nothing and you turn your back or simply make aliyah and go on with your life, you'll be no better than those Jews who before and after the destruction of the temple said, it's not my responsibility. This is pretty wild to hear this,
Starting point is 00:17:17 isn't it? Because he's literally saying that every Jewish person in America needs to bypass their American heritage, their patriotic duty as an American, and say, you need to do whatever it takes for little Israel. Before you invoke your right of return. Yes. Okay, so for every Jonathan Pollard that's been caught, how many thousands of Pollards are inside the U.S. government that have not been caught? Well, I don't even know like getting caught what does that mean? You know getting called spying for Israel Yeah, but they're either they let them now and it's like understood
Starting point is 00:17:58 Because or the Zionists have infiltrated so deeply into the US government that You're in more danger if you're exposing them than if the other way around. The people who are in danger now are the people in the U.S. government who are digging out and removing the Zionists who are spying for Israel. You know, the irony of this interview with Jonathan Pollard, he kind of gave an insight into his thinking and what he believes to be the other thinking of fellow Jews who are serving in American government. Because he wouldn't have been asked this and he wouldn't have answered it
Starting point is 00:18:32 if he wasn't speaking to other prospective recruits of the Mossad. That's who that statement was directed toward. What opened the door to this was actually the intelligence agreements between the United States and Israel. It's not the lack of them. He said he felt when, because America had these relationships with them and had these promises we'd made, when we would restrict information, because we are two separate countries. He said that, hey, America's not living up to their end of the bargain, so I'd better fulfill it. That was his mindset. But what did Trump and Pompeo do? They set up an intelligence agreement.
Starting point is 00:19:08 They merged American intelligence and Israeli intelligence. Pompeo and Trump brought the two intelligence agencies together. We can actually expect more leaks. If Paul would have described, we can expect. It's not even spying anymore. What Trump did, what Kushner, Pompeo, and Trump did is you don't have to spy anymore. Trump and Pompeo made it so easy for the Zionists in the U.S. government to transfer American secrets. They merged the intelligence agencies.
Starting point is 00:19:37 I think we saw that with Cynthia McKinney when she said she was told to sign a loyalty pledge card with regards to any any diplomatic things in israel that was like 15 years ago yeah and then she she has thought that doesn't seem right so they took her to the stable and had a one of the rabbis talk to her and tell her how things are going to be now this was a sitting congresswoman and she's not sitting is anymore she ain't sitting there anymore they got they got. That's what happens. Hey, while we're on the topic of China, there's a big deal that has happened this week between China and Iran. Yes, the Chinese attended a state visit to Tehran. This is the foreign minister of China on the left and Rouhani, the supreme leader of Iran on the right. The meeting resulted in a $400 billion agreement.
Starting point is 00:20:31 Now, it's going to span 25 years. China gets oil. Iran gets everything else. I'm talking about military cooperation, intelligence sharing, technology agreements, agricultural arrangements. China is looking for a guaranteed supplier of oil, and they found it. I thought we were going all electric. Did China not get the memo that we're going all electric? And they have to do something about global warming. Hope they know that.
Starting point is 00:21:00 Continue to run the factories is what they said. They keep running the factories, and they're going to keep burning the fuel. So they've got a sweetheart deal with Iran. Iran is going to sell oil to China for the next 25 years. 25 years. At a steep discount. And in return, Iran gets a lot of perks from China, including military and intelligence cooperation. What about uranium?
Starting point is 00:21:26 I mean, China has the nukes. Maybe they'll put a couple of those over there. Well, Matt, that's a good point about the nukes, because you think about it. If you have an agreement with a country that they have to supply oil that's produced in their own country, then they're probably going to make sure that country doesn't get blown up. That's a good statement. This has Israel very, very worried. Because it may also infer that China has now put a military protection over the territorial integrity of Iran.
Starting point is 00:21:54 Yeah, let's look at number six. Ex-IDF intel chief. Iran-China mega deal includes worrying military info sharing. We're seeing now, Edward, an Iranian-China military and economic alliance come together this week. The counter eyes, the same way we have our Five Eyes alliance here in the West. The Chinese seem to be forming their own version of this. And what's important with this is that the meeting there, you see the foreign minister of Iran, Jarad Zarif, and the foreign minister of China, Minister Wang Yi,
Starting point is 00:22:37 their meeting was specifically related to strategic relations. And what came out of this, the Chinese actually said they will protect the sovereignty of Iran. Translated, that means they're going to make sure Iran doesn't get deposed, blown up, fall into a civil war like Syria. Okay, so if they go into a full-blown military pact, like a NATO type of pact, and China promises to militarily protect Iran, if Iran is attacked by Israel and the United States, China would be obligated to attack the United States and Israel. We've got to protect their $400 million investment. I mean, what's next, Venezuela? How far does this go? I mean, they have oil. They need that oil too. This is very dangerous.
Starting point is 00:23:23 I mean, this is a line drawn for me. It looks like they're saying, what happened to those sanctions on Iran? They're still there, but the Biden administration has now discussed easing them. Because again, this could lead, obviously, to confrontation with China. Would this deal have been made with Trump in office?
Starting point is 00:23:40 No, no, never. Oh, you're talking about the China deal? Would they? Yes. You think so? Yes. Absolutely. That would have pushed what?
Starting point is 00:23:51 Further sanctions? Trump wouldn't just stand idly by with this. Yeah, but obviously it would have become a lot more intense between the United States and China, but China is flexing its muscles. It's not going to be pushed around by the United States, Europe, NATO, New World Order boys. They're not going to tolerate it anymore. And the U.S. and Europe, we've driven countries into the arms of China. There's no doubt. So why is Iran our enemy? For one word,
Starting point is 00:24:29 Israel. Yes. That's the only reason Iran is an enemy of the United States. The United States declares Iran to be an enemy nation because Israel says it's an enemy nation. Why can't the United States and Iran get along together? Yes. Because Israel wants a war. Irony of this situation is that wasn't it Israel that provided missile technology to the Iranians in the late 60s? We've spoken about this in the past. They would complain about the nuclear weapons program of the extreme regime in Iran, yet its beginnings are in the technology Israel provided them.
Starting point is 00:25:06 Well, they've always been double-dealing. Israel is always double-dealing. There's a long history of it. Jerusalem Post, how U.S. tensions with Russia and China could impact Israel. Edward, there's a quote in this article. Yes, so they're very clear that they're paying attention to what's happening right now on the geopolitical level and how it impacts Israel. They said, Israel wants a
Starting point is 00:25:29 positive relationship with Moscow and Beijing, not an adversarial one. It also wants to make sure that its strategic and defense partnerships with the U.S., which increasingly means defense ties on numerous levels, remains intact as Washington ups the rhetoric with China. Added, like all changes in power, there could be a peaceful transition, such as when Britain ceased to be a global empire in the 1960s, or there could be a major confrontation. Israel will find itself in the middle if it isn't careful. And which side will Israel choose if it has to choose between China and the United States? Who did they give the contracts for the port of Hafez to?
Starting point is 00:26:12 To China. Israel will choose the side that is most beneficial to Israel. Yes. It could be the United States, but it could be China. They will make a pragmatic decision which side is going to win China or the United States. And Israel will go with the one that benefits Israel the most. And all this talk of the Israel United States alliance, it'll go out the window in a heartbeat. They will betray the United States in a heartbeat if China promises more to Israel than the United States has delivered. And now
Starting point is 00:26:52 China becoming the protector of Iran, Israel's got to get on China's good side. This changes the whole Middle East. So's distributing COVID vaccines in Palestine this week? China. Yeah, the Russians also attempted to engage in COVID diplomacy. They were also trying to provide the vaccines, not the United States. And I think it's clear that both Russia and China see momentum here. The United States is distracted. We're distracted in part due to a virus, a bioterroristic act that many have attributed to China.
Starting point is 00:27:32 We're distracted, and the Middle East is up for grabs. Yes. And Netanyahu, the election was held last week. He did not win a majority. Once again, Israel is in deadlock. They can't form a government. At some point, Netanyahu's got to go. They just got to tell him, get lost, get out of here. But he's hanging on because he's got a criminal prosecution against him. I think it's interesting with the election, Rick, because one of the arguments Israel made for intervention in Syria was that there was no government there, that the territory was in chaos, that there was turmoil, that the people weren't being listened to.
Starting point is 00:28:11 Isn't Israel starting to look a lot like Syria? They can't form a government. How can they claim to be the predominant democratic state in the Middle East? They can't successfully carry out an election. They can't. They're highly divided. And you got leftist Jews and far right. I call them right. It's called far Zionist Jews who are the radical settlers who want to go ahead and take over all the other Palestinian land.
Starting point is 00:28:40 The warm. They can't. They can't. Yeah, they can't. They can't come together. And so we're now at the fourth election and they still can't come together. And so we're now at the fourth election, and they still can't form a government. And I don't know where this is going to go. The people obviously don't like any of the politicians, and they haven't ratified any of them. There is a war game taking place. Yes, a classified one, although CNN seems to have heard about it. It's being led by the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, and the defense secretary, being run out of NORAD. And specifically, it is war gaming what a conflict breaking out in the Arctic would look like for America.
Starting point is 00:29:21 General Milley? Personally leading it. And the new secretary of defense are running this war game? They're personally leading it, personally taking on the side of the U.S., the response. This drill is so secretive that CNN actually has some quotes about it inside. In part, they are concerned about the concentration of both Russia and China on the Arctic, and not just for military development
Starting point is 00:29:46 But for trade it's odd to think in an era where you're dealing with a frozen basically region that you'd have ships going through that area but Experts in trade throughout the world believe that is going to be one of the new trade routes That's opened up through technology icebreakers and such so We all forget that just about about less than a month ago, we were told by the news media that the Biden administration was going to carry out cyber attacks against Russia within the next three weeks. So those three weeks are over.
Starting point is 00:30:19 You have to wonder if those cyber attacks, the Russians maybe didn't report on it out of embarrassment. Maybe you don't know how many things were hacked. Or it Russians maybe didn't report on it out of embarrassment. Maybe we don't know how many things were hacked. Or it was just big talk. Or it was big talk. But it was promised. And what we are now seeing is a lot of— Or it was repelled.
Starting point is 00:30:33 That too. Possibly they repelled it. And the United States has stayed quiet. Because we've also not announced our massive cyber victories. But what is true, there's been some very odd developments when it comes to our strategic command and our national security. Over the weekend, Rick, actually at 7.50 p.m. on Sunday, U.S. Strategic Command posted what The Sun called a very bizarre tweet. And in part, they put up a tweet, as you see on the screen there, with some symbols,
Starting point is 00:31:05 some odd letters. Doesn't seem to be any kind of statement. That's one of my passwords. Well, some thought this might be nuclear codes. It was quite a speculation until the U.S. Strategic Command said, oh, we made a mistake. Or someone's kid got on their phone. That's my password to my Wawa app. But it's odd. Again, this is the verified account of the U.S. Strategic Command in charge of our nuclear deterrence. At the time that General Milley is running a secret drill in the Northwest. You have to wonder if this might have been tied. Well, while this was happening, Rick. I want to think this through.
Starting point is 00:31:47 Somebody, you're telling me the U.S. Strategic Command, they run the nuclear weapons, right? Yes. There's nothing higher when it comes to nuclear weapons in the United States. They are the command force. That is. That's it. Okay. And they tweet it.
Starting point is 00:32:03 Why does the U.S. Strategic Command have a Twitter account? That's a great question, Rick. Maybe they want to announce a barbecue. I would propose that this may have actually been part of the drill. Something interesting about Twitter. But why would you tweet it? Maybe you wanted to see how the public would react. You get a real time reaction.
Starting point is 00:32:26 You see the spread. So many people report on it. If you're wanting to know if your message during launches, during, let's say, the outset of nuclear war will actually proliferate throughout the country, why not make it part of the troll? Then just stay afterward. Well, it was just a mistake. You don't even have to scapegoat anyone at this point because it's a Twitter account. Seriously, we're texting secret messages during a nuclear war by Twitter? In this scenario, it sounds nuts. But hey, what isn't nuts during 2021?
Starting point is 00:32:56 It's already been a crazy year. Strategic Command gets deplatformed. We'd have to blame that on the Chinese and Russians, right? Well, no, Jack Dorsey could deplatform the U.S. Strategic Command. He's done it to the sitting president of the United States. All right, so that's kind of weird. But the next story is not weird.
Starting point is 00:33:18 It's pretty sobering and frightening. The display of Russian military might. For the first time in recorded history, the Russians have surfaced with three nuclear submarines near the North Pole and it's part of their own version of a doomsday drone. You seen this? Yeah, I saw it over the weekend. I think I texted you guys about this. Imagine being a nice fish farmer. But what about the drone flying over? Who's filming using the drone there?
Starting point is 00:33:45 Because this is some amazing footage. This is real. This just happened. They released this on Friday. Just as the U.S. started their secret drone. This has always been, you know, Russia's always had some, you know, wanting to either
Starting point is 00:34:01 capture, domesticate, do something up in the Northern Pole. We always see these stories every once in a while. Do you know the short distance from that point to the United States of America? They're showing that they can hit any target in the United States. They're not planning to build a hotel there. They're launching nukes. I do know they want to put bases up there.
Starting point is 00:34:27 Yeah, but they're launching nukes. That's what this is all about. That was to demonstrate to General Milley, hey, we're going to bring our nuclear arms subs up out of the water. Out of the ice. We're going to bring them up out of the ice. Think about this. They probably were telling, we got in there undetected. You didn't even know. That's, yes. Now. That's what I believe happened
Starting point is 00:34:48 the US was doing its secret exercise for war with Russia and China and the Russians decided let's join the drill and Show them where we're at right now. And I have a feeling that there was probably some military leaders who had to go wear adult diapers. Maybe that was the, you know, when you type in something and you're saying a curse word and using all those, maybe that's what the tweet was.
Starting point is 00:35:20 That makes a lot of sense. Oh, no. Well, that was clearly the Russian response. The Chinese, they've been a little more nuanced in what they're doing. The Chinese, Rick, have been pretty obsessed in the past couple of years in building something called a Polar Silk Road. Now, they have been pre-positioning satellites and other military assets in the region, but they're very concentrated with building a polar silk road. Now, this phrase, we actually mentioned this before.
Starting point is 00:35:52 It was when the Biden administration was first organizing the talks, which have now happened with China in Alaska and Anchorage. And this had come up that the Chinese are obsessed with building a Shangri-La in Alaska. Now, why this is important is there were some pretty big developments. We didn't get to cover it on Friday, but the Suez Canal got blocked. It got unblocked today. A lot of people in Egypt are very happy about this because about 300 ships got blocked. But this isn't the first time the Suez Canal has come up. When the Chinese first announced their bid to build a polar silk road, one that could supplant every trade route in the world, Xi Jinping talked about the Suez Canal. Now, what he said, this is a 2018 speech, this is Reuters, China unveils vision for polar silk road across Arctic. It said that shipping through the northern sea route
Starting point is 00:36:46 This is what the polar silk road is would share that would shave almost 20 days off the regular time Using the traditional route through the Suez Canal Now the the China's polar silk road you see in this map There's really only three routes in the world. You can take the Polar Silk Road, it's the red one, the Overland Route, which is the new Silk Road being built by China, and then there's the Maritime Route, which is actually going through the Suez. What did we just experience? We just experienced the first shock in the last, I think, century of what would happen if the Suez Canal closed. It's not just your toilet paper, folks. Your biochemical materials, your food, your military assets.
Starting point is 00:37:30 The Suez Canal is shut down, even with a ship going sideways in the canal. You can see the West crippled from even able to respond to conflict past the Mediterranean. The only one open would be that Arctic Silk Road, huh? Controlled by China. And we still don't know who the identity of the ship's captain. No, and we did hear on Friday from a port official that he was actually the head of the port officials who had come out. There were two officials from the Suez Canal Authority on board when he made that fatal decision, partly influenced by wind reportedly, to block the canal.
Starting point is 00:38:06 You have to wonder, because he did come from China, Rick. That's where he was coming from before he entered the canal. China has also been flexing its muscles around Taiwan. Yes, and this is very important because Taiwan is the other route for two-thirds of trade in the world. Taiwan has reported the largest ever incursion of Chinese air forces. About 20 warplanes entered just south of Taiwan. They passed through what's called the Bashi Channel.
Starting point is 00:38:32 This is where two-thirds of shipping containers, shipping vessels travel every single day to supply the world with our Chotskis and our necessary supplies. Each incursion is a greater number of Chinese warplanes. That's true. South China Morning Post in Hong Kong had a report about a Chinese army sniper video sending a warning shot to any destabilizing forces in Hong Kong. What was important about this is the forces the Chinese had previously deployed to Hong Kong were mainly police, police battalions. They've now deployed sniper units. For the city?
Starting point is 00:39:20 Yes. What do you use a sniper unit for? You shoot people in the head. Look how big those bullets are. That isn't pepper bullets. That's not pepper spray. That's not flares. Are those.50 cals? It's their version of it.
Starting point is 00:39:32 Oh, man. And really, to rub it in the Americans' eyes, they're making a big deal about their use of female snipers. They're claiming to be a more diverse, lethal force than the Americans. Their female sniper corps, which the Russians used female snipers. Okay, but Edward, why is China putting male or female snipers in the city of Hong Kong? To shoot people they say are working for the Americans, working for foreign powers. Hong Kong's not a battleground.
Starting point is 00:40:01 It's not a... For them it is. I mean, they squashed that Hong Kong uprising real quick. You know. That's showing you, Matt, how serious they are. They're letting everybody in Hong Kong know from now on, if you challenge the China Communist Party, we're going to blow your head off. Yeah, that's how it is.
Starting point is 00:40:22 That's how one million people control billions of people, by brute force. Internment camps, reeducation camps. This is China style. It is the Communist Party way. Past snipers, the Chinese have a far bigger plot afoot. They want to invade Taiwan. And this isn't a conspiracy theory anymore or something wildly stated by a State Department official. The Chinese government has actively run drills to do it.
Starting point is 00:40:53 And one of our top admirals, the admiral who is looking to take over the region, be our top general in charge of this Indo-Pacific, he has said now that the invasion of Taiwan is closer than most think. What would we do? What would we do? That's why we're having a top secret war drill this week. If they went in next week and said, we're going to take over Taiwan, what are you going to do? What do you think our response would be? Under Biden? I don't think it'll be anything. Zero. I would think zero. and we diplomatically tried to do something and blah blah blah but the moment that happens the world knows the united states is no longer the top military force in the world isn't that where we're at right now yes but that's one
Starting point is 00:41:38 invasion transvestites in the government we have all kinds of sexual perversion we sell satan we're losing our military strength and it's because god is is whittling down the strength the power the prestige of america because this nation has embraced debauchery and perversion and sin at a level the world has not seen since Sodom and Gomorrah. That's a fact. That's a fact. That's where we're at right now. That's why everybody should have their life in order. You are not guaranteed as a, we as a nation, we're not guaranteed another 24 hours based on world history. We, America had crossed the line a long time ago we're not guaranteed another 24 hours i don't know people go well what about all the christians in the country well if if if they're
Starting point is 00:42:33 killed in nuclear war they'll instantly be in the presence of the lord yeah there's more christians by i think by number in china yes so god's not gonna this is not a Christian nation and God's gonna keep because we don't act like it we outlawed Dr. Seuss and promote Satan shoes I mean this is where we're at in America. It's human blood isn't it? So the drill that US Strategic Command is writing up a discretion of General Milley is really war gaming. What would happen if a war broke out with China and Russia? And Rick, we haven't talked about the region for some time, but it does appear that the
Starting point is 00:43:17 kind of standoff in Ukraine is starting to heat up again. There have been reports in the Donbas, which is the east region of Ukraine, that there's a troop buildup. There's also now you've got the U.S. think tank groups who work for Politico. They're floating the idea of what would happen if Putin launched another invasion. Well, the truth is, Rick, that the Ukrainians have actually passed a resolution to take back the Crimea. Now, this was lost in 2014, but the Ukrainians want it back, Rick. They put troops at the ready, and they've actually put out a plan. Their foreign minister, about two weeks ago now, said not only is the reintegration of the Crimea a necessity,
Starting point is 00:44:02 but we have gotten our side. We have state approval and we are going to return ourselves to Crimea. Rick, the Russians are not going to leave. No. If Ukraine thinks it's going to take Crimea from Russia, they are smoking weed. Russia is not going to surrender Crimea. Vladimir Putin said a week or two ago, it is our holy land. He said, Russia got the gospel from Crimea. They're not going to let go of it. And there will be a horrendous war if Ukraine prod it by NATO. Ukraine's not going to do it on their own. They're only going to do it if they're prodded by NATO. If NATO wants the war with Russia and China to start, they'll prod them. If not, nothing's going to happen. Hey, Edward, I know
Starting point is 00:44:53 we only get a few minutes, but I really think we ought to talk about COVID. Yes. And you mentioned something on Friday, Rick, a statement by Pastor Bob Jeffress. It was troubling, so troubling we could try to summarize it to do it justice. I almost fell on my seat hearing it again on Saturday. Pastor Jeffress was recently on Fox Business, and Rick, he compared the use of vaccines that have been produced through aborted cell lines, the murdered children, to the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 00:45:27 And said, Jesus was innocent. He died so that people could be saved. So these aborted babies, they died so that people could be healed from COVID. Blasphemy. He really said it, folks. And I was stunned when I saw it and heard it and couldn't believe it came out of the mouth of a conservative religious right Baptist preacher. But I've given up on all of them. You need to see it yourself. This is Robert Jeffress endorsing the use of aborted baby stem cells to produce vaccines.
Starting point is 00:46:07 I don't want to discourage anybody from taking the vaccines because we've got to stop this pandemic. But there is concern among some Catholic bishops and some evangelicals as well that the cell lines that were used to develop certain vaccines, particularly Johnson & Johnson, came from aborted feces, came from aborted babies. Let's just say it out loud. So what exactly is your answer to that? I mean, there are people that don't want any connection there with abortion and vaccines. Well, look, first of all, we would never abort babies to provide a vaccine. I think Francis Collins has denied that linkage, and he is a strong Christian himself. But David, if we're talking about something from babies that were already aborted, I would just remind people the whole Christian message is that Christ, who was innocent, died for us and brought something good out of that unjust death. And I think if lives can be saved, even from the unrighteous killing of a baby, that there's something to be gained there. So
Starting point is 00:47:12 I would not refuse the vaccine on that point alone. That is not the Christian message. Every Christian should condemn Robert Jeffress. He crossed the line. In my view, he has totally become irrelevant. It is so sad that I'm watching Christian leaders in this country like Robert Jeffress, T.D. Jakes,
Starting point is 00:47:40 Franklin Graham, and they are becoming irrelevant. They're falling away. Falling away. they are becoming irrelevant. They're falling away. Falling away. They've become irrelevant. And it's sad to see somebody like Robert Jeffress, that in his closing days of his ministry, that he has backslidden to such a point that he is endorsing using stem cells from aborted babies.
Starting point is 00:48:11 And I don't care what he said. Well, they came from babies that were aborted earlier. And so if it turns out that this did something good, you know. He's saying they're going to be aborted anyway. We might as well just use the babies since they've been aborted. It's sad to see T.D. Jakes, Franklin Graham, and Robert Jeffers finish their careers
Starting point is 00:48:36 as deep state prostitutes. Because that's what they are now. Franklin Graham, T.D. Jakes, and Robert Jeffers are deep state prostitutes. And will now say anything for whatever purpose, whether it's, I don't know if it's monetary gain, I don't know what it is that's motivating these men.
Starting point is 00:49:05 But I've lost all respect for them. You cannot justify in any means using aborted fetuses. I mean, he's trying to justify it in some way. You can't. That is a human being that was killed. And he's saying it's OK because it was going to be killed anyway. He's making. He said it was killed.
Starting point is 00:49:24 They already killed those babies. So let's go ahead and use be killed anyway. He's making. He said it was killed. They already killed those babies. So let's go ahead and use them. Yeah. He's making the greater good argument. This is the same argument that eugenicists make. Population control, nutbags. They make this argument. Listen closely to what he said.
Starting point is 00:49:37 He said, I wouldn't support aborting babies to make vaccines. But since the baby's already been aborted, I don't have a problem with it. And then he compares it to the sacrifice of Christ. Well, that's the way to make you feel like it's blasphemy. Oh, 100%. It's blasphemy. All right, wait till you hear this next one, Edward and Matt. This came out today.
Starting point is 00:49:58 The director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky said today that she is scared of the impending doom. Oh, my. The head, the chief of the Centers for Disease Control says she's scared. There's an impending doom coming to America. You talk about some fear-mongering. Listen to what she said. I'm going to pause here. I'm going to lose the script,
Starting point is 00:50:35 and I'm going to reflect on the recurring feeling I have of impending doom. We have so much to look forward to, so much promise and potential of where we are, and so much reason for hope. But right now I'm scared. I know what it's like as a physician to stand in that patient room, downed, gloved, masked, shielded, and to be the last person to touch someone else's loved one because their loved one couldn't be there. I know what it's like when you're the physician, when you're the healthcare provider, and you're
Starting point is 00:51:09 worried that you don't have the resources to take care of the patients in front of you. I know that feeling of nausea when you read the crisis standards of care and you wonder whether there are going to be enough ventilators to go around and who's going to make that choice. And I know what it's like to pull up to your hospital every day and see the extra morgue sitting outside. The doom seems to be coming from her mouth. Because, again, the morgues being overrun. Did you see that?
Starting point is 00:51:40 I didn't see any of those deaths she's talking about. Maybe she knows that the mass vaccination campaign is going to produce the impending doom that the Dutch doctor said the world was going to experience. Yes, Gert van den Bosch said, and again, he worked for Bill and Melinda Gates, worked at Gavi. He said that the mass vaccination using these experimental vaccines is going to cause a vaccine wave. That's the new wave. New infections, new death, online with a bioweapon. He said the destruction of a significant portion of the Earth's population.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah, that's impending doom. So are they vaccinating people knowing that it's going to lead to mass death? I've been having this debate and talking to people around you guys. What is the push for? Why? It's not a vaccine. It does not vaccinate this. They still tell you you can't travel when you have the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:52:37 It's not a vaccine, but they're pushing it on. You still have to wear a mask. You can still. So what's it doing? Infected. It's a multi-pledge. It's a badge of submission. Yeah, but it's in your body.
Starting point is 00:52:46 It's doing something. There's some reason. There's something else. And then she's like, I'm going to go off script here while I read and try to get these tears going. It's so fake. It is so fake. Well, the former CDC director, Robert Redfield, he said something completely different. And the news media is really working overtime to suppress the news of what he said.
Starting point is 00:53:11 He said this the virus came from the Wuhan lab. If I was to guess, this virus started transmitting somewhere in September, October in Wuhan. September, October. That's my own view. It's an only opinion. I'm allowed to have opinions now. You know, I am of the point of view that I still think the most likely etiology of this pathogen in Wuhan was from a laboratory, you know, escaped.
Starting point is 00:53:38 Other people don't believe that. That's fine. Science will eventually figure it out. It's not unusual for respiratory pathogens that are being worked on in a laboratory to infect a laboratory worker. It is also not unusual for that type of research to be occurring in Wuhan. The city is a widely known center for viral studies in China, including the Wuhan Institute of Virology, which has experimented extensively with bat coronaviruses.
Starting point is 00:54:07 It is a remarkable conversation I feel like we're having here because you are the former CDC director and you were the director at the time this was all happening. For the first time, the former CDC director is stating publicly that he believes this pandemic started months earlier than we knew and that it originated not at a wet market, but inside a lab in China. These are two significant things to say, Dr. Redfield. That's not implying any intentionality, you know? It's my opinion, right?
Starting point is 00:54:38 But I am a virologist. I have spent my life in virology. I do not believe this somehow came from a bat to a human. And at that moment in time, the virus that came to the human became one of the most infectious viruses that we know in humanity for human to human transmission. Normally, when a pathogen goes from a zoonotic to human, it takes a while for it to figure out
Starting point is 00:55:03 how to become more and more efficient in human to human transmission. I just in human-to-human transmission. I just don't think this makes biological sense. So in the lab, do you think that that process of becoming more efficient was happening? Is that what you were suggesting? Yeah, let's just say I have coronavirus that I'm working on. Most of us in the lab, we're trying to grow a virus. We try to help make it grow better and better and better and better and better and better
Starting point is 00:55:23 so we can do experiments and figure out about it. That's the way I put it together. He's talking about a bioweapon there. He sure is. And Snopes will have to slam him, smear him as a conspiracy theorist. Facebook will have to stamp medical misinformation. What are they going to do with this guy? Well, the WHO today said it came from
Starting point is 00:55:46 an animal. So it's they got to get their story. I'll tell you how to get to the bottom of it. Special forces need to pick up Dr. Fauci and Bill Gates, take them to Guantanamo Bay, and they should be waterboarded until the two of them tell us what they know
Starting point is 00:56:02 about coronavirus. Because they know. We're in a time of war. They've never been asked. Fauci's never been asked about his involvement with the Wuhan lab. NIH funding. That's a fact. Hey, a lot of people have been wondering, where is Kerry Kinsey?
Starting point is 00:56:18 I think he's underneath. You've got a really cool project. Hey, hey, hey. Kerry's still here with us. He's working on a new program for a new television network that we're going to be launching this summer. And we had a little announcement here from Kerry, just to let you know he's still with us and he's busy. Hey, everybody, it's Kerry Kinsey of True News. Thank you for asking about me. I'm very excited to tell you that God is giving me the opportunity to produce a brand new show that will also be featured on a new network that we're unveiling this year.
Starting point is 00:57:05 It's called The J Factor, and it's about how Jesus has shown up in the lives of men all around the world in spectacular fashion. Look for The J Factor soon, and thank you for your prayers, and God bless you. Amen. All right. Gary Kinsey, working on the J Factor. You know, Rick, I think that this year has a lot in store for us. We obviously have me praying about what we just watched in this program.
Starting point is 00:57:51 But Rick, I know the Lord is on our side and he's working in our ministry. Well, the devil's busy, but Jesus is a lot more busier and the Holy Spirit is busy. And Jesus Christ is coming and you need to get ready. Hallelujah. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends. God bless you. Take care. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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