TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Guantanamo Inn room available: Fauci admits funding PLA biowarfare research lab in Wuhan
Episode Date: May 11, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall examines the COVID conflict that erupted between Senator Rand Paul and Dr. Anthony Fauci in testimony in Congress. An admission by the Coronavirus czar of the conn...ection to funding of the Wuhan Institute of Virology back to the National Institute of Health in the US is stirring new interest in investigating the source of the virus. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (05/11/21)
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I'm Edward Saul.
Rockets are firing over Israel and fireworks are flying in Congress.
But while Netanyahu kills unarmed Palestinian children,
Senator Rand Paul may have just dropped the biggest truth bomb of the pandemic.
Dr. Anthony Fauci has admitted to funding the Chinese biowarfare lab in Wuhan
while being grilled by Senator Paul about gain-of-function research,
specifically into bats and coronavirus, that
the NIH paid for through a friend of Fauci, Peter Daszak.
Dr. Fauci did this today while testifying to the Senate.
God bless Senator Paul.
Here's their revealing exchange.
Dr. Fauci, we don't know whether the pandemic started in a lab in Wuhan or evolved naturally, but we should want to know.
Three million people have died from this pandemic, and that should cause us to explore all possibilities.
Instead, government authorities, self-interested in continuing gain-of-function research, say there's nothing to see here.
Gain-of-function research, as you know, is juicing up naturally occurring animal viruses to infect humans.
To arrive at the truth, the U.S. government should admit that the Wuhan Virology Institute was experimenting to enhance the coronavirus' ability to infect humans.
Juicing up super viruses is not new.
Scientists in the U.S. have long known how to mutate animal viruses to infect humans. For years, Dr. Ralph Baric, a virologist in the U.S., has been collaborating with Dr. Shi Zhengli
of the Wuhan Virology Institute, sharing his discoveries about how to create super viruses.
This gain-of-function research has been funded by the NIH. The collaboration between the U.S. and the
Wuhan Virology Institute continues. Doctors Barak and Shi work together to
insert bat virus spike protein into the backbone of the deadly SARS virus and
then use this man-made super virus to infect human airway cells. Think about
that for a moment. The SARS virus had a 15% mortality.
We're fighting a pandemic that has about a 1% mortality. Can you imagine if a SARS virus that's
been juiced up and had viral proteins added to it, to the spike protein, if that were released
accidentally? Dr. Fauci, do you still support funding of the NIH
funding of the lab in Wuhan? Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely
incorrect that the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
Do they fund Dr. Baric?
We do not fund gain-
Do you fund Dr. Baric's gain-of-function research?
Dr. Baric does not doing gain-of-function research, and if it is, it's according to
the guidelines, and it is being conducted in North Carolina, not in China.
You don't think inserting a bat virus spike protein that he got from the Wuhan Institute
into the SARS virus is gain of function?
That is not.
You would be in the minority because at least 200 scientists have signed a statement from
the Cambridge Working Group saying that it is gain of function.
Well, it is not.
And if you look at the grant and you look at the progress reports,
it has not gained a function, despite the fact that people tweet that.
So do you still support sending money to the Wuhan Virology Institute?
We do not send money now to the Wuhan Virology Institute.
Do you support sending money?
We did under your tutelage.
We were sending it through EcoHealth.
It was a sub-agency and a sub-grant.
Do you support the money from NIH that was going to the Wuhan Institute? Let me explain to you why that
was done. The SARS-CoV-1 originated in bats in China. It would have been irresponsible of us if we did not investigate the bat viruses and the
serology to see who might have been infected in China.
Or perhaps it would be irresponsible to send it to the Chinese government that we may not
be able to trust with this knowledge and with this incredibly dangerous viruses. Government
scientists like yourself who favor gain-of-function research maintain that the disease arose naturally.
I don't favor gain-of-function research in China. You are saying things that are not correct.
Government defenders of gain of function such as yourself say that COVID-19 mutations were random and not designed by man.
But interestingly, the technique that Dr. Barak developed forces mutations by serial passage through cell culture that the mutations appear to be natural.
In fact, Dr. Barak named the technique the no-see-um technique because the mutations appear naturally.
Nicholas Baker of the New York Magazine said nobody would know if the virus had been fabricated in a laboratory or grown in nature. Governor authorities in the U.S., including yourself,
unequivocally deny that COVID-19 could have escaped a lab.
But even Dr. Shi in Wuhan wasn't so sure.
According to Nicholas Baker, Dr. Shi wondered,
could this new virus have come from her own laboratory?
She checked her records frantically and found no matches.
That really took a load off my mind, she said.
I had not slept for days. The director of the gain-of-function research in Wuhan couldn't sleep
because she was terrified that it might be in her lab. Dr. Baric, an advocate of gain-of-function
research, admits the main problem that the Institute of Virology has is the outbreak
occurred in close proximity.
What are the odds? Barrick responded, could you rule out a laboratory escape? The answer in this case is probably not. Will you in front of this group categorically say that the COVID-19 could
not have occurred through serial passage in a laboratory? I do not have any accounting of what the Chinese may have done, and I'm fully
in favor of any further investigation of what went on in China. However, I will repeat again,
the NIH and NIAID categorically has not funded gain-of-function research to be conducted in the
Wuhan Institute of Virology.
But you do support it in the U.S. We have 11 labs doing it, and you have allowed it here.
We have a committee to do it, but the committee has granted every exemption.
You're fooling with Mother Nature here. You're allowing super viruses to be created
with a 15 percent mortality. It's very dangerous. I think it was a huge mistake to share this with
China, and it's a huge mistake to allow this to continue in the United States.
And we should be very careful to investigate where this virus came from.
I fully agree that you should investigate where the virus came from.
But again, we have not funded gain-of-function research on this virus in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
No matter how many times you say it,
it didn't happen. There was research done with Dr. Shi and Dr. Baric. They have collaborated
on gain-of-function research where they enhanced the SARS virus to infect human airway cells,
and they did it by merging a new spike protein on it. That is gain-of-function. That was joint
research between the Wuhan Institute and Dr. Barak.
You can't deny it.
Join me to discuss this bombshell admission and the wars and rumors of wars across the
globe are True News founder Rick Wallace and Dr. Burkhardt.
Hey, Edward.
Edward, I have more respect for Senator Rand Paul than any other U.S. Senator. He is an excellent, independent, thinking member of the U.S. Senate.
And I commend him for having the courage to ask these questions one year later.
One year later.
All right.
We need to emphasize, we're a year into this biological warfare attack. But I congratulate Senator Paul that he finally asked these questions.
Dr. Fauci both admitted and denied.
He's very deceptive.
He admitted.
He said, well, let me explain to you why we did it.
It would be irresponsible for us not to investigate.
So at that point, he admitted that the NIH, under his direction, sent millions of U.S.
tax dollars to the Wuhan lab.
Even if they didn't do it directly, they did it through EcoHealth Alliance.
That's the other deceptive tactic.
Of course, you can say the NIH did not fund it.
We didn't send a check directly to Wuhan.
He knows what he's doing.
He's lying.
It went through another organization
that they funded, a U.S. organization.
Then that money went to Wuhan.
That's another lie.
But first he denies, I mean, first he admits.
He said, let me tell you why we did it.
That's the admission.
Did what, Dr. Fauci?
Our weapons research?
Cooperated with the Wuhan lab in research on SARS.
Okay. So at that point, he admitted, yes, we do have a working relationship with the laboratory in Wuhan.
Yes, I am acquainted with it.
We did send money in directly.
Then he comes back and he repeatedly said the NIH did not fund gain-of-function research in Wuhan.
The operative words are gain-of-function research in Wuhan. The operative words are gain-of-function.
Because what we just saw in that exchange
between Fauci and Rand Paul...
Is another deception. a debate about what is gain-of-function.
So he cleverly kept the focus on gain of function,
not the funding, because he was saying, well, Senator Paul, your definition of gain of function
is not mine. And I can tell you, based on my definition, we did not fund gain of function research in Wuhan.
Aha, Senator. I mean, Dr. Fauci, did you fund any research in Wuhan?
Yeah. Is your is your definition of the dollar the same as Rand Paul?
So three point seven million dollars. Did you fund any kind of research?
Now, there's where Senator Paul should have come back and said,
let's set gain of function aside.
Did you fund research
in Wuhan?
Fauci was very
clever in
constantly saying gain of function
because he said, I don't
accept your definition. Although Senator
Paul said, well, there's a group of, there's 200
scientists that said,
this is gain of function.
So Fauci knows more than those 200 scientists.
So the whole debate in that exchange is,
what is gain of function?
Set that aside.
Fauci sent millions of US dollars to Wuhan
and he doesn't deny it
and he doesn't disown it and he doesn't disown it, and he's not sorry.
That's the bottom line.
Fauci isn't sorry.
He'd do it again, and he is doing it again,
because they haven't cut the money off.
No, according to the most recent reports, the money's been re-upped.
There was at least a lag while President Trump was still in office.
Right, and it was revoked for a while
and then now it's back on.
No one's asking about that.
Has Fauci left the NIH? Still there.
So he's still signing off on it?
Yes. Still the highest
paid government worker right now.
Not counting the million dollars from Israel.
Right. Which should have been
a conflict of interest.
That any employee of the U.S. government received cash from a foreign government for performing his job.
But that's another story. Israel giving Fauci a million dollars.
Let's not get two enemies. I mean, two countries of the United States confused here, Israel and China. Something else that Dr. Fauci said there too,
that there was gain-of-function research going on here in the United States,
maybe in North Carolina, but wasn't that,
isn't that supposed to be illegal in the United States?
Well, how about making it illegal to supersize a virus?
Well, I agree.
And so, but that is already supposed to be illegal,
but didn't he just
admit to that? Didn't they just admit to it? It didn't happen there, but we're working on it in
North Carolina. It's going on in North Carolina. Yes. You're doing what, Fauci? You're tinkering
with deadly viruses to make them more deadly, to kill more people. You're a psychopath. Fauci is a psychopath.
He owns everything that's come from this lockdown to the pandemic to the death of the elderly in
New York and across the country. The man is dangerous. I mean, he's like,
you know, like you ought to be in some horror movie. But the reality is a lot of people have died.
A lot of people are suffering.
Even economically, they're suffering because of Fauci.
I want to know Fauci's relationship with the China Communist Party.
That's what I want to know.
And I say, send his butt to Guantanamo.
And I'll stand by that story.
I will not back down.
Send him to Guantanamo Bay and interrogate him.
He needs to be interrogated.
If he's responsible for this pandemic, he's done far more than anyone who is in Guantanamo Bay being held.
He has terrorized not just this nation, but the world.
You know, Newsweek flipped out when I said, send him to Guantanamo Bay.
I wasn't joking.
That was just a month ago.
And so right at a month ago.
I wasn't exaggerating.
He's an enemy, a dangerous enemy of this country.
He's working with communist China
to supersize a deadly virus.
Why is any American scientist working with Chinese scientists
who are controlled by the China Communist Party and the PLA?
That should be a very basic question right there, Rick.
I mean, obviously the Chinese Communist Party are
going to influence every single scientist, every single medical worker that is involved in any sort
of viral research. They weaponize everything. They weaponize their nation. Why would American
scientists be working hand in hand with scientists controlled by the Chinese Communist Party,
unless they were in agreement with them.
Because they get gain of freedom, freedom to research gain of function.
China, there's a loophole.
China doesn't have the laws.
It doesn't have the things to block the U.S. from researching bioweapons.
That's not the reason.
Well, it's probably part of it.
The reason is they're part of a global agenda.
And they share the ideology of these scientists.
They're one.
But, you know, that Newsweek article, which was read by millions of people,
thank you, Newsweek.
I thank my enemies.
I thank my critics who helped me get my points across to more people than I can reach through true news.
They helped me.
I'm really grateful for them.
And I hope they write more articles.
Because that Newsweek article, I believe,
prompted Tucker Carlson to say
that Fauci should be interrogated.
Now, Tucker Carlson called for an investigation into Fauci's Wuhan lab.
He made this comment after I said Fauci should be taken to Guantanamo Bay and interrogated.
Now, it took a month for him to catch up with it, but he has come out and said that.
So I took the beating in the media for saying it.
As usual. But millions of people read it, and my thoughts got in their mind, thanks to my enemies.
You helped me put my thoughts into the minds of millions of people.
Thank you.
And when I hear Rand Paul go through the whole scenario of how the funding arrived in Wuhan.
We laid all that out months ago.
We showed the chain of events.
We talked about the EcoHealth Alliance.
We told about all the connections leading back to the lab.
We told you the dollar amount.
We told you the funding was in place.
We already had all of this months ago.
And Fox News has a $1 billion operational budget.
A billion dollars.
We don't have that.
We don't have it.
It's the three of us here.
We don't have a billion dollars.
And a crew behind the wall here.
But they have a billion dollars to do the research.
But the fact that Rand Paul is asking the questions that need to be asked
of Dr. Fauci and the fact that Tucker Carlson from his platform is asking the question,
should Dr. Fauci be investigated for his connection to Wuhan? Finally, finally, someone is
asking the question at that level. No one has to this point. Now, let's watch a sound video clip of Tucker Carlson.
Appreciate him doing this.
There was a federal moratorium on the funding of exactly the kind of gain of function experiments
that went on in the Wuhan lab to disastrous effects.
So why didn't the U.S. government halt its funding of the lab in Wuhan?
That is a central question.
And Nicholas Wade, to his great credit, looked into it.
And here's what he found.
Quote, someone wrote a loophole into the moratorium.
The moratorium specifically barred funding of any gain-of-function research that increased the pathogenicity of the flu, MERS, or SARS viruses.
But then a footnote on page two of the moratorium document states that, quote, an exception from the research pause may be obtained if the head of the U.S. government funding agency
determines that the research is urgently necessary to protect the public health or national security.
And that's exactly the loophole that was exploited.
Who signed off on this?
Tony Fauci, possibly along with Francis Collins, the director of the NIH,
invoked that special exemption in order to keep funding the Wuhan lab
and the deadly experiments that were going on there.
The experiments that clearly went so wrong.
According to Richard Ebright, quote,
Unfortunately, the NIAID director,
that'd be Fauci, and the NIH director exploited this loophole to issue exemptions to projects
subject to pause, preposterously asserting that the exempted research was, quote,
urgently necessary to protect public health or national security and thereby nullifying the pause. This wouldn't have happened
if Tony Fauci didn't allow it to happen.
That is clear.
It's an amazing story.
It is a shocking story.
In a functional country,
there would be a criminal investigation
currently underway into Tony Fauci's role
in the COVID pandemic that has killed millions
and halted our country and changed it forever.
So why isn't there a criminal investigation into Tony Fauci's role in this pandemic?
All right, so let's walk our audience.
Why isn't there a criminal investigation of Fauci?
All right, so let's walk our audience through this.
What Tucker is saying there, that any funding that would have been released at all
had to have come from at least the
level of Dr. Fauci and perhaps even his boss, Dr. Collins.
And so because there was a moratorium in place, there could be no gain-of-function research
done, unless it was considered critical for the safety of the American people.
National security.
What was the national security issue?
Well, the justification they're trying to make an argument for,
this is what EcoHealth Alliance and even Dr. Fauci has said,
is that to protect the country from a SARS COVID pandemic,
we must look into how the virus could be weaponized,
how it could be translated from coming from a bat into a human.
They actually said they were researching it to protect us, which is crazy.
But what Wuhan did was weaponize it.
And we helped them do it.
And Fauci helped them.
Take that rascal to Guantanamo Bay.
He didn't just help them.
The research that has been covered both by Dr. Rampal and his cross-examination of Dr. Fauci and in that segment is that they were specifically doing something called a no-see-um technique.
In short, the gain-of-function research, the weaponization of the virus, they were going to try to make it look like they hadn't tinkered with it.
It was basically a shadow gain of function addition to the virus.
You remove the human fingerprints.
It looks like it's just a natural virus coming from a wet market in Wuhan.
Fauci's deceptive. That's mild.
Just saying he's deceptive, that's a mild, mild accusation.
I think he's evil.
I think he's downright evil and wicked.
And he needs to be held accountable.
He's a psychopath.
He's a liar and a deceiver. And I don't know anybody other than Rand Paul
that's even coming close to challenging him.
And that was pretty tame for what Fauci deserved.
Well, I don't think even Rand Paul,
many of the senators, I hope,
they're not just being deceptive in the sense
that they're not letting everything they know out there.
But if they really were to take what he just said in that testament, what Rand Paul alleged
to its fullest extent, that is 10 times worse than the Kaplan insurrection or the January 6th
riots or anything that happened during President Trump's presidency. We had two impeachments
over what? Over rumors? This warrants the same level of investigation that we had from Robert Mueller.
Because of Fauci, millions of children in this country have not been in school for a year. Yes, because of Dr. Fauci, the economy has basically tanked.
Because of Fauci, hundreds of thousands of senior citizens in nursing homes died because of Fauci. And because of Dr. Fauci, millions of school children are about to be vaccinated here over
the next few weeks and few months.
We've already seen that there are such adverse reactions among adults.
What is going to be the reaction among children, among the millions of guinea pigs that we're
going to be lining up?
So you know what the psychopath wants now?
I mentioned it yesterday.
He says we should be wearing masks forever.
Just get the people used to it, he said.
A seasonal uniform.
I think the only uniform he needs to be wearing in this season is an orange jumpsuit.
Yeah, that's a good idea.
So, yeah, he says it should should become wearing a mask should become seasonal, meaning every year whenever I, Tony Fauci, declare you should wear a mask, you have to put a mask on.
He wants to be, you know, the virus czar.
And because he's got all this enormous influence right now on the American people.
Look at the power he has exerted in changing the way people live.
Remember he said last year, it's time to end handshaking forever.
The guy's a real psycho.
And there was a time where he said it wasn't necessary to wear a mask.
Remember that?
He certainly didn't think it was necessary. We attended that baseball game. Right. And so this
is the guy that you see on screen right here that has determined the course of your life and
millions of Americans' lives over the past year. There's also a question, we talked about this
months ago, whether the Pentagon provided money to Wuhan.
Yes. So in looking in EcoHealth Alliance's contracts, that's, again, the group run by Dr. Fauci's friends, Peter Daszak.
Now, this group got a $3.7 million grant from the NIH.
But it turns out they also got a $40 million grant from the Pentagon.
Now, the agency inside the Pentagon is called the Defense Threat Reduction Agency.
Their contract started back in 2014, ran up until 2020,
and they were specifically tasked to work with the same PLA military scientists
who work at the Wuhan Virology Institute for gain-of-function research with bat coronavirus.
And in that Washington Times article, they questioned an official at the Pentagon who said,
to the best of our knowledge, we don't think U.S. tax dollars were sent from the Pentagon to Wuhan.
Now, translate that into English for me, Rick.
When somebody says, to the best of our knowledge, and you work at the Pentagon, what does that really mean?
We did it, but we covered it up really good.
And we can't find the tracks anymore.
We covered it up so good that we can't find the documents. The Daily Mail published an article about two weeks ago about the China communist, well, the PLA, the People's Liberation Army involvement at the Wuhan lab.
Listen, if you have a biological research lab, you can be certain that the Chinese military controls it.
I mean, that's not even debatable.
You're producing weapons of mass destruction.
It's a military application, a strategic application.
Of course the military is going to be in charge.
So Fauci participated in research
at a PLA military-directed research lab.
Whose side is he on?
What about the people in the Pentagon?
I'm telling you folks in the U.S.
Pentagon, there are high level military
officials, both uniform and civilian, who
are traitors.
They are working with the China Communist
And I believe that even at the very highest levels of generals,
I believe we have people who have sold us out
and are working secretly with the China Communist Party.
To what end, Rick?
For a new world order.
They really believe the communist utopian dream
that communism will bring equality to the whole world.
But communism isn't about economic fairness.
Communism is about Satanism.
It is a direct attack on God's kingdom and his people. Communism is the political
arm of the Church of Satan, and there are Satanists in the Pentagon at high levels.
Confirmed Satanists and closet Satanists as well.
That's right. That is not a conspiracy theory. There are Satanists in the Pentagon.
That is the Pentagon, the pentagram. Why is it a pentagram?
They could have had a whole bunch of different sides.
It could just be a building.
Why not just a building? Let's go over some of the points that were in the Daily Mail article.
So the first thing the article brought up is the same Chinese doctor that Rand Paul brought up, Shi Zhengli.
Now Shi Zhengli is the Batwoman. That's what her name, her nickname has been given both by Western press, even Australian press, she was working specifically to lead this expedition of PLA
scientists to find viruses from animals that could kill humans.
Now, they were using the Wuhan lab to find specifically animal viruses.
These weren't trying to find viruses in humans, but viruses from animals.
And one of them they honed in on was the bat.
Now, the documents in that Daily Mail article noted that it wasn't
a small scheme run out of Wuhan. It was a nationwide scheme. All the other labs that
China has were reporting to Wuhan. Wuhan became the hive for bioweapons research.
The clearinghouse.
The clearinghouse. And it was launched a decade ago, starting in 2012. Okay?
That's a long time, even well before the NIH.
So all the other labs from around China, they gathered their information.
They reported it back to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, correct?
And in addition to this, their specific mission was to find organisms that can infect humans.
That's according to documents now available.
They also were developing a vaccine at the same time.
So they were finding the viruses,
making them a weapon,
making them a weapon against humans,
and then they were developing the antidote.
Antidote for themselves.
For their people, for themselves.
So the bioweapons lab that Dr. Fauci ended up
giving money to EcoHealth to work with, if Dr. Fauci consulted with a Pentagon, consulted with anyone in the defense industry, he would have known.
This was a military lab. There's no excuse there. But obviously, this isn't about ignorance.
Dr. Fauci was clearly doing more than just trying to defend America from a SARS COVID outbreak.
He was working hand in hand with the Chinese military.
Guantanamo Bay.
I don't know what else to say.
And I'm very serious about this.
But do you notice there's no outrage in the U.S. government?
The Justice Department, the Pentagon, the CIA, the U.S. government? None. The Justice Department, the Pentagon,
the CIA, the FBI.
There can only be two explanations.
They're as dumb as a bag of rocks.
Which should frighten
the daylights out of you.
Or guilty as Judas.
Or they're as guilty as Judas.
Which should certainly frighten the daylights out of you.
Or both. a combination of
both. No outrage. There's no outrage. There's no outrage in the American people. You can show them,
here's the facts, look at this. The news media will argue with you. Well, the news media is
working for the China Communist Party. Why would they be critical of the Chinese communists? They won't be.
They go on junkets paid for by the Chinese Communist Party.
So obviously, we're not the only ones that have been looking into these connections.
National Review has an article now by one of their writers, Josh Rogin, who
just a couple of weeks ago made an appearance on Joe Rogin's show, but they're not related to each
other, where he made the connection between Dr. Fauci and EcoHealth Alliance and that he showed
that Dr. Fauci had to have approved the financing to EcoHealth Alliance.
He wasn't in the dark about it.
He couldn't say, well, that money's going to EcoHealth Alliance.
I don't know what they're doing over there with it.
He couldn't say that at all.
He was directly responsible and knew what the purpose of the funding was,
what EcoHealth Alliance was using it for, and who their partners were.
The Wuhan Institute of Virology.
It goes back to the questioning with Senator Rand Paul.
Fauci was deliberately deceptive in his evasive answers to Senator Paul.
Well, another thing that fascist Fauci said was Israel is leading the way.
The model.
The model.
We should look to Israel and do what Israel does.
Well, you know, he got a million dollar check from Israel.
And so he got the instruction.
And so he got the reward.
He sure did.
So Haaretz reported Israel prepares. This is today's newspaper. Israel prepares to vaccinate children ages 12 to 15. All right. So now let's go to if that's Israel. Let's look at the United States. So the next one, Wired magazine, U.S. teens can get the COVID shot.
What goes on in Israel happens in America.
We take our lead from there.
I mean, after all, look, they vaccinated their entire population.
They're doing great.
Now we're vaccinating kids, too.
But do the kids actually need the vaccine? And I don't even like using the word vaccine because it's not
a vaccine. It's a symptom suppressant. But the question is, we're not having an outbreak of
COVID among teenagers, Rick. It's not happening. No, no. Even even the scam artists are admitting
there's no pandemic happening among kids or teens. Well, why are they getting vaccines? There is an interesting quote in the Wired magazine about the upcoming campaign to vaccinate
Monica Gandhi from the Infectious Disease, she's an expert in this field for UC San Francisco.
She said it's not about vaccine against the disease, but your fear of the disease.
Said it's been a barrier for middle and high school students, not because schools aren't safe, but because of the perception that they aren't.
So the idea here is they're trying to get kids to come back to school, right?
To get the parents to get their kids to go back to school.
But now the perception is, well, it's not safe.
This is her reasoning, not my reasoning.
So you're going to vaccinate their brain?
Well, that's one way to put it.
Yes, they are vaccinating their brain.
Maybe not put the needle there, but the information is there.
I can tell you why the kids aren't in school.
Fauci, the CDC, and teacher unions.
Yes. That's why kids aren't in school. Fauci, the CDC, and teacher unions.
That's why kids aren't in school.
Fauci, the CDC, and teacher unions.
Teachers unions across the country have been fighting desperately to keep kids out of school.
Now think about that.
Teachers don't want to teach. But we're being told the real reason the children aren't in school,
it's not that the teachers union is refusing to come back.
It's not that Fauci and the CDC say schools should be closed.
It's because the children are afraid.
And the solution is to vaccinate the little kids and they'll go back to school. No, the kids aren't in school because the teachers unions won't open up the schools.
Do something about the teachers union.
You don't have to vaccinate the kids.
But you know what the teachers unions are doing?
They're holding the line.
They're holding the line.
They're holding the line and keeping the schools closed.
That's their job.
Keep the schools closed.
Keep the schools closed.
What are we going to do to reopen the schools?
We've got to vaccinate the kids.
Well, the kids aren't getting sick.
Their minds need vaccinated.
Because that is exactly what she said.
This is demonic.
The whole thing is demonic.
Everything that's coming down about COVID, this whole thing is demonic. The whole thing is demonic. Everything that's coming down about COVID,
this whole thing is demonic. So we have a lot of parents that are watching this, Rick.
Moms and dads out there, they've got little kids, they've got teenagers, they've got kids 12 to 15.
Right now, kids as young as 12 can get the Pfizer vaccine right now. Today, they can get it. What
would you say to moms and dads out there right now
of teenagers that are even just casually watching right now? No, no, don't do it.
Don't do it. I don't know what else to say to people. We've told you enough we've been telling you for a year what else do we have to say
what else do we have to say
to people
stop your relatives from being vaccinated
plead with them
I don't know what to do
I'm telling you
I am going by God's grace
I am going to survive
the genocide I'm going to survive the genocide.
Now, I'm going to survive the genocide.
There are parents out there that are making the decision to get their kids vaccinated.
Unfortunately, it's happening, right?
So we have a story here.
This is out of Utah here.
This is out of Draper, Utah. So a Draper teenager hospitalized, listening to this, with blood
clots after a COVID-19 vaccine shot. So we're going to watch a soundbite here from a local
news report there in Utah. But the gist of the story is this. This mother, concerned about
coronavirus. She had her teenage son, a star basketball player,
6'9 teenager. He's a big kid.
And, you know,
he's, you know,
she wants him protected, right? Because
that's the party line. You do
want to protect your kids, don't you?
6'9 in high school?
I didn't see a 6'9 kid,
but one of the reporters said that, so
they might measure things differently in Utah.
So he was afraid to go to school.
It wasn't safe to go to school, so mom said get vaccinated.
He got vaccinated, and he gets blood clots.
Yes, and we've seen the stories on the blood clots before.
Let's watch this sound bite.
This is from ABC4 Utah.
Watch this story.
He's a 17-year-old, as healthy as you could ever imagine.
At 6'9", he plays basketball for Cornier Canyon High.
So the question is this. How did someone that she says had no underlying health conditions,
was extremely healthy, end up in the ICU with a number of blood clots in and around his brain.
Everything we're about to tell you is based on what his mother told me over a Zoom call just minutes ago.
Let's talk about the timeline here.
On April 21st, 17-year-old Everest Romney got his vaccine shot.
This was his first shot.
The next day, he complained of a sore neck, had swelling in his neck.
A few days later, Everest couldn't even move his neck because of the swelling without literally putting his hands on his cheeks or on his
head to move his neck. Now, the pediatrician told Everest's mother that he thought it could
be a pulled neck muscle from all the basketball that Everest plays. He plays a high contact
sport and, you know, looking back, his mother acknowledges maybe this shot could have caused
some kind of inflammation
that was exacerbated by the competitive basketball that Everest plays.
But let's get back to that timeline.
At the time, his mother knew the swelling, those constant headaches, even a developing fever.
It had to be something she knew.
But the pediatrician prescribed antibiotics, she says, a neck brace for a possible pulled muscle.
Meantime, Everest, he just kept playing basketball.
And then the migraine started.
His mother finally got him a CT scan.
Then she got another one ordered on his head.
And that is when doctors found out he had two blood clots inside his brain, another on the outside of his brain.
The hardest thing was I let him get that shot.
And he was healthy and well before.
And I was doing my best.
And I thought it was the right thing to do.
And I don't want to discourage any parents from not doing that.
But you can't help but question it when it all goes wrong.
Dum de dum dum.
Her son got dunked on by the Communist Party.
Yes, her son, she allowed her son to get vaccinated.
I don't know what that means.
You're the mother.
You're the mother. You're the mother.
Supposed to protect your child.
I mean, does that mean somebody was pressuring her son
to get vaccinated and she consented?
Probably the school system, probably the basketball coach.
Probably Dr. Fauci on TV.
So she abdicated her responsibility as a mother. She abdicated her responsibility as a mother.
And she abdicated her responsibility as a mother and allowed her son to be vaccinated with this experimental vaccine,
which if anybody would just get off their rear end and do some research, would see stories about blood clots, instant death, paralysis, all kinds of problems.
Then her son gets blood clots and she says, I don't want to discourage anybody from getting vaccinated.
He's just playing basketball too hard.
Dumb, dumb, dumb.
Your son almost died and you don't want to discourage anybody from being from also dying
i don't want to do with people the stupid i honestly i don't know what to say i don't
know what to do it's stupidity at a level i can't cope with and they're making the decisions on their
own like we try to tell them we try to warn them. They've got all the facts in front of them.
For example, the mom there, Sherry Romney,
said she'd already looked at some of the things.
That's how she thought maybe it is the vaccine.
She heard it, she recommended it.
But look, Dr. Gregg, there are doctors who have come out also.
What about the pediatrician?
Never even thought it was the vaccine.
Never occurred to him or her that it was a vaccine.
Let's put a little neck brace on it.
Yeah, it's playing basketball.
That's what's caused this problem.
If basketball doesn't cause blood clots.
But they did try to blame the basketball, didn't they?
They sure did.
And if they'd had their druthers, they'd ban basketball.
Because it's causing blood clots.
The medical industry bows down to the pharmaceutical industry and licks their boots.
It's sad.
So many doctors and nurses, it is pathetic what you people do in paying homage to the pharmaceutical industry.
You've lost your independence as a health care provider.
You've become prostitutes, pharmaceutical prostitutes.
That is a shame. Doctors and nurses prostituting for pharmacia.
Pharmacia. What is pharmacia, Doc? That is witchcraft, really, in Revelation. I mean, it ties it in the book of Revelation.
The writer tied pharmacia with the sin of witchcraft.
Well, I mean, there's an example.
Young man, I hope he recovers.
Maybe Fauci will send him a get well card.
Make him wear a mask for a year. Yeah. But we got highly educated surgeons.
Yes, retired Army doctors.
Dr. Thomas Flanagan being one, in his late 40s, out of Ohio.
Well, he's dead now.
They won't say what killed him, but he sure had a lot to say before his death.
He even had his friends pre-write
his obituary for him. He wrote his own obituary? Yes. He and his friends conspired together to say,
we want to make sure if I did die, that would never happen, that I at least have a funny exit.
But in his obituary, he had a little mention about the Church of Tom, referring again to
him, Thomas Flanagan,
he said, it's closed for business, but please continue to worship me,
light candles and send money.
Before his death... Oh, wow, he's a real...
Yeah, literally called people to worship him.
Before his death, he had a different gospel.
It was the gospel of attack on anyone who criticized the vaccine.
Thomas Flanagan said that, hey, I've got a microchip working in
me. It's working just fine. My mind is slowly being taken over by the hive mind. We're just
fine. Resistance is futile. This is after his first shot. After this, he started saying, well,
I feel like I can hear the radio now. He made all these jokes. He's a mocker. He's a mocker.
He's a dead mocker. He's a dead mocker. He's a dead mocker. What happened
to him? He's dead. And they won't say what killed him. Mysterious cause of death. A doctor. A mocker. After two Moderna shots, Moderna messenger RNA that changes your DNA.
Doc, this is strange what we're witnessing.
You know, when you see something like this, you see these mockers like this.
When people are trying to stand up for truth and trying to get information out to people,
and then doctors like this come out and mock.
You know, the Bible speaks about mockers.
It says, knowing this, first of all, that mockers will come in the last days.
With mocking.
They'll come, you'll know the mockers.
They'll be mocking, following their own sinful desires.
Well, he followed him.
And specifically mocking the warning of judgment on man's sin.
That's what it's, Peter refers to that message from the mockers.
They will mock those who are warning of divine judgment on the human race for sin against God.
And so he had a mocking spirit.
But he's dead.
I'm not going to feel sorry.
I don't feel sorry.
I'm not.
I'm just at a place.
I'm seeing such.
I'm seeing stupidity.
I'm seeing rebellion, mocking, outright defiance.
And I'm going to survive the genocide.
That's that's my prayer request.
My life is in the Lord's hands. He can take me anytime he wants to. I have no say in it. But my intention is to survive the genocide because
there is a global genocide taking place right now. And it is being orchestrated by the China Communist Party that has 1.4 billion people that they want to feed and house.
That's the truth.
That's where we're at right now.
And General Hao Tian, really the godfather of China's biowarfare program, said in his retirement speech that America is that new home.
It has all the land that China could need.
We mentioned these stories. The odd side effects have caught the eye. They've caught the news.
And they've come from what we're being told is a bioweapon. They keep getting told it's just a
regular virus. It makes sense that you'd have these weird side effects. We don't know if all
these side effects are real, but people are certainly talking about them.
One weird one that has been popping up.
Several videos along this line.
We're going to show you one here.
Is the site of injection being magnetized?
All right.
Have you seen this yet, Rick?
I did watch it just before it came out.
I had to see.
I watched it just to make sure.
I didn't want us showing something that
was ridiculous or propaganda. Yeah. And we again, we don't know if this video is valid,
if it's not just a staged event. We actually implore if you've had the vaccination,
why don't you test it and send us a video? But don't get the vaccination. Yes, of course.
Yes. It's only if you are making that decision to get this.
But those who have gotten have started trying to attach magnets to their arm.
And this was reportedly the result.
Here's a magnet.
This is the arm I've got the Pfizer shot in.
And there it is. Come is come closer into my arm that's where i got the shot
and here's the magnet on the arm i didn't get the shot
you go figure it out we're tricked we're all vaccine they're like leaving the needle in your arm or like leaving some sort of metal in your
arm i recently just got the covid vaccine like last month and i wanted to try it out and see
if that was true so i have a magnet here it's an actual magnet i just got it off my fridge
this is the arm i got the covid vaccine on so i'm going to see if the magnet sticks to my arm and if it does then what I heard is true.
So I got the vaccine somewhere like back here.
No, you're kidding. It like, if I slide it down, it stops right there.
Like I can feel it.
Let's just leave it.
Put your arm down at the side.
There's something genetic in our arm.
They put something in our arm.
I don't know dude.
I don't know what the hell's going on.
That was the negative there.
Yeah, you see that?
You're going to have to flip it.
I know, but you can see it pushing.
You can see it pushing.
You can see it pushing, and can see it pushing. And then...
And it stays.
And then you flip it.
It wants to push away.
It kind of wants to stick.
It's weird, it almost wants to stick on the bottom side.
It pushes,
but then when you get a little higher it wants to stick
it's still pushing but then flip it over
you got chipped yes you did. Bye. Bye.
I got the Pfizer shot in.
And there it is.
Come closer.
Sticking to my arm.
That's where I got the shot.
And here's the magnet on the arm.
I didn't get the shot.
You go figure it out. We're chipped. We're all f***ed.
It's not taped. It's not glued.
This is where I got my shot at.
COVID-19 vaccination record card.
I didn't like what I saw at the end.
When they gave me the needle, I didn't see any needle come out.
And it wasn't there.
So I said, what the f*** is that?
Oh, nothing. It's retractable.
So I go metal detecting and I got this metal detector device right here that will detect metal.
Even small pieces because that's what it's used for. So I'm going to check my arm for a second,
see if I can detect anything in here. Give me a minute, I'm doing this myself so it isn't
quite as easy as I thought. what the
tear it off
what the
what do you think about that
covid chat
why does it Why does it
Why does it feel like a needle going in me
when that magnet goes across it?
I can tell
Something's not right.
Now it's here.
I mean, why does it feel like a needle going in me? Kevin, don't touch it, please.
Go in there and do Robert's thing.
So what is the next thing the public could be shamed into getting? I want to move on to the
microchip, which senses COVID-19 in your body before symptoms and filters the virus from the
blood before. It's being developed by the Pentagon.
Your thoughts on this?
Yeah, so, you know, all the conspiracy theorists out there, right,
who went around saying, hey, they're creating this microchip
and it's going to be inserted into your body.
It's going to come with the vaccine.
And all these folks in the media were like, oh, you people are crazy.
There's no microchip.
Then the Pentagon comes out and says, hey, actually, we have a microchip.
So here's what's fascinating about this.
I actually am releasing a podcast about this today that's pretty lengthy in detail.
But what's important is that the government agency, DARPA, right, that does these defense advanced research projects,
is the one that actually developed this particular microchip that they say, oh, it won't track you. And all it's
going to do is tell you if you have COVID symptoms. Well, guess what? My body can also tell me if I
have COVID symptoms. Well, it's a fascinating series of videos there. Once again, I haven't
been able to verify this because I don't know people that have been vaccinated. And so I don't have a magnet to test it on them.
But it is something to think about here.
You saw a variety of different people there.
And Rick, there are literally hundreds of videos like this out there.
This is just a few.
I get a little concerned sometimes.
You know how it is after a tornado hits a town,
they find the most interesting people to interview after a tornado and everything. And that kind of heard
the train, right? Uh, it, it seems like they did the same thing here, but there's something going
on. Um, they didn't leave a needle in your arm. Okay. The knee, there's not a needle there. You
would know if a needle was still in your arm or not. so that's that's not it you know it didn't break off a piece of a needle you heard that
uh you know mentioned in this something else is going on in this process and did you notice as
well gentlemen that a couple times the magnet flipped yes i mean it didn't just stick it would
actually flip over and so uh that could mean that there's a polarity to whatever is going on.
I don't know if it's real or not, but I know people that have found devices under their skin that they've had removed.
And that's I've seen that. So what's going on, Rick?
What are your thoughts on this? Well, I would just ask to get pastoral counseling from Robert Jeffers or Franklin Graham.
First Baptist Dallas is going to be open this weekend for free vaccinations.
So go on down to church, bring your magnet and the kids and let's get everybody vaccinated and let's test it and see if it works.
So are you going to keep listening to preachers like T.D. Jakes?
John Hagee, Robert Jeffress, Franklin Graham, Jensen Franklin.
I go down the whole list of your famous TV preachers.
Are you going to keep listening to them, continue sending them money,
or are you going to listen to me and support us?
That's what you've got to decide. Because we're telling you the truth.
And they're deceiving you.
I don't know what else to say.
I pretty much have said everything I've...
I'm at the place in my life where I'm just repeating myself.
And you know, I bet a lot of those people
that had the magnet stuck to their arm...
You have an uncle, an old uncle just kept repeating himself.
I had to keep interrupting him so I'd change the subject too.
That's where I'm at, Doc.
I wouldn't say you're repeating yourself.
Yeah, I am.
I'm repeating myself.
You do say the statements again because you care about the people who keep ignoring it.
Honestly, if we have listeners who are sitting there saying,
well, I still think I might go get that vaccine shot so I can go back to school.
Those same people there with the magnet on their arm, they're probably going,
I'm not telling you not to get the vaccine, but there's a magnet
here on my arm. They're laughing about it. It's like some kind of funny thing. Do you want to have
a magnet on your arm too? Yeah. They're not even worried about it. Look, it's real. I'm on the
internet right now. I got a magnet on my arm. Yeah, I'm on TikTok. Oh, well, Chinese are laughing. Yes, they're laughing.
They're laughing because they're looking at all the free farmland they're going to pick up here pretty soon.
Back to our
Chinese lab bioweapon. America's not the only one
asking questions about the origins of coronavirus. The Canadians are, too.
Specifically, there has been a tie in Canada. one asking questions about the origins of coronavirus. The Canadians are too. And specifically,
there has been a tie in Canada, their own bioweapons lab in Winnipeg that had a very interesting firing before the announcement of the pandemic. Now, there was a parliamentary hearing
this week and the subject of two Canadian scientists of Chinese descent came up. They were fired mysteriously in July 2019 for trying to smuggle materials from that lab to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
This is the same lab that Dr. Fauci gave millions to through a grant.
This is the same lab that is the epicenter now of the investigation about the origin.
Well, in Canada, they're wondering, how does the Winnipeg level
four bioweapons lab play into this now? Now, Rick, the same thing's happening in Canada,
though. If you dare bring this up, regardless of your party, you're called a conspiracy theorist.
One of the lawmakers, a conservative MP, Michael Truong, brought up the firing,
and he was told that he needs to not bring up or peddle conspiracy theories
and that the experts, they were fired for national security reasons
that aren't relevant to the current investigation or the pandemic.
Wait, they were fired for national security reasons?
National security reasons.
All right, so tell us the reasons.
It's classified.
Oh, okay.
But here's some cat memes.
Here's some more videos you can laugh about with magnets.
Now, there's some serious things to discuss today, and especially in Canada, where, remember, Canada,
the ground zero for persecution of the Christian church, forcing the first church in North America underground.
You can't ask about the origin of what's caused the lockdown for those closures.
One final story I think we ought to talk about before we turn out the lights and go home today.
Last week, the Facebook Oversight Committee, didn't that sound important?
Sounds official, even.
The Oversight Committee.
I mean, it sounds like Congress has oversight committees.
Facebook has an oversight committee. Well, they decreed that
Donald Trump's ban would stay in effect for now.
They're so pompous, they called this their Supreme Court. Mark Zuckerberg
referred to this as the Supreme Court for Facebook. So he is a
government. Facebook is a government. So look at this little article from National
Pulse. Facebook Oversight Board co-chairperson
headline, Top Chinese Communist Party
Influence Groups Conference. That's a mouthful there. So the
co-chairperson of Facebook's Oversight Board. Right. Is the
woman in pink there?
The woman, of course, should be pink.
I thought she'd be wearing red.
No, she's got to kind of conceal her communism.
Communist light.
So she was the headliner,
the person who starred at a conference that was sponsored by a group
that promotes the China Communist Party agenda.
Yes, tied to United Front, the leading propaganda organization for the Communist Party.
The one that Stacey Abrams works with.
John Podesta, too. Hillary Clinton's campaign.
Every good card-carrying Communist member would be working for it.
This is also the group that funded the junkets Doc brought up for journalists like Farid
Zakaria of CNN.
Well, the woman there is no small collaborator.
She's actually the former prime minister of Denmark, Helle Thorning-Schmidt.
And this headlining event wasn't even in Denmark, Canada, other places.
It was in Beijing.
She actually went to a communist conference to get our marching orders
before now being brought on to Facebook's Supreme Court to censor you and I
if we dare talk about everything we mentioned in this show.
Facebook can't get rid of porn.
Twitter can't get rid of porn.
Child porn.
Facebook can't do it. Twitter can't do it. But they can get rid of Donald Trump Twitter can't get rid of porn. Child porn. Facebook can't do it.
Twitter can't do it.
But they can get rid of Donald Trump.
They can get rid of true news.
But a lot of so-called patriots and conservatives,
they can't get rid of their Facebook account.
Get off the plantation, folks.
They're going to harvest you.
They own you.
I dare you. Cancel your account.
The hogs in the hog lot. Come on. Cancel. Cancel your account at Facebook. Stop using YouTube.
Stop it. Stop using YouTube. I dare you. The hogs in the hog lot think that the farmer is
wonderful for the free corn. Until you cancel your stop using YouTube, until you shut down your Facebook account, your Twitter account, until you do that,
I don't want to hear nothing from you about how you are resisting and how you are standing for freedom and how you're trying to win back America.
I don't want to hear any of it.
You keep doing that stuff, using YouTube, Facebook, Twitter.
You're all talk.
I'm done.
I'm done.
I'm done with people that are all talk.
I'm not going to sit here and just continue to say the same stuff over and over and over
to people that don't change.
They don't change.
You've been taken over.
You've been captured.
Your mind has been captured.
I told people 10 years ago, they're going to capture your mind.
Disconnect from the matrix.
You know, the amount of time people spend on Facebook,
you know, the time would be better spent praying.
How about you develop a relationship with the Lord
or strengthen your existing relationship?
You make a real difference there.
People gripe about Facebook censorship and YouTube censorship, and yet you spend hours on those platforms.
Talking about it.
Going on chat and talking about censorship, censorship.
Okay, shut them down.
Stop using them.
They're laughing at you.
They're laughing at you because you're addicted to their platforms.
And they designed their platforms to make you addicted.
They were deliberately designed to create addictive behavior in you.
They preyed on the American people and the people of the world.
And, you know, people who spend the time on these platforms
feeding them information, training their AIs.
Again, some of these machines, the censorship is being done automatically now.
Keep putting your family photographs on Facebook
and let their AI capture images of your family.
That's all going into databases.
They get your children's photographs.
This is all being fed into a massive database.
All of your family activity,
the things you do, the things you like, all that,
it's all going into artificial intelligence.
You're just putting it there.
You're doing it voluntarily.
You're feeding the beast.
You're conforming to the image of the beast.
So if you're unwilling to shut it down, don't send me an email telling me how much you're
standing for American freedom because it's all a bunch of phooey. You're not doing anything if you're unwilling to shut down the social media accounts.
They are the tech tyrants. And there's only one
thing you should do to tyrants.
Cut them off. Cut them down.
And these tech platforms, Rick, they can distract us.
Distract us even from seeing the fulfillment of our prayers.
One prayer, before we close, I wanted to share, has been a major success story.
A former True News guest, a woman that you brought on the program specifically,
at a time no one would speak to her, Maria Farmer.
Oh yeah, how's Maria doing?
Well, she's surviving and thriving.
She just went through a surgery for blood clots Maria doing? Well, she's surviving and thriving.
She just went through a surgery for blood clots in her brain, and she's beat it.
Tell those who don't know who Maria Farmer is.
Maria Farmer is the reason you know about Jeffrey Epstein.
Maria Farmer was the first victim to go to the FBI,
and the most vocal to force both an arrest of Jeffrey Epstein and now Ghislaine Maxwell. Her trial, mind you, is actually on the set for November 29th.
Maria Farmer and her sister will be key witnesses in that case, and now they have a key testimony for their faith. This is a
tweet that Maria Farmer put out yesterday announcing
that she has been saved, saved from this blood clot.
Right. It says, thanks to the prayers and works by Steve Hoffenberg and real Edwards all, Maria has
been saved by the team at the hospital.
Without them, she would not have the life-saving heart surgery she needs.
Thank you both from the bottom of our hearts.
And she specifically mentioned Edward there.
And so, and Edward's been in communication with Ms. Farmer for quite a while.
And it's been an ongoing relationship and seeing her open up more over time.
And we're blessed to have been a part.
She's been a very brave warrior, fighter against the Epstein
crime cabal
even as she has had to
battle cancer.
Now heart surgery as well.
So God bless you
Maria. God bless you Edward
for staying alongside there
with her and offering prayer.
Just doing our job.
Edward, he does that with guests.
It doesn't matter who it is.
He'll just, so can I pray with you?
Can I pray for you?
Before we do an interview, can I pray?
That's Edward's first instinct.
And so Edward's first instinct is always the Lord,
not the news.
And so.
That's right.
Matt Scowl does the same thing when he's out on the road,
when he interviews people.
He goes, we're going to pray first. And even if the person says, well, I'm an atheist, that's okay. We're going to pray.
We'll pray.
We're going to watch.
Greg, did you want to say anything before we close on that?
No, thank you.
Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
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