TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Facebook Caught Red-Handed Censoring Bioweapon Truth of CCP Virus

Episode Date: May 25, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall explores the collaboration between big tech censors and the Chinese Communist controllers. A new video from Project Veritas has introduced two new whistleblowers t...hat shows how Facebook did more than suppress ‘conspiracy theories’, but also verifiable data and facts. A change in the China Wuhan lab narrative is becoming apparent, shifting from denial of the source of the virus to an ‘accidental release’. Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/25/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Tuesday, May 25th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Two brave whistleblowers from Facebook have exposed a secret Zuckerberg-led campaign to censor vital facts about coronavirus and, of course, the experimental vaccines. In a series of internal documents published by Project Veritas, Facebook's Ministry of Truth has been caught overseeing a mass disinformation campaign focused on curbing vaccine hesitancy by blocking and shadow banning real reports
Starting point is 00:01:10 about COVID vaccine side effects, and most importantly, deaths. I have to do something. When it comes time to standing up for a world I want my children to live in, I don't want to leave them a world to where they don't have these libraries. People aren't allowed to have voice, and yet Facebook counts itself with promoting people's opportunity to have voice.
Starting point is 00:01:43 They're trying to control this content before it even makes it onto your page, before you even see it. If I lose my job, it's like, what do I do? But that's less of a concern to me. We have just obtained multiple leaked documents from Inside Facebook, this time detailing a plan to curb, quote,
Starting point is 00:01:59 vaccine hesitancy on a global scale. It was so concerning, it brought us not one, but two whistleblowers from inside Facebook who are ready to speak out on what this means for free speech and public discourse on their own platform. Facebook uses classifiers in their algorithms to determine certain content to be what they call vaccine hesitant,
Starting point is 00:02:22 or they call it vaccine hesitancy, without the user's knowledge, they assign a score to these comments that's called a VH score, vaccine hesitancy score. And based on that score, we'll demote or leave the comment alone, depending on the content within the comment. Our first Facebook insider is a data center technician who leaked us multiple internal documents
Starting point is 00:02:41 detailing an algorithm test being run on 1.5% of Facebook and Instagram's nearly 3.8 billion users worldwide. The goal? To, quote, drastically reduce user exposure to vaccine hesitancy in comments. It's the same thing. You'll see a lot of this difference in their public policy versus the private policy, where the public policy is very vague. It's very ambiguous. It's designed to be questioned because it's designed to be able to easily defend. But then if you look at the private policy, it's much more clear, much more specific. I think that they're trying to make it seem like they're not doing as much or that they're just kind of like generalizing it like, oh, we have some robot
Starting point is 00:03:20 that just tags your post. And then, you know, we look at it, but I think they don't want people to know, oh, no, we actually have something that we made specifically for vaccine hesitancy so the main document along with all the attachments and stuff that goes with it so basically when they write this algorithm it goes through facebook content and it looks for certain keywords uh that are related to vaccination or you know not getting a vaccine and stuff like that and it gives it a score and the the VA score means vaccine hesitancy, which is defined as being hesitant to get a vaccine, but not just like, well, I don't know, it's even, well, I saw a study
Starting point is 00:03:55 that said that someone died that got the vaccine. That's vaccine hesitancy. Unbelievable. I wonder what else that unblinking billionaire is censoring and for what communist government. Joining me to discuss Mark Zuckerberg getting his hand caught in Mao's fortune cookie jar is my co-host, Doc Burkhart. Hey, Edward. Good afternoon and good afternoon to all of our viewers and listeners out there today. We're live right now, and so thanks for joining us but yeah this isn't really a shock to us and so but does confirm
Starting point is 00:04:28 some of the previous research and information that we've put out here at true news in the past we'll be talking about that here in just a few minutes as well what what we finally have right now is actual proof from whistleblowers that work within Facebook, not just one, but several now, that are coming out and saying, there was an active effort to manage vaccine information. And when we say vaccine information, we don't just mean what some have labeled conspiracy information, but actual information like reports from the government.
Starting point is 00:05:00 Verified facts. Right, and things that could go and actually be researched independently, those things were managed as well. I hate to even use the word managed. I would say suppressed, censored. They actually, they actively blocked real information from getting to the American public. And in this sense, they even set up a Chinese style scoring system, the vaccine hesit Hesitancy Score. Sounds a lot like the social credit score that China currently has, where information and activity is either raided or blocked based on the decisions of the Politburo, the Ministry of Truth in China.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Doug, the thing that really incensed me looking at this is that Facebook was once again deciding. They got caught here doing it. Right. Deciding what's true. Deciding what's real. Deciding what's reality. And look, we've tried to get people to leave the plantation. Get off of Facebook. Get off of these controlled social media platforms that are run by communists. OK. But for those that are still on it and the government agencies that still operate on it. I'm talking about police departments too.
Starting point is 00:06:08 Where does the sheriff department post their videos of car chases or other issues? And where does the National Weather Service post updates about hurricanes? Or where all the healthcare workers post their dancing videos. Oh, sure. A lot of times to do that.
Starting point is 00:06:23 They have a lot of times to do that. But it's not just the testimony of whistleblowers that are out there. From what I understand, there's documents that are actually being released as well. Yes. And I read through all the information released by James O'Keefe, doing a wonderful job over at Project Veritas. The ones that caught my attention were the ones that specifically said Facebook's team led by Mark Zuckerberg. I don't say it lightly. The actual documents show that this group, the censorship committee, reported directly to Mark Zuckerberg. This group, though, Doc, they actually went after.
Starting point is 00:07:00 They honed in on facts, on truths, on reports that can be verified. Here is the tiering summary. They had two tiers, alarmism and criticism. Now, what they said is a sensational or alarmist vaccine content, by their definition, will be blocked, will be shadow banned. They said this, any content that suggests that vaccines are unsafe, ineffective, sacrilegious, or irrelevant in an exaggerated, conspiratorial, or sensational term, well, you're going to get banned. I find this thing sacrilegious. If you consider the vaccine to be sacrilegious, then you would also get shouted at. It also said criticizing choice to receive, provide vaccines is saying that disparaging others on the basis of their choice to vaccinate or on their choice to vaccinate others. What I find ironic about this, Doc, is that they were allowing the converse to take place, the complete opposite.
Starting point is 00:07:56 Right. Happy to allow people to attack those you choose not to. Right. But if you chose not to get vaccinated, then you were banned, then you were suppressed, then you were censored. By the way, what we're looking at here, this is, I guess, an internal document from Facebook itself. Is this what this is right here? That is what James O'Keefe at Project Veritas is claiming. He's also claiming that the information that has been put out was given to him by two
Starting point is 00:08:26 whistleblowers that work inside of Facebook. If you wouldn't mind going back to the first one, control real quick. Facebook has responded, by the way. What they've said is this information is true. They are not challenging us. All they're saying is, hey, it was already public. It was already public. We have this on a blog internally, but it was a company blog, and it's real. It's a real thing, but you shouldn't be kind of worried about this. The part that you need to be worried about is the part about indirect vaccine discouragement. Right, and the letter D especially. That's the one that really stands out. Let's start there. Shocking stories.
Starting point is 00:09:03 Right. Potentially or actually true events or facts that can raise safety concerns indicated by sharing personal antidotes or news events of severe adverse events in hyperbolic terms or without context. And they add this part onto there. What they're saying to the doctor is if someone who's paralyzed, sitting in a hotel bed, decides to grab their phone, quick, let's do a Facebook Live, let's throw up a picture and a video of myself in the hospital bed. And I say, this is where I'm at right now. My name is Joe Smith. I'm 18. I'm paralyzed. I just got the Pfizer, Moderna, J&J shot. Doctors don't know what caused this, but it happened right after I got vaccinated. I went from walking to being bedridden. I'll give you another example. Remember the nurse back last fall, last winter, that received the vaccine? She passed out and fainted and everything. You notice that
Starting point is 00:10:07 immediately after that, Facebook started suppressing that story, started censoring that story. It actually happened. It was an event that actually occurred. You had the real video. And yet, that's now Facebook's policy is to, you know, to tow the party line. And when I say the party line, which party are we talking about, Edward? Well, clearly it's the Communist Party. I mean, I don't think there's any question at this point. We're going to show you again, to jog your memory, who is running the fact-checking division,
Starting point is 00:10:37 the Ministry of Truth at Facebook. But also I want to point out that it is a communist technician as a tactic by the communists, to gaslight. And what gaslighting is, is when you know something, there's a truth that you're trying to hire from the public, and you're constantly repeating, reaffirming a line to them. They say, hey, Edward, you're not wearing a white shirt. Edward, you're not wearing a white shirt. Edward, you're not wearing a white shirt. Edward, you're not wearing a white shirt. Edward, you're not wearing a white shirt. Your shirt's red. The communists think if they can say that a thousand
Starting point is 00:11:09 times, browbeat you over it, present it to you, you're going to start believing. And that's what's happened with vaccines. The current official story is that there is no issue. There's no safety concerns. There's nothing that you should be worried about and There's no proof of anything you should be worried about that is patently false. Are they denying the various database? Yes, they are Are they denying the hundreds of thousands who posted that their children have gotten paralyzed sick injured? They themselves parents saying I went from walking to bed to in a hospital I can't I can't function anymore because I took a vaccine shot. Now, there was a story here a few months back, Edward, that I have to ask the question,
Starting point is 00:11:54 is Mark Zuckerberg himself in violation of Facebook's own policy? Because if I recall correctly, Mark Zuckerberg, I mean, look at those eyes, man. That should scare you right there. Either he's staying up really late or something. But Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg took an anti-vax stance in violation of his own platform's new policy. He said, I share some caution on this vaccine because we just don't know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA. Now, he said that, and if you- It was in July 2020 he said that, too. Right. And so essentially, we could ban Mark Zuckerberg, right? Oh, certainly. I mean, if we could take him at his word, I think that Mark Zuckerberg,
Starting point is 00:12:42 clearly here, it's rules for us, but not for him. And again, another, it's a feudalistic mindset, but it's a communist technique, a communist tactic. And the progress, really, the goal here has been to gaslight the public, is to convince the public, or really to bully the public, out of taking any stand on this topic. And we now know that he launched an entire division. While he himself had concern, he was making sure no one else in the world was talking about it. Now, in case you're wondering if that's absolutely true, we saved the footage. Watch this.
Starting point is 00:13:19 But I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this because we just don't know the long term side effects of basically modifying people's DNA and RNA to to directly encode in a person's DNA and RNA. Basically, the ability to to to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream. So there's work on both paths of vaccine development. That was from Facebook's internal weekly Q&A meeting in July 2020. So when Zuckerberg said, quote, basically, the vaccine is modifying people's DNA, it seems pretty clear modifying is synonymous with changing. Again, Zuckerberg would be banned from Facebook For saying this in fact this video of me showing the CEO of Facebook talking might be banned because he is violating
Starting point is 00:14:14 Facebook's policy you see it's far worse than James O'Keefe was presenting there Facebook was actively misleading the American people. That's exactly right. They're actively misleading the American people. That's exactly right, Edward. They're actively misleading the American people. It wasn't just that they were trying to guard America. Look, there are lies that have been told over the last couple of years, especially with COVID. There's been things that have been put out there that they just didn't have any basis in fact. They were intentionally misleading the public. Well, you know, Edward, who the father of lies is. It's the devil.
Starting point is 00:14:43 The devil is the father of lies. It's on both ends, okay? Whenever someone's lying and they're intentionally trying to mis father of lies is. It's the devil. The devil is the father of lies. On both ends, okay? Whenever someone's lying and they're intentionally trying to mislead, they're working for the devil. But look, Mark Zuckerberg knew and his team knew that there were facts. There was truth that was being said here. And they actively blocked it. They actively stopped most of the American public from looking at the information with a straight eye, and especially at a time when you're making a very, very important decision in
Starting point is 00:15:11 your life, if you're going to go and get a vaccine, one that was rushed through the safety checks, one that got emergency approval, not formal approval from the FDA, one that might even challenge your religious convictions because of his association with abortion. I was thinking about a story last night. I think this is no different than if there was a fire in a theater, okay? A fire in a theater, and you just so happen to see it. You're inside the theater, and you're looking up. Oh, my goodness, there's smoke coming out of the sides.
Starting point is 00:15:41 Oh, wow, by the lights, there's a fire. It's a fact. It's smoke. And as you're looking at it, you're pointing at it, some goons come up behind you, grab you. Turns out they work for the theater. They grab you, put their hands over your mouth, and they drag you out of the theater, and they throw
Starting point is 00:15:56 you into the street. They tell you, shut your mouth. You're not going to tell anyone inside there that there's a fire. And then, you know what these goons end up doing, Doc? They go and grab two trucks and they put it in front of the fire hydrants. And they go back inside and carry on the movie.
Starting point is 00:16:13 Okay? Facebook is complicit here. And I think there should be some investigators out to look. If Facebook actively suppressed information, safety information, about the vaccine, about what was happening in the country with coronavirus, it's not just the vaccine. Right.
Starting point is 00:16:30 What about the origin of the virus? Let's go all the way back to this pandemic that's destroyed the country. And, of course, that begs the question of how would Facebook benefit from suppressing this information, or rather, who benefits from that suppression of information? Well, let's kind of look at the crumbs that have been left along the way. Remember this story that Tree News did here a while back? This is from the New York Post. Okay, meet your Chinese Facebook censors.
Starting point is 00:17:00 Now, according to this story from the New York Post, Chinese nationals called Hate Speech Engineering, and most of its members are based at Facebook's offices in Seattle. And so most of the people that were out there monitoring the so-called bad speech, hate speech, or maybe even speech related to the vaccine, guess what? They're Chinese nationals. And if they're Chinese nationals, that means they have a loyalty other than to a check by Facebook, but back to China. That's the first crumb, Edward.
Starting point is 00:17:36 Yes, and this report, again, was from October of last year. So this is a time that Mark Zuckerberg himself is starting to wonder. He hasn't yet had his November live stream with Dr. Fauci. He's wondering if the RNA vaccines which are being produced, which are being accelerated by Operation Warp Speed, if they're going to alter people's DNA, especially his DNA, because you know he cares about himself. But at the same time, he was, I'd say, recruiting and expanding his censorship division, the same division that ended up censoring truth about vaccines, and he hired people from the PLA, people that studied in China.
Starting point is 00:18:14 That story from the New York Post noted that not only were numerous Chinese nationals hired, but specifically there were software engineers for machine learning. One earned his master's degree in computer science from Jilin University in northern China. Another earned a bachelor's degree in computer science from Nanjing University, a lot of college students. One specifically worked at the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing. Now that is a very famous university and a scientific institution in China for the PLA. Okay, producing technology for the PLA. You think they didn't have a loyalty test before you got your application approved to attend and learn from the communists there?
Starting point is 00:19:00 Because they were communists. The professors are communists and the students are communists. Well, in addition to that, there was also Huawei engineers, people that have worked for China's telecommunication infrastructure. This is a state-backed entity. All these individuals must have had security clearances for China before moving to the United States on a tech visa through Facebook. Zuckerberg helped them get into the country to then censor us the Chinese way. In China, you can't criticize the government. You can't talk about what the government's doing, what they look like. There is no First Amendment. There's no freedom of speech. And they also have a social credit score. What this story proves
Starting point is 00:19:42 is that Facebook has facilitated the introduction of an American social credit score. What this story proves is that Facebook has facilitated the introduction of an American social credit score. Absolutely right. More stories related to this. This is from Epoch Times. This is back from December of last year. And this is verified information. Facebook fact checker. You know, all those fact checkers on Facebook, you know, they send you the little notices. This information is not verified or whatever, you know, crazy stuff that they send on there. Facebook fact checker funded by Chinese money through TikTok. What's the idea behind this story, Edward? Well, so the first part is that the money that was funded by China, all right, that
Starting point is 00:20:24 this money through TikTok was also being used now to censor through and look through the content, specifically if it challenged any Chinese communist positions. The positions the government finds embarrassing, such as discussion about Wuhan, the bioweapons lab where the virus likely came from, or China's role at the WHO and Event 201. Not even to begin the discussion about the virus entering the United States. It's spreading in New York, out of Chinatown, in Queens. I think the other discussion is obviously on vaccines. I think TikTok and Facebook both have the same mentality that you must not allow personal testimony. You must not allow individuals to use their accounts to talk about the ways the vaccine has hurt them, the ways the lockdown has hurt them. And, Doc, I think by doing this, it sterilized the public.
Starting point is 00:21:21 It euthanized the passion in us that would usually have riled up, I think, even just a generation before, if we really thought we were attacked. Right. OK. And if this was a bioweapon, let's say it did come from the Wuhan bio lab, the level four lab in China where the epicenter of the virus was first noted, and it came to America with intent, then that was an act of war. But no one wants to discuss that, Doc. No, they don't. Neither will they discuss the possibility that there are actual Chinese influencers,
Starting point is 00:21:57 we call those spies, in regular parlance. So that's an example. Another example is another fact checker here. This is from Zero Hedge here. Facebook fact checker. Another one of those fact checkers, you know, that says this information is not viable or this information is false. Fake news. Facebook fact checker. This one actually worked at the Wuhan bio lab and ruled out the virus leak while debunking articles about the Wuhan lab. I want to point out real quick, Zero Hedge is a reputable website. This was actually an article put together by
Starting point is 00:22:36 their staff. And I say this now because they've been proven right. Like us, they went out on a limb last year early, before even the declaration of the pandemic to point out the coronavirus connection to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the PLA bioweapons lab. OK, so when you're reading this story from Zero Hedge, you've got to take a point on it. And the person they're talking about here, Doc, I didn't believe this was true until
Starting point is 00:23:03 I looked into it. It's absolutely true. Facebook hired a woman named Danielle Anderson, who works at Duke's University of a medical school lab in Singapore. Duke University has a medical school lab in Asia. Now she contributes to science feedback. What's interesting is science feedback is one of Facebook's outlets. They've franchised out. They've kind of farmed out the censoring. They go to her to wonder about science claims.
Starting point is 00:23:31 But she's one of the ladies that puts the false information labels on stuff related to COVID, for instance. So you see those little banners that pop up occasionally, false information and stuff. She might be actually one of the ones that personally did that to your account. Yes, and she did something else personally to you. Ms. Anderson worked with bat coronavirus at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. She actually no less than nine times collaborated with Dr. Peng Zhao. Now, Dr. Peng Zhao is one of the, say, the forefathers of the current COVID-19 strain. Before the variants, I'm talking about the strain that is alleged to have been exposed to the West and caused this pandemic and caused our nations to lock ourselves down and shut down our economies.
Starting point is 00:24:23 She worked with that person at the Chinese weapons lab. That's incredible. A Facebook fact checker directly had hands on the virus. Of course, she was one of those that said it's not even remotely possible. You're out of your head if you were to suggest that the virus could have possibly have come from the lab. It couldn't have happened. The Wuhan lab has the highest levels of safety protocols. There is no way, there is no way that the coronavirus could have, you know, escaped from the lab. You know, she's got an issue here, Doc, because even if she believed that, let's say
Starting point is 00:25:06 that's her scientific opinion, let's say she actually believed this, she should have disclosed that she worked at the lab. I mean, that's journalistic ethics. That's just human ethics 101. You have a conflict of interest, man.
Starting point is 00:25:22 You worked there. Of course you're going to say that the employees didn't have any issue. There's no way there's any problems. You yourself, Ms. Henderson, did you come back to the United States? When was the last time you were in this Franken lab that we now know that coronavirus came from? Wow. The idea, of course, is that for the past year, all you heard was it couldn't have come from the lab. It couldn't have come from the lab. It couldn't have come from the lab. It couldn't have come from the lab.
Starting point is 00:25:47 I'm telling you, I'm lying to you. It couldn't have come from the lab. But something has changed recently. There's been a shift in the narrative. And if you've been alert, if you've kept your discernment in the spirit up, you've noticed this change has taken place over the past couple weeks. Of course, those of us on this side of the issue, we've been hollering for a year, you know, about, hey, there's a level five virus weapons lab in Wuhan. Is it possible that the virus came from there? Oh, no, no, no. It couldn't have happened,
Starting point is 00:26:25 right? Well, you guys remember Scott Gottlieb. He was one of the ones that, former FDA chief. Of course, he was been one of the most outspoken critics early on. He now sits on the board of Pfizer, by the way. Right. And so he does. Yeah, this is President Trump's FDA direct end. He sits on Pfizer now. He left in 2019 and now sits on the board of Pfizer. Just want to point that out real quick.
Starting point is 00:26:47 Okay. So now the story out of the hill today. Today, former FDA chief, growing circumstantial evidence that COVID could have come out of a lab. Okay. The story goes on to explain all these. Now, we've kind of heard, you know, some inklings of this over the past couple of weeks from like Secretary Pompeo and others. Devin Nunes, the House Intelligence Committee has their own report they came out with on this. Where they say in publicly available reports and media outlets, there's the evidence is there that COVID could have come out of a lab, could have come out of Wuhan specifically.
Starting point is 00:27:28 You and I were talking about this earlier today. Coulda, woulda, shoulda. Okay, I can read this. But they had access to more information than anybody. Yes, by their rule. The position they keep saying, they keep talking about circumstantial evidence. They keep talking about open source reporting. I don't want to hear about that from them, Doc.
Starting point is 00:27:46 I can read too. I can look at those various reports. We have been doing the open source reporting for a year saying this. Thanks for catching up if that's your argument. But people like Mr. Pompeo, Mr. Nunes, Mr. Gottlieb, you have access to much more information than we do. You knew a long time ago where this came from. Now that it's becoming out in the open, that it likely came from the lab,
Starting point is 00:28:15 and they know they're not going to be able to sell this to the public any longer that it started in somebody's bat soup at the meat market down the street. They know they can't sell that any longer. They know the American public is not buying that nonsense. So now what they're doing is saying it came from the lab. But listen to how they're framing this. They don't want to go so far as to claim it's a bioweapon. Now the narrative is, yes, it came from the lab, but it was probably accidental. Oh, that fraud soup is lukewarm.
Starting point is 00:28:53 I was reading that statement by Scott Gottlieb. One thing he said is, I don't think we're ever going to get to the bottom of this. Because unless we have a whistleblower, assuming it did come out of a lab, and I'm not saying it did, but assuming it did, you know, they have to hedge themselves. Unless we have a whistleblower or a regime change in China, you're not going to truly find out. And what I find so interesting about their position is they're kind of baiting the idea that maybe this will stir unrest in China or definitely is going to cause mistrust of China. Let's say you don't outright blame them for a bioweapon attack.
Starting point is 00:29:32 You are going to start to wonder, maybe we shouldn't have extensive scientific collaboration with the communist Chinese. I'm already there. I don't think we should be working with people that had a cultural revolution that purged upwards of 50 million people in their country and ate some of them. They actually had cannibals in the communist movement that ate dissenters. That is a fact, Jack. OK, but moving on this, he's not alone.
Starting point is 00:30:01 We heard Pompeo, but we're now also hearing our own governor. Right. Governor DeSantis here in Florida just yesterday. So you see how this narrative is shifting now that they're now everybody is coming out and saying, hey, it likely came from the Wuhan lab. So this is Governor DeSantis yesterday in a speech about big tech censorship ended up being taught, talking about being asked a question about COVID here censorship ended up being taught talking about um being asked a question about uh covid here in the state of florida this is what he had to say platforms have become our public square floridians and other americans go on these platforms to be able to share ideas heck you go back to the beginning of these platforms, they actually were very liberating,
Starting point is 00:30:45 because you had corporate media, those legacy outlets, that many Americans grew to distrust, and rightfully so. They no longer had the monopoly on information. You could actually go around the legacy media, share information on these platforms, and that was very, very positive for millions and millions of Americans. And actually, it was a little too positive, and the powers that be didn't like that. And so I think what we've seen in recent years is a shift away from Internet platforms,
Starting point is 00:31:16 social media platforms, from really being liberating forces to now being enforcers of orthodoxy. And so their primary mission, or one of their major missions, seems to be suppressing ideas that are either inconvenient to the narrative or which they personally disagree with. And you think about some of the things that are in the news just most recently. Of the last however many decades, some of the major issues that we've had to deal with, I would say two of the major issues when people look back on this period will be the efficacy of coronavirus lockdowns and the origin of the coronavirus in Wuhan, China. Now we have information that this very well may
Starting point is 00:31:59 have emanated from the Wuhan lab. All right, and there's the money word there. And so this is now getting out there in the narrative. So it's starting, we actually started several weeks ago among what we consider the conservative side of things and started getting out there. Let's talk about Wuhan. Let's talk about it as being the source.
Starting point is 00:32:22 Now remember, just weeks ago, just months ago, you could not do that. No, you could not do that. You could not do that. You'd be banned. So something has changed. Xenophobic. Right. So by the way, this was at an event in Miami over the weekend, just yesterday, where Governor
Starting point is 00:32:37 DeSantis was signing a bill to stop big tech censorship. So it goes right in with what we've been talking about this whole Godcast here today about the idea that there's information that's being suppressed and held back. Now it seems like there's information that's coming out. Edward, do you notice there's somebody on the back row there? I do. And it's a perfect time because there's James O'Keefe. The man who just came out with the report about Facebook conducting Chinese-style censorship about vaccines, about Wuhan, that man is standing with our governor, Rob DeSantis. So James O'Keefe is the person right at the extreme left of the screen there. So he was at this event where Governor DeSantis signed the big tech censorship bill. And so that's supposed to work to, you know, really fight what big tech is doing in their overreach here within the state of Florida.
Starting point is 00:33:34 Let's see if they can really make that happen. Now, one of the more shocking backpedalings I've seen in quite a while has been a piece that we saw from CNN. Now, CNN, even I would say even just a few short weeks ago, if you would have suggested to anyone at CNN that the virus possibly came from the lab in China, the Wuhan lab, first of all, you wouldn't get a platform on the network, and they would bring on about a dozen talking heads that would say, no, it came from Batsuit. But something has changed at CNN, and listen carefully to this sound bite.
Starting point is 00:34:18 This is a couple of the automatons at CNN talking about what they see as the origin of coronavirus now. This matters, understanding where coronavirus and how the pandemic began matters. A lot of the discussion about the lab leak, I think, was clouded early on because there was the suggestion by some that it was somehow a Chinese weapon that that caused this. That's not what we're talking about here. We're talking about a lab accident. But we've come a long way from people dismissing this as a conspiracy theory to a lot of people taking this seriously. We have, John. And look, I do think it's important to remember that part of the issue when this was first being reported on and discussed back a few months after the pandemic had begun was that then President Trump and Mike Pompeo, the secretary of state, both suggested they had
Starting point is 00:35:14 seen evidence that this was formed in a lab. And they also suggested it was not released on purpose, but they refused to release the evidence showing what it was. And so because of that, that made this instantly political. I think that it was. And so because of that, that made this instantly political. I think that it was, you know, example 1000 when the Trump administration learned that when you have burned your own credibility over and over again, people are not immediately going to believe you, especially in an election year. However, that does not mean it's not worth discussing. There has been a sort of persistent, albeit relatively quiet, focus on whether that was the origin of the virus. And it is compounded by the fact that there have not been clear answers from Chinese
Starting point is 00:35:51 officials about it and that investigators trying to find out the origin have been stymied. So I do think we're in a different period of this, John. But I also think it's important to remember, because I think it's getting reframed in a way that's just not true to what happened. I don't mean here. I mean, in this broader debate by Trump supporters about what happened when this was originally raised. I think a lot of people want just answers at this point. It is important. Right. That's right. That's right. Well, you're not going to get them there. I guarantee you that. I'm not going to get answers there. So help me figure this out, Edward. Are they saying that the reason why they couldn't talk about the virus coming from the lab accidentally is because the previous people within the Trump administration accused of it being a bioweapon?
Starting point is 00:36:36 Is that what they're telling me? saying or suggesting and quoting papers, quoting reports about the weapons lab and other ties that we're going to get into here that were available, that were credible. They just weren't. They themselves weren't credible. The reporters and the commenters, you couldn't trust their lying lips. That's what they're saying. And they were dazzled by that. They say that it never was worth looking into because they could.
Starting point is 00:37:06 Because it couldn't be a bioweapon. No, no, no. Because liars are saying it's a bioweapon. So A plus B equals purple. I think the premise of this is they did not investigate it. That's giving them some credit. Or they intentionally deceived. And as we've laid out in this program, many of the reporters, many of the outlets in question have direct ties to China.
Starting point is 00:37:29 Most recently, we talked about Bloomberg, Bloomberg News. There's a book that's been written by Bratwitz editor in chief, Alex Marlow. He's laid out how Bloomberg, Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire, would actually travel to China. His top officials would travel to China and they would seek the approval of the Chinese government so they continue to sell trading services, business services in the country. This would impact the way they covered China. They didn't even come back and report on stories the Chinese government wanted them to report on to make themselves look more favorable. Now, something to think about here,
Starting point is 00:38:03 the reason why the two robots at CNN were talking about even the possibility of an accidental viral leak at Wuhan, and when they say that, you know what it really means, right? It means it was an intentional leak. A leak's a leak. Let's investigate if it's accidental. The reason why they were even talking about that in the first place is because they were responding to what we talked about yesterday about Dr. Fauci. And Dr. Fauci saying that he wasn't convinced that the virus didn't necessarily come from the Wuhan lab.
Starting point is 00:38:33 And so now when you have Dr. Fauci, when you have the talking heads, when you have everyone on the right talking about, well, maybe it did come from the lab. Whereas just, Edward, just weeks ago, if you would have said that, you would have been deplatformed. Yes. In fact, when we first talked about this back last year, beginning of last year, the day after we initially talked about the connection between China and coronavirus, they deplatformed us from YouTube. Yes. And...
Starting point is 00:39:10 This is one of the reports you did, bioweapons and coronavirus, symptoms of a new Cold War. We're going to show this in just a moment. I want to point out that the fact checkers... Yes. ...and some of the most famous fact checkers out there, The Washington Post, for example. Maggie Haberman was one that was in the soundbite from CNHU, it was from the New York Times.
Starting point is 00:39:29 The Washington Post fact checker, Glenn Kessler, on May 1st, 2020, he criticized Senator Ted Cruz from the great state of Texas. He said, Senator Cruz was saying, I definitely, right word for this video, Washington Post abandoned all pretense of journalism, produced CCP propaganda. He was responding in part to the fact that no one would entertain the subject of the virus coming from the lab. To this, a year ago, Glenn Klester said, I fear Ted Cruz missed the scientific animation in the video that shows how it is virtually impossible for this virus to jump from the lab. OK, now fast forward to one year later.
Starting point is 00:40:09 Oh, boy. This article. How does that happen? So this is an article that that same guy wrote, Glenn Kessler. He's a writer for The Washington Post. Look at the title of the article, Timeline, How the Wuhan Lab Leak Theory Suddenly Became Credible. Same guy. Very same guy.
Starting point is 00:40:27 So you have to ask yourself, did they a year ago, are they so inept in their observation and their journalistic character that they totally missed the possibility that the virus could have come from the lab, or were they complicit in it because of all their ties to various Chinese influencers? You be the judge of that.
Starting point is 00:40:57 But this is the same guy, the very same one, the one that was criticizing Ted Cruz for even questioning that it came from the lab. Now he has an article. Let's go up here to number 13 again. And this is the article that he wrote today. Timeline. How the Wuhan lab leak theory suddenly, Edward, suddenly it became credible. Suddenly it's like it jumped up out of behind a bush and became credible all of a sudden.
Starting point is 00:41:25 Well, since Jeff Bezos' Washington Post has now teamed this subject credible, and our reporting, thank you, Jeff Bezos, thank you, we're going to go take a little trip down memory lane and show you exactly what they're saying is credible. Here's our report from February 2020. Arrests and expulsions of Chinese scientists, full attempts at smuggling away deadly germs, and a job posting by a bioweapons lab in Wuhan looking for someone to weaponize coronavirus. Reporting for True News, I'm Edward Zoll.
Starting point is 00:42:00 In the space of a month, a virus has paralyzed the second largest economy in the world. And at its current rate of infection, experts believe it could dwarf the 50 million death toll produced by the Spanish flu. But what do we really know about the origin of this escalating epidemic? Chinese health authorities and the World Health Organization first believed Wuhan's Hunan Seafood Wholesale Market was the epicenter of the infection, and that improper handling of bats or snakes was the cause of the initial transmission to humans. This premise has since been challenged by a large group of Chinese researchers
Starting point is 00:42:36 in the Lancet Medical Journal and Georgetown University infectious disease specialist Daniel Lucey, who believes the virus came into the marketplace before it came out. But what brought this angel of death to the market? Last week, Great Game India, a quarterly magazine on international affairs, offered a possible explanation with a shocking report titled Coronavirus Bioweapon, How China Stole Coronavirus from Canada and weaponized it. The report details an investigation which centers on the internationally renowned scientist
Starting point is 00:43:10 Dr. Jango Chu, who until recently served as the head of the Vaccine Development and Antiviral Therapy Section in the Special Pathogens Program at the Canadian National Microbiology Laboratory. This lab serves as Canada's only level four facility for handling of the world's deadliest diseases, including Ebola, SARS, and coronavirus. This same lab, specifically the department under Dr. Django, was placed under investigation last year after a mysterious buffet of bioweaponized viruses
Starting point is 00:43:43 were shipped to China under the auspices of supporting public health research worldwide. Condemnation was broad, with some scientists such as Danny Shaham, a biological and chemical warfare expert at Israel's Bar-Alan University, calling the delivery highly suspicious and labeling China's intentions as less humanitarian and more in the realm of biological warfare. James Giordano, a neurology professor at Georgetown University and senior fellow in biowarfare at the US Special Operations Command, said China's goal was not war, but leverage. Leverage to act as a global savior, worth the only magic antidote when one of their
Starting point is 00:44:24 fungus frankensteins get loose to ravage the village. to act as a global savior, worth the only magic antidote when one of their fungus Frankensteins get loose to ravage the village. But to accomplish this shadowy feat, China would need men on the inside, and in this case, Great Game India believes Dr. Django Choo and her husband, Dr. Keding Cheng, a fellow colleague at Canada's Vault of Viruses, served Beijing well, and over the course of her decade-long career successfully infiltrated a culture of Chinese agents as students from scientific facilities directly tied to China's biological welfare program. Strengthening the case that Dr. Jango led a team of bio-spies for Beijing and that her
Starting point is 00:45:02 work on the coronavirus may be tied to the current outbreak. Dr. Jango made at least five separate trips between 2017 and 2018 to Wuhan National Biosafety Laboratory housed at the Chinese military's own Level 4 killer germ testing facility, located only 20 miles away from the Hunan Seafood Market, the alleged epicenter for the coronavirus pandemic. Dr. Jango and her team were evicted from Canada's top virus incubator in July of last year, but the extent of her work and damage are still secret. As for the bar weapons lab she visited extensively in Wuhan,
Starting point is 00:45:40 they're hiring, at least according to a peculiar job posting placed on November 18th, 2019, which sought to hire one or two post-doctorate fellows to use bats to research the molecular mechanisms that allow Ebola and SARS-associated coronavirus to lie dormant for a long time without causing diseases. Again, the outbreak in Wuhan was not announced to the world until mid-December. This help-wanted ad for the viral vacation venue of suspected Chinese bio-spy Dr. Jango was looking for relatively inexperienced individuals to research that potentially weaponize the super coronavirus. This
Starting point is 00:46:22 work was to be done under the direct supervision of another famous Chinese virology and immunology expert, Dr. Peng Zhao, a researcher at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and leader of the Bat Virus Infection and Immunization Group. Dr. Peng, in his own words, has rushed forward with a sword in his research in the immune mechanism of bats carrying and transmitting nightmarish viruses such as Ebola, SARS, and coronavirus. In 2016, Dr. Peng is quoted as saying, In the long run, bats carry the virus without getting sick. It is hoped that humans can learn how to fight the virus. But this is still far from industrialization. The industrialization
Starting point is 00:47:06 Dr. Peng was pursuing includes genetically engineering the coronavirus to test the limits of immunity for animals and now humans. Now, if these were the only incidents of bioespionage amid the outbreak connecting directly back to the city at the center of the crisis, that'd be enough for concern. But just this past week, a Harvard professor was charged and arrested for concealing a pay-to-recruit scheme on behalf of the Chinese government. Dr. Charles Lieber, chair of Harvard University's Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, and recipient of more than $15 million in funding for National Institute of Health and the Department of Defense,
Starting point is 00:47:47 secretly became a strategic scientist at Wuhan University of Technology in China. This is in 2011. And between 2012 and 2017, was a contractual participant in China's Thousand Talents Plan, designed to attract, recruit and cultivate high-level scientific talent to further China's scientific development and national security. This includes financial bounties for stealing proprietary information. Under the terms of Dr. Lieber's three-year contract with Wuhan University of Technology, he was paid $50,000 per month, living expenses of up
Starting point is 00:48:26 to 158,000 US dollars and awarded more than 1.5 million dollars to establish a research lab at the Wuhan University. In return, Dr. Lieber agreed to work for Wuhan University of Technology for a minimum of nine months a year by declaring international cooperation projects, cultivating young teachers and PhD students, organizing international conferences, applying for patents and publishing articles in the name of Wuhan University. In addition to the arrest of Dr. Lieber, two Chinese nationals were also charged, one in absentia, of acting as agents of a foreign
Starting point is 00:49:05 government. One of the men, Zhezong Zheng, was arrested on December 10th of last year at Boston's Logan International Airport and was charged with attempting to smuggle 21 vials of biological research hidden in a sock to China. The materials were reportedly taken from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston. Mr. Zheng has since been indicted. We had it right in February. We've got it right at the most now. Okay, all we do here is connect dots. We report on publications. We do our own research, of course, but we're just trying to
Starting point is 00:49:43 figure out the truth like the rest of the country should be. And what we do is we lay it out to you. We're very transparent. That was February 2020. Right. The facts that we had available to us were the same facts which Scott Gottlieb of the FDA has, Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State, and Devin Nunes, the former head of the House Intelligence Committee. They all have access to and more than what we just saw here, Doug. But just there, I'd even kind of forgotten that there was a Canadian connection to the coronavirus transmission.
Starting point is 00:50:15 Yes. They had scientists going back to Wuhan to do more research on biowarfare. We don't talk about that anymore. We don't talk about half the things we present in that package. Right. Well, as we've tried to lay out here throughout much of the Godcast, we've shown that social media is impacting how we are looking at this particular story. Mass media, those especially on the left, are now managing the information. In fact, when they can't manage the information what they do is
Starting point is 00:50:47 they rewrite information this is an article from national pulse and they did a side-by-side comparison of an article from vox vox did an article back in march of 2020 talking about the virus i'm going to read what it said there. The Wuhan Institute of Virology's real place and the exact origin of the novel coronavirus is still a mystery. Now remember, this is March 2020, with researchers racing since the outbreak began to figure it out. But already virologists who parse the genome
Starting point is 00:51:19 and infectious disease experts who study coronaviruses have more than enough to show that the virus is brand new and came from nature, not the Wuhan lab. A large group of them citing genome analyses from multiple countries recently affirmed in the Lancet that the virus originated in wildlife. Now, fast forward to this year, to 2021, and do a side-by-side comparison of that same article, they have removed the words, not the Wuhan lab, from that article, leaving open the possibility now that the virus could have come from the Wuhan lab. And I would guarantee you that a few months from now, as this story continues to develop, as they continue to roll out, you know, that it came from the lab,
Starting point is 00:52:05 you're going to see other changes to this article. Well, it's funny. They use the term, it appears to be pure coincidence. Yes. That still remains in the current one. Well, no, it started out last year in the article from last year. It is. Yes.
Starting point is 00:52:19 It is pure coincidence. Now they say it appears to be. It appears to be pure coincidence. Now they say it appears to be. It appears to be pure coincidence. And so that's how information that is being fed to you down the sewage of mass media and social media is changing your mind. Because it changed a little word here and changed a little word there. It's shades of 1984 and George Orwell, where the main character in the book said, you know, I remember that news being different beforehand. You know what? It was different. They were telling you a different lie before. They're telling you a brand new lie now. Other information put out here, a retired New York Times science editor slams the mainstream media for ignoring evidence that COVID leaked from a Wuhan lab
Starting point is 00:53:05 and falling for sustained Chinese propaganda instead of doing their own research. Listen, they didn't ignore evidence. They didn't fall for sustained Chinese propaganda. They were in cahoots with the communists. They were in partnership with the communists because they wanted to keep feeding at the commie trough that they were being fed. Yes, and this is a man who headed the science division at the New York Times
Starting point is 00:53:36 and they write about anything scientific. This is the man who would be in charge of ensuring that it was factual, that it was clear, that it was correct. Nicholas Wade didn't mince words. I know the title of the Daily Mail did, but he didn't mince words. He said, the mainstream media has failed to take off its political glasses. All right, that's not a mistake. Clear bias. Clear bias.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Political glasses means that their own politics mask their ability to see the truth. But more than just that, it influenced their motivation to tell it. He said they didn't bother investigating the virus origins, and they're happy for it to continue to be obscured by the Communist Party of China. Nicholas Wade is pointing directly at the Chinese here. It wasn't ignorance. It wasn't bliss. It was intent. Yes. And they are complicit now
Starting point is 00:54:28 in Facebook's cover-up because it was the stories that we just posted from Vox, from Washington Post. That's what Facebook used as justification. Yes. It's a, well, the Washington Post is saying this is, this is a debunked conspiracy theory. Or Vox said this, and then Vox changes their story, changes their narrative. So does Facebook offer a retraction or a change to their narrative? No, of course not. Is Facebook going to start offering bodyguards to those who've been threatened because of these claims that you were lying, you were stirring up the opposition? I mean, one person they definitely owe more than just an apology to, okay? They need to be investigated for the role they might have played in inciting violence.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Is the death threats now being received by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul? Right. Now, the senator at his Kentucky home received a package. It had a nondescript white powder in it. It has now been found to have been non-deadly. But on the front of it, on the front of it, it had a picture of the senator after he was tackled by his neighbor over politics. His neighbor hated the fact that Rand Paul was pro-life and at the time pro-freedom, backing the president's initiatives.
Starting point is 00:55:42 He hated him. He tackled him. There's a picture of that. Then also a gun pointing at Rand Paul's head. Now, the latest death threats are being related to Rand Paul's insistence about the questions related to the origins of COVID. Confronting. Confronting Dr. Fake Fauci and asking him, you know, the questions. Ask him directly. Did you fund the lab in Wuhan? No, I didn't do it.
Starting point is 00:56:12 And then go on a week and a half later on the Sunday morning shows. Well, there was some collaboration. A little bit of money might have changed hands, but nothing big. But Rand Paul is the one that gets threatened. Rand Paul is the one whose life is at stake. Well, and Rand Paul is doing his job. From one perspective, Rand Paul, you wonder if he could do more, release more information. He did what no one would do, which was confront Dr. Fauci specifically about the funding sent to the Wuhan Institute
Starting point is 00:56:44 of Virology, $3.7 million from the NIH. This was directly approved by Dr. Fauci, sent to EcoHealth Alliance and his buddy, his longtime friend, Peter Daszak, both of whom have worked with the WHO and China. Now, that was the specific question. The response was death threats. But Dr. Fauci did admit for the first time that he approved the funding, that the funding was real. It was not a conspiracy theory. We're learning a lot is not a conspiracy theory. No thanks to Facebook. No
Starting point is 00:57:16 thanks to the actual Manchurians inside these tech firms. What we're also learning is that there are direct ties to the Pfizer, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson vaccine companies and the Chinese government. One thing we've learned, this is big league politics, they pointed out that Moderna's CEO used to work under a big pharma billionaire who is best friends, I said great friends, with the Chinese dictator Xi Jinping. Now, what big league politics is describing here is the CEO of Moderna, Stéphane Bancel. He's now a billionaire equity shareholder. He was previously with the CEO of Biomirics. Now, Biomirics' founder,' founder Elaine Merrick is a personal friend of Xi Jinping. Xi Jinping, the lifetime
Starting point is 00:58:11 leader of the Communist Party. His thoughts are literally ingrained into the Constitution. But there's more. And in this they helped build. They didn't build just a friendship dock. They built the bioweapons lab in Wuhan. Say that again, Edward, so folks really understand the connection here. This individual helped build the lab in Wuhan where the virus is alleged to have come from. And now he works for Moderna as the CEO. And profits. He profits from the response to the virus. Again,
Starting point is 00:58:46 that is circumstantial evidence that any congressman and senator can look at and investigate. Or maybe not. Maybe they're happy with the leak theory. I think it's something that's important to look at. The thing you shouldn't do. There's a lot of things you can do in response to this. You can
Starting point is 00:59:01 take this to heart. You can pray about it. The thing you shouldn't do is surrender the Chinese over this. And I'll tell you, my goodness, this has been an embarrassment. Not that I was ever a fan of this man I'm about to mention, this wrestler, this actor. I think I am absolutely detested by him now. The man I'm talking about is John Cena. Right. John Cena. He's a wrestler, made a career, playing an angry individual on TV. He's also usually this buff actor, a soldier.
Starting point is 00:59:37 Everyone looks at him like that's an American hero almost, right? And the latest in the Fast and Furious franchise is rolling out and everything. Fast and Furious 9, it's a big deal. And so John Cena recently mentioned, just in passing, just off the cuff, that Taiwan was a country. First of all, it's okay to refer as Taiwan as a country because the United Nations and a lot of other countries, you know, they treat Taiwan like a country. It's got a flag. It's a real, I mean, look, maybe he's aware of this. Okay. There it is right there.
Starting point is 01:00:19 There's a map with a big word on it. What's it say? Taiwan. Taiwan. Okay. And it doesn't say China. It doesn't say Republic of China. It says Taiwan. It has a flag. Okay. Now, I realize that China has claim to Taiwan, but Taiwan, for all intents and purposes, operates like a country, behaves like a country, shows up on maps like a country. So I could understand someone saying Taiwan is a country, right? Wouldn't need any reason for apologizing or anything like that. Apparently John Cena thinks he does. We have this, this is number 23 for control here, this still.
Starting point is 01:01:03 And he says he's very sorry. Very sorry. Not just sorry, Edward. He's very sorry. He said it three times. This big, bad, tough guy actor. Look at him. He's shouting down there the star of the movie.
Starting point is 01:01:20 Vin Diesel. Yes. And so he's very sorry to Chinese fans for referring to Taiwan as a country. You know why he's very sorry? Because China makes up a major portion now of box office for these movies. And you know what that motivated him to do? Apologize. Become fluent in Chinese and do this.我有一个错误所有人问我如果我可以用中文
Starting point is 01:02:06 我可以用中文 辍族族群联系 给我很多资讯 给我很多资讯 所以很多资讯 很多资讯 我有一个错误 我必须说
Starting point is 01:02:22 现在 很很很很重要 我爱更尊重中国跟中国人 我很很抱歉对我的错误 对不起对不起我很抱歉 你必须了解 我很爱很尊重中国跟中国人 I must understand that I love and respect China and the Chinese. I'm sorry. Bye.
Starting point is 01:02:51 Not only is he a professional wrestler and an actor, he can speak Chinese too. Who'd have thunk it? And so you can learn Chinese real quick when you realize that your paycheck's on the line. And obviously he did. Doc, he's a modern-day Jane Fonda. That's what we call him, Jane Seema.
Starting point is 01:03:12 For him to come out like this and just fold like a cheap deck chair, you know, like Edward said, I'm not a fan of professional wrestling or anything like that, but I didn't have anything really negative to say about John Cena at all. But seeing this, it just really minimized. But you know what? Hollywood bends the knee to China because China's pumping a ton of money into Hollywood. They are financing a lot of these blockbuster movies that you see now. The Fast and Furious franchise is one of them that's being funded with big Chinese money,
Starting point is 01:03:50 and China wants a big return on it, not only from worldwide box office, but from Chinese box office, too. And it's more than just money, Doc. This relationship, this investment in Hollywood, it's to control our minds. It crafts the minds of Americans. And I was happy at least to see that there is a remnant in this country that's resisting this. I know people that are completely opposed to communism. And look, people have canceled John Cena. I'm not a proponent of canceled culture, but I am a proponent of us remembering those who surrender. Remembering those who curtail their values, sell it off.
Starting point is 01:04:26 And this is something that was going viral today, Doc. I think that he's not going to let it down. I think this is going to be the legacy of that actor. Putting a wedding ring on Xi Jinping inside a wrestling ring. You may as well. I mean, you've made it clear where your allegiances lie, Mr. Cena. You've made it clear that if the Chinese Communist Party
Starting point is 01:04:51 says toe the party line, it doesn't matter how big of a movie star that you are or how big of a wrestler you are or how many titles that you've won or anything like that. When the Chinese Communist Party tells you to do something, you put a ring on it, don't you?
Starting point is 01:05:08 So anyway, that's John Cena today. Well, Doc, before we close, we're going to present a little good news to you. Again, there was a backlash against John Cena, and you now are very informed, okay? You know exactly what to say to someone. If they bring up the subject of the Wuhan lab, they will listen now because they've been told by the thought police, the people in control,
Starting point is 01:05:33 that there might actually be something here now. We can't just cover it up. You'll be able to inform them. But also, I hope you exalt them too. You know, you share your faith with them. That's what's really important. But, Doc, we made a point here. And plus, everything on the show, by the way, you can find on
Starting point is 01:05:49 I know everyone wants to look at the reports after, find links to show to your friends. You can find all this and more at It's the right alternative to Drudge. OK, Drudge went out for lunch and never came back. The pandemic destroyed him. Well, we're here.
Starting point is 01:06:10 All right. But we've been doing a good news segment. We'd like to end the program with this because it's good for you to know the hard news, the tough news, the stuff you have to understand for your well-being and for your family's well-being. Also, maybe you need an anecdotal joke.
Starting point is 01:06:24 Maybe you need to know about something great, an act of heroism, an act of love that's taken place. I caught this story out of Wisconsin. It's a great story. It's a very interesting story. Fox 11 in Wisconsin, there was an alligator that went
Starting point is 01:06:39 missing. It wasn't just any alligator. This is Rex. Rex the alligator, okay? And he's at a zoo. You know, he's kept warm. I know Wisconsin doesn't seem like the best place to keep an alligator, but hey, this man has a couple pets. He's got four of them. Yeah, this was a private zoo. I don't know if you've been at any of these tourist stops along the way in different places, but Harley Davidson up in Bonduel, Wisconsin, they had the little
Starting point is 01:07:06 private zoo where they have the animals and stuff, but they had an alligator, and the alligator was missing. Now, tell us a little bit about Rex, okay? Well, first of all, he's described as very docile. He doesn't get around much, and he has arthritis. And so we were inspired to put Rex on a milk carton here. And so that if people happened to find an arthritic alligator wandering around Wisconsin or other places, that we could at least be able to identify him and find him. But as the day wore on here,
Starting point is 01:07:40 we discovered that Rex had been rescued. He had been found. Yes. Let's watch the report. The alligator missing from Doc's Harley Davidson Zoo has been found. Rex the gator was officially reported missing from Doc's Harley Davidson in Bondiwell today. They had just moved him and the other gators to their outdoor zoo over the weekend. Well, the zoo says Doc's son found Rex in a swampy and wooded area on the property just before five tonight. Rex has severe arthritis and struggles to open his jaws, so he needs the special care that he gets from Doc's. If an alligator could be sweet, Rex is sweet. You know, he's not the type of gator to come after you or chase you or try to bite you or anything like that. He's just a lazy old alligator that sits around, and the worst he can do is slap you with his tail, you know.
Starting point is 01:08:32 Doc Sarli Davidson has been providing long-term care and sanctuary for unwanted exotic animals for more than 30 years now, and Rex, thankfully, is back in the fold, safe and sound. God created that gator. God bless Rex, and, is back in the fold, safe and sound. God created that gator. God bless Rex, and he's back. And I'll tell you that. Well, Edward, he's not like other gators that would chase you down and eat you. He's not throwing us in the mouth. Don't worry about him.
Starting point is 01:08:55 If gators could be sweet, then he's a sweet one there for sure. So another good news story. Aren't you glad Rex was found? Another good news story. Aren't you glad Rex was found? Another good news story that we discovered today. You might have already seen this, but it's going around. We thought we'd share it today. Actually, this was from several weeks ago that this occurred, and now it's really starting to get some publicity.
Starting point is 01:09:20 There's video of cops saving a three-month-old baby boy's life, and it is really dramatic video. We wanted to share it with you. You know, police really are getting a hard time here lately, and there's a lot of good officers out there that are doing their best to try to uphold the law in the midst of the craziness of today. And we wanted to celebrate those that are doing the right thing.
Starting point is 01:09:46 And here's three police officers that were doing the right thing. Watch this. What's the answer? Up here, up here, up here. Come on. In here. Stand up.
Starting point is 01:09:59 One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. One, two, three, four. Want to get the oxygen? Okay. Want to get the oxygen? He's breathing. You want to hover this around his face? You got it up? Yeah, we got something there.
Starting point is 01:10:21 All right, buddy. Something here. Alright. Coming out? Yep. There we go. There we go. Okay, buddy. You want to wipe him off a little bit? Okay, buddy.
Starting point is 01:10:58 You got it, right? Yep. He's responsive now. Yep, cry it out. There you go. Cry it out. Cry it out. That's Spring Yep, cry it out. There you go. Cry it out. Cry it out. That's Springfield, Massachusetts.
Starting point is 01:11:09 Yes. That young boy is going to live a long life, I pray. But, Doc, it is so incredible that the breath that's in that young man, the one that is a hard time finding, those officers helped him find, is the same breath in you and I, the breath that the Lord gave us, gave to Adam. You know, when God breathed life into Adam, that same breath now comes all the way down to us. So the breath that was breathed into Adam back in the garden is that breath that continues, keeps us alive today. It keeps on going, keeps us breathing as well. But when
Starting point is 01:11:43 we come to new life, when we've come to the end of ourselves, when we finally give up and say, Lord, take this heart of ours, He breathes new life into us, a new breath of life into us. And I want to encourage you today that if you've never made a confession of faith
Starting point is 01:12:03 in Christ Jesus, I want to encourage you. We tell a confession of faith in Christ Jesus, I want to encourage you. We tell a lot of information on this Godcast on a day-to-day basis. We do it in order to point you to Christ and to share Jesus with you because this very crazy world that we're living in, it's a diabolical world, but there is a Prince of Peace in the world, and there is one who is the way, the truth, and the life, and that's Jesus Christ. I want to encourage you to meet him today.
Starting point is 01:12:29 Call out to him right now. Just say his name, talk to him right now, address him right now. And once you've made a confession of faith in the life, death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, follow him, follow him, follow him. So, hey, we want to close in a word of Jesus Christ. Follow Him. Follow Him. Follow Him. So, hey, we want to close in a word of prayer today.
Starting point is 01:12:49 I want to ask for prayer for this ministry and lots of changes that are taking place over the next few weeks and months. And we are needing laborers for the harvest field. And we very much affirm the belief in asking the Lord of the harvest for laborers for the harvest field. We are in, I won't say desperate need for laborers. I will say we have a need for laborers, people that are willing to work alongside us in this ministry,
Starting point is 01:13:18 people with talent in broadcasting, in Internet services. And if you're technology minded, we're looking for you. So we are looking for individuals that can be a great fit for this organization. If you love Jesus, that's a great qualification right there, and that's a great first start. But we have on the website at, we have on our careers page, several opportunities
Starting point is 01:13:46 that are listed there. We want to encourage you, if you've ever thought about making a career change, this is the perfect opportunity to do it because we're looking for laborers for the harvest field. It could be that the Lord himself is calling you to be a laborer in the harvest field. We believe that the Lord is the head of our a laborer in the harvest field. We believe that the Lord is the head of our HR department, our human resources department. He is the Lord of the harvest, and He brings forth laborers in the field.
Starting point is 01:14:13 And maybe He's talking to you right now. Pray with us right now, and let's ask the Lord to send laborers our way. Father, in the name of Jesus, thank you for the opportunity, Lord, to share on this Godcast today. Not only share the news and information that we feel is important for believers out there, but also share the good news of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:14:33 Lord, in order to continue to do the work of this ministry, we need qualified laborers for this harvest field that you've given us. So, Lord, I ask right now, even for those that are watching or listening to this Godcast today, that you, the Lord of Harvest, will speak to those selected individuals out there and that you would speak to their hearts right now about whether or not they might be a good fit for what we're looking for in the future. Lord, you know the exciting things that we have coming up
Starting point is 01:15:01 over the course of the summer and the fall here, and we are going to need talented individuals to stand along beside us and help us to move forward in the different projects that we're involved in. So Lord, you know their talents. Lord, we present them before you right now. Your word says, pray ye the Lord of the harvest that he will send forth laborers into the harvest field. So Lord, send those laborers to our harvest field. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen. Amen. Well, thank you, Doug.
Starting point is 01:15:31 Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. The devil is hopping mad about the work we do here every day in service of the Lord. Join the spiritual resistance and become a monthly partner with our ministry. Anything helps. God honors it all. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. And just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail,
Starting point is 01:16:09 our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metal, and sandbags without the sand. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:16:32 Thank you and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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