TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Hunter Biden Invested in Firm Linked to Fauci’s Pal Daszak and Wuhan Lab 

Episode Date: July 2, 2021

Description: Today on TruNews, while powerful media outlets like Fox News are asking the White House abpout the price of hot dogs, host Edward Szall and the team continue to report on how NATO is prov...oking the Russian Bear. Specifically, the West is using the nation of Belarus as their leverage through repeated coup attempts, Later, there is a hard connection between Hunter Biden, the Eco Health Alliance, and the Wuhan COVID Lab. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (07/02/21) Episode 9

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The president of Belarus has accused the West of arming terrorist sleeper cells in his country through Ukraine. China has published a play-by-play war fantasy of the PLA destroying Taiwan's capital. And it's a bad day to be a scientist who worked on the COVID bioweapon in Wuhan, as Xi is rumored to be considering executing loose ends. Oh, and Hunter Biden may have helped fund the project. There's some more in just a moment.
Starting point is 00:01:08 But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The UK Daily Mail says Democrats are demanding that President Biden pack the U.S. Supreme Court with liberal justices. This after it upheld Republican-backed Arizona voting rules in its final decision of the term. The president was disappointed with the ruling, and now Democrats want Mr. Biden to take swift action to avoid what they call further damage by the court by expanding its more of its own appointees. The UK Daily Mail reporting that the Trump Organization's chief financial officer, Allen Weisselberg, was paraded in court wearing handcuffs on Thursday to hear charges that he
Starting point is 00:02:00 failed to pay taxes for years on a company car, apartment and school fees for his grandchildren. The investigation has cost millions of dollars, but could yield just tens of thousands of dollars in back taxes. Laura Trump is pretty steamed about all of this. What we saw happen to Alan Weisselberg today was absolutely disgraceful. Had this happened to anyone else, we are talking about five years of an investigation by Cy Vance, the district attorney. We are talking about three and a half million pages of documents because they're so desperate, Dan, to find anything on Donald Trump because they want to disqualify him from running for president in 2024. The best they could come up with was a corporate car for the CFO of the Trump organization, yet they paraded him into criminal court in handcuffs in front of these horrible people
Starting point is 00:03:00 in the media. It was a disgusting display, Yet you're right. They're letting real criminals go. And by the way, what about Hunter Biden? We know this guy absolutely broke the law numerous times. Nothing is done about that. They go out of their way to try and disqualify Donald Trump. It is disgusting. And the message it sends to every single American is if this can happen to Donald Trump, think about what they could do to you. Disgraceful. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called The UK Daily Mail reporting that Donald Trump wants to know who's responsible for shooting and killing Ashley Babbitt at the Capitol on January 6th. Who shot Ashley Babbitt, Mr. Trump put in his statement on Thursday after Nancy Pelosi announced the makeup of the select committee to look into the Capitol event.
Starting point is 00:04:00 Babbitt was shot and killed when she tried to breach a door leading to the House chamber. The identity of the officer who pulled the trigger has been shielded from the public despite multiple demands. And the family of the unarmed Navy veteran has filed a $10 million lawsuit against the officer and the Capitol Police and a separate case demanding that the name be released. In April, the DOJ, by the way, said law enforcement would not bring charges against the officer who shot Babbitt. reporting on an attempted armed robbery outside City Hall in Oakland, California. That's not really news. What is news is that police say it happened during a television crew's interview with the city's violence prevention chief. One of our own NBC Bay Area crews was speaking with the chief of violence prevention outside Oakland City Hall this afternoon when someone tried to rob them at gunpoint.
Starting point is 00:05:05 Because I think Oakland deserves better. That's the moment it happened. You see the camera knocked over during a confrontation. A security guard, armed security guard with our crew, intervened and managed to scare the suspects off. Luckily, no one was hurt and nothing was stolen. Wow, isn't it ironic that the interview came just hours after a press conference by Oakland's police chief condemning the city council's approval of a two year budget that diverted 18 million dollars in funding for police towards violence prevention efforts. Unbelievable. That's a look at true news headlines. Now, let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward and Doc. Thank you, Kerry. When the Marxist media isn't lying or gaslighting you, they're wasting your time. And it's all of them. There are a few hosts, certainly no networks, that are actually reporting on the most important story of the day. And I know some don't want to hear it, but that does include Fox.
Starting point is 00:06:10 Our network is dedicated to reporting the top stories, so we can tell you that they often skip it or intentionally pick a story that's just completely worthless. When it comes to Fox, I want to show you what their White House correspondent Peter Doocy did today. And it wasn't talking about Russia, China or anything remotely on the minds of sane Americans. OK, on another subject, the official White House account tweeted yesterday the cost of a Fourth of July cookout is down 16 cents from last year. 16 cents from last year. 16 cents. There has been a reduction in some of the costs of key components of the 4th of July barbecue. That was what the tweet was noting.
Starting point is 00:06:53 So does the White House think that 16 cents off a barbecue has more of an impact on people's lives than gas being a dollar more this time? I would say if you don't like hot dogs, you may not care of the reduction of costs. You don't have to like hot dogs. I will say that what we are most focused on is the fact that we've created now more than three million jobs since the president took office. That's what we're focused on and continuing to implement additional components of his economic build back better agenda. Go ahead. I want to remind you yesterday we were talking about the plans for a Pearl Harbor style attack against U.S. Navy forces in the Pacific and also the Russians warning that they will not put up with a Black Sea fleet practicing an invasion on their coast. Well, here at True News, we're not
Starting point is 00:07:43 talking about hot dogs and barbecues. We're real news, and there's plenty of it today, such as the president of Belarus accusing the West of arming terrorist sleeper cells in his country and issuing an arrest warrant for German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Rick and Doc are here and are ready to discuss this developing story out of the Black Sea region. Hey, Edward, don't you stay up at night worrying about the price of hot dogs? Boy, he's very obedient to his news director. Yes.
Starting point is 00:08:11 Aren't you glad Fox News sends Peter Doocy to the White House to, hey, pardon the pun, grill. Grill. That's awful. That's good. To grill the press secretary about the price of hot dogs. On the 4th of July. On the 4th of July. On the 4th of July.
Starting point is 00:08:28 He didn't want to bring up any fireworks or anything. That's right. Yeah. So that's, you know, if you turn on the news networks at any given hour, they're usually talking about nonsense. Yes. And you turn on True News, we are industrial strength news. A lot of people there can't handle us. It's like way too intense for them. Okay, I get that. If you think, if you consider grilling, questioning the White House press secretary about the price of hot dogs, if you consider that news, you probably can't handle true news.
Starting point is 00:09:11 It's going to be too much for you. We talk about the news that the news networks are not permitted to discuss. And this is what we've done for 22 years. Right. I'm not a liberty. I'll just wait. I was told I'll have to wait until I get permission because I was told about a legal agreement between a political party and a news network to regulate what topics are discussed.
Starting point is 00:09:47 But I don't have liberty to talk about it. I'll have to wait until the person gives me liberty to talk about that. But look, the news networks are a tightly controlled propaganda operation. And they have legal agreements with other parties and entities to regulate what is allowed to be discussed. They have an agenda.
Starting point is 00:10:11 Yes, and they have legal guidelines with outside entities that regulate what they can talk about. We don't. We're True News. And we answer to the Lord Almighty, to our Heavenly Father. And our only sponsors are the people who send donations every month. Right. I don't have to answer to some billionaire who has investments in True News because we don't have any investors. I don't have to answer to pharmaceutical companies that buy hundreds of millions of dollars of advertisements because we don't have any advertisements.
Starting point is 00:10:55 So we're free. And I think it's one reason so many news reporters dislike us because they're not free. Right. And they know it. And deep down, they're shamed. They're shamed that they're prostitutes and they have to read scripts that they didn't write. They have to say things they don't believe.
Starting point is 00:11:22 You know, I can't help but remember that back in the past, when Edward had the opportunity to ask President Trump a question, he didn't tow the party line in asking a question. He asked a hard question. He did it twice. The president gave a very long answer to that question. But then the attack came on Edward for asking the question. How dare the White House allow Edward Zoll from True News to even be in the room. Yes, to ask a question.
Starting point is 00:11:53 But he asked the most intelligent question of the day. Right. Which showed how shallow and superficial The reporters are. But they went on the attack not about our knowledge of international affairs, but the fact that we're not permitted to be in these meetings to ask questions. And that's the proof. That's the proof right there. You'll never see an attack on true news based on content. It's always a slanderous attack on Rick, a slanderous attack on something in the past. They have to fabricate because the fact of the matter is we don't have advertisers.
Starting point is 00:12:30 We don't have sponsors, as you just noted, other than the faithful donations of our family, our audience. We aren't built on this pay-to-watch model that the networks have. They say ridiculous things. Then in court, they'll turn around and say, I'm just an entertainer. Oh, any idiot would believe what I'm saying kind of thing. We will never say that because our job is to tell the truth. By the way, before we get into the heavy news that we're going to talk about, we're six months into 2021. It's hard to believe half a year has, 2021. I want to personally make an appeal to many people who rely on True News.
Starting point is 00:13:10 Maybe you don't even know how we're funded. Maybe it's never occurred to you because you just watch it. We don't have commercials. I'm not selling products. I do have a book that we make available, but all the proceeds from the book support the program. So maybe it's just never occurred to you. Maybe you think I'm really rich and I just spend all my personal money on it. We've got a really rich dad. Yeah, we do have a very rich father in heaven. This program has been funded for 22 years by the love gifts, the free will offerings of saints of God who know in their heart that this ministry was raised up by the Lord God for this hour, for a purpose, for a specific reason, to prepare people for the second coming of Jesus Christ, to call people to repentance, to tell them that time is running out for
Starting point is 00:14:06 mankind. Mankind's going to have a rendezvous with Almighty God. And it is the last day. It is the final day. That day is coming. And so that's how we're funded. And it's everything from people sending, you know, two or three dollars wrapped up in aluminum foil in an envelope. The Lord will honor that as much as a thousand dollar gift. Yes. To somebody every month giving a thousand dollars or a one-time gift of a hundred thousand dollars or,
Starting point is 00:14:42 or that's how this is funded. And no gift is too big and no gift is too small. They're all vital in the Lord's eyes. And if you give what the Lord told you to give, then every gift is equal. Right. Because the Lord receives it as an act of faith and obedience. So I'm encouraging you. There's an address and a phone number and a website on the screen.
Starting point is 00:15:08 You can donate at There is a button at the top in the upper right that says donate. And then over on the left side, there's a heart that you can also use to give. If you want to know how to give cryptocurrency or real estate or stocks, click the heart and it opens up a panel
Starting point is 00:15:31 that will give you the information on those things. Or you can call that number that's on the screen, 800-576-2116. It's available 24 hours a day. And you can also send a check or a money order. Also, precious metals. People send gold and silver coins. The address is Post Office Box 690069, Vero Beach, Florida, 32969.
Starting point is 00:16:02 Now, several days this week, I have said something that I have not talked about for a long time, and that's my, I shouldn't do that. I should constantly be reminding people because it stirs up faith. If you do not have any money to give, but your heart desires, you really desire to support True News, but you seriously don't have the funds. You might be on a fixed income. You might be a single mom.
Starting point is 00:16:32 You're just barely getting by. Whatever the situation is. The Bible says God gives seed to the sower. And what that means is the Lord doesn't allow anybody to have one up on him. Whatever you give to God, he gave it to you first to give back to him. Right. And then out of that act of obedience and faith, he blesses you again with more prosperity. And from that gift, you give another gift and the cycle continues. And before you know it, you have a rhythm of giving and receiving, and the blessings of heaven are just flowing into your life. Look, it's not just finances. It's good health. It's peace. It's the favor of
Starting point is 00:17:18 God on your life. Those are the blessings that come from faith and obedience. So if you do not have any funds, something that we have done over the years, we've encouraged people to ask their Heavenly Father for miracle money. Just say to God, I want to give to True News. I don't have any money. Would you please give me some miracle money? And I promise to send whatever you make appear. I'm telling you, I've seen this happen time after time after time over the years. The stories are amazing.
Starting point is 00:18:01 The people who act in faith and do this, funds appear. Money appears. Sometimes they just find it. Sometimes somebody gives them money. Other times they get a sudden bonus from their employer. Sometimes they get a refund. I remember somebody got a refund and it was like five years old. And some company realized, they said, you were entitled to a refund five years ago. It was never sent. Here's the money. Praise the Lord. It's things like that. The money will appear and you will go, oh my, this is it. This is the miracle money. Whatever comes in, send it in obedience to your pledge, your vow to God to send the miracle money.
Starting point is 00:18:45 And then when you do that, when he sees that you're faithful to keep your promise, he will send more money to you. He'll send more blessings to you. And that's how that rhythm of giving and receiving begins. So do it and then write to us. Email us at info at or send a letter to the address. You can even call and tell the operator what happened and they'll get the message to us. But give your testimony, glorify God with what he's done and testify to his faithfulness and his generosity and tell everybody you know about it. Hey, I watch this Christian show called True News and I wanted to give and I didn't have any money.
Starting point is 00:19:33 And they said, ask God for a miracle money. And I did. And the money showed up. Just tell your friends about it because you're glorifying God when you do that and your faith will be lifted up. Well, listen, while Steve Ducey is over at the White House asking the White House press secretary about the price of hot dogs, we were following the increasing tension in Europe between Russia and NATO. And so today the president of Belarus, a close ally of Russia, said that self-defense squads tried to blow up the communication center of the Russian Navy. Yes, this is in a region that's about 70 miles north of Minsk, the capital. And that man on the screen is Alexander Lukashenko. He's the president of Belarus.
Starting point is 00:20:42 What he's laid out today, Rick, is that there is essentially terrorist units. The West has been funding. And he named the countries Germany, Lithuania, Poland, and of course the United States. And these are his accusations. His accusations. We have no way of verifying if the things that he's saying are true. He's accusing the West of sending terrorist units into his country to blow up military sites. Yes, funding them, arming them, and in this sense, giving them explosives specifically to go after a radio relay tower.
Starting point is 00:21:11 Now, you might be asking, where is Belarus? It's a country that was in the old Soviet Union, the old satellite state. So we want to show you this real quick. It's number seven for control. Belarus is just north of Ukraine. You see here in the center of the map there, just north of Ukraine, which has been the epicenter of this World War III standoff with the Black Sea south of Ukraine there on the map. Belarus is essentially a European country.
Starting point is 00:21:39 They're as European as Moscow, which to their right there is. And Lithuania, one of the countries accused of them, is a neighbor, and according to the president, not a good neighbor. So Belarus borders Russia, Lithuania, Poland, and Ukraine. The president, Mr. Lukashenko, is saying that the West sent terrorist units into his country to blow up a communication center that was run by the Russian military. And that was right before the summit, right? That was just like a week or two before the... Last week. Last week is when they're saying this happened. Oh, so this is a new incident.
Starting point is 00:22:18 Yes. Okay. Because I remember, recall there being a previous incident where that there was an attempted coup or attempted incident in Belarus. This was about a month, month and a half ago. And Vladimir Putin said that he he told. Was it Joe Biden in a conversation? Yes. We know we have the information about the attempted assassination? Yes. And I think what he's actually describing is a second coup operation.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Wow. They said they arrested all the agents of the previous coup. And again, this is the statement from the president of Belarus. They were accusing the West of being behind that coup. This attempted coup, I'd say more so a terrorist attack, that is what is being described here, is a new operation. If it's okay, if we can put the map back up there real quick, number seven for control, I'll show you something here, a couple things. First of all, NATO has great influence on Ukraine, Poland, and Lithuania. In fact, Lithuania is in a process
Starting point is 00:23:26 of becoming a NATO member right now. Of course, they've made the promises to Ukraine, and we're going to build Fort Trump in Poland. And so you see Belarus is slowly encircled, you know, on all sides. By NATO forces. By NATO forces. And so, you know, no doubt
Starting point is 00:23:44 that there would be some concerns. Also, I noticed that this must be an outdated map because, as you can see down at the bottom of Ukraine there, they still include Crimea as part of Ukraine there. And so this might be an older map. Or the Western version. Or the Western version. So if we can zoom in on the map at the Black Sea a little bit closer, and then just bring it down somewhat. Down to the right there.
Starting point is 00:24:13 That's Crimea sticking out like a big toe in the Black Sea. And that's what the West is after. The Sea of Azov, there's a straight, a passageway there from the Black Sea into the Sea of Azov. That's the place that you have to receive permission from Russia to enter that strait with a ship. And the Russians have honored that agreement. There's never been a problem until last year when Ukraine sent several warships through without permission. The Russians stopped the warships, boarded,
Starting point is 00:24:57 claimed that they found documents on the ships with NATO communication, giving the instructions how to provoke the Russians. But the Black Sea, there is the, that's the zone right now, I would say, of any place in the world today where World War III could erupt very soon, it's right there, Black Sea. And Rick, something interesting about Belarus, because obviously the Navy that's in the Black Sea is working in conjunction with that unit operating the communications tower in Belarus.
Starting point is 00:25:37 Something about the alleged attack in Belarus, and this was on the communication tower, the Velyeka communication tower run by the Russian Navy. That tower is used to communicate with nuclear submarines on combat duty. Now it seems kind of, I want to keep the map up, Brooke. I want to show this. It seems kind of counterintuitive to put a tower north of Minsk to be in charge of communicating with your nuclear submarines,
Starting point is 00:26:06 even outside the Baltic Sea and Black Sea, maybe all the way down in the Mediterranean that's south here or out in the Atlantic. But that tower, because of its strength, it is the go-to communication tower for communication with Russia's nuclear submarines, and specifically submarines that have been deployed on combat duty, the ones that you would expect to get involved if World War III were to happen. In addition to this, that tower is also used according to TASS. This isn't the West saying this about this, that the Russians are saying this about their own tower. It is used for electronic intelligence and electronic warfare. So that's the target that President Lukashenko said was going to be blown up by the fake terrorists
Starting point is 00:26:52 that he claims the West has sent in. Doc, did you see the photograph of the site that was going to be bombed? Yes, I did. To me, it looked like a shortwave radio antenna array. Right. Yeah, it looked like a high-frequency array that you would use for VLF and high-frequency communications. And so that's a critical thing. It would have been vital in a war. Absolutely. And so you begin to understand now why the West is putting such pressure on Belarus
Starting point is 00:27:25 and why, you know, Lukashenko would be in such a state of affairs, even going so far as to threaten to arrest German Chancellor Merkel. Yes, and that was mentioned in the Kommersant newspaper in Russia in an article telling Lukashenko said about the disclosed self-defense squads, the alleged terrorist group, associated with Germany, the United States and Ukraine. In that report, the Russian newspaper says that President Lukashenko has promised to bring charges against German Chancellor Angela Merkel and some from the FRG leadership. Now this would be France and Germany, other NATO allies inside of this.
Starting point is 00:28:09 Rick, this is pretty big. This is a European leader. So President Lukashenko, again, these are his accusations. We have no way of verifying it. He is charging that Germany, the United States, Poland and Lithuania and Ukraine were behind the terrorist units that attempted to blow up the Russian Navy Communications Center in his country. Those are serious accusations. Right. And he's even go so far now, Rick, to completely close the border. That is President Lukashenko in Belarus to completely close the border with Ukraine.
Starting point is 00:28:49 And he said specifically the reason why he's doing that is because the enormous amount of weapons coming across the border from the Ukraine into Belarus. He also said that he had a telephone conversation with Vladimir Putin. He said, we discussed the problem in a serious way. You understand the result of the discussion. The article says the 43rd Communication Center of the Russian Navy, the one in Belarus, that was the target of the alleged terrorist attack, has been operating in the Minsk region since 1964, provides communication on super long waves of the general staff of the Russian Navy
Starting point is 00:29:38 with nuclear submarines that are on combat duty in the Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans. The station also conducts electronic intelligence and electronic warfare. So it's a key component. That was not just a shortwave radio station. Right. It's a key communications point for the Russians. So, well, this is on top of the attempt on the president's life back in April, where they tried to, there was obviously a coup attempt of some kind. They actually tried to take President Lukashenko's children hostage.
Starting point is 00:30:13 And I think a couple of the players, one of them was a dual citizen, if I recall correctly, a dual American citizen. And so there's a lot of activity that's going on. Listen, at the bottom line here, what are they trying to do? They're trying to stir Russia up. They're trying to get World War III ginned up here. Using a drone. Yes. Exposing a drone.
Starting point is 00:30:34 He also, I'm reading further into this Russian news article. Mr. Lukashenko also said that on July 1st, that was yesterday, that there was an attempted assassination of a senior journalist on the state television network STV. Right. He said that they wanted to immobilize him, capture him, throw him into a trunk, take him out into the forest, cut off his tongue. It'd be like Peter Doocy getting taken by a foreign attacker inside America. That's what he's suggesting was being planned.
Starting point is 00:31:14 Well, you think, so you read, okay, they're going to cut off his tongue. Nobody does that kind of stuff. Well, ask your friend over in Saudi Arabia. Jamal Khashoggi. Yeah, Khashoggi. They did more than cut off his tongue. They cut him into pieces with a bone saw. While listening to pop music.
Starting point is 00:31:32 That was done by the Saudi Arabian Intelligence Agency. Trained by us. Trained in the United States. I'm not sure if we ever got to cover that story. They were trained in the United States. That's a fact. Paid for by the Obama State Department. Well, in addition to Belarus, there is another, I'd say,
Starting point is 00:31:51 update for war. China has outlined how they would attack Taiwan and specifically launch a surprise attack on the island. Isn't it interesting? They publish this in a major Chinese magazine. No, it's just often in reading. Why would you do that? So everybody reads it. Including, especially the West.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Yes. They're telling you, this is what we're planning to do. And China is sending the signals. I mean, a day or two ago, you had Xi Jinping saying, hey, if anybody messes with us, we're going to crack their skulls and they'll bleed out. But is it really a surprise attack if you publish it in a major magazine? It's not a surprise attack again
Starting point is 00:32:46 it will be a surprise for 99% of the American people that's what it will be for sure it will be a surprise to them but we can't say that the US leadership has not been forewarned about the potential of a surprise attack by China
Starting point is 00:33:02 and I don't think that the scenario that the article laid out is how China's military is going to fight. No. I certainly wouldn't say that. That's silly. I wouldn't put my surprise plan out there. No. But they put a plan out there and said, this is what it might look like if we had a war
Starting point is 00:33:24 with you. Oh, and they've done more than write an article, Rick. They've also produced a video. They have a propaganda video. I'm going to read from naval and merchant ships. What you're seeing on the screen is actually their propaganda video. We're going to read you their article while we show you what they were fantasizing about. What you're seeing here is Taipei. Those are our military artillery pieces, air defense systems in Taipei, which is the capital of Taiwan.
Starting point is 00:33:49 There are Chinese missiles and their bombers and in-flight munitions. In just a moment, you'll see them be just deployed, destroying that small island that China claims is still part of their country. Well, Naval Merchant Ships Magazine, which is who produced this piece of propaganda, you see on the screen, he said, according to the article, the first round would consist mainly of ballistic missile attacks aimed at destroying information gathering and decision making assets, including airports, early warning radar, anti-air missile bases and command centers across the island. Weapons used at this stage
Starting point is 00:34:25 could include the DF-16 short-range ballistic missile, which the magazine said the island's missile shield would find difficult to intercept, and ammunition dispensers, which would cause more damage per strike. The attacks against Taiwan's airports would continue until Chinese surface troops had accomplished an assault landing. Naval ports could be attacked with airstrikes by China's H-6 bombers and J-16 fighter jets, which look a lot like the American ones. I wonder if they got schematics from us on that. They said that this would only temporarily suspend the operations of the defense.
Starting point is 00:35:04 They'd also want to completely destroy any remaining air defense, and the PLA could use them for a landing. The second stage of the magazine's three-pronged strategy would be several rounds of intensive cruise missile attacks. And you're actually seeing part of it here on the screen. You're going to see missile strikes hitting the primary naval harbor in Taipei. This is where most of their navy is situated. And just imagine if a U.S. ship is there when this happens. It says that
Starting point is 00:35:32 the PLA would use surface ships, drones, and missiles. And they'd also use artillery strikes from land-based rocket forces to destroy any resistance that remained. Now, that was the propaganda for the day from China. Yes, but the video clearly is much more persuasive than the news article. Yes, and reading this, I do think this is how they could attack. The surprise comes from the sheer force. You saw on screen here, missiles, bombers, jets, things Taiwan doesn't have.
Starting point is 00:36:10 So Taiwan's generals and admirals both read the article and watched the video and said, even if this is their plan, could we survive it? And if they have another plan that's worse, how would we survive it? But could Taiwan survive?
Starting point is 00:36:33 Could they overcome and survive that attack we just saw on video? I don't know if Taiwan has that kind of military power to survive a massive assault from the sea, from the air, and not to mention a landing force of PLA soldiers invading the island. Right. Now, we just saw a little clip of that. How long was the actual video that they published? Ten minutes. Ten minutes long. 10 minutes. So 10 minutes of video propaganda of China telling them this is how we're going to do it.
Starting point is 00:37:12 They could have just sent a minute or two. Right. They sent a 10-minute package to tell this is the whole story. We can do it. Doc? Again, for 22 years, here on True News, we've talked about a war someday between China, the United States, and Taiwan. In these 22 years, I've never seen this.
Starting point is 00:37:34 I've never seen the Chinese publish a 10-minute war propaganda video that showed you this is how we're going to destroy Taiwan. And they've been practicing invasion. It'd be one thing for them just to publish this article and promote this video, but they've actually been conducting war drills to invade the island. They've been running countless air raids into the Taiwanese exclusionary zone. The Chinese may, and I would say likely, are planning an invasion. The question is, when? So let likely, are planning an invasion. The question is when.
Starting point is 00:38:06 So let's look at a couple of things. Last week, the senior Japanese defense minister was in the United States. He told the Hudson Institute, hey, you guys need to wake up. China is going to attack Pearl Harbor. They're going to launch a surprise attack on Hawaii. People need to pay attention. We know. We did it.
Starting point is 00:38:33 Yeah, we know exactly what you have to do to take out Pearl Harbor. We did it quite well in 1941. And do the same threats exist? Yes. And that was what caught my attention yesterday, too, that the Japanese deputy defense minister, or the defense minister, rather, that when he said it would be a Pearl Harbor-like attack, well, Japan felt threatened by the United States. Japan controlled a lot of the energy in the world.
Starting point is 00:39:01 They, Japan was concerned about their future. The U.S. was putting economic sanctions on Japan. Right. And so they had a response. I'm not defending Japan. I'm just saying that in their mindset, they said, in order for us to survive as a race, and it was a race, in their mind, the Japanese race, we have to attack our enemies. And then we hear Xi Jinping just the other day. It's imperative that we as a race advance, not as a nation, but as a race that we advance. So what was the second thing that just happened? We had the Japanese official this week, or it happened last week, we found out about it this week, where he said, there's going to be a, you know, we're warning you.
Starting point is 00:39:46 We see that the conditions are ripe for a Chinese attack on Pearl Harbor. Well, about a week or two ago, the Chinese billionaire, refugee billionaire, Miles Guo, he issued a warning that his intelligence sources in Asia are telling him China is going to attack Taiwan within months. And they'll distract America by releasing a new bioweapon. Yes. Do you get that? He said China is going to release another biological weapon, another virus in America, but they will distract us by attacking Taiwan. And he said, if I recall, possibly by the end of the summer, early fall. Yes, that's what he said. So we're looking at September, October. Now that's Mao's goal. I can't verify his sources, but that's what he published just in the past two weeks. You put all this together.
Starting point is 00:40:58 I mean, you have the signs, you have the warnings. China is going to attack Taiwan. We're getting more signs today in the modern era than they even had during World War II. There were people that were predicting World War II would happen, that this was going to be a collision course. Just think what you just said. You just laid out the statements being stated publicly by China's top generals, the top defense minister in Japan, Russia even. Everyone's talking about World War III right now.
Starting point is 00:41:28 But in America, we're concentrated on our independence. Do you think the Chinese military fears Joe Biden? Do they see him as a fearsome threat, a tough military commander in chief? I don't see the Chinese PLA practicing to take over elderly homes. No, I don't think they have an issue with Joe. I don't think they fear him. I think they, honestly, we've laid out the argument already that they probably own him. Do they fear General Marxist Milley?
Starting point is 00:42:06 No, not when he's on the same side. He believes the same thing they do. He reads Mao. He'd have no problem with this. He's already been conquered. Right. What does that say to us? We have an inept, senile commander-in-chief, and we have a compromised general in the Pentagon who reads the writings of Mao Zedong. Who is pushing for the full vaccination of our
Starting point is 00:42:32 military. Yes. And trying to remove from the US military all the fighting men who are true patriots. And then once he's got him out, he's designating them domestic terrorists along with the Democrats in the House. Doesn't look good for us, does it? Not at all. Thank goodness we have Christ. You better make sure Christ is in your heart. Because look, there's no guarantee we can live through the war.
Starting point is 00:43:02 We're guaranteed eternal life. We're not guaranteed life on this planet. At least we've got transvestites in the army that will defend us, right? All the PLA, they will run in terror when they see the transvestite soldiers. Skipping down the battlefield. The few, the proud, the queens. Yeah. Pretty sad, isn't it? It sounds like a nation that's on a fast track to a collapse because of the
Starting point is 00:43:29 sin, the debauchery, the wickedness that's in the nation and stubbornness, a refusal to repent. It's one thing to be sinful. It's something else to be wicked and rebellious and stubborn, saying, I will not, I know I'm wicked and I will not repent. That's a different matter than somebody who says, yeah, I'm not living life right. I probably should clean up my life. But when you reach the state where you're hardcore wicked and you are deeply stubborn and rebellious, you've crossed the line into being a reprobate. And that's where we are right now. The leadership of the United States is the reprobates.
Starting point is 00:44:28 And it's just terribly upsetting to know that this is where we have arrived. After decades and decades of sliding away from God, to me, the line that was crossed was 1962. I was a boy in school, in public school in Maryland. And every single day in public school, we started the day, Pledge of Allegiance,
Starting point is 00:45:01 the Lord's Prayer, and Bible reading in public school. And a communist in Baltimore, Maryland, Madeleine Murray O'Hare, sued in the Supreme Court and the court agreed with the communist, Madeleine Murray O'Hare, and prayer and Bible reading was banned in the public schools. And we have been on a fast track to hell ever since. I've witnessed this in my lifetime. I've seen the country go from upright, righteous, Christian, God-fearing nation to the place that we have drag queen entertainment shows on military bases, and our generals are proud of it
Starting point is 00:45:45 it's shameful and it's frightening and we're here we keep giving the stories there's going to be a war there's going to be a war there's going to be a war and there's no repentance there's no there's no alarm even in the churches. Right. I don't know what to say. I don't know what to do. All I can tell you is make sure your heart is right with God. There is no guarantee any of us will survive the war. I stopped thinking about this a long time ago. I just said, hey, if we're all taken out in a war,
Starting point is 00:46:32 if you're saved in Christ, you're immediately in the presence of the Lord. I mean, your body dies, but your soul doesn't die. It used to bother me a great deal. I don't want to survive a war. I don't want to survive a war. I don't want to survive a nuclear war. I don't want to live in the debris of a nation completely destroyed. Do you?
Starting point is 00:46:55 Of course not. What kind of life is that? That's not living. That's not life at all. It's horrible. Where you're begging for death to happen. Right. Right? So if you're saved, even though you physically die,
Starting point is 00:47:13 you're in the presence of the Lord. Now, if you're unsaved and that war comes, you die in the war, you are immediately not in the presence of the Lord for eternity. And you're destined for the lake of fire on resurrection day. That doesn't happen until resurrection. Until all the people are brought out of their graves. That's the great day of judgment.
Starting point is 00:47:38 It's not a thousand years after Christ comes back. It's when Christ comes back. It's all done at one time. That's why the devil loves war so much and bloodshed. Of course. It's a way for him to seal souls in hell. Oh, he can take out hundreds of thousands of souls quickly. They never have another day to hear the gospel and be saved. He loves war. He comes to steal, kill, and destroy. That's his resume.
Starting point is 00:48:03 Rick, if we are able to just take a break real quick, we continue the discussion in just a moment. But we have another round of Kerry Kinsey's headlines. Welcome to Trudeau's headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The U.S. Sun says there are a lot of questions about what might happen to the crypto fortune of Murcia Popescu. The Bitcoin billionaire drowned last week off the coast of Costa Rica after going for a morning swim near Playa Hermosa. That, according to local news reports, the 41-year-old Romanian leaves behind as much as $2 billion in Bitcoin. And some speculate that that money could be lost forever. But author Jeffrey Tucker says, no way. Is it possible that his holdings
Starting point is 00:48:55 could never be found? Yeah, that is possible, but I think it's very unlikely. My guess is, and you know this, most all crypto owners, especially on that level, have made some sort of precautionary plans in the event of their demise. It could be on some timed release. You know, it might be four months, six months, or something like that, that some one individual in the world or others, there'll be some system in which somebody will get access to the keys, be able to rebuild the wallet, and get access to the blockchain. And, you know, whether and to what extent the person who's in receipt of that decides to move those coins is another matter.
Starting point is 00:49:34 Because then suddenly you've got the track and tracers out there. That's potentially dangerous. But my guess is that that that a person of this level of sophistication has figured out, you know, some some way to give somebody access, you know, most likely on a time to release. Reuters Reuters rather reporting that President Vladimir Putin has signed a law that obliges foreign social media giants to open offices in Russia. A document published by the government shows the latest move by Moscow to exert greater control over big tech. The Russian authorities want to strengthen their control of the Internet and to reduce their dependence on foreign companies and countries. CNBC reporting that Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says that a group of 130 nations has agreed to a global minimum tax on corporations, part of a broader agreement to overhaul international tax rules. the practice of global corporations looking for low-tax jurisdictions like Ireland and the British Virgin Islands to move their headquarters to, even though their customer operations and executives are located elsewhere.
Starting point is 00:50:55 For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's That's a look at True News Headlines. Now, let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward, and Doc. Thank you, Kerry. Well, Rick, that last story about the global tax rate, I found that one very interesting. I was reading it this morning. Did a little math. There's 130 nations have agreed to sign on for this. There's officially 195 nations
Starting point is 00:51:26 that are considered to be serious nations that could be potential signers. That means 66.6% of the nations in the world have signed on for this global tax rate. How much? 66.6%. 666. Not a numerologist, just I thought that was kind of weird. Well, I think it's just a hint. Here's another layer of global government. You know, where I first learned about global tax, Edward? Where'd you learn, Doc? Listening to true news. Yes, he did.
Starting point is 00:52:00 As Rick was talking about this 10, 12 years ago, had guest on talking about, there's going to come a time where you are going to see, at that time we thought it was going to be run through the United Nations, but now that the world is a completely different playing field. So how are they doing it now, Doc? They're doing it through corporate agreements and really doing it through COVID right now. That's the cover. So we used to think, okay, United Nations is going to get really powerful. They're going to pass a global tax. Right.
Starting point is 00:52:32 And that's it. But really, the way global government is coming about is very sneaky. It's done by stealth. It's what they call soft law. So the globalists decide this is the agenda. This is what we're doing. Right. Then they go there. They're globalists and they're little puppets in every nation. Then implement the decision. Right. But they do it legally through the respective parliaments and congresses and therefore so the US
Starting point is 00:53:05 Congress is going to pass I mean we have we're already passed 15% so we don't have to pass anything but other countries that have a lower corporate tax rate their legislature is going to have to increase taxes to a minimum 15% right and so that's the way they're bringing about global government. It's through a stealth method of using their network of flunkies in every nation to implement a decision that's made at Bilderberg or Davos. And so here we're going into a global tax. Bermuda said, we're not going to do it, but I don't think Bermuda has the military
Starting point is 00:53:55 to withstand this type. I mean, you know what they're going to do? Any country that doesn't participate, you're going to be cut off. There'll be economic sanctions on you. You'll lose a swift bank wire. You become the new Venezuela. Yes. They'll turn you into Venezuela. Anybody who visits the country as a tourist, you'll be a suspected terrorist. Eventually, Bermuda will cave. Why is Bermuda saying, we're not going to do it? Because they have so much wealth there.
Starting point is 00:54:27 Why is the wealth there? Why are corporations there? Because they have a low corporate tax rate. Right. So the globalists who are really capitalist communists, who are in bed with the communist capitalists in China, they're implementing a transfer of wealth agenda. The income tax.
Starting point is 00:54:59 That's a plank. Yes. Every single American should demand the removal of the income tax in the federal government and in state governments and city and county governments. It is, as Edward said, it's a plank in the communist manifesto. And it's an example of that soft soft law that you just explained, because when it was first introduced, it was like one percent. If that it was as high as they were going to go. Yeah, that's, you know. Yeah. Well, we'll never do any more than that because we don't need much to run the government.
Starting point is 00:55:31 Well, we had, America had no income tax, you know, up until 1913. The globalists pushed, and we're basically talking about the Wall Street international banksters. And you want to get very specific about it, you're going to end up at the Rothschilds. They demanded an income tax which did not exist in America. How did the United States of America make it until 1913 without an income tax? Terrors. Tariffs, right? Not terrorists an income tax? Tariffs.
Starting point is 00:56:06 Tariffs, right? Not tariffs. Tariffs. Tariffs. And a very small federal government. Yeah, Doc, we weren't asking how they're making it now, you terrorists, but tariffs. Federal government did not need trillions of dollars because it didn't have its nose and fingers and everything. And somehow railroads got built.
Starting point is 00:56:25 Roads were built. Somehow libraries were built. Somehow schools were built. Somehow all these things got built. Monuments got built. Capital buildings got built. Somehow all these things got built. All those things, Doc, were built with private money.
Starting point is 00:56:41 The libraries and the schools, they were built with private money. The railroads were built with private investment money. The libraries and the schools, they were built with private money. The railroads were built with private investment money. The U.S. government didn't have its nose in everything, and we weren't at war with everybody. We were minding our own business. But the internationalists, the international banksters wanted to change everything. They demanded a federal income tax. They demanded a federal bank, which is not federal. It's their bank, the Federal Reserve Bank. They set up a fake federal bank. And then with a federal income tax, you had to have the goons to enforce it. So we got the IRS. Where are we today?
Starting point is 00:57:29 People are terrified of the IRS. We're adding 87,000 new agents. 87,000 new auditors. Thank you, Joe Biden. Right, because they've got to squeeze more money from the people to keep the socialist welfare state going because they're transferring more money. And as Bob Johnson, the successful black entrepreneur, said the other day, reparations are already underway,
Starting point is 00:57:54 but we're doing it in chunks. Nobody knows what we're doing. We're moving billions of dollars in reparations. Where's the money coming from? You've got to squeeze the taxpayers to get more of their wealth. We have communism in America. We have communism. Yes, we do.
Starting point is 00:58:16 With pockets of free enterprise mixed in. Yes. Trying to survive. And so the globalists are saying we've got to take over the whole world. We have to we have to make sure every nation falls in line. We can't allow one nation to have low taxes. And if if they do, we have to squeeze them until they surrender. It's not the government's demanding the global tax, it's the internationalists,
Starting point is 00:58:47 the globalists. It's not the governments. It's the globalists telling the governments, you will change your tax laws. Right. And they even give them the instruction sheet on how to do it, the wording. We've talked about this before, about how these different political arms will go. And on the local level, like state legislators and everything, they'll go and actually have seminars and, you know, train them on how to do it. And now they're just doing it on a global scale. This is the plan. This is how we're going to do it. Fifteen percent corporate tax globally now. And when I saw this pop up the other day, Rick, I still remember one of the first programs I listened to on True News was you talking about
Starting point is 00:59:32 the global tax years and years ago. You remember that? Yes, sir. So I was a fan before I started working here. So, yeah, well, it's it looks like communism to me. And you mentioned the communists who are masquerading as capitalists. Well, Rick, those communists are doing a lot more than just setting up a global tax infrastructure. They're killing scientists. There's talk right now actually in China of the way to deal with the COVID bioweapon. Let's get rid of the scientists that were involved in this. It's from the sun. They're going to kill off the scientists and anyone who's involved in this. It's from the sun. They're going to kill off the scientists and anyone who's involved in it. And of course, this is going
Starting point is 01:00:08 to benefit anyone who had a connection to the Wuhan lab, the bioweapons lab for the PLA. Someone who had a connection to this that we weren't aware of even a month ago. This is a new name, I think, for the audience. Did you know that Hunter
Starting point is 01:00:24 Biden had a connection to the Wuhan lab? Why am I not surprised? The Bidens are deeply involved with the Chinese communists. The way Mr. Biden accomplished this was through a firm called MetaBiota. I want to have control. Yeah, yeah, this is it right here. Hunter Biden invested in a pandemic firm collaborating with Peter Daszak's EcoHealth and the Wuhan lab. Now, Peter Daszak and EcoHealth, that's the firm and the individual who worked with Dr. Fauci at the NIH to funnel money, about $3.7 million to Wuhan. Now how Hunter Biden came into this story
Starting point is 01:01:07 is that Hunter Biden was working with a company called Rosemont Seneca. This is a firm, a corporation that he founded in order to sell money and investments. Which was big in the news, in our news, last year during the campaign. And we talked about Rosemont Seneca on many episodes of True News, because this was the investment firm that Biden and his other partners were doing a lot of shady deals. So this particular still that we're looking at here, this is Rosemont Seneca's pitch, if you will, that they were raising funds for Metabiota. And specifically, this is what Metabiota does. They're a provider of disease outbreak detection solutions. And look at the date, June 2015. This is when they
Starting point is 01:01:57 were raising the capital. Rosemont Seneca is named as the vehicle of which, the one promoting the Series A funding, but also backing it. Now, this company, Meta Bayada, they have their collaboration with Peter Daszak's EcoHealth. This is number 23 for control. Who is funded through the United States NIH, National Institute of Health, with the grants approved by Dr. Fauci. Yes. And Fauci knew all along that the money was going to China, to the Wuhan lab, to develop a coronavirus weapon. Fauci knew it the whole time.
Starting point is 01:02:42 They were experimenting with bats and coronavirus to weaponize them. And so you have a connection with Hunter Biden, Fauci, Daszak, and the Chinese POA.
Starting point is 01:03:01 Yes. This is EcoHealth's fiscal annual report from 2015. Okay. 2015, five years before the pandemic outbreak. Look at their top collaborator here. You got EcoHealth Alliance, University of California. You scroll down just under the Smithsonian Institute. They were also working with EcoHealth. MetaBiota, the same firm that Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca funded and helped raise money for. Now, Meta Biota, you'd think, well, maybe they were doing some good work.
Starting point is 01:03:33 Maybe they were qualified. Well, it turns out in 2016, this is from CBS News, they absolutely botched the Ebola response. They were hired, go into the country, and help with pandemic solutions. Well, according to an investigation done on the Ebola pandemic, the outbreak of Ebola in Africa, MetaBiota had no tracking of the samples and had absolutely no control of what was being done. But in 2016, none of us were told that Vice President Joe Biden's son was involved in this company. Biden was still in the White House. Yes, he was. That in itself
Starting point is 01:04:14 seems like a scandal. His son was involved in this company. And none of us knew in 2016 the Bidens were in it. Well, Rick, we know now, and guess what? They're involved now too. In April 2021, Joe Biden, President Joe Biden now, announced a government collaboration that involved both EcoHealth Alliance and MetaIATA. Now, they're going to be working to create tools to calculate zoonotic disease risks. Now this is diseases from animals like bats. You see the picture? They're very cute.
Starting point is 01:04:53 They created a little picture for this. This is from EcoHealth Alliance. A zoonotic disease risk. They are going to be in charge of telling us the risks of a virus going from animals like bats to humans, kind of like coronavirus in Wuhan. Well, they would be the first to know. Or the first to develop it. Well, Peter Doocy is at the White House today questioning Mr. Biden's press secretary about the price of hot dogs didn't bring up Hunter Biden
Starting point is 01:05:29 no but Fox News was man they were hot on the trail of the price of hot dogs I'm so glad we got Fox News you can count on them they're going to get to the bottom of the story
Starting point is 01:05:44 the hot dog story. And if they get, after they crack that story, they might go after the Hunter Biden scandal. Are you holding your breath, Rick? Wow. Folks, you need true news. You need true news. Help us. Get behind us. Support us. Do what you can for us. Our support depends entirely on you. There's nobody else, nobody else that's backing us. Right.
Starting point is 01:06:18 I mean, do you think George Soros is backing us? I mean, do you- I think he quivers for us. I think he's very for us. He's very afraid, true to himself. None of the rich conservatives in this country back us. Nobody. This is a grassroots, populous news ministry funded by average men and women.
Starting point is 01:06:44 I mean, there's no big shots in this thing at all. And we've been here for 22 years. And we just continue to grow. And we don't have any support from anybody that would be considered powerful, influential, or rich. Except the people that support us. The people that support us. They're a rich man on all measures. Oh, my. The people that support us. Who are rich in all measures.
Starting point is 01:07:05 Oh, my. They are our VIPs. They are our special people. Eric, I know we're getting ready to close, but I just want to encourage everybody this Sunday morning, if you would like to be blessed, join us for New Zion Assembly on Sunday mornings. We post the service up onNINGS AT 1030.
Starting point is 01:07:25 AND SO I'D LIKE TO INVITE YOU, OUR TRUE NEWS AUDIENCE AND EVERYONE ELSE, LOVERS AND HATERS OF OUR PROGRAM, I INVITE YOU TO JOIN US SUNDAY MORNINGS FOR A WORSHIP SERVICE IN A TRADITIONAL FORMAT, TRADITIONAL MESSAGE STYLE AND EVERYTHING. AND SO I'M GOING THROUGH A SERIES RIGHT NOW, RICK, ON THE APOSTLES CREED. AND THIS WEEK I'LL BE TALKING ABOUT THE and everything. And so I'm going through a series right now, Rick, on the Apostles' Creed. And this week I'll be talking about the ascension of Jesus and why it's important in our understanding of our faith about the ascension. And so I invite everyone to tune in and I hope you can watch
Starting point is 01:07:58 previous episodes of New Zion and the other messages that we've related to it. And they can have Holy Communion with us. Right. And so we, every Sunday morning, we have the Lord's Supper, the Communion, the Eucharist, and we share in the Body and Blood of Christ in a global community. We get letters, emails, pictures from people from all over the world that are sharing with us in Communion. And we make that a very important part of the worship. And it is worship. It's not ritual.
Starting point is 01:08:28 It's not an obligation. Rather, it's worship. And we approach it that way as well. Yeah. I love it. Like you said, Doc said, people send us photographs of them showing us where and how they watch. Like the truckers. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:08:42 The truckers will get a know from a trucker that have his phone up on his dash and he's in his truck and he's having communion with us yes and he's sitting in his truck at a truck stop he's not he's not driving and having communion but he's at a truck stop but he's he's in church with new zion praise the lord and he's out on the he's out traveling on the road, but I mean, they stop at a truck stop to watch New Zion and have Holy Communion with us. It's people like this all over the world. I mean, it's not just the USA, but every continent we have people who are watching. And look, our new True News Studio is going to be put into action very soon.
Starting point is 01:09:27 We are currently, we've been for many months in our church studio, and it's really caused a lot of disruptions. But the new True News Studio is going to be activated very soon. And it's going to allow us to utilize this space as it was meant to be. Right. Including baptisms. So we'll keep you informed about that. A lot of people have been wondering when can they get back to visiting us and attend a new Zion service. So it's coming.
Starting point is 01:10:09 Very soon. We're getting ready to move stuff around. So it's happening very, very quickly. So stay tuned. You'll really love the new True News Studio. Yes. Yeah. Now, hey, Monday here.
Starting point is 01:10:20 So Monday is a holiday in the United States. Fourth of July is Sunday. And so most businesses and employers close on Monday if the holiday is on a Saturday or Sunday. And eat some cheaper hot dogs this year. Yes. Yes. So we will be closed on Monday, July 5th. But there will be a True News program. And it's going to be,
Starting point is 01:10:47 we're going to show you the program that got us kicked off of YouTube. Oh, this one was a good one. How long is this? Two years ago? No, it was back in February 19th. That's right. Just as the pandemic was starting. And so we devoted a program in February as we were telling people about coronavirus. And so we did an entire True News program that documented and quoted the world's elite on how they wanted a virus to kill 90% of the population. I mean, we use their own words. Right.
Starting point is 01:11:26 And that got us kicked off. The next morning, I got out of bed. That one video from True News was on YouTube. It was gone. That's the show that did it. We're going to release it again on Monday, July 5th. And if you never saw it, you can see what got us
Starting point is 01:11:47 kicked off of YouTube. And if you do remember us doing it, you might want to watch it again. It's good to go back and look at it. This was before the pandemic was declared, right? Yes, well, we were covering the pandemic,
Starting point is 01:11:59 but the rest of the media wasn't. It was still too early. They were still asking hot dog questions. Yes, they hadn't been instructed yet to talk about the pandemic, but we knew about it, and we presented a compelling case
Starting point is 01:12:16 that there are wealthy, powerful men and women in the world who want to eliminate billions of people. Again, that's not our opinion. It's based on their words. And us documenting their words got us kicked off of YouTube because we were releasing the plan before they were ready. That's what happened. There was panic. Too true. There was panic in certain high places in this world when they saw that program.
Starting point is 01:12:49 So watch it this Monday on True News. That's it for me. Well, thank you, Rick. And again, it's going to be a good episode. I look forward to watching it on Monday also. Well, I want to thank you for joining us for this one hour of uninterrupted discernment on demand. We're able to do this every day thanks to the generous love gifts of you, the audience.
Starting point is 01:13:10 Please consider becoming a monthly partner with this ministry and help us. Help us as we help you endure these crazy, crazy times. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or a story you'd like us to investigate. Our address is P.O. Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969.
Starting point is 01:13:49 We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, even Belarusian radio antennas. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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