TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Freemason Candidate Threatens to Kill Republican with Russian-Ukrainian Hit Squad

Episode Date: June 17, 2021

Today on TruNews, Edward, Lauren and Doc dig down on the latest in the 2020 election fraud, and offer comments of the greatly hyped UFO report due later this month. In the second half, Edward, Milo a...nd Lauren reveal the mysterious Florida Republican candidate who threatened to send a Russian and Ukrainian hit squad to make his election rival disappear. Edward Szall, Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate 06/17/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Thursday, June 17th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Here in America, we're starting to learn what happens when the rule of law is substituted with the law of the jungle. And what I'm sure will not be the strangest story we report on this year. A Republican candidate in Tampa who claims to be a Freemason has been caught plotting the murder of his primary opponent using hit squads tied to the Russian mafia.
Starting point is 00:01:08 We'll discuss that story later in segment two with Milo and Lauren. And in our first segment, we have an update on world news, the 2020 election audits, and Congress's secret briefing on UFOs. Now, before we go to Kerry, we've got a little update on Rick. He's been, you know, continuing his recovery. It's been good. He's been working throughout the week. But he's doing it at a reduced pace. Look, we almost died last week, OK? He will be back full time next Monday and we'll be on True News every day. Now to Kerry Kinsey, today's headlines.
Starting point is 00:01:40 Welcome to True News headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Fulton County, Georgia, election officials admit as many as 18,901 votes in Georgia have been found to have no chain of custody for the 2020 presidential election. The Georgia Star News says we're talking about absentee ballots deposited in drop boxes. President Biden took Georgia by less than 12,000 votes. Georgia's Secretary of State says there will be an investigation. It gets worse, folks. The says evidence that came to light during a public meeting revealed that Stacey Abrams financed and controlled staffing for Fulton County, Georgia's 2020 election and the January Senate runoff. The article says evidence showed direct financial underwriting of the staffing service
Starting point is 00:02:32 Happy Faces personnel group by groups controlled by Abrams. In other words, a highly partisan Democrat political operative controlled the elections in Fulton County, Georgia. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis says to Arizona and Texas, we got you back. The governor says he's sending state and local law enforcement officers to Texas and Arizona to help secure the border. He and Florida Attorney Ashley Moody say that a porous border affects communities even in the Sunshine State. This has an impact nationwide. I mean, for example, in May, we had in Martin County, 82-year-old woman raped by a criminal illegal alien. 82 years old.
Starting point is 00:03:26 I mean, how disgusting. This guy had been arrested. ICE had never, was not willing to take him and remove him. And so he ends up committing a dastardly act against an elderly resident in Martin County. When you have chaos versus order, crime versus safety, you develop strategic enforcement actions and you bring peace and protection to your people. That's what a leader does. I can tell you just in these short few months that this administration has been in charge, we have seen a 230% increase in fentanyl seizures,
Starting point is 00:04:07 enough to kill almost half of the American population. We have seen over a 3,000% increase in sexual offenders being detained at the border. As a mother, as a former prosecutor and judge, that infuriates me and terrifies me. When this administration took office, they canceled Operation Talent, which was an enforcement action to round up and deport those here illegally that were convicted sexual offenders. I begged them not to do that. Very passionate.
Starting point is 00:04:42 The following sheriff's offices and state law enforcement agencies have already committed to sending aid. Here they are, the Florida Highway Patrol, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, Brevard County Sheriff's Office, Escambia County Sheriff's Office. Let's hear it. Pensacola, Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Holmes County Sheriff's Office, Lee County Sheriff's Office. Let's hear it. Pensacola, Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office, Holmes County Sheriff's Office, Lee County Sheriff's Office. Way to go, Fort Myers. Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office, Pasco County Sheriff's Office, Santa Rosa County Sheriff's Office, and Walton County Sheriff's Office. So far, Florida is the only state of 48 who have answered the call for help from Arizona and Texas.
Starting point is 00:05:29 That's a look at True News headlines. Now, let's get reaction from Edward, Milo and Lauren. Thank you, Kerry. And here we have Doc Burkhardt and Lauren. That's pretty awesome what Florida is doing. Sending our sheriffs and really making it available for any law enforcement agencies that want to step up to go help where the Biden administration won't. Well, I'm of the opinion the state really shouldn't be doing this. This is actually a federal issue, but the federal government's not doing anything. So on the other hand, I am glad to see Florida stepping up, but it shouldn't have to do that. It shouldn't have to be that way. The country's breaking.
Starting point is 00:06:12 But they are. The country is not following our constitution, is not following the laws of the land. We're not really operating as a unified country. So what you're now starting to see, you're seeing states operate as countries, deploying troops or armed men to go help another friendly state. I mean, this story, I think we're going to see more of this. We're not going to see less of this. The government clearly doesn't want to do anything about the border. So the states themselves, the ones that are like-minded, are banding together.
Starting point is 00:06:42 We'll see where that goes. Hopefully, it doesn't lead to civil war or anything other than maybe a wake-up call in D.C. Yeah, absolutely. Well, what we've realized, these state elected officials, governors have realized is that the federal government, Joe Biden and the Kamala Harris administration are not going to protect you. So these states are taking their rights back. They're doing everything they can to protect their people, which is what we elected them to do in the first place. Governor DeSantis has been awesome on immigration. He was the first to in-state e-verify. He meets with the angel families. Like, he actually cares for the families who have been affected. Angel
Starting point is 00:07:18 families are people who have had their children killed by illegal aliens. So he has been, this is personal, you know what I'm saying? Like, he cares for the people that he's taking care of. And you know, this is, it affects them. You know, they make their way to Florida. They make their way up the East Coast and he knows that. And it's kind of running protection for the rest of the country. So kudos to them for sure. And the sheriffs. Well, there is some news that didn't come out yet from the Biden and Putin summit that was quite interesting. There were some very interesting guests outside of Geneva. One was
Starting point is 00:07:52 Osama Bin Laden's niece. I'm not sure you guys saw this today, but this is right outside where Vladimir Putin and our president Joe Biden met. She's on a boat, of course, here. And she has a huge sign, Trump won. It's a very odd story. I'm sure the rest of the world is very enthralled by the fact
Starting point is 00:08:15 that our politics definitely does spill into Europe. What do you think about this, Doc? Well, Noor has been in the news in the past as well in support of Donald Trump. She's shown up at rallies and events in the past. I saw her at a rally over in Fort Myers when Donald Trump was here in the state back in the campaign. And so she, you know, it's hard to believe that she's Osama bin Laden's niece. And so, but hey, at least she's standing up for something in the midst of all this. And so and Donald Trump probably did win. And so why not put the voice out there? So, well, we're starting to learn some new information about President Trump's position on the election.
Starting point is 00:08:59 It appears that during that that limbo period, let's say November, December, January of last year, President Trump and his staff and his lawyers actually were indeed pressuring the Supreme Court. They were trying to get the Supreme Court, according to the Epoch Times and emails which have now been released, to actually call for and order a new election in the swing states which were at issue. This is pretty incredible. Well, it also confirms what we suspected. True News did cover this aspect of the election cycle.
Starting point is 00:09:40 And we speculated out here on this program, is the Trump administration working right now to try to convince the Supreme Court to disqualify the election results in particular states and to appoint presidential electors? And we did talk about that at some length. And we were poo-pooed for it. We were, you know, laughed off about it. And now it turns out that the Trump administration was doing exactly that. You know, if you believe that there was fraud committed in those states, why not ask that? I mean, did they actually make a case before the Supreme Court and say, we believe there was fraud that was being committed in these states?
Starting point is 00:10:19 I would do everything. If I truly believe there was fraud going on in election, if I truly believed it, I would fight for everything I could and go into the Supreme Court for it too. It appears the seriousness of this only went as far as a draft. That's according to the documents. The Attorney General, the acting Attorney General at the time, Jeffrey Rosen, was given a draft of what wanted to be basically done. The President had his own strategy.
Starting point is 00:10:47 They wrote it up, and nothing was ever done with it. Oh, that's typical. Yeah, so the plan was to stop the appointment of presidential electors at the state level prior to the national certification. But it didn't happen. We're now at least seeing that an email was sent. Right. Well, Donald Trump had months. He'd been saying for months, this is going to be the most fraudulent election in U.S. history.
Starting point is 00:11:10 Then vote by mail. It's going to just be a disaster. We saw it for months. He was president of the United States and he had the opportunity to ban vote by mail. He had the opportunity to prevent a fraudulent election from happening. And it's way easier to prevent a fraudulent election from happening. And it's way easier to prevent a fraudulent election than to try and overturn one. And he knew that. So, you know, it was one of those things where, you know, I'm not surprised, but however, he knew this was coming. And instead of being afraid of offending the left, he should have taken action and protected himself. And in turn, it would have protected us as American citizens. Well, then whose fault is that, Lauren?
Starting point is 00:11:43 It is nobody's fault, but the Kushner administration's. The Kushner administration? I'm sure it was his idea. You know, he's in Trump's ear saying, oh, you can't do that. They'll say that you're a tyrant. Oh, you can't say that. They'll call you a dictator. Well, you know what?
Starting point is 00:11:56 They're going to call you that anyway. So keep winning. Well, Debra, they call you incompetent at this point because the problem with this is that it's another example of President Trump not following through. Yes. I mean, you look at all the time that was given to President Trump, four years, and you look at the time and the things that he was saying during that limbo period. I call it limbo. It was a very odd time. November, December and January. There was talk from revolution in the streets to
Starting point is 00:12:26 civil war over this election and again half the country still does not believe a proper constitutional election was carried out and that's going to have repercussions moving forward. There's no doubt about that. Well the president actually has commented now on his
Starting point is 00:12:42 opinion about the election. Up until today he was still saying in his emails and his blog posts, the blog that got shut down, that he did win. That it was no question, it was a cheat and all these other things. But he wasn't conceding. Well, on Sean Hannity last night, he spoke to the column attorney. He did actually say, well, maybe I did lose the 2020 election. I guess that's why we got him by surprise in 16. And in 20, we did much better than we did in 16.
Starting point is 00:13:16 And shockingly, we were supposed to win easily at 64 million votes and we got 75 million votes and we didn't win. But let's see what happens on that. The whole thing is shocking. We didn't win. It's as close to the thinkers we're going to get from President Trump. I don't know how far that message is going to go, though, because I don't think people care much about what the president's opinion is about his own victory. They've got in their mind that the election was stolen.
Starting point is 00:13:45 And honestly, guys, I don't know what would ever dispel that. Well, he was the one that was saying it the whole time. We were listening to him. Stolen election. People were listening to him. I concede nothing. I didn't, like, I won. Trump won.
Starting point is 00:13:55 You know, and we, I mean, people donated millions of dollars to help him fight the steal, stop the steal. You know, so I'm really surprised to actually hear him say that. When I saw this headline, I was like, are you serious? People cost their jobs, sacrifice their, you know? And even to this day, people are convinced that there's still something that's going to happen, even in the month of August. We get mail here.
Starting point is 00:14:19 We've got invitations to the upcoming inauguration that's going to take place in August. Do I wear a fancy hat to that? And so that's where the thinking is. I mean, it's a guy. Even though President Trump says this. He's causing that. And look, I don't want to, do we call it a delusion? I mean, I don't know what to say to this.
Starting point is 00:14:41 Is that won't happen because the president himself didn't take action. Even if you want to believe this, you have to come to terms with the fact the president doesn't really care about it that much. He will still go on to Fox and give his opinions. But when it came to actually doing hard work, which it would have been hard work to get the states to not certify. And I think he'd started a process. Maybe he said something out loud.
Starting point is 00:15:05 He couldn't tweet maybe at the time. Maybe he said something out loud and he sent Mark Meadows to some of these swing states. But that appears to be the extent of the effort that was put into it. Well, that interview, there was something else very, I'd say, troubling that was said by the president.
Starting point is 00:15:20 He now has endorsed the theory that the communist Chinese virus, the bioweapon here in this program we detailed, was produced in a military lab by the PLA. Well, its release was an accident. That's the president's position. This is what he said on Hannity. You see that horrible, that horrible thing that came at us from China and came at us from the Wuhan, the Wuhan lab. It changed my whole line of thinking. And you just I really hope and I believe it was an accident. It was incompetence. I guess some people don't necessarily agree with that.
Starting point is 00:16:04 They think maybe there was purpose to it, which would be absolutely terrible. But we have to find out more about it. Why did it happen? How did it happen? How could anybody be so incompetent? And that is not a group of incompetent people. So, yes, the president, I believe it. I believe it was a terrible accident, but I believe it came from the lab. Why would you think it's an accident? We knew there was actually video out now of bats in the Wuhan virology lab. We knew that they studied coronaviruses. And we now know from the emails from the great Dr. Fauci, flip-flopper,
Starting point is 00:16:43 that that gain-of-function research was being done there. So it seems like the most logical conclusion. The only question is, is there a possibility that U.S. tax dollars help pay for the gain-of-function leading to COVID-19? Well, we ended that, John. And when we heard about it, I ended that. But that started in 2014 under Obama. And when I heard about it, we ended it very rapidly. I said, can you imagine? And it wasn't even Wuhan. It was just that we were paying China on top of everything else. We're now paying for their research and other things. Ridiculous. So we ended that as soon as we heard about it. And we did a lot of things against
Starting point is 00:17:23 China. Not that I want to be against China, because I had a great relationship with President Xi, a lot of respect for him. Great relationship with President Xi. I have a lot of respect for him. Your granddaughter speaks Chinese. These aren't the comments of someone who believes that the Chinese attacked America.
Starting point is 00:17:41 Although, if you were to just go back six months and listen to President Trump give other interviews, tweet about his opinions on this subject, he absolutely was saying the Chinese attacked us, that this was a bioweapon, that this is everything we've heard, again, on the subject that's detailed. I mean, he sounds even like he's in denial about the funding through Peter Daszak's EcoHealth Alliance. He claims that when he heard about it, they stopped it immediately. But that didn't happen, did it?
Starting point is 00:18:11 No, and we're learning there's an additional funding program through the Pentagon. Yes. And so it almost sounds like someone whispered in President Trump's ear, who was probably... Last name starts with a K. With a K. And Jared Kushner lied to the president and said don't worry boss or
Starting point is 00:18:28 father-in-law, pops, maybe call him pops it's not happening anymore I swear because I don't want any friction between you and Dr. Fauci who we've brought on to maybe amplify our response oh wait he took it over he took over our response
Starting point is 00:18:44 oh no I don't want us to look like we're powerless. So let's just endorse everything Dr. Fauci has done until we go ahead and get into the election scandals. I think that's generally what took place here. The president, his position now is it's an accident. Everything's an accident. An accidental release of a bioweapon. That doesn't happen. That doesn't happen. Right. It doesn't happen.
Starting point is 00:19:07 And first of all, if it did happen, you're still going to hold the country accountable. You can't just like, whoops, whoops, a bioweapon was just released on the world, shut down the economy, killed hundreds of thousands to millions. What do we do about that? An accident. That is an insult. Well, this isn't the only thing, obviously, going on in the country. There is some interesting things happening with audits and election integrity, as I guess the Republican Party is called.
Starting point is 00:19:35 That's the new campaign. We're not trying to overturn the election results. We're just trying to pursue election integrity. That way, even if we find fraud, we don't have to do anything about it. Well, in Fulton County in Georgia, they've found something very troubling. Specifically, they have found that 18,901
Starting point is 00:19:54 absentee votes don't have a chain of custody to them. There's supposed to be a document associated with these votes that says where they were taken, how they were counted, how they were brought in. That is missing. It's not a conspiracy theory. That's from the Georgia Star News. And it has prompted such an embarrassment that the Secretary of State of Georgia, Brad Raffensperger, has actually opened an investigation into the missing chain of custody.
Starting point is 00:20:20 Brad Beijing Raffensperger. Yes. Yes. Yes. I'm sure he and Brian Beijing Kemp, the governor, are having a tough time with this one. And again, they were telling us only months ago that there are no issues with Georgia's election. It's a perfect election. Yeah, and I think at one point Raffensperger even said that they had already performed at least a signature audit
Starting point is 00:20:43 or they had led people to believe that they had reviewed the ballots to confirm that what we were thinking was happening wasn't real. So you can't trust anything Raffensperger says. You can't even really trust this new investigation under his leadership as well. He is somebody who has ties to China as well as Brian Kemp. But what we can do is use this to make sure it never happens again if we can identify it. The biggest mistake they made was having these ballot drop boxes around. I mean, that invited fraud. Imagine just having
Starting point is 00:21:20 a box sitting out in front of a building. We had videos of people bringing bags of ballots and dumping them into these boxes. I mean, that was ripe for fraud. And now, well, you know, we can't determine the chain of custody on these ballots now. We can't really trust this information.
Starting point is 00:21:38 All right, so let's say that in a alternate universe, the mirror universe, whatever, the parallel timeline, that they do say, yes, these are all fraudulent. You know what that means? Absolutely nothing, because it's not going to change the outcome of the election. They certified. And then they certified at the federal level. That's the truth.
Starting point is 00:22:00 I mean, it's a sad truth. I think the only impact, and it is actually a big impact in this respect, is the credibility of our election system. I don't know how the Republicans or the Democrats at this point are going to be able to spin the wheels to get people to show up to vote if it is common knowledge that the election system is rigged. And that's what people are going to believe if we keep seeing stories about, oh, by the way, we have no idea where these absentee ballots came from. We counted them, though, and it turns out in a state where the margin was about 6,000
Starting point is 00:22:36 votes past this, the president's rep would have won had these not been counted. That's an issue. It's an issue past even the electoral system, but even our faith in basically the mechanisms of our government. Our peaceful revolution was supposed to have every two to four years for the various offices and government. It's failed. And it leaves people wondering, I don't have a government that represents me.
Starting point is 00:22:59 Well, in addition to this, they're also wondering what's going on in the military. There's quite a few weird stories that happened this week. One of them actually happened today. When George Bush declared war and sent our troops into Iraq, he used the War Power Acts. It's built in the Constitution. Lawyers were very creative, too. They expanded on them. Today, there was a bipartisan vote to repeal that power.
Starting point is 00:23:28 They say they're bringing it back to Congress, but this is an incredibly weird thing to do. I think everyone is generally happy that maybe the ability to go overseas and murder other people, go to war over opium or over mystery weapons of mass destruction has been rescinded and made tougher to accomplish. But this happened today. Republicans and Democrats can't come together on much, but they came together on this. And I think maybe one of the things that prompted this is that the military has been losing weapons and explosives for several years. Yes, actually for several decades. Doug, you've been in the military. I losing weapons and explosives for several years. Yes, actually for several decades.
Starting point is 00:24:09 Doc, you've been in the military. I've been in the military. You don't just lose explosives or firearms. No, in fact, if you lose your weapon, that's grounds for court-martial in the military. Because why? They don't want your weapon to fall in the wrong hands. And now, General Milley, he's shocked, shocked, I say, by the report of 1,900 missing military guns. Well, first of all, they're not guns, they're rifles. Okay, so whoever wrote this doesn't know a thing about the military.
Starting point is 00:24:41 But the fact that General Milley is shocked, shocked, I say, that, you know, there's 2,000 weapons. If there's 2,000 missing, Edward, how many are really missing? 20,000. 20,000. Yes. And it's not missing. I think that we might want to start looking at the cartels, maybe looking at black op teams.
Starting point is 00:24:59 I'm talking about death squads potentially. This is a very interesting story to say because we now have the armaments that may have gone to CIA operatives, FBI operatives, drug cartel operatives, terrorists for all we know. Weapons are missing. That's a fact. The military says they're looking into it.
Starting point is 00:25:20 They're shocked by it. I don't know if looking in it means they're actually going to do an investigation, but certainly we have an issue. And while this is going on, we're deploying F-22 Raptors over Hawaii. Don't you hear about this? This was not a drill. This was at Joint Base Pearl Harbor.
Starting point is 00:25:36 Another unknown incident in Hawaii. Another unknown incident in Hawaii. And actually the FAA requested that these F-22s be put into the air. They weren't being put into the air to do reconnaissance. They were responding to a threat. This is all we get for now. We're not told what the threat was, but our pilots were sent into the air over Hawaii. This kind of reminds me of the story we did, I think it was 2017, was it? Might have been 2016, where the emergency alert system.
Starting point is 00:26:06 It was 2017, so when we first started video. In Hawaii, the emergency broadcast, the emergency alert system went off in Hawaii. Right, I remember that. Saying that Hawaii was under imminent nuclear attack. Yeah, I remember that. And you know, so they were scrambling jets. They were getting emergency shelters in place and everything. It turns out it was somebody left a hot plate on or something near an emergency switch. And it caused...
Starting point is 00:26:33 That was the official story. And I don't believe that, but that's what we were told because we're dumb and we'll believe anything. And so what is the cause of this particular incident? Another hot plate, Edward? Well, it's a mystery. What they said is they can confirm the FAA requested it and that it's not a drill, which leads me to wonder, is it related to the massive Russian war drill off the coast? Well, I was going to bring that up.
Starting point is 00:26:57 They didn't tie it in. And we did say that some F-22s were scrambled by the United States' own Carriage Strike Group that was shadowing that Russian drill. But I have a feeling this is separate. And I have a feeling, again, there's a lot going on across the empire, across our territory that we're not abreast to because we're in this period where the government doesn't really feel like it needs to tell us what it's doing. And this is right on the heels. You know, a week ago, they had another incident where they locked down Pearl Harbor. Yes, that's right.
Starting point is 00:27:29 And they still, today, haven't told everybody what that incident was that caused Pearl Harbor to be locked down. Well, Doc, we don't know why they deployed F-22s, but we do know what the Space Force wants. The Space Force wants to begin using directed energy weapons. Wait. I thought directed energy weapons were a thing of the wild imagination of the Pharisees, right? Isn't that what we were told? No, no. It's now going to be a project for the Space Force.
Starting point is 00:27:59 Obviously, it's already in existence. They wouldn't ask to use something that needs to be developed or researched. But the Space Force has gone from what was going to be a Coast Guard for space, for outer space, to now a Navy or an intergalactic military force. This is another one of those stories in 2021. You never thought you'd see the government confirm the existence of direct energy weapons. Well now it's just a headline in C4ISRnet. So what this simply means is that directed energy weapons are not just going to be land-based or in battle situations, which even if we had talked about that months ago we would have been told that we're cuckoo. But now the military, the U.S. Space Force, is admitting they're going to put
Starting point is 00:28:45 directed energy weapons in space, which means they're going to be shooting space weapons, directed energy space weapons. I mean, like... Lasers from space. Lasers from space, like Star Wars, you know, kind of stuff from space. But if you would have said this a year ago,
Starting point is 00:29:03 six months ago, you would have said, what are you talking about? Are you saying they're going to shoot directed energy weapons at us? Oh, come on. Well, and, you know, our military has a lot of things to do. The service members who are enlisted or officers, they have duties to protect the United States. They have a mission at hand. But I find it interesting that we have all these side products, these energy weapons,
Starting point is 00:29:27 the search for aliens, these other things. But while we're doing that, we're kind of leaving the Hubble telescope, for example, to just rot. And apparently here there's a computer board from the 80s. It needs maintenance from time to time. But the Hubble Space Telescope, this is something that was looked at as great prestige to launch into space. It's not functioning right now.
Starting point is 00:29:55 Right, and the story is that a computer board has failed on it, but if you go on some of the online forums, like on Reddit and others, there's speculation that that is not the case at all, that actually the Hubble Space Telescope is using outdated software. And, Edward, it's possible that it was hacked. Oh, my. Hacking very famous telescopes now, satellite systems in a sense, because this is orbiting. We have another hacking incident, especially after the summit with the Russian president. But what did Joe Biden say that he better not do another hack? He better not
Starting point is 00:30:33 touch any of the 16. Was one of the satellites, one of the 16 critical infrastructure? So Joe Biden gave President Putin a list and said, these are the 16 things you can't hack right here. Okay. Don't hack these things right here. Now, he didn't say what would happen if it wasn't on the list. Okay, they said, you better not hack these things here. That was the craziest thing I ever heard. Well, it's June. And in addition to our summit that didn't seem to produce much other than a couple of headlines and a couple of threats from Joe Biden on attacking Russia with a cyber attack.
Starting point is 00:31:05 We are supposed to be getting some kind of report from Congress on UFOs. Now, apparently there are a couple of congressmen that got a secret briefing yesterday. They were taken to a skiff, the same skiff that Devin Nunes was able to go off to read the pre-Russia report and then leak it out and get it out and start that whole political theater about two years ago. They went to the same skiff and they have now looked at a briefing that apparently the core of this is going to be that the UFOs may actually be espionage assets. Really? Controlled by America's foreign adversaries.
Starting point is 00:31:46 That was one of the statements that came from this meeting. They were told they can't say what they saw, but they can comment on it. It was all to a military defense budget to increase the money. They wanted more money, so they were like, ooh, aliens, we need more money. Oh, turns out it was espionage from a foreign hostile country. That doesn't warm the cockles of my heart at all either. If they're saying that, they're saying that other foreign entities have advanced technology that we can't figure out. Why would you even admit that if that's the case? They're saying, hey, Doc, you're just not informed. The proliferation of this technology is already there.
Starting point is 00:32:28 Representative Maloney from New York, he had some baloney to share. And he said, look, this technology is everywhere. Don't you know? Don't you know that there are aircraft that can outfly an F-22? What? Can break through radar, go underwater in a second? Doc, you should know that, right? That exists.
Starting point is 00:32:44 You've seen the movies or the papers or classified documents. I find it weird hearing these congressmen kind of comment on this report. Obviously, it's not going to be a huge report if they're telling the truth. They say one of the reps in Welch, for example, from Vermont, says, I'm not on the edge of my seat. That was his comment coming out of the skiff reading this huge report. Another, Adam Schiff, I did learn things that were certainly new to me, but I'm not that shocked. Representative Quigley, the report won't have all the answers and that some things
Starting point is 00:33:16 remain unexplainable. If I had to predict how the public would react to this one, the word would be disappointing. So I suppose that's the preview of what's going to be in the Herald and UFO report. In other words, there's not going to be anything in this report that's going to be worth looking at. And so it just kind of puzzles me why they're drawing this thing out, why they're drawing this particular story out. Because it's almost as if it's a distraction of some kind. Lauren made the case that maybe it's to beef up the military budget. Well, you don't make the argument about, you know, well, maybe it's Russia or China.
Starting point is 00:33:52 They've got secret weapons that can outrun an F-22. Don't tell us that, okay? Don't say things like that out loud. You're not helping your case there very much. So the whole idea here is that something doesn't smell right about this whole UFO report story. Now are there unexplained phenomena? Now you can't really call them UFOs anymore either, Edward. You have to call them UAPs. Unexplained Aerial Phenomenon. Are there things happening in the skies
Starting point is 00:34:23 that are unexplained? Absolutely. Yes. They're admitting it. You remember the missile test they were doing until they finally told us it was a missile test? Just this huge streak of white light, almost like a flame, a ball, going through the sky. We're seeing this off our coast. Someone finally got an answer. Oh, by the way, we're testing experimental weaponry. Okay, but you didn't answer it right away, and we're sitting here wondering what's happening. Yeah, is this the end of the world? Yeah, is this the end of the world? It's going to be gone, you know?
Starting point is 00:34:51 If you're open to a prediction of some sorts here, what I will speculate is that, yes, there are unexplained phenomenon there. They are ours, okay? And then we're going to blame it on the other countries, and then we'll come out and say, Yes, there are unexplained phenomenon there. They are ours. And then we're going to blame it on the other countries. And then we'll come out and say, but we ramped up. We stepped up American ingenuity and pride and GM and Detroit and everything. We stepped up and we built our own flying saucers to chase these flying saucers off. So it's an excuse to reveal a secret government military program.
Starting point is 00:35:26 Kind of like out of the Edward Snowden scandal, they confirmed the existence of the NSA. Right. Oh, by the way, it's real. It's not a conspiracy. We are spying on you, we're doing all these things, but we're doing it for your own good.
Starting point is 00:35:37 Yeah. We're doing it to protect you. This is a good thing. It's a good thing. Trust us. Okay, so we're about to find out we have... We're the government.
Starting point is 00:35:42 Yeah. So we already have a space force then, I guess. But we're really about to find out. We're the government. Yeah. We already have a space force then, I guess. But we're really about to find out our government has flying saucers. And look what our space force has been able to do in such a short time. I mean, we're able to meet the challenge of this super intelligent force that's coming from other countries or even from Saturn or Pluto or whatever. They're going to have an issue with thinking people, because thinking people are going to ask
Starting point is 00:36:05 why we lost the war in Afghanistan then. Why these assets weren't used to search for downed aircraft, help in humanitarian causes. If we had this technology available, was it at use at times of emergencies? Why would we hold back this technology? Was it only for defense? There are many instances you can look at in the last 20 years. You're going to start to wonder why the
Starting point is 00:36:29 government didn't use this wonderful asset, if, again, that's the route they're going. Before we close out this segment, I wanted to point to that you mentioned the expansion of military budgets. It's a certainly talking point on the right. We want to beef up our military. The left wants to beef up social projects. Everyone wants to put money into things. Something that is not getting a lot of money is the US Marshal Service. And specifically, they're having a hard time putting resources toward protecting federal judges from death threats.
Starting point is 00:37:01 Now there was an incident last year. Many might remember this, a judge, a man showed up at a judge's office in the tri-state area and killed this husband and son, left the judge kind of shocked on this. Judges are entitled to protection from the marshal service. An inquiry into this has shown that the marshal service has insufficient resources. They cannot protect the judges. There's been over 4,000 death threats that basically have not been known to be responded to.
Starting point is 00:37:33 I think if anyone listening to this, you would wonder especially what stops someone from hurting a judge. Maybe that's why judges have been making very weird decisions in their courtroom. Exactly. That's exactly what it is. Wow, I hadn't thought about that. That's why, because conservatives aren't going to be the ones going out, putting a gun to a, like, or going and shooting a judge or making any threats of any sort.
Starting point is 00:37:57 You know, we are not violent people. We are peaceful people. This is to intimidate judges to get the results that they want. They feel unprotected. They're like, OK, I can't weigh in on this case legitimately. They can't give a fair trial to people because, you know, they know that people will riot loot and come kill their family. You know, and it's all just putting pressure on these judges. And that's what the whole goal is, you know. And I think it's also punishment, too, because Donald Trump secured a bunch of federal conservative federal judges. Yes, he did. They're on these judges. And that's what the whole goal is, you know, and I think it's also punishment too, because Donald Trump secured a bunch of federal,
Starting point is 00:38:27 conservative federal judges. Yes, he did. They're punishing these people. Now, if they were radical leftist judges, there'd be just an absorbent amount of money provided for the security of these judges. However, that is not the case. You know, in the year 2020,
Starting point is 00:38:40 the Marshall service responded to over 4,000 such threats against federal judges around the country. And believe it or not, Edward and Lauren, that was an 81% increase from just two years earlier. So there's been a significant rise of the threats against judges, especially federal judges around the country. You know why? Because they know that the threats work. They're starving them out. It's the same way we're shutting down police stations,
Starting point is 00:39:05 we're shutting down the police, we're sending our regular law enforcement and hiring community organizers to protect us, protect us. I seriously doubt someone hired under that title is going to be fair and just like our law enforcement. And though we'll get 87,000 new IRS agents to audit us, we can't seem to get the 1,200 more deputies that the U.S. Marshals Service needs
Starting point is 00:39:30 just to keep up with the death threats, communications, and in some cases, attacks that are taking place or being plotted. You know, there is another explanation for this, and this may be an attempt to neuter the Marshal Service because the US Marshal Service tends to be a bit more independent as a law enforcement agency than some of the other you know politically oriented agencies and so the US Marshal Service can operate in different venues in different ways than the FBI can and other law enforcement
Starting point is 00:40:05 agencies within the various agencies out there. So this might be an attempt to try to demasculate them a little bit. And so, but either way, the effect is the same. And that is being able to pressure federal judges to make decisions. So very troubling. And we have, honestly, thank goodness we have the protection of Jesus Christ. I think that I wouldn't trade that protection for anything, any law enforcement officer by door or any gun or piece of body armor.
Starting point is 00:40:40 That is the only protection you have during this very, very gangsterish time. If you guys are correct, we are living in a gangster state. We can't rely on our judges to work or to make decisions without them first considering how that's going to run with both their haters, critics, and maybe handlers. I'll tell you what, no one runs us, okay? And we were secured in that because of Jesus Christ. Amen. Well, let's hear Kerry Kinsey's second headlines, and I'll be back in just a moment with Lauren and Milo. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Governor Ron DeSantis and the Clemency Board have pardoned a husband and a wife after they were charged last year with violating local emergency orders in Broward County. Sounds serious, huh? Their crime? Refusing to require masks while working out.
Starting point is 00:41:42 The governor called the arrests an overreach. We get more from CBS4 in Miami. New details at six now. Governor Ron DeSantis has pardoned the plantation gym owners who were charged with violating local emergency orders. Michael Carnevale and his wife Jillian were arrested several times for refusing to require masks for those working out. In issuing the pardons for the plantation couple, the governor says they got it right, while local government got it wrong. Carnivali has since closed that gym and plans to open a new gym at a different location. Georgia gubernatorial candidate Vernon Jones says,
Starting point is 00:42:20 When I'm governor, no public university will be permitted to mandate returning students receive the COVID vaccine. He says whatever happened to the mantra of the left, my body, my choice. Our viewers in Michigan, well, we know you have had it bad with COVID restrictions, but it looks like your governor could be lifting those soon. Here's Fox 2 Detroit's Tim Skubik with more. Some breaking news will probably be happening either today or tomorrow or shortly after that. The governor is sending all sorts of strong signals that she's going to speed up the, quote, return to normal in Michigan from July 1st to an earlier date.
Starting point is 00:43:00 These signals have been sent vis-a-vis the news media. And what they're doing is crossing the T's and dotting the I's on basically lifting all, repeat all of the restrictions that we've been under for so long under COVID. So look for that announcement from the governor's office sooner than later. So in other words, you'll get to celebrate, do whatever you want and wear whatever you want, your mask or not, before July 1st. That is coming. Here's a strange story. You ready for some strangeness? Two people snuck into the small Canadian Yukon community of Beaver Creek earlier this year.
Starting point is 00:43:36 They posed as locals to get doses of the Moderna vaccine. They pleaded guilty to serious charges under UConn's Civil Emergency Measures Act. Yeah, Rod and Ekaterina Baker of Vancouver pleaded guilty to failing to adhere to an entry declaration form and failing to self-isolate. They've been fined $2,300. Now, the judge says, fortunately, nothing physical happened in this case. No one got COVID as a result. Now, here's a graphic to show you the area we're talking about. Right on the border with Alaska, the Bakers became famous in January after flying to Whitehorse and blowing off a mandatory 14-day self-isolation requirement.
Starting point is 00:44:21 They chartered a plane to remote Beaver Creek. There they posed as a local motel worker to take advantage of a mobile COVID-19 vaccine clinic in the community. Sometimes you just have to say whatever. That's the look at True News headlines. Now let's get reaction from Edward, Milo and Lauren. Thanks, Kerry. Welcome back to True News. I'm Edward Zoll. You know things are bad when a defector from a godless communist dictatorship says America is starting to look like the communist home she fled. Our country has turned our back on Jesus and we're beginning to see the fruit of that foolishness. We have some interesting things to share in this segment, so let's jump right in. Joining me to make sense of this madness are my co-hosts, Lauren Witzke and Milo Yiannopoulos.
Starting point is 00:45:16 You almost got the surname right this time. Did I get it close? It's close. Yeah. 80 to 90 percent. Yiannopoulos. Yiannopoulos. Yiannopoulos. I used to call it Yiannopoulos. Yiannopoulos. Yiannopoulos. I used to call it Yiannopoulos. Yiannopoulos. He does that thing that drives me crazy. What's that? I've only heard in America, it says white supremacist instead of white supremacist. It drives me absolutely crazy. It drives me crackers.
Starting point is 00:45:36 I don't mind telling you. Okay, okay. It drives me hoppity crackers. White supremacist. Well, you know someone who's being driven crackers right now? Oh, how about that? You know me, Park. That's a professional at work, isn't it? Well, so, you know someone who's being driven crackers right now? Oh, how about that? You know me, Park. That's a professional at work, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:45:46 Well, so you know me, Park. Her first name is about as tough as your last name. She has an issue with how this country is morphing into a nightmare. She fled for a reason. She's very well spoken. She had an interview with Fox. And I was reading through this last night. And one of the funniest things she said is, so she had to learn English right it wasn't her first language
Starting point is 00:46:09 she comes to American and um maybe you guys know too you've spoken to people who have to learn English well the toughest things in English is learning pronouns like learning when you say she's like I learned all the rules all the grammar and all these things. And then my professor started telling me that I'd learned to be a white supremacist. But I now have to unlearn pronouns. It's so ridiculous. That's the new face of a white supremacist, everybody. Apparently, a woman that basically had to flee with her mother, go through the Gobi Desert in 2007 to get out of North Korea.
Starting point is 00:46:46 She's come to North Korea 2.0. I'm always a bit skeptical, I have to be honest. Of her? Of people who come from these supposedly tyrannical regimes who come and say... Some very tyrannical. Well, what I'm saying... Okay, what I mean to say is supposedly come from... You think it's the interpreter over there?
Starting point is 00:47:02 No, I'm not saying it's the interpreter over there, but I mean, look, Noor bin Laden, who, you know, comes over here and disavows, you know, Osama al-Assad. All these people who have so much to say. I mean, don't you just hate it
Starting point is 00:47:14 when foreigners come over and tell Americans how they should be living their lives? I do. Isn't it awful? Isn't it awful? Okay.
Starting point is 00:47:22 But now, I mean, but they seem to be reaching fever pitch now. I mean, ordinarily, it's kind of like, oh, a foreigner's got something to say, whatever. But there seems to be a sort of concentration now. Other world leaders are making jokes. Putin is making a joke about how ludicrous America's persecution of its own law-abiding normal citizens is. And now we're starting to get more and more and more of these people who have come to America specifically to escape the kinds of ugly, oppressive state tyranny that America is now instituting on its citizens.
Starting point is 00:48:00 And they're noticing the first shoots, the green buds of exactly what they fled popping up in America. And I think if you're one of those people that's been laughing about right-wing conspiracy theories online for the last 10 years, I think you're about to get egg on your face. I think you're going to be quite red-faced and embarrassed soon as you inevitably get scooped up in the madness because this always leads to madness. Whether it's Nazi Germany, whether it's the Soviet Union, the scope of state authoritarian tyranny and what always scoops up way more people than they initially advertise it's going to. And I think there are a lot of people who should be quite worried about dismissing
Starting point is 00:48:43 these so-called right-wing conspiracy theorists, of which we have three around the table and more in the studio, who have been warning about this stuff for a decade or more. It's here, it's real, and North Koreans are telling us that it is. Well, I think that you're right, Milo. I think that a lot of these journalists who were working for decades to say everything that was being warned about on right wing, I hate using their phrase. How about we just call it Christian or Patriot radio and TV stations? The very wholehearted and sincere warnings were true. And I think some of them obviously knew they were true.
Starting point is 00:49:22 They weren't attacking because they thought they were ridiculous. Maybe they were attacking them because they were too close to the plan as it was unfolding. This didn't just happen overnight. For example, I don't think even two years ago we would have accepted a mayor of a major city, in this case Chicago, declaring racism a public health emergency. Right. I mean, this is the reason why world leaders are making fun of us Yes You got Vladimir Putin trolling in an interview with NBC
Starting point is 00:49:48 Trolling through a meeting with with our president because it's hard to take this nation seriously. Yeah, it's not a serious country at this point I moved here Desperate to escape Europe because I felt that it didn't accommodate Eccentrics very well that if I was to step outside of the accepted scope of public opinion, that I would be blacklisted in London and it would be difficult for me to get a job. And indeed that proved to be the case in my career. And I thought, I'll come to America, the home for time immemorial of people who have a rough time fitting in in their home countries,
Starting point is 00:50:19 because this is the land of the misfits. This is the land of freedom. This is the land where you can come and be, do, and say whatever you want. And I realized that actually, not only was that never true, but it's becoming laughably and hilariously out of step with the reality of America. The idea that you could come here and have a freer speech than in Europe. I don't think it's true. Frankly, when I think about somebody
Starting point is 00:50:45 going to jail for nine days, which is of course an obscene and absurd travesty of justice, somebody going to jail for nine days in Britain for saying trans women aren't women on the internet. But if you do it here, I mean, think about it really, the prospects could be worse. If you're canceled in the public square, your name becomes untouchable, you start getting banned on social media. I think I'd rather spend the nine days in jail because at least when you come out you can start your life again. Here America now enjoys a national religion which is the cruelest of all religions because it's a religion in which there's no possibility of forgiveness or redemption. Social justice
Starting point is 00:51:23 is a religion in America that has replaced the religion that America was always supposed to have, Christianity, and without which it does not function. America has replaced Christianity with social justice and it is a religion without redemption, without forgiveness. The cruelest, most barbaric, and most inhuman of all religions, and possibly since the dawn of time,
Starting point is 00:51:40 even religions with child sacrifices offered the possibility of redemption and forgiveness in some way. America does not. And there's something deeply sick about it, very dangerous and very terrifying. And unfortunately, with the power of American corporations working in lockstep with corrupt governments, in lockstep with academia, in lockstep because conservatives have just sat back and allowed it to happen, this country is now increasingly representing one of those authoritarian, terrifying regimes. And I think we're going to start, before very much longer,
Starting point is 00:52:10 we're going to start seeing people leaving America for reasons of free speech, leaving America because they're worried about the safety of their family. Well, the safety is the key here. And they can't express political opinions without the risk of being scooped up by the FBI and called an insurrectionist and a terrorist. Now, of course, we always make pains to stress on this program that we are in support only of peaceful Christian activism, lawful, peaceful Christian activism. But people who merely showed up to hear a speech and never went anywhere near the Capitol and just showed up to hear a speech by Donald Trump getting scooped up by the FBI, it is inexcusable.
Starting point is 00:52:42 And it is one of, and not just that, of course, it gets so much worse. The FBI agitating for this to turn into a riot as an excuse to scoop these people up, as we talked about on the show yesterday. This is becoming one of those countries now, and people are going to start leaving. Well, the FBI, I think, has become an absolute joke. I think most watching this would agree. They've become dangerous. They've also completely shirked their responsibilities of protecting Americans. And because of this, because law and order has taken a step back, chaos has filled the vacuum. And we have situations now where you have individuals who've popped their head up, running for office, in your case, running and then getting your bank account stolen, your money jacked by the bandits of Wells Fargo. Well, it's getting much worse.
Starting point is 00:53:30 There is a candidate here in Florida who was threatened by her primary opponent. And the primary opponent, according to leaked audio, was plotting to have her murdered by the Russian mafia. I say this, it's kind of one of those stories that you think is just a, it must be a Babylon Bee article. This, if you see on the screen, here is Anna Paulina Luna. Now, she has got a lot of attention for being pro-gun, pro-Christ. She's gotten even a pseudo-endorsement from the president for her run. She's running to take over Charlie Criss' seat here in Florida, our former governor, someone that doesn't seem to want to exit politics.
Starting point is 00:54:15 Well, this young woman, well, it's the truth. Seriously, every time there seems to be an opportunity to come back into some form of power, Charlie Criss pops up. And you forget about the corruption or scandals of the past because he looks like a Floridian, right? He's very suntanned and he speaks well and he loves to protect the needs of retirees in this state. And it seems to be enough to at least get you through a run. But this story is absolutely
Starting point is 00:54:40 wild. There is an audio recording, guys, that has been published by Politico. And what it shows is a man named William Braddock. In the recording, he claims to be a Marine. He also claims to be a Freemason. He also claims to have access to Ukrainians and Russians with Tech Nines that love to make women like that on screen disappear. Good heavens. We have the audio, and I'm very interested to hear. Is he running as a Republican? Yes, these are Republicans.
Starting point is 00:55:11 It's a Republican primary, whatever that means. That's not a real Republican. Well, a murderer. That's not a serious. No, I'm just. He's quite a murderer. That's not a serious candidate. Either he's completely bonkers.
Starting point is 00:55:21 Oh, he's filed papers, so he's a serious candidate. Well, then it strikes. Sorry, I know you're about to be about to play the audio but strikes me when you listen to this I'm sure I'm gonna I'm sure I know I already know what I'm gonna think about this if you think if you believe as Tucker Carlson believes and as many Americans now believe that the FBI is Planting people in organizations as they did with the Proud Boys planting in re-k there. Operatives, informants, and agitators. Provocateurs. Well, no, leave the provocateurs. Oh, that's not your title, sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:51 You leave the provocateurs out of this. No, but agent provocateurs in the real sense. They use it in a metaphoric sense about me. You're harmless. Well, no, I don't like that much either. No, I mean, they say provocateur because troll gets boring. No, I mean, actual agitators, right? Do you think they're not going to start planting candidates to make populist nationalist Republicans look ridiculous
Starting point is 00:56:15 and to fortify the power of the establishment Republicans that they know they already control? I bet this is one of those. Anyway, you play it for us. You might be right, Milo. Let's keep that in mind as we listen to this recording of William Braddock discussing a plot to murder Anna Paulina Luna. We were at the dinner at Hawker's
Starting point is 00:56:34 in front of everyone one of my freemason brothers a billionaire who was going to actually... We're bringing in over half a billion dollars from offshore, from Malta and Gibraltar to fund my campaign. Even though my campaign only needs a million dollars to go to the primary and another five or six for the midterm.
Starting point is 00:56:56 We're bringing in half a billion dollars because they understand how f***ing serious it is to keep our country intact. Wow. And with that kind of money, I'm going to have 24-7 two former Secret Service officers up my a**, unless I'm going to take a s*** in the morning. And I don't want to be serious, I don't want to know about this, but I only have access to a hip plot, too, Ukrainians and Russians. F***. You did not hear that from me. I hear what?
Starting point is 00:57:33 But this is getting deep. And I don't want to be on the wrong side of it. I don't want to be on the wrong side of it either. So why would we need, I guess, like, I mean, that's. Oh, no, you're not going to be, I mean, you're not going to be a part of it. I don't want to be on the wrong side of it either. So why would we need, I guess, like, I mean, that's... Oh, no, you're not going to be, I mean, you're not going to be a part of it regardless, but I'm just saying, don't get caught in public, like, supporting Luna, because Luna's going to go down, and I hope it's by yourself. Is that why, like, I mean, I don't, that's, do, like, is that what, like, the Russians are for? I just, that's, like, is that what, like, the Russians are for?
Starting point is 00:58:06 I just, that's, like. If we do a, so my polling, my polling people are going to charge me $20,000 to do a poll right before the primary. And if the poll says Luna's going to win, she's going to be gone. She's going to disappear. Dang. And you cannot tell anybody that. I would never tell anybody.
Starting point is 00:58:34 For the good of our country, we have to sacrifice the few. Sacrifice the what? The few. For the better of the good of the majority of the people, we've got to sacrifice the few. So? She's a crazy b****. She's a Democrat with a gun. She supported Obama immigration policies. She's flip-flopping on abortion. She's a stupid b****, excuse my language, social media influencer. Yeah. I have no doubt in your capabilities.
Starting point is 00:59:16 That's why I'm so interested in what you're doing. The only problem is, like, okay, so let's just say that, like, Luna's going to win. She won't. And if we have polling that proves she won't, she's going to be gone. Period. That's the end of the discussion. Luna's not an issue. So how do we make her go, though?
Starting point is 00:59:33 I just don't understand that. How do you make her what? How do we make her go? I call up my Russian and Ukrainian hit squad, and within 24 hours, they're sending me pictures of her disappearing. Oh, dang. No, I'm not joking. Like, this is beyond my control at this point.
Starting point is 00:59:56 So it's really bad. Like, she's really, really bad. Well, it's not bad for us. She looks like such a good person. That's what just it just i'm telling you money ain't no problem for me i'm self-funded i got access to billions i'm talking with a b not millions billions of dollars now can i funnel that in my campaign i'm legitimate of course not so i'm still trying to get donations other people support me and all that but i'm self-funded i got cryptocurrency
Starting point is 01:00:25 i don't need anybody's help i've got freemason brothers offering russian hit squads i got listen i'm in okay i am in i will admit that and if i lose i'm gonna have to move out of the country but if i win i'm gonna help make a difference for everyone in the country. Are they other, like, is this squad that you're talking about, are they snipers? Or how, like, Russian Mafia. So, whatever. They're bad
Starting point is 01:00:57 dudes. Close battle combat tech nines, MAC-10s, silencers kind of thing. No snipers. Up close and personal so they know the person. They know that the target is gone. You do have connections.
Starting point is 01:01:15 Don't be on the wrong side of supporting Luna. Yeah. Because if you're near her when time comes, I just don't want that to happen to you when you've got kids. So don't be associated with Luna under any circumstances, please. Okay. And do not repeat this to anybody because both of us will be in jeopardy if you do. Yeah, no, I... I'm not just blowing smoke here.
Starting point is 01:01:36 I'm f***ing dead serious. No, I... And it scares the f*** out of me, too. I know. Marines are pretty badass. I get it. I was with them for a year in Iraq, you know, so I mean... I mean, this is even scaring me at this point.
Starting point is 01:01:54 But I know what I'm doing is noble, and I'm just trying to remain a humble servant of God, and I've got a lot of people behind me. Walt Milo, I know that you hate the long videos. Can't hide them, it's unknown. I just think we've made a really exciting story really boring. You might be on something there. The interesting thing with that whole clip is he's spending this five minute block.
Starting point is 01:02:18 Look at those purse licks. This is the table of truth. I have to tell you, I can't rely on her for backup anymore because she tells me privately, I don't know. I think F is right about that. So she's not. I'm trying.
Starting point is 01:02:30 I am the neutral. I'm trying to keep the peace here. That's why they put me in the middle. You guys don't know what happens between these videos, between these. And the mics are off. Five minutes. It's like a casting clip.
Starting point is 01:02:41 So just watch the show. If you want to watch the show, I want to talk about it. In that clip, we'll move on. Milo, first of all, the man who's clearly being heard, his position is that's not him. He didn't claim he's a free agent. He's not a murderer. Oh, who cares?
Starting point is 01:02:56 He's trying to kill. He's plotting to kill his opponent. There are bonkers candidates for office in every election, in every year, in every country. Laura Loomer last year was running against a stripper, this, that, and the other. It's not, it's, oh, whatever. I just don't find it interesting. I can't figure it out.
Starting point is 01:03:12 I just don't find it interesting. Well, you know, I mean, she's, I don't know. I don't know what to say. Just give it to me. Come on, move, move. Give it to me. Come on. No, I think that, you know, there are.
Starting point is 01:03:24 Who cares? I agree with what you said, though. There are political candidates on the Republican side that they're putting in to run for office to kind of make us sound like we're all kooky. That's what that guy is. He is a whack job. They're putting bonkers people in on purpose to make Republicans look stupid, and especially and particularly to make populist nationalist Trump-supporting Republicans, who already
Starting point is 01:03:43 look a bit ridiculous. I mean, look at us. Already look a bit ridiculous, although we're very charming. Yeah, we are. I think we're all pretty good. And we are right about everything. We're a little eccentric because we're not these polished anodyne CNN drones who will look the same and sound the same like they're from, you know, the planet Galangatron or something. You know, we're individuals. We're normal people with, you know, normal... Anyway. We're normal people who name our own kids.
Starting point is 01:04:12 Unlike some folks who... Oh, that was beautiful. There are some folks who... Allow their children to be named by evil international cabals. We can call them a cabal. No, we're not calling them that. But one of the truths here is that we've gone from, if you've been a bad boy, paying attention, paying a little visit to the Holocaust Museum. We've gone past that now.
Starting point is 01:04:37 Now you may have to actually name your child something consolatoryatory like zion or zillion yes folks this is the story that nick cannon mariah carey's former husband uh who you may not have heard of him because you don't watch degenerate and stupid shows but you should know about him because he hosts major entertainment formats on major networks he currently still has a job on fox but he lost all his other jobs and he lost all his other jobs by saying disobliging things about quote-unquote Jewish control of the media. His words, not ours. And also he said ugly things about white people. He would know what it is.
Starting point is 01:05:12 But they didn't care about that. Well, Nick Cannon, I don't know how many people know this, but I happen to know for a fact because I know some of the families involved and friends of the families involved. Since he said these disobliging things about Jews, which is about the worst thing you can do in media, he has been sent on a years long plural reeducation tour.
Starting point is 01:05:32 Every week he goes and has dinner with a different wealthy or influential Jewish family to learn the error of his ways. I mean, if that doesn't prove his original thesis, I don't know what does. A condition of him hanging onto his job at Fox was that he goes on this dreary, ghastly pilgrimage. Basically, it's like, you know, he has had to bend the knee to such an extent that now he has had, I mean, just when you thought- It was his final offering. Maybe it was, like maybe he's off the hook now.
Starting point is 01:06:00 Offering up his child. Maybe he's off the hook. I mean, I took it, look, they say jews can control the weather uh they say that you know the jews jews control everything blah blah blah well disproof of that ladies and gentlemen of the worst of the anti-semitic conspiracy theories is just how bad they are at public relations if you think that jews are secretly controlling everything in the world you're gonna have to explain to us why they're so bad at pr about jews because what could be possibly worse than it coming out that Nick Cannon's been on this vast apology tour, and then now, now, he's had babies, and he's called one of them Zion. That's not a coincidence. I mean, he called the other one Zillion, so perhaps he's
Starting point is 01:06:36 literally just falling on the keyboard and seeing what comes out. You know how some of these, some of these, there's, there's, I thought perhaps he sneezed. And then whatever came out, he said, oh, Zillion. I mean, you know. Milo, the times are changing. Sometimes you've got to name your kids Zillion. Zion and Zillion. Sometimes you have to fire all your female models as a very popular brand and just hire whoever is wokest in society.
Starting point is 01:07:06 More kowtowing. Thank you for that beautiful segue. There's lovely connective tissue. You're so talented. I love that about you. Yes. There is another story about kowtowing to the liberal establishment,
Starting point is 01:07:18 and that is Victoria's Secret. They have replaced their sexy, busty underwear models with a variety of dysgenic freaks, including plus-size models, blah, blah, blah, and the worst woman in America and there is
Starting point is 01:07:36 quite some competition. The worst woman in America, this woman who is, you know her, don't you? The soccer player, Megan Rapinoe. She is by some margin the most odious woman in America. And she's now going to be a Victoria's Secret model, if you can wrap your head around that. Look, I don't mean to be indelicate, but I believe in aspirational beauty standards because they encourage us all to do better. It gives you that extra 10% in the gym or the self-control to you know to not have seconds or whatever
Starting point is 01:08:08 No, no, not a self-control. I've been exercising recently. I have to confess but but but look we must have aspirational lifestyle goals to aspire to most of us are never gonna look like Pick here supermodel of choice, but it's something we can look up to. And by uglifying everything in society, I mean, look at the magazine covers. They used to be filled with beautiful women that provided role models for young women to aspire to if they were looking to snag a high-status husband or whatever. These days, you've got quivering mounds of flesh,
Starting point is 01:08:41 liberal feminist fatties who tattoo... Well, they've confused what is beauty. You know, they've tried to mask this. They've tried to muddle the wall. They've tried to subvert the idea of beauty. The whole self-exception thing, you know, like where it's like, oh, well, I'm like 600 pounds and I'm beautiful. And if you say differently, you're a bigot.
Starting point is 01:09:02 And that's what they're doing. And they took these goddess-looking women and turned them into people. What did you call them earlier? Am I allowed to say that? Walruses? Oh, walruses. Yes, walruses. Replaced them with walruses.
Starting point is 01:09:13 Walruses. Here's the thing. They're doing two things. One, obviously, is to invert beauty. What beauty is. What beauty means. Because that inversion of truth, beauty, that's what they're up. That's what they're trying to do.
Starting point is 01:09:25 But the other thing is they're trying to impoverish you spiritually. They're trying to rob you of the power to make your life better, not only by constantly ridiculing and demeaning your faith, but also by telling you, by providing you with ready-made excuses for why things in your life aren't as good as you wish they were. For instance, if you don't like how you look and you and You're considering whether or not to do something about it. They're gonna tell you no don't you're not at fault for overindulging for being gluttonous and full of greed and slovenliness. No, it's
Starting point is 01:09:58 Society's fault. It's unrealistic beauty expectations. It isn't you're a pig the fact is that we must all every day apply ourselves to study to be better to try and it's you know i've been trying to do this as much as possible and failing horribly in a lot of ways and succeeding in some others we've got to have these aspirational standards right even if we all fall horribly short of them all the time we've got to have it and in and in places outside of the, we've got to have it beyond just Jesus Christ and the Heavenly Father and Mary and the saints. We've got to have it beyond that. We've got to see those heavenly role models echoed elsewhere in culture. Because otherwise, people are going to look around and start to find excuses not to be better. These stories, and especially this action by Victoria's Secret, it's a form of reverse
Starting point is 01:10:50 vanity because you're still having to talk about the appearance of these individuals. But luxuriating in your own ugliness. The character. And I would challenge however to say that we must first be Christian before we start going off into, I think that honestly one of our issues right now is we have Christians in this country who know nothing about their faith. It's a hollow faith. It's something that has not been able to bring them that value and even self-respect, that self-value, because they haven't even bothered to open up their Bible. They don't
Starting point is 01:11:20 know God's word. They don't know God's promises for them. I agree with you, absolutely. But it isn't just the responsibility of the people who are finding themselves in bad ways. It's also our collective responsibility. We are called upon to say it as we see it, to intervene when we see somebody driving themselves off a cliff. And it is unhealthy. I think everyone can agree. It's unhealthy to be 600 pounds. And I know the language I used a moment ago was very strong. And there'll be a couple of people at home who are a little bit uncomfortable or unhappy about it.
Starting point is 01:11:48 But here's why I did it. Fat shaming is a moral imperative. Telling people that they are not living up to the promise of the beauty that God has given them is a requirement if you are a good Christian, but also it forms part of a larger set of responsibilities that we have toward one another if we truly love one another. We have to say when somebody is falling into drugs, falling into alcoholism, when somebody is doing any of these self-destructive things, we are required, if we truly love our brothers and sisters, we love our fellow man, if I want to see her in heaven, I'm required to say something.
Starting point is 01:12:28 And this is ugly, not because the women are ugly. They are beautiful souls. They are good people with good hearts who have been led horribly, horribly astray. But they need to be shocked out of this by strong language sometimes. And they need to be shocked out of it
Starting point is 01:12:41 by friends who will turn to them and say, what you're doing is killing you. Well, certainly being tricked into thinking this is normal, this is okay, is depriving both men and women in this country from having a family, a normal relationship. That's the goal. That's where happiness lies. That's what Christ wants for us. I mean, on a simple level, when people get overweight, they can't conceive. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:09 And there are clear medical issues with being overweight. Absolutely. What I will say to this, though, Milo, and I know, unfortunately, we're going to be a little shorter than when we have been before. We're back tomorrow. Jesus loves the person who weighs 100 pounds. And he also loves that person who weighs 1,000. Of course. Okay. And that person, spiritually, they can find salvation. They can find happiness through Christ.
Starting point is 01:13:31 I don't want to give the suggestion that I think otherwise. Yeah, but the enemy also wants you to not take care of yourself. The enemy wants you to abuse. Your enemy wants you dead. The gluttony is mentioned. He wants you on drugs. He wants you overweight. The enemy wants you to abuse yourself.
Starting point is 01:13:43 And if you're upset with the kind of language that I use on this program or off, I'm not sorry. Because the enemy wants you. It does get to though. The enemy. No, it upsets me. We're changing it slowly. It upsets me because I love you. Yes.
Starting point is 01:13:58 Because I want you to be happy. That is true. It upsets me because I don't want you to die 20 years sooner. I don't want you to have poly years sooner i don't want you to have a polycystic ovarian syndrome and be unable to conceive children i don't want you to do that i want you to live well and be happy and and and find somebody who is worthy of your love of all the love that you have to pour into another human being and honor the body that god has given you and be and and be happy and confident that you are treating the gifts that you have
Starting point is 01:14:25 been given from heaven from almighty God with the respect that they deserve. And that's why I use horrible language about it because I want it to get in there. Well, getting in there real quick, I want to give Lauren the last word since I know all of you know the most. Are we done already? We are. Oh, sorry. Sorry. I went off on one, didn't I? Is there anything you want to add, Lauren? Well, I mean, I don't really think I can top that. But like we said, your enemy is out to get you in any way. And we'll tell you the truth, even if your friends don't. He'll tell you the truth. He told me just last night.
Starting point is 01:14:53 He looks at me, he goes, you're gaining weight. So he does hold people accountable. You said that to her? He did. What is wrong with you? He did. So nobody is spared. I followed it up quickly.
Starting point is 01:14:59 Nobody is spared from Milo's honesty. I followed it up quickly, especially my best friends. Exactly. But I always make a point also of following it up with an especially my best friends. Exactly. But I always make a point also of following it up with an admission of my failings because I think it's important. It's incumbent upon us to do that, right? And it's important that we do that too. And I did follow it up by saying I'm in the same boat. We've been living out of a hotel the last couple of weeks while we've been here eating DoorDash and whatever.
Starting point is 01:15:19 And last night we had the great pleasure of having supper with one of the team here and his beautiful family. And it was just so – Getting ready for winter. That's all it is. Don't let him know. He's not going to let me. No, there's no excuse for that. You're gaining weight.
Starting point is 01:15:31 No excuse for that. Look. But you and I – So it's not just you that's being subjected to this. It's me too, I swear. You and I will both be happier if we – look, we've kind of let ourselves, you know, indulge the last couple of weeks. It's true. But you and I will be happier and better situated for the war we have to fight against the evil that's out there.
Starting point is 01:15:50 If we encourage one another to be best, to be the best, to be the best that we can possibly be. And the best that the three of us can be, the best that the people in this room can be, can be, and in this studio can be is pretty great. It's pretty great. We're getting prepared spiritually through Bible study. We are training for war. We're physically getting prepared through pickleball. Yes. Thank you for joining us for this edition of True News.
Starting point is 01:16:10 We'll talk about that some other time. You stuck with us for over an hour. You will play team sports with us, Milo. I will not play pickleball. Yes, it's the next step in becoming more heterosexual. I refuse. No, no, no. If pickleball is the line, perhaps I'll...
Starting point is 01:16:23 No, I won't. It's very fun. We're dragging you out there. We appreciate you. We do. No, pickleball. Thank you pickleball is the line, perhaps I'll... No, I won't. It's very fun. I won't even say that. We appreciate you. We do. No pickleball. We produce this Godcast for you, the viewer, our family. And we do it not just to inform you, but to inspire you to endure in these dark times.
Starting point is 01:16:39 We also want you to shine, be salty, and boldly fulfill the Great Commission. Please consider becoming a partner in this ministry in the month of June. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left-hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or just give us a nice note or a prayer request. Our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida.
Starting point is 01:17:17 Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even productive farmland. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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