TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Fauci’s Deception: Is Covid surge caused by Delta Variant or Vaccinated People?

Episode Date: June 24, 2021

Today on TruNews, we discuss the mysterious death of John McAfee and the gloomy predictions of comrade Fauci over the new dangerous Delta variant. We detail the warnings of vaccine and virus experts w...ho see mass vaccination as the true culprit behind this new wave of coronavirus, and we share the message from anti-communist billionaire Miles Guo, claiming China is planning to release a second bioweapon on the United States at the end of summer, and they plan to distract the world by invading Taiwan. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall. Airdate (6/23/21) Episode 2.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Wednesday, June 23, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. With a heavy heart, I must report that John McAfee has been found dead in a Spanish prison. El Pais newspaper is reporting that computer entrepreneur commits suicide while being held in a Barcelona prison before his extradition to the United States for alleged tax evasion. He was seen alive on video earlier today as he appeared before the national court. According to the Department of Justice in Spain, surveillance professionals found him dead in the cell and medical services were unsuccessful in resuscitating him.
Starting point is 00:01:16 Mr. McAfee was an eccentric and courageous man and a frequent guest on True News. Before his death and soon after his arrest last October, John reassured his fans on Twitter that he was well, the food was good, and that if he died in the cell that he was being held, a la Epstein, it would be no fault of his. Our prayers and condolences go out to his wife Janice. Rick will be with me in just a moment to address this breaking story and Dr. Fauci's Delta variant deception as he attempts to convince more Americans to get vaccinated, an action which could be their last. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The says for the second week in a row, a chief naval officer refused to answer questions about the book How to Be Anti-Racist by Ibram X. Kendi.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Here's how Senator Tom Cotton pitched a question to Michael Gilday. Now, they both appeared in front of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Thank you. Admiral Gilday, I want to talk about your choice to include books like How to Be an Anti-Racist and The New Jim Crow on your professional reading list. We discussed this last week in our phone call. Normally, I wouldn't disclose that conversation, but you said the exact same thing in front of the Armed Services Committee in the House last week, which I found deeply disappointing. When you're asked questions about this, you characterize it as a criticism of sailors for being weak. That is a straw man.
Starting point is 00:02:48 It's not a criticism of sailors being weak. It's a criticism of your decision to include these books on your professional reading list, which ensigns and sailors across your service take very seriously. So I just want to give you a sampling of some of the things that are included in books like this. The notion that capitalism is essentially racist and racism is essentially capitalist. That the only remedy for past discrimination is present discrimination.
Starting point is 00:03:15 The only remedy for present discrimination is future discrimination. That some individuals, by virtue of his or her race, are inherently oppressive or privileged, while others are victimized or oppressed, that individuals can bear some kind of collective responsibility or collective guilt for the actions committed by members of his or her race. Admiral Gilday, how did these books get on your reading list? Senator Cotton referred to a straw man argument. That's when someone argues a false or distorted version of someone's actual argument. Here's an example.
Starting point is 00:03:51 Imagine a husband and wife are trying to decide whether they should adopt a dog or a cat. The husband says, I'd rather have a dog than a cat. The wife says, why do you hate cats? Notice the husband never said that he hated cats, only that he preferred dogs. Now, with that in mind, watch how the chief naval officer never answers the senator's question. So I chose a variety of books or over 50 books in my reading list to give our sailors a wide range of information from which I hope they can make fast facts-based decisions on both their ability to look outwardly at potential aggressors like China and Russia, as well as looking inwardly and being honest with ourselves in areas that we need to improve. In talking to
Starting point is 00:04:39 sailors over the past year, it's clearly obvious to me and others that the murder of George Floyd and the events surrounding that, the discussions in this country about racism, which go back for years and years and years, are still a painful part of our culture. And that talking about them, understanding them is the best approach. And that offering books like Kendi's for people to read. And they don't have to agree with every assertion that Kendi makes. I don't I don't accept every assertion that Kendi makes. And I wouldn't think that that all sailors would as well. But they need to be exposed to it so that they're making facts based. We need critical thinkers in the Navy and I and throughout the military in our enlisted force again.
Starting point is 00:05:27 The Washington Free Beacon reporting that Amazon spent $5,000 to distribute hundreds of copies of Kennedy's book, How to Be Anti-Racist, to public schools, students in Virginia. According to emails between Amazon and school district officials, it was part of a program to promote black authors. Now, the email shows Amazon employees reached out to Arlington Public Schools as part of a Neighbor Good program. That's a program to donate $100,000 to schools and other institutions that empower black voices and serve black communities. And despite Amazon's offer to buy Kindles or other equipment, Aaron Gregory, the Arlington Public Schools Director of Diversity and Inclusion, requested copies of Kendi's book there. You see it. It's called Stamped, Racism, Anti-Racism, and You.
Starting point is 00:06:23 The Washington Free Beacon says Amazon donated more than 500 copies of that book to Wakefield High School in Arlington and paid $10,000 to have Kendi's co-author, Jason Reynolds, address the students. For more information on these stories and more, visit our companion website. That's at Fox News says a New Jersey school board has reversed plans to remove all holiday names for their school calendar. This after parents expressed outrage at an emergency meeting on the decision. The Randolph Board of Education voted 8-1 to reinstate the holidays after dozens of people voiced outrage during the public comment portion of that meeting. The district
Starting point is 00:07:12 had tried to rename Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. The Daily Caller reporting that Florida Governor Ron DeSantis signs a bill that requires high school students to learn about the evils of communist ideologies. During a press conference at Three Oaks Middle School in Fort Myers, DeSantis signed three education bills designed to foster civic literacy in schools. He says it's crucial to ensure that we teach our students how to be responsible citizens. The governor added they need to have good working knowledge of American history, American government, and the principles that underline our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. That's a look at True News headlines.
Starting point is 00:08:00 Now let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick and Edward. Thank you, Kerry. Rick, there was a very sad story that broke up for the program. It sure was. John McAfee, you know, a colorful character, successful businessman and very outspoken. He told me a number of years ago that he had personal knowledge of high-level corruption inside U.S. government agencies involving the transfer of drugs into the country, money laundering, things like that. He didn't go into detail. I mean, anybody can say that. Sure. But this is John McAfee, the founder.
Starting point is 00:08:50 He wasn't just anybody. Yeah. So I took him seriously. He told me, this is why the U.S. government is after me. This is why they're persecuting me. It's because of what I know. Others may say,. John McAfee was involved in nefarious activities. I have no idea. He had a run-in with the law in Belize. But that was involving, again, he said he was very aware of corruption in the Belize government. He'd actually recorded, my understanding,
Starting point is 00:09:25 the corrupt plots and their plan because he'd installed a software on the computer. So again, maybe he knew too much. But why did the U.S. government have him arrested?
Starting point is 00:09:39 What were the charges? They charged him with pump and dump in cryptocurrencies from 2016-17. They said his tweets, Rick, were illegal. He was promoting a product without disclosing that he had a financial investment in the success of the product. Then when will the U.S. government arrest Elon Musk? And every other billionaire or politician who's done exactly what they're alleging John McAfee did. I mean, we all know if you're
Starting point is 00:10:11 invested in cryptocurrencies, which I hope right now you're not, I got out before the crash. But if you're invested in cryptocurrencies, you probably don't have a high opinion of Elon Musk because he deliberately, deliberately crashed the market. I mean, he pumps up Bitcoin. Tesla is going to be using Bitcoin and all this stuff he He was promoting cryptocurrency. Then he says, it's no good. We're done with it.
Starting point is 00:10:50 We're out. All right. Then he does the same thing with Dogecoin, which every dog coin, it was a joke. He pumped up Dogecoin and then deliberately crashed it on Saturday Night Live. Yes. I mean, the guy has intervened, interfered in the cryptocurrency marketplace, and nobody's put handcuffs on him. But John McAfee got arrested for allegedly saying things
Starting point is 00:11:21 in interviews in 2016 about a cryptocurrency that he held. Well, what about CNBC? How many stock traders are on CNBC talking about stocks? Daily, hundreds. It's what they talk about. Well, they had a task force for John. If you have an investment, you're not allowed to talk publicly about it. Now, it was very obvious that the U.S. government was looking for a way to arrest John McAfee.
Starting point is 00:11:49 Now, here he is today. He's being held in a jail in Barcelona, Spain. And so was it yesterday or Monday, a court ruled that he could be extradited to the United States? Yesterday and it was finalized today. Okay. So we're told that he immediately committed suicide. How? Rick, we know that he was on camera early today with the courtroom.
Starting point is 00:12:20 There's video that's come out. Did he look distraught? No. He looked like John McAfee, fighting as he always has. He's being held under 24-hour surveillance in Barcelona. This isn't a backstreet jail. This is a very important jail in Barcelona. One that they hold people who are about to be extradited to other countries of interest.
Starting point is 00:12:43 How did John McAfee kill himself between the time of appearance in the courtroom and now? And why? He's about to come back to the United States. He said on Twitter he has no plans to kill himself. He plans to fight these charges. Maybe he said, well, if I'm going to be on trial in the United States, I'm going to talk about everything I know. I don't know what happened.
Starting point is 00:13:05 I just, where were, anybody know where Bill Clinton was at today? Glenn Maxwell might. All right. But no, the Clintons, the Clintons appeared to be in the United States, upstate New York. By the way, there's a rumor, there's some gossip, spreadsheets, not spreadsheets, uh, gossip, gossip, you know, tabloids that are, that are claiming that Bill and Hillary, that Hillary's going to divorce Bill very soon in a $250 million divorce settlement because she wants to dump him before the Jeffrey Epstein stuff comes out. She wants to cut her cut her ties with Bill Clinton and just get away from him quickly.
Starting point is 00:13:49 Yes, Sting's wife reportedly put her head on his shoulder. And of course, there's always been a longstanding rumor that Glenn Maxwell's relationship with President Clinton was more than professional. Rick, but I think the most troubling part of that story to believe is that the Clintons have $250 million stashed away somewhere. How did they generate that money? Has the Clinton Foundation gone for profit? Selling secrets. We might have just got a little clue about the money they've generated over the years with their drop boxes and their treason. Yeah, no doubt.
Starting point is 00:14:23 Well, listen, we have a full rundown for today. And we talked a lot yesterday about COVID and a Chinese biological warfare attack. And we're going to take a few minutes today and continue on that discussion. We also have some news out of Europe about a Russian warship firing at a British warship. And there's some serious news like that that we need to talk about that involves a potential World War III. But if you've been paying attention to the news lately, and I hope you don't pay too much attention, you'll hear talk about the Delta variant. This is a new phrase that's been dropped on us in recent months, the Delta variant. It's a new dangerous, highly infectious version of COVID. And Dr. Wuhan Fauci warned recently
Starting point is 00:15:30 that the Delta variant is the greatest threat to U.S. COVID efforts. You might have to write it over, covert. Yeah, I would say Dr. Fauci and the China Communist Party are the greatest threats to America. And that's my personal opinion. But this this Delta variant is popping up everywhere in the news. I'll show you from Los Angeles. This is a publication called Deadline Los Angeles to see significant increase in reported Delta variant cases this week, says top health official in Los Angeles County. But COVID, the Delta COVID variant is going to be very serious among children this fall.
Starting point is 00:16:30 Well, we're going to have to shut the schools again. We're going to have to vaccinate all those little kids. They finally have a reason. Let's not shut the schools. Let's put that vaccine in these little precious bodies that are going into kindergarten and first grade because there's a big bad Delta variant out there. Is there a Delta variant? Did the COVID, did the virus mutate on its own and create the Delta variant? Or is the Delta variant the product of the vaccine in hundreds of millions of people around the world? I personally believe the most dangerous
Starting point is 00:17:15 people to stand next to are recently vaccinated people. I think they are producing variants and they are the ones that are transmitting the disease. Why do I say that? Because some highly respected scientists warned us months ago that it was going to happen. Yes, they did. And everyone, you read these stories that we just looked at, they all mention, they quote health officials as saying, I'm really worried about the South, the southern United States. The states that have those southern those southerners did not get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:17:53 I'm really worried about them. This Delta variant is going to, you know, it's going to hunt them out, going to hunt them down. They're the ones that are going to get sick. Or they say, I'm really concerned about the children. We never vaccinated the children. We only have the summer to vaccinate them before school opens. We've got to vaccinate the children. Rick, the first irony is that the same group that is now worried about the children, worried about our 12 to 16-year-olds in school, they don't care about the children in the womb.
Starting point is 00:18:24 They seem to care about now, if the children outside the womb once have survived abortion and made it to school, made it home to their families. Well, they'll vaccinate children in the womb with saline. Oh, sure. Yes, they will. know that the vaccines that they produced for the less dangerous, less strong, unmutated COVID will work for the Delta, the Gamma, the Charlie, whatever variant name they come up with. I had the same question. And what I have seen are experts saying the vaccines work against all the variants. Oh, they know. They know. Oh, they must have already tested.
Starting point is 00:19:05 Of course they did. Moderna, I mean, they had a vaccine before there was a pandemic. Wow, those guys must be really smart. So I'm sure they knew about Delta before there was even a COVID. The other question I have is that there aren't many Indians traveling outside of the country due to travel restrictions and even travel restrictions on our end. How did the Delta variant make it into the United States? How is it proliferating?
Starting point is 00:19:30 How do you have it going viral in Los Angeles, viral in the South? Rick, I have to wonder here. This is a cover for a different variant, maybe a vaccine variant caused by mass vaccination all over the country. And that's why it's so prevalent in India, because the Indian government has vaccinated so many people. I believe the outbreak of this Delta variant is the result, the product of the mass vaccination campaign. The funniest part about this, and it's not funny, it's one of those stories and especially trends that we didn't want to see. You have to wonder why our society took the lie hook, line, and sinker. We didn't listen to doctors like Dr. Gert van den Bosch,
Starting point is 00:20:19 who months ago said, if you pursue a mass vaccination program, bringing in the children, bringing in the elderly, anybody, it doesn't matter if you've been even exposed to COVID or a variant. If you do this, it'll be like a bioweapon of mass destruction. Dr. Gerd van der Bosch warned, and we talked about him numerous times. How many months ago has that been? About four. Has it been that long? It was earlier this year.
Starting point is 00:20:46 I'd say about February, February, March. I didn't realize it had been that long. And he said by summer. Yes, he said by the summer. He said, you do not wage a mass vaccination campaign during the pandemic. He said, you have to let the pandemic run its course. Then you vaccinate after the pandemic is over. Now, this is one of the top virus experts in the world.
Starting point is 00:21:18 He worked for Goffey. Yes, he worked for Gates. He worked for Gates. He's Mr. Vaccine. He's not an anti-vaxxer. He is a vaccine expert. He designs vaccines. He knows what he's talking about. And he said, you do not. You do not wage a mass vaccination campaign while the pandemic is underway. You have to let the pandemic run its course. Then you begin vaccinating people after the pandemic. So then he said, this is what's going to happen by the summer of 2021 if they continue to vaccinate people
Starting point is 00:21:52 at this rate. And we have a quote from that statement months ago. He stated, from all of the above, it's becoming increasingly difficult to imagine how the consequences of the extensive and erroneous human intervention in this pandemic are not going to wipe out large parts of our human population. One could only think of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a relatively harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction. Just leave that quote on the screen. Do you remember us talking about this months ago?
Starting point is 00:22:33 This famous, highly regarded Dutch vaccine expert. And he said, if they continue to intervene in this pandemic, how? Mass vaccinations. Because I don't see how we're not going to wipe out large parts of the Earth's human population. Depopulation, Eugenics. And then he said, one can only think of very few other strategies to achieve the same level of efficiency in turning a harmless virus into a bioweapon of mass destruction. That, to me, Edward, is the most stunning statement since coronavirus started in early 2020. And he hasn't recanted this. Stood by his words.
Starting point is 00:23:31 But Dr. Fauci hasn't recognized it. No U.S. senator or congressman has recognized it. The CDC has not recognized what he said. The news media obviously has not publicized what he said. The news media obviously has not publicized what he said. We're looking at right now, in late June, we are witnessing a worldwide depopulation genocide underway Underway in country after country after country. This is genocide. global warming environmentalist zealots who are working with the China Communist Party. The China Communist Party has a different agenda. The global warming zealots have an agenda
Starting point is 00:24:40 to depopulate the planet because they believe that they are superior than everybody else, and it's their responsibility to save the planet. The only way to save the planet is to get rid of all the useless eaters. Depopulation theory. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:55 I believe they teamed up with the China Communist Party that wants to depopulate their enemies. To carry out the killing. The United States, Great Britain, Australia, India. The old world order. The countries that are resisting Chinese expansion and domination. And I believe the two are working together. And this did not just, this didn't start last year.
Starting point is 00:25:20 This started maybe a decade ago. We don't know how long they've been planning this genocidal campaign. Going back to the retirement speech of the Chinese general, Qi Hatian, that's early 2000s. He was promising that China would develop a bioweapon to wipe the people off the land in America. Take the land back. They consider the land stolen from them. He actually said it's Chinese property. The American Indians are descendants from the Chinese, but he said a bioweapon and specifically an ethno-bioweapon. These were the goals. This was
Starting point is 00:25:59 the mission laid out by their chief defense minister and that mission, that vision seems to have been carried forward by the PLA to this day. There's another expert. We're actually witnessing this in real time. That's what seems so surreal, is bizarre. We survived it, Rick. They did not kill us. They did not kill us.
Starting point is 00:26:23 We survived round one. And by the grace of God, we'll survive round two. Amen. But each attack is going to become more severe. And you started to talk about another famous biologist who also issued a warning. Yes. There's a famous microbiologist named Dr. Sukrit Bhakradi. He gave an interview in April predicting that mass vaccination would decimate the world.
Starting point is 00:26:53 Now, of course, they attacked him. They said, that's ridiculous. How dare you make such a prediction? You don't know anything about vaccines. This is a world leader in microbiology. He served as a professor and a researcher in Germany. This is three months ago. Yeah, this is three months ago.
Starting point is 00:27:08 And he said, by summer. Again, he knew and he was confident that if a mass vaccination campaign was carried out, not just in America, but all around the world. I think the best position to be in, Rick, is to be a poor country that could not afford to buy doses of any one of these Franken vials. But he said, if they do this, you will kill the next generation. You will cause variants that you haven't even imagined. And on top of that, it will decimate the world, not just the population as in the people, but the economy. This man gave an interview. Dr. Bhakti, I mean, his university diploma, he didn't purchase it somewhere like at a diploma mill.
Starting point is 00:27:54 This guy is a real scientist. Real scientist, has been given numerous awards. Again, served as a professor most his life, also a researcher, going specifically in the subject of bacterias. How do people get infected? How do they spread? How do we treat this in society and drinking water? He's not stupid. You listen to the man, very articulate. He has concerns, like many of the doctors we've shown on the program over the last six months. But his specific concern is that America is going headfirst into something. We don't even understand that we have trusted Medical experts like dr. Fauci without them giving any explanation to us and we've allowed ourselves to become guinea pigs
Starting point is 00:28:35 I think our good friend Alex Newman over a new American interview. Dr. Bacta. Yes, he did and we have a sound bite from that interview You are heading for the the greatest catastrophe in your history. If you don't watch out, I tell you, you're going to go the same way that Israel has gone. Israel has been turned into living hell. And when I think of it, that my birth country, America, is going to be living hell, I know that I will never come back to America. Don't believe this lie, guys. Don't believe it, for God's sake.
Starting point is 00:29:14 And for God's sake, inform yourself before you let yourself and your beloved ones be vaccinated. Because if you have been vaccinated once, those lymphocytes, if this happens again, are going to be even more active. So that's why the second vaccination has always turned out to be worse than the first. It's the booster, right? And guys, don't get a third or fourth or fifth, because if you do that, you are going to contribute to the decimation of the world's population. We are trying to get the world to stand up and say no. You know, we are more than they are. Numerically, they can't install something that is killing people forever. If they do, we'd have to get them to the tribunal somewhere.
Starting point is 00:30:12 Although I've been told that the tribunal has also been bought. So it is a real problem, guys. It's a real problem. And the only way is that everyone, every thinking person, homo sapiens, and all of you are, and you all are educated and intelligent enough to stand up and say, this limit has been trespassed, and we have to do something to protect ourselves and the generations to come. If you don't do this, you are heading for living hell and you are taking your children to the
Starting point is 00:30:56 living hell. Wow. This man is born in the United States and he says, I know I will not be able to return to America. Yes. And he said in that interview that he is a proponent of vaccines, supported the development throughout his career. He is not a proponent of what they're doing now. He doesn't even want to call them vaccines. He's calling them kill shots. He called it a kill shot. Yes. That these shots will lead to death, but more so that they're experimental. And you brought up that paper for a second there. The interview is a little long. We can't play all of it. But what he was trying to explain is after the first shot, your immune system gets placed
Starting point is 00:31:35 into a form of paralysis. It shocks your whole system. You've basically been punctured. The shots after that are going into an environment with almost no defenses up. It's like the gates of a fort being opened up. That's what he was trying to demonstrate. And Rick, we've heard of people thinking that if they get multiple different vaccinations, some people in America have gotten three or four, and they've mysteriously died. Of course, they don't say it's due to the vaccination, they say it's just old age. But that man won't come back to our country, and he likely won't travel,
Starting point is 00:32:08 because the world, especially the West, that could afford the vaccines, have lost their mind. Is he living in Germany? Because I noticed we said German. Yes, his wife is German, too. They're in Germany right now. You know, up until recently, I said the vaccines were experimental. As of today, I no longer think they were experimental. I mean, the fact that Moderna transferred a vaccine before the pandemic. December 2019. They did their experiments a long time ago. They know what these vaccines are doing. They're intentional.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Yes. They're not experimental. They're intentional. They're doing exactly what they wanted them to do. And again, we're witnessing the first global genocide campaign. And right now, the psychopaths are winning. I'll also say, psychopaths are winning. They're getting away with it. People are lining up just like in the 2013 British show Utopia. And that psychopaths,
Starting point is 00:33:17 you know, the actor who was playing the psychopath, he said, you know, we're going to release a virus and then we'll give them a vaccine and people will run. They'll run to us and say, put it in my arm. But that's exactly what's happening in 2021. I mean, here in America, if you believe the official numbers, half of America has been vaccinated. So we're split right down the middle. And it's not. It's not necessarily a political divide, because I know conservative Republicans, I know Christians, I know people that would be considered on the right who are vaccinated. Sure. And part of them, it was due to being worn down. Others,
Starting point is 00:33:59 they bought the propaganda. They understood enough to not trust Dr. Fauci on masks. They fought that. But as soon as the vaccine came out and they were told you could travel, you can go back to normal, they said, OK, I don't see any issue with this. And they went and got the vaccine. Absolutely. Well, we've heard now two prominent world-recognized scientists who have issued chilling warnings about the vaccines. And yet, people like us here at True News, we will continue to be smeared and denigrated as conspiracy theorists and kooks. But who does it? The people who are the propaganda mouthpieces of the China Communist Party. People just need to recognize what we're up against.
Starting point is 00:34:51 Facebook, Google, we detailed this yesterday. They have been accused of funding the Wuhan lab, funding biological research, gain of function activity of Dr. Barak, Dr. Daszak, Dr. Fauci. They've also been censoring. And that's where really the damage has occurred because the American public never would have agreed to half of the crazy lockdown procedures and now the salvation shot, the vaccine coming from these pharmaceutical companies. They wouldn't have done this had they not been starved. They shouldn't have been on the plantations like Facebook and Google to begin with, but they were there, and they were lied to there.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Well, another person who has issued a chilling warning is Chinese billionaire Miles Guo. And I follow him on his news website because he has an extensive network of Chinese people who want to see the China Communist Party collapse. Yes, they're allies in the war against communism. And so don't anybody think I'm anti-Chinese. That's not the case. Chinese people are wonderful people.
Starting point is 00:35:59 But the China Communist Party is evil. It's wicked. There's nothing good about the China Communist Party is evil. It's wicked. There's nothing good about the China Communist Party. It has 1.4 billion people in bondage. I mean, they do human organ harvesting from prisoners. I mean, imagine you're a prisoner in a Chinese prison, and you're taken to a medical center in the prison you ask what's it all about and the guard tells you well your last medical exam shows that you need to lose a kidney today all right and they take a kidney or a lung out of the person they sell it on on the black market. That's what China does. They have a million Muslim men in concentration camps. They raid churches. They take down paintings of Jesus and replace Jesus with
Starting point is 00:36:53 Xi Jinping's face. I mean, it's a wicked, evil regime. And they launched a biological warfare attack on mankind. Yes, it was the entire world. And they do not deserve to rule. They should not be allowed. I'm talking about the China Communist Party. It must, the world must say, you're as big of a threat as the Nazi Party, and the world must unite to defeat you and remove you from the face of the earth. Because China's plan is to remove us from the face of the earth. I don't want to remove the Chinese people. I just want to remove the China Communist Party.
Starting point is 00:37:35 Well, Mao Zedong is a Chinese patriot, and he wants his country to be set free of communism, and he has paid a price. The Chinese communists have come after him. He's a defector, an exile here in the United States. He issued a warning this week. that his sources have told him that China is going to release a second biological weapon against the United States this summer. Yes. Rick, we have a soundbite from speech that Moscow gave on this subject. It was in Chinese. So what we've done for people, especially those who listen as you're driving, I have, I've read the subtitles, English subtitles, you'll hear me, but this is Miles Guo giving his speech on a bioweapon attack this summer and also a coming war with Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:38:38 Yes, he said that China is going to attack Taiwan before they attack us. As a distraction. The distraction will be the war in Taiwan so that everybody is focused on a war and they're not paying attention to China releasing another biological weapon, another virus inside the USA. Let's watch it. Based on the true history and civilization of the Chinese people, we're here delivering the message to the West that we're all humans.
Starting point is 00:39:11 We will never become the enemies of the West. The Chinese people are not going to, have never, and will never invade or occupy any territories or any countries or any Western countries. Never, ever. So all the announcements I made in this regard today are for and on behalf of the peaceful Chinese people. Only a small fraction of the Chinese people, no more than 200 families of the Chinese Communist Party, are the monopolists of the power and the economy of China.
Starting point is 00:39:43 They are the culprits of committing crimes against the West, attempting to lead the West and forcibly occupy the West's resources, releasing the virus, other incidents that may occur, as well as the one I'm announcing today. Now, the most critical thing that I'm going to tell you is that we've received the accurate intelligence. First, the CCP is attempting soon,
Starting point is 00:40:13 probably at the end of this summer and the beginning of this fall, to release the coronavirus in the U.S. and the West once again. And the virus to be released this time will surely be more dangerous than the last one. We have accurate intelligence. We are informed that the CCP knows it very well, that following the G7 summit in 2021, with millions of deaths,
Starting point is 00:40:48 hundreds of millions of people being infected with the virus in the entire world, and meanwhile all walks of life and in the world demanding the truth about the virus, the CCP is well aware that the truth will eventually be found out. Making political deals and bribing or threatening politicians are unlikely going to continue to work. The CCP
Starting point is 00:41:14 has only two options. First, once the West is almost approaching the truth, they, the CCP, are going to invade Taiwan. So now, the CCP, are going to invade Taiwan. So now, the CCP has made a series of military and political deployments. It's clearly decided in the CCP's internal meetings that so long as the West imposed large-scale economic sanctions,
Starting point is 00:41:43 even under the scenario of the threat of waging wars, then the CCP is just going to use the bioweapon to the fullest in the most exhaustive way. By quoting the words of the CCP's top leaders, since this weapon was developed to target the Americans, the white people, then we should transmit it to the US. We have been very successful using it in India. We should strive to inflict more damages on the West, on the United States and Europe. And it should be deployed without fear. If we want to use it, we should strike fear into the hearts of our enemies, to the point that they are terrified of us.
Starting point is 00:42:31 Such decisions have been carried out by the communists in the past. I hope that when you, or the elites in the West, see and hear this message, you can take precautions and hear this message. You can take precautions and deploy protective measures. At the same time, the leadership of the CCP has decided that after the release of the virus, when the world is concerned about the origin of the virus, when the CCP can no longer cover it up, they will have to invade and annex Taiwan, to divert the world's attention from the virus to Taiwan, so that no one would talk about the virus
Starting point is 00:43:14 anymore. The CCP will plunge China and the Western countries into a state of war. And during that state of war, they will exploit that wartime international relations. All wars ultimately ended with trading political and economic resources, using war as a distraction. The CCP can obfuscate the true origin of the virus. They intend to force the West into peace talks through wars. The world will eventually give up on seeking accountability for the origin of the virus.
Starting point is 00:43:54 So what is the communist Chinese doing now? This is my message today. On behalf of the NFSC and the whistleblowers movement, to our peace-loving Western friends all over the world, be warned, in the past four weeks, all of the 300,000 or so U.S,000 Americans residing in mainland China are being enumerated by the CCP's National Security Council. Thousands of agents have been dispatched to surveil and enumerate them. That is for all American citizens in mainland China and Hong Kong.
Starting point is 00:44:47 Their computers and cell phones are under surveillance. Their communication is monitored. Their personal information is being verified. By the CCP's security apparatus. Citizens of Europe, the European Union, Japan and other Western nations in China are subject to the same treatment. That is, members of the G7 and other nations that may demand the truth from the CCP, or the citizens of the countries that are able to participate in the war against the CCP in Taiwan
Starting point is 00:45:26 are being registered and tracked in China. It's already in a state of undeclared war. That was decided unanimously by the CCP's supreme leadership, the National Security Council. That's some heavy information that Miles Goh just shared. If he's accurate, if his information is correct, that is chilling. As he just said, his sources told him that China's going to release another bioweapon in the United States this summer or fall, plus go to war with the United States over
Starting point is 00:46:02 Taiwan. And that they are now tracking down every American or anybody in the West who might help America in defending Taiwan or attacking China. The citizens of the West are being enumerated, numbered. Who are living in Hong Kong or mainland China. And they're being surveilled, their cell phones, their computers. You have to wonder, the Chinese, according to him, they have a plan for those 300,000 Americans,
Starting point is 00:46:33 120,000 to 220,000 on the mainland. About 500,000 Americans could become bargaining chips in a world war. If they could round them up and put them in a detention camp. And you're right. They got a bargaining chip. It's so sad to see what has happened to Hong Kong, that beautiful city. The Chinese communists are destroying it. Yesterday, they raided and seized one of the best free newspapers. Apple Daily.
Starting point is 00:47:06 Apple Daily in Hong Kong. And I believe they- They seized their bank accounts. Seized their bank account. I think they, did they arrest the editor? Oh, they arrested the editor, top staff. They arrested the caretaker leader while the editor was being held.
Starting point is 00:47:20 And Rick, they took their bank accounts, all the monies I mentioned. They have to shut down. They're actually announced Thursday will be the last edition of Apple Daily, one of the most popular anti-communist newspapers in Hong Kong. And, you know, I got to point out that also yesterday, the U.S. government seized 22 Internet domains of Arab news, not just, I should say Persian, Palestinian and Persian-Iranian news sites.
Starting point is 00:47:51 And I really don't know anything about a lot of those news sites, but the U.S. government seized their domains. They took them off the internet. If they had,.tv, whatever, the U.S. government notified the agency that regulates these websites and says, this is now property of the United States government. They hijacked them. This is what pops up if you go to one of those, like Press TV, for example. So when you go to it, okay, so how is the U.S. government any different from the Chinese government?
Starting point is 00:48:26 The Chinese government seized the newspaper yesterday. The U.S. government seized 22 websites. How are they doing? The bottom line is that we're living in an age of censorship. Yes. Free speech is dying. And totalitarian governments are growing and becoming stronger. And it doesn't matter which side of the Atlantic or the Pacific you're living on.
Starting point is 00:48:52 Hey, getting back to COVID, quoted in an article, U.S. Army scientists warn of deadlier pandemics to come. This may not, meaning COVID, this may not be the big one. I thought this article was interesting. The headline, that you have U.S. Army scientists, we're talking Fort Detrick, Maryland, are saying, hey, if you think COVID's bad, you ain't seen anything yet. There's something bigger coming.
Starting point is 00:49:32 Well, we just have Miles Guo tell us China's going to release another weapon. A deadlier one, a bigger one. And we don't know what the next bio virus, bioengineered virus, how it's going to interact with the vaccines that are in half of the American people and hundreds of millions of people around the world. We don't know how it's going to. Is the next bioweapon designed to trigger something in the vaccines, like sudden death? Yeah, or turn us into a bioweapon. And the question of the safety of someone who's been recently vaccinated is a very big point. The second one is also if these variants themselves are covers for something much worse. The bioweapon attack that Miles Guo laid out has also been hinted at by people like Senator Rand Paul. He said the Chinese have much more deadly virus strains, specifically even on coronavirus, that were not released.
Starting point is 00:50:40 Viruses can have 15 to 20, 30% kill rate. We were lucky that the first round was very low in mortality. Dr. Fauci may know what weapons they have, but nobody's asking him the questions. What do you know? What research have you participated in? Have you supervised involving the Chinese laboratories like Wuhan? Fauci, I'm going to say it again, Fauci should be detained and interrogated. The man knows a lot more than he has said. He's said very little about China because nobody's asking him any questions. Yes, take him to a secure site and interrogate him. Find out what he knows
Starting point is 00:51:28 about the bioweapons developed by China. Fauci knows something. And he's not America's favorite little doctor. That man, I personally believe, should be behind bars. That's my personal view. I think if the truth ever came out about Fauci, he would be in a prison or worse. And that's just on the bioweapon rig. He said the vaccines are safe and effective, yet the CDC keeps finding, and they're saying this, specific and confirmed links to conditions such as heart inflammation in kids.
Starting point is 00:52:10 So they want teens and young adults to be vaccinated. But now there's an alarming trend of heart inflammation in young people who are being vaccinated. And it's not a conspiracy theory. The CDC admitted it today. I wonder if Franklin Graham and Bob Jeffries and T.D. Jakes take ownership of the heart inflammation in people, in their congregations, since they told their Christian members
Starting point is 00:52:40 of their churches and ministries around the nation, you should be vaccinated. It's the right thing to do. Miracles don't bring death, Rick. It's a gift from God. According to Bob Jeffress, I guess heart inflammation is a gift from God, if you believe his warped theology. I think we shut their mouths.
Starting point is 00:53:02 I haven't heard a peep out of Franklin Graham and Bob Jefferson, T.D. Jake since we went after them. They kind of went in their hidey holes. And I think that part of that is the churches that listened. We don't know how many congruence, how many brothers in Christ fell for the propaganda and then fell dead, fell ill, had a side effect. But hopefully there were a lot of congregations who heard true news and said, we're not doing this. We're not going there. We're not having vaccination parties at our church.
Starting point is 00:53:34 The Navy Times says COVID vaccines likely to become mandatory soon in the U.S. military. As Vice Admiral John Noel, he's the head of personnel for the Navy, he said that once the FDA approves the vaccines for regular usage, the Navy and sister branches, Army, Air Force, all of them will begin
Starting point is 00:53:58 mandatory vaccination. And the Moderna messenger RNA that turns your body's DNA into a messaging system that produces enzymes. Spike protein. Fox Business reported that Moderna just won a $3.3 billion U.S. Defense Department contract for vaccine doses. So you put those two stories together, Navy Times saying COVID vaccine is likely to become mandatory. Why this story is important, Rick, is if the vaccines are the weapon, they are the thing that is meant to do the most damage, you're not taking out our soldiers. Yes. You're taking out the people who are meant to defend the weapon. They are the thing that is meant to do the most damage.
Starting point is 00:54:46 You're not taking out our soldiers. Yes. You're taking out the people who are meant to defend the country. That's what I want people to see. The Pentagon is taking out our own fighting troops. This is so strange, so bizarre. It's a really bad sci-fi movie that I wish I wasn't a member of the cast. I wish I never saw this movie. It's a really bad movie.
Starting point is 00:55:19 Let's change the topic. We'll go to Russia conducting drills to sink an American aircraft carrier. We talked yesterday about, you know, there was a Russian military drill, a naval drill off the coast of Hawaii, 20 to 30 nautical miles off the coast of Hawaii. And some news organizations are saying, what's going on here? Why are Russian warships off the coast of Hawaii? Well, dummy, it's because we're in World War III. That's why. They're getting ready to sink warships.
Starting point is 00:55:54 And so what is this story from the Sun? It says Russia, quote, sinks aircraft carrier. Was this a battle scenario that they carried out? They actually had a ship that was about the same size of a carrier and had the same dimensions. They treated it as an aircraft carrier. And as a really demonstration. A decoy that they shot? A decoy, yes.
Starting point is 00:56:19 As a demonstration to the United States, I think this is why they did this so close to Pearl Harbor, to one of our major naval bases, they showed how the Russian Navy would sink a modern-day aircraft carrier. We haven't lost an aircraft carrier since World War II, Rick. We use our aircraft carriers to wage war all over the world. The Russians know this. They also know that if the United States is going to continue to harass and in this case support revolutions in Ukraine, for example, or Syria, they've got to keep sending these
Starting point is 00:56:53 carriers. But the Russians, they have a red line in the sand. And I think just like the Chinese, they will sink in aircraft care if we continue to play these games. That's 6,000 soldiers. soldiers six thousand lives can be lost Did the Russians release any video? Of the sinking of air? No, it's what we have is actually radar
Starting point is 00:57:13 The Sun was it was the one that ran this story originally what they had is they had pictures from slides showing From a radar. Okay, the the actual aircraft carriers, but On the US side the US carried out a mock attack on a carrier. Yes, a very odd one, too. They call it a full shock trial. Now, this was right off the coast here in Florida just a couple days ago. The Orlando Sentinel said that the event, which was an aircraft carrier and a huge bomb being exploded right next to it,
Starting point is 00:57:46 that this was so massive that it measured as an earthquake. There were seismic readers here in our state that picked it up as an earthquake. This just happened a couple of days ago? Yes. It was right off our coast. We have video of that to show. It will indeed be a full shock for the United States if one of our carriers ever gets attacked. And we are trying to prepare the, make your way to the container.
Starting point is 00:58:34 Brain, roll! The Kansai International Airport So that was the USS Jeralar Ford. You saw that. That was an enormous explosion. Massive. And the Russians just demonstrated off the coast of Hawaii what they can do. Yes, and they now join the Chinese. The Chinese have been drilling to sink a U.S. aircraft carrier since they started deploying hypersonic missiles.
Starting point is 00:59:51 But yesterday we pointed out why, you know, the U.S. news media asking, why are Russian warships practicing sinking American warships off the coast of Hawaii? What are they doing over here? The Russians are asking, what are the Americans and NATO doing in our backyard? What are you doing in the Black Sea? Why are you bringing your warships right up to our border? That's what the Russians have been asking, not just for days, but for years, and warning that NATO is preparing for an attack on Russia. And they believe, the Russians believe, that NATO is preparing for a land invasion to seize control of Moscow. So Russia is bringing the war to our, you know, our playground.
Starting point is 01:00:39 They're saying, yeah, you want to be in the Black Sea? You want to mess with us? Well, we're going to go over to Pearl Harbor, and we're going to show you what it looks like to sink a ship. This is what happens when warmongers are not restrained. And we have warmongers in the United States, in the West. They make billions of dollars by promoting war. And they want war. They're lusting for war.
Starting point is 01:01:09 But China attacked us. Russia didn't attack us. China attacked us. But nobody in the U.S. government wants to deal with China. But they want to destroy Russia. But Russia didn't attack us. They have a lot of great resources, Rick. But Russia's telling us, you keep coming over here and we will attack you. Oh, yes, and they sent a very serious message this morning.
Starting point is 01:01:29 So what happened today in the Black Sea? In the Black Sea, the Russians saw a British destroyer named the HMS Defender come through the Bosphorus Strait and enter the Black Sea, the area which Russia says is their sovereign territory. Now, the Russians made very clear to the British, turn around now. Don't even think about coming in to our territory or even interfering with our war drills. The British carried on and the Russians said, all right, here's some warning shots. Here's some bombs. You know what the Russians did today, Rick? They had their jets fly ahead of the British Ashwani, just off their bow,
Starting point is 01:02:08 and just started dropping bombs. In front of the ship. Right in front of the ship. That can be you. They dropped four of them. Very large bombs, considered to be just under the par of a jade dam in the United States. Do you realize, you served in the U.S. military, Edward. You know that the decision for Russian warplanes to drop bombs in front of British warships, that came from the highest levels of the Russian military.
Starting point is 01:02:35 Yes, and the Russians showed, dare I say, restraint. Because they didn't blow up that British warship. They told them, the souls on this ship aren't responsible for the madness of the British government, but you soon might be. And that bomb isn't going to always be put in front of the ship. So what did the British warship do? Well, the British warship, it stayed away from the Kerch Strait, which has been the biggest question. That is...
Starting point is 01:03:00 That they're going to run the Kerch Strait. Yes, that leads into the Sea of Azov and the port of Meropol for the Ukrainians. This has been blockaded. There are Russian ships and mines. It's off limits completely. I'm telling you right now, my spirit, if NATO runs the Kerch Strait to test the Russians, the Russians are going to sink that warship. I just feel it
Starting point is 01:03:25 in my soul. The Russians are not going to allow it to happen. It would be like allowing a Russian warship to run the St. Lawrence waterway. You go into the Gulf of Mexico.
Starting point is 01:03:41 You would just say, this is where we draw the line. If you come in this close, we sink you. And the Kursh Strait is where the Russians are going to draw the line and say, you're practicing for an invasion of Crimea. We're not going to give up Crimea. Crimea is the Jerusalem of Russia. Yes, home of Christianity. It's where Christianity began. And they revere Crimea. And they are not going to give up Crimea.
Starting point is 01:04:10 Look, this is a spiritual battle. It is anti-Christ forces against the Russian Christians. Think about this. The Russian Christians are clinging to Crimea because it is the birthplace of Christianity in their country. Yes, these aren't communists. And the United States and NATO says, we're going to take Crimea from you. Who's Christian and who's anti-Christ? This is really easy to see.
Starting point is 01:04:40 I don't like that we're living on the side that's anti-Christ because our leaders are not Christians. They are opponents of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And everything they do, everything they do is opposing the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Our government, our corporation, they've been taken over by Luciferian, devil-worshiping maniacs. And most of the church world in America does not comprehend it. They don't get it.
Starting point is 01:05:19 They just don't see it. And there's a portion that are complicit in it. There are some of our brothers, some former brothers that are working with the evil of the world to think that they're going to manufacture a return of Jesus Christ. They're going to manufacture prophecy, but more so that they think they can work with the evil to maybe produce good. That's not how that works. We've got a couple more stories here in this war section.
Starting point is 01:05:47 What else can we show our audience? Well, we now know that last year the United States and China came a hair-trigger away from declaring war on each other. According to the Daily Express, and this is actually from an article originally posted in the Global Times, the propaganda piece of the Chinese, they claim, this is from one of their top pilots, that a U.S. spy ship was heading toward the Chinese mainland on a mission, a reconnaissance mission. Two Chinese jets found their way behind that spy plane, locked onto them, and asked for permission to fire. The pilot was interviewed. This is May 2020 when the incident happened.
Starting point is 01:06:31 He's just now broken silence. He said he was ready to shoot that plane down. He knew the significance of killing or destroying that plane, or likely killing the pilot. But he said he was ready to do it because the United States and China have been on a collision course for decades, and he would have been honored to protect the homeland and start the Great War. How many times in over 22 years of this ministry, how many times have I seen reports that say a year ago, two years ago, we were close to World War III. And you were warning last year. And I was always warning. I've been warning for 22 years. Because you're obedient. Yes. And I keep telling people World War III is going to wipe out
Starting point is 01:07:18 only God knows how many souls. It's going to happen so fast. You have to be ready. Spiritually, you have to be ready. Christ is coming back. The final day of mankind is approaching. There's a day that's the last day. No more days after that. Time ends when Christ comes back. And where you are spiritually on that day determines your destination for eternity. You will either be in the kingdom of God or you will be in the kingdom of darkness burning in the lake of fire. When that day comes, it's you that will decide where you will reside for eternity. Mankind is rushing
Starting point is 01:08:09 toward the final day. And I pray that if you've not made Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior, you do it today. Wherever you are, whatever you do for a living, whatever country you're living in, whatever religion you're in, come to Jesus Christ. Believe on his name. There is no other name by which men and women can be saved. The name is Jesus Christ. Believe on his name. Repent of your sins. Ask Jesus to save your soul. Find a godly Christian pastor to baptize you in water and then live the rest of your days on this earth in a quiet life of righteousness. Live the best you can for Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:08:59 I know we have another report from Kerry. Let's take a look at it. And then we've got a few more stories and then we'll wrap it up. Okay. Here's Kerry with a second. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Times of Israel says Israel was among 41 countries at the Human Rights Council on Tuesday that urged China to allow immediate, meaningful, and unfettered access so independent
Starting point is 01:09:27 observers can visit its western Shenzhen region. That's where Beijing is accused of a brutal crackdown on Muslim Uyghurs and other minorities. The decision comes after pressure from the Biden administration, according to Wallet News. It's a stark policy shift from Israel's previous attempts to walk a tightrope between the two powers. The Times of Israel says American authorities took down a range of Iran's state-linked news websites and a site backing Gaza terror groups on Tuesday. It's a move that appears to be a far-reaching crackdown on Iranian media amid heightened tensions between the two countries. Now, the U.S. seized about
Starting point is 01:10:12 three dozen websites, the majority of which are linked to Iranian disinformation efforts. The U.S. government also took over the domain name of the news website Palestine Today. The Jerusalem Post reporting that Chief Rabbi David Lau says every effort should be made to exhume and rebury a Christian woman and covert missionary who was recently buried in a Jewish cemetery in Jerusalem. The says the woman in question was buried in a multi-story burial chamber above a Jewish woman since she was believed to be Jewish at that time. But Jewish law prohibits Jews to be buried alongside non-Jews, and since the woman's husband refuses to allow her to be exhumed and reburied, some are wondering how to handle the
Starting point is 01:11:06 situation. Amanda Elk was the wife of covert missionary and messianic Christian Michael Elk. Together, they posed as ultra-Orthodox Jews in the Jerusalem neighborhood of French Hill for at least five years. She died in February of colon cancer at the age of 42. Well, progressive Democrats are mad as a hornet after one of their top priorities, a massive elections bill stalled in the Senate on Tuesday, and they're directing their ire at several targets, including Republicans, the Senate filibuster, and even President Biden. They say he didn't do enough to stump for legislation. And U.S. Senator John Kennedy says the bill needs to go by a new name. Well, this is an extraordinarily cynical bill, in my opinion,
Starting point is 01:12:01 even by Washington standards. It's very ruthless, even by Washington's standards. Speaker Pelosi and Senator Schumer call it, I think, the For the People Act, but I think it'd be more aptly described as Screw the People Act. It will make it much easier to cheat in an election. And their bill does that in two ways. Number one, it almost guarantees that we'll never have another election day. We'll have election months. And I think that was the genesis of a lot of concern by many people in the last election. Number two, it achieves its purpose by taking elections,
Starting point is 01:12:49 which are governed by the people through their state legislatures right now, and gives that authority to the federal government. He's always good for a great bite, isn't he? For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called Morgan Stanley says starting July 12th, workers and clients who don't have the experimental jab are barred from returning to New York City and Westchester County offices. That according to CNBC. All Morgan Stanley staff in the New York metro area are also now required to attest to their coronavirus vaccination status by July 1st. Employees who are not fully vaccinated will have to continue working remotely.
Starting point is 01:13:39 The move allows Morgan Stanley to lift mask and physical distancing requirements in its offices. It looks like chicken and tastes like chicken, but the Times of Israel says people in the central Israeli town of Nes Ziona are eating laboratory-grown meat. Yuck. Scientists claim it's an environmentally friendly way to feed the world's growing population. Food tech startup Super Meat says the process involves cultivating cells from a fertilized chicken egg. Cell cultures are fed a plant-based liquid including proteins, fats, sugars, minerals, and vitamins, with all the feed going directly into production, it grows rapidly with the mass doubling within a matter of hours.
Starting point is 01:14:35 Would you? Would you eat it? I say no thank you to the lab slab of meat. No way. That's a look at True News headlines. headlines now let's get back to the godcast here's rick and edward i'm with carrie i'm with carrie i'm not eating it i've been warning for years about laboratory grown meat look we're not talking about veggie burgers. No. Veggie burgers are wonderful. I like veggie burgers with real vegetables, okay? What we're talking about is fake meat grown in a laboratory using a culture,
Starting point is 01:15:18 cells taken from an animal, and then the scientists then grow food, grow meat. They're going to grow chickens. They're going to grow ham. They're going to grow steak, you know, in a laboratory. This is the bizarre world Satan is creating for mankind. So at some point, I don't know about you, but if I don't know where the food came from, I'm not going to eat it. I'm with you, Rick. It's getting so weird. They might start calling cannibalism free ranging. I mean, we don't.
Starting point is 01:15:52 Well, how do we know that they're not growing human flesh? Oh, the scientists want you to trust them. Do you trust their morality? They don't have any morality. The COVID epidemic and the pandemic response has shown that. Oh, tell me something. Make me smile before we go home. Well, Rick, we both, we have man's best friend. We both have dogs that cheer us up throughout the day and especially when we get home.
Starting point is 01:16:19 There was a golden retriever that went missing about two weeks ago in New Jersey. The owner was distraught. Chunk is his name. He's three years old. Somehow, someway, this pup found himself out in Barnegat Bay. In the water. He was swimming. Yes.
Starting point is 01:16:38 He was seen swimming about three miles off the base of the landline here. But there were two troopers, Trooper Ryan Collar and Vincent Fernandi. They got a call from a local resident, and they came out and grabbed their boat, immediately came out there and saved that beautiful golden retriever. The family is very happy to have him home. We have this report from WPIX-TV. The missing gold retriever has been retrieved. You happy to be home, Chunk?
Starting point is 01:17:08 Yeah, I think you are. The three-year-old rescue dog is comfy on his couch tonight, unlike in the Barnegat Bay in New Jersey, where he was found this morning. Two women who had been jogging near the marina next to the Manteloking Bridge saw him. And they tried to approach him, but he ran from them and jumped into the water. So once he was in the water, they flagged down a man in a boat who was fishing nearby. That's when the rescue mission began. I was staying close to him and he kept trying to stay away from the boat.
Starting point is 01:17:38 So once I backed off, then he started to swim over towards the land. We positioned our boat, Trooper Ferdinand, got a line ready and acted as a leash, and we were able to get the line around the dog and guide him up to the docks. After some teamwork, the New Jersey State Troopers and Fishermen managed to get Chunk safely to shore, where his owners and other Golden Retriever buddy Riley were waiting. You know, when you're going through it you can't really believe that it's true until you actually see him and I gave him a big hug. Before today's reunion Chunk was missing for two weeks. Marie and Jim Zangara
Starting point is 01:18:15 plastered posters all over Ocean County and on social media. I thought maybe he had gotten hit by a car or stuck somewhere that he couldn't get out of or someone had even taken him. The last place they expected to find him was swimming in a bay. Now that Chunk is back home with his family, the Zangaras say they'll be able to enjoy the outdoors together again after he's well rested. They'll also keep a closer eye on him so he doesn't wander off again. To see him today and know that he knew who I was and he was happy was just, I was overjoyed. Well, Chunk sleeping on the sofa, it looks like he's very happy to be home and he doesn't want to go back out in the water again for a while. So that's a good story. It is. I love golden retrievers. My Gator, Gator's 12 and a half years old. He's getting pretty old. But he's doing good. But he's definitely slowing down.
Starting point is 01:19:08 He doesn't have the energy. His back legs are wobbly. And he doesn't, you know, it's hard for him to do a lot of walking anymore. But, man, golden retrievers are a wonderful breed of dogs. He always finds the energy to give you the nice, a lot of walking anymore. But, man, the golden retrievers are a wonderful breed of dogs. He always finds the energy to give you a nice big smile. He does. He gets that puppy look when he gets happy. We have any more good news stories?
Starting point is 01:19:36 Yes, we have one more. There is an Oklahoma family who have been reunited with their late mother's Bible. Now, this Bible is from 1946, and it was found in a stranger's yard in their flower garden. Now, why this story is important is that the family, they didn't have much left of their mother to remind them. Somehow, someway, this Bible, with the family's history in it it found its way back to the family and has reignited their faith. I've got a report from KFOR on this.
Starting point is 01:20:10 Do we have time to share that? Sure, go ahead. This is the story. And it rained all night so it must have just been there for a little while because it wasn't wet. And just laying there with a bunch of screws and some bullets. Terry Ward was mowing his lawn last week when he noticed something strange, a Bible in his flower bed. The Bible had the name Pearl Williams and the year 1946 on it. What was your first thought when you found it?
Starting point is 01:20:39 Oh, who is Pearl Williams? Where does she live? And I asked the city hall and they had no record of her. So he called the Nacoma Park Police Department. Inside the Bible, they found a Dell City address. So I contacted the Dell City Police Department and they went by the address and luckily enough, the Bible's owner, her son, still lived at that address. The family couldn't believe it had found its way to their home. It was very emotional. We lost my mom in October. And so that was hard enough.
Starting point is 01:21:19 And then to find out that now I have part of her Bible gives me kind of part of her. Tucked inside the Bible, Pearl's daughter Lisa Bennett found many of her mom's precious, priceless memories. Her wedding announcement was in the Bible from where her and my dad got married. She kept different things that were very important to her. Bennett says she's grateful for the generosity of strangers and the police work that may not have seemed like much to them, but means everything to her family. She was a big part of my life and when I lost her, I lost a lot of her. Finding little bits and pieces and keeping little pieces of her helps me rebuild that little loss in my heart.
Starting point is 01:21:59 This is the kind of story that makes it nice to be a police officer and makes it nice to be an investigator that you can find somebody's family bible and return it to them it's a good story passing on the faith of the mother you know you ever you know i i collect old books old christian books and um you know they're 100 to 200 years old i I think the oldest one I have is over 400 years old. It's in the 1600s. But in those books, those 100 to 200-year-old books, often I find handwritten letters between the pages of the book. And I read the letters, and, you know,
Starting point is 01:22:41 it's typically a Christian who is giving the book to somebody else and they they write a letter to their family member or their friend or their pastor whoever they're giving the book to explaining why they want them to read this book and so i love it i i when i first thing i do when i get an old old book is I leaf through all the pages quickly to see if anything's going to fall out. You should get back to doing this kind of thing. Sometimes it's postcards. Then you think, who were these saints? Who were they?
Starting point is 01:23:19 And knowing, hey, I'm going to meet them someday. You know, 150 years later, I got your book. I read your letter, you know, that you wrote to your mom or whatever, you know, that's cool. So all of it. I remember. And also, I think we have to tell people, Doc Burkhardt, to give an update on Doc. I talked to him several times today.
Starting point is 01:23:38 He's actually sounding pretty good today. He did go for a COVID test. He hadn't received his results yet, but he said he he felt better today. He did go for a COVID test. He hadn't received his results yet, but he said he felt better today. He didn't feel completely recovered, but he felt a lot better than he did yesterday. So continue to pray for Dr. Burkhart. Also, we have another employee here, Ryan, who is deaf. And he notified Susan today that he had a severe headache and could not come to work. A severe headache is one sign of COVID. The hope is not that.
Starting point is 01:24:14 We'll find out later. So just pray for Doc and Ryan and lift them up. God bless you. Well, thank you, Rick. Yeah, so our prayers will be for Doc and our other employees and the them up. God bless you. Well, thank you, Rick. Yeah. Yeah, so our prayers will be for Doc and our other employees and the entire ministry. And again, for our audience too. You're in this fight with us.
Starting point is 01:24:33 Thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. This world is unjust and there are murderers loose with few men of the law willing to bring them to justice. But we have the protection of our Lord Almighty, Jesus Christ, and we will fear no man. And that's what you can count on every day here on the Godcast. Please stand with us and consider becoming a monthly partner with this ministry. You can support True News by going to
Starting point is 01:24:57 That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left-hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call or toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you prefer to donate to us by mail or send a prayer request or a nice note, our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, precious metals, even real estate. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Starting point is 01:25:38 Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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