TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Election Interference: Donald Trump Facing Jailhouse and Poor House Before November
Episode Date: August 16, 2024Former President Donald Trump future is increasingly pessimistic. Documents released on Thursday reveal the massive debt owed by Mr. Trump. Additionally, Mr. Trump will be sentenced on September 18.... Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 08/16/2024Listen to this FULL show: the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comIf you're a Faith & Values member, listen to today's show with other members here: can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! https://www.TruNewsGold.comGet high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Former President Donald Trump's future is looking increasingly pessimistic.
Documents released on Thursday reveal the massive debt owed by Mr. Trump.
Additionally, the former president will be sentenced on September 18. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Friday, August 16, 2024.
Let's begin by looking at this Newsweek article.
Donald Trump owes more than $100 million from lawsuits, according to financial disclosure documents.
Doc, this is staggering for Mr. Trump.
Newsweek reporting Donald Trump owes more than $100 million in liabilities linked to his legal troubles in New York,
as shown by the latest financial disclosure report released on Thursday. The document showed the former president owed between $1 million and
$5 million in liabilities to Gene Carroll's first civil lawsuit against him that he lost in May 2023.
And then Mr. Trump was in that one, was ordered to pay Ms. Carroll $5 million. But then she sued again because Mr. Trump opened up his mouth after she won the lawsuit
and he said more things.
And so she sued a second time and was awarded $83.3 million.
There's also $50 million in liabilities stemming from the New York civil case brought against Mr. Trump by New York Attorney General Letitia James, who was listed as a creditor, the state of New York. He's going to be sentenced September 18. I thought that the Supreme Court case was going to just nullify that conviction.
But Mr. Trump's lawyers lost several cases where they made appeals to New York courts to stop that sentencing.
They lost all of them.
And so the sentencing is set now for September.
The sentencing is now back on track for September 18.
And I'm going to get back to where I was at before the Supreme Court ruling.
They're going to put handcuffs on him.
He'll probably end up inside Rikers island that's that's hard to comprehend the
the republican party campaign collapses at that moment it collapses
if they take donald trump away on september 18 and put in a prison, whether it's for one year
or 150 years.
It doesn't matter.
The Republican nominee will be in prison.
And the Republican Party campaign for 2024 will collapse.
That's what we're facing.
And thus the entire Republican ticket, really.
All the way down.
All the way down.
Because there won't be a leader at the top.
the Republican Party,
the Republican National Committee
could go into an emergency session
and rescind the nomination and appoint somebody else.
And, you know, you can only guess at who that's going to be.
Well, I can guess it would probably be Nikki Haley.
That's most likely where they would go.
Because research is showing that if there was a head-to-head competition between Haley and Harris, Haley wins.
By a good margin, by the way.
And you could be back to Marco Rubio as vice president.
A Haley-Rubio ticket.
Don't rule this out.
Hey, Biden was going to be the nominee for the democrats
and it changed overnight didn't it right one phone call from nancy pelosi put an end to joe biden's
political career one phone call from nancy and you know it's if you believe the reports
that are circulating nancy pelosi called joe Biden and said, if you do not withdraw,
I am going to publicly demand your withdrawal from the race. It was on that day, literally
that hour, that Joe Biden knew the game was over. It was up. His friend of 50 years, Nancy Pelosi, put a knife in his back.
And so what we're saying is the Democratic race was turned upside down overnight.
And have you noticed, where is Mr. Trump?
Well, he's usually either camped out at Mar-a-Lago or Bedminster, one of the two.
Why isn't he campaigning?
Well, that's a great, he's supposed to have a rally this weekend, but.
But since the Republican convention, he seems to, to me, maybe I'm missing something.
He seems to be AWOL.
Well, at least not as engaged as he normally is. So has he given up?
When his lawyers told him, you're going to be sentenced on September 18, we can't stop it, has he just thrown up his hands and said it's i'm done what's the point in going out here
spending money campaigning i'm going to prison he may be at that place where he's
he's out of energy to keep going i mean we're only talking three weeks away
yes that's right i mean if you knew you were going to prison for the rest of your life in three
weeks, what would you be doing right
Getting my affairs in order.
I don't
want to sound pessimistic, but
things change quickly.
In politics, 24 hours
can change everything.
And you've got Mr. Trump.
There's no way he gets out of this $100 million.
Now, he's personally liable for that, right?
So that doesn't impact any of his campaign funds or anything like that along the way, does it?
But the judge in New York, remember, is going to seize all these properties, and so is Letitia James.
In order to pay off.
To pay these debts.
And the Attorney General is going to be the first in line, right?
That's right.
So if his properties are sold, Mr. Trump doesn't have anything to sell.
One way or the other, these liabilities are going to be paid,
and they're going to be paid with Trump assets. Trump towers, Trump real estate, Trump golf courses.
And then he's sitting in prison.
And he's going to be locked up for years in Rikers Island.
Do you know, Doc, Rikers Island is not – that's really not –
It's not summer camp.
And they're going to send him someplace where he'll be beat up.
I mean, this is the reality of where we're at in the United States.
This is the way politics is played now.
You know, we really are in a civil war right now, aren't we?
Yes, we are.
Yes, we are.
Now that you bring up civil war, so what happens?
What does the Trump base do on September 18?
I can't believe we're back to this discussion again.
What does the Trump base do on September 18 or September 19 if they see Mr. Trump handcuffed and taken to prison?
Will there be no reaction?
Or will there be an explosion of anger, fury?
If people, if tens of millions of Trump fans realize the election process in this country
is rigged.
Really rigged. Really rigged.
Very rigged.
If they can't rig the voting machines,
they'll put you in prison.
One way or the other,
they're going to win the elections.
So I warned the American people in 2008
that a communist revolution was underway,
led by Barack Obama.
And it's still underway.
It's wrapping up.
They're coming to power, to full power.
It started in 2008.
I mean, if you really want to, I mean, it's back many decades.
But I'm talking about serious threat to the Constitutional Republic 2008 with Barack Obama.
He was a street organizer.
Everybody in that man's life was a communist.
He was mentored by communists.
He was milked on communism.
Yes, he was. And so he has been leading a communist revolution in this country since 2008.
And they're ready to seize the, you know, they're ready to plant their flag at the top of the hill.
They just about have the country. And the opposition, whether it's the Republican
Party, patriots, conservatives, whatever, they're so weak. They don't know how to deal
with a communist revolution because they can't bring themselves to say the words communist
revolution. Because they won't say it, they can't fight it.
You've got that right.
That's it right there.
They won't admit that.
They won't admit it.
That in America,
a communist revolution has taken place.
No, Rick, it's not communism.
It's leftist.
It's just leftist, progressive, whatever.
Everything else but communism.
It's a hardcore Marxist communist revolution.
And once they have total power, they act like communists.
And communists execute their opponents.
That's right.
So we're very close to that stage.
And it doesn't mean it happens suddenly all at once.
But once they know
there's nobody left to oppose us and this these tactics that they're using against donald trump
and republicans they will be brought down to the state level to the county level to the city level
yes over the next 10 years until there's no opposition at all, you'll think you're in North Korea.
Because that's the way they will operate.
There'll be one party, and they will have universal control over everything in the United States of America.
Be prepared for it. Well, speaking along the lines of communism,
Kamala Harris has issued her new economic plan for the future of America.
And this is from NBC News.
Harris to endorse.
We're going into it.
So Harris is to endorse protections for renters and removal of key tax benefits for
Wall Street investors buying
homes. Now, listen carefully to this article here, and you're going to see the first steps toward
this. Vice President Harris's campaign on Thursday rolled out some of her housing policy proposals,
including her support for efforts at lowering the cost of rent and helping renters who are
struggling financially. All sounds good, doesn't it?
So as part of the rollout, Harris will call on Congress to pass the Preventing the Algorithmic Facilitation of Rental Housing Cartels Act,
a bill introduced by Senator Wyden of Oregon and Peter Welch of Vermont, both Democrats.
They said it would prevent corporate landlords from using private equity-backed price-setting tools to raise rents dramatically in communities across the country.
Translated, price controls.
That's what that is.
And that's a core tenet of communism, price control.
National price controls.
That's right.
So Harris will also call on Congress to pass the Stop Predatory Investing Act,
a bill introduced by Sherrod Brown of Ohio and several other Democratic senators.
The bill is designed to stop communities from being taken advantage of by those Wall Street investors and distant landlords.
The bill would curtail those practices by removing key tax benefits for major investors who acquire large numbers of single-family rental homes.
Because they're so evil in buying single-family rental homes, Rick.
Harris also plans to express support for the ongoing efforts by the Biden administration
to expand rental assistance for Americans, including for veterans,
boost housing supply for those without homes,
enforce fair housing laws, and make sure corporate landlords can't use
taxpayer dollars to unfairly rip off renters. I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw.
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Go to To exercise caution amid ongoing Doha hostage truce talks.
But there's nobody in the talks.
The people who are holding the hostages aren't there.
So he's telling Iran, be careful.
We've got hostage talks underway.
But the hostage takers are not here.
So who are they negotiating with?
They're negotiating with Israel.
Yes, that's really who they are.
They're negotiating with Israel.
Israel controls the fate of the hostages.
That's at the bottom line there.
It's not Hamas.
It's Israel that controls the fate of the hostages.
Netanyahu controls the fate of the hostages.
You got it, Doc.
They're happy to do it for you.
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