TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - How did Fauci and Moderna send Covid vaccine to NC University before pandemic?
Episode Date: June 23, 2021Today on TruNews, we discuss the bombshell revelation that vaccine producer Moderna worked with Dr. Fauci in December 2019 to send mRNA shots to the Wuhan bioweapons lab affiliated University of North... Carolina BEFORE the pandemic was even declared! We also shed light on the propaganda series Utopia from 2013, which eerily predicted that the elite would release a bioweapon on the world, then secretly sterilize the population with a vaccine. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall. Airdate (6/22/21) Episode 1
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I'm Edward Zoll.
What would you say if I told you that a British television series in 2013
presented the hypothetical scenario that a severe respiratory virus would be released from a
bioweapons lab, but it wouldn't kill everyone. Instead, the population would clamor for a vaccine
to save them, but it would actually sterilize them, providing a global elite with a mass depopulation of people like you and me.
Well, that is a real series that was remade and released in America in 2020.
We'll have that to share in just a moment, along with another shocker.
Moderna sent mRNA vaccine doses to the University of North Carolina in December 2019.
That's before the pandemic was declared. Rick will be here to
discuss this with me in just a moment, but for now, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's top headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. reporting that the social media manager at left-wing outlet Media Matters
has shared a long list of anti-male tweets.
They include Audrey Bowler's declarations of her love for scamming men.
Since 2018, Bowler has worked at the far-left Soros-funded group.
She is the latest Media Matters employee to be exposed by the National
Pulse. Her Twitter account contains a host of derogatory and violent remarks directed towards
men. Bowler insisted that she was getting the state seal done with kill all men as the motto.
She once tweeted, I'm watching The Mummy for the first time,
and let me just say, I love it when men die in movies. Boulder's account has plenty of hate
directed towards men, including tweets saying, men are so gross, and men are disgusting.
Here's one that's mild compared to the others, but still, check it out.
She tweeted out, tattoo it on my forehead.
Number one, never have heroes.
Number two, there are no good men.
Now think about it. Think about it, folks.
She's calling out almost 4 billion people.
Bowler has extensive involvement in Democratic Party politics.
She interned in the offices of Democratic Senator Jim Webb
and Hillary Clinton's 2016 running mate, Tim Kaine.
For information on this story and more, visit our companion website, Well, the Jerusalem Post says archaeological excavations
at the Yazili-Kia Rock Temple in Turkey reveal an ancient calendar
and a map of the cosmos that present, well, really presents interesting evidence, doesn't it?
They say paintings of 90 deities in the stone carvings
were probably made to include details of an underworld sitting beneath the earth. And now
this dig, by the way, started more than 200 years ago.
Over 3,200 years after its construction, it has revealed its secret.
An international team of researchers has presented a model that puts all of the 90 plus figures
in a coherent context.
The sanctuary symbolizes the cosmos. It shows the order that arose when the chaos was overcome during creation.
The Hittite cosmos consists of solid levels, including the earth on which people live,
the sky above them, and the netherworld below.
Yeah, one researcher believes the temple fully represents a symbolic image of the universe,
including its static levels, earth, sky, and underworld, as you saw, as well as the cyclical process of renewal, day and night, or summer and winter. That's a look at True News headlines. Now let's get back to the
Godcast. Here's Rick and Edward.
Thanks, Gary. Well, Rick,
Tuesday, 2021, we have quite a lot of interesting
information to share, but we're one short today. We're short.
Our co-host and brother in Christ,
Dr. Burkhardt, is not here with us today. Please pray for him. He went home early this morning.
He came to work, but said he was not feeling well, had a fever, and a sudden loss of energy, which are troubling signs. So he went home to rest.
And we've not heard from him for a couple hours.
So pray for Doc Burkhart.
Something strange is going on here.
I don't know how to explain what's happening.
I hope that Doc does not have COVID.
I do too. Because there's nobody
here in the building that is COVID positive. We're extremely strict and you can verify that.
And we use common sense. We're not going around town. We're not doing anything crazy on the
weekends. The entire staff is very careful. And if anybody on the staff has any symptoms, they know they are not to come to
work. And Doc's symptoms showed up after he got to work. And he texted me early this morning. I
was still driving on my way to Vero Beach. And he said, I'm not feeling well. I'm going to go home.
So pray for Doc. Hopefully it's something minor, but we'll keep you posted. All right. We have,
Edward mentioned in his opening a video called Utopia, and it was a British television series
that aired on Channel 4 in Great Britain for one year between 2013 and 2014. My son-in-law,
Marshall, texted a video over to me today. I was like blown away. Unbelievable. Now some
people would say, well, it's another example of life imitating art. I don't believe that.
No, I don't either.
I believe that the ruling elite of this world is so sick and perverted and psychopathic and demonic that they tell people in advance, this is what we're going to do to you.
This is our code of ethics in our demonic world.
And we're going to tell you openly
what we're going to do, and then our conscience is cleared. We've told you in advance, and
you didn't believe it, and you did nothing, and therefore we carried it out, and there's
nothing you can say against us. What's in this British TV show from 2013 is so similar to what is happening in the world right now regarding COVID and the vaccines.
It's as if we're watching our reality playing out.
But this was created 10 years ago, a decade ago, this concept. In fact, if it was aired in 2013, that means the script was written
2011, 2012, the latest, most likely around 2011, by the time it went through the process
to be turned into a television show. Anytime you see a movie or TV show, you got to back it up three to seven years.
Yes, yes.
There are movies that took ten years to produce.
And so just, I mean, movies and TV shows aren't produced, I mean, I'm talking about a series.
It's not done overnight, no matter weeks or a month.
So let's watch this 2013 episode of Utopia.
Actually, we have the 2020 remake in America.
Oh. The 2020 remake, is it the same?
Yes, and I'll show you it is the same exact script and what we are able to find today is the 2013
Let me show this real quick number three. This is what it looked like
You know, it's a this is a scene and there's something I want to show here specifically before we watch the clip
This is 2013 the original the original version of Utopia. Control, if you can freeze,
when it shifts to right there, freeze it right there, look in the top left. What's that on the
ceiling? It looks like a Masonic emblem. Yes. And that is what we believe it is too. This was
something hidden. There's a couple of these symbolic things throughout the series. It's very
Masonic. It's a Masonic symbol.
And this is a scene you're about to see the remake of in America.
They updated.
They made it actually very, very easily to relate to for anyone who's experienced in the pandemic last year.
This was a little bit, it was based on mad cow disease in England.
The one you're about to see is a deadly flu, mysterious flu, a respiratory illness that certainly came from a bioweapons lab.
And what you're going to see is the same scene with a mad billionaire CEO who has been kidnapped.
And what he does, Rick, he starts to spill the beans of what this crazy demonic fantasy in his head is that's playing out through his money and through government action.
But this is based entirely on the 2013 script.
That's right.
Okay, let's watch. I've not seen the 2020 version.
You used me. You used my flu.
You desecrated all of my work.
You disrespected science.
What the hell did you put in that vaccine?
He created a flu that sparked the demand for a vaccine that doesn't work.
After everyone in the country is vaccinated...
And the world.
He'll have murdered millions.
Nope, nope, you don't have it.
We need to go.
Now, before that vaccine ships and more people die.
Becky, before you go, I just want to confirm.
In 2004, you were a schoolchild in Biloxi, Durham, or Missoula.
You had a sore throat?
You went to the nurse?
She gave you a spray, power spray.
Durham was a vigorous bench.
Now let's go.
How did you find it?
Don't talk to her!
Deals was when we were still thinking small.
Give a certain percentage of the population a fatal illness, and you make sure it's genetic.
See, that was the exciting part. You pass it down.
So if you have children before you die...
Becky, do you have children?
Your father created a world-changing, not world-ending, a world-changing, world-improving
And we have taken that virus and embedded it in the vaccine of the Stern's flu.
I knew it.
I knew it.
He created a panic and now everybody's begging for the vaccine.
No, no, no.
Demanding it with all the entitlement
of a first world country.
And now we have exactly what we want,
hundreds of millions of Americans lining up,
offering us their arms, and letting
us give them our creation.
I'm pretty sure when every vaccinated person starts
dying, they'll trace it back to you,
undetectable virus or not.
You've all been very busy, and you're all very sharp. Are you sure none of you would like to come and work for me?
No? Better than dying a terrible
violent death? Then understand this.
What we are doing is far bigger
than death. Wait. This virus is not
deadly. It looks pretty damn deadly.
Tell me this.
What have you done today
to earn your place
in this crowded world?
Everything I do
is a cure
for our current situation.
We intend to stop human reproduction for three generations.
The busy, endless global assembly line of babies will grind to old.
You're sterilizing people?
Uh-huh. In the first five years, we'll start to see major birth rate declines
as teenagers vaccinated today hit their childbearing years.
You're controlling the future of human civilization.
Is that what they're calling it?
It's a very nice euphemism for a species that is replicated like a contagion across the planet,
killing all other species in its wake,
except things that are cute like puppies or koalas.
On the contrary, I love people.
The hell? Why would you?
Doing what our government or citizenry is too spoiled or self-indulgent to do.
We are saving ourselves from ourselves.
Halting overpopulation.
A hundred years ago, the global population was 1.7 billion.
2011, it reached...
Seven billion.
People live too long, die less often,
too much, help babies like...
In 2050, they say it's gonna plateau.
We'll blow past 11 billion
and then slowly begin to... decline.
But by then, it'll be too late to save an Earth
that bears any resemblance to a world
we actually want to live in.
By injecting your virus into the veins of every human on it?
Global warming, mass extinctions, food, water shortages.
All these problems can be boiled down to one thing.
Rick, what was the program, the Godcast, that got us kicked off YouTube?
Well, it wasn't about Israel and Jews and Zionism, as YouTube claimed.
But our very last episode on YouTube was devoted to the globalist plan to depopulate the world.
And we didn't just make up stuff.
We showed evidence.
We quoted them.
Dr. Frank Johnson, Texas?
The Dr. Doom?
We spent over an hour, I don't know, 60 to 90 minutes showing evidence of globalists and scientists and global warming zealots proposing a population reduction of the world.
That was our last episode on YouTube.
We got up in the morning, our channel was gone.
Hey, they can't take this one down.
We've been deplatformed just about everywhere.
We're still here.
We're on a platform now.
By the grace of God.
And they can't stop the Lord.
They can't block the Lord. The Lord wants true news to go Yes. And they can't stop the Lord. They can't block
the Lord. The Lord wants the truth to go out.
And so we're telling the truth.
You tell me how that was written
in 2011. And who
wrote it? The very
concepts that are presented in that
entertainment series
are the very things we read that Prince
Philip believed, that Oprah,
Mike Bloomberg, these other elite, George Soros who showed up for depopulation.
Bill Gates.
Bill Gates.
They believe humans are the problem.
It's clear as day that whoever wrote this script, and we know the person, the original
writer was actually someone named Dennis Kelly.
That's the original writer, a British film writer.
He was inspired by graphic novels. I also suspect he was inspired
in part by depopulation conferences, because how could you not? This series is laid out
as the elite versus everyone else. And everyone else in this case gets sterilized like bugs.
But in the 2013 version, they put a Masonic emblem on the ceiling.
Yes, they did.
I guess that was just for laughs.
That was just to create conspiracy theories about the show, right?
It's conspiracy truth if it starts actually playing out.
Actually, if there were real detectives, we had a real FBI, and you had a series before a major catastrophic event hit your country,
and it laid out every detail of it, you'd start to wonder, is that a suspect?
The person that wrote this, I'd want to go talk to them and find out where they got the idea,
because someone crazy, and in this case, 2020, the 2021, the pandemic just in America that we felt,
it's a mirror of this program, of this series.
As we've pointed out before, Prince Philip, who passed away a few months ago, the Queen's
A Freemason.
He said, and he wrote in the foreword to a children's book, that he wanted to be reincarnated
as a virus and come back to kill 90% of the people on the planet.
But I need to point out, Prince Philip was a high-ranking Freemason.
Maybe the grand poobah of all Freemasonry, which would be led by his son, Charles now.
But it's not hard to find news articles in British papers
about Masons. In fact, I saw many stories after Prince Philip died where Freemasons said, oh,
the prince was well known in the lodges. He frequently visited the lodges. You know,
it was not a surprise to see the prince walk into a Freemason lodge meeting.
Well, the Grand Master was at his funeral.
Yes, that's right. So you have this high-ranking Freemason, Prince Philip, married to the queen,
who said in a children's book, I'd like to come back as a virus and kill 90% of the people. It's hard for the average person to comprehend
that the ruling elite think this way.
And they really are committed.
They really believe that they have a special purpose in life,
that they are better than everyone, smarter than everybody, that
they are born to rule.
They have a destiny to rule.
They have a destiny to rule.
And they truly, many of them, I can't say every single one, but many of them really
do believe in the global warming propaganda and that the planet is going to end any day
if they don't save the planet and the world is overpopulated.
And they really believe it's their duty to reduce the population of humans on the planet. global operation that is an alliance between the ruling elite of certain nations along
with the Chinese Communist Party that produced the virus.
Again, how do you explain Event 201?
BILL GATES October 2019.
BILL MOYERS October 2019, Bill Gates sponsors a war game to fight a global pandemic.
It's coronavirus.
Oh, you could have a lot.
I mean, you know, if you had a hat and you put 500 viruses in the hat and said, OK, this war game is going to be whatever one we pull.
Oh, it's coronavirus.
OK. going to be whatever one we pull. Oh, it's coronavirus. Okay. The fall of 2019. And who
does Bill Gates have participating at the table with him? The director of the Chinese Center for
Disease Control. Why him? Why the Chinese CDC director?
Bill Gates would say, well, the Chinese are susceptible to respiratory viruses such as coronavirus. So we brought him in.
But then you look what happened just months later.
It is incredible that the head of China's response to coronavirus in the country, if we were to believe that what we were seeing was real, literally planned and war-gamed with Bill Gates,
members of our own government.
Dr. Fauci, I haven't seen that he was there,
but his officials sure were.
Why was our government conspiring,
doing war games with the Chinese
prior to the Chinese leaking
or intentionally releasing a bioweapon on the world?
And now we're being told, Edward, that there's evidence that coronavirus was in the United
States in the fall, October, November of 2019.
Which we've suspected.
There were people we know, even us, we're wondering, did we come back from trips in
And we were in China.
We were in China for airport layovers
for five hours each way.
And I came back with a very serious,
but it was a respiratory, it was a cough.
And it's different than what we experienced
two weeks ago.
What I had last month was, I didn't cough.
That was bizarre.
It's the worst thing that's ever happened to me in my life. I've never been so weak ever.
And just to know that there's something has gripped my body that has brought me down, that I'm in bed and I can't stand up and I can't walk.
And it's you realize there's a manmade biological weapon that's gotten inside your body.
There's, you know, a couple months ago I called for Dr. Fauci to be arrested and taken to
Guantanamo and interrogated.
And I'm very serious about it.
They don't have to do it at Guantanamo.
But the U.S. military should arrest Dr. Anthony Fauci and question him and get the truth out of that rascal and get names.
Who are the other accomplices?
Who are the other co-conspirators in the United States of America who have worked with dr. Fauci in the Chinese Communist Party so when I
made that statement obviously it it went viral various news organizations
published it they wanted me to look like an idiot you know like oh look at this
guy calling for Fauci to be waterboarded, you know.
But what they did is they got tens of millions of people to read what I said.
Yes. And people started saying, wait a minute. He's right.
Fauci should be questioned. What does he know about China?
Well, weeks later, it's like the dam broke and a series of news articles started appearing and Fauci emails started being leaked.
And I really believe that that true news episode where I said Fauci should be arrested and interrogated, I really believe it pushed others who were working on things, it gave them the encouragement,
go forward with it, publish the articles, release the emails.
Let's go after Fauci.
All right, lock him up.
We'll show you how much support's behind an inquiry.
Just the intent for us to get to the bottom of this, and more so, because listen to the thing, Rick.
We're incredibly well-informed, not just speaking about you and I, but the public who's been paying attention to the bottom of this, and more so, because listen to the thing, Rick. We're incredibly well-informed, not just speaking about you and I,
but the public who's been paying attention to this story.
We know the lab. We know the name of the company.
We know the amount of funding. We know the extent of the funding.
We even know that Dr. Fauci gave a waiver for this funding
to go to the Wuhan Bioweapons Lab.
We know so much, but what we don't know is why Fauci made this decision. Is he an agent of the CCP? It's enough for an investigation. enforcement or intel agencies, maybe the Defense Intelligence Agency, I hope, they're doing
something, but obviously not the CIA, the FBI, or anybody else. Nobody seems to be bothered that all
this evidence is building that Fauci worked closely with the Chinese government, including
the PLA military, and nobody bothers to ask Fauci about it. Instead, Israel gave him a million
An award.
You have to wonder, where did that money come from?
Was that laundered money?
If I were an investigator, I would be demanding to see the paper trail.
Where did that Israeli entity get its million dollars to give to Fauci?
And how does a government employee get a million dollars from a foreign government,
from a foreign source?
How does that happen? You're on the payroll of the U.S. government, from a foreign source. How does that happen?
You're on the payroll of the U.S. government.
Highest paid employee.
How do you get money from a foreign country?
But nobody wants to ask Fauci about it.
Oh, he's a good man.
He's so wonderful.
We have to give him the million-dollar award.
For what?
Working for the China Communist Party?
I want some answers from Fauci.
I want to see Fauci handcuffed and taken to jail.
And if this man is guilty,
he deserves the punishment that his crimes deserve.
But I'm not going to...
What else are there?
They made a movie about him.
There's a movie, I don't know, Netflix or HBO.
Somebody made a movie about him recently.
Oh, he's a hero.
America's doctor.
He's America's doctor. You doctor. He's America's doctor.
You know, he's China's doctor, okay?
And I want answers out of Fauci.
Now, right after, you know, a few weeks after I started
talking like this about Fauci, we had a COVID bomb go off here.
Twenty people around me.
Which we survived by the grace of God.
You're right. That was a well-timed...
Myself and 19 other people were infected.
It was like, boom, a COVID
bomb goes off. Okay.
by the communist China, by the
China Communist Party. I don't know.
Did I
stand close to a vaccinated person
who was emitting a variant?
Possible. Okay. I try to avoid
everybody. I've really been super
careful about being next to
anybody for the past year and a half. But now, and now we're dealing with Doc. I hope, I hope
Doc doesn't have COVID. But this came weeks after we called for the interrogation of Anthony Fauci
and Fauci's got powerful defenders in this country. He's got people taking care of
him. The news media is watching out for him. You know, the entertainment industry, you know,
obviously scientific world, they're watching out for Fauci. They're covering him. But there's more
stuff that's coming out. And thank God for the National Pulse and Great Game India that are doing excellent research work.
This report from the National Pulse this week laid out that the Wuhan lab, this is the bioweapons lab, before the pandemic, and this is in 2017, they found all the genes that were required to create an epidemic strain of coronavirus.
Now, specifically...
And when? When did they find it?
Working with the famous bat lady, they found the specific genes that can infect humans,
taking from bats to humans.
And there is the Science News article.
Look at the date up in the upper right.
November 30th, 2017.
Science News says bats in China carry all the ingredients to make a new SARS virus. And the craziest part about this report, this report from the Science News,
is that they acknowledged that there are strains inside these genes, specifically in bats,
which can cause a viral epidemic when mixed together.
When mixed with bat DNA, if you have a level four bioweapons lab, which is the Wuhan lab itself,
you would be able to create a virulent bioweapon. Now, the problem with this funding is that Dr. Fauci claims that was to protect America. This is an example of
gain-of-function research. And in that 2017 Science News article,
Matthew Freeman, a biologist at the University of Maryland, Baltimore, said there's a chance that the
viruses that exist in these bats could jump to people.
Whether they will or not is anybody's guess.
So they were aware.
They're playing with fire.
Oh, and they made sure they found the ones which would jump to humans.
Because the American scientists who were commenting on this study, they were
taking it from the perspective that the Chinese aren't trying to create a weapon to kill us.
They're just doing research that America is funding. I have to wonder if each one of these
scientists knew that it was EcoHealth Alliance, Peter Daszak, Dr. Fauci's friend that was doing this with the Wuhan lab. That's another question an interrogator should ask of these scientists and obviously Dr. Fauci.
But what we've also found out is there is a scientist here in America still working as a professor in North Carolina
that is named in each of these studies, working hand in hand, a longtime friend of the Bat Lady.
His name is Ralph S. Barrick.
This is Professor Barrick.
Why he's important is that Mr. Barrick was getting money from Dr. Fauci and the NIH to do gain-of-function research.
Right here, this is a Department of Health of Human Services memo from 2014.
Zoomed in on this.
He is getting funding.
Not himself personally, but the university.
The university, but he's named.
That's how much of a role he played in this.
From the NIH, the National Institute of Allergy.
This is the end of...
And that's October 21st, 2014. Right there on the sheet.
Project 1, role of uncharacterized genes in high pathogenic
human coronavirus infection. Ralph S.
Barak, PhD, project leader. Specific aim,
novel functions in virus replication in vitro.
This is when it's infected. Second, novel functions in virus replication in vitro. This is when it's infected.
Second, novel functions in virus pathogenesis.
That is the spread.
He was given money.
His university was empowered to work with Wuhan to research the weaponization of coronavirus. This is out of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.
This has been going on for over a decade.
Over a decade, the U.S. government has been funding research in China, including Wuhan.
Chinese, look, everything that says, those laboratories are Chinese military labs.
You can put any name on the sign that you want.
It's a Chinese military laboratory.
And Fauci knew it.
The NIH knew it.
There are people in Washington who knew
that the U.S. government was giving money
to a China PLA-controlled laboratory,
or more than one laboratory, and they were researching,
they were doing gain-of-function research on coronavirus.
This has been going on for a long time.
Yes, at least 2014, probably before then,
because the documentation we're getting our hands on is just through
the EcoHealth Alliance partnership and the partnership with the University of North Carolina.
We don't know if there was another university or business or company or nonprofit that Dr.
Fauci used in the partnership with China.
Go ahead.
What we do know, Rick, is that there was a pharmaceutical company that decided to get in the middle of this,
working directly with Dr. Baric out at the University of North Carolina,
Moderna. Now, Moderna did something very odd, Rick. They must have also had that crystal ball
that that Utopia series had and also the Event 201 participants had, they knew before the pandemic was declared, before coronavirus was found and confirmed on American soil,
that they had to send their mRNA Frankenstein vaccine to the University of North Carolina before the pandemic?
Yes. And we have the receipts. Here is the material transfer agreement. What material?
Let's zoom in right here.
Oh, look, Moderna, working in conjunction with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.
That's Dr. Fauci's agency.
Recipient, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
As we scroll, it talks about research material.
What is being sent?
Are the research materials of human origin? No.
As we go through this, it turns out what they are sending is the mRNA vaccine and doses of it.
They claim they're sending it to do research. It's all for research, Rick.
But why did Moderna know that they needed a vaccine for coronavirus?
That is an incredibly good question.
They couldn't have known.
They couldn't have known unless, let's say they were betting on it coming to the United States,
but then they would have had to have known that there was an outbreak to begin with.
This is early December, Rick.
Lock them up.
Lock them up.
Go get them.
Now we've got some names here.
Sean Ryan, we'd like to know what you know.
Deputy General Counsel, you were involved in the signing of this.
The process of transmission, we've got you dated right here.
Let's go back one page.
You've got Sonny Himasu, Moderna's investigator.
She probably knows quite a bit.
Right at the top of that signature page, let's go right there.
Look who signed this.
Ralph Baric.
He seems like a prime suspect here.
Someone that got money from Dr. Fauci's NIH agency. He signed this documentation for receiving
the Moderna vaccine and materials on the 12th of December in 2019. I noticed something. Look at the lower right. Amy, what is it, Petrick. It's rubber stamped. It's not a signature and it's not dated.
Huh. It's digitally signed.
Any lawyer would say that is not valid. That's not a signature and there's no date.
And she's the technology transfer specialist.
She was kind of the investigator to make sure everything was proper.
But she didn't physically sign it and she didn't date it.
Man, that just jumped out at me.
I look for things like that in contracts.
Unusual. Watermarks, clues. Jumped out at me. I look for things like getting contracts unusual
Watermarks, yeah, it says that would make it this isn't yeah, this isn't right
We have to wonder if this was this simple research. Why would they have to?
Maybe make those little odd alterations digital signing after the fact possibly but more so
What in the world was going on at Moderna?
I don't think any one of these small stories aren't connected.
How couldn't they be a bigger plan?
Well, you'd have to imagine if there was a group that got together, expert scientists,
such as at a place like Event 201, and they laid out, these are the things we're going
to need in place, or at least to start looking at,
prior to the release of a coronavirus on the world.
You would imagine that part of the steps that come up in a war game was,
you would use the lab connected to the lab that's going to be releasing the virus to get the vaccine.
Maybe to test to see if coronavirus can be countered.
Or you just want to see, maybe they're doing more than just animal
testing at the university of north carolina i mean possibly a an alarm bill gates after his
event to one war game that included the chinese officials maybe he couldn't sleep at night and
he called the ceo of moderna and said oh my god we're gonna have a pandemic someday coronavirus
you got to invent a virus i mean you got to invent. You've got to do it like in the next couple of weeks. In the weeks, yeah. Yeah, you've got a
couple of weeks. You really think they did that in a couple of weeks? No, they're all working together
on a plan. I think they had a heads up for at least a year. You know, the official story, Rick, is
President Trump launched Operation Warp Speed. You know,p means fast. So he was able to get these pharmaceutical companies to mass develop a mRNA solution to the pandemic.
And by golly, Rick, in six months, they got it out.
Six months there.
Can I say something to the diehard Trump loyalists?
Trump's in on it.
He's in on it.
He's in on the whole plan.
Don't believe anything that comes out of his mouth.
He's Mr. Vaccine.
Because he didn't launch that commission.
You know, remember hearing about that story last week?
That's right.
That he'd considered.
Went to the point of gotten.
Going to investigate Fauci, but he didn't sign it, did he?
He didn't sign it.
He didn't launch a 9-11 commission to look into the funding.
And he even to this day, he maintains that he stopped the funding to the lab.
For how long?
A couple of months?
For a couple of months until he came out of office.
But more so, sir, why not look into why it was being funded to begin with?
And why did you have Fauci on your team?
The man who approved the funding through exemption.
Because, Rick, in 2014, all this kind of funding,
gain-of-function research, bioweapon research,
was put on hold. The Department of Homeland Security
even said it was a risky,
they used the word risky,
they should have used the word much more extreme than this,
because there were people getting hurt in Wuhan.
That's the report, is that
there were scientists and researchers
who were actually getting infected,
getting an impact from the weapons they were producing.
The Port Mahone security, to their credit, said you can't do any more.
At least we can't be the ones funding it.
Dr. Fauci gave an exemption.
And that is the beginning of the funding to the Wuhan lab.
Okay, we have another story involving Dr. Baric.
Yes. And this is a 2018 seminar in which he told the conference participants that there will be ways to make a lot of money from a future pandemic.
Who in their right mind thinks like that?
And if you did think like that, who would say it openly in a conference?
A death salesman? A maniac?
A psychopath?
I mean, this is one of the most bizarre presentations I've seen.
And again, our salute to the National Pulse.
Excellent reporting.
They're just doing fantastic work. We have a video clip from Dr. Baric's presentation
in 2018. And we also have a clip from his statement in 2014. I put these together.
He endorses gain-of-function research, and then he goes on to explain how you can make money
if any one of these gain-of-function viruses are released in the world.
It's released, yes.
Investing in mutual funds that might have holdings of pharmaceutical companies.
Masks, he knew ahead of time.
He invested in a mask company.
Hazmat material suits.
He was telling people, these are things that you want to start buying stock in these companies now.
This is the same scientist at the college that got the Moderna vaccine before the pandemic.
So I'd just like to summarize.
We're in dangerous times.
There's four highly pathogenic viruses sort of sampling the human population.
International travel allows for instantaneous, almost worldwide dissemination.
And it's only going to get faster.
And the response times, which are so critical for treating human disease, are being compressed.
And gain of function represents one of those approaches that is a crucial tool for public health preparedness and response.
During the Ebola outbreak, there was about an 8 to 10 percent drop in the market. It then quickly recovered.
I wanted to give you good news. You are winners out there, right? So if you're
looking at, if you want to be prepared and make money in the next pandemic, if that's what you
want to do, buy stock in hazmat suit makers and protective clothing or companies that make
antiviral drugs of that particular pandemic, you'll probably do pretty well. They're actually
mutual funds for pandemic preparedness.
You can bet on anything in this country.
Some products do well.
1918, including masks, same thing today.
Pandemics really are times of opportunity, and I like George R.R. Martin's quote of chaos as the latter.
There's an opportunity for people to have political gain, financial gain, and personal gain during times of social upheaval, and that will
probably occur. There will be misleading stories on social media, miracle cures that will be touted,
conspiracy theories. One thing that is kind of new, you could probably buy and order your own
vaccine on the internet for about 200 bucks now. So you can buy your own vaccine and probably
vaccinate yourself. If you have a little bit of knowledge and most likely somebody will come up
with a scheme to sell that in a safe, in a legal way. Rick, he's in the immunology department. This is at the University
of North Carolina, 2018. His job is to educate students about viruses and how to respond to them.
Not come up with a business plan if there's a global outbreak of one of these frankenviruses.
He was letting investors know there's going to be a global pandemic.
That was an investment conference.
You're right.
Get in early.
Now, I'm giving you a heads up.
What do you think those people were doing in the audience?
Taking very detailed notes, specifically of even companies, because you can bet against
industries, too.
This is one of the slides.
If you knew that, for example, Royal Caribbean Cruises, Carnival, were going to
be losers in a big pandemic, and you knew that a pandemic was coming, you'd take out shorts on
these companies. You would sell any holdings. Of course, you do a lot of things. And the winners,
my goodness, if you knew that hazmat suit makers, protective clothing makers, most of which are in China.
Mask makers in China.
Well, if you just so happen to know to put, to sell all your other investments and put
a million dollars in one of these companies or one of these stocks.
Which puts you in business with the China Communist Party.
Oh, and also.
Now a pandemic and lockdowns.
This is actually a wonderful financial opportunity.
Well, it's a twofer for the Chinese.
They get foreign investment and they get to kill Americans and send our country into a spiral and a lockdown.
Do we really have people that evil and wicked?
What we just heard.
You just heard.
That's a real man.
That man ought to be in a straitjacket. Not heading up the Biological Research Division at the University of North Carolina, partnering
with the Wuhan PLA lab.
Well, we're going to continue to make the China Communist Party propaganda operation
work harder to smear true news, because that's all this is.
All this, the left wing, what we call left wing news media,
they're really just mouthpieces for the China Communist Party.
So when you see these stories on the internet that belittle, slander true news,
just remember, China Communist Party.
Yeah, and to the propagandists, they'll kill you too.
You're not special.
They're getting hurt by the same weapon.
We're trying to lay out the origin. We're trying to educate you. You want to slander us through it, you'll die you too. You're not special. They're getting hurt by the same weapon. We're trying to lay out the origin. We're trying to educate you.
You want to slander us through it, you'll die through it, I suppose.
You'll die in your ignorance.
What is this next one, number 14, Nature?
This is actually the study.
Now, we actually discovered this last year.
This is something at the beginning of the pandemic we covered on True News.
There on the right of the three people is Dr. Berg.
In the middle is the bat lady, Dr. Sheng Li.
He knows her?
He is a longtime friend of her.
Oh, my.
We were putting this together in April of last year.
Nature Research Journal in 2015, they actually came together and they published a study on how to replicate a pathogenic
virus like coronavirus or other respiratory illnesses that you can produce in a lab in
human airways.
This is his expertise other than selling death.
In human airways?
In human airways.
Okay, so how about that?
Well, I have a personal stake in this now.
I got some skin in the game right now.
He got his virus into my airways.
Yes, he did.
He needs to be interrogated.
I'm working to bring him down.
Let me tell you, you psychopaths, I'm working to bring you all down.
I'm doing everything I can to bring you people down.
You are a threat to the human race.
And you need to be exposed.
Even if it costs me my life, I'm going to do what I have to do. You are a threat to the human race. And you need to be exposed. Even if it costs me my life,
I'm going to do what I have to do. You're killing people. You're killing people. Mass kill off.
The predators.
This is so bizarre, so weird. You think this can't be happening, but we're looking at the facts.
And we just laid out the facts. Thanks. National Pulse, another story.
Fauci's bosses signed research deals with Chinese Communist Military Front.
So this is something we brought up yesterday with Dr. Francis Collins.
Now, what we showed was a memorandum of understanding.
There seems to be many documents, many agreements, which were signed between 2010 and 2020. But why this is important
is that Dr. Francis and his staff, they visited Beijing, they visited Wuhan, they went to lab. We
know that there are certainly visits by Dr. Barak too. We have to wonder what was said at these
meetings. But something we know is that China, in conjunction with the bioweapons program, also had a very, very active influence operation.
They were working to recruit allies in the medical industry, but more so in the media and in Silicon Valley. and keep your narrative of it being an accident or even just short of it being something that comes out of bat soup
unless you control the communications in the free countries of the world
that have press that might blow the whistle on it.
Well, in addition to Dr. Francis,
the Chinese were also courting, as it appears, Mark Zuckerberg,
number 17 for control.
National Pulse has been reporting on this connection.
Now we have actually a little bit of a breakthrough.
We know that Mark Zuckerberg was worried about the impact of these mRNA vaccines. We played the
audio of it. He said, well, this changed my DNA. He said this on a call to all his staff.
We now know that Mark Zuckerberg offered resources and money directly to Dr. Fauci
and did this to help him control what he considered to be the backlash,
the conspiracy theories that a bioweapon is loose on the American people,
that the vaccines maybe aren't safe.
We know this not just from emails, Rick.
We know this because Dr. Fauci let it slip in a recent interview with
the New York Times. We have the audio of that right here.
Your redacted emails with Mark Zuckerberg have added fuel to the fire. Representatives
Jim Jordan and James Comer and Senator Marsha Blackburn have alleged you worked with Facebook
to censor speech. You're just laughing at me, right?
No, no. The reason I'm laughing, Cara, because
every single one of those emails can be explained in a way that is perfectly normal, perfectly
innocent and completely above board. Were you trying to get help with your Instagram? What was
happening? No. Well, you know, I don't know who redacted that. When people ask for my emails,
I don't look through my emails and say, okay, I'll give
you this one and redact this. It's completely out of my control. So you want to know what the email
was really about? Hey, big scoop here. We're going to go. Mark said, hey, is there anything that we
can do to help out to get the messages out, the right public health messages. I have a very important
medium here in Facebook. Can I help? And as a matter of fact, if you guys don't have enough
resources and money to do some of the things you want, just let us know. It was about as friendly
and innocent an email as you could possibly imagine. So not about whether to censor speech related to COVID, anything else?
Absolutely 100%.
And any thought of that is total conspiracy theory and total flight of fantasy.
So let me get this straight.
Dr. Fauci had emails going back and forth with Mark Zuckerberg, a billionaire owner of Facebook.
But when these emails were released, the emails between him and Zuckerberg were redacted.
But don't worry.
It's an easy explanation to explain these emails, even though they were redacted and covered up, that you can't read them.
But don't worry about it.
There's an explanation for it.
He just wanted to offer me money.
He just wanted to offer me money.
That's Fauci's answer with his laughing at the reporter.
Ha, ha, ha, ha.
You know, there's an easy explanation why we, I mean, that we redacted these things.
I didn't do it.
I don't have time to redact my, I don't know who on my staff did it.
But you made sure your emails between you and Zuckerberg were covered up.
Now, Zuckerberg didn't offer money directly to Fauci.
Let's make it clear that we know him.
But Zuckerberg was offering to put up a lot of money for COVID propaganda operations.
Everything maybe from contact tracing using Facebook's database to outright censorship on Facebook's platform.
I think this was actually the most effective way Mark Zuckerberg and the Facebook censorship panel, which we have to add here.
Remember our coverage here? It has communists on it.
They hired people from communist China to serve as censors.
As fact checkers, huh?
Fact checkers.
Oh, yeah.
What we're now seeing, Rick, is that any stories which try to link Zuckerberg and the Wuhan lab and even Dr. Fauci, they're just outright being censored, blocked, deleted.
Is it possible that Mark Zuckerberg has a warm spot in his heart for the China Communist Party?
If it's not a warm spot, it's certainly a spot where he takes orders,
a spot that he sees himself as a dutiful agent.
Because Mark Zuckerberg in America has carried out a
Maoist censorship campaign. It's another one of those examples that he doesn't live in Beijing,
but he sure likes the way they handle their government, handle their people.
Kerry Kinsey's headlines were canceled, deplatformed on Facebook because they accused Kerry of spreading medical misinformation.
No, Kerry was reporting about COVID deaths.
Not COVID deaths, COVID vaccine deaths. Yes.
And so Zuckerberg's Facebook removed Kerry Kinsey
and his True News headlines, which was a separate account.
No, they're working very hard to protect China,
to protect the China Communist Party and everybody that's involved with the China
Communist Party. This thing is so big. We would all be in a state of shock if we knew how many
people in America are working hand in hand with the China Communist Party. I hope and pray that there are some patriots remaining in the U.S. government
who do something about it.
Because another several years, this is over.
It's done. It's finished.
The takeover will be complete.
And I don't expect the FBI to do anything.
I certainly don't expect the Justice Department, certainly not the White House, Beijing, Biden.
What's left?
You hope and pray that there's a core group of real patriots in the military that says,
we're going to lose our lives, we're going to lose the nation, we're going to lose everything.
Yes, a group that understands that if they've done it once and gotten away with it, and
that they want to beat the United States on the great power conflict level, why wouldn't
they do another attack?
Three attacks, four attacks.
This was the first one, and look what it's done to the nation.
And we won't even discuss the origin of it.
Yes, and for the U.S. military to know that there are high level, powerful Chinese
agents and supporters, Chinese Communist Party, I want to make sure it's not the Chinese people,
the China Communist Party, agents and supporters in this country in high level positions,
in the news media, in the government, in law enforcement, in the courts, in the Justice Department, in education.
And they are promoting a pro-China Communist Party narrative.
And they're covering up the fingerprints of the China Communist Party on mass death of the American people and people around the world.
That has to be dealt with.
And if we don't confront it in the next year,
I think we've lost. It's over. It's gone. There will not be any way to recover the country
if we do not deal with the scope and depth of the China Communist Party infiltration of United States society.
That's where we're at right now.
How about Google?
Do they have fingerprints on this?
Yes, through
That's their charity arm.
They have been funding the researcher, the man who owns EcoHealth Alliance,
Dr. Fauci's friends, Dr. Peter Daszak. Now, Google has been doing this
since 2010. They've been funding his work. They've been funding specifically experiments,
which ties to the Wuhan lab, gain of function, specifically research into coronavirus. Everyone
seems to be obsessed with coronavirus and was obsessed with it before the pandemic. Well, they've also been joined with USAID.
USAID won't help Palestinians starving in the West Bank, but they will help the bioweapons
research in Wuhan.
And they've been doing it since 2010.
Let's jump down, Edward, to number 23. This report that came out,
Epoch Times,
I think maybe in the first agency
that reported it,
but British Airways says
the sudden deaths of four pilots
not linked.
Yes, and it was even hard-pressed
to admit that four pilots had died.
I found this photo of the four pilots.
So this is an admitted
fact that there are four British Airlines pilots who have passed away. They're young. They're not
ailed. And if you're going to be a pilot, you have to have a certain level of fitness.
Each one of these pilots died after British Airways pressured their employees to get vaccinated.
Now, British Airways and the British government are fighting to admit,
trying to avoid any question of whether these pilots got vaccinated.
But I'm going to go with logic here.
They wouldn't have been in the cockpit after British Airways mandated their pilots have vaccinated status.
So I'm going to go with they were vaccinated.
They are now mysteriously dead.
British Airways claims there's no link between each of the deaths other than the fact that they died after this mandate and they're young.
But Dr. Sarah Branch, she's the director of vigilance and risk management of medicines. This is the government spokesperson.
She works at UK's Medicine Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency. this is their version of the FDA, said we have not been made aware of deaths of British Airways pilots.
They're unaware, Rick, right before they debunk it, I suppose, after receiving the COVID vaccine
and have not had discussions with British Airways or other airlines about preventing pilots from flying
after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
That's a really odd thing for a government official to address.
She went on to say there are currently no restrictions on aviation
or other industries and activities post-vaccination.
Our advice remains that the benefit of the vaccine
outweigh the risk in the majority of people.
What risk? I thought it was risk three.
It is still vitally important that people come forward for their vaccination
and for their second dose when invited to do so.
Rick, if four pilots died in your country, I think you probably want to lead with
our condolences go to the families.
We're investigating. This is something we should look into. What killed them?
We want to make sure two things. The vaccine is safe and
the aviation is safe. How would you like
your pilot to die on a transatlantic flight?
I wouldn't.
I want our pilots to be safe, especially a pilot in the cockpit of a plane.
I want them to be able to land the plane, obviously.
You have to question if these pilots die during the vaccination, what about the passengers?
And what about the rest of the world who are basically the guinea pigs to these
experimental, non-FDA-approved vaccines? Scary stuff. I'm telling you, the vaccines are more
deadly than the virus. That's the plan. That's the plan.
Rick, shall we go to Kerry's headlines?
Yeah, sure. Absolutely.
We'll be back just in a moment. Here's Kerry Kenzie with our second headlines. We'll be back just in a moment. Here's Kerry Kinsey with our second headlines.
Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Courier newspaper in Scotland is reporting that women across the country say their periods have been disrupted following their COVID-19 jab.
More than 4,000 in the UK have experienced irregularities, including heavy, late and painful bleeding.
And they've reported that to the government's medicine watchdog.
AstraZeneca, Pfizer and Moderna were all reported to have caused these side effects.
Experts are closely monitoring the reports. Information has been sent to the UK government's yellow card scheme,
which collates side effects data as part of the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency.
Now, the paper offered this graphic.
They claim AstraZeneca's jab in green there seems to be showing more problems than Pfizer or Moderna. More than 2,200
cases altogether of heavy menstrual bleeding and more than 1,100 cases of menstruation delayed.
Also, almost 800 cases of menstrual disorder. Now, Katie Niven from Dundee, Scotland, says she noticed irregularities in her period after receiving her first dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine back in March.
She says, I had my vaccine on day three of my cycle and then my next period definitely lasted longer.
It was 16 days long.
She says, I found it highly suspicious. It was a combination
of knowing it wasn't normal for me or finding out after Googling it, other women were experiencing
the same sort of issues. She says, that's when I made the correlation. Well, that's a look at
True News Headlines. For information on this story and more,
visit our companion website. You're going to love it. It's right there at That's
N-E-W-S-C-O-U-P dot com. The right alternative to drudge. Now, let's get back to the Godcast.
Here's Rick and Edward. truth, say what's actually happening in the world. We've got Vladimir Putin. Something he said today, Rick, that caught our attention was that the United States is behind the 2014 coup in Ukraine.
Is that news? Well, I guess the general public who doesn't have true news playing every day and is
believing the propaganda, I think they might think it is. Yeah, our audience has known that
ever since 2014. It was obvious when John McCain showed up. That's right. So I wonder why today Vladimir Putin
publicly accused the United States
of organizing the coup d'etat
that overthrew the elected government of Ukraine
and installed a pro-Nazi,
and literally, and I'm not saying that.
They're like SS divisions.
They call themselves Nazis. A pro-Nazi government.
And the Russians get very nervous about Nazis because they know how many millions of Russians were killed by the Nazis.
And so for some reason today, Vladimir Putin brings us something.
He's known it since 2014.
But why did he accuse the United States today of carrying out the coup in Ukraine in 2014?
Well, today turns out to be the 80th anniversary of when the Nazis invaded Russia.
Oh, really?
So in his eyes, he's just pointing out a new potential Nazi invasion of Russia.
Well, we'll show you a 2013 video of the late Senator John McCain in Kiev,
Ukraine. This is the Guardian saying the headline, John McCain tells Ukraine protesters, we are here
to support your just cause. Who? Who's here? Well, Victoria Nuland was there from the State Department under Obama.
All right. Democrat Obama. But you get Republican McCain and Vice President Biden.
And was I don't know if Biden was with them on that trip.
No, no. I mean, yes. In the administration. Yes. Yes.
But there's John McCain in Ukraine in 2013 telling the protesters who were trying to topple the government,
we are here to support your just cause. Now, I always like to give examples, analogies to help
Americans think what this would be like if this happened to us. So imagine a Russian senator is in Seattle and tells Antifa,
we are here to support your cause. Overthrow the government.
Yeah, he's in chop with razzmatazz. Remember that, Matt?
Yeah, we will recognize the state of razz. Okay, the Russian government is here to support your revolution.
What if a Russian senator
was in any of the cities
that were burned by Black Lives Matter
and he said,
we're here to support the cause
of the Black Lives Matter movement.
Would we be outraged?
Oh, we'd be grabbing our guns.
That's an invasion.
That's a foreign power
trying to influence
and take over our country. But John McCain went to Ukraine and sided with very radical protesters whose aim and
success was a violent overthrow of the Ukrainian elected government. And he went at the time that
they were literally revolting. Yes. Who can pull something like that off? But we have a video from 2013.
This is how he spent his Christmas that year.
People of Ukraine, this is your moment.
This is about you, no one else. Це ваш момент. Це про вас. Це про ваше майбутнє, про майбутнє вашої країни. Це про майбутнє, на яке ви заслуговуєте. A future in Europe. A future of peace.
Relations with all of your neighbors.
The free world is with you.
America is with you.
I am with you.
And the destiny you seek lies in Europe.
Mr. McCain had a busy year that year.
He was pushing and backing a revolution,
which Vladimir Putin is now saying that was directly orchestrated by the U.S. government.
What was John McCain's interest in a revolution in Ukraine?
What was he doing there?
He was a U.S. senator from Arizona.
His job was to represent the state of Arizona in the U.S. Senate, not to go around the world
promoting revolution. But he was working hand in hand with the Obama administration. He traveled
there with Victoria Nuland from the State Department under Obama. So the whole thing
about McCain running against Obama for president, that is a big joke.
It didn't matter which one you got.
You got the same policy.
But it was already chosen because Obama was a Freemason.
He was Obama is a member of the Prince Hall Freemason Lodges.
And so it didn't matter who he got elected, whether he got McCain.
McCain knew he wasn't going to win that election.
I mean, he took a fall like a corrupt boxer.
It was the worst campaign I ever saw in my life.
But he already knew the outcome.
Something's going on.
Something just completed its activity.
There was military activity off the coast of Hawaii this week.
A major Russian war drill was actually conducted at times only 20 miles off the coast of Hawaii.
Nuclear bombers, they had their own missile cruisers.
The Russians were testing hypersonic missiles right off the coast of Pearl Harbor.
20 to 30 nautical miles off the coast of Hawaii.
I saw one news article today, and the headline said, what are the Russians doing off the
coast of Hawaii?
Well, duh, it's really easy.
They're preparing for war.
Yes, what are U.S. and British vessels doing off the coast of Russia?
That's right.
And so we'll show you this is TASS News Agency.
Russian coastal defense troops hold drills in Crimea as NATO warships enter the Black Sea.
So what's different?
NATO is off the coast of Russia.
Russia is off the coast of Hawaii. Russia is off the coast of Hawaii.
What's different between the two? Both sides are preparing for World War III,
which has already started, compliments of the Chinese Communist Party.
Rick, their hatred of Russia is intriguing because Russia was able to break the shackles of communism. They've turned back to Jesus Christ.
They've banned abortion to a certain extent in their country.
They're making a lot of moves that the West would consider to be
completely in opposition of the values we hold dear.
That's right.
But let's look first at what the American Pentagon is doing
under our current left-wing secretary of defense.
Comedy shows for the troops, right?
Maybe musicals or concerts or, oh no, Drag Queen hour.
For our soldiers.
Nellis Air Force Base.
Air Force Base, Nevada.
This is absolutely disgusting.
So the Pentagon, for the first time ever, has said, the troops are sad.
The troops see that patriotism is being criminalized.
Let's cheer them up.
Let's invite men dressed as women to dance in front of them and read them stories about the revolution.
It's gone, folks.
Country's gone, folks. Country's gone. And you get brave, courageous, masculine men in uniform sitting there being indoctrinated,
and they don't do anything.
They're taunting them.
You're being indoctrinated.
You know it's wrong.
You know it's disgusting. And you're being indoctrinated. You know it's wrong. You know it's disgusting. And you're being indoctrinated and you won't do anything about it.
You wondered what a reeducation camp would look like? That's it right there. under Biden, a Beijing puppet. While the U.S. Biden administration is putting drag queens
in front of soldiers on U.S. military bases, let's take a look at what the Russian military is doing.
Inflatable churches and military candles, how the Russian Orthodox Church helps the country's military.
You know, this article, the Russian church is quoted as saying that they seek to position
themselves as a spiritual influence, an ideological entity in the Russian armed forces.
They want to guide the minds of their troops.
Edward, do you think if you walk through the door of that inflatable church that there's
a drag queen show taking place?
No, I'm going to see a priest giving a sermon about the glory of Jesus Christ.
And dispensing the elements of the Eucharist, the Holy Communion, the Lord's Supper, the bread and the wine.
No drag queens.
No drag queens. Now, let me ask you, which side in World War III, which side do you think may come out
the winner?
Who's living in sin.
Who is inviting drag queens to influence the minds of their soldiers.
Who's inviting priests to be in the lives of their soldiers.
How can you, as an American, continue to say God bless the troops?
There is a day coming.
When the troops are now being indoctrinated into laughing and enjoying a presentation
of drag queens.
How can you say God bless the troops?
Do you really think God's blessing this?
And we can't.
There's a day coming and it might already be here.
Second John told us we can't bless sin. I can't bless someone who is hijacking a car or committing murder
or living as a reprobate. And that is the position we're now in. We have more in common, Rick, oddly,
with the Russian soldiers who are going to accept communion than our own troops sitting
and watching drag queens twerk. Not my country anymore. I don't know what place this is.
It's Babylon.
It's a bizarre place, but it's not America anymore.
It's been overthrown.
There was a communist revolution in 2020,
and not too many people even aware of it,
and even fewer willing to do something about it.
Edward, I don't know about you,
but I think we probably should.
We've got a lot more, I know,
but I think we should just close on this.
Do you want to pray for us real quick?
Yes, yes.
I'm going to pray for Doc
and pray for the body of Christ worldwide
because this newscast is seen all over the world
in the most remote places.
And we're so grateful. Father God, most merciful and wonderful and holy Heavenly Father. Father,
we come to you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Father, our hearts grieve at the wickedness of this world, the evil plotting and scheming and the glorification of things that are an abomination to you, Father.
Father, we grieve in our hearts and spirits over these things.
And we we ask you, Father, to to come where we are desiring the second coming of Jesus Christ. There's no other answer.
There's no other solution. We're not going to ask you for a political victory. We're not going to
ask you for anything of a natural standing to change the course. There's only one thing.
We're asking you for your son to come back, Jesus Christ,
to establish his kingdom of righteousness forever.
And so we're expressing to you, Father God,
our desire to be with you always
and with our King Jesus Christ
and all of our brethren who have passed on in eternity
and those who are alive today.
Come quickly, Lord Jesus,
and establish your kingdom of righteousness.
Father, we lift up our brother, Dr. Burkhart.
We ask you, Father, to heal him,
restore his good health and energy,
remove whatever is making him ill,
and bless him, Father,
in the name of Jesus Christ.
Amen. Amen.
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