TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Fauci’s Friend Used NIH Grant to Weaponize COVID in Wuhan

Episode Date: April 10, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, the team looks at the connection of Dr. Fauci to the Chinese Communist Party through the shady dealings of the EcoHealth Alliance. We also show how the mainstream media is thoroughl...y filled with self-confessed paid agents of China, promoting the COVID party line. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/09/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Welcome back for part two of True News. If you missed the first part, you can watch it and share it from a link on our website at One of the many mysteries still outstanding as this endless pandemic continues is the bizarre and public grant that Dr. Anthony Fauci paid to communist China to weaponize coronavirus from bats. Of course, he didn't do this alone. And we now know one of his longtime comrades, Dr. Peter Daszak, who just happens to double as a COVID investigator for the WHO, carried out the contract. Join me to discuss this revelation and the systematic plot underway by the communist
Starting point is 00:00:47 Chinese to destroy America. Our True News founder, Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart. Edward. Edward, Dr. Fauci needs to be held accountable for his crimes, his crimes against the United States of America, his crimes against humanity. I believe Anthony Fauci is complicit in one of the worst disasters to hit the planet and nobody dares to question this man. What is it? What power does he have to escape scrutiny? Who's protecting him? Well there's many people protecting him, Rick. The United States government, those in the apparatus of science in the WHO and around the globe, but also, it appears, his
Starting point is 00:01:34 Chinese allies. But if people in the U.S. government and in the science community of the United States is protecting him, then they are complicit with the Chinese in this biological attack on the American people. Well, certainly. Not just complicit, we're finding out, but equal participants in a long-range plan to overthrow the U.S. government and change us without ever firing a shot or fixing a bayonet. So who is this guy, Peter Daszak?
Starting point is 00:02:03 So Peter Daszak became well-known from his work as a WHO investigator. He's actually one of the investigators looking into the origins of coronavirus. So when you hear the WHO say, there's no way it came from Wuhan, and there's no way it's a bioweapon, that's thanks to this man, Peter Daszak. Is he an American? He is. He also is the editor-in-chief of EcoHealth. He also has worked to basically build out this company. And what he did while working at this company is actually improve their medical division.
Starting point is 00:02:38 Now, the medical division aspect is the very important part. He's the president of EcoHealth Alliance right now. That is the company, the nonprofit that Fauci gave the $3.7 million grant to in 2015. All right. So the money that we talked about last year, that $3.7 million, it was sent through the WHO or directly to EcoHealth? And then- To EcoHealth. Fauci approved a grant from the National Institute of Health. It did not go directly to China. That would be...
Starting point is 00:03:12 They laundered... Let's be honest. They laundered the money. He laundered the money through this, what is it, Eco... EcoHealth Alliance. EcoHealth Alliance. Then that way Fauci could honestly say, I didn't send money to China.
Starting point is 00:03:30 He says that with a straight face. He can say it because the money went to the Eco Health Alliance and run by this Peter Dazak, who just happens to be a close comrade of the China Communist Party. Right. And also holds Dr. Fauci in great esteem as well. Calls him incomparable. He has a longstanding relationship with Dr. Fauci. And so they've had a long, I guess, productive relationship, monetary and, you know and with the virus. It's like he says, he's incomparable. Well, the National Pulse has done some excellent research on Daszak and Fauci
Starting point is 00:04:17 and their relationship to the China Communist Party. Folks, we have been sold out at the very top of this government. We're sold out. It's been underway for a long time. And I don't expect any body in power to expose it because the infiltration is so deep that if anybody tried to expose it, they're going to be silenced, eliminated, deplatformed, whatever. The infiltration is throughout all the sectors of the society. I'm talking about the Chinese communist infiltration. In America. In the United States.
Starting point is 00:04:54 We're not just talking about specifically in America, as we're going to get to in this segment. Rick, one of the things that Peter Daszak has done in coordination with the Chinese, he's held conferences. Now, he got this grant, as we already mentioned. This grant has been renewed. Actually, it's eligible right now to be paid and renewed for further research
Starting point is 00:05:14 at the Wuhan lab. The grant was for specific research and gathering of samples of coronavirus from bats. This was then brought back to the Wuhan Virology Institute, and this is now the story. But the part that's important to note is that Peter Daszak, his conferences go back to 2012. The Chinese government has been paying not just for conferences,
Starting point is 00:05:36 for him to go over there, but also flying in speakers, American and foreign. The Chinese government has been flying Chinese speakers to conferences in the United States. And in China. And in China. According to the National Pulse. One is the Sustaining Ecosystems Supporting Health event. This was held in October 2012. And it was in the city of Kunming.
Starting point is 00:06:01 It was about a two-hour flight from Wuhan. Now, was that the event that Dr. Fauci was pictured at? No, Dr. Fauci, his incomparable friend, was at an event with Peter Daszak in 2016. Now, you're going to have a hard time finding this now because it appears that EcoHealth Alliance has also realized why it might be an issue for them to solve pictures and any connection with Dr. Fauci on their website.
Starting point is 00:06:27 But we were able to find the archived versions of these pages. And here's one. This post was for a March 11, 2016 conference that Peter Daszak organized where Dr. Fauci was a keynote speaker. All right. So he just didn't attend the event. He was a speaker at the event. Yes, and he went to a second one.
Starting point is 00:06:49 Here's Dr. Fauci listed. It's kind of put on the featured list, not as a keynote, but he's on there. Dr. Fauci also spoke at another Chinese paid for EcoHealth Alliance conference in November of 2016. This was after the election. Now, if you remember, there's an infamous quote from Dr.. This was after the election. Now, if you remember, there's an infamous quote from Dr. Fauci right after the election that was in the Plandemic documentary. Now, in that documentary, it stated that the United States is on the brink of another
Starting point is 00:07:16 pandemic, that our systems are not robust enough to stop this. This is where Dr. Fauci was at mentally. And it turns out that's what he shared. That's what he said at that event. Yes. Wow. Now you'd mentioned that Equal Health Alliance, they had been receiving funding for a number of years. How recently have, has their funding been re-upped? Well, the funding from my understanding is eligible, which means it's going through the process of being funded, is eligible right now. August of 2021 would be the marker for when the money, if it's approved, will be paid out. Honestly, I don't see any reason why it wouldn't be approved at this point. There's no pushback against the previous contracts, which obviously happened in parallel to the development of the Wuhan
Starting point is 00:08:01 bioweapon. But now Dr. Fauci is happy to help his friend, Peter Daszak, continue to fund the operation and maybe follow on operations. He's skated with no scrutiny, no questioning. Of course there's no questioning the news media in this country is pro-China, pro-communist party. The Congress is pro-communist party. The Congress is pro-communist party. I think the U.S. military at the highest levels is pro-China communist party. Well, they're certainly not pro-America anymore. We saw what happened to the soldiers who were deployed to the Capitol. They were being screened for patriotism, clearly.
Starting point is 00:08:41 And we saw yesterday on True News, we found out why Fidel Castro was always known as Papa Fidel. He had many kids around. Many kids. And one of them appears to be Justin Trudeau. By the way, I found a photograph last night of his alleged father, Pierre Trudeau. I sent it to you guys. Doesn't look anything like him. Doesn't look like, but I'll tell you what, Justin Trudeau does look like a young Fidel. But when you have a photograph of Justin Trudeau at age 30, Fidel Castro age 30, and Pierre Trudeau at age 30, Pierre Trudeau looked like Bozo the Clown.
Starting point is 00:09:22 Justin Trudeau looked like Justin Castro, looked like Fidel Castro. So Fidel Castro apparently impregnated the wife of Pierre Trudeau so that there would be a communist prime minister In in Canada, and now we see the first church to be seized in Canada. Right. By the communist government of Canada. Let's clear Justin's Fidel would be very proud of his little boy, Justin. Fidel would be very proud of Justin. You did me. You served me well, Justin. You seized a church. You put a fence around a church. Look, if you're expecting somebody to stand up in America and oppose the communist takeover, it's not going to happen. Who's going to do it?
Starting point is 00:10:19 There's no voices out there, Rick. Nobody is standing up to it. Nobody. Donald Trump gave it some effort, but he was almost like he was limited in what he would do. He wouldn't take it all the way. He certainly did not bring this issue of the funding to the Wuhan lab to the forefront. He mentioned it a couple of times, said he'd stopped it. But he kept Fauci at the top. He kept Fauci there. The man that funded the lab where the virus came from. Rick, you've mentioned infiltration in the West.
Starting point is 00:10:55 As it turns out, the articles and the hit pieces that often surface when someone tries to question the narrative around COVID or even talk about the Chinese government's involvement, it turns out that the Chinese government has a series of consultants. They're essentially propaganda agents that are quoted by the mainstream establishment media. So one man that's been quoted many times by the likes of CBS and USA Today is a man by the name of Dr. Ian Lipkin. Now, Dr. Ian Lipkin is a renowned professor.
Starting point is 00:11:28 He actually got an award from Xi Jinping in 2016 for science and technology cooperation. Well, his job recently, and this is the past two weeks, is to attack anyone who tries to quote Mr. Redfield, our former CDC director. Mr. Redfield, Rick, he said that he believes the virus came from the Wuhan lab. He believes it leaked from the bioware facility. The former chief of the CDC. So this guy is paid by communist China to go out there and attack Dr. Redfield and discredit what he's saying about the Wuhan lab. Yes, Pulse is reporting this. He continues to consult with the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Chinese Academy of Science, and the Ministry of Health. He has also served as a
Starting point is 00:12:17 consultant for climate change at Beijing Normal University, a visiting professor at Beijing. Last year, the Chinese Academy of Sciences awarded funding to him for a collaborative project between CII and Sun Yat-sen University for his research. And since 2003, Lipkin has presented more than 20 lectures in China. And so he does have a lot of connections there. He was working for the Chinese CDC when he did that. His name shouldn't be Ian Lipkin. It should be Ian Lip Service.
Starting point is 00:12:52 That's really what it should be. And certainly the outlets who are quoting him don't mention any of this background. We're talking about a 20-year history with the Communist Chinese Party. And we're supposed to listen to this man when he says it's fake news, it's not credible. So there's a link. But what we're trying to get across here is USA Today is using this Dr. Lipkin as an authority and a source when he is directly funded, directly connected to the Chinese Communist Party. So what is he going to put out? He's going to put out pro-China propaganda. Well, I'm going to tell you what I'm going to do, Doc. I'm going to call the New York Times and tell them there are commies in the country.
Starting point is 00:13:31 Oh, really? You think that's going to do any good? Well, yeah, the New York Times will put a reporter on it, and they'll expose how communists are working inside the United States of America for propaganda for communist China. Well, be sure to ask for the reporter that has not been working for the Chinese Communist Party, because the Post is also reporting that the New York Times staff admit previously working for Chinese, for the Chinese Communist Party. Staff members, folks, read this. Read this. Read this. Members of the New York Times staff have admitted that they previously worked for the Chinese Communist Party,
Starting point is 00:14:15 and they boast that it has benefits. Now, one of these former agents is Jonah Kessel. He's the current director of cinematography at The New York Times. Now, his claim to fame is he used to produce propaganda for the Chinese government. Back in 2009 to 2010, he did some award-winning work to depict real China. No, not the China with concentration camps for Uyghurs, but the Great Wall of China and other beautiful scenes. Rick, I know you monitor dozens of sites worldwide. You ever have been on China Daily?
Starting point is 00:14:51 Sure. All right. China Daily, the way it looks now, you can thank Jonah Kessel because he redesigned the website to the way it looks right now. He built that website for Jonah Kessel. But he works for the New York Times. So I guess you can do both. Well, there's a reason New York Times has always been called Old Red. It's a communist paper.
Starting point is 00:15:15 Always has been a communist paper. I can take you back to the late 50s. And the New York Times wrote glowing articles about the young Fidel Castro. Glowing articles. While he was murdering people. About the revolution in Cuba. So they didn't have an issue with that bloodshed. No, the New York Times in the late 50s told the American people that Fidel Castro was an idealist.
Starting point is 00:15:42 Right. He was bringing justice and a new society to Cuba. Well, Rick, the New York Times reporters, and that's what they are now, they claim it has some benefit to work for the Chinese Communist Party. They pay well, but also they help with your resume. Dermot McDermott, who's the current staff editor of Design. She actually does designing work, too, for the New York Times website. So when you look at her, you know that she's definitely been inspired.
Starting point is 00:16:13 She is another one of the alumni from the Communist Party. And also they have a beat reporter, Alex Marshall. So, again, when you call, Rick, we've got to make sure that we get past the red tape. The red tape, yes. I don't think we're going to get through to the... I'll tell you what we'll do. We'll get a fact checker on it because they like to turn loose the fact checkers on me and say, Wiles has been debunked by a fact, not a fat checker, a fact checker, you know, but he's been debunked. Well, now, who are these fact checkers? Well, we better hope we don't get the Knight Foundation, Rick, a George Soros-funded group,
Starting point is 00:16:58 because they, too, are funded through the Chinese Communist Party to debunk anyone who criticizes China. Also, another aspect of the Knight Foundation, Rick, that will really be enlightening here is they are one of the people that provide the funding for what's called the Global Business Journalism School that's based in China. One of their goals is to apply Marxist theory to journalism. And over the past... So they kill their sources. But every year they have a big seminar and they invite people to participate. Names we're all familiar with.
Starting point is 00:17:35 The New York Times, CNN, Financial Times, Reuters, Bloomberg. They all participate in this. Funded primarily by the Knight Foundation and the Chinese Communist Party. And so the infiltration by the Reds are in the mainstream media. That shouldn't be a shock, but it's at a level that it should be shocking, that it's wide out in the open. We're now seeing what this infiltration has done to us. Yes. It's now on the surface level.
Starting point is 00:18:11 A lot of us have known about it for decades, that they were infiltrating the country. Okay, it's now in full bloom. It's the rope end. It's not hidden anymore. They're out in the open, and few people care. Right. They got rid of the President of the United States for all of his faults.
Starting point is 00:18:30 Donald Trump had faults, okay? But for all of his faults, he did stand up to communist China. Yes. And they had to get rid of him. And they succeeded. And members of the U.S. military in the Pentagon, the highest levels, participated in a Chinese overthrow of the American presidency. Let's say it as it is. Members of the U.S. military inside the Pentagon participated in a Chinese directed overthrow of Donald Trump. We're living under a Chinese regime right now. What is Joe Biden getting ready to do?
Starting point is 00:19:08 Confiscate guns. Add Supreme Court justices. That came out today. Pack the Supreme Court. Get rid of anybody. What did he say about the Second Amendment? Phony Second Amendment. No amendment's absolute. No. Yes. yes. No constitutional right is absolute. Oh, have we opened the door to slavery now again, too? I mean, if no constitutional amendment is absolute. If it's a right, what is it? Only when it's your son, right? That's only when you believe in slavery.
Starting point is 00:19:35 Because he certainly treated his son Hunter like a slave. Well, Hunter Biden has come out and said his dad made him a sex addict and a tax cheat. Yes. That's just the facts. But who put who put Joe Biden in the White House? China. That's right. And that's number 24 for control here. China's state propaganda group boasts control over Western think tanks, election integrity groups and even Joe Biden's national security team. They've won the war. They're boasting about it. They are crowing in victory at what they've been able to accomplish. This is where we're at right now, folks.
Starting point is 00:20:19 Rick, this article, what they're talking about here is actually the state propaganda arm of the Chinese government. Their infiltration is so deep that they're sending out memos, newsletters, boasting of the top-level figures that they can say are in their stable. Now, among those in the stable is a group called the Bergrim Institute. Now, this group has got already money connections with the chinese government but you'll remember this story remember during the election last year there was a group that was war gaming the the impact of the pandemic and what might happen if president trump dare say that the democrats are cheating that group is one of the groups that is involved and paid for through the Chinese Communist Party.
Starting point is 00:21:06 The Transition Integrity Project. It's unbelievable. What's unbelievable? It's not that's not unbelievable that that's happened. What's unbelievable is that they've gotten away with it and no opposition. That's the scary thing. There's no opposition, which means the takeover is complete. It is.
Starting point is 00:21:28 The next is the confiscation, the roundup of dissidents, and then the confiscation of their firearms. I said a couple weeks ago, they're not going to confiscate your firearms first. They're going to confiscate you. Dissidents will be rounded up. Dissidents will disappear. Then. The guns will be picked up, but the first thing that they're going to pick up are the dissidents. And I'm talking about the people who are capable of leading opposition to a communist takeover. Those who haven't lost their mind. Yes.
Starting point is 00:22:07 Who haven't been vaccinated. Who haven't gotten the virus. Who haven't been infected with the China virus or taken the China vaccine that Fauci, the communist agent, has overseen. You know, Rick, going back to that article about the mental health issues that result from the vaccine. You know, the Bible says for Christians to be sober, be vigilant for your adversary, the devil goes roaring about as a roaring lion seeking who he may devour. You know, that key word now is more prevalent than ever to be sober right now,
Starting point is 00:22:46 not to be sober in the sense of, you know, just serious, but to be clear minded. Why would you inhibit your mind with anything that could, you know, keep you from being able to make clear thought and clear decisions in these troubled times? Be sober, be vigilant, because your adversary is here and your adversary is here in this nation right now my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit you have an obligation to keep it holy and to keep it clean and there is a very evil force, the dragon. China's symbol is the dragon. In the Bible, the dragon is Lucifer.
Starting point is 00:23:32 Just think about this. The dragon. It makes reading Revelation taking a whole new meaning. It really does. The dragon is now taking over the world. And I think he might have been a dragon in the garden, too. It was a serpent. It was.
Starting point is 00:23:50 And so this is happening now in real time. Most of the pastors in America and Canada are sleepwalking, clueless about what's going on. And the few members of the congregations who are paying attention, they're not getting any leadership from church leaders. And so we're on our own, folks, all of us. We've got to stick together. I hope you support True News. Do something this weekend. Support True News. Give the best gift that you can give. Go to, click donate at the top or the red heart at the left. Give the best gift that you can give or send a check to P.O. Box 690069, Vero Beach, Florida 32969. There's a phone number on the screen, 800-576-2116. What do you need?
Starting point is 00:24:48 What do you need to motivate you? Are you waiting for a sign? Are you waiting for something to get weird? Are you waiting for things to get really bad? What does this look like to motivate you? I've been faithful for 22 years to sound the alarm. I need you to do something. I need you to do something. Another thing you can do this weekend, watch the movie Sacrificing Liberty. You go to the website, Sacrificing Liberty. You don't have to buy the CD,
Starting point is 00:25:22 but if you'd like it, I mean, the DVDs, if you'd like the DVDs, we'll send them to you, but you can stream the movie this weekend. Get a bunch of friends to come over and watch Sacrificing Liberty. It's four one-hour episodes. I guarantee you, they won't leave. So if you don't want your friends to stay for four hours, I want to invite them because they will stay. They want to see all four hours. Once you see the first hour, you watch the other three. I promise you to do that. The other thing, get the book.
Starting point is 00:25:52 Hey, we're almost out of copies. I'm going to print more. I haven't done that yet. Probably we'll be out of books for a month or two. That's a good problem to have, though, Rick. I know, but I didn't I don't have them ordered. And it just you know, it'll be there'll be a gap in there. We've got a few left.
Starting point is 00:26:12 You can get get the book at And if you want me to autograph it, we're asking for a donation of one hundred dollars and I'll do that. Well, Rick, before we close, we've been doing good news segments from time to time. Quickly, I wanted to share an interesting story from this week. You mentioned about the courage. I think that's a witness right now. And something that's interesting that happened out in California this week is a big rig
Starting point is 00:26:36 driver. We've got plenty of those who watch the program. Well, a big rig driver stopped a murder suspect. This was out in the Ponoma area of Los Angeles. This man, Ahmed Sh shaban he heard on the radio there was a murderer coming through the area he said i'm not going to sit at the light i'm going to stop this guy in his tracks the black truck is the murderer the truck is the hero stopped him right in his tracks way to go he said he did it right because he wanted to be a cop when he was growing up.
Starting point is 00:27:08 Didn't get to do it, but he gets to be an officer of the law now. All right. Two thumbs up for our hero who stopped the fleeing murder. And I hope others have the courage to stop the murderers, the killers and the liars trying to destroy our country. Thank you for joining us here at True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family. And we'll be back here on Monday. God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support
Starting point is 00:27:53 of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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