TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Global Pandemic Treaty on Hold as Bird Flu Virus Found in More Wastewater
Episode Date: June 20, 2024The number of bird flu virus cases in the USA continue to mount according to news reports. Meanwhile, the much-touted global pandemic treaty has been put on hold until 2025.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. A...irdate 06/20/2024Listen to this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! https://www.TruNewsGold.comGet high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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The number of bird flu virus cases in the USA continues to mount, according to news reports.
Meanwhile, the much-touted global pandemic treaty has been put on hold until at least 2025. I'm Rick Wiles.
This is True News for Thursday, June 20, 2024.
Let's begin our analysis and commentary of world news by looking at this headline published actually last month by the New York Times.
But I wanted to give you an update on the World Health Organization's plan for a global pandemic treaty.
So this New York Times article published May 24 says,
Countries fail to agree on treaty to prepare the world for the next pandemic. And then we have another story by
Reuters, published
June 1st, Global
Pandemic Treaty to be concluded
by 2025,
according to the World Health Organization.
So, Doc, there
definitely has been a setback.
They wanted this in place
by now, by June.
That was the original plan, to have it ratified by countries by early summer.
And by all indications, as reports were coming out back in April and May,
it looked like that was exactly what was going to happen.
I guess until leaders of countries started reading the fine print.
Right, that they would have to give up basically their sovereignty.
That the WHO would be dictating to countries.
I mean, it would be a de facto ruler of countries in some cases.
It would be global governance.
And the big thing in the treaty is what they call the equitable sharing of medical supplies and resources.
Which means that the countries assigned the treaty would automatically be compelled by the treaty
to give up whatever they had in terms of medicine, vaccines, hospital beds, respirators
anything that would be used
for a medical crisis
in the world
they would have to give it up
which is basically
the way I read it doc
I'm not even sure
you have to wait until
there's a pandemic
the way I'm reading
the proposed treaty is
you're not allowed to have a stockpile in the first place.
That's right.
I mean, it's a wealth distribution.
It's wealth.
No, health distribution.
Health distribution, yes.
It's health distribution.
That whatever one country, if a country like the United States has vast resources for hospitals.
The hospitals would not be allowed to store medicine and equipment and supplies and masks and blankets and whatever else is needed in a hospital.
It would have to be turned over to the World Health Organization, and they redistribute
it to countries without.
That's probably what caused this thing to hit the skids.
I mean, the leaders of countries looked at this thing and said, well, wait a minute.
This is way too much of what we expected.
Now, they were motivated to get this done because they anticipate if Donald Trump gets elected, he's going to cut off ties with the WHO again.
Like he did in the first term.
So it's a good point.
They're Trump-proofing.
So they're actually supersizing the World Health Organization to making it an international governance body.
It's an international organization now, but it doesn't have governmental powers.
What this treaty does is it gives the World Health Organization the powers of a global health agency.
That one agency in Geneva, Switzerland, can declare to the United States of America or to Canada or any country,
you're under a health emergency
and we are ordering you to lock down.
And because you have signed and ratified the treaty,
you're obligated to keep it.
You can't...
Your Constitution does not trump a treaty.
Or it shouldn't.
Well, now listen to what i'm saying it should a constitution
does not trump a treaty the supreme court has ruled on this a treaty takes precedence over
constitution in other words and just so i'm clear on this if i'm hearing you right and our audience
may not be hearing this too you're saying that our obligations in treaties is more powerful, more binding than the Constitution
of the United States?
According to the rulings that have been made by the Supreme Court, yes.
Yes, that's the way the Supreme Court views it.
That's why signing these treaties is so dangerous, because you're nullifying part of your Constitution.
We need to get out of these treaties.
Well, I agree with you on that.
We need to start rescinding these treaties and reclaiming our power and our sovereignty and our independence.
The propaganda campaign is still underway for the treaty.
Here's Scientific American.
This is actually fairly recent.
The world, as a matter of fact, I think it may be published today.
Yesterday or today.
The world desperately needs a new pandemic treaty.
This op-ed piece was written by two scientists.
But I just wanted you to see that the propaganda campaign is still ongoing because they've got to keep the pressure up on the public opinion.
We have to have this treaty.
Things are going to get bad if we don't have this treaty.
Now, Rick, what would fast track a pandemic treaty?
A pandemic.
You better believe it.
Another COVID-19 crisis.
A bird flu virus.
Something that scares politicians into ratifying a treaty.
Because they want to be seen as doing something.
They reacted.
They responded.
They did something.
What did you do do we gave away our
sovereignty but we did it that's that's that's the pressure it's going to that a lot of politicians
are going to be under sign the treaty ratify it and you're guaranteeing is more pandemics.
Because the pandemics give a global agency the power to rule.
And so we will be under a perpetual global state of emergency.
We'll just go from like some countries do it with war.
They have a war resolution,
executive orders from the president,
state of war.
The World Health Organization will see to it
that the world is under a perpetual health emergency.
Right, because power has never given up, has it?
That's right.
So they'll go two or three years fighting a pandemic.
They'll give you a little bit of break.
Finally, it's over.
Glad we've got this.
And then pandemic two starts.
It'll go two or three years.
And then they'll give you a break. And then there'll be pandemic three.
And before you know it, two or three decades have gone by.
And the World Health Organization has become more powerful with every pandemic.
And nations like the United States become less affluent because they're draining the wealth out of the country.
And health care in our country will decline.
It's already in decline now.
It's already, yes.
But you'll be in a hospital and they'll say, well, we don't have any respirators.
Well, we had to ship them to the World Health Organization. It's required. We're not allowed to have extra respirators why well we had to ship them to to the world health organizations required
we're not allowed to have extra respirators we'll have to put a request into the world
health organization for them to send one back to us that's where it's going dog that that's
the power of that's the power that they will have let's let's take a look at the latest in bird flu.
And here's a Detroit Free Press.
Scientists try to solve bird flu mystery.
Why there's so much virus in Michigan wastewater.
It was last week we saw the first story came out of Austin, Texas.
And we said, oh, hey, there's a bird flu in the wastewater system here in Austin.
Well, now this article is asking the question,
why is there so much virus in the wastewater in the state of Michigan?
So what happened in a week, Rick?
I don't know.
So newly released wastewater surveillance data suggests that Michigan is a national hotspot for the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus that's been infecting poultry, dairy cows, and other mammals across the U.S.
And it has also been identified in three farm workers, two of those in Michigan.
Researchers told the Free Press they're still trying to understand exactly why samples from all six, all six of Michigan's
wastewater testing sites monitored by wastewater scans show high levels of the H5 influenza A virus,
the most detections of any of the 38 states with sampling sites, even in areas like Jackson and
Warren, where there are no known H5N1 outbreaks on dairy cows,
poultry, or people this year. So these are showing up in wastewater systems where there's no evidence of bird flu, even in the area, Rick. Right. So it's clear there's something going on,
said Marisa Eisenberg, an associate professor in the Departments of Epidemiology, Complex Systems,
and Mathematics at the University of Michigan. We have had questions like, are we having so much activity
for H5N1 in general in Michigan because we're looking for it, or is it that we are really a
hotspot? I think the wastewater is really telling us that we are actually seeing more activity
for H5 than other places are. Now, as for why,
that is a fascinating question. I don't feel like we have a handle on it yet. Now, among questions
that scientists are trying to answer, Rick, are these. Are there more infected dairy cattle in
the state than is currently known? Are people unknowingly infected? Listen to that. Are people unknowingly infected carrying the virus and excreting H5 particles into the wastewater system?
And is there some other source that's causing Michigan's H5 wastewater detections to rise above other states?
The question number four is, is Michigan's governor still Gretchen Whitmer?
I'll let you think about that.
I mean, she was at ground zero in COVID.
She was the queen of lockdowns.
There's a lot of talk, and we'll talk about it here later. There's talk, rumbling about Gretchen Whitmer running for president this year.
This year?
This year.
I'll talk about it after we get through our pandemic and war stories, and then we'll move on to something even scarier.
Scarier than Gretchen Whitmer as president?
Yes. Governor Whitmer in the White House.
That would be quite frightening to me.
The Guardian newspaper, in London, bird flu pandemic risk high as cow cases appear and
officials warn of humans' role. And so this article published in London yesterday
says bird flu cases among animals continue to rise
as U.S. officials warn about the role of humans
in spreading the virus.
There are now, listen to this, Doc,
102 dairy herds in the United States.
Yeah, last week it was four dozen.
Just last week, middle of last week, Wednesday, Thursday, when we did a story.
Well, it's only been, what, maybe six weeks since we reported the first case?
So it's multiplying.
So there are now 102 dairy herds in the United States with H5N1.
Though given the prevalence of inactivated virus in commercially available pasteurized milk, Now, just a few days ago.
What does the word prevalence mean?
Sounds to me like there's a lot.
There's a lot of it.
It's everywhere.
Now, last week they said,
it is showing up,
but you don't have to worry
anything about it.
Now, we're saying,
it's just occasional.
It's only showing up in the milk
that we're testing in a laboratory.
Not the pasteurized stuff
that you get down at the supermarket.
But this says the prevalence of inactivated virus.
In commercially available pasteurized milk. Not lab milk. Commercial milk.
If something is prevalent, it means it's everywhere.
Okay? So given the fact that the inactivated virus in commercially available pasteurized milk is everywhere.
Experts believe the true number may be even higher.
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There'll be a day in the coming months when the panic really sets in.
When the whole country understands we're going into lockdown, they're going to kill off hundreds of millions of chickens.
And cows.
And cattle.
And there will be a scarcity of eggs and milk.
That day is coming. We continue the progression of cases with bird flu.
If we continue on this trajectory, that day of panic is coming.
Those of you who were watching True News back in 2020, you remember.
We were the first to report COVID.
January 6th, we're headed into a season of turmoil in the world.
It's not just one thing.
It's not just bird flu.
It's war, and it's multiple wars.
If you've got Putin moving around the world right now, cutting deals,
he signed a defense treaty with North Korea.
If anybody attacks North Korea, Russia will defend North Korea.
If anybody attacks Russia, North Korea will defend Russia.
It's kind of a little miniature NATO.
He just went to Vietnam.
He's moving around the world cutting these deals.
And he's creating a kind of a NATO alliance that protects Russia.
You know, North Korea and these other nations that are signing these deals aren't pledging like NATO to support everybody.
Right. But they are NATO's to support everybody. Right.
But they are pledging to support Russia.
So if he can get 10, 12 countries to sign these deals, he's got a protective shield
around him now.
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