TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - HIV Research Pioneer Luc Montagnier Warns Vaccines Are Causing New Pandemic

Episode Date: May 24, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall provides the latest in the global response to the COVID plandemic, including bribing kids with free ice cream if they take the vaccine. The team also looks at a re...cent interview w Nobel Prize winner AIDS pioneer Luc Montagnier, who passionately argues that the RNA vaccine is creating mutant variants meant to produce extreme symptoms and death. Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 5/24/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Monday, May 24th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The poll is in. Half of non-mask-wearing Americans have no plans to get vaccinated. According to a new study commissioned by the Kaiser Family Foundation, 50% of sane Americans who found the courage and common sense to continue running, dancing, and eating without a face diaper
Starting point is 00:00:59 have said they will definitely not submit to a shot, even if it's mandatory. House Speaker Pelosi wasn't happy about that, especially if House members joined the St. Janes not submitting to Chancellor Fauci. In a speech to members, Pelosi said unvaccinated and unmasked congressmen shouldn't come anywhere near her gavel on the floor of the People's House and should instead vote from the back of the bus or the gallery as they call it on Capitol Hill. Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene told Pelosi to take her vax mandate back to
Starting point is 00:01:33 Nazi Germany. Representative Greene said the unscientific litmus test to serve her constituents was akin to slapping gold stars on the arms of Jews before the Holocaust. She added that millions of Americans will not stand by and be treated like second-class citizens and be taken to the gas chamber. But undeterred, Democrat leaders are trying different strategies to lure the sane to poisoned water. In Maryland, for example, the Department of Correctional Services is offering snack packs as prizes for getting vaccinated. That's right. You can claim a cookie if you roll the dice with a COVID shot. But unfortunately, you won't get a discount on your casket.
Starting point is 00:02:15 Oddly, Maryland is dealing with a COVID outbreak in a Baltimore City jail running this program. The state of Georgia is also offering justice jabs, with counties in northeast Atlanta and Gainesville offering to flash community service sentences, flash them to nothing in half for inmates if they take the plunge. In New York, vaccinated residents will get to gamble more than their life as the Empire State begins a new lottery program called the Vaccine Scratch. You get the shot, hopefully survive, and you get a $20 lottery ticket and a 0.00001% chance at $5 million, which you help pay for. Just north of Cuomo's kingdom, Canada has set their eyes on children and forget the parents they hope to lure kids in for free vaccines without guardian
Starting point is 00:03:05 consent. It's plain you're going to have a kind of every single one of you. Every single one of you. Every one of you. I'm inviting you now to join us to stop this happening.
Starting point is 00:03:21 Right now. What's the oath that you took to serve and protect? And now you're letting children line up Hey, rise up. We are at Nathan Phillips Square. We're at the pop-up vaccine clinic. There's stuff going in those kids' bodies. And the police have just told us that we are not allowed to be on the Nathan Phillips Square property. So we're out on the sidewalk now. You're not doing the right for you. We're trying to speak to the police.
Starting point is 00:03:51 I told you before. We are mothers and we are pissed off. We are not moving. This is our baby. You are with our baby. We are mothers moving. This is our baby. You are f***ing with our baby. We are mothers. We are fathers. The strike of parenthood has taken over us and we are not moving.
Starting point is 00:04:12 I'm telling you guys spreading the truth of what is going on over there. That's it. We are pissed. We are at our end. We have been respectful with you. We have been patient with you. We have tried to guide you to the f***ing light. But now you are messing with our f***ing children and that is not okay.
Starting point is 00:04:32 You want to arrest all of us? Arrest all of us. You want to beat us to the ground? Beat us to the f***ing ground. This is our children and we will not back down. We will not back down. You don't scare me. You don't intimidate me. I have the strength of four children in my soul. You don't scare me. You want to be cowards and punks. And you want to stand here while all those babies get this vaccine. And now you're on you.
Starting point is 00:04:59 I have the strength of children inside my soul. And for that, as a mother, I am not moving. No, that's enough. Not doing this anymore, no. No, you f***ed up the wrong generation. My children, my children are in harm. My children, your children, whether or not you have the capacity to understand this,
Starting point is 00:05:24 your children, enough or not you have the capacity to understand this, your children, enough. Amen, sister. Now that's the truth. Keep your ice cream and your tyranny and stay away from our kids. But they can't resist targeting the children, and they're starting to say the private part publicly. What happens when vaccine incentives aren't enough? Bloomberg believes compulsory shots are the answer. That means forced inoculation globally. And if that wasn't proof enough of the growing pandemic police state, Colorado has decided to turn to a counterterrorism expert to advise how to conquer the minds of resistors.
Starting point is 00:06:06 Clint Watts is the hired needle and a West Point grad, and he believes that it may take an army to conquer vaccine misinformation, or facts, as the sane call it, and he wants to be that army's intelligence officer. Mr. Watts may have to start with the CDC, as our Chief Agency for Disease Control has announced they will publicly begin altering data about test results, advising down to the state level to limit their submissions for possible breakthrough infections. In practice, the new CDC COVID reporting policy will no longer count anyone who has symptoms or infections if they have already been vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:06:43 Instead, they would just put that down in the vaccinated category. For those who have not been vaccinated, if you experience symptoms or report illness, you will be counted as a positive case. The result, as vaccination rates go up, it will automatically seem that infection rates have plummeted because like the mask, the vaccine gives an invisible immunity to those who have submitted. But it's only evident on Fauci's scorecard. Joining me to discuss this new season of the pandemic and more is my co-host, Doc Burkhart. That last story that you had there, Edward, I mean, it tells, you know, exactly how they plan to fudge the numbers in the future.
Starting point is 00:07:23 It lays out. All right, they've told you for months now, if you've got the vaccine, you won't get the virus. And then they started having people who had the vaccine, the double shot, and they were getting the virus. And so now rather than address people getting the virus, they'll just say, oh, it doesn't count because they've been vaccinated, even though they have all the symptoms of coronavirus and have coronavirus. Which shouldn't happen, right? That's right. The point of the vaccine, at least the rumors, because if you ask them officially, they'll tell you the vaccination doesn't stop you from getting COVID.
Starting point is 00:07:59 It's not the point. The point is officially to lower the symptoms. That's right. The hospitalizations of people, if you do get it. But that's not the point. The point is officially to lower the symptoms. That's right. The hospitalizations of people, if you do get it. But that's not the rumor. The rumor that they love to fuel, they're not going to address this misinformation, is that it makes you immune. You're now cured. You're now free. That's not it. And honestly, they don't like to talk about the side effects and the deaths that they themselves are reporting through VAERS. Right, because the premise, of course, is that if they've got vaccines and people are getting coronavirus and the vaccines don't work, right? Well, we can't have that cell going off, so we've
Starting point is 00:08:35 got to just change the report. And so if you did that in bookkeeping, they'd throw you in jail for fraud. Well, Doug, before we get too far ahead, do you mind giving an update on Rick? Yeah. Rick and Susan last week moved into a new home away from the city and away from town a little bit. And so they moved in a bunch of their items last week. In fact, they officially moved in this past weekend, a beautiful home, and buy some water. And Rick loves water.
Starting point is 00:09:08 And so they are at home right now, and they are still taking care of all the stuff it takes to get settled in a new home. If you've ever moved, you know it takes a few days to do that. So he hasn't disappeared. He certainly hasn't been raptured. And so he'll be back soon, and he'll be able to give an update. Asked me to tell you he thinks about the True News audience all the time and he's fully confident in everything Edward's doing and so just wanted to pass that on.
Starting point is 00:09:39 Hey, keep praying for our ministry, keep praying for Rick and Susan all the time and ask for the Lord to continue to open great doors for us here, as He always does. But we want to give you an update on Rick, because several of you have emailed or you've asked online. That's what's happening. And we'll give you more updates as the week progresses as well. Amen? Amen.
Starting point is 00:10:00 Well, one of the big stories that we've caught on the subject of the pandemic this past week is the subject of the impact of the vaccinations. Now, I think for most of us who are out and about and we have work at a big office, you're starting to see something weird. People are coming down with weird coughs, infections, other things like that. And we keep hearing this rumor. We're told there's misinformation. Don't believe the things you're seeing. The shots are creating a new wave of variants. Those who've been vaccinated that are actually creating frankenstrains, which are causing weird symptoms, weird diseases, viruses among us. And up until about the past week, there wasn't any big name scientists, especially not
Starting point is 00:10:48 someone who won a Nobel Prize, who can come out and credit that too. Well, this past week, a very famous French virologist, Professor Luc Montagnier, he came out and said just that, the vaccines are creating variants. Right. So up until now, what we've basically been told the party line is that if the unvaccinated are creating new variants, right? But this French virologist, and Edward will tell you more about who he is and why his statement is so powerful. He's saying it's not the unvaccinated that are creating variants,
Starting point is 00:11:26 but the people who are actually vaccinated. In fact, those that are double dosed actually have a greater potential to create stronger variants than even those who have just been dosed one time. But Edward, tell our audience, who is this doctor? Who is this researcher? Who is this researcher?
Starting point is 00:11:45 Why is his name important? He is a Nobel Prize winner, so obviously he's got some credentials, but people may not know who this gentleman is in particular. Yes, so before the 80s, especially in the young 80s, this man, Professor Montagnier, had already made a name for himself in science. He'd studied at the Pasteur Institute in France, notably for discovery of disease and infection and addressing of it. But in the 80s, he picked up a new challenge, and it was the challenge of addressing AIDS. Now, he was among scientists like Dr. Judy Mikovits, a scientist who had the program last year,
Starting point is 00:12:27 and you'll be hearing from her later in the program, that wanted to try to learn a little bit more about what was causing this supposed AIDS epidemic, especially on the homosexual population. Well, Dr. Luc Montier, he actually was the first scientist to isolate the HIV virus. And he received the Nobel Prize for that particular research. Yes, he did, in 2008. And his work actually was picked up by Judy Mikovits, the famed doctor behind the plandemic, and led to work with the NIH.
Starting point is 00:12:56 Dr. Fauci really stole the baton there, stole the credit through Dr. Gallo and his work. And that's how Dr. Fauci has gotten a position he is today. But this is the man. If we talk about HIV, you're talking about it because of Professor Montagnier. Okay. So now this article in Great Game India, it's laying out the case by Dr. Montagnier that the people that have received the vaccination, and especially those who have received the second dose of the vaccination,
Starting point is 00:13:27 the premise of his argument is, and this is based upon his research and his observation, is that they are creating the various strains of the virus that are now floating out in the world. So if you hear about the U.K. strain or the South African strain or the Puxatawney strain or whatever it might be. Well, the vaccinated strain. Right. Then you're talking about that being created as a result of the vaccination. Now, Edward has found an interview with Dr. Montagnier, and we're going to have to help it out a little bit here because it's not in English. And so we're going to do a little of the legwork ourselves and helping you to explain what he's saying. So yes, so the interview is in French.
Starting point is 00:14:11 It was done approximately three weeks ago now. It has certainly been caught by many alternative, let's say non-establishment media outlets. They are playing small clips of this interview, one that has actually been translated in part. Well, we actually have a French speaker in the office on Friday. I had our employee look through the interview, listen to it, transcribe it for us. And we were actually prepared on Friday to present this information. We have it now. What we're going to do is we're going to play the interview for you. We're going to subdue the French. If you are a French speaker, you might still be able to
Starting point is 00:14:50 translate it yourself. But we are going to, I'm going to read the question from the interviewer and Doc is going to summarize the answer from Professor Montagnier. And we're going to do it this way because one, there's a lot of high-level scientific terminology that Dr. Montagnier used in his responses, but we have been able to analyze through it. And I think Dr. Raymond Burkhardt, both a theology grader— Not that kind of doctor. No, but he did go to medical school for a short period of time. But I think Dr. Raymond Burkhart might actually be able to make sense of this in a manner that we can take away the big part.
Starting point is 00:15:32 I want to pay attention to here. This is the man that was able to isolate and discover, let's say discover, what HIV was. Break it down and start actually inquiring about how to treat those infected with HIV and AIDS. He has now dissected the vaccine argument. He's certainly not getting it. He is saying that those who get it are actually causing what could be a new pandemic. Here we go. This is Professor Montagnier.
Starting point is 00:16:03 This virus you were last year, that you made alert to, you want to talk about the origin of the virus and came out of the lab, and you said you were worried about the virus. Doc, he was asked, where do the variants come from? Well, it's simple. The variants come from the vaccinations. The virus has a large load capacity that is very strong, like other RNA viruses, like the flu virus, though the flu virus chooses and builds its genome with eight parts or slices.
Starting point is 00:16:32 So it's rare to see a virus based on a chain of RNA for all its genes like corona. That's the limit because the replication of the RNA is base, like the DNA replication mechanism, having similar foundations. It's copied by an enzyme to lay a complementary foundation by a hydrogen link. A water link. And attaches the new chain to the old chain. So the virus replicates like DNA, except it's RNA, and I have showed this from the work and research
Starting point is 00:17:02 that I did back in the 1960s. I show that the double helix that was formed and created of the RNA was very stable. It was infectious and resisted the ribonuclease, the enzyme that cuts the RNA. And this is how I isolated it. It has a genetic base and foundation very important for this virus. I think that the corona double chain in the cells is extremely stable. The molecular constraints make it so that we can't imagine or interpret that this RNA double chain maker produce chromosomes. It's just too
Starting point is 00:17:36 rigid. The molecule is much more rigid because it has fewer water molecules. DNA is built also on water molecules so it has a density of 1.7. Meanwhile, the double chain RNA has a density of two. And why this density of two? Simple, because it has fewer water molecules. So the difference is the sugars that is in the skeleton structure. It's the ribose instead of the ribose dioxide, one less H. Now, Doug, I want to stop there real quick. So there was a little bit of scientific jargon in there. And my understanding of what he's explaining here is that when studying the skeletal structure, you know, the bare bones of the COVID molecule, this thing that's reportedly killing us, infecting us.
Starting point is 00:18:26 What Professor Montagnier is saying is that it's much more stable than what we've seen. It's intact, hard to break apart. And if I'm understanding this correctly, because it's like that, it makes it much tougher to expel from the body. Right. That's it. Because it's grounded in the individual cells in a much stronger way, has a stronger foundation. And so, and that's what makes this extremely unusual. And as in his observations, it makes the duplication of the chains tougher, but when they do duplicate,
Starting point is 00:19:04 it's a stronger virus, if you will. In other words, it'll stick with you. And so that's probably the easiest way to understand it. Okay, let's pick the interview back up with Professor Montagnier. Now, he was being asked here, he's finishing out his answer on the actual molecule structure. He was being asked next here what he said that year in the 1960s sounded completely kind of crazy. It alerted the world. It definitely was alerting. He said to this, Doc, that it's confirmed that COVID has a nature-based foundation at the start and that the Chinese can play all they want with that.
Starting point is 00:19:43 Right. And so basically he's saying that it appears that the virus came from a natural form, but at some point it had been modified. That's basically the argument he's making. He also went on to say that when we see the WHO charts since we've been vaccinated since January, the contamination curves explode and rise equally, the number of deaths among the young as well. The result of that is thrombosis, what we call clots. And his response to that is that the scientific community is choosing to ignore the clots. This is a huge error in scientific and medical. We can say it's unacceptable in the course of history,
Starting point is 00:20:27 which we've shown and proven one day, because it is specifically the vaccination that have created and produced not only these clots, but the variants of the virus. And he calls it the virus from China. The vaccine has antibodies produced for and by the vaccine. What will the virus do? It will either die or find a solution. The new variation is the product resultant from the vaccination. And we see in the countries, the same for India, the charts and curves for
Starting point is 00:21:00 vaccinations and the deaths are following each other. Now, if we want to pause that for just a second, kind of interpret that for you, what that means in that he's saying that the virus and the vaccine were designed to work together. In other words, it was one thing for the initial virus, coronavirus, to be released in the world. He believes it was released by China. But the real culprit, the real problem that results is when it's combined with the vaccine and then variants are produced. We see an explosion of coronavirus cases in India. He speaks to that here in this article. The reason why you're seeing these is because within India now, you are having multiple strains of coronavirus variants, and there won't be enough time or research in the world to address every single variant of the virus. And what has happened, rather than letting the virus burn through the population and going through and doing vaccinations the correct way,
Starting point is 00:22:10 like we should have done every other vaccine that we've ever done throughout history, now what we've done is we've stopped the natural response of the human body in adapting to viruses that pop up in the world. And now the virus itself is creating variants faster than humans can respond to it. Well, certainly. Let's pick up with Professor Martinet again. So he's answering again part of this discussion about the impact of the vaccine. And as you noted, Doc, he brought up India, because India is the latest hotspot. You know, you hear a lot about India and Brazil. He said, I am closely following the research and experiments.
Starting point is 00:22:53 You want to pick it up right there? Right. He's closely following the research and experiments that are done on sick patients that have been infected with corona after a vaccination. You know, the ones the CDC are writing off now. And what I want to show and demonstrate is what appeared is a variant virus that is resistant to the vaccination. A questioner asked her, how can we vaccinate in a pandemic, in a period of outbreak?
Starting point is 00:23:19 And he responds very passionately, it's unthinkable, the silence. Many people know this. The epidemiologists know this. Antibodies created and produced by the virus that permit or allow the infection to be stronger, that is what we call antibody-dependent enhancement, meaning the antibodies that favor the infection will attach on the virus, and at that moment, their receptor to the antibodies that we have, we have macrophages or white blood cells in our body that will take and steal the virus. This isn't just random. It's clear that the new variants are created by the selection of the antibodies
Starting point is 00:23:58 produced by the vaccination that is first. And secondary, what these people don't understand is that nature has found ways that the vaccination doesn't use. He's talking about our immune system. Right. Herd immunity. They keep harping on, we have to keep vaccinating in order to achieve herd immunity. Right. What the man who discovered HIV is saying is no, no. We're adherent immunity. We're discovering it by going outside, by not using masks as a shield. So think of it this way.
Starting point is 00:24:35 If you put a roadblock up, people find a way to get around the roadblock. Well, that's what the virus has done with the initial vaccination that has come out. The virus has found a way around the roadblock, and then the result is creating other variants of the virus. And so if we had waited out the virus, had worked through, had treated the virus like we would any other flu virus out there, let's say, because it is a flu. Okay. If we would have treated it like that, you know, with proper medication response to symptoms, just like you do with every other flu, rather than pushing through train, train rolling a vaccine through, we would have achieved herd immunity and we would not have seen the production of virus. I'll tell you this. The unvaccinated are not creating variants.
Starting point is 00:25:31 I'll say it again. The unvaccinated are not creating variants. It's the vaccinations that are creating variants. And they know this. And Dr. Martin, they knows that, too. Well, Doc, and proof of that proof of that is in the common sense here. Where were the variants before we were vaccinated? That's true. And that's a very where were the variants in December? Where are the variants in November? We had no vaccine available then unless they were secretly vaccinating at the White House.
Starting point is 00:25:57 But there were no variants then, especially not in the country. And it just so happens that we're seeing the uptick at the moment that we're mass vaccinate. Let's pick up with the interview. I believe that Professor Montier starts talking about Pfizer, the Pfizer vaccine specifically. So Pfizer surmised that to maintain the RNA messenger in the body, that it would take, you need to stretch this out for the longest possible time so it has a stronger link within the body. And nature has chosen to change and vary a concept that is not known, not the scientific. And what he found was that this was a sequence called a Fibonacci sequence. It's a number sequence that grows. And he is saying, as we go
Starting point is 00:26:47 along in this interview, as a result of that, you're going to have more and more variants. And he's saying that not only are we going to see more symptoms and results like blood clots and other things, he's saying we'll see other symptoms of this too. We'll see cancers that'll pop up. And, of course, the ultimate result, death in a lot of people. And he was responding in part to the questioner, the interviewer, bringing up the subject of vaccine passports. It's something being voted for in France and something that many countries are moving toward. He's saying this is shameful and scandalous.
Starting point is 00:27:30 Right. Now, he's also saying that in the normal course of the flu and everything, your body naturally goes and pushes these viruses out. He's saying with this modified vaccination, it has actually hardened itself in the cells of the human body. It's saying with this modified vaccination, it has actually hardened itself in the cells of the human body. It's highly likely that in the future there will exist a stable double chain RNL in the cells permanently, which we have no idea of the consequences or effects. And then they asked him one other question. If we ask you to vaccinate tomorrow, what will you do? I will refuse to be vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:28:17 What do you want to say to the 200,000 primary care doctors in France? Conduct yourself as a doctor, not a sheep. Amen. I'm going to trust that man. Okay. Nobel Prize winner, Dr. Montagnier, the first gentleman to isolate the AIDS and HIV virus. He might know what he's talking about. He just might. I bet he's pretty smart. But one thing that stands out in the story, Edward, and thank you for sticking with us with all that. It was important information because you need to understand that the virus and the vaccine, I believe, were a plan.
Starting point is 00:28:54 And how this all fits together, I don't know all the ins and outs and everything, but it appears that the vaccine is creating variants in the virus, and there's no way that the scientific community is going to be able to respond to every single variant. We're going to be dosing people every six months, every three months. The Fauci booster shots. Oh, yeah, the booster shots and everything else like that along the way. And, you know, basically we've created mutant viruses now because of the vaccine, which was likely the plan to begin with, because I'll just bring you back. One of the biggest financers of vaccine research, Bill Gates. So don't trust a guy who wants to reduce the
Starting point is 00:29:42 global population to put a needle in your arm. Okay. And he's cheating on more than just the numbers. That's right. And so anyway, that was a special report, Dr. Montagnier. And if you'd like more information, go to We've got that link and all the information from Dr. Montagnier up on the News Coup website. So we want you to be very informed on this topic.
Starting point is 00:30:06 The vaccines are creating the variants. And so that's why the CDC is backing off on the numbers now and not counting people who are infected with the virus after they've been vaccinated, because they don't want you to know that. Yes, and again, one of the key tenets of the scientific method, they keep telling us, follow the science, right? Right. Scientific method is observation, right? You observe what's happening around you. You ask questions. You ask questions. You test your theories. Well,
Starting point is 00:30:34 one of the theories here being tested, is there an outbreak of COVID among the vaccinated? It's one of the first things you should ask if you yourself, an unvaccinated person, is not suffering from it, but someone who has gotten the shot is suffering from a new infection of coronavirus or, God forbid, a symptom or has experienced death. I mean, how many mothers have lost children?
Starting point is 00:30:59 How many kids have gotten sick and hurt, paralyzed? How many parents, in thinking they needed to work and they needed to get a vaccination to work, they've now become disabled. They need to be taken care of by their own parents or their kids. Well, one case that caught our eye was out of Dallas. Dallas County is reporting among the fully vaccinated, 506 cases and eight deaths. So I've got a question here. Why are people getting COVID if they've been vaccinated?
Starting point is 00:31:32 Again, I guess I should know the answer. The answer is that doesn't stop from getting COVID. We keep being told that it will bend the curve, right? Well, now, Edward, this report was Thursday and now it's Monday. And according to the CDC, these people won't be counted as COVID cases. Oh, that's right. These won't be counted as COVID deaths. They're going to be counted as dying in a train wreck or an anvil falling on their head, but certainly not COVID-19 or anything related to it. God knows how they die. Yes. So, you know, so this is now how we're going to be
Starting point is 00:32:03 moving forward. You're not going to see stories like this anymore, not because it's not happening, but because they're going they're changing the rules of the game. They're changing the rules of the game. So whereas before, Edward, remember, if you died of, you know, of, you know, in a motorcycle crash, and they found coronavirus in you, you died of COVID. George Floyd had COVID in him, right? Right. So you died of COVID. Now, if you've been vaccinated
Starting point is 00:32:36 and you died of symptoms related to the flu, it can't be COVID because you're fully vaccinated. It's real, folks. This is a report from Fox 4 KDFW in Dallas. This county says more than 500 fully vaccinated people have contracted COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:33:00 Eight of those people died. This comes as UT Southwestern has identified a new COVID-19 variant in North Texas. Fox 4's Lynn Ann Wynn spoke to doctors about the latest developments with the virus in our area. Lynn Ann. Clarice, Dallas County health officials say the eight fully vaccinated people who died were either immunocompromised on immunosuppressant medication or had high-risk underlying health conditions. But despite these breakthrough cases, doctors say the vaccines are still very effective. We know that these vaccines are not going to be 100% protective. There's really no vaccine that's that good. Dallas County Health and Human Services reporting 506 breakthrough COVID-19 cases out of the more than 848,000 fully vaccinated people in the county so far. Of those cases, 82 people have been hospitalized and eight have died.
Starting point is 00:33:56 Some breakthroughs are expected. They're very few and generally speaking, most people who get a breakthrough infection do extremely well. Their symptoms are really mild. Many we think probably are even asymptomatic. As CDC guidance changes on masks and Texas bans cities and counties from requiring them, doctors say those with underlying conditions or taking immunosuppressant medications may need extra precautions. Those people, even if they're fully vaccinated, really need to talk to their doctor about their personal risk. And it may not be wise for those people to go unmasked. What worries us, though,
Starting point is 00:34:36 is are the people who are not yet vaccinated going to feel like, okay, well, this means, you know, I can do what I want to do. If I don't want to wear a mask, I don't have to. They're putting themselves at risk. So now that term breakthrough cases, we talked about this in the open and of course, we talked about a couple of weeks ago when Rick was on set with us. What a breakthrough case is, if you've been fully vaccinated and somehow whoa you got covid how does that happen right it's a breakthrough case well now you go back to uh you know earlier in the god cast here today you're not going to hear breakthrough cases anymore suddenly breakthrough cases aren't going to happen because they're not going to report the correlation between people that have coronavirus infections or death as a result of COVID and the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:35:32 Well, it's like you said, it's a breakthrough. They had a breakthrough now to deal with the reporting requirements that you would expect to see. We posed this. We covered the subject of vaccination causing a wave of infection and death. It was only last month. A lot of people questioned the veracity of this report. We reported a story from the Great Game, Great Game India. Specifically, it was from the British health system.
Starting point is 00:36:02 There was a think tank inside the British health system that was advising the British health system. There was a think tank inside the British health system that was advising the British health authorities, not the regular people, but the health authorities, that a third wave of COVID shots will cause death or hospitalization among 60 to 70% of people who take both doses of a vaccine. Now, this was a government model. We have to question any models coming out of the UK, especially after the Imperial College put out that ridiculous model of 65 million dead. But you have to now wonder if that model's intent was to cause us to go into a lockdown. That was an incredibly successful model.
Starting point is 00:36:43 Well, this model, not from Imperial College, but instead from SAPI, this is an advisory board inside the British health elite structure, they were advising back in April that a mass vaccination campaign would cause a wave of infection and death. Now we're seeing infections and deaths, but we're no longer going to report those numbers. That's right. That's how you get around places like True News, being able to quote from direct government data. See, the problem, Doc, was that they don't like the fact that we're literate and that we're smart enough to find what they're actually writing. That's really the issue here. They prefer that they're able to hide what they're doing and completely shirk their requirements,
Starting point is 00:37:30 report what they're doing with our money and with public authority. Dr. Simone Gold is a doctor in the United States that actually protested in front of the Supreme Court. Seems almost a lifetime ago. Last year, she was with a new group of doctors trying to raise awareness about the threat of lockdowns, the effect, impact on society being worse than the virus itself. She's got a new warning and it's right in line with Professor Montagnier. A woman who was about five months pregnant who came down with COVID-19. Two days later, she comes back in and she happened to get really, really sick and she got admitted into the hospital. Ultimately, she survived. But of course, she ended up losing the pregnancy. They autopsied and studied everything. So the only thing that
Starting point is 00:38:13 was found to be abnormal was that the syncytiotrophoblast layer of the placenta, which is the layer closest to the mother's side, had been extraordinarily inflamed is because these mRNA vaccines, we don't know if that effect on the syncytiotropoblast layer of the placenta is going to be a permanent effect or not. But if you were to get it, you could lose the pregnancy. But that's not permanent. You can go and get pregnant again and have a healthy pregnancy.
Starting point is 00:38:40 If the syncytiotropoblast inflammation is permanent, which they think it might be with the mRNA vaccine, you've traded a temporary kind of flu illness for lifelong infertility or difficult carrying a pregnancy. How can you turn this around and give this to young women when you don't know? Infertility problems. Yeah, and just a reminder, the so-called vaccine shot, which isn't a vaccine, it's a symptom suppressant, is still classified as experimental. Oh, sure. Now they're giving it to pregnant women. They're giving it to little kids now.
Starting point is 00:39:14 They're giving kids ice cream if they'll get the vaccine without their parents' consent. Well, there won't be any kids to give ice cream to if Dr. Simone Gold is correct here. We reported on the decrease in birth rate. And we discussed this early in the pandemic to say that we were seeing reports out of Asia in a reduction in sperm count, for example, among people that had experienced and survived from COVID-19.
Starting point is 00:39:36 You don't have to wonder what Dr. Simone Gold is saying is that the vaccination and the variants which come from those vaccinated are going to cause mass infertility. Now, we're already at a point, Doc, according to the census, our population growth is reducing. Right. It's shrinking as a people, as Americans, but it's not just Americans, people around the world. We thought it might be because of our lifestyles, but you have to now wonder if there are other things we are choosing to do or take, in this case, the COVID-19 vaccine, that may be causing us to not be able to have kids. Right.
Starting point is 00:40:10 Well, just a reminder, the powers that be want to reduce the world's population. And now the powers that be want to put a needle in your arm. So you have to ask yourself, do you trust people who want to eliminate a certain portion of the population to put a needle in your arm? I certainly don't. And if they're not scaring you enough now, okay, because this is all they're doing is just the scare tactics. They'll scare you about the virus. They'll scare you about the vaccine. Fear the Lord.
Starting point is 00:40:38 Don't fear Fauci. So now they've got a new scare they're going to throw out at you. And so a new coronavirus has been discovered to throw out at you. And so a new, ready? A new coronavirus has been discovered. It's puppy propaganda. Yes. So dogs are spreading it. This article out of the Hill, there's a new coronavirus discovered and dogs are spreading it. Well, you know what that means, Edward. We've got to get rid of our dogs now. No, they do believe that. Yeah. They will cull huge populations of animals if they believe that that animal is harboring or helping to spread a disease. In this case, Doc, there's something very odd about it.
Starting point is 00:41:12 This is actually a good teaching point. The discovery was taken from samples of people who'd been infected with a SARS coronavirus in 2018. This is prior to the current pandemic. They're claiming this is much different than the SARS coronavirus in 2018. This is prior to the current pandemic. They're claiming this is much different than the SARS coronavirus. But notice how this article was framed. A new coronavirus, from samples in 2018, so not new, is now spreading.
Starting point is 00:41:38 And it's in your dogs. You have to wonder here, what they're saying is that there was a transmission between patients to their animals. One in eight patients of 301 people treated for pneumonia at a hospital in Malaysia, they were transmitting to their dogs. The same virus was found in their dogs. Well, you'd sit here and think of this story.
Starting point is 00:41:57 Most people only read the headline. And you'd say, well, in addition to mask mandates and mandatory lockdowns and mandatory vaccination, maybe we should ban people having pets. Doc, I know people that one of their only hopes left, other than the Lord, is their dog, their cat. It was their companion during this hellish year. Can you imagine what happened to people? They start killing off their only companion. And don't hold it past them because last year
Starting point is 00:42:28 when the coronavirus was ramping up, remember they killed off all the minks. Oh, yes, yes. And I forget whether the Netherlands or Norway. Killed practically the entire mink population. It turns out they didn't have coronavirus after all. Now, the only country that benefited from that was the nation of China, because they were the only other nation in the world.
Starting point is 00:42:57 Denmark. It was Denmark. It was Denmark that practically culled 90% of the mink population, and that shifted the entire mink market now to China. Denmark will never recover from that. I mean, it'll take four or five generations to get back where they were. And they did that because they thought one mink or a group of minks had coronavirus, and they culled millions of minks.
Starting point is 00:43:22 Don't hold it past these crazy loons out there to say, well, the dogs have coronavirus. The dogs are spreading coronavirus. We've got to get rid of the dogs. And so don't hold it past these crazy people. That's just how crazy they are. So get ready. Don't be shocked if you hear that. I was starting to wonder if the variants, you really don't remember them. You don't hear about them unless they've given it a moniker or a name, like mad cow disease. Right. Everyone knows or has heard about mad cow disease because you avoided McDonald's for a good five to ten years because of it.
Starting point is 00:43:57 Or you saw shortages in beef. Something odd that's come out, Doc, is that they're finding the mRNA Pfizer shot can cause mad cow disease. Now, this isn't a crazy theory. I have to wonder if this journal, I'd like for them to issue a correction if this isn't true. But the renowned scientific journal, the Microbiology and Infectious Disease Journal, claimed in January of this year in a study titled COVID-19 RNA-Based Vaccines and the Risk of Prion Disease. Now, prion disease is a neurodegenerative disease also associated with mad cow disease. Right. Yeah, I remember the mad cow scare from a few years back. You know, supposedly cows were being fed other parts of other cows and everything.
Starting point is 00:44:49 They got mad cow disease. Well, that was prion disease, and it attacks the nerve endings within the brain stem of mammals and so. Now this journal article here, this isn't an article we just made up or anything like that. If you want to take a screenshot of, you're watching right now online, so you can share with your friends and family and enemies and say, you know what?
Starting point is 00:45:18 According to the Journal of Microbiology and Infectious Disease, COVID-19 RNA vaccines, in particular Pfizer, there is a risk of prion or mad cow disease. Now if you've been listening to True News you know that we pointed out a few months ago that the subject of mad cow disease popping back up has reached the news. There was a story in the Times of London in Canada that doctors have become alarmed by a new uptick in mad cow
Starting point is 00:45:52 disease. In Canada they don't know what's causing it per se. They say it's definitely troubling because they thought this disease was gone. You have to wonder these are the cows we eat. These are the cows we get milk from to produce cheese. So this story is from back in April and they were mystified. Where is this mad cow disease coming from? I thought we kicked this thing. I thought we got rid of mad cow disease. Do these guys even read their medical journals?
Starting point is 00:46:16 Do we have to do it for them? When the medical journals of microbiology and infectious disease itself said, you know what? It could be that the COVID-19 RNA vaccines are causing mad cow disease. No wonder we're seeing an uptick. There's a lot of odd things with these mRNA vaccines. You mentioned it not being approved officially for distribution. That's true. Part of the way they were able to fast track the vaccines actually started creating them, millions of doses of them,
Starting point is 00:46:45 before we even really knew what coronavirus would be, before the lockdowns even began. We were producing the vaccine, which we would soon have in December and January of this year. Doc, did you know that the mRNA vaccines, the carrying agent for the mRNA molecule is actually carried by something that is the main ingredient in antifreeze. Oh, that's a good lie problem.
Starting point is 00:47:11 And that's according to inserts inside the bag. It's very odd. Why would you use such a thing to be the carrying agent for the mRNA molecule? This is the mRNA molecule in the Pfizer shot, for example, that the famed Microbiology and Infectious Disease Journal is claiming can cause mad cow disease. Well, in addition to the experts we've laid out here today, I wanted to bring back up Dr. Judy Mikevitz. Now, due to Dr. Luc Montagnier coming out and outright saying he believes that the vaccines
Starting point is 00:47:42 are causing the variants, they're causing this new pandemic. We have to go back now to what one of the early experts, who has for the most part been proven true. She's been proven to be both brave and correct since she bravely came out last year at the beginning of the pandemic. There was an interview she gave back in about April of last year. I saw on the screen, you're seeing Child Health Defense, that's RFK Junior's organization. They're doing great work there. They conducted an interview with Dr. Junie Mikevitz. And what she laid out, as we've noted here, Dr. Fauci and Operation Warp Speed, they had a plan in place. They did. They knew what they were doing.
Starting point is 00:48:31 Dr. Jeannie Mikovic ties it back to HIV research. This is what Luke Montagnier was tying it back to. We're going full circle today. Dr. Jeannie Mikovic now will understand what she was trying to tell us last year much better because we've lived through a lot of it. We've had a real-life education watching the lies and propaganda for an entire year. But pay attention to this. There are parts of this where the presentation was subdued and they aren't speaking. I will read the black parts of this presentation. But here is Dr. Judy Mikevitz with the Child Health Defense.
Starting point is 00:49:03 Took a job at the National Cancer Institute. I was under the direction of Frank Rossetti. I isolated HIV from blood and saliva, confirming Dr. Luke Montagnier's earlier isolation and description of HIV as a possible causative agent of AIDS. And then Anthony Fauci intervened. When Frank Rossetti was out of town, I received a call from Dr. Fauci and he demanded that I give him our manuscript on the isolation and confirmation of HIV while it was still in press. I refused to do that because it's unethical. These manuscripts are confidential and only authors can give him a copy. Dr. Mikevitz says ethical and moral courage are unparalleled. He's threatened to fire me for insubordination, but still I refused. It's unethical. When Frank Rossetti returned a few weeks later, he gave the manuscript to Dr. Fauci, and Dr. Fauci purposely
Starting point is 00:50:07 delayed the publication of our manuscript in order that his crony, Dr. Robert Gallo, could copy our work and submit a competing manuscript and get it into press before ours. On May 4th, 1984, Dr. Gowell famously published a series of papers demonstrating that a retrovirus he'd isolated was the cause of AIDS. Appropriating her work wasn't the worst of it. This delayed the development of testing and spread the HIV epidemic through the world killing millions. Driven by greed and cronyism, Anthony Fauci, America's doctor, was directly
Starting point is 00:50:53 responsible for the further spread of HIV throughout the world. Rather than being punished for his actions, six months later he was appointed director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, a position he still holds today. In 2006, I co-founded and developed the first Neuroimmune Disease Institute to study the cause and treatments of chronic fatigue syndrome. Chronic fatigue syndrome became epidemic in the 1980s. Doctors dismissed the ailment as a psychosomatic yuppie flu. CFS primarily struck women. The medical community assumed they were
Starting point is 00:51:39 physically and emotionally fragile and cracked under the pressure of corporate jobs. Dr. Mike Fitz discovered that 67% of women affected with CFS carried a mouse virus called XMRV, Xenotropic Murine Leukemia-Related Virus. That appeared in healthy women only 4% of the time. XMRV is also associated with cancers like prostate, breast, ovarian, leukemia and multiple myeloma. Many women with XMRV go on to have children with autism. In 2009, Dr. Mikevits and Rusgetti published their explosive findings in the journal Science. But the question remained, how was XMRV getting into people?
Starting point is 00:52:28 Then in 2011, our research strongly suggested that it entered the human biome through a contaminated blood supply and vaccines. Other researchers connected the first outbreaks of chronic fatigue with an experimental polio vaccine given to doctors and nurses. That resulted in the 1934 Los Angeles County Hospital epidemic. That vaccine was cultivated on pulverized mouse brains. Vaccines are commonly grown on a parade of animal tissues. Retroviruses from those dead animals can survive in cell lines and permanently contaminate the vaccines. XMRV is so hazardous that the mere presence of that mouse tissue
Starting point is 00:53:18 in a laboratory can contaminate other tissues in the same room. Dr. Mikevitz's studies suggest XMRV is present in the MMR and polio vaccines given to American children and Japanese encephalitis vaccines given to military personnel. The dangers of mouse brain-derived vaccines are now widely acknowledged. We recognize that this mouse retrovirus was causing an alarming national health crisis. That is if the blood supply and the vaccines were
Starting point is 00:53:59 heavily contaminated with mouse retroviruses of many strains. As Dr. Mike Fitz and her team prepared to sound the alarm, Dr. Fauci used his power to silence her. What Tony Fauci, Ian Lipkin, and Harold Varmus did was pressure me to be silent and withdraw our manuscript. I refused again. Anthony Fauci gave his own career and the vaccine program priority above the health and safety of Americans.
Starting point is 00:54:37 When I refused to be silent, Dr. Fauci stepped in and ordered that my computers and notebooks be confiscated and orchestrated the retraction of our science paper. Dr. Fauci abused his power and misused his office. He then removed all of my funding and prevented me from getting a job and government research from 2012 forward. Hundreds of millions of Americans may have received vaccines contaminated with the XMRV. Doug, that is incredible. Yeah. Again, this was out in April of 2020.
Starting point is 00:55:20 I'll be honest with you, speaking to Dr. Mikevitz, you feel like you're either talking to someone who's absolutely out there or they're so smart that we're not ready yet. We're not ready to quite understand what they're saying. We're not quite ready to even respond to it. She was so far ahead of this and she was quick. As everyone was cheering Dr. Fauci, she called them out as a fraud. Right. So right in the midst, and that was last spring and summer, as things were ramping up, they were touting Dr. Fauci as practically a savior of mankind. And here's Dr. Judy Mikovits questioning Superman, if you will.
Starting point is 00:55:57 But there's a lot of things to question about Dr. Fauci. Dr. Fauci loves to talk. Oh boy, he loves to talk. And when he talks, sometimes he changes his story. So last year, early in the coronavirus ramp up, he said masks weren't necessary. And then a little while later, he said, well, we got to have masks. And then we got to have two masks. And now, do we need masks or not? We'll talk more about that. But he did an interview with PolitiFact over the past few days. And in this interview- That's the place run by Chad, isn't it?
Starting point is 00:56:36 Yeah. The person running it has worked with the Chinese government before. So Dr. Fauci gave an interview with PolitiFact, and he actually said something really quite stunning. Now, remember over the past several weeks, actually past several months, here on True News, we've made the connection between Dr. Anthony Fauci and the Wuhan lab. And we made that connection through the National Institutes of Health and through a subcontractor that did work directly with the Wuhan lab. And we were poo-pooed and said, that's conspiracy theory. Anyone that trotted that out, you know, they're nuts.
Starting point is 00:57:17 Then everything else, Rand Paul questions Dr. Fauci about. Dr. Fauci comes out and says, no, there's no way the National Institutes of Health had anything to do with what's going on or funding of the Wuhan lab or anything else like that. And then, like I said, he loves to talk, Edwards. Dr. Fauci loves to talk. Look, let him talk because the more he talks, my goodness, the more we learn. Yes. So here's Dr. Fauci admitting to COVID collaboration with communists. No, actually, that's the point that I said. And I think the real unfortunate aspect of what Senator Paul did is he was conflating research in a collaborative way with Chinese scientists, which was, you know, you'd almost have to say if we did not do that, we would almost be irresponsible because SARS-CoV-1
Starting point is 00:58:12 clearly originated in China, and we were fortunate to escape a major pandemic. So we really had to learn a lot more about the viruses that were there, about whether or not people were getting infected with bad viruses. So in a very minor collaboration as part of a subcontract of a grant, we had a collaboration with some Chinese scientists. And what he conflated that is that therefore we were involved in creating the virus, which is the most ridiculous, majestic leap I've ever heard of. But no, I'm not convinced about that. I think that we should continue to investigate what went on in China until we find out to the best of our ability exactly what happened. Certainly, the people who've investigated say that it likely was the emergence from an animal reservoir that then infected individuals, but it could have been something else. And we need to find that out. So, you know, that's the reason why I said I'm perfectly in favor of any investigation that looks into the origin of the virus. What's he talking about, Doc? He was not perfectly in favor in favor of he dismissed it for most of the
Starting point is 00:59:26 pandemic as a conspiracy he said yeah we can't make it came from a bat it came from uh you know those silly crazy chinese people eating bats in uh uh the uh wet markets and everything so that's what it was and didn't have anything to do with the lab. Now, here's his story. I'm not, you know, I'm not convinced that it didn't start in the lab. But what really caught our attention was when he was up to this point, remember he said there was no connection between the NIH and the Wuhan lab. Don't talk about Peter Daszak or EcoHealth Alliance. In this, just this short clip here, he admitted that there was a minor collaboration with the Wuhan lab.
Starting point is 01:00:10 With the who? The Chinese? I mean, scientists. Scientists, scientists. He almost said communists. You heard it. That's exactly what he meant. And the reason why this minor collaboration took place
Starting point is 01:00:23 is they've been working with the Chinese, and this is actually another stunning piece of information, they've been working with the Chinese communist scientists since the SARS epidemic. Yes. And that's why we built up the CDC lab in China. That's why it was one of the largest contendants of foreign officials of the CDC working overseas. These gain ofof-function research experiments, these really mad scientist experiments, have been going on for almost
Starting point is 01:00:50 a decade, started under Barack Obama, continuing under his vice president. Doc, I think that the subject of the lab has reached a level where there has to be now a correction of the record, but I fear what is going to happen. This is what's going to be solved thus. It did come from the lab. They'll be both sides will say this. It came from the lab, but it was accidental. The new talking point will be it is from Wuhan, but it was an accident. And when they did everything they could to address it, and they worked with the US, worked with Fauci to deal with this. And we weren't ready. We weren't ready as a people globally to deal with the fact that a bioweapon
Starting point is 01:01:30 had been released. The biggest damage from this bioweapon has been the hysteria and the lockdowns which followed the release of the bioweapon. You have to wonder if that was the intent or if it was to set us up to release the mRNA vaccine, which was ready to go. The mRNA technology developed in the 80s under the same research that Dr. Mikevitz and Dr. Luc Montagnier were at least starting, but then pushed out of by Dr. Fauci's friends. Or was the intent to get the vaccines out there and pump the vaccine into 2 billion human petri dishes out there, creating who knows how many mutant versions of the virus now, thanks to the fact that we didn't follow standard scientific procedure. No, we had to get a shot in everybody's arm.
Starting point is 01:02:21 You know, you showed me an article today, Edward, and I had to laugh at it because it makes you ask a question. And here's the article from Reuters. It's a fact check, a Fauci fact check. No evidence U.S. disease expert Fauci is prepping to leave the country. Well, what? What? He's thinking about leaving the country? First I heard this. Well, at least they're telling us now he's definitely not. Okay, wait. Why would Dr. Fauci be thinking about leaving the country?
Starting point is 01:02:53 Why would he need to leave the country? Well, they're telling us, though, that this is a conspiracy. I find it interesting that this came out. As he is now flipped to admit that he funded the lab in Wuhan and that the virus, the coronavirus, that has shut down our society and helped China's economy grow 20 percent, that it came from that lab. Right. When is Dr. Fauci going to be more than grilled? I'm talking about the constant hearings where he's brought before our conservative icons.
Starting point is 01:03:26 You've got Senator Paul. It was a great exchange. But what really comes from it? I don't want to see Dr. Fauci grilled anymore. I want to see Dr. Fauci held physically accountable. OK. And I'm not talking about any vigilante or anything crazy. Look, you have to actually have a tribunal because what Dr. Fauci has now admitted, none of this is conspiracy now. He is saying that US tax dollars, at least $3.7 million of it, went to a lab where coronavirus came from, where the PLA is doing bioweapons research, and it's now okay to say it came from there. But of course, the Chinese have a different story, Doc. They're following the idea that it wasn't the Wuhan lab alone where the COVID-19 virus came from. No, Fort Detrick's where it actually came from.
Starting point is 01:04:12 You know what? They could both be right. Now, this is The Wall Street Journal, number 25 for Control. I think that the spin on this story has been very interesting to watch. It is. It's been hard to keep up with because you have to basically repeat over and over what lies have been told. And then this is now the new truth, according to the government. Well, the thing is, is you could look at a true news, you can look at a zero hedge a year ago, and you would have gotten the conclusion that they're coming to here. But Fort Detrick has been pulled in. You have to again wonder if there wasn't a collaboration between all the bioweapons labs under the purview of Dr. Fauci and other
Starting point is 01:04:50 mad scientists in the government. Well, that Fort Detrick has now been brought up. In addition to this, we're also learning from the Wall Street Journal that there were three Wuhan lab researchers who were hospitalized in 2019. November 2019. Now, if they were hospitalized, Doc, and they worked at the bioweapons lab that Dr. Fauci says the virus may have come from, was it possible they were sick with the thing that got out of the country?
Starting point is 01:05:19 It's possible. And why wouldn't the Chinese have said something about it then? If three employees are coughing up blood, are in bed, they're having all kinds of crazy symptoms, they're experiencing death, death story, and you work at a bioweapons lab, you'd think that that might be cause for concern. Maybe to warn others in your nation, maybe not send your biggest delegation ever to Davos, where you met with our president and met with other officials around the world. It really, if this was the pandemic that the Imperial College told it was going to be, my goodness, Doug, we would have been in trouble because that would have been a super spreader event. Forget about APAC. It would have been Davos. Okay. Rick and I were actually in Singapore in November of 2019. And Rick is convinced that he had some sort of mild form
Starting point is 01:06:11 of coronavirus at that time, because you get trapped in a metal tube for 13 hours flying somewhere, get all sorts of things floating around in your system. And so, but because several of us came back and we weren't feeling well. But this is the first story that we've seen, not just, you know, what they entitled conspiracy sites. You know, conspiracy sites are people who tell the truth in advance.
Starting point is 01:06:42 Okay. So keep that in mind. Conspiracy sites are those who tell the truth in advance. OK, so keep that in mind. Conspiracy sites are those that tell the truth in advance. And so we were talking about this and we were talking about the possibility that there were cases that were not being reported in China as early as October and November of 2019. Now you have major outlets like the Wall Street Journal that are saying, you know what, maybe there were sick people with COVID that were in the lab. How do we miss this the first time around? Well, since that we're now moving the goalposts to this, let's have a discussion about specifically what that means. It means that statements like this from Chinese Communist Party advisor Ping Chen,中国共产党的领导,平晨。
Starting point is 01:07:25 这就是真实的。所未有的划时代的历史记录现在中国国内 自由派 崇美派 对美国的崇拜 实际上是没有根据的 但是在这一次贸易战 和这个 生物战以后
Starting point is 01:07:59 把美国打出了原形 所以我认为 特朗普这四年任期 试图挽回美国的衰落的国际地位 结局是失败的 那么这个失败 不仅是特朗普个人竞选总统连任的失败,也是美国和英国主导的过去40年的新自由主义所主导的全球化的失败。 The development model of the United States and Europe, the modernization model, is not worth repeating in China.
Starting point is 01:08:51 So what Chinese Communist Party advisor Ping is saying there is that China, they've won the economic war. They've won the economic war. They've won the technology war. They've also won, and if you caught that phrase in the translation, they've also won the biological war. Did you know we were in a biological war? Well, he believes we were, and he believes China has won. Now, this is from the Chinese Communist Party itself. They won the biological war.
Starting point is 01:09:30 That's the communists that Dr. Fauci was talking about. There are many of them. And, Doc, they've reset the world. The world is going through a great reset. But I'll tell you what, Doc, what gives me hope and gives me joy is that Christ has a greater reset, the greatest reset of all time. We're actually producing a documentary in-house that's going to explain much of this greatest reset. Here's a trailer for it. We have almost forgotten that we are in a great mortal combat. The battle of the forces of good and the forces of evil.
Starting point is 01:10:17 We're in an incredibly dark time and it's cast over the earth. Whether this is a biblical plague, whether this is as you described it, there is a tension between good and evil. We're in a crisis of compassion. So for the first time in my career, doctors are turning their shoulders away from patients. They are denying patients care.
Starting point is 01:10:51 So this is very, very important. What does that mean? They're killing them? They're killing them. Right? They're killing them. That's an understatement. That's why I'm picking on the academic fraudsters that literally gave the academic basis to kill people. On behalf of the Center for Health Security, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the World Economic Forum, welcome to Event 201. The goal of the Event 201 exercise is to illustrate the potential consequences of a pandemic and the kinds of societal and economic challenges
Starting point is 01:11:32 it would pose. Is this anthropogenic? Is it man-made? Because one can really readily see that a dark winter or a crisis. We're about to go into a dark winter. A dark winter. We are in for a long, dark winter. 2020 would be the darkest winter in modern history.
Starting point is 01:11:51 Enables vast planning leverage. It gives you wide bandwidth to do what you wanted to do all along, which was to centrally plan other human beings and to corral them into the city of man, which almost self-evidently is what they're doing. Why would something that's experimental, that's investigational, it's not fully FDA approved,
Starting point is 01:12:21 it's not safe or effective, why would this be the basis for the very quick announcements for rights to travel, keeping your job, going to school? When you think about how many, where we're going, needing upwards of 250 million Americans at least to finally be vaccinated to get herd immunity, are you frustrated at the pace of this? Do we need to pick it up? The vaccine is neither safe nor effective. This is very important. And you asked about motive. What could motivate a stakeholder? The stakeholder concept of stakeholder capitalism. To want to enact a worldwide mass vaccination program of a vaccine itself, which scientifically and medically is neither effective nor safe, that has no proven outcomes,
Starting point is 01:13:16 and want to vaccinate individuals of which the disease doesn't cause any problems. So there is a goal and stated goal to vaccinate children down to six months old. Wait a minute. This isn't a disease for six months old. It's not even a disease for 20 year olds. The bottom line is this is an innocuous disease that has an incredible age dependence to it. So what started out with this idea that maybe a vaccine could be good and will just vaccinate nursing home workers and seniors and protect people and get through became this ever encroaching, ever expanding mass vaccination program that has now raised all of our concerns
Starting point is 01:13:59 because there's a concern that this isn't about COVID at all. Almost four months into the vaccination effort, providers are beginning to run out of people who want to be immunized. There were significant obstacles created to suppress access to life-saving information and life-saving medications that work incredibly well. My estimate is 85% of the deaths could have been avoidable. Well, I think this is genocide and a crime against humanity and mass murder. Through this vaccine program,
Starting point is 01:14:36 that we basically have set up exactly what you said, genocide. And so Noah was a conspiracy theorist until it started raining the event 201 scenario is fictional but it's based on public health principles epidemiologic modeling and assessment of past outbreaks in other words we've created a pandemic that could realistically occur. Yeah, I got bad thoughts that make my mind scared. Hold me hostage and they don't fight fair. Who gonna pray for me and wipe on my tears? Who gonna save me if you not right here? Move this darkness and make my sight clear. Take me away cause I don't like here. Ghost of my past, they feelin' the night in the night air wake me up from trapped in my nightmares
Starting point is 01:15:26 Eastern Orthodox writer Dostoevsky taught suffering is beautiful and it unites us to Christ on the cross and We should not Flee from suffering as hard as it is to go through at the time It's worth it The only thing that makes sense is that this is Satan. This is demonic. And God has chosen some
Starting point is 01:15:54 to have their eyes open. Why not engage the fight? That's all there is in times such as ours. The You can go there for updates. You can actually sign up for email updates if you'd like to. That's It's being produced in-house by our movie director, Matt Scow.
Starting point is 01:16:50 We're in a time where I think that many of us need to be encouraged. And you need to know there is a light at the end of the tunnel. And that light is Christ. Do not be afraid of the edicts and dictates and the hysteria being pushed by these demonic leaders. We've stayed sane throughout the pandemic. We're going to stay sane for the rest of this decade. But we've got to stick together. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
Starting point is 01:17:16 Please keep praying for our ministry and for the body of Christ. We're going to strengthen each other in these times and stand tall in the faith. Will you stand with us? Please consider partnering with this ministry in the month of May. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left hand side or the donate button on the right. You can also call our toll free number at 1-800-576-2116.
Starting point is 01:17:42 That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail, our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even baptism tanks. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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