Episode Date: August 5, 2021Today on TruNews, is America headed to a phase of drastic lockdowns? Host Edward Szall and Rick Wiles discuss the impending extreme measures about to be implemented by the Biden Administration, as th...e so-called ‘Delta Variant’ makes its rise, leading some news outlets to say we are approaching a doomsday scenario. In the second hour, Lauren Witzke welcomes Jarome Bell, congressional candidate from Virginia, who responds to the new military mandate to be vaccinated. In our final segment, the team welcomes Ted and Shemane Nugent, who talk about the desire to changes the lives of children, and how they are boldly standing up for their rights to talk about God and Guns in our deteriorating society. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Raymond Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/05/21)
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Welcome to True News. I'm Edward Zoll.
Today we're going to address several topics related to the continued vaccine tyranny,
specifically the subject of mandates for the military and extreme measures.
Could these extreme measures mean new lockdowns? We'll address this and more, and later in the program we have Ted Nugent,
who will join us to discuss the camps and the projects he's working on to help young men.
But first, here is Kerry Kinsey. Today's True News Headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. of Defense Lloyd Austin is expected Friday to announce a mandatory vaccine policy for all
active duty forces in the U.S. military. That directive includes 1.3 million service members.
CNN says the Biden administration is putting together a plan to mandate vaccinations
for almost all foreign visitors to the U.S. According to Reuters, this could include making all foreign
nationals traveling to the states from all countries to be fully vaccinated. For information
on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's Forbes and other outlets
say that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is fired back at President Biden for his criticism of Florida's bans on school mask mandates and vaccine passports.
In a speech in Panama City on the state's economy, the governor said Florida will not be a biomedical security state. Joe Biden suggests that if you don't do lockdown policies,
then you should, quote, get out of the way. But let me tell you this. If you're coming after
the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way. I'm not going to let you get away with
it. If you're trying to deny kids a proper in-person education, I'm going to stand in your way,
and I'm going to stand up for the kids in Florida.
If you're trying to restrict people, impose mandates,
if you're trying to ruin their jobs and their livelihoods and their small business,
if you are trying to lock people down, I am standing in your way,
and I'm standing for the people of Florida.
So why don't you do
your job? Why don't you get this border secure? And until you do that, I don't want to hear a blip
about COVID from you. Thank you.
Yeah. And on Fox News last night, the governor played soundbites from various
Florida hospital administrators who say they are not overcrowded with COVID patients.
The governor says the media is lying about this.
News Center 5 in Boston says Mayor Kim Janey is not a fan of the Big Apple's vaccine passport.
She says there's a long history in this country of people needing to show their papers.
In an op-ed written for Fox News, Senator Rand Paul writes, resist.
They can't arrest us all.
He says we should say no to mask mandates and yes to freedom and natural immunity.
But here's the thing.
There's some interesting things coming up.
I'm against the mandates. But even if you're going to mandate it, what if you're making a mandate that ignores the
science? So there's a professor at George Mason who's got a lawsuit that's very interesting going
on. He had COVID five months ago. He's got a positive test. He has antibodies and they want
him to be vaccinated. He's like, well, I have the same immunity you have and all the scientific
evidence and my doctor says I don't need it so i think
that'll be an interesting lawsuit because even in the old days when they say oh well everybody had
a passport you know for smallpox you know what the exception was if you had visible pox you didn't
have to take the vaccine and you didn't that was your passport to travel Now he's talking about Professor Todd Zwicky. His lawyers say having
to get the jab after he had the virus could be dangerous. Now the lawsuit claims the school
shouldn't be able to require vaccines that have yet to receive full FDA approval.
THE WHITE HOUSE IS WORKING UNDER THE ASSUMPTION THAT THEY WILL NOT NEED AN FDA FULL AUTHORIZATION, make a formal announcement tomorrow, the White House is working under the assumption that they will not need an FDA full authorization, although we've been told by the New York Times that could
be coming as soon as next month. They can do this with just a presidential waiver. I mean, Rick,
this story in Fox News about this decision by the Secretary of Defense, it states there's about
450,000 soldiers right now who have not been vaccinated who are going to have to now say, do I exit the military or do I
take a shot, an experiment, use myself as a guinea pig?
And if the numbers hold up like it does compared to the general public, most of them are conservative Republican voters who are in the military because most of the people who have not been vaccinated are conservative Republicans.
Right. Or else you would have been vaccinated by now, right?
The highest number of vaccinated people are
liberal Democrats. So I'm assuming in the military, these are the most conservative
members of the military, the people that Biden and Austin want to get rid of. Yes. They want
to purge them. Right. So here is a way to purge. I am surprised because I said at the beginning of
the week or maybe last week that I thought Secretary Austin
would announce tomorrow that he's informing the various chiefs of the branches of military
to get ready for mandatory vaccination. The reports out today are saying they've made the decision to make the announcement
for mandatory vaccination tomorrow. We'll find out who's right tomorrow, but it does seem like
they've speeded up the process. I also didn't think that they would do it without having
the FDA sign off on it. I think the FDA is reluctant and the White House is pushing them. And there are doctors inside the FDA, scientists who are saying, I don't want to I don't want to sign off and say these things are safe when they're not safe.
Right. Or else they would have signed off on them already.
A long time ago. And President Trump couldn't get them to sign off and Mr. Biden can't get them to sign off.
But we'll assume that in the next month or so, you know, they cave into the pressure.
But the two big things you have mandatory vaccination in the military and this other report that President Biden is going to sign an executive order, supposedly tomorrow, or announce it, that no international traveler
can come into the United States who is not vaccinated. I hope our audience understands
what this means. We are now in a national lockdown. You can't get into the country without a vaccination, COVID vaccination.
And if you're an American citizen and you leave, can you get back in?
Well, that was the question I was going to ask.
I mean, could they deny an American citizen coming back into the United States?
I could see the foreign travelers.
I could see them, you know, mandating that.
I'm not in favor of it, of course, but I could see them doing it.
But could they deny an American citizen the right of reentry back into their own country?
I don't know.
And if they don't come back in, where do they go?
So we'll allow hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to come across the border,
but we'll stop someone, an American citizen, from coming in?
So it just seems like, but knowing this
current administration, yeah, I could see them doing that. Well, what they did in Israel
for the Israelis, they, they put their own citizens into mandatory quarantine when they
arrived, came back from a trip. So look, if, if you're not willing to be vaccinated, you're
an American citizen.
International travel is now over.
Yes, and they're building systems around this.
And the Hill, reportedly right now, and I was looking at the State Department website on this right before the program,
there are countries right now you're not allowed to travel to the United States already. European Ascension Zone, UK, China, India, anywhere where there is a surge, there's a current ban in place.
What the Hill is saying is that once that ban is lifted, it could be lifted next summer
even, the replacement for it will be a system that mandates vaccination for travelers coming
back in.
So it'll be interesting to see if, like with the troops, like with other emergency and kind of really kind of rushed actions,
if the White House pushes forward on this to do it on Friday.
The reporting right now is that it will be something that will replace the current international ban when that is lifted.
I can't imagine they're going to lift the ban, for example,
while we still have these alleged doomsday variants which are coming into the country. And I hope, Edward, I'm not sure what your view on it is regarding Delta
and these other variants. I don't believe there's any such thing. I believe it's the vaccine. And I don't want to get caught up into using their propaganda words.
All right.
We have an explosion of infections and deaths that are caused by the vaccinations.
And they can't allow the public to figure this out.
So every, looks like every month
there's going to be another variant.
I mean, right now we've got the Delta variant.
Now we're told the Lambda variant is coming.
And then there's something worse than Delta and Lambda.
They just don't have a name for it yet.
So they're called the Doomsday COVID variant.
The Doomsday.
I'd like to know, who are the people who name these viruses?
The WHO.
The WHO.
We figured that out today.
They do it?
They actually do it, yes.
And I think we've got, where is it at here?
Okay, so, okay, that answers that question.
I was just wondering, who are these people?
I'm still asking the question, how do you know so many people have Delta variant if there's not a Delta
variant test? Right. And how do they distinguish it from the other variants? I mean, can you go
to Walgreens and get your Lambda test or your Delta test? I don't want that Lambda stuff. I'll
take Delta or whatever it might be. But, you know, can you get a home kit? What is it, Rick?
There is no test. And again, they're just making it up.
Officially, they claim that once you've sent in the sample based on the molecule they find inside that test,
they're associating that with a region they've seen a similar molecule.
Again, you're right. They're not calling the PCR test,
these other tests available, the rapid response test,
something that can identify Delta, and they are having to assume,
as was shown last week when Secretary Psaki's deputy was challenged on this,
and she couldn't respond.
She said, we just have to trust the scientists, have to trust the experts.
The part I guess that's been hard to reconcile is that clearly there's a never-ending
variant. They come up with this Greek alphabet of variants. For all we know, it could be the
exact same bioweapon which was released last year if that was the origin of COVID. But
they have made it clear that not only will they keep us in a lockdown, but they can come up with these new explanations on the fly. Again, last year, we were discussing the prospect of this coronavirus
mutating. We were told, no, no, it's not likely it's going to mutate. Remember, that was Dr. Fauci's
recommendation, his expert projection. We're not going to have to deal with mutations. And that's
why you should both give emergency authorization to the vaccine and you should get it because it'll be the only vaccine you're going to need to get.
Well, now we're into August of 2021 and we're being told that the current vaccines are not even
good enough to deal with this variant. You have to get a booster, maybe even five boosters.
Rick, there are right now, according to various news outlets that we looked at today, there are 15 different variants of the COVID virus, 15 flavor of the month.
So you've got ADA, you've got Kappa, you've got Iota, now you've got Lambda.
And these various variants are popping up in different places of the world.
Conveniently, they pop up in different places because uh you can't build you know resistance anyone so you got to have resistance to all of
them so these shots are going to be i need 15 vaccinations now that's the way it's going to
look you know even right now moderna and jnj and pfizer are saying even their current vaccines are
only good for four to six months they don't protect you in perpetuity and they don't protect you at all.
Okay. So I, you know, I,
I got over my own personal COVID infection back in June and I've not even had
time to become afraid of Delta.
And now you got to worry about Lambda.
Now I got to worry about Lambda.
And on top of that, they're telling me something worse than Delta and Lambda is coming.
I don't have time to get afraid.
I'm just going to opt out of being afraid.
Okay, that's a good policy.
Well, Ricky, you're a subject matter expert on code because you had it.
It's bad.
It's bad.
You had it.
What variant did you have, Rick?
I don't know. And you didn't care you have, Rick? I don't know.
And you didn't care either, did you?
I didn't care.
I was sick.
I just knew the name of Jesus.
That's what I knew.
I knew how to reach Jesus, and I cried out to Jesus to save me and to keep me from dying
and allow me to breathe on my own without oxygen tanks, it was bad.
I don't believe anybody who says it's the flu.
That ain't the flu.
That thing was nasty.
And everybody else I know that has had it has had a very severe time with it.
But what I'm saying is now that I've been through it, you're not making me
afraid of Delta and Lambda. I'm not living in fear. Okay. Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
It's a bad experience. I went through it. My faith was in Jesus Christ. He spared my life.
He spared everybody in our family and our team and our friends. And we came through it. But the media
and the medical mafia are trying to whip up an extreme level of fear. There's something really
bad coming now. They get to prosper off of that, both economically, but also in power. This fear, this wave of it gives them the authority and the
justification for lockdowns, for mandates, for extrajudicial action. They can ignore certain
laws. And maybe if it rolls into an election year, they can actually change the constitution,
the rules around an election. They did that, right? 2020 was an example of how both the fear and the prospect of the virus
spreading, that that can be used to literally change the way we vote, the way we conduct
representative government. That doomsday cover from Newsweek that we had up a few moments ago,
inside that article, they're talking about
going beyond all these different variants that a future variant, which could pop up in a year,
18 months, could have as much of a fatality rate as 35%. Now, keep in mind that the current virus
has a 99.7% survival rate. That's actually
a better survival rate than regular influenza. Just the
regular flu. People die of the flu every year or they used to
anyway. Suddenly flu is not a problem anymore. But when
Newsweek writes an article like this, it says that future
variant, that doomsday variant, 35 percent, one in three people dropping dead from the virus.
Where they're getting that, this next one is, this is the...
Evening Standard.
Evening Standard.
But the group is called SAGE, which is a think tank in Great Britain, the Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies.
It's a think tank that
advises the British government on COVID. And they put out the report that a future COVID variant
doesn't exist, doesn't exist, but it's out there somewhere. It could appear any day, could kill one third of everybody infected, a 33% mortality rate.
Now, that is a frightening headline.
They don't have, there's no virus, there's no viruses, no variant that's doing that yet.
But they've planted in the minds of the people.
A third of the people who get this virus could die.
What we ought to do is go back to the warning the same group gave last spring.
The same think tank.
It said by summer, 70% of the people vaccinated could be sick or dead and what happened
as a result of us reporting on that we were told we were making it up that's all fake news but here
is the same group and all the major outlets are touting this now oh absolutely so it fits their
their their after after we brought it out and showed
the American public what was being said by this European think tank, they invented Delta
to be the excuse for what was going to happen. What the vaccine was doing. Yes. Because that
report in the spring said the reason for these increase in deaths was because of the vaccine.
Well, I think what's important, too, it also supplants knowledge about the bioweapon attack.
Again, nothing that's being said today about the spread of coronavirus and the various mutations is pointing back to Wuhan.
You don't hear any discussion about it.
And what made me think about that is that number, one in three is about 30%.
When Senator Paul was grilling Dr. Fauci in the Senate, he brought up that there are more dangerous variants,
more dangerous viruses which have been produced by the Chinese in a bioweapons lab that could have up to 30% kill rate.
This serves as a very interesting prospect because we either have mutations of a virus spreading and it's being amplified by the media and by the government,
or that is the cover for not having to address that a bioweapon was released, not just in America, but the entire world about a year ago.
Or, Edward, this is where I'm at in my thinking, and my thinking has evolved as time has gone by since January 2020.
My thinking now is that the vaccines are the bioweapon from Wuhan was just to set the stage for the genocidal kill-off
that will come through the vaccines. Never let a good crisis go to waste.
No, it was designed for this, Doc. It was designed. So we kill ourselves. So, yes. So
coronavirus was never designed in the Wuhan the wuhan lab for mass die-offs the vaccines were
you had first set the stage for people to get vaccinated so they released a virus that was
man-made that did kill a lot of elderly people,
a lot of people who were in poor health, killed them off pretty quickly.
That set the stage for mass vaccination of the world.
And why are we doing mass vaccination of the world?
To reduce the human population, because that's what the global warming crowd
and the Communist Party desires to do.
And look, for 20 some years on this show, we have talked about a coming worldwide depopulation movement.
I'm not new to this.
I was talking about it in 1998, 1999.
I never knew how they were going to do it. But now I'm witnessing it in real time.
Their global genocide is underway right now. They are killing off the human population.
This is madness. It's absolute madness. And there is a growing number of scientists and doctors who know that this is true.
And I applaud the ones that have stood up and risk everything to speak. And I hope and pray
that others in the medical field and in the scientific world who recognize that something
is wrong, something is not right with what's
going on, that they will speak up even if it costs them their career.
And it may cost them their career, may cost them their lives.
But we're watching global genocide being carried out by madmen, total madmen.
You wonder why people say, why didn't anybody stop Hitler?
Why isn't somebody stopping this?
It's happening right now in front of us.
We look back at the Nazis and we go, well, surely people knew that they were killing the Jews. Certainly good people, educated people knew that something really evil and wicked was going on.
It's the tyranny of distraction.
You think right now when most haven't stood up or the only thing they can muster to do is not to at least get the vaccine.
But so many people are just overloaded.
Most families, they're barely figuring out how they're going to put food on the table this week,
or they're so encapsulated by politics or other subjects, entertainment,
that they're not dressing the elephant, really the monster in the room,
which could be a masked die-off in the country from a vaccine.
The masters of this world have mastered one thing, and that is propaganda.
They are doing propaganda at a level that Goebbels couldn't even imagine.
Couldn't imagine what they're pulling off now.
Goebbels, had he heard that he would have had access to every single person in the country through a video screen.
Think about that. That's what this is.
Every single one of you has a cell phone. They control what you can get onto the cell phone to read.
It's actually worse than when you just had a paper or maybe a couple of channels.
I think there was a wild, wild west period, Rick, where, especially while we grew,
where you could still talk about every single thing in the world, share information on the internet, but that's just not the era we're in anymore. The post-pandemic era is an era of censorship. It's almost like a new dark ages. I know. And last night I was reading some
of the news stories. I was going back a week trying to catch up on a lot of things because
I've been so involved in some projects that we're working on here. What are my projects about? It's
about souls. That's the only thing I think about.
How can I reach more lost souls in the time that we have? I'm looking around, I'm seeing
they're shutting down the country. They're locking the doors. You can't fly in. They're
locking us down. And I'm like, time is running out to reach lost souls. I've got to get this
work done. And so I was spending a little bit of time last night
going back a week trying to catch up on stories. And I saw stuff in stories last week that we
talked about, but I missed. Like CDC Director Walensky. We've got this Washington Post article from last week, internal CDC document.
The war has changed.
Document urges new messaging.
What is new messaging?
The war has changed.
We need new propaganda.
What's changed?
People are figuring out that the vaccines are killing people.
So we've got to change that. We've got to change the messaging. So what is it? Delta. Yes. Lambda. Something even worse than Delta and Lambda coming.
That's the new messaging. And then in this article in The Washington Post, I read they quoted a
Columbia University epidemiologist, Jeffrey Shaman. I can't believe they actually said this out loud. Yes. I think
the central issue is that vaccinated people are probably involved to a substantial extent
in the transmission of Delta. Thank you, Professor Shaman. I appreciate it. Is he a shaman?
But I appreciate you confirming what I've been telling people for months.
The vaccine is what is spreading the virus.
The vaccine is killing the people who've been vaccinated.
I warned and I warned and I warned.
More than that, the vaccinated people are spreading the virus.
To the unvaccinated. But what the messaging is, the unvaccinated are responsible for the spread of Delta.
And causing vaccinated people to get sick.
Think about that.
But they're vaccinated.
How can they get sick if they're vaccinated?
It's either the vaccine gave them the virus or that they've become an unwitting carrier.
The CDC is trying to emphasize that.
They're trying to say, well, those who got the Delta variant,
just because this vaccine wasn't ready to deal with that, didn't prepare them for this,
and now they've become an asymptomatic carrier of coronavirus.
I want to show this other quote.
This is from a CNN report.
CDC document warns Delta variant appears to spread as easily as chickenpox.
And then here's the quote.
This is what I didn't see last week.
This is CDC Director Rochelle Walensky.
I think people need to understand that we're not crying wolf here.
This is serious.
It's one of the most transmissible viruses we know about.
Measles, chickenpox, this, they're all up there.
Here it is.
The measures we need to get this under control, they are extreme.
The measures you need are extreme.
It was the synthesis of the data all in one place that was sobering.
Folks, do you see what Walensky is saying?
The measures we need are extreme.
What have we been through for the past year and a half?
Those are just measures, Rick.
They're not extreme measures.
Now we're going for extreme measures.
What is extreme measure?
Beyond lockdown. Beyond masks're going for extreme measures. What is extreme measures? Beyond lockdown.
Beyond masks.
Concentration camps?
Are we going to round up the unvaccinated and take them to military camps?
To vaccination camps?
To the vaccination.
What are the extreme measures, Ms. Walensky?
Isn't Walensky, is she the sister of Rosenstein? Or is that another one?
I think that's another official, but she probably does have some relative, at least friends.
No, no. Last year, the CDC director, is she the same CDC director under Trump?
No, Redfield was the CDC director.
No, no, no. There was a woman. There was a woman.
I think Walensky is Rosenberg's sister. I might be wrong. Rosenberg, the one that betrayed
President Trump in the Justice Department. It was Rosenstein. Yeah, Rosenstein, not Rosenberg,
Rosenstein. Trying to keep them all straight. We got a holocaust. It's a vaccine holocaust that's underway right now.
That's what's happening. We're witnessing a vaccine holocaust.
They're wiping out a substantial portion of the human population.
And they're preparing the country for this emergency. These are emergency and serious
measures, even specifically national emergency alert tests. We'll be discussing
that right after the break. You've been watching True News. well received. The all new Prazer on demand app will be available soon. The new Prazer app includes
an interactive dashboard, hand curated categories, offline listening, search for music, create custom
playlists, and much more. Pre-register today at and get the first month free. The new
interactive Prazer app will be available soon. Pre-register today at
Something new and exciting is coming this fall.
It's a digital platform for young Christian men.
The name is God Tribe.
God Tribe is diverse.
One tribe, many colors.
A safe place online for Christian men to be real men.
Social media features to connect with other men
who love Jesus Christ.
Digital campfire conversations.
Uplifting and inspiring Bible study courses.
Register at for more information.
God Tribe.
Because He lives.
Welcome to the Ryman Auditorium
here in Nashville, Tennessee,
the mother church of country music.
I'm so glad you are able to join us from all over the world.
And I'm so happy to have some dear friends and incredibly talented musicians and singers joining me today.
Welcome back to True News.
That Carrie Underwood concert, Rick.
That sounds like something special.
It is.
I told our audience yesterday I had an announcement for today, and you actually just saw it. So TBN is broadcasting tomorrow night, Friday night at 8 p.m. Eastern time, a live concert with
Carrie Underwood from the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, Tennessee. And Praiser, our music
streaming service, and God Tribe, our new platform for Christian men, are co-sponsoring the Carrie Underwood
concert tomorrow night on TBN. Wow. And so TBN is going to air it at 8 p.m. Eastern and then
repeat it at 9 p.m., 10 p.m., and 11 p.m. So you get four opportunities to watch the Carrie
Underwood concert from Nashville. And if you watch it tomorrow night, in each one of those hours, you will see Praiser and God Tribe.
Praise the Lord.
So it's an amazing opportunity that came to us this week.
And we said, yes, we want to do it.
And, Doc, it's just something new is happening.
I mean, I'm trying to comprehend. We want to do it. And, Doc, it's just something new is happening.
I mean, I'm trying to comprehend.
We're living through the most unprecedented time in human history.
And it's getting dark.
It's getting really, really dark.
But when it's darkest in the world is when the church of Jesus Christ must shine the brightest.
And so I believe what's taking place right now spiritually is Satan's kingdom of darkness is really ratcheting up the darkness.
I mean, if you can make black blacker.
He's making it as dark as possible.
He wants to extinguish all light.
But the kingdom of God, Jesus said that we are the light, the light of the world.
And so he said, you don't put a bushel basket over the lamp in your house.
You don't cover it up.
But you are to let the light shine.
And that's what the body of Christ must do right now. The best thing, the only thing that we can do as this world gets darker is to
shine brighter for Jesus Christ. It's not politics. It's not any other kind of action that's going to
make a difference. We're beyond it. We're just beyond all that stuff
now. It is the only thing left to do is to shine brightly for Jesus Christ. And so I believe what's
happening is that we're seeing the darkness increase, but we're also seeing the light
increase. And where this ministry is going, the direction that we're going in,
is not so much spending so much time
pointing out the darkness,
but to spend much more time
proclaiming the light, Jesus Christ.
And that's the direction that we're headed.
So tomorrow night, Friday night on TBN,
Kerry Underwood, live from Nashville. Our tomorrow night, Friday night on TVN, Kerry Underwood live from Nashville.
Our Prazer vice president general manager,
Brandon Daly is in Nashville right now.
And God is opening up incredible doors
for Prazer in Nashville.
The new Prazer is launching very, very soon.
This fall, brand new Prazer.
We rebuilt the app. Everything is new and it is launching very soon. This fall, brand new Prazer. We rebuilt the app. Everything is new and it is
launching very soon. And so the Carrie Underwood special is this Friday night, tomorrow night
on TBN, 8 p.m. Eastern, 9, 10, 11 are the repeats. Prazer and God Tribe are co-sponsoring this
national telecast.
I give God
all the praise and glory and the honor
for the opportunity
He gave us to be part of it. A lot of
people, millions of people are going to
see Prazer
and God Tribe. Amen.
A lot of people are going to see it
tomorrow night. What a blessing.
God tribe is going to be big.
Praiser, the new Praiser is going to be big.
God tribe is going to be on fire.
I'm telling you, men, young men
are going to come to Christ in massive numbers.
They're not going to look like church guys.
I'm telling you, Doc, the Lord showed me
they're not going to look all clean and neat.
Babies are messy.
They're going to come raw just as they are.
They're going to come in to the worldwide church.
They're going to come and worship Jesus Christ.
And I think the church world is probably going to be shocked by it.
They're not going to know what to do.
But we are, Jesus said to go out in the highways and byways, compel them to come in.
Compel, compel them to come in.
And that's where we're at right now.
We're going out.
We're going to go out to wherever young men are congregating and we're going to preach the gospel to them.
Amen. I still want to have,
I still want to have a baptism bus and drive that bus around, go to biker bars, wherever men are hanging out and just preach to them and say, Hey, time is short. The world's coming to an end.
You need Christ get saved now. And here's the water get baptized.
And I think if you talk to men like that, they're going to respond.
He said, get it done.
Let's get it done right now.
And I think we're going to be stunned how many men come to Christ.
Nobody's talked to them like men.
And they're in the perfect place right now.
The country, if you look at it from the frame of the news,
everyone is depressed.
Everyone's on edge. But the thing is, is that this pandemic has forced people to think about
eternity. The last decade or so, you were kind of allowed to lull into this sense of complacency.
But no, it has put the question of eternity and your mortality at the forefront of your life.
That's right.
And people are in the perfect place right now to reach.
That's right. You're absolutely right. people who never thought about dying in the past year have
been thinking a lot about dying yes and uh and i can tell you when you have covet and the air is leaving your lungs and you're too weak to stand up,
death does come across your mind.
You do think about it.
And my faith was in Christ and I was ready.
I was like, Lord, if this is it, this is the way I'm going,
then I'm ready.
Personally, I'm ready.
I don't have any fear of dying. I just said, Lord,
I'm not done. I'm just not done. I have things to do. I'm not ready. I don't want to leave this
world through a disease. I've got things to do. There's too many people that need to hear about
you. And he gave me an insurance. You're not going to die.
I stood on that. I stood on it. You're not going to die. You will live. You will proclaim the glories of my works. And that's what we're doing. But people who are facing COVID are thinking about it is an extremely severe virus.
And the people that I know who have had it,
they all agree, yeah, I was thinking I might not make it.
I may die in my sleep.
And most of it's among the saved, right?
The people you're talking about.
So just imagine those who don't know the Lord
aren't assured of where they're talking about. So just imagine those who don't know the Lord,
aren't assured of where they're going afterwards. Just imagine the fear. It's to a level,
a magnified level that we can't even comprehend anymore after being saved. But again, that's why they're approachable now. Isn't that fear of death what the globalists are playing on?
That's exactly it. It's their fuel. They're actually using the fear of death what the globalists are playing on? That's exactly it. It's their fuel. They're
actually using the fear of death among the unsaved to drive them to the vaccine, which is going to
drive them to death. It's death opium. Death opium. Okay, just before the break, you mentioned
an emergency broadcast test. Yes, this was announced today on August 11th at 2.20 p.m. Eastern.
There's going to be two national emergency tests.
One straight to yourself and you're using the wireless emergency system.
And the other using the broadcast and radio emergency system.
This is, they say, is a test.
That's next Wednesday.
Next Wednesday.
And just for whatever reason, if this test fails, they said there's a
chance this test could be canceled for whatever reason. It'll be at the end of the month. That
was another interesting thing. I've never seen a secondary date. You could see a test on August
25th also. Well, they occasionally, having been in broadcasting for a couple of days,
that they occasionally had backup dates on the emergency alerts, you know, the ones that come on TV
and radio and say, if you know where to tune in your station
for news and information, you know those emergency things.
What's different about this one,
and they've done the national wireless test before,
and they've done, of course, emergency alert broadcast,
you know, on regular basis, but this time,
they're doing them simultaneously doing them at
the same time now they have done this at the state level in different places around the country kind
of testing out but this is gonna be the first time they've courted it coordinated nationally
with the two alert systems remember several years ago in Hawaii yes they told him that there was a
nuclear war in gaming and that and they were using both the wireless and the EAS in that state system at that time.
And so next Wednesday, are they going to play the Purge music, the Purge siren? I remember that.
Remember the stories of last year where police cars were going through neighborhoods in Louisiana?
Just last week in Maryland. Yeah, the Census Bureau too.
Maybe that's why they were practicing that.
Will it creep you out next Wednesday
if your phone starts transmitting the purge?
Yes, it would thoroughly creep me out.
Would you then be convinced
that a global genocide is underway?
Well, you think about just that it's not just a movie.
The Purge, it's about a change of government, a revolution, and a change of thinking.
It's against a Christian mindset that you wouldn't be held accountable for murder.
The Purge is not just all crimes being allowed, but the evil for those possessed by the devil to do whatever they want to the entire world.
Isn't that what the devil wants?
The devil wants a purge-like society.
He loves to purge those who are not saved and to persecute the elect.
He does.
The faster he can take people out before they get saved, well, they have no opportunity to be saved at that point.
That's right. His resume is to steal, to kill, and destroy, and that is to inhibit the work
of God in this world.
You can't get saved in the grave.
No, you can't.
And that's what everybody out there, if you're not a Christian, if you've not been born again,
you've not been baptized, your name is not written in the book of life.
You need to understand this.
You can't make the decision to believe on the name of Jesus when you're in the grave.
It's over at that point.
And none of us know when we're going to die.
You could die today.
I could die today. I could leave here and be hit by a car. None of us know. Every single minute is a gift
from God. And that's not to place fear on you, but it is to bring a degree of soberness to you to be aware that tomorrow's not guaranteed, but eternity is
guaranteed. If you repent of your sins, confess Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior,
you're baptized in water, then eternity is guaranteed. And do you have to act religious?
No, you need to act religious? No.
You need to act forgiven.
That's what God wants.
He doesn't want you to act religious.
He wants you to act forgiven.
And live in that state every day.
And listen, I'm not going to tell you how you're supposed to live, how you're supposed to dress, all that kind of stuff.
If I were in my 20s today, Doc, I'd be covered in tattoos.
I just know me.
If I were unsaved in my 20s today, I'd be tattooed
because I know how I thought when I was in my 20s.
So I'm not condemning anybody on their lifestyle,
how they live.
Look, God wants your soul.
He wants your soul.
He's your heavenly father.
He loves you.
He's trying to spare you from an eternal damnation.
Look, we're destined to hell the moment we're
born because we have
Adam's fallen sin
nature in us.
Jesus said you must be born again.
You will not see the kingdom
of God unless you're born again.
And Nicodemus said
what am I supposed to go back in? My mother?
I'm an old man. What am I supposed to do here?
And Jesus said you must be born of the water and spirit.
Yes. You must be born of both. Yes. So the baptism
of fire, the baptism of water. Yes. And you need
to be born again. When you're born again,
the spirit of the resurrected Christ who overcame
death comes inside you and awakens your spirit from the dead.
Your spirit is dead.
If you don't know Christ, your spirit is dead right now.
When you believe on the name of Jesus, his resurrected spirit comes inside you and resurrects your dead spirit.
And then you're born again. Then when you physically
die, your body is dead. When Christ comes back at the end of the world, he resurrects your dead
body. He connects your dead body with your resurrected spirit. And you're now one with
a glorified body. That's what this is all about.
But you need Jesus.
I'm telling you,
there's a global genocide underway.
Satan is on the loose.
Just before the second coming of Jesus Christ,
Satan is released from the abyss.
I don't believe it happens
a thousand years
after Christ comes back.
I believe Satan is loose
from the abyss before Christ comes back
to deceive the nations. I'm starting to believe that old rascal has been released, Doc.
I'm in the same camp.
I don't have any other explanation for what's going on other than Satan's been turned loose
from the abyss.
I would explain the scenes of anarchy, the beheadings. You open up a newspaper,
you see all kinds of manifestation, but also war. This past three years, and really amplify this
past year, there has just been, I think, story after story about how close we've come to all
that war. One of the areas right now, still tense, you don't know what's going to happen,
is the fight between Israel and Iran.
This past week, Benny Gantz, the defense minister, he's saying that Iran has 10 weeks in total mass
enough weapons-grade material for a nuclear weapon. That's October. That's October.
And, you know, we've heard this story before for 20 years. They're six years away. They're
two years away. They're five months away. Now it's down to 10 weeks. They're six years away. They're two years away.
They're five months away.
Now it's down to 10 weeks.
They're 10 weeks away
from having the ability
to make a nuclear bomb.
Apparently, all the other
estimations were faulty
This time it's real.
It's the legit intelligence.
it's a cover story for we're going to bomb Iran between now and 10 weeks from now, which puts us into October.
An October surprise.
So if you have Delta, Lambda, what else is out there? Iota. Iota. Oh, I don't want to get Iota.
And Ada is out there. Gaslight variant. Oh, I don't want that. I don't want that.
If you have all these variants out there that they're making up and people are dying because of the vaccine and a lot of people who got vaccinated are starting to wonder,
did I get lied to?
Am I going to get sick?
Is this vaccine going to kill me?
Because by September, October,
a lot of people are going to be asking that question.
And what do you need then?
You need a war.
You got to get their attention
off of the mass death from the vaccine.
In fact, what would really be ideal, guys, is if you could come up with a way to blame Iran
for Lambda. That they bought the virus from North Korea.
Oh, I certainly think they're thinking like this, whether it be Iran, North Korea, even China.
Oh, no, they're not going to bomb China.
They're not going to bomb China.
But think about China.
What if we heard about this high-level defector that reportedly came to the country
and gave a huge list of Democrats who were working?
What I think has taken place is the Republican Party is doing exactly what they did
with the Ukraine intelligence that was given to Rudy Giuliani.
They're just going to hold until the next election cycle.
So the ability to blame another country for a virus, and I think in this case that they
may use it for Iran or North Korea, but on the COVID issue, we could see 2024, even maybe 2022,
Mike Pompeo come forward and say, I've got the list. Well, I'm more concerned about the next month or two. And Israeli Mossad providing
an intelligence briefing to the CIA and MI6 and French intelligence and German intelligence saying
we have acquired intelligence, secret documents showing that Iran purchased the iota virus from North Korea,
and they've turned it loose on America.
Well, they're the enemy now.
Now they're the enemy.
I'm not ruling it out.
Look, they're setting the stage to bomb Iran.
And this time, there's a feeling in my gut they're going to do it.
And they need something big to cover up the mass death that's taking place right now because of the vaccines.
The mass death that's going to be exponentially increasing over the next few months.
They've got to come up with a plan.
They've got to come up with a scheme in order to justify this loss of life.
Blame it on someone because they know the American people aren't buying the blame on the unvaccinated.
They're just not buying it.
So we've got to blame someone else.
It doesn't make sense, does it?
How can the unvaccinated infect the vaccinated?
But that's the cell now, isn't it?
That's the cell.
And should
the vaccine be protected? Like, what's the point
of the vaccine if it doesn't protect you from the
virus? Think about it. That's the logic of that.
They're trying to sell this to
policy, but just address that. The vaccine
is worthless if it doesn't protect
those vaccinated. That's right. So why
would any unvaccinated person
get vaccinated if you know
you're going to get the virus if you get
vaccinated? I mean, there's no logic in this. No. But they're going to make the U.S. military
get vaccinated. They're going to make all international travelers be vaccinated.
And once the U.S. does it, Doc, every other nation is going to do it. Right.
And the world is locking down. In the United States every other nation is going to do it. Right. The world is locking down.
In the United States, you're not going to have to see a federal, even a state-level mandate because companies are now mandating.
It just came out from CNN.
A memo was released by Jeff Zucker, the network's president.
He said that they just fired three employees who were showing up to work unvaccinated.
They didn't tell anybody.
They got caught, probably got ratted out by the other
pro-vaccine people. Did he fire Chris Cuomo? No, no.
Chris Cuomo's done nothing wrong in his eyes. Chris Cuomo
helped cover up a sexual assault crime
by his brother. But he wasn't fired.
No, of course not.
But employees who weren't vaccinated were fired.
So do you have to show proof of vaccination at CNN now?
According to this, absolutely you have to.
Because they were unable to show it.
They said they're not getting vaccinated,
so they were terminated on the spot.
And it's not just CNN.
There are many companies that have come out this week.
Well, Walmart.
Walmart's requiring all managers to be vaccinated.
And most health clinics. Kaiser of Vermont in charge of many nurses and doctors, about 200,000 in the country.
They're requiring it. Every state has them.
If your employer tells you you have to be vaccinated, give that employer a written letter that says, if I am vaccinated by your command and I become sick or I die,
there will be a lawsuit against your company. Right. I'm putting you on notice that you're
making me do something I don't want to do. And there will be consequences if I suffer because
of it. You're creating an unsafe work environment. Why are the unions resisting?
The labor unions are refusing to go along with the mandatory vaccinations.
And I applaud them. They're standing up for their members. But there's no union in the military.
That's right.
So our soldiers are going to face either do something they don't want to do or leave the
military, be court-martialed.
And honestly, I think only the officers really have an opportunity to leave right away. For
soldiers who are declining, I've talked to plenty of friends who are still in, the enlisted. They're going to have to defy an order, hope that they're
just placed on secondary duty, they're cleaning up horse dung at Fort Hood or being placed
in Alaska. They don't know. But there's a chance they won't get that. They'll say,
you have to get this, and we may force inoculate you. You may be sent to the battlefront in Iran
to fight Israel's war.
What are your friends in the military telling you privately?
What they're telling me privately is
people are being removed from courses.
I spoke to a friend who was going through pilot school.
Someone in his class got COVID.
Someone was vaccinated.
So what they did is they removed everyone
who wasn't vaccinated from the class. He got recycled. So it took a long time getting into flight school in the military,
go through many hoops. He made it to the school. But because he wasn't vaccinated,
refuses to get the vaccination for many reasons laid out in the program,
his career has pretty much been stunted or could be ended. Because again, it comes down to this.
The military right now has made clear,
if you had the mindset that you weren't going to get it voluntarily,
then they're not the soldier you want anymore.
They're not the kind of person, line soldiers,
people who would be in the infantry or in the combat arms.
But what are they saying that they're going to do?
Some are saying they're going to take it.
Some are saying they're going to go AWOL.
This is placing soldiers in a very uncomfortable position because I've spoken to both sides. Those who say they're going
to go AWOL said, I have no other choice. They've been told by their units they will be force
inoculated when the order comes out. With force? With force. Because it is going to be in order.
You can't turn down a mandated vaccine. It's the same as basic training, for example, Reagan.
In basic training, you're given like 10 vaccines in a row. I mean, Doc remembers this. I remember seeing
people have these soldiers are going to be physically held down and vaccinated against
their will. It's that or they have to kick them out of the army then. The chaptering process has
to begin right then. But it's the military's prerogative. Isn't this a wonderful environment
that we're in? Yes. And is that army going to be loyal to you? And then the military's prerogative. Isn't this a wonderful environment that we're in?
And is that army going to be loyal to you?
And then the military members that are left, after you've purged out the, let's face it,
people that are choosing not to get vaccinated are more likely to be Christian, more likely to be conservative.
You've purged those out of the military.
So now you've got a loyal left military. Yes.
And you open up the door to hundreds of thousands of illegals in the country.
And you say you want an instant passport.
You want instant citizenship.
You join the military right now.
You serve your time.
And when you get out, you have citizenship.
You know about that.
Do you know that at the beginning of the Iraq war,
we had a program in place for that?
There were people that were not citizens
that were quickly put into combat arms
and literally put on the first plane
out of basic training to the battlefield.
This past week, the House of Representatives
passed a resolution that illegal immigrants
could work for members of Capitol Hill,
they could work for congressmen and senators.
It is not a long shot to say maybe that is part of the reason why Joe Biden has allowed military-age males
to come up through the border unchecked, unvetted, because he's trying to fill the ranks.
Something he's going to have to do if 400,000 Americans say they don't want to take the shot and not be forced out.
Senator Rand Paul, he threw down the gauntlet yesterday, he's a U.S. senator, and said resist.
He actually used the word resist.
He said, I'm not going to obey Nancy Pelosi.
Come and arrest me.
Look, I'm a trained doctor.
I'm a surgeon.
I went to medical school.
This is not medical science.
I'm not going along with it anymore.
And he's apparently breaking his back,
did not teach him a lesson because they tried to kill the man
a couple of years ago.
He lost one lung.
He was on the baseball field
with representatives.
Oh, that's right.
And then he got surrounded by thugs by Black Lives Matter in Antifa in Washington. He lost one lung. He was on the baseball field with Representative Segal. Oh, that's right.
And then he got surrounded by thugs,
by Black Lives Matter and Antifa in Washington.
Three times.
Apparently the guy doesn't get the message, does he?
I like Rand Paul.
I like him.
He's got backbone.
He's the only senator who has challenged Fauci.
So I applaud Rand Paul for saying it.
What do you think they're going to do to him?
I think they're going to try to make him take the vaccine.
This is the thing.
Rand Paul has said, I'm not vaccinated.
I don't believe I need to be.
But how do you force a U.S. senator to be vaccinated?
Oh, if they make a requirement to even show up, maybe even to vote inside the chambers, the Senate chambers, you have to be vaccinated. You mean Chuck Schumer would do something like that?
Well, Nancy Pelosi already has for the House.
Well, she hasn't said you have to be vaccinated.
Well, she's done everything but that.
But that's coming.
I mean, they're going to make it mandatory at some point, right?
To serve in the House or the Senate, you have to be vaccinated.
It's an act of submission.
Where is that in the Constitution?
It's not.
That's right.
We're in an extra judicial, extra constitutional era, Rick.
They're not following the rules anymore.
Oh, but Nancy has her lapel pin on.
She's ruling.
They're ruling for the devil.
Well, Rick, I think we've armed our audience with some
information here it's very important we back after the break but first here is kerry kensy
with today's news headlines
welcome to true news headlines i'm kerry kensy the new york post says bill gates is opening up
about his recent divorce to melinda gates. On CNN, he said his relationship
to pedophile Jeffrey Epstein was a mistake.
You know, I had several dinners with him,
you know, hoping that what he said
about getting billions of philanthropy for global health
through contacts that he had might emerge.
You know, when it looked like that wasn't a real thing, that relationship ended.
But it was a huge mistake to spend time with him, to give him the credibility of, you know, being there.
There were lots of others in that same situation, but I made a mistake.
The New York Post reporting that a top communications manager at Facebook helped Governor Andrew Cuomo fight sexual misconduct allegations.
That according to a bombshell investigation by New York's attorney general.
The AG says Danny Lever worked in Cuomo's press operations since 2014,
but left in 2020 to join Facebook.
The AG says Lever leaked confidential files about accuser Lindsey Boylan.
This investigation has revealed conduct that corrodes the very fabric and character
of our state government and shines light on injustice
that can be present at the highest levels of government.
For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website.
It's news coup dot com.
AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka has died.
He was the head of the most powerful labor organization in
the country and a close ally of the Biden White House. He was 72 years old. The South China
Morning Post says China has a new campaign to crack down on fake news. Look out, citizen
journalists and social media platforms. The country is screening out unsanctioned information.
In other words, if it's not propaganda, it's got to go. The UK Daily Mail reporting that Brian
Houston, the founder of the Hillsong megachurch, has been charged with allegedly concealing his
father's sexual abuse of a child in the 1970s. The crime carries a maximum penalty of five years in
prison. Washington Post says a federal judge pushed back against the idea that incarcerated
Capitol event defendants are political prisoners. Judge Amy Berman Jackson said that during said
that during a sentencing hearing for a Michigan man who pleaded guilty of going into the Capitol.
The judge said in part patriotism is loyalty to a country, not loyalty to a single head of state.
She said that's the tyranny we rejected on July 4th, 1776.
That's a look at true newslines. Thank you for watching. A man is not established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous cannot be moved.
An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones.
The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful.
The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
but he who heeds counsel is wise.
A fool's wrath is known at once,
but a prudent man covers shame.
Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord,
but those who deal truthfully are his delight.
Welcome back to True News.
The subject of mandatory vaccination, especially for young men and women in the military, is a very troubling one.
Elected officials, especially those who are trying to get into Congress or the Senate,
this will be a primary issue, I believe,
especially for anyone conservative, anyone Christian,
because you're going to have constituents who were abducted
that maybe have gotten court-martialed,
maybe been put in prison, military jail BEEN PUT IN PRISON, OR MAYBE FORCE INOCULATED
WHAT YOU ARE SEEING NOW IS A LOT OF PEOPLE WHO ARE VETERANS ARE RUNNING FOR OFFICE NOW What you're seeing now is a lot of people who, veterans, are running for office now,
and they're being the loudest voices for those people still in the military at the mercy of the federal government pushing these vaccines on people.
And Jerome Bell, he's been very outspoken against the vaccines.
He sees them for exactly what they are, experimental, experimental drugs.
Jerome Bell, you told me about this man earlier.
He's very interesting.
He served in the military.
I'm looking forward to meeting him.
He was a chief petty officer for naval air crews.
And he's also now running for the Congress seat
in the 2nd District of Virginia.
This man has addressed this topic,
the issue of what to do with mandatory vaccination.
He tweeted today and said, active duty military, practice this line with conviction.
No, I will not comply with unlawful orders to inject my body with an experimental drug.
I want to go to court-martial.
Rick's right. Where are we at in a country that this is the ultimatum?
Well, we actually have Mr. Bell on the line to discuss this and much more.
Welcome back to True News, Mr. Bell.
Thank you for having me. How are you doing today?
Oh, we're doing great.
You coming to us live from the campaign trail, huh?
Yeah, I am. I'm actually just left one launching event and I'm on my way to another one that starts at five o'clock Eastern time.
So, yeah, I'm on the campaign trail.
Well, that's the candidate life. Always busy.
That's right. That's right. Thanks for having me, though.
Yeah, we're so grateful to have you. Yeah. Thank you for taking the time.
Listen, I wanted to talk to you about your tweet today.
What are your thoughts? What actions can people in the military take to protect themselves?
They're trying to mass vaccinate our military.
They're saying it's going to be wait, like they're going to wait until the FDA approves it.
But it's looking like they're trying to pressure them sooner.
What are your thoughts on this and how can military members fight back?
Well, you know, my thoughts on this is that it's an unlawful order.
It sort of happened to us when I was still in the military.
It happened to us with the anthrax vaccine.
Okay, so when they ordered us to take the anthrax vaccine,
a lot of military members got sick.
They took this sickness on home to their wives
and to their families as well.
And so, and we had a lot of, including myself,
we had a lot of reactions to that.
And so there was a series of like six shots we had to take.
Well, around shot three, a lot of people, you know, just said, no, we're not doing this anymore because it's making us sick.
And so we stood up in numbers to where, you know, they basically had to like, OK, well, we're not going to make them do it because we were all walking away from the military.
And we would have left the military stranded and our readiness would have went down to under 30 percent, actually. So that's what I'm, you know, incentivizing these active military people to do as well, because this is an experimental vaccine.
And what country do we live in and what leadership do we have that will force our military members to take this vaccine?
We are not at war right now. This this taking this vaccine, it's not like we're going
over to Iraq or Iran where, okay, they had the anthrax to be put on us, I guess you could say,
or to where we had a risk of being doped with anthrax from Iraq. This is nothing but really
the flu, a bad case of the flu. And so for the military to
be directing the military leadership, to be directing the entire military to inject themselves
with this poison is unfathomable. And so you see, I say, hey, we need to stand up in numbers. The
active duty really needs to stand up in strong numbers because, you know, they strengthen numbers
and say, no, we're not going to do it. And if you're going to force us to do this unlawful
act because it is an unlawful order to take an experimental vaccine, maybe one thing if the FDA
approves it, maybe. However, you still have a choice. And guess what? There are alternative
treatments to COVID. And as long as there are alternative treatments to COVID,
you can't force vaccines on a population or on people anyway.
That's against the law.
So I'm telling them to stand up, and if they want to try to force it,
then go to court-martial because I think they'll have a hard time
coming up with a charge against a military member
that's just standing up for their religious
exemption or a personal exemption for their bodies. Do you think that maybe this is actually
a plot to purge the military of dissent? People that may be anti-vaxxers have a tendency to be
more conservative or be Christians. And do you think that they're trying to create a new woke
army to service Joe Biden and his beck and call when it comes down to it? Do you think that they're trying to create a new woke army to service Joe Biden and his
beck and call when it comes down to it?
Do you think that's a possibility or is it something where the military just needs to
stand up because they will back down and basically essentially call their bluff?
I mean, well, I'm not putting anything past the Joe Biden administration or General Milley
after hearing what he had to say.
So I don't know if it's a plot, but if it is a plot,
it is a very ignorant and stupid plot
because I think there's more conservatives,
there's more people in the military, I think,
that would step up and say, no, we're not doing this,
and then we're going to submit ourselves to a possible attack
from China or Russia or any other country
because our readiness will plummet.
Mr. Bell, that's the part that I can't kind of process in my head is that,
I mean, you've commanded soldiers.
My understanding of the naval ranks is you're an E-5, is that right, or an E-6 in the Navy?
No, it's E-7.
E-7, sorry, E-7.
In the Army, that's a platoon sergeant.
That's someone who's controlling 60 soldiers, especially the infantry company.
How are you going to keep the trust and loyalty of soldiers?
Think about that.
If a soldier is forced into this, I have to wonder,
are they going to go the route of just taking soldiers who are saying,
I'm not going to get it out of the unit.
They're going to move them to somewhere else, maybe place them in Alaska or the front lines.
Or are they going to say, you don't have a choice?
Because it's not like an officer who can resign their commission.
An enlisted service member, you've signed a contract.
You've got a service time.
The court-martial even has a delayed period.
We are technically at a time of war and the endless war of terrorism, right?
So is there a position where soldiers could be either forced or placed into this limbo,
but they're still under command of a SART first class in this case,
or an E7 in the Army, or maybe the Navy, the chief petty officer,
where soldiers are in an impossible situation, kind of like Vietnam, where I can't imagine again.
What do you think the impact will be on our ability to even respond to domestic issues,
like fires in big cities from riots?
Well, the morale in the military is way down.
I still have active duty military people that, you know, inbox me on Facebook or call me
because they still have my number and they ask me, hey, what am I going to do?
What can I do?
And to them, I say, well, you know what? Get you a lawyer and trust in God and
really just do what your gut tells you to do. Okay. I know what I would do if I was still active
duty, you know, but the morale in the military is at an all time low right now. And as in a
leadership position in the Navy, I would not be forcing my men to do that.
I would actually have the conversation
with my commanding officer and tell him,
this is an unlawful order, okay?
You cannot force people to inject themselves
with an experimental vaccine.
I mean, we can go back to the Tuskegee experiment.
We can go back to all of these times
that the American government has forced vaccinated people
or used vaccines to
experiment on the human race. This right now is human. It's a human casualty issue, I believe.
It's so much deeper than just not following the orders. We are under a humanitarian crisis
in the military.
You know, this is going to cause mental stress.
You know, there's already mental illness within the military.
We commit suicides at 21 people a day or more than that right now.
And I think this will cause more undue stress, more PTSD than they believe is what's going to happen because a lot of people do not want to take this.
So, you know, I still stand firm on that. These soldiers, these sailors, these airmen should stand firm on their belief, belief in God. And, you know, don't take the vaccine if they don't want it.
And then just deal with the repercussions after that. Jerome, were you aware that the COVID-19 vaccines,
I know that you've been a very pro-life advocate,
you've been very outspoken for the pro-life movement.
The COVID vaccines, they're trying to tell us that
they don't contain fetal aborted baby cells.
But as a matter of fact, the government,
actually on a government website, they released,
yeah, North Dakota released it in April.
Kind of spelling out, yes, yes, it was used in the development of the COVID-19 vaccines.
You know, using Christian religious exemption is an option in the military and for these mandates that are being mandated in corporations you're seeing everywhere. You know, as long as religious
liberty still applies in the United States of America, you know, were you aware that people, Christians, are religiously to definitely be aware of that for themselves,
and that they can use that exemption, because we still have religious freedom, as far as I know,
in the United States. As far as I know in the military, there's still religious freedom.
And that's going to be the rub with the military brass or the military leadership
and the lower ranks in the military? Are they going to
force them to give up their religious freedoms, which is against the law, which is against
Nuremberg, and actually be violating the UCMJ themselves to force these military members to
get the vaccines? I don't think they'll go that far if they're strength in numbers. So, you know,
at this point, it's just going to be a power of
wit, I guess. And getting numbers, like you said, numbers have power and it's getting the numbers
behind you and telling people just not to bend the knee because they're afraid. So speaking of
Christianity, you are suing Facebook. Is that correct? I saw that you filed a lawsuit actually
for anti-Christian censorship.
Would you mind telling us what happened and what started this?
Oh, yeah.
Well, I came off a 30.
It's so funny that you asked me this now because I came off a 30-day suspension for posting
pro-American posts, a pro-American post against Nazism, you know, against anti-Christian, you know, posts and
anti-Christian censorship that Facebook is doing. So I filed a lawsuit and miraculously, you know,
I've gone through a couple of weeks and they suspended me again yesterday for 30 days.
So we're going to add to the lawsuit now. But yeah, they tend to suspend conservatives that
are Christians and they never suspend Democrats or people that are anti-Christian.
And so we use that as a basis of our lawsuit.
We're also using, you know, going at a different angle from Facebook as well on a couple of other things.
Election integrity, we're saying that they are and they continue to meddle in my
election and they continue to meddle in the election of the United States, just like the
presidential election of 2020. And so we're going to Facebook from a couple of different angles.
And the persecution of Christians is definitely one. You mentioned the meddling in your election,
you know, big tech meddling in politics seems to become uh has become the the status quo uh but
is that the only meddling that's happened with your uh your run like for example are you getting
help from the republican party are they backing your uh both your lawsuit your effort to campaign
and your your bid to enter congress well i'm getting backing from the grassroots i'm not the
establishment candidate um so no i'm not getting backing from the establishment. I'm not getting backing from my party or anything of that nature. I am getting backing from people like
General Flynn, who endorsed me. We got Tom Holman that endorsed me. We got Representative Gosar and
some others that have endorsed me. And they're backing my campaign. And they're backing my
lawsuit against Facebook. You know, I could have joined the action with President Trump,
but I decided to go at it alone because it's my campaign that's being affected.
I can't reach out to my constituents.
They can't see the things that I'm doing as long as I'm banned.
30 days is a long time to really be obscene.
They're affecting, you know, my donations and my income.
As far as the campaign, it takes a lot of money.
So Facebook is doing a lot to silence me and cancel me right now.
Other than Facebook, what about the leadership of the Republican Party?
Of course, you're not an establishment candidate.
Does that mean you don't get establishment backing?
The minority leader in the House, Kevin McCarthy, is he backing your campaign?
Is he supporting you?
No, no, not at all. I don't believe Kevin McCarthy. He hasn't reached out to me yet,
let's just say that. I'm not a Kevin McCarthy fan. To me, Kevin McCarthy is spineless. He
stabbed President Trump in the back. And my opponent is more of a Kevin McCarthy type of
candidate who's a rhino. And so no, I don't believe Kevin McCarthy
would come out and support me. I did not get any RNC money last year as it can in the primary,
of course, because I lost maybe, you know, if when I get out of the primary, then we'll
see if the RNC is going to come back against the Democrat or not.
So we I mean, we have heard that Kevin McCarthy has been interfering in primary elections.
You have, OK, I've looked at your opponent.
You have people, the establishment, Republicans, big names coming to campaign for your opponent.
I looked into your opponent a little bit.
I don't really want to say her name, but she's actually responsible for, she joined the Democrats and helped rewrite the Virginia Constitution to reverse gay marriage as the Republican.
She was a state legislator. Is that is that true?
Is that something that we are looking at from the Republican candidate that's getting the establishment backing in your district?
Yes, that's just one of the things that she did.
She did sign a bill that the ERA, like I said, the Christian persecution changing the constitution.
She also, well, put it like this.
Every leftist radical bill that came to the state assembly in this past year, she voted with the Democrats on.
She voted with, let's say, boys going in girls' bathrooms. She voted that men or transgenders can go
and actually change their sex on their birth certificates.
She voted that boys can participate in girls' sports.
So every leftist agenda item that was there,
she handed to them on a silver platter.
She voted with our Democrat governor
and every Democrat in our state assembly. And that is who is seems to be getting the establishment backing in your district.
How do we know? How do we know we're not going to get the same thing from you? Like, you know,
you're going to be presented with the hard questions. You're going to be presented with
the legislation that could trigger, you know, a lot of people make a lot of people angry. But,
you know, I'm concerned because we need people now
who are willing to stand up and vote for the hard bills, not just, you know, kind of go with the
party line or compromise, submit to the Democrats or the liberal party or the leftist agenda.
You know, how do we know that, you know, you're not one of them? You know, it's it's
are you a Christian? Like, can you share with us a little bit about yourself and your family?
Oh, yeah.
Well, I'm definitely a Christian.
I grew up in the church.
My dad was a deacon.
And my values are rooted around Christianity.
My values are rooted of character.
And so me personally, I don't believe in any submitting to the Democrats. I don't believe that compromise is available with the Democratic Party as it is today because they're anti-Christian, they're anti-God. And I can't vote for any bill that will go against my values and the values of the people, which we represent as a Republican and as a conservative. So, and also I'm an America first candidate. I'm the only America
first candidate that ran on the America first platform last year in Virginia and probably
here in 2022. Well, I know my opponent is not America first. And so being America first means
that if there's a, a bill that comes up for vote that will go against what the American people,
the life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that we are afforded by the Constitution,
I will vote against that bill.
Sometimes the right thing to do is hard, and I know that.
Doing the right thing sometimes is going to upset a lot of people,
but I have to sleep with myself at night.
I have to be able to look at myself in the mirror,
knowing that I did the right thing, knowing that I protected my constituents and my constituents' values and
principles. And that's what I plan to do. And, you know, and I say that without any,
with our conviction, actually, you know, and so that's just the way I am. You know, my word
is my reputation. And I'm not going to take our constituents down the path
of destruction by doing something that's against God and against our values and principles.
Oh, thank you for saying that, Mr. Bell. We know you served in the military, and thank you for
your service, sir. You took that oath. You're upstanding in the sense of integrity and honor,
and we do hope you stick to that, because we are going to keep looking, of course.
You mentioned that you're a born-again believer.
You're a brother in Christ with me, Lauren, and Doc.
Would you mind sharing your testimony with us?
There may be others listening that they're hearing this courage.
They're hearing this conviction.
They're seeing you take action.
I want to hear why you're doing it.
Well, I'm doing it because, like I said, I was born up with God in my life. You know,
I was born up in a two-family house and brought up in a two-family household,
and God came before anything. You know, we have God, family, and country. I live that. And my
oath that I took doesn't expire. And this country was born and founded upon Christianity, okay? It
was born and founded upon the belief in a higher power or in God,
because I understand some of the founding fathers were deities.
They believed in a deity, but it's still a form of a higher power.
And so my testimony, it goes with just my life.
I grew up, you know, not not well off, you know, and to be able to to come to be in a position to where I came from.
I came from, you know, not a rich family. I joined the Navy. I spent 27 years in the Navy, you know, serving my country.
And then I'm here running for one of the highest offices, you know, as a U.S. congressman in the land.
You know, that that could only be God. God brought me here. You know, my faith brought me here. And so, you know, I can, I would never,
it could never turn my back on what brought me here. And I know it was through the grace of God
that I'm here today. I have support of, you know, they say that this is a racist country. You know,
this is, you know, that's not correct at all. Because if this was a racist
country, you know, I could not be in the position that I am. I'm running in the second district of
Virginia, in the state where the first slave was brought off the ship. A black man is representing
this district of primarily white people. And I have a lot. I have thousands. I have an army of
people that are backing me in this campaign and want me to win and call me and tell me why they want me to win.
And, you know, here's the fact of the matter. I get phone calls all the time and they say, you know, Jerome, I don't know what.
And these are from white people. Jerome, I don't know what to do because, you know, it's going to be black people like you that save this country because white people like me are paralyzed because with all the racism talk, we don't know what to do. Okay. So when you get these kinds of
calls from white people, you know, and they're standing firm with you and they're behind you,
okay, how can you turn those back on, turn your back on those people and say, well, you know,
I'm going to vote against you. I'm going to do what I want to do and not what God called me to do.
God called me one night and here's the testimony story I share with you. You know, I'm going to do what I want to do and not what God called me to do. God called me one night. And here's the testimony story I share with you.
You know, I'm laying in my bed one night and I get waking up out of a dead sleep, you know, and and, you know, something told me that, look, you have to run for office.
And, you know, I know a lot of people may not believe this or not, but I mean, but it's true.
And so I rolled over and thinking,
okay, that's just a dream. I'm going back to sleep. I don't want to hear about that. I'm
not running for office. Okay. And so for the next three, four weeks, I get woken up at the same time
every night with the same message. You're going to run for office. You need to run for office.
And I didn't have any money. And Lauren, I tell you, I started with zero.
I had no manager. I have no money. I have no big money back here. I had nothing, you know,
but I submitted and said, okay, what do you want me to do? You say, just submit. And I submitted and here I am today, you know, and if I would have turned my back, which was, of course, that was God
speaking to me. And if I would have turned my back on that, I don't know where my life would be right
now. And I feel right now I'm the number one
candidate in this position I'm gonna beat my rhino opponent I'm gonna take
over this seat in Virginia and turn it back red and I'm gonna fight for the
people of the United States because I truly believe that's what God sent me to
do and that's what God has for my life as long as you don't go to DC and forget
about that calling don't ever forget if God called you as you don't go to D.C. and forget about that calling, don't ever forget
if God calls you to it, don't go to D.C. and forget about it because he will hold you accountable.
And so will we. Edward, anything else? I just want to encourage you. You've done the biggest
thing is you've been obedient to the Lord. And thank you for addressing it in part in your
statement there. Not just the reason for why you're doing it, but also one of the biggest lies the devil is telling the country right now,
that we have to hate each other because of the color of our skin.
It's such an insidious lie,
and it's become a platform piece for the Democratic Party.
It's dividing society.
It's dividing brothers.
It's dividing people that would generally unify under one system,
under our American flag, under our
American, you know, our citizenship.
But my brother, when it comes to this, I really appreciate you sharing your testimony because
at least for me, and then I'm speaking for you too, I'm a citizen of the kingdom first.
Citizen of the kingdom first before I'm a citizen of the country.
And I think there's going to be quite a few military members
who are going to watch this interview, sir.
They're going to say, hey, if he take a stand,
if he took a stand and he stood up, I'm going to do the same thing.
And again, you may have many constituents, sir,
that come to you and say, thank you for speaking on this topic.
Not just on the subject of vaccination,
but living out your faith during a very turbulent and chaotic time.
I appreciate you coming on the show today, sir.
We look forward to speaking to you in the future, and good luck with your primary, sir.
And enjoy your event.
I know you're on your way.
We'll let you go.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to speak with you, Jerome.
Have a safe trip.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate it.
And I promise I'm not going to forget
what I told you guys when I get to D.C.
Oh, we won't let you forget.
Don't you worry.
See ya.
Well, that was a very good interview.
I appreciate you setting that up, Lord.
We need more people.
We need more ordinary Christians to answer the call.
Half the battle is just saying yes.
Like, yes, Lord, I will. He didn't want to do it.
He had no support, no nothing.
Actually, he has the establishment fighting against him.
And, you know, I think that God puts his hand on people.
So I'm excited to see what happens.
I'll be keeping an eye on Virginia's second district race.
I'm very intrigued by what he said about the Lord waking him up in the middle of the night. SECOND DISTRICT RACE. I AM VERY INTRIGUED ABOUT WHAT HE SAID ABOUT THE LORD WAKING HIM UP IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT.
AFTER THE BREAK WE HAVE A VERY SPECIAL GUEST, A MAN I THINK EVERYONE HAS HEARD OF. Maybe the Lord is doing something that we haven't yet seen the full picture of. Oh, after the break, we have a very special guest,
a man I think everyone's heard of.
I'm going to let you get it right off the moment. Here.
I'm going to take you into a deeper part of Jesus
that can help you walk free from your past for the rest of your life.
You are healing toward a destiny.
You are healing toward a future. We're
not going for short-term band-aid stuff. We're going for permanent leadership. As
a king you have a power. That power is to declare war.
This war path is accelerating training so you establish your kingdom that God's given you.
When she's hurting she needs a man. She doesn't need, well I've been a good boy. Remember we're talking about her as the couch.
If you're gonna declare war you automatically inside of you go what disciplines are gonna get me that result. As warriors
we can't afford to be walking wounded.
Christ has not called you to survive.
He's called you to thrive and to live.
When you're living an exposed life,
you expose the struggle before the behavior.
Take back the things that were stolen from you.
Grow in the areas that you've grown.
You're going to rebuild your marriage.
You're going to rebuild your sexuality.
You're going to rebuild your church.
You're going to rebuild your community.
You are not a struggler.
You're a king of God who got in bondage,
who is now free, family structure.
They've been doing this for decades and they are aiming their
guns at young men. They want to feminize them, they want to demonize them, they
want to criminalize them so that they will not act like the men that God
created them to be. God Tribe is a social media educational platform, a digital platform for young men
and to give young men a place to congregate
where they feel safe.
Its mission is to build better men.
It's a place for Christian men
to congregate with other Christian men
and communicate with each other, fellowship communicate with each other,
fellowship, encourage each other,
building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ.
That's the purpose.
Welcome back to True News. As you just saw with that promo, WELCOME BACK TO TRUE NEWS. AS YOU JUST SAW WITH THAT PROMO WE HAD IN BETWEEN THE SEGMENTS,
BUT THERE ARE OTHER MEN THAT ARE RISING UP DURING THIS TIME TO 20, 30 years. I'm very excited. I don't know about you guys. Oh, yeah. There are other men that are rising up during this time to shepherd those who are lost,
especially men who don't have skills or maybe have lost their way.
One of those men is actually Ted Nugent.
Doug, I don't know about you, but I listened to a lot of Ted's music when I was deployed.
We had a big speaker system out on our patio area that we built from the wood they gave us right outside our tube.
These were like metal containers.
We listened to Ted Nugent after mission because what's more American, right?
Yeah, there's nothing more American than Ted Nugent.
But, you know, he was proactive.
He saw the war on young men.
And he launched actually a kids camp, an outdoors camp.
OH, AND HIS BEAUTIFUL WIFE SHERMAINE. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR COMING ON TODAY. Welcome, Ted. Oh, and his beautiful wife, Germaine.
Thank you so much for coming on today.
I'm so thrilled I got both of you.
How are you guys doing?
Are you in California?
Is that correct?
No, we're in America.
We're actually still in America.
No, no better than that.
Well, God bless you.
We have a beautiful ranch here in Texas, and thanks for inviting us.
You say welcome.
We feel very welcome because God, family, country, freedom, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Declaration of Independence, law and order, that's the battle cry at the Nugent House.
And I have a funny feeling we share that.
I think we do, sir.
And thank you for joining us.
So I want to ask you right off the bat, this camp you've been running for kids,
it's so serendipitous because this is our goal too,
to try to raise up a new generation of Christians.
So what's this camp like?
What's the age group usually get?
And what do you teach these kids?
Well, we began the Ted Nugent Camp for Kids.
It's a nonprofit, strictly a volunteer 501c3 charity.
I was raised in Detroit when it was the arsenal of democracy, and you were raised to be the best that you can be. And
even though I couldn't have articulated as a young boy, my mom and dad raised us to celebrate God,
family, country, neighborhood, work ethic, a spirit of being the best that you can be.
And the most important battle cry of all,
being born in 1948, thrust into the world of little Richard and Chuck Berry, is that being clean and sober is the only way to truly experience God's gift of life. As a kid growing up bow
hunting with my family, you have to have such a higher level of awareness and your understanding
of your natural role in God's miraculous creation to deserve the venison from his renewable pantry.
So as I was growing up and being attacked in the media for being a murderer of innocent animals,
which is so ridiculous, and being adamantly, even militantly clean and sober being against substance
abuse in a world that literally thrived on it well actually suicide on it I realized that the
discipline of archery and the hunting lifestyle guided me on a real quality of life happiness
and people would always ask me questions how I stayed clean and sober.
And I talked about the healing powers of nature and the great outdoors lifestyle. So when my great
hero Fred Bear passed away in 1988, Shemaine and I, we were just about to get married. And we
realized that what Fred really wanted me to do was to continue to recruit young people into the world of
clean and sober nature participants.
So the Ted Nugent Camp for Kids, really it's got my name on it, but it's run by just great
volunteer families, law enforcement, military, farmers, ranchers, just teachers, just great,
great people who care about the children.
And we started this right after our son Rocco was born.
So this has been going on for over 30 years.
Oh, so I love that because I'm in recovery myself.
So I'm really passionate about opioid recovery.
But you were proactive and went towards preventative measures.
You saw that there was a war on young people to get them hopeless, doped up, addicted,
just completely consumed either by
sexual perversion or whatever the world and degenerate society has to offer. I have a
question for Shemaine, if that's okay. What's it like being, I know that you have been together
for how long? How long have you guys been married? 31 years. 31 glorious wild years. That's amazing.
That's amazing. I know that Ted has taken some hits, but you have been there.
You have never faltered. What is it? What is your secret ingredient to being like the
ultimate wife, like the all-American wife per se and sticking by your husband? I know
that it has been hard. She is the ultimate wife. She's the queen of the forest and my best hunting
partner. I thank you. I thank you so much for the high praise. But as you know, I mean, relationships are not easy.
And we've gone up and down the roller coaster.
And I actually wrote a book called Married to a Rock Star that exposed a lot of the trials and tribulations that we've been through.
And what I liked about when I was first offered to do this interview is that you're putting God first.
And God was at the center of our
relationship and our marriage. And that's the way that it has to be. But there's also another
secret that a lot of people don't often discuss is that we do spend a bit of time apart. And I
think that that allows us the opportunity to miss each other. Huh, the secret ingredient.
Well, it's certainly something that I think many have had to,
not just with their wives and their family,
but their congregations, their friends.
I mean, this past year, what a weird time, right?
I mean, we're talking about an entire societal shift,
and I don't know if you're experiencing this with your camp, Mr. Nugent,
but I see a lot of video game addiction, for example. Just getting kids
out of the house to go play a
sport, let alone hunt, that
seems to be almost like the new opium,
the new thing to keep people
distracted. How
have you overcome these distractions
for the kids? Have they been
resistant, for example? I guess many want to
maybe meet you or maybe see
the outdoors, but have any
been had like even with a withdrawal of basically from their video games and their addiction to
indoors? Well, it may be shocking, but if you really honestly examine my career, I've been
rather uppity and rather energized. I'm 72.7 years clean and sober.
And I think that's the underlying attraction to no matter what the age bracket might be.
These kids see our Ted Nugent Spirit of the Wild TV show.
They've all heard my different interviews, whether it's on CNN or MTV or VH1. And I've always celebrated the stimuli of the great outdoor lifestyle. And I always talk about the mystical
flight of the arrow, which is the origins of the samurai excellence. And I don't care what age you
are, but I think particularly young people go, well, this guy's talking about being clean and
sober, and he seemed to be really happy and excited. So we all know that the great outdoors, there's a mystical, magical, miraculous pulse in nature.
And not just as an observer.
Germaine and I sit on the deck and we watch the sun rises and sun sets together.
And it's so healing. actually participate and you apply yourself to be a reasoning predator of consciousness
and you accept that gift of the deer or the duck or the pheasant or the rabbit as the
ultimate organic, delicious, nutritious, natural protein in the world.
And you have to earn that by elevating your level of awareness.
That goes straight to academics.
You'll be a better student if you are tuned into God's miracle and nature
pulse. And especially when the nearly impossible accomplishment of getting an arrow in a deer that
God created not to let you get an arrow in, this is a mystical, spiritual moment, knowing that your
cause and effect must take from nature while you're balancing the herd,
while you're keeping the habitat healthy for air, soil, and water quality. And when I tell this to
the kids, I'm telling you, their parents have held me in their arms and cry that their children
needed to hear this from a guy that never compromised or backed down from his core beliefs.
And so it's archery and marksmanship, safe gun handling, hunter safety courses, survival skills,
planting trees, monitoring the condition of your air, soil, and water by maximizing healthy
wildlife habitat. I'm telling you, these kids get it immediately. Their instincts go, well, that makes sense.
And kids now coming to camp are brought by their parents,
who were some of our first kids at camp 30 years ago.
So you know it resonates, and you know it's so organic and natural
that if you just let your mind open up to the world around you,
you have to say, well, that's science. That's biology.
That's nature. I want in. And it's God's gift to us and to share with our children and to carry on
this wildlife legacy, this habitat management that we all as hunters and outdoorsmen really
have safeguarded for so long. But there are a lot of inner-city kids that don't have access to this.
A lot of our campers are inner-city kids.
We have a lot of law enforcement heroes that find these special-needs kids
that are without a mom and her dad.
They're surrounded by gangs and substance abuse and engineered recidivism.
Boy, there's a phrase that we need to talk about more often. Literally, it's engineered recidivism. Boy, there's a phrase that we need to talk about more often.
Literally is engineered recidivism. But once they get a taste of that campfire and their friends,
and it's clean and sober, and you have great conversations, and they all work on getting
that arrow in the bullseye, I'm telling you, they have stated it every year since we started this camp that it saves their lives.
We are so proud of our volunteers.
They're the greatest people in the world.
Yes, and it's ran by volunteers.
You guys have built this entirely on your own.
It's not like some hoity-toity expensive camp that the elitists can send their kids to.
No, this is for ordinary people, inner city kids.
I know that, you know, I think it only costs
what, $25 and they get to come and they get a fishing pole and they get all this stuff and they
get the hand on hand Ted Nugent training sometimes. I love to see it. You know, there is a war on
young men. You know, they are trying to feminize them. They're trying to steal their identities.
They're trying to raise them up being like, you know, I don't know if you're a boy or a girl or it's okay to wear a dress. You know, do you think camps like
yours, mentalities like yours, getting people out in the outdoors, teaching them how to hunt,
how to fish, how to take care of themselves, how to start a fire. Do you think this is a good method
on how we can combat this feminist culture trying to take out young men. You know, Lauren, I can tell you what we live as ranchers,
farmers, hunters, fishermen, trappers, still in touch with the earth, fulfilling the ultimate
compliment that you can bestow upon someone. Grounded. The person is grounded. Means he's
reliable. Means he'll show up on time. Means he's honest, means he'll put his heart and soul
in getting the job done to the best of his ability, down to earth. Those terms of exceptional
praise really relate to the aboriginal spirit of working the ground and bringing food to yourself,
your family, your your neighbors the world so
what I have found is that when I do interviews every day this is my third or
fourth one today when they attack the state of manliness they are literally
lying it's a manifestation of a cultural abandonment that as a man I'm different
than Charmaine and I love that part as a man I am the head of my, I'm different than Shemaine, and I love that part. As a man, I am the head of my household.
I'm here to provide, protect, secure, cuddle, love, tuck in the grandchildren, love the dogs, train the dogs.
But I'm here to do man's job.
Now, there's nothing I can do that Shemaine can't probably do better.
But you know what?
You know what?
I want to interject because you talked about there's a war going on.
There is a spiritual war going on right now,
and I believe that Satan has been trying to confuse us
since the dawn of man in the Garden of Eden when he confused Eve.
And what's happening now is that they're trying to confuse our children
with gender identity and with being able to go against your parents and to separate us from God
and to let children make their own very, very important health decisions
that will affect them for the rest of their lives.
Before they're capable of making that decision.
Like this identity, gender communication, confrontation that we all have it's they're putting it out there
satan i believe is very active right now and ephesians 6 12 says we do not battle against
flesh and blood but against principalities against powers against forces dark forces of this world
right now that's what is going on. Yes, absolutely.
What we see in the natural isn't compared
to what's really going on, the war in the heavenlies
on people, you know, and God's battling for us.
You know, God's fighting for us as well, and prayer works.
But you know, there is a roaring lion
seeking whom he can devour, but they're going for the kids
because they're the easy targets.
What is it like, okay, as a mother, like, is there any advice that you could give to young children
trying to protect young men especially and young women?
You know, the battle's on young women too.
They're smearing our identities too.
They don't know who they are.
They are told that they are supposed to be promiscuous,
and that's how they're supposed to be received by society.
You know, growing up as a mother, you're a mother,
what advice can you give to other women who potentially want to be moms?
What are your thoughts on homeschooling?
How do we keep children protected in this day and age from the agenda,
the radical leftist agenda that is trying to take our children out?
I homeschooled our son Rocco for a couple of years, and I loved it.
I really did now if my son was young I would absolutely
unequivocally homeschool and I think it's a great opportunity
because you know what they learn and you don't go on to
the next subject of the next chapter until you know that they
have completed that course and they understand it and I think
it's so important right now.
What's great, this is called the Great Awakening. Parents are now becoming active and vocal in
school board meetings. And they're finally realizing because of the pandemic, the lockdown,
what their kids were actually learning or not learning in school. And I think it's really important. And it's an exciting time
for Christians to be alive. But we must put on the full armor of God to withstand the wiles of
the devil because he is so active. We've been under a lot of spiritual warfare. And I've been
down on my knees. And you talk about what can moms do? It's easier for me. It was easier when our son was younger and I could have those confrontations and tell him, no, you have to go to church.
You have to go do this and you have to do that.
But now that he's older, he's in his 30s, I pray a lot.
That's what I do.
And I got to tell you, if you met Rocco, if you met my sons and daughters and grandkids, my brother, my sister, my band, my crew, my management, my neighbors.
I've been a sheriff deputy in Lake Michigan since 1984.
And I work with real heroes who bring security to our neighborhoods and our streets. if you followed the Nugent's around, if you followed Shemaine and I around for a day or two,
you'd think that the world was perfect because we surround ourselves with people who believe
in the fundamentals, God, family, country, constitution, law, and order. And let me tell you,
if you just watch most of the media, you'd swear we were done. But let me tell you, when I go to
the feed mill, when we go to the Vietnamese restaurant,
we go to the Mexican restaurant, we go to the sushi bar, people come up to us everywhere
we go because I've dedicated my life to trouncing the Marxists and the liberals and the deniers
and the strange people who want to teach critical race theory instead of judging by content
of character.
They want to start forcing children to judge by color of skin that is toxic and it's out there
but I believe there is an army of patriots and Christians in this country
like Charmaine said you witness some of the intensity and passion and emotion of
some of these mothers and fathers going to school boards going,
what are you teaching my kids? Shame on you. And then they try to shut down the parent who gets
involved and the parent goes, no, you shut up. I've got the floor. I've got a first amendment
right. You are doing the work of the devil and we're not going to let you do it anymore.
This is, they're acting like Ted Nugent in the 1970s and so my point is with our
organization called Hunter Nation you go to it's all it's also a non-profit
501c3 if you don't endorse a candidate we endorse God family country, law and order. And we won in 2016. And I'm convinced if only legal votes
were counted in 2020, we won that too, because we have an army that is based on this enormous list
of licensed hunting families in America, because they embody God, family, country, work ethic, law and order. And we've
got them to abandon the self-inflicted curse of apathy. It's worse than Marxism. It's worse than
cults. When a good person doesn't act upon their beliefs, the enemy laughs in their face. And we're
fixing that. The problem is, like, I have been banned from Twitter. Banned. Welcome to the club.
And he hasn't. So the problem is they are coming, big tech is coming after those voices who are
being vocal but we have got to maneuver around it, be bold and brave, start local and get loud
and let our voices be heard. This is a great awakening.
It's an exciting time to be alive, but we do have to take a deep breath, go outside,
enjoy God's great design, and take care of, you know, I've got a program for healthy living for women especially called Reawaken.
And I think it's important for women especially to take care of, you know, as the flight attendant says, put on your mask first before helping others.
And as women, we tend to roll up the red carpet for everybody else and take care of ourselves last.
Now, more than ever, we need to put self-care at the front and stay healthy and strong so we can fight this good fight.
Yeah, that's great advice.
Doc, did you have a question?
Well, yeah, actually, I have about a dozen questions
because I'm talking to the Motor City Madman.
I can't believe that.
So, first of all, Mr. Nugent, thanks for being on with us.
I've been in pastoral ministry, evangelist ministry
and missionary ministry for 30 years,
but I wasn't always saved.
And I first heard you in your music in 1979 on the King Biscuit Flower Hour and that summer episode.
And the next morning I went out and bought Cat Scratch Fever.
And I promise you, Mr. Nugent, that I wore that album out until you could see through it.
And I also want to say one of the great travesties of our time is that you're not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
That should be, you know, I'm geeking out a little bit, so forgive me, okay?
Well, thank you for that.
But Ted, there was the 20-year-old Ted Nugent and there's the Ted Nugent of today, okay?
Obviously, there's been a radical change in your life from those times. The music, the culture, and everything of those times,
a much different Ted Nugent then than exists now.
What happened along the way that made this Ted Nugent who he is today?
Well, there's a defining line.
It's called marriage.
I was going to say.
Right there.
But I got to tell you guys,
if you go back and listen to my interviews from the 60s
with the Amboy Dukes throughout the Ted Nugent bands,
I've always been pro-First Amendment, pro-Second Amendment, and militantly against the tragic suicide of substance abuse.
That's why I'm not in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, because I stand for God, family, country.
And I always have.
I've always promoted arguably the most controversial tip of the culture war spear, and that's hunting rights.
Because animal rights freaks, if you take enough drugs, you can believe that there really is a Bambi.
I mean, they're just freaky people.
So they would attack me for eating venison and carrying a gun.
Venison and self-defense are two of the most perfect things you can do in life.
They were all high, and I told so many of my heroes that they were going to die if they kept it up.
I told Jimi Hendrix he was going to die.
I told Keith Moon.
I told John Belushi.
I told Bon Scott.
But why didn't you?
Why didn't you get sucked into that culture? Why aren't we talking about the death of Ted Nugent?
What brought you to this place today, Ted?
Well, number one, I'm a defiant son of a bitch, I'll tell you that right now.
And you cannot convince me to do something stupid.
And I think that might be a harsh term in our Christian gathering here. If we don't reference the street, it's the street where the real spiritual war is going on against those people in the asset column who work hard and go to church on Sundays.
Those are the people that the left hates the most.
They've always been my strength.
And again, we go right back to the hunting lifestyle. So controversial in the world
of the lie of animal rights that all those outdoorsmen and women saw Ted Nugent on all
these rock and roll media stand up for conservation and self-defense and the constitution. So I really haven't changed except for the marriage part.
Hey, that's awesome though. She's great. And she is a God-fearing Christian. There's something
about having a Proverbs 31 woman right by your side. There is something about it. You know,
I'm going to, I'm going to shamelessly, you know, I love it. I love it. You're beautiful.
And you know, it's so good to see that you have your right-hand woman, you know, I love it. I love it. You're beautiful. And, you know, it's so good to see that you have your right-hand woman.
You know, she's been there for you.
I know that you guys have taken hits.
I know it has cost you a lot.
It's cost you your reputations.
The hit pieces are endless.
And they will continue.
And we certainly will be praying for you both.
Like, you know, we really appreciate the opportunity for you to come on and share with our audience.
Is there anything else you would like to say to close?
We have about two minutes left. Specifically to young men. Yes, specifically
to young men. This may be an opportunity to speak to many in the military. We covered this a lot
today, the vaccination drives. How do you maintain joy during this time? And what would you say to
young men who are sucked into those open jungles of concrete and decrayrayed we want to know how we can beat it well number one i thank
you for your references how the military heroes listen to my music and they all know that i've
stood up for those constitutional rights that their oath causes them to charge into life
threatening firefights and sacrifice their lives for the oath to the constitution that they gave.
So thank you for that. And thank you for supporting my music because my music is so cool. I just
recorded a new record called Ted Nugent Detroit Muscle that is the most flame-throwing, fun,
rhythm and blues rock and roll of my life. But we are honored to join you here for Truth, Logic,
and Common Sense. And the truth, logic, and Common Sense is that God created man and women. Men have a job. They have a job description. Yes,
it's cross-pollinated because we can all nurture. We all have empathy. We all have emotions.
But women give birth and they nurture. They're motherly. Men help with the giving of the birth, but then we have guidance and paternal responsibilities and discipline and responsibilities.
And those, especially those military men, harken back on a daily basis to your constitutional oath. If you're given an immoral command that forces you to violate that oath,
you have to stand your ground and say no.
No, that's an immoral decree, and my faith and my oath won't let me do that.
Follow your instincts.
Instincts have been chiseled away at natural pure organic intellectual spiritual instincts
to protect to provide to work until our hands are raw so that our family is taken care of thank you
so much we appreciate that that's some good stuff i love it love the preaching love the preaching we
are out of time shaman and ted thank you so much for the opportunity. I look forward to joining you in this fight ahead.
It's going to be a long one.
Thank you, and God bless you both.
God bless you guys.
God bless America.
God bless you.
Ted Nugent.
We'll be back here tomorrow on True News. the preceding program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support