TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Dutch Vaccine Expert Warns Mass Vaccinations Will Cause Global Catastrophe Soon
Episode Date: March 16, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall walks Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart through the latest vaccine disclosures from Dr. Geert Vanden Bossche. His research and testimony is challenging scientists and de...velopers of Coronavirus responses, as he makes the claims that the current vaccine regimens will create COVID ‘super-bugs’, and drastically damage the population’s individual immune systems. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (3/15/21)
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I'm Edward Zoll.
One of the most talented vaccine developers in the world
is now warning that the rushed crusade to save the world from coronavirus with max vaccination may have actually caused a new pandemic.
Dr. Hir Vanden Bosch, a former employee of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, has staked his unquestionable credentials to the shocking claim and more.
Here to discuss this story with me are True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart.
Welcome to the program.
Hey, Edward.
Thanks for inviting me to the program tonight.
Enjoy this.
All right.
So what are we talking about today?
We're talking about a quite shocking claim by an insider, someone who's worked inside
the vaccine industry for more than three decades.
Many say he is the inspiration behind vaccine innovation.
And I'm speaking of Dr. Gennett van den Bosch.
Now, this doctor has received attention not just because he's an expert in his field as mass vaccination is being rolled out, Rick. But he has come out specifically to state that the policy, strategy, and this whole operation of getting every country in the world to launch their own version of a mRNA or other vaccination into a population that we really don't know the immune status of, that this step alone may cause
another viral outbreak of a disease that we might not even understand to deal with.
Edward, when you look at Dr. VandenBosch's resume, nobody can call Dr. VandenBosch
an anti-vaxxer.
Oh, no.
He is as pro-vaccine as you can get. He has a stunningly impressive
scientific resume in the field of vaccinations. He is pro-vaccine. But what you're going to hear
today is a shocking warning from Dr. Vandenbosch that something very dangerous is underway right now in the world,
and he is sounding the alarm. Why don't we take a look at his scientific credentials?
Yes, and there's even a lesson in looking at his credentials, because it turns out that
Mr. Vandenbosch is not a doctor of medicine, but actually a doctor of veterinary medicine.
He's an expert, at least started out with treating horses, developing vaccinations for livestock.
Now, this easily transitioned, according to his resume, into serving on senior positions as project manager,
development of vaccines, and even for research programs for human vaccinations with some
of the biggest vaccine companies in the world.
One of them being- But that degree in veterinary medicine
certainly doesn't disqualify him from being able to talk about it.
In fact, he has earned several postdoctoral degrees within the field of vaccinations.
Several of them.
I mean, he's a doctor of doctors.
I mean, he's at a different level.
So he's not just somebody who just came in off the farm.
He has been recognized by universities and has started his own vaccination companies.
He has the credentials.
Can we go down part of his resume?
So on his resume, he actually first, after leaving his school, as Doc mentioned, for postdoctoral,
he actually went to Ithaca at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York, for his study in virology.
After this, he started out first job at GSK Biologicals.
Now, that has become GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, a very prominent vaccine manufacturer and pharmaceutical company. His first job out of university is senior project leader of adolescent vaccine projects.
Now, he went on to work at Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics.
This was in 2006.
He was the director of the research program and head of adjuvants.
Now, adjuvants are things that are added to vaccines to cause an immuno response.
Heavy metals and other things have been added into.
Mercury, for example, is an adjuvant that is added in most vaccines, including the flu
But he went on to serve at Solvay Biologicals, working specifically on the influenza vaccine.
After this, he started his work at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Wait a minute.
He worked for Bill and Melinda Gates?
Yes, he's vetted by Bill Gates.
You don't just come in to work as a senior program officer for global health and vaccine discovery for Bill Gates' foundation without being vetted, without being the best in your field.
From 2008 to 2011. Yes, three years and big years, because these were the years that Bill Gates was making a major push on the flu vaccine being adopted and promoted, even at the local level, at your Walgreens.
You can thank this period, and specifically Dr. Vanden Bosch, for why your local Walgreens is not just offering the flu vaccine, but offering it for free.
So at what level was he operating at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation?
A senior program officer.
This means that he was in charge of a whole team.
And the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, they built a parallel organization to the
That's how it's been described.
If you were to go into the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and say, wow, they have the
top scientists, top researchers, and they even structured themselves very similarly.
He was in charge of one of those teams, but specifically for vaccine discovery.
Which means he probably met Bill Gates more than once.
Oh, certainly.
And this led to him actually getting a position as project manager at the Global Alliance
for Vaccines and Immunization, GAVI.
This is March 2015 to March 2016.
GAVI is heavily sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Some even call it another arm of Bill Gates' mechanism in vaccine promotion.
His focus there was Ebola, right?
Yes, Ebola, and also implementing integrated vaccine work.
And what this meant is, how do you get people to actually, and I'll say people, governments,
other pharmaceutical companies, how do you get them to adopt your research?
See, the issue that Bill Gates has always run into, and even at Gavi, one of his research
arms, how do you get the governments to listen?
How do you get a government to, let's say, decide it's a good idea to add the influenza
vaccine to the mandatory list of shots for kids in school.
Well, this was something that he personally advised on at a senior level for Bill Gates.
So after he left Gavi, he went and founded his own company at that point.
Yes, Univac. He was the chief innovation and scientific officer for Univac. Now,
he was in charge of inventing new vaccine technology. Now this is very important
because this coronavirus, a pandemic, has produced what we described in the program as an mRNA
vaccine, a gene editing vaccine, something that would change you or change your cell response if
you take the said vaccine. This is a field, and I say specifically innovation, that Dr.
Bosch is an expert in.
He actually went a different route than mRNA.
He was promoting what's called a natural killer cell vaccine.
This is very important because the natural killer cells are inside us.
They're a key component of our immune system.
They're the best of our white blood cells or our antibody response.
And he was trying to develop vaccines
which would work with the immune system
instead of re-imagining the whole process that God created.
Okay, and he calls those NK cells,
natural killer cells, the NK cells.
That'll be important as we talk further about this today.
Yeah, Doug, he also worked for the German Center
for Infection Research.
He was the head of the Vaccine Development Office.
And presently, he is a vaccine consultant.
So if you wanted to start your own vaccine, he's the guy to talk to.
He's the guy to hire to get your project going.
I want to, before we go any further, Edward, I just wanna run down to some of his educational credentials.
Training in veterinary medicine, Notre Dame.
Doctoral degree in veterinary medicine,
State University of Ghent.
Postdoctoral training in equine medicine and surgery,
Free University of Berlin.
Postdoctoral fellowshiphip in Biology,
James Baker Institute for Animal Health,
Cornell University,
Research Scientist at Robert Koch Institute in Berlin,
Board Certified in Veterinary Biology,
Senior Research Scientist,
Head of Environmental Biology
at the University of Hohenheim in Germany,
board certified microbiology, animal hygiene, visiting professor at the European Faculty for Environmental Sanitation,
adjunct professor in environmental biology and zoonotic diseases,
visiting scientists at Riga Institute in Belgium.
So he's qualified.
Highly qualified.
And so this is what's gonna be so shocking,
what you're about to present.
Everett, I watched this interview over the weekend
and I first saw it on Dale Bigtree's Highwire website.
Excellent program. Highwire with Dale Bigtree.
And so I first saw it there and and just stunned at what he was saying.
And this message has got to get out to the people.
To me, this is a headline that should be at the top of every newspaper in the world.
Top vaccine scientist warns global catastrophe is coming.
Yes. And his whole argument is based from a position where he's saying that
the current vaccinations aren't even bad. His position throughout this interview is that I feel I have a personal duty to talk about what I
believe the impact will be right now. And had we done this a different way, these vaccinations
might work. That's his position. But he's saying the current status, the current operation of just
mandating it, pushing it out across every
country without actually studying the population, saying as if we're chasing the virus, that
we're not even doing this in a common sense manner.
This will cause not just mass infection, but what he's indicating is it could lead to death
among many who would not die from coronavirus otherwise.
What we're going to see is an interview that Dr. Vandenbosch did with another doctor.
Dr. Phil McMillan.
Dr. Philip McMillan.
He's of the Vasion Health and McMillan Research Institute.
He actually is currently a consulting physician at Stroke
and General Medicine at Doncaster and Bassett Law NHS Trust. Now, I was looking at his long
resume, Mr. Philip McMillan, Dr. Philip McMillan. He served in the NHS, which is England's national
health service. It's their version of their publicized health. This is a doctor who's been
inside the British medical system for some time. And he's an expert in dementia. Yes, in dementia.
Brain disorders. And he sought out Dr. Bosch. He said he wanted to address what Dr. Bosch was
saying and had specifically actually addressed in an open letter to COVID experts, number four for
control. This letter was published by Dr. Vanden Bosch on the 6th of March, the beginning of this month.
And he did this, not even that you and I would read it.
That was so astounding.
This was to vaccination experts around the world, Rick.
And he was doing it in a manner which he was invoking his resume.
He said right here, formerly employed at Gavi
and the Bill of Melinda Gates Foundation.
He knows what that means.
When someone at the CDC reads that,
someone in the NHS, for example, reads it.
And that's certainly what Dr. Philip McMillan
was saying when he read this letter.
I already saw today,
and it wasn't a major news organization,
some blogger put a hit piece out on Dr. Vandenbosch.
Oh, yes. They're trying very hard.
They're already calling him, they're calling this fake news. And this blogger referred to
Dr. Vandenbosch as an anti-vaxxer extremist. And here in the letter, he says, I'm all but
an anti-vaxxer. He is pro-vaccine. Yes.
It's funny about this letter. He knew the attack that was going to come on him.
He knows. He's been in specifically the vaccine industry for over three decades. He knew that
saying this to the class that is trying to not just enforce, but is the one recommending
mandatory and mass vaccination.
He knew the pushback.
But as you noted, Rick, how can you discredit a man that worked specifically on vaccine development and research for Bill Gates?
I would say this, Edward.
After 22 years of sitting over there where you're at, I would say Dr. Vandenbosch should stay off of high buildings and stair steps.
And don't listen to the radio in the bathtub, things like that.
You know, stay away from any.
And don't drive on mountain roads at night.
The dead doctors.
Don't lie.
Many of them.
Don't lie.
That book by Dr. Wallach is very true.
The title more so.
Many doctors have died of suspicious circumstances, even in our state, when they try to challenge
what's considered to be the accepted status quo in the pharmaceutical medical industry.
In that letter that Dr. Vandenbosch submitted to, you know, researchers and vaccination experts
around the world, basically saying because we have intervened in this process of not allowing the herd immunity
aspect of coronavirus to take a hold, we have disrupted the cycle, if you will.
And we've entered into this and now things are thrown completely off. And he says in this,
and this is from that paper, from all of the above. He's made his case in this particular article.
Some of this we'll hear in our video segments later.
From all the above, it's becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population.
This is the vaccine expert speaking.
You want to read that again?
Right. It's from all the above is becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the
consequences of extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to
wipe out large parts of our human population. One could only think of very few other strategies
to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.
In layman's terms, is Dr. Vandenbosch saying that the vaccine has weaponized coronavirus?
He's saying that.
He's not saying it directly, but what he is saying, there are a few other opportunities
or cases out there that look like this.
This looks like a bioweapon.
So we have a bioweapon, and I'm saying this,
not Dr. Vandenbosch.
We have a bioweapon made by China,
and we have vaccines in response to the bioweapon,
but the vaccine will actually do more damage to the human population of Earth than the bioweapon.
It's an incredible statement by this doctor, because what he's saying is that,
let's say to take the hypothetical that China attacked us with a bioweapon called COVID-19.
He's saying that it's our response that is actually going to be the damage.
It's not the bioweapon itself, COVID-19 coming to America and spreading around the world,
but the response from our pharmaceutical companies, from our governments, in mandating a rushed vaccine on an unsuspected population. So what we can talk about after we watch some video clips is whether this response by the
pharmaceuticals and the governments, if it's the right intentions and a wrong strategy,
or whether it is the right strategy and the wrong intentions.
You got it.
and you always say,
would you take a vaccine from somebody that promotes world population
reduction like Bill Gates?
and so when you,
when you listen to what he's saying and he doesn't say what I'm saying,
he's, he's making a warning about the vaccines.
He hasn't gone as far as what I would go to say why they're doing it.
He's just saying scientifically this is the wrong strategy.
He's not even getting close to saying what I'm thinking, and that is it's not an accident.
It's deliberate.
That's my personal view.
But regardless of whether it's intentional or unintentional, when you're dead, you're dead.
That's right.
You only get one life.
If the vaccine kills you, you're dead.
Whether they intended to kill you with it or not you're still dead and what he's
saying is there is a global catastrophe coming soon this year he's not saying 20 years from now
he's saying in months in months so keep in mind he's not divine he's not denying that coronavirus
is a real threat so just make that clear he he feels like it is a threat. He feels like this intervention in the process and not adequately adequately preparing a real vaccine.
We've rushed a vaccine. It's something that was already in the pipeline that actually changes that disrupts the cycle.
He'll explain more about it, but he's making some pretty stunning claims, Rick. It is. And you have to understand that in the interview, it's two highly educated doctors
talking doctor talk, science talk. So it's not in layman's language.
And that's why we've broken the interview up. At times, you may hear some music playing. That's
not us. That actually is one of the doctors he added
that in post to the interview dr mcmillan dr mcmillan wanted to add uh let's say epic suspense
to the statements being said during this but we will break down what they're saying and it actually
it is understandable when specifically he says it's going to accelerate covid infection
he's saying it's going to make it worse, much, much worse.
Here is the first clip.
Well, my perspective was and still is that if you go to war, you better make sure that you have the right weapon.
And the weapon in itself can be an excellent weapon.
And that is what I'm saying, really, about the current vaccines.
I mean, it's just brilliant people who have been making these vaccines in no time
and with regulatory approval and everything.
So the weapon in itself is excellent.
Question is, is this the right weapon for the kind of war that is going on right now?
And there my answer is definitely no,
because these are prophylactic vaccines, and prophylactic vaccines should typically
not be administered to people who are exposed to high infectious pressure. So don't forget,
we are administering these vaccines in the heat of a pandemic.
So in other words, while we are preparing our weapon, we are fully attacked by the virus.
The virus is everywhere. So that is a very different scenario from using such vaccines in a setting where the vaccinee is barely or not exposed to the virus.
And I'm saying this because if you have a high infectious pressure, it's so easy for the virus
to jump from one person to the other. So if your immune response, however, is just mounting,
as we see right now with a number of people who get their first dose. They get their first dose, the antibodies are not fully mature,
the titers are maybe not very high.
So their immune response is suboptimal.
But they are in the midst of this war.
While they are mounting an immune response, they are fully attacked by the virus.
And every single time, I mean, this is textbook knowledge,
every single time you have an immune response that is suboptimal,
in the presence of an infection, in the presence of a virus that infects that person,
you are at risk for immune escape.
So that means that the virus can escape to the immune response.
And that is why I'm saying that these vaccines,
I mean, in their own right, are, of course, excellent.
But to use them in the midst of a pandemic
and do mass vaccination,
because then you provide within a very short period of time
the population with high antibody titers,
so the virus comes under enormous pressure.
I mean, that wouldn't matter if you can eradicate the virus, if you can prevent infection.
But these vaccines don't prevent infection. They protect against disease. Because we are just,
unfortunately, we look no further than the end of our nose, in the sense that hospitalization, that's all what counts.
You know, getting people away from the hospital.
But in the meantime, we are not realizing that we give all the time during this pandemic, by our interventions, the opportunity to escape to the immune system. And that is, of course, a very, very, very dangerous
thing, especially if we realize that these guys, they only need 10 hours to replicate.
So if we take that by making new vaccines and new vaccine against the new infectious strains,
we are going to catch up. It's impossible to catch up.
I mean, the virus is not going to wait till we have those vaccines ready. I mean, this thing
continues. And as I was saying, the thing is, I mean, if you do this in the midst of a pandemic,
that is an enormous problem. These vaccines are excellent, but they are not made for administration
to millions of people in the midst, in the heat of a pandemic.
So as he opened there, his argument is based on the fact that this virus is still changing.
How many strains have we heard? Mind you, isn't it ironic that we're calling the strain in England the British strain,
the strain in Brazil the Brazil strain, yet it's xenophobic to say the coronavirus came from China.
You can't call it the Chinese flu, the Chinese virus.
But you call the South Africa variant.
So variant.
So he's saying the variants, the ones that can be named to the country they're happening in,
we're creating these response vaccines at a time when they won't even be effective against what people are suffering from.
And he's very careful.
You can tell.
He understands this field, specifically the attacks in this field.
He's not saying that the changes of the variants will increase death.
He's very careful.
But infections. But hey, if we take John Hopkins University, they're very clear since the beginning of the pandemic,
we have to judge our actions and the intensity to which we take based on the infections.
He's saying those will increase with vaccination.
Edward, he confirmed what we've said on True News for a year.
And that is you can't come up with enough vaccines to keep pace with the number of mutations.
Right. And in the letter that we had from earlier today, he said the potential for hundreds of variants exists.
So are we going to take hundreds of vaccines?
Yes, that's the plan.
Well, that's where the logic takes you.
And you will have to have it on your immunity passport.
Hey, doc, you're only up to 99. You can't board the plane.
100 is now the minimum.
That's where they're going with this.
There will be no end to how many vaccinations you have to get
in order to go to work, to enter a government building,
to get on an airplane.
And that's why they call it a passport,
not just because you need it for travel.
Yeah, you're getting stamped all the time.
You're getting stamped, but also they would have called it a card if it was going to be just one, two, three.
How many pages are in a regular passport?
At least 10 to 15.
It's digital now, especially with the vaccine passport.
I could have 50 vaccines if I asked through this by the end of the decade. The other thing, Edward, that he said that confirmed what we at True News have said for a year,
the vaccines do not prevent infection.
That's right.
And they're not supposed to.
They're not supposed to.
But for your relatives and friends who are getting vaccinated or who have been vaccinated, you have to tell them the vaccine will not prevent you from being infected with
coronavirus. That's exactly right, Rick. You can still transmit the virus to other people
and you still have to social distance. You still have to wear a mask.
So you don't get a pass. It's like giving a woman birth control and then telling her, OK, you can still get pregnant
and you and your husband have to wear a condom if you don't want to.
That's a great example because think how birth control is marketed.
It is that, hey, if you take this, this one magic pill or shot, then it's perfect.
You won't ever get pregnant.
It's the one-stop shop.
Isn't that how the vaccination has been shopped? You hate these lockdowns. You hate having to wear
masks. Well, the vaccination's here. Wonderful. That's what the general public thinks. Yes.
But when you read and listen to what these vaccine people actually say, then that's not the case
because they will say it doesn't prevent infections.
In fact, what they say is that the vaccine simply lessens, decreases the symptoms. You will still
get infected with coronavirus. You just won't be as sick. And that's the problem here. And that's
what he addresses specifically. Because we are still, if you've been vaccinated, you are still carrying the virus. You're still allowing these variants to, more aggressive variants to be created rather than allowing, basically allowing coronavirus to burn through the population, so to speak, you know, deal with the symptoms as they come up, protect those that are susceptible.
But there comes a point where we have interfered in the cycle and that's going to come back and bite us here real soon. Nashville star country music singer Larry Gatlin, Gatlin Brothers, has been infected with coronavirus, but the infection came after his second dose of the vaccine.
And so Larry Gatlin scratching his head and saying, I don't know how I got coronavirus.
I've been vaccinated twice.
The news media is writing about it.
You know, isn't this odd? Larry Gatlin, he did the right thing. He been vaccinated twice. The news media is writing about it. You know, isn't this
odd? Larry Gatlin, he did the right thing. He got vaccinated twice and he still got coronavirus.
No, it's what Dr. Vandenbosch said will happen. Yes. If you get the vaccine, you become a carrier.
Yes, a super carrier and a carrier that can allow for incubation and changing of coronavirus.
If anything, you're making coronavirus stronger.
You're actually weaponizing it to a degree
because it's interacting with your immune system,
a unique immune system, and changing, making itself more deadly.
So the virus itself was made in a laboratory.
Obviously, the vaccine's made in a laboratory.
Are we going to find out that the vaccine was made deliberately to interact with a man-made biological weapon?
That wouldn't shock me at all.
It's a one-two punch.
Not by accident, but by design. I wouldn't shock me at all. It's a one-two punch. Right. Not by accident, but by design.
I don't know. I suspect it is. But regardless of whether it was intentional or
unintentional, the effects are going to be the same. What Dr. Vandenbosch is saying is there is going to be a global catastrophe within months. That's what he's saying.
It's not Edward Zollison, this Rick Walsh, Doc Burkhart.
This is a man who is not only trusted by Bill Gates, but has worked for every major pharmaceutical
company in the space of vaccines over the course of his long time in the field.
He went on to say in this interview that the vaccination and making it available to every
single person in the world, maybe even making and making it available to every single person in
the world, maybe even making it mandatory, it will create a superbug. And he's the word super
referring to a virus or bacteria, an infection that cannot be treated with regular medicines,
regular procedures. This could undoubtedly, if I take the definition of a superbug, clearly
will lead to death among those who cannot fight against a virus with no cause.
If we can put number four back up, we just got to keep repeating this.
This is mind boggling.
All right.
This letter.
All right.
This is the letter that he sent to scientists.
And Doc read the quote.
Doc, this quote is directly from the letter? Directly from the letter that he sent to scientists, and Doc read the quote. Doc, this quote is directly from the letter?
Directly from the letter.
This is not our editorial synopsis of what he said?
No, it's word for word.
In this letter that you're looking at, written to scientists around the above, it's becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how
the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic
are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. Yes. One could only think of a few other
strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in an efficacy in turning a
relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction.
And that's word for word from his letter.
That's enough right there to make me want to run into a cave and hide
until this thing has moved throughout the whole world.
You have one of the top vaccine scientists in the world saying,
this thing's going to wipe out large parts of the human population.
And it didn't have to.
It did not have to.
The pharmaceutical companies and the governments made this happen.
And one thing he's noting in this, because you read before and after that stunning statement
hidden inside that letter.
Honestly, I wonder why he didn't lead with that statement.
I think the way he laid the letter out is he was trying to show his credentials and
make the argument first before making the most shocking statement in that letter.
But what he did before that is he's laying out that, you know, researchers, everyone
who's worked on this, who's reading this letter, that each of the vaccines we're giving are
introducing new strains, new variants already to the, the recipients of these vaccines.
The, the recipients, we don't even know.
He's saying that we didn't test each of these people and their immune responses.
We don't know.
It's at a varying degree already.
Wait a minute. Are you saying Dr. Vandenbosch is saying that the vaccines are introducing into the bodies of the recipients of the vaccinated people?
The the new variants of of the virus, not not the original virus.
Well, it's leaving them open to it, leaving them susceptible to it.
Yeah, this is the quote from the letter that led me to believe that at some point in a likely very near future,
it's going to become more profitable in term of return on selection investment. For the virus, just add another few mutations, maybe just one or two, to the S protein of viral variants,
already endowed with multiple mutations, enhancing infectiousness in an attempt to further strengthen its binding to the receptor particle of COVID-19.
Now, he starts saying this after laying out that we've already given vaccines based on variation. The vaccines, if they're telling us the truth, were based on
not the original COVID-19 cell that was shared with us by the Chinese at the beginning of the
pandemic, but the variations we saw, the mutations in our own populations. The argument was, well,
it wouldn't be effective if we didn't study the specific variation in our population from, let's
say, March or April or May.
He's saying that that has already begun a roller coaster of variations.
You'll take a variation vaccine and that will produce another variation,
something that no one has seen before, really a completely new virus. Among those that are already susceptible due to immunocompromising situations.
He is simply saying that the strategy we've had up to this point in dealing with the selective variants that are out there has not had enough lead time to allow the development of
vaccines that enhance your own body's ability to develop these NK cells, these natural killer cells
to activate the human body to respond to not just to one variant, but to the whole family of coronaviruses. Think about this.
If it's flu season, what do you do?
Well, in flu season, if you're sick, you stay home, right?
You clean everything up.
You sterilize everything.
You know, for the more susceptible members of the population, the elderly,
those with lower immune systems, they get the vaccination.
They go to Walgreens.
They go to Publix, they get a vaccine. But for everybody else, basically, hey, you got the flu,
stay home, drink lots of fluid, eat some chicken soup, orange juice, in five to seven days,
you're better. It's a very good point you made with the natural killer cells, Doc.
Let's look at Florida. By the definition of the response to the pandemic, let's say you take Dr. Fauci's definition, we should be all
dying here. We should be having bodies all over the place. We should be the worst hit state
because we did not fully lock down. We did not implement draconian procedures for all the
businesses. And at the state level, Florida should be doing much worse. Thank God it isn't.
What did we do right here?
It's not simply that we did some kind of strategic lockdown and these other things.
I wonder, again, if Dr. Vanden Bosch is saying that because we built up our natural killer cells by being around each other, our natural immune response was stronger.
You and I, Rick, we may have actually encountered coronavirus.
Our body may have beat it.
That's something we will never know, right?
But you have to wonder, why didn't we get sick?
Why didn't we succumb like the rest of the country?
And we could have overcome it.
And if we got tested for coronavirus, it would show that we've got coronavirus.
Even though we've overcome it. Even though we've overcome it.
Even though we've overcome it.
All I know is when I came back from China, I was the sickest I've been in decades.
That's true.
That's all I know.
And the Holy Spirit told me what to do, and I used silver silver and I inhaled it.
And it's your right to do so.
It worked quite well.
It was gone in a day, in less than a day. I put silver solution in a nebulizer and I
inhaled it multiple times throughout the night. And when I got up in the morning,
the sickness that was in my respiratory system was gone.
And I'm telling you, I was sick, really, really sick.
If I had known, if I had come down
with that respiratory ailment in the past year,
instead of just before the virus. What was that, November 2019?
It might have been literally September, even October.
No, we were in Singapore. Singapore and China, November of 2019.
And so we flew in and out of Shanghai on China Eastern Airlines.
But if that would have happened in the past year-
It would have put you on a ventilator.
I would have gone to the hospital and they would have put me on a ventilator because
I was extremely sick.
And nobody in my family believed me how sick I was.
I said, I'm telling you, I'm really sick.
You know?
Oh, I remember.
Because you know why? They never see me sick.
That's why.
Because you just don't see me down in bed sick, okay?
And I kept telling them, I'm really sick.
Whatever's in my respiratory system, it's the deepest, it's the strangest, the most unusual sickness I've ever had.
And you said unusual.
You didn't know what it was.
And it had overcome you almost.
You needed to get rest.
You needed to take care of yourself.
That was your response.
Your response wasn't to wait till the government comes up with a magical vaccine.
It wasn't to listen to Dr. Fauci or seek him out for whether you should wear a mask while you're laying in bed, recovering from this.
I think most people who got something really terrible, a respiratory illness from Asia
last, in 2019, I was one of them too.
When you sent me to cover, I think it was the G7 meeting in Osaka, Japan, I got deathly
ill too.
My response was not a vaccination, it was rest.
I stayed home.
I took procedure as I would come back in, lots of sanitation, but I kind of, I had the common
sense to follow what I've always done when I got sick.
And it was to stay home, rest.
Thank goodness I overcame it.
But many have that story, that same testimony about a mystery virus from Asia.
And I believe the other component besides the silver was steam. I was inhaling steam with the, with the, the
silver was going into my body with the steam. You know, the way I came up with it.
Again, I know the doctors out there just go, oh my gosh, this guy, you know, go to
the doctor. I will the next time, I promise But chase chase Anderson who used to work here. He said he goes hey Rick. I I saw something one time where
Race horses that had respiratory problems there was a there was a
There was a company that made getting ready to tell that story had made these big masks that they put over the head of a racehorse.
And they had like a nebulizer in it.
And they filled the nebulizer up with silver.
And the horse breathed in the silver.
And then I went online and read this stuff.
And people were saying, hey, I have a million-dollar horse.
And it almost died.
And this mask with the silver solution saved my horse.
I got a million dollars in this horse.
And I said, daggone, if it works for a racehorse, I can do this. And that's why I went to the, got a nebulizer and tried it.
And it worked.
Now, I'm not saying I had coronavirus.
I'm just saying I was really, really, really sick with a strange infection in my respiratory system in November 2019.
And we now know that coronavirus was moving around in Asia at least in October of 2019.
Yes, they're publicly admitting that now.
That used to be something that would get you deplatformed on Twitter for even suggesting.
But they're finding COVID in stool samples in Europe from spring of 2019.
Early 2019.
So how long has COVID been around?
How long has coronavirus been around?
So what the question is with Dr. Vandenbosch here
is that he's not denying that there is a virus out there.
And I'm not denying it.
I'm just the opposite.
He's saying there is a virus.
He's saying it is.
He's saying the response is wrong. That's right. And it's making it worse. In fact, it's going to create a super bug. Yes.
We have that clip.
Is this equivalent then because you mentioned this in your paper,
it is equivalent to using either a partial dose of antibiotics in an antimicrobial or in a bacterial infection,
where you then produce superbugs. Is this the kind of example that you're alluding to?
Well, that is a very good parallel. It's also the parallel I'm using, actually,
in the paper we just posted on LinkedIn, which should be so open for everybody. I mean, it's pure science.
Because as you were pointing out, Philip, the thing is, the rule is, it's very simple.
I mean, same with antibiotics.
Either the antibiotics do not match very well with the bug.
That's not good.
That's why we are making antibiograms to you know, to first identify which is this germ.
And then we choose the antibiotics. We need to have a very good match. Otherwise, there could be resistance.
So when I compare this to the current situation, do we have a good match with our antibodies?
No. At this point in time, we don't have a good match anymore because we have this kind of like almost heterologous variants.
So that differs from the original strain. So the match isn't very good anymore.
And hence we see people are still protected, but they are already shedding the virus.
So that is one thing. The other thing is the quantity.
Of course, you tell people, you know, you take your antibiotics according to the prescription. Please don't, as soon as you feel well, that doesn't mean
that you can stop the antibiotics. Same here. And I give just one example. If you now give people
just like one dose, I mean, they are in the process of mounting their antibodies, the antibodies still
need to fully mature, etc. So this is a suboptimal situation.
We are putting them in a suboptimal situation with regard to their immune protection.
And on the other hand, they are in the midst of the war.
They are fully attacked by all these kinds of highly infectious variants.
So I mean, it's very clear that this is driving immune escape and will ultimately drive resistance to the vaccines.
So my point is, yes, Philip, it's very similar.
There is one difference. The virus needs living cells.
I mean, if you're driving immune escape, but the guy has no chance to jump on somebody else, who cares?
The situation is now different because we are in the midst of a war.
There is a high infectious pressure.
So the likelihood that an immune escape immediately finds another living cell, that means another host, is very, very high.
It's per definition.
It's the definition almost of a pandemic.
So what did he really say there? That because of the process that we've been going through here,
Rick, with the development of a variant-specific vaccine, which all these have done,
we are now looking at the development of all these new variants that are popping up, which are now stronger, more intense, and we're just going to continue to respond this way. We're going to have
booster shots. We're going to have specialized vaccine shots for the UK virus, for the Russian
virus, South African virus, the Japanese virus, the pooh-bah virus, every variant until we've created a super bug that we can't conquer, that we can't knock out.
You know, in the past, when you've got a viral infection, your doctor tells you get plenty of rest, drink plenty of fluids.
You know, they watch out for other symptoms that might develop as a result of that.
They deal with those symptoms. But their first response isn't, let's get a vaccine in you.
So the multiple vaccines are, the end result is COVID becomes bigger, nastier,
meaner than it was when it came out, according to Dr. Vandenbos.
And your immune system doesn't know how to respond to it
Eventually your immune system almost becomes immune in the sense
It doesn't know what to do with the viruses that are entering and replicating inside you use the word shedding saying you're being a carrier
That's what that word is. You're shedding the the the mutated viruses to others
So becoming a carrier essentially for these mutations in the case of Larry Gatlin
He had the vaccine had the second shot, but he still got coronavirus. He now has a variant that has developed
No, it's interesting. Remember when he's a yeah, go ahead
I was somebody gonna say remember when Bill Gates said he wanted to turn us into the vaccine production
Facility that the mRNA specifically is an exciting technology. He said this in his Wall Street Journal interview, because it would turn us, our bodies, into vaccine-producing factories.
That is what's happening here. It's not a vaccine, but it's definitely shedding these mutated viruses,
as Dr. Bosch is saying. And so we go back to Larry Gatlin. The answer, the solution,
the explanation of why Larry Gatlin is now infected with coronavirus after being vaccinated twice is it's it confirms what Dr.
Vandenbosch is saying. The people who get vaccinated will become the carriers of the facts of the virus and spread it to the to everybody else.
Yes. Which is the definition of a pandemic.
They are creating a pandemic by giving people these vaccines.
But in this distorted world, Edward, if you're healthy,
you want to stay away from vaccinated people.
The vaccinated people will be the most dangerous people to be around.
Not our opinion.
Dr. Bosch's statement.
One addition to the superbug.
It's amazing that people have bought this.
We're not stupid here in Florida.
Remember, Rick, I remember the beginning of this pandemic.
You were the most well-researched person on coronavirus.
Had someone had a conversation with you in February or March, not only would they have been prepared to avoid
the shortages on products, they would have been absolutely aware of what was happening and what
we were being told was coming into the country. You're a success story of the pandemic. You
survived it. You're considered to be in the age group that's susceptible to receiving it. But did
you really change that much, even past May? No. No, and our organization has continued to operate.
We don't have problems here. And I'm not afraid to go out. I really should now avoid people with
masks and people who have been vaccinated. I think, you know what? It is a good
idea that they wear a badge that they've been back. I like that. They've identified themselves.
Please, if you've been vaccinated, wear your yellow badge that says I've been vaccinated.
Then I will not get near you because you're a carrier. Yeah. You don't have to worry about
avoiding us. We'll avoid you on the subject. Stay away from me. Get away from me. You got a mask. Go away.
It's really reversed, right? We're going to have to become those crazy people that yell people to get away from us.
These people that are lining up to get vaccinated, they think they won't have to wear a mask anymore.
You still have to wear a mask because you're now going to be a spreader of the virus.
Some of these people, some of them are true believers, some of them are just victims
of the propaganda because they believed what they were being messaged.
They were being told, you get the vaccine, you get your freedoms back.
Isn't that what has been told throughout the city to even the personal level?
Get the vaccine.
Everything's going back to normal.
No, if you get the vaccine, according to Dr. Bosch, society is never going to go back to normal. No, if you get the vaccine, according to Dr. Bosch, society is never going
to go back to normal. Well, he went on to explain how this vaccination program that the world is
involved in is creating not only these superbugs, but it's superpowering the present variant of
COVID, the main variant of COVID. Watch this. Fact is that these long-lived antibodies, which have high
specificity, of course, for the virus, they outcompete our natural antibodies. Because
they're natural antibodies, they have a very broad spectrum, but they have low affinity, right? And
so by doing this, even if your antibodies don't work anymore because there is resistance or
the strains are too different from the original strain, we still, these antibodies, specific
antibodies will still continue to outcompete your natural antibodies.
And that is a huge problem because I was saying just a few minutes ago, these natural antibodies,
they provide you with broad protection.
This protection is, yes, it is variant non-specific.
It doesn't matter what variant you get.
It doesn't even matter what type of coronavirus is coming in.
They will protect you unless, of course, you suppress this level of innate immunity
or it is, for example, out-competed by long-lived specific antibodies.
And so it's not like, OK, you missed it.
OK, let's try again.
No, you did some harm.
I mean, this is different from drugs.
Immunizing somebody is installing a new software on your computer.
Don't forget, I mean, these antibodies,
they will be recalled every single time you're encountering a coronavirus, right? I mean,
you cannot just erase this. I think what we are talking about right now, the epidemic or the pandemic problem of having a population that is at no point during the pandemic and to a large extent due to our intervention has not a strong immune response. I mean,
this is already serious enough. This is more concerning than one or the other adverse event that could maybe elicit it.
I'm not downplaying it, but that could maybe be elicited because people have antibodies
that do no longer match very well with the strain they were or with the strain they are exposed to.
And therefore, you know, they build a complex. They don't neutralize the virus. They build a complex. And this complex could maybe even enhance viral entry into susceptible cells and hence lead to exacerbation of disease.
I mean, this may be possible.
But the problem I'm talking about is a global, a global problem.
It's not an individual getting an adverse event. It's a global problem of making this virus increasingly
infectious because we leave it all the time a chance and opportunity to escape the immune system
and to drive this, to whip this up, up to a level where the virus is so infectious that we can even
no longer control it. Because, I mean, these highly infectious strains, some people think,
oh, the virus is going to calm down and it will insert a number of mutations,
you know, just to be gentle and kind with us.
That's not going to happen.
I mean, this highly infectious strain remains.
It is not going to be spontaneous mutations that all of a sudden would make this virus again harmless,
because such a virus would have a competitive disadvantage, could not be dominant anymore.
So that's not going to happen.
So we're talking about a very, very, very serious problem here.
So basically, he's saying that we're going to supersize the current
COVID variant, the main COVID variant by our continued response in such a negative way. He
went on to say as well, though, Rick, he said in this letter and in this interview that not only is
the these this current vaccine strategy superpowering the virus itself and its variants.
It's also attacking our own immune systems.
It's not, or rather, probably a better way to put it,
it's not allowing our immune systems to build up.
So for instance, Rick, if you don't work out,
you know, and exercise on a regular basis,
your muscles get all flabby and everything.
But the more that they're challenged, the more that they're used, the stronger they get.
Same thing with our immune system.
Our immune system has to be challenged sometimes in order to build up strength to overcome.
But he'll say in this next clip that these vaccine options that are being out there are actually hurting our immune systems.
We're coming to a point where people are going to have to take these vaccines.
That looks as though it's the reality, either in the context of work or in the context of travel.
Based on what you're saying, they're in a lose-lose situation. What does this mean?
Well, what does this mean is very clear.
It's very clear what this is going to mean.
So let's consider the consequences of this, both at the population level and at an individual
Because I would well understand if for the population it's maybe not the best thing to
do, but, you know, on for the population it's maybe not the best thing to do,
but on an individual level, it's still okay. Yeah, then it's not an easy, that's not an easy
question. But as a matter of fact, it's exactly the opposite. Well, it's not the opposite. It is
detrimental, both on a population level as on an individual level. And I'm telling you why I think
the population level, I explained
you, we are increasingly facing highly infectious strains that already right now we cannot control
because basically what we are doing is that we are turning, when we vaccinate somebody,
we are turning this person in a potential asymptomatic carrier that is shedding the virus. But at an individual level, I just told you that if you
have these antibodies and at some point, and I'm sure people can challenge me on this, but
reality will prove it. I think we are very close to vaccine resistance right now. And it's not for
nothing that already people start developing new vaccines against the strains, etc.
But what I was saying is that, OK, if you miss the shoot, OK, you could say nothing has happened.
No, you are at the same time losing the most precious part of your immune system that you could ever imagine of, and that is your innate immune system. Because the innate antibodies, the natural antibodies,
the secretory IgMs, will be out-competed
by these antigen-specific antibodies
for binding to the virus.
And that will be long-lived.
That is a long-lived suppression,
and you lose every protection
against any viral variant or coronavirus variant, etc.
So this means that you are left just with no single immune response.
It's none. Your immunity has become nil. It's all gone.
The antibodies don't work anymore and your innate immunity
has been completely bypassed.
And this while highly infectious strains
are circulating.
So, I mean, if that isn't clear enough,
I really don't get it.
And people, please do read my,
you know, what I posted
because it's pure science,
pure science. And as everybody knows, I'm a highly passionate vaccine guy, right? And I have no
criticism on the vaccines, but please use the right vaccine at the right place and don't use it
in the heat of a pandemic on millions of millions of people.
We are going to pay a huge price for this.
And I'm becoming emotional because I'm thinking of my children, of the younger generation.
I mean, it's just impossible what we are doing.
We don't understand the pandemic.
We have been turning it into an artificial pandemic. Who can explain?
Who can explain where all of a sudden all this highly infectious strain comes from?
Nobody can explain this.
I can explain it.
But we have not been seeing this during previous pandemics.
An incredible statement there.
First of all, he said that asymptomatic carriers are going to be produced from this strategy.
You will begin shedding the virus and spreading it.
But from the vaccines itself, you will become an asymptomatic carrier.
Isn't that something they were warning us about at the beginning of the pandemic?
They told us you better wear a mask.
You better not go to public places.
You better clean your hands and not be around other people within six feet because you might be an asymptomatic carrier.
What Dr. Bosch is saying is that the vaccine will make you that.
And he says your own immune system from here on out will have the inability to match up with the variants that come along.
So if another variant pops up, you know, the Hong Kong variant, let's say,
your body now is tuned to one variant and can't compete for the other one.
Bypassing your immune system.
So we've got three. I know he outlined more, but what I'm hearing, three major problems. Number one,
the vaccines do not block the virus. I mean, the public's being told you must be vaccinated so that you will not be infected
with the virus.
The pharmaceutical companies and the government officials all know that to be a lie.
They know it's a lie.
Okay. None of them are on record saying the vaccines will
prevent you from getting the virus. Number two, the people who get vaccinated become
virus carriers. Yes. The vaccinated people will not have the symptoms because they think they're OK.
The vaccine suppresses the symptoms. Yes. It doesn't block the infection from getting in your body.
You still get the infection in your body, but you don't feel sick.
Yes. But you are a carrier. you're contagious. And then number three, it will damage your immune system
so that you're now vulnerable to other,
not only other variants of coronavirus,
but you're now vulnerable to other viruses, other bugs,
other germs that are coming at your body
because the vaccine is going to damage your immune system.
A true silent killer.
And that's why he's saying we're going into a global catastrophe.
I wonder if Dr. Vandenbosch has been vaccinated for coronavirus.
I listened throughout this interview and a couple other statements and tweets he's made.
I've never seen him say he got vaccinated.
And to be honest, the way he's addressed this, I would doubt that he would go out and get any of the vaccines that are available
because he believes that it would turn him into a carrier.
And in several of the video clips, he's mentioned his children, too.
He's concerned.
And so as a parent, he's been asking himself these questions.
OK, here I am. So I'm pretending I'm Dr. Vandenbosch.
I believe in vaccinations.
I know vaccinations work in the right environment.
I'm encountering a situation where this is the wrong strategy.
And you know because you're Dr. Vandenbosch and you've read the data that,
according to the death and infection numbers, the young are the least susceptible.
By the numbers, least susceptible.
He's saying the strategy taken right now will threaten his own kids.
Yes, because, well, Great Britain, they're ready to start vaccination of children.
Israel is going to be mandatory.
They're going to vaccinate the Israeli children.
They're testing pregnant mothers. I believe the Biden administration
is planning to roll out vaccines
for children in America this summer.
Yes, they're actually holding
the 4th of July over our heads.
But for us to be able
to enjoy Independence Day,
have some sovereignty
and independence in this country,
well, we're going to have
to increase the vaccine rate.
That's according to Joe Biden's presidential address this last week.
Well, Dr. Fauci said over the weekend,
the polls show that 50% of Trump voters are refusing,
particularly among men, are refusing to be vaccinated.
And Dr. Fauci said, Donald Trump needs to step up
and tell Republican men,
you must be vaccinated.
It never stops to astound me
how illiterate media-wise Dr. Fauci is.
President Trump has said that.
President Trump not only has said
that he's claiming ownership of the vaccine.
In a statement last week, President Trump said, don't give Joe Biden credit for the vaccine that's produced.
It was me.
Well, what worries me, Edward, is that half of the Trump voters are open to being vaccinated or have been vaccinated.
That's the other side of that story.
Thank you to President Trump.
Half of them have already done it because Trump told them to do it.
It's Operation Warped Speed. And really, if we're going to listen to a vaccine expert, that is who Dr. Bosch is. He's actually an expert. He has a resume actually a little bit
thicker than Dr. Fauci's. Well, both of you, you've talked about this being kind of a roulette.
Well, it turns out that a lot of the top scientists, some of the peers for Dr. Bosch,
they actually are seeing this as like a stock market. In this clip, you're going to hear him address how the mindset of the top scientists, the ones developing these vaccines, has been
like that of a day trader gambling on the stock market. All right, let's watch this.
We are now getting plenty of asymptomatic shivers, you know, people who shit the virus.
Because if they are vaccinated or they have even antibodies from previous disease, they
can no longer control this highly infectious variants.
So how does that come?
Does anybody still understand the curse?
I see all these top scientists looking at these curves, at these waves,
like somebody else is looking at the currency rates at the stock market. All they can say is,
oh, it goes up, it's stabilizing, it may go down, it may go up, etc. I mean, that is not science.
They don't have any clue. They don't even know whether the curve is gonna go up exponentially or whether it's gonna go down or whatever
They're completely lost and that is extremely scary
That has been the point where I said, okay guy you have you have to analyze you have to but
You know, these people are not listening. That is the problem. And it's not that they aren't listening, purely. It's that they think they
know best for us. In a lot of ways, we're being treated as cattle, that we must be vaccinated as
a herd in order to ensure the produce, the end result of the cattle, either be slaughtered or
in chickens, the eggs they produce, that we still want to producing for society.
I'm sorry, we're not cattle.
And you can't use a cattle strategy with humans.
Edward, I came to that conclusion years ago because of the research and the information
I came across during this program over 22 years,
I came to the conclusion that the ruling elite, you know, the Bilderberg boys, the guys at
the top, the billionaires, the ones that are making the decisions for the rest of humanity, that they view the human population of the world as livestock.
And they are moving them from cradle to grave through various stages of life.
And they're just sucking all of the money and life out of them that they can get.
They don't care about them.
They're livestock.
It's get them to this as a child, get them to this stage,
pull the money out of their parents here,
move them to the next stage where they're adults,
suck them up.
And it's not just pharmaceuticals.
I'm talking about the banking system.
I'm talking about the financial system, everything.
It is a system.
It is an economic system. The matrix of usury.
Yes. It's a perverted, warped financial system. This is not free enterprise.
It is, yeah, a matrix of misery. That's really the right term. This thing is perverted and it is using the human population
of the planet as livestock to enrich a handful of global elite. And that mindset is proof they
see themselves as a different species almost, a different class, right? Because they're not
livestock. They're not the ones being used. They're the ones that control the livestock.
Maybe they are different species.
Well, the only purpose of livestock is to harvest what they produce or the livestock itself.
That's the only purpose of livestock.
Chickens, you get eggs to a point, and then you say, sorry, we've got to eat you.
Chicken breast.
Cow, we milk it.
At a certain point, you say, sorry, cow, no more.
Pigs, you roll in the mud long enough.
It's time to be bacon.
I mean, that's the purpose of livestock.
And isn't that the same way that people are being treated?
Humanity itself is being treated.
Yes, that's why you've got to opt out of the system.
In every facet of life, opt out of their system.
And there's another system. Refuse to participate in it. A much better system. That opt out of their system. And there's another system.
Refuse to participate in it.
A much better system.
That's the Lord's system.
We can be farmers.
You don't have to be livestock.
You don't have to be cattle.
Be farmers who sow seed.
That's right.
We've shown the letter of Dr. Vandenbosch.
I know he's reaching out to scientists.
What is his plea?
His plea is to speak up now. He's speaking as if he obviously is not alone in this. I have to
wonder, reading the letter, if he was the only author. He's certainly the only one named as an
author. His plea is to not ignore his facts, his numbers, and his logic. He's not asking you to change your job, change even,
let's say, your position on vaccines. He's asking you to look at the mandatory vaccination policy
and the rollout of untested, rushed vaccines. He wants you to say, look, you understand what
I'm saying is absolutely true. You need to scream from the top of your lungs right now before your population, United Kingdom, France, Germany,
the United States, before your population is subject to a real pandemic with real casualties.
So you are in effect putting your reputation on the line because you feel so passionately about this because i guarantee you
that no government no um no health system is going to want to hear what you are saying you're in
effect um almost giving fuel to the fire for an anti-vaxxer who doesn't want the vaccine. No, no. Well, no, not yet. Because I've clearly also addressed sub-emials from anti-vaxxers.
I mean, I'm not interested, but I'm clearly telling them that, you know,
at this point, it's so irrelevant, you know,
whether you're a pro-vaxxer or an anti-vaxxer, etc.
It is about the science.
It's about humanity, right?
I mean, let's not lose our time now with, you know, criticizing people or, you know, I mean, anti-vaxxer, okay.
If you're not an anti-vaxxer, you could be a stalker.
You could be, you know, we like to stigmatize because if you stigmatize people, you don't need to bother about them anymore. Oh, this guy's an anti-vaxxer, you could be a stalker, you could be, you know, we like to stigmatize because if you stigmatize people,
you don't need to bother about them anymore.
Oh, this guy's an anti-vaxxer, okay.
I mean, he's out of
the scope. Oh, he's a stalker, he's
out of the scope. I mean, that is
a discussion that is completely
irrelevant at this point.
It's about humanity. And of course
I'm passionate. Of course, I mean,
it's about your children, it's your family, It's my family. It's everyone. Right. And it's simply for me. I put everything at stake because I've done my homework. Right. And this is simply a moral obligation, a moral obligation. Right. Wow. Wow. I mean, there's very little one can say. As I said,
when you position that you are in the business of developing vaccines and helping societies
protect against infections through the use of vaccines, and in this circumstance, you are saying, hold it, we're doing the wrong thing here.
It's very difficult to not listen to that. That's the truth.
Well, the answer is very easy. I mean, this is human behavior. You know, we if we have if you're, you know, having panic, we do something and we try to
make ourselves believe that it is the right thing to do.
They'll you know, there is complete chaos and there is a complete disaster.
And then people say, well, you know, I mean, politicians will probably say, you know, we
have been advised by the scientists and scientists, you know, will maybe point to somebody else.
But this is now a situation I'm asking every single scientist to scrutinize, to look what I'm writing, to do the science and to study exactly the, I call this the immune pathogenesis of the disease.
And because, you know, I mean, I like, I like people to do, to do their homework. And if the
science is wrong, you know, if I'm proven wrong, I will admit it. But I can tell you, I'm not putting
my career, my reputation at stake. I would not do this when I would not be 200 percent convinced.
And it's not about me, not about me at all.
It's about humanity.
People don't understand what is currently going on.
And we have an obligation to explain this.
And I posted my paper on LinkedIn.
And I invite all independent scientists, please, please to look at it because this can be easily
understood by microbiologists immunologists geneticists you know plenty of you know
biochemists etc etc all the biologists all these people who have elementary knowledge it's not
rocket science elementary knowledge of biology should be able to understand this. And I mean, I can only appeal to these people, you know, to stand up as independent scientists
and to voice, you know, their opinion.
He's putting his reputation on the line.
He will be discredited, attacked, destroyed.
He won't be able to work in his career field anymore if he's wrong.
But with all that said, he has come out and put his name to it. He won't be able to anymore if he's wrong. But with all that said, he has come out and put
his name to it. He won't be able to work if he's right. You're right. It's a double loss for him.
Yes. But he knows if he doesn't say anything, his children die. In the environment that we're in
today, if you tell the truth, you are attacked. Yes. Yes. You're attacked for telling the truth.
Or you have an accident. You have an accident.
You fall off the edge of a building.
Your brake lines go bad on your car.
You listen to the radio in the bathtub.
An accident happens.
Or you commit Arkansas.
I pray for the protection of Gerbenden Bosch. And I pray that if he realizes this, that he's actually arguing for God's creation in this.
He's saying that our immune system is the response, one that God gave us, one that God created for us.
I hope that this is actually a witness to him, you know, that his former colleagues are the ones working against him on this.
And this isn't the only option when it comes to dealing with a deadly virus that could kill you. You know, guys, back in 2003, there was a string of mysterious deaths of biological research scientists,
specifically of people like Dr. Vandenbosch.
They just started dying.
And I was the first one to notice it.
I started keeping a scorecard on true dues.
We were reporting the number of dead scientists.
And then Steve Quayle picked up on it.
Others started talking about it.
Somebody created a website back in 2003 or 2004 and had a log of all the scientists in the world
who mysteriously died.
It became too much.
I mean, then, you know, years later, like 2008,
it became bankers.
And it started with bankers jumping off buildings.
That's where I entered the picture.
But if you go back to 2003,
it started with scientists, researchers,
biological experts. And the first one, it started with scientists, researchers, biological experts.
And the first one, I can't remember his name.
We can pull it up tomorrow.
But it happened in Memphis, Tennessee.
And he was a, I think he was on the board of directors of St. Jude's Hospital in Memphis.
Excellent, wonderful children's
hospital started by Danny Thomas. And do you remember Danny Thomas? Oh, yes. Okay. So you
remember Danny Thomas. Okay. His daughter still runs it. Yeah. St. Jude's Hospital. And so I
believe the scientist was there for either a board meeting or there was a conference going on in St. Jude's in Memphis.
Anyhow, they found him floating in the Mississippi River.
Oh, my.
And the official police report was that the scientist had decided to take a walk across the Mississippi River Bridge at 2 a.m.
And the heavy traffic caused the bridge to vibrate,
and he fell over and went into the river at 2 a.m.
Even on a good day, I wouldn't want to cross that bridge at Memphis.
I mean, that's one of those old trestle-type bridges.
So you really think that scientist was walking across the bridge at 2 a.m.
Of course not.
And the traffic was so heavy, the bridge was vibrating, and he just said, oh, I'm going off the side of the bridge.
That certainly wouldn't be my first explanation as an investigator.
It wouldn't be my first lead to go down.
That seems improbable and ridiculous of an explanation if that's what they concluded.
There was another one, Edward, in Australia. They found that scientist. He had a pentagram
carved in his back. It was just an endless chain of dead scientists starting around 2003. And, you know, something evil was taking place.
Nations were starting, they were retaliating against other nations.
And I think that they were trying to maybe blackmail scientists to go to work for them,
offering them positions.
If you turn down the offer, maybe you got killed, or maybe you knew too much.
Remember the guy, the young man who was doing the research into coronavirus?
Yes, the Chinese researcher out in Philadelphia.
Yeah, and he died back in the beginning of last year when this thing started.
So I'm saying that because I'm concerned for Dr. Vandenbosch's health and safety. He has done something that is very risky, and that is he's blown the whistle on the pharmaceutical industry.
He is not saying that there is malice involved.
He's not saying it.
I'm saying it because I know how evil these people are and the people that own them and
control these pharmaceutical companies.
But he's not saying it.
He's just saying this is a really unwise strategy that's going to backfire.
I'm saying it's deliberate.
It is a planned reduction of the human population of the planet. And you and he will be proven right if there is a surge in spring of cases.
Again, to explain, we shouldn't have a surge.
We should be dying down, right?
If this is the roller coaster we've been explained.
After all, you've got 30% of the population that have been vaccinated, right?
We're defeating coronavirus, right?
We should be seeing a decrease.
But as it turns out, that is not what we're seeing,
nor is it what the CDC is warning of.
The CDC's chief has said that there will be another COVID surge,
as they explain, as Americans travel for spring break.
Or could it be as Americans are pressured, blackmailed for loss of job,
or just outright convinced through the propaganda to get a vaccination
that Dr. Plosch is saying will cause you to become infected with the coronavirus
if you act with other carriers.
You've got the media and the politicians who will be telling the world, if you don't get vaccinated soon, there's going to be an explosion, another explosion of coronavirus.
Go quickly.
Get your vaccine.
Do it now.
Or there's going to be another explosion.
And we're going to have to lock down the society again because you didn't get vaccinated. And all the while they know that the vaccine itself is going to cause the explosion in coronavirus cases.
But it will not be the people not wearing a mask.
It'll be the people wearing a mask and who have been vaccinated who are spreading it to the people not wearing a mask and not vaccinated.
It's diabolical.
We owe it to the next generation to be that data set that shows that we actually did just fine without a vaccination.
It needs to remain to be voluntary in this country.
That's complete Nazism.
It becomes mandatory.
But we are the data set proving
Dr. Bosch correct right now. Well, we are heading in that direction, Edward. We are heading directly
there because very soon you won't be able to walk into a store. You won't be able to drive down on
a toll road unless you've got your vaccine passport on your car. I mean, this is coming. It's not far away. You're already seeing it start to
pop up in Europe and Asia and all these different places. It's coming here to America and it's going
to get full blown here. Well, the only, and I think I speak for all of us here, but I think
the only passport we're interested in is our salvation passport. Amen. That's right. So, uh, revelation chapter 18, verse four.
Then I heard another voice from heaven saying, come out of her, my people, lest you take part
in her sins, lest you share in her plagues. Wow. If you want a real selfish reason
to come to Jesus
just for your own hide. Other than to avoid hell.
Clean up your life.
Live a holy, righteous life.
You will avoid the plagues of Babylon.
Better than the vaccine.
And come out of that Babylon.
You've got to come out of Babylon,
and Babylon's got to come out of you.
You've got to get out of Babylon,
and you've got to get the mentality of Babylon out of you.
Do not take part in the sins of Babylon, and if you do not take part in the sins of Babylon out of you. Do not take part in the sins of Babylon.
And if you do not take part in the sins of Babylon,
you will not share in Babylon's plagues.
And what was the sin, the real sin of Babylon
in Daniel's day?
Everyone was forced to bow down.
Everybody bowed down except for three,
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. They didn't give
in. What happened to them? They went through the fire, but they were immune to the fire,
not just to the idolatry of the age, but the fire of the age.
Amen. Amen. It is about to get very dangerous. We came through the first year of coronavirus
and God has protected all of us. It's about to go to a new level.
That's what we're telling you here today.
We're in this fight together, our family.
What Dr. Gerrit van den Bosch is warning us to the whole world is the vaccines are actually causing the virus to spread and that there's going to be a massive explosion of new cases.
But the people who are vaccinated are going to be the spreaders, the carriers of the of the virus.
And and and then on top of that, it's shutting down our immune system. And people, if you've been vaccinated, your body will not be able to fight off coronavirus and other viruses, other diseases that are coming at your body.
Go back to the statement he said.
Listen, let's let's end it with from all of the above. It's becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population.
He's saying as a scientist, I can't think of how we can avoid this, that this intervention
of humans into this virus, I can't imagine how it's not going to wipe out large parts
of the human population of Earth.
That is one.
I got to say you, in 22 years, I've never read a more shocking statement
ever on True News than this statement right here. Signed by a colleague of the top scientists in the
world. Rick, I know we cover these tough subjects, really subjects you leave the program. And my goodness, what a dark world
we live in. I know the audience, they would love to be encouraged, but more so to know they're not
alone in this. They're with us. We have Christ with us. Would you mind praying for the audience?
I will. And before I pray, let's put number 13 up on the screen.
I just saw this today in New York Times.
Clergy preach faith in the COVID vaccine to doubters.
Preaching faith in the vaccine?
Church pastors are telling congregations, put your faith in the vaccine.
That just came out today's New York Times.
So it's not because of the science then?
No, the pharmaceuticals and the vaccine pushers and pharmaceutical companies and the government and the media, they know that the biggest block of vaccine resistors, coronavirus vaccine resistors, are the church members.
We showed this about a month ago, how they're working the churches.
Look at what Bob Jeffressress said it's a miracle
from god it's a gift from a gift from god and he said any preacher who tells you to avoid the
vaccine is an idiot no address right no could be the bob jeffress anybody who takes the vaccine is an idiot.
And anybody who tells people to go get vaccinated is an idiot.
We have one of the top scientists in the world saying this is going to be a disaster within months.
It is creating a pandemic. And we've got churches,
church pastors that are participating in it
and telling their congregations,
put your faith in the vaccine.
Just believe in the vaccine.
Put your faith in Jesus Christ.
Rip off that mask
and praise the Lord
with the voice he gave you.
Leave Babylon behind, leave the sin behind, and you leave the plague behind.
I got to tell you a story before we...
So I have seldom gone into restaurants in the past year,
but Susan and I went into a restaurant yesterday.
Was it a Panda Express?
No. No. The Panda Express will not allow you in without a mask.
Oh, man. Absolutely cannot go in. So they forget that black pepper chicken.
But they do have a drive through. So they haven't required the mask at the drive through yet.
OK, but you can't get inside Panda Express without a mask.
So I don't play that game. But we went into a restaurant that was not mask mandatory.
They had to sign,
but they weren't enforcing it.
We were seated next to
a Christian couple
and the gentleman was a pastor.
I'm assuming he was a pastor
because he had a neck
chain. He had a cross. It was Sunday afternoon. Everybody was talking to him in the restaurant.
I just assumed he was a pastor. He's sitting right beside me. Everybody there seated, you know, close.
So when he finished, he and his wife stood up and put their mask
on to walk
out of the restaurant.
Were they immune the entire
time they were sitting down?
Apparently. I wanted to ask him.
So the entire time
you've been sitting
here, the virus has
waited over here.
Ready to jump on you once you left the table.
And you're going to push your chair back.
And the moment you stand over here to walk out the door,
the virus is going to jump on you.
But he did.
He put his mask on.
His wife put her mask on.
And they walked through the restaurant to leave.
It's a uniform.
I'm like, sir, you're a pastor.
You're a thinking man. You're a man of faith. Why are you doing this? I'll tell you why. Because he's been told if you want to seat at the table in this community, if you want to be a respected
pastor, what kind of pastor do you want to be? A respected pastor or one of them?
Do you want to be invited to meetings in the county?
Do you want to be part of the team?
Then wear the mask and tell your congregation to wear a mask
and tell them to get vaccinated.
You're called to be a shepherd, not a sheep.
Why is he acting like that?
At least be consistent.
Why wasn't he wearing it the entire time sitting that? At least be consistent. Why wasn't he worrying the entire
time sitting down? It was him submitting. Yes. But I watch this all the time. I watch people.
Oh, no, I was in two restaurants over the weekend. So I was in a, I was in a, I'll tell you,
I was in a Five Guys. Okay. And you know how small Five Guys is. I mean, it's basically a thousand square foot restaurant.
And I'm seated at a table.
There's all these people.
You know, it's probably 15 tables.
Nobody has a mask on.
But everybody there, when they left, put their mask on to walk out.
If they walked over to the counter to get a napkin, they put their mask on.
I just watched it.
Do you all know how stupid you look, how stupid you're behaving?
They've become carriers of tyranny.
They're super carriers for tyranny.
They're super carriers of tyranny. They're super carriers for tyranny. They're super carriers of stupidity.
But they put their mask on to walk past all the people who
were not wearing their masks.
And then they went outside on the sidewalk and walked through the parking lot with their mask on.
I would gander that the same people that are willing to do that
are the ones that are actually lining up to get the vaccine,
which in turn, if Dr. Bosch is correct, they're turning themselves into actual carriers of a virus which could harm you and me.
They are actually allowing their stupidity to drive them to being infectious carriers of a killer disease.
It is. So my son, Jeremy, and his wife, Tiana, I was talking to them yesterday afternoon.
They drove somewhere to take their children for an afternoon, and they were going to go
through a park.
It's a commercial park, you know, for children.
And they turned around, came back because masks were mandatory.
This is to walk outside.
The walk around outside in this park, it was mandatory to wear masks.
So they just said, forget it.
We're not doing this.
So they went to the beach.
The beach was full of people with masks sitting on the beach at the ocean.
In swimsuits. In swimsuits, wearing a mask.
That doesn't make any sense.
It's dumb. It's real dumb.
It's dumb. It's stupid.
And these are the
dumb people that are going to be
vaccinated and become
super carriers.
They're going to wipe them.
They're going to, according to Dr. Vandenbosch,
we're going to wipe out a huge portion of the human population.
Eric, I just realized that if you wear a mask to the beach,
you're actually wearing a stupidity snorkel.
So, but I'll tell you what I think about.
America's population drops to 99 million in the next four years.
What could cause it?
And we've been wondering what could possibly cause it.
Well, the stupid virus can.
All right.
Let's pray.
I'm going to pray that you're not stupid and that you don't fall for this stuff. You don't allow people to convince you to be vaccinated.
You need protection against stupidity right now
because you're going to have relatives and friends and coworkers
and your employer and others telling you that you have to be vaccinated.
You must be vaccinated.
You should be vaccinated.
There's going to be a lot of pressure in the coming weeks and months. The big push is on now. The big push is on. I talked to
one of our consultants today. He doesn't know what to do because his son's school
told them, your son must be vaccinated with coronavirus vaccine in order to come to
school. It's like, what am I going to do? I said, you got two choices, homeschool or move out of
the state. Yes. You got to protect your kid. So there's going to be some major decisions made
by a lot of you in the coming months. You may lose your job.
You may have to move out of your state because they're going to demand
that your children be vaccinated.
You may have to change churches.
Chicago pastors are saying
you won't be allowed in their church.
Yeah, if your pastor's standing up there
telling you to have faith
in the coronavirus vaccine,
that's where you should get up
in the middle of the sermon and walk out.
Just run.
Get away from it.
So, but if Dr. Vandenbosch is right, we're going to see a lot of death and sickness in the second part of this year.
A lot of death and sickness.
Pandemic level.
And the media and the government's going to tell us
you unvaccinated
people have caused it.
That's what's so Machiavellian about their
position. They will blame us
for the surge they create.
Yes, and so they have a reason
to lock you up
and blame you
for causing death
which they caused,
and they knew all along they did it.
Only a devil could come up with a plan like this.
Like I said, it's diabolical.
It's wicked.
Let us pray.
Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, we pray.
Father, I ask that you protect all of the True News family,
every single man, woman, and child watching us,
a part of this ministry.
I ask that you protect them, physically protect their bodies,
protect their minds, protect them in all ways, Lord.
Give them wisdom and tell them what decisions that they must make.
Some of them, Father, you already know, are going to be confronted with hard choices.
They're going to have to make a choice either to submit to Babylon's vaccinations or lose their job, lose their schooling, lose their place of residency, many hard choices are going to come to your
people in the coming months.
I pray that you give them wisdom and that they would know now in advance what they should
do and that they would begin making plans so that they're not in a state of panic or fear.
Father, that they have calmness and foreknowledge
and would make wise plans and decisions.
Father, we pray in the name of Jesus that more scientists would come forth
and blow the whistle and expose this wicked, evil plan.
Father, so that innocent people are not sickened and killed by these wicked people who are serving Satan.
Father, protect your people as we go through the last days.
Keep us close to your bosom, Father.
And get us home, Father.
Get us home safe and sound.
In Jesus' name we pray.
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