TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Exposed: Pentagon’s Secret Anti-Chinese Covid Vaccine Propaganda Operation
Episode Date: June 14, 2024The United States Department of Defense launched a secret propaganda campaign in the Philippines during the Covid pandemic to frighten Filipinos from being vaccinated with China’s Covid vaccine. We ...will give you more about this Reuters investigation later in our program. Meanwhile, the CDC is telling Americans to be alert but not alarmed yet about the bird flu virus.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/14/2024Listen to this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! https://www.TruNewsGold.comGet high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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The United States Department of Defense launched a secret propaganda campaign in the Philippines
during the COVID pandemic to frighten Filipinos from being vaccinated with China's COVID vaccine.
We will give you more details about this Reuters investigation
later in our program. Meanwhile, the CDC is telling Americans to be alert but not alarmed
yet about the bird flu virus. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Friday, June 14, 2024.
Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's world news
by highlighting this article published by USA Today.
Be alert, but not alarmed.
About bird flu, CDC official urges.
Doc, why does this have this deja vu all over again,
Yogi Berra type of feeling, like COVID.
Rick, I've seen enough sci-fi movies to know that when the government in the movie says,
don't worry about it, everything's okay, there's nothing to worry about,
that's the moment you need to start worrying.
Yes, be alert but not alarmed.
What does that mean, be alert but not alarmed?
Well, let's see what they're saying here in this article.
Again, this is published yesterday by the USA Today.
People and public officials should be alert but not added details about the spread and status of the outbreak
of what is formally called the highly pathogenic avian influenza.
Cattle on more than 90 farms in 12 states have been infected since late last year,
as well as three people who caught the disease from cattle, these infections have been widely reported.
And then the next story, I'll let Doc take this one.
This is The Guardian.
Top CDC official warns U.S. needs more tests in face of bird flu fears.
Yes, The Guardian's reporting that there's not enough testing for bird flu among people and animals in the U.S. That's come from Dr. Nirav Shah,
Principal Deputy Director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
But he is wary of pushing the issue and damaging fragile trust among farm workers and owners.
He said, we would like to be doing more tests, Shah said.
We'd like to be testing particularly not just symptomatic workers,
but anyone on a farm who is exposed. But Shaw said right now we want to be in a role where we're
building trust with farms and farm workers. You know what that means?
Like he did the last time we went through this. You know what that says right there?
The farmers won't let us own their property. That's right. That's exactly what it says.
That's what that means.
Right now, we're building trust with farmers.
In other words, we're being met at the gate until we get lost.
That's right.
Farmers are refusing to allow the feds to come on their property.
And as of right now, the farmers are legally, they can stop them because no emergency has been declared.
But if you're a farmer, you need to know this.
The moment they declare emergencies, you're going to lose your private property rights.
We're going to go back into these draconian COVID-like Fauci mandates.
And this time, the farmers are going to be the ones who are under siege by federal and state health officials.
They'll be on the front line this time.
And so another report that keeps us on the edge of the news on this.
Look at this story.
Now, this was actually a few days ago.
This is from KXAN in Austin.
Bird flu, look at this, detected in Austin wastewater.
Austin Public Health announced Thursday that the Texas Epidemic Public Health Institute
had detected traces of bird flu in the city's wastewater.
They even said the risk to the public remains low.
Remember that?
And that no human cases have been reported locally.
The article goes on to say that the detection of influenza viruses in wastewater
does not necessarily indicate undetected human cases.
Influenza in wastewater can also come from other sources, such as birds or livestock,
or secretions and excretions into wastewater from infected cows or other animals in the area.
But I will have to ask, this is the city's wastewater now.
I don't recall ever seeing herds of dairy cattle in Austin.
I don't either.
Now, I suppose you could make the argument about the birds and everything, but...
There's beef cattle around Austin.
I'm just not aware of dairy cattle in the
city of austin that would be unusual um but you know they're saying it could come from um bird
droppings or some other source but we're starting now to see traces of the flu virus showing up in the wastewater of major cities.
And that should be your first warning flag, that this thing's going to get serious very soon.
Because look at the number of states.
It's up to 12.
I didn't realize it was that many.
In dairy cattle.
Why dairy cattle?
Why dairy cattle?
Of all the other animals out there, why dairy cattle?
What is it about dairy cattle that's attracting bird flow?
Or is an incubator for bird flu? Maybe it's their close
proximity to one another. They're confined in a secured space for a period of time to be milked.
So that's the first thing that comes to my mind. But why are dairy cattle getting bird flu in the
first place compared to all the other type of of livestock and animals out there why dairy cattle
that that's a great question i i can't answer that um well what are you doing here doc i know
i'm trying to think i probably put that to medical uh knowledge to work seriously i don't know i'm
wondering i'm wondering why why is it that it's dairy cattle and you know the cynical part of me says they're targeting cattle, you know, and then this is going to spread to beef cattle.
And then it's going to spread to sheep.
And then it's going to spread.
And before you know it, there aren't going to be any herds of any kind of livestock on American farms and ranches. Well, you know, using the argument that it's being targeted,
I mean, you take two components of a lot of foods, eggs and milk,
which produces a ton of other foods.
That's right.
If you don't have eggs and milk, you don't have bread.
You have flour, but you don't have bread.
So, you know, there's a cascade effect when these, you know, in the supply chain, when eggs are interrupted or milk is interrupted, it interrupts a lot of other things.
And so, you know, if you were going to target two particular foods to really mess up the food chain they were eliminated, would cause the greatest disruption to the food supply.
Maybe somebody's already asked AI.
And maybe we're seeing the results of that. a lot of the things that are going on in the world can be attributed
policymakers getting instructions
from artificial intelligence.
They're asking
give us a plan
to get to this
What do we have to do
to reach that objective? What do we have to do to reach that objective?
And these scenarios are very extreme,
and we're wondering as citizens,
who would come up with policies like this?
Did you get an answer?
I'm asking right now.
It's thinking about it.
It's thinking?
Well, it's not very intelligent,
and it's got to think.
It should just give you the answer, it's not very intelligent, but it's got to think. It should just
give you the answer right away. The next one is from the CDC. Reducing risk for people working
with or exposed to animals. And I was looking at this today. Now, this actually goes back. It was published in April. And if we can scroll down,
you'll see these are the instructions. The CDC is right there. Let's look at this.
These are the people who should be very concerned about bird flu, according to CDC.
Poultry and livestock farmers and workers, backyard bird flock owners, veterinarians and veterinary staff, animal health responders, public health responders, slaughterhouse workers performing certain tasks on lactating dairy cattle, including unloading or handling live lactating dairy cattle for slaughter, including workers in holding pens and involved with trying to see that I can't make that out from here.
Postmortem process, including the postmortem inspection and handling and transporting and vice versa.
Removing and transporting udders from dairy cattle
for further processing or rendering.
Avoid unprotected direct or close physical contact
with sick birds, livestock, other animals,
carcasses of birds, livestock, other animals
that have died from unknown causes.
Raw milk.
What is that?
Viscera and udders.
And lactating dairy cattle.
I don't have my glasses on.
I'm straining my eyes to look at this on the screen.
Feces or litter.
Surface and water.
On farms with potentially infected animals that might be contaminated with animal waste.
And then, let's look.
I think we have there.
Look at this.
This is for farmers.
If you're a farmer or a rancher, even if you have a backyard flock of hens,
this is where the CDC is sending you.
You're going to be wearing protective gear.
And, Doc, I'll let you read the list.
There's seven things that the farmer should be wearing right now.
So, and they've got those pictured there.
It says to wash hands with soap and water, then put on PPE in this order.
Number one, fluid-resistant coveralls.
Waterproof apron if needed for job task.
NIOSH-approved respirator.
That's like the full, big respirators that you get.
For a farmer.
Properly fitted, unvented or indirectly vented safety goggles
or face shield head cover or hair cover gloves and boots now i'm i'm telling you
the just the ordinary farmer out there is going to push back on this in a big way
first of all he has to buy all this stuff right and it's not no they're going to push back on this in a big way. First of all, he has to buy all this stuff.
And it's not cheap.
No, they're going to give it to him.
Oh, they're going to give it to him.
Some politician is going to propose free PPE for farmers.
There will be a government program through the USDA.
That'll be like the COVID money.
They're going to make it profitable
for farmers to surrender their farms.
But the farmers and ranchers who resist,
if this continues,
your property's going to be locked down.
You know what Canada did to churches?
They had Royal Mounted Police come in
and seize control of church properties.
They sure did.
And that's what they're going to do to the farms.
This thing's just getting started.
Just think out six, eight months from now
of where we will be.
If it follows the same pattern as COVID, they will be seizing farms.
There will be resistors.
There will be farmers resisting, resisting wearing the protective gear, refusing to cdc officials on their property right there will be
farmers refusing to have themselves and their families tested every day every day you went
into the barn you have to be tested you got on a tractor you have to be tested why why a tractor
because the tractor tires may be infected with feces.
Every day you will have to be tested.
If you follow the same pattern that we had with COVID, this is what they will do to the farmers and ranchers.
And they're hoping that the farmers will just give up and say, I'm done.
I'm done farming.
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This is a satanic depopulation agenda.
And there is a death cult in control of certain nations.
And we saw it, look, you see it with abortion.
You see it with the radical green agenda. You saw it with COVID. Yes. In the United States, the propaganda campaign was you have to take the vaccine.
If you don't take it, you're an anti-vaxxer. You're a COVID denier. But our same government that was pushing that propaganda on you and me
was telling the Filipino people,
if you take the vaccine, you're going to die.
It's dangerous.
Do not get vaccinated.
This is Putin today.
World close to point of no return.
Doesn't need any commentary, does it?
Putin said, you're at the edge.
You're right at the edge.
And I'm about to push you over the edge.
And he made this.
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