TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Exclusive: Fast & Furious Hero Tells Truth About Biden’s Open Border Debacle

Episode Date: April 3, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall shares an exclusive interview with Victor Avila, author of the book “Agent Under Fire”, in which he details his story of serving on the nation’s southern, and the ongoing immigration disaster. Avila is an outspoken voice for the patriotic men and women who desire to see US laws enforced, and stop the flow the migrant wave from the South. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/02/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Good Friday, April 2nd, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The crisis at the border has entered its second month, as more than 100,000 women, children, and military-age males pour across, unvetted, untested, and untracked. President Biden knows this story too well, as he and President Obama weathered their own border crisis, and it involved drug weapons trafficking, and a scandal called Fast and Furious. One story that burned Fast and Furious into the minds of Americans
Starting point is 00:01:08 was a cartel ambush of two DHS agents in Mexico, leaving one officer dead and another alive but shaken. That survivor was Special Agents Victor Avila. And here is his story. I fought the assignment. I challenged it. You were supposed to drive down an extremely dangerous and maybe forbidden road, right? Correct. Victor Avila was a special agent with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, in Mexico.
Starting point is 00:01:39 On February 15, 2011, he and fellow ICE agent Jaime Zapata got an unusual assignment, a task that required them to travel an infamous Mexican highway to pick up equipment. And the assignment was unusual because there was an edict not to travel on that road. Is that correct? Correct. The U.S. ambassador through the regional security office at the U.S. embassy had issued a notice of alert prohibiting all U.S. personnel to drive on Highway 57 northbound specifically to Monterey. Because the cartels
Starting point is 00:02:11 control that highway. Correct. There was numerous amounts of violence and shootings involving the Mexican government and military and the cartels. Why would you be sent on an assignment that's so dangerous that defies instructions? I don't know. Not only that, they were sent on the forbidden road without the normal armed escort vehicle. So they were all alone on the way back with Agent Zapata driving when two SUVs approached and forced them off the highway. Zeta cartel members surrounded them, shoved the barrels of a handgun and an AK-47 rifle into their slightly cracked open window and opened fire. During the shooting, I saw Jaime get hit. He said, I'm hit, I'm shot. The handgun was shooting. I grabbed the handgun and burned my hand, trying to stop it from shooting. And I tell Jaime, go, go, go, go.
Starting point is 00:03:06 Step on the gas. Jaime was already severely wounded. And I grabbed the handle from the Suburban. I slammed it down in gear and pushed his right leg onto the accelerator. The Suburban went into the median of Highway 57. At what point did you get shot? I was shot during that time. I didn't realize it. I didn't know that I had been shot. I was bleeding profusely from my chest and my leg, and I had a lot of shrapnel and glass from my face.
Starting point is 00:03:38 This is a victim of an compromise. We are shot. We are shot. We are on the highway. Over 100 rounds were fired. Agent Zapata didn't make it. That's Avila in a wheelchair at the funeral. In 2012, I first uncovered internal case files showing that in June 2010, the government opened a case named Baytown Crew against this Texas man, Manuel Barba. According to documents, while under federal investigation, Barba took delivery of 10 AK-47s. Federal agents even recorded Barba talking of having sent the firearms to Mexico
Starting point is 00:04:18 and obliterating the serial numbers before they were trafficked. One of those weapons was used in the shooting incident which killed Special Agent Zapata, according to court documents. In March, years after Congress demanded an investigation, the Inspector General finally issued a report. Incredibly, it found that Barba was a known criminal in federal custody before he trafficked one of the murder weapons. He was let loose because the feds wanted to use him as an informant, but that left Barba free to lead the Baytown crew trafficking ring
Starting point is 00:04:50 that sent firearms to Mexican drug cartels, including the one used in Agent Zapata's murder. All these errors had significant consequences, concluded the IG. To this day, I don't know of anyone being admonished, held accountable at all to this day. Victor has since retired from the DHS, but not from service to his country. He is now a voice for our men and women who patrolled the U.S.-Mexico border.
Starting point is 00:05:20 And he has just arrived back from the Rio Grande River to provide an exclusive eyewitness report about the Biden border breach. That in just a moment. Joining me first are True News founder Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhardt. Edward. Edward, that brings back to my memory some very unpleasant thoughts as I remember what happened to these two agents. And I believe then, and I still believe today, those men were set up and they,
Starting point is 00:05:58 they suffered agents of pot of died because this wasn't a, this wasn't an accident. It wasn't a mistake. It wasn't unfortunate circumstances. Barack Hussein Obama and Eric Holder deliberately sent guns into Mexico and armed the drug cartels. Yes. I denounced it then. I was outspoken consistently when we learned about Fast and Furious,
Starting point is 00:06:36 the name of the project. Obama was never held accountable. Eric Holder was never held accountable. There was no explanation, Doc. Never. Why is the United States government, through the ATF, sending guns to drug cartels in Mexico? What is the logic? What is the justification for it? The only reason for it is that they were arming drug cartels. Right. I mean, you want to talk about gun control? We need to get the U.S. government under control.
Starting point is 00:07:09 Yes. They're the worst ones in misusing firearms. More people have died because of the U.S. government's misuse of firearms than any other reason. And those guns also found their ways into the streets of Chicago, New York, other cities around the United States. How many Americans died at the hands of government mistakes? Well, what was Obama and Eric Holder doing? What was their motive for arming drug cartels? Other than to provide weapons to people who were invading the United States of America by coming across the borders.
Starting point is 00:07:46 And here we are today in 2021 and Biden's vice president is in the White House and we have open borders again. And let me tell you, we got Obama as president again, because Joe doesn't know what's going on, but Obama does. Obama's running the White House. And that's why the borders are open again. And so this story brings back a lot of unpleasant memories as an American citizen, disgust and anger at the senseless killing of an agent and the wounding of another agent. And I'm glad, Edward, that you had an opportunity today to talk to Agent Avila. Oh, he's a real hero.
Starting point is 00:08:30 I mean, just reading up on his story, seeing again the report on his story, he grabbed a gun by the barrel. All right, I know we all would think we would do these kind of things in this situation, do anything to stay alive, but he took that action. He grabbed it. The courage that that took to do just that and the courage it's taken to keep speaking out about a topic that, as we've seen, it's a topic you can't talk about. The current border patrol is silenced. They've got a gag order against them. But he went
Starting point is 00:09:00 down. He went down to personally witness the porous border, the unvetted flow of migrants, and again, the national security implication that our open border creates. So I got a call from my friend Pat Six in Dallas-Fort Worth telling me about the photographs photographs and the video that agent Avila just brought back to Texas and told, told his friends in the DFW region that it's unbelievable what's going on at the border right now. Probably the worst it's ever been. I, you know, I can't watch or, or listen to television news, radio news. I can't do it. No, it's nauseating. Welcome to the club.
Starting point is 00:09:50 I can't do it. I'm so disgusted. I'm beyond the place of even listening to them to hear the propaganda that they're putting out. Because it's not new. They're just rehashing, recycling old propaganda lines. So right now what they're doing with the border is it's a crisis, Doc. It's a crisis. Don't you know it's a crisis? Yes, it's a crisis. And the issue is what are we going to do about this crisis, the crisis at the border?
Starting point is 00:10:18 No, it's not a crisis. It's a planned operation. People are saying Joe Biden needs a plan. Joe Biden has a plan. This is the plan. The crisis is the plan. They're carrying out the plan. It's not a crisis.
Starting point is 00:10:35 It's a plan. It's a plan to overrun the American border with millions of people to change the demographics of the United States of America, to bring in unvetted people. From far away lands. Illegally. It's not just South Americans, Central Americans. No, it's Chinese, Iranians, Bangladeshis. Anybody who wants to come into the country doesn't want to wait six to ten years for a green card.
Starting point is 00:11:08 They know they go right to the border and come in that way. But if you say if you say there's something wrong with it and the border needs to be controlled, you're you're yeah, you're a racist, a white supremacist, a white nationalist. How much you just care about the integrity of the United States of America and the American dream? Well, the name calling is part of the communist tactics. And it's it's gone on long enough. What are we going to see? What are we going to hear today from Agent Villa's interview with you? Well, he's going to share video and photos that no one else in the country has seen.
Starting point is 00:11:41 He's confirming there indeed is an unvetted flow of young children, women, and military-age males. He's going to talk about what the cartels are doing. He's an expert on this. That was his assignment when he was in the DHS. He has spoken to the men and women who are right now on the border with the gag order. He's their voice.
Starting point is 00:12:01 You're going to hear from the men and women on the border through Agent Avia. All right. I'm interested in seeing it. Let's watch this. Welcome to your news, Mr. Evia. My understanding is you just came from the U.S.-Mexico border down by the Rio Grande. What did you see? Yes, I was down there for a couple of days this week, wanting to go down there and see for myself what was going on. And let me tell you, it is beyond a crisis. It's a dire situation down there. I was able to make contact with the Border Patrol agents and hear firsthand from them what is going on. And beyond them being overwhelmed, that goes without saying, there's almost absolutely no enforcement of our borders right now. And it's a total shame
Starting point is 00:12:47 that our border patrol agents are not patrolling the border. They are basically waiting for these migrants to come up and turn themselves in. But they do assure me that there's still the illegal activity of the smuggling, the human trafficking, the human smuggling that continues away from them because these cartels know that they're overwhelmed and taking care of these migrants, hundreds of them and thousands of them at one time, taking that to their advantage and using that to smuggle in other areas. You mentioned the cartels. Obviously, you're a veteran of this fight against the cartels, both as a federal agent and now in your work raising awareness to the real repercussions of not protecting or maintaining border security. With the cartels, it seems every time we have one of these waves, the cartels are quick to fill the vacuum.
Starting point is 00:13:39 You mentioned that no border patrol agents are patrolling. Is that due to orders they've received not to patrol or has there been a change of strategy? That's a great question. That's absolutely right. It's the Biden administration through the Secretary of Homeland Security, Alejandro Mayorkas, who have limited the functions of the border patrol. They have tied their hands, not only border patrol at our border, but ICE in the interior enforcement and other areas of enforcement. And they are frustrated, to say the least. I have never seen
Starting point is 00:14:11 in my career the Border Patrol agents on edge. All they want to do is go back to do their jobs. This is not what they signed up to do, be caretakers and medical assistants to process these individuals. By the way, when I was down there under one of the bridges that receives the migrants, as they walk about two miles from the river and turn themselves in, there was over 400 plus bodies that were released to the street, not to the Donna Center that we've all seen images to, not to any detention facility, but to a bus station in McAllen, Texas, where they get a bus ticket or an airline ticket through a charity location to be sent to their final destination all over the United States. What do you mean just released? I know you've sent me some photos and videos that we're
Starting point is 00:15:03 happy to share with our audience. You mentioned the bus. So this is the depot. This is a warehouse area. Is this one of the areas that you've seen? Is this the bus area or the camp area that you saw? The video that I sent you is the outside of the Donna Center. And the reason I sent you that video is we've all seen pictures of the inside of the facility. And this, what we're seeing right now, is the new construction, which is going to be two to three times bigger than what is there.
Starting point is 00:15:31 This is not solving the immigration crisis and the migrants by building more facilities to house more individuals and unaccompanied minors. The solution is to secure the border and keep people from coming in to begin with in the first place. I mean, we're sending people to military bases. We're sending them to convention centers in Dallas, San Diego. I don't see that as a solution to the problem, building more facilities. But I wanted to show that video because they are getting ready to, you know, to receive more people. And obviously, because of the conditions in the Dana Center that are overcrowded, they want to be able to provide better and adequate facilities to the children that are already there. But in the long run, that is not the way that you address this issue. I would agree, sir. I mean, just looking at other examples of where countries have attempted to deal with waves of migration into their country by creating a permanent refugee camp,
Starting point is 00:16:30 either on the border or on the undesirable part of their country. I mean, the Middle East, a prime example, Jordan has one of the largest refugee camps for Syrians. It's been there since the 1967 war. Certainly not something I think Americans want to have to deal with, a permanent camp on our border. You mentioned buses. I believe we have the video of the buses. This video you sent to me, are you saying that this bus just stopped further down and then just let off migrants? Or was this by the camp?
Starting point is 00:17:00 This bus, these are individuals that came from the border, from the river. They were turned to the South Border Patrol. These individuals did not make it to the Donna Center, to a detention facility to get DNA tested or background checks for criminal checks. These are individuals that were just released to the streets. In other words, that area that you see there with the video, they are released. That area is right across the street from the bus station in McAllen, Texas.
Starting point is 00:17:31 They're going into another tent, which was set up by FEMA to do COVID testing. And at least some of these individuals are being COVID tested, but there's a big question as to what happens to them, because I question the officers that were there. And if they test positive, they are then sent to hospitals, to I'm sorry, to hotels to quarantine. But I pose
Starting point is 00:17:53 the question is what if the parent test positive and the child test negative? What happens at that point? Are you going to separate the child from the parent again? Now keep in mind we have no idea that these children even belong or are next of kin to the adults that are with them and that's a big, big issue. I mean you're inferring here that we actually aren't doing any checks against child sex trafficking. I mean as I video it, I noticed how many women and children, young children are being brought in. They're getting tested, but not being vetted. And it did just break today that we're spending almost $100 million. As Senator Blackburn said, $86.9 million is being spent for hotels for migrant families. As you noted,
Starting point is 00:18:37 we're not separating those who may be positive or negative on COVID. But what is true is they're not positively cleared for not being part of a cartel, not being a part of a trafficking network, or themselves being adults taking children into criminal networks in this country. That is an incredible report, sir. I would argue that what you were saying is that we have absolutely no border security right now in that situation. I agree with that assessment. And there is no border security right now. And let me share this with you as well. Initially, the young males, the 25-year-olds, you know, group of males by themselves were being sent with the family units that you see. Well, all of a sudden, I question, where are they? I didn't see a lot of them.
Starting point is 00:19:28 Well, the cartels, believe it or not, this is intel directly from the Border Patrol agents. The cartels are doing their own vetting on the Mexican side of the criminal young males, of the possible cartel members, and not sending them anymore amongst the family units. They are being smuggled because they don't want Border Patrol to find out that they're sending individuals with possible criminal histories or ties to organized crime. So they are now being smuggled separately. And that's a big, big cause for alert there because, like I mentioned earlier, the smuggling
Starting point is 00:20:05 continues, the trafficking continues. I sent you a video of a tractor trailer that's being offloaded. That is near San Antonio, Texas, hundreds of miles away from the border, just to show and prove that, in fact, the smuggling continues. That's the video right there. Look at the individuals. These are all mostly male individuals. You will not see children here. And that continues to happen. These are the ones that are not being counted, by the way. In February, we had a little over
Starting point is 00:20:38 100,000. March numbers just came out. It was 150,000. But that doesn't count what we call the gotaways, what Border Patrol calls them the gotaways, people that got away and came in undetected into our country. And by the way, these are not just individuals from Mexico and Central America. We have people from all over the world, Chinese, people from Bangladesh, from Somalia, Yemen, which we consider special interest aliens that might have ties to terrorism. And that's a big concern, and it's a national security issue. Oh, certainly, sir. I mean, when my family came to America, we had to immigrate legally. My heart goes out to all families in need in the world.
Starting point is 00:21:19 And as a Christian, I believe you have to follow the laws. We personally had to go through a major process. I had a green card for much of my growing up. And I look at this situation. There is no check going in place. You noted here there's at least two separate smuggling routes, not one for just the criminals and others, for those who are just being put through the system. I want to just real quick, that video,
Starting point is 00:21:40 because when you sent that to me, Mr. Villa, I felt like that video, it's become the, it should be the poster video for this entire crisis. It was surreal because I'd like to play it with the sound. There's the music that's playing while you're seeing Miles from the Border by San Antonio. People just come jumping off a tractor trailer and running right into america no one's stopping just as if it was it was that they've arrived at an amusement park arrived in a brand new country which is what they have and they're probably saying to themselves wow we've made it there's absolutely no restrictions that we why should we even bother trying to flying in or go through the
Starting point is 00:22:19 proper process can i play that video real quick with the sound for the audience? I'll jump in here and say, keep in mind that these are the individuals that made it alive. There's a lot of immigrants that are smuggled this way that do not make it, that suffocate in the back of these tractor trailers and die. Oh, that's a great point, sir. And so this one made it and they're lucky because we've seen many, many instances where that in my own career, the cases that I investigated were 18, 20 bodies in the back of a pickup truck under plywood packed in like sardines. And because my point here is that the cartels treat human bodies and human beings as products, as a product for them to get paid for the money, for their power, that they continue
Starting point is 00:23:37 to grow. That is one thing that I have to make clear that the cartels have evolved much in the last few years into now they control all of it. It used to be where the human smugglers and the coyotes and human traffickers were kind of separate from the drug trafficking. Well, it's no longer. It's now the cartels that control all of it. In these smuggling ventures, they are sending these illegal aliens with drugs, with methamphetamines. You will take 200 pounds of methamphetamine with you as part of the smuggling venture. And the individuals don't have a choice.
Starting point is 00:24:15 The cartels rule that. This is beyond what the women and children have already suffered at the hands on the Mexican side from these cartels. The viciousness of the females, we've heard about the rapes. They do happen. The exploitation of the children, plus the ones that will continue to be exploited in the United States for either forced labor reasons or sexual exploitation. Well, the cartels are not obviously small mom-and-pop shops. They're billion-dollar operations.
Starting point is 00:24:49 We learned this from the prosecution of El Chapo, the notorious cartel leader from one of the most dangerous cartels in Mexico. You've noted already they have set up an operation on the border to even pre-vet some people to make sure that their guys, their potential soldiers, probably even recruiting out of this bunch, can go a separate route. Let's talk about the cartels and their activities. You're very versed, not just in your conversations with the Border Patrol agents down there, but with your own experiences, especially with ICE,
Starting point is 00:25:20 that the cartels often in the past have worked with terrorist organizations. Is there any reports that these well-established smuggling routes are now also being used to smuggle in terrorists, weaponry and other illicit means for attacking the United States? So I'll start by saying this. When I worked in Mexico, and absolutely the cartels have linked up with, for example, Hezbollah. And Hezbollah has linked to the cartels because of the possible terror financing. They know that these cartels make, like you said, billions of dollars, and these terrorist
Starting point is 00:26:02 organizations require money to continue to function. And so, yes, there is that tie already. And the smuggling of these special interest aliens while I was there in Mexico, I saw them. They were there. I interviewed them. And they continue to come through Mexico because they know that when they get to Mexico, they're as good as being in the United States. There are camps or communities already been set up in Mexico for many years now on the Tijuana side, all over the border of Middle Easterners, Africans, Asians, Cubans, that are already there in Mexico to get to see the rest of their people come through. So what's happening now is that since the border has kind of opened up now completely, first as an unaccompanied minor, by the way, there's a lot of 20, 21-year-olds claiming to be 17-year-olds, and there's a lot of fraud being committed there.
Starting point is 00:26:58 And Border Patrol has no idea. And like you said, there's no vetting there's no uh the consulates by the way are nowhere to be found to be able to help authorities and provide a birth certificate or some kind of identification of these individuals so we're taking the word for it um and uh they're coming in as unaccompanied minors treated just like a six or seven year old evenold, even though they're 17, might be 20, 21 years old. So that's a big security issue as well. And so as you can see, it's a big picture that has a lot of avenues to it. And the cartels will exploit every avenue to gain access, especially with the drugs. The drugs continue. The fentanyl, the methamphetamine, the heroin,
Starting point is 00:27:43 the cocaine continues to be trafficking to our communities all around our country. With the smuggling, we know that it requires drivers, it requires trucks in this case. These were rented or owned by people. Do we know what companies are being used for this? They have to be drivers driving in these trucks, for example, right? Absolutely. They've been, I've worked with them many, many times. And, you know, in law enforcement, we try to infiltrate sometimes with undercover work
Starting point is 00:28:15 and drive some of these trucks and intercept them that way because they either have companies that are complicit with the activity, or sometimes it's just the individual driver that they get to and offer them money to either smuggle the drugs from Mexico into the U.S., or like you saw, pick up aliens or the drugs and ship them further into the United States. And it might be just the driver at that point that decides to do that independently of the company. Either way, the activity continues to happen, and the enforcement is what we need down at the border. Texas, the Department of Public Safety, the troopers have really stepped up and have really helped in
Starting point is 00:28:57 patrolling the river. They rescued a six-month-old baby just a few days ago that was thrown in the river, and thank goodness that they were there to do that. We've seen drownings. While I was there, by the way, there was another drowning of an individual, an adult. So we've had several drownings already. And we're going to continue to see these on the border deaths that are unnecessarily. And they, you know, the cartels have no regard for life. They will push these people through, whether they turn themselves in, whether they're being smuggled, they get charged the same amount of money. And we're seeing a lot of cases where these individuals still owe money as they hit their
Starting point is 00:29:37 final destination. And so they're in a indentured servitude kind of situation with the cartels that they will be forced to pay them back, whether through illegal activity or as they work, work off the debt for being allowed to come in to this country. Why is this happening now? Is it simply the change of administration? Is it a change of season? Why now? These waves seem to come years apart, but we seem to be going through what could be one of the worst waves of unmitigated migration in U.S. history right now. This is unfortunately political, and it has to do with the Biden administration. Illegal immigration, of course, has happened throughout every administration. I know that I've seen that, and we need to fix it. But what we're seeing right now is unprecedented and it has to do with the policies
Starting point is 00:30:28 that are in place right now, which in my view is none. There is no enforcement. You know, the Title 42 enforcement of the pandemic, they took that away. The remain in Mexico and seeking asylum, they took that away. By the way, I did not hear the word
Starting point is 00:30:46 asylum, not once while I was down there. This is supposedly what they're doing is seeking asylum, but that's not the way you seek asylum. You seek asylum through a port of entry, not walking into from the river. And these individuals do not qualify for asylum. The interpretation of the asylum laws have changed. The laws haven't changed. It's just this administration and how they're ignoring the criteria, which I'll tell you the criteria is very simple. These individuals have to be persecuted by their government for their race, nationality, or political views. And that's just not the case.
Starting point is 00:31:23 They'll tell you that they're here to work. They're here escaping the violence and the dire economic situations in the country. And it's horrific. And we're humanitarian and we're compassionate about that. But at what point are we going to shift the burden to those countries rather than place the burden on the United States to take care of these individuals. We need to hold those countries accountable for their own citizens. And the burden is being shifted onto local jurisdictions. From what I'm reading, many local towns in Texas, for example, are just seeing these buses show up, drop off hundreds upon hundreds of migrants,
Starting point is 00:32:01 women, children, military-age males. And the local town might only have three police, three police to deal with now an influx of migrants who could become homeless, could be there during a natural disaster. I mean, the humanitarian end of this is horrific, especially if we do have another one of the crazy winter storms that Texas endured only about a month ago now. The concern I have is the Biden administration is that they're not encouraging the immigration. They've actually, you know, Joe Biden, the president of the United States, said, hey, I don't want you just coming across the border, you know, tacitly now telling people. But the problem is, is that in practice right now, if I was a migrant who wanted to come to America, wanted to experience the American dream I might have seen on TV, the easiest
Starting point is 00:32:52 route is literally to fly down to Mexico and go north. Though I don't want to discredit the arduous nature of that travel. It's pretty bad, right? You've patrolled that area. It's open desert. You've got to deal with the cartels. You've got to deal with the elements. I mean, have you come across in your time as a border agent, have you come across just corpses in the middle of the desert that you just didn't know what had happened to that poor person?
Starting point is 00:33:15 Well, at one point when I worked in Ciudad Juarez on the other side of the border of El Paso, Texas in Mexico at the consulate there, this was at the height of the violence when that city was the most dangerous city in the world. And they were averaging about 350 homicides a month. And so I have seen the mass graves. I have seen the violence, the disappearing of a lot of women down there at that time. And so, yeah, you're absolutely right. All that continues to happen. And I want to add here is the sustainability. There's no plan in sight for what you mentioned is these individuals. What are we to expect from them when a 14 to 15 year old shows up to Indiana or Maryland or New Jersey? Are we expected for them to show up and assimilate into a high school all of a sudden. You know, all they know is the broken country where they come from. And are they going to continue to work for the cartels? Are they a criminal element?
Starting point is 00:34:14 We don't know. By the way, Border Patrol tells me that a high, high percentage of these individuals can't read or write Spanish. So they have many, many challenges. A lot of people coming with illnesses, forget COVID, they're coming in with tuberculosis, lice, other issues that we've never seen in this country in a long time because they've never been vaccinated. And so you're going to see a strain and a burden on our education system locally, on our health care system, on our law enforcement, because you will see, unfortunately, the spike in crime. And it will be a burden on these towns
Starting point is 00:34:53 around our country that we're going to see, and hopefully people will wake up now and see that this is coming to a neighborhood near you. Well, sir, you mentioned the, I guess it would really be an irony of the fact that we're not checking for diseases. It's an odd dichotomy right now because if you live in a state that has lessened COVID restrictions, Florida, for example, I live in Florida, there's talk of limiting travel for myself to other states if I don't get a couple of vaccines, don't decide to wear a mask,
Starting point is 00:35:26 two, three masks, or a suit. I mean, the premise is that there is limited travel based on the fear that you may transfer diseases, yet there is unmitigated migration on the border, and there is no proper procedures, anything close to what citizens of America are being put through. Yet non-citizens, those who are attempting to come into the country illegally, are being not just exposed to local towns and areas on the border. As you know, they're being shipped by bus, my understanding. Is it also by airplane to places like Indiana? Are they being put on airplanes?
Starting point is 00:36:02 Yes, let me address that. You're absolutely right. There's no limit of travel for them. I saw them board the airplanes as I boarded myself when I came back home after coming from the border, not just buses, but airplanes. But this is the part that is just kind of mind-boggling to me that they're being allowed to board airplanes without an identification. I wasn't able to. When I traveled, I had to show an ID in order to board the airplane. But if you're an illegal alien coming into this country,
Starting point is 00:36:34 you will be allowed to board a bus or an airplane without any identification. And so I actually asked the Border Patrol, one of the Border Patrol agents at the airport down there in McAllen, I said, listen, how are they being allowed to get on? Is this the airline waiving that restriction or that demand or condition to show your ID? He says that they're just accepting a Form 213, which is what the Border Patrol agents give them, which is the information that the individual provides, which is their name, an address they have in the states. And they're using this documentation as an identification, which it's not. And that is a huge vulnerability that we see in our national security because we know that these terrorists, we've been attacked like that in the past. And so it is backwards,
Starting point is 00:37:26 it is upside down. And it's sometimes confusing as I was down there. I couldn't believe the complacency of like, what's going on here? Why aren't we upholding the laws of the United States? It's very simple. The solution is to enforce the law. And if you enforce the law, a lot of this will go away. But unfortunately, the Biden administration does not see it that way. One of the most frustrating things here is that we've been discussing this, at least in my lifetime, for at least a decade. You were dealing with this as a federal agent. And I'm looking at the border now. You sent me one video I'd like to show, I believe this is the border. There's a truck driving through it. What's going on here?
Starting point is 00:38:08 There's holes in the border. I mean, I see the fence line, but then there's just chunks of the border missing. Is that the border, the U.S.-Mexico border? This is the U.S.-Mexico border near McAllen, Texas. This video that I shot is just to prove that, you know, the Biden administration ended the construction of the border wall, but they ended it so abruptly that you see these holes, you see these sections, you see the materials just dumped on the side of the road. The access roads that Border Patrol uses to patrol those areas were dismantled in order to build the wall. Well,
Starting point is 00:38:46 they didn't even finish building at least the roads to finish that area. In any construction project, you just cannot just stop from one moment to the next. But that's what they did here, even though a lot of the money was already allotted to build this wall. So the wall is incomplete. It would definitely help and slow down the traffic. And I said it many times, and the Border Patrol just continues to back this up, this claim. As I talked to them again, they said, listen, we want the wall to funnel that illicit traffic and slow them down to a certain area so we have our border patrol agents able to respond because they have not just a wall but they have other technology on the border that they can use.
Starting point is 00:39:31 But the border wall is going to be a huge tool that really adds manpower because sometimes you have two to five border patrol agents patrolling a 75 or 100 mile area of the border, which is impossible to do. And so the wall really adds that extra layer of defense, and you don't have it anymore right now. Well, in looking at that, I mean, we're not going to cry over spilt milk in the sense that we didn't get the wall done under President Trump. We got hundreds of miles finished, but now the Biden administration has decided to turn it into a political football, and they've ended it. How are the agents dealing with this now? The transition was a difficult one for the country,
Starting point is 00:40:16 but I have to wonder, how is the transition for border agents, those who now maybe even see themselves out of work because they're not being allowed to do their job? Great question. I'm glad you asked that because I asked them that question. I asked them, how are you doing? They're very, very uptight, very on edge, stressed to the max, if you will. They are demoralized.
Starting point is 00:40:42 They're moral. The whole atmosphere of the Border Patrol is on the ground. They don't feel that they have any kind of backup as they did under the Trump administration. They are not allowed to do their jobs. Some of them said, we didn't sign up to do this. We want to go patrol the border. We want to stop the smugglers. We want to stop patrol the border. We want to stop the smugglers. We want to stop the illegal immigration.
Starting point is 00:41:06 But right now they're prohibited from actually doing the job that they were sworn and they took an oath to do. And so that's one of the things that I'm exploring to hopefully have the chiefs of all the sectors get them together and hopefully say to the Biden administration, you know what, we took an oath to uphold the Constitution, and we want to follow the laws. No matter what the Biden administration says, we're going to start enforcing the border, because that's what we are, we're a nation of laws. And hopefully that they could put enough pressure to hopefully get back to doing that. We have a lot of Border Patrol agents that have been, you know, detailed down to the southern border, but only to help process, only to be placed in the centers, not to be down there to patrol. And I did hear that there is a hiring of new individuals, which would not be border agents, would be considered a different series, to go and they're being trained to process these individuals at the levee, at the river, and at these centers to let the border patrol agents then go back and patrol the border.
Starting point is 00:42:19 And I'm hoping that happens. Well, is the U.S. military getting involved here? You mentioned El Paso. A person I was in the U.S. Army myself, a lot of my battle buddies come out of basic training, get stationed in El Paso, Fort Bliss. And they told me Juarez was just a hellscape. You know, you were barred, obviously, from going across the border. But the amount of crime actually prompted one of the brigades being moved to being a Homeland Defense Brigade. They obviously were limited in what they could do.
Starting point is 00:42:49 But I see the military being deployed against coronavirus, against the pandemic, being deployed to help vaccinate. Are they being used to protect our border? No, no. And they're being used for 25,000 of them for inauguration purposes. I'd rather see them down at the border. You put 25,000 military or National Guard, a U.S. National Guard at the border, you will stop the influx of these individuals coming in. It will it will stop in an instant. But it's the decision of the Biden administration that doesn't want to do that. There's a lot of aspects of the legal immigration. By the way, I'm a big proponent of
Starting point is 00:43:31 legal immigration. I myself, I'm a product of it. My parents came here legally. I was born in the United States. And I'm a product of the American dream here. And I want that for many, many people. But you have to do it the legal way. And I understand the legal immigration needs tweaking and fixing. I don't like the word, they use the word reform because I don't think all of it has to be reformed. But it needs to be fixed in some areas that needs help. We can't be having individuals wait 10 to 15 years with their green card to wait to become citizens or to get the
Starting point is 00:44:05 green card. By the way, those individuals are being pushed aside. Imagine them. They've gone through the health screening. They've paid their fees. They've done all the applications, the background. And all they see is hundreds of thousands of illegals coming in. They might as well say, I better go into Mexico and just come pay the cartel and come in and I'll come in within a day. And it doesn't make any sense that we're encouraging illegal immigration versus legal. So before we end, I wanted to give you one last opportunity to be the voice for the Border Patrol agents who can't speak, those who are on active duty service on the border. What did they want from the American people?
Starting point is 00:44:45 You've shown some images. We know about their welfare. We know the troubles they've been going through. What is the primary message that isn't being heard? Great question. I asked them. I told them specifically that, that I wanted to be a voice for them because they're still under the gag order, by the way. They're so afraid of talking to the media because they're afraid to lose their jobs. That's not the way we're supposed to be treating our men and women of the Border Patrol and CBP. We need to give them the encouragement. We need to give them the tools, the funding, everything necessary for them to do their job and to do it safer because they put their life on the line every day because they have to deal with a cartel on the other side. All they want to do
Starting point is 00:45:29 is to be allowed to do their jobs that they were trained to do. That's what they tell me. Let us go down there and patrol. Let us go down there and gather the intelligence that we used to do. Let us, even if we're gathering intelligence right now, there's no acting on the intelligence. There are areas where there are capturing, you know, individuals here and there, but it's a very, very small percentage, especially if you notice a lot of in the last news cycle, sex offenders, convicted felons that have been deported and they're coming back. Those individuals are coming back as well. And so we've been able to interdict and detain some of those,
Starting point is 00:46:07 but not to the levels of if we had all of our men and women down there patrolling. And that's what they want to do. They want to have the ability to go back and do their jobs. Our prayers go out to those agents under fire. And, sir, for our audience, if they want to keep updated on what you're doing as a spokesman for them, but also your past and your experience as a border security expert, I'd consider. Can you talk to the audience real quick about your book that you've published? Yes, I wrote my book, Agent Under Fire, A Murder and a Manifesto. in manifesto. This book is dedicated to and spells out the details of the ambush that Special Agent Jaime Zapata and I went through in 2011. We were ambushed by the Zeta cartel and Special Agent
Starting point is 00:46:56 Jaime Zapata tragically lost his life in the line of duty. I survived being shot three times by the grace of God. And so I wrote this book to inform people, let them know that this is what happens in Mexico and what the cartels happen. And I share a lot of personal information about family and faith as well. And the second part is exactly about what we've been talking today. And I addressed not just the issues, but solutions to illegal immigration, to DACA, sanctuary cities, asylum, everything that we're talking about today, I have addressed it in my book and the cartels
Starting point is 00:47:34 and their designation as foreign terrorist organizations, a lot of information in there. And I hope people could go to and you could order the book through there and also contact me for any speaking engagements. Well, thank you so much for your time, Mr. Avila, and thank you for your service to this country. Thank you so much for having me. Great interview, Edward. Thank you. Very good. I like him. Good patriot, American citizen serving his country and wondering why the government is working against us.
Starting point is 00:48:10 It is very difficult for the average American citizen to come to the place of admitting that there is an ongoing, long-running conspiracy underway to destroy the country. It's not incompetence. It's not incompetence. It's not bad politics. It's not a series of crisis. It is deliberate.
Starting point is 00:48:37 Yes. A deliberate plan to destroy the country, to destroy it as it has been for 300 plus years and to make a new country. That's what's been happening. And it's happened with the border under both Republican and Democrat administrations. Yes, it was the Republican House Speaker,
Starting point is 00:48:59 Paul Ryan, who blocked President Trump in 2017 when the Republicans controlled both the House and the Senate. That's right. The beginning of the Trump administration, we had all three. We had the Senate, the House, and the presidency. I can go back to the Obama regime and John Boehner and Mitch McConnell did nothing to force Obama to protect the border. Then you go back beyond that, and you got George W. Bush, and he did nothing.
Starting point is 00:49:30 Now, it was lip service. They pretended. George W. Bush was the governor of Texas, followed by Rick Perry, followed by Greg Abbott, three conservative Republican governors. None of them have done anything to defend the border of Texas. Oh, they did a little bit of window dressing,
Starting point is 00:49:53 a little bit of photo opportunities. But the next week it was business as usual. Absolutely. They're happy to censor Gabb to defend Texas. Yeah, Greg Abbott will condemn Abbott. He says that Gabb is not welcomed in the state of Texas. But illegals are. Well, he'll say he's upset about it.
Starting point is 00:50:18 But I'd like to see Governor Abbott call out the Texas National Guard and defend the border. If for no other reason than, I mean, if we're really serious about COVID, which I know it's all fake, but if they were really serious about COVID, you could make the argument, how do we know these people don't have COVID coming across the border? Of course they have it. But they put 25,000 National Guard troops in Washington, D.C. For what? An invisible enemy. To perpetuate a political narrative that white conservative Republicans were going to storm the Capitol and kill Democrats. And they didn't even treat them well.
Starting point is 00:50:58 I'm talking about the soldiers. Remember? They treated them like trash. Fed them in a parking lot. Fed them rotten food. Rotten food. All right. Remember? They treated them like trash. Fed them in a parking lot. Rotten food. And why aren't those troops on the border
Starting point is 00:51:09 right now? Well, we know why. Because the troops would stop the invasion. A wall is working up in D.C. They've got a wall around the capital, doesn't it? And it doesn't have any holes in it like the wall we saw in the video. That was outrageous. Surreal.
Starting point is 00:51:25 That's what our taxpayer dollars are funded. You can't blame Biden for that hole. That's a wall that Trump built. That's a double wide hole. Put a house through that. Why did the Trump administration do that? If you're going to be honest, you have to answer that question. It wasn't done
Starting point is 00:51:48 by Biden. That was done by Trump. This is a new wall. It's weird to leave a hole like that. You see the completed wall on the other side, the completed wall on the right. You don't have a gate. You have a gate completed, but you don't have the wall section. The other thing I saw in the video, the first video that Victor showed,
Starting point is 00:52:03 when the truck pulled up and the migrants. The tractor trailer. So watch to the right. Watch where the illegal. Look at that. That's a house. Whose house is that? Can you imagine you're living there on that farm, on that ranch in Texas?
Starting point is 00:52:20 You look out your window and. About 30, 30, 40 people are getting out of a truck running through your property. It's surreal. And think, Rick, this is what's so frustrating and I think mind boggling to even our listeners. There's a lot of listeners who are in America. They pay their taxes. They think, hey, if I just I'm just a good American, I pay my taxes and do my job. No breaking laws. This might fix this. I'll elect some good people to Congress. Your money is not going toward any of this stuff. Actually, your money is going toward things like Operation Fast and Furious. That's right. And right now in San Diego, you have emergency facilities jammed full
Starting point is 00:53:01 of children that came across the border. You're not going to convince me that an eight-year-old walked from Honduras by himself to California or Texas. You're not going to convince me. They were transported, and the transportation was paid for, most likely George Soros. I don't buy that story. Little children walking from Guatemala. Yeah, right. Sure. But right now you've got thousands of children in emergency centers in San Diego, jammed, packed in these facilities.
Starting point is 00:53:40 No covid testing, no six foot distancing. Right. But they have they have in person classroom education. Yes. Meanwhile, the American children, they have to in San Diego, have not been in school for a year. Right. They're still at home. They're still at home. But illegals in San Diego can gather together for school. It's crazy. COVID doesn't operate in the emergency shelters. It only operates in public school buildings. If you believe Fauci and the gang. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:16 And one of the other things out of that interview that, you know, well, two things really. The one is how there's another level of illegal immigration that's going on. The smuggling operation of the more vile elements that are coming across the border. The cartels, the cartels recruits. We're so occupied with the larger immigration that we're not being made aware of the underground immigration that's going on that really is going to cause the real problems later on. Yeah, Victor said that the drug cartels are, they're running a human resources operation on the Mexican side. They're recruiting the worst, the best of the worst, or I should say the worst of the worst, of the people that are coming through to go to the American side.
Starting point is 00:55:03 They're looking for who would be the best criminals. And they're keeping them. Yes. And finding a different route to get them into America to do their crimes, do their bidding. Rick, it's not all bad this week. There's actually been great news that's come out. We'd mentioned Gab and Texas governor trying to censor him. The CEO of Gab has actually made a decision this past week. He's gotten baptized. Praise God. Andrew Torba got baptized. We have the video of it that we can show you.
Starting point is 00:55:34 That's good news. He's taking the plunge we should all take. Andrew, have you trusted in the lord jesus christ for the forgiveness of your sins yes i have and i now baptize you in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit buried in the likeness of his son all right congratulations andrew we're so proud of you glad that you did it everybody it if you've if you've confessed the name of jesus christ you believe that jesus is the son of god that he died on the cross so that your sins would be forgiven if you have done that and you've not been baptized you must be baptized that's the next thing. Get it done. Maybe you've been a believer for a long time, but you never were baptized.
Starting point is 00:56:29 Okay, let's finish the process. Be baptized. Find a Bible-believing church in your area. Find a pastor that will baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit and get it done. And if you can't find somebody, you call Doc and me and we'll arrange it for you to come to Florida. You get here to Florida. We've got water here in Florida. Yeah, we have lots of water here. It's everywhere in Florida, if you don't mind gators. But there's water here in Florida and we'll find a place to baptize you. But I assure you, you've got somebody in your community that will baptize you the right way
Starting point is 00:57:11 and it'll be official. Amen. Amen. Good enough for Jesus. Good enough for me. Thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family and consider becoming a partner with this ministry. As we report the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help us God. You can support True News by going to, that is, and just click on the heart on the left-hand side. Or you can call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at P.O. Box 690069 Vera Beach, Florida zip code 32969.
Starting point is 00:57:52 We'll be back here Monday, God willing, to continue our mission. God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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