TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Fresh Air! President Trump Returns to White House
Episode Date: January 20, 2025Donald J. Trump and James David Vance were sworn in today as President and Vice President of the United States of America.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 01/20/2025Join the leading community for Con...servative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Donald J. Trump and James David Vance were sworn in today as president and vice president of the United States of America.
This is True News for Monday, January 20, 2025.
Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's news by watching the moment Mr. Trump took the oath of office for the second time.
Please raise your right hand and repeat after me.
I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear. I, Donald John Trump, do solemnly swear. That I will faithfully execute. That I will faithfully execute. The office of President of the United States. The office of
President of the United States. And will, to the best of my ability States. And will to the best of my
ability. And will to the best of my ability. Preserve, protect, and defend.
Preserve, protect, and defend. The Constitution of the United States. The
Constitution of the United States. So help me God. So help me God. Congratulations Mr. President.
So Donald Trump is back in the White House. Yes.
And he proclaimed that a golden age has started.
And Biden left and an old age has departed.
An old age is out, golden age is in.
That's right.
I hope I never talk about Joe Biden again, other than we're going to have to talk about him for a few minutes in today's program.
But I hope after this, I hope I never talk about that guy again. I am so glad to see Joe Biden gone. In D.C. for 50 years. Oh, goodbye. And is
D.C. better or worse today than 50 years ago? Well, it's better today. Well, today, yes. Because
he's gone, all right? You know, we're not going to show you all the various parts because most Well, today, yes. second inaugural address today is when he finally gave credit to Almighty God for saving his life.
And there's the NBC News article, I was saved by God. So, Doc, I've waited a long time to hear
Donald Trump say, I was saved by God. That's encouraging. For me, it is. I was saved by God. Trump cites divine intervention and
assassination attempt. Do we have? I have some video. We got the video. Let's watch.
Over the past eight years, I have been tested and challenged more than any president in our
250 year history. And I've learned a lot along the way. The journey to reclaim our republic
has not been an easy one that I can tell you. Those who wish to stop our cause have tried to
take my freedom and indeed to take my life. Just a few months ago in a beautiful Pennsylvania field, an assassin's bullet ripped
through my ear. But I felt then and believe even more so now that my life was saved for Thank you very much.
Pretty sad and pathetic when Joe Biden and a lot of the Democrats there could not applaud.
That's pretty sad and pathetic.
There were quite a few instances like that.
We're talking about an attempted assassination.
Right. And the man who survived it said, I'm crediting God for saving my life.
And they're sitting there and they won't look.
Maybe they were involved in it.
Maybe that's why they couldn't applaud.
Because their plot failed.
Which is what I really believe. And whether they were involved in the planning or not, it certainly would benefit them if something had happened to Donald Trump.
That's right.
As sad as that is.
It is.
I guess the thing that amazed me the most, look, I was, you know, I think like most Americans, if you watched a ceremony, it was held indoors today.
They said because of the weather, partially, but I also think for security purposes.
And thank God nothing happened.
But, and it was a very moving experience to watch it. You can't be a patriotic American and not watch something like that and not feel proud about your country.
No matter what's wrong in the country, you still are proud for your country.
Did you feel like having the ceremony in the Capitol Rotunda provided for a more intimate experience, especially in this age of media?
It was a much more dignified, classier event.
I would prefer that all future inaugurations be held indoors.
I thought it was a wonderful event.
You saw the government together.
The entire federal government was literally there.
The president, the outgoing president, past presidents, Supreme Court, the Congress,
the incoming president, vice president, the whole federal government was there in one room in the Capitol building.
So it was something to see. And if you've never been in a room when the president is introduced, you haven't felt goosebumps.
I've only experienced it one time.
I've been in rooms where future presidents came in.
But I've only been in a room one time when the sitting president was introduced.
That was many years ago, Doc, back in the 80s at a National Religious Broadcasters Convention.
And George Herbert Walker Bush.
So this probably would have been, what, 89, 90?
Because he became, he was elected in 88.
So it was either 1989, 1990. maybe 91, I don't recall.
I went to so many of those conferences.
Back then they were in D.C.
But I remember being in a room and I was very close to the stage.
And I looked up and up on the balcony I saw a U.S. Marine. And I looked over the balcony, I saw a U.S. Marine.
And I looked over another balcony and I saw a Marine.
I go, what is going on here?
And then you see the Marines lift the trumpets.
And I'm telling you, goosebumps on top of goosebumps.
It's hard to describe.
When they began playing Hail to the Chief, and you're looking, which door is he coming in?
And then suddenly, a man appears, comes out and says, ladies and gentlemen, please stand, the President of the United States.
And it's George Herbert Walker Bush.
It doesn't matter what you think about him.
At that moment, he was the President of the United States of America.
That's right.
He encapsulated what it meant to be the leader of the greatest nation on earth.
And I wasn't more than, you know, I don't recall, 40 feet, 30, 40 feet away, you know.
I got a good view of him standing there speaking.
But it's that moment when they played Hail to the Chief.
And the president walks in the room.
And at that moment, everybody is an American.
At least back then you were.
You know?
There's just tremendous patriotic pride.
And you realize you're with somebody.
Now, a couple years ago, you know, I was invited twice down to Mar-a-Lago.
And, of course, President Trump at that point was, you know, former president,
but we're still standing there in his home.
And my son Jeremy was with me and, you know, I said to him afterwards,
because again, Mr. Trump was very close.
We didn't get to talk to him.
Nobody did.
He walked in.
It's his house.
He walked into his room from wherever he was at and greeted the guests who were in his house.
It was a large dining area.
And he spoke.
He spoke for about 30 minutes. But when it was over, I said to my son, Jeremy, do you know what this is?
Do you realize what we just experienced?
Imagine being invited to the house of George Washington or Teddy Roosevelt or Franklin Roosevelt or any of the presidents.
Imagine you were invited to their home and the president came out and stood in his home in front of you and talked. That's what we just experienced.
It's an amazing experience. And so today was a very proud moment. I'm just glad that I feel like fresh air has come in.
I feel like some really foul, raunchy air just left.
Stuff that should never have been allowed in this country.
And we'll probably be seeing the effects of that over the next few days.
As Donald Trump has moved rapidly to implement new policies within minutes of taking
the oath of office.
He began signing documents.
USA Today, Trump to declare border emergency.
We'll use the U.S. military to repel forms of invasion.
You know, if you're an illegal immigrant, tomorrow morning, do you know where the most dangerous place will be?
The border?
Home Depot parking lot.
Lord have mercy.
No, I'm serious, Doc.
Cut me off, Cardinal.
Why are you laughing?
Do you know how many federal raids are going to be in Home Depot parking lots tomorrow?
When you put it that way, yes, quite a few.
If you were a federal agent wanting to round up, you had an order just came down from the new president.
Get a quota, let's say.
Get a quota.
The president just said every agent has a quota to meet today on Tuesday.
I would go to the Home Depot parking lot.
I'd meet my quota by nine.
For real.
I told Susan this this morning.
You're going to be amazed how many empty jobs appear in the next 30 days.
Some of you are going to have trouble getting people to do your work because they're going
to disappear.
Involuntarily or voluntarily, there's going to be mass exodus. People are going to pack up and go.
Others are going to be swept up and carried away. It's going to be difficult. There's going to be a
lot of cleaning companies, a lot of construction companies. Just go down the list of people that use illegal immigrants for workers.
They're going to be gone. You're going to be calling some service provider saying,
why haven't you guys arrived here? We don't have anybody to work.
What do you mean? They all ran away.
Or the feds came and got them.
That's going to happen in the very near future.
Maybe this week.
Be prepared for it.
Now, I'm going to make this prediction.
And some people may not like it, but look, I'm just telling you what I think is going to happen, not what should or anything else.
The first thing is going to be the roundup of the illegals.
We're all going to clap and cheer, especially the violent ones.
The murderers.
Yeah, get them out of here.
Most of the illegals that I've ever met are good people.
They work hard.
They just want to come here and be in America.
Okay, I'm okay with that.
But go back over and come in legally.
Do it the right way.
Then everything's okay. But, Doc, what I think he's going to do is that he's going to push the illegals out and open the doors to massive new legal immigration.
I think there's going to be a floodgate open up for legal immigration.
I think they're going to remove a lot
of barriers. I mean, I know a young man that's been trying to get a visa to America to come
over here and visit us, and he can't get one. He gets turned down. Every time he goes to the
U.S. Embassy, he gets turned down. And he says to me, Rick, everybody in my country knows I could just go to Mexico and walk in.
He lives in another country, and he said, everybody my age knows thousands of people from their country walk across the border.
And they're like saying to him, why are you doing it the legal way?
Just go over to Mexico.
But he's a Christian.
He's not going to do it the illegal way. He's going to do it the legal way. Just go over to Mexico. But he's a Christian. He's not going to do it the illegal way. He's going to do
it the legal way. I think those
barriers are going to come
down. And Mr.
Trump is going to open up the door. Now, I've got
another reason for this.
I'm kind of going in a
path. I didn't have this in my notes.
They're going to
depopulate Palestine.
You believe they're going to bring the Palestinians
in here? Yes.
Yes. Mr. Trump is going
to import several million Palestinians.
Well, it'd be
safer here than there. They would be safer here.
I think he's going to
the Palestinians, give
all of Palestine to the Jews
and bring all the Palestinians
that passed security tests, bring them over
here. That's what I think is going to happen.
Those that are left, of course.
Well, there's several million.
There's several million.
And there's another two million in Jordan, refugees.
That's true.
So he could make, he will make a lot of people happy in the Middle East if he says, America, we have room for the Palestinians.
I just sent home 12 million people, sent them back to Mexico and Guatemala and Honduras.
We've got room.
Bring four million Palestinians over.
And they will depopulate Palestine.
I was thinking along the same terms, Rick, is that the reason why we have so much illegal
immigration is because the Democrats benefit greatly from that in a big, big way.
In voter rolls and in congressional apportionment in the census.
A lot of people don't know that in the census they count illegals for congressional appointments.
So I could see a scenario where if all these people suddenly were gone,
if Donald Trump brings new people in, Those new people now that are here legally
are going to be loyal to who?
Donald Trump.
Certainly not the Democrats.
Donald Trump.
That's right.
But there's not another census until 2030.
Well, but he's setting the next guy up for it.
So anyhow.
It's interesting.
I just think if you're an illegal,
don't hang out at Home Depot parking lot tomorrow.
It's there. The feds are going to move quickly. Right. And Doc, a lot of the agents are eager to do this.
Right. Well, they closed several ports of entry today at 1205.
They closed several ports of entry on the southern border. At 12.05?
Yes. And they shut down
the CPB app
at 12.01.
I have that on my phone.
You mean that doesn't work anymore?
You can't check in for your visa, Rick.
I can't get government benefits as an illegal anymore?
No, not anymore.
There were people who had appointments
at 12.30 today. 12., that the app went down, and so their appointments were gone.
What we're talking about is somebody told me that there was an app, the federal government had an app for illegal immigrants.
They did.
And I'm like, no way.
They sure do.
And so I found it and downloaded it on my phone.
Well, they might come looking for you this week.
I know.
Where is Rick Wiless that he's got the
app he's got to go well do you know how easy it is to find the people who are illegal you track
their phones that's right i mean that's the first thing i would be doing after i go to the home
depot then i'd be i'd be seeing where the phones ping because they have the app.
The only reason you have the app is because you're illegal.
CBS News, Trump to issue sweeping immigration orders on the border, birthright citizenship
They said President-elect Donald Trump is planning to invoke muscular presidential powers to begin a sweeping crackdown on immigration,
tasking the military with border enforcement, designating cartels and gangs as terrorist groups.
Which gives the military and the police the right to kill them.
That's right.
And by designating the cartels as terrorist groups, that means we can go after them in Mexico.
We can invade Mexico.
Isn't that borders the Gulf of America?
Gulf of America now, yes.
Shutting down asylum and refugee admissions.
What this means is Mr. Biden was allowing people to cross the border and then claim asylum.
Now, you have to go to the U.S. Embassy in Mexico and claim asylum, and they say, take
a number.
You can't come across the border, which is a legitimate way to do it.
Trump is expected to issue 10 executive orders, and he's already doing it.
It's already happening.
He's planning to declare a national emergency at the border.
He's going to restart construction of the wall, which the Trump administration, there's Mr. Trump.
I was watching this about an hour ago.
He was signing executive orders.
Charles Schumer was standing there, and I was thinking, I hope Mr. Schumer is wearing his thickest of pins today, because there's nothing he can do about it.
He's a minority leader now, Doc.
That's right.
He has no power.
So, as federal agencies began the process of reinstating the Remain in Mexico policy, that's what I was just talking about for asylum.
Big changes fast.
One thing I have never seen since the days of Reagan. Reagan did it, but not at the bluntness of Donald Trump today.
Spoke about the failures of the preceding administration.
But Reagan did it in a different style.
Donald Trump, it's like—
Yeah, he didn't hold back.
He didn't hold back.
He got Biden sitting right behind him and just laid him out.
This is a corrupt administration.
I mean, just, wow.
But Joe probably didn't hear it anyway.
ABC news, Trump to order national energy emergency.
So we've got a national border emergency, a national energy emergency.
Why do they sign national emergencies?
It gives the federal government extra power to do things.
During the state of emergency.
Especially as it comes to regulations, rules that are in place and everything.
By declaring a national emergency, you cut through all that red tape and everything.
For instance, we'll get the XL pipeline running again.
We'll fill up the strategic reserves again.
He promised that. The national emergency Mr. Trump expects to sign
later today will unlock a variety of different authorities that will enable our nation to
quickly build again, produce more natural resources, create jobs, create prosperity,
and to strengthen our nation's national security. He plans to make America an energy exporting
nation again.
And it hasn't been really for four years.
But it was when he was in office. It was, yes.
We were energy independent.
He's eliminating federal DEI, diversity, equity, inclusion programs.
New York Post issuing executive order defining sex as a male and female.
What does that say about our society
when it requires
the President of the United States
to sign an executive order
stating that there are only two genders?
But, thank God he's doing it.
This is now the policy
of the U.S. government.
There's no further question about it anymore.
There are two genders, male and female. And he said that during his inauguration speech as well.
Got a standing ovation. And we'll see how many corporations eliminate their extra gender
boxes on their forms. Right. You know, you're filling out a form and it's like you get to gender,
you're expecting male, female.
And there's like multiple choices.
Shouldn't be multiple choice.
So, but we'll see how many corporations
start quietly eliminating them.
See, the tide has turned.
The season's different.
This is not, we're not going back to that stuff for a long time.
I believe in, you know, I study cycles.
There's a political cycle.
15 to 20 years.
The Republicans will be in power 15 to 20 years.
And then after that, the Democrats, if they're still around, the other party will be in power
15 to 20 years.
Go back and look at history.
Every 15 to 20 years, it swings back and forth from one party to the other.
So, you know, the Republicans will be in power until probably the early 2040s, possibly to the mid-2040s.
Do you notice in Franklin Graham's prayer, he quoted that passage of Scripture where it says,
he changes the times and the seasons.
And my ears perked up because you wouldn't normally think of that in an inauguration prayer or anything like that, at least my first inclination was.
But because we're so invested in cycles and things like that, hey, God's not limited by cycles at all.
But he seems to allow the cycles of man to continue.
He flows. He works in those cycles.
Pete Yes.
Pete All right? He doesn't set man's cycles in motion in terms of society. He has his own cycles.
Pete Right.
Pete Like day, night, you know, seasons. Those are his cycles.
Pete That's right.
Pete And man can't do anything about those things. But God flows with man's cycles.
And he knows that there's a time that he can get his agenda done.
God knows the right time.
Okay. Because I feel strongly about Neil Howe's fourth turning. There really isn't going to be a major spiritual awakening revival in this country until the 2040s.
Just based on the cycles that we've seen in human nature.
That's right.
But the Lord will move in that.
And he knows how human societies function.
Let's see.
We're going to get back here.
He's got two sexes.
This is a New York Post.
Military Times.
Trump promises to bring back troops booted out for refusing the COVID vaccine.
And that was a campaign promise.
And so he is working immediately on that. This is so good. Yes, that was a campaign promise and so he is working immediately
on that. This is so good.
This is good, Doc. He's
different this time.
He's very
determined to get his agenda
done and not to be derailed.
Pennsylvania Senator John
arrived at the Capitol of the inauguration
wearing shorts, hoodie, and sneakers.
He just didn't walk out of the Senate gym
and say, I got to go change clothes.
I'm running late.
There's an inauguration.
Now, that's the way this mentally...
Does he suffer from mental illness?
Honestly, Doc.
I'm asking it not in a mean way.
Does he suffer from mental illness?
If there was anyone else in the world that dressed like that showing up for work in a professional setting, you would question their mental capacity, wouldn't you?
The United States Senate?
Why does the Senate allow him in?
I hope Senator Thune, the new majority leader, lays the law down to Fetterman and says, your day of dressing like this is over.
Chuck Schumer, you know, bent the Senate dress code rules for this guy.
We get a video of Senator Fetterman walking.
Do we have it?
We don't have it.
I thought we had it.
Of him walking into the Senate in his hoodies and shorts and his sneakers.
You saw it in the picture there. And so that's the way he dressed.
And he was lounging in a chair at one point.
And so I was like, wow.
It's like, honestly, can I just say, slob.
He dresses and he acts like a slob.
What else am I supposed to say?
He acts like a slob.
And if he came here, talk, if I had a job opening and he showed up –
Well, we fired somebody for showing up for work once in shorts, didn't we?
We did.
First day.
The guy showed up the first day.
Not only in shorts, but they were –
I don't even want to go there. But it was bad it was really really bad that's
the attitude and this after i i kind of raised some hopes for hederman federman over the past
couple weeks because he's been saying nice things about donald trump and now you know can't you know
maybe he doesn't own a suit i don't know there. There he is. Hey, there we go. We got it. Our guys, our crack team in production, they found it.
There it is.
There is Senator Fetterman.
He should have been stopped at the door.
Would you go to a wedding like that?
Well, of course not.
If you were on the Podunk County School Board.
Podunk County?
Podunk County School Board.
Would you go, and you're a member of the school board, would you go to the
school board meeting dressed like that?
I'd wear at least pants.
Maybe a sweatshirt.
The people of Pennsylvania
shame on you for letting this man
get away with it. You could have had Dr.
Oz. Well, that's
the only thing good about
Oz is he wore a suit.
That's true, too, but he wore a suit.
His views were
totally crazy.
But the people of Pennsylvania,
if you want Fetterman to be your senator,
you ought to say,
all right, you're a senator.
You're not at the
Little League game.
Dress like a U.S. senator.
I mean, I don't know why the voters are allowing this guy to get away with this stuff.
He's shaming you in Pennsylvania.
He's shaming you.
You ought to be ashamed of having a U.S. senator who dresses like that.
Let's see.
Ramaswami is out at Doge.
The agency that doesn't exist.
There is no Doge agency.
But he's on his way out
because he was the co-chairman with Elon Musk and two strong executives in the same room. There's one too many. speed bumps with some remarks he made regarding the HB visas a couple weeks ago that went
against where the Trump train was heading.
And I think this was kind of his way to—
But Elon Musk likes those visas.
Oh, yes.
And I'm telling you, those visas are exactly what I was talking about earlier, about when
to get rid of the illegals.
We'll bring in the people we want.
So it may be he only got
ahead of the team.
Not that they disagreed with him,
but he got out there too soon.
So he was offered,
this according to rumors,
he was offered
the Senate seat in Ohio
to replace J.D. Vance.
And he turned it down.
political report says he's
made a decision to run for governor
of Ohio. Right.
DeWine is term limited
here in two years. Thank God.
So he's on his way out.
And so the scenario that they're pitching out there for Ramaswamy, the fact that I can even say his name now is a miracle, is the idea in two years he's going to be the governor of Ohio.
So you've got two years to campaign.
I think that they politely asked him to step out of Doge.
Well, I did too.
But they offered him the Senate seat.
And he turned it down because the senator is just one of 100.
Where a governor is one of one.
And Ramaswamy is a business executive.
He doesn't want to be a legislator.
He wants to be a chief executive. He doesn't want to be a legislator. He wants to be a chief executive.
So, you know, he's got a good chance he'll win the governorship in two years.
Let's take a look at some of the people who were in the Trump inauguration today.
Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg. There's the top of Tim Cook's head there, Apple CEO.
You had Bezos, Zuckerberg, of course, Elon Musk.
You had Google CEO Sundar Pichai.
Not only were they at the inauguration, Rick, but they were also at St. John's Church earlier in the day.
Donald Trump got them to go to church?
Donald Trump got these tech billionaires to go to church.
Well, that's amazing.
And lightning didn't hit the church while they were in it.
Rupert Murdoch was there, too.
That's right.
And Boris Johnson.
Yes. now ordinarily and on any other day
podcasters would be saying what is donald trump doing meeting with mark zuckerberg he had dinner
with three hour meeting with bill gates the other night this is a conspiracy we've been hoodwinked
we've been we've been lied to. No. This is a sign
of their capitulation.
Yes. Trump
won. He won. And they tried
to stop him.
Bezos owns the Washington Post.
And you saw what he did
at the Post. I mean, you've got people
jumping ship at the Post.
gave millions of dollars
to left-wing voter groups
to get out the vote against Trump.
And what did he get for it?
Basically ridiculed and sidelined
by the Biden administration.
So these guys are falling in line.
This is not a conspiracy.
This is not Donald Trump doing something bad.
This is we're watching billionaires bow down to a bigger billionaire.
Who's got power.
I mean, they're looking at this guy saying there were two attempted assassinations.
They arrested the man.
They had his mug shot.
He was in court trial for the whole campaign.
They tried to put him in prison.
And he won.
The guy is indestructible.
And when you realize that, you're like, I'm not fighting this guy for the next four years.
Where was the resistance today?
It was very small.
Almost nonexistent.
It's gone.
Although they did have a guillotine.
Yeah, but one guy with a mask on.
So what?
They didn't do anything to the guy.
But one guy with a mask.
So what?
There's no resistance.
It's gone. They don't dare do to Donald Trump now what they did in 2017.
They don't dare to do it.
I'm going to show you some more things going on here.
People being removed very quickly.
TSA, Transportation Security
he was fired immediately.
He was asked to resign.
Well, but I mean, as soon
as Donald Trump took office,
they began firing people.
They're not being
polite about this. They're not
we'll take some time.
You could be in the job for a month or two.
It's like, get out.
Move it.
Get out.
So the first ax to fall, and this was at 1201 today, was TSA Administrator David Pekoske.
Okay, so Doc.
He was appointed by Trump.
But I don't know what it is about him.
Why did they want to get rid of him at 1201?
He's up top of the list.
The TSA administrator.
Why him at 1201?
Why did Trump say, hey, the moment I say, so help me God, you fire Pekoske.
What did Pekoske do?
He did something.
I mean, he was high on
the list. Washington Post
scores of career
State Department diplomats resign
They fled the State
Department today.
IRS head, this
happened Friday, resigned before trump could fire him
he will be replaced by congressman billy long the auctioneer from missouri yes sir
we have five dollars now five hey doc you got a friend in the irs now if you ever need help or if
i need help i can ask you to call your friend billy long billy long
that's right uh nbc biden issues preemptive pardons for january 6th committee and witnesses
anthony falchi and mark no i i don't even want you know but we knew a week ago yes i know
a week ago a month ago i'd be ranting and raving about it.
Goodbye, Biden.
So preemptive pardons, there's no such thing as a preemptive pardon.
This will end up at the Supreme Court.
You have to have a ruling.
Is there such a thing as a preemptive pardon?
And what I find so fascinating is that four years ago, the same Democrats were out there, including Joe Biden.
They were all worried that Donald Trump was going to issue preemptive pardons before he left office. Yes, right.
They were all in a tizzy.
Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, all of them.
Well, Schiff, he got one.
He got one.
And he's a U.S. Senator now.
So you're getting a pardon for something you didn't do.
But you might have done it.
So what if one of these guys murdered somebody?
They got a pardon.
Is that really legitimate?
I mean, based on this, for anything.
But on Mark Milley, though, what I found fascinating, not only did he get a pardon, but over at the Pentagon, you saw what they did at the Pentagon?
They took his portrait down.
Did they really?
Yeah, just right after Donald Trump took the office.
They had a lot of stuff planned to happen at 1201.
I'm telling you.
Mark Milley committed treason.
In my opinion, yes.
He committed treason. He called the Chinese general and said, if Donald Trump launches a war against China, I'll call you and give you a heads-up notice on it.
That's treason.
He should be dealt with as a traitor. And I'm not so sure a presidential preemptive pardon nullifies a commander-in-chief convening a military tribunal.
Because you're not going to try Milley in a civil court.
Right. That's true.
You're going to be tried in a military tribunal.
Hadn't considered that.
I don't think that preemptive pardon works.
Besides, I'm not saying he would do it.
But the Supreme Court gave Donald Trump that immunity doctrine, that ruling.
He could do anything he wants to do and can't be held liable after he leaves.
I don't like that ruling.
Who else?
Adam Schiff, Liz Cheney, Adam Kinzinger, Elaine Luria.
She bad-mouthed me, Doc.
Elaine Luria.
Yeah, she bad-mouthed me.
Back when I said Juku. Elaine Luria. Yeah, she bad mouthy.
Back when I said Juku.
Stephanie Murphy.
Pete Aguilar.
Zoe Lofgren.
Jamie Raskin.
Jamie Raskill.
Benny Thompson.
And then police officers.
Harry Dunn.
Harry Dunn, is that the guy that shot, which one shot? No, that's Michael.
I don't think it's Michael Fanone.
Well, anyhow, one, two, three, four police officers who testified at the J6 committee.
Mike Bird was the name of the officer.
So they all got preemptive pardons.
Then his family members.
Joe Biden did this minutes before his term expired.
Fifteen minutes before his term.
Fifteen minutes.
Fifteen minutes. Yes. 15 minutes.
And so who did he pardon?
Well, he pardoned his brother James, Sarah Jones Biden, James' wife, Valerie Biden Owens, Mr. Biden's sister, John T. Owens, Ms. Owens' husband, and Francis Biden, Mr. Biden's brother.
Well, now we know the members of the Biden family that did crooked deals.
That's what that tells me.
These are the ones that did crooked deals.
Now, before this would get to the Supreme Court for ruling,
nothing prevents Attorney General Pam Bondi from doing a federal investigation into
the crimes. There should be an investigation of the crimes. There should be a report to the
American people. This is what happened. And if we didn't have these pardons, these people would go to prison. And there's nothing to prevent, based on precedent here, there's nothing to prevent that if the House Intelligence Committee or any of them wanted to call these guys to testify.
They have to testify.
They have to testify.
And they can't even plead the fifth.
They can't plead the fifth.
Why can't they?
Because they can't incriminate themselves. They can't plead the fifth. Why? They can't plead the fifth. Why? Why can't they? Because they can't incriminate themselves.
They can't plead the fifth.
I got to think that through.
They have no reason not to speak up because they've got a pardon, right?
That's an interesting concept.
They refuse to testify. Then it's contempt. That's an interesting concept. And so if they refuse to testify,
then it's contempt. That's right.
And they throw, Congress is throwing
people in prison. At least the
Democrat Congress is throwing people in prison.
like Steve Bannon. Right.
Senator Rand Paul had something to say
the pardons. Yes. especially about Dr. Fauci, Rand Paul's arch nemesis.
If there was ever any doubt as who bears responsibility for the COVID pandemic, Biden's pardon of Fauci forever seals the deal.
As chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, I will not rest until the entire truth of the cover-up
is exposed. Fauci's pardon will only serve as an accelerant to pierce the veil of deception.
Ignominious. I've been practicing that word today. Anthony Fauci will go down in history
as the first government scientist to be preemptively pardoned for a crime.
We know Fauci's guilty.
Guilty of criminal activity.
But when Rand Paul in that tweet there says that this is an accelerant to pierce the veil,
he means that if we call Fauci, he can't get out of it by pleading the fifth.
He has to testify truthfully.
That's what Rand Paul was saying. I want to see how this plays out because I've never had that idea.
That's a new one to me, never thought about, but we've never had preemptive pardons either.
Rand Paul was explaining it on one of the Talking Heads shows over the weekend.
Hey, I'm going to take a break for some business here.
American Reserves has a promotion going this week.
It ends on the 24th.
They are offering free water filters with a purchase of a British Birkfield Dalton filtration system. That is the best water filter system in the world. That's my personal opinion. I've had one for 25 years. I use one
every day. And when I make my coffee in the morning, Doc, I walk over to the Dalton filter
and I'm filling up my coffee pot with water out of the Dalton.
I've done that for years.
It tastes different, doesn't it?
It does.
It's so clean.
It can't get any cleaner.
I do, too.
I do the same thing.
It just doesn't get any cleaner.
It even makes decaffeinated coffee taste good.
I'm not going to go that far.
But I have a good water filtration system on my well right but i still
run my drinking water i do through a british burkefield and uh but the great thing is i know
that if there were any kind of emergency i have drinking water because personally i would trust
putting water from just about any source into that thing and drinking it if I had to.
That's how effective those ceramic filters are.
So, buy a system and you get the Dalton ceramic filters.
So, if you buy a water filter that has two filters, you will get two free filters.
If you buy a smaller unit that has one filter, you will get one free filter.
And this is no promo code needed.
Now through the 24th.
January 24th.
It's a good deal.
You should take advantage of it. Also, I want to encourage you to talk to the folks over at Gold Co.
And, Doc, a lot of their folks, a lot of their corporate people have suffered because of the fires.
I've been talking.
Oh, I forget that they were based out of California.
Yeah, a lot of them have had loss because of the fires.
Anyhow, they're still in business.
They're still answering the phones and everything.
But I'm just talking about their employees, not the corporate office.
They've had a number of employees that have suffered.
I didn't realize that.
But, Gold Co., talk to them about make this the year you move your retirement fund into precious metals.
And I was watching this morning, not why, I listen as I'm working.
When I'm working on the news program, I'm listening to other things, okay?
And because working on the news to me is, it gets boring, monotonous, you know, and I got to have something going on
that kind of keep me from getting depressed about the stuff I'm looking at, you know.
So I was watching Peter Schiff, and I've not talked to Peter Schiff for years.
He's got his own podcast.
But he was talking about the incoming Trump administration.
He's a Trump supporter and everything, but he said, folks,
you know, Peter Schiff's a financial investment advisor.
And he just said,
we are in stagflation and there's nothing Mr. Trump can do about it.
And you need to deal with this.
When I hear someone like Peter Schiff cite the facts, the numbers coming in,
in employment, in manufacturing, and so forth,
and you go, it's down.
And inflation is up.
Inflation back up again, Doc.
And I said that this is going to be happening for years, 10 to 15 years.
There'll be valleys and then peaks of inflation.
That's the way it was in the last inflation cycle back in the 90s.
I started in the mid-70s, ended around 1990, something like that.
Started under Gerald Ford and ended under George Herbert Walker Bush.
And every president between those bookends got blamed for it.
But it was a cycle.
Learned the cycles.
We're in a stagflation cycle
And what broke that cycle?
The Iraq war
Yes, that's right, a war
And the economy was suddenly
Humming again, wasn't it?
That's what they do, and who was in the White House?
George Herbert Walker Bush
I was in the National Guard
At some point, they got to start a war
But anyhow, Peter Schiff Was saying that he wishes President Trump well, but the numbers are the numbers.
And we're in stagflation.
And he fears that President Trump will try to prime the pump with a little bit more extra government spending, which means more borrowing and all that kind of stuff.
Which only is what brings the inflation to start with.
Well, I'm telling you this.
You need to get your savings, some of it, part of it, all of it, into precious metals because precious metals will be a hedge against inflation.
Precious metals are not a way to get rich.
It's not an investment to get rich.
It is a way to keep your wealth
so that it's not eaten by the inflation worm.
Because that's what it is.
It's an inflation moth.
And inflation just eats away
at your economic base.
And so move some of it or all of it into precious metals.
There's the phone number, 844-960-GOLD, 844-960-GOLD,
or go to or just use your phone and there you go. Click the QR code
that's on the screen right now, GoldCo. And all you got to do is just talk to them, ask questions.
You don't have to make a commitment. Just ask questions, get information. That's my recommendation. all right doc i'm going to throw something at you here um last week james o'keefe used to be project veritas announced uh o'keefe media group okay
he's still doing the same undercover work and they outed a defense contractor in Washington, D.C.
There's the article, Secret Meeting on Trump with Retired Generals.
Pentagon Fires Contractor After Hidden Camera Bombshell.
I saw this when it broke.
Before he got fired.
I saw the original video that James O'Keefe, if you notice, that's James there, and he dyed his hair, did a disguise so he wouldn't be recognized.
And they did a sting operation on that guy over there who works for Booz Allen Hamilton, defense contractor. And his name is Jamie Menina.
And so he got fired after the James O'Keefe video was released.
I'm going to show you the video,
and then we'll show you Mr. O'Keefe confronting him.
And then I'm going to tell you what I think is going on.
Here's the video.
This just in, Jamie
Menina, the top advisor to
the Joint Chief of Staff at the Pentagon
has been terminated.
This from Joseph R.
Holstead, Joint Staff
Public Affairs at the Pentagon.
Quote, the alleged comments by Menina
do not reflect the positions of the chairman or the joint staff. Furthermore, the chairman looks
forward to working as president-elect Donald J. Trump, principal military advisor in the next
administration. We caught up on the phone with Joseph R. Holstead. Here's more of what he had
to say. He is currently at Booz Allen. He is not at the Joint Staff.
Now, Holstead went on to confirm
that Menina indeed was an advisor
to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
The Pentagon was meeting a day or two ago.
Did he ever work in the Joint Staff?
Yes, he did.
When questioned if Menina had been terminated
due to OMG's undercover investigation,
Holstead responded,
yeah, that's a standard practice with contractors, referring to Menina contracting with Booz Allen Hamilton.
And because of this investigation was he terminated I'm assuming?
Yeah, that's the standard practice with contractors.
You know this is obviously someone speaking out of turn
and falsely in public.
You know, obviously you don't, first of all, lie
and then also, you know, leave in further falsehoods.
And, you know, so.
This termination comes just on the heels
of our video report you saw today
of Menina talking that he was working with retired generals about efforts regarding Trump after Trump's inauguration this coming weekend.
Of the woman meeting with him?
No, we've got the video of O'Keefe confronting him on the street.
What happened to the other video?
I thought it was part of this here.
Yeah, I wanted to, okay,
so I wanted to show the undercover video
where the James O'Keefe undercover reporter
entrapped him sitting in a bar
or a restaurant or someplace,
and this guy's just bragging,
oh, yeah, I was an FBI agent. you know in a bar or restaurant or someplace and this guy's just bragging oh yeah i used you know
i'm an f i was an fbi agent i work in the pentagon i work with the joint chiefs of staff we're having
a meeting tomorrow in a you know in a tank meaning a secure room where where there are no cell phones
nobody can record any conversations.
And he says, you know,
we're going to be talking about Trump.
This is last week.
And he said he's meeting with a group of generals.
Yeah, he called himself a spy hunter.
Remember that?
Yes, he said he was a spy hunter.
And then he worked for the FBI.
He became an FBI agent.
All right.
So he's telling this young woman, obviously he's
trying to impress her,
and he's just
running his lips and, you know,
unaware that this is all being
recorded and is going to
be outed. Do we have it? I've got it here.
All right. Here's the video.
Give him a chance to load
it up there, Rick. All right. Yeah.
Give him one second and uh and and so
this this guy it caught it cost him his job yes okay because booze allen
who works for comey caught i know booze booze allen's been around a long time. But Booz Allen is a big firm in Washington.
Well, what he did, he had a date with this girl.
He was trying to impress her with all his bona fides and everything.
I'm a spy hunter, da-da-da, and all this other stuff.
But he's telling her, I'm having a meeting tomorrow with generals to talk about what we're going to do about Trump.
Let's watch.
With me, you're literally with a former FBI agent.
You're going to be safe.
So I'm embedded in the Pentagon.
I work in the Joint Staff, the top military command.
And I became a spy hunter.
You're not a spy.
You're not trying to like collect information from me?
I wish I was.
I'm kidding, I'm not going to give you any sensitive information.
You're going to have to keep it between us.
What's your like overall assessment of Trump?
He's a sociopathic narcissist.
Is there anything you can do to like protect American people from stuff that he might try to do.
I'm in conversation with a couple of retired generals
to try to explore what we can do.
We're having conversations with generals to explore what we can do.
What do you mean what you can do?
What are your options, Mr. Monita? And in the rest of the
videos where he describes we're having a meeting tomorrow in a tank.
Not a military tank. It's a secure room.
Obviously, it's at the Pentagon.
Where else do you go other than intelligence
agencies, Pentagon? Where do you go other than intelligence agencies, Pentagon?
Where do you go for secure room?
So, and he mentions, he said they were, you know, three-star, four-star generals.
Oh, Doc, they're going to disappear.
They're going to be knocked down to private.
Just watch.
Just watch what happens.
Well, and James O'Keefe confronted him on the street several days after these videos.
And, man, you could see he was running scared here.
Watch this.
Jamie, you're a spy hunter, you say.
Well, I'm a spy hunter, too, but I'm evidently a better spy hunter than you.
We have no permission to use this.
Actually, we do. It's called the First Amendment.
Why would you lie to me?
I'm not lying to you.
Do you lie every day at work?
No, I'm not lying.
Then why did you say that you are working with retired generals?
What are you talking about?
You were a special agent with the FBI.
You worked for Hillary Clinton.
You worked for the State Department. You talk about hunting spies.
What if my undercover person was a Russian spy?
Go away, you liar. You're a known fraudster. You have a poor reputation.
No one believes you. Go away.
Okay, so this is the former FBI special agent. Is that right?
Go away. Go away. There's no reason to get upset, sir.
Yeah, there is a reason. Go away. Leave me alone. You're bothering people in public.
No, I'm reporting on what you're saying because there's a First Amendment in this country and I
recognize you government people don't like- Behind the First Amendment to get away with
your freaking fraud and crime. Well, fraud is a very serious accusation.
That's a form of psychological projection.
There you have the government official.
So if there was a group of generals
who met with him last week,
they conducted acts of sedition,
maybe treason.
If that meeting took place, yes.
And President Donald Trump, Commander-in-Chief,
has all authority and the legitimate reason
to remove them from the military today.
Actually has the authority to do more than that.
Oh, yes, he can execute them.
As Commander-in-Chief, he could execute them. As commander-in-chief,
he could execute them
for treason, for sedition.
If this is true,
that a group of active-duty generals
would dare to meet
with a former FBI agent
to discuss plans
to deal with Trump.
Now, this isn't the first time that Mr. Menina has encountered undercover videos, Rick.
Well, you know, and I just came across that today at James O'Keefe's site.
Yes, because he was surprised when he found this.
And what was the other video?
Do you remember the TV show on NBC, Predator?
You know, where I forget who the host was of that show.
But there was a DC version of it called Predator DC,
where it only focused on folks in the DC area.
Going after child predators.
And James Menino was caught in a sting operation by Predator DC. This is back in 2021.
Same guy.
Same guy.
All right, let's watch. Takk for ating med. now i'm going to take this one more level and what i'm about to say is speculation i'm just
doing my dot connecting and wondering no evidence just speculation just
drawing imaginary line between two dots so what we have is a fact that this Menini Menina guy said on video, I'm meeting tomorrow with generals to talk about what we're going to do about Trump.
And this guy is a former FBI agent and all this.
So that's a fact.
Whether he had the meeting, we don't know.
The fact is, he said, we don't know doc the fact is he said we are going to
have the meeting with generals yes that's a fact so did anything unusual happen last week in
the land of washington dc And yes, there was something unusual.
As far as D.C. is concerned?
NBC News, Speaker Johnson removes Mike Turner as House Intelligence Committee Chairman.
And we were all kind of scratching our heads saying, what is this about?
This guy's a Republican. The Speaker, Republican, just suddenly tells Mike Turner, you're out as chairman of the House Intelligence Committee.
He worked with Adam Schiff.
I think, Doc, the connection is the meeting at the Pentagon.
Oh, he was on the Intelligence Committee.
No, he was chairman.
Yeah, that's right.
He was chairman.
I think he was in the meeting.
That's my speculation.
I think he was in the meeting.
And Donald Trump was given heads up on who was meeting.
And passed that to Mike Johnson?
Didn't pass it to him.
And said, remove him now.
If we see President Trump remove generals in the next several days,
and the speed he's doing it uh this could happen today but i think i i i
i would not be surprised if we find out mike johnson was connected to this plot
you mean mike turner mike turner mike turner that he was connected to this plot
next one new york post trump to suspend security clearances of 51 intelligence officials
who falsely implied Hunter Biden laptop was Russian fake.
51 former CIA, FBI, DIA, whatever,
that have top level security clearances.
Their clearances are gone.
Hallelujah. That includes Brennan? Yes. have top level security clearances their clearances are gone hallelujah that includes brennan yes yes he is not going to allow these people to commit acts of sedition against him again
they can't look at anything now they have no access to any classified documents.
I don't understand why you would let someone who's out of the administration even have access to classified documents.
I agree.
At least now we've got it down.
I agree.
Mr. Trump, kudos for you on that.
Next one.
Donald Trump to rename Gulf of Mexico and Mount Denali.
Well, Mount Denali is... Mount McKckinley mckinley is going again it's going back to be mount mckinley and it was named for president
william mckinley and uh there's there's president mckinley he's smiling in that picture. Yes, he is. Doc, President McKinley was the last
Civil War veteran
to be president. Really? I didn't
know that. Yes. And I'll tell you something else
because of where I grew up, he fought
at Antietam
and the battle
of South Mountain. Wow.
You've got to be
a Western Marylander to know where South Mountain
is located. It's just a to know where South Mountain is located.
It's just a mountain.
In the South, I assume.
Well, Maryland was the South, you know.
But I'll tell you what South Mountain.
Do you remember the Beltway Sniper?
He was arrested at the rest stop on South Mountain.
Oh, really?
They claim this name.
But McKinley fought at Antietam
in the Battle of South Mountain,
the last Civil War president
to be elected president of the United States.
That's interesting.
It was McKinley that, you know,
we had the Spanish-American War.
Where Teddy Roosevelt became the hero.
McKinley is the one that brought in Puerto Rico, Hawaii, Guam.
And he was big on tariffs too, wasn't he?
He like invented tariffs.
When he was a senator or congressman, there was a tariff law passed named after him.
This is why Donald Trump admires McKinley.
He was a businessman.
He was also a Freemason, 33rd degree Freemason.
He joined a Masonic Lodge in Winchester, Virginia at the end of the Civil War.
Winchester, south of where I grew up, where Patsy Klein was born and raised.
This is my stomping ground,
this is where I know
all these things.
But McKinley
overall was a very good president.
He was assassinated.
That's how Theodore Roosevelt became
So, McKinley,
the U..s government named uh the the alaskan mountain for president mckinley
i think 1917 i think so yeah 1917 and uh he had been assassinated 16 years earlier so uh denali was the the name given to the mountain by the native
americans uh it was barack obama who changed the name back to denali the only thing i know about
denali is it's the it's the upper level of the gmc vehicles you want to get a Denali, you know.
But it's the name of the mountain.
Anyhow, it's going back.
And then the Gulf of Mexico is today, today.
As of today, it is the Gulf of America.
And the president ordered all government agencies to change their maps
to Gulf of Mexico.
Gulf of America, you mean?
I mean, Gulf of America. It's going to take a while.
It's going to take a while.
So when I go over
to Clearwater, I'm not going to be facing
the Gulf of Mexico anymore.
No, you're facing Gulf of America.
And Mexico is way over
there on the other side. Where it should be. On the western side of the Gulf of America. Gulf of America. And Mexico is way over there on the other side.
Where it should be.
On the western side of the Gulf of America.
Now, I'm going to add something on the prophetic side.
A.A. Allen, a preacher in the 1950s and 60s.
Amazing man.
I wish I had met him.
In 1953, he had a vision.
He was on top.
Physically, he was in New York City,
and he was at the top of the Empire State Building.
And he's looking at one of those telescopes.
You know, you put a dime in it, you know.
And anyhow anyhow the vision
started as he's looking at the city and the vision he was projected his eyesight he was projected out
that he could see the entire united states all the way to california okay and god showed him World War III. It's quite detailed. I have the book.
It was printed in 1954.
And I had a hard time finding a copy, but I have a copy entitled My Vision of the Destruction of America.
Doc, he saw a skeleton head come over the northwest, like coming from Alaska.
A skeleton head.
And it blew across the country a white vapor that the jet stream carried across the nation.
And he saw Americans running in in panic wheezing and coughing
saying that their lungs were on fire
the next scene he's in the gulf of mexico
and missiles come out of the Gulf,
firing into the United States.
But this is why I'm bringing this up.
The Statue of Liberty was standing in the Gulf.
It's now the Gulf of America, as of today.
A.A. Allen, I think this is necessary for A.A.
Allen's vision.
And in his vision, he saw
the Statue of Liberty
gasping for her breath
as the vapor came.
The vapor was biological, chemical,
probably chemical warfare.
But she wasn't in New York.
She was in the Gulf.
And she sank in the Gulf and drowned.
Now it's the Gulf of America.
I'm just,
I think there's a reason Donald Trump named it
Gulf of America.
He doesn't know that.
Yeah, because it's not like we've been clamoring
to change the name.
I liked the idea. Oh, it's great's great i love it i'm all for it the next one wall street journal why trump sees a chinese
threat at the panama canal but the locals don't i used to go to pan often. I haven't been there for years. I love Panama.
Great country.
Great people.
The people love Americans.
They have awesome coffee.
Boquete, a little mountain village up in the northern part of the state or the country up near Costa Rica.
Awesome little town.
We got a lot of true news fans in boquete a lot of
true news fans moved to boquete from america more than 10 12 14 years ago right
they did because they thought i was moving there i was visiting and and just because i was going
there a lot of people just said rick must be planning to go to Buketti and live there. People started moving there.
Anyhow, it's a great little place
to be.
I love Panama. I never
once saw a Chinese
PLA person
anywhere in China. I couldn't even
find a good egg roll.
I couldn't find a good Chinese
restaurant in Panama, let alone
a Chinese PLA soldier.
Now, again, I've been there for 12, probably 12 years.
But, you know, I was over at the canal.
Asked people, asked Panamanians, is Chinese here?
No, I've never seen Chinese.
Where does this come from?
Li Ka-sqing was a billionaire.
He's passed away.
He was from Hong Kong.
Hong Kong is China.
Now, yes.
When he was in business, it was still free and independent.
But now it's back being in China.
But Li Keqing was the billionaire who got the contract to manage the...
Hutchison Wanpao.
Hutchison Wanpao.
It's been a while.
Hutchison Wanpao is the company that he owned that manages the canal.
So a lot of people said because Li Ka-shing is a Chinese person,
that means China has control of the canal.
That's where that came from.
And oh my, who was the admiral?
Oh my, I can't think of his
name. He's passed away now.
He used to come on True News. He'd rant and rave.
He was so upset about
Jimmy Carter giving away
the canal. He was an admiral.
A great patriot.
But he was
really concerned that the Chinese
were going to take control of the canal.
right now,
to my knowledge,
and again, I haven't been there for over a decade.
It wasn't Admiral Lyons,
was it? No.
But there are China backed projects in panama yes a canal bridge a subway line a cruise ship terminal a convention center a wind farm
all paid for by china right
all right doc i'm gonna tell you what's i'm going to tell you why don he said today he's
going to take the canal yes he said we're taking it in the inauguration address he said we're
taking it he didn't say we're going to negotiate with panel he said we're taking it because the
way he frames it is that what panama has done is they violated the treaty that we agreed to.
Panama was to remain neutral, not have any allegiances at all,
but by allowing the Chinese to continue to gain more and more control,
that's a violation of the treaty.
Therefore, the treaty is null and void.
You're partially right.
Partially right.
That's going to be the argument
he makes. Right. But that's not
the driving reason.
The driving reason is the fourth
Steve Bannon,
who was very close to President Trump, is a big
admirer of Neil Howe.
He understands the fourth turning.
He understands the Strauss-Howe generational theory.
I've been told that a number of other close advisors to President Trump are also students.
Stephen Miller as well.
Stephen Miller.
Are also students of this Strauss-Howe generational theory.
Donald Trump knows we're in the war season.
He knows it, Doc.
What President Trump is doing, I get it now.
This came to me over the weekend.
Why is he grabbing Greenland?
Why is he grabbing the Panama Canal?
He's bolstering our national security for the war with China.
Building the American fort.
He's building the American fort.
He knows he can't allow China to close down the canal.
In an act of war, they would close the canal would cut us off you wouldn't be
you'd have no way to well the ships would have to go all the way down
to tip of south america dangerous waters dangerous waters and come back up
donald trump is building the american fort for the war with China.
The war with China is coming in the 2030s.
That's the book I've just written.
Mega War 2032.
Now I get it.
The light came on over the weekend, Doc.
Donald Trump, he knows the war is on.
Doc, he's in a war,
wartime mindset.
He's not going to come out and say it.
He's not going to come out yet and say it.
But he is taking immediate steps to build a fort around America
to survive the war.
Way over.
Okay, I'm going to go through a couple here.
RT, Russia congratulates Trump.
Mr. Putin sent a message, said, quote,
We're hearing the statements of the newly elected U.S. president and members of his team
about the desire to restore direct contacts with Russia, which were halted by the outgoing administration.
We also hear his statements, listen to this, about the need to do everything to prevent World War III.
That's a statement from Putin today. Over the weekend,
Dmitry Medvedev posted on Telegram
his thoughts about Joe Biden
leaving the White House.
So look what he said.
Putin ally warns nuclear war with NATO
almost began under Joe Biden.
We're not going to read the entire thing
because of the time.
But I'll tell you, 29C.
I'll let you read that one, Doc.
Well, gradually the order turned into an idea of fee.
Both big political mistakes, banal corruption, and simply a poor analysis of the situation played a role in this miraculous transformation.
Ignorance of history and misunderstanding of the nature of Ukrainianism.
And at some point, the old man went all out,
essentially unleashing a war between the collective West and Russia,
which almost turned into a nuclear conflict with NATO.
There's the line I want you to see.
Dmitry Medvedev is telling us today.
We almost had a nuclear war with Joe Biden.
Folks, it's the mercy of God that's kept us alive.
All right, I'm going to wrap it up at that point.
I got my main points in today.
Thank you so much.
Oh, I want to keep a reminder we're we're doing really
well regarding mobile world congress thank you so much thank you so much we're doing really well um
i don't know what the exact total but i'm going to say we're probably
maybe eight eight thousand dollars shy of the goal.
We're doing well.
Thank you so much.
If you want to contribute, please send a gift.
Go online at or Faith and Values.
There's a place that you can indicate.
It's for Mobile World Congress.
You can call the number 800-576-2116.
If you're mailing a check, it's P.O. Box 399, Vero Beach, Florida, 32961.
I'll tell you, things are changing.
You know, I went ahead over the weekend.
You know, I'm going to go ahead and put lockdown the apartment that was available.
And it was $8,000.
But it was much farther away meant traveling on the subway longer uh but it had enough bedrooms for five six guys so that uh
you know we can get back there every night and get some rest right but i gotta i thought i locked it
down and and the owner sent me a note and said hey i'm but i got it i thought i locked it down and and
the owner sent me a note and said hey i'm sorry i i already leased this this should have been taken
offline i'm sorry about it so i found another one and it's it's within walking distance i've never
been this close and all the years have been going since 2017. I've never been within walking distance of the convention.
It's always been a 30-minute train ride and walking to the train station and then walking from the train.
You're looking at basically adding an hour just to get to the event.
This time, Doc, we'll literally walk a couple blocks.
It'll save us an hour every day in the morning and it'll save us an hour at night
it'll be much more but the price of it is ten thousand dollars ten thousand dollars for a week
but that's a convention and that's what people are getting for their places because it has four
bedrooms i want to lock things down folks need your help there's the phone number 800
576-2116 and our mailing address 399 zero beach florida 32961 mobile world congress in barcelona
starts the first week of march this is where we hear the biggest news we hear all year about what's going on in the technology world.
It's where I first heard in 2017, first heard about the global brain.
Heard about smart cities, autonomous driven cars and flying cars and all this kind of stuff.
And it's all being built through the phone companies.
The phone companies are the nervous
system to make all these things work so you think you're just holding a an iphone making a call to
your your cousin no the globalists are building a nervous system throughout the whole world
through the phone companies to run all of this technology.
And that's why we go there.
It's for you to be ahead of the curve to know things years in advance.
We really want to go.
Appreciate your support
and give the best that you can.
Got to go.
We'll see you tomorrow.
God bless you.
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Good morning. Welcome to Morning Manna. It's Monday and we are going to, God willing, finish up the remaining
verses in Romans chapter 1. So our study today will be verses 26 to 32. Let's go to the Lord,
invite the Holy Spirit. Dear gracious Father, Father, we give you glory and honor and thanksgiving and praise for this beautiful Monday morning.
Father, we come desirous to be fed by your spirit.
So please, Holy Spirit, come take your seat at the head of the table and direct this morning man of Bible study.
Teach us your word in the name of Jesus.
All right.
Well, we are continuing our study in Romans chapter one, and our goal is to finish chapter 1 today.
So if you've got your Bibles, open up there to chapter 1.
We are going to be reading verses 26 through 32 here this morning.
I'm reading from King James, verse 26.
For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections,
for even their women did change
the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use
of the woman, burned in their lusts one toward another, men with men working that which is
unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meek.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their
knowledge God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient
being filled with all unrighteousness fornication wickedness covetousness maliciousness full of
envy murder debate deceit malignity whispersispers, backbiters, haters of God,
despiteful, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
without understanding, covenant breakers, without natural affection,
implacable, unmerciful.
Okay, I'm going to combine verses 26, 27.
For this cause, God gave them up unto vile affections,
for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature,
and likewise also the men,
leaving the natural use of the woman
burned in their lusts one toward another,
men with men, working that which is unseemly and receiving in
themselves that reconvince of their error which was meat that's a lot um the phrase gave them up
speaks of um speaks of uh judicial abandonment.
Where God the judge, the court of heaven,
literally abandons somebody.
It says there's nothing more that can be done.
What happens in the natural world when a repeat offender keeps coming into a courtroom
and this judge has seen this person over and over and over? At what point does the judge throw his
hands up and go, you know what? No action I take changes your behavior.
We have that three strikes and you're out policy.
You're going to prison.
I mean, what do they do?
You're going to prison.
We're going to lock you up because there's no way to work with you.
And that's what this means.
God gave them up. It is an act of judicial abandonment, which allows people to
experience the consequences of their choices. This isn't just a passive withdrawal. It is an
active, deliberate decision by God to allow humans to face the natural results of their
It's where God says, you know what, the best punishment for you would be to allow you to
just keep on going.
Wow. wow because everything else god is doing
is corrective punishment to change their behavior change their ways their thinking
why because he knows that if they continue it will lead to their destruction so when he abandons them he lets them go to their destruction he no longer steps in as
a father and tries to to steer them in another direction he just says you you want to go towards
destruction go here you've got my permission now go for it but people don't believe that today, do they, Rick? No, they don't.
They don't believe that God will abandon you.
You can do anything, unless you're Hitler or Genghis Khan.
Now, they're bad.
But you know God's going to give you a pass.
He's just going to let you do whatever you want to do.
That's their thinking.
But there comes a time.
I mean, it's clear.
God gives up on some people god gives up
it takes a long time to get to that point yes you don't have to worry about it that is going to
happen today or tomorrow in your life that's not the way you have to be in an active ongoing state of sin and rebellion over a prolonged time yes to get to this place
why because god's merciful he's long suffering he's patient he it's not his desire that any
should perish but at the same time there is a point in time when god will let people perish yes
i know that messes up some modern theology out there that god's grace and mercy extend far beyond
the weight of man's sin that's just not the case. There is an active effort by God to save.
But there comes a time where there's an active effort by God to give them up.
I hate to.
How far would you have to go in order for God to say, I give up.
I'm done.
I'm done with so and so.
That is so tragic, Rick.
You have to work at it.
Are there families
where mothers and fathers
tried everything they could
to steer a wayward son or daughter
in the right direction
and at some point gave up
and that son or daughter went their
way and ended up dying from drugs or alcohol and actually i mean yes that sadness is in this is in
the world there's nothing you can do to change them so this abandonment by god is the punishment for idolatry
where they are worshiping the creation over the creator
and in this in these verses what are they worshiping The physical bodies of other people made by the creator.
So the term vile affections
refers to desires that are against God's design for humanity.
They distort the dignity of human nature. And so
Paul first puts the focus on women and speaks of a deep and then he moves his attention to men
look homosexuality
lesbianism and all these things
this isn't new to our society
it was prevalent in the Greek society
the Roman society
Paul saw it.
The apostles saw it.
In fact, homosexual acts were integrated into pagan rituals.
They had temple prostitutes, male and female temple prostitutes.
So he's speaking of the practices that were common in those days.
Why is it common now in America?
Because idolatry is now prevalent.
Yes. Where there is idolatry, there is witchcraft, sorcery,
and sexual immorality.
Paul described the behavior as unseemly, meaning shameful and
they had
self-inflicted consequences for their actions
both physically, emotionally, spiritually
their bodies became
their consciences were seared Their bodies became diseased.
Their consciences were seared.
You know, we see it today, men and women who are deeply into the homosexual culture,
physically they change.
Their countenance changes, their body changes.
It's ironic that a lot of them are called gay
because I've seen very few happy homosexuals, very few.
Well, once again, a word was stolen yes the homosexual stole a word gay gay means happy it doesn't mean sexually attracted to the same sex.
And we've allowed that word to be taken away.
Just like they appropriated the rainbow.
Christians don't even put a rainbow up anymore
because people think our church is promoting homosexuality.
But they even pervert the rainbow.
The homosexual community only uses six colors in their rainbow when there's seven in the rainbow God made.
So they even pervert that, pervert color.
But it just shows you how far people go away from God.
God gives them up.
So homosexuality is a symptom of this rebellion
and this really hatred towards God.
So verse 28,
and even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge,
God gave them over to a reprobate mind to do those things which are not convenient.
The phrase did not like to retain God in their knowledge.
What it means is there's an intentional rejection of the knowledge of God.
You got it. Yes.
It's not an intellectual act.
It's a moral act.
They willfully rejected the truth about God that's revealed through creation and the conscience.
Remember what Paul taught us at the beginning of Romans.
There's no excuse for anybody to deny the existence of God.
God is in our conscience.
He's given us a conscience.
He's put his law in our conscience.
And God is visible in the creation.
So there's an inner witness of God
and an outer witness of God.
And Paul said,
nobody has an excuse to deny the existence of God.
But what Paul is now saying is
they did not like to retain God in their knowledge.
They willfully rejected the truth about God
that they had through their conscience
and through observation of creation,
a conscious decision.
As they did not approve,
God gave them over to a disapproved reprobate mind
who turned them over to a reprobate mind
God did
see this is a conscience act by God
refers to something that's been
tested and found wanting.
Reject it as worthless.
You realize, I mean,
when God says,
I have tested you as a human
and I have now declared you to be worthless.
And the word comes from back in the Roman days where they would test coins to see if they were truly coins of the realm or the empire.
Because just like today, there were counterfeits back then.
And so they would test
the coins and if they were not the proper you know uh amount of silver or gold or whatever
the metal was that was supposed to be in there it was found to be reprobate that's where that's
where it comes from that's or that was how another way it was used so it's a way to say something
has been measured and found wanting or found not to be genuine uh it has all the appearances
of of the coin a proper coin but the inside is fake the greek word is yes spiritually
it refers to
a human mind
that is
has become incapable of
recognizing what is right
and what is wrong
there you go
that is a scary state of mind There you go. Yes.
That is a scary state of mind.
That a person becomes so engrossed in sin that they no longer can distinguish what is right and what is wrong.
Yes. And so
God's response
to their rejection
was to reject them.
So he gives them over
to this
this reprobate
state of mind
where they can't distinguish right from wrong. In a reprobate state of mind where they can't distinguish right from wrong
and a reprobate mind obviously will lead to destructive thinking because reprobates normalize
and indulge in what the rest of society says is shameful and unnatural yes all you have to do is look at videos online
of a gay pride parade if you can stand it it's disgusting
and and that's what they're doing in public on the street imagine the perverse things off the street but we're told to accept it we're told not
to just tolerate it we're told to accept it but if we accept it we start moving into becoming
reprobates yes that's why you can't accept it you have to resist it
because the spiritual consequences
is to eventually end up as a reprobate
so what Paul's teaching us
is that God's judgment is proportional
as people reject God
he allows them to
experience the degrading effects of their sin.
He doesn't impose arbitrary punishment.
The worst punishment is God allows people to be themselves.
Again, he stops intervening in their life.
So there's a progression
that rejecting God leads to worsening moral decay verse 24 says they were given over to lust
of the heart verse 26 they were given over to vile affections verse 28 they're given over to
a reprobate mind i think it's pretty clear there isn't it that god takes it will take an active stance against those
individuals that continue to reject him reject the evidence of his power his
mercy his existence he finally gets to a point and says all right you don't
believe in me I don't believe in you either that's right terrifying state to be in
now with verse 29
God starts to describe
what is
a perfect description of modern
being filled with all
fornication wickednessness, covetousness, maliciousness,
full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, I lost my place here.
We're 29, right?
Yes, sir.
My this thing is moving.
Here we go.
Humanity is responsible for for rejecting God.
They have to take responsibility.
And there's because there's clear evidence.
Of his moral existence of his existence there's evidence and and so eventually you get to this place where your
your character is described as being filled with all unrighteousness.
You're involved in a litany of sins,
fornication, wickedness, covenants, maliciousness,
envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity, whispers.
Being filled with all unrighteousness
it it speaks of the complete saturation with sin yes and if there was any question about what that
sin looked like paul spells it out if there was any argument like, what exactly is all
unrighteousness? Well, here's a
That's just the beginning of the list. You could
go on for days on the list.
But this is just a start.
Think of a sponge
that can't hold any more water.
Bees are human sponges that can't hold any more sin
there's no room left in additional sin
they are filled with all unrighteousness
it doesn't mean people who occasionally commit sin these are people who are
obsessed with committing sin they've gone over the line so far they don't care anymore they don't care sin and rebellion has become
their lifestyle and they celebrate it with others and then it gets into the
list of sins fornication isn't interesting, the Greek word is pornea.
It's where you get pornography.
Doc, how do you describe the difference between fornication and adultery?
Adultery is a violation of the marriage covenant.
All other sexual sin outside of the marriage covenant is fornication.
That's for me a general rule, easy for me to keep in mind.
One commits adultery if they're in a committed, if they're not committed
relationship, I don't want to get into a new speak, but if they're in a marriage covenant with
another person and one of the, one of those people violates that marriage covenant in sexual sin,
that's adultery. Everything else falls under fornication. Sexual relations between unmarried people is fornication.
So even if it's one married person and one unmarried person in an affair,
it's adultery because one party is married.
That's right.
If neither are married, then it's fornication now if if one or two
the people are divorced it's still adultery uh coveting the well uh wicked Wickedness is another one. Malicious actions.
There's sin and there's wickedness.
I mean, sin is at one level,
but wickedness is at an extreme level.
When I think of wickedness,
I think of direct rebellion against God, that you have a plot against the Almighty. Yeah. When I think of wickedness, I think of direct rebellion against God, that you
have a plot against the Almighty. Yes. Whereas sin, and they're both equally wrong, it's a matter
of that. But when I think of sin, I think of someone seeking out their own pleasure, their own
fulfillment in violation of God's law.
But you're right.
I think that there's sin.
There's things people do as a result of just seeking out their own thing.
But then there are others who take it a step further.
Say, I just don't want only to sin.
I don't want anyone to judge me for my sin either.
I'll try to give you an example. the state of mind between sin and wicked.
Let's say a woman who falls into an act of adultery, okay, with a married man, okay, one-time event and doesn't happen again.
That's sin. that's adultery sin
but compare that with a woman who
deliberately sets out to entice and entrap married men and to break up marriages that That's wicked. Right.
You see the difference between the two?
When you reach the wicked stage,
you are actively recruiting people to rebel against God.
You're working full time for the devil.
You're not just sinning for yourself.
You're organizing sin for
others um maliciousness well uh coveting the insatiable desire for more especially
what belongs to somebody else maliciousness which is ill will towards other people a
desire for revenge envy again connected to coveting a deep discontent
at somebody else's success.
When somebody else's success bothers you,
that's envy.
When you should,
if the other person is a brother or sister,
you got to rejoice for them.
Well, there's physical murder, but there's also mental murder.
Jesus said, if you hate your brother or sister, you've committed murder.
A debate, which is strife, contention, argumentative behavior,
which strife and argumentative behavior and contentious behavior is rooted in pride,
in selfishness. And yet many times the people who are contentious and argumentative are accusing other people of being proud and selfish. But it's their own pride and selfishness that stirs up contention and
strife. Deceit, obviously lying, fraud, schemes, anything meant to manipulate, deceive other people.
Well, there's a word you don't use very much anymore, is it?
You only use it in modern times to refer to a medical condition,
like the cancer, the tumor is malignant right
uh but what is malignancy
well it actually is a cancerous mind malignity is the mindset that sees and speaks of everything in the worst possible light there you
go yeah there some people never say a kind word about another person.
They always find the fault in that person.
You can have a group of people together and somebody's name comes up.
And everybody in the group is saying kind things about that person except one that one will go to the fault to the one flaw and then tell everybody else about it that's malignancy that's a sickness
that's a sickness to always be looking for something bad in somebody
to always be telling other people what's wrong with somebody it's a sickness to always be looking for something bad in somebody, to always be telling other people what's wrong with somebody.
It's a sickness.
It's a malignant mind.
It's a cancerous mind.
See, malignity, we use it in terms of cancer.
Well, this is a cancer of the mind.
The brain cells are diseased.
And then whisperers, slanderers, who harm reputations through covert gossip.
That goes along with malignity.
And there are people today who make a living at that.
Yes. Okay. and there are people today who make a living at that yes okay so what's the difference
between a whisperer and a backbiter
I'll tell you what it is
slander openly
slander secretly
come over here let me tell you something whispers slander secretly. Okay.
Come over here.
Let me tell you something.
You know, they pull somebody over.
You see him over there?
Let me tell you.
This is what I heard.
But a backbiter, a backbiter wants everybody to hear it.
But these are gross sins.
No Christian should be involved in any of these things.
So this is not a comprehensive complete exhaustive list of sin but paul's painting a picture this is when you become when you have a reprobate mind this is how you think and behave yes these are the symptoms. The byproducts.
Verse 30, backbiters, haters of God,
despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things,
disobedient to parents.
So I mentioned backbiters, comparing them to whisperers.
So Paul's giving us the list of vices that characterize those who are given over by God to their sinful desires.
That's what we're seeing here, the list.
Isn't it interesting that disobedient to parents is in this list?
Equating it with murder.
I mean, God takes that very seriously. Yeah, Doc, I'll get to this in a minute, because minute because yeah there's some things to talk about this
um so we've talked about secret whisperers gossipers slanders who harm reputations
have you ever have you ever been the victim of somebody who has deliberately tried to harm your reputation?
It's a serious offense.
God does not take this lightly.
I know people with poison tongues that want everybody to know something bad about somebody.
It doesn't mean they talk bad about everybody,
but there may be one or two people
that they really want to bring down.
And they will go on an active campaign to slander to defame it's defamation
to defame that person why because it destroys that person's relationships it destroys that person's reputation it destroys that person's effectiveness it harms that person
career their business whatever it is and that the person who's doing the defamation knows
they know it will harm that's the maliciousness in the heart they speak ill
of another person for the purpose
of damaging that person
excuse me
that's usually why when God calls
a man to the ministry
he'll move him out of his hometown.
You seldom see a minister
ministering in his hometown.
It's very rare.
Jesus didn't do it.
He wasn't welcomed in Nazareth.
Could do no mighty work there, I recall because their lack of faith
aren't you the aren't you the son of Joseph the carpenter oh yeah I remember you I heard about you. So gossip and slander destroys relationships, builds mistrust.
And it comes from a heart filled with malice.
Proverbs 1628, a whisperer separates close friends.
See, if I had malice in my heart towards Doc,
then I would go to his closest friends and whisper bad things about Doc.
I'd say, don't ever tell him I told you this.
But I know this is a fact and then on some
day then someday you go hey doc oh I haven't seen your friend so-and-so around for a while
I know he I don't know what's wrong with him he hasn't he hasn't called me or visited me
for months yes because the whisperer went on a campaign to destroy the relationship
it's intentional yes
and because it's intentional it's malicious
james 3 6 the tongue is compared to a fire that can corrupt. A tongue sets things on fire.
Burn the house down with a tongue.
Open slandering.
Defaming others.
Deliberately, publicly spreading malicious lies, or half-truths.
You take part of the truth and you add a lie to it. Oh, I've met people who do that.
They're experts at it. The damage done is if somebody comes to you and goes, well, did you say or do this and this and this?
And you go, well, no, not exactly like that.
Let me tell you what happened.
See, the enemy takes a portion of truth and then wraps a lie around it yes and now it's a bomb
because it's got the truth in it
I mean it it's like taking you know taking a a delicious fruit a cherry and then covering it with a toxic poison
yeah the cherry inside's good but that poison on the outside will kill you
and that's that's what back biters do. They're experts.
I'm telling you, it's one thing to do it out in society.
God watches all this in the workplace and politics.
Politics is probably the worst, dog.
But in the workplace, you know, but when it gets in the church,
then he gets real worked up about it.
Because people are deliberately slandering men and women who are working for God.
Doing their best to serve the Lord.
And they've got this group of people around them who are deliberately trying to trip them
by telling lies by slandering them by defaming them and it happens in churches more often than
uh than folks know oh yes i mean having been a pastor and everything and having to deal with
that rumor and innuendo and, uh, gossip about favoritism and just, you know, in many ways,
it's like trying to manage a kindergarten class. Uh, but at the same time, you recognize that it's an attack
of the enemy
people are responsible for their sin
but at the same time you know it's an attack
of the enemy and it's usually
an indication that you're probably making
headway somewhere
in the ministry
was Jesus defamed?
the Jewish leaders, the Pharisees Was Jesus defamed? Absolutely.
The Jewish leaders, the Pharisees, the Sadducees, the Herodians, they defamed him.
They lied about him.
They gossiped.
They did everything they could.
He cast out devils by the power of the devil.
He does miracles by the power of the devil. He does miracles by the power of the devil.
He's a lunatic.
They had all kinds of things that they told people.
For what purpose?
To keep, to dilute his effectiveness.
And that's what Satan does against men and women who are actively serving the Lord.
He seeks weak minds who can be manipulated to defame strong minds.
Defamation, which is public, brings division.
It destroys reputation. That's why we have lawsuits against defamation.
CNN just lost a big lawsuit last week.
That's right.
They defamed a soldier.
He went after them.
And he won.
He got a settlement.
Five million dollars.
Mm-hmm. and he won he got a settlement five million dollars well the important thing to see is the defamation is a deliberate intent to harm another person
and it's driven either by envy or spite
it's driven by a desire for revenge or to inflict harm
but psalm 15 3 says the righteous do not slander haters of God.
This is active, ongoing enmity against God.
It manifests in rebellion against the Lord himself, his laws, and his authority.
God has enemies, and he has human enemies I think doc of
anything that as a Christian anything that grieves me so much is that
my Heavenly Father knows
that some of his sons and daughters hate him.
That grieves me.
It does. It grieves me.
Because I
I try to imagine the pain it causes him.
And for me, maybe that's how, maybe it's why I work so many hours for the Lord.
I'm trying to overcompensate for sons and daughters who hate him.
Like, hey, Father, look, I love you.
I'll just work all day and night for you.
I love you.
It bothers me that there are people out there who hate you.
And you've been good to them.
But haters of God means active hatred of God. Yes.
Open rebellion against him.
They eventually become detestable to god yeah and this is the only time that word haters of god it's
it's a single word in in the greek but it's the only time it appears in the new testament just
one time and it's in this verse so it's an extreme phrase that Paul is using here. Yes. Yes.
Despiteful, insolent, contempt, an outward disrespect for other people. It's often expressed through aggressive, violent behavior or attitudes or words.
Words can be violent.
Mindset can be aggressive.
Doesn't have to be a physical behavior.
But they're despiteful.
They bully.
They commit verbal abuse.
They mock.
And sometimes it's physical too.
In fact, Paul described himself as that in 1 Timothy.
I mean, yeah, 1 Timothy 1.13. And he describes himself who was before a blasphemer and a persecutor and injurious,
but that word injurious is that same word despiteful
in Romans 1.30.
And so it's not just a matter of, you know,
I'm hurting people mentally or psychologically.
I physically injured people for the cause of evil
in my rebellion against god i injured others i hurt others i physically injured others
and yet paul says i obtained mercy
doctor next one is pride and most people would say oh that's a boastful person they're proud they're
boasting but if you if you deep if you dive deeper into the word it refers to people who are unwilling to listen to correction they're unteachable
a proud person has an unteachable spirit yes a proud person will give himself or herself away
by belittling other people yes you you got it somebody who constantly belittling other people. Yes, you got it.
Somebody who constantly belittles another person is proud.
And yet, they think pride is people who are boastful.
It's actually an unteachable spirit
and a mind, a heart that wants to belittle other people.
If I tear somebody down, I look better.
Doc has been a pastor for a long,
you know what it's like to encounter a person with an unteachable spirit.
They can be the most religious person you've ever met.
And usually are.
But they're unteachable.
Now we get to boasting.
Notice how proud and boasters are two different things yes does that help you proud is to be unteachable a belittler now we get the boasters okay who are um
arrogantly proclaiming his or her achievements and virtues exaggerating fabricating
there are people who fabricate their resumes
you see this all the time people get called
at a fake resume
a college degree that didn't
you know a military
career that didn't happen
yeah stolen valor
yes yeah
what is that they're empty pretenders. Why would you do that? Why would you lie about yourself? the Greek word for Ale and what it meant was a vagrant
a homeless person that would go
and get a fancy
robe and put it on
pretending to be someone else
underneath the robe
the closest thing
we have today is homeless
but they used the word
that they would pretend to be somebody else, a false pretender, a boaster.
It was a boaster. And so I just thought that was an interesting source for that, because it really does describe that word and in a modern picture, better way than anything else. Again, we think, we have a picture, a boaster is somebody who's just,
you know, crowing about how good he or she is
and all the great things they do and everything.
But it includes people who create a false image of who they are.
Yeah. um create a false image of who they are yeah and and many times it it it involves um
falsely representing their achievements their educational uh credentials um you know there's
a situation right now major ministry where somebody has been outed as having a fake doctorate degree.
It's just, why do you do that?
Well, they're insecure and they have a desire for recognition, and so they build their own world.
Instead of working and achieving the degree,
they just make up one.
And I don't know how they think,
they're not going to get caught at it someday.
But isn't that the deception that comes with all these sins in that each one that's listed there we think we're going to get away with every one of them we think we're going to
get away with that's right um you know we see with people that guys that claim that they were Navy SEALs, you know,
or, you know, a Green Beret or something.
And then you find out they never served in the SEALs.
Eventually, it gets caught up with them.
Somebody recognizes, hey, you weren't in our unit.
And then their whole life falls apart.
It happens almost every election cycle.
Because the news media and political opponents start going over a candidate's resume and double checking everything.
I mean, look at George Santos in New York
the whole guy was a fake but he got elected to Congress and yet on the name
a fake resume he made it up and the people bought it but then he got exposed
on verse 30.
um on verse 30 so I think what we're seeing here so far down is when god says there's no hope for you
and he turns you over to a reprobate mind.
Look, I'm going to tell you,
if you are engaged in any of these things, like whispering
and slandering,
you need to cut it
out really fast.
It's not on
one of the approved lists of
beings in heaven.
It's really on one of the approved list of beings in heaven it's really on one of the worst
and again doc why why don't preachers preach this hard in their churches folks
if you are engaged in slandering defamation whispering God you are doing
one of the most
detestable things in the eyes of God.
You might as well go ahead and become
a lesbian or homosexual.
Just go ahead and go for it.
Because you already have reached,
you're already doing something
that is detestable to God.
Well, the reason why they don't preach
about that is because
His people aren't doing those things
that's for those sinners outside that's for those folks outside the church doors
not not the folks inside no folks inside aren't doing any of these things
i say that sarcastically, of course.
Verse 31, without understanding covenant breakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful.
Now we're getting into another class of sin.
They don't have understanding.
They break covenants.
They don't have natural affection break covenants they don't have natural affection
they're implacable they're they have no mercy i mean this is now
a portrait of humanity in its complete fallen state
um fallen state so when you get to this place you're now in the darkest places of existence you have an inability to distinguish right and wrong you're you're spiritually blind
you're deeply immoral
and it shows up because you're you're unmerciful you have no kindness to other people
you're a covenant breaker.
There's so
much covenant breaking in
the world today and in churches.
A covenant
represents an agreement,
a promise.
How many promises
have people broken to you?
How many promises have you broken?
Man, you got to take this seriously.
You know, I need people to come back
and say hey Rick you promised this oh yeah I did
I just forgot I gotta
get that done for you
doesn't mean I changed my mind
I just forgot about it
but when you
deliberately change your mind
you make the promise
and then you walk away and you have no intention
of keeping the promise
you're a covenant breaker you're a covenant breaker You make the promise and then you walk away and you have no intention of keeping the promise.
You're a covenant breaker.
You're a covenant breaker.
That's why we have so many lawyers in the world.
Covenant breaking is the reason we must have lawyers.
Look, I like lawyers.
I use lawyers. Lawyers are necessary necessary you know why they're necessary because I have to deal with covenant breakers there you go if people just keep their covenant
you wouldn't need a lawyer would you I I make agreements with people and they break the covenant
they break the agreement they walk away and go
all right we've got your money but we're not going to do what we said yes that's a covenant breaker
a covenant breaker is somebody who says i guarantee this product will work
you pay for them a month later it doesn't work you go back to them you
said hey you guarantee this work well sorry you've had it too long
well you didn't put a time limit on it
they're covenant breakers
i bought a used car a few years ago for my daughter and the dealer told me he
said Rick I'm gonna put a limited warranty on this used car for you well I
paid for the car picked it up and. And a few weeks later, it had mechanical problems.
Wasn't anything serious.
But I contacted him.
I said, hey, did you get that warranty on it?
Oh, no, I got to take care of that.
He never did.
Oh, my goodness.
Never did.
And as weeks and months went by, I kept saying, contacting.
It got to the point, Doc, he didn't even respond to my emails anymore
yeah covenant breaker you're coming a breaker you're a liar you made a promise to get me to
make the sale i took your word we made the transaction and then you immediately broke
your covenant that goes on all day long and that's why we have lawyers
it's a breakdown of society
people become a bunch of liars
and you expect it
you expect them to lie to you
you expect it
that's the problem in our culture today you expect them to lie to you. You expect it. That's the problem in our culture today.
You expect them to lie to you.
That's right.
One reason we hired a full-time lawyer.
So when I have people come and sit with me
to propose a business arrangement or something, I have an attorney sitting there in the meeting with me
that's my guard dog
that's a sending a message be careful what promises you make
because he's going to record everything.
That's the way you have to operate in today's society.
The idea of shaking hands and say, hey, my word is my bond, that's gone.
That doesn't exist anymore.
Remember the story Zig Ziglar used to tell?
Now, he was selling cookware, and He was making this big sale to this man.
And so they agree.
They shake hands on the price and everything.
And Zieg says, well, now we need to sign a contract here and everything. And the man says, oh, no, no, no.
We shook on it. My word is my bond. And the man says, oh, no, no, no. We shook on it.
My word is my bond.
And Zig Ziglar said, you know, you're right.
But it's probably a good idea for us to write it down just in case either one of us forget.
That's right.
So that's a very classy way of getting somebody to sign an agreement.
We need to remind ourselves of what we shook hands on.
That's right. Because people
forget and sometimes
people remember to lie.
They forget the truth and
remember the lie.
That's the world we live in.
And so.
So unmerciful,
a lack of kindness.
I don't care.
No mercy,
no kindness,
lack of affection.
Or just human affection for people. Just say the right thing to do the good thing
the way to treat somebody is this way but people with who lack affection are cold they
only care about themselves yes I have trouble dealing with people like that.
I don't know what happened in their life,
what happened as a child,
how did they have a mind develop that says, I got to take care of myself
and I don't care about anybody else.
But every once in a while, we run into them.
Thank God we don't have any here now now but I've met them in the past
no human
empathy, no kindness
let somebody suffer Again, no human empathy, no kindness.
Let somebody suffer.
They don't care.
Doc, what about implacable?
How would you, what is your definition for implacable?
Do you have one?
It's kind of, it goes along the same line as covenant breakers and everything.
the same
sort of term,
it's also used in 2 Timothy,
that same word,
truce breakers.
so there's it gives the implication of someone who goes out of the way,
not just to, you know, just, oh, I forgot about the agreement I make, but you went out of your
way to break it. You sought to break it from the very beginning. Your intentions were wrong from when you first started.
In other words, you entered that agreement knowing that you're lying.
That's the closest thing I can come up with.
Well, it goes a little bit deeper because it's rooted in the attitude of a heart
an implacable person is somebody who is unwilling to forgive to reconcile
to make peace with another person i like that yes Yes. An implacable person holds on to grudges, bitterness, resentment,
and they foster division and strife to keep the conflict going.
They can't solve it.
They've got to keep it going.
They're implacable.
In other words, you can't placate them.
Nothing willate them. Nothing.
Nothing will satisfy them.
Nothing will placate them.
You say, what are you mad about?
What are you angry about?
And they don't know.
But if you can get them to tell you something and say, okay, I'll make that right.
Tomorrow, they're angry about something else.
They're implacable because they've got to keep the fight going.
Again, it's a person who harbors grudges, deep, deep unforgiveness, resentment, bitterness.
They swim around in the gall of bitterness
but they foster division and strife and they're related to those who slander
because the person that they're angry against they've got to bring that person down.
They've got to keep the conflict going.
Well, that has applications in the real world today, doesn't it?
Oh, it does. Like NATO and Russia and Israel and Palestinians.
They're implacable.
Keep the conflict going.
They're implacable.
They're implacable conflict going they're implacable they're implacable
nothing nothing will satisfy nato they want to fight
nothing satisfies israel they want to fight nothing satisfies hamas they want to fight yeah it's an unforgiving spirit that creates an environment of hostility and strife it prevents restoration in relationships it will not allow any wound to be healed
oh boy yeah there you go reconciliation is impossible because one party refuses
to give up their resentment
that's an implacable person
do we have anybody today in this class that you're implacable towards somebody, somebody that wants to reconcile wants to get things right, but
you won't let them? Or is there somebody that's implacable in
your life, you want to, you want to reconcile, you want to work
things out, but the other person will, then the other person is
You know why?
They're unmerciful.
They are unmerciful.
They don't care if you're hurting.
They want you to hurt.
They reject mercy for you.
Because they reject God's mercy.
Mercy is a reflection of God's character.
And a society without mercy is cold and unkind. So, unplacable people are unmerciful people.
They lack natural affection.
In relationships, they can split their families apart
they can split friendships apart
split churches apart
doesn't bother them
because they're unmerciful
and they lack
natural affection
they're driven by bitterness
and anger and unforgiveness
and a sense
of desire for revenge.
I like adding
that last part to it.
Desiring revenge.
That goes beyond covenant breaking.
I want you to know my computer has tried 20 times in this class
to shut down for a
It's been implacable the whole time.
It's been an implacable computer.
It just kept coming back saying update.
All right, everybody.
That's it for today yes wow it's 9 25 yes so very busy chapter one today so we'll move into chapter two tomorrow praise god and we appreciate you being
here today we've had over 300 people here from about a dozen different countries at least that
have joined us for morning manna we invite you back here tomorrow morning 8
a.m. for our Bible study and we'll get started in chapter 2 tomorrow we
appreciate you taking time out of your schedule no matter where you are in the
world to join us it says a lot when you make that step of faith to join us.
When you reach out to God, God reaches back out to you.
And so you're reaching out to him today, seeking his word.
He's going to bless you for doing that.
I'm wondering, Doc, how many people in the class,
did we describe people in your life that you're dealing with
does did this class help you understand certain relationships i see a lot of yeses yeah
do you understand it's not your fault okay do you understand that some people are implacable
you'll never reconcile with them you'll never work things out
they'll put all kinds of guilt on you all kinds of shame everything but the truth is they are
implacable and they have an unteachable spirit and they're boasters they're proud
see and you know you just you have to realize that's the state of mind that that person's in
don't let them pull you down into the the mud puddle
you know don't do it um because that's what they want they want you to get down in the in the pit with them and if you do you'll come up smelling like a pig.
You roll with the pig, you smell like a pig. That's right. So I
did that one time, Doc, when I was about four years old. I
climbed up on the fence at my my granddad's home pen. I remember
you telling me the story is I climbed up on the wooden fence,
looked down, I wanted to see all the hogs,
and I fell over and went down
face first in the slop.
I came up
smelling like a pig.
You know,
don't let them pull you down into it.
It's difficult, but you gotta just
break away.
Break away in your mind and your spirit.
You understand what they're doing, where they come from, what's driving them.
Pray for them that they can get set free.
And also pray, too, that if in the course of our lesson today,
the Lord has pricked your heart on any of these issues,
and you've been convicted by the Spirit, Lord, I have a tendency to lean in this direction.
This is an opportunity for the Word of God to take root in you.
Just repent, bring it to the Lord.
You are not beyond hope right now.
Just repent, move on from it, and allow the Holy Spirit to correct you in these areas.
We're not perfect after we're saved god sometimes has to work through a lot of things with it to get all this meanness out of us
as my grandma used to say uh it takes a while uh but once you recognize it repent and give it to
the lord and move on allow the holy spirit to deal with those things in your life
so and doctor people who have um in our class and in past relationships
you dealt with people like this and you got hurt severely right so you've been bruised
inside a bruise is a wound on the inside right
jesus was bruised for us okay uh go to the lord today and say i'm still hurting from
a particular relationship i now understand what i was dealing with
yes and let the lord bring inner healing to you today praise god that's a good word okay
all right folks well uh it's got busy news today today we've got to get ready for that
so we appreciate you being here with us today and And we invite you back here tomorrow morning, 8 a.m., Tuesday morning, 8 a.m. here on the East Coast for the next edition of Morning Manna, where we'll get started on Romans chapter 2.
God bless you, and we'll see you tomorrow morning.
All right. Thank you. Thank you for being patient today.