Episode Date: July 30, 2021

Today on TruNews, we address the evolution of the solution to the perpetual pandemic, which has morphed from a vaccine and lockdown to cure a virus variant we can’t test for, to the age old panic of... climate change. We also share testimonies of courage, from voices resisting the growing censorship and tyranny, and a pastor who moved to Alaska who has embodied what it means to fulfill the Great Commission. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/30/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Welcome to True News, I'm Edward Zoll. As everyone in America and around the world has seen, the lockdowns that we don't remember beginning and have not been told will end are continuing on and morphing. They're changing. They're finding new moral panics to put us in. We're going to be talking about this today, specifically climate lockdowns and the other tyranny that Joe Biden has in store past vaccination. Later in the program, we have an interesting story from a pastor in Alaska and we'll have Matt Scow back for the second hour.
Starting point is 00:00:58 But first, here is Kerry Kinsey. Today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. says the Pentagon is working on a plan for mandatory vaccinations. President Biden wants Defense Department leaders and medical staff to get going with a review of a potential mandate. Biden has already called for the Pentagon to look into adding the jab to a list of required vaccinations for service members. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called Russian news agency TASS says another nuclear-powered
Starting point is 00:01:41 submarine has floated out to the sea. The Yasen M-class Krasnoyarsk could be Russia's most advanced and expensive submarine class ever. Yes, seven Project 885M subs are at various stages of their construction. Business Insider says the sub has 10 torpedo tubes located near the central post instead of the bow and eight vertical launch tubes. It can carry 52 missiles that can strike land targets or enemy warships. The Evening Standard says China wants a U.K. carrier strike group to remain restrained and obey the rules as it sails through the South China Sea. China says the area is theirs, despite an international court that says otherwise. Now, that strike group is led by HMS Queen Elizabeth.
Starting point is 00:02:48 The Sun is reporting that the aircraft newest carrier-killing missile. The DF-17 can perform extreme maneuvers as it hurtles towards a target at Mach 10. That's about 7,600 miles per hour, with the carrier unlikely to survive a direct hit. And Russia is set to join a military exercise in northwest China, which will include more than 10,000 troops. The theme will be jointly safeguarding regional security and stability. The August event comes as relations between the two countries and the U.S. get worse. Let's look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching.
Starting point is 00:03:54 Since the beginning of 2021, tens of thousands of people have discovered true news. If you are among the new members of the True News tribe, you probably don't know much about our history. But last May, we celebrated the anniversary of our first newscast, and we have now entered our 23rd year of continuous broadcasting and streaming. Our original name was America's Hope.
Starting point is 00:04:22 We started on one AM radio station in Dallas, Fort Worth, Texas. We were pioneers in audio streaming and audio on demand. We were podcasting years before iPods and iPhones were invented. My first office was in a hallway between our kitchen and garage in our home in Colleyville, Texas. Today, True News originates from our Flowing Streams Church facility in Vero Beach, Florida. Our growth over two decades has been slow but steady. This organization is rock solid because it is built upon the rock, our Lord Jesus Christ. All of it has been made possible because Almighty God has blessed us with thousands of wonderful brethren who have partnered with us to underwrite the growing expenses of this worldwide ministry. If you like what you see and hear on True News, I personally invite you
Starting point is 00:05:27 to join with tens of thousands of men and women just like you who live around the world who financially support True News. I assure you that your Heavenly Father will richly reward your generosity and faithfulness. Welcome back to True News. Yesterday, our president, Joe Biden, gave a press conference announcing his plans, his, say, his goals for this next year and maybe the next decade regarding both vaccination and the incentivizing of things that many people consider to be tyranny. I have in this segment with me Lauren and Rick. and the incentivizing of things that many people consider to be tyranny. I have in this segment with me Lauren and Rick. Rick, this press conference was odd because most of what he presented was more about bullying and delegating.
Starting point is 00:06:20 What he did announce was a mandate of vaccines for federal workers, an advisement to the military, but we didn't see an order for the military or the population at large of the rest of the country. But it was certainly, I'd say, the indication, the inference that it's on the states and the governors, maybe even the mayors, to push through a mandate. Something else we didn't see was that Mr. Biden's order did not cover the U.S. Postal Service. And there's a reason. The U.S. Postal Service Union, the workers union, said no. Immediately said no, put out a statement saying we don't want this. And the Democratic Party administration, Joe Biden, backed down really fast because labor unions have a lot of clout in the Democratic Party. And for a Democratic Party administration to be told by a Democrat labor union,
Starting point is 00:07:16 we're not taking the vaccine. That's a huge setback. And so they have to expect that there's going to be more pushback. And I think that pushback will be in the military also. Yes. The postal workers is very important because who were frontline workers even before we started calling hospital workers frontline workers? Postalmen. Think about, remember the incident with seeds that were being sent in the country? Who was the deliverer of these seeds to houses, who were touching packages, who were exposed. At least in their minds, they're saying, we just went through an entire year, probably building up quite the immunity to whatever they were exposed to. But the fact that they don't see the vaccine as a salvation, as a solution to this growing disease and other variants is very clear.
Starting point is 00:08:05 It's a messaging to all of us that if they don't see it as something good, we shouldn't either. Right. And I assume that Joe Biden's mask mandate for post offices are still in effect. I don't know. When I go in the post office here in Vero Beach, nobody's wearing a mask. But the sign on the door says you have to wear a mask. So with the postal workers not participating in the mass vaccination program, I'm assuming that the feds are going to try to put the hammer down on the post offices and say, you have to mask up again. You have to enforce the mask at the door. You're going to have to put the hammer down on the post offices and say, you have to mask up again.
Starting point is 00:08:49 You have to enforce the mask at the door. You're going to have to get tough with people. I disagree. Because the unions, you don't want to take off the unions. And who is going to deliver the mail-in ballots? Who delivered the mail-in ballots in 2020? It was the postal workers. You don't want to upset the postal workers and you don't want to upset the postal workers union. So as soon as they put that statement out, he seemed to back off because you don't want the people delivering your mail-in ballots in 2022. We have elections right around the corner. That's a very good point. It's an in-kind payoff to an agency. It's not only just the postal worker union votes, but it's the postal workers who gather the votes. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:25 Shouldn't they have also then extended this exemption to paper mills and maybe consultants, lobbyists? I mean, if the political class gets there, they're saying this. I don't think they probably want to take this vaccine. I don't know. But the big one is going to be the military. And Mr. Biden has instructed the military to get ready to implement mandatory vaccination in the ranks of the troops. And I just I don't think that's going to go down well. I think you're right, Rick. Yesterday, many in the military were watching very closely to the words of their commander in chief.
Starting point is 00:10:04 The delegation of it was to General closely to the words of their commander in chief. The delegation of it was to General Austin, the Secretary of Defense. He did say that they're moving ahead with preparation. They're consulting with doctors, consulting with the federal agencies of how they would carry out mass vaccination. But first, I want to share a statement from Joe Biden's press conference yesterday. And we'll come back and discuss this incentivized bullying and delegation toward mandatory tyranny. Today, I'm announcing that we're taking this a step further. The federal government will now reimburse those employers who give their staffs time off, not only to get themselves vaccinated, but also to get their family members vaccinated. That means employers can get reimbursed if they give parents time off
Starting point is 00:10:53 with paid time, paid leave, to take their kids or their own parents to get vaccinated. So I'm calling on all employees across the country to give paid time off to get the shot or to help a family member do so. It's time to impose requirements on key groups to make sure they're vaccinated. Excuse me. Just this week, we took an provide medical care for our veterans. Next, since many vaccinations are required for active duty military today, I'm asking the Defense Department to look into how and when they will add COVID-19 to the list of vaccinations our armed forces must get. Next, every federal government employee will be asked to attest to their vaccination status.
Starting point is 00:11:58 Anyone who does not attest or is not vaccinated will be required to mask no matter where they work, test one or two times a week to see if they've acquired COVID, socially distance, and generally will not be allowed to travel for work. Every day, more businesses are implementing their own vaccine mandates. The Justice Department has made it clear that it is legal to require COVID-19 vaccines. We all want our lives to get back to normal. And fully vaccinated workplaces will, will make that happen more quickly and more successfully. There's two separate initiatives. The first is for federal workers.
Starting point is 00:12:52 The federal workers, there is a mandate for vaccines. If they decide they're not going to get vaccinated, they have to be tested weekly. There is going to be restrictions. Again, it's twice weekly. For the military, he delegated part of the authority back to the Secretary of Defense. But what he did say, first, there will be testing. There will be testing for military members who have not been vaccinated. And for the first time, they will have to say whether they've been vaccinated or not. Now, of course, the military knows who has gotten the vaccine, at least from the military clinics. And I'm sure the unified system from pharmacies and the FEMA involvement at the national vaccine
Starting point is 00:13:26 deployment at emergency sites, which were set up, has a record. But right now, today, there are sergeants going between their platoons saying, have you been vaccinated? What is your status? The soldier says, my status is I didn't get it. They are going to have to get tested and they will be restricted from travel. This is very similar to lockdowns, but now there's going to be a lockdown implemented on the Army itself, the ones that haven't been sent to war.
Starting point is 00:13:52 And it's not a one-time test. No, weekly. Yes. So they're going to make it very difficult on anybody who resists the COVID vaccines. And we're going to talk a little bit later how some places, they're making it difficult on the people who are vaccinated to pressure them to pressure the unvaccinated. So the campaign is clearly underway worldwide.
Starting point is 00:14:24 Use whatever means, whatever force, whatever methods you have to use. If you bribe them with money, if you threaten them, if you make their life miserable, use any or all methods to get them vaccinated. We're not at the place yet of physical force against people. But a few months ago, we weren't at this spot. Right. Could you imagine? Like, I never imagined we'd be where we are a year ago, you know? Actually, remember when they first launched, we first found out about COVID? Could you ever imagine that we let it get this far? It's to the point now where they're right around the corner from dragging us out in buses and force injecting us. And I just can't believe it's digressed to this. That's right.
Starting point is 00:15:11 Well, in Kerry's headlines, you mentioned what's happening in the South China Sea. You know, we're talking about mandates for the military. The part that doesn't quite make logical sense is that you're going to focus the U.S. military right now on the preparation for mass vaccination. You're going to presumably have some who have adverse side effects. It're going to focus the US military right now on the preparation for mass vaccination. You're going to presumably have some who have adverse side effects. It's going to weaken the force. I think every thinking person would agree with that. It's not going to make the force stronger. While that's happening, you have a joint US and UK fleet that's sailing into the South China Sea.
Starting point is 00:15:42 The Chinese have threatened to sink that carrier and the accompanying destroyers. They've said some very colorful things on top of using some proverbs, such as to execute one as a warning to 100. That's the headlines in China. How are we going to respond to that or defend our fleet if all we're worrying about here are lockdowns and vaccination? It's a good point. They're weakening the U.S. military at the very time that it should be in its top shape, ready for a potential war with China. The story that you're referring to is not getting much publicity here in the United States. Few people know about it. But the Chinese in an editorial in the Global Times said
Starting point is 00:16:30 if the U.K. warship gets too close to Chinese territory, meaning the islands... And the Taiwan Straits, too. And the Taiwan Straits, they will sink the ship. They're very clear about what they're gonna do. They're gonna sink the ship. And as you said, they quoted a proverb that said, you know, what the punished one, the worn a hundred.
Starting point is 00:16:54 The British government said this afternoon, there's not gonna be, we're not gonna, we're not trying to confront anybody. We're just gonna sail through on our way to, I don't know, Singapore or someplace. There's no confrontation. You know, will the U.K. and the United States provoke China this week? I don't know. But what was it, a month ago?
Starting point is 00:17:21 We had the same in the Black Sea, where NATO was taunting Russia. And Russia clearly said, we will sink your ships. Now, NATO backed down. I mean, we haven't heard anything all month. What I was about to say is, I think this is one possible. I've wondered this for much of the pandemic. And I think we discussed this on our True News last year. Maybe the reason most Americans are left oblivious to how close we've come to war with China and Russia is that's intentional.
Starting point is 00:17:58 That's something the government wants. They want the public not to know, not to be worried about that, rather be focused on lockdowns. And this is the reason, is that if you are about to go to World War, think about World War II, the shortages, the rations, the marshalling of both men and weapons. You need your population in a mindset that they may be already used to not having everything or being ordered around by the government without having certain rights. If that isn't their goal, they have, in a sense, indoctrinated the population to be prepared for wartime. Without them actually knowing, we're coming very close every week. We send a carrier group into the Taiwan Straits. That's right. It's true.
Starting point is 00:18:40 Lauren, I heard that Joe Biden, he made a remark that he's considering a federal nationwide mask mandate and I guess maybe a lockdown also. And that he said he's not sure if he has the authority to do it. Oh, well, they're working with the Department of Justice and they assure them that what he's doing is entirely legal. We have to remember that it wasn't China or all these other countries that shut down the United States of America. It was our own politicians. You know, why would you want to weaken your own country? And he knows that the overdose rates will be just substantial. You know, people will leave their jobs. People won't be able to afford to feed their families. People are going to be forced vaccinated or made their lives completely miserable until they submit. You know, eventually we're going to look at these politicians aren't going to honor religious liberties. They aren't going to honor religious freedoms.
Starting point is 00:19:37 They're not going to see it. They're going to throw them right out the window because the Constitution will only apply for a moral society and they're going to throw our Constitution out the window. So where would he find in the U.S. Constitution the constitutional authority to order the entire nation to shut down? I don't believe it's in there, but it doesn't matter to them. It doesn't matter to them. It doesn't really matter, does it? It doesn't matter as long as the Department of Justice. One thing they did do that was very wise was, you know, when Donald Trump got in office, he surrounded himself with people who were his enemies, who subverted him the entire step of the way. Joe Biden surrounded himself with his allies. So he can do whatever he wants and they're going to enable it and make sure it goes through. Yeah. And he's surrounded by the same people, the same group of people who were opposing Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:20:26 So if he does issue a nationwide lockdown. And there are some rumors of that. Jack Posobiec, a journalist on the right hand, he used to work for OEM. He is saying from a source in the White House that the aim is a nationwide lockdown. And specifically, they're shooting for the second week of August. So next month, we could be maybe two to three weeks from a lockdown. We're almost at the beginning of August. If that's their goal, they've got a lot to accomplish in two weeks.
Starting point is 00:20:58 Just as schools are opening. Yes, as the fall semester's beginning. What do they do if half the country ignores it? Well, it's going to be up to the states yet again. You know, we're going to see yet again. You know, it's going to be up to the governors, local legislators. What happens? What if the governors just say we're not participating in lockdown?
Starting point is 00:21:18 What are they going to do? Then constitutionally speaking, they don't have to participate. I think we have to be on guard because what they may do is create the scenario necessary to force a state to lock down. Look, they can't have another situation where most of the country's locked down and Florida's not. And we're able to compare and say, well, most Floridians didn't die. Most Floridians did just fine. And wow, there is an influx of business, tourists, a lot of things to this state. And it defied their logic. I don't think they'll allow this to happen this time around. Maybe that's why we're seeing things like monkey pox. So what will they do to force people to obey a
Starting point is 00:21:57 federal lockdown? Will they close federal highways? I mean, there he would have authority. It's a federal highway. Yeah. But who's going to do it? It would have to be U.S. Army troops. National Guard is under the governors. If the governors refuse to come out and call out the National Guard, he doesn't have troops. He would have to bring in military troops from the U.S.
Starting point is 00:22:25 Army to close the highways. Now I mean we know some states like New York and California, the governor's would be they'd be hyperventilating over excitement to shut down highways and everything. So those highways, you know, would be locked down. Airports, ports and so forth, train stations. But what if, let's say Florida, what if Governor DeSantis says we're not going to lock down? Is Joe Biden going to bring out his F-16s and his nukes? He could. I mean, what's he going to do? I think they might resort to bribery.
Starting point is 00:23:05 They might resort to blackmail. I hate to think this way, but we know this is how politics, not just in America, but around the globe works. I believe politicians keep dirt on one another. Specifically, let's say you're a mayor of a city like Orlando. One of your political enemies, or even allies,
Starting point is 00:23:22 has a dossier on you. This might be the time, if they want, to say you are either going to declare a state of emergency in the county, which Orlando did. Orange County declared a state of emergency for the city. What you have now are some states moving very quickly, like Texas. Governor Abbott today signed a executive order that prohibits Texas cities and counties from mandating masks and vaccines. There is sanctuary from that kind of tyranny. There is sanctuary from mask enforcement. But that's for the whole state of Texas.
Starting point is 00:24:02 So, again, how is Joe Biden going to enforce a federal lockdown in the state of Texas if Texas refused to recognize it? Likely he's going to fail at trying to do this. That's why I say you have to do something. It won't lock down the border, but he'll lock down the country. And we've discussed maybe that's by intention and maybe that's part of the plan here. If he can get other diseases going, for example, you would have an excuse or even possibly the support for a mandate in a state which, even like Texas, has fought against a mandate. So you think maybe they need to roll out another virus? Another variant? For example, we don't know much about Delta.
Starting point is 00:24:47 We don't know much about COVID. But let's say they come out with the Tango, the Tango variant. And this just happens to make boils with pus pop out on your face. And it then now looks, oh, that's actually spreading among the population. No, you're talking about Moderna. Oh, yes, I think I am, aren't I? That's Moderna. Yeah, so this is number eight for control.
Starting point is 00:25:09 Two men have developed a very odd side effect. Now, this side effect put bumps on their face. This is certainly something that was not happening before the pandemic. That man got the Moderna vaccine and now looks like that. Those sores, that redness at nighttime is full of pus. He has a hard time even opening his eyes. That's his salvation. That's his solution from the pandemic offered up by Joe Biden.
Starting point is 00:25:40 But again, how do we know this wasn't by design? But the vaccine was free. He got the pus pimples for nothing. He didn't have to pay for it. He just he just did his patriotic duty and went down there to the clinic and got got the Moderna mRNA DNA altering vaccine into his body, and it's altering his body. It's working. That just means it's working. It's working. It's doing what it's supposed to. The CDC made a report, and they said that Delta is as contagious as chickenpox.
Starting point is 00:26:25 Yes, this came out in an internal memo that was leaked to the Washington Post. Inside that document, it says the war has changed. And part of the way it has changed is it's become so obvious to the CDC and their slideshow deck that we're going to need universal masking. We're going to need a vaccine mandate throughout the country, past healthcare workers, if we are to even begin to survive the
Starting point is 00:26:52 variants which are coming past Delta. Now, inside this slideshow deck, which we have a copy of, thanks to the Washington Post, they've noted in here that there are several strains and other viruses which are far more transmissible. Yeah. The vaccine breakthrough. OK, what is a what is vaccine breakthrough? We've been talking about this for months. That's when you get. Coronavirus from the vaccine and they they tried for months to say, well, this is a rare occurrence. Well, rare is happening just about every hour now somewhere here in the United States. Not too rare anymore. There's so many people that have the breakthrough that ICU wards are filled up.
Starting point is 00:27:42 I am personally convinced there is no such thing as the Delta variant. I think Delta is the vaccine is blowing up in their face. That's at best. At worst, the vaccine is doing precisely what it was engineered to do, and that is to create a massive genocidal death campaign that's going to take out millions of people. We're going to know in the next couple of months. And the approach kind of resembles a shotgun blast. If it's not one thing, it's another. The variants are certainly something to look at. And we can't ignore that it's not the only disease spreading in the country right now. We have
Starting point is 00:28:44 monkeypox. About 200 people are being monitored by the CDC. The same CDC that's telling us to mask up is also monitoring 200 contacts with an individual infected with monkeypox in 27 states. We also have an outbreak of the bubonic plague. This is in Colorado. There's a death of a six-year-old. They say it's the bubonic plague. They say it's monkeypox. But again, we don't know. We're being basically told to trust the reports from both the lying media and the government that puts informants in Gretchen Whitmer's backyard trying to kidnap her. OK, that's the government we have to rely on now for a report. So I guess when I saw the CDC story about COVID Delta variant being as contagious as smallpox, chickenpox, excuse me, I'm going to sneeze. My first thought was monkeypox.
Starting point is 00:29:42 I said, oh, here we go. They're getting us ready for the monkeypox outbreak and everybody's going to have to get a monkeypox vaccination. And then you see the pictures of the people breaking out with the pussy pimples on their face and everything. We go, oh, here it is. I mean, what is the possibility that monkeypox is coming from the vaccine? Isn't it weird that all of a sudden in what, how many states, 30, 30, 27 states, we have monkeypox. I'm, I'll be 68 years old in August, and I have never, ever heard of monkeypox outbreak in America. But it just happens to be taking place as the Delta variant is spreading. And just as everybody's getting vaccinated, why do I have this sneaky feeling in me that the monkeypox is actually the vaccine pox.
Starting point is 00:30:48 It's a result of the vaccine shedding variant. See, I find it interesting they used the verbiage, it spreads like chickenpox, because you automatically think parents are thinking children, because then it's going to be transmittable with children. And then you're seeing people with the blisters on their faces. You see monkeypox outbreak in there. And they put the two and two together. They're like, OK, so it could be a result like that and spreading amongst my children. And I find it interesting that they, of course, leak it to the media because the media always pays the way for whatever madness the government has planned for us. Get those little babies in there to get them vaccinated. It's a very good
Starting point is 00:31:23 point that Lauren just brought up because, as you noted, Rick, schools are going back in session. It's not just elementary, middle, high school. Maybe, yeah, because during the press conference, even Joe Biden said that this is something that is being moved against. The teachers unions are even working against this. But the biggest target group right now are kids and students. And we've seen a lot of side effects among those going back to college. I think that the biggest target group, even for mandates, if you look around, other than the federal employees, we haven't thought about how all the universities mandating the vaccine has pushed many students who never would have touched this to go get vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:32:00 And if their intent was to get the leaked slideshow on every paper in the world by giving it to the Washington Post well they got it they have in in a sense caused a panic among parents which then leads them toward pushing for vaccination how many times has the CDC tried to create panic go all the way back to the beginning, around March of 2020, the CDC director, remember, they made alarming statements about how fast it was going to spread. The White House tried to shoot it down. Then a few months ago, they talked about the doom that was coming. Yes, Walensky laid out a day of doom. And we'll have this discussion in just a moment.
Starting point is 00:32:47 Rick, in the next segment, this doom has many different forms. One of them is also climate change. The talk right now is that they can shift the pandemic to be a climate pandemic with its own climate lockdowns, maybe climate masks, climate control. We think that this is also some monkey business. And we'll be back here in just a moment. The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure. They've been doing this for decades, and they are aiming their guns at young men. They want to feminize them. They want to demonize them. They want to
Starting point is 00:33:33 criminalize them so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be. God Tribe is a social media educational platform, digital platform for young men and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe. Its mission is to build better men. men to congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other, building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ. That's the purpose. A lot of exciting projects are underway here at Flowing Streams. Most of you know us through True News, the most watched Christian news and analysis program in the world, and always from a conservative, traditional, biblical worldview. Over two decades of continuous broadcasting and streaming have not been easy,
Starting point is 00:34:48 but they have been productive and rewarding. Only God in heaven knows how many lost souls have come to Jesus Christ through this news program. In addition to True News, thousands of people around the world each week join us for our Digital New Zion Assembly Church Service. And tens of thousands of people are blessed by Prazer, our digital music streaming service. And I'll let you in on a secret. Prazer will take a big leap forward this fall. Watch for the all-new Praiser coming soon to your phone. Moreover, thousands of people watch Sacrificing Liberty, our first film. Likewise, my book Final Day
Starting point is 00:35:34 has been read by thousands of people, and it has changed the way they think about the second coming of Jesus Christ. Now we are ready to launch our biggest project ever. It's called God Tribe. It is an exciting new digital platform for young Christian men to encourage each other in the Christian faith and grow deeper in their relationship with Jesus Christ. And I'll tell you more about God Tribe in the weeks ahead.
Starting point is 00:36:04 How do we do all these things? In the grace of God. There's no other way. One important factor in God's grace to do his work is his supply of finances. There is always provision for the vision. If you have never experienced the grace of God touching your personal finances, I invite you to step out in faith and start giving gifts regularly to finance the work of God on earth to expand the population of his kingdom. Expansion of his kingdom's population means lost souls asking Jesus to forgive their
Starting point is 00:36:48 sins and save their souls with eternal salvation. What do you have to lose by giving away your money? I'll tell you what you'll lose. You will lose your financial hard times and living day to day to pay your bills. God's grace will abundantly bless your life when you trust him with your finances and life. You can start your adventure by faith by becoming a partner with True News. Make a commitment today to Almighty God that you will give a gift to True News every month in 2021 and watch what happens to your finances and then let us know about it. Welcome back to True News. Before the break, I mentioned that the elite have many different flavors of lockdown.
Starting point is 00:37:40 They look forward to sharing with us. One of the flavors is climate change. You know, that old husk, that old propaganda line that the things we're doing in the world, that we're destroying the planet. It's not the sin. It's not the things that we're doing to destroy and desecrate the land. No, it's how many cars, how many factories, how many things we have operating that are destroying the world. Well, Rick, one of the things that are being proposed right now is that last year, the lockdowns may have killed business, but it was great for the planet. And maybe we should consider a climate lockdown. According to NASA, they said that we have the lowest level of emissions in almost a decade.
Starting point is 00:38:18 And Forbes said the world needs a climate lockdown to meet the carbon emission goals. I got to tell you, last year in early 2020, and, you know, we were very early in reporting about COVID. I mean, we started our first reports about COVID were in January of 2020. So we were on top of it from the beginning, before any of the big news organizations started talking about it. But I would say around March, when it was still looking pretty scary, when we were getting the propaganda videos out of Wuhan, showing people dropping over on the streets dead and all that.
Starting point is 00:39:08 It was all fake propaganda stuff. Vehicles spraying. But we didn't know it then, did we? We didn't know it. After a while, we started saying, hey, that video, that looks kind of fake. And then we started to become suspicious about it. I'm just talking about those first couple weeks
Starting point is 00:39:24 where it looked like, oh, my, a real plague is happening. This is it. A real plague has turned loose. But I've got to tell you, there was a day, a Sunday, I was with my son Jeremy at his home. And we were sitting on his patio at the table, and he said, Dad, I'm going to tell you right now, this is not a plague. This is a planned shutdown of the global economy by the global warming people. And I go, what?
Starting point is 00:40:03 He really did say it. And I go, what are you getting at? He goes, you just wait. He goes, I'm serious. He did tell me this. And he said, you just wait, give it enough time. And you will agree with me that the global warming fanatics have come up with a way to shut down the world economic system and to accomplish all of the climate change goals that they were unable to do, like in the Paris Accords and all these summits. And so they came up with this idea that if we have a virus, we can have lockdowns. Now, I've come to the place where I think you try to explain, right, if the Chinese communists created the virus and they released it in the United States. What is the role of the political left in this country? And it has to be that they were and they are accomplices in this global crime,
Starting point is 00:41:17 that they joined up with the Chinese communists. The left has a political agenda. China has a political agenda. China has a military agenda. The left is not thinking in terms of China exercising a military might. They're uniting, let's solve global warming. And so they did shut down the economy. But did China's economy shut down? No, and that's one of the telltale signs. The factories are going stronger than ever.
Starting point is 00:41:50 That's one of the telltale signs that there's a secret alliance here because they won't criticize China, the biggest polluter in the world. If you're going to have a discussion about the impact of pollution, the impact of factories without certain technologies in place to make sure they're not killing seals and killing wildlife while they produce plastics for America's Walmarts. It would be China. And I think to back up your point, Rick, what does America do when we want regime change? Well, part of it- We destabilize the country. We destabilize the country.
Starting point is 00:42:22 We have our special forces. Actually, the special forces, they're great. They're commandos. Their role, their job title is actually to train forces inside the country, raise them up, and then have that force fight the war. It never really works out that way, but that's the intent. We know the political left in this country are Marxists. They are communists. They share an ideology with
Starting point is 00:42:45 the communist Chinese. In this sense, the Chinese have funded. We were covering this before the pandemic. The money funneled through certain Chinese NGOs, especially in San Francisco. We did a whole piece about the Chinese funded and supported politicians like Eric Swalwell, remember the House Intelligence Committee member who is in charge specifically of overseeing the CIA. Well, the point of this is the political left, if they are not a conduit of the Chinese government, they are even more unwitting puppets than we've even thought to this point. Absolutely. That's the point.
Starting point is 00:43:22 And I have come to the conclusion that my son was correct, that he was far ahead of me because at that time in March of 2020, I was still very concerned that this was a genuine pandemic that was going to spread across the nations. But he was right on this. But to say at that time it is connected to global warming, that was beyond my thinking. But that's what got me, you know, our infamous program that got us kicked off YouTube. What month was that? That was in March. I think it was in March. Well, that's where that came from. Okay. The inspiration for that. All right. I started
Starting point is 00:44:15 thinking about Jeremy's ideas and I said, wait a minute, I've done, I've done true news programs over 20 some years talking about the new world order boys that want to reduce the population. Let's go back and, and get that information and those articles and those quotes, and let's put it together in a true news show. And we did it in March of 2020. And the next morning when I got up, our YouTube channel was gone. That's because you were over the target. You must have gotten way too close. They'll let you go so far. And then when you touch that very sensitive nerve, you're out of there. That's the fourth one. I'm going to go back and watch that. No group, this is probably the global leader of bigger champions of this initiative.
Starting point is 00:45:00 And it's the initiative to shut down the peasants' ability to make a living and have a job. They want us all to be unemployed on a universal basic income. They want a feudal system. We've spoken about this. And they're also really great at trying to fearmonger us into it. There's a new study out of the Nature Communications Journal. Rick, forget COVID. 83 million people will die by the end of the century if we don't address global warming.
Starting point is 00:45:28 Now, these studies, they often try to look at various trends. They want to address trends of the day, but in this sense, they have predicted mass death. And of course, their solution is the United States must continue to implement lockdowns. They're waging a war against the old America. We know the revolution of the summer took down statues. It pierced the Constitution. Let's be honest here. They've already begun burning the Bill of Rights, burning our cities. But the point of this is a war is being waged. And there was a doctor in regard to the vaccination campaign that Joe Biden wants to bringaged. And there was a doctor in regard to the vaccination campaign that Joe
Starting point is 00:46:05 Biden wants to bring America toward. There was a doctor that said he'll never come back to America because of this, Dr. Sukrit Bhakti. This man, he's living in Germany right now. He spent quite a bit of his time in America. He said because of the vaccination campaign, this is before, you've got to think, someone who's able to predict prior to the variants emerging, someone who's able to predict before the numbers of deaths are actually confirmed, as the CDC is doing now, you have to pay attention to them. Well, what he said is the vaccines will cause mass death. They will cause variants. They will cause hospitalizations. They will morph inside of us. We've got a new message, too, and it's that this brand of tyranny is going to bring and has brought the war home to America.
Starting point is 00:46:54 Empathy, the unique treasure of human beings, is the fundament of peaceful existence and happiness. Wars, the observe of peace, demand suppression of empathy. Three instruments enable warmongers to achieve this aim. Money, deceit, and fear. Money to pay the mercenaries, deceit to deceive the populace, and fear to silence those who cannot be bought or deceived. The world is in the midst of a war against the most devilish of all adversaries because this adversary enables fear to be used in the basest manner. Fear of the virus is complemented by fear of infection by healthy fellow citizens, by relatives and friends. This fear is born of the most natural of human instinct, self-preservation. That is why it is so supremely difficult to overcome.
Starting point is 00:48:01 But is SARS-CoV-2 truly a dread nuclear virus? Or are warmongers at work behind the scenes, driven by endless greed for wealth and power? How could the whole world be tricked into believing in the false pandemic? Why were the fatal lockdowns installed? What roles did doctors and scientists play in this evil game? What were the repercussions of the corona measures? What tragedies remain untold of the woes and suffering of our fellow human? At the end of the day, it will be realized that the world has been lured into believing a narrative that is built on a staggering array of blatant untruths.
Starting point is 00:48:49 We call on you to rise up and fulfill your duties in a civilized world. Inform yourselves and then act for the sake of our once wonderful world, for the sake of our children, for the sake of the future of humanity. I appreciate his optimism. He's laid out that we've got a multi-front war, there's mercenaries, the money is being used not just to instill fear, but to silence. His messages always end with a call to action, and that all it will take is the population to rise up against this evil power, do your duty. The problem we're facing, however, is for the public, a lot of them have concluded, and concluded through pride. If you get the
Starting point is 00:49:36 vaccination, for example, you've committed to that narrative, even if it means you might be injured, might be hurt. But he pointed out something very interesting is that we have been placed into a version of war, right? That society itself has been put on a war front even without a carrier being sunk. And that has had an impact on the culture. We're not having discussions anymore, for example. And we're barely able to share information. Like a show like this, Rick, if Google, Facebook, or even Joe Biden gets his way, he not only would ban this, but he would probably accuse us of manslaughter because we dare to warn the public about the threat to the vaccines.
Starting point is 00:50:11 Yeah, it's becoming more difficult every day to continue doing what we do regularly. A little bit more dangerous, more challenging. I'm not worried about it because as long as I stay focused on serving Jesus Christ, I know the Lord will make a way that we'll have a way to talk to people. That's one reason we're branching out and creating new platforms, leasing television stations. We're doing things to bypass the internet censorship right now. What you have here with Dr. Bhakti is a very educated, esteemed, well-known virus expert who has issued various alarms and warnings about the vaccination program. And he's talking in terms of warfare, that there's a war being waged against the people of the earth.
Starting point is 00:51:18 He really, you've got scientists, you've got doctors who clearly know whatever's going on right now is unusual. It's bizarre. The narrative is strange. The actions are strange. And so they're starting to speak out. You know, I don't know if there's enough, because if you take a look at what's going on in Australia right now, the country is already in another national lockdown and their government is scaring the daylights out of people. Yes, I mean, it's a country much larger than the United Kingdom, Germany, that has had 921 deaths. That's what the coronavirus death count is currently. And because of that, the whole country has gone into another national lockdown. And this national lockdown has brought the military onto the streets.
Starting point is 00:52:16 Last week, we played a news clip from Australia. There was a man who was forced into quarantine. He needed to basically escape from his hotel room. So he tied together some bed sheets and got out of his room. They ran him down and then were ready to deport him. But the military in that country is now being used to stop anyone from leaving their homes. Also is enforcing mask mandates. Anything the government has ordered, the Australian military will answer.
Starting point is 00:52:43 They'll also find. Just think about this. So at the beginning of the program, we were asking what will Joe Biden do to enforce his federal lockdown? Will he call out troops? Australia did. Yep. And his new woke military, after he's done purging it of conservatives, anti-vaxxers, they will be more than happy to follow orders and lock law-abiding citizens, law-abiding American-loving citizens into their homes. That is what he is building his army for. Well, that kind of action will surely provoke a reaction in many places of the United States.
Starting point is 00:53:27 Last week I was looking at one of the Australian newspapers, and I forget which city it was, but the headline was, Delta variant explodes in the city. And they were going into a lockdown. I mean, you would have thought monkey pox. Mixed with the black plague. Yeah. Outbreak. Yeah, with the black plague had broken out, you know. And everything in the newspaper was just bad, horrible.
Starting point is 00:53:59 And then I read the article, and it said that in the past 24 hours, they had 16 new cases. In which city was this? I don't remember the city. But it's very minimal. 16. 16. And they were making it sound like there was a huge outbreak. They were making it sound like it was the end of the world.
Starting point is 00:54:20 Yeah, there's surely been more suicides. Surely there have been more accidental deaths in traffic accidents. But we're not locking down over those. We are locking down over COVID. And we're fining. We're putting $11,000 fines in Australia. I'm sure that'll come to America. They're kind of doing a reverse version with the incentives.
Starting point is 00:54:38 They're making us pay for incentives. In Australia, they're just going to fine those who break the rules. All right, so Australians who post. Wait a minute. If you post something online that opposes the lockdown, the government is going to fine you $11,000? If you dare just say that you don't like the lockdown, that's enough. So freedom of speech has ended in Australia. And that pays the wage for a guard to be outside your home.
Starting point is 00:55:07 That pays the wage for the police, the military, to be deployed to the streets. It is a new country. I think a lot of people don't realize when you have something like this placed on your country, there's been a revolution. There's been a coup. You don't have the same country we had before the pandemic. Politicians and bureaucrats never surrender power. And when they seize more power, when the people allow them to take more power, take away your freedom and liberty, they never give it back.
Starting point is 00:55:40 It has to be taken. It has to be seized. They will not give it back. If you all think that there's a day coming in the next couple of months that this is all over and and all the lockdowns and restrictions and, you know, that this all just goes away. It's not. It's they'll never give it up. They have power. I think in many ways, America and other Western countries, because of our happy ignorance and kind of ignoring of genocides around the world, I think that we almost in one sense deserve some of the things that are coming here. One of the things specifically is we're being treated as a second class citizen. And honestly, we're all starting to be treated much in the same way that Palestinians are treated in Israel. We're all becoming Palestinians in the sense that we don't have the same rights as
Starting point is 00:56:37 those the government has ordained. And also the government's foot soldiers, their mercenaries, and their own army will be used against us and our families. Now, there's a case just this past week in the West Bank that this is a continuous action. We were seeing children shot every Friday. There was an incident where there was a burial. A child, a 12-year-old, was shot by the IDF, his crime. He was in a car with his family about to go get food. This is outside Hebron.
Starting point is 00:57:08 So there was a procession to bury this young man, this kid who had a life ahead of him, dead. Why did the Israeli military open fire on his parents' car? The military claims that they had witnessed some Palestinians burying a baby. The baby had died. It was a stillborn. They were burying it. So the Israelis, they saw this as a potential crime. They thought this young 12-year-old and his father and his family in a car were those who'd committed this alleged crime.
Starting point is 00:57:38 So they decided to try to stop the vehicle. They tried to stop it with bullets. No warning shot. They claim they shot in the air But the vehicle itself tells a different story They shot the car up Killed the young boy That's already a tragedy
Starting point is 00:57:52 That's already a war crime The next day they go to bury this young man And the IDF opened fire on the funeral procession Can you imagine this? On the funeral? The funeral There was a man killed, a 20 year old Among the funeral. The funeral. There was a man killed, a 20-year-old, among the funeral procession.
Starting point is 00:58:07 The Israelis claim that what caused this was rocks were being thrown at them. No, these men were mourning. These men were mourning. This is the 12-year-old right on screen. This is Mohammed al-Alamah. This young boy was killed. Then the next day, a 20-year-old trying to bury him was murdered. It said the city of Hebron, which is a biblical city, it's a nightmare to live in that city right now.
Starting point is 00:58:37 The Israelis have it locked down. It's a city surrounded by barbed wire, soldiers. The Israelis want to put so much pressure on the remaining Palestinians that they just give up and leave because the Israelis are saying Hebron belongs to Jews and all Arabs must leave. And so life is miserable in Hebron. Our prayers are with the Palestinian people and all those oppressed around the world. We're all in this together. We must endure until the end. That's what Jesus told us. We'll be back after this break. Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge. But he who hates correction is stupid. A man is not established by wickedness,
Starting point is 00:59:31 but the root of the righteous cannot be moved. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones. The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise. A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are his delight.
Starting point is 01:00:23 Welcome to True News Headlights. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Media ID says House Republicans marched on the Senate on Thursday in protest of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's be arrested if they fail to heed the chamber's new mask mandate. Roy said this is bull. You know what? McCarthy pointed fingers at Pelosi. Not play politics, but let's talk about the science. If we're trying to get America vaccinated, what type of message does this provide? We are vaccinated. We're not a hotspot.
Starting point is 01:01:14 But they're forcing you to wear a mask, not in the Senate, but in the House. This is just about more control. This is just the beginning of a set because school's going to start coming back. They're going to shut school down again. This is about control. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's The Daily Caller says representatives Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Taylor Greene, Louie Gohmert, and Paul Gosar were all denied entry Thursday to the D.C. prison, holding defendants arrested in connection with the Capitol event January 6th.
Starting point is 01:01:47 While it is normal for members of Congress to inspect detention facilities, there appears to be something very different about this place. It's unlike the places on the border where Congresswoman Greene recently had an inspection or unlike places where, you know, as a former criminal justice chairman in my state legislature, was able to have access so you know congressman Gohmert and I serves questions and you know we would want the American people to know that what's unusual is not members of Congress coming to a detention facility to conduct a review and ask questions what's unusual is that after repeated attempts by Congressman Gohmert, we seem to be unable to do what is a normal part of our job.
Starting point is 01:02:29 Now, the four members of Congress tried to visit the defendants being held inside amid allegations of mistreatment and poor conditions there. Fox News says that California restaurant owner who wants customers to show proof of being unvaccinated to eat at his restaurant went at it with CNN's Chris Cuomo. Here's Tony Roman. Yeah, good. I appreciate that, too, because I know you talk a lot. So so my my stance here is a pro freedom stand only. It's not political. You'll never going to if you come down here, you're not going to see a Trump flag flying over the roof. OK, you're not going to see campaign signs. You're never going to if you come down here, you're not going to see a Trump flag flying over the roof. OK, you're not going to see campaigns signs. You're not going to see campaign slogans or political slogans ever. OK, you're only going to see pro freedom messages and that's it.
Starting point is 01:03:15 And you're not going to drag me down the hole talking about the science. This is not about whether I'm pro vaccine or not. I'm pro freedom, anti tyranny. OK. And, you know, maybe the conversation should really be between me and your brother. That's what I'm thinking. Maybe so. You're pro-freedom, but people can't wear masks. Tony, it doesn't make sense.
Starting point is 01:03:35 It really doesn't. I gave you a chance to make the case. I wish you well. I hope your family stays safe. I made my case. You didn't have much to say. You didn't have much to say. I mean, honestly, you sound like an idiot,
Starting point is 01:03:44 so there's not much to say. But, Tony, good luck with it. See you. And made my case. You didn't have much to say. You didn't have much to say. I mean, honestly, you sound like an idiot. So there's not much to say. But Tony, good luck with it. See you. And so do you. It actually was even worse than that. Cuomo objected to Roman's policies and attacked his logic. But Roman called out Cuomo's own hypocrisy when it came to following COVID restrictions. The Hill reporting that a new poll shows that 47 percent of Republicans say time will come to take the law into their own hands. The GW Politics poll was conducted among more than 1,700 registered voters. That's a look at True News headlines. Have a great weekend and thank you for watching. Back to true news in that the headline segment, a man named Tony Roman.
Starting point is 01:04:38 This is the California restaurant owner, the man who says, if you're vaccinated, I don't want your business. Stay out of my restaurant. I think it's an Italian restaurant, Matt. So would it be fair to say that he served up some Alfredo sauce in that segment? Man, we dined there and it is so good. And he has a great thing. Leave the mass, stay for the cannoli. He put a huge billboard in Beverly Hills while the whole mass mandate was going. How do I know this? Because we were invited to his restaurant
Starting point is 01:05:09 in the filming of The Greatest Reset. And that's what I love about documentaries. It's like one person, one interview leads you to another guy. I never knew who Tony was. He never knew who I was. But Patrick Kaufman, a good friend of ours through this film, brought us to Tony's and said, you got to meet this guy. And we got in there and he's a
Starting point is 01:05:31 man's man. You know, he's a big old huge Italian man, big, strong. And what a great American. Like this is what America is about. Like people that he's not uh against anyone he's just pro-humanity like you don't want to wear a mask don't wear one well you can't even wear one in his thing because he thinks the science is ridiculous well that's the thing about tyranny is that it um it unifies the enemy often they all are happy to work together to both take away the rights and oppress people. But it also unifies those being oppressed. Oh, man. Yeah. Right. We know our allies.
Starting point is 01:06:11 Yeah. I have a clip that I want to share with the audience, with you guys, because what you said is exactly the sentiment of what Tony talked about. He said the exact same thing. They think they're separating us and they think they're hurting us. They're unifying us because we're starting to see who the real tyrants are. You want to get into this? Yeah, this is from the interview you recorded with Tony Roman. How long? About two months ago? Prior to him becoming famous in this latest iteration. Look, time does not exist when we're in the film. It's just like a blur. We did it a few months ago when we were in our California and our West Coast trip. It was even like a throwing interview. We didn't even know we were going to do this.
Starting point is 01:06:54 Patrick was like, you have to go to Huntington Beach and talk to this guy. And I was like, let's go. And he goes, and be prepared to eat some good food. And we did both. So let's check this clip out. Proof of thought. I think about that we are so blessed, people like me. I felt blessed.
Starting point is 01:07:23 Instead of whining about having to face a lockdown. I was excited about it because I thought to myself, God is blessing me to be on the front lines of this, and I get to go into battle against these people, right? And people initially came to me, and they still do. They asked me, do you have attorneys? You don't need lawyers because all they're going to do they're going to try to convince you to comply anyway they're going to try to get you to surrender comply make friends with the enemy for me i see them as the enemies of freedom and uh you can't give these people one inch you have to take a hard stand so so what i did is i said we're not going to have any restrictions at all zero from, from day one until now. It's the same. What you see in here now is exactly how it's been all along.
Starting point is 01:08:08 Zero restrictions. Zero restrictions. We're going to be open inside and out. We're going to defy openly. There's not going to be tinted windows. We're not going to have a back door. We're not going to be a speak easy. We are going to do it boldly,
Starting point is 01:08:20 and we are not going to resist. We're going to attack the lockdowns. We banned masks. We didn't make them optional, we banned them. I felt that the masks represented the lockdowns. If the mask had went away day one and people would have ripped them off their faces, it would have been over. They, to me, represent fear, control, surrender, and everything else. It has to do with the lockdown. So we banned them.
Starting point is 01:08:47 People bring their children in here, little children, and they'll call me over and say, I want you to meet my kids. And I'll talk to them and they'll say, we brought them here so they can see what America is supposed to be. We don't want them thinking what they see as school is normal. You have to be prepared for the consequences. You have to, when you take your, listen, when they were, we were taking so much incoming fire from every direction, from the government agencies, local agencies, police department was showing up,
Starting point is 01:09:20 haters, people in Hollywood, I mean, death threats. It was, I mean, nonstop. I knew that I had this young crew behind me. I knew that they were watching me, and I knew that I was hoping that they would understand what I was fighting for. It's been a year now, and I've had, I have met people that I would've never met
Starting point is 01:09:44 in my life otherwise. I have met people that I would have never met in my life otherwise I have made connections with people like so many great people I've met and the connections I've made and and and connecting with organizations that are on our side that I now know that should they try this again now that we're not fragmented anymore we're all connected should they try this again we can mobilize and go into battle in minutes. Whereas before, I didn't, you know, a lot of us didn't know each other, but now we all know each other. So they got to watch out, you know. Mr. Roman is a man's man.
Starting point is 01:10:27 He's an American. An American. Look, that's what we are. Everyone here, we're fighters. And he's a God-fearing man who loves America. And he's going to do his part like we all should. This has unified us. And he stood by his principles.
Starting point is 01:10:48 He didn't just get along to go along and whatever, because he just wants to stay open. He risked his business. But as his patrons, it became a beacon. You know, it was like people would go there because they knew this is a place where I feel comfortable and I don't have to, you know, adhere to all these unscientific, whatever these Orwellian like lockdown laws they wanted on them, you know? Yeah. And he's receiving death threats just for being normal and keeping his restaurant open. He's like, you know, this is the way things are supposed to be. Think about, yeah, think about Lauren. People went there to see how it was before the lockdown. When me and Nick go and travel and we have to wear these little face diapers on our faces,
Starting point is 01:11:35 I purposely will not wear them in the airport so people will see somebody who's like their face. Yeah. And eventually you have to get on the plane and they'll make you put it on. But I will get sneered at. I'll get the, you know, people like janitors, they put your mask on. I don't care. I'm going to I want to show people you can you don't have to conform to this. Now, I'm not going to, you know, this raise hell and cause commotion. But little things like that are important to, you know, to remind people, like, we can't just give it away. Well, it's a costume. It's a costume of the pandemic to put on the mask, to put on the facial.
Starting point is 01:12:18 You see our Secretary of Defense arrived in the South China Sea area, and he's wearing this, like, face shield. Like, he looks like a stormtrooper almost, right? Something Tony said there, it's the mask represents fear, right? It's just embarrassing. It's a uniform. It's control. It's like the emails came out
Starting point is 01:12:37 saying they don't work from the guy, Fauci, and we're supposed to ignore it. Like, he didn't say that. They're so worried about Joe Biden that he didn't give the press conference in a mask. Think about this again. It's a political class, a second tier for the peasants. They must wear the uniform. They must wear the sign of submission. That's really what it is. At the G20, we saw the pictures where they're six feet away, and then when they're at their dinner, they're drinking it up. They get their arms around each other. No mask. It's a joke. It's a joke. The vaccine is a joke. The masks are a joke. Six feet is a joke. It's all comical, but it's so serious because
Starting point is 01:13:18 this is like life and death now. Like get the shot or don't have a job. This is the lines drawn here. And then the labels come. Oh, fear. Like, Chris Cuomo. Man, Tony just ate him up. Chris Cuomo couldn't say anything. He's like, you sound like an idiot.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Yeah, good one. Good one, Chris. Something funny that Tony said to him in the beginning of the interview was that Mr. Cuomo didn't follow the quarantine. Everyone knows this. Yes. The pictures and the video have been published. It's not a conspiracy theory, as the Cuomos would love to try to characterize it. He knows that he's full of it.
Starting point is 01:14:03 He doesn't have a leg to stand on. Tony called him out on it. But his response to it was very interesting. He tried to gas it, he knows that he's full of it. He doesn't have a leg to stand on. Tony called them out on it. But his response to it was very interesting. He tried to gaslight Tony. He said, there's no evidence that exists. There's nothing that proves this. But that is the strategy of the elite, of the authoritarian class. They want us, the folks that still remember that this country was different.
Starting point is 01:14:24 We may have had our issues from the beginning. Maybe the foundation on Freemasonry did not help, obviously. But this country rebelled against the predominant system, the predominant system of kings, the predominant system where you were blocked from going into different fields, different industries. This country, for many, and especially for Christians, represented a place that you could worship freely,
Starting point is 01:14:47 regardless of the leadership and their secret cult meetings. Yeah, look, Rick touched it. They call it the new norm. This is the new normal. It's not going back. Once tyrants take a little bit, they keep taking it and taking to you submit or you die or they put you in jail or they get rid of you but this is
Starting point is 01:15:10 serious this is like we are at a crucial point right now and there are strong people out there that we've interviewed we we've done it Rick's been pioneering this for so long we carrying the torch Yeah, this is going to take strong individuals. This is a global thing going on. And what we see, it's binary. This is evil. It's very evil. They're trying to create a new society that you're going to have to be forced to live in.
Starting point is 01:15:42 My kids will. You will. And if not, you've got to get out. I try to look at this time less from the framework of depression or dread, because we were picked to be alive during this time. And I'm pumped up. It's an honor, actually, that we are God's commandos to be alive, to fight, to stand for Christ during this time.
Starting point is 01:16:06 And there is a changing of the guard right now. How many people die? And I'm not talking about individuals, I'm talking about leaders, figures that we would look at as influential voices of the last generation. Many of them passed away, especially in the church. Our generation is rising right now. Everyone at this table, it's our job to stand, to lead. As Tony led. Tony led his employees. He knew he had to be a general among those men. The way we beat these people is through Christ and it's through courage.
Starting point is 01:16:39 Look, everybody has a part to play. Our viewership, they have a part to play. They send in donations. We take it and we go and do stuff with it. We go. Look, the media is controlled. It is a psyop. The media has been controlled in our movie. We we pinpoint where there was a big meeting with the Pilgrim Society of orchestrating the media to govern within media. This was Cecil Rhodes' plan. His biographer said, we are going to control the masses and govern by the media.
Starting point is 01:17:12 How brilliant is that? If you control the narrative, then you control the way the people feel and what to believe because aren't they our trusted news source? Don't they say that all the time? You're a trusted news source. Yeah, you trusted because they have big trust bank accounts backing them.
Starting point is 01:17:31 That's why it's important for all of us to unite together and unify to have a voice at the table against this. They would not have been able to convince the country of this fantasy, this fake reality, this tyranny had it not been for the media. Certainly they played a role. And even though the media was submitted and happily helping Satan explain and spread this fear and this narrative, there were members of the media that died. There have been a lot of people that have died of influence during this pandemic, and even people on the side against the globalists. I mean, you had a chance to speak to
Starting point is 01:18:09 a woman that, this was actually her last interview after decades of fighting globalism, Agenda 21. Yeah, so on that one point, look at the president of Tanzania when he came out and said, this papaya got COVID. He embarrassed him. And he's dead. He's just dead. Yeah. Like a few months later. Remember, they said he died of COVID.
Starting point is 01:18:30 They wanted to make it very clear. Exactly. After he proved the WH show and their testing mechanism was a complete joke. He sent them oil from a car and they said it was a boy. A papaya oil, a goat. Look, this is not, this is dangerous. Like, seriously, this, but it's worth fighting for. You know, it's worth fighting for.
Starting point is 01:18:52 Going back on to like what you were talking about, I think we're going to talk about. Change of the guard. Rosa Corey, we interviewed Rosa Corey. She's been waking up the public with Agenda 21 since Rio in 1992, when this plan kind of was birthed with George Bush and the global elites in Brazil. She wrote a book called Agenda 21, and she's really been at the forefront of this, a Democrat lesbian woman who lesbian woman. But, you know, like she she has a voice and I wanted her voice because this is binary good and evil. Right. Right. And so me and Nick went to her.
Starting point is 01:19:41 We were the last interview with Rosa before she passed away suddenly. And she invited us into her house. And wow, I feel it's goosebumps talking about it because she's such a fighter and she was so pro-humanity. And we had the honor and we were the last ones in her house. And so she's going to be in the movie. What an amazing testimony. She gets to leave and we get to be the ones that facilitate those last words. Let's play a little clip of her and see what she said in the movie. When you get this, you know, there's no way you're going to be called a conspiracy theorist.
Starting point is 01:20:24 It's a conspiracy fact. Yeah, I think that's right. So, and we really need to assist people, you know. That's right. This is why we're doing this. We're helping people. If we don't, like, put the trail there where they can lead them to where the truth is, they don't, you have to kind of like force them.
Starting point is 01:20:44 Well, there's a lot to this. You could I've spent you know you spend your life doing this. Most people can't do that or don't want to whatever. You can't blame people. Yeah. It it literally ruins your life. I can speak for that. So the United Nations General Assembly said well how are we going to do this? Can you come back in five years with the action plan to maybe figure out how we're going to stop the planet from being destroyed? So they said yes, the agenda for the 21st century sustainable development. And this was called a comprehensive plan of action
Starting point is 01:21:34 that would require a wrenching transformation of the planet. Now of course don't get scared about that, right? Because Wikipedia is going to tell you that it's a voluntary non-binding plant. So nothing to see, no reason to be worried about it. But in fact, they're serious. They're quite serious. It is intended to inventory and control all land, all water, all plants, all animals, all minerals, all production, all construction, all information, all law enforcement, all energy, all food,
Starting point is 01:22:19 everything on the planet, including you. So this was her last interview that she gave before she passed away. So yeah, we were gonna contact her and just, you know, we stay in contact with our interviewees because they feed us information. It's like ongoing. And we saw on Twitter, she passed away from lung cancer, like within three weeks of that. Three weeks. So look, I'm not, we're not going to worry like, hey, I don't believe, we called her, her wife, and she said she did pass away. But it was like what from lung cancer that's the story I have to you
Starting point is 01:23:08 know I can't put anything else on it but it if it was lung cancer it was very unexpected and she didn't show any signs of it right man those words though those that's literally what they want to do. The whole list. Control everything. Yeah, and absolutely. And she has no agenda because, obviously, she was a Democrat, like you said. Also, I've noticed one common theme, though.
Starting point is 01:23:37 Courage is contagious. It took courage to speak up and stand up against the Cuomos. It took courage to stand up and give that interview. Somebody who knows, like she's watching the government and what they're capable of and what they have planned for us, and she still spoke out anyway. And courage is contagious, and that is how we fight back. I mean, how do we feel when we look at our politicians
Starting point is 01:24:02 and we see them with six masks and a face head mask like we look at them as cowards and nothing but you saw the republicans at the uh the jail where the gen six people are being held matt gates they're all wearing masks yeah it's embarrassing it's like what tony said just say no just stop wearing them they've already their top uh little official propaganda already said it didn't work. Right. But Matt, you get a little time in the yard if you say yes. You get a little time in the yard if you put the blue mask on that's doing nothing for you other than stopping your breathing. Look, until we step up and stop capitulating this, it will continue. Okay? It's going to, like, you have to go blast Matt Gaetz's phone and say,
Starting point is 01:24:49 why are you playing the game? Remember when he had that stupid gas mask on and making fun, and then he gets COVID, and now he has the mask. It's like you just fell right in line. Yes, I almost forgot about that, that, you know, part of it's been overshadowed by his child sex scandal. There you go.
Starting point is 01:25:07 Which used to be unwinding. But this documentary is coming at a very pivotal time. And Lauren, you ran the last election cycle. You know that everything in the country is resetting. What Rosa Kaur laid out is this is even being presented as a new creation. They want to recreate everything in the world, everything God created, out of the creation of the earth. They want to reimagine it.
Starting point is 01:25:31 They want to reset it for the devil. They want to find ways to even re-engineer our bodies. Isn't this what we've been discussing with the coronavirus vaccine or the coronavirus itself? These viruses, even Mark Zuckerberg said, they might be changing us. But look, you made a decision to give your life to Christ during this time. Matt, you're a warrior. I've been all around the country with you. You're not going to surrender to this, right? Well, I think we have a responsibility to our children, to ourselves, to God, to not play this game. And it's a dangerous
Starting point is 01:26:07 game, but they want to recreate man in man's image. This is what it's about. Nimrod did it. It's just a continuation. I think we're getting close to that time when the first, the last become the first. Like we said, like the scripture has taught us. We know how the end game will end. I just I'm just baffled about like we're living it. It's like I'm excited. Like, what are we doing here? We're creating God tribe where we're doing documentary films. Like we are actually producing stuff to counter this garbage.
Starting point is 01:26:47 And I pray that your interview with Rosa Corey, and I know this happens in all your interviews, you're able to witness through them. Well, I pray that she was impacted by that. I pray that as she was on her deathbed, she contemplated where she was going in eternity. And that's the goal, right? Of the greatestet documentary. Every interview starts off with a prayer. With either atheists or whatever I tell them, hey, you got to sit through it. And they're cool because they want to talk.
Starting point is 01:27:13 But we set the table, and then the Holy Spirit does its work, and some amazing things have been said in front of these camera lenses. Well, from my understanding, you have another trailer for this Greatest Re-Set. When can we expect this, by the way? Is it end of the year, you're thinking? Man, it is coming together so easy. Like, it's like once it starts flowing like this, it could come.
Starting point is 01:27:38 I can't put a date. Hopefully around Christmas time. What an amazing Christmas present. But yeah, we're trying. We're getting it going. So let's check out this. This trailer is the latest one we've cut. It's called Spiritual Trailer. I think I think that's where we think of things within people, and we don't think of things within ideology.
Starting point is 01:28:08 And I think it's an ideology that's above it all. Satan said, theology is politics. You leave man to themselves, you let them have their freedom. They group together, they sin, they oppose God almost all the time. We have an opportunity to create a nation in the very essence of Masonic morality. With freedom and tolerance of all religions and moralities that no government can oppress.
Starting point is 01:28:39 I think the strongest case is whether this country was founded on Masonic principles is I think look at the founding document the Constitution that's what the Constitution is is a resetting of the moral order freedom from the church to govern our lives it's total control over the people total control and it's global it's global this conference discussed how they were going to control the thinking of the world through the press and how newspapers were going to be run by a single source which they were going to run. People like Klaus Schwab have been handed down this ideology. They don't probably fully understand or represent in the same way as their predecessors did.
Starting point is 01:29:30 I would argue that WEF is a front organization. They're the front people, the front groups, for the same ideology and the same entity, if you will. There's no other way forward but to call for a Marshall-like plan for nature, people, and planets. I believe that the signs are here, that what we're undergoing now is a remote dress rehearsal for the rise and the rule of the Antichrist. Armed. They're picking a fight with the wrong people. I trust rehearsal. I'll tell you what. We're throwing back at them, man.
Starting point is 01:30:17 We are. Those people on there are awesome. And they're Catholic, Protestant. Rosa Corey, Democrat, lesbian woman. Look, it's about good and evil. Yes. Light and darkness. Light and darkness.
Starting point is 01:30:30 We are on the good. We are going to win. They're not going to defeat us. We are going to win. But we cannot cower down. We've got to stand strong like Tony is a great representation of what to do. You're absolutely right, Matt. And in the next segment, we're going to speak to a pastor who is living out that mission.
Starting point is 01:30:50 He is very active during these times. For him, he's a missionary. He's also a courageous man who took his family from Oregon to the frozen tundra of Alaska. We have that and also a very interesting testimony from a sexual addict. Thank you again for joining us for this segment. We'll be back in just a moment. This has been True News. Here at the Ministry of Flowing Streams, we do much more than news.
Starting point is 01:31:18 You see a lot of us do the news and a lot of aspect and focus on the news. But another aspect in which I'm actively involved with and which I really like to encourage our viewers and listeners to be involved with is New Zion Assembly. I'm Doc Burkhart, Dr. Raymond Burkhart. I'm the preaching presbyter for New Zion Assembly. We share our weekly services, our church services here of New Zion Assembly each Sunday morning on the platform.
Starting point is 01:31:48 We'd like to invite you to come and join us on a weekly basis for this time of worship, a time of great music, and our weekly focus on the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist, the communion. We'd like for you to be involved. That's New Zion Assembly, Sunday mornings at You're going to hear messages that will inspire you, that will uplift you, that will educate you, inform you, and exhort you. Now, Rick Walls is also involved, and he usually has a weekly message as well, but you're going to hear a sermon from me each and every week at New Zion Assembly. So come and join us Sunday mornings on for New Zion Assembly.
Starting point is 01:32:34 I have a big announcement for you. Very soon, we will launch our biggest project ever. It is God Tribe. God Tribe is an exciting new digital online platform for young men to learn more about Jesus Christ and his kingdom. The first phase of God Tribe will launch in early fall 2021, and it will include social media and audio chat rooms. Our chat feature is called Campfires. Any member of God Tribe will be able to start and conduct a campfire conversation any time of the day. And I personally plan to have a campfire conversation every weeknight from the comfort of my home. I am confident that you will love holding your own campfire chats along with your friends.
Starting point is 01:33:26 But there's more. God Tribe will also have its own 24-hour television network. God Tribe TV is the first Christian television network for men. The programming will include hunting and fishing and outdoor shows, do-it-yourself shows, sports, news, and inspirational programs. Our in-house development team has been quietly working since January with developers around the world to build the God Tribe platform. And it's not been cheap. We have invested several hundred thousands of dollars into God Tribe.
Starting point is 01:34:10 The souls of young men are more than worth the money we have invested. All of these exciting projects are for the glory of Jesus Christ and the expansion of his kingdom on earth. They are made possible because generous people just like you contribute money each month to underwrite the growing expenses of flowing streams. I'm asking you to join me as a monthly partner of Flowing Streams. This is fertile soil that is producing a rich harvest of souls for God's kingdom. The Lord himself will richly reward your generosity and faithfulness. Welcome back to True News. In this segment, we have an interview with the pastor we told you about yesterday. I'm speaking about the pastor in Alaska that is now shepherding Christians,
Starting point is 01:35:03 is baptizing believers inside a former strip club. Now, Lauren, we played this clip yesterday and we were discussing just a wonderful story of redemption. We actually tracked down this man, didn't we? Yes, we did. And he moved from Oregon, picked up his family, had a great job before, but God called him to Alaska. And even more God inspiring is that this church used to be a strip club, you know, near, yep, right in Anchorage. And he picked up his family, moved and planted and actually started this church after it was planted.
Starting point is 01:35:38 So, you know, we did a great interview. We were able to track him down and share his story with you. And hopefully it inspires you and encourages you to go abroad, you know, take that chance and answer yes to God when he calls you. Here's our interview with Pastor Kenny Menendez. So Pastor Menendez, is it okay if I call you Kenny? Pastor Kenny? Yes. Okay. Yes. Sir, please tell us how your church got founded. Well, it all started with, really what happened was being really busy and involved in the local church at Grandview Baptist Church in Beaver Creek, Oregon. And my wife and I, our family is pretty much ministry focused. And in 2020, that being a trying year, everything kind of just came to a halt and life as we knew it came to a stop, just like for several people did.
Starting point is 01:36:30 And when we weren't able to do ministry and be busy like we were in the past, it led us to really think about what we were going to do. We had three small children and we didn't want them to get into the habit of when it's church time, you gather around the TV, you know, and do a live stream. That's pretty much what was going on. The church was closed. And so I just started having the home church there, started preaching there at the house and we would sing the songs and have the sermon. And it was just mainly our family there. And maybe a couple of close friends would come over. And we did that Sunday morning, Sunday night, Wednesday night. And the Lord laid it on my heart that he wanted me to do that full time as a pastor. And I had
Starting point is 01:37:20 heard back in January, and this is in March, right when pretty much when everything was taking place, the launch of COVID and all that. In January, I'd heard about there was a need for a church in Anchorage and just took it as a need and didn't really think much of it. But when God impressed my heart to pastor a church, that was the first place that came to my mind was in Anchorage. And so I just started to look into it and started praying about it. And then I was faced with the decision that when it comes to answering God's call in your life, the Bible says that he that seeks to save his life shall surely lose it. And I was faced with a decision whether I would save life as I knew it, which was a comfortable life. I had a career in purchasing at PCC Structurals in the aerospace industry. And things were going really well for me.
Starting point is 01:38:23 But I wanted to see what God had for me. And I surrendered to the Lord, believing that He wanted me to start pastoring, and that if it was Anchorage, Alaska, I would do just that. And a couple days later, I told my wife about what had taken place, and she actually agreed and believed that God was putting that on her heart as well to start a church. So we went and we bought some plane tickets after much counsel and prayer with our pastor. And one week after we bought plane tickets to come do a survey trip to Anchorage, Alaska, then there was a pastor in Kent, Washington, Pastor Joel Byram of Open Door Baptist Church. And he called my pastor, Mike Mutchler, who was his pastor as a teenager, and asked him for some counsel. He said, there's some people in my church that want to plant a church and start one there in Anchorage.
Starting point is 01:39:23 We don't know who the pastor is, but we're pretty much going to go up there and take a look at it and maybe plant a church. And so my pastor had told him, you know, well, Kenny's already on his way up there. He doesn't know how to maybe start this thing, but you guys are looking for a guide. He's looking for the know-how. And so we started talking. And one thing led to another. We just kind of made the trip together. And we were both pretty much, long story short, we both were just impressed in our hearts that this is what God wanted us to do.
Starting point is 01:39:54 And that was in the June 20th when we were in Anchorage of last year. And July of 8th, we moved up here. We had our container shipped up here and sold our house and came up here. And we started having Bible studies at the Diamond Center Hotel in a town here. Looked for a church building for a month or so. And then after a month, the contact that we had up here was Linda Donegan. And she called me after much search that we had. And she said, hey, there's a strip club I want to buy.
Starting point is 01:40:24 And maybe you can put the church there. And so we went to go look at the building and saw it all in its club state. And after taking a look at it and having some of my advisors look at it as well, that new buildings and whatnot, we said, yeah, this can become a reality. We can turn this thing into a church. And so we did. And in a matter of just weeks, we demoed it and turned it into a church and had a grand opening in October of last year. That's an incredible story, Pastor. When they told you that the building that was available was a former strip club, it was a pretty big shock to you, right? Because that's not the way you think you're going to set up your first congregation, have your first, you know, essentially church as a lead pastor, right? Right. It definitely was not the plan. But at the same time, we were
Starting point is 01:41:16 like, well, you know, what an opportunity to redeem this building for a better cause. And that's what we want people to see is just as this building can be redeemed and be used for good, the same thing the Lord Jesus Christ can do in the life of an individual. And so we use that as a testimony all the time and people can relate to that. So how is your family adjusting? Do they love it? I know it was a big move. You had a comfortable life before, but God called you to Alaska and you said yes. People don't understand that half the battle is saying yes and answering the call. How is your family adjusting? Is your community growing at your church? Can you tell us more about what you're seeing and what's happening in the church in Alaska?
Starting point is 01:42:10 Sure, sure. Well, my kids are pretty young. My oldest is five, and then I have a three-year-old and a two-year-old. So they've adjusted pretty well. They love the snow. Wherever we love to be, they love to be. So it's been great for them. And then my wife, she has fallen in love with it as well. She's still not a fan of the cold and winter. She never has been. She's from the Midwest. But she loves it because it's where God wants us to be. And the ministry has been flourishing and growing. The church has been pretty much a steady in the mid-40s or so as far as a congregation goes.
Starting point is 01:42:48 And we've seen, if there was another name for the church besides Open Door Baptist Church, we would call it probably International Baptist Church because we have all races are in our church. And it's a wonderful thing to see how many different types of people we have come together and just love God and love one another. And that's pretty much what we've seen take place. And we've seen it from the newest Christian come to the church and trust Christ as their Savior, get baptized and be involved in the church to a Christian that's been in church for probably like 20 plus years. We have all different types of Christians in our church. Now, you're close to a military base.
Starting point is 01:43:32 From what I understand, Anchorage is close to military bases and an attraction like a strip club that used to probably be an attraction for some military bases. Do you find a lot of military soldiers finding their way to your church? We do have several military presence in our church. I wouldn't say that a lot of them stumble in there maybe looking for the club. When we took the building over, it had been two years since the club had actually been opened. They had a couple of problems, and so it's been closed down for a while, but we do have a good military presence. The gate to the Jay Bear military base is probably about like five-minute drive from where our church is, and so it's very
Starting point is 01:44:18 local for them to just come on over and be a part of service. Well, Pastor, you know, you're pastoring a church at a very important time, I think, in the history of our country. You're serving in a place that has need. You answered the call as a missionary, I'd say it was on your heart already. You don't see that a lot anymore.
Starting point is 01:44:41 To make a move like you made on faith, what would your message be to people my age that might look at this and say, well, I go to church on Sundays. I pick up Starbucks on the way, and that's the extent of my relationship with Christ. What would you say to them to get them more involved, to get them deeper in their relationship? Well, I would say the biggest thing is being involved in the local church. And being involved in a local church is finding your place of service. And that could be a wide range of things. And when I went to the church there, I started as simple as an usher, just as a greeter, greeting people and making people feel welcome, giving them a bulletin. And then going from there, I ended up being into a Sunday school teacher, jail preacher, worked on church buses.
Starting point is 01:45:39 I mean, the list goes on of things that I've gotten involved in. And one doesn't have to get involved in all those things, but you have to get involved in at least one thing and see what God does with that. And that's really what God's done in my life is I got involved in one thing and then got involved in another and seeing what God can do in each one of those things in my life. And then leading to ultimately 11 years later, a call to be a pastor. So it's getting involved. If there's outreach that takes place in the church that they're involved in, get involved in that and invite people to church and learn how to lead someone to Christ.
Starting point is 01:46:23 Those things are all, people can get involved in those things, and it doesn't take, I could say, it doesn't take much of leaving the comfort zone to do those things that I'm talking about. And that's all I simply did, is just get involved as much as I can. Well, certainly there's no intermission to the Great Commission. All of us have to be carrying out our walk in a way that we're fulfilling that Great Commission of evangelizing the gospel of the kingdom to those who are lost. We're not alone. There are hundreds of pastors like that who are never going to be brought on to cbn fox news cnn unless they want to bash uh christians you know they find a pastor that wants to go against uh the body of christ hundreds of pastors like pastor menendez who are building congregations locally raising up disciples
Starting point is 01:47:19 isn't this what we should all be doing look there, there it is. There it is before and after where it was a strip club. And then they remodeled the thing and I'm sure prayed over it. And now they've established it and built a church. The similar story to my old church in San Diego, The Rock, a real famous music video was shot. I think it was like Showtime or the music video, girls, girls, girls. It was shot in that famous strip club. They bought that property and
Starting point is 01:47:49 they repurposed it into an outreach center. Body Crisis Movement taking over was destroying souls and this is how we do it. We get together. It doesn't have to be mega churches. It's little ones. What we do have to do is start conversing together more and
Starting point is 01:48:10 that's why God tribe is so awesome like what this platform is gonna do and it's gonna be able to connect because what the lockdowns have done is separated so much isolated isolate separate create fear And once we start getting together and actively working together, things will happen. But that's the only way they're going to happen. The only thing we need to fear is the Lord. And we need to be reverent of the time we do get to spend together. Because how many of us took it for granted before the pandemic that we thought that when we went to a restaurant with our friends or went for a drive that we would only a year later be told that it's too dangerous. You're a rebel. You're part of a segregated class now if you dare to think about not wearing a uniform outside, your mask. You mentioned God tribe. You mentioned the effort to bring up
Starting point is 01:49:07 and be involved in the shepherding of the next generation of men. We need strong men. We need strong women. But I'm saying we need strong families. And there's a testimony I found today. I've been seeing a lot of them. I think there is a movement in the world right now for young men, middle-aged men, old men, to start to re-examine their lives. This pandemic, the one thing it did do is it made people think, am I happy? Was I happy before? Am I doing enough for the kingdom? Especially many Christians have been asking this. There was a testimony I found today from a man named Tim Riegel. Tim Riegel, he now serves as a former football blogger, life coach,
Starting point is 01:49:48 but he had a very interesting testimony about how he was able to get out of his addiction to pornography, and more than this, his addiction to sexual immorality. He was cheating on his wife, he was doing all kinds of crazy things, but it was through Christ he was able to find freedom. And we thought it would be uplifting, at least, to show you and share you this testimony. We reached out to Mr. Regal today. We asked for permission to share the testimony. It was fine for us to do this, of course.
Starting point is 01:50:19 If this is able to help another brother in Christ, even one, this has been worth it. This is the before and after of Mr. Regal. And before, obviously on the left, this was him living with porn addiction, cheating on his wife. He has kids too, living a double life, triple life even. On the right, that is a freshly minted warrior, a man who's prepared to fight the devil, has gone through a dress rehearsal,
Starting point is 01:50:46 put through the fire, and come out a new man. Lauren, would you mind? I really enjoyed his overall, I just wanted to comment first, like I really enjoyed his blog, like reading his testimony and his story, like how bad it was. Like sometimes it's hard to tell like the work that God has done on people because you see the after. You see the, oh, well, you know, how bad could it have been? No, he like went into a deep dive. And I think that took courage. You know, it takes bravery to share with the world your lowest point, especially something
Starting point is 01:51:17 that could be like labeled as like embarrassing or like tarnish your reputation. Like he, pornography is such an issue. It is one of the biggest issues with young men growing up in the United States. Yeah, and women as well. You know, but it's directly assaulted young men. It's marketed to young men. And, you know, he fell victim to that.
Starting point is 01:51:38 And he described, you know, stuff that other kids I know are going through, other young men are going through, you know, the inability, like other people, inability to hide it, inability to hold a marriage, a healthy marriage, cheating on your wife, hiring prostitutes, like partaking in just this life and being trapped in it, not being able to get out. And him sharing the details of what he walked through and he handed it, like he came to a complete point of surrender where he had to say, okay, God, like I can't do this. I can't make it without you. Like
Starting point is 01:52:12 I need you to save me. And you know, at his darkest point, God met him there. My favorite part of this quote of his blog, he said, I cried out to God in desperation. I knew I had to change or I was going to lose everything. My marriage, my kids, my career, my friends, all of it. God told me, Tim, I love you. I forgive you. I'm going to use you. Now go and sin no more. And I think that sounds very familiar. I believe God did the same thing. And look, God restored his marriage. He restored his body too. I mean, look, he's a completely changed individual. Look at the before and after was striking.
Starting point is 01:52:53 I mean, look what people think it's all, you know, inner thing. But he probably made him feel bad. He probably overate to compensate for his feeling bad. And hey, he looks great. Looks like strong. Looks like revitalized him and as a man. And what an amazing testimony. It takes people to tell their testimony because a lot of these, a lot of people think it's just my, it's just me. It's like It's like I'm the only one going through this. When it's so prevalent in our society that more testimonies of getting through it will help that other person who thinks, like, I'm never going to get out of this rut.
Starting point is 01:53:38 It's not just a word for a song in Christian music. We often hear testimonies testify. I think many, they even think it's something trivial that you shouldn't. If you're saved, you should have a testimony. And more so, it's how you fulfill the Great Commission. If you're worried about how you might be able to serve the kingdom or to fulfill your role as a Christian, to leave your faith on the next generation, you've got to have a testimony. And Teen Challenge, for example, they taught you, right, how to tell your testimony, how to write it out, maybe share it.
Starting point is 01:54:16 It was pivotal to your recovery. They put us at every church stage telling our testimony. I've nailed that. But, you know, this guy didn't go through that. You know, he came, he hit rock bottom, came to the point of complete surrender, and God just touched him and transformed him. Sometimes that happens for people. It didn't happen for me.
Starting point is 01:54:32 I had to go through boot camp for a year, but that's okay. You know, I'm not bitter about it. I was praying about this today. You know, he was radically changed. I was praying that I think there's something wrong if we know more about the testimony in Congress than about the testimony for our brothers and sisters in Christ. And I'd love for our audience, our family, to send in your testimony. We'll read them on air because it will encourage the body.
Starting point is 01:54:59 We must share our testimonies with each other because we're in times that are perilous. We're in times where there are people coming for your life. Well, I'm going to share the testimony of Mr. Riggle here. He started his post, my journey with porn started as a curious teenager. I grew up in a healthy, loving Christian home. In fact, my dad was a pastor. I grew up literally next door to a church. How often do we hear that? PKs are often the ones that you see involved in many of the problems, the addictions, drugs, pornography, issues outside violence. But he goes on to say that the only thing I learned about sex was don't do it
Starting point is 01:55:39 and wait until marriage. So like many hormonal 12-year-old boys, I got curious and learned about sex and explored by watching porn. I was coming at age at the height of the tech bubble and the early stages of internet porn. I never had to steal someone's Playboy or rent movies from the video store. I was able to go online late at night
Starting point is 01:55:58 or when nobody was home. I got immediately hooked. What was always portrayed to me as an evil sin felt amazing. It felt exhilarating, exciting, and dangerous. I started watching porn and masturbating almost daily. As I got older in high school, I got into sexual relationships with girlfriends. I played in bands for years and dove fully into sex, drugs, and rock and roll lifestyle. It seemed like everything I did was for the purpose of having
Starting point is 01:56:25 sex or watching porn. He went on to say my cravings for more porn escalated. Regular vanilla porn wasn't enough anymore. I started watching dirtier, kinkier, fetish porn. Eventually, porn itself wasn't enough. I got into webcams and chat rooms. The addiction spiraled out of control. I got married young. I had kids young. I naively thought that would stop my insatiable appetite for porn and sex. It didn't. In fact, it got worse. My addiction continued to escalate.
Starting point is 01:56:54 I started meeting up with girls online, Craigslist, Tinder. I had countless hookups and encounters. This is when he was married. I engaged with escorts, had sex with prostitutes, and went to sex clubs. I did party drugs and drank excess. I had threesomes, went to swinger parties. I took part in orgies. To this day, I have no idea how many people I've actually had sex with. Many I had sex with only after a few minutes of meeting. Most I never even knew their names. I was completely out of control. My wife caught me a few times, so did a few friends. But like any good liar, I talked my way out of it, promised to quit, then went right back
Starting point is 01:57:30 to it. I simply got better at not getting caught. I was good at hiding it. There would be many times I was out till three or four in the morning. I would be at church at nine, pretending to be a good husband and father. Hardly anyone knew about this secret life. Those who did had no idea the extent of it. This continued for years and years. I might quit for a little bit, but would inevitably relapse. This vicious cycle had me ensnared. My wife and I separated for almost a year.
Starting point is 01:57:58 At this point, I was almost glad my marriage was over. I could do what I wanted without having to hide it. And I didn't feel the guilt of cheating. My wife was dealing with some health issues, and I used that as an excuse for our failing marriage. I blamed her for all the problems to deflect and blame for my addiction. For a year, I had my two kids by myself. I worked a full-time job, a part-time job, went to college.
Starting point is 01:58:20 You'd think I wasn't having time for porn, but he still did. But this is when he turned to college. You think I wasn't having time for porn, but he still did. This is when he turned to God. He knew that the only way he could quit was turning to Christ. He knew that he'd hit rock bottom. And his testimony is a testimony of the golden rule here. You can't do this by yourself. You can't beat the devil without turning to Christ and putting on your armor of God. He realized something that there are some that wait their entire lives to realize, Matt. Yeah. I think a lot of people wait for that rock bottom. Like I, before, you know, I completely gave myself to the Lord. I was at a rock bottom moment, you know, and I wanted to instill in my son.
Starting point is 01:59:08 You don't have to go through that. That's not a prerequisite for you to have that relationship. That relationship is here right now for anybody. It's free and it sets you free. So if you're contemplating making that step, he's waiting and willing and he's able to do it so just make that commitment and change your life it just takes yourself humbling yeah humbling yourself turning from these sins turning to Christ believing on the only thing that will give you salvation and eternal life that's the step We've all taken it at this table,
Starting point is 01:59:46 and there are plenty in the audience who have. But if you're procrastinating, don't do it. It's a mistake. And you won't be effective in these times in fighting the various lockdowns, because you're going to have Satan's lockdown without Christ. Thank you. See you next week.

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