Episode Date: June 10, 2021

Today on TruNews, host Edward Szall talks with Doc Burkhart about his recovery and victory over the CCP COVID attack on the ministry, and gives all glory to Jesus for his recuperation. Milo and Laure...n show how children are being used as lab rats in the latest Coronavirus vaccine scheme. A viewer supplies magnetic injection site video, confirming that something is amiss in the vaccine rollout. How many shekels would it take to sell your soul for promoting the vaccine? Ben Shapiro is exposed for his praise of Blackrock artificially inflating housing in depressed markets. A new movement of Karens are posed to speak up against today’s tyranny when men will not. Since gender reveal parties are now no longer politically correct, they are now being replaced with … race reveal parties! Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/10/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, 2021. I'm Doc Burkhart. Joining me here in just a few moments will be our guest hosts, Milo Yalanopoulos and Lauren Witsky. But first, we want to give you an update on the Chinese COVID attack on True News over the past several weeks. Most of our staff has either returned or are in recovery regarding this recent slew of events. And if you missed yesterday's Godcast,
Starting point is 00:01:01 then I encourage you to go back and watch it because Rick Wiles was able to be out here with us yesterday for the entire God cast. He had a message from the Lord for people, and it was both inspiring and it gave me peace of heart to just see Rick here and to convey to the audience where his heart is regarding everything that's been going on the past couple weeks, the attacks on the ministry, both in the media and physically. As I mentioned, most of our staff has returned. Kerry Kinsey is still out, will probably be out for a few more days, but he is still slowly recovering, getting better and better every day.
Starting point is 00:01:39 I received a message from his wife today telling me that he's so much better in the past 24 hours than he has been. And we're hoping to have Kerry back here in the studio next week. And he's got some big projects that he's working on, so we're excited about getting him back on track with those. The other person of interest that has been out, of course, has been True News host Edward Zoll. And rather than tell you what's going on with Edward, I thought it'd be even better to have Edward himself tell you what's going on. So joining me right now is True News host Edward Zoll. Hello, Edward. I'm alive. Yes, you are. You are alive. How are you, sir? I'm doing well. It's been a very, I don't have to tell you it's been a long last couple weeks,
Starting point is 00:02:28 but I tell you what has kept me strong and what has kept me concentrated is the fact that, one, we have such a wonderful family of supporters. The prayer warriors, I felt it. There was a night I thought I was going to die and that's truth be told I thought I couldn't breathe and you know what, the Lord kept me alive the Lord kept me alive
Starting point is 00:02:52 and he's kept everyone else in the ministry alive whatever's taken place Rick referred to it as a bomb that went off, it sure felt like it both emotionally spiritually and physically we weren't even sure how we were going to do the program. I'll tell you what I do know to be true is this whole episode has made it so very clear what's important.
Starting point is 00:03:14 There's so much stuff that takes our attention day to day. But when you are unable to move and you have to sit there, stare at a wall, and focus on your breathing. Life becomes pretty simple. You know, I think for me, it's been a great reflection period, a time to reset back to, as Rick mentioned yesterday, great commission. To be honest with you, most of the things that happen in the news, they're interesting. They're good for us to be discerning of what's happening and also to be prayerful. But honestly, we're here to preach the gospel. That is something I think, if I could take anything away from this very weird last two weeks, it's felt like a gap. But what is affirmed to me is the Lord kept me alive because he's going to use me and the others
Starting point is 00:04:01 in the ministry to continue to fulfill the Great Commission. Edward, do you feel comfortable with kind of walking us through your experience? I mean, when you first started experiencing symptoms, I also know you went to the emergency room a couple times. Feel free to share what you're comfortable with sharing here. Yeah, I think initially, we were wondering what was going through the ministry. I think I was one of the last standing that was not confirmed sick. But, you know, you started to wonder. You started to get a little bit of a haze. That was the first symptom that was present. Your head was a little clouded.
Starting point is 00:04:38 You got a headache. You felt weak. I certainly felt the creaking and the aching in the bones. Rick mentioned everyone's had a little bit of a different expression. I suppose that's what you'd expect in the event of a very unorthodox virus, a bioweapon of sorts with gain of function. I think we've all had a little bit of a different of a gain of function of the impact. For me, that was that. When it started to get really bad was uh when i you know
Starting point is 00:05:07 i just i i couldn't think like it's like one of the weirdest things in the world like your brain just kind of shuts off and even the most the simple things such as eating getting up taking medicine these are things they become a very laboratorious task like it's tough it's tough you have to really rev yourself up to do it um the once i tested positive and i started getting fever that's when i i knew this was more than just a small thing i i the fevers were odd uh they would come at night time they come throughout the day too they're just ups and downs ups and downs i'd get a fever it'd last two hours i'd go back down to like 98 at the highest points sometimes went up to 102 103 um i i made a call uh very early to separate myself from my wife as in i i knew that whatever i was experiencing she wasn't and it would be responsible for me to stay elsewhere and
Starting point is 00:06:05 end up staying at my very, and I want to thank him for this, my cameraman. I can't say his name. He must be very private, but I appreciate him. I do. Me and the cameraman, we held out in the cabin in the woods and we, I think we kept each other sane for that small time period. I transitioned from there to a friend's house who had like kind of a suite for me to come lessons in. But that is also the time period I picked up pneumonia. So it wasn't just COVID. I ended up getting pneumonia. That got tested positive at the ER.
Starting point is 00:06:41 And that's when I started getting breathing problems. So like I had this wave of the fever but then when it really started getting bad I got the pneumonia and there was one night where I could not breathe like I was I was just coughing non-stop like I woke up just coughing coughing coughing I couldn't even get a breath in and that was one of those that was the moment I was like, man, I think I might die. And what I said, I thought, I've been texting with Rick throughout the week, and the thing Rick always would text back to me is just trust Christ, trust the Lord. And in those moments, you know, the first thing I thought to do was I was commanding the virus to exit.
Starting point is 00:07:20 I was like, look, in the name of Jesus, I command this virus to get out of me. It doesn't have power over me. And Lord, please help me breathe. It's a very simple prayer. What would you say in these moments where you can't breathe or you're in trouble? It's very simple stuff. It really is. Relying on the Lord is simply just talking to him and having a relationship with him. And the Lord knows you can't breathe. You don't have to into some uh poetic soliloquy it was as simple as i can't breathe please help me breathe and i i even turned on a song it i i think i think it was effective i i played some gospel music about just breathe like seriously i had that playing and i'm sitting in this room by myself staring at the the ceiling fan just wondering if this is going to break. And then I just started praying.
Starting point is 00:08:07 I started reflecting. I was like, look, if I do survive this, I dedicate my life to whatever purpose you have for it. It's not going to be to report the next salacious scandal. It's not – none of that stuff really matters. I think you're telling me is that you need to just be focused on me. And I ask the Lord, if you save me, you keep me through this, that's what I'm going to do, if I haven't already. I tell you, the last thing I remember before passing out was I looked over to my left, and I swear, I think I saw
Starting point is 00:08:44 Jesus. I think Jesus was to my left, and I swear, I think I saw Jesus. I think Jesus was holding my hand, and he helped me breathe, and then I fell asleep. The next morning, it was like nothing had happened. I couldn't breathe at all. I'm breathing normally through my nose. After that point, it was a daily improvement. Now I can breathe, I can talk, I can do all these things. It would have been tough even just a week ago to have a full-on conversation. That's just how weak I was and how difficult it was to just talk. But hey, the Lord saved me. And that's a testament
Starting point is 00:09:19 that I'll have for the rest of my life. And I think that's what the Lord wanted me to take away from this experience. Edward, we've been covering, you know, the whole COVID thing for about 18 months now. It's hard to believe we've been doing that for 18 months. And I'm just, I want to ask you, now that you've gone through this period where you yourself have experienced COVID, coronavirus, the bioweapon that Chinese have released,
Starting point is 00:09:48 how did the, maybe the reporting and the investigations and everything that we've done over the past 18 months either influence your decision process as you were going through this experience? And what insights now have you gained as a result of this experience on maybe what we could see in further investigation of this thing? Well, I think the first thing is the greatest impact of the virus and the most damage it can have is causing loneliness. I really was humbled. In fact, I had all this help. I mean, really, comparatively to some people, especially early on, I had an insurmountable amount of help. Not just the prayers of the True News family, but friends around me, people that were sending recommendations, advice. And just I had people constantly trying to contact me and put in touch with me.
Starting point is 00:10:41 I think that some and many people suffered throughout the last year, and they didn't have anybody. They literally suffered alone. And I think if there's one of the things I took away from that is that if you know anybody who's sick, you know anyone who's going through COVID, or maybe they're just lonely in general, you've got to reach out to them. I think it's one of the first things we need to do as the body of Christ is to make sure that this virus doesn't separate. As for the virus itself, I certainly have a lot of questions about the timing. It is incredibly odd that we experienced this COVID bomb
Starting point is 00:11:19 about a year and a bit after most of the country was experiencing it. And I do think it's important now that we have a frame of reference because before we were kind of staring into a shadow or a dark jungle. We didn't quite know what was in that jungle. We'd heard a lot of stories. We'd read enough to know that there was something odd and dangerous that was lurking that we hadn't been touched by it i mean for the most part we had a couple cases in the office of positive test results but no outbreak nothing that would necessitate the closing of the office like we had in the past two weeks but i think that the
Starting point is 00:12:02 biggest thing i saw was that by us experiencing it, well, first of all, hopefully this was the worst of it. You know, there's a lot of theories about the variants produced by vaccines, produced by those who are sick. There's many explanations, I think. But I think if this was the worst that they could throw at us, and we had all these other, you know, tools at our disposal, most being our faith, then hey, we survived it. And maybe that is our thing to focus on, is that we survived it with no casualties. It was tough.
Starting point is 00:12:34 We survived with no casualties, but we have a testimony now. And as Rick said, we're more angry than ever. Or I would say less that the anger than it be righteous passion to not quit. Like if the plan was to knock us out and to make us feel like we were alone, that we couldn't fight this, that we were defeated, it's had the complete opposite effect. You know, the craziest thing about this gain of function stuff, I mean, we're watching this while this COVID bomb exploded.
Starting point is 00:13:05 It's like it's now become a common piece of conversation to say, oh, yeah, by the way, it is probably true. The United States funded gain of function research at Wuhan and that it was way more than just three point seven million dollars. And the Pentagon now is involved and you have congressional people, you have you have regular outlets that are talking about it one end of that i wonder it's it is it is not good that the rest of the public is now where we're at a year ago we still have no answers but it's certainly better than the position we were in before where it almost felt like fauci was impervious to any kind of investigation any kind of criticism certainly that guy's on the ropes ropes. If you saw his interview with Chris Todd, the guy now is reverting back to, well, if you challenge me, you're challenging science. Well, that's quite a boisterous statement, sir. How about we just have a discussion about what in the world you were thinking in funding the manipulation of a virus, which now we have
Starting point is 00:14:02 become victims to? Sounds like you got a new fire in you regarding this, Edward. And one thing I mentioned to Rick yesterday is that, yes, we've been attacked by a weaponized virus, but the only thing it has succeeded in doing is weaponizing us now. And so now true news is weaponized, as weaponized as the virus is, because we are going to be on the attack. I already know the answer to this question, but I got to ask it just so people that are watching, you know, our friends and enemies watch. How has this experience and the information that you had before changed? Has it changed your perspective on vaccines? I already kind of know the answer, but maybe you can flesh it out for me a little bit.
Starting point is 00:14:49 Well, certainly I haven't gotten a vaccine, and I don't plan to. I do think that the vaccine drives are coming to a standstill. I think that my opinion on the vaccine, it's very important, I think, to be objective, because I think there are people on both sides of the conversation, both the right and the left, that will want to play to our deepest fears and concerns regarding the vaccines and the vaccination programs. I think it's certainly true that many have been injured and many have been killed. I think that's something that's measurable. Rick shared that very shocking story about the very old Bedouin. They went out
Starting point is 00:15:29 and vaccinated him and he died right there on the spot. I mean, that's a real story. I do not think that the majority of the people who've taken the vaccine will die or will be injured. And I think statistically, that's what the numbers show. It doesn't also mean that the thing's safe. I think that the vaccine is an example of our society crumbling, that we've produced, you know, basically this mRNA experimental shot in the various brands it's come out in. And for the most part, it's had a placebo effect, is that the vaccine itself, I don't, I know there's a whole movement of people that will want like it's especially the right because there's a whole movement on the right that want
Starting point is 00:16:09 to drive up people's emotion to vote that's their sole goal is to get people to vote in 2022 and 2024 the only topic they seem to be able to not get burnt on is to come out and support basically any anti-lockdown messaging, which I'm an absolute fan of. Let's get rid of the lockdowns instead of the messaging. I do think that there have been many doctors who've made claims that will be proven to be ridiculous in about six months. I pray they're wrong. Like the ones that think that half the population might die off a vaccine, I pray they're wrong. But they will be proven wrong in six months. It'll be measurable. I think it's important for us during this time to not lose our minds. I think that one of the things the CCP virus absolutely did is cause a mass
Starting point is 00:16:57 hysteria. And because we don't have explanations, because our minds are trying to just make sense of this madness that's happened to society. Society has irreparably changed. There's no question about that. Society has changed to the point where I don't know if most of the population even understands what general work is anymore. We're having issues even just hiring people. And, you know, the welfare system in the country has kind of destroyed the ability for the businesses to hire.
Starting point is 00:17:23 Right. And that's aside from the stimulus checks we've gone through, the other issues that are kind of underlying with inflation. But I do think it's important for us not to lose our mind doing that because it doesn't necessarily prove the extreme. I think the best thing we can do and the best thing we can prove is that the vaccination programs will fail because people don't want to get the vaccine. And we may be two years from now where we just forget about this
Starting point is 00:17:50 whole thing. The vaccination program, if it doesn't produce mass death, will just be another blip in the history of America. I pray for that. I pray that the vaccine program does not have a long-term impact on sterility, on overall health, and if they do not succeed in getting a mandatory vaccination, which the only way they could essentially get that would be through putting the gun to someone's head. I think that people are at the point where they're not going to take the vaccine unless someone physically forces them to. And who is going to force them?
Starting point is 00:18:20 I mean, the military and the police are in disarray. The ones that aren't already trying to get their head on their shoulders are running around the country trying to find people that may have not been on the January 6th protests. You know, it's like you think where the priorities of the government, the federal government. I think I'm looking at a government in disarray and an empire crumbling. And there are many voices that want to tell us and want to get us revved up that ultimately in practice there will not be a man showing up at your house trying to force you to take a vaccine. My prayer is two years from now we won't hear any discussion about the vaccine anymore. I'm sure you'll have a lot more to say about that. I knew Edward was really sick because he's like Rick.
Starting point is 00:19:09 Edward eats and breathes and thinks news all the time. And so you'll see Edward working on news from 6 in the morning until midnight. And we have conversations going on. And when the conversation stopped with Edward, when he wasn't talking about the news, I knew, hey, he's not doing well. And so, Edward, we want to jump into the Godcast today by one more question for you before we get Milo and Lauren back on here, because I want to ask you, give a message right now to those who who that might end up getting attacked by the CCP virus. I mean, what advice would you give them from your experience now that now that you've gone through this? What what advice would you give them as a warning, as you know, as comfort?
Starting point is 00:20:00 I'll just let you decide what is it that you would say to them? Oh, the first thing is you need to get rest. There will be many voices that will tell you they have the magic bullet to COVID. But I tell you, the magic bullet to COVID is Christ. There is no medicine you you can get from some random doctor who's opened up a 1-800 line that you can call randomly and give money to from to mail you drugs. No, it's Christ. Like, if I could give the ODP service, I'd give any, but I'm not a doctor, but I am a disciple of Christ. And I know that the single greatest factor to my recovery was Jesus Christ. It was calling on the name of Jesus Christ, it was calling to heal me and to use me.
Starting point is 00:20:48 I think that my life on this earth is completely worthless if it's not in service of Christ, and that is what saved me. There will be many people that will reach out with YouTube videos and messages and bless their heart because I think a lot of it is good intention. But you also have to make sure that you don't squander the period in which you are stuck sitting in your home. Use it to reset yourself. Use it as a spiritual reset. How often do we get the chance to just pause? I mean, it's not preferable, but if you're forced to sit or lay in one spot and think about nothing else because your mind has been slowed down, why not it be about Christ? Why not it be a reset in your relationship?
Starting point is 00:21:32 And you come out of this with a brand new fire to be a disciple and a missionary for Christ. Wow, Edward. That'll preach. That's great. And so, Edward, man, I love you, brother. We miss you here. We've got thousands of people around the world that continue to pray for you. We're hoping to have you back in here next week and in person. And so we're still waiting for full recovery there for you. So you still got people praying for you, but it's so good to see
Starting point is 00:22:02 you here. And it was great to have Rick on yesterday, but great to have you on today. Uh, true news needs its host and, uh, we need you here and, uh, we are praying for full and complete recovery. The word of God says by his stripes, we're healed. And so we are just believing for healing for you, Edward, as we continue along. Thank you so much for joining us, Edward, You get better and I want you to get back to work because you really know the news a lot better than me. So, okay? Okay. All right. Bless you, Doc. God bless the whole crew. Love you. Bye-bye. We appreciate that update from Edward and continue to pray for full recovery for him from the CCP COVID attack on this ministry. Joining us again today are True News guest hosts,
Starting point is 00:22:45 Manoli Allenopoulos and Lauren Witzke. They've got a lot to say today because they didn't get a lot to say yesterday with Rick being here. So welcome to Godcast, you two. I'm so glad you got to see Rick in action up close yesterday. That's the real Rick Wiles right there. What an amazing weight loss journey he's been. Incredible for the COVID diet. Now, I must just ask, I'm sorry to interrupt you. I must just ask, True News needs its host back. I don't know whether to be offended by that. Are you, is it us that needs to be replaced or is it you that can't bear to be around us any longer and you want to sub him in in your seat? What's going on? I tell you what, Edward,
Starting point is 00:23:21 when Edward first started with us, it's an amazing transformation in Edward's life. It really is. He came to us from another news information outlet. And to see how he has grown and how he has matured in his, not only his career here at True News, but in his spiritual walk over the past five years, it's been truly amazing to see that growth in his life. And in his accent, too. Yes. He's British, you know.
Starting point is 00:23:51 Not anymore. There have been times, I'll be honest with you, okay? There have been times where Edward and I in the past have clashed, okay? Because I'm from another generation. He's from Iowa. And so... What would be one of the typical subjects you might have clashed over? I don't know. It's just the way things operate, the way things are done. It's a different style and stuff like that. But I've grown to love Edward so much and to
Starting point is 00:24:21 appreciate his tremendous work ethic and his devotion, especially within the past two years. Edward has deepened his walk with God so much. I mean, even in our interview here today, who did he give glory to? The doctors and nurses are important. I don't knock that at all. But he gave the glory to God in all of this, and that's Edward. What you see there on
Starting point is 00:24:45 the screen is the real Edward Zoll. And what we had yesterday with Rick was the real Rick Wiles. And so we have genuine people here, people that genuinely love the Lord. And it's not that we're looking to run you guys off or anything like that, but Edward is truly devoted to this ministry. And when he's back here, I guarantee you, you'll have a run for your money when he's here. I tell you, between him and Rick, they're very difficult to keep up with mentally. Not that they are a mental challenge to me, but they have, you know, they are so dedicated to trying to get truth out. There's nothing they don't know. Right.
Starting point is 00:25:23 I've observed that from watching the show. Edward digs into a story like a gopher in a gopher hole. He just digs down into it until he can dig no further. And Rick has such a vast knowledge of news topics from doing this for 20-plus years, interviewing over 3,000 people over that time. So he draws from a vast well of experience. And so the only thing I can do sometimes with both Edward and Rick is sit back in awe and just say, I did the work. We had a taste of that yesterday, for sure.
Starting point is 00:25:52 And all I can do right now is just sit back in awe with you two, because you guys have been doing a tremendous job while you're here as well. That was a long lead up to a meager compliment. No, I'm kidding. It was no meager. You're lucky to get that at all. I'm kidding. It's not meager. You're lucky to get that at all. I'm joking. I was just left with the thought,
Starting point is 00:26:09 like, if you and I haven't clashed, but you and Edward do, what kind of a diva must he be? No, we're kidding. No, Edward, I've met on my previous trip here and have a great deal of respect for him. He seems fantastic. So I'm looking forward to sparring
Starting point is 00:26:21 and fighting alongside him, too. So it's going to be fantastic. It'll be a lot of fun next week. Very, very good. All right. Well, a little serious news to begin the show, which is yesterday we took a moment out for a very heartfelt and powerful message from Rick, which I know will have reassured our viewers as much as it reassured us that he is well on the way to recovery. He was filled with a little something yesterday, wasn't he?
Starting point is 00:26:47 It was super powerful in person. Voice was going. We hopped out to Publix for some honey and lemon, but it wasn't the honey and lemon, ladies and gentlemen. It was not the honey and lemon that was filling Rick yesterday. And didn't you notice yesterday that the more he spoke, the better his voice seemed to get? And in case you've ever had a sore throat, that's not how it works. Well guys, you've got a lot of information to share today.
Starting point is 00:27:12 You've got two days worth of information to share. Well not really. I mean I just sort of said, why don't we do yesterday's show? And she said fine. So I have to be honest. It's probably only one day. But we're going to get through it in a relatively brisk fashion. We've got our usual jokes and entertainment and some lighthearted stuff.
Starting point is 00:27:27 We want to start with something serious. And the serious thing is the vaccines that we have been talking about. We're not going to make the whole show about COVID, but just to start us off. Pfizer is now announcing that it's going to start not just giving the vaccine to five-year-olds, but experimenting on five-year-olds. And to take us through that story and explain why it should trouble everybody watching this program I'm going to turn over to Lauren. Okay so there was a new segment that came out yesterday or two days ago Pfizer is now running science
Starting point is 00:27:57 experiments on children we still to this day do not know the long-term side effects of these I don't even like calling them vaccines, it's experimental gene therapy. That is exactly what it is. And now they are running tests on children. Let's run that clip. This is very exciting for many families that have been waiting for their children to get vaccinated. This is a two-year study where a subset of the children enrolled in the trial will receive the vaccine and the second group, a placebo or salt water. Now, here's something to keep in mind. The Pfizer vaccine injected in children is the same as the one injected in adults, but the dosage will be less. 162B2 vaccine, 10 micrograms or placebo.
Starting point is 00:28:42 Medical doctors calling this the final frontier. Children ages 5 to 11 years old receiving the first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine as part of the phase 2-3 trials. Here's the moment eight-year-old Max and his six-year-old sister Zoe Perales were vaccinated at Stanford. All they could think about afterwards. You just suit martial arts. I have a couple of suits that probably don't fit me anymore. I'm looking forward to go back to my teacher. Pfizer's trial is focused on examining antibody response to the vaccine and verifying if a lower dosage produces enough immunity. Children 5 to 11 years old will be injected with 10 micrograms in each dose, as opposed to 30 micrograms those 12 and older received.
Starting point is 00:29:34 We're hoping to enroll enough children to get safety data and antibody response data in the next couple of weeks so that we can then get second doses in and submit this information to the FDA by the fall. Dr. Yvonne Maldonado is the principal investigator at Stanford University School of Medicine for the Pfizer trial. Are there any concerns when it comes to vaccinating children as young as five years old. We're just not seeing any major safety concerns. We know these vaccines do not cause cellular or DNA damage, which is one of the areas that people have been talking about. That is not happening.
Starting point is 00:30:16 Kaiser Permanente enrolled about 75 children, five to 11 years old, for this trial. Lucy got the first shot yesterday. My arm did feel a little bit heavy, but I don't feel like sick or anything. Pfizer is anticipating initial results for the five to 11 years old trials in September. Ahead of those results, Dr. Nicola Klein, principal investigator for the Northern California trials, is getting ready for the next age group.
Starting point is 00:30:44 We're still arranging logistics for the next age group. We're still arranging logistics for the younger age group under five, but that's still a little bit of work in progress over the next several weeks. Now, as the trial continues, families won't know for six months if their children were vaccinated with the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine or a placebo. Those who received the placebo will have a chance to get the vaccine after the six-month period. So they are openly testing children for these vaccines. So it's not even about protecting the children. It's about running science experiments on them because some of them are even getting placebos.
Starting point is 00:31:20 Society has deteriorated to the point where we are now openly running lab rat experiments on children. Parents, your one job is to protect your children. That's it. It's to raise and protect your children. And you are failing as parents. Parents like that, they are absolute failures. They have not even, they've just subjected their children to these experimental vaccines. And I cannot believe that we've gotten to a point in society
Starting point is 00:31:45 where we are allowing this to happen. We are openly allowing this to happen. This isn't happening to animals. This is happening to little five-year-olds and the parents are allowing it to happen. So shame on you. Milo. Yeah, thanks.
Starting point is 00:31:58 A couple of questions I have for you guys real quick. I mean, first of all, do you think the parents got paid to have their kids vaccinated? Oh, yeah, absolutely. These are clinical trials where there is some kind of incentive. You always get paid for these things. I know somebody who, you know, kind of semi-paid their way through college by doing medical trials. You can get up to $10,000 sometimes for something that's a little bit dangerous and lasts a bit longer.
Starting point is 00:32:20 If they want you in a clinic, in a facility for three weeks, sometimes it goes up to $10,000 if it's a little dangerous. And the other thing I noticed, too, is both the doctors that they interviewed there said they know, they know, they know. They have confidence. They have confidence. Well, if they have such confidence, why not give the vaccine to all the kids, right? Yes. Instead of a placebo to half of them and the vaccine to the other half, right? I mean, if they're that confident, if they know, then why not give it all?
Starting point is 00:32:43 Because they don't know. It's an experiment. It's literally't know. It's an experiment. It's literally a trial. It's a trial. You have something from Cleveland. We're going to talk about that idea of money in compensation. I want to circle back to it because I've got a video to play you of a lovely young lady on TikTok. But just before we do that, let's finish the new element of this.
Starting point is 00:33:03 There's something from Cleveland that you mentioned. You said that a doctor tells Ohio lawmakers COVID-19 vaccine can leave people magnetized, interfaced with 5G towers. What's this about? So, you know, a couple of days ago, we did run a segment on the arms becoming magnetic at the vaccine sites. So my grandmother, I tried this experiment on my grandmother, and now there's reports from other people. We actually put out a call for people to, if they have a video, if they were vaccinated, to submit videos into the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:33:36 So we were, I said before that we were going, no matter what, they're gonna have to give us an excuse and address this eventually. So they're saying that it's Russia, they're going to have to give us an excuse and address this eventually. So they're saying that it's Russia. They're blaming Russia. It's Russia. It's Russia's fault. This is a TV station up in Cleveland that the still is from and everything, but they
Starting point is 00:33:56 had a video report as well. So Dr. Sherry Tenpenny is testifying in Ohio, and we've had Dr. Tenpenny on the program in the past and she is questioning what about the magnetic injection sites? Is there something to this and everything? She's asking the questions. Let's run the sought here and you guys can see the report they made and see how they shift everything and blame Russia. A Cleveland doctor and anti-vaccine advocate went on a rant about 5G internet and metal objects sticking to the bodies of vaccinated people while giving testimony at an Ohio State House Health Committee meeting today. Dr. Sherry Tenpenny did this while testifying in favor of House Bill 248,
Starting point is 00:34:42 which would keep a business or the government from requiring vaccinations. But I'm sure you've seen the pictures all over the internet of people who've had these shots and now they're magnetized and put a key on their forehead. It sticks. They can put spoons and forks all over them and they can stick because now we think that there's a metal piece to that. There's been people who've long suspected that there was some sort of an interface yet to be defined an interface between what's being injected in these shots and all of the 5G towers. To be very clear, medical professionals and the makers of the vaccines have clarified over and over that the COVID-19 vaccine does not contain metals, nor is there any evidence that wireless communications,
Starting point is 00:35:21 whether 5G or earlier versions, harm the immune system. Those theories gained momentum in 2019 from Russian state media outlets, which helped push the disinformation into the United States domestic conversation. Okay. Once again, they're trying to tell us that what we're seeing isn't real. Right. That's exactly what they said. They say they don't address, they say, well, there's no metal. And I don't know if there's metal in the injection site or not. Honestly, I don't. Okay. I don't know if 5G impacts it or not. Right. But I do know that pieces of metal are sticking to people in ejection sites. They didn't address that in the video, did they? Yes. They said they, they word it very carefully to make you question yourself. So it's like, oh, well, well, there's no evidence of metal in the vaccines.
Starting point is 00:36:05 There's no evidence of this. However, what we're seeing with our own two eyes, it's magnetic. So there's something. But there's metals in those metals, aren't there? Because isn't magnesium technically a metal? I mean, I don't know if that's quite right, but there's all kinds of different metals that are not necessarily like steel, iron, you know, like alloys of things. They're not necessarily putting beads of metal in you, but they're
Starting point is 00:36:27 all kinds of in the periodic table. I mean, half of it is classified as metal. But Milo, you don't have to, you know, go to medical school to know that when you put a piece of metal to a piece of flesh, that it should stick. Yes, yes. Okay. The other day, Lauren, you and I asked our True News audience if they had experienced this, and we've had several that have sent in videos. We have a very, very faithful supporter of ours
Starting point is 00:36:54 by the name of Carol. Her mother is actually in the Cleveland area. Her mother had received the vaccination and it was her mother that actually sent us this story after her daughter, daughter Carol, uh, did the experiment on her. Now Carol's mom has had both, uh, has had two doses. Okay. One in each arm on either side. Yes. So, uh, here is the video that Carol sent in. Thank you so much, Carol, for sending it. I want you to watch this. This actually freaks mom out, too. Watch this. That's crazy.
Starting point is 00:37:48 There's obviously something magnetic in there. I have a metal hip. I have screws in my foot. No, that wouldn't be it. Alright, let's do the other one again. That's crazy. I don't remember where he did it. I don't know. Wow. That's amazing. I don't know what to say. Right there. And then... Now, do I need to call a doctor on this or CDC or...? No, I wouldn't.
Starting point is 00:38:32 Tell them I'm a... It's sticking to the magnet. That's fine. See, if I was a man, I could say I'm a chick magnet. Right? There. It does it with both the magnet and the bobby pin. Well, while this is all going on, people willingly experimenting on themselves and their children, there is, of course, an army of, I was going to say, lavishly paid liberals,
Starting point is 00:38:58 but they're not being lavishly paid at all. On TikTok, formerly owned by the Chinese, and now is it Microsoft, Oracle, one of the equally revolting American technology companies, now owns the website, which is a data harvesting company, data harvesting children, of course. TikTok, the influencers on TikTok are basically the worst people in the history of human civilization. Here is, just to give you a taster of what big pharma companies are paying marketing dollars for.
Starting point is 00:39:28 Here's a lovely ditty. This girl is on Pfizer. This girl is on Pfizer. She's hopped up on Pfizer. Oof, brutal. This girl is on Pfizer. Oh, brutal. This girl is on Pfizer. Oh, enough, enough, enough. The warbling, the warbling.
Starting point is 00:39:52 Why do these fat feminists always think they can sing? They can't. You can't. Oh, honestly, there's something, I don't know what it is about being left wing and having no appetite control, but something about fat liberal women.
Starting point is 00:40:07 They all think that they can hold a tune and they can't. Maybe it's something to do with their things being crushed inside. I don't know. You mentioned about these people being paid for this. They are. Yes. So I don't understand how this works. So do the pharmaceutical companies reach out to social influencers?
Starting point is 00:40:26 I mean, how does this work? Well, all these people who are supposedly spontaneously famous actually have agents. They've got the usual architectural benefits of Hollywood stars. Okay. And so they are approached by their agents, their managers, whatever, and offered $1,200 to do a little song about the vaccines. And of course, these people are already politically, socially inclined to support this kind of stuff anyway. So they think, well, a bit of free money for doing what I already believe in. I'll take it.
Starting point is 00:41:00 But they're also themselves, in a sense, they're also themselves part of a trial because this stuff is experimental. Right. Except they're being quite dramatically underpaid. And this prompted in my mind a larger and more significant question, a theological question. At what point exactly do we take money to do what we're not sure is true because we are tempted by things, by cash? America's very much a product of this enslavement to wanting to possess things. And the sick irony of America, of course, is that nobody actually owns any of the things that surrounds them.
Starting point is 00:41:44 They say that the things you own end up owning you. Well, that's especially the case if you're having to pay compound interest thanks to usurious lenders. You don't probably, if you're watching this, you might be on the more sensible end of the American public, but a lot of Americans, they don't own their house. Not really. They'd lose it if they stopped making payments. They don't own their cars. They might not even own their television or their PlayStation. They don't own very much of what's around them. And yet they're addicted to the acquisition of physical goods. This idea that people can be paid to, in a sense, either bear false witness or simply to describe themselves in a false way. It made me wonder about just how much you'd have to pay people to tell quite big lies. Now, on TikTok, you only have to pay them $1,200 to advertise experimental vaccines.
Starting point is 00:42:36 National Geographic actually did an experiment, which I'd like to play you now. They hopped off to a country you will recognize in a moment and asked people a variety of questions based on their, well, it's all about finding out people's willingness to compromise their beliefs, their preferences, their convictions based on money being waved in front of them. So let's play a little bit of that now. To find out what it would take to get someone to change their beliefs, we've asked several people of various backgrounds to take part in a little experiment. Hey. Hi.
Starting point is 00:43:09 Welcome to Brain Games, my friend. Thank you. So I'm going to ask you a series of questions and you'll answer them. Do you prefer sunny days or cloudy days? Sunny. What is your favorite planet? Gotta be Jupiter. What's your favorite color? Gotta be Jupiter. What's your favorite color?
Starting point is 00:43:33 Blue. Basic questions, basic beliefs, right? Well, let's change up the game. If I gave you 200 shekels, would you say that you prefer cloudy days? So, what do you think now? For 200 shekels, about $50, would you change your preference for sunny weather? Cloudy is good. Cloudy is good, right? So you prefer cloudy days? Yep. All right. Thank you.
Starting point is 00:43:56 You're welcome. Let's see what other beliefs we can buy. If I was to give you 200 shekels, would you say that red is your favorite color? All colors are nice. So red is now your favorite? Right, yes. Okay. For 200 shekels, would you say that Saturn is your favorite?
Starting point is 00:44:14 That's my second favorite, and so it could obviously be my first. So yes, yes I would. So Saturn is your favorite planet? Saturn is my favorite planet. Gotta love those rings. You gotta love those rings. Gotta love those rings.
Starting point is 00:44:23 Yes. Superman or Batman? Superman. 200 shekels, would you tell me that you prefer Batman? Batman is fine. Batman is fine, right? He's my favorite, yeah. For about $50, most people were willing to re-believe their beliefs.
Starting point is 00:44:40 But not always. For 200 shekels, will you say that you hate necklaces? No. For 400 shekels? No. For 800 shekels? Okay. Okay, so you hate necklaces?
Starting point is 00:44:53 I hate necklaces. For 800 shekels. If I gave you 200 shekels, are you willing to say that you don't like purple? No, why? What about for 800? Can you say that you don't like purple? No. Why? What about for 800? Can you say that you don't like purple? Okay. So say, I don't like purple. I don't like purple. Yeah, well, there you go.
Starting point is 00:45:14 Obviously, it's shot for comedy, it's cut for comedy, but they're real people on the street, right? What's at the root, Doc, of this disturbing trend, I think, for everything up for sale, everything up for compromise. We've been speaking a lot recently about the Republican Party where morals are for real up for sale. But it seems to operate on almost everybody on some level. Why is this? Because we've got a fallen nature, Milo. There was a price back in the garden as well.
Starting point is 00:45:44 Eve, when she was tempted, and by the way, Adam wasn't just off somewhere else. Adam was right there, okay, right beside her. So he was observing the whole thing. Instead of shekels, though, Eve was offered fruit of the tree. There were three things that she was sold by. She was sold that it was beautiful to look at, that it was good for food, and it would make her like God. Okay? That was the price of those shekels.
Starting point is 00:46:10 Right, so there's quite a lot of the deadly sins checked off there, isn't there? Pride, gluttony, greed, a bunch of them. Then we look at Judas. Judas was willing to sell out Jesus for what? Remember the story, of course, 30 pieces of silver. Which is equivalent to like $17 today. Right. The price of a slave. And so there is a price that everyone has. There is a price.
Starting point is 00:46:35 Because we're fallen. Because of our fallen nature. The heart of man has not changed since the garden. It hasn't changed throughout all of history. The same fallen nature, the same inherent desire to be like God, if you will, or to be in control, or to say we make our own decisions is inherent within us. When in fact, it's not. We have a fallen nature. Unless it's acted upon by an outside force, we remain within that fallen nature. Unless it's acted upon by an outside force, we remain within that fallen nature. How do we overcome it? Because rather than simply resigning ourself to that inevitability, surely we should do the best that we can to stay true to our convictions, our beliefs,
Starting point is 00:47:17 especially when it comes to the big questions, the important ones, which we'll talk about in a second. What's your advice to people when it comes to resisting that instinct to give in to worldly riches, fame, or as we've been talking about recently, prestige, perhaps, sacrifice, compromise your views so the right people will like you and you'll get a spot on CNN as a contributor? You know, I'm sure you've got views, Lauren, on Republicans who have done that. What's your advice to people on the best ways to resist that weakness that we have? The first thing to do is recognize we don't have the ability to resist it. We don't. We're not designed for that resistance. We were never meant to live with sin. We were never meant to live with it. That's the first thing we have to do. We have to recognize, first of all, that we are sinful creatures, that we have nothing inherent with us that desires good. We desire evil.
Starting point is 00:48:12 Whether we admit it or not, we may puff ourselves up with pride saying, well, I would never do anything. So I would never compromise my beliefs. I'm telling you, everyone has a price. Now, that's the first thing you have to do. You have to recognize that you are a fallen creature, that you have a fallen nature. After recognizing that, you have a choice to make. You can either choose to continue in that fallen nature, knowing that if you continue in that, then there is no morality, there is no good and evil, there is no choice at that point. And you may as well just do whatever you want to do, hurt whoever you want to and do whatever you
Starting point is 00:48:48 want. Because you're giving into that nihilistic pleasure, giving into that immediate gratification. Or you can say, I can't live like that. But recognizing you have nothing in yourself, that should compel every person to cry out to their Creator. The Creator Himself provided that price, and it wasn't a fruit of a tree, and it wasn't 30 pieces of silver, and it wasn't 200 shekels like you saw in the video. It was the price that Jesus Christ paid on the cross. He paid it off.
Starting point is 00:49:20 He paid it off. He paid off the debt of temptation. He paid all our compound interest. That's right. And so we, first of all, have to recognize that we are sinners. We have a sinful nature. There's nothing in us that desires God or desires to do good. Bible says it. There is none righteous. No, not one. All desire to do evil. And then we need to recognize we have to cry out to a higher power. And when I say higher power, I don't mean like, you know, some sort of metaphysical ghost floating around.
Starting point is 00:49:48 I mean, a real God. You know, it's crystals. They appeal to the crystals. Who sent his son, Jesus Christ, down across for us so that we personally, me, can be redeemed. That's the answer, Milo. Beautiful. Thank you. That's just the answer I was hoping for.
Starting point is 00:50:02 This, of course, is the root of the prayers in which we ask, you know, God give me the strength, right? Because we can only ever borrow it from him. This is something that Lauren and I know well. So I presume there's no price. You have no price as one of those people who've been through the process that we described. There's no amount of money. I couldn't cut you a check for you to disavow your faith in Jesus Christ. There's no number. Absolutely not. What amount could I dishonor the ultimate price that Christ paid for me? Risk your immortal soul and dishonor God's. And presumably the same would go for saying something nice about Israel. Oh, I can say nice things about Israel. I'm just teasing you. Let me think a little bit. I can't think of anything immediately. I'm just teasing. There are some nice things to say,
Starting point is 00:50:52 but at the same time, we need to recognize in ourselves. And I hope that if you're watching today, if you're listening today on the podcast version, that you recognize that you have nothing in yourself that desires God. You may think you do, but there's nothing in you that desires it. And God is simply waiting for you to cry out to him. He's willing to meet you because he's paid the price. He's paid all those shekels off. So anyway. Well, with that in mind, that that's beautiful thank you for sharing that with us let's just watch her again um this girl is on pfizer okay just to see an example in relief ugly things create ugly music ugly art why are you making us listen to this again I'm on Pfizer. This girl is on Pfizer. She's got that really, oh, these fat feminists who think they can sing. It's Pfizer.
Starting point is 00:51:53 She's really, you know, like, oh, dear. She's watched too many 90s power ballads videos, hasn't she? Good grief. Well, speaking of women who think they can do things, here's a group of able-bodied lesbians, sorry I've misread this, female soccer players, each of whom, so they're playing a male team, just a little bit of fun for you, they're playing a male team and each of the players on the male team has only one leg. So the male team are on crutches, there's just a little bit about pride and whatnot
Starting point is 00:52:27 because these girls thought they'd cream the boys. Here's a female soccer team playing men on crutches who only have one leg. Can you guess what's going on? Oh, muy bien, la número 11. Y ahí va Canallas en esta. Si la hace bien puede ser. Sale el arquero, revienta muy bien. Guarda que ahí se escapa el número 7. And there we go. And if that's not a parable, thank you very much.
Starting point is 00:53:01 If that's not a parable against pride and overconfidence, I don't know what is. Now, this puts me in mind, this woman with the Pfizer video, of something that's been popping up on the internet about physiognomy.
Starting point is 00:53:14 Maybe you could talk us through this, Lauren. It seems, I mean, I've always said half joking, half not joking, that shortness
Starting point is 00:53:19 is a product of moral failing. Well, maybe you didn't something. Maybe somebody somewhere in the dynasty offended God. So you were punished with a short child. Of course, for women, it doesn't matter. We don't mind what size you are.
Starting point is 00:53:34 But men under six foot, it's just a shame, isn't it? So explain to us, I've noticed on the rightwing internet, this thing about physiognomy, right? Quite often in debates, people will sort of say, I'm not going to debate you, post-physique. What they're trying to express is like, are you the kind of man I want to listen to? Well, you can tell a lot of things by the way people look. Can you? Can you? Tell us about this.
Starting point is 00:53:58 It's true, because sin wears on you. You know, look at Maxine Waters. It does. So you can like, there's a lot you can tell about people just by looking at them. You know, there's a reason that conservative women are prettier than Rachel Maddow. You know, there's a reason for that. You know, so it's, you know, you do the check. I mean, they do surveys about this. They will strip out the political affiliation of Congresswoman and Congressman and ask people to rank them by hotness.
Starting point is 00:54:28 And it's like blues and then reds. It does seem to come across like that. And it's not necessarily about anything in the anatomy necessarily. I love the opening. Do you remember that Roald Dahl book, The Twits? opening to that book where he describes how if you have a good, pure soul, you could have wonky teeth, a stick out chin, cross eyes, you could be overweight, but somehow sunbeams will always shine out of you because your soul, like the goodness in you, will always come through. And even if you are anatomically perfect, if you think wicked thoughts, it will begin to
Starting point is 00:55:01 betray itself on you. And isn't that a perfect analogy for what we've seen under COVID? All these Hollywood celebrities who are beginning to look gaunt and mean and thin and gray, their skin's going papery, you know? Haven't you seen that? Yeah. If I could share a personal experience. Please. I had a friend of mine who took care of disabled children. And one of the most dramatic experiences I had was that he had this one young man, about 12, 13 years old, confined to a wheelchair, I mean, truly
Starting point is 00:55:36 misshapen, right? But he was always smiling, always laughing, always happy. It was difficult to take care of him. He could not control a lot of his movements sometimes, couldn't really feed himself sometimes and everything else. But he just exhibited such love. What he would do, Milo, is he would come up, and if he never met you before, he would come up and just hug you and just hold you tight
Starting point is 00:56:07 and say, I love you. I love you. I love you. And even though the body was broken, even though the body was twisted, there was such a beauty about this young man. Tragically, his life was cut short a couple years just after that. But that memory of that has never left me that,
Starting point is 00:56:31 and I've seen the beautiful people in Hollywood, the Kardashians, the, you know, everything like that. And I've never seen that exhibited by them. Never seen that just unconditional love poured out of any of the so-called celebrities or things like that. I aspire to show that kind of love, to let that love pour out of me. It's what we saw from Rick yesterday, isn't it? There was something powerful coming out of him that transcends all physical concerns. I think it's true. I watch a lot of the kind of television that would
Starting point is 00:57:11 repulse or simply bore the viewers because it's my job to watch the stuff so you don't have to, all the stuff that liberals put out. But I am quite fond of somebody called Ayanla Van Zandt, who used to be one of Oprah's regular people. And she has her own show called I Only Fix My Life. And she's somebody who is not conventionally beautiful, to put it mildly. But she shows such intense, powerful compassion for people in awful circumstances that there's something about her that's enormously attractive and beautiful. You know what I mean? I love that.
Starting point is 00:57:43 Now, you say you can tell a lot by the way people look. We do have two examples of people who are extremely morally deficient. Here's the first one. Jeb Bush with his latest, well, who even knows? It's the chicken legs for you, isn't it? Yeah, it's the chicken legs. Jeb misses leg day every day. And that tells you everything you need to know about Jeb Bush. I'm looking at this picture and I'm thinking, goodness, I'm about 10 years off that. I better get myself together. And another example of, oh, goodness.
Starting point is 00:58:16 Oh, this was bizarre. Look at that greasy, shiny, just-walked-out-the-bathhouse look. What is that thing he's in? No, it's like a modified broom closet. It's a hobbit house he lives in, isn't it? Yes. I mean, what kind of a house? What is that? What room is that? Because it's got a window, so it can't be a cupboard. Although, obviously, he fits conveniently into closets. But
Starting point is 00:58:40 what in the house even is that? It's his little hobbit hole. He just kind of scurries in, does his little Zoom meetings. Bag end. Bag end. Him and Gandalf hang out afterwards. Somebody told me Gandalf wouldn't fit in there. Gandalf's very tall compared to the hobbits.
Starting point is 00:58:57 Gandalf sticks his head in the window. That was one of the great cinematic innovations of that movie. They made the hobbits itty-bitty-bitty and they made Gandalf enormous. The wizards are people-sized. Right-wingers are always rated better-looking. That's one of the ways you can tell. All right, look.
Starting point is 00:59:19 You and I have both been very frustrated recently. I think everybody has in the years since the last election with the failures of somebody whose physiognomy ought to have tipped us off. I'm talking, of course, about the useless fat fraud, Donald Trump. And before you get offended at home, I have to tell you,
Starting point is 00:59:39 the majority of your fellow Americans are with us on this one. I encourage you to just try to, you know, think logically and really about this. There is a long laundry list of the ways in which Donald Trump not just failed because the deep state was against him, but decided to pick his own self-interest
Starting point is 00:59:53 or go with cowardice or outsource critical decision-making, decision-making vital to the future of this country and the safety of your family, to the Kushner administration that he installed in the White House. He was the president of the United States, the most powerful man in the world. And the people that he chose who ruined the country, he chose. Now, Donald Trump tweeted something recently about Nigeria.
Starting point is 01:00:17 I think we have a still of it. Put out a press release. Yeah. Do you want to read that out for us, Lauren? Sure. Congratulations to the country of Nigeria who just banned Twitter because they banned their president. More countries should ban Twitter and Facebook for not allowing free and open speech.
Starting point is 01:00:29 All voices should be heard. I agree. In the meantime, competitors will emerge and take hold. Who are they to dictate good and evil if they themselves are evil? Perhaps I should have done it while I was president. But Zuckerberg kept calling me and coming to the White House for dinner, telling me how great I was. This is 2024, question mark. Perhaps I should have handled or done it when I was president.
Starting point is 01:00:53 Yeah, you think? This is Trump in a nutshell. He got his facts wrong because Twitter didn't ban the Nigerian president. They just deleted one of their tweets. Impossible, staggering conceit. Imagine that anybody in this country is in the least bit interested in the 2024 run from Donald Trump. Get a grip. No, thank you. And I say this as somebody who was enormously influential in getting you in the White House in the first place. We don't want you. Ew. Plus, perhaps I should have done something when I was president. What a short-sighted fool.
Starting point is 01:01:27 What a fool. It makes me so mad. We've got these guys who were allegedly at the Capitol on the 6th on a day when the U.S. Capitol advertised itself as being open for visitors, who were allowed into the building by Capitol Police, now being persecuted by the three-letter agencies. What did Donald Trump do for these people? He won't even say their name. He will not say the name of the one who was shot dead that day. He won't even say their name. Anyway, we'll move on because I'm going to get too mad and we're going out live today. In that statement that the president put out, he gave the reason why he didn't do anything.
Starting point is 01:02:00 Former president. Because Mark Zuckerberg flattered me over dinner. That's his price. He's an He gave the reason. Mark Zuckerberg flattered me over dinner. That's his price. He's an egomaniac. That's his shekel. That's such a good point. Flattery. That's such a good point. That's Donald Trump's price. Will you say he's the greatest president ever?
Starting point is 01:02:17 And of course Mark Zuckerberg's happy to do that at the president's, which means the taxpayer's expense at a nice dinner at the White House. In order for Trump to get away briefly and the rest of us to be crucified. At the president's, which means the taxpayer's expense, at a nice dinner at the White House. In order for Trump to get away briefly and the rest of us to be crucified. What a fool. What a useless fat broad. I'm sorry.
Starting point is 01:02:37 I know it's going to upset some of you, but you've got some things to say about other useless Republicans, haven't you? Yes. So Ronda Romney is facing backlash for her tweet supporting Pride. You know that the Republican Party is the party of traditional marriage. It's still on our platform. We still oppose gay marriage. But Ronna Romney, that's her name, put out a tweet in support of Pride. We covered this a couple days ago.
Starting point is 01:02:58 And she has gotten backlash from both sides. Some conservative Republicans, actual conservative Republicans, mostly on the state level, were calling her out. You know, that's why I fully support state legislators over the federal government, because, you know, states actually care about the people that they were elected to represent. But also she got backlash from Pete Buttigieg's husband. So once again, you have an example here of someone that's seeking acceptance. That's their shekel. Prestige economy, right? That's their shekel. That's their shekel. Look how inclusive I am is what she's saying. And she, yeah, put out something that doesn't represent any of us.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Has any Republican voter ever expressed to any politician or media outlet or even in private conversations at home, I just wish my Republican representatives were more inclusive. Has any Republican voter ever said that? No, the only thing that people want is somebody that's going to fight for them. That was a cookie. That was a cookie. Oh, I've just ruined our segment. But anyway, so here's the thing.
Starting point is 01:03:55 No, I was just like, who wants diversity? Nobody. And lesson learned, they still hate you anyway. That's right. He literally called, the Democrats called her a hypocrite. They're like, oh, well, you know, you're a hypocrite because you did this to block transgenders in the bathrooms. Like, they're never going to like us, stand up, and fight for us
Starting point is 01:04:14 because you're not representing our interests. You know, I joined the Republican Party because they were the party of traditional families and traditional marriage and opposed gay marriage. I didn't join the Republican Party so they could pander and squander our beliefs away. And as a Christian, I'm like, I don't want to be a part of this. I don't want to be a part of the party with Bruce Jenner leading the way in a dress. It's awful and it's embarrassing. So you know what? I'm glad she got backlash from both sides of the aisle. These people deserve to be shamed and they deserve to be embarrassed.
Starting point is 01:04:45 Ronna Romney especially. There's someone else who deserves to be shamed and embarrassed. Oh, yes. And it is, of course, the, well, speaking of shekels, in fact, the Christ-denying poison dwarf himself, Ben Shapiro. Before we get into that, there was that, sorry. I'll get it. I just want to explain what this microwave is all about.
Starting point is 01:05:06 Since I've knocked off one of my four props today, we may as well turn our attention to it. We had a lovely email from David at Sweet Fang. And Sweet Fang is that rare thing, a bakery not run by a crazy cat lady. If you've ever been to one of those cupcake shops, they're all run by people who smell faintly of their furry friends. And this one apparently is not. I'm not going to eat it and ask on the floor. I don't even know which one it was.
Starting point is 01:05:36 It's a surprise. That's the surprise. Yeah, definitely. No! Listen, so anyway, David at Sweet Thang in Hobie Sound here in Florida has sent... Hobesound. Hobesound.
Starting point is 01:05:46 Yes. You did that on purpose because I asked you how you say it before we went on air. I think you said Hobesound. No, I didn't. I said, is it Hobie Sound? And now he's offended. Viewers are offended. You did that on purpose.
Starting point is 01:05:56 You're a snake. I'm cooking. Oh, well, thanks. Okay, so look, David has sent us four cookies. He's so happy with the job that we're doing. We're going to do a little taste test, okay? She's going to bake-ish while I go through the next segment. And we have to guess what the flavors of the cookies are.
Starting point is 01:06:17 This one tastes like the floor. I'm just kidding. Is this, in fact, the floor one? No, I know which one the floor one is. I'm just kidding. Is this in fact the floor one? No, I know which one the floor one is. She's going to do that. What's that three cup thing? Three card Monty? Monty, yes, Monty.
Starting point is 01:06:35 20 seconds. It says 20 seconds. Yeah, I put it in for 20 seconds. Don't tell me how to work a kitchen. She's a woman. I'm a woman. It's instinctual. I've ordered her an apron that says, repeal the 19th in lovely flowing script, embroidered.
Starting point is 01:06:52 I'm hoping that she'll wear it on the air, but we haven't watched that. All right, so I'm going to guess what flavor this is. Now are these scones? What are these? They're cookies. They're like big cookies. Those are the fattest cookies I've ever had. I know, look at them. Look, they're enormous. Ooh, it's cookies. Those are the fattest cookies I've ever had.
Starting point is 01:07:05 I know, look at them. They're enormous. Ooh, it's good. I don't know, some kind of chocolate. Anyway, while you're creating us some lunch, let's just talk a little bit about the poisoned dwarf. Ben Shapiro, for our viewers. Sorry, excuse me. Poisoned dwarf, you have to clarify sometimes.
Starting point is 01:07:24 You know sometimes there are some things that are so, some words that are so dirty you don't even want them in your mouth. You don't want to say them out loud. Ben Shapiro is such a phrase. It's actually quite annoying. Could you do that more quietly please? Here is, let's jump ahead to Ben Shapiro talking about BlackRock. You may have heard the story that BlackRock, one of these enormous and immensely rich hedge funds, is buying up houses in America. And not just enormous houses, like you would imagine a hedge fund would be buying, but small houses, family homes in suburban neighborhoods.
Starting point is 01:08:03 And they're paying between 20 and 50 percent over the asking price of the houses. BILL MOYERS Right. PAUL JAY POSEN Right. BILL MOYERS Pricing these houses out of the market and effectively leaving people unable to afford a home of their own. PAUL JAY POSEN And doing it on behalf not only of pension funds, but doing it on behalf of the Federal Reserve as well.
Starting point is 01:08:22 BILL MOYERS Yes. PAUL JAY POSEN And so… BILL MOYERS If you can imagine, try to imagine, ladies and gentlemen at home, somebody so demented and deranged, somebody so paid for and paid up, somebody so utterly in hock, enslaved to globo-homo capitalism, someone so implacably and utterly opposed
Starting point is 01:08:42 to the priorities of you and your family and to conservative values, building a home, owning a home, somebody so revolting and repugnant that they would actually defend the practice of a hedge fund that is trying to exterminate the middle class. Because we all know that being able to own a home, to, you know, men build or buy homes, buy houses, excuse me, so that women can make homes. The fundamental building block of our civilization is the family.
Starting point is 01:09:13 And in order to build a family, you have to have a safe place to put them. Imagine, what are you doing? Oh my goodness, she's destroying the set now. She's destroying the set. They can't multitask. Look, imagine. I'm just kidding.
Starting point is 01:09:28 Is it us that can't multitask, actually? No, it's true. Imagine somebody so bought up and paid for it, they would defend the practices of this hedge fund that is, in effect, making it impossible for families in the future in America. And this, by the way, is in the context of Bill Gates becoming the largest landowner in the United States. Farmland. Farmland.
Starting point is 01:09:52 What are they going to do with that farmland? What do you think they've got up their sleeve? What are they cogitating? What are they thinking about? They're thinking about controlling the food supply. And that's not feverish right-wing conspiracy. It's literally what he's done. He bought farmland. And if we can get this tweet back up on the screen, this is even more diabolical than it appears at first, because what BlackRock is doing is
Starting point is 01:10:12 they're buying up homes in distressed markets in order to artificially inflate home prices in distressed markets instead of letting the markets themselves naturally chill the prices so now you have a large group of people that are moving from different areas of country here to beautiful sunny florida and who wouldn't want to live in florida after all we can't build houses fast enough down here to put people in that's how fast florida is growing So people are abandoning the Democratic cities of like Chicago and Detroit and vaccine Cleveland and New York and everything. And so now you've got a whole bunch of these houses that are becoming available. And so in order to artificially inflate the prices within these markets, the BlackRock Investment Fund is buying up these prices. So even people who choose to remain in these democratically controlled areas still have to pay high prices for real estate.
Starting point is 01:11:11 And not just that, but their taxes will go up. Right. Because the property taxes in the area will go up, all the other stuff. And this slimeball, this disgusting excuse for a human being, this revolting person. I mean, it's almost unbelievable how anybody on either side of the political aisle could bring themselves to construct an argument in favor of this kind of practice, right? It's impossible to conceive how anybody could come up with a good reason for this. But Ben Shapiro, in his infinite ingenuity, has accomplished it. Here's his excuse.
Starting point is 01:11:41 Here is his explanation. He says, if we could have his tweet up again please, just for a moment. I see many people are enraged at BlackRock. BlackRock's buying homes from people willing to sell them. If you don't like what they're doing, target the lowest governmental policy incentivizing this sort of investment. He also said in another tweet, if you don't like it, explain to the people selling those houses why you're taking money out of their pockets.
Starting point is 01:12:11 Now, we shouldn't be surprised by this, but we also shouldn't be surprised that that's the reason that the poison dwarf is aggressively and heavily promoted by global corporate interests. Now, what do you mean by this? On Facebook, well, they just came out with an article showing that Ben Shapiro is one of the most, you know how there's shadow banning of conservative voices. However, they have done the direct opposite with Ben Shapiro. So anybody who gets on Facebook will have Ben Shapiro pushed in their face, basically. Ben Shapiro is the globalist spokesperson and damage control man for this globalist corporate oligarchy. That's why they want him.
Starting point is 01:12:47 You know, he kind of keeps people dormant. He keeps people content. He keeps us inactive. He's one of the people that keeps conservatives home when they should be marching in the streets. He is one of the people that tells them things are going to be OK. This is the system working as intended. If you don't believe in this one, you're not a real conservative. Yeah, you don't believe in the United States Constitution if you oppose this.
Starting point is 01:13:05 He is one of the reasons that people are demoralized staying home because he is one of the people that is telling them that the evidence of their senses isn't real. He's exactly the same as those guys who say that what you're seeing with the bobby pins on the arm. Nope, nope, it's not happening. There's no metals. Nope, nope, nope. He's exactly the same. Yes, and that is why. I saw that term shadow boost in that article.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Let's put that back up on the screen. So Facebook gives Ben Shapiro shadow boost to make more users see his content. They make him artificially popular. Yes. So if you think that Ben Shapiro has all these views and has all of these listeners because he is interested. I mean, have you ever heard the guy? Of course he's not popular because he's enjoyable to listen to. I mean, hello.
Starting point is 01:13:47 But the reason his website gets all that attention, the reason he has so many listeners is that he's artificially engineered to be popular. And we know this because, well, he's got the chutzpah to tell us. It was in, was it Variety, the Hollywood reporter? Hollywood, how weed Ben Shapiro. It was a feature article that came out last year.
Starting point is 01:14:08 Well, there you go. Now, this is the kind of behavior that comes from somebody. But he's the darling of conservatives. Well, except he isn't. Except he isn't. Everybody, you know, look, people are herd animals. And although we all like to think of ourselves as being ferociously independently minded, and we like to think of ourselves as coming to conclusions based on the evidence, the facts, you know, the reason,
Starting point is 01:14:28 the logic. That has never been how any human being has ever operated in the history of the human species. We are not persuaded by facts, reason, and logic, which is another reason Benjamin Shapiro is so idiotic. His catchphrase, facts don't care about your feelings. Well... Actually, it's just the opposite. The only way anybody has ever been persuaded of anything, well, there are two psychological mechanisms that actually work. One is repetition, and two is positive emotional attachment, which is why on all those Saturday night comedy shows, they will pick up, they basically invoke a conservative hate figure, tell a joke about it, encourage everyone to laugh together,
Starting point is 01:15:03 and move on quickly. There's a very tight, regular structure to those segments. And they do it over and over and over again, night after night after night. Why? Because that's how you persuade people of things. Not, you know, this nerdy, dorky, I think, that is consumed with greed, consumed with prestige, the lust for prestige, for power and for greed. And this must be the product, therefore, of a mind that has no true real belief in the supernatural, in the transcendent, in the divine, in the eternal mysteries of the universe. Well, we know that. In fact, we know that because he's told us. Yeah. Actually, let's run that video.
Starting point is 01:15:54 Jewish point of view, where we don't believe in the divinity of Christ. Right. There you can make an argument that the Gospels which were written... He was just a prophet. No, no, no. We don't even believe he was a prophet. What do you think he was? What do you guys think he was? I mean, what I think he was historically, I think he was a Jew prophet and significant no no we don't even believe he's a prophet what do you think he was what do you guys i mean i what i what do i think he was historically i think he
Starting point is 01:16:07 was a jew who tried to lead a revolt against the romans and got killed for his trouble just like a lot of other jews at that time who were crucified for trying to lead revolts against the roman and got killed for their trouble so he became legend in story and it became a bigger and bigger deal as time yeah he had a group of followers and then that gradually grew and then do you think there was resurrected no that's not that's not a Jewish belief. Okay, I just want to check. Yeah, no. We're not into miracle stories.
Starting point is 01:16:31 No, that's not. Do you not have any miracles? No, not by Jesus. There are ones in the Old Testament. Yeah, you've got Moses splitting the sea and all that. What do you think happened there? What do I think happened there? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:16:40 Well, I'll go with the Maimonidean explanation. I mean, it says in the Bible there was a strong east wind so there's a naturalistic explanation for a physical phenomenon what there was a strong east wind this day my little what confuses me to this day about Ben Shapiro is this hypnotic spell he puts over evangelicals. Why are Christians supporting this man? Evangelicals love Ben Shapiro. And now that he's moved from California to Tennessee, it's almost like he's moved to the Holy Land. The next step is Israel.
Starting point is 01:17:21 I mean, that's it. It's almost as if they Ben Shapiro can. He's a firm believer in the monodies and the Talmud. The Talmud teaches that Jesus is boiling an excrement right now in hell. OK, he's a follower of that. And I have to say, I mean, there's some there's some debate about that as to whether the is it yesha in the Talmud refers to Jesus or not? And I have Orthodox friends who insist that it does not. They say the timing doesn't work and all the rest of it, but there is a book, Jesus in the Talmud by a Princeton scholar, which I find to be pretty persuasive on the subject. I would like to get Ben Shapiro's opinion on that.
Starting point is 01:18:00 Do you believe that Jesus Christ is, yeah, I would quite like someone to be the love affair that evangelicals have for Ben Shapiro, who is Christ denying. Okay. That's a fact, Jack. Ladies and gentlemen, it makes you an idiot. It makes you a lamb to the slaughter to be led by somebody who denies the most profoundest, the most basic, the most fundamental metaphysical truth of our universe, of our faith, of our spiritual commitments, and all of his wickedness and wretchedness flows from that denial of Christ, if you can't see that, then frankly you deserve to lose your country, which is of course exactly what you are doing by giving money to and paying attention to people like Ben Shapiro. Now, I know viewers of this program are much more intelligent than that.
Starting point is 01:18:52 So the overlap of Shapiro fans and true news devotees is probably minuscule. So I'm preaching to the converted here, but it's worth saying anyway, isn't it? Well, a lot of people didn't know. Like people just didn't know. You know, he's put on Facebook, he's boosted in your face. He says some really good things about the Second Amendment. And you're like, OK, I can get behind this guy. You know, it's all subversion. It's all subversion to neuter the conservative movement. And that is what his purpose is. So, you know, informing people, a lot of people just didn't know. You know, this is what he believes. He is very, very anti-Jesus. Very anti-Jesus.
Starting point is 01:19:25 He lets it slip because sometimes he can't help himself. John Miller, that pint-sized African-American gentleman, he's adorable. He's sweet. He deserves a little. We love John Miller. He belongs on a shelf with teddy bears. He's adorable. But he said that he's had a career that spanned Fox and all this.
Starting point is 01:19:46 He said he cannot count the number of times that he has been told by handlers that Ben Shapiro is, quote, off limits. Yeah. You're not supposed to talk about him. Isn't that interesting? I can prove to you from the Bible that Ben Shapiro is the Antichrist. How about that? I didn't know we were going there. I'll say it.
Starting point is 01:20:06 2 John 1, verse 7 says, For many deceivers are entered into the world who confess not that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. That's what the Bible says. So, you know, he's not just foolish. He's not just misguided. He is antichrist. Well, now we know what right wing watch's headline will be tomorrow.
Starting point is 01:20:29 And by the way, my last name's Phil, D-U-R-K-H-A-R-T. Okay. Just in case. And there it is on the screen for you. Make it easier for you, Kyle. So, okay. All right. It's not Jared Holt working there. He'll be right here. Well, Jared Holt, of course, doesn't work at Right Wing Watch anymore. Why is that, Doc? The rumor I heard was that he was fired. I think he's fired. Was he fired? Yeah, he was fired.
Starting point is 01:20:52 Just in case you missed that. He seems to be intrigued with you, though, for some reason. Well, there's a video I might show you in a second that might explain why that is. Before I do that, though, I think this Shapiro thing, it's evidence of somebody, as I said, who does not believe in the supernatural, who does not believe in the mystical, in the divine, in the transcendent.
Starting point is 01:21:12 If you have any doubt about that at home, I'd like to share with you the best photograph ever taken. This is my favorite photograph. I think God's given up on rainbows. I think he's had enough of them. What do you think? No, I think we're reclaiming it, but this is a great image.
Starting point is 01:21:27 Is that him reclaiming the rainbow or is that him striking out in pain and horror and righteous fury? This is pre-Christianity month. I'm sure this was taken before. In fact, I can tell you this photo was indeed taken pre-Christianity month. Well, there's, if you don't believe me, it's a matter of time. And speaking of the ungodly, Ben's own sister, Abby Shapiro, who we, that's the miscarriage monetizing Abby Shapiro. Selling Domino's. Selling Domino's pizza while she cries crocodile tears into her hanky. Of course, after she's done her hair, had her makeup done, made sure her soft boxes are aligned in the most flattering way possible.
Starting point is 01:22:09 Good Lord. Well, it looks like she is joining the ranks, the ever-increasing ranks of true news devotees. Clearly, we've got to her because immediately after our last show, she published this. Why aren't I more religious? I'm sure that that's just a coincidence. Now, you mentioned right-wing watch, and we are going to get there, I promise. Now, let me make a confession first. And this might come as a shock to some of you,
Starting point is 01:22:46 but I've been known on occasion in my life of acquired reputation, let's say, as a bit of a troll. No, really? You Milo? Yeah. You? Yeah. So every once in a while, I like to do something that I know they won't be able to resist. And so when I tweet, I post, I posted, I tweeted, it takes me back.
Starting point is 01:23:08 I did not tweet, obviously. When I posted on Telegram a picture of my hotel room altar, which is the little setup I take with me. You saw the crucifix the other day, I think, in a segment about homosexuals. When I take with me my Bible stand, my crucifix, my Bible, of course. There we go. There's my hotel altar. My America First hat, a lovely knife.
Starting point is 01:23:31 I've got a missile because I'm a dirty papist. I've got my gay conversion therapy literature. I've got various other things going on. A lovely, by the way, 11th century book by, I think it was a cardinal, a book of Gomorrah, which explains how to identify and what should be done with priests who are into little boys, which is a fun bedtime read, a little bit of light reading. Anyway, you might also see there a spine, which only really a liberal would recognize, because no right wing has ever really read it.
Starting point is 01:24:07 And it's the red book there in the middle. It is. And I brought it with me today. It's called The Turner Diaries. Now, as you can tell from the unbroken spine and perfect condition of this book, I've never read it. I just bought it off Amazon to annoy liberals because this is a fairly badly written, as so I'm told, novel, which is reputed to have inspired various people who have wandered into places with guns. I don't personally believe in banning art because it inspires bad people to do bad things, because I think they'll find any old reason to do it. And I think the fundamental motivations go a lot deeper into the earth and come from a much warmer place than a printing press. But let's be honest. I mean, this is like the inverse of
Starting point is 01:24:46 Alinsky's Rules for Radicals. So if you've heard of Alinsky's Rules for Radicals, and if you're a right-winger, you have, because right-wingers are obsessed with it. They think every left-winger, every Antifa activist goes home at night and lovingly rereads Rules for Radicals. No left-wingers ever even picked it up. I mean, it's something that right-wingers are obsessed with that left-wingers just don't even know about. This is kind of like the right wing equivalent. Left wingers are obsessed with it. They know it on site. They know that the colors. So even though they never read it, they don't know. Nobody's really read it. But I slotted it under a book, under Nicolosi's book,
Starting point is 01:25:19 Joseph Nicolosi, who's the founder of reparative therapy and conversion therapy. You know, so I was, I was So I was, it was a spread bet. It was a spread bet. I didn't know quite what they were going to, quite which bait they were going to take. But this is always really good. Anyway, as you can see, let's be honest. I mean, only the most depraved, reactionary, revolting, hideous, violent right-wing terrorist would ever have actually read this. I mean, no one's read it here, have they?
Starting point is 01:25:48 You haven't read it? No. Doc, you haven't read it? I've read it. I read it back in 1996. That didn't quite go as I planned. I have read the Turner Diaries. Is it as bad as everyone says?
Starting point is 01:26:05 It's a badly written novel is what it is. After you finished it, were you compelled to go out and take an AR-15 to a local high school? No, I was compelled to... Never read it again. Never read it again. Okay, very good. It's not that good. Very good.
Starting point is 01:26:17 But it is something that seems to really spark a lot of passion of people. Only among leftists. Yes, only among leftists who have never read it. All right. And if they would read it, they'd go, this is dumb. The idea of the book is there's a nuclear war that takes place. And then afterwards, there's a race war that starts up. And, you know, it's a bad sci-fi movie and a book, but somehow this book has been blamed for everything from chicken pox to every terrorist attack that has happened over the past 20 years or so. The left will take the Turner Diaries and bring it back. If they want to attach the right wing to any event going on, they'll say, well, you know, it's the return of Diaries.
Starting point is 01:27:07 It was the turn of Diaries. It was a, listen, so. So you had this on your table there at the hotel. Let me just make completely clear that, by the way, there's only one book that has the kind of power to change hearts and minds and make people change their, you know, everything about how they live and make extraordinary changes in their life. And we all know which book that is. And that's the Word of God.
Starting point is 01:27:26 It is not the turn, no, sorry, I was going to say Dangerous by Marley and Office. It is. It is really Rules for Radicals. That's what the volume is. Well, yeah, except no one on the left actually read that. It's just like a right-wing fever dream anyway. Well, maybe I'm wrong. You could write in and tell me for him. Now, look, our old friend, Jared Holt, who no longer works at, what is it, Right Wing Watch? Why does he no longer work at Motion? Because he was fired. Because he was fired!
Starting point is 01:27:52 He was very mad about my altar because, of course, they always take the bait. So we've got his tweet, I think, here. In today's edition of Where Are They Now? A little jab at my career prospects there. Marleneopolis shared an image of what he called a hotel... What he called. You hear the condescension in that, don't you? What he calls.
Starting point is 01:28:12 Because it couldn't possibly actually be what I said. What he called a hotel room altar that includes a visible... A visible copy. A visible copy. Not an invisible copy. No, no, no. He's not even hiding it anymore. A visible copy of
Starting point is 01:28:25 The Turner Diaries, a novel that has inspired decades of white supremacist terrorism. Reading on the book, Yeah, I think I'll pass, mate. Now, look, if you want to know who this person is that we keep banging on about, this person that was recently fired, I'm going to throw out to my dear old friend, Gavin McG McGuinness who ran into him recently at a conservative conference And the reason I'm showing you this is I want you to see Just how pathetic and small and meaningless These people are they have these people who are big names on Twitter These liberals who strike fear into the hearts of Ronna McDaniel and that make her deny their
Starting point is 01:29:06 own belief system in order to be popular with their enemy. I want you to see just how snivelling and wretched and pathetic these left-wing snitches who spend their entire lives taking the bait we lay out for them because they're idiots. I want you to see just how sniveling and pathetic these people are in real life. So I'm gonna hand you over to my dear good friend, Gavin McGinnis, who ran into the aforesaid fired, Jared Holt, just before he'd been fired,
Starting point is 01:29:35 at a recent Republican conference. Here it is. Hi, welcome to the Gaylord. Oh look, there's Will Sommer. Hey Will, you. Hey Will, you. Hey Will, you piece of. You tattletale. That's your career, you're a tattletale.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Nice job. Nice legacy. You know what, I hope you are a Fed, because at least that'll be interesting. What are you, security? Pencil legs security? Oh, there's Jared Holt. Look it's the c**t squad Look at these
Starting point is 01:30:10 Horrible weak losers look at these f**king human beings their whole job is being a tattletale What a bunch of f**king losers What a bunch of. Nice legacy. Nice canon. Nice background. Losers. Anyway, we're here at the Gaylord Center where Jared feels right at home.
Starting point is 01:30:36 I know you have a relationship with, can you get that on my face please? No, I'm just trying to hear the question. Hey Jared, can we ask you some questions? No, you're gonna have to contact my media person. Oh, you don't do interviews? Not without approval. Why?
Starting point is 01:30:53 I just have a simple, I just don't understand why you're so obsessed with white nationalism. Is that your beat? I can't do an interview. What about the Aryan Brotherhood? Do you investigate them? That sounds like some bonafide white nationalist. I can't do an interview with you until you contact my press leader. You look like milk. You look so weak.
Starting point is 01:31:07 You know what you look like? Someone has a glass of water and they just put in like four drops of milk. You just seem to have this sort of sad acquiescence to you. You just look like you could just spill all over the ground. Are you gay? I used to know this. I'm so un-homophobic that I forgot. We're done. We're done All right, where are you going?
Starting point is 01:31:28 Probably talk to his media person. Now look, I understand Gavin has a mouth on him, and if you manage to lip read some of that, I apologize for your frazzled nerves. But the reason I played it is the second half of it is divine. Gavin has a real tone of phrase, doesn't he? But look at how wretched and snivelling that these people are. And you'll have to talk to my media liaison. You're a blogger. You're a blogger.
Starting point is 01:31:55 You write words on the internet and hit publish in WordPress. What do you mean your press liaison? Anyway, those are the people that Ron and McDaniel, the leaders of the Republican Party, are running scared from instead of proclaiming the truth, the good news, instead of confessing a faith in Jesus Christ. Or trying to appease them, which appeasement never works either. Absolutely. Hoping the crocodile eats them last.
Starting point is 01:32:18 You know, the fact that he, that Jared picked up on the Turner Diaries book, I found so funny. But it's not only that, Right Wing Watch retweeted Jared's tweet. Well, they're trying now because liberals are always allowed to say they moved on to a new job or allowed to say that they stepped down or allowed to say that they handed in their resignation.
Starting point is 01:32:39 So they're now kind of doing him a solid and pretending to get fired, which is the most pathetic squalid development in this story since it began. So you're welcome, America. Anyway, as we mentioned before, we've got to wrap up soon because we're running out of time and we try to keep this show to an hour and a half. But Right Wing Watch is now basically true news plus 24 hours.
Starting point is 01:32:55 So if you are a leftist, hate watching this show, can I encourage you to just skip the middleman and just watch us? Right. They've been really keen on us, haven't they, in the last few days? All right. We've got to bring things to a close, so we'll be super quick. But we mentioned, didn't we, dearest, that Karen's will save the world. And what we meant by that is that while some American men have been disappointingly weak
Starting point is 01:33:19 in the response to, you know, having their whole country stolen, nonetheless, women have risen to the challenge in various ways. We're very excited by Generation Z, by the Zoomers, by the America First guys, and we're hoping to speak to one of them tomorrow. Very happy about that. We're also very happy about Karens, about Trump moms.
Starting point is 01:33:37 Aren't we? Marga moms, we love our moms. And you've got two videos you'd like to show us, Lauren, of female heroines. So take us through those. Yes, so they try to say that Karens are just like these over-the-top, making a big issue out of everything. No, Karens are going to save the world.
Starting point is 01:33:55 They are. They are. They are feisty. They are like mama bears that just come in and take over and fix everything. So let's run the first video. Actually, you picked this one out. Before we do run it, you just said mama bear. Do you think that Sarah Palin is kind of like the godmother figure of this? Is she the sort of spiritual inspiration behind all of this? I think so.
Starting point is 01:34:16 I think so. She's the OG Karen. She is the OG Karen. She is the OG Karen. She's the pre-Karen Karen. She's pre-Karen. She was Karen before Karen was cool. She's proto-Karen. Proto-Karen. Proto-Karen Karen. She's pre-Karen. She was Karen before Karen was cool. She's proto-Karen.
Starting point is 01:34:25 Proto-Karen. Proto-Karen. I've always thought she was immensely cool. Yes. And got a really mean, raw deal from the press. She does have a habit of being a bit flaky. She doesn't show up to things, apparently. But she, otherwise, who am I to judge?
Starting point is 01:34:41 I've always thought she was cool. I mean, she lives all the way in Alaska. I'm sure it's not that easy. True, true, true. You know, have a snowstorm, ruin everything. It's a long way. I've always thought she was cool. I mean, she lives all the way in Alaska. I'm sure it's not that easy. True, true, true, true. You know, have a snowstorm ruin everything. It's a long way. You can see Russia. But you can see Russia from her house.
Starting point is 01:34:50 No, but look. First of all, you can. And second of all, she laughed at herself so beautifully in the promo to Sarah Palin's Alaska when she's like, and if you look real careful, you can almost see Russia. Nah, just kidding. Like, she laughed at herself so beautifully. I just, I really, I really,
Starting point is 01:35:13 just after that, it's impossible to dislike the woman. I think she's fabulous. She is the role model for care. Proto-care. You're doing it again. You're doing it again. You're doing it again. Get back to the subject.
Starting point is 01:35:22 Don't think I don't know. Look, you take us through these two videos and then we've got to wrap up. All right. Hit the tapes. The first one. Money for Nordstrom. No money for Nordstrom.
Starting point is 01:35:32 Leanne, why? They caved. Because they caved. No money for Nordstrom. What are we doing? Boycotting. Boycotting. We're deciding to dump Ivanka.
Starting point is 01:35:41 We're deciding that we will shop where Ivanka shops. Why do you share it so carefully? We are all here to dump Ivanka. We're deciding that we will shop where Ivanka shops. And I'm pretty sure it's not here. We are all here to close our accounts. Or to let you know, for those who are cash shoppers, that we will no longer be shopping. Going to Dillard's. Going to Dillard's. Headed to Dillard's to buy all kinds of stuff. Yes, I do.
Starting point is 01:36:08 I was actually a former employee for a number of years, and I've been shopping at Nordstrom's for 30 years. And because of your decision to drop Ivanka Trump, I will no longer shop at your store, nor will my husband or our nine children or our eight grandchildren. It's amazing. Or our nine children and eight grandchildren. This is going to be generational.
Starting point is 01:36:32 You know what I'm saying? Their children's children's children will not be shopping at your store. Do you love that? We're going to Dillard's to buy all sorts of things. All right, let's run the second one. So in real time, these are what these bad A Karens are doing currently, right now standing up to critical race theory. Let's play that second tape.
Starting point is 01:36:51 These educators put their own names out there. We have Mr. Berry who took it upon himself with Ms. Cyrus to create a curriculum. That should be it. Do you want the proof? I have the proof. You created a curriculum of Black Panther indoctrination. Ma'am.
Starting point is 01:37:11 You used taxpayers' dollars. Can I ask you one more time? I have no issue hearing what you have to say. Why can we not let the public speak? Why can't we let the public know that you're teaching our children to go out and murder our police officers? Do you want the proof? I have the proof. Is that what scares you?
Starting point is 01:37:31 The proof that a parent actually standing up against all of you, is that what scares you to call out the names of these people? You work for me. I don't work for you. You have a duty. We are entrusting our children to you. We teach our children morals, values. See, if we had more of that, the world would be a better place. So I want to encourage women, embrace your inner Karen. Channel your inner Karen and take it out and be the difference in this world that is much needed. That mama, you do not mess with her. Doc, very briefly, why are we only seeing American women behave like this and not American men?
Starting point is 01:38:11 Because men have been emasculated in this country. They've been told that men are stupid, that men wield no power anymore, that men are useless. We don't need men anymore. TV, radio, whatever media outlet. Men are dumb. Men are stupid. Fathers are dumb.
Starting point is 01:38:28 Fathers are stupid. And so they've been neutered. Men have been castrated politically and sometimes literally here in our country. The worst part is they've been neutered spiritually because they refuse to take their biblical leadership seriously. And I put it at the feet of the church because they've given in to this feminist theory over the past 30 years that somehow has flipped the entire script on men and women. And, you know, unless there is a biblical movement to restore men to that relationship with God and understand their role and authority as men. And that's one of the things
Starting point is 01:39:11 that we're working on here within this ministry. And one of the big projects that Rick is working on because he has our heart now to restore men, to restore, especially young men in this country to their full understanding of their rights and responsibilities as husbands, as fathers, as brothers, as sons, and to let them rise up to everything that God has called them to be, that they do not have to fear the culture, that they can move forward with an understanding, a godly sense of pride within themselves. Not pride in the negative sense, but pride that God puts in you in knowing that you're exactly where you're supposed to be. And that's something that is on Rick's heart right now. It's something that we're looking forward to here in the very near future.
Starting point is 01:39:59 And he'll be telling you more about that. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why I'm here. Because Rick told me that message a few weeks ago about where he was planning on taking his life. And that's what I've been doing my whole career, trying to get men to be full
Starting point is 01:40:14 of that righteous fire, that glad and angry faith, as G.K. Chesterton put it. So let's wrap up. But before we do, two brief things before I let Doc close. First is, we promised you a gay pride, excuse me, a Jihad June toolkit.
Starting point is 01:40:30 Christianity month. She's winning, you know. I'm looking at the comments online and people do like it. They're writing about Christianity. I haven't heard anything about Jihad June. So, I win for once. I haven't heard anything about Jihad June. I have to lean in her direction, Myla.
Starting point is 01:40:44 Well, of course you do. Thank you, Josh. I mean, I look at the evidence. I'm not surprised. I'm only surprised the two of you didn't gang up on me sooner. Right, but all right, fine, fine. I give in. I give in.
Starting point is 01:40:57 It's Christianity Month, so Christianity Month's toolkit. Here's just one meme, and I'll put it on my Telegram. You'll find it. Here is your Christianity Month toolkit for today. I like your gay pride shirt. There we go. It is, of course, fake and gay to be getting those vaccine things. And finally, oh, by the way, I completely forgot earlier.
Starting point is 01:41:18 Sorry, Control. But when we were talking about, what's the name of that guy that got fired? Oh, you're talking about Jared Holt. Jared Holt, yes. That was supposed to be the first segment in a new regular feature that we're doing, and it's called Homo Big Mad. Inspired by Jared.
Starting point is 01:41:40 Inspired by Jared. That's actually a photograph of Jared Holt from his university days. Now, I was reminded of this, of course, because it is now time before we close out the show for our most popular feature. You know what it is already, ladies and gentlemen. Why isn't it on fire? I love these. I'd do a whole show of these little things. All right.
Starting point is 01:42:08 You've heard of the gender reveal, and there's almost nothing more satisfying than the sight online of a video showing Californians blowing up their sheds, setting wildfires, because they are indulging in this ludicrous and revolting ritual of gender, baby gender reveal parties. It's almost nothing Americans would look pageantry into. How is that even acceptable anymore? Because I understand that kids can't choose how we choose.
Starting point is 01:42:39 I feel sure that it's not long for this world, and that's possibly why it's being replaced by something even worse. Okay. Please roll the clip. Oh, it's blue. It's blue. No faster. No faster.
Starting point is 01:42:51 Blue? Heresy. Heresy. What? What? It's chocolate, baby. It's chocolate. We're having a black baby!
Starting point is 01:42:59 What did he say? We're having a black baby. What's going on here, Marlon? I think this is a race reveal. It can only be explained by the new... Well, let's just say part of the crisis in masculinity is allowing women to indulge in bodily pleasures and things that a righteous and just husband would never even countenance.
Starting point is 01:43:26 I'm afraid to tell you, white dad, white mom, she's been off doing whatever she wants to do in nocturnal hours. And that apparently, I mean, who knows if it's real? Don't really care if it isn't because it's definitely happening soon if it isn't already. So we can't do it. It's not going to become a thing. It's not going to become a thing. We can't allow this to become a thing.
Starting point is 01:43:44 All right. Well, fine. It's not going to be a thing. It's't allow this to become a thing. All right, well, fine. It's not going to be a thing. Look, we know that memes are real. After all, we memed a president into office. But presumably, if we have the power to meme something into office, we have the power to kill memes, too. So let's not let these race reveal part.
Starting point is 01:44:00 What ever happened to the good old days where you found out when the baby was born, hey, it's a boy. And I'm white and my baby is white. Who would have thunk it? I don't care. As long as it comes out healthy and it goes to Sunday school. I don't care about much else. But California has other ideas.
Starting point is 01:44:22 Anyway, that's about as much as my heart can bear for today. I got a bit excited today, didn't I? All right, I'm done. Doc, please take us home. Well, I appreciate it. Thank you, Mylon. Thank you, Lauren. Once again, thank you for sitting in for Rick and Edward this week.
Starting point is 01:44:38 And, of course, you'll be back with us again tomorrow. And we want you to be back here with us tomorrow as well. And so continue to pray for Rick, Edward, and Carrie especially, and so that the Lord will continue to do his healing work. And we're so grateful for our team members that are back here in-house. As you know, so many of our team members, I've been looking around corners, make sure there's nothing lurking for me anywhere. I don't want anything like that.
Starting point is 01:45:04 So I'm being very watchful, if you will. So, but I encourage your prayers for this ministry and for all of us here. And it's your love and support for the work that Rick has done over the past 20 plus years that has brought us to today. Rick has some wonderful plans for the future of everything that we've got going here. We've got so many projects going on, and we need you to be a part.
Starting point is 01:45:28 I want to say thank you for joining us on today's edition of True News. And I want to encourage you, please share this guidecast with your friends and family. Consider becoming a partner with this ministry as we report the truth every day with courage and conviction that you will hear it nowhere else. You can support True News by going to That's, and just click on the heart on the left-hand side, or you can call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That's 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at PO Box 690069, Barrow Beach, Florida, zip code 32969.
Starting point is 01:46:07 We accept stocks, cryptocurrency and precious metals. Whatever you want to bless us with, we'll gladly receive and put toward our mission here. Save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. the preceding program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support

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