TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Growling Grizzly: Russia’s Fury Ready to Explode Over NATO Nations
Episode Date: June 24, 2024World War 3’s intensity shot up several notches on Sunday and today. Multiple attacks on Russian military, space, and religious sites appear to be pushing the Kremlin over the edge. Rick Wiles, Doc... Burkhart. Airdate 06/24/2024Listen to this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! https://www.TruNewsGold.comGet high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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World War III's intensity shot up several notches on Sunday and again today.
Multiple attacks on Russian military, space, and even religious sites appear to be pushing the Kremlin over the edge. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News
for Monday, June 24, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of world news with this report
published by The Telegraph in London. Moscow Defense Research Building on fire with staff trapped inside.
That's happening right now. There are so many stories involving World War III that we can't
get them all in one program today. We're just going to show you the most alarming, troubling articles,
and we'll just have to forego many of the other videos and reports that we have.
But, Doc, this fire broke out.
I first saw the alert probably less than an hour ago. I saw it come across the top of a Russian news website
that their research building was on fire. People were trapped inside. My understanding,
people have jumped out of the window. This was published by the telegraph and um it says uh huge fires have been recorded
by nasa satellites at this at the scene of the well now this is uh apparently the telegraph
updated the headline yeah so so if we want we've got we've got let me explain it to our viewers so
we had a headline uh mix matched with the article okay and so that's the headline
that's appearing in the telegraph right now but the story before we talk about this one
was that there there was an attack over the weekend by ukraine against russian military by Ukraine against Russian military sites in Crimea.
And they used U.S.-made, U.S.-supplied Atakum missiles.
And this particular, there were several sites hit.
What this story says is huge fires had been recorded by NASA satellites at the scene of
a Ukrainian attack, a strike on a Russian space control center in Crimea.
The strike is believed to have hit the NIP-16 space communications complex, which houses a collection of large deep space tracking radars.
A local source video appears to show the site in flames.
Residents told local media that ambulances were dispatched to the scene.
Another video showed the launch of several attack on missiles from a site in Ukraine with the rockets illuminating the night sky as they fired towards Crimea. This would have happened late Saturday night, early Sunday morning during the nighttime hours in Russia and Crimea. So there was another attack. This was in Dagestan in Russia. A gunman broke into a church
and a synagogue. They burned down the synagogue. They slit the throat of the Orthodox church
pastor. There was a gunfire in the streets.
A number of Russian police officers killed.
Fifteen police officers.
Fifteen police officers killed.
Supposedly, the way the reports are shaking out right now, the Orthodox priest had his
throat slit for congregants were killed.
That was in Dagestan. This is in addition to the strike on
Sebastopol and Crimea over the past couple of days. So there's, like Rick said, a lot of things
have been happening over the past 24 hours here. But you need to realize there was a significant
change that took place here with this attack in Sebastopol and Crimea. They were using U.S.-made attackams,
and there's no way that the Ukrainians were guiding them by themselves.
They had U.S. support at some point.
And they were using U.S. Air Force reconnaissance drones
to guide the missiles to the sites in Crimea.
How do I emphasize it enough?
The United States directly participated in an attack on Russia.
There's no other way to put it.
Yes, we did.
We are in World War III with Russia right now. A week or two ago, Biden
told the Ukrainians, you can attack Russia with U.S. missiles. You just can't hit the Kremlin.
But that'll change in a couple weeks. Right. That'll be updated.
All right. So let's get into, rather than trying to show you the videos of what happened over the weekend, let's move on to the really serious stuff.
So this is number two.
This is TASS News Media, news agency.
Russia summons U.S. ambassador to Moscow over the Sevastopol attack.
Sevastopol, yes.
So this is the U.S. ambassador, and she got her call this morning.
So the Russian foreign ministry said that the United States, which is waging a hybrid war against Russia,
has become party to the conflict by supplying the Ukrainian army with the most advanced weapons,
including Atakom's missiles, equipped with cluster warheads used against residents of Sevastopol,
whose flight paths are programmed by American military specialists
and bears equal responsibility with the Kiev regime for this atrocity.
The envoy was told that such actions by Washington, aiming to encourage Ukraine's pro-Nazi authorities to continue to combat to the last Ukrainian, have issued a permission to deliver strikes deep inside Russian territory.
This will not go unanswered.
Response measures will definitely follow.
That's coming from the Russian foreign ministry.
This will not go unanswered.
That's the point I want you to see.
The Russian officials told the U.S. ambassador this morning, this will not go unanswered.
How will Putin answer Joe Biden?
Well, that's to be seen. They've shown incredible restraint so far, but I hope that the leaders of the West aren't interpreting that restraint as cowardice or just the lack of Russia's ability to be able to deliver a response.
I believe the response is coming.
The U.S. and NATO want a response.
You have to accept that. The U.S. government
and the NATO leadership
wants Russia to respond.
They want to
nuke Russia.
That's a fact.
That's where we're at, folks.
Western leaders
are jabbing
a grizzly bear. A grizzly bear that's now backed into a corner,
is protecting its young, and knows that its very life is at stake.
And it's cubs also.
What do you think the grizzly bear is going to do?
The grizzly bear, when it gets its moment, its opportunity, is going to claw its tormentors to pieces.
That's what's coming.
Russia is going to claw NATO to pieces,
knowing that it may die itself.
That's right.
In its attempt to survive.
But Russia knows that if they don't respond,
they will die.
That's where they're at right now.
The leaders of the West are absolutely insane, madmen, demon-possessed.
They're demon-possessed.
Nobody, nobody in their right mind,
no God-fearing Christian man or woman
would push the world to nuclear war.
Only a demon-possessed leader would do such a thing.
A billion people may die.
And this could happen this week.
I got up early this morning wondering, Doc, what are we going to find this morning?
I really didn't know.
It's like when I went to bed last night, I thought, this is so severe. At any moment, Russia could sink an American naval fleet, could blow up Norfolk.
Could send a tsunami wave over the UK.
Any of the above. That's where we're at right now. For what purpose? What is the purpose?
And Rick, even if Russia, and they're not going to do this, but even if they said today,
we're pulling all of our troops out of Ukraine, we're going back home.
That's not the end of the conflict, is it?
Oh, no, no, no.
The West would just, they would really put the heat on.
They would definitely put the heat on.
They fully intend to dismantle the Russian Federation.
So it really has nothing to do with Ukraine, does it? It just happens to be the sandbox
everybody's fighting in.
Izvestia. Lavrov pointed out the impossibility of Kiev using weapons without the participation
of the United States. Lavrov is their foreign minister,
their Secretary of State. It says that weapons supplied to Ukraine from the United States
cannot be used without the participation of the American military. This was stated on July 24 by
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov during talks with Belarusian Foreign Minister Sergei Elenik.
According to him, American weapons, quote,
cannot be used without the direct participation of the American military,
including satellite capabilities.
Lavrov also expressed or stressed that the involvement of the United States and Ukraine in the terrorist attack is not in doubt.
So you have the Secretary of State of Russia saying the Pentagon was directly involved in attacks on our military and space facilities.
Well, and he's actually going further than that.
He's accusing America of being a terrorist state.
Which comes just on the heels of last week.
Remember, they were putting up legislation to declare Russia a terrorist state.
Do we confess to the things we're going to do to others, Rick?
I think so.
Obviously, Dmitry Medvedev had something to say about it yesterday.
His language is a little salty, but he's reached his level of patience with the United States.
I'll let you read it, Doc.
Well, the U.S. is supplying Bandarotsky, or Ukraine, with cluster munitions and help them to take aim at targets.
The folks in Kiev are choosing a beach filled with civilians as their target and press the button.
Both will burn in hell, hopefully not just in the sacral flames, but even before that in the earthly fire.
Now, that's just the beginning of his comments, Rick.
What happened is not military actions, but a sneaky and vile terrorist attack against our people. Moreover, it occurred on an Orthodox holiday, the Day of the Holy Trinity,
just like the massacre that extremists had carried out in Dagestan,
which is why now we do not differentiate between any of them,
whether it is the American authorities,
the Bandera regime, or insane fanatics.
He said, talking about the United States and Ukraine, both will burn in hell.
Not just in the sacral flames, but even before that in the earthly fire.
I think that might be his most direct threat yet, Rick.
Would you agree?
The Russians are telling America, we're going to incinerate you.
Absolutely incinerate you.
We're going to put you in hell.
Your nation will be on fire.
There's no other way to interpret it.
Again, I ask, why?
Why are we all going to die?
What is it that we're fighting for?
What are we fighting for in Ukraine?
For our dictatorship?
What is it? How do we know we won?
How do we know when it's over? How do we know when it's finished?
According to the West standards, what is the finish line for the West?
It's the destruction of Russia. Why is Ukraine the rallying cry for a nuclear war?
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Look at what else we have. So we have a debate coming up this Thursday night with Joe Biden
and Donald Trump. Do you think it's going to happen?
I've got a sneaking suspicion something's going to happen between now and Thursday that's going to disrupt the debate.
I really do.
Something that will disrupt the debate?
Or not to happen.
I don't think the debate will happen.
I'd be surprised if it does.
I would, too.
I can't believe the Democrats are going to let Joe Biden on stage with Donald Trump.
I can't believe it either.
Unless they have a body double.
Well, I mean, there was a different Joe Biden at the State of the Union address.
I know.
Who was that?
It wasn't him.
You can't explain this stuff.
You can't be tripping downstairs all day
and then come in and deliver a speech
to the joint session of Congress like he did.
For nearly two hours.
So one of the two things,
they had him jacked up on drugs
or it was a substitute Joe Biden.
Which one is it?
Or is that the real Joe Biden and the one that's falling downstairs as a body double? Are they gaslighting us?
I wouldn't put you can't have you can't say both are the same people. going to come back out to the panel. Caroline, thank you very much for your time. You are welcome to come back at any point. She is welcome to come back and speak about Donald Trump and Donald Trump will have equal time to Joe Biden when they both join us now at next early later this week in
Atlanta for this. See, she was getting flustered there, by the way. There's a word that describes
her and it starts with a B.
Miss Levitt,
the Trump spokesperson, was actually what led to this is she
was directly quoting Jake Tapper from
back in 2017 over the
Russiagate stuff, quoting word for
You can't quote somebody
word for word without it being an
attack now, right? And
Jake Tapper's going to be hosting the debate this week.
He's one of the hosts.
This is one of those things about President Trump I don't understand.
Why would you agree to debate rules on CNN with an enemy as a moderator?
Why would he agree to it?
Doc, there's no logical reason for this stuff.
I can't think of a logical reason, and yet it seems like every time he does something like this, he pulls it off.
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