TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Explosive Audio: LBJ Associate Confided that Johnson Ordered JFK Murder

Episode Date: January 30, 2025

As Americans await the release of the JFK Assassination files, the grandson of an associate of Lyndon B. Johnson released audio today that purports to be the voice of former DNC executive director Cli...fton Carter admitting that LBJ hired Malcolm Wallace to shoot President Kennedy. Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 01/30/2025Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 Here are two massively important products to have in an emergency, because it's not a matter of if, but when an emergency will happen to you. With years of experience in survival preparedness, let me tell you, these are must-haves. One, high quality and nutrient-packed, shelf-stable emergency food buckets. And two, reliable and long-lasting water filtration systems. These essentials will make all the difference in an emergency, supplying your loved ones with all the calories and nutrients they need to survive any scenario. Don't take the risk. Try my favorite America-loving brand American Reserves for your emergency food supply needs. As Americans await the release of the JFK assassination files, the grandson of an associate of Lyndon B. Johnson, released an explosive audio this week that purports
Starting point is 00:01:06 to be the voice of former DNC executive director Clifton Carter, admitting that Lyndon B. Johnson hired a gentleman whose name was Malcolm Mack Wallace, to shoot President Kennedy. This is true news for Thursday, January 30th, 2025. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news by looking at this article published by the Daily Express. The headline, Explosive Audio, Did LBJ Kill JFK? Doc, this story you would think would be on the front page of every newspaper and news website in the world, but there's nothing out there. No, there's
Starting point is 00:01:57 not even chatter about it. That's what's really interesting. And at first I thought, okay, so was the audio made with AI? Because you have to question these things. There is no discussion. Nothing. This is one of the most explosive audios I've ever heard in my life. It is a former Democratic National Committee Executive Director admitting it is a former democratic national committee executive director admitting that lyndon johnson ordered the assassination of john f kennedy
Starting point is 00:02:32 and nobody has debunked the audio see they're not they're not talking about it but they've not debunked it right so there's no chatter no chatter about it, but neither is there any pushback on it. Which is, the technique is, don't talk about it. Right. If it's true, don't talk about it. Just let it go away. So this is what the Dallas Express, which apparently is just, I don't know if it's just an online. I've never heard of the Dallas Express. It may just be a local Dallas newspaper. It could be just a website only. Linda B. Johnson, and his ties to Malcolm Mack Wallace have reignited a decades-old debate
Starting point is 00:03:28 about conspiracies, murder, and deep-seated corruption of American institutions. In a recording recently released by Billy Salestis' grandson, it is claimed that LBJ orchestrated a series of murders, including the assassination of John Kennedy, to consolidate his political power. These claims are based on never-before-heard audio of Clifton Carter, the former executive director of the National Democratic Committee and a close associate of LBJ, admitting that Johnson hired Mack Wallace to kill Kennedy. The paper goes on to say, if true, these allegations suggest not just a betrayal, but a continued legacy of corruption within government agencies that persists today.
Starting point is 00:04:23 Dallas, where Kennedy was assassinated, remains central to the narrative and to the unanswered questions that haunt the city more than 60 years later. We're going to play the audio. And, well, let's go to first. Let me do this. There's several names that are involved here.
Starting point is 00:04:42 First is Billy Solestis. And this is, Doc, that is a name I have not heard in, I would say, a decade or two. I forgot that name. Billy Solestis. During the Johnson administration, and it goes back to when johnson was vice president okay so estes was to johnson what hunter biden is to joe biden in other words a lot of insinuation, a lot of smoke, you know,
Starting point is 00:05:30 a lot of suspicion. The business practices of Billy Celestis, he was portrayed as an unsavory character. He was a Texan. But let me guess, nothing really stuck to him. Well, he was convicted of murder, but the judge suspended the sentence. Like I said, nothing stuck to him. Nothing stuck.
Starting point is 00:05:55 He didn't go, you know. So that's one name. The other one is Malcolm Mack Wallace. Now, this is the man that in this audio, you're going to hear Mr. Carter, who Carter was the executive director of the Democratic National Committee back in the early 60s. Right. Mr. Carter, you're only going to hear his voice. He is telling somebody that this man, Mack Wallace, was hired by Lyndon Johnson to murder Kennedy. That it was Wallace who was in the book depository. It's
Starting point is 00:06:40 Wallace who took a shot at Kennedy. And, well, this is a complicated Wallace who took a shot at Kennedy. And, well, this is a complicated story. Let's listen to the audio. Now, the audio is from Billy Sol Estes' grandson. Yes. So, remember, Billy Sol Estes was the gentleman that, let's just say, a colorful had a colorful reputation okay and some people said he was a crook other people said he was just a very aggressive businessman um but he was very
Starting point is 00:07:16 controversial he was associated with lyndon johnson but johnson kept him at a distance they could never pin anything on johnson right in other words he might have been johnson's dirty hands that's yeah yes and i say might have because we right that's what there's yes that's where this is going so the grandson of bill Billy Celestis is the one who released this audio. Yes. I wonder why now. Because President Trump has ordered the release of the JFK files. And perhaps Mr. Celestis, the grandson, is making sure that what's released is accurate. Doc, we have no guarantee that what's released is the real files.
Starting point is 00:08:15 That's right. Do crooked businesses have two sets of books? Of course they do. Would a crooked government agency have two sets of archives? Absolutely they would. Oh, hey, they told us we have to release the archives. Okay, let's release the archives. So we don't even know if what's going to be released is the real stuff.
Starting point is 00:08:36 Right. Maybe Mr. Solestas' grandson released this audio this week just to let the feds know. If you try to pull off anything sneaky, I've got the audio that says LBJ did it. Coming from no less than Clifton Carter. Yes. Okay, let's listen to the audio. You're good to see you. How's life treating you today?
Starting point is 00:09:08 Well, Saul, it's been a pretty touch-and-go situation. Lyndon and I have had quite a few unpleasant words here lately over the deal that he hired Mike Wallace to assassinate the president.
Starting point is 00:09:23 It's been hectic in every way, but we've lived through it this far, and I guess we'll continue to do so. Lyndon should have never issued that order to Mike, but we've had our differences in. I'm a true blue to Lyndon as I've always been, and tried to carry out every order that he'd ever given me. But this is one I'll probably never be able to forget. And the times that we've had in Texas, and the embarrassment that Lyndon had gotten from Kennedy.
Starting point is 00:10:10 I guess there wasn't anything else to do but what he did. Well, you know, Lyndon would have really hit me if he would. Well, Lyndon's the kind of person that doesn't want to help anyone. You know, he's all for Lyndon, and that's the way he's pretty much always been. Well, they had me backed up on that Henry Marshall killing, and they just kind of blackmailed me to keep my mouth shut. And if I hadn't had a bunch of tapes that I played after I got killed, as you know, 17 got killed in this situation very mysteriously.
Starting point is 00:10:50 And I've spent a lot of time and I've lost a lot of money and hurt my family a whole lot. And it's really got me disgusted to remember in one way, in one way I feel real sorry. So, this is Billy Solestas and Clifton Carter talking. Two friends, two associates of Lyndon Johnson. Two loyalists.
Starting point is 00:11:19 Loyalists to the point they'll murder for him. Yes. That's terrifying that these guys just openly talked about, if Lyndon wants somebody to kill, we'll kill him. Talk to you. I can't comprehend that kind of a relationship. But obviously it exists in the world and has for thousands of years. He said there were 17 mysterious murders involving Johnson.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Right. And he said, I had lots of tapes. He said they were going to put me in prison on that murder. On the Henry Marshall murder. Yes, but he said I had lots of tapes. That's how Billy Solis' grandson has this tape. Obviouslydad granddad left a note where the tapes were at that's what's happened doc granddad left a note and said i've got a lot of tapes stored away you may need them someday. So, Solestos was smart enough to record
Starting point is 00:12:27 conversations. He was like, okay, I'm going to murder somebody for you, but I'm going to record something so that you don't blackmail me. Now, he said he was blackmailed on that other murder. But that he had... He had tapes about other murders right
Starting point is 00:12:46 and that's why the judge that's why just said well yeah you've been convicted but i i think i'm gonna let you go you got a conviction of murder but being a kind man that i am you're going to you're going to walk out of this court. That's because somebody called the judge and said, hey, judge, do you want to go home tonight? Right. You want to wake up in the morning? Now, as far as the veracity of this audio is concerned, Rick, some of the information does confirm, you know,
Starting point is 00:13:20 previously published information. Barr McClellan had written a book about everything related to the Henry Marshall murder. And in that book, he implicated Estes, Wallace, and others in the murder of Henry Marshall. So this audio verifies that.
Starting point is 00:13:38 And if it verifies that, it also verifies LBJ's involvement in the JFK assassination. And Roger Stone wrote a book decades ago yes where he said lbj killed him right so this this is really uh validating roger stone's premise so i want to get back to this to give people some background. Folks, this ought to be the biggest story. I know the tragic crash is dominating the news. This is the biggest story.
Starting point is 00:14:15 That a vice president murdered the sitting president. You don't get corruption any worse than this. And it would explain why they've kept a lid on this for 60 plus years, wouldn't it? Yes. Because it would have, I mean, can you imagine if this had gotten out in the 60s? Well, this is what I'm saying. I think Billy Sawyer's grandson is making sure the FBI and whoever else is going to be releasing these documents that they release the right files.
Starting point is 00:14:48 Because it's going to be tremendously embarrassing to the United States of America. Do you know what nations are going to say over the world? You can't trust America. They'll assassinate their own leaders. But what the, I don't, the reason the thing that will never be released, I would be shocked. I just would say I would be shocked if it was released, was the reason Johnson killed Kennedy. And it wasn't because he was embarrassed. No.
Starting point is 00:15:16 And it wasn't because he wanted to be president, which he did. But he didn't want it bad enough to murder somebody. It was because LBJ was a Zionist, hardcore Zionist, Zionist for decades, that he was smuggling weapons to Palestine in the 30s and 40s. And smuggling jews into america zionist bringing them into america and forging u.s passports as a u.s congressman he should have went to prison for forging u.s passports and giving it to to uh zionist who he brought into the united states of america right that's the real reason i will stand on that uh john f kennedy was trying to stop the state of israel from developing atomic and nuclear weapons and that was it for the zionists he had to go they had to get rid of kennedy and under Johnson, the Zionists, the Mossad spies got into Los Alamos, our national laboratory.
Starting point is 00:16:32 They got a lot of our secrets because Johnson just looked the other way. And of course, there is the famous USS Liberty incident where Johnson ordered the sinking of the Liberty. And maybe even the idea of nuking Cairo.
Starting point is 00:16:55 Which I think is the purpose of the sinking the Liberty was to have justification to nuke Cairo on behalf of greater Israel. Because Israel would have gone in and seized Egypt. Yes. Always goes back to the Zionists. All crimes lead back to Zionists.
Starting point is 00:17:17 So let's take a look at, just to give you some background here, and we're taking this from Wikipedia. you some background here and we're taking this from um from uh wikipedia uh malcolm wallace went by the name mac wallace born 1921 died 1971 uh an economist for the united states department of agriculture in 1951 wallace shot john douglas kisner in the clubhouse of an austin golf house golf course owned by kisner and um he goes on to say in 1984 billy celestis told a grand jury investigating the shooting death of marsh, that Wallace was his murderer. Estes, a longtime con man,
Starting point is 00:18:08 see this is the way that Wikipedia is describing him, said that Marshall possessed information linking Estes' fraudulent schemes to a heavily funded political slush fund run by Johnson, Lyndon Johnson. According to Billy Sol Estes, he and Lyndon Johnson discussed the need to stop Marshall from making their illegal schemes public. In exchange for immunity from prosecution, Estes was prepared to provide the U.S. Department of
Starting point is 00:18:40 Justice information of eight killings orchestrated by johnson including jfk he claimed that wallace persuaded jack ruby to recruit lee harvey oswald and that wallace fired the shot that killed kennedy well what was jack ruby's real name rubenstein. Jack Rubenstein. And he worked for Meyer Lansky, the head of the Jewish mafia. Barr McClellan, author of Blood, Money, and Power, How LBJ Killed JFK, reiterated many of Estes' claims in 2003, claiming that Johnson, Wallace, Estes, and Carter were responsible for the death of Marshall. So the guy that we showed, Henry Marshall, was murdered because he knew too much about Johnson's political slush fund
Starting point is 00:19:44 and the murders that Johnson was involved in. Including JFK. Yes. Well, no, no, because Marshall was killed in 51. Okay. No, he just knew about the people Johnson had killed in the 30s and 40s. Johnson was a murderer. Going back a was a, the guy was a murderer.
Starting point is 00:20:06 Going back a long way. The man was a murderer. He goes on to say, according to McClellan, Wallace fired one shot at Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, ran and escaped.
Starting point is 00:20:24 He stated that fingerprints and an eyewitness placed Wallace in the location and that Wallace could be seen as a shadowy figure in photos of the building. Wikipedia says Wallace's fingerprints were never mentioned by the Dallas Police Department to have been found near or around Oswald's sniper nest. In the 2003 obituary of Estes, the New York Times wrote that none of Estes' claims against LBJ were backed by evidence. Well, who owns the New York Times? Okay, member of the tribe.
Starting point is 00:20:59 Roger Stone, author of the 2013 book, The Man Who Killed Kennedy, called Wallace Lyndon Johnson's personal hitman. And he also said Wallace shot Kennedy from the sixth floor of the Texas school book depository. Stone said six eyewitnesses placed Wallace in that location and that a fingerprint found on a box in the sniper's nest was his. Also describing Wallace as Johnson's hatchet man, author Joan Mellon, in her book Faustian Bargains, Lyndon Johnson and Mack Wallace, she suggested that Wallace killed Marshall upon the behest of lyndon johnson unbelievable doc i want to play the video again listen carefully this is billy solestis talking to
Starting point is 00:21:57 uh clifton carter carter was the at that, the executive director of the Democratic National Committee. Billy Celestis, you know, was a famous businessman and political associate of Lyndon Johnson. These two guys are talking about how, well, you know, Lyndon told us to kill Kennedy. I wish, you know, it was one job I wish I didn't have to do. And isn't that audio itself, I mean, it's mind-boggling. It is. The casualness. Yes. With which they talk about this.
Starting point is 00:22:38 Well, first I'm talking about the murder of anybody, but the murder of John F. Kennedy? And then to talk about, you know, it's embarrassed Texas. He was more concerned that Texas had been embarrassed than he was about the murder. Let's watch one more time. It's sure good to see you. How's life treating you today? Well, Saul, it's been a pretty touchy-toe situation. Lyndon and I have had quite a few unpleasant words here lately
Starting point is 00:23:08 over the deal that he hired Mike Wallace to assassinate the president. It's been hectic in every way, but we've lived through it this far, and I guess we'll continue to do so. Linden should have never issued that order to Mike. But we've had our differences, and I'm a true Blue to Linden, as I've always been, and tried to carry out every order that he'd ever given me. But this is one I'll probably never be able to forget. In the times that we've had in Texas,
Starting point is 00:23:55 and the embarrassment that Lyndon had gotten from Kennedy, I guess there wasn't anything else to do but what he did. Well, you know, Lyndon would have really helped me if he would. Well, Lyndon's the kind of person that doesn't want to help anyone. You know, he's all for Lyndon, and that's the way he's pretty much always been. Well, they had me backed up on that Henry Marshall killing, and they just kind of blackmailed me to keep my mouth shut. And if I hadn't had a bunch of tapes that I'd played after I got killed,
Starting point is 00:24:35 as you know, 17 got killed in this situation very mysteriously. And I've done a lot of time time and I've lost a lot of money and hurt my family a whole lot. And it's really got me disgusted to remember in one way, in one way I feel real sorry for him.
Starting point is 00:24:58 Yeah, I feel real sorry for him. Poor Lyndon. And why are you loyal to him? It's hard to believe that people have that kind of blind loyalty to another man. That you would murder
Starting point is 00:25:15 for him. So, everybody should be talking about this today. We will be waiting to see what the u.s government releases i'm not i'm not real confident they're going to release the real documents i'm not holding my breath either well let's uh let's change uh topics to something more cheerier a newly discovered christmas asteroid could collide with Earth. Are you trying to cheer me up there with that headline there?
Starting point is 00:25:51 You know, Doc, this was a Christmas thing. So there I go. Maybe this is the Christmas I've always been worried about in these dreams. Because it does bring fire. That's true. All right. Well, the London Telegraph is reporting that an asteroid the size of a full football field could hit Earth in seven years. Astronomers have warned a space rock between 40 and 100 meters wide was spotted on Christmas Day by a telescope in Chile, which specializes in identifying objects in space that could collide with our planet.
Starting point is 00:26:27 Now, the article went on to say that the analysis of the rock and its flight revealed it is moving away from Earth at about 38,000 miles per hour, but its orbit will bring it into close proximity around Christmas in the year, ready, 2032, Rick. Official estimates state that there is around a 1.2% chance of the asteroid, which they are codenaming 2024 YR4, hitting Earth. And listen to this, how specific they get. 5.25 a.m. on Wednesday, December 22nd in the year 2032. You got to put that on your calendar.
Starting point is 00:27:05 Make sure you have an umbrella that day. I mean, at 525 a.m. Get your last cup of coffee. At 5 o'clock and go out and watch the show afterwards.
Starting point is 00:27:22 But in all seriousness, I mean, you got Apophis coming in in 2029. Another watch the show afterwards. But in all seriousness, I mean, this, you know. Well, and you got Apophis coming in in 2029. Right. Another one that they say may hit the earth. You know, we could be near the end of the age of mankind. Right. Hey, this
Starting point is 00:27:37 could be it. We could be winding down, Doc. There's going to be an end sometime. That's right. Might as well be now because things aren't getting better. Telegraph, former Obama advisor
Starting point is 00:27:53 flew to Britain to rape a nine-year-old girl. You don't see that in the American newspapers either. No. A former policy advisor to Barack Obama's administration flew to Britain planning to rape a nine-year-old child. Now, Rami Shai, an investment banker who helped
Starting point is 00:28:12 coordinate the U.S. government's counterterror response, think about that, traveled from New York to Bedfordshire to meet an English schoolgirl. Now, he had spent more than a month planning the trip and had packed his suitcases with cuddly toys and condoms. On an online forum and messaging app, Shai described the unspeakable acts he was planning in graphic detail to someone he believed to be the girl's grandmother. But the grandmother, using the name Debbie, was in fact an online decoy created by an undercover officer from the Bedfordshire police. Like you said, Rick, this isn't a story you're going to see here in the U.S. No, but just as difficult it is for me to comprehend two men talking about murdering somebody, this is even more difficult for me to comprehend.
Starting point is 00:29:01 That somebody was talking, he thought was a grandmother of a nine-year-old girl, and he says, I'm going to fly over to Great Britain and rape your granddaughter. Here's what I'm going to do. In detail. How Dominic... I mean, he's beyond reprobate. Yes. He passed reprobate. What's the next level after reprobate? Be condemned. I mean, I don't know what you can do beyond that.
Starting point is 00:29:37 I don't know what frightens me more, the fact that there's guys out here like this and they catch them or the ones they don't catch, Rick. Well, Doug, there's a lot that they don't catch. Right. Shocking. I just had to share that because it's nowhere to be seen in the american news yes found it in the london papers next this is a gold price advances beyond 2772. Eyes multi-month top ahead. The next one is Bloomberg. Swiss gold exports to U.S. surged last month on
Starting point is 00:30:12 Trump tariff fears. This is today's article from Bloomberg. Gold exports to the United States from Europe's main refining hub in Switzerland jumped to the highest since the Russian invasion of Ukraine as traders scrambled to bring Boyan ashore ahead of potential tariffs.
Starting point is 00:30:33 I hadn't even thought about this, Doc. Right. Switzerland shipped 64.2 tons of gold to the United States in December. That's 11 times more than in November and equates to almost $6 billion, a buoyant. Gold prices on the New York-based ComEx futures exchange surged to a premium over international benchmarks in December as traders fearing the imposition of
Starting point is 00:31:06 tariffs bought out of their short positions and began flying in the middle from around the world did you know this was going on not not the repatriation of gold i didn't know that i knew russian and china were doing it but i didn't know we were doing it, too. Okay, so folks, for the last couple months, and I've been telling you, you know, hey, you should call the folks over there at Gold Co. Yeah, you know, been saying this for months. You ought to call the folks at Gold Co. 844-960-GOLD. While I was telling you this, you and I did not know that people in the know were rushing to bring the gold to bring gold from europe from switzerland to the united states as fast as they could do it right
Starting point is 00:31:55 we didn't even know that see this is this this thing i keep saying about a wise decision is the only thing that separates you and a wise decision is information. So. By the way, FX Street has an update. Right now, gold's trading at $28.45. So it's up to $28. That was just a couple hours ago. Right.
Starting point is 00:32:23 So it's up $50 since that was initially released. So, Doc, they brought in $6 billion of gold in November. No, in December. $6 billion was transferred from Switzerland to the United States. Why? Because investors fear that Donald Trump
Starting point is 00:32:58 is going to place tariffs on gold. Right. He probably will. It never occurred to me that he would hit gold also. But what he's doing is he's forcing people to bring the money, bring the
Starting point is 00:33:14 wealth, bring the jobs, bring the factories, bring it to the United States. It's brilliant. The strategy, Doc, it's brilliant. He's emptying out Europe. I mean, it's more than a brain drain. It's a gold drain.
Starting point is 00:33:32 It's a factory drain. It's a job drain. He's sucking out the wealth of Europe. I'm telling you, it's like we're at war with Europe. Yes. If you were doing this to an enemy, Rick. You would bankrupt them. So just keep this in mind that the super wealthy are rushing to get gold brought to the United States.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Look at this next one, Financial Times in London. Gold stockpiling in New York leads to a shortage in London. Think about that. Stockpiling in New York leads to a shortage in London. Think about that. So a surge in gold shipments to the U.S. has led to a shortage of bullion in London, according to Financial Times, as traders begin to amass an $82 billion stockpile in New York over fears of Trump administration tariffs. There you go, Rick. The weight to withdraw bullion stored in the Bank of England's vaults has risen from a few days to between four and eight weeks, according to people familiar with the process. Now, the Financial Times has this to say, people can't get their
Starting point is 00:34:35 hands on gold because so much has been shipped to New York and the rest is stuck in the queue, said one industry exec. Liquidity in the London market has been diminished. So if you're in Great Britain, you can't get your hands on gold. Right. It doesn't matter how much money you have. You can't get it. You're in line, in queue. You're in line.
Starting point is 00:34:59 Take a number. Stand in line. If some gold shows up, you might get it. That's how fast things can change. I'm sure nobody in Great Britain was thinking there's going to be a gold shortage. Until after the election. The election changed everything. When Donald Trump started talking about tariffs, and the Financial Times points this directly at the threat of tariffs.
Starting point is 00:35:27 And so this is going to be interesting. But the people who were thinking ahead of the election said, if Donald Trump wins, he's going to put tariffs on everything. And that means the gold is going to leave Europe and go to the United States. Right. Those people were ahead of the game because it's information. Information is what stands between you and a good decision. So, again, I want to – well, what else does it say? Did we read all this? No.
Starting point is 00:35:55 Traders say the shipments are intended to avoid tariffs, like we've been saying on Bullion, that some fear could be introduced by Donald Trump. There's a feeling that Trump could go across the board and impose new tariffs on raw materials coming into the U.S., including gold. That's coming from Michael Haig, who is the head of commodities research at Societe Generale. There's a bit of a scramble among participants in the gold market to protect themselves. It means people with a lot of money. They're going gold. They're panicking that they can't get it. There's a number. 844
Starting point is 00:36:34 960 gold. Tell them you heard this on True News. Ask for the 2025 gold and silver kit. It's an information kit that they will send to you absolutely free they ship it by fedex two-day delivery no charge it'll come out to you uh to your house your office and ask them information about how to move part or all of your retirement account into precious metals they will give you the information
Starting point is 00:37:06 no obligation just you need information there's no charge for the information call them and let them give you the information then you can make a decision but as you can see these articles there's something big going on in the world with gold. This is huge. And it's just happened in a couple weeks. Since Donald Trump's gone into the White House, they now realize, oh, he's serious. He really is going to put terror
Starting point is 00:37:37 on some things. Yes. And they're panicking. All right, let's talk about the crash. Telegraph footage shows what went wrong in Washington plane crash that left no survivors. We've got, I guess, a couple videos here. Right. As you see.
Starting point is 00:37:58 This is the one showing the alignment of the helicopter and the passenger jet and the moment that they collide and the explosion. Now, this is from video at Reagan Airport that they're picking up here right now. Another video from another angle shows the explosion as well. I don't know how that even happened. I don't know how that even happened. And then we've got another one uh yeah another video i think it's a separate one from this one um and the media the yeah that's it so if can we play that one again because if you watch the uh the video you see the the smaller light coming into the larger light the
Starting point is 00:38:42 larger light's the plane the smaller light is the helicopter, it's like it was a direct heading to it, like it was aiming for it. Yes, that's what I'm saying. You tell me a pilot and co-pilot in that helicopter, you couldn't see that giant plane? Look at how bright the light is. You didn't see that? You didn't even need your instruments. You didn't need that? You didn't even need your instruments. You didn't need air traffic controller to tell you. You could just look out the window, look out the windshield, you see the light.
Starting point is 00:39:11 Right. Now, this, of course, you add a little bit more to it that, according to People Magazine and the Associated Press, the air traffic control tower asked the Blackhawk helicopter if it had American Airlines jet in sight seconds before the crash. So the air traffic controllers are watching this happen. Less than 30 seconds before an American Airlines regional passenger plane and an Army Blackhawk helicopter crashed near Reagan Airport, an air traffic controller reportedly tried to communicate with the helicopter pilot via radio call and just before the crash an air traffic controller had asked the helicopter if the arriving plane was in its sight according to audio obtained by the AP now
Starting point is 00:39:59 the controller made another radio call 25 seconds later saying pat 25 which was the identity of the helicopter passed behind the crj in this case the uh the american airlines jet no response listen to this no response from the army black hawk hawk helicopter was recorded from any flight tracking sites per the AP. And moments later, the two aircraft crashed into each other. Now, listen to this. This is being reported by the AP. So when they come out years later and say that it didn't exist, which you'll probably see it rewritten here. Meanwhile, the plane's radio transponder. The plane's radio transponder. The planes, radio transponder.
Starting point is 00:40:45 The American airliner. Yes. Stopped transmitting over the middle of the Potomac River and about 2,400 feet short of the runway. There's something that's not right about this talk. Now, Rick, I've been in the conspiracy business. I cut my teeth on Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Oklahoma City. So that's how far I go back. Sure.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Okay. So let me ask you a question, Mr. Wild. There are 19,000 airports in the United States. 5,000 of them are public airports. 150 of them are what we call major or international airports, right? Now, out of all the airports in the country, out of all the metro areas in the nation, what would be the one city or the one metro area that you would expect the highest level of defense? It's easy.
Starting point is 00:41:38 The capital city. Absolutely. The Pentagon's right across the river. Yes. The White House, everything is right there. And you're telling me that a military helicopter almost appeared to make a beeline toward this American Airlines jet and there's no explanation for it? It looks like, you know, a surface-to-air missile. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:02 I'm not saying that was a missile. I'm just saying it was tracking. To me, it looked like it was tracking the airliner like a missile would track it. Like you're making a beeline directly to that airliner. It's got a big stinking headlight, like a moon.
Starting point is 00:42:19 You've got air traffic controllers saying, hey, you see that airliner? Yes. With no response. see that airliner yes with no response that response and the the airliners transponder stopped transmitting as it came over the potomac river something's not right i don't know what it is but i know it ain't right okay well, now. I mean, they lie about the drones. Yes. Why do we think they're going to tell us the truth about this?
Starting point is 00:42:50 Yeah. New York Post military chopper was absolutely preventable, says the new transportation boss, Sean Duffy. He's a transportation secretary. First week on the job. Well, think also Pete Hegseth. This is an Army helicopter. Right. Are you talking about being tested by fire the first couple days in the job?
Starting point is 00:43:18 That's why something doesn't feel right about this. I mean, it just doesn't feel right. Who was on the plane? Who was on the helicopter? Where did the helicopter come from? Right. Okay, that's a great question. I don't hear anyone asking that. It just said it was on a training mission. Right. But from where? Right. Okay, who was on the helicopter? I think they said Fort Belvoir. Well, that's where their unit is. But where was the helicopter? I think they said Fort Belvoir. Well, that's where their unit is.
Starting point is 00:43:45 But where was the helicopter coming from? And what was the training? Right. And would you train over the nation's capital to watch out for airliners? You would think. Would that be part of the training? Another thing, Doc. Both the helicopter.
Starting point is 00:44:01 We're talking a U.S. Army helicopter. And the American Airlines jet. Both of them have sophisticated anti-collision equipment. And I can— It's beeping saying, collision, collision. I mean, my car tells me when I'm going to rear in somebody. Rick, when I was in the National Guard, I was an aircraft electrician. That was my job. I worked on Black Hawk helicopters. I did the wiring. Did you do the wiring on this one? Well, I hope not. But the thing is, I've been in these helicopters. I've
Starting point is 00:44:39 flown in Black Hawk helicopters, and you're absolutely right. They've had this kind of collision guidance in these helicopters for decades to prevent exactly what we just saw happen last night. In both the airliner and the helicopter, both aircraft, the pilots were getting warning. Lights were flashing. They're getting buzzers collision collision and nothing the helicopter just kept going straight towards the aircraft you got air traffic controller saying hey you see that big airliner and no response? The transponder stops operating on the aircraft?
Starting point is 00:45:29 Uh-uh. Not right. Like I said, there's a lot of unanswered questions. Well, the line that's coming from the Trump administration is that this was a preventable accident. And so we have the news transportation secretary. He had an announcement to the press this morning following that line. Watch this. Don't read into that that we had how many hours the pilots on a military aircraft had and you had another question for me that was last night the president had said that this could be prevented and also that air traffic control questioning why they may not have communicated with the helicopter telling them what to do.'m we are going to wait for all the information to come in from from this vantage point but uh to to back up what the president said at what i've seen so far do i think this was preventable absolutely thank you all right and uh donald trump did post on True Social regarding this.
Starting point is 00:46:26 He had this to say. The airplane was on a perfect and routine line of approach to the airport. The helicopter was going straight at the airplane for an extended period of time. It was a clear night. The lights on the plane were blazing. Why didn't the helicopter go up or down or turn? Why didn't the control tower tell the helicopter what to do instead of asking if they saw the plane? That's a good point there, Rick.
Starting point is 00:46:50 This is a bad situation that looks like it should have been prevented, not good. I appreciate the president asking some very important questions there, Rick, but there are just a lot of unanswered questions on this deal that just, you know, it's just not sitting right with me. How easy is it for an aircraft to fly directly into the White House? That's the question I've been asking all day long. If this could happen, I mean, if you believe the story, they let a jet airliner crash in the Pentagon 20-plus years ago, too, right? In the most secure city in the world. So this happens.
Starting point is 00:47:38 An airliner that just looked like a missile in that one video you see. Right. An airliner without wings now this uh aircraft was not uh one of the big jet liners of the regional aircraft flying in psa from uh wichita kansas they've had the international ice skating competition back in wichita and a lot of people that were on the plane were uh you know coming from that event i I think they were leaving Reagan National, right? No, they were arriving. They were coming in.
Starting point is 00:48:09 They were arriving? They were arriving. And so there were a number of Russian former— Oh, that's right. The plane was coming in the land. That's right. I'm sorry. And so that asked a lot of questions, too.
Starting point is 00:48:23 Well, what about the passengers on the plane? You know, there's so many things to ask. Any possibility of, I mean, we are in World War III. That was another thing, too. I mean, what if this was, you know, a terrorist attack? Well, not a terrorist attack. A military attack. Yes.
Starting point is 00:48:41 Forget about terrorist attacks. Terrorists are just people that work for other militaries. That's true. There's nobody that says, when I grow up, I'm going to be a terrorist. No. No, they just get a job. They get hired to carry out acts of terror for other countries. What if another nation had a way to block electronic gear on both the airliner and the helicopter? Right.
Starting point is 00:49:18 Well, I'll blow your mind with something. You know, we have the technology to remote control Blackhawk helicopters. Yes, sure. And so if we can remote control it, we can shut down the communications, we can do everything and just fly that right into an airline. But why would they do that? Why? Are you saying somebody in our government
Starting point is 00:49:42 or are you saying somebody in another government? I'm just saying that the possibility exists that you can remote control a blackhawk helicopter. Yeah. And you know what? With AI, AI makes it very easy. See, this is where I said this yesterday about AI. World War III is going to be fought with AI. AI will take control of the other country's military and make them do things that they can't do or stop them from doing things they want to do. So this very much could have been an AI
Starting point is 00:50:17 commandeered aircraft. I'm talking about the army Right. Were the pilots able to function? That's a great question. Were they alive? When's the last transmission they had with the pilots? And if you go back on Flight Tracker, can you track where the helicopter came from? Did they have interactions with any other aircraft? Right. Okay.
Starting point is 00:50:42 And I haven't confirmed the video, but according to some that are online, on social media, they have the flight tracker on that, and it's avoiding other aircraft. Mm-hmm. Okay? But then this aircraft,
Starting point is 00:50:56 it's almost like it said, I'm aiming for this. Now, I don't know if that's the case. I'm just saying that's the speculation that's out there. It's possible that the two pilots were incapable of flying it. That something else had taken over and cut off communications. It's just strange. The path is like
Starting point is 00:51:20 they just steered the helicopter directly into an incoming passenger line you know there's the most terrifying flight feeling and i had that every time i land to take off you're like oh there's so much flying around here right now yeah you're in three dimensions mind you i mean side to side up and down so much of course, we've flown into D.C. You've got Reagan. You've got Dulles there. I mean, there's a lot of traffic going on, plus all the Army bases and everything. One time, many years ago, I was on a smaller, like a 20-passenger
Starting point is 00:52:00 commuter plane. And as we were coming in, there was a large jet. I mean, we literally went, I mean, just a few feet above the jet. As we're coming in on the runway, it went underneath us. Oh, my goodness. And when we, you know, got off the plane,
Starting point is 00:52:25 I looked at the pilot. I said, I won't tell anybody what I saw. And he never answered. He didn't say anything. I said, I'll just, I'll never tell anybody what I saw.
Starting point is 00:52:37 Cause he knew what happened. That was, that was as close as I've ever come, uh, to, to a crash. So those things take place. I think about it every time we take off and land.
Starting point is 00:52:47 The sky is full of things flying around here. And we're trusting that everybody knows what they're doing. Yes. And this is coming on the heels of the FAA drone story. Yes. That the FAA authorized all these drones flying around. Imagine a cyber attack, an AI-driven cyber attack that shuts down the entire air traffic control system simultaneously nationwide. Right.
Starting point is 00:53:13 And every aircraft that's in the air has no idea where they're at. Right. On an air traffic control system that is basically borrowed from the 80s and 90s. Yes. Right. that is basically borrowed from the 80s and 90s. Yes, right. And being managed by people hired on DEI. Right, and that's the tact that Donald Trump has taken on this is looking at it as a DEI problem. This is the hill here.
Starting point is 00:53:40 President Trump blames DEI for weakening the FAA in aftermath of Reagan National plane crash. I think he's premature on this. I agree with him on what he's saying, Doc. It's likely. Especially air traffic controllers should not be hired on DEI. But I think he's premature on saying this is the reason it happened because we don't know yet. Right.
Starting point is 00:54:04 But this is the reason it happened because we don't know yet right but this is um this is what he said uh we'll play the video we'll let you listen to his comments and then when i left office and biden took over he changed them back to lower than ever before i put put safety first. Obama, Biden, and the Democrats put policy first. And they put politics at a level that nobody has ever seen, because this was the lowest level. Their policy was horrible, and their politics was even worse. So, as you know, last week, long before the crash, I signed an executive order
Starting point is 00:54:45 restoring our highest standards for air traffic controllers and other important jobs throughout the country. So it was very interesting. About a week ago, almost upon entering office, I signed something last week that was an executive order, very powerful, on restoring the highest standards of air traffic controllers. And of course, the Democrats in the media are trying to blame Donald Trump for the crash. That executive order is what led to this crash. But he said something much more serious about the effects of DEI on federal government hiring. And that's in this next video. Executive order restoring our highest standards for air traffic controllers and other important jobs throughout the country.
Starting point is 00:55:35 So it was very interesting. About a week ago, almost upon entering office, I signed something last week that was an executive order, very powerful, on restoring the highest standards of air traffic controllers and others, by the way. Then my administration will set the highest possible bar for aviation safety. We have to have our smartest people. It doesn't matter what they look like, how they speak, who they are. It matters intellect, talent, the word talent.
Starting point is 00:56:08 They have to be talented, naturally talented geniuses. You can't have regular people doing that job. They won't be able to do it. But we'll restore faith in American air travel. I'll have more to say about that. I do want to point out that various articles that appeared prior to my entering office, and here's one. The FAA's diversity push includes focus on hiring people with severe intellectual and psychiatric disabilities. That is amazing. And then it says FAA says people with severe disabilities are most underrepresented segment of the workforce and they want them in and they want them, they can be air traffic controllers.
Starting point is 00:56:55 I don't think so. This was January 14th. So that was a week before I entered office. They put a big push to put diversity into the FAA's program. Now, he was asked by a reporter, why do you say it's the DEI policy that caused this crash? And you might be interested in Donald Trump's response to this. Watch this. Today, blamed the diversity elements, but then told us that you weren't sure that the controllers made any mistakes. You then said perhaps the helicopter pilots were the ones who made the mistakes.
Starting point is 00:57:37 It's all under investigation. I understand that. That's why I'm trying to figure out how you can come to the conclusion right now that diversity had something to do with this crash. Because I have common sense, okay? And unfortunately, a lot of people don't. We want brilliant people doing this. This is a major chess game at the highest level. When you have 60 planes coming in during a short period of time, and they're all coming in different directions, and you're dealing with very high-level computer
Starting point is 00:58:08 Computer work and very complex computers and one of the other things I will tell you is that the systems that were built I was going to rebuild the entire System and then we had an election that didn't turn out the way it should have So are we got two issues here um diversity equity inclusion uh politics should not be anywhere close in the hiring of air traffic controllers or really any place but definitely not you don't want for air traffic controllers brain surgeons i mean they're just certain places you just have to know that the person who has the job is the smartest person available period yes who cares i don't care about their skin color i don't care about
Starting point is 00:59:00 anything about them right i just want to know do you know what you're doing okay so that should that president trump is absolutely right on that the second issue is we don't know if if there was a less than qualified person running air traffic control in in reagan airport yeah unless we don't know the president has some information to that, we really don't know. We don't know. All right, so those are two different issues. Go ahead and get rid of DEI
Starting point is 00:59:33 and all the government agencies on forward, back you, support it. But let's get the facts about why that helicopter went straight towards the airliner. Yes. Let's find out. And if I've learned anything over my years in seeing these kind of events, within the first 12 hours, the most important questions arise.
Starting point is 00:59:52 That's right. And remember, the agency in charge is the FAA. The same agency that kept their mouth shut about the drones. Yes. So don't expect them to tell us anything about this crash. Quickly, we're running out of time. Doc, I know you've been watching the hearings on Tulsi Gabbard, Kash Patel, and RFK again today.
Starting point is 01:00:21 What do we have? Well, and it was a busy day on Capitol Hill with so much happening with the D.C. collision story and everything. A lot of coverage is being pushed off of this. But Telsey Gabbard and Kash Patel and RFK were all in Senate hearings today. And what I'm going to do is I'm just going to share some brief clips that kind of frame how the confirmation hearings are going. The first one is Telsey Gabbard, and this is part of her opening statement here before the Senate. Watch this. The American people elected Donald Trump as their president not once but twice, and yet the FBI and intelligence agencies were politicized by his opponents to undermine his presidency and falsely portray him as a puppet of Putin.
Starting point is 01:01:10 Title I of FISA was used illegally to obtain a warrant to spy on Trump campaign advisor Carter Page using a Clinton campaign funded false dossier as their so-called evidence. Biden campaign advisor Tony Blinken was the impetus for the 51 former senior intelligence officials letter dismissing Hunter Biden's laptop as disinformation specifically to help Biden win the election. Former DNI James Clapper lied to this committee in 2013 denying the existence of programs that facilitated the mass collection of millions of Americans' phone and internet records, yet was never held accountable. Under John Brennan's leadership, the CIA abused its power to spy on Congress, to dodge oversight, lied about doing it until he was caught, and yet has never been held responsible.
Starting point is 01:02:02 Under Biden, the FBI abused its power for political reasons to try to surveil Catholics who attend traditional Latin mass, labeling them as quote unquote radical traditionalist Catholics. Personally, just 24 hours after Chris Ives, Kamala Harris, and her nomination, I was placed on a secret domestic terror watch list called Quiet Skies. Sadly, there are more examples. The bottom line is this, this must end. And so the Democrat attack on this went down through the litany of all those specific items and just kept attacking her on it again and again. Edward Snowden was brought up. Some remarks she had made on social media years ago regarding Edward Snowden, they tried to trap her on that. One senator, Senator Collins,
Starting point is 01:02:56 asked her if she'd ever met with Hezbollah. Those are the kind of questions. In my opinion, she's going to get confirmed. I mean, I had less than confidence yesterday, but after watching your testimony today, I'm pretty confident. Okay, how about Kash Patel? How did he do? Kash Patel was the hot ticket on Capitol Hill today, and for good reason. Kash Patel took no prisoners in his response to all the questions that were thrown at him. And you have to, I didn't necessarily agree with all his responses, but he did not, he took no prisoners in responses. And one is where he pushed back on the Democrats and all the false accusations against him.
Starting point is 01:03:42 Watch this. This is number 29. Patel, before I go on to Senator Lee. Simply this. If the best attacks on me are going to be false accusations and grotesque mischaracterizations, the only thing this body is doing is defeating the credibility of the men and women at the FBI.
Starting point is 01:03:59 I stood with them here in this country. In every theater of war we have, I was on the ground in service of this nation. And any accusations leveled against me that I would somehow put political bias before the Constitution are grotesquely unfair. And I will have you reminded that I have been endorsed by over 300,000 law enforcement officers to become the next director of the FBI. Let's ask them. A couple highlights on Kash Patel and his confirmation. They tried to do gotcha questions on him for January 6th and then tried to trap him on Trump's pardons of those who committed violent acts against police on January 6th. He responded very well. I mean, he really did.
Starting point is 01:04:51 Once again, I think Kash Patel will get the nomination. By the way, on January 6th, do you know that of the 1,500 people who were pardoned last week, two of them have been arrested on other charges, and one was shot and killed? Yes, and they brought that up in Senate testimony today, too. So three people so far. Right. And so they were asking Kash Patel about that, trying to trap him and trying to do a response against Donald Trump. And Kash Patel said, if you commit acts of violence against law enforcement, you should go to jail. That's all you need to say. That's right. Whatever the president does need to say. That's right.
Starting point is 01:05:28 Whatever the president does, that's the president's business. Right, but his job as FBI director is to arrest. But my favorite cut today. Robert Kennedy? My favorite one. My favorite one. This is second day for Robert F. Kennedy Jr. testifying today. Yesterday it was the science committee. Today it's the health committee, the HHS Committee in the Senate.
Starting point is 01:05:47 And once again, Bernie Sanders is on this committee, too. So Bernie Sanders tried to do a gotcha on Robert F. Kennedy. Watch what happens in this interchange here, Rick. You're going to be so proud of Bobby Kennedy in this. Bernie Sanders should be for Kennedy because Kennedy's going to hold the big pharmaceutical companies. You would think, Rick.
Starting point is 01:06:13 You would think that socialist Bernie Sanders would say, okay, I'm going to back you on this one. Yeah, but listen to this interchange here. Watch this. I'm going to make America healthier than other countries in the world right now. Will you guarantee do what every other major country does? It's a simple question. And by the way, Bernie, the problem of corruption is not just in the federal agencies.
Starting point is 01:06:40 It's in Congress, too. Almost all the members of this panel are accepting, including yourself, are accepting millions of dollars from the pharmaceutical industry. Oh, no, no, no. And protecting their interests. Oh, I thought that that would come. No, no, no. I ran for president like you. I got millions and millions of contributions.
Starting point is 01:07:01 They did not come from the executives, not one nickel of PAC money from the pharmaceutical industry. They came from workers. In 2020, you were the single largest receiver of pharmaceutical money. Because I had four contributions from workers all over this country. Workers, not a nickel from corporate PACs Bernie was the single largest acceptor of pharmaceutical dollars. No, from workers in the industry. 1.5 million. Yeah, out of 200 million. All right.
Starting point is 01:07:32 But you have not answered. Last question. Last question. Let's get out of here. Isn't it time for lunch? Let's go home. I was proud at RFK on that response. He was loaded.
Starting point is 01:07:45 He was ready forK on that response. He was loaded. Yes. He was ready for Bernie on that one. So I was juggling between the three hearings today, and those are just a few of the things I caught. I was watching the LBJ assassination story. Thank you so much. Tomorrow's Friday, last day, Morning Manna. Don't forget, this year, every Friday is Faith Friday. We're talking about faith. The rest of Morning Manna right now, we're in the Book of Romans, but every Friday in the year of 2025, we're going to be talking
Starting point is 01:08:18 about faith. You need miracle working faith this year. You're going to need it, my friends. And also on Fridays, we have the Lord's Supper. So join us tomorrow for Holy Communion. I appreciate everybody who is financially supporting us. I've got to remind myself to remind you that there are no elves that come by and put money under our pillow and, you know, finance this organization. Right. It's done by people like you. We don't have any giant billionaires. We don't have corporations.
Starting point is 01:08:59 And like Bernie Sanders, we don't have big pharma. And we don't have big pharma, you know. We just have everyday people just like you. If you want to know what our donors look like, go look in the mirror. Looks just like you. Yes. And so we need people that will stand with us and support us every month. It would really help us a lot if we could just double the number of people who donate every month, it would be an amazing transformation here for us and allow us to do much more. So give it some thought and prayer. There's our address for checks and money orders.
Starting point is 01:09:37 It's Post Office Box 399 Vero Beach, Florida. The zip code is 32961. You can call 24 hours a day. That doesn't mean dial the number 24 hours a day, but any time during the day you can call. Okay, 800-576-2116. Or just go to or and click the Donate button and give the very best gift.
Starting point is 01:10:07 This is a year to give inflation-busting faith donations. Your offerings to God will bust inflation. God will bless you. I promise you. I've lived through this. He will bless your faithfulness, your giving, and your income will rise. I don't know how he does it, but your income will rise. It will be more than inflation.
Starting point is 01:10:36 You will ride this out. I'm telling you, this inflation thing is going to last for at least another 10 years. This is not going to go away. Congress can pass inflation reduction acts. Politicians can promise to bring down the prices. It ain't going to work. It's an inflation cycle, and it's got to run itself out. You've got to give by faith.
Starting point is 01:10:57 Yes. Inflation-busting faith. I like that. So that's what we're going to do, inflation-busting faith. We're going to give offerings to God and the Lord will bless you because you are involved in his work. And his work is spreading the gospel of his son's kingdom. That's it. Thank you so much.
Starting point is 01:11:16 We'll see you tomorrow. God bless you. You don't have to think the world is ending tomorrow to be realistic. Serious emergencies happen to regular people all the time. For the forward-thinking family man, American Reserves serves as the ideal safeguard. As a father and husband, providing for and protecting my family is my highest priority. With strength in every pack, American Reserves combines variety and durability for any family. Waiting until it is too late will be devastating. Ensure your loved ones are cared for in any crisis by building a storehouse with American
Starting point is 01:11:59 Reserves. Because strength comes from smart preparation. American Reserves, your ally in emergency readiness. Visit our website and become prepared today. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna. We're glad to have you with us. And this year, January 2025,
Starting point is 01:12:20 we are beginning the year by studying the Book of Romans. And it's a tough book. It's not the easiest book to study, but we're going to get it done. And I'll be honest with you, this is the most effort I have ever put in my life into understanding the Book of Romans. I've read it, but it was always dry to me and difficult this time I'm I'm getting a lot out of it and I I hope I'm conveying it to you so let's learn together uh we're in chapter three of Romans and today we're gonna we going to tackle verses one through eight hopefully we can get to all eight verses so let's pray and the doc can read the word most gracious Heavenly
Starting point is 01:13:14 Father in heaven Lord we love you and we praise you today and we are grateful Father to be alive and to be saved. Father, your sons and daughters from around the world have gathered in this virtual Bible study class to be taught your word. And so we ask for the Holy Spirit to lead us and guide us, to illuminate our hearts and minds, and to reveal the truth of your word and the magnificence of your son and the greatness of his kingdom and the beauty of the salvation he has
Starting point is 01:13:55 provided for us in Jesus's name Amen amen and first eight verses Rick yes sir all right well I want to encourage everyone today as we do this Bible study, it's not just a matter of us learning the scriptures, which is very, very important, but you can have knowledge of the word and still miss the word. So I want to encourage you to add the ingredient of faith
Starting point is 01:14:24 as we read the word of God. The word of God says faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. And so every day when we read the word, my desire, my goal is to increase your faith. And I'm sure that's Rick's goal as well, to see your faith increase. And for us, 2025 is a year of faith. This is a year of faith for us. And we want to get that in your bloodstream, in your DNA. And so every time when you read the word, let's read it with a modicum of faith each and every time we enter into it.
Starting point is 01:15:02 Amen? We are in Romans chapter 3, reading the first eight verses. I'm reading from the King James. And it says, and this is Paul further expanding on what he just finished talking about in chapter 2. What advantage then hath the Jew? Or what profit is there of circumcision?
Starting point is 01:15:21 Much every way, chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of God for what if some did not believe shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect God forbid yea let God be true but every man a liar as it is written that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings
Starting point is 01:15:43 and mightest overcome when thou art judged. But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who taketh vengeance? I'm speaking as a man. God forbid, for then how shall God judge the world? For if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory, why yet am I also judged as a sinner?
Starting point is 01:16:12 And not rather as we slanderously reported and as some affirm that we say, let us do evil, that good may come, whose damnation is just. Now, as we wade through this today, there's a lot that Paul is saying in this passage. So we're going to just take it piece by piece, verse by verse, and we're going to understand this passage today by faith. Amen? That's right. Amen.
Starting point is 01:16:38 All right, so throughout this week, we were in Romans 2, and in particularly verses 17 through 29, Paul was challenging the assumption that just being Jewish or being circumcised automatically guaranteed righteousness before God. And he argued that Jewishness is not external but internal, a matter of the heart. So now we get into verse 1 of chapter 3, Romans 3. He begins by asking a rhetorical question.
Starting point is 01:17:24 Remember, the Bible wasn't written in chapters okay you know now this is a letter so Paul Paul has constructed a letter in chapters obviously uh but Paul didn't say now we move to chapter 3. Right. This is a continuation of 2 here. Continuation of his argument that we studied in chapter 2. So he asked this rhetorical question. What advantage then is there in being a Jew? What's the profit in being circumcised? What do you get out of this?
Starting point is 01:18:07 So if Paul's anticipating an objection, so if being a Jew does not make one righteous before God, then what is the point in being Jewish? That's the challenge he's presenting to the Jewish Christians in Rome
Starting point is 01:18:28 who are reading this letter. And if circumcision has no ultimate value in itself, then what benefit does it provide? So Paul's question is crucial because it addresses Israel's historical role in God's plan. And whether their status as God's chosen people has any ongoing significance. The word, the Greek word for advantage, the word means surplus, superiority, something extra. Paul's saying, well, what's the something extra in being a Jew? Is there some value?
Starting point is 01:19:31 Is there some advantage that the Jews do have? And that's a legitimate question. Right. He's saying, do you have a superiority over everybody else? He said, what's the extra privilege what's the extra benefit being a jew has over gentiles so you know given that paul has argued that jews and gentiles are are equally guilty before god does this mean being jew Jewish has no value at all so this is the direction
Starting point is 01:20:09 he's he's taking them in and he says then it was the profit in being circumcised if it doesn't lead to righteousness why do it what's the point in this? So, he's not, he's not dismissing, you know, categorically dismissing that there is a special place for the Jewish people.
Starting point is 01:20:49 Verse two, he says, much every way, chiefly. Yes. Because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. So there is an advantage that they have. They had the direct revelation of God. That's the advantage that they have, that they possess. They were the tribe of all the human races, all the human tribes. Look, the human population is just a collection of tribes.
Starting point is 01:21:20 That's right. We're all tribal. Every one of us. And if we're not part of a tribe, we'll create a tribe. That's right we're all tribal every one of us and if we if we're not part of a tribe we'll create a tribe that's right we're tribal and so the tribe of Judah was chosen by God of all the tribes on the earth he chose one he had to choose one he chose the tribe of Judah. He said, this is the tribe I'm going to work through. I'm going to use this tribe to reveal myself to mankind. I'm going to use this tribe to bring forth the Messiah. So, yes, they were honored beyond all other tribes. They were given a special place.
Starting point is 01:22:06 God chose that tribe to bring forth the Messiah to mankind. He used that tribe to reveal his oracles, his words, the truth of his
Starting point is 01:22:21 being. So they do have a distinct privilege. They were entrusted with divine revelation before anybody else on the planet. However, that comes with responsibility. Yes. And this is what Paul's getting at so I Paul reframes and I doc please jump in here anytime because you know I'm telling you this is a tough one for me to teach um you know phil feel free to correct me enhance what i'm saying whatever okay um paul is reframing the whole idea of the jewish
Starting point is 01:23:22 privilege saying it's not about automatic salvation, but it is about access to truth. It's not about entitlement. It's about responsibility. So that's a different viewpoint. Because he was challenging the Jews' attitude, their assumption, well, because we're Jews, we're saved.
Starting point is 01:23:49 Right. Because we're Jews, we're entitled. And he cancels that out. He says, no, it's not because you're Jews that you get an automatic pass, because all have sinned and come short of the glory of God, which we'll have later on, that there's none righteous, no, not one. But it's almost like he takes a sidebar here. Like, if you and I have a conversation sometimes, Rick, and then we're talking about one topic,
Starting point is 01:24:15 and then, oh, and by the way, let me fill you in on this, and then we come back to our topic. That's what Paul is doing here. He's kind of doing a sidebar or a side discussion here in case anyone had any objections here about, you know, those who claim to be Jews. And is there an advantage that the Jews had? So Paul's making it clear, yes, indeed, there is an advantage to being a Jew. But being a righteous Jew, that's what we're going to get into here. It's not just the DNA. It's not just the identification. Because you don't even have to have, nowadays, you don't have to have Jewish DNA to be Jewish.
Starting point is 01:24:57 All you have to do is just go through the ritual. So somehow that changes your DNA. I don't understand that. Wear a Kabbalah bracelet so but Paul is making that this is kind of a side conversation here verses 1-8
Starting point is 01:25:14 just saying just to be clear here I am not saying there's no value in Jewishness there's great value in it because the oracles of God were delivered to the Jews. They are chosen, but in the sense that they were chosen to deliver the oracles of God. Yes. So basically what he's doing with this opening question, this rhetorical question,
Starting point is 01:25:38 what's the advantage? What do you get out of this? He's debunking the misconception among Jews that they had a special status because of their DNA. Right. But he's not denying their historical privilege. Yes. And this is also a message for Gentiles, too, because could have been someone teaching in that day, like they teach today, that the Jews have a higher form of spirituality or a higher that in the millennial reign that christians will serve jews in the millennial reign that basically that will you know gentiles will be slaves to jews in the millennial reign so you've you already have teaching within christian zionism christian evangelicalism of this status, of this caste system.
Starting point is 01:26:46 And if Paul did anything else in chapter two, he threw the caste system out. But he comes back to it and says, but listen, there is a special privilege that Jews have, and that is that they were given the divine oracles of God. But that was not meant to be kept to themselves, but they were to deliver that to all of mankind. And so, yes, they're privileged, but with the privilege comes a responsibility. Much like us, we were given the commission by Jesus to go into all the world. We're chosen to do that, but it's a responsibility for us too.
Starting point is 01:27:27 We can ignore it, but we were given the Holy Spirit. Right. We were given the Holy Spirit. Right. The Jews didn't have the Holy Spirit. The Christians were given the Holy Spirit. We have a higher accountability.
Starting point is 01:27:44 For as Christians, our accountability is much higher here's the Holy Spirit is drawing in us so all right what Paul's doing is he's he's clarifying that Jews were given a special role but that does not exempt them from accountability from God. Right. And where this is going to go as we get deeper into this, probably won't get to it till Monday. He'll argue that both Jews and Gentiles are under sin. sin and you know that gets into like I said other chapters of other verses that we're not going to be able to get to today get down to because I want to get
Starting point is 01:28:41 to all all the verses here doc you have anything you want to add about verse 1? No, sir. Let's get into verse 2 because he makes the case moving forward here. Verse 2, much every way chiefly because that unto them were committed the oracles of God. So he's now stating chiefly, mainly, you know, firstly, because that unto them
Starting point is 01:29:23 were committed the oracles of God. God spoke. He gave his word to Abraham. And the oracles of God were committed to the Israelites. And the Jews were one tribe among the israelites so um doc anything you want to say on this i'm gonna i'm really leaning on you to no uh i think verse two i mean it fills in what we've been saying here that there is an advantage that the jews have and it's because of divine revelation as we get into verse three here the question may come up,
Starting point is 01:30:06 well, what if they don't believe it? Do they still have an advantage? And so verse 3 says, for what if some did not believe? Paul asked that question. He's asking rhetorically here. What if they were given divine revelation and they don't follow after it and they don't believe it? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect?
Starting point is 01:30:28 And so Paul is asking yet a second rhetorical question here. Does the fact that the Jews did not follow and believe the revelation that was given to them, does that mean that God has failed somehow? That his words not true, that somehow because the Jews did not believe the oracles of God, that God's oracles are of no effect? And so that's the question that Paul's asking now here in verse 3, because some would make that objection then. Yes, so, and just
Starting point is 01:31:04 to clarify, oracles of God means divine utterances. Right. The words that have come from God. So, in Acts 7, verse 38, the law of Moses is called the living oracles. Yes. In Hebrews 5, verse 12, the teachings of God are oracles to be learned. First Peter 4, verse 11, the word of God is described as oracles. And now we have in Romans 3, verse 2, the scriptures entrusted to Israel are called the oracles of God.
Starting point is 01:31:44 So we're talking about the word of God revealed to mankind. Right. For our benefit. And the oracles were delivered through the law, which is the Torah, the prophets and the writings of of the apostles and so these are the oracles of god um you know you could say i mean all all religions have oracles, but they're not from God. Right. These are writings that are divinely spoken from the lips of Almighty God.
Starting point is 01:32:38 And so the Jews knew God's will. They were entrusted with a written copy of his will. Yes. And they had a limited understanding of God's plan for salvation. The Gentiles, the non-Jews at that time did not have a written standard of righteousness. But the Jews were called to be the light to the nations. But they misused and abused the privilege, the position. Legalism got involved
Starting point is 01:33:29 they focused on the letter of the law rather than the spirit of the law they were nitpickers for obeying every little thing, but their hearts weren't changed. They never got that. They didn't understand that God wanted their hearts to change. While there was pride, they were puffed up, saying, hey, we're superior.
Starting point is 01:34:04 That's still today. Yes. Even if they don't believe. Even if they don't believe. I mean, when I say don't believe, don't even believe in Judaism. They still have a superiority complex. Yes. One individual that really stands out to me in that context is Yuval Harari,
Starting point is 01:34:27 an atheist homosexual Jew. He doesn't believe in the Torah, doesn't identify with Judaism, and yet I've seen people exalt him just because. Why? He's Jewish. Yes. So the Jews had the oracles of God, but they kept it to themselves.
Starting point is 01:34:54 They, again, that superiority complex, they said, Hey, it's for us and nobody else. You know, we're superior to the Gentiles.
Starting point is 01:35:08 We don't want them in our this is our club but god said you're supposed to be the light to the world but they only wanted the light to their world and um you know we we got to think about it ourselves we as christians why are we learning the word of god it it should be so that we are equipped to share the word of god obviously we get benefit from knowing the word of god i mean right wrong with that that god's favor is on us we have more light to walk in this world but we can't hoard it you have to share it we have to be we have to be teaching the word to other people introducing them to the concepts that that are in the word of god Okay, so we get to verse three.
Starting point is 01:36:07 For what if some did not believe? Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? So, now we get to where Paul states that the primary privilege of the Jews was that they were entrusted with the Jews were given God's revelation but did not believe it, does their unbelief nullify God's faithfulness? Right. And if Israel's failure is so great, does it mean that God's promises to them have failed? And the key in here is that word some. Not all Jews rejected the law. Some responded to the word of God. Some responded by faith. Faith is the requirement. Faith is the requirement in believing the word of God. So not all the Jews were condemned by this because some did, by faith, obey the word of God.
Starting point is 01:37:29 So the fact that there was a few that did really confirms God's word more than anything else. And he's writing to Jews in Rome who did obey by faith because they're Christians. Yes. If you're Jewish and your faith stops at, your faith and your obedience stops at believing in the name of Jesus, then you failed. Because everything from the time of Abraham was to lead people to Jesus. Yes, yes, yes. Everything. God made a promise to Abraham, but his name was still Abram,
Starting point is 01:38:21 that his seed would be a blessing to all the nations of the earth. Yes. The Jews today and the Christian Zionists misinterpret that. And they go, it means the Jews are going to bless all the world. No. Seed. One seed. Singular.
Starting point is 01:38:37 The seed is Jesus. Galatians 3.16 makes that very clear. And not only is Christ singular the seed, but we are in Christ and we are the seed now. So what we're learning here, the Jews were entrusted with the word of God, the oracles. Some Jews did not believe. Mostly, most of them did not believe but so Paul's asking does their failure negate God's faithfulness they sing absolutely
Starting point is 01:39:14 not God remains just in his dealings even in judgment yes and he's going to go on here later in chapter 3 to show that all humans, Jews and Gentiles are under the curse of sin the issue here is because God's chosen people are in disobedience does that make God's chosen people are in disobedience,
Starting point is 01:39:45 does that make God's plan a failure? For what if some did not believe? For what, or what then? Maybe another way of saying it. Does that negate the word of God? Right. To be unfaithful, to lack faith, to disbelieve. For what if some did not believe?
Starting point is 01:40:21 We're back to this concept of faith. Yes. What if they did not believe? They did not have faith? Again, they The appearance of Jesus Christ, his crucifixion, his resurrection,
Starting point is 01:40:48 was the moment of decision for Jews. What are you going to do with this Jesus? Most rejected him. Most did not have faith. Most did not recognize. just oh my we've been waiting for thousands of years for the messiah to show up he just showed up and we killed him yes they didn't get it they didn't believe they had no faith uh but paul's pointing out that not all jews have been disobedient unfaithful to god yes
Starting point is 01:41:38 um shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? Does a person's unbelief nullify God's promises? No, the promises are still there. Yes. God doesn't change. It's our lack of faith so we have to ask ourselves what is it today that we're missing in your life in my life what are we missing today from the promises god gave us and we're missing it in our life today
Starting point is 01:42:25 because of unbelief, lack of faith. What is it? Is this promises? Have they gone out of style? Did they expire? Healing. Did God stop healing people? did he stop doing miracles or did we just stop believing that's a great question and it comes down to faith doesn't it yes his word didn't change his word did not change regarding healing right his word did not change regarding healing. Right.
Starting point is 01:43:08 His word did not change regarding deliverance. His word did not change regarding supply. And yet, something has changed, hasn't it? Yes. So Doc knows this. For the last, about the last two months, I've been watching at night. So I put my old radio shows away.
Starting point is 01:43:31 And now what I've been watching are old black and white videos of healing meetings in the 1950s and 60s. And they were all over America. And these ministers traveled to different countries uh conducted uh international means but i'm watching these meetings you know and they usually were intense big tents bigger than football fields and i'm seeing people get out of wheelchairs. I'm seeing people with, I mean, given days to live where ambulances bring them from the hospitals to the revival meeting, and they're on stretchers.
Starting point is 01:44:16 People with stomach cancer and tuberculosis, I mean, they've been given days to live, and I'm watching these videos, and these people are getting up off their stretchers and all. I mean, they've been given days to live. And I'm watching these videos and these people are getting up off their stretchers and walking. They're getting out of wheelchairs. I'm watching ears, you know, pop open and suddenly, you know, a deaf mute
Starting point is 01:44:37 is now hearing and speaking. You can see the videos. You can watch them. It's like, well, did God, did he, like in, say, 1965, did he go, okay, I'm just, I don't have anything left. I'm done. All my power's gone. What happened to it? Where did the miracles go?
Starting point is 01:45:00 Did God's word change between then and now? No. He still wanted people to believe like they were during those years. did God's word change between then and now no he still believed like they were during those years so what changed what changed the church the Christians the Christians changed that's right that's what's changed
Starting point is 01:45:18 they stopped believing they stopped believing yes they stopped believing. Yes, they stopped believing. Some of those revivals passed away and nobody picked up their mantle.
Starting point is 01:45:40 Nobody carried on. That's the sad thing I see. Some of those men went home to the Lord and nobody said Nobody carried on. That's the sad thing I see. Some of those men went home to the Lord and nobody said, we can't let this man's ministry. Let's go on. Let's keep it going. Yes.
Starting point is 01:46:00 But God's still waiting. He'd do it today. He would do it today. He would do it today. He would heal people today if we would have the faith. And there was also, Doc, a collective response from the organized church world that said. We have to explain this. Yes. We have to. We have to put a theological covering over this.
Starting point is 01:46:34 And snuff it out. Right. It was a momentary. Blip on the radar. Of miracles and it's gone. Or they'll say, well, most of the miracles were explainable or that. Basically, what they're saying is those miracles weren't miracles at all. They were all fake or imagined or psychosomatic or whatever. But they weren't truly miracles.
Starting point is 01:47:03 In other words, God's a liar. And isn't that what Paul was saying here? Yes. Shall their unbelief make the faith of God without effect? Their unbelief, their faithful, faithlessness. Without faith, it's impossible to please God. Unbelief is faithlessness. You have no faith. lack of faith is unbelief. Unfaithfulness really is disobedience. Because you can cross the line.
Starting point is 01:47:58 So, Israel, the Jewish people rejected God's truth. And they said, we have a religion, Judaism. We will define God within our religion. And that's basically the Christian church world today. They've created the confines. This is how we will explain God.
Starting point is 01:48:29 And God's not welcome to show up here and be God. We'll talk about it, but he should not come in our meetings and be God. Isn't that really what we're doing in church meetings? Yes. Most people would run out the door if God showed up. Faithlessness
Starting point is 01:48:58 of God means not having faith in God so does does Israel's unbelief cancel God's promises absolutely not and not and neither does the church's lack of belief today cancel God's promises either. His promises are still in effect, waiting to be redeemed. Yes. And by his stripes, ye are healed. That's New Testament. By his stripes, ye are healed healed do you believe it do you have faith to
Starting point is 01:49:50 just believe your heel now by his stripes see we've been conditioned in the church to read the Word of God to read the Word of God, to hear the Word of God, and not believe the Word of God. Wow, Rick. It's okay. You should be taught the Word of God. You should read the Word of God. But you should not believe the Word of God. That's the message coming through most churches today.
Starting point is 01:50:29 Yeah. Because we live in the real world. Right. This Word of God, this is the ideal world. But we live in the real world. We should read what God says we should should be but don't expect it to be that's the same thing as paul's talking to the jews about yes you had the oracles of god but you didn't believe it
Starting point is 01:50:58 you did in the sense that you you taught every little line and dot and semicolon and everything, but it never got inside of you. It never changed you. So Paul's saying, even though Israel, Jews, failed to believe God, God remains true to his word. God was faithful to Abraham even when Abraham doubted. That's in Genesis 17, verse 17. Yes.
Starting point is 01:51:37 And yet it was, the Bible goes on to say that Abraham's faith was counted to him for righteousness. When he did believe, it was counted to him for righteousness when he did believe it was counted to him for righteousness so rejection the Jews rejection of Jesus Christ does not break God's faithfulness yes it simply confirms his word and then later if we're going to get into Romans 11 Paul's teaching that not all of Israel is rejected
Starting point is 01:52:10 that there is a faithful remnant and this gets to be a whole other teaching you know because the Christian Zionists say well but Paul said, all of Israel shall be saved. That's not all. Israel shall be saved.
Starting point is 01:52:30 Those who are in Israel, the people of God, not the state of Israel. I want to get down. I want to keep on schedule here get down to verse 4 God forbid yea let God be true
Starting point is 01:52:51 but every man a liar as it is written that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings and mightest overcome when thou art judged in other words believing the word of God will save you Come when thou art judged. In other words, believing the word of God will save you.
Starting point is 01:53:13 Okay. I guess he's now building a theological defense of biblical faithfulness. So Paul quotes Psalm 51 verse 4. He's reinforcing the principle that God's righteousness is always justified, even in judgment.
Starting point is 01:53:51 Let God be true, but every man a liar that God's truth his word is absolute and the failure of humans does. And that God's faithfulness is independent of human faithfulness. They're two different things. Yes. We're not always faithful. We're not consistent in our faithfulness. He's saying if every human on earth we're liars god's still trustworthy yes that's right and his word is still true even if every person rejects it every man lies about it. Right.
Starting point is 01:54:48 You just said something, Doug. When I said every man a liar, it's not talking about people lying about where they were at yesterday. Right. It's people lying about the word of God. Yes. You've got people in Christian seminaries lying about the word of God. When you teach that miracles have passed away, you're lying.
Starting point is 01:55:19 It's a lie. You are lying about the word of God. God is not a man that he should lie. Numbers chapter 23, Titus, God cannot lie. Second Timothy, if we are faithless, he remains faithful. Yes. Hebrews 6.18, every man is a liar. What's that?
Starting point is 01:55:43 I said Hebrews 6.18, 18 is impossible for god to lie yes so he's saying look at every single human lies about god's word it doesn't change the word it's still the truth yes yes uh god forbid he says meaning absolutely not perish the thought far be it get that idea out of your head that god could lie it's impossible how can how can a being who is truth itself, he's not just truthful, he is truth. How can someone who is truth say something that's not true? It's not even possible. Paul's saying, get it out of your head. Perish that thought. that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings
Starting point is 01:56:46 and mightest overcome when thou art judged. So God's righteousness is upheld even when he condemns sin. The phrase, when thou art judged um i mean does that doctor does that mean when god is judging us or when people are judging others i think the way the context in psalm, it seems to say the way God is judging. And yet it's saying that thou mightest be justified in thy sayings. Well, what are the sayings of God?
Starting point is 01:57:35 The word of God. We're justified by faith, believing the word of God. That has never changed. That's been the same since the garden. By faith, we believe what God says and obey. And for us, that's the revealed gospel. In the garden, it was beginning, don't eat of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Starting point is 01:58:04 By faith, they were to believe the word of God. Don't do it. And yet, it's that same principle that goes today. The only way we're saved is by belief in the word of God. The word of God reveals to us today, Christ died for us, rose again the third day, God raised him from the grave for the salvation of mankind we believe by faith in that and follow after that
Starting point is 01:58:29 so the principle has been the same we're judged by our faith and obedience to the word of God yes so God's justice is triumphant over human failure. God's faithfulness is the first principle that must be upheld,
Starting point is 01:58:53 no matter the consequences. Right. There are things that go on in the world and in my life and in this ministry that I don't understand. And I just say, Lord, I don't understand it, but your ways are right. Right. And that's all I'm going to say about it, Lord. I don't, I'm telling you, I don't understand it.
Starting point is 01:59:18 Right. But I know your ways are right. And maybe someday you'll explain it to me. Yes. So you have to come to that place where you know that his ways are right. He's faithful. And you rest in it. So even if all the Jews, even if the whole world is unfaithful, God is faithful.
Starting point is 01:59:51 His truth never changes. The Jews had privileges, yet their unbelief did not make God unfaithful. I'm going to get down to verse 5. Yes. Now he asks a very interesting question in verse 5. But if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who takes vengeance? I speak as a man.
Starting point is 02:00:36 Right. Now, the King James, really, this is one of those challenges why Romans sometimes is a bit hard because the King James language is kind of bulky here. So I'm going to read it from uh the english revised version here it but if our unrighteousness commends the righteousness of god what shall we say is god unrighteous who visit us up with wrath i'll try the american standard here uh if our unrighteousness promotes the righteousness of God, what shall we say? Is God unrighteous who visits with wrath? The question that Paul is asking here is, well, now you might respond to me with a question like this. My unrighteousness actually declares the glory of God. My unrighteousness actually reveals the righteousness of God. Therefore, why should God condemn
Starting point is 02:01:27 me for my unrighteousness when it glorifies him? Yes. In other words, there are people looking for a way, how can I keep on sinning and still count myself in? Doc, is Paul saying if, you know, he's anticipating objections from the Jews, and he's saying,
Starting point is 02:01:53 so you're thinking if your human sin magnifies God's righteousness, wouldn't it be unjust for God to punish that sin? Right. That's what he's asking. Because there would be Jews who would say, we're the chosen people of God. The revelation of God has been revealed to us. The oracles of God have been revealed to us. Whether we believe it or not, we're still Jews.
Starting point is 02:02:23 But even if we don't believe, our unrighteousness glorifies God. Yes. I mean, it's a profound mystery. How can God remain just when using human sin to accomplish his purposes? And Paul makes it clear here. I'm asking this question not as the Apostle Paul, not as, you know, anything. I'm asking this just as a, this is just a question I'm throwing out there. I ask as a man.
Starting point is 02:02:55 So he's not saying this is a question from the Lord, but I'm just saying, think about this. Okay. think about this okay but if our unrighteousness commend the righteousness of God commend meaning the highlight prove make visible make manifest human sin
Starting point is 02:03:22 makes God's justice more visible. Yes, that's what Paul is saying. Tony, this is a tough book for me to teach. I'm just telling the class, this one's rough. It's a really tough book. And it's got some very deep topics in it that make my brain flip upside down and i i have to work at understanding what paul's saying
Starting point is 02:03:58 so i i well you're in good company peter said the same thing in his letters he said paul uh what paul writes the scripture but i'm telling you it's hard to understand sometimes peter said that so you're in good peter's my guy all right paul paul was highly educated he went to multiple law schools all right peter's just a fisherman he's just a he he just a regular guy yeah right so he was yeah so even Peter was saying this stuff's over my head I'm just gonna go back to healing the sick so Paul saying the Jewish argument to his position is if my sin showcases god's glory why should i be judged yes see another excuse to sin hey if my sin is actually causing god to be glorified hey then i'm doing it for god
Starting point is 02:05:02 no that's not what he's saying he's saying god will even take your sin and make himself glorified you're still going to be punished for your sin there's there's a danger we see it here in in america right now with various politicians where politicians were Christians will say I'm not saying he's saved but you know God God is using him I'm not certain he's saved well what you're saying is God's using that politician to get his purposes done but that person may end up in the lake of fire when his life is done. Right. So I'll give you a modern example of this, folks.
Starting point is 02:05:55 There's a lot of modern-day churches that are considered woke churches, some in the Presbyterian, Episcopal churches. Most recently, you saw the so-called bishopess in D.C. with the Trump service and everything. And you might ask the question, how is it that these folks on the woke left that are in the church, how can they look at the Word of God and excuse overt sexual sin of all kinds, ranging from, you know, shacking up together to homosexuality, lesbianism, everything in between, how can they look at the Word of God and say that, you know, that it's not there? Well, they don't deny that it's there. They'll either, one, say that it no longer applies to us or they will say that even if it is wrong
Starting point is 02:06:49 and I've heard this taught, Rick, even if it is wrong and we find out later that God will judge it, it will be, God will have grace on it because the sin magnified the glory of God. They use the same argument today. The same argument. So there's flawed logic in the Jews' response to Paul,
Starting point is 02:07:16 assuming that good results justify evil actions. And a distortion of God's justice by making him unjust for punishing sin. That's right. So then Paul says, I speak as a man. He's distancing himself from this flawed reasoning and then he asked the question is God unrighteous who takes vengeance that could be better phrased as brings wrath upon. Yes.
Starting point is 02:08:09 Is God unjust for bringing wrath upon that sin? The modern woke church would say, yes, God is unrighteous in that. Yes. So if God were unrighteous in judging sin, he could not be the judge of the world. Yes. Very. It shows how mischievous Satan is in constructing legal arguments against God. And building these legal strongholds in the minds of people.
Starting point is 02:08:49 Yes. This is God forbid, for then how shall he judge the world? Again, God forbid, may it never be. If God could not judge sin because it magnifies his righteousness no one could be condemned
Starting point is 02:09:09 right and if this logic were valid even pagan nations could not be judged let's get down to verse 7 or verse 6 isn't it so we said god forbid this is all part basically one statement god forbid how then can he judge the world um so we'll go down to uh anything you want to add doc i'll go down to verse seven yeah paul i think think Paul finishes that up for us there. Yes.
Starting point is 02:09:47 Verse 7, For if the truth of God hath more abounded if the truth of God hath more abounded through my lie unto his glory, why yet am I also judged a sinner? So Paul continues a sinner. So Paul continues
Starting point is 02:10:07 to refute the false arguments made by those who misunderstand God's righteousness. So the key issue here is, if my sin somehow highlights God's truth and glory, why should I be judged as
Starting point is 02:10:23 a sinner? I'm helping God by sinning. I'm helping God I'm saving I'm helping God by setting oh it's hard to believe that people think like this and you could say that well that was only back there at that time but doc you just you just presented evidence that's still present today. Well, and to give you another example, abortion, okay? So the woke left would say that murder is wrong. Killing people is wrong. And yet they advocate the murder of the unborn.
Starting point is 02:11:03 And they take one of two positions. One is that, well, it's not a human being. They don't have a soul. That's really what you're saying, that they don't have a soul. The other end of the spectrum, they say, well, even if they do have a soul, they get to immediately be in the presence of God, and so we're doing a favor to that individual so they don't suffer the pains of this life. They go immediately to the presence of God.
Starting point is 02:11:30 We're doing God a favor by killing the unborn. So therefore, they would say that killing the unborn glorifies God. That's where human logic that killing the unborn glorifies God. That's where human logic, and what I would call satanic logic, takes you.
Starting point is 02:11:56 So, yeah, let's try to... It's not just Jewish objection. This is, again, as you just pointed out, it's this argument. Satan has introduced this argument to many generations. Yes. If my sin results in God's glory, why should I be condemned? So it's an attempt to justify sin. Yes.
Starting point is 02:12:22 That's all it is. Trying to turn sin into something that's useful sin does not glorify God it it it reveals his right hand okay so try to give you an example so if if doc and i if we were put on stage for the whole audience to look at and doc is just perfect he didn't do anything wrong doesn't say anything wrong he's just as perfect as you can be that's odd day, but let's go for it. Okay. All right. But over here on the other side is me, and I'm doing everything wrong. Okay. Saying everything wrong.
Starting point is 02:13:13 A real stinker. Has my bad attitude and actions, does it? Am I justified in being that way or does my bad attitude and actions highlight how good doc is this is what paul's saying when you're sending like oh you're showing is how good god is you're showing how perfect he is how righteous he is you're still Center your sin isn't isn't glorifying him it's not for his it's simply revealing to the world he's perfect is is that a is that a fair way of explaining this, Doc? Yeah, I think so.
Starting point is 02:14:15 So God's truth is magnified when he fulfills his promises and his judgments. And every lost sinner is a testimony to God's truthfulness in his warnings. The fact that people die and end up in the lake of fire on Judgment Day only proves that God's word was true yes it wasn't that they were allowed to send and encouraged to send so he would look good right it was he was good start with period
Starting point is 02:15:02 um the truth of God always, his faithfulness, his righteousness, his justice. God is always truthful, even when men are deceitful. And the lives of men do not contribute to God's glory. They just highlight his justice in judging their sin all right we'll get down to verse 8 and not rather as we slanderously reported slander Now, this is an interesting verse here,
Starting point is 02:15:57 because what Paul is saying here is that we have been, us teaching the word of God, we have been accused as being unrighteous. We've been accused of this, slanderously, of course, but we've been accused of being unrighteous. And so that we're being accused of doing this very same thing,
Starting point is 02:16:22 that we're doing evil that God may be glorified. And Paul says, I've been accused of that. He doesn't go into a lot of detail here on this. He says, I've been accused of this very thing, that I've been accused of doing evil to glorify God. So Paul taught that salvation by grace was apart from works and people said
Starting point is 02:16:52 that's not right. What Paul taught completely challenged the Jewish reliance on the law. said that's not right you're doing evil so Paul says doc said Paul saying look I've been slandered so what's what's the root of this accusation the belief that grace cancels moral responsibility right
Starting point is 02:17:34 uh what was the the the false doctrine in the church doc uh anti no nomianism yes okay that was the that was the teaching that grace cancels moral responsibility right and it's pervasive in the church today that somehow god's grace negates the judgment of God. Hyper-grace. You hear about churches that are hyper-grace. That's really what they're teaching. Yes. But some people actually accuse Paul of promoting it. Yes.
Starting point is 02:18:22 He doesn't try to refute it. He just says it's so absurd, I'll just condemn it. Right. Just out of hand. It was just another ploy by the Judaizers who had a plan to take out Paul. The plan is still in place today. They tried to negate the teachings of Paul, try to remove the writings of Paul from the New Testament, tried to say that Paul had a different gospel than Jesus had.
Starting point is 02:18:52 And so that accusation began in Paul's day and has extended to this day. That, you know what, just forgive Paul. He's out there teaching and everything, teaching this new gospel and everything. Just forgive him, but rest in the grace of God. That's not the case. That's not what Paul taught. Paul did not teach, it's just grace.
Starting point is 02:19:22 He said, it's grace, but there are things that will happen in your life after grace occurs yes and so later in Romans we get to chapter 6 he's going to say shall we continue in sin that grace may abound God forbid
Starting point is 02:19:39 forbid so in verse 8 he's exposing false malicious accusations against his teachings he's saying I've been slandered not just
Starting point is 02:20:00 misrepresented I've been slandered people are deliberately twisting my teaching for the purpose of discrediting the gospel. Not just discrediting Paul, but the entire gospel of Christ. And so anyhow, tomorrow is Faith Friday. And we're going to pick up on the second part of last week's lesson, two kinds of faith. We had the Thomas faith.
Starting point is 02:20:36 Tomorrow is going to be the Abraham faith. Amen. And then Monday, we'll pick up with Chapter 3. We'll be at verse 9 on Monday. Well, praise the Lord. I hope you've been encouraged by this teaching today. And once again, faith comes by hearing
Starting point is 02:20:50 and hearing by the Word of God. And so you've had an injection of the Word today. And so we should see results in faith in your life today. As Rick said, tomorrow is Faith Friday. So come with an expectation
Starting point is 02:21:03 of God doing something wonderful in your life. There are two ingredients, faith and your need. We've still got 367 people here, so for a very difficult book to study. Yes. God bless you. Thank you for hanging in there. Praise the Lord. And we invite you to be back here tomorrow morning, 8 a.m., for Faith Friday.
Starting point is 02:21:30 Tonight, we're getting together for a short time to pray for microchurches, the Miracle Faith microchurches. That's at 8 p.m. Eastern time tonight. And so if you can join us for that, we invite you for that as well. Don't forget, tomorrow also communion, communion on Fridays. And so come prepared to participate in the Lord's Table with either bread and grape juice or red wine. And we encourage you, make a preparation for it. Don't just be casual about it, but make a definite preparation for it. And so any final words,
Starting point is 02:22:09 Rick, before we sign off for today? That's it for me. All right, then. In that case, then we're going to get ready for the Godcast today. We ask you to tune in, be praying for this ministry, pray by faith for this ministry, give by faith in this ministry, and believe by faith for God to do something big through what we're doing here in 2025. God bless you and we'll see you on the Friday edition of Morning Manor on Faith Friday.

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