TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Grand Jury Investigating Matt Gaetz and Other Politicians for Teen Sex Orgies

Episode Date: April 2, 2021

Today on TRUNNEWS, we detail the continuing revelations swirling around the Matt Gaetz sex trafficking scandal. Specifically, we drill down on the documents released by the Congressman himself, inclu...ding an acknowledgement that the Department of Justice is actively pursuing charges against Gaetz ‘and others.’ Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/01/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Thursday, April 1st, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The rollercoaster that is Matt Gaetz's child sex scandal has gone completely off the tracks in the past 24 hours. Text messages, emails, and a three-page document have been published, showing for the first time that the alleged extortion operation against Representative Gaetz involved a clandestine campaign to rescue CIA operative Robert A. Levinson from imprisonment in Iran. The documents also appear to confirm the existence of another federal investigation
Starting point is 00:01:10 and an impaneled federal grand jury seeking to indict the Florida congressman and others for serious underage sex trafficking, political corruption, public integrity, and other criminal allegations. Among the evidence may be compromising pictures depicting Congressman Gates and an election official involved in a sexual orgy with underage prostitutes in Maitland, Florida, and at least one underage female who has already testified, along with other individuals. Joining me to detail these new and shocking revelations are True News founder Rick Walz and Doc Burkhart. Hello, Edward.
Starting point is 00:01:47 Well, Edward, we didn't plan to be talking about Matt Gaetz today. No, we thought we were going to reveal documents which proved his case. We thought we had it. We devoted a whole hour to it yesterday, and we had another topic for today. But last night, the Gates scandal became more bizarre. And then throughout the day, as you investigated, and Doc, it got deeper and darker. And so we made the decision, we have to bring this information out. And we're aware that Matt Gaetz has a lot of political support among the true news audience. So, you know, obviously we're hearing,
Starting point is 00:02:33 we're getting feedback from true news fans who are saying, why are you piling on Matt Gaetz? Well, we're not. We just do what we have always done for 22 years. We search for the truth. And so if this, if it wasn't Matt Gaetz, but this story was Hunter Biden. And we have covered Hunter Biden. But if it was Hunter Biden, everybody out there who watches True News would be cheering us on saying, go bring out the truth on Hunter Biden, which we did, which we did.
Starting point is 00:03:07 But this isn't Hunter Biden. This is another child sex scandal involving a political figure. But this time it's a Republican. Right. A darling of of conservatives. And we don't show favoritism. We're not like CNN. We're not like other news outlets that cover up the truth when it doesn't suit their agenda. We pursue truth. And so we're not out to get Matt Gaetz. We're out to get the truth. And the more that we look at what few facts that we have, the stranger the story is. Something doesn't make sense in this story.
Starting point is 00:03:52 There's a lot of lying going on. Yes. And that was very clear reading the documents that were released by Matt Gaetz. Text messages, emails, and a three-page document. This has been released by the Washington Examiner. This is the story that broke out last night. Documents detail wild alleged $25 million Gates extortion scheme. Now, it was in this article, the first thing that popped out is that the $25 million was
Starting point is 00:04:21 going to be for a loan that was going to be used to finance an operation to rescue Robert Levinson. Right. Well, so what came out last? And we didn't know, we didn't know the loan part. It's just the story broke last night that the alleged extortion for $25 million involved Robert Levinson. And that's... Now, who is Robert Levinson? When I saw that, Doc, I was like... You and I know who he is, but... You've got to be kidding me. Robert, I mean, Robert Levinson was a DEA agent, an FBI agent, and a CIA agent.
Starting point is 00:05:01 Yes. And possibly, possibly an agent for a foreign country. We don't, that's just a speculation. But he did work for the DEA, the FBI, and the CIA. Yes. Which means most likely he is a CIA agent and possibly a double agent involving another foreign intelligence service. Now, we know that for a while that Iran was holding Robert Levinson. Right. He got kidnapped over a decade ago.
Starting point is 00:05:35 But the last photos or any evidence of proof of life is what they call it that we've actually seen released has been what, 2011, I believe. Is that right? Yeah, it's been at least 10 years that he's been seen. So the way this plays into this current debacle that's going on is the way it's been framed over the past couple of days is that a group of people were trying to extort $25 million from Matt Gaetz and his father. His father owns a number of hospice outlets across the state. And so he's wealthy.
Starting point is 00:06:12 He did. He sold them for about $400 million. So he's well off. And the way it's been framed up to this point is that they were trying to, you know, get $25 million from them and, you know, extort that money out of Matt Gates. And the extortion was, if you don't give us the $25 million, we are going to tell people that you were involved with an underage girl. That was the way Matt Gates presented this to Tucker Carlson several nights ago. And on his Twitter feed.
Starting point is 00:06:47 Yes. But that's not the story today. It's not. That according to the very documents that Matt Gaetz released. Now, the document with Levinson, it's no question that he worked for the CIA. At a minimum, he was paid by the CIA. And the CIA has admitted that. And the CIA has admitted that. And the CIA has admitted that.
Starting point is 00:07:07 And then here, number four, Politico, in accordance with AP, they announced in 2013, Robert Levinson was working for the CIA on an unimproved intelligence gathering mission. So CIA agent, at a minimum. This was during his trip in 2007 where he got kidnapped in the Qush Island in Iran. Now, there have been attempts in the past to organize not just a rescue operation, but an elaborate clandestine rescue operation where soldiers, mercenaries or operatives would go into Iran and grab him and take him home back to America. This was detailed in No. 5 of controlled by Newsweek in March 2019.
Starting point is 00:07:48 They alleged to really detail at least one of the previous attempts to rescue Robert Levinson, saying that he was alive. There's been several attempts to try to bring him out. And so, like I said, the last proof of life has been, you know, more than 10 years ago. How does that play into what we're talking about? Well, we have the entrance of a name that popped up in the documents that Matt Gates released to the public. And a retired United States Air Force captain by the name of Bob Kent. Okay, now Bob Kent has been leading the efforts over the past several years to rescue Bob Levinson.
Starting point is 00:08:28 And so he's been kind of the point person. Now, his name appeared in these documents, these Gates documents. And it's strange how this is all fitting together. By the way, the extortion money wasn't labeled as extortion. That was the Gates version of it. From the people that were involved on the Levinson side of things, they were seeking a $25 million loan. Because right now there's a $25 million reward for anyone that is able to rescue Robert Levinson. They were seeking a $25 million loan in order to, that they had verified information that they felt strongly about that would lead to the rescue of Bob Levinson,
Starting point is 00:09:10 and that money could be paid back. That's the gist of it. Am I missing something there? No, and that's, yeah, that'll be a little bit deeper here in our discussion, guys. Number seven, this Project Homecoming. This is what this gentleman is working on. Yes. So this is what the Washington Examiner said about the documents, which I've obtained. Bob Kent. Bob Kent. Documents in Gates' possession detail an alleged scheme that revolves around attempts by former Air Force intelligence officer Bob Kent
Starting point is 00:09:45 and Beggs and Lane attorney David McGee, a former federal prosecutor. This was an attempt to free an ex-FBI agent turned private investigator Robert Levinson from imprisonment in Iran. Washington Examiner didn't know that he was a CIA contractor or had done work for the CIA. I want to say Levinson went missing in Iran in March 2007. McGee is the attorney for the CIA. They wanted to say Levinson went missing in Iran in March 2007. McGee is the attorney for the Levinson family. Kent, in December 2018, had planned a secret mission to try to rescue Levinson, but he was reportedly thwarted by the federal government. This would be the Trump administration. Screenshots provided to the Washington Examiner show a message that his father, speaking about Matt Gaetz, Don Gaetz, a former Florida State Senate president, said he received from Kent on March 16th.
Starting point is 00:10:29 The message proposes a plan that can make Matt Gaetz's future legal and political problems go away. Okay, so this is where this thing starts to get really messy. So Mr. Kent is involved with the law firm Beggs and Lane. He doesn't work for them, but Beggs and Lane. Okay, I'm trying to do this methodically so people follow the script. What we learned last night is that Mr. McGee, the man accused of trying to extort $25 million from Matt Gaetz's father, he works for a law firm, Beggs and Lane, which is a large law firm in Florida. Yes. That law firm is the legal counsel to the Levinson family. The Bob Levinson family that we've been talking about. Levinson, the CIA agent who's been missing for many years.
Starting point is 00:11:33 So David McGee, the person Matt Gaetz named yesterday as extorting him, is the attorney for the Levinson family. Yes, yes. And he's working with Don Gaetz in the sense for the Levinson family. Yes, yes. And he's working with Don Gates in the sense of the discussions. The documents are released, the communications with Matt Gates, his father. But it's important for us to establish for our audience that they understand that Beggs and Lane is a prestigious law firm in Florida. And David McGee is no criminal.
Starting point is 00:12:04 He's denied this. He's also been awarded many awards for standing service to the former Department of Justice prosecutor and his law firm. He's one of the partners that he his law firm of Beggs and Lane is officially representing the Levinson family in their effort to get Mr. Levinson released if he's still alive. Right. So everything's legitimate there. There's nothing wrong with this, this picture at this point. That's what I saw last night as I'm reading this.
Starting point is 00:12:35 Wait a minute. Matt Gaetz never told us these things. He just said there's a guy named McGee trying to get $25 million out of my dad. All right. Well, then we look into this and we see McGee is working for the law firm that represents the Levinson family. We didn't know until last night that CIA agent Levinson is involved in this. There's a legitimate reason for Beggs and Lane law firm to be involved in the search for Levinson. That part's making sense. Right.
Starting point is 00:13:08 What doesn't make sense is why Matt Gaetz said this is extortion. Yes, especially when Matt Gaetz had in his possession this document that we're about to read from. The document, which we've learned much of what we've learned today from, was released by the Washington Examiner, but was in the possession of Matt Gaetz before he even did the Tucker Carlson interview, before he even started tweeting. So with the documents, it starts with text messages. And these were text messages received by Matt Gaetz's father, Don Gaetz. They were forwarded to Matt Gaetz, it appears, but we can't see all of them. The conversation appears to have been cut off by either the Washington Examiner or Matt Gaetz, but these are the three we have.
Starting point is 00:13:56 These text messages, note, this again is from Bob Kent, the U.S. Air Force intelligence officer to Don Gates, the father of Matt Gates, says, Mr. Gates, I would like to talk with you immediately about the current federal investigation and the indictment that is about to be filed against your son. I have a plan that can make his future legal and political problems go away. Last summer, we located Robert Levinson in Iran and took two proof-of-life videos. But the U.S. government foiled our rescue attempt. We have one more opportunity to rescue Levinson. If you and Matt are willing to help us privately and clandestinely obtain the release of Robert Levinson, I will ensure that Matt is on the plane that delivers Levinson to his family,
Starting point is 00:14:51 thus making him the most sought-after public figure in the world for his efforts to obtain Levinson's release. Then, my partner will see to it that Matt received a presidential pardon, thus alleviating all his legal issues. We all know that politics make strange bedfellows. I can assure you that we have the ability to obtain Robert Levinson's release immediately, but we cannot allow the U.S. government to be involved because they have repeatedly blocked his release since capture. There is a gentleman who lives, this is where the conversation got cut off, it picks back up to say Robert Levinson's health is failing, and if we are going to obtain his release, it must be done immediately. Matt is more than welcome to attend the meeting, but we are fine just to meet with you as my partner knows you are a man of your
Starting point is 00:15:32 word and has a great deal of respect for you. Please call me and let me know if you are willing to meet with us immediately. I assure you that you will not be wasting your time. Bob Kent. On the surface, that is not extortion. Right. I don't see extortion in there. What I see is that Mr. Kent was aware that Matt Gaetz already had a legal problem. Yes.
Starting point is 00:16:08 He's got a heads up, not a shakedown. Well, Matt Gates knows it too. Matt Gates has known that he's under investigation. See, this is what's coming out now. Matt Gates has known for many, many months that there's a federal investigation of him that's underway. And so what Mr. Kent is saying in this text message to his father is, we're aware of it too. That wasn't a threat. He was simply saying, it's not a secret. Your son is under investigation.
Starting point is 00:16:44 Mr. Kent's saying, look, I've got connections in Florida politics. That's really what he's saying. We all know what's going on. Your son is under investigation. I've got a plan that could make his problems go away. Now, that's what this comes down to. What Matt Gaetz said was they came to his father and said, give us $25 million or we tell everybody you had sex with a teenager. That's not what this is about right now. Matt Gaetz already knew he was under investigation for teenage sex. Whether this man showed up or not, Matt Gaetz was already under investigation. That's right.
Starting point is 00:17:29 And Matt Gaetz has not been honest with the people. He knew he was under investigation. It was a matter of when the news broke to the public. What this guy did is he approached his father in private and said, I'm working on a major project to get CIA agent Levinson released. Now, it's interesting that he said that I'm talking about Mr. Kent. Mr. Kent said the U.S. government has blocked all efforts to get Levinson released. Why would the U.S. government block efforts to get him released unless they now know that I'm just saying this, maybe they now know that their CIA
Starting point is 00:18:11 agent was actually a double agent for Israel. Well, we'd found an interview that Bob Kent had given, I'd say about three years ago, 2018 is the date on it, it was December. In that interview he brought up multiple times that the reason why Levinson was abducted or kidnapped was because he was Jewish. Doc, you've heard the interview too. They kept saying, this is why he was targeted. This is why he's important. This is why the Jewish community of New York wants to bring attention to this. The interview is where the Jewish station in New York City. And the interview, Bob kept just
Starting point is 00:18:43 focused on this being purely about bringing home a Jewish man, a Jewish agent, one that he even admitted in the interview was working with the CIA. Most likely, Iran captured him because they suspected him of being a Mossad agent. Because Iran has many Jews living inside the country, have been there since the days of Persia. Iran doesn't go around killing Jews for the sake of killing Jews. But they do target Zionists. They target agents of Zionism.
Starting point is 00:19:20 And that may be what we have here. We don't know. But we do know that Mr. Levinson is a CIA agent. What doesn't make sense is why Mr. Kent said the U.S. government, he said, we can't let the U.S. government be involved because they have repeatedly blocked his release since his capture. That part doesn't make sense because I thought the U.S. government was trying to get his release. Well, Levinson's been in the custody of Iran. Assuming he's still alive, he's been in the custody of Iran since the Obama years. Okay?
Starting point is 00:19:52 Yes. The Obama administration didn't want to move on it because they had the Iran deal going on. I mean, they didn't want to lose that opportunity on that. And by the time we get to the Donald Trump administration, I don't think it was even on their radar. And that's just my opinion and everything. It just never got, you know, up on the radar at all for the Trump administration. It was an important deal because we were anti-Iran. We didn't want to mess with Iran.
Starting point is 00:20:21 We didn't want to make deals or anything like that. In the meantime, the family is out there continually trying to find new information, gathering new information, spending money. And for those that are saying, well, this still sounds like a shakedown. You know, Bob Kent is somebody that has his bona fides. I mean, he's, you know, you can question his character or whatever, but he has been working hard trying to acquire the information to rescue Bob Levinson, assuming that he's still alive. Let's put that text back up because we've got to look at this line by line. It's kind of hard to read. Okay. I'm going to read it from my my document here. Mr. Gates talking about the father. I would like to talk with you immediately about the current federal investigation. Right. Right there. Mr. Kent did not say I'm going to get an investigation going.
Starting point is 00:21:19 I've got dirt on your son. I'm going to get him in a lot of trouble. He said, hello, to get your attention, I know about the investigation of your son. Now, to be clear, how do we have these texts? Who gave us these texts? Matt Gaetz gave them to the Washington Examiner and other outlets, including Axios. The Washington Examiner made the interesting decision to actually publish them, which I don't know yet is connected to why their story yesterday with McGee appeared to go down for a short period of time. But this is how we have it.
Starting point is 00:21:52 We have it thanks to the Washington Examiner. So Matt Gaetz himself released these text messages. That's correct. And notice he's not denying that there is a federal investigation underway. Because, in fact, Matt Gates is endorsing the truth of that by releasing this information. Gates said that the investigation was into the extortion. Yes. Right. That's he distorted. He distorted that story because if this is the beginning of the extortion, how did Kent know about the
Starting point is 00:22:28 investigation of Gates with teenage girls? Right. And this happened well before March 16th, 2021, which is when Gates said this began. So by Matt Gates releasing these text messages, he incriminated himself. He just outed himself as admitting that he has known for some time about a federal investigation involving him. So to help our audience out, if we did not have any of this activity with Bob Kent and and Levinson and everything, if we removed all that information, there was still an investigation going against Matt Gaetz. Let me finish this sentence. Mr. Gaetz, I would like to talk with you immediately about the current federal investigation and the indictment that is about to be filed against your son. Gaetz knows he's going to be arrested.
Starting point is 00:23:24 Matt Gaetz knows he will be arrested soon. Mr. Kent knows he will be arrested soon. Matt Gates' father knows that his son, Matt Gates, will be arrested soon. There's no threat here to create a fake sex scandal to get him arrested. He's saying right here, we all know your son's going to be arrested very soon. I don't see how Matt Gaetz thinks that this helps him. So he goes on to say, last summer, that would be the summer of 2020, we located Robert Levinson in Iran, took proof of life videos.
Starting point is 00:24:08 The U.S. government foiled our rescue attempt. That doesn't make sense to me. We have one more opportunity to rescue Levinson. If you and Matt are willing to help us privately and clandestinely obtain the release of Robert Levinson, I will ensure that Matt is on the plane that delivers Levinson to his family, making him the most sought-after public figure in the world. Then my partner will see to it
Starting point is 00:24:34 that Matt received a presidential pardon, thus alleviating all his legal issues. So he's implying that his partner, we don't know, is that Mr. McGee? It could be David McGee. We don't know who his partner is, has clout with Joe Biden. Yes. And that this is a protocol that you can follow because the document that released notes that this is of utmost national security importance to Joe Biden. Thus, he'd be willing, potentially, to help Matt Gaetz erase sexual crimes in exchange for helping to rescue a former agent.
Starting point is 00:25:14 So, there's the first piece of evidence from Matt Gaetz that actually incriminated himself. Here's the big one. Go ahead. This document. I still can't believe that Matt Gates released this. I understand why Matt Gates didn't read this on Tucker Carlson. This is what's in the Project Homecoming document. I wonder if that's a double entendre for a high
Starting point is 00:25:36 school homecoming. I don't know. Okay, so again, just to help our audience, what is Project Homecoming and who is behind it? Project Homecoming is the operation to rescue Mr. Levinson, but also to enlist the help of Matt Gaetz and then to erase the investigations into him. Now, it's a three-page document, at least there's a briefing about it, of Project Homecoming. You see on the screen, it's titled Project Homecoming. It looks like he folded it and carried it around in his pocket. That's a very good point. That's a briefing about it of Project Homecoming. You see on the screen it's titled Project Homecoming. It looks like he folded it and carried it around in his pocket. That's a very good point. That's a very good point.
Starting point is 00:26:08 That was with him. He's kept this for some time prior to photographing it. This was written by Air Force Intelligence Officer Bob Kent, and it was sent to Don Gates. That's the way this reads. So it starts with, Congressman Matt Gates is currently under investigation by the FBI for various public corruption and public integrity issues. The investigation is being handled by the Public Integrity Division of the Department of Justice and is being managed out of the Washington, D.C. field office.
Starting point is 00:26:41 The office of the U.S. attorney for the Middle District of Florida is overseeing the potential criminal case. The FBI became aware of the compromising pictures depicting Congressman Gates and an elected official, an election official, involved in a sexual orgy with underage prostitutes in Maitland, Florida. No such thing as underage prostitutes. Yes, I mean Florida. No such thing as underage prostitutes. Yes, I mean, there's a lot of oxymorons in that statement. During an unrelated investigation into political corruption and public integrity in another
Starting point is 00:27:13 criminal case. Subsequent information has resulted in Congressman Gates becoming a target of a widening investigation into serious underage sex trafficking, political corruption, public integrity, and other criminal allegations against Congressman Gates and others. A grand jury has been empaneled in the Middle District of Florida to determine where criminal charges shall be brought against Congressman Gates and others. It has been confirmed that at least one underage female has testified to the grand jury that Congressman Gates has paid her to engage in sexual activities. It has also been
Starting point is 00:27:52 confirmed that other individuals whom are facing serious criminal allegations themselves have testified at the grand jury and have agreed to testify against Congressman Gates at any future criminal proceedings. This might be a good part to stop at and address what we just heard. So Mr. Kent opens up his document, his letter to Matt Gates and says, let's go over the facts. Here's your situation right now. You're under investigation. You're going to go to prison.
Starting point is 00:28:28 This guy, Kent, knows something. He knows a lot of information. He knows a lot of stuff that the rest of us living here in the state of Florida didn't know about Matt Gaetz. Nobody knows this stuff except, you know, at the highest levels of the U.S. government, the FBI. I mean, look at what he said. Under investigation by the FBI for corruption and public integrity issues, the investigation is being led by the Public Integrity Division of the Department of Justice. A United States attorney for the District, Middle District of Florida,
Starting point is 00:29:04 is overseeing the potential criminal case. The FBI became aware of compromising pictures, depicting Congressman Gates and an election official involved in a sexual orgy with underage prostitutes in Maitland, Florida. And as doc said, no such thing as underage prostitutes in Maitland, Florida. And as Doc said, no such thing as underage prostitutes. It means children who have been kidnapped and put into a sex trafficking network and held against their will. That's what you have here. Yes. And Matt Gaetz is under investigation investigation for participation with teenage sex slaves.
Starting point is 00:29:50 Now, that information has now come out. If this had come out last fall when he was running for re-election, Matt Gates, I don't think, would be in the House right now. And this investigation was going on in the fall. Yes. This investigation has been going on since last summer. And so if there was an opportunity to take down Matt Gaetz politically, the opportunity was last fall. That's right.
Starting point is 00:30:17 And then Mr. King goes on to say, A grand jury has been impaneled in the Middle District of Florida to determine whether criminal charges shall be brought against Congressman Gates and others. Others. There are more politicians involved in the scandal. It has been confirmed that at least one underage female has testified to the grand jury that Gates paid her to engage in sexual activities. At least one. Yes, at least one.
Starting point is 00:30:51 It has also been confirmed that other individuals who are facing serious criminal allegations themselves have testified at the grand jury and agreed to testify against Gates. At any future criminal investigation. Gates is going to prison. And he's not the subject of this investigation. He's the target, according to this letter. The target means they're focusing on him. He's the head honcho in this.
Starting point is 00:31:18 Not that he be the auxiliary, as we've been being told, that Joel Greenberg, for example, his good friend, who is facing his own indictment. He's been indicted for child sex trafficking. It was said that he was the target and that Matt Gaetz was the subject. He was just an extra person in this has been brought in. No, this letter is stating Matt Gaetz is the target and other politicians have flipped. They have flipped on him. People who were implicated criminally have said they'll testify against Matt Gaetz. This situation isn't that. The congressman who is single. Had a sexual relationship with a young woman who told him that she was over 18.
Starting point is 00:32:06 And then he found out later that she was under 18 and he's he's in a lot of trouble. That's not what this is about. This is much bigger. This is about participation in organized sex trafficking. Not an individual incident of children. Yes. Just like Jeffrey Epstein. Just an individual incident. Of children. Yes, just like Jeffrey Epstein. Just like Hunter Biden. Hunter Biden. Lock them all up.
Starting point is 00:32:32 Absolutely. Lock them all up. I have no good for anyone that molests children. I have nothing. Nothing for them at all. Let them go to prison. I don't care what party they're in. Lock them all up. That's go to prison. I don't care what party they're in. Lock them all up. That's what's happening right now. But this thing goes deeper. So let's pick up in this project,
Starting point is 00:32:55 Operation Homecoming. It goes on to say, our strategy for Congressman Gates to mitigate his legal and political troubles would be for him or someone else to arrange for the funds required to obtain the immediate release of Robert Levinson from captivity in Iran. Robert Levinson's release has been privately negotiated by certain United States and Mexican individuals. And the costs associated with facilitating Robert Levinson's release is $25 million. A six-month, $25 million loan is sought to immediately fund the release of Robert Levinson. The loan shall be repaid from the $25 million reward offered by the United States government for the release of Robert Levinson. of amount and use, whether it be personal or business, and that his client shall have no requirement to document how the funds are used. The loan shall require no interest payment as long
Starting point is 00:34:11 as Congressman Gates' legal matters are resolved to his satisfaction. The fund shall be deposited in Beggs and Lane's trust account no later than 12 noon Central Time on Friday, March 19, 2021, and ready for immediate disbursement as instructed by Mr. McGee's client. All right, now this is where it gets dirty on the side of Mr. Kent and Mr. McGee. It's starting to get dirty. Yes. This doesn't look like extortion, but this certainly doesn't look clean. This looks like a very dirty deal Well, if you if you went to your local bank and told the bank president Hey, I know your son's under investigation another city
Starting point is 00:35:02 Police departments and is investigating him. And I'll tell you what, I need a mortgage. And here's the terms. No interest? No interest. I can do anything I want with the money. I don't even have to buy a house. I don't have, yeah.
Starting point is 00:35:15 And I'll decide when and how I pay it back. And, you know, these are the terms of this loan. Okay, that's where this gets dirty. So is it extortion at this point? Now, is it extortion? Tell me what they're extorting. They can't start. They don't have.
Starting point is 00:35:39 See, Matt Gates made it sound like the extortionists had fake photographs. Yes, that's the way it was framed. But that's not the case at all. Isn't that what you thought a couple of days ago? Right. That's how I took it. Yes. Matt Gates went on, Tucker Carlson.
Starting point is 00:35:55 He made it sound like the extortionists have fake photographs and they're threatening to publish them if my dad doesn't give him $25 million. That's not the case. That's not the case at all. That's not the case. So I don't know legally where this falls when somebody says, I can solve your legal problems, but you have to do this for me. Is that a pay for play? There's definitely an offer of influence peddling. My partner can make your legal problems go away.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Who is the partner? Maybe it's Israel. Maybe the state of Israel is involved in this. Who has the power to make a politician's legal problems go away? Well, only someone who has access to the highest authority. Who had the power to make Jeffrey Epstein's problems go away? I mean, who has the power to ask and receive a presidential pardon? That's where I'm going. So what did Israel do with Jeffrey Epstein? Jeffrey Epstein worked for Israel, worked for the Mossad.
Starting point is 00:37:20 Jeffrey Epstein was not a billionaire. He was an actor. He was hired to play the role of a billionaire. Jeffrey Epstein's assignment was entrap important, influential American men, offer them young girls, 13, 14, 15 years old, video record the sexual acts with the girls, 13, 14, 15 years old, video record the sexual acts with the girls, extort the men, and keep them entrapped the rest of their lives.
Starting point is 00:37:53 And what'd you do with the girls? Most of them probably were murdered. Right. Right. So maybe, maybe the teenage girls that Matt Gaetz was having sex with were supplied to him by somebody associated with the state of Israel. They've done it before. It's the same pattern. Who is his best friend in Florida? Joel Greenberg. Joel Greenberg.
Starting point is 00:38:25 Joel Greenberg. Do we have a Zionist connection in this? It really has a serious odor. It has a very serious Zionist odor right now. Just so our audience is clear, David McGee and Bob Kent and these parties here are with the Levinson faction, I don't know what you want to call them, they don't have pictures. No. They don't have video or anything like that. Of Gates.
Starting point is 00:38:54 Right. They don't. They just heard the truth about a grand jury. That the Department of Justice does have that evidence. It's not the Department of Justice ext have that evidence. It's not the Department of Justice. And that they're going to arrest Gates regardless of what
Starting point is 00:39:12 the Levinson family does. Regardless of whether Don Gates loans $25 million to King. What they're saying is, your son, Matt Gaetz, is going to be arrested.
Starting point is 00:39:28 End of discussion. But here's a solution. Here's a solution. We can stop. Now, who has the power to stop an arrest at the federal level? Well, that would have to come from the White House. No. Who tells the White House? Who tells the White House. Certainly from the Attorney General. No.
Starting point is 00:39:46 No. Who tells the White House? Who tells the White House to sign a memo every four years? Who tells the Attorney General? Who tells senior government officials what they have to do? I'll tell you who. The entity that has dirt on all of them. Because that's how this game has been played.
Starting point is 00:40:20 Israel has entrapped thousands, literally maybe tens of thousands of influential American men in sexual misconduct with underage teenage girls. They have so much dirt on so many American men, they can get anything they want. And so if they need something done, all they have to do is send the message, we want this investigation stopped. And it stops. Well, I thought that Matt Gaetz and all of them were crazy for coming out and talking about all this. I thought they were absolutely nuts. But what it has done, what it has served to do is that by focusing on this, quote, extortion, that's not an extortion.
Starting point is 00:41:00 It has caused people to focus on that aspect of things rather than the actual investigation going on against Matt Gaetz at the Department of Justice. And that is in sex trafficking. The whole media aspect of this has been focused on the extortion side. And that has served that purpose, hasn't it? Yes. So we got more, doctor, this, uh, this, uh, statement or this, this document that, that King gave to, or Kent, Kent gave to, uh, uh, Matt Gates or Don Gates. This document is from Matt Gates. Yes. Yes. So don't, don't think out here, oh, this is fake. No, this is what Matt Gates released. Let's go down to the fund shall be deposited. Go ahead, Edward. So the fund shall be deposited into Beggs and Lange Trust account no later
Starting point is 00:41:52 than 12 noon Central Time on Friday, March 19, 2021 and ready for immediate disbursement as instructed by Mr. McGee's client. Congressman Gates or his designee shall be kept appraised of the progress of Mr. Levinson's release, but Congressman Gates, his agents, his heirs, and his designees shall agree to remain completely silent as the information received about the progress of Mr. Levinson's release. It shall be expressly agreed in writing that Congressman Gates and or his designee shall not disclose any information about the nature of the release project during or after the project's completion and subsequent
Starting point is 00:42:32 to Mr. Levinson's release. It shall never be made public that Congressman Gates or his representatives or associates assisted in funding the release project. In all caps, time is of the essence in the matter of Robert Levinson's release due to Mr. Levinson's health issues and deteriorating medical condition. Please understand that this is a one-time offer and requires immediate attention and an immediate decision of acceptance or rejection. All right, let's assume that
Starting point is 00:43:04 Mr. Levinson, the CIA agent, possibly a Mossad agent, I lean that he's a Mossad agent, double agent. Let's assume he's in Iran, is it? Yes, yes. A hostage, a prisoner. And that they do have information of his whereabouts. Do you not think that the Iranian government is reading all this stuff this week? Yes, of course they are.
Starting point is 00:43:33 Oh, absolutely. We're talking about an incursion into Iran by mercenaries. The Iranian intelligence agencies, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, they're all looking at this going, they're saying on their end, we got a traitor inside our government. And there's about to be a raid.
Starting point is 00:43:51 Yes. They're about to send people into our country to raid. No, no, no, no, no, no. The Iranians are going to start going there and find out who the traitor is. I know, but to get Levinson, you have to grab him. No, there wasn't going to be a raid. Where did they say there was going to be a raid? And before in the segment we just read, they're going to have to get him out who the traitor is. I know, but to get Levinson, you have to grab him. No, there wasn't going to be a raid. Where did it say there was going to be a raid?
Starting point is 00:44:06 And before in the segment we just read. They're going to have to get him out of the country. No, they're buying him out. Yes. There's an Iranian that's going to be paid off. Yes, that's what it is. That Iranian is going to die this week if he's still alive. Someone's got to fly him out, though.
Starting point is 00:44:20 Okay, but for this plan to work, there's an Iranian official who was going to participate with the Israeli Mossad in releasing Levinson. I see where you're going with this. Okay. So you got to know that Ayatollah and the president of Iran, they're all reading this and saying, who is it? Yes. Who sold us out? Yes.
Starting point is 00:44:40 Somebody was going to pocket maybe 15 to 20 million out of the 25 million. Yeah, you got to keep some for yourself. I mean, there's handling fees in this, Doc. So maybe the guy was being paid off. Maybe he was going to get 10 million, 12, 15 million dollars out of this. That person, that Iranian official, was going to secretly release Levinson which means out of his 10-15 million he had to share some of it with some army officials some police officials some you know there had to be a a group of people who participated to release Levinson and there had to
Starting point is 00:45:21 be enough money to go around to grease all the palms. This is now out in the open now. Let me ask you this, Rick. With the release of this information by Matt Gaetz, okay, so Matt Gaetz released this. If Bob Levinson was still alive on March 19th, is he still alive now? Probably not. I would say there's a much higher likelihood that the man who was the Iranian who was going to release him is no longer breathing. Yes. And Levinson's at least moved. They've at least moved him from where he was.
Starting point is 00:45:56 There's a reason Iran's keeping this man. He's leverage. Yes. Israel wants him. Obviously, the United States doesn't want him if you believe this stuff. So he's a CIA agent and the U.S. government doesn't want him? You basically disowned him. I have a feeling that the CIA found out that he was a double agent and worked for Mossad.
Starting point is 00:46:17 And they said, let him rot. Another Pollard. Another Pollard. Another Pollard. And so this thing's getting very ugly and dirty and nasty. What I don't know, because I'm not an attorney, is it seems to me at this point, this is not extortion, but this is in writing saying, we have the power to make your son's legal problems go away. Extrajudicially. Yes. So yes, you could go to, I think you could be prosecuted for making that claim. But if it involves Israel, you're not going to be prosecuted. It'll just go away. Because there'll be some people in the U.S. government that try to investigate this, and
Starting point is 00:47:12 then it'll be shut down. It'll be hushed up, and a couple months from now, you won't remember any of it. But I do think Matt Gaetz is going to be arrested. Well, Rick, there was a series of emails that were also released in addition to this letter and the text we just showed. These were released as a confirmation, an attempt by Matt Gaetz to show, look, there's a real investigation that's took place. They've confirmed this.
Starting point is 00:47:34 I'm talking about they as in the Department of Justice has confirmed this to my father's lawyer. So these emails are from Matt Gaetz too? Matt Gaetz. This is all from Matt Gaetz, published by the Washington Examiner. So the emails are from a white-collar trial lawyer named Jeffrey Nyman. He's a Marcus Nyman, Rashbaum, and Panera LLP. Now, they represent Don Gates, Don Gates being Matt Gates' father.
Starting point is 00:47:57 Now, they're sent to David L. Goldberg, the assistant United States attorney for the Northern District of Florida. Now, they're sent on Thursday, March 25 25, 2021 at 2.45 p.m. Okay, so the law firm is Jewish and the Assistant Attorney General is the prosecutor is Jewish. Yes. All right. The first email said, David, speaking to the U.S. Attorney, David Goldberg, as you know, my client, Don Gates, was approached by two individuals to make a sizable payment, what I could call a scheme to defraud. Don reported this to the FBI.
Starting point is 00:48:33 The FBI is now asking Don to voluntarily and proactively assist in their investigation, which Don is willing to do. Please confirm that your office and the FBI would like Don's assistance in this matter and that he will be working at the government's request. All right, that's fair. I mean, you've got somebody claiming there with the FBI that they're going to be making an investigation. Don, would you wear a wire? You know, it's probably a good step to maybe verify that information. So the lawyer for Don Gates writes the U.S. attorney for the Northern District of Florida just to verify that, you know, this is on this is legit.
Starting point is 00:49:13 Yes. And so only 11 minutes later, David Goldberg responds. Go ahead, Rick. Were you going to say something? Yeah, because I'm not following, Doc, what you're saying. No. What I'm basically saying is that let's say that Don was approached by a couple of so-called FBI agents. He doesn't know that they're real FBI agents, let's say. But he wasn't approached by FBI agents. Well, it says there, as you know, my client, Don Gates, was approached by two individuals to make a sizable payment. He didn't say FBI agents. They were
Starting point is 00:49:43 approached by the king. Don reported this to the FBI. The FBI is now asking Don to voluntarily and practically assist in their investigation. And so basically what Mr. Gates is asking, is the FBI involved in this investigation? No, that's not what he's asking. Well, I mean, he's asking, are they looking into... He wants them to confirm. Is he looking into the two people that came with the offer? Okay. Okay. This is where this gets really complicated because there is an investigation of Matt Gaetz involving teenage girls. Yes, a separate investigation.
Starting point is 00:50:25 This is a separate issue where the father is now saying, I need the FBI to look into the people that came to us with an offer to make my son's legal problems go away. Right. Okay, I got it now. Now, 11 minutes later, after this email came through, the representative from the Department of Justice responded. And this is very important because Matt Gaetz characterized this as a confirmation that they're working on the investigation to look into the extortion. But listen to this very carefully. This is from David Goldberg to the lawyer representing Don Gaetz. Counsel, I can confirm that your client is working with my office as well as the FBI at the government's request in order to determine if a federal crime has been committed.
Starting point is 00:51:13 This has been discussed with and approved by the FBI, as well as the leadership of my office and components of Maine Justice. The government thanks you for working cooperatively with the FBI. Okay, so that's a confirmation that the FBI is looking into the offer made by Kent to Matt Gates' father. They're looking to see if a federal crime has been committed. And the federal crime would be an offer to... Defraud. No, no, an offer to eliminate legal problems involving another federal investigation.
Starting point is 00:51:55 Do you guys see where this is about? It was interesting because the lawyer for Don Gates did not characterize it as extortion. When he wrote to this U.S. attorney, he used the word defraud. It was intriguing to begin with. And then now you have the return on this. But there's no defraud here.
Starting point is 00:52:20 See, to say defraud, you're implying that Beggs and Lane Law Firm, a big, massive law firm. I mean, for the state of Florida, it's big. It's not big compared to New York City or something like that. But it's big in the state of Florida. To say that this is to defraud means that Beggs and Lane put their entire legal, their law firm, their reputation, their license to practice law. They put it all on the table and said, we're going to come up with a sneaky, dirty scheme to get $25 million out of Matt Gaetz. And if we get caught, we're going to lose everything. I don't believe that at all. I don't buy that either. So there's no effort to defraud. I believe this is a legitimate offer. Let believe that Kent has a plan to get Levinson released.
Starting point is 00:53:12 I believe this is real. I believe they need it to $25 million. They came up with an idea. Who has $25 million and who would turn it over to us with no questions asked? Somebody who's rich and his son's going to go to prison. Who could that be? How many rich people do we have in the state of Florida right now that their son is facing prison? Oh, Don Gates.
Starting point is 00:53:44 Let's give old Don a call. He's had old things for his son before. Yes. Like DUIs. So as far as the law firm is simply looking for the money to facilitate this deal to get the release of Levinson. There's no effort to cheat Gates out of $25 million. It's not like he's going to wire the money and they're going to say, sucker, we got you. We got you $25 million. You fell for it, you idiot. No, I really believe they planned to get Levinson released. They were going to get a $25 million
Starting point is 00:54:21 reward and they were going to pay back the loan. I believe that's the legitimate offer. That's not to defraud. Yes. But where they're in trouble is the offer to make Gates's legal problems go away. That's the real. That's the crime. And that's what brought in the FBI for the investigation.
Starting point is 00:54:43 That's the crime. Well, they found it. What were they going after with Donald Trump? I mean, if Donald Trump had said to somebody, hey, if you do this, I can make your legal problems go away. Oh, they'd be all over him. That'd be a piece of power. They would impeach him. Right. All right. for him. It would be a piece of power. They would impeach him. Right. That's the potential
Starting point is 00:55:07 crime involving Kent and the Beggs and Lane law firm. That's different from what Matt Gaetz is facing. The thing that bogs me is that if we're going with the postulation that Matt Gaetz must have known he's under investigation prior to this, that a grand jury has been impaneled, Matt Gaetz must have known he's under investigation prior to this, that a grand jury has been impaneled. Matt Gaetz, he knows he's under investigation by the Department of Justice and the FBI. Yet his father and him are reaching out to the FBI to set a wire up on his father to try to misrepresent in this case. If this letter is true, misrepresent what deal is happening between Don Gates and the McGee
Starting point is 00:55:45 law firm and Mr. Kent. The odd part here is the response. If the FBI knows they have an investigation active on this person, wouldn't they also want to see if they can get the father to help supply evidence, even indirectly, inadvertently, on their target. We've learned before this, let us correct us, that Matt Gaetz is the target of an FBI DOJ child sex trafficking investigation. And we just got the dad to agree to wear a wire. Exactly. It says that the government thanks you for working cooperatively with the FBI. I mean, what this might end up coming out to is that the FBI, knowing that Matt Gaetz may have been trying to spin this, they found their own spin on this.
Starting point is 00:56:28 They got Matt Gaetz's father to wear a wire, potentially even to further implicate Matt Gaetz, who's already facing a public inquiry through a grand jury. It's possible or simply there's another division of the FBI that's now looking at an allegation of another crime. And so you've got one section of the FBI doing an investigation of Matt Gaetz and another section of the FBI doing an investigation of somebody that's trying to get money out of Matt Gaetz's family. But then to even investigate, you'd have to address the other section because it's in the letter they're claiming is extortion. It's addressing the other investigation. Yeah, there's no extortion. There's an offer to make legal problems go away. And the Gates political supporters watching us, you have to come to grips with the fact that Gates is going to be arrested for child sex.
Starting point is 00:57:23 That's the facts of the story. Whether any of this other stuff comes down. Well, Rick, I think we've said enough on this subject for today. We'll keep following the updates on the subject. Obviously, the next update, if this all is true, will be an arrest of Matt Gaetz. An indictment and an arrest. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family.
Starting point is 00:57:49 And don't be troubled, again, by these stories or those politicians that you think of your idols and those you want to listen to. Listen to your Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, because he has the truth that you should follow. Thank you. God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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