TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Gerald Celente Predicts 2 Big Economic Downturns

Episode Date: February 28, 2025

Gerald Celente joins Rick Wiles for a one-hour discussion. He is the world’s preeminent trends forecaster and publisher of the Trends Journal. Gerald has a razor-sharp eye on the forces driving and ...shaping our modern world. He’s been ahead of the curve on everything from economic shifts to geopolitical upheavals.Rick Wiles, Gerald Celente. Airdate 2/28/25Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!             It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!

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Starting point is 00:00:35 supply needs. The 2025 will be unlike any year you've ever experienced. A new international order is emerging. A new domestic political order is also taking shape. Artificial intelligence is rapidly expanding its capabilities and changing the way we work and live. Elon Musk said just days ago that we are near the moment of singularity. Humanoid robots are entering the workforce by thousands of units. By the time you see this episode of True News, our team will be on our way to Barcelona, Spain to attend Mobile World Congress 2025. And we will give you daily reports starting next Tuesday.
Starting point is 00:01:36 Now I pre-recorded an interview with Dr. Robert Malone for Monday's True News episode. The topic will be his new book, Psy, enforcing the New World Order. For today, I've invited our good friend Gerald Salente to join me for a one-hour discussion. He is the world's preeminent trends forecaster and the publisher of the Trends Journal. Gerald has a razor-sharp eye on the forces driving and shaping our modern world. He's been ahead of the curve on everything from economic shifts to geopolitical upheavals. What I like the most about Gerald is his courage to call it like he sees it.
Starting point is 00:02:17 Today, Friday, February 28, 2025, Gerald and I will dive deep into what's coming next. You can subscribe to Trends Journal at Gerald Solany, let's get started. Good to see you again. Gerald Solany Oh, thank you for having me on. Thank you so much for what you do. I so much appreciate it. And I'm looking forward to watching those episodes from Barcelona.
Starting point is 00:02:43 Gerald Solany Yes, sir. Gerald Solany You got to go with me sometime. Let's let's you would you would have a lot of fun there. Looking at what they're doing, listening to their plans, and getting it, you'll see how they're, they're shaping the, the world that they want to build. All right it's Klaus Schwab's fourth industrial revolution meeting in Barcelona. That's basically where we're at. I don't want to spend a lot of time on politics today,
Starting point is 00:03:18 but I'm eager to hear your opinion about the new international order that is emerging. Weeks ago, when Mr. Trump first mentioned a peace settlement with the war in Ukraine, I told our audience that he was going to place a lien on Ukraine's natural resources. Because I'm looking at this guy as a real estate developer. I said, he's going to put a lien on them. That's exactly what he's doing. He's putting a lien on Ukraine, and he's going to pull out money for the United States and
Starting point is 00:03:56 for his friends, for investors. Are we witnessing the emergence of a new foreign policy that is aggressively searching for natural resources in weaker countries? I mean the Vikings did it centuries ago, but they didn't have lawyers. This one is being done with lawyers, where they're actually drawing up papers saying we own 50% of your natural resources. We're going to let you keep 50% of what you already own. Are we witnessing a new world order? This is the way it's going to be for the next 50, 100 years?
Starting point is 00:04:43 No, it's the way it's always been. I knew you were going to say that. Yeah, read the book Wars of Racket by Smedley Butler, the most decorated marine at the time. As I said, when we invaded Iraq, you think we would have invaded Iraq if their major export was broccoli? Look what we did to Libya. I want that guy Qaddafi out of there. Oh, that was a Nobel Peace of Crap prize, Barack Obama. He had a little clown boy. He's always folks, folks. He was always folking us. Folks, folks. Yeah. This is the little
Starting point is 00:05:19 clown that after the jerks voted for this little lying SOB, what did he do? Oh, we had the Afghan troop surge. Wait, you sold yourself as a peace candidate. Oh, no, I forgot. Then what happened? I want that guy Qaddafi out of there. Momar Qaddafi? You mean Libya, which was the richest country in Africa, where the people had more rights and benefits than most of the world. Oh, yeah, but look at their oil over there. That's the easiest to get out because you don't have to dig deep to get it. You think the United States would be in Syria on the East if we weren't stealing their oil?
Starting point is 00:06:00 Again, war's a racket. They've been doing this for centuries. There's nothing new about it. It's just a different guy doing it in a different way. And now this new arrangement, supposedly we're going to go into business with Russia. Yeah. Well, look, as far as going into business with Russia, you know, I'm the same age as Trump. And when I was a kid, kindergarten, first grade, they had us hiding under a desk with
Starting point is 00:06:35 sirens going off in case an atom bomb went off. All right. I remember those days. That the Russians were going to drop on us. They taught us to hate the Russians all our lives. There's this great speech by John F. Kennedy, 1963, June, to the graduating students at American university, everybody should read it or listen to it. He goes on to say that he talks about World War II. He said, we don't want war again,
Starting point is 00:07:08 and no country suffered more than the Russian people. He said they lost over 20 million of their people and their factories, their farms, their homes, and their land, the equivalent of Chicago to the East Coast. He said these are good people. He said they're very technologically and scientifically advanced. He said we don't want to go to war against them because if we do, this is his words, life on, remember this is 1963, life on earth will be eliminated in 24 hours. Yes. People don't know about operation Barbarossa brought to you by Hitler that wiped out Russia, killed all those people. The Russians were the first ones to beat the Germans, but we never talk about that.
Starting point is 00:08:03 To have peace with Russia, to have peace on the world, I'm all in favor of it. Again, you know I launched Occupy Peace over a decade ago, so it's not empty language. I have major campaigns, do everything I can for peace. Yeah, we should do everything we can, but here's the bottom line. All the Trump gang is interested and is in the bottom line. Look at all the billionaires he brought in with him. And I want to make this clear to everybody listening. If you're not a billionaire, you have no right to say anything.
Starting point is 00:08:38 That's the way it is today. I'm Elon Musk, I'm the richest guy in the world. You have to hear the crap that spews out of my mouth every day. What you think, what you believe, what you want, what you wish for does not make any difference at all. It's only about the big money guys. And all you have to do, again, look what Trump just said about, hey, you got $5 million, you could come to the United States.
Starting point is 00:09:01 But if you're a poor slob, get the hell out of here. Again, I'm not saying pro or for against immigration. I'm just saying the hypocrisy of it. Yes. The politicians in the media will talk about Russian oligarchs. What do we have? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Again, when you and I were young guys, there used to be things called hardware stores, stationary stores, shoe stores, drug stores, grocery stores. Now they're all chains. And we knew the owners. And we knew the owners. And it built the middle class. Yes. To this day, I can think of the names of all the proprietors of all the little
Starting point is 00:09:45 stores in my community like you came to. Yeah. They were real people. They were part of the community. There's this Italian guy that I'm not too fond of. You know, so when you're, by the way, when I criticize Israel's genocide, don't call me an anti-Semite because I'm going to say about Italians being an Italian, don't call me an anti-Italian, there's this guy by the name of Mussolini. The merger of state and corporate powers is fascism. That's the definition. And that's what we have. So Mr. Trump is setting up a sovereign wealth fund, and the sovereign wealth fund will own
Starting point is 00:10:22 the minerals in Ukraine. And the sovereign wealth fund will own other assets, including 50% of TikTok. So, Gerald, if the US government can order the owners of TikTok to sell and then order them to sell half of a company to the US government. What prevents the US government from ordering every company to sell half of its assets to the US government? They do anything they want. They make up any crap that they want. It's fascism.
Starting point is 00:11:00 I know. That's exactly what I said. The merger of state and corporate powers. Again, look at the clowns that he got Look at the show. We got on there. They're billionaires. How many billionaires did he bring on his team? Again, we the people don't count anymore. All we are as I call us is plantation workers of slave landier This is better than the plantation system because back then you had to house them and feed them.
Starting point is 00:11:26 Now you just give them enough money, get that all out of here and come back tomorrow morning, get that work. Come back. Go to Marshalls, go to Lowe's, go to any of these places out in front of every one of them, help wanted, part-time, full-time. They pay the people nothing. Nothing. Okay, now I want to move into technology because I want to start talking about how
Starting point is 00:11:48 a lot of people are going to be put out of work through AI and robotics and other technologies that are taking place. So, as this interview is being released to the public, hopefully I'm on my way to Barcelona, Spain. And next week the Mobile World Congress opens up. That's the global convention of the phone industry. Gerald, the first time I went was 2017. I went there solely for the purpose of learning about transmitting video on phones. It was entirely an educational trip to advance what we do. But the opening session on the opening day was entitled Global Brain 2030. And I looked to one of my team members, Paul Benson, who was with me, and I said,
Starting point is 00:12:44 I think I know why we're here now. And so they brought out, the billionaires came members, Paul Benson, who was with me, and I said, I think I know why we're here now. And so they brought out, the billionaires came out, and the phone executives, and they're talking about the global brain. And they're going to have it done by 2030. What I came to understand after, I guess, maybe my second visit to mobile world, is that the global phone industry is the nervous system of this new world order that's being constructed, this Klaus Schwab's fourth industrial revolution. The phone
Starting point is 00:13:20 company infrastructure is the nervous system. They can't build it without the phone companies So we think you know AT&T Verizon T-Mobile Okay, this is these are our carriers so that we can pick up our phone and make a call call relatives call employees Whatever. No, it's they're building the technological infrastructure for autonomous driven cars for for smart cities, smart farms, digital health records, all the stuff that the World Economic Forum is envisioning. It has to be run on the phone company infrastructure.
Starting point is 00:14:02 That's the reason I go there. Because what they're going to be talking about is five to 10 years ahead. Now what I heard the first two years, 17 and 18, the projections were extremely ambitious. And we're here now in 2025 and they have not accomplished what they said they were going to do by 2025. Everybody was going to be in driverless cars and there were going to be smart cities and all this stuff was going to be happening. So what set them back? Was it COVID? Is it the cost of building this infrastructure? Because they're about five years behind of what I heard in 2017 and 18 of where we would be in 2025.
Starting point is 00:14:55 Were they overly ambitious or did they encounter headwinds that they didn't anticipate? What do you think? When they started talking about driverless cars, we said it's not going to happen. It's overly ambitious. Yes, it's working in some things, not working in others. But it's really, excuse me, it's a total waste of money at this point. And it's, yes, they want to check everything that they can.
Starting point is 00:15:25 And it's the new world order. And it's, by the way, I don't carry a cell phone. I did work for the cellular telecommunications industry going back to the 1990s, like 1994, when they had boxes in the trunks of cars with aerials. And I've been studying the radio frequency radiation of these things and how deadly they are.
Starting point is 00:15:46 You just talked about Dr. Malone and he's on with the Defender, the RFK. It's an article that just came out on the Defender about how they're not releasing. I can't imagine how many pages it was, like 2,500 pages or something of data that they will not release on cell phones and 5G. They won't release it. These things are deadly. The whole world has changed. Young people are totally addicted to this.
Starting point is 00:16:24 It is the future. Does the future happen when they say it's going to happen? No, but this is the path. And if you need any more proof, let's go back to Trump's inauguration. Look at the little clown boys that were there with the pictures, that Peach Eye and Musk and Zuckerberg, all these little tech guys, one after another. Oh, these are the little tech geeks that couldn't that hated Trump, but now we're on the same team.
Starting point is 00:16:56 That's where it's going. They're going to more and more control over the people by knowing more of what you do, what you're doing, when you're doing it, how you're doing it, and on and on. And by the way, there's another element to this. It's going to bring us to digital currencies as well. That's part of this discussion. There will be a lot of sessions about digital currencies. They want to know every penny you spent, what you spent it on, where you spent it.
Starting point is 00:17:25 They are total control of the people and the young people, this is their lives. Look, I'm a New York City guy. I like going out, you know. I go out to a bar, everybody's on their phone. You don't talk anymore. Couples sitting down at the table, they're on their phone. Kids, look what they look at. Everybody's addicted. It's the future. AI, we own you. Trends are born, they grow, they mature, reach old age and die. the year, it might have been 2020.
Starting point is 00:18:07 There was a session where they said, we are going to implant a human on stage with a microchip and make a live real-time transaction of funds. So I'm like, all right, I'm going to witness this, I'm going to record it. So we get there and they tell us, oh, no TV cameras allowed. Why? Well, that's the rules, no TV cameras allowed. Okay, we'll put our cameras down. Okay, you watch them for us.
Starting point is 00:18:38 We're going to go in with our phones. This is the phone convention, okay? You build cameras in all of your phones. We'll put our TV cameras out convention, okay? You build cameras in all of your phones. We'll put our TV cameras out here, okay? But we're going to take our phones in, right? So we go in, and Gerald, it truly was by God's providence because there were no seats, very small room, maybe 50 people. In the moment we walked in, like five people in the front row got up and walked out
Starting point is 00:19:05 and hadn't even started. And we grabbed the front row seats. And so with our phones, which were totally permissible in that building, we videotaped a video, it wasn't a tape, a video recorded, the implantation of a microchip in a man. And then they scanned his arm and they transferred, we watched it on the screen, funds going from one bank account to another bank account. of a microchip in a man, and then they scanned his arm and they transferred. We watched it on the screen, funds going from one bank account to another bank account. It's like, well, why is the phone industry, why are they involved in implanting microchips in humans? Yes.
Starting point is 00:19:38 Okay. I thought we just wanted the phone to talk to somebody, right? Now see, you're absolutely right. The financial industry and the financial infrastructure that they're building, again, depends on the phone companies. So when we go there, we get to see all this stuff that they're planning to do to society. Last year, Gerald, I was in a session, and I don't recall the speaker, but he said that within two years, which would be 2026, all successful companies in the world would have
Starting point is 00:20:22 two classes of employees, human and non-human. He said that last year. He said by the end of 2026, all companies will have two classes of employees, human and non-human. Now, he wasn't necessarily talking about robots. He was talking about virtual assistants. that you will have a workforce of non-human virtual employees with names, titles, duties? Do you see it coming? Yes, but not as quick as they're saying. Okay. Again, let's go, again, remember, trends are born, they grow, mature, reach old age and die. This has just been born
Starting point is 00:21:06 Let's go back. Let's go back to the Internet Revolution Let's go back like 1994. Mm-hmm. We could be doing what we're doing now It wasn't anywhere near that You couldn't even get it that you if you try to see you had the discs you had to put in your computer You couldn't watch a movie or anything. You saw somebody moving like this. It's just beginning. But it is the future.
Starting point is 00:21:36 There's no question about it. But not tomorrow. This is very important, as I see it. Let's go back a month ago. All of a sudden, we hear about this company called DeepSeek. Right. They brought down Nvidia's stock 17% in one day, Chinese company. No, we don't need these big chips to make AI.
Starting point is 00:22:02 Oh, we don't have to spend $100 million, we did it for $6 million. They lost $600 billion almost in one day. I want to make this clear because we're talking about where this is going. Again, trends are born, they grow, mature, reach old age and die. This has just been born. Now, deep seek. In making, in trend forecasting, you make connections between different fields. So let's go back to 2000, when Bill Clinton brought China into the World Trade Organization. They didn't officially come into two weeks after 9-11. You look at China's GDP from 1970 to 2000, it's like this.
Starting point is 00:22:49 2001 comes, boop, it goes straight up. Now again, making connections. Back in 2000, 10% of 18-year-olds in China went to college. Today, nearly 70% of 18 year olds are going to college. From 10% to almost 70%. We're going to AI now. These are all young people. Oh, they got 1.4 billion people over there. Oh, how many do we have here? 330 million? Right. Young people are tech addicted. This is the future. And they have the, want to call it brain power, the AI brain power to advance this as quick as they can and as fast as they can so that they could become the controllers of AI. It's not going to be Silicon Valley, which is already going down the tubes.
Starting point is 00:23:58 It's going to be China. And if you want to talk about a totalitarian even more than here, how about over there? So when you're looking at AI, look at China, and that's where it's going as we see it. Okay, so Gerald, your company Trinch Journal, are you using AI at present? I don't know. Anybody? But I'll tell you what I'll tell you I what I do do and when When we write the letter to the subscribers to the new edition coming out I say to my assistant throw it in AI Let's see what it does
Starting point is 00:24:35 Yes comes back they got some good points there good so you got people in your company that are using AI Just a little bit nothing. Nothing like writing our articles, writing that. I'm using it every day. But I'm just, you know, I'm learning more every day what it can do for me, okay? So in preparing for this interview, I used to, well, for you, I don't have to prepare, because you and I have been doing this for so long
Starting point is 00:25:04 that I don't have to really because we've been you and I've been doing this for so long that I don't have to really prepare We just talk. Okay, but in other with other guests, you know a Scientist, you know brain surgeon, whatever you got to do serious preparation What AI allows me to do is I simply ask AI allows me to do is I simply ask AI give me an introduction and questions for this guest based on this man's work and his book or whatever suddenly comes back I've got questions better than I could ask myself. These are the ways that it's already impacting us, okay? We had a problem, we've had a long-running problem.
Starting point is 00:25:47 Archives, I've been doing this show for 26 years, okay? There's a lot of archives. What do you do with it, okay? I have cassette tapes, a program. Back when we were doing on cassette tapes, we've got them stored. Okay. So just a few days ago, Doc Burkhart asked ChatGBT, give us a plan on how to solve this problem with our archives. And it gave us a plan. These are real practical things that we're finding AI is helpful in doing business plans, strategies. But how short-term,
Starting point is 00:26:30 how will AI change our daily lives, our work, our lives at home? How do you see it affecting us short-term? It takes more of the people becoming addicted to the high tech world. Put more and more your time into it. So less and less of your time on the human level and more and more your time on the high tech level. And that's what it's become. It's gone.
Starting point is 00:27:06 You know, as I say, I mean, you know, they say in the King's James Bible that the meek shall inherit the earth. They misspelled it. The geeks have inherited the earth. And that's the future. And it's just going to keep escalating. And it's going to take more of the human spirit away. And it's already happened, people.
Starting point is 00:27:30 It's a whole different world. Is AI a threat to Google in the sense that I don't... Why would I Google anything when I can ask AI a question and get a better response? Google to go to try to do everything they can to AI themselves to the highest level. So you keep staying on Google. But they're going to do it through AI just like everybody else's. I know but I'm going less and less to Google. Because I have but yeah, I have multiple trying to do that investing a ton of dough. I have multiple. They're trying to do that. They're investing a ton of dough. Now this I'm telling it, but I'm the one of the big things that I'm trying to make the point of also, it's going to be the Chinese way. Yes. Nobody nobody's there's going to be by the way.
Starting point is 00:28:19 This was the Trends Journal back in 1999, when it was a quarterly newspaper. Now, of course, it's a magazine rather. And now it's a weekly, about 200 pages a week. This is the fall of 1999. Dot com this. Dot com overload will short circuit many high expectations for huge profits in Internet commerce, entertainment, and a wide array of dotcom services. Following the holiday season, many of today's high-flying Internet stocks, the hottest IPOs, and newly emerging IPO wannabes will have begun their deep descent from their overvalued heights. And we said the market would crash by the second quarter of 2000. It did in March, the NASDAQ lost 80% of its value. We are on the verge of that. Okay, already for a dot com bust.
Starting point is 00:29:26 We are ready for a dot com bust. The so-called Magnificent Seven is down this year. Nobody's talking about what I'm talking about with China taking over. So Gerald, you're projecting a dot com bubble burst 2.0. Yep. Really? Yes. Because they're over investing in the first, again the trends are born. Let's go back to 1886. The first automobile is invented. Are you going to put all your money in the first automobile invention? Or you're going to see other companies come in and be more
Starting point is 00:30:02 advanced than that. That's what they did. They all invested when this first AI began in 2022 into that model. That model's changed. China's changing that model, but you're not allowed to talk about this. Because they're the Chinese. I don't even remember the name of the first automobile, but I remember the name Ford Alright because Ford didn't invent the automobile, but he figured out how to build it profitably
Starting point is 00:30:35 Exactly right and that's what they're doing That's what again as I'm saying to, the young people are addicted to this stuff. And they got all these young kids going to college doing the AI world. They're going to advance in it. And the AI is the future. Yes, the jobs are going to be lost. Look what they, there's no journalism anymore. It's gone.
Starting point is 00:31:05 And look how many of them now are trying to use AI to do all they can do. It's going to take job after job after job after job, just as the Industrial Revolution changed everything. You're not making it by hand anymore. Put it in a machine. All right. So that's what I wanted to ask you in terms of the impact of AI on the economy, on people's jobs or lives. My co-host, Doc Burkhart, his wife works for the local hospital in the data management
Starting point is 00:31:41 department. They implemented AI about six months ago, and almost all of the employees are gone. And Gerald, they said AI went back like 100 years in records and organized them and put all the humans out of work. Yeah, it's the future. But this is the now because these people are out of work today. So yeah. And it's only going to get worse is what I'm saying. So what does this what the society do with millions of unemployed people who were not lazy?
Starting point is 00:32:21 They were productive people, but suddenly they're out of work. I mean lawyers CPAs, you know Professionals are at risk of losing Losing their their their livelihood because AI is doing their work better and faster. Yep It's the future. I talked to him. Again, I'm a low tech guy. You know, I drive a 1996 Audi.
Starting point is 00:32:49 I can't stand these new cars. Right. 94, excuse me. Cabriolet. I hate this new, all this. You know, I'm not to forget when I was a kid learning how to drive and my father made us a piece. And I turned up, it was nighttime
Starting point is 00:33:03 and I turned the light up inside, you know, to brighten up the dashboard. And he said to me, lower that thing. He said, the more light you have inside the car, the less you can see outside the car. Now the whole car is lit up on the inside. And you like those LED lights that blind you when you're driving? All right. The whole thing is going down. Again, I'm not a...
Starting point is 00:33:27 I can't stand this stuff. It's the future. And it's only going to get worse. But what are they going to do with millions of productive people? They could care less. They could care less. They'll pay you less work to do more work. That's what they'll do.
Starting point is 00:33:44 The chains will get, you know, get to work over here. It's a plantation system. That's all it is. You got more workers on the plantation. The bigs love it. So you think they'll keep them employed doing hardly anything? Crap jobs. Yeah, whatever they could do.
Starting point is 00:34:01 If what they have to get done, clean the house, do this, do that, we'll have them to clean it, the AI will clean it. No, it's going to be terrible. We're going into a third world nation. Again, we grew up when there was a middle class. Again, the numbers just came out. It's in the Trends Journal this week. You ready? 10%, 10%. The top 10% in America were responsible for 50% of the retail sales. All right? Right. The rich getting richer, everybody else getting poorer. Again, you got the billionaire class running the country.
Starting point is 00:34:40 But at some point, does this implode where there are so many non-productive people who want to be productive? Is this the justification for mass euthanization of entire populations? Are we going in that direction? Well, war will bring us to that. That can't be massed. But again, you know, it's off with their heads 2.0. You're going to people are going to be fed up with this stuff. Right. And but it's a different world. It's a totally different world. Look, you know,
Starting point is 00:35:29 different world. Look, look at the style. I mean, you and I, you go out, when you see people like us with a jacket and looking nice to, it's a slob show out there. You're watching the decline of America in front of your eyes. The whole thing's going down. So it just keeps going down, going down, going down. By know, by the way, people ask me what will change it. To me, the only thing I could see changing it is a Renaissance. They, you know, the Renaissance happened after the Black Plague. Black Plague, over 60% of Europe was wiped out because of the filthy sanitation. The people were killing themselves. And they said in Italy, all'A Romana e' l'Antica, in the manner of the Romans and the ancients, to describe the quality of their work, the beauty of what they were creating. We have to go back to that.
Starting point is 00:36:18 To me, that's the only thing that will change it and move away from the AI to go back to beauty and culture and caring. Look at the music. What crap. I got to hear this synthetic, jerky crap. By the way, when I used to, I was the number two guy running a major trade association. I put on, after the trade show, we, as you're going to one, we put on an event for the people that exhibited, took over the Atlantic Convention Center and put one on for Ella Fitzgerald. Wow. Yeah, I took over the Superdome, put one on with Dionne Warwick, you know, that used to be music, you know. Ella Fitzgerald. And look at the crap we have, look at the stupid crap. I'm telling you, the only way I see a change is with a renaissance. And you can't do it without money.
Starting point is 00:37:11 The Medici's made it happen. We need peace, we need culture, we need high spirit. And if the billionaires put their money into making that happen, it could happen. Without it, it ain't going to happen, as I see it. Gerald, are you acquainted with Neil Howe and his fourth turning concept? No. Oh my, you got to read it. You got to read it. You guys together, I'd hyperventilate.
Starting point is 00:37:41 I'll read it. If the two of you were in a room together, I'd hyperventilate. Okay? You need to read it. Mr. Howe, his partner, Dr. Strauss, passed away a number of years ago, but they were sociologists. And so they studied 600 years of British and American history. And they found cycles, social cycles. They use a term, a Roman, a Latin term, saculum, which basically is an 80 to 100 year lifespan. And they said that within a saculum there are four turnings of about 20, 22, 24 years each. It's never exact in each seculum. First turning, second turning, third turning,
Starting point is 00:38:31 fourth turning. The people that are born into a turning share characteristics with a preceding generation 80 years earlier. So you're a boomer, I'm a boomer. If you go back 80 years, alright, you go back to, I mean, before we were, 80 years before we were born, there was another boomer generation. They didn't call them boomers, but they shared the same characteristics. Same way with Generation X and Millennials and Gen Z's. He notices a pattern of behavior and attitudes. What happens is, obviously, the first turning occurs after the fourth turning. This continues,
Starting point is 00:39:28 all right? The fourth turning is a calamity. Yep. It's a calamity. And almost, I want to say almost all of them, all of them in American history and British history going back 600 years is a war, a big war. So World War II was a fourth turning. You go back 80 years, civil war. Go back 80 years, revolutionary war. Go back another 80 years, in America it was the war with the Native American tribes, okay? In Great Britain, they were having the same time.
Starting point is 00:40:07 They were having a big war in Great Britain at that time. Every 80-some years, there's a big war. Okay, so we are right on schedule for a monster war. Yep. Okay. Like, he's putting dates on it. I agree. And Jared, he's saying the window is 2029 to 2036 and that there will be a, you know, monster-sized war that will possibly threaten the existence of the country. Okay? So, yeah, his latest book is called The Fourth Turning is Here. I'm gonna read it. You
Starting point is 00:40:53 will devour it. So, if you think about this, it actually complements what you're saying. There's a war will deal with a lot of this, just like a flood deals with debris along a riverbank. A war is going to take care of a lot of problems. Yeah, but this is going to be, you know, whether they found like a skull or something 30 million years old or something, you know, right? I mean, to me, this is going to be wiped out. Again, I mentioned to you what John F. Kennedy said in 1963, if we go to war against the Soviet Union, life on earth will be wiped out in 24 hours. That was 63.
Starting point is 00:41:41 This will be the end of life on earth. Yes. And I think where we're at, Gerald, is it seems unthinkable, but I've been proposing that Donald Trump is going to sign a peace treaty with Russia. And that what Mr. Trump is doing is preparing the USA for the war with China and taking Russia out of the equation. Again, let's make the facts here, right? Was China has the biggest naval fleet in the world? Yes.
Starting point is 00:42:24 1.4 billion people. 1.4 billion people. 1.4 billion against 334 million. Who's going to win? And again, they're very advanced. And again, America has not won a war since World War II. It wouldn't have won that one without Russia. Right. Oh, you couldn't beat the Vietnamese.
Starting point is 00:42:44 You couldn't beat the, oh, you only killed three and a half million of them. You lost in Iraq, did a great job in Afghanistan. Oh, you're going to beat the Chinese? What people have to get in their head is, I say, you got lunatics running the world. Look at the freak show. Look at the little clown that just came out from, from Franz Macron, that came over here. A little boy of nothing. Now they got that guy, Stammer, coming over here from the UK. You know what they're doing? We're cutting back for the people in the UK, but we're building up our military because we have to build a
Starting point is 00:43:26 military bigger military to fight the Russians came out with that. Yes. Look at this little guy. Look at this little clown. He couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag. What I'm saying to you is that the people in power got big mouths. They're out of their mind little freaks. They could care less about we the people. These are deranged idiots that people call politicians. Could you get a more
Starting point is 00:43:55 murderous genocidal SOB than Netanyahu that when he comes to America, the little clowns in Congress give him over 50 standing ovations when he BS's for about 52 minutes. It's a freak show. And his gift to President Trump was a golden pager. Yeah. To celebrate, hey, we blew up people. And there were little children standing next to people who had a pager and they got blown up too.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And here, I'm going to give you one as a gift. Look how evil this guy looks. Look at him. He's wicked. He's wicked, Gerald. So what I'm saying to you is that minds don't matter. What I'm saying to you is that minds don't matter. Looking at things intellectually, philosophically, spiritually, it doesn't make any difference. When you're out of your mind, you're out of your mind.
Starting point is 00:44:57 You're evil, you're evil. Gerald, I stood- And we have evil people running the world. I stood next, literally, shoulder to shoulder with Mr. Netanyahu in the world. I stood next literally shoulder to shoulder with Mr. Netanyahu in the world in the world economic forum. I was I went over to a refreshment area. I was like I got to get something to drink. I'm thirsty and I'm standing in line waiting and I hear this commotion and all of a sudden I hear Netanyahu's voice and I, he's standing next to me.
Starting point is 00:45:27 I mean, open up against my shoulder. And I stood there and I watched it. I mean, Gerald, I got a look in that man's eyes. And I came home and I told people, I said, there's no soul. Yep. The guys, the guys, I looked in his eyes, there's nothing there. Nope. And a lot of people got angry with me.
Starting point is 00:45:51 How dare you say that about Benjamin? And what I said was, that man would drive a bulldozer over his mother while shifting gears and eating a turkey sandwich. Okay? He has no soul, okay? Well, we just, we witnessed it. He slaughtered 20,000 children and he's getting a standing ovation in Washington. Yep.
Starting point is 00:46:15 So, we go back to a, let's just say that Mr. Howe is correct, and this 80-year pattern is going to happen again and we're going to go to war with China in the next five to seven years. It's going to be an AI war. It'll be so many different kinds of wars. I mean, it's a drone war, it's an AI war. But drones are going to be... It's new millennium...
Starting point is 00:46:46 Matter of fact, one of our trends this year, new millennium warfare. It's all different games. Right. And by the way, you did great when you went to that World Economic Forum. You even made the New York Times back then. Oh, you remember that? Yeah. They called me.
Starting point is 00:47:00 They called me. I was in my ski lodge where the White House placed me, and I got a call from the New York Times, and they demanded that I tell them how I got there. And I said, what do you mean? I got press credentials. Who gave you the press credentials? Okay. And I said, you're the New York Times.
Starting point is 00:47:19 You know the way the game works. You apply, and your application is approved. Why do I have to explain it to you? But they were indignant that I was there. Oh, I know. I remember. Yeah. So anyhow. What you're doing is great. So few people are doing it. But I'm also saying that it can change. It can change if there's a renaissance. That's my belief. To bring humanity back to a highest spirit. Because when that spirit rises, you all put up with this crap. Okay, so Gerald, again, when you read fourth turning, after the war is a first turning. Okay, so the era that you and I grew up in, in our childhood, in our youth, and we reminisce about it, how wonderful it was, okay? Guess what?
Starting point is 00:48:16 That was a first turning. That was a first turning. What I'm saying is this Renaissance doesn't come until after the war. And what I'm saying is if this war comes, it's going to be the end of life on earth. Yes, there may not and there may not be. That's the way I see it. No, you're absolutely correct. We're that close that this thing is this could be the war that ends all wars. Yep.
Starting point is 00:48:42 That's what we're looking at. That's what we're looking at. That the devastation could be so horrendous that there's no life form left on the planet. Sobering isn't it? Yeah, it's sad. Again, by the way, I surround myself with beauty. I have art. I have over 200 plants in my building over here. We bring them in and out in the winter and the summer, you know. But I have art everywhere. I
Starting point is 00:49:13 try to create as much beauty as I can. I had a wonderful French girlfriend, Marie-Pierre, she used to say that art is the way of finding the true meaning of the human spirit. And I believe that 100%. And I think that's what we really need to bring back. I mean, look at, you know, look at the, look what this country used to look like before it was destroyed with all these new ugly steel buildings. You know, it was, You know, it was, and New York City used to be such a cool looking place and now it's art deco buildings and now it's just ugly crap all over the place, steel ugly structures. And by the way, Trump, I'll never forget how he destroyed the west side of New York on the Hudson River. You go down a west side of New York on the Hudson River.
Starting point is 00:50:08 You go down to West Side Drive and he built Trump Towers. He had all these beautiful Art Deco buildings looking at the Hudson River. And he put up all this ugly crap, big tall buildings, kill the whole view, just build ugly garbage. And by the way, I had lunch with his brother, Robert, 2017. Robert passed away since then. And he had a restaurant over here in Waseik, which is on the other side of the river over here. I was with him about three hours.
Starting point is 00:50:38 He goes on to tell me that when the father died, I think the father died in 2002 around there. When the father died, I think the father died in 2002 around there, he left the family over a half a billion dollars worth of real estate. Trump is a daddy's boy. He's a spoiled little boy, didn't make it on his own, did a lot of rotten deals, but he got an attitude like he made it. He didn't make it. His daddy got him there.
Starting point is 00:51:08 Just to make it clear. But now he's sitting in the White House. Yep. All right. And when have we ever seen in our lifetime so much happen within just 25, 30 days. When have you ever seen so much happen with a newly elected president? And this is just the beginning. I've been at this for 45 years, do top trends every year. Never before was one of my top trends a wild card. one of my top trends, a wild card.
Starting point is 00:51:46 Anything goes right now. Anything goes, anything goes, anything goes. Anything can happen. What do you, what do you make of these, you know, I mean, when he first started talking about making Canada the 51st state, my first reaction was, oh, he's trolling Justin Trudeau, this is just Donald Trump being Donald, he's just, you know, digginglling Justin Trudeau. This is just Donald Trump being Donald. He's just, you know, digging at Justin Trudeau. And then you realize, no, he's very serious about this. And then-
Starting point is 00:52:12 I want Panama. And then Greenland and then Panama. And now Ukraine. And it's like, this guy is very serious about taking control of these nations. And he lied because he was campaigning, he said he was a peace president. And now all of a sudden you want Greenland, Canada, Panama, oh, rename the, oh, they threw AP out because they won't call the Gulf of Mexico the Gulf of America. You can't make this crap up.
Starting point is 00:52:38 Well, in his mind, it's peaceful as long as they surrender. Yeah. I mean, how long has it been called the Gulf of Mexico? What, a couple hundred years? Right. The one that shocked me the most was Gaza. I personally believe he called Netanyahu by surprise. I think he took it from Netanyahu.
Starting point is 00:53:02 Again, looking at Mr. Trump as a real estate man, what he discovered, I think he had his lawyers do a title search on Gaza. They went back to 1923, the treaty where the Ottoman Empire dissolved itself. And Gaza was left just floating in limbo and nobody has legally owned Gaza since 1923 and I think Donald Trump looked at and said hey that's a piece of land with no title let's file a claim on it and I think he pulled a surprise on Netanyahu and now Netanyahu is trying to figure out how to get back in that he can have control of Gaza. But I don't think Donald Trump plans to share it with him. Honestly, I think he plans to
Starting point is 00:53:53 take Israel. I don't think so. I think that Netanyahu is good. Look what they just did in the West Bank. They threw out 40,000 Palestinians out of their homes. 40,000. Yes. In violation of the Geneva Convention and Article 242 of the United Nations. But I think Mr. Trump is saying go ahead and do it because you're... Exactly. But for the purpose of clean it out because I have plans for it. He does have plans for it. I'm looking for the purpose of clean it out because I have plans for it.
Starting point is 00:54:25 He does have plans for it. I'm looking for the article here. We published it in the Trends Journal last year, just about this time. His son-in-law Jared Kushner said that he did a speech at Harvard University and said that this Gaza property is, quote quote very valuable waterfront property. That's right. This is a year ago. Yes.
Starting point is 00:54:49 And that we they should move the Palestinians into the Negev desert. Right. How disgusting is this? They see that as humane. Valuable water from property. And again, when you look at it, where are the Arab nations against this? They're not. Back when we were young, there was a thing called the, what did they do back in 1973?
Starting point is 00:55:21 An embargo. Oil embargo to stop Israel with the 1973 war. Right. Now they're totally silent. Oh, wait a minute. Saudi Arabia invested two billion dollars in Jared Kushner's company that he started up over there? Gerald, I have a theory of why the Arabs are cooperating so much with Israel.
Starting point is 00:55:43 Jared Kushner's in on it. I believe Jared Kushner brokered deals that Israel shared spyware with the Arab governments to spy on their Arab citizens. The other side of that deal was you've got to recognize Israel, you've got to go along with our plans, and you've got to sell out the Palestinian people. If you do these things, you get our spyware, and you can spy on your own people and know who's talking bad about you. I think that's what was done behind the scenes, and Jared Kushner is the one who brokered
Starting point is 00:56:23 that deal. Yeah, you may. Yeah. And I think Trump just did a deal with that spyware company too, or something would happen with that where I think they're going to allow it to be used here. Okay. We're down to four minutes. This brings me back to mobile world.
Starting point is 00:56:42 I'm going to be listening very closely for conversations about this topic. We're told by U.S. officials that the Chinese have hacked every single phone company in America. How do you solve that problem short of completely rebuilding the phone company? short of completely rebuilding the phone company, all new infrastructure. How do you do it? If they're inside? Again, they're all hacking. Everybody's hacking everybody. They make it like, oh, you just mentioned what's going on with the, I forgot the name
Starting point is 00:57:18 of that spyware. They're doing it all over. Sure. So they blame, one blames the other, blames the other, blames the other, while they they're doing it all over. So they blame one, blame the other, blame the other, blame the other while they're all doing it. Yes. And what they're going to do, they're going to keep using this, by the way, so they keep telling us not to use the Chinese AI or anything else so that they could sell their product.
Starting point is 00:57:42 Gerald, I go back. You got to go by the numbers. The Chinese outnumber us. I go back to, you managed a trade show, I managed a trade show decades ago. A prison show. Correctional institutions. Okay? And anyhow, one of my clients was a company called Enzlaw.
Starting point is 00:58:06 I-N-S-L-A-W. And they had a software that they were selling to the Justice Department. And the Justice Department enabled the Israelis to steal the code. And that code actually ended up becoming the source code for all the spyware that Israel now has. And the guy's name was Hamilton. I forget his first name. His name was Hamilton. He owned the company. I knew he was one of my clients. But the Justice Department allowed the Israelis to steal that software. That goes back to the early 90s, that this has been going on in this country. Guy named, remember Senator John Tower of Texas?
Starting point is 00:58:54 Oh, he was opening up Los Alamos to the Israeli Mossad. And he was the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee. Okay. So, you know, we've been sold out for decades. Oh, how about the nuclear bomb? They gave you these things. They got it from us. Yes.
Starting point is 00:59:17 The Rosenbergs. Yep. Yeah. So, now we're faced, we've got a small country in the Middle East that's armed with nuclear weapons, most likely DNA-specific biological viruses that kill certain people with certain DNA, and now are making advancements in artificial intelligence. And we get the President of the United States showing a 90-foot golden statue of himself in the Holy Land. I'm like, this is so bizarre. The
Starting point is 00:59:59 world that we're living in, it's wacko world. I mean, Gerald, all you can do each person is to live right, live their life the best that they can. I think this stuff's out of control. I don't think there's any way there's no movement that can bring it back in to sanity. There's no movement that can bring it back in to sanity. It's been going like this since the days of Nimrod. And Nimrod, if he were here today, he'd be having a great time with all the technology that's available. So what's your final words to everybody about finding meaning in life?
Starting point is 01:00:42 Well, as I said, get in the best shape you can physically, emotionally and spiritually. You're in the fight for your life and do something positive every day for anybody that you can in any way you can for everything you can. And that to me is the only way it's going to change. Good. I'm very concerned about the future and it's up to us to make a change. And by the way, something that no one is talking about
Starting point is 01:01:07 that we're also concerned about, and you're talking about AI and the jobs going, you know, the office vacancy rate in the United States is almost 20%. The office occupancy rate is about 51% according to Castle Systems with the K. There's gonna be a lot of defaults coming very, very shortly, now after five years after the COVID war, leases erupted, not renewing them.
Starting point is 01:01:30 There's going to be an office building bust that's going to bring down the banking system. There are two things we're concerned about. The dot-com bust 2.0, and you're going to start seeing a bust start happening in the commercial real estate sector. This year and next year, there was over $2 trillion worth of loans coming to. There's going to be a lot of defaults. Especially in the metropolitan Washington, DC area with all the government agencies being shut down. And it was dead before that.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Yes. It was dead before that. I was down there in 2023 when I spoke at the Rage Against the War Machine rally. I couldn't believe all the homeless people everywhere I went. And by the way, I was in DC from 1973 to 1979. I was the government affairs specialist for the chemical industry. I was killing environmental legislation at the height of the environmental movement. I had a different state of mind,
Starting point is 01:02:27 but I wouldn't know what I know if I wasn't on the other side. Sure. And so anyway, I knew DC at that, you know, when it was really popping in a great place. And when I went down there, it was a hell hole. And now with all these jobs that are gonna be lost, you're gonna see this thing
Starting point is 01:02:45 really sink down. Have you seen the real estate implosion in the home sale implosion in the metropolitan DC area, Montgomery County, PG County, Fairfax, Virginia? The bureaucrats and the lobbyists are fleeing DC. I know. There are so many homes for sale right now. And a sudden like 40% drop in housing values. I mean like in the past two weeks.
Starting point is 01:03:19 So what am I saying? What am I saying is when all else fails, they take you to war. Right. So, and we're going to be hitting a failure. And my greatest concern is war. And again, I launched Occupy Peace. Could you imagine, you know, one of my tenants in my 1763 Dr. Jensen house in Kingston was Warren Buffett's son, Peter. He's there for about a decade.
Starting point is 01:03:47 Never gave me a penny for the Occupy Peace Movement. And I had Scott Ritter here, Judge Napolitano, Dennis Kucinich, I taught people, Ralph Nader, never a penny for peace. Could you imagine if the billionaires put a billion dollars for peace? Could you imagine we'd have peace in this country, in the world, but they could care less. All they care about, but again, what's his name? Is Buffett's partner died, well Munger? Right.
Starting point is 01:04:15 Well, he was a brilliant guy. He took all that money with him. He built a huge, huge casket. He took it with him so he's happy. Got all that dough with him. Right. So, Gerald, going back to your projection, a dot com bust and a commercial real estate bust, are you expecting this in 2025? Are we that close?
Starting point is 01:04:38 Yes. Yep. Both of them? Yep. In 2025. Yep. The real estate may hit in 2026, most likely this year, but definitely the dot, not definitely, we're forecasting the dot com bust is going to happen this year. Okay. Way overvalued, way overvalued, way, way, way, way overvalued.
Starting point is 01:05:00 And you got strong competition. You're going to keep hearing more and more about China. You know, don't trust them. They're going to keep stealing. You're going to again, you go, we go by the numbers and they're way ahead on this game way ahead. All right. Final question.
Starting point is 01:05:17 Do you see a wild card for 2025? Is there something out there? Anything, anything goes, anything goes. You don't know what's going to be played. Joke is wild. The joke is wild and the Trump card is playing the deck. Because already the first two months have been wild. Well, we've never seen anything like this. We've never seen anything like this.
Starting point is 01:05:40 Never. And by the way, I'm totally in favor of getting rid of all these government jobs. But how about stop doing the deals with the big guys? What has Musk got? $38 billion worth of government deals? So if Doge is finding all this wasted money, why did the Congress just pass a bill days ago that extends to government debt. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:06:06 Where's the money? Where's the savings? Here's something to consider. They're talking now about going into Fort Knox. They already know, to me, they know what's in there. They're not going to go in there. They're going to come out. This is my belief.
Starting point is 01:06:24 You know, when I was a kid, my father, rest in peace, he said, you know, I went over to your grandmother's, your grandfather's house, he was dating my mother in 1933, they got married in 1934. You got to go in there, by the way, we're talking about the style of people, I don't know if you can see this, this is one of my books. You see that picture? Yes. Look how they're dressed.
Starting point is 01:06:48 That was their wedding, 1934. The buffets, the gates, the bezos, the musts can't look as good as these people. My father worked in a fish store. They were laborers. That was the style of America. Was that the first thing? What do you call it after the turning? The first turning after the war, right?
Starting point is 01:07:05 He said, I go with your grandfather, go to see your mother and your grandfather's packing up all this gold. It's 1933. I said, Pop, what are you doing with this? And your grandfather said, I'm bringing it back to the president. The president wants our gold. My father said, what are you crazy? He said, don't turn it back.
Starting point is 01:07:22 Matter of fact, I wrote in this book, it's what Zizzi gave Honey Boy, my favorite. You gave me a copy of that. Thank you. Thank you. And my grandfather was the first person to go Vogue. He'd be the first person online. That's how he was so proud to be an American. I'm giving it back to the, and he said, your grandfather was cursing him being an Italian.
Starting point is 01:07:42 How dare I say don't give it back. They sold it to the government. It was like $20, I think, and 84 cents an ounce. 1933, 1934, they raised the price to $35 an ounce, over 70% increase. They screwed the people out of the money. Yes. Let's go back to Fort Knox and our debt level. Trump's going to come out. Musk is going to come out. Fort Knox is loaded with gold.
Starting point is 01:08:14 We've got more gold than anywhere in the world. And we're going to raise the price to $5,000 an ounce. You got it. And it's going to wipe out our debt level. That's the kind of thing we could see them doing. Gerald, we are tracking. That's exactly what we have been speculating here. They're going to revalue gold.
Starting point is 01:08:33 They're going to revalue gold. Yep. And tell us Fort Knox is loaded. Yep. You're not going to see it, but you just got to take their word for it. No, no. You're not allowed to go in there. You're just a piece of crap. National security. You're not going to see it, but you just got to take their word for it. No, no, yeah, yeah. You're not allowed to go in there. You're just a piece of crap.
Starting point is 01:08:47 National security. You're not allowed to go in there. Only my friends could go in there, all right? Shut your mouth or I'll have your brains blown out. And the people will believe it. Yeah. The people will believe it. Okay.
Starting point is 01:09:03 This has been an interesting conversation. My guest, Gerald Solente, publisher of Trends Journal. You can subscribe at Gerald, always a pleasure to have you. Take care. And I'll fill you in on what I hear in Barcelona. All right. I'm going to be checking in every day to hear what you have to say.
Starting point is 01:09:23 Thank you so much for what you do. All right. Take care. Thank you so much for having me on. All right. Thank you, everybody. I'll be back Monday with Dr. Robert Malone. This is it for today. God bless. See you on Monday. You don't have to think the world is ending tomorrow to be realistic. Serious emergencies
Starting point is 01:09:49 happen to regular people all the time. For the forward-thinking family men, American Reserve serves as the ideal safeguard. As a father and husband, providing for and protecting my family is my highest priority. With strength in every pack, American Reserves combines variety and durability for any family. Waiting until it is too late will be devastating. Ensure your loved ones are cared for in any crisis by building a storehouse with American Reserves because strength comes from smart preparation. American Reserves, your ally in emergency readiness. Visit our website and become prepared today. Welcome everybody to Morning Manna. It's Faith Friday, which means we are going to be talking about faith in God. We want your faith to be stronger. We want
Starting point is 01:10:40 you to be victorious this year. This is going to be a good year. I'm telling you, for those who catch the vision of what is going on in 2025, I'm telling you doors are opening for people who rise up in faith this year and claim their rightful place in the kingdom of God. I feel it. There's something in me since the beginning of January. This is your year. I'm telling you, you gotta do it by faith. You gotta have faith rise
Starting point is 01:11:15 up in you and claim your promised land. This is it. You're to walk into it this year. So, Doc, if you could read Hebrews 11, verses 5, 6, and 7. Alright. So, starting at verse 5 in chapter 11 of Hebrews, so everybody, we're in Hebrews chapter 11 and reading 5 through 7 here today. Verse 5, by faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death and was not found because God had translated him for before his translation he had this testimony that he pleased to God. Verse six, but without faith it is impossible to please him. He that come to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. In verse 7, by faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear,
Starting point is 01:12:14 prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world, and became aware of the righteousness which is by faith. God bless the reading of the word. Amen. Verse 5. By faith, Enoch was translated that he would not see death and was not found because God translated him. For before his translation, he had this testimony that he pleased God. Wow, isn't that the testimony all of us want to have? Amen. He had that testimony before he was translated. He was well pleasing to God. translated. He was well pleasing to God. So Enoch is one of only two people in the Bible, the other one being Elijah, who were taken to heaven, bypassing physical death, was the result of the direct intervention of God in his life.
Starting point is 01:13:34 And it was the ultimate reward of faith. God was saying to Enoch, excuse me, God was saying to Enoch was, I am so pleased with your faith. Just come on up here now. Just bypass death and get up here. Your faith is well pleasing to me. But Enoch's translation foreshadows the transformation all of us are going to experience at the return of Christ. Okay, so to me, Doc, the number one principle in this verse is pleasing God. Yes.
Starting point is 01:14:29 And that the only way to please God is faith. Yes. There's nothing else you can say about it. Faith is required to please God. How important is faith? How important is faith? It's crucial. It's everything. Our salvation depends on faith. Our Christian living depends on faith. It is the currency that we deal with in the spiritual walk with Christ. And it is the only way to please God. Amen. pleasing God requires faith.
Starting point is 01:15:28 Without faith, everything else you're doing is basically religious. Enoch walked with God and he was not, for God took him. What a, honestly, I mean, Dr. D, you know, he never even had a tombstone. He didn't need one, Rick. Right. I mean, it's not even on his tombstone. He was well pleasing to God. He was so pleasing that there was no funeral. There was no body
Starting point is 01:16:09 to bury. Right. Why? Because he walked with God. What did Adam walking is not just, you know, physical, you're walking through the, on the nature's path in the park. It means consistent fellowship with Communion. Communion. Obedience. Faithfulness. Uprightness. Look, to walk with, God walks a straight line. Alright? He's walking a straight line. To walk with God, you have to walk a straight line. Without God, we're deviating. We're zigzagging all over the place. Enoch was walking a straight line side by side with God. It means his thoughts, his actions, his attitude, everything was in alignment with God. And God said, oh, I'm pleased with you.
Starting point is 01:17:34 Come here, son. I am pleased with you. I've looked all over the whole earth and I have not found anybody else like you. So Enoch's faith was not passive, but he actively sought God and he lived his life in harmony with God. He was sensitive to God. His spirit was extremely sensitive to the presence of translated, transferred, relocated. And this is up for theological debate.
Starting point is 01:18:36 Was it just a shift in geographical location? He went from earth to heaven? Or was he transformed into a new that's right. But you're right, there are two people in the Bible who did not see death. That was Enoch and Elijah. So as far as whether or not it was a location or it was a translation, I think it was a foretelling of our own translation later on, a foretaste, if you will, of our own translation, where our bodies will be raised up from the grave and will be changed in a moment in twinkling
Starting point is 01:19:52 of eye at the trump of the archangel. And then those of us who are alive and remain, we shall also be changed in an instant. And so the only thing that Enoch and Elijah have done is they beat us to it. And God said, look, this will happen to you someday. I like to think about it with Enoch, Rick. I heard an old preacher one time put it this way. He said that Enoch walked with God and they kept walking and kept walking and kept walking and finally got to the end of the day and God turned to Enoch and said listen I'm closer to my place than yours why don't you just come on home with me I always have remembered that that's a great walking and communing with God where you're in just such in the presence of God that you forget about time and about life.
Starting point is 01:20:51 You ever been in those moments in worship or in prayer and you lose all sense of of this earthly domain? Yeah. And you just you feel like you're already in heaven that you're already with Jesus right now and So we get a little taste of it here. We're gonna get a full taste of it on the final day Yes, so doc I In my study of what the Old the older commentators, you know a hundred years or so ago, what did they teach? And they taught that Enoch received his immortal body, that he received his glorified body. He's not coming back.
Starting point is 01:21:38 God took him up and gave him a glorified body. Right. So that's not stop God. Yeah. Um it says uh you can see it in Genesis 524 and then again Hebrews 11 five uh he was not found for god took him yes i said god to say he was yes but to say that he was not found that implies people were looking for it it wasn't god looking but it wasn't angels and god said hey did anybody not sure. Somebody somebody was looking for him. He was not found. People looked all over. Hey, anybody seen Enoch? They probably had. What's that?
Starting point is 01:22:39 Doc? They probably had posters that maybe his face was on a milk carton. Right. Missing. You know, he's gone. Can't be found. Said he was going to go for a walk with God and never came back. Now, you know what, people probably said, you know, I used to chuckle when you talk like that. What if he was really walking with God? And it made them wonder. Now Hebrews 11 5 says that he should not see death. Yes.
Starting point is 01:23:16 So that to me confirms that he was given a glorified body. He's not coming back as one of the witnesses in Jerusalem. Right. He said he should not see death. Yes. And besides that, if he is in heaven with with Christ now, let's assume that he is. He can't be there in a human body. Has to be there in a glorified body in the atmosphere of heaven.
Starting point is 01:23:47 That's right. Enoch was walking so close to God. His heart was so tender, so pure that God just said, son, I can't leave you in this world. I Don't want this world's filth to get on you I'm gonna get you out of here now. I Don't know what what's that say about the rest of us We're still here. Yeah. That's not very uplifting, is it?
Starting point is 01:24:29 But still, Enoch had a testimony. What was the testimony? That he walked with God. I mean, that's all you had to say about Enoch. He walked with God. And by walking, we know he walked by faith. He walked in obedience to the Lord, because he pleased God. We know that he pleased God, the scripture says that, and the Bible also says the only way to please God is by faith.
Starting point is 01:24:56 And so we know that he is operating in the realm of faith. And it said he had this testimony. Yes. That he pleased God. So God had already publicly testified to others on earth that Enoch was righteous. He had a testimony. I mean, Enoch didn't go around saying, hey, I please God. I mean, people are like, hey, you know, you're bragging. God spoke to people.
Starting point is 01:25:32 God spoke to people and said, Enoch is pleasing to me. He had this testimony that he pleased God. And his testimony even outlasted the flood. Think about that. Enoch lived before the flood. And his testimony is so great that Noah passed it down to his kids, and then it was passed down to the Hebrew children. So his testimony even outlasted the global flood. Yes. So who was Noah's hero?
Starting point is 01:26:12 Probably Enoch. Yes. Yeah. And great-grandpa Methuselah. grandpa Methuselah. So, look, Noah, somebody had to teach Noah to fear God. Yes. The point to see in that is God always has humans on earth who fear him, obey him, love him, and have faith in him. He always has them. There's always a remnant that's on the earth that's true to God. And before the flood, there was Enoth, there was Methuselah, there were others who were faithful to God, who were preaching righteousness.
Starting point is 01:27:07 others who were faithful to God, who were preaching righteousness. So there were people after the garden, immediate descendants of Adam and Eve, who knew why Grandpa Adam got kicked out of the garden. And you can be sure Adam told them. that's what he said. Yes. And you can be sure Adam told him. Let me tell you where I messed up. You see my wife, Eve. No. That woman you gave me. That's what he said,
Starting point is 01:27:41 wasn't it? That woman you gave me, right? Yeah. I always wonder what he said to the kids later on. And so because, you know, those stories got passed down. So, but focusing back here on Enoch again, he walked with God and he was not because, because God took him. And it's such a promise for us to, And it's such a promise for us to, you know, that even if our physical bodies see death, we're going to be with God. God's going to take us. We're redeemed in Christ now. That work has been done. And just as Enoch walked with God, and he was was not if we walk with God one day will be not to one way or another we're gonna be not that's right and this this sentence he had this testimony that he pleased God we don't know how God testified to
Starting point is 01:28:43 others that Enoch was righteous and pleasing to him. There could have been an audible voice from heaven one day. People may have heard God say, he's pleasing to me. There could have been prophecies spoken. Someone may have come under the unction of the Holy Spirit and prophesied and people said, that's God speaking through him or the unction of the Holy Spirit and prophesied. And people said, that's God speaking through him or her. There's different ways. They could be just the favor of God that was on Enoch. That people saw things happen.
Starting point is 01:29:16 Maybe there were miracles happening. We don't know what was going on in that man's life. It really doesn't matter. Here's the principle I want you to understand. God told others, he's pleasing to me. For you and me, God will speak to other people on your behalf and say, She is pleasing to me. That man is pleasing to me. Praise God. That man is pleasing to me. Let the Lord, that's his sovereign prerogative,
Starting point is 01:29:51 how he speaks to others about you. The lesson here is God will speak to other people about you when you are faithful and please him. And no amount of people bad mouthing you and slandering you and lying. Get your mind off of that. God will override it. He will speak. He will speak to people and say, that man is faithful, I'm pleased, that woman is faithful, I'm pleased. Don't worry about the people that are slandering you, God will override them. And then people will say, you know
Starting point is 01:30:39 what, I see the favor of God on that person's life. So faith leads to divine acceptance. And faith precedes divine acceptance. Faith precedes divine approval. Faith first, approval second. Enoch's faith made him pleasing to God. Jude verses 14 and 15 says, Enoch prophesied saying, behold, the Lord comes with 10,000 of his saints to execute judgment. So Jude knew precise words that Enoch preached. Right. Where did that come from? What book was the book of Enoch? Is that what he was referring to? What what book was the book of Enoch? Is that what they he was referring to?
Starting point is 01:31:51 But they they had direct quotations Enoch prophesied saying Behold the Lord comes with ten thousand of his saints to execute judgment. So Enoch was preaching about this the last day Think about it. Before the flood. Jesus, I mean, Enoch's preaching about the last day. So, Enoch was Noah's great granddaddy, but he was talking about the righteousness of God and the judgment of God. You know, they lived a lot longer then. Enoch lived for 365 years. His son Methuselah lived 969 years and lived up to the year of the flood.
Starting point is 01:32:39 So his son, Methuselah, lived all the way up to the flood. So if you do some math there, after Enoch was translated, it was 669 years until the flood. But his testimony, think about that, his testimony lasted 700 years. Wow. Well, 669 years would be technical about it, but then again it outlasted the flood and as Jude quotes some source that quotes Enoch directly and therefore that quotation is inspired. It's the Word of God and so we know Enoch spoke it because God wouldn't put a made-up thing in the scripture. So you know, this is really, Enoch's life is a testimony of faith. Walk by faith, walk by faith, walk by faith, not by sight.
Starting point is 01:33:47 And if faith is required to please God. Yes. And when you, when you please God, you're accepted by God, you're approved by God. Verse six, but without faith, it is impossible to please him. For he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. How can you be rewarded by God? You diligently seek him. diligently seek him. I'm the type of person, okay, I'm not a great handyman. You don't want to hire me as a handyman. You'd have to bring in a construction crew after I got done. All right. I'm not good at fixing things. Don't laugh, doc. Okay.
Starting point is 01:34:50 But when I do fix things. But when I do, but when I do, I'll tell you what I have to do. I don't have a mind for it. You know, I'm, I'm, I'm envious of guys. They just look at something and somehow they see how the how the whole thing is built Like how do you see that? Okay. Oh I can see what's wrong with that. I'll just tear this apart and move that you know It's like I don't even know how you see that but what I have to do is is get the manual You know when I put things together oh You're one of those guys
Starting point is 01:35:24 Yes, I You know when I put things together. Oh you're one of those guys. Yes I can't stand to be around people that just start putting things together without reading the manual. That's the adventure of it. I know but I go by step one okay the reason I'm telling you this is you should use the same technique for life. When you read the Bible, when you see something that says, without faith, it's impossible to please God. Okay, that's in the manual, write it down. Have a manual, Write your own manual. Oh, that's a good idea. Okay. He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him.
Starting point is 01:36:14 Write it down. How can I be rewarded by God? Oh, I have to diligently seek Him. Okay. What does that mean? Well, that means you're looking for Him. Right. But to me, it's simple. I'm like, okay, I get this. I don't have to go to a seminary. I don't have to do it. I just got to read this and write down what it says. Right. And live it. And live it. We have the OJT training, on the job training. On the job training. So verse 6 says,
Starting point is 01:36:51 without faith it is somewhat hard to please God. No, impossible. Yes. Yes. Without faith it is impossible to please God. So you write down in your manual, I must please God. I must diligently seek Him. Why He says, I'll reward you. Yes. I want the reward. I want it. It says in the book, you can get a reward. I want it. Why did David kill Goliath? Because Goliath was ugly? No, because Saul said whoever kills that big slob will never pay taxes and you get to marry my daughter. Yes. That's it. That's it right there. No more taxes. No more taxes. No taxes and you get to
Starting point is 01:38:01 marry the king's daughter. You marry a prince. David said hot dog. That big slobs coming down. Goliath didn't stand a chance against David because David wanted to be tax free and he wanted to marry princess. You gotta have goals. That's right. And God says, I'll reward you if you diligently seek me. Okay. I know you can't lie. That means this is true. That means if I diligently seek God, I get rewards from him. Okay, I'm going to do it. It says, if you want to please me, you have to have faith. Okay. Where did I get faith? Oh, I have to give it to you. Okay, give me some. And I'll work to build it. I'll make it. I'll make my faith stronger and bigger. See, God gives you the faith to work with.
Starting point is 01:39:05 It's kind of like the starter dough. That's right. Here's some dough. Here's some dough. Now you knead it and you work it and you get that faith bigger, okay? So think, be simple like me. Just be simple minded and and just do what the book says
Starting point is 01:39:33 Because faith is Mandatory to please God Without faith worshiping him in church is a waste of time. What are you doing if there's no faith? It's just noise to Him. involves desire, effort, prayer. It can't be half heart, it can't be passive. It has to be persistent longing. To what? To be in God's presence like Enoch. That's what Enoch was doing.
Starting point is 01:40:24 Persistently longing to be with God again, again and again and again to walk with him some more. And God rewarded Enoch, gave him the ultimate reward. You get to bypass death and go immediately into immortality. It's a great promise. Let's see this, the rewarder, the rewards that God gives you. Yes, it does include material prosperity. Yes, it does include good health. It includes many things of love on you. You'll do Yeah, I pray and I ask God for things, but I like surprises.
Starting point is 01:41:45 I like when he gives me things I didn't even ask for. That's what is really cool. And he will. If you were diligently seeking him is in response to God's prior initiative. He first sought us. We then seek him. We don't seek him first. We're incapable of it. Right. We have no ability or even the desire to seek him. But he seeks us. And when we come to him in faith and are saved,
Starting point is 01:42:34 then we spend our lifetime seeking him in return. Amen. So, verse 7, by faith Noah being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world and became heir of the righteousness which is by faith. Yes. Noah was mourned by God of things not seen. Noah was moved with fear. Noah prepared an ark.
Starting point is 01:43:26 The preparation of the ark condemned the world. And Noah's faith and obedience made him the heir of righteousness. Noah trusted God's warning about something that had never been witnessed. I mean, we could talk a lot and speculate about the ridicule that Noah endured for many decades. Tell me again, Noah, what's been happening for Yeah, they might not have even known what drowning was, might not even known what rain was. I don't know, but they certainly didn't know of a worldwide flood. Right. How could the entire world be underwater? No, nothing like that has ever happened. What on earth did you eat that night? We haven't seen this before.
Starting point is 01:44:46 So he endured the ridicule. But Noah's faith first took hold of God's Word. And because he believed God's Word, That led him to reverent fear. It wasn't a paralyzing fear. He didn't go into a cave and shake, but it was a godly reverence. And so that motivated him to action. So faith first, he believed God's word, then he feared God, then he obeyed God.
Starting point is 01:45:33 You know, that's one of the things I've had to endure for 26 years talking about there's a great war coming to America, and I've had to endure it. But I'll tell you what, God gave me a vision in April of 1998, and I saw America on fire. And that night, my daughter had a dream, and she saw skeletons skeletons asking me if you knew this was going to happen Why didn't you tell us and you know what that did to me? It is still the fear in me And for 26 years I haven't stopped talking about it Because the fear of God is greater than the ridicule of unbelievers. They can ridicule me all they want, but I know what happened to me that day. But Noah's response to God's command was immediate, it was detailed,
Starting point is 01:46:50 it was sustained over many years. See, this is his faith in action. The construction of the boat was a visible manifestation of Noah's faith. Yes. And his obedience. Yes. And every piece of lumber that he put on there, every piece of gopher wood, every peg that he I can just see him slapping that pitch on him and the boys just slapping it on and said I'm obeying God
Starting point is 01:47:49 God told me to do this And he's on he's on Scaffolding that he built and people down below or are going by and they're laughing at him. They're saying what are you building there Noah? Oh You got a big you got a big old boat out here, and there's no water Shouldn't you build that boat in your water? Oh, you got a big boat out here and there's no water. Shouldn't you build that boat near water? You just wait, the water will be here. It went on for over a hundred years. But by believing and acting Noah, his action which was driven by faith and acting, Noah, his action, which was driven by faith and fear,
Starting point is 01:48:28 faith in God and fear of God's warning, that exposed the folly of those who rejected God's word. Right. So, faith bears witness of God and often stands in stark opposition to the dominant culture of the time. I mean, right now, we have one of the most perverse, distorted, weird cultures that's ever been on the planet. We've got a culture that's mutilating little children that change their gender. Yes, it doesn't get any stranger than this. So every time you survive the womb.
Starting point is 01:49:23 Yes. So every time you tell somebody there's only two genders. God made them male and female and they get upset with you. Hey You just keep telling them what the Word of God says your faith Exposes their rebellion Amen Again we're preaching creation. He made them male and female. Who said the word of God? Yeah, we're just quoting God is all. And then see that'll come out of their mouth. Why I don't believe in God. Well, that's your word. You just said it.
Starting point is 01:50:10 I don't believe that book is written by God. That's your word. You just spoke it. I'm telling you what it says. But Noah's faith means it was the means by which he was declared righteous by God. This is what Hebrews is about. It's our faith that compels God to declare us righteous. We place our faith in what Jesus Christ did on the cross for us. Therefore we are made righteous. righteous. Noah's family was saved because of his faithful obedience. Your faithful obedience is an umbrella over your family. Even when they're disobedient, even when they're rebellious, your faith is an umbrella over them.
Starting point is 01:51:06 Yes. Yeah, we never hear anything about the faith of Noah's wife or really the faith of Shem, Ham, and Japheth. You don't hear stories of their faith, but you hear stories of Noah's faith and his faith was enough to save his family. And so I want to encourage you right now if you're if you're praying for family members especially close family members sons and daughters and their spouses and you lay claim to the word of God just as Noah's faith saved his family, your faith can save your family too. That's right.
Starting point is 01:51:50 I mean, he, he didn't waiver over 120 years. He stayed on course and he didn't change his narrative. He remained true to what God said to him. And then see his faith was a testimony and his faithful testimony exposed the rebellion of the unsaved. They exposed themselves. So Noah first believed, then he feared, then he obeyed. He trusted what was not yet visible.
Starting point is 01:52:35 Is there anything right now you're believing God for? That it's not visible, but you have faith that it will be. That's, this is what faith is about. Noah endured scorn for his faith and obedience. When you have faith in God for something in your life, you will be ridiculed. I guarantee it. And it'll usually come from the people
Starting point is 01:53:07 the closest around you. Right. Noah's household was saved through his faith. Just as the ark saved Noah and his family, Peter, apostle Peter says, says the ark saved Noah and his I'm just quoting the manual. The manual says, baptism is the ark that saves us. Noah was the first person mentioned in the Bible as righteous.
Starting point is 01:54:00 Yes. So he predates Abraham. Noah was righteous before Abraham. But Noah's righteousness was brought about by his faith. Because he had faith in God, God declared him righteous. And so his righteousness was an ongoing inheritance through continuous faith in his life. He displayed his faith and his obedience by building the ark over 120 years. Yes.
Starting point is 01:54:48 Though he was condemned by the world. All right, Doc, we got to go to the airport. Let's go to the Lord's table for Holy Communion. I could talk about that. This is easier for me to teach than the Book of Romans. Even though Romans is about faith, it's just a more difficult call. It is about faith. It's just presented in a very legalistic format. Yes.
Starting point is 01:55:30 But I like getting over where we're talking about, hey, he built a boat and there was no water. Yeah. What does a boat do? Didn't even know what a boat, you know, might not have even know what a boat was. You know, might not have even known what a boat was. So, and that would be God, wouldn't it? Do you have a boat for the lake behind you? Uh, no, but the neighbors have a little kayak. They're out there on it quite a bit. And then some neighbor kids have a, a, a battleship, a remote controlled battleship that they run. Oh, do they? Yes, it's kind of. Oh, cool.
Starting point is 01:56:09 That's cool. All right. Have you ever seen any gators in it? I've seen gators on the road here in Lakewood, but never in the lake. And so, I know they're out here, but maybe we have just an honorary gator and he moves from lake to lake out here. So, but you know, I've never seen one. So, okay. Well, all right, let's get awards. Yes. So, our subject today on Ennoch and Noah and talking about their willingness to obey obey by faith challenges us to walk by faith not by sight. If there's any area that any of us tend to
Starting point is 01:56:59 stumble in or to make missteps in it It's usually in this particular area, but just believing what God says to us and following after Him. And we fall short on that so often. But examples like Enoch and Noah provide us the ability to see God working in the lives of these men. And we can take those principles that we learned from the Word of God and apply it to our own lives today. You have to know that Enoch and Noah, they were humbled in the presence of God, realized that they had no way to redeem themselves and had to cast themselves on the Almighty God as the Redeemer. And so Rick, would you pray for us as we enter the Lord's table today that the Lord would search our hearts for those areas where we have exhibited a lack of faith and that he
Starting point is 01:57:59 would encourage us to believe him. We're asking him for help in believing him today. Would you pray for us right now? Yes, absolutely. Father God, we come to you in the name of your Son Jesus Christ. We come by faith in him. Father, we believe your word and we believe you because you cannot lie. Whatever you have said is true. Father, first we ask that you examine our hearts. We repent of anything, Father, that is contrary to your will.
Starting point is 01:58:39 We ask you to forgive us so that we can come to the Lord's table with clean hands and hearts and minds and lips. Father, also as we study faith and we recognize, Father, this is what's necessary to please you. Hallelujah. We're here because we're sons and daughters who desire to please you. We're here because we're sons and daughters who desire to please you. And we know that studying your word is a good thing. But the reason we're studying your word is so that we have faith in you.
Starting point is 01:59:16 It's the faith you want faith in us. The reason we study your word is to have faith in you. They have faith in your word, they have faith in your promises, have faith in your character. So Father, help all of us to grow in our faith, to trust you even more day by day. Father, show each of us those thoughts and mental blocks habits whatever it is that's hindering our faith. Maybe we're
Starting point is 01:59:59 operating in 60% faith but something's holding back 40%. Father, show us. Yes. No, that is not 85% or 90%... Father, we want to be at 100% faith. So show us the things in our lives and the way we think, the way we talk, the way we believe, the concepts that we... Show us things that are contrary to faith so that we can remove them. It's by your Holy Spirit that they will be known to us. Thank you, Lord. Without your Holy Spirit, we won't know. So we're asking the Holy Spirit to show us the
Starting point is 02:00:38 things that are slowing down and weakening our faith. Father, we desire to be at a just high octane faith. Amen. I mean, just burning pure, Father, believing you, and nothing's too hard for you. So Father, we come to you by faith to participate in the Lord's Supper. Believing by faith, Jesus said, this is my body, this is my blood. We believe it, Father, by faith.
Starting point is 02:01:14 Don't understand it? We don't need to. We believe it. Yes. And we receive his body and his blood by faith. You said that those who eat my flesh and drink my blood, I will raise him up on the last day. Praise God. As on me, Father, I know you said it.
Starting point is 02:01:37 Jesus Christ said it. And therefore I will be raised up on the last day and everybody in this class will be raised up on the last day and everybody in this class will be raised up on the last day by faith. We thank you, we worship your father in Jesus name, amen. Amen. Praise the Lord and we are going to participate in the Lord's table here this morning and so if you have bread and either red wine or grape juice for the elements of communion, I'm going to pray for a blessing over it. I often get asked who
Starting point is 02:02:12 qualifies for communion. Any confessing believer in Jesus Christ who's been baptized in water according to Scripture, we welcome you to participate in the Lord's table. This shouldn't be a struggle for any believer to receive. I know that there are some that are apprehensive about it at times. We've prayed a prayer confession of faith and confession of our sins already. If you've prayed that by faith, you're welcome to enjoy the Lord's table. I invite you to do it. Don't neglect doing it. And so many neglect it. Don't neglect this if you can avoid it. So I'm going to pray over the elements of communion and we'll participate together as a body of believers doing the same thing together at the same time.
Starting point is 02:03:06 The small c catholic stuff that we talked about the other day. And so this is what believers all over the world should be doing sharing the Lord's table. Let's pray. Almighty God in your tender mercy you gave your only begotten son Jesus Christ to suffer death upon the cross for our redemption. He offered himself and made once for all time a perfect and sufficient sacrifice for the sins of the whole world and he instituted this remembrance of his passion and death which he commanded us to continue until he comes again. And so father we ask you to bless and sanctify with your word and holy spirit these gifts of bread and wine
Starting point is 02:03:44 that we may partake of his most blessed body and blood. Christ our Passover lamb has been sacrificed once for all upon the cross therefore let us keep the feast hallelujah. On the night that he was betrayed our Lord Jesus took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and he gave it to his disciples saying take eat this is my body which is given for you do this and remembrance of me. The body of our Lord Jesus Christ which was given for you preserve your body and soul to everlasting life. This is the bread of heaven. Take and eat in remembrance that Christ died for you.
Starting point is 02:04:32 After supper, Jesus took the cup and when he'd given thanks, he gave it to them saying, drink this all of you, for this is my blood of the new covenant which is shed for you and for many for the forgiveness of sins Whenever you drink it do this in remembrance of me Drink it all drink it all praise god The blood of our lord jesus christ which was shed for you preserve your body and soul to everlasting life
Starting point is 02:05:04 Drink the cup of salvation and remembrance that Christ's blood was shed for you and be thankful. Glory to God. Behold the Lamb of God. Behold Him who takes away the sins of the world and blessed are those who are invited to the marriage supper of the Lamb. This sacrament is the gift of God for the people of God. Feed on Him by faith with thanksgiving that Christ died for you. Praise God. Dr. Somebody, there's somebody in our class right now,
Starting point is 02:05:36 the physical healing that you've been seeking and needing is happening right now. Amen. By faith receive it. It's a healing. Yes. Sometimes healings are instantaneous, sometimes they're gradual, but receive it now. I heard it Claim your healing by faith. Claim it. Praise God. Alright, well just a reminder, there will be no morning manna next week and so we'll pick back up on March the 10th for morning manna where we'll jump into Roman chapter 7 at that point. So if you want to start preparing ahead,
Starting point is 02:06:26 we'll be broadcasting next week from Barcelona. So be praying for us as we travel, be praying for us as we encounter people, divine appointments and divine connections. And I like to follow Rick's advice, and we operate as ambassadors when we go on these international trips. We're ambassadors for the kingdom of God. And when we step foot on foreign soil, we are emissaries of a heavenly place in an earthly realm. And so we don't take that lightly, do we, Rick? That's right. So your ambassadors, you're an ambassador
Starting point is 02:07:08 when you go to the grocery store. That's right. So praise God. Any final words for we depart for this week, Rick? No, we'll be praying for you. I pray for you every day. And I ask you to pray for us that everything goes well. You know, there's a lot that's involved in international travel. I mean, just getting your luggage there is faith.
Starting point is 02:07:34 It requires faith that your luggage shows up when you land, okay? And just a divine shield around us, you know, away from sicknesses and viruses and germs and so that we can do our work and come back healthy and whole and not fighting off anything, you know. So by faith, we are believing all will go well.
Starting point is 02:08:00 And we receive your prayers as well on our trip. So praise God. We're humans just like you. We have to do this by faith. Amen. You know, when you get on a subway and half the people in the subway car are coughing, you have to by faith say, I am healed, I am protected, I am not going to get this. Okay. It's by faith. Amen. Praise the Lord. By faith, we're going to the airport, Rick. By faith, you're coming over to my house first so we can ride together.
Starting point is 02:08:38 I'll be there in about 25 minutes. So, alright. I'll see you then. God bless everyone. Be praying for us all next week.

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