TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Final Warning to West: Putin Draws Red Line

Episode Date: April 21, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall examines the statement by Vladimir Putin that NATO and the United States are crossing a red line in relations, as he gives his annual speech to the Russian people. ... New laws in the UK have the potential of labeling members of the press and ordinary citizens of spies and declaring them non-citizens. Finally, China’s Xi Jinping is prompting for a ‘fairer world order’, with the hegemonic United States taking a back seat. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/21/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Wednesday, April 21st, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Vladimir Putin has issued his final warning to the West. If you cross our red line, you'll get nuked. I'm Edward Zoll. quote from the speech in the West will be met with swift, asymmetric, and severe retaliation. Joining me to discuss this important story and more, our True News founder, Rick Wallace and Doc Burkhart. Hey, Edward. Edward, this is the most important news story in the world today.
Starting point is 00:01:18 No one's talking about it. No. They're obsessed with the very serious race war that's growing in our streets, but they aren't paying attention to the nuclear provocation at our front door. No, here in the United States, no discussion of it. And around the world, in Europe and other parts of the world, there's very little recognition of the rapidly descending relationship between the West and Russia and the real possibility of a world war this summer. Or sooner.
Starting point is 00:01:57 Possibly, possibly next month. So I'm curious. I know a little bit about what Mr. Putin said. You've been looking at this quite extensively throughout today. From what I've seen, to me, the impression I get is Vladimir Putin has drawn the final line. He has said, this is it. I'm marking it. I'm not taking any more. I'm done.
Starting point is 00:02:33 You cross this line, we fight. And this is not a bluff. I absolutely do not think he is bluffing. And I think they're prepared to sink U.S. battleships in the next 30 days. I think they're prepared to use any of the weapons that he stated in his speech. He brought up the hypersonic missiles, the Skander missiles, the Poseidon missiles, the underwater torpedoes that cause tsunamis. The Zircon missiles. The Zircon missiles.
Starting point is 00:02:59 The entire arsenal was brought up in his speech and was brought up. And he said this. He brought up all these things in his speech? He brought up all of them. He said, you will not cross our red line. And if you do, let me explain to you what Russia has been developing for 20 years and is ready to begin deploying. I think this message, if more than just a warning to the West or anyone causing provocations on Russia's border was also an attempt to drop confidence among his cabinet, his closest advisors, even the top leaders in the country. Patriot Kirill was in the crowd.
Starting point is 00:03:35 They're all looking to their president. So the head of the Russian Orthodox Church was there. I read the story in the Wall Street Journal today, a large article, Putin issues warning to other nations amid Russian military buildup near Ukraine. So what was this speech? I mean, who was the you mentioned some of the people in the audience. But was this like his State of the Union speech? It's very much like the State of the Union. Both the upper Duma and the lower, their version of the House of Representatives, were present. Members from each
Starting point is 00:04:10 of the major religions in the country, obviously a prominent position given to the Eastern Orthodox Church. The Pentagon, their version of the Pentagon, the Russian Defense Ministry. General Shogun was in their front row, among other generals. Also, analysts, senior advisors to Vladimir Putin. Sergei Lavrov, the foreign minister, was present. This was all hands on deck, and rightfully so for Russia. In this article, it noted some of the quotes. I think the biggest thing that Wall Street Journal brought out was more than just addressing domestic issues. The thing he was really trying to say here is Russia is not the aggressor.
Starting point is 00:04:50 Russia is not the aggressor. We don't want to burn bridges. We're trying to live our lives, develop a prosperous country, go into the future. But at every turn, the West is not just trying to rebuff us, but is actively trying to destroy us and to destroy our neighbors. The coup attempt in Belarus was brought up. Vladimir Putin did not mince any words. He laid out that this clearly was more than just an assassination attempt. They wanted to launch an offensive cyber attack, again referencing the very threat that Joe Biden's administration said they were going to carry out as soon as he took office back in January, a cyber attack to shut down the grid, cause confusion, and politically decapitate the leadership of that country. Hey, let's get back to the Wall Street Journal article, put it on the screen.
Starting point is 00:05:42 It might be me, but to me, Vladimir Putin looks haggard, tired. I'm not going to say he looks sick, but, you know, I mean, he's not Mr. Smiles. No. Okay? He's never been Mr. Smiles. He's never been cuddly. No, but do you, in that photograph, does he look different? He looks older. I'll say that. The past couple of years, it seems like there's been a change
Starting point is 00:06:13 in his features and everything. But how old is he, Rick? He's 68. But he's been in power since 1999. And so we forget that aspect of it of it. And so, but a lot of stress on a person. But what I see there is focus and intent and the desire to make sure this, that a serious message is sent not only to the audience that he's presenting to there in their State of the Union address, but also to the West. He is deadly serious about responding to any threats to Russia. Rick, when you first brought up what you said there, I come to mind was the amount of talk that's come up, even from ex-wives and ex-officials, about potential doubles being available for Vladimir Putin.
Starting point is 00:07:04 The truth is we wouldn't ever know. When I was watching the footage, I caught that, what you're saying there. He did look weird. He looked different. I think it could be explained by that he's had an entire year in lockdown, probably one of the most stressful years of his life in office, other than the previous standoffs he's had. I've wondered about medication because his face seems fuller. There's something different. And he just supposedly got his second vaccination jab of the Russian Sputnik vaccine.
Starting point is 00:07:38 But he just looks different to me. He looks tired. But I didn't think about a double, that maybe somebody else stood in for him. Do we have video from the speech? Yes. The only available video with translation is with Russia Today. I was able to watch it this morning as the speech was being given, our time is morning,
Starting point is 00:08:00 their time is pretty much the afternoon, nighttime. And we have two summits. The first summits I want to share is the direct warning to the West from Vladimir Putin. But we see what's happening in the real world. They are picking on Russia here and there without any reason. And it's like around a large tiger, you can see all the smaller hyenas. It's like from the Roger Kipling's novels. They are just being yes-men to their leader.
Starting point is 00:08:40 Kipling was truly a great writer. We want to keep good relations with all the participants of the foreign policies, including those that we are not really having good relations with in the recent past. We don't want to burn the bridges or blow up the bridges from their side, they should remember this. Russia's answer will be asymmetrical. It Everyone who is coming up with the provocations that are a threat to our interests will regret about things they do the way they didn't regret about a lot of things in a while. And I have to say this. We have enough patience. We have enough responsibility. We have enough professional qualities. We have enough confidence in our righteousness.
Starting point is 00:09:59 And we have enough common sense when we're making any decisions. But I hope no one would think about crossing the line in relations with Russia. And we will define where this line is by ourselves in every individual case. First of all, I'll tell you, I retract what I said about itself. In the video, I don't see it. It's the photos. It's the photograph. Isn't that interesting? Do you think they picked a photo intentionally to make him look weak?
Starting point is 00:10:34 Or they enhanced it? I don't know, possibly. But the video is different. He doesn't look sick in the video. All right, so he said, you know, if the West wants to, he said, Russia doesn't want to burn bridges, but if the West wants to burn their bridges, basically he said, we'll help you burn them. Our response is going to be swift. It's going to be sudden. And asymmetric, which means it's going to be in proportion to what you've done to us.
Starting point is 00:11:07 And that's been the response so far, hasn't it? You take out 10 diplomats here, we'll take out 10 diplomats there. And as you see that escalation by NATO and the U.S. and the rest of the West, Russia's been responding in kind. You can't blame it on Russian aggression at any point up until now. Yes. But I think asymmetry goes beyond saying that it will be in proportion to what is done against Russia. He said it will be swift and it will be severe.
Starting point is 00:11:52 Yes. specific weapons, then that is a more chilling revelation of what he intends to do. And he did mention specific weapons in the speech. And so one that he mentioned in particular was Zircon missiles. They'll be put on alert in the near future. Now, Edward, what are Zircon missiles? So it's a form of cruise missile. This is of the hypersonic variant, meaning it can go fast in the speed of sound. Why these are important, these are actually being tested right now in the Arctic. They've also been placed on the warships in the Black Sea. But I'd say one of the primary weapons other than the tsunami nuclear weapon that they've placed in the Arctic Sea. But I'd say one of the primary weapons other than the tsunami nuclear weapon that they've placed in the Arctic are these missiles, which can be placed on destroyers right off our coast and fired, potentially even as far as to Washington, to take out a target.
Starting point is 00:12:37 We have no effective, at least publicly, no effective defense against these missiles. He was quick to bring this up. You're saying a Russian ship in the Atlantic? Atlantic or in the Arctic. In the Arctic? In the Arctic, because right now the Russians are conducting war drills. This was actually the place where the submarines submerged. From the Arctic, that ship could reach Washington, D.C.?
Starting point is 00:13:00 That missile could, yes. And that's the hypersonic missile, right? Hypersonic. They have many missiles with hypersonic capabilities. The two things the Russians have been developing over the course of the last two decades, hypersonic technology, electronic warfare.
Starting point is 00:13:15 They're kings in both regards. And Sadat, going back to asymmetric, that's what I think of. It's being hit from multiple directions simultaneously. Okay. It's coming at us, you know, it's a one, two, three, four, five, six punch. And you don't know where the next punch is coming, I guess, has pledged that the first Sarmat ICBM regiment will enter combat duty by 2022.
Starting point is 00:13:55 Yes. So these missiles, the Sarmats, are often translated as the Satan missile by the Washington Free Beacon. Bill Gers has often used that phrase. Why these are important, again, this was right after telling America across the red line, we're going to respond severely, swiftly, asymmetrically. These are the ICBMs where the warhead splits into about 20 different sub warheads. Remember 2018, where President Trump got a little angry because the picture of Florida was played in one of the videos during this very State of Union that year and about 20 warheads split all across Florida. You can't stop a missile like that. And that's the point. They've created weapons that should deter any sane nation from
Starting point is 00:14:42 provocations, from attacking them or challenging them. But the West, as we pointed out yesterday, our strategic command's response is, we're ready for nuclear war. Under Mattis, we said, we think we can win it. We can win. We're a first strike nation now. That's talk of madness. He also brought up the allegation that the CIA was attempting to carry out an assassination of the president of Belarus. Yes, and he's the source of that story, if you remember. He's the one that told Lukashenko, the president of Belarus. Well, you're going to get to hear directly from the source and how he came to learn about
Starting point is 00:15:20 the CIA plot. Everyone is getting used to the practice of the politically motivated, unlawful sanctions in economy to the attempts to impose their will to the others. But such practice is reborn now, is changing into something much more dangerous. What I mean is the fact that has become known of the attempt to organize a coup in Belarus and the assassination of the president of the country. And even such blatant actions, they are not condemned by the so-called Western nations. It seems like no one even notices this. Everyone pretends that nothing is going on.
Starting point is 00:16:11 But listen, you can say whatever you want about the president of Ukraine, Yanukovych, or about Maduro in Venezuela. But once again, you can have whatever opinion you want about Yanukovych, who was almost killed and who was overthrown by an armed coup. You can have whatever opinion you want about the political views of the president of Belarus, Alexander Lukashenko. But organizing, plotting a coup, planning a political assassination of the leaders of the country. Well, it's too much. And just listen to the admissions made by the participants of the coup
Starting point is 00:16:57 that Minsk was supposed to be sieged, including the city infrastructure, shutting off the entire power infrastructure of the capital of Belarus. It means that, actually, it means that they were preparing to the massive cyber offensive action. How else you can call that? So you can't do it without switching just one lever. And it's not for nothing our Western counterparts are refusing or denying to hear to the Russian suggestions to have a dialogue in the cybersecurity. We have suggested it a number of times, but they avoid even discussing the matter. And what would happen if the attempt of the state coup really really happened in Belarus because everything was going this way.
Starting point is 00:17:47 How many people would have suffered then? What would have been the destiny of Belarus? No one is thinking about that. Like, no one was thinking about the fate of Ukraine when coup d'etat happened in that country. They're ramping up to the war, Rick. I mean, they're getting ready. It's interesting he made the comparison between what was being plotted in Belarus
Starting point is 00:18:13 to what took place in Ukraine. I mean, we're in the situation right now, this standoff, because of what took place in the Maidan Revolution. You never would have had the standoff with NATO troops literally on the border of Russia had they not first overthrown the Ukrainian government. But they would not have been in Ukraine had Putin not stopped the U.S. and the West from
Starting point is 00:18:37 toppling Assad in Syria. It's all tied together. Back at the end of March, the Russian ambassador to the U.S. was recalled back to Russia. He's been back in Moscow since the end of March. The guy who said he would never leave Moscow. Well, no, I'm talking about the Russian ambassador to the U.S. first. He's been back in Moscow since the end of March.
Starting point is 00:19:01 And then this week, the U.S. ambassador to Russia, now he's coming back home when he said he wouldn't. And then today, the deputy head of the U.S. embassy was also summoned. He got an invitation. To the foreign ministry. And leave through the side door. Probably. And so. And on the first plane back, it seems the direction this is going, because the foreign minister wasn't present.
Starting point is 00:19:31 We're talking about the, Lavrov would have been at the speech at the summoning. So first we're even having him meet a lower level official. But this man's boss right here on the screen is the ambassador, Bartle Gorman. His boss is on his way back to Washington. I don't know Mr. Gorman nor his boss, the new U.S. ambassador, but they've only been on the job for weeks in the Biden administration. And they've already been chewed out in their faces by the Russians and told to get out of the country. Well, and for good reason, because President Biden has accused Russia of interfering with the U.S. elections. Once again, without any basis in fact.
Starting point is 00:20:17 Accused him of being a murderer. Said he's a killer. And so and then we hear reports this week that President Biden offered to meet with Putin on neutral territory and then turned around the very next day and put sanctions on Russia. Right. And so if you're Russia... Well, the next day was after Mr. Biden was forced to stand down and order U.S. ships to turn around. Right.
Starting point is 00:20:44 Because clearly the Russians said we're going to sink the ships if they come in. Don't forget about that Mr. Biden also, if the news reports are right, Mr. Biden ordered a massive U.S. cyber attack on Russia that apparently has already been carried out. Yes, and we may have seen a version of that in Minsk, the capital of Belarus, as the president of Russia was just describing here. It just came to my mind. You remember the Senate report, Ron Johnson, the report that came out last year that noted that Hunter Biden had received a payment from the former mayor of Moscow? Yeah, $3 million. That hasn't come up again, has it? No. It's very odd. And I
Starting point is 00:21:26 wonder again, the Biden administration has been rather weak when it comes to the response here, but it's also been strong in that they're provocating this. They're causing the escalations here. They're sanctioning. It's a very odd situation based on the Biden administration's exposure to why the situation has spiraled in the direction it has. They were caught, and I'm talking about Joe Biden this time, as the vice president, trying to bribe and essentially use political intimidation against the former prosecutor in that country, the former president, Poroshenko, was being attacked. And then also the son of the president was taking money from the former mayor of Moscow.
Starting point is 00:22:06 Our leaders are corrupt and immoral and drunk with delusional power. And they're leading us into a world war. This is not a good, this is not a good scene. This is not looking good for us at all. Edward, when was the Belarus attempt made? Was that, how long ago? That's about a week ago. Yeah, this is recent. Because it was the first week of March that, you know, that we were saying that the U.S. Cyber Command was going to do retaliation attacks on Russia within the next four weeks. Okay. So if there has been
Starting point is 00:22:56 retaliation attacks, a cyber attack of some kind, it certainly hasn't been reported in Russia media. No. No one else reported, and Western media is not crowing about it. So was there a cyber attack, a retaliation attack, and it failed miserably? Think about that. That there was an attack, there was a retaliation attack, and maybe Belarus was a little picture of that, but we caught it in the process That should send shivers down your spine right there because they announced they were going to do a retaliation attack Mm-hmm. That's true. And there's To our knowledge and no lights went out in Russia right no no massive power our failures. No
Starting point is 00:23:50 Nuclear plants with us, nuclear plants spun out of control, no disasters that we know about. So we don't know if the U.S. carried out the attack or not, or if they tried as ducks and it failed. One thing that we do know is that Russia has restricted air flights over the Black Sea, and that's typically a warning sign that we're going to war. A no-fly zone. That's what they're setting up over the Black Sea, and this isn't just for military aircraft or other countries. That should be obvious.
Starting point is 00:24:19 But commercial air flights. You only do this if you suspect that it would be too dangerous for commercial airlines to be flying over this reason because of Missiles and bullets flying around the air. Well, and also you don't want surveillance flights That's right, and you obviously don't want military flights. You don't want jet fighters flying over So yesterday the Russians Announced that they were they were going to blockade the Black Sea starting this week. Yes. Let's see, today's what, the 21st?
Starting point is 00:24:51 21st. It was in effect the 24th. Yes. So from April 24th to October 31st, you cannot sail through the Black Sea. That's for the whole world. Yes. Now, the airspace has been closed. And that includes all commercial jetliners.
Starting point is 00:25:15 Yes. So they have to reroute. And if they were smart, they would be doing it anyhow. Because as you said, you don't want to be in a commercial jetliner flying over a combat zone. So which airliner are they going to blame on Russia knocking down next? Well, do you remember the one that went down in Ukraine? Yes, that's what I mean.
Starting point is 00:25:37 MH30, I forget the number now. But I remember that story. I mean, that was one of the first big stories that I remember you covering when I first came on board. And so, and once again, there was no proof that Russia brought that airliner down. Russia missiles were used, but likely by Ukrainian forces. That had access to them. But the real question was, why was any airline flying passengers over a combat zone? And who provided the logistics support for the radar tracking on that missile system
Starting point is 00:26:16 to bring that airliner down? Yeah, I believe it was the West that did that. And it all comes down to who stands to gain. The Russians really had nothing to stand to gain from shooting down and killing civilians. Right. And I think in this case, maybe they're getting ahead of it to say the airways are closed. The other thing they're getting ahead of is they've issued a warning, not just to the West, but to NATO and Ukraine today. This is from the director of the Department of International Organizations at the Russian Foreign Ministry. This is under
Starting point is 00:26:43 Sergei Lavrov. They have told the Ukrainians, this is according to Izvestia in Russia, ultimately the only decision is to reduce tension in Donbass. We urge, and Donbass is the region on the border between Ukraine and Russia, they urge the Ukrainians to refrain from actions that could lead to further destabilization. And the situation itself will not get better if these troops continue to build up. Now, this article also pointed out that the Germans have been getting involved in the discussion.
Starting point is 00:27:19 Obviously, the European countries, the main powers in the European Union, France and Germany and the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom. The United Kingdom has clearly already put their lot in with NATO, with the West. They're sending an armada, a strike force with the HMS Queen Elizabeth. But Germany and France have been rather subdued. You don't hear of large-scale deployment of French or German forces.
Starting point is 00:27:45 Yes, they're involved in part with the NATO drill, but they're not playing a major role in it. And this article states that the foreign minister for Germany was involved in a video conference call and was actually trying to convince the Ukrainians, don't do anything stupid. Your only option here is peace, not invasion of the Crimea. Well, Germany and France have more on the line than the U.S. does. Germany has the potential of losing their energy supply that they depend on. You know, now they're
Starting point is 00:28:17 making waves again about cutting off Nord Stream 2. France is going to receive the brunt of a lot of the activity that's going to take place. If there's any kind of conflict that occurs in the Ukraine, they're going to be drawn into this. The U.S. can always go back home. Germany and France have to live in the neighborhood. And so they're going to have to, you know, it's one thing to have somebody come into your neighborhood, the U.S. in this case, and cause trouble. It's one thing. You have to live with everybody else on the block.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And that's where Germany and France are. Yeah, Doc, Donbass is the region where the conflict is between Russia and Ukraine. Does Donbass belong to Russia? Does it belong to Ukraine? Or should we say the people, the people living there, do they want to be associated with Ukraine or do they want to identify with Russia? And so Ukrainian President Zelensky,
Starting point is 00:29:19 who would only be in power because the U.S. overthrew the previous, not the original government. Yanukovych. Yes. So he offered to have a summit meeting with Vladimir Putin. Where? Guess where he wants to meet? In Donbass.
Starting point is 00:29:38 In the combat zone. On the front line? In the combat zone. Yes. Well, he's not going to do that. Wouldn't you meet in like Geneva? You know, someplace. Somewhere safe, somewhere away from people with guns.
Starting point is 00:29:51 Does he really think Vladimir Putin is that dumb that he would meet him in a combat zone? Could have been a joke. I mean, he's a comedian. The Russians didn't take it as a joke. Well, the president, Chad, was on the combat zone this week, and he got killed. Yes. I mean, a president going to a combat zone is dangerous.
Starting point is 00:30:13 And obviously, Mr. Putin didn't take the bait. But Mr. Zelensky did make the offer. Well, it's interesting what the foreign ministry said back to the Ukrainians, because this was a formal base request given by the Ukrainians to the Russians. The deputy head of the Federation Council of Foreign Affairs for Russia said, Zelensky offers a meeting in the Ukrainian Donbass. Why should our president meet with him in Donbass, which Zelensky, first of all, does not control? Such an initiative makes no sense.
Starting point is 00:30:47 That's a pretty clear call. Yes, unless it's a trap. Unless it's a trap, an ambush. I want to go down to number 12, because a Russian official very close to Vladimir Putin made an estimate of when there will be a war between Russia and NATO. Yes, I came across this reading the Russian news today, and it's very timely. This was on Ukrainian TV, first of all. So he was being interviewed for his expertise. And we were speaking about a man by the name of Andrei Ilaranov, that he's the president of the Institute for Economic Analysis and also a longtime advisor
Starting point is 00:31:29 to President Putin. He was being brought on to try to back up the commentator's analysis on the Ukrainian, the pro-Ukrainian channel, that Russia is going to invade Ukraine. His response was very interesting. This is what he said. Actions with unpredictable results may unfold invade Ukraine. His response was very interesting. This is what he said. Actions with unpredictable results may unfold in Ukraine. They will not be deployed anytime soon because despite the deployment of 85,000 Russian troops and so-called separatist corps, this is not yet the group that Putin is going to amass on the Russian-Ukrainian border
Starting point is 00:32:01 and use in operations against Ukraine. He went on to say this will be a much larger grouping. Nothing will happen in the days ahead of the climate summit. So that's talking about the climate summit that Joe Biden is holding, that both Xi Jinping of China and Vladimir Putin. What's the date of that? That is actually coming up in the next week. Next week.
Starting point is 00:32:21 It's going to be virtual, though. It means no one's traveling to it. But he makes note of this, that it's not going to happen in the days ahead. So we have at least a week on that. He went on to say, it is unlikely that this will happen before May 9th, 2021, when the parade will take place in Moscow. Now, this is referring to the Victory Day parade that Russia holds every year, but this year specifically. To celebrate World War II. The defeating of the Nazis.
Starting point is 00:32:46 Which is ironic, right? Because the Ukrainian army has Nazis in them, in the Azov Corps. But what's important is every year, the Russians show their latest weaponry. They bring out live missiles, nuclear munitions even. He's saying that it will not take place, as in the Russians won't attack Ukraine during this time, May 9th, when the parade is taking place. He then goes on to say, the largest NATO maneuvers in Europe in recent years will begin, during which it is unlikely that Putin will risk large-scale actions. By the end of June, these NATO exercises, these maneuvers, will end. Then an opportunity will open up for a
Starting point is 00:33:27 large-scale operation. Now, here, I want to stop on this part real quick. What he is saying, he's speaking to pro-Ukrainian TV. They wanted to frame it as if Russia is going to invade Ukraine. So what he was saying here is Russia won't do anything, if they are going to do anything, until after June. But he revealed something very interesting here. The best time for Ukraine to attack is any time between now and the beginning of June. Actually, best case is in the beginning of May. Because the Russians would be, by his own argument, distracted. The same reasoning why the Russians wouldn't want an operation to begin in May, due to the climate summit, due to the Victor
Starting point is 00:34:10 Day parade, is the same rationale to why this would be the best time for Ukraine to act. Edward, let's continue reading his statement. There's some statements here at the end that are powerful. He went on to say, by that time, another of the most important conditions for Putin's attack on Ukraine will occur. The construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline will be completed. Now, this is the pipeline project that Doc mentioned that Russia has been building with Germany. It sends a pipeline through the North Sea, the Barents Sea, to Germany. It's going to supply up to 24 million homes with Germany. It sends a pipeline through the North Sea, the Barents Sea to Germany. It's going to supply up to 24 million homes with gas. The pipeline that Barack Obama, Donald Trump, and Joe Biden, all three have tried to stop. Right. He goes on to say, as soon as all gas
Starting point is 00:35:00 goes to Europe via Nord Stream 2, Ukraine's geopolitical value will plummet for both Europe So the way he's framing it in that particular instance is to say that Russia, if they were to do a large scale operation, they would do it in June. So the way I'm hearing that is actually on the other side of the coin, that the opportunity for NATO and the U.S. to make any kind of move they're going to make is going to happen between now and the end of May. Yes. But he's also, according to this man, he's also saying Putin does plan to eat Ukraine. Yes. But on his timetable. And it plays to his advantage to wait. The Russians, they only win in this. If the
Starting point is 00:35:59 Russians, as he said here, get the Nord Stream 2 completed, Ukraine becomes irrelevant. That's right. It's no longer a pawn. I mean, because right now, the gas flows through Ukraine. Remember, Ukraine is siphoning off gas on all the pipelines anyway. Don't forget that very odd statement that we read several weeks ago, which Russia was it? Lavrov? Lavrov said they, meaning the West, is carrying off the topsoil in Ukraine, Ukraine farms in railroad boxcars and shipping it to Europe or someplace. That's I still have not forgotten that statement. It's like somebody is saying, let's just get, let's strip the country before Putin gets it. So when he gets it, he doesn't have anything. Why would he want Ukraine?
Starting point is 00:36:55 There's an ice age coming. You know, now you begin to understand the reticence of France and Germany to really want to get involved in something like this. Because they're going to need fuel to stay warm. That's right. And they see the writing on the wall. They know the global cooling is coming. They know it's going to happen. They need to be prepared for it.
Starting point is 00:37:19 And there's no way Germany is going to give up Nord Stream 2. There's no way. The only way they give it up is someone blows it up. Well, this point was so evident this week because the defense minister for Germany, Karen Bauer, she came out and said, maybe we don't need the Nord Stream 2. Maybe we should end this project. Immediately was corrected by the German chancellor, Angela Merkel. And the public, too.
Starting point is 00:37:43 And the public said, no, no, no. We have paid for this project. This project is needed for our security, and we will continue and complete it. What this analyst is saying is true. That project is going to be done in May of this year. All right, so to summarize this, if this Russian think-tank expert the Institute for economic
Starting point is 00:38:10 analysis if he's correct if NATO is going to move it's going to happen next month if NATO does not strike Russia in May, then they've lost their opportunity for this particular operation. And then the ball is then in Putin's court that he can strike Ukraine later. That's really what the guy is saying. Yes. In the Arctic, the Russians have built the first airstrip. Yes, this is to compliment their already growing base in the Arctic. The base, again, which has the Poseidon missile system, one that causes nuclear tsunamis. They are now building a runway on the ice. And other than the fact that this will be a military presence,
Starting point is 00:39:07 they can bring supply ships, but also bombers and fighter jets onto this runway. It is proof that the Russians see more than just ice flats in that region. Again, it is home to some of the largest unproven gas and oil reservoirs in the world. No one's tapped it. It also is the route that China and Russia plan to use for trade in the next 100 years. Well, that's a new one. I've never thought about landing strips on the Arctic. Now, you don't build runways on ice if all the ice is melting, okay? Russians do not believe that the ice is melting. Okay? Russians do not believe
Starting point is 00:39:45 that the ice is melting. Remember, by now, Al Gore said all the ice would be gone. We'd be up to our necks in water here in Vero, Rick. Hey, icebergs are still there. Polar bears are still walking around. And Russia is building
Starting point is 00:40:01 runways two miles long. On slush. Yeah, on slush. Two miles long. On slush. Yeah, on slush. Come on, people. This has been a hidden story because I think Doc Portis is very important. No one has paid attention to this because the writing mantra is that everything is going to melt. If the Russians and Chinese know that's a lie, then they absolutely would do everything to build out a trade route on what's going to literally become a land. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:40:24 If they're correct, those continents will be connected by solid ice. And that's why the Russians and the Chinese are locking down those Arctic routes. And they have been for the past several years. They're keeping those Arctic routes open to themselves right now because they know that in the future those Arctic routes are gonna be like lines of gold around the world because they will control that and so and like I said you don't build two mile long runways on ice is gonna melt they know it's gonna be there for a while we talked earlier about the the accusation
Starting point is 00:41:03 by Vladimir Putin that the CIA was plotting to assassinate the president of Belarus. But European news media is circulating a story today that Russia's Spasnaz Special Forces has an assassination hit team in motion right now. Yes, this story has been circulated widely, and at this time I think it is to instill fear. It's partly propaganda. There might be some truth to this, though, too. You recognize these two men on screen. You recognize them because those were the two men who visited England and were checking out church steeples
Starting point is 00:41:46 at the same time that the Russian double agent, Mr. Skripal, was poisoned. We don't know if these two men are GRE. We don't know if the two men were involved in an attack. But what the European media... And we don't know if they like church steeples. We don't know if they like church steeples.
Starting point is 00:42:01 No, I have to seriously question that. But what they but what they did is they posted uh the pictures of these two guys and then look at the headline rick unit 29 155 the russian spies specializing in sabotage and assassinations they're tying this to an explosion of an ammunition depot that took place in the Czech Republic back in the year 2014. And what they're doing is they're priming you. You remember these guys? You remember these spies that tried to poison, uh, scribble and everything? Well, listen, you remember that ammunition, ammunition depot back in the Czech Republic in 2014? Yeah. So this has nothing to do with anything
Starting point is 00:42:43 recent, like in 2021? Absolutely not. They're priming the pump. They're priming the Czech Republic. I'm glad you told me that, because when I saw the headline, my first thought was oh, the European press, France 24, they're telling us, hey, Russia's got an assassination team on the loose. They're moving around the world right now looking for somebody to shoot. Well, they did actually say that in their story. They said this strike team, 20-man unit, based in France, mind you.
Starting point is 00:43:15 That's where they floated. So at the time we just said here that France is trying to deliberate where they stand on this, there is a story being circulated by the New York Times. It was the first source in this, and now it's been circulated by the Europeans, that a strike Spetsnaz team is based in rural France. In addition to this, they've also claimed that this group is the core of any and all destabilization activity. The very thing that Vladimir Putin is accusing the West of, this story claims Russia is conducting or preparing to conduct in places like France, Italy, or even the United Kingdom. So they're blaming Russia for any instability that's taking place in the EU, not the mass wave of immigration that has been coming in for the past 15 years, not their continued implementation of socialist policies,
Starting point is 00:44:07 not their extreme lockdowns or their draconian vaccination programs. No, it's those pesky Russians that are at it, Rick. They're the ones causing all the problems here. Interfering in the 2020 election. Well, Edward told me today about something taking place in Great Britain. I was like, OK, that's that's the weird story for today.
Starting point is 00:44:32 And we're referring to a threat. To strip citizens of their citizenship. Yes, the British government. And you don't mean people that immigrated to Great Britain became natural, naturalized citizens, got their passports and they were born in another country, had citizens. You're not talking about that. You're talking about people born in the UK. Birthright citizens. Yes. I'm talking about actual. You can't take somebody's citizenship away. You can if you're a new socialist England running off the rails into conspiracy theories. And that's exactly what they've done here, Rick. According to the Times of London, the government of England is weighing new legislation which will help them characterize and label people they consider to be foreign agents.
Starting point is 00:45:24 Now, you read this story, you might think, okay, they're just talking about spies. Look, in the headline, new powers to kick out spies from hostile states. You want to get rid of spies, don't you, Rick? When you look at that headline, it's like, yeah, okay. Don't you, Rick? Just get rid of spies. Assassins get rid of assassins. Any country should kick out spies from another country.
Starting point is 00:45:43 That's not a big deal. So where does this go? So during the Queen's speech, this is usually the time the Queen will address her government, the parliament. And read the speech she never wrote. Yes, yes, they have ghostwriters there too. Boris Johnson will read a separate speech. And this will be if a media icon or journalist or someone who likes to read blogs and stories and share them with their friends. And if that story or that narrative, that message is considered to be of a foreign power, like they say that must be Russian propaganda, that must be Chinese propaganda, Iranian propaganda. The British government is going to legalize saying that person can be arrested, that person can be prosecuted, then that person can be deported. All right. To give you an example, Rick, let's say that you were doing true news in the UK. Let's just imagine
Starting point is 00:46:38 that. And then you were saying things, you know, I don't think Russia's causing all these problems. I think we're antagonizing Russia. I think we're the aggressors, okay? The British government could say to Rick Wiles, host of True News UK, why are you siding with Russia? Are you an agent of Russia? You are an agent of Russia. But are you, didn't you say in that analogy,
Starting point is 00:47:04 if I were visiting UK, or are you saying I'm a citizen? Let's say you were a citizen of the UK and they could say, well, you're siding with the Russians. Rick, they could strip you of your citizenship. Not for actually out there spying, you know, on behalf of the UK, but for speaking on behalf of Russia. You can't take citizenship away from a citizen. Well, you shouldn't be able to. You shouldn't be able to. The precedent they've argued for this.
Starting point is 00:47:33 What is a citizen without citizen? What do you call that person? A slave. That's what you call them. No, they're not a slave. They're refugees. Yeah, they're not even a slave. They're not even property, are they?
Starting point is 00:47:42 Well, where do you go if you're not a citizen? You have to leave your country. Well, where do you go if you're not a citizen? You have to leave your country. Well, where do you go? You can't get in another country. You become a refugee. You don't have a passport. The Palestinians. You don't have citizenship in another country.
Starting point is 00:47:53 You don't have a passport from your country. What are you then? You're not even a first class citizen of the world. You're not a citizen of anything. You are stateless. All right. But there is a specific example. I kind of played this out, but something is happening right now in the UK.
Starting point is 00:48:13 And this is somebody that a lot of people that watch True News, listen to True News, they're familiar with his name. And this is George Galloway. Oh, George. UK citizen. He's a former member of parliament. Right. He also has a show of parliament. Right. He also has a show on RT.
Starting point is 00:48:28 Okay. So he's saying this new McCarthy's law, he's calling it McCarthy's law, is coming as the UK wants to register me as a foreign agent because I work for RT. Now what he's pointing out here is if he were to actually register as a foreign agent, he's played directly into the new law which says foreign agents
Starting point is 00:48:53 will be prosecuted and will be deported. And what they're saying in this law, which will be given on the May 11th, is that you are akin to ISIS. Because remember, there were some British citizens who went to go fight in Syria with CIA weaponry and CIA training. And MI6 played into that training, too.
Starting point is 00:49:14 But they tried to come back to England, and they were stripped of their citizenship. They've already done this through the Official Secrecy Act. But George Galloway was born and raised in Scotland. Yes, he is as British or Scottish or United Kingdom as they come. Former member of Parliament. How can they take away his citizenship and where does he go? In their mind, they don't care. And you think, how many people actually agree with this?
Starting point is 00:49:41 Where do they drop you off at? I mean, if they take your passport from you, take your citizenship away, say you are a non-entity, leave. I guess they take you over to the White Cliffs of Dover and say take a step. I imagine they'll send you to the country they're claiming you're an agent of. You just hope that country accepts you. But what if they refuse? Well, then you are stateless, as you noted.
Starting point is 00:50:04 You become a refugee. If I had a catamaran, I wouldn't mind it. Yeah, a catamaran, I'd just sail from island to island. You know, I have no place to lay my head except this catamaran. I'll just have to sail the seas the rest of my life. You know? But, I mean, this is really draconian. It's going to have a chilling effect, if it hasn't already. Because now you have to say, before you post, before you even say something publicly out at the pub or at church in England and maybe in the West, if I say this, will it cause me to be deported? Will it cause me to lose my home,
Starting point is 00:50:46 my family, my lineage, my property, my retirement? I won't be a member of this country anymore. I will lose my life if I challenge the tyranny that's coming. While we're on the topic of Great Britain, am I reading this right, that the UK reserves the right to attack Afghanistan? Yes, it looks like Churchill's back. Is this a typo? No, this is the Express and Star, the largest circulated British daily newspaper. They're claiming, and this is the new Britain, the one that will send an armada to Ukraine even though the submarine's waiting to sink them, that the UK, if they want to, may reinvade Afghanistan.
Starting point is 00:51:34 For what? They say they don't want to make sure that the lives of the previous British soldiers who fought in that war against the Taliban, that they're not lost in vain. So they want to hold that even though we're pulling out as NATO, Britain might go back in there and try to reclaim some forgotten glory. Well, hold on a second. Now, the British may want to read their history books because they got their tales handed to them back in the 1800s by the Afghanis.
Starting point is 00:52:03 Yes, they did. They went to Afghanistan thinking that they were just going to rule Afghanistan like they had every other, practically all the rest of the world at that time. But the Afghanis sent them packing after several years and with a lot of wounded soldiers. And that was a long memory for a lot of veterans of that war in Britain. But I guess they have forgotten about all that, Rick, forgotten about that history in Afghanistan. First of all, who wants Afghanistan anyway? They're all fighting over the sandbox.
Starting point is 00:52:40 But for the U.K. to say they're reserving the right after you lost a war in Afghanistan, maybe you're thinking go 1-0 again. I mean, war in Afghanistan, I can go back in time in my memory going back to at least in my early 30s, I'm 67, I can go back to my early 30s and think war in Afghanistan. Yes. Back then it was the Russians, right? The Russians, but the U.S. CIA. They were antagonizing the Russians. On record, Brzezinski giving them weapons.
Starting point is 00:53:26 The U.S., the CIA formed and armed the Mujahideen and the leader that the CIA recruited armed and trained in finance was a guy named Osama Bin Laden. That's the 1980s.
Starting point is 00:53:42 And the CIA dug the tunnels for him to hide in in Afghanistan. And that rascal. Doggone it. He got away from him. No. Well, then he flipped and he attacked us in 2001. Doggone it, Rick.
Starting point is 00:53:56 How does that happen over and over again? I should tell you, the people at the CIA, they need to get a new HR department because they keep hiring these terrorists that turn on us. We give them all this money and guns and everything, and then they turn on us and they attack us. There are only three things in Afghanistan. Rocks, rare earth minerals, which the Chinese are digging. The Chinese are there already. Three trillion dollars.
Starting point is 00:54:22 Right. And poppy fields. Yes, and aborted with Iran. And the poppy fields, that would make a big difference because that's funded a lot of projects here over the past several decades as well. Well, the Brits have a long history with opium. Yeah, maybe they're getting back in business, Rick. Hey, we got some news about Xi Jinping. Yes, so he also gave a speech yesterday, and this one was a retort against the West for much of the reporting this year.
Starting point is 00:54:57 He's calling for what he has said is a fairer world order. He gave this speech to the BIO forum. It's basically a think tank forum, much like Davos that the Chinese have begun holding yearly. What he said in this speech is that we must turn away from a new Cold War. Now, the problem with much of what was said by President Xi is it runs hollow because the Chinese are actively engaged in warfare. And we know this, not just because of the alleged hacking that we're hearing about now, but the clear manipulation and involvement of many of their agents in our politics. We've detailed this for a year now. I wonder if Xi Jinping's, if his concept of a fairer new world order, if that's a world order without concentration camps.
Starting point is 00:55:46 Oh, you mean regarding the Uyghurs? Yeah, like a million. Re-education camps, that's right. A million Muslim men locked up in concentration camps, forced labor. And it's something that I know we have a lot of Muslims that watch us, and we're glad we welcome our Muslim friends around the world. But my question to Muslims is this. Why aren't Muslims throughout the world outraged?
Starting point is 00:56:18 Yes. More than upset. Outrage that one million Muslim men are in concentration camps in China. And their wives are being taken from them, given to Chinese men. Or that story that we're told. Sure, there's been some challenges to it, but like with much of this. Well, China really hasn't denied it. No, they haven't denied it.
Starting point is 00:56:37 However, what we have called it is a genocide. We've used that word genocide. All right. What have we done about genocides in the past? Well, I would remind you, we have done nothing about genocides in the past. My question is to the Muslims. Why isn't the Islamic world outraged? Yeah, that's a great question. Well, I can tell you why. Because the Muslim countries are getting a lot of money for Belt and Road initiatives.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Yes. And the Islamic world, the leaders are looking the other way saying, we're just going to pretend that our brethren in China are not in concentration camps. Isn't that the same sour deal that they gave the Palestinians? That's the same reason they ignored the plight of the Palestinians, even this latest Abraham Accords. It's because they were getting a lot of money and deals out of the new arrangement. But individual Muslims should be outraged that China has a million men locked up in concentration camps.
Starting point is 00:57:45 Well, they should be. They should be. Because if the Arab world rose up against China, China would have a major problem in public relations in their hands if their Belt and Road initiatives came to a stop. If Arab countries told Chinese ambassadors, go home, get back to Beijing. You close down the concentration camps, you let the people go, then you can come back.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Well, and I agree with you there, Rick. I mean, it's, but what I'm thinking is, you know, they're calling this genocide, right? Mm-hmm. If it's a genocide, why aren't we invading China to rescue these people? We don't really believe it's a genocide. Or if we do, or if any Arab nation really believed that, they would be rising up. The current Beijing-friendly administration, Joe Biden, doesn't believe it.
Starting point is 00:58:43 Even though they say it, they'll come out and say it. The Biden administration will. Would you sit next to Hitler? Would you still meet with Hitler? Because the Chinese government is carrying out the action. Would you have a climate summit with Hitler? That's where I'm going with this. If you believed that. Joe Biden is going to have a climate summit with Xi Jinping this week and they're not even going to talk about coronavirus.
Starting point is 00:59:13 Wow. And China is building coal-fired electrical plants like there ain't nobody's business. Yes. Their economy grew 20%. Smoke and plants. And Joe Biden's plants like there ain't nobody's business. Yes. Their economy grew 20 percent. Smoke and plants. And and Joe Biden's not going to bring it up. Instead, what Joe Biden's going to do is promise Xi Jinping, we're going to shut down American factories, we're going to shut down our economy, but we're not going to say a thing about the Chinese belching smoke.
Starting point is 00:59:43 And we certainly aren't going to bring up COVID and we're not going to talk about the Uyghurs and we're not going to talk about any of that. Because we don't want you to talk about Hunter and the sweetheart deal that Joe Biden has with China. What else we got here, Edward? Before we close out, there was another statement by Xi Jinping, and it was simply that he wants a new generation of totally loyal communists. Now, he said specifically he wants biotech researchers and cyber warriors.
Starting point is 01:00:17 Now, those are two interesting fields, because biotech, would that be biological warfare, development of viruses and weapons, and cyber warfare, hackers. Biotech also includes synthetic biology. Now, Rick. Cloning. Cloning, making new creatures, inventing new creatures, human and animal. Rick, how significant is it that you see this headline in the South China Morning Post?
Starting point is 01:00:49 Well, it's Hong Kong. Hong Kong used to be free. It's no longer free. It's become the PLA Daily now. They're celebrating this. Yes. I've watched a change in Hong Kong news media. I've watched it gradually go
Starting point is 01:01:07 pro-China over the last 20 years. South China Morning Post used to be the best Asian newspaper you could read. And then it started becoming neutral. It's no longer neutral.
Starting point is 01:01:23 But right now in Hong Kong, you've got goose-stepping PLA soldiers marching down the streets of Hong Kong. They've even set up a committee to vet candidates to make sure they're pro-Beijing enough just to run in the election. You can't even be an elected official in Hong Kong anymore unless you've already submitted to Xi Jinping. No wonder the Democratic Party likes him. Hey, one thing that I read in South China Morning Post today, we were talking yesterday about Taiwan, that China is prepared to go to war, invade Taiwan. And the prime minister of Japan said today,
Starting point is 01:02:07 if China invades Taiwan, we're just going to take a break and, you know, look the other way. We're not going to do anything. Right there it is. Japan troops won't get involved if China invades Taiwan. Japan just told China, do it. No resistance from Japan. We like living another day.
Starting point is 01:02:38 Yes. We don't want to be invaded. We don't want to be nuked. If you want to gobble up Taiwan, we won't say to be invaded. We don't want to be nuked. If you want to gobble up Taiwan, we won't say anything about it. And this is in spite of the recent meeting with Prime Minister Suga, I hope I'm saying that right,
Starting point is 01:02:56 and President Biden. Although I don't know, did he actually meet with Biden or are they just walking together? Because I did see him meeting with Vice President or President-in-waiting Kamala Harris. And so, but, you know, we have pretty good terms. In fact, we're doing a lot of joint military operations with Japan and there's a presupposition that they're going to be involved. But for them to come out and say this, Rick,
Starting point is 01:03:21 basically we just said, they just said, hey, for us, we're not getting involved in this fight. Well, diplomatically, I just can't imagine a head of state of a major country making a statement like that. I mean, why would you show your hand? Yes. Because he's making it very clear that he's not going to be involved in the coming war there. The United States has said we have the Quad, right? The Quad alliance was going to be the new NATO in the South China Sea.
Starting point is 01:03:54 Australia, India, Japan, United States. And Japan just blinked. They just blinked. Without even a shot fired, Japan's already done. Good point. And if you're China right now, are you thinking, well, since we're done with Taiwan, hey, Japan's open for business too, right? And the Philippines. Yes.
Starting point is 01:04:09 And Singapore. All of Asia. Yes. All of Asia. So if Japan blinked, will Australia blink? Oh, they're going to blink twice. Yeah, Japan, Japan is not going to fight. Australia is not going to fight.
Starting point is 01:04:22 Neither is India. So that leaves the United States. What did we say the other day? There's going to be a war, and all of America's allies are going to take a break for tea. And you saw Japan do it today. It just happened this week. Yeah, you see it. Same thing happening with France and Germany.
Starting point is 01:04:40 They're making those steps back. And do we really want to get involved in all this? And so, wow. The world is changing rapidly, Rick. Hey, we got one last story from National Pulse. Yes. Rahim Kassam of the National Pulse has pointed out that while Joe Biden begins his final steps of deliberation, one of the chief candidates that Joe Biden's looked at actually already has ties to the CCP. Candidly for what? For the ambassadorship to China. U.S. ambassadorship to China. U.S. ambassadorship to China. This ambassadorship is going to be
Starting point is 01:05:19 what would be considered to be the hardest position for Joe Biden to fill because whoever takes this position may either have to negotiate the surrender of the U.S. in a war in this spectrum, or negotiate what could be the most complicated peace deal in modern history. Who is this person? This official has previously served as the ambassador to China under Barack Obama. He is one of three that has been picked out for this position. But this, the name- Max Baucus.
Starting point is 01:05:49 Max Baucus. You'll be aware- Max Baucus? Yes. Baucus, yes. He's a US Senator. Yes, former Senator. Yeah, from Montana.
Starting point is 01:05:57 What people might know him as right now is the advisor to a Chinese cryptocurrency trading platform. That's his job right now. You're telling me that former U.S. Senator Max Baucus, who was U.S. ambassador to China, right now... Is a crypto consultant. To China. Yes, right now. And he's in line to be the next U.S. ambassador to China.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Well, he's been making some great connections there over the past few years, Rick. But yeah, he is currently working for a company called Binance or has worked for Binance. And has been a consultant directly to China on behalf of Binance. And Binance has quite a few contracts directly with state entities.
Starting point is 01:06:39 Yeah, I know Binance. I know Binance. So he's not going to be neutral or without bias. From the chairman of the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance, now he's going to Binance, and then he's going to go to Chinaance. Chinaance. Well, then he probably knows a lot about China's gold-backed yuan. Might be invested in it. We don't know if his project has gotten that far, but you don't get involved as an advisor
Starting point is 01:07:10 to a Chinese cryptocurrency platform and not be read up on China's cryptocurrency vision for the future economy. Look, if China unveils a gold-backed crypto coin, it is going to be a, and I'm talking about a, you know, obviously a cryptocurrency, but backed by gold. It is going to be a game changer in the world. And this may be why the world, why the United States is in such a, let's say the ruling elite, the ruling elite, I'm not so certain Joe Biden is,
Starting point is 01:07:51 I don't think he has any idea, he's clueless about most stuff that's going on. But I think the ruling elite, America's ruling class, is in a state of desperation of how they're going to hold on to power in a world in an age when the economic system begins shifting to digital, to crypto, to blockchain. The whole world changes. Wouldn't you assume that the ones that really know have already made that switch?
Starting point is 01:08:27 Mm-hmm. switch? Sure. Well, I think the reason why Solve made that switch, you can maybe speak to this, Rick, is that anything that even is a little bit fair in our current system, I think people will move to. I think that maybe is what has fueled the excitement around cryptocurrency over the last three years. Remember us reporting on cryptocurrency, you know, 2018 saying, wow, look at Bitcoin. It's gone up to $2,000. We're talking about an asset, a digital asset that is not physically present anywhere other than in the cloud. That's now up to $64,000. What has driven that?
Starting point is 01:09:02 People have perceived it to be fairer than the US dollar our our system based on fiat currency And the government's cannot ban it. Mm-hmm. There's absolutely no way to ban Bitcoin they can't destroy it They'd have to shut down the internet to get rid of Bitcoin. I Mean that's where bitcoins at the internet to get rid of Bitcoin. I mean, that's where Bitcoin's at. You can't get rid of it. So my guess is the ruling powers of the world will come to the conclusion it's too late to do anything about Bitcoin. We're just going to have to live with it.
Starting point is 01:09:46 And that seems to be the message they're sending with Max Baucus here. And it's going to become the digital gold. There will be money in gold. We can't do anything about it. We can try to suppress the price and all that kind of stuff. But it's too late to stop Bitcoin. Where they will move to is very aggressive tactics against altcoins. And they will do their best to suppress altcoins.
Starting point is 01:10:13 But it's too late on Bitcoin. They're not going to get rid of it. The big money is in it now. Right. And those who paid attention, listen, last year, you made some of that big money. LARRY MCDONALD Yeah. So hey, listen, there was a correction Sunday. It was about a 30% drop in altcoins.
Starting point is 01:10:35 MIKE GREEN If you notice, all the people who have come out against cryptocurrencies this past week, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett. LARRY MCDONALD Oh, sure. Yeah, right. MIKE GREEN They've got this block of billionaires coming out against the populist revolution in finance. Right. As they keep buying.
Starting point is 01:10:48 Yes. They buy every dip. Yes. Over and over again. They buy every dip. Oh, man. Create the dip and then they buy the dip. And so.
Starting point is 01:10:59 All right. I think that's all I've got to talk about. Well, thank you for watching today's Godcast. You are our family. You are our family. You are our supporters. And I want to remind you that we're entirely supported by the faithful donations of our listeners. Jesus said there will be false Christs,
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Starting point is 01:11:50 Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We'll be back here tomorrow to continue reporting the good news as we approach the second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you.

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