TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Former UK PM Liz Truss Studied Radiation Fallout Maps in Preparation for War with Russia

Episode Date: November 12, 2024

Former UK Prime Minister Liz Truss was convinced Vladimir Putin was hours away from using nuclear weapons on Ukraine that she spent hours studying nuclear radiation fallout maps. The revelation was in a new biography of the UK leader titled “Out of the Blue” written by journalists Harry Cole and James Heale.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 11/12/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:00 I'm Jake, but my friends call me Moose Jaw. I'm a blacksmith and I like to work with my hands. I watch and trust true news. Two things are clear to me. World War III has started and the USA is very unstable. I have faith in God, but He expects us to use our brains and our hands to prepare for trouble. There are two things we need. Food and water.
Starting point is 00:00:24 That's why I buy supplies from American Reserves offers easy-to-prepare chicken and beef meals, pastas, soups, and vegetables that only need boiling water. You can purchase the world-famous British Burkefield gravity-fed water filters equipped with Dalton ceramic handles and other emergency supplies at My family's security is critical to me. Something big is coming. Procrastination could be costly. Act today before a crisis suddenly appears. Be ready.
Starting point is 00:00:56 Be wise. Go to former uk prime minister liz truss was so convinced vladimir putin was hours away from using nuclear weapons on Ukraine that she spent hours in her office studying nuclear radiation fallout maps. The stunning revelation was made in a new biography of the UK leader titled Out of the Blue, written by journalists Harry Cole and James Hill. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Tuesday, November 12, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news. By looking at this headline published by Newsweek, NATO state leader was preparing for Putin to order nuclear strike. Now, Newsweek based their story on an exclusive report published in Great Britain by The Sun.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Right. And this is The Sun article. Putin came so close to launching a nuke in Ukraine that crisis meetings were held over the fallout hitting Britain. Now, first I've heard about any of this, Rick. Doug, I don't recall this being in the news back in the spring of 2022 when the war started. Right. But we're being told now that Putin had his finger on the button. He was ready to strike. According it was according to Liz Truss.
Starting point is 00:02:49 Yes. Yes. And do you remember, Doc, in in her political campaign in the debate? Yes. She was asked, do you have what it takes to push the button and launch a nuclear attack on Russia? And she said, yes, I do. That was the defining moment of that campaign. And then for some reason, later she was rushed out the door. When I say rushed out the door, her prime ministership came to a sudden end right with no explanation you're gone you're done we're finished with you next well anyhow let's get back to the sun article and this is what the sun said vladimir putin was so close to letting off a
Starting point is 00:03:41 nuke in october 2022 wasn't the spring, it was the fall, that crisis meetings were held over the fallout hitting Britain. Ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss spent her final days in office studying weather maps and preparing for UK radiation cases. Now listen to this, Doc. After American spies feared the Kremlin tyrant
Starting point is 00:04:04 was hours from pressing the button. So she got this information from the CIA. That's interesting. The Sun said Whitehall disaster planners feared radioactive material hurled into the atmosphere could have traveled 1,700 miles across Europe from any blast zone. Based on exquisite intelligence, the U.S. concluded that there was a 50% chance Russia could deploy a tactical nuke on the Ukrainian battlefields or test a larger bomb over the Black Sea. Now, if this is true, Doc, we were a lot closer to a nuclear war in october 2022 than any of us knew at the time that's right it may be true it may be if we go back and look at all the news headlines
Starting point is 00:04:58 there may have been warning signs that the russians saying, don't push us anymore. We'll do what we have to do. But behind the scenes, if this book is true, if the information in the book is accurate, then the CIA, U.S. intelligence agencies were telling British intelligence agencies there is a high probability russia is going to use nuclear weapons very very soon in ukraine or the black sea and it was so chilling that the prime minister spent hours pouring over radiation fallout maps and notice the article says in the final hours before she left number 10 Downing Street. Again, was there a, did this play a part in removing her? Did
Starting point is 00:05:59 the British deep state think she wasn't up to defending the country in a nuclear war. And who did they bring in after her? Rishi Sunak. That's right. Yeah. You know, at the same time that was going on, the story broke that her phone had been hacked when she was prime minister. That was going on at the same time in the fall of
Starting point is 00:06:25 2022. So her Prime Ministership ended in October of 2022. And that's when this happened. This is all connected. It goes on to say the horrifying details of how close the war came to a massive escalation
Starting point is 00:06:40 are revealed in Out of the Blue, an updated biography of the short-lived prime ministry reports that mistrust spent numerous hours studying satellite weather data and wind directions over fears the wrong weather patterns could have a direct fallout effect on britain separately a new book titled war by watergate journalist Bob Woodward also reports the White House believed that there was a 50% chance Russia would use a battlefield weapon on human intelligence received in autumn 2022. The UK Defense Minister Ben Wallace dashed to Washington on October 18 that year to discuss the crisis. Let's just assume it's true. Then those people who think I'm a drama queen and that I have this fixation about nuclear war, you have no idea how close we came in October of 2022 to a nuclear war.
Starting point is 00:07:53 My position is it's God's grace. It's God's goodness that holds this war off. But this war is coming. This war is coming in six to seven, eight years. It's coming. So when she stepped down, now, Wallace went to D.C. on the 18th. She stepped down the 25th of October. So there was a decision made.
Starting point is 00:08:16 In Washington and London, there was a decision made. She's got to go. And the cover story was a budget crisis and stuff like that, which normally wouldn't impact a prime minister, but she felt compelled to step down. This is interesting now. Somebody lost confidence in her. Could have been the queen. Was the queen alive in 22?
Starting point is 00:08:40 I mean, somebody said she's got to go. We're going to have a war with Russia, and she has to go. Or she was compromised in some way with her phone being hacked. Right. I don't know. This is all new to me. Well, security services told The Sun at the time that the threat had dramatically increased. Now, that month, President Joe Biden said for the first time since the 62 Cuban Missile Crisis, there was a direct threat of nuclear weapons being deployed by Russia if, in fact,
Starting point is 00:09:12 things continue down the path they are going. And so, obviously, there was a bigger story going on than we realize now, Rick. And Mr. Biden made that comment at the same time, back in October 2022. But they didn't tell you and me, did they? No. They didn't tell you, you might want to prepare. You might want to have a plan. They didn't tell us, Doc. And they're not going to tell you. This is the point I'm making.
Starting point is 00:09:41 They are not going to tell you. You will be expended your life will not matter if you're waiting on the government to tell you you should take cover you should prepare it's not going to happen they're going to let that war come and all of us will be caught by surprise if you're not paying attention to the signs and to the warnings and to the clues right so you asked about queen elizabeth she had passed away in september so now king charles is there right he hadn't been coronated yet of course but he was king so oh oh remember the video inside his office it called the audio it called the video i mean they picked up his voice uh truss they the it was like the butler came and said told the king said the prime minister is outside waiting on
Starting point is 00:10:45 meeting to meet you and the king said oh dear yes so that had to be that month in october doc he got rid of her king charles got rid of her he sent word down get me a new prime minister i don't like i don't like Liz Truss. Yes, that's exactly what happened there. Wow. And that meeting with Truss occurred October 14th. With the king. Yes.
Starting point is 00:11:16 And by the 18th, she was. She's gone. Yeah. That's. No, 18th. Wallace is in D.C. Octoberober 22nd she's gone newsweek north korea russia defense deal ratified as 12 000 north korean troops joined the war now this is just making it official folks north k North Korea ratified a significant defense treaty with Russia on Tuesday, committing both nations to mutual military aid, according to North Korean state media.
Starting point is 00:11:51 This comprehensive strategic partnership mandates that both North Korea and Russia deploy all available resources to offer immediate military assistance if either nation is attacked. Now, the treaty also emphasizes collaboration toward establishing a just and multipolar new world order and is designed to strengthen joint efforts in areas including atomic energy, space exploration, food security, trade, and economic development between the two nations. So it's official. They have a military treaty and the troops are in in russia right now the chief of the general staff of the polish army warned that um if donald trump makes peace with Russia over Ukraine, Europe will be in war with Russia by what year?
Starting point is 00:12:53 2029. Yes. There it is again, folks. I'm telling you the big war is after 2030. And you say, well, there's 2029. Okay, that's the date that they're setting in this one. He's saying it could happen even before 2029. If you'll read the fourth turning is here,
Starting point is 00:13:13 you'll understand that the earliest, the fourth turning crisis can happen without being an anomaly is 2029. The latest it can happen, I think, is 2036. Right. And most likely, the war will be somewhere around between 2032 and 2034. That's just based on 600 years of historical precedent. A big war, 80 plus years, like clockwork. You can deny it.
Starting point is 00:13:47 You can say, I don't believe it. I don't believe it's going to happen this time. Go ahead. I'm preparing for it. I realized that the Lord gave me, in 1998, He gave me a fourth turning ministry.
Starting point is 00:14:04 I didn't understand it. I had never read the fourth turning. I didn't read a fourth turning ministry. I didn't understand it. I had never read the fourth turning. Didn't read the fourth turning book until what, 2012, somewhere around that, 2010, 2012, when I first read it. I didn't know about it. But God gave me a fourth turning ministry in 1998. And I've been prophesying of a fourth turning crisis war for 26 years.
Starting point is 00:14:28 Didn't understand it until this has all come together in my mind. And really, it solidified from the time I went to Myrtle Beach, spent a week in prayer, and the Lord spoke to me about the early 2030s, came back, and on my desk was a copy of the new book, The Fourth Turning Is Here. And I read that book, and my thinking was crystallized. I realized, okay, all these years I didn't understand that this was a fourth turning ministry and that we were proclaiming what is coming. You know, for me, it's always like it's today. You know, it's going to happen by this afternoon. Why?
Starting point is 00:15:15 Because for a watchman, when the Lord puts that burden on a watchman, the watchman is living with this 24 hours a day. He's looking at the horizon for anything out there i mean jeremiah cried out my soul my soul my heart pains within me i hear the sounds of the of the trumpets you know he could hear the the the horses galloping He lived with it day and night. He cried out to God, take it away from me. I can't stand it. When? How long, oh Lord? How long do I have to hear this?
Starting point is 00:15:52 Because he heard it for 40 years. Jeremiah, I believe that Jeremiah was called into ministry at the beginning of a third turning. And completed that ministry at the end of a fourth turning and completed that ministry at the end of a fourth turning which was a span of 40 years and for folks just to kind of fill them in and give you the reader's digest version in a third turning that's what we call the unraveling it's falling apart that's where society begins to fall apart and everything the fourth turning is generally a crisis period that occurs doesn't mean that the whole period is marked by crisis but it is punctuated with a crisis it ends with a mega crisis and what happened at the end
Starting point is 00:16:31 of the 40 years of jeremiah's ministry israel judah was attacked and taken into and the jews were carried off into babylon where they spent how long 70 years 70 years which is the time almost a full saculum of four turnings almost four turnings are roughly 80 years and so the jews set out an entire saculum in babylon as slaves then they come back're released. They come back and it's a first turning. And the first turning, there's rebuilding. And so they start rebuilding Jerusalem. I mean, it is amazing when you, I'm now seeing the four turnings in the Bible. Oh, yes. Me too. I'm seeing it everywhere now.
Starting point is 00:17:24 I'm telling you folks with all my heart please understand that we are in the very last years of a fourth turning and the fourth turning ends with a catastrophic war. We are being told that the West is preparing for war with Russia by 2029, 2030. It's in that general area. That's when they're bracing for it. And I believe the Russians are bracing for it.
Starting point is 00:17:59 I believe both sides know, they know the cycles. Yes. The war planners know the cycles. Yes. The war planners know the cycles. And they know we can stretch this out somewhere between 2029 and 2036. There's going to be a big war. Why? Because the historical cycles say so.
Starting point is 00:18:20 And you say, well, why can't it be interrupted? Because people are human. They just keep doing the same dumb things. Over and over again. Every eight years. It doesn't mean there aren't going to be conflicts. It doesn't mean there isn't going to be trouble. There could be things that happen between now and then.
Starting point is 00:18:37 But the powers that be understand these cycles and understand that in that window in the early 2030s that we are i mean think of all the articles that we've read over the past few years about war with china in the 2030s well how do they know that how do they know that robotic armies in the 2030s right and so they've been preparing for this war in the 2030s for decades they have it on the books they have it it's it's a count it's on their calendar so this is uh let's go back to what this uh this is a european article that i found today if peace is agreed in ukraine god forbid that there's peace look at the yeah don't let peace break out if peace breaks out in in Ukraine, Russia would be ready the U.S. President-elect Donald Trump, Russia can rebuild its armed forces even before 2029 and be ready for direct
Starting point is 00:19:51 conflict with NATO, perhaps even earlier. He has quoted a saying here that Russia has demographic potential and raw materials, and most importantly, a military industry that functions well not only when there is war, but at the same time develops the defense potential of the country. The end of the conflict in Ukraine will greatly facilitate Russia's reconstruction and strengthening of the armed forces, said the general. A recent forecast by German generals foresees the possibility that Russia will be ready for a new war and conflict with NATO as early as 2029, while the Polish general believes that ending the war in Ukraine will shorten that deadline,
Starting point is 00:20:31 but that does not depend only on Moscow's readiness. He said, quote, war is a real threat. Whether and when war will break out depends to a certain extent on us. An attack on a country that is ready to defend itself and whose population is ready to fight is a huge risk. Aggression is always fueled by weakness, he said. All right. I just got a revelation. Uh-oh.
Starting point is 00:20:56 Okay. that the purpose of this war is that the West wants to break up Russia, balkanize it, divide it up into 15, maybe 30 little countries, and rape its natural resources. Take its gold, all of its minerals, its wheat, everything. That that was the plan. I just realized, Doc, we're missing something in this. I think I know where you're going. Part one is to wear down and weaken Russia before 2030 for the big war.
Starting point is 00:21:37 After they defeat Russia, they take their resources. forces Ukraine is about weakening Russia about wearing it down draining its economy so it's not prepared for the 2030 war right it's backfired right it's emboldened Russia Russia is now preparing for the war this this got the Russians snapped out of their you know their uh comfort zone the russians said oh my gosh they really are going to attack us they really do plan to take us we've got to start preparing it's backfired on them on the west the plan was to wear down r through the Ukraine war. Kill off their soldiers. Divide the society. Wear out their military.
Starting point is 00:22:31 But that hasn't happened. It hasn't happened. It has drained I mean maybe hundreds of thousands of Russian soldiers have died. But Russia now knows this war that's coming this is going to be the mother of all wars and russia is now preparing for that war 2030.
Starting point is 00:22:56 that's a totally different perspective on this and another thing it says in that article that they need russia needs time to strengthen its military personnel forces well because they've physical bodies yes in other words they're they're in the pipeline now yes for five to six years from now why are they training kids in school how to clean their guns because those kids are going to be fighting they got to go right into the army as soon as they get out of high school in 2030 they got to go straight into the army and they have to be prepared but they're building robots they i can assure you they are building robots for this war and they signed it they signed a treaty with north kore Korea for more human soldiers. North Korea could supply a million.
Starting point is 00:23:50 If they had to, they could come up with a million men. I'm just trying to, going back to our turnings, those kids that will be fighting in the 2030s are the hero generation. Yes. Yes. They would be the equivalent of the World War II generation, the greatest generation. So the next greatest generation is coming. Okay. If you have a son or daughter who will be 18 and older by 2030, you need to understand they're going to be in war. That's all there is to it, Doc.
Starting point is 00:24:42 Moms and dads, you need to take this seriously, what I'm telling you. Let this hit home. Your kids that are now 12 12 13 years old right now they're going to be they're going to be on the battlefields of europe in 2030s they're going to be the new greatest generation the hero generation the world war two generation but they're going to be fighting world war three and they're going to die by massive numbers on battlefields and that's why they're preparing for mass casualties on the european battlefields to evacuate the dead soldiers and the wounded soldiers off of the european battlefields we reported that a month or so ago
Starting point is 00:25:18 folks i'm ahead of everybody else. We're light years ahead of all these other podcasters. I'm not trying to brag. I'm just, in fact, I wish I didn't have this job. I'd like to be clueless like everybody else, Doc. But the sons of Issachar knew the times. They understood the times and they knew what Israel should do. They understood the times. They understood the cycles.
Starting point is 00:25:54 That's what I believe it means. They understood the cycles, the sons of Issachar. First Chronicles. So, I can imagine that great-grandpappy Issachar sat down with his great-grandsons and said, Boys, I'm going to teach you about cycles. I've seen some of these cycles in my lifetime. I'm 100 years old. Let me tell you what I've seen. I've seen Ford.
Starting point is 00:26:24 I'm into my fifth turning. If he's 100 years old, he's into his fifth turning. They taught the sons of Issachar the cycles. There's a time for peace. There's a time for war. Solomon
Starting point is 00:26:41 understood it. Yes. Solomon knew about cycles. The wisest man who ever lived, Solomon knew about cycles the wisest man who ever lived he knew about cycles ABC News NATO's Ruta Mark Ruta
Starting point is 00:27:02 the new secretary general has called on Western allies to provide Ukraine with further support to change the trajectory of the conflict with Russia. Translation, we're losing right now. But to change the trajectory means we have to do something extreme. When you're losing, you have to do something extreme. You got to do a Hail Mary pass. You got to do something because you're losing. Speaking ahead of a meeting Tuesday in Paris with Emmanuel Macron, Ruta said, quote, we must do more than just keep Ukraine in the fight. Now, what does that mean?
Starting point is 00:27:53 We've got to take the fight to Moscow. He added, we need to raise the cost for Putin. We've got to make this man pay. We're going to make him pay. And his enabling authoritarian friends, North Korea. Iran. By providing Ukraine with the support it needs
Starting point is 00:28:15 to change the trajectory of the conflict. Ruta, who did not provide details about the military equipment and weapons needed for that purpose, said it was very concerning that Russia was getting closer to its allies, China, Iran, and North Korea. Russia, working together with North Korea, Iran, and China, is not only threatening Europe, but also the Indo-Pacific and North America. So we must stand together. NATO just made the case to expand into Asia.
Starting point is 00:28:51 Yes, and North America. And North America. Well, I guess that means NATO bases in America. Are you ready for that? Are you ready for NATO bases in America? That's what he's suggesting. We're going to have to put French troops in America. That's what he's suggesting. We're going to have to put French troops in America.
Starting point is 00:29:11 The battle is worldwide. German troops in America. Polish troops in America. So decades ago, in the early days of this ministry, myself and others, we speculated.
Starting point is 00:29:27 What would bring about the introduction of foreign troops in America? How would they get here? We knew American troops aren't going to turn their guns on American citizens. Right. That's not going to happen. That's just not going to happen their guns on American citizens. Right. That's not going to happen. That's just not going to happen. But foreign troops would. Sure.
Starting point is 00:29:49 But what would justify bringing foreign troops to American soil? And we had different ideas. You know, Civil War in the United States and European leaders say we've got to go to America and try to stop the civil war. Various scenarios like that. But hadn't considered the possibility of NATO bases in America on American soil. I mean, we have American troops in European bases, NATO bases.
Starting point is 00:30:26 That's true. Would Donald Trump allow NATO troops in America? I mean, I know they're here for training. I mean, we know that. But to have official bases. But Canada would do it. Oh, yes. In a heartbeat.
Starting point is 00:30:43 In a heartbeat. The Canadians would allow NATO bases if the Chinese allow them. Canada's just about owned by China. I don't know if they would allow a NATO base because China would object.
Starting point is 00:30:59 They would be encroaching on Chinese territory. Okay, this next article is interesting. Newsweek. Did NATO chief vow to kick the United States out of NATO over Trump's Ukraine plan? That one gave me a double take. You know, I looked at my computer screen pretty closely. Like, what am I reading here? Did I miss this story?
Starting point is 00:31:32 The truth is there's nothing to it. Right. Okay. Just a lot of rumors. It says rumors are circulating online that NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte has said he will kick the United States out of the alliance due to President-elect Donald Trump's plan to end the war in Ukraine. The allegations on X, formerly known as Twitter, of Ruta's expulsion of the U.S. from NATO, followed the publication of a note in Pravda EN, a Russian news portal, on Sunday. It originated from a post on Telegram. Newsweek has found that Ruta made no statements
Starting point is 00:32:07 regarding the U.S. alleged expulsion from NATO on his social media platforms or during a NATO doorstop statement on Thursday in which he congratulated the president-elect. Olga Robinson, assistant editor at BBC Verify, fact-checked the claims and wrote, there's zero evidence that NATO chief Mark Rutte has said he'll kick the U.S. out of the alliance if Trump surrenders Ukraine to Russia. The quote leads to pro-Kremlin sites and channels on Telegram. Rutte actually said after the November election that he is looking forward to working with trump so doc um i would say it's one of two things either there are people with too much time on their hands and they're just making up news stories and putting it on telegram or or no i would i would I would say this is overly active, creative Russian propagandists in the Russian military. It's a pretty devious little plan.
Starting point is 00:33:18 You get a rumor going on social media. The NATO Secretary General plans to kick the United States out of NATO. Really? Seriously? Then who's going to pay the bills? Yeah, because... Who's going to pay the bills
Starting point is 00:33:33 if the U.S. leaves? Who's paying the bills? So immediately you know it's a false story. But why? Who planted it? And could it possibly be a trial balloon
Starting point is 00:33:44 to see what people's response would be a deep state trial balloon that's a possibility a deep state out of europe okay but notice it says uh it said if if uh trump surrenders ukraine to russia the implication is trump's gonna just give all of ukraine to russia in other words we all know he's a russian stooge and he's going to— Just give all of Ukraine to Russia. In other words, we all know he's a Russian stooge. And he's going to prove it to us because he's going to put Ukraine on a silver platter and hand it to his buddy Putin. He's going to surrender it. He's just going to give it to them. Maybe it is somebody in the American U.S. deep state that's floating this idea.
Starting point is 00:34:28 I don't know. My choice would be it's Russia. It's just a devious little propaganda. Misinformation. Now, the next one is not misinformation. This has got Medvedev's fingerprints on it. Medvedev warns that U.S. behavior in struggle with Russia fraught with bad scenario. Yes, European politicians are not resolving the conflict with Moscow, but are only adding fuel to the fire.
Starting point is 00:34:58 That's coming from Dmitry Medvedev. He said that after Trump's victory, the European leaders began the autumn aggravation. The goal is to drive the conflict with Russia into an irreversible phase. Now the Frenchman crows about supporting Kiev in the event of America's rollback. The NATO bosses are being clever about how to wage war with us more actively. And now the candidate for German Chancellor Merz has announced an ultimatum to Russia. Either they say complete the SVO, that's the military plan that they have right now, or the next day I will give the Ukrainians German Taurus missiles. It is clear that such ultimatums are of an election nature.
Starting point is 00:35:40 It is clear that these missiles are not capable of significantly changing anything during the military operations. Their delivery is only a way to prolong the agony of the Bandera regime of Ukraine. But the risk of the conflict escalating into the most dangerous stage is greatly increased by cruise missile strikes. Our president also warned about this. Now, generally speaking, it's simply amazing to what extent the current generation of European politicians wants to drag the war onto their territory. And to the obvious joy of the Americans and against the wishes of their own people. The vaccination of the Second World War
Starting point is 00:36:18 has completely stopped working. Now, experienced and simply smart leaders of Europe have gone down in history. In came non-entities with inflated self-esteem. And so the worst scenario remains the most likely. That's coming from Dmitry Medvedev. This next story is actually, these are excerpts from an interview with Nikolai Petrushev. This is the man I always say is the Darth Vader of the Russian deep state.
Starting point is 00:36:53 The Dick Cheney of Russia. He's the Dick Cheney of Russia. This man, I think, probably has more power than Putin. That's my that's my my observation over the years I might be wrong but I have a feeling that Mr. Putin calls Mr. Petrushev and ask him
Starting point is 00:37:14 may I do this I think that's the man that runs Russia why sit in the Kremlin and take all the heat when you could just sit there in a big chair? Right. If he isn't the man that Putin answers to, he is definitely the second most powerful man in Russia. Right.
Starting point is 00:37:37 Well, he does serve right now as the assistant to President Putin. Yes. Some people would say his handler. Right. Yes. Some people would say his handler. He's had the post of Secretary of the Security Council of the Russian Federation. So Medvedev is the Vice Chairman right now.
Starting point is 00:37:56 He's been assistant or is the assistant to the President right now of Putin. He's Chairman of the Maritime Collegium of Russiaussia so he sat down with the reporter alina cherninko of a commerçant newspaper and he gave an interview about the black sea and um this is uh there's a lot of quotes in here i don't know how if we're going to get through the whole thing i don't want to bore people with it, but you need to hear this stuff. You need to hear what these guys are saying,
Starting point is 00:38:27 because when you hear the things that they've mentioned as a possibility, you'll sit up and go, you know what, that would be really bad if that happened. So the first question he was asked, before we move directly to the Marine theme, let me ask you about your assessment of the presidential election that took place in the United States. Does the upcoming change of power in the United States bring positive changes from Russia's point of view? And his response was, to achieve success in the elections, Donald Trump relied on certain forces to which he has a corresponding obligation. And as a responsible person, he will be obliged to fulfill them. During the pre-election period, he made many statements to attract voters to his side, who ultimately voted against the destructive foreign and domestic policies pursued by the current U.S. presidential administration. But the election campaign is over, and in January 2025, it will be time for the elected
Starting point is 00:39:28 president to take concrete action. It is known that election promises in the U.S. can often diverge from subsequent actions. Okay, so he implied that Donald Trump has obligations that he must fulfill. That's all he said. He has obligations he must fulfill to unidentified people, not the voters. The second question, Western experts and media have recently been increasingly claiming that the Ukrainian armed forces, with the help of Western powers, have almost defeated the Black Sea fleet of Russia.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Is this true? Well, and Petrushev responds, I just visited the Black Sea fleet, got acquainted with the combat duty status of the troops and the forces of the fleet, and became convinced of its combat capability and readiness to withstand challenges and threats from the sea. There is no defeat of our fleet in the Black Sea, and this is despite the fact that Kiev's aggressive actions in this region are coordinated by NATO specialists. Russia firmly holds its status as one of the world's leading naval powers. Our fleet confidently fulfills all its tasks starting with the most important one
Starting point is 00:40:48 nuclear deterrence not long ago the nuclear submarines Emperor Alexander third and the Krasnoyarsk made an under ice passage from the northern fleet operational zone to the Pacific Fleet basing areas, the length of the route exceeded 4,000 nautical miles. Such operations acquire special significance in the context of the revision of the national nuclear doctrine. Our opponents should know that Russia's naval nuclear shield is always on guard for our country.
Starting point is 00:41:23 Other components, forces, and means of our fleet are also being developed as well. The last question, as far as I remember, you were one of the first to question the Ukrainian trace of the pipeline explosions, talking about Nord Stream. There is a lot of contradictory information about this story from Western officials in the media. Have you changed your mind about Ukraine not being behind this, meaning the destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline? Well, he responded and said, interesting details are indeed emerging in the case of the terrorist act on the Nord Streams. Even the Danish naval authorities do not hide the fact that American ships were in the area of the explosions the day before. At the same time, anyone interested in the capabilities of
Starting point is 00:42:10 foreign naval forces knows that the Ukrainian Navy has neither the equipment nor the trained specialists to carry out a deep sea terrorist attack. Only special forces of NATO countries could have carried out a sabotage of such a scale. It is known for certain that such combat swimmers and the corresponding equipment are available to American and British intelligence services. That is why the calls of Chancellor, he says, Olaf of Germany, Kommersant, Schultz, to conduct a supposedly unbiased investigation accusing some Ukrainians of sabotage sound absurd. And according to available information, the Americans and the British are considering sabotage of the Nord Streams as one of their many methods to advance their economic interests.
Starting point is 00:42:57 They could target new infrastructure facilities, including marine fiber optic cables that provide communications around the world. He just hinted that he believes the U.S. is going to cut undersea cables. Right. If it would further their agenda, yes. ola schultz's uh unbiased investigation could that be a reason he has a patch over his eye right now oh yeah keep that in mind that he strayed his investigation strayed off course and became biased he actually found facts found facts uh the thing i wanted you to see is they he's talking about western intelligence military units could target new infrastructure facilities including marine fiber optic cables that provide communications around the world. Is Joe Biden willing to issue presidential orders
Starting point is 00:44:10 in the next 60 days to cut undersea cables that would disconnect Russia from the world? I personally believe he ordered the destruction of the pipeline. I think so, too. Because he bragged about it before it happened. Right. And so did Victoria Nuland. Victoria Nuland, yes.
Starting point is 00:44:31 I mean, if that was a, if there was a police investigation, Joe Biden and Victoria Nuland would be the first two suspects you would bring in for questioning. Right, because they admitted to it in public. All I'm saying is be ready for the unexpected before President Trump is sworn in. I think that is the greatest danger we're facing right now, Doc. The deep state taking action. They've already tried twice to kill him. General Flynn, General Michael Flynn said last week that the danger period is between now and January 20. And he said, they, and he's clearly referring to the deep state,
Starting point is 00:45:22 they've made two attempts on his life. Michael Flynn is warning President Trump, you need to be careful of the security around you. God forbid that something happens to Donald Trump between now and January 20th. But don't rule it out. These demoniacs want war. They're determined they're going to have war. And they're determined that they're going to feed their war machine.
Starting point is 00:45:56 And Donald Trump is a threat to the war machine. He's a threat to the whole operation. We're in a very dangerous time. November, December, January. Yesterday I was having a conversation with our leadership team. And I said to Doc and the others in the room, it was in our conference room in my office. I said, how am I going to keep the true news audience and anybody that will listen to us, how am I going to keep them focused on World War III six to eight years from now? How am I going to keep them focused? How am I going to keep people from not yawning and going,
Starting point is 00:46:46 I've heard it, I've heard it, I want to listen to something else. How am I going to keep you, my friend? How am I going to keep you focused? How am I going to do it? That's my mission from God. That's the mission he gave me in 1998. When my daughter, on the same night I had the vision, my daughter had a dream in which she was,
Starting point is 00:47:11 myself, my wife Susan, Jeremy, my son, and Carissa were surrounded by thousands of skeletons. But they were talking, and they were pointing their arms and fingers at me and crying in a loud voice if you knew this was going to happen why didn't you tell us that dream is why i'm here right that dream on the same night i had the vision of america on fire that's the reason i'm here 26 years later. I've got another six years. I've got to keep this going six more years to get people prepared for this war.
Starting point is 00:47:52 Jeremiah had to do it 40 years. I had another six years. That's 32 years, Doc. I've got to keep people focused on a war that most of them don't believe is going to happen let me ask you this if you were a Japanese citizen and you lived
Starting point is 00:48:17 in Hiroshima or Nagasaki in 1937 38 and there was a guy on Japanese radio. Every day he said, there's going to be a war and they're going to use a weapon. It's a futuristic weapon.
Starting point is 00:48:38 We've never seen it. They're going to use it on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. And the Holy Spirit told me, we've got six years to prepare. What would you have done? If you lived in Hiroshima or Nagasaki in 1937-38
Starting point is 00:48:57 and you hear a guy on the radio saying, the Spirit of God told me a futuristic weapon is going to be used sometime around the year 1945 we've got six years to get ready would you have believed him and would you have taken action or would you have just sat there
Starting point is 00:49:16 and then evaporated when it happened see this is where we're at right now I'm telling you there's a war coming in the 2030s. The sons of Issachar knew. They understood the times. They knew what Israel, the church, they knew what Israel should do. I understand the cycles.
Starting point is 00:49:41 And I know what the church should do. I can't make it any clearer. I understand the cycles and I know what the church should do. I can't make it any clearer. I understand the cycles and I know what the church should do. And you must get ready, first in your spirit, in your heart, in your soul. You've got to get right with God. You've got to get everybody in your family, everybody you care about, you've got to get them living right with God. You've got to get everybody in your family, everybody you care about, you've got to get them living right with God. Walking the Christian walk, living the
Starting point is 00:50:11 faith and baptized. And you need to be physically prepared for the unthinkable. And you've got six years to do it. And there's no blood on my hands because I've told you. And some of you have been here with me for 25 years and you said, that's the same thing
Starting point is 00:50:33 he said in 1999. It's still true. He hasn't changed. You know why? Because in 1999 I didn't even realize it. I was prophesying of a fourth turning crisis. It's only been in the past couple weeks I've figured this out.
Starting point is 00:50:50 Oh, I get it now, Lord. You gave me a fourth turning prophetic ministry. Now I get it. There are times I got tired of it. There's times I was like, I can't say it anymore. Now I realize I only have to say it six more years. Doc, I'm rolling into the ending of this thing. I've got six more years.
Starting point is 00:51:11 That's all. I've got 26 behind me. I've only got six more years on the road to go with this ministry. And after the fourth turning war, it's a first turning if you're alive. It's a first turning if you're alive. It's a first turning. It's a rebuilding. But right now, you've got to get ready for the fourth turning crisis. That's the only thing that matters. We can learn about the first turning.
Starting point is 00:51:41 What is going to happen in the first turning? Depending on your age, you're going to have a role in it. If you're young right now, you're going to happen in the first turning? Depending on your age, you're going to have a role in it. If you're young right now, you're going to be in the war. Right now, if you're going to be anywhere under the age of 40 in the 2030s, you're going to
Starting point is 00:51:58 war. You'll be fighting alongside the robots. And that includes women. Because in this war women go yes and transvestites go anything that's breathing is going to be drafted into this war and some non-breathing things and there will be robotic soldiers you'll be fighting alongside robotic soldiers. And the dead soldiers will be eaten by robots for energy. They'll have an energy supply
Starting point is 00:52:30 that comes from eating human flesh. Sound preposterous, doesn't it? Not according to Wired Magazine. Ten years ago. That was ten years ago, Doc. At least. 2014. Flesh-eating robots.
Starting point is 00:52:50 Well, I'm on this theme with you right now, okay? I'm telling you, from the bottom of our heart, we need financial support. I'm not talking to our donors. We have this wonderful group of donors who we just count on every month. I'm not asking you, if you're a regular donor, I'm not asking you to give $1 more than you've been giving because you're wonderful. I couldn't do this without you. There's a group of people that just give every month.
Starting point is 00:53:31 But those of you who don't, we need you. We need you. Can you keep me going six more years? I need a forth-turning commitment. Can you keep me financed for six more years?
Starting point is 00:53:46 Then I'll shut up. I promise I'll shut up. I won't talk about it anymore. Get me to the war and I'll shut up. I can go into retirement then, Doc. Because it'll be a first turning. There's no reason to talk about war. You understand that? After the fourth turning war, there's no reason to talk about war. You understand that? After the fourth turning war,
Starting point is 00:54:06 there's no reason to have war shows because it's in a first turning. It's time to build. There's a time to build, a time to tear down, a time for war, a time for peace. Time to plant.
Starting point is 00:54:20 A time to reap. Okay, so the first turning is the time to build. What are you building? You're rebuilding from the war. You're rebuilding from the destruction of the war. Post-1945 in the 50s was a first turning. They rebuilt Europe. The Marshall Plan was a first turning operation.
Starting point is 00:54:43 And the resources that were used during the war to propel the war along here in the U.S., all that energy went into rebuilding America, too. That's right. So I'm asking people, some of you, it's really far-fetched to say, you're asking me to make a commitment for six years. Yes, but i'll i'll i'll bring it down closer would you make a commitment to support us for six months can you do six months november december january february march and april can you make a commitment to god that you'll support us to april 2025 Help us support us. We work with a lot of burdens on us. Okay. And I don't come here and I don't complain about the burdens. It's just it's part of the job. Okay,
Starting point is 00:55:38 we have a lot of burdens, but more money in the bank would lessen those burdens and would give us the ability to reach more people reach them with what the message to get their life right with god before this war comes and if you're living in europe this applies to you if you're living in asia it applies to you this is a world war the whole shebang is going to be involved in this war. Probably Africa and South America will be the only places that's not touched. It might even go there, too. Because Nicaragua, other countries,
Starting point is 00:56:18 might be involved in the alliance. So I can't even say Southica will be free from war there is our phone number our address p.o box 399 vero beach florida 32961 phone number 800-576-2116 of course the website click donate or the heart on the left side. Same thing with the app. You can do this, There's a place to donate. Find a way to help us and support us and do it every month.
Starting point is 00:56:57 Just make a commitment to God. You're going to do something every month. I got six more years of this work to do. I have to do it. There's no way work to do. I have to do it. There's no way out for me. I have to do it. I've been given assignment from God to prophesy this war until it arrives. Why? Because millions of people are going to die and they can't die without Christ. That's why Morning Manor coming up next. You're listening to WWCR International Shortwave
Starting point is 00:57:30 Radio. You can find true news on frequency 12.160 from 12pm to 4pm Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10pm to 2am Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter. Here are two massively important products to have in an emergency.
Starting point is 00:57:56 Because it's not a matter of if, but when an emergency will happen to you. With years of experience in survival preparedness, let me tell you, these are must-haves. One, high-quality and nutrient-packed shelf-stable emergency food buckets. And two, reliable and long-lasting water filtration systems. These essentials will make all the difference in an emergency, supplying your loved ones with all the calories and nutrients they need to survive any scenario. Don't take the risk. Try my favorite America-loving brand, American Res american reserves for your emergency food supply needs
Starting point is 00:58:31 good morning everybody welcome to morning manna and we are glad that you are joining us for a one-hour bible study we are in the 26th chapter of the gospel according to saint matthew and today we will study verses 36 through 41. let's pray. Our dear, gracious Heavenly Father, we magnify you and glorify you. We thank you for this awesome, beautiful day. We thank you for eternal life through Jesus Christ. Father, your sons and daughters are gathered today in many nations we come together through technology in one accord uh in one place virtually and we thank you for this technology father and we are gathered to be taught by your spirit the depth of your word, so that we may see the height and the greatness of our Savior Jesus Christ. In his name, Jesus, we pray. Amen. Amen. And if you've got your Bibles, please turn them to Matthew chapter 26 today. Lord, we honor your word today. Your word is so precious, Lord. It changes our lives.
Starting point is 00:59:47 Matthew chapter 26, we'll be reading verses 36 through 41. I'm reading from the King James. Please follow along. Verse 36, then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane, and saith unto the disciples, sit ye here while I go and pray yonder and he took with him peter and the two sons of zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy then said he unto them my soul is exceeding sorrowful even unto death tarry ye here and watch with me and he went a little farther and fell on his face and prayed, saying, O my Father, if it be possible,
Starting point is 01:00:29 let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt. And he cometh unto the disciples and findeth them asleep and saith unto Peter, What could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray that ye enter not into temptation.
Starting point is 01:00:57 The spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak. God, thank you for your word. In Jesus' name. Amen. Then cometh Jesus with them unto a place called Gethsemane. It's commonly believed that Gethsemane was an olive garden, a grove of olive trees beyond the Kidron Valley. And it was a familiar place of prayer for Jesus and the disciples it's near the Mount of Olives and it means Gethsemane means oil press right and it's interesting he he chose this garden which means oil press, because it speaks of the pressure and the crushing that he would bear that night. Yes. Jesus frequently visited Gethsemane, and that meant that Judas knew the location. And so what I see here, Doc, is Jesus deliberately chose a place Judas would know he would go.
Starting point is 01:02:21 I agree with that, yes. If you were trying to avoid death, you wouldn't go to your favorite hangout. You'd find a place you've never gone to and hope that your enemies never find you. Right. Or you'd go to a very public place because he knew that they were trying to do all this in secret. Yeah, right. So Jesus deliberately chose Gethsemane because Judas knew it was his favorite place of prayer. And so he's facilitating the betrayal. The choice of the garden speaks of Jesus' active submission to his fate, knowing that it would lead to his arrest and crucifixion. John said that Judas was familiar with the place because Jesus often visited there right so
Starting point is 01:03:32 we see Jesus's obedience to his father as he willingly presents himself to death in this familiar place he went to the garden for the purpose of being arrested obviously the the scene that we're studying foreshadows the forthcoming crucifixion it's setting the stage for Jesus to accept God's will, despite the anguish he knew would come with it. And so this prayerful submission speaks of the sacrificial role of Jesus, where he is willingly deliberately consciously offering his life as the sacrificial lamb it's dope the lamb went to the slaughterhouse willingly willingly the lamb went to the corral where livestock is gathered up to be slaughtered this he deliberately went to the garden knowing that judas that would be the first place judas would go judas knew the place
Starting point is 01:04:56 and i i think if we were there and overheard that conversation judas talking with the the religious leaders and the temple guards what are the top five places where do you think he could be hiding and i think judas said oh number one he he he's at the garden of gethsemane that's his favorite place and if he's not there he's you know he's at he's in bethany he's he's with mary and martha you know they went down the list but they knew the garden was the first place to go what's your favorite place
Starting point is 01:05:40 if satan was looking for you, where would be the first place he would look? Would it be a place of prayer or a place of sin? Amen, Doc. You took the words out of my mouth. Where would he find you?
Starting point is 01:06:00 On your knees? Or you know, in a nightclub? At the horse race. Where would he find you? If Satan said, we've got to find him, where is he? Where is he hanging out? He's at the beer joint.
Starting point is 01:06:23 He's watching porn. So tell us, Doc, that praying was a significant part of Jesus' life. Solitude. Being alone with his Father. It was the place he went. it's the place he loved so Jesus it now he instructed eight of his disciples to wait in one location while he went with three others to a separate more secluded spot and so the separation suggests that jesus was preparing for an intense personal deeply personal encounter with his father the instruction was sit ye here
Starting point is 01:07:20 while i go and pray yonder he didn't tell the He didn't tell the eight disciples to pray. Right. He instructed them to sit there. That's all they had to do. Just sit here. And I think this instruction to sit while he prayed speaks of their limited capacity to participate in his intense trial these these ain't these eight guys they don't have it I can't take them in there they can't see me in the state
Starting point is 01:08:08 doc i think that's what it was i can't let them see me in the state i'm going to be in um it would shock them they would be absolutely terrified. So by instructing eight disciples to wait at a distance, he spared them from two things. The shock of seeing their leader in a state of weakness and agony. And number two, from physical danger during the arrest. So he takes three disciples, Peter, James, and John, and he takes them further into the garden.
Starting point is 01:09:03 And of course, that speaks of a closer relationship. That these men had with Christ. But he doesn't take them. With the expectation that they. Will be able to withstand the impending trial. But he takes them to demonstrate. The common weakness shared by all disciples. Taking those three men to a closer spot.
Starting point is 01:09:35 Where he would pray. I mean. Clearly that tells us. They had a closer relationship with Jesus. And we've seen that pattern. The Mount of Transfiguration, the raising of Jairus' daughter. He would take those three men, Peter, James, and John, to very special events, moments.
Starting point is 01:10:01 Those three men witnessed things that the other eight disciples never saw. Even Jesus needed privacy to express his most intimate thoughts and feelings to his Heavenly Father during a crisis. When you are in a crisis, you need privacy. You need privacy to express your deepest feelings, your deepest fears, your deepest hopes. He needed that privacy. And yet he took three. And even they were at a distance. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:00 It says he went a little further. He went a little further. They could see him praying, but they weren't beside him he he sought solitude for his prayer he needed privacy and seclusion and communion with god and yet he needed human companionship. Despite his solitude in the garden, Jesus desired the presence of his closest friends. He had a human need for their nearness and sympathy just to know the three men that are closest to me are just behind me they're right there there's a there's both seclusion and privacy and yet the presence of his closest friends.
Starting point is 01:12:11 I don't know if they could hear him. I don't know if they could hear the words he was speaking. But they certainly could see him. Now, think about the contrast between the boasting of the disciples, particularly Peter, and Jesus' humility. Just previously, the disciples, and in particular Peter, boasted of their own strength. Right. But Jesus, aware of his impending trial, knew his own weakness and sought strength from his Father. But wait a minute, he's God, yes.
Starting point is 01:13:03 He's God in the human body. His human flesh was weak. His mind, his body was weak. And he needed strength, spiritual and physical and emotional strength from his Father in heaven. So,
Starting point is 01:13:29 if Jesus Christ, the Son of God, needed to go to his Father at his worst trial and pour out his heart and ask for strength, how much more do we need to do it and yet often in our worst trials we we avoid God we clam up we we get quiet.
Starting point is 01:14:11 And that's the time that we need to be closest to him. Many times people are thinking, how could my father in heaven allow this to happen to me? They may not express it openly, verbally, but they're thinking it. I can't talk to him right now. I can't believe this is happening to me. Well, Jesus knew what was happening to him,
Starting point is 01:14:41 and he knew why it was happening. And he knew that his father arranged it but he asked his father for the strength to go through it so he maintains a reserve yet he's pouring out his heart to his father. And notice he never explicitly invited the disciples to pray with him. And yet he chastised them for not praying. They could not join him on an equal footing in this prayer. He has a unique role as the son and the mediator between God and humanity. And his journey of suffering was a path only he could walk.
Starting point is 01:15:43 Right. There was nobody to walk with him. And we'll get to this in the remaining chapters of Matthew, but it came that moment on the cross where even his father disowned him. That's right. Couldn't look at him. Why?
Starting point is 01:16:15 Because all the sin of mankind was on his son. And it was too much for even his father to look at. That's why Jesus cried out, My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Because he was forsaken in that moment of time.
Starting point is 01:16:37 He had been forsaken by his father. His father had to look away with great emotional pain and allow his son to become the sin of mankind and die. And Jesus in the garden knew that this moment is coming.
Starting point is 01:17:01 The clock is ticking. He knows where this is going. And he's questioning whether he has the strength to get through it. So, he encouraged his disciples to remain there and watch, avoid temptation. And he's teaching us in this episode, he's teaching us that prayer is essential in preparation to face trials. Not only do you need prayer to go through a trial,
Starting point is 01:17:47 you need prayer before the trial. When you know that a really stressful event is up ahead, you need to be in prayer to go through it. We typically wait until we're in it you know what Jesus is teaching us here is start praying before you get in the storm when you know the storm is coming start praying build up your spirit before you get in the storm so what we see in the Garden of Gethsemane is the display of the profound humidity humanity of Jesus Christ as he confronts fear, sorrow, distress, that he knows he's got to go through this in order to obey his father. Luke said his sweat was like drops of blood.
Starting point is 01:19:00 Right. Doc, what does it take to make blood come out of your pores? Extreme stress, and that is a very real medical condition called hematidrosis, where you are under such stress that the capillaries at the end of your blood vessels actually they're stressed out and they'll actually release blood out of the pores of your skin and so it's not something that was unique to jesus although it's unique in him that you know he sweated drops of blood but it's been observed in people who are under tremendous stress. They will actually sweat blood. So what does it take to make somebody sweat blood?
Starting point is 01:19:52 Knowing that you're going to die in less than 24 hours. Not only die, but before you die, you're going to be tortured. Yes. And you're going to be nailed to a tree that's going to be stood upright, and everybody's going to look at you. And you're going to be almost naked hanging on a tree, a tree trunk. But even more terrifying, Doc, was he knew the moment would come that his father would forsake him. Right.
Starting point is 01:20:30 He knew that he would descend to the place of the dead. He knew that he would have to raise himself from the dead. The scripture says that he was very sorrowful very heavy the Greek word is ademone let me say it can you say it doc
Starting point is 01:20:59 ademoneo ademoneo I think that's the closest I can get ademoneo Ademanio. Ademanio. Ademanio. I think that's the closest I can get. Ademanio. It means to be distressed, troubled, deeply grieved. To feel fear. To lack courage.
Starting point is 01:21:18 To be troubled. To be distressed. And the word, it's a a verb it conveys profound sense of profound not just distress but profound distress and anguish it's the word is associated with deep emotional turmoil and mental suffering and anguish deep sorrow deep anxiety an intense internal struggle it actually uh it mark uses the the words sore amazed and the meaning is profound shock sorrow shock I hadn't thought about that mixed together profound sharp shock profound shock as if suddenly he's confronted with a catastrophic realization
Starting point is 01:22:26 doc had hit him that night it was that night in the garden he for the first time he perceived and understood what was going to happen to him on the cross. He was in a state of shock. Had his father kept it from him? Until that night? That his father, through the Holy Spirit, I mean, Jesus knew he was going to be killed. He knew that.
Starting point is 01:23:15 He knew he was going to be resurrected. But maybe his father had not revealed to him the full extent of what was going to happen. And he sinned. Right. And add to that the weight of the sins of the whole world. Yes. I mean, that would shock you. If you think about this, if you saw just all the sin in just your city,
Starting point is 01:23:42 would it shock you? Yeah. Just your city, would it shock you? Just your city, would it shock you? Well, imagine seeing the sin of the whole world. Would it shock you? Well, of course it would. But then to be cast on you? Wow. What he went through, Rickick for us we can't comprehend it we cannot comprehend it in our human minds i mean if we said what if a judge convicted you of every crime in the nation right every crime in the world you were convicted we still couldn't comprehend it what does that look like but i think i think his father on that night revealed to jesus son this is what you're going to face i'm going to show it to you now. Maybe Jesus had flashes.
Starting point is 01:24:45 Holy Spirit flashes of himself on the cross. He's being prepared. And he's in shock. He's in great anguish. And he foresaw his suffering and the horrors of the crucifixion he saw the separation from his father's presence which terrified it more than the pain more than the physical pain if his father revealed to him if this will come to the place that I will separate from you. I will look away from you.
Starting point is 01:25:33 That was probably what he said. I can't bear that. This is too much. This is the weight of humanity's sins that he had to carry to the cross. So the burden was more than physical pain. It was the sorrow of taking on the judgment meant for others. And his grief also stemmed from the prospect of divine wrath that awaited him as the atoning sacrifice for sin. And he's now aware, this is what's going to happen to me in Jerusalem.
Starting point is 01:26:27 They're not just going to kill me quickly. There's a lot more to this death than I realize. I'm of the opinion, Doc, that his father revealed the full extent of the crucifixion to him that night it would make sense so and that explains the shock the sorrow the heaviness the emotional struggle this sense of abandonment and estrangement from his father. A condition that was totally unfamiliar to him. He had never ever been separated from his father. And yet his father is revealing to him,
Starting point is 01:27:25 when you're on the cross, you're going to be separated from me. So he's experiencing the deepest levels of human emotions, grief, sorrow, distress, fear, shock, heaviness. Verse 38, Then he said to them, My soul is exceedingly sorrowful, even to death. Stay here and watch with me. So he expresses his deep sorrow to his closest disciples, to the three,
Starting point is 01:28:08 describing his soul as exceeding sorrowful, even unto death. Meaning there's a level of distress that is unbearable. Right. Almost, I'd rather die than feel this pain right now. And there's something to be said about the, you know, we had the eight disciples that were down probably at the base of the Mount of Olives. And then you've got these three disciples.
Starting point is 01:28:44 And Jesus shares his sorrow with these three disciples. The closer you get to Jesus, the more you're going to understand his sorrow and his suffering. That's what I take away from that, Rick. Yes. That's right. And when you suffer in this world for him he shares in your suffering
Starting point is 01:29:08 that's what you have to understand when you suffer in this life for him don't get yourself in your own suffering if you're going to suffer make sure you're suffering for him but when you're suffering for him. Amen.
Starting point is 01:29:30 But when you are suffering for him, he enters into that suffering. And you and him become one. And he gets you through it. But that's not to say that when we are suffering because of our own mistakes he doesn't doesn't care no that's not that's not what I'm saying but there's a there's another level to go to when you're suffering for his sake and it it causes him to recall his suffering for your sake. He suffered for your sake. And when you suffer for his sake, you are one. The two of you are one.
Starting point is 01:30:32 Yes. um doc any any thoughts on do you have any thoughts on on why he took peter james and john further with him other than he needed he needed their human companionship well it could also be too that they needed it, too. They needed that closeness to Jesus and his suffering for later on in ministry. Peter, James, and John, all three of them. I mean, Peter, of course, eventually was crucified upside down. James was martyred for the faith. John suffered for the faith of Christ, boiled in oil. He did everything but die for the cross. And so all three of these disciples were going to share in intimate suffering later on in their lives.
Starting point is 01:31:20 So that could be a reason, too, that he drew them. He prepared them. Right. Now even though the other disciples too, they suffered as well, but it could be that these were the three that needed it the most to be able to share in that suffering. So later in their lives when they had to suffer, they would have those vivid memories of that night in the garden. Yeah, I was there that night with Jesus in the garden. I remember
Starting point is 01:31:56 that night and I saw the suffering that Jesus went through in the garden and that might have helped them carry on in their own suffering that they experienced for Jesus Christ. And maybe in that suffering, each one of those men heard the voice of the Lord whispering to them, Peter, I'm with you
Starting point is 01:32:18 like you were with me in the garden. We don't know. But I know that Jesus is compassionate and so that's not that's not difficult for me to imagine that the Holy Spirit spoke to them in their suffering and reminded them you you were with the Lord in the garden you you you were with him as he suffered as as he prepared for the suffering. And he is now with you. And you're going to get through this. You're going to be brave.
Starting point is 01:32:52 You're going to be strong. You're not going to collapse. You're going to get through it. Those are the words we need to hear from the Lord when things are extremely difficult. You're strong. You're going to get through it. You'll make it. You know, Doc, I was thinking about Donald Trump today.
Starting point is 01:33:21 And, you know, I don't know the man's personal relationship with the Lord, but I know that Donald Trump is his best when he is facing his worst. I would agree with that. That's the true greatness that's in donald trump he's probably at his worst when he's the most relaxed but when he's facing destruction he's at his best and what we've all learned through Donald Trump is never quit never ever quit and the Lord got him through multiple opportunities to quit and to be destroyed. And I just believe, Doc, that on a personal level, the Lord was teaching Donald Trump personally the closeness of the Lord to get you through your trials
Starting point is 01:34:42 and to defeat your enemies but what we're learning in this is the necessity of of prayer of being close to your heavenly father when you know you're facing a trial yes and that it's it is normal to be afraid, to be worried, not to doubt. I didn't say that. But it's normal to experience human emotions about the magnitude of the trial you're facing. Right. Because we're very attached to this flesh, Rick. This flesh suffers pain. Yes. And, you know, the tremendous pain that Christ went through, through the scourging that He suffered, through the crucifixion on the cross,
Starting point is 01:35:39 basically He suffocated on the cross. It wasn't just, just you know he bled to death or something like that he suffocated to death slowly on the cross it was a long drawn out process just talking about it should put any horror movie today to shame um but he also knew that this was necessary, that this cup could not pass from him if it was possible. But it could not pass from him. The cup was his. And what was that cup? It was a cup of suffering. And that cup of suffering, Jesus said earlier in the Gospels, you know what?
Starting point is 01:36:19 Some of you are going to share in that suffering. Some of you are going to share in that suffering. Some of you are going to share in that cup of suffering too. And so we need to keep in mind as well that the scripture says, he that endures until the end shall be saved. And one of the characteristics and traits of identification as a disciple of Christ is suffering with Christ. And a lot of believers today aren't aren't ready for that Rick because we're not we're not a suffering church here in America are we no no the mindset is that you were to be happy all the time that's right well you can be happy you can be happy in your suffering.
Starting point is 01:37:08 So this verse that Doc's talking about, verse 39, he went forward a little, fell on his face and prayed, saying, My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass away from me. Nevertheless, not what I desire but what you desire not my will but your will and that's the key to it right there not my will but your will if it's possible let this cup of suffering pass away. But if it's your will, give me your will, not my will. And that's a difficult prayer for all of us. Because when you say those words, you are submitting to God's perfect will.
Starting point is 01:38:10 Could I read a scripture here, Rick, from Hebrews? Yeah. Hebrews chapter 5, verses 7 and 8. Who in the days of his flesh, when he had offered up prayers and supplications, was strong crying and tears unto him that was able to save him from death, and was heard in that he feared. Though he were a son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered. And verse 9 says, And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all that obey him.
Starting point is 01:38:43 So Jesus learned obedience through the suffering. Through the suffering. And then we learn as well by obeying Jesus. Yes. Yeah. None of us want to volunteer for suffering.
Starting point is 01:39:02 And that's not what Jesus is teaching, but he's teaching if it is your father's will that you suffer for his glory, then accept it and do it, and you'll come out on the other side. You'll come out victorious, but Jesus did it, and he submitted to his father's will he
Starting point is 01:39:27 addressed Almighty God as my father and he had taught the disciples to pray to their Heavenly Father and he's so he's expressing his his relationship as a son to his father, and his dependency on his father, and his submission to his father. As he's grappling with this immense sorrow, knowing what knowledge of his father's will is bringing sorrow. The more the Holy Spirit revealed his father's will to him that night, the more sorrowful he became. He speaks of a cup. A cup of suffering, death, divine wrath.
Starting point is 01:40:34 He's not eager to drink from it. Who would be? What would that say about you? If you're eager, hey, bring me that cup of suffering and death and misery. Bring it to me. No, he doesn't want to drink from it. But he's submitting. Say, if this is your will.
Starting point is 01:40:56 My will is that this cup pass from me. But if your will is that I drink from it, then I will do it. See, in our prayers, we can express to God, my desire is this. There's nothing wrong with you telling the Lord your desire. My preference is this, Father. If you're leaving it up to me, this is what I choose. But I will submit to your choice. that's the way we should pray there's nothing wrong with expressing your desire to your father
Starting point is 01:41:35 and telling him your preferences nothing wrong with that at all. The important thing is that in that prayer, after you've expressed your viewpoint and your desire, is that you always end that prayer by saying, but whatever is your will, I'll accept it. Right. by saying, but whatever is your will, I'll accept it. Right. I think sometimes a lot of Christians are afraid to tell God their will, their desire, their preferences. It's okay. You can do that. It's okay you can do that it's okay the key thing is the submission to his will because
Starting point is 01:42:32 that that speaks of your trust say in my thinking this is the solution but you most likely have a better solution and i'll take yours and and if you if you learn to have these open conversations with your father claire becomes a delightful conversation. You don't have to pray these and those. You know, a rigid religious prayer. Talk to your father. Tell him what you're afraid of.
Starting point is 01:43:25 Tell him what you hope for. Tell him what you're afraid of. Tell him what you hope for. Tell him your suggestions. I tell my Father my suggestions and I always do it with a smile. This is what I would like. These are my suggestions but I want yours. I want yours, Father. I'll accept yours.
Starting point is 01:43:51 And that's the key in our walk with him. If it be possible, that speaks of his father's sovereignty he is supreme if it be possible. Luke speaks of the appearance of an angel to strengthen Jesus. Think about that. He was so humanly weak at this moment that god had to send an angel to comfort him the son of god needed comforting from an angel
Starting point is 01:45:02 just like yeah that's hard for me to comprehend. The God-man, he's all God, all human, and yet at this moment he's so troubled that heaven dispatched an angel to encourage him. That's the second time that we read in scriptures that angels encourage Jesus. Remember after his temptation in the wilderness? Yes. He ministered to Jesus at that end, at the beginning of his ministry.
Starting point is 01:45:34 Now we have angels ministering to him at the end of his ministry. That's a really good point, Doc. So, both of them speak of temptation and what was the purpose of the original temptation to tempt Jesus to fulfill God's will in another manner. Yes. Yeah. The temptation in the wilderness was Satan saying to Jesus, I've got my own suggestions
Starting point is 01:46:14 on how you can fulfill your father's plan. And Jesus refused to do it because it would interrupt his father's plan. Now here we are at the end. You've got these bookends. The first temptation is in a wilderness. The second temptation is in a garden. And Satan's plan is still the same.
Starting point is 01:46:45 I want to prevent you from fulfilling your father's plan. They're like bookends. Temptation in the wilderness, temptation in the garden. But in both cases it it means Satan seeking to persuade Jesus not to follow through on his Heavenly Father's plan what do we learn out of this that at our worst trials Satan will come to us with a plan that he will say, you know, this will get you there
Starting point is 01:47:32 to where your father wants you to go, but you'll bypass all that suffering. He'll sound reasonable. He'll sound logical. He'll sound like this is a win-win for everybody. Yes. God will win and you'll win. And you'll miss all this suffering. So that's why the angel probably showed up when they saw a drop of blood like okay he is an intense agony right now we've got to encourage him we've got to get him through this okay but accepting the cup meant the ultimate act of obedience to fulfill god's plan for salvation the salvation of the human race
Starting point is 01:48:38 verse 40 he came to the disciples and found them sleeping and said to peter what couldn't you watch with me for one hour you know again he never told them they had to pray but he didn't tell them to sleep that's right he did tell him to watch told him him to watch. And what he says here is, couldn't you watch with me for one hour? Guys, I just need you to look at me. That's all he was saying. I just need you to look at me. I just needed to know you're here with me right now.
Starting point is 01:49:28 You guys fell asleep. And there's a tone of surprise and sadness in Jesus' question to Peter. Once again, you know, Peter had made these bold claims of loyalty, but he can't even stay awake. I got your back, Jesus. I'll sit here and watch.
Starting point is 01:50:00 And yet, he's snoozing. There's another possibility, Doc, that Luke emotional stress, fatigue, sorrow. Have you ever been so depressed so troubled that you went to sleep so you wouldn't think about the trouble what yes right people can get themselves into a state of depression that goes on for months, even years, by sleeping 10, 12, 14, 15 hours a day. And, you know, what's funny, later on in this chapter, Jesus actually tells the disciples, sleep on now.
Starting point is 01:51:28 Sleep on. Yes. So there's a human condition there to deal with stress and depression. I know. I've been there. Sometimes sleep is, you yearn for it, just to have peace for a few hours in your mind. Right. You go to bed early and you sleep late, because the longer you're asleep, you're not thinking about your trouble. Right. Also, pain. also pain I remember you know years ago I had I had ruptured disc and doc I was in I was in so
Starting point is 01:52:15 much pain and agony that I I remember one one day I was in bed trying to get relief there was no position i could get in that would i could get relief from the pain yeah i understand and i i remember saying to susan i wish i would just pass out so i wouldn't feel this pain and which was the first time she understood how much pain I was in and and so we we we will yearn for sleep so that we don't feel the pain and then the danger in that is that we we we self-medicate ourselves with drugs with liquor with all kinds of diversions to self-medicate the pain our our minds our spirit we're saying we can't deal with this problem this crisis is too great i've got to escape i got to check out for a while right and that's why people turn to liquor that's why they turn they'll turn to all kinds of things they'll become a porn addict they'll
Starting point is 01:53:31 become a drug addict they'll become an alcoholic just to escape the pain um they could become a golf addict anything just to get away from the trouble it's a so I think part of it here with these men is like they just had to they couldn't look at him anymore it was too intense, too emotionally stressful to watch Jesus in that state of turmoil. think there's also it also speaks of the the problem of spiritual drowsiness that can come on us even after close communion with Christ right and and there's a risk of spiritual slumber during periods of testing. We may react to the testing phase by going to sleep, spiritually going to sleep. Right. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:54:59 Go ahead, Doc. No, I'm just kind of thinking out loud there. There is that slumber and that drowsiness that comes because people don't want to participate in the suffering of Christ. It's just a lot easier to sleep in the pew, and sometimes literally. literally um you know uh but we don't like to think that our walk with christ requires a cup back in matthew chapter 20 jesus said if listen if you're if you're going to participate in my kingdom you've got to share my cup you've got to this same. And it's interesting that Jesus talks about the cup here when they just had the Lord's Supper. Yes. Where they had the cup. And where every drop was emptied from that cup.
Starting point is 01:55:57 And now Jesus is making the case, this suffering that i'm going through it's poured out like like jacob poured out on the altar back you know on that on that altar the first time you know that's first time it talks about a drink offering in the bible and then in the law where it talks about the drink offering where it's completely poured out on the sacrifice it's completely emptied the priest didn't share in the cup the the cup was poured out on the sacrifice it was completely emptied um um we know doctor we know that he prayed for at least one hour yes probably longer he said couldn't you could you watch with me for one hour? So he may have prayed two hours. They may have been asleep for nearly two hours. That doesn't mean they went to sleep immediately. But he uses... I'm sorry. No, go ahead, Doc. I was saying, we'll get in more of this tomorrow,
Starting point is 01:57:05 but he actually had three different interchanges with Peter, James, and John. You know, he went and prayed, came back. Went and prayed, came back. Went and prayed a third time, came back. And each of the three times, they were sleeping. Yes. Yes. yes is there anybody in your life close to you
Starting point is 01:57:28 who is going through a great difficulty and you are spiritually sleeping through it and they need you they need you they need you to be there just to help them get through it it makes us become
Starting point is 01:57:49 to search our hearts to see are we are we are we overlooking the suffering of people very close to us you know in our lives in very close proximity of our lives, who are going through trials and tribulations and difficulty and suffering. And are we there with them?
Starting point is 01:58:16 You know, over in the Gospel of John, John chapter 17, it talks about the prayer of Jesus. A big portion of that prayer was for his disciples. For the very disciples that were sleeping, he was praying for them. Verse 41, watch and pray that you don't enter into temptation.
Starting point is 01:58:45 The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Let's pick it up there tomorrow, Doc. Amen. All right. Well, I hope you've learned something good today. I hope you've taken away something very powerful from the word. We're going to continue in Matthew 26 tomorrow. And we would appreciate having you here as well.
Starting point is 01:59:05 We do this every day, live at 8 a.m. Eastern time on We would love to have you here on the live edition of Morning Manor. But no matter when you listen to it, we invite you to participate and share what you've learned with others as well. God bless you, and
Starting point is 01:59:21 we will see you on the Wednesday edition of Morning Manor. Love you. Bye bless you. And we will see you on the Wednesday edition of from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.

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