TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Israel Expected to Launch Massive Attack on Iranian Oil and Nuclear Sites
Episode Date: October 2, 2024All eyes are on Israel to see how the Jewish state will respond to yesterday’s missile attack by Iran. News media outlets are reporting that Israel’s response will be massive and soon. We will dis...cuss the Vice-Presidential debate and the lack of federal response to Hurricane Helene later in today’s TruNews.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 10/02/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Visit our website and become prepared today. All eyes are on Israel today to see how the Jewish state will respond to yesterday's
missile attack by Iran. News media outlets are reporting that
Israel's response will be both massive and soon. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Wednesday,
October 2nd, 2024. We will discuss the vice presidential debate and the lack of federal
response to Hurricane Helene later in today's true news, first, we will begin our analysis and commentary of today's news
with this headline published in London by The Telegraph,
Israel to Launch Significant Attack on Iran Within Days.
Before we get into this, Doc, I was just I was thinking as the American Reserve ad was running.
I was thinking about people in Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina.
The Gulf Coast of Florida.
How many of them did not prepare?
How many of them are without food, without necessities right now?
Right. Water.
Because they didn't expect a hurricane to hit them in North Carolina.
In Tennessee.
In Tennessee.
When's the last time you've heard of a hurricane in Tennessee?
So there are, you know, literally hundreds of thousands of people this very day who don't have access to food, don't have clean drinking water because they were not prepared.
Just keep that in mind.
All right.
That's why we're offering American reserves to you. You don't know when the calamity is going to strike. If you knew, you wouldn't have to stockpile. And just like what we're talking about here with Iran, this attack began yesterday.
We had no idea that at the end of yesterday's true news, it was literally in the last two minutes of yesterday's true news that Iran's attack began on Israel.
No idea how far it was going to go.
Was it going to explode into an all-out war, you know, yesterday?
Was it a limited response?
But what we're looking at today is repeated reports all over the world in Western media that Israel is going to respond in a massive attack.
And it's going to be very soon again. We had that London Telegraph, Israel to launch significant attack on Iran within days.
Times of Israel, Israel said mauling attacks on Iran, oil rigs, nuclear sites in response
to missile attack.
Times of Israel, Israeli response to Iran will aim to cause significant financial damage.
See, that can have blowback to other parts of the world.
Because Iran could respond by saying, well, we're going to shut down the Strait of Hormuz.
There's not going to be any oil being shipped through the Strait.
You could see oil going to $200, $300 a barrel.
Easily, if something like that happens.
So what is it right now per barrel?
I think it's $71 and change.
So think about it jumping another $200.
What's the price of gasoline?
See, that can happen.
That's right. It can happen overnight.
Most of these reports, well, here's another Wall Street Journal, Israeli response to Iran's
attack to set course for widening the war. Most of these articles are based on an article published by Axios. And it says, Israel plans massive Iran payback with the Middle East on edge.
And so we'll go into detail about what Axios is reporting today.
That's right, Rick.
Israeli officials staring down all-out regional war till Axios.
Israel will launch a significant retaliation to
Tuesday's massive missile attack within days that could target oil production facilities inside Iran
and other strategic sites. Now, if that happens, Israeli officials say all options will be on the
table, including strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities. We have a big question mark about
how the Iranians are going to respond to an attack, but we take into consideration the possibility that they would go all in, which would be a whole different ballgame, an Israeli official said.
Now, many Israeli officials point to Iran's oil facilities as a likely target, but some say targeted assassinations and taking out Iran's air defense systems are also possibilities. The Israeli response includes airstrikes from fighter jets as well as clandestine operations,
similar to the one that killed Hamas leader Ismail Hanaye in Tehran a couple months ago.
And then we have this article from Ynet as well.
What Israel did to Hezbollah in a week a U.S.-led coalition could do to Iran in three days,
an ex-IDF general says.
Now you see the connection with U.S. and other allies, and you're going to hear the U.K.
They helped participate and coordinate some of the response yesterday as well.
Yes, so this is an op-ed written by IDF Brigadier General Amir Avivi.
And notice he said in here, a U.S.-led coalition.
So this is clearly implying
the United States
Department of Defense is going to lead
the attack on Iran.
That's how far we've moved
in 24 hours.
before yesterday
the official position of the White House was, we don't want a war.
But then Iran dropped 200 missiles.
Yes. And so today is, the U.S. will lead the attack.
So I think we know where this is going.
I think we're going to see a massive attack on Iran. They finally have the invitation.
Iran gave them the invitation yesterday.
And they have the offhand permission now of the U.S. and other allies, too.
It's beyond permission.
This is beyond permission.
And participation.
It's more than participation.
The U.S. is going to lead it.
Doug, this isn't just the U.S. saying, go ahead and do it, or hey, we'll help you in the background.
We're going to drive the wagon.
We're driving a wagon, yes.
The U.S. is going to be in charge of this attack on Iran.
Netanyahu has tried for decades to get an American president to attack Iran.
I've watched this over 25 years of doing this program.
I've watched Netanyahu try to get an American president to attack.
He couldn't get George W. Bush.
He couldn't get Obama.
He couldn't get Donald Trump.
He couldn't get anybody.
And hasn't been able to get Joe Biden to do it, but might be able to now.
But now he will. It's going to happen now. Biden has
nothing to lose at this point. He's on his way out. Remember Biden said,
I am a Zionist. He's going to go with this plan.
So we're going to see
the attack that we've anticipated for years.
It looks like it's finally going to happen.
Doc, to try to figure out the Iranians, the leadership of the government,
there's only one of two things I can think of here.
And that is they're really stupid. There's only one of two things I can think of here.
And that is, they were really stupid, what they did yesterday.
Remember what I said the options were?
And I said I see like four possibilities here.
From Iran's viewpoint, if you don't hit Israel so hard that you obliterate them, then you're going to be obliterated.
Because Israel and now the U.S. and its allies are going to come back. So either the Iranian leadership is so challenged mentally, and I think maybe possibly what's going on there is that they're so divided.
There's a hardcore faction that
says, destroy Israel.
There's a moderate faction that says, no,
we don't need a big war.
And they split it down
the middle and said, okay, let's hit them but not destroy
them. If that's their
it's going to be lights out for
Really. if that was their strategy,
we'll hit them but not destroy them. So I guess what's going to happen? Israel, being led by the United States, is going to destroy Iran. Not kill off everybody, but completely obliterate the infrastructure of Iran.
They will take out their nuclear facilities.
They'll take out their military bases.
Oil fields.
Their oil fields.
They'll take it all out.
Now, the other option is that the Iranians are betting on this. And that they hit Israel
just hard enough to get
the really hard response
that they are expecting.
And that then justifies Iran
going all out on Israel.
That's another possibility.
Because now both sides are ready. That's another possibility.
Because now both sides are ready.
Let's just get out in the streets and just have a fight.
That's where we're at.
And we won't know.
Now, some people have told me, Rick, it's all smoke and mirrors.
This stuff's just going to go on and on and on forever.
It's all games. Okay?
That might be true also. But what we are seeing, Doc, is Netanyahu has taken out Hamas.
He has taken out Hezbollah.
And he's on the verge of taking out Iran.
And I said this last—
And they've been doing significant strides
against the Houthis, too, down to the south.
Oh, and what Netanyahu said last night,
and I didn't bring in the video or anything,
they're talking about widespread attacks
across the entire Middle East.
So when the U.S. is getting involved, there are going to be attacks on Iraq, on Syria, on Lebanon.
The whole theater is going to lie down.
The whole Middle East is going to get some U.S. and allied defense forces participating in an attack.
It's going to hit multiple countries.
And multiple countries are involved.
Jordan shot down missiles that were headed for Israel yesterday, too.
And so they were participating in them.
The U.K. helped provide coordination and intelligence yesterday.
They came out and said that.
The U.S. obviously has as well.
But the next step now is
going to be a full-throated response. Is that where you're at? I think it's going to be a wide
attack. I think they're going after Syria. They're going after Iraq. They're going after Yemen,
Lebanon, and of course, Iran. Iran's the big one.
But I think Netanyahu's going to convince Mr. Biden, you've got to take out all of these groups before you leave the White House.
That needs to be your legacy.
You wipe them out.
And I think this is where it's going to go.
And it could be, I don't think it's going to be in the next couple of days.
Something that wide, that big, is going to take weeks of planning, even months.
Maybe they've had the plans in place for quite some time.
Do you think they have the patience for that now with everything that's happening?
Oh, yes. No, I think the Israeli people know that when Netanyahu says,
I'm going to get even, they know he will.
I don't think there's going to be political pressure on Netanyahu.
You've got to do it today.
I think the Israeli people know Bibi likes to kill,
and he'll kill when he wants to kill.
And now they have an excuse because Iran attacked.
So this attack is coming.
It's going to be widespread.
It's going to hit multiple countries.
It's going to be led by the United States.
So that means the Pentagon's got to move American military assets to the Middle East.
Which they're already in the process of doing.
But not enough.
Not enough to carry out multiple attacks.
I mean, if you're hitting
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon,
Iran, Yemen,
that's a pretty big war.
And, you know,
how far will Great Britain
and France go in participating
in it?
I mean, once you get that bloodlust going, there are going to be other countries saying, hey, we want in too.
Give us time to get our ships there, to get our planes, get our troops there.
It's going to be a big attack. Now, again, is Iran, from their point of view in terms of their survival,
are they foolishly attacking Israel without obliterating Israel?
Or are they baiting Israel to attack them harder?
So, you know, I always said that back when Ahmadinejad was in power, I said, those rascals
got something up their sleeve that they're waiting to use.
And I still believe that they have nuclear weapons.
I don't believe that they're getting ready to produce a nuke.
I think they've had nukes for a long time.
I agree with you.
I think they've had nukes for a long time. I agree with you. I think they have.
You know, so this war could be a lot worse than what anybody anticipates.
And the Persians are pretty – they're not a dumb people.
Right. The Persians have been around a long time.
The Persians have been around a long time.
The Persians have been around a long time.
The Persians have been around a long time.
So they may be baiting the United States and Israel to come into a trap.
One of the first things they're going to do is shut down the Strait of Hormuz.
There goes the oil industry.
As far as oil being shipped out of the Middle East, that just shuts it down overnight.
There's so many things that could happen that
within a space of days
the whole world economy could be
upside down.
So we're going to continue to watch it.
Don't know how far this is
going to go, but I will
tell you, this is YNet
News number seven.
Israel has declared
the Secretary
General of the United Nations persona
non grata.
So basically Israel's at war with the UN
now. The United Nations.
The organization that created them
on behalf of the Rothschilds.
In other words, they
just dissed their
Okay? Because Rothschilds is their papa. The just dissed their mama. Okay?
Because Rothschild is their papa.
The United Nations was their mama that gave them birth.
That's right.
Without the United Nations, there wouldn't be a state of Israel.
And so they just said that as far as they're concerned, the Secretary General of the United Nations no longer exists.
Right. And Secretary of Defense Israel Katz, who you see pictured on the right there,
he went to social media to tell everyone this as well. He said,
Today I have declared the U.N. Secretary General Antonio Guterres persona non grata in Israel and banned him from entering the country. Anyone who cannot unequivocally condemn Iran's heinous attack on
Israel, as almost every country in the world has done, does not deserve to step foot on Israeli
soil. This is a Secretary General who has yet to denounce the massacre and sexual atrocities
committed by Hamas murderers on October 7th, nor has he led any efforts to declare them a terrorist
organization. As Secretary General gives backing to terrorists, rapists, and murderers from Hamas, Hezbollah,
the Houthis, and now Iran, the mothership of global terror will be remembered as a stain
on the history of the United Nations.
Israel will continue to defend its citizens and uphold its national dignity with or without
Antonio Guterres. Doc, the next story,
I stumbled upon this one this morning in Haratz's newspaper in Tel Aviv.
The secret commercial ties
between Yair Netanyahu
and far-right social network Parler.
This is a headline by Haratz.
Not my headline, it's theirs.
Yair, not Netanyahu, is the son of Benjamin Netanyahu. This is a headline by Haratz. Not my headline. It's theirs.
Yair Netanyahu is the son of Benjamin Netanyahu.
Parler, the social media platform that went out of business and then later filed bankruptcy. In the bankruptcy proceedings, documents were made public, and none other than Yair Netanyahu's name is in some of the documents.
He had a secret contract to work for them.
Bibi Netanyahu's son had a secret contract with Parler.
Listen, if you don't know, Breitbart News was started by Benjamin Netanyahu.
Andrew Breitbart met with
Bibi Netanyahu to start Breitbart News.
How many news organizations, how many social media
platforms in America belong to Israel?
When I say belong, you know. They're at least in the club. platforms in America belong to Israel.
When I say belong, you know.
They're at least in the club.
They're in the club.
So this is what is being reported today.
Documents filed during legal proceedings in the United States have revealed that Benjamin Netanyahu's son, Yair, had commercial ties with an American company called Parliament Technologies, a former parent company
of Parler, a controversial social network affiliated with the far right. Again, this is
Haratz in Israel. Parler went offline in the wake of reports that it fueled the storming of the
Capitol on January 6, 2021. Folks, what you're going to hear in this article is Harad's newspaper is drawing a connection between January 6, Netanyahu, and Parler.
Right. Go ahead, Doc. All right. So Parler was launched back in 2018 when Donald Trump was
president and became popular among extreme right-wing circles in the U.S.
Once again, this is Herat saying this.
The network boasted almost unrestricted freedom of speech with hardly any moderation of the content shared on it.
It became fertile ground for disseminating conspiracy theories like QAnon and claims that the 2020 presidential election in which Joe Biden defeated Donald Trump, was stolen. Days after the January 6th attack, Apple and Google removed Parler from their app stores
when it turned out that the platform was used to disseminate messages promoting violence
and inflaming emotions that led to a throng to storm the Capitol building during a joint session of Congress.
Now, it goes on here to say that Yair Netanyahu was the most famous Israeli who was active on Parler until its collapse.
By late 2020, he called on his followers to join the network and follow him to overcome Facebook's and Twitter's censorship.
Well, it now turns out that in addition to his activity on Parler, there was a clandestine commercial contract between him and the network's parent company.
Now, it says in this article that Netanyahu's Parler account is currently unavailable,
but a snapshot of his account from January 11, 2021, the network's last days, is still preserved on the Internet Archive.
On January 8, two days after the storming of the Capitol, Netanyahu posted his picture in front of that building
without referencing the actual events, leaving his followers to decipher his intentions.
Two days before the storming of the Capitol, Netanyahu posted a picture of himself with Jeanine Pirro, who disseminated unfounded claims on Fox News that the 2020 election was stolen by means of voting machine fraud.
In April, Parliament Technologies filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy with a court in Delaware.
As part of the proceedings, the company released a list of several hundred creditors,
including contractors, who could file a suit against the company.
Now, this is where this information is revealed.
Yair Netanyahu's name was included in that list,
along with his parents' address on Jerusalem's Azza Street.
According to a report the company's lawyers made to the court in late May,
Netanyahu signed what was termed an independent contractor agreement with the company,
which was officially valid even after the company
sold off Parler. Parliament Technologies lawyers and Netanyahu declined to give details about the
services that Netanyahu provided to the social network. Now, one of the controlling owners of
Parliament Technologies is Rebecca Mercer, who was also a shareholder in the infamous data mining
company Cambridge Analytica,
which mined private data from Facebook and used it for controversial political campaigns,
including Donald Trump's 2016 bid for the presidency and the Brexit campaign in the UK.
And so now these ties have been revealed, but not all the information has been revealed yet.
I'm curious to know what the services were he provided, like agent provocateur.
I mean, what's the point of the two photographs in front of the Capitol days before January 6th?
Doc, was January 6th an Israeli operation?
Y'all out there, think about what I just said.
Some of you were there.
Did you participate in an Israeli operation?
What was Yair Netanyahu doing in front of the Capitol two days before January 6th?
What was his role at Parler?
Was he, did he, I've always suspected that QAnon was an Israeli propaganda operation.
At least it began that way and then became, got a life of its own beyond its original intent.
I think they ran it the whole time.
The whole time? Yes, original intent. I think they ran it the whole time. The whole time?
Yes, they do.
I do.
I believe it was an Israeli psyops,
and a lot of Americans fell for it.
And they're still falling for it. They still believe it.
It was their religion.
They believed in an imaginary savior, Q.
Q was their imaginary savior,
and he had a plan. He had a divine plan. And he had a plan.
He had a divine plan.
They just had to trust the plan.
It was a mystery, too, because, you know, you just had to trust the plan.
Trust the plan.
Don't know what the plan is?
You have to trust it.
See, it was a fake religion.
But Netanyahu's son was working for Parler.
And now we're just discovering these things.
What else is out there, Doc?
Who else is employing Israeli propagandists?
Well, I've got another 25 minutes.
I want to take a look at World War III. On the Ukraine side, Newsweek, Putin aid says
Russia must be ready to implement nuclear war policy. Yeah, this was an article we didn't get
a chance to talk about earlier this week. But amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, Russia
President Vladimir Putin's press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, accused Western countries
of prolonging the conflict, adding that Moscow must be ready
to implement its revised nuclear doctrine. That's according to reports by TASS earlier this week.
Peskov said in an interview with Russian state media VGTKRK that we can witness how Western
countries are getting increasingly involved in the Ukraine conflict. They are not putting a break on
the conflict. Rather, they declare their intention to push on with it in order to help Ukraine win.
And that's why the revision to the nuclear doctrine has to become a priority for the Russians as we
move forward. In other news today, we see several activities among the Russians using drones. This
is from Newsweek here. Russian drones attack a Ukrainian
NATO checkpoint. A Russian drone strike has hit a Ukrainian border crossing with NATO member
Romania. That's according to reports. The checkpoint where a ferry connects Ukraine's
Odessa region with Romania was suspended Wednesday morning after the incident,
Ukraine State Border Guard service said.
Ukrainian Customs wrote on Telegram that ferry services at the checkpoint
had been halted until 11 a.m. local time following a night attack of the enemy.
After 11 a.m., it issued an update that the crossing had reopened,
operations had resumed.
But it said that the Russians deliberately fired at the checkpoint,
making it difficult for ordinary people to cross the border.
This is terror against the civilian population.
Law enforcement officers are recording the consequences of another crime committed by the Russians, his post added, according to the translation, but didn't detail what the other crime was.
You add to this and also the story that four NATO jets were scrambled in response to a drone attack along that border as well, a separate incident.
Oh, that's separate from this?
It's a separate incident.
Oh, I thought it was a separate incident.
Nope, it's a separate incident.
So two different drone attacks.
I didn't see that, but I thought they were the same incident.
All right.
I want to turn our attention to Hurricane Helene. Various friends have been sending me information about what's happening in the path of the hurricane,
particularly Western North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Georgia.
It's very troubling.
Obviously, anytime people are suffering from a natural disaster, it's troubling.
But the one thing that really bothers me is what appears to be an almost total lack of response from the federal government.
I mean, I'm seeing posts where people are saying, there are no FEMA people here.
We haven't seen anybody for a week.
It's like, what is FEMA doing?
The purpose of FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management, okay?
It's like, why aren't you there?
It used to be years ago, people were afraid that FEMA had an evil plan.
You don't want FEMA there.
Now, FEMA doesn't show up at all.
So what's going on?
The American people in those states have been abandoned by the government.
And for those of us who are, if we don't have information about it, we're unaware of the devastation and the suffering and the lack of response and that nobody's showing up to help them.
So imagine being without power, without food, without drinking water for over a week, and nobody is – and your homes are gone, everything's gone, and nobody's come in to help.
Yes, all the help that you see on social media and on the different news outlets and everything are local efforts.
You know, state – it's either county, city, or state level.
But you don't see anyone taking the bull by the horns on the federal response. I came across some series of tweets today.
And this first one is a report
that was put out by U.S. Congressman Edwards,
Chuck Edwards.
And so, well, I'll tell you what,
before we get to that,
I want to show you,
I've got a short video.
I just pulled out one video just to kind of give you an idea of what the devastation looks like in the region.
So let's watch this first.
I grew up here.
I lived here, I mean, 30 years basically.
So on and off, and I've never seen anything like it.
I've never seen devastation like this.
It's been flooded before, but this is completely insane.
It started that Wednesday pouring down rain.
It rained Wednesday, Thursday, and she came Friday.
So you can imagine all that rain plus that wind.
I mean, everything she could move, she moved.
So that's some powerful water.
That's some powerful water.
We need more help, yeah. I mean, whoever can come in and help, come in, because we need help.
So, of course, on the screen there, this is home video.
Flood water is coming into a home here in North Carolina.
Just amazing devastation. People having to hide out in their
attics waiting for rescue. This was actually part of a dam that burst. This is just regular
washout rain here. And you see the video. Imagine your entire home surrounded by rushing muddy water and you never know when the
water is going to pick up your house and take it on down the river just amazing images coming out
of of the central south states regarding this not kind of i i'm hesitant to say this because my enemies will use this in a video clip to put on social media.
But it's a fact.
Asheville is home to many witches, warlocks, sorcerers, magicians, occultists, New Agers.
That's a fact.
You don't believe me?
Just go online and search in Google,
Asheville occultists.
Just search.
Look at, they have tours.
Oh, I didn't know that.
Oh, yeah.
Occultists, New Agers,
witches, go to Asheville
because of all of the
places where you can get your
occult batteries charged.
No kidding.
So just keep that in mind.
Because I'm getting a lot of people
who are saying, hey, something very
conspiratorial happened here in Nashville.
No, maybe it wasn't.
Maybe somebody in heaven got fed up with the witchcraft in Nashville because the people in the area were tolerating it.
Just keep that in mind.
I hate having this job.
I have to say these kind of things.
But now that I've said it, it's out there.
Folks, it is.
It's really dangerous for a city or nation to embrace witchcraft.
It's very, very dangerous.
But I do want to show you some tweets that I saw today.
First of all, this is from Congressman Chuck Edwards, and he put this report out.
And so I've got this.
I got my copy here.
This is his update number two, telling the citizens of North Carolina what is going on.
I'm going to, as we scroll down, he's got food and water. He says drinkable water is a top priority.
He said water plants in Hayward, Jackson, Rutherford, and Yancey counties are closed.
Folks, think about this.
That British Brookfield water filter would come in very handy.
These people right now.
That's right.
The water plants in Hayward, Jackson, Rutherford, and Yancey counties are closed.
17 water plants have no electrical power.
23 water plants are operating on backup power.
A total of 50 water systems are on a system-wide boil water advisory.
Dozens of trucks with potable water and meals have been delivered to western North Carolina.
Air operations for food and water deliveries
began Saturday afternoon
in areas without roadway access.
Skip over to the next category, So, I think that's a great point. I think that's a great point. I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point.
I think that's a great point. I think that's a great point. a department of transportation is working to clear roadways and increase accessibility for repairs.
So energy providers working around the clock to restore power.
630,000 customers remain without power a few days ago.
So he goes down through the list here.
200 nursing home facilities without power.
1,600 customers or health care accounts.
360 substations are out.
Now, that's significant there.
That is a big story. 360 substations are out. Now that's significant. That is a big story.
360 substations
are shut down
because of the flooding.
He said
many of these substations
were completely flooded and Duke Energy
is unable to assess
the damage
until the flooding is lowered and the water has been flooded and Duke Energy is unable to assess the damage until
the flooding is lowered
and the water has been pumped
out and the equipment
thoroughly dried.
Doc, that's weeks.
Oh yeah, easily.
If the equipment's usable after that point.
It's weeks until they can even
get in to look.
There's a high likelihood that the substations are not repairable.
Duke Energy is prepared to both repair and replace damaged equipment once the equipment has been dried.
Duke Energy has warned Western North Carolinians that they should be prepared for multi-day outages.
11,000 linemen working around the clock.
Those guys are fantastic.
You have no idea how much we respect them.
And they come from all over the country, too.
Do not drive message remains in place for Western North Carolina.
Not just a particular road.
All roads.
All roads in Western North Carolina do not drive.
385 roads remain closed in Western North Carolina.
385 roads are closed.
Airport, Asheville Airport,
closed due to flooding.
It may be open by now.
Cell service.
Severe cell service outages.
Current on-air network recovery equipment.
He's giving the locations where they're bringing in emergency cell.
These are, I guess, portable towers.
They're bringing in just to try to get some cell service.
See that list there?
Those are emergency cell towers brought in to get some phone service going on.
It goes on to shelters, everything.
That's just a congressman's report now i want you to see
i want to show you some tweets uh this is a duke energy this is from a mr jeff
brooks who works for duke energy yes he's in a he you see there his uh his Twitter handle there is at Duke Energy.
The destructive path of Helene has left extensive damage to the infrastructure in the North Carolina mountains and upstate South Carolina.
We believe around 50% of remaining outages in these areas will require significant replacement and rebuilding of poles, lines, and substation equipment.
50%? Doc, they're going to be out for a long time.
Next one is from a Mr. Jesse Jenkins.
Hard to express how insane this is.
So he focused in on that report by Representative Edwards as well with the 360 substations out.
He said,
with this ongoing supply chain challenges facing switchgear and
transformers, this could take months to resolve. And the reason why is we don't
have replacement parts for these substations. This is the next tweet here.
By the way, Doc, he's a professor at Princeton. Yes.
He's a macro energy systems engineer.
Professor at Princeton, and he's shocked.
At this number.
He's shocked at this devastation in the electrical industry in North Carolina, South Carolina.
Next one is Dan Caldwell. He says, we do not have this equipment readily available because we have shipped large quantities of transformers and other electrical equipment to Ukraine.
Both our military and non-military support for Ukraine has left us less prepared for domestic disasters.
So Zelensky has, he's got our equipment.
Yes, we've been shipping it there for quite a while, by the way.
Yes, for two years.
So the Russians bomb the electrical plants, and America takes equipment from the USA and
ships it to Ukraine, and then Russia bombs it, and they reship more.
And last week when Zelensky was here, one of his three priorities was getting additional help in restoring the grid in Ukraine because they've gone from 50% energy supply to their country down to 9%.
But the Americans have nothing here left to rebuild with.
That's right.
Because it went to Zelensky.
And we have several tweets that Mr. Caldwell posted as well.
These are from earlier in the year.
But look who it is.
This is from Ambassador Bridget, what's her, I don't remember her last name.
We don't have it there.
This is an American U.S. ambassador.
I assume to ambassador American U.S. ambassador. I would assume to
ambassador to
Ukraine. Now,
this is back
in August.
We are helping reconnect
the power after Russia's barbaric
attacks, thanks to U.S.
aid. Two transformers
provided in, what
is that, in Sydney and 42 voltage transformers help restore power to 27,000 people.
Where? In North Carolina? No, in Ukraine.
Another one.
Here's another tweet.
This is from Bridget Brink, the U.S. ambassador in Kiev.
The U.S. is helping to keep the power on and trains running this winter despite
Russian attacks on civilian infrastructure. Proud to see USA deliver four transformers
to keep Ukraine's iron people moving goods and people supporting the war effort and Ukraine's
recovery. One more tweet by the ambassador. Look at those on the ground there. Last week,
we provided through USA 50 voltage transformers, nine current transformers, and 80 isolators to Kharkiv's energy distribution system operator to help energy workers undertake urgent repairs to Kharkiv's electrical grid.
Suffice it to say that Ukraine's energy grid is a higher priority than for folks in the central Atlantic states.
That's right.
And one reason the U.S. government isn't there to help is that they don't have anything to take there to help.
That's right.
Just think about that.
And so where are we going to get all these transformers from?
Where are they being made?
Are they being made here in the U.S.?
Or China.
That's right.
We've been talking about this for years.
So if there was an EMP attack.
This is the test drive right now, folks.
Look at this.
This is the test drive.
How long are the American people going to tolerate sending hundreds of billions of dollars to Ukraine and Israel every year?
And apparently we're going to tolerate it.
Because we just keep voting for the people who do it.
And we complain about it, but then we vote for the people who do it.
That's right.
Over and over and over again.
I really don't know.
I don't know how long the American people are going to tolerate.
When are they going to wake up and realize that the life is being drained out of this country?
Well, while we're talking about politicians, let's take the remaining six minutes to talk about last night's vice presidential debate.
Did you watch it?
You didn't?
I watched part of it
and then I got bored
and went to bed.
I have a habit of listening
to very funny stuff at night
and it wasn't funny.
Mia bought me a new pillow
yesterday and she asked me
to try it out.
You wanted to try it out.
I don't blame you.
It was the same.
I got bored when they were
talking about immigration.
I was just like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
It's the same old stuff.
It's the same old stuff, okay?
I was talking about climate change, okay?
It's just like, blah, blah, blah, blah.
I got bored.
I did watch, but not the whole thing.
I want to show you a few video clips.
This is when Governor Walz was asked about his time in China.
He spent quite a few years, a number of years in China.
Yes, he did.
You wouldn't think he's a Manchurian candidate,
would you? I mean, how obvious can you get? And so here's his reply. Governor Walz,
you said you were in Hong Kong during the deadly Tiananmen Square protests in the spring of 1989.
But Minnesota Public Radio and other media outlets are reporting that you actually didn't travel to Asia until August of
that year. Can you explain that discrepancy? Yeah, well, and to the folks out there who didn't get
at the top of this, look, I grew up in small, rural Nebraska, a town of 400, a town that you
rode your bike with your buddies till the streetlights come on, and I'm proud of that
service. I joined the National Guard at 17, worked on family farms,
and then I used the GI Bill to become a teacher, passionate about it, a young teacher.
My first year out, I got the opportunity in the summer of 89 to travel to China. 35 years ago,
be able to do that. I came back home and then started a program to take young people there.
We would take basketball teams, we would take baseball teams. We would take dancers. And we would go back and forth to China. The issue for that was to try and
learn. Now, look, my community knows who I am. They saw where I was at. Look, I will be the first
to tell you, I have poured my heart into my community. I've tried to do the best I can,
but I've not been perfect. And I'm a knucklehead at times, but it's always been about that.
Those same people elected me to Congress for 12 years.
And in Congress, I was one of the most bipartisan people, working on things like farm bills
that we got done, working on veterans benefits.
And then the people of Minnesota were able to elect me to governor twice.
So look, my commitment has been from the beginning to make sure that I'm there for the people, to make sure that I get this right.
I will say more than anything.
Many times I will talk a lot.
I will get caught up in the rhetoric.
But being there, the impact it made, the difference it made in my life, I learned a lot about
I hear the critiques of this.
I would make the case that Donald Trump should have come on one of those trips with us.
I guarantee you he wouldn't be praising Xi Jinping about COVID.
And I guarantee you he wouldn't start a trade war that he ends up losing.
So this is about trying to understand the world.
It's about trying to do the best you can for your community.
And then it's putting yourself out there and letting your folks understand what it is.
My commitment, whether it be through teaching, which I was good at, or whether it was being
a good soldier or was being a good member of Congress, those are the things that I think
are the values that people care about.
Governor, just to follow up on that, the question was can you explain the discrepancy?
No, just, all I said on this was is I got there that summer and misspoke on this.
So I will just, that's what I've said.
So I was in Hong Kong and China during the democracy protest went in.
And from that, I learned a lot
of what needed to be in governance.
But they didn't further pin him down at that point.
Facial expressions, what was he saying?
You caught me. Ouch. You caught me.
And that was one of the longest non-answers I've ever heard.
Yeah. Because of time here, we're not going to be able to go through everything.
I want to jump down to lead number 24. This is surprising.
J.D. Vance did so well last night that even the news media couldn't find anything to lie about him.
And they had to give him credit.
This is a segment from CNN with Scott Jennings talking about Mr. Walz's attack. I mean, Mr. Walz's performance last night.
Let's watch. It's pretty clear. Vance outclassed Walz tonight. I mean, I was watching this and all I could think of was, man, Walz is so in over his head. I mean, can you imagine this guy sitting in
the White House situation room with that facial expression that's like 50 percent sheer terror and 50 percent extreme bafflement.
I mean, it was amazing, the split-screen difference between a competent Vance and a totally in-over-his-head
The answer on why he lied about his trips to China and the Tiananmen Square thing was
probably the worst VP debate meltdown since Stockdale in 92. You know, who am I and
why am I here? It was two and a half minutes of absolute terrible. For Vance, night of redemption.
All the political media has told us that Vance was a terrible pick and Walls was going to bring
in all these voters. That charade is now over. Walsh does not belong at this level of American
politics. Vance does. Final verdict, Tim Walsh wandered into the wrong bar tonight.
All right, I'm going to close with a photograph taken from the video last night.
First one, this is just J.D. Vance, okay?
And this is when Governor Walsh was giving a response, and Vance is looking at the camera like, are you believing this nonsense?
Compare J.D. Vance's look to Governor Walz.
Like a deer in the headlights.
That's not photo enhanced.
That's a real still.
That's it.
Which one do you think could be president?
J.D. Vance. We'll be back with Morning Man. and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.
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Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna.
We are studying the Gospel according to St. Matthew.
We are in the 24th chapter.
And today we're going to delve into verses 13 through 15. let's pray and then we will begin
our study of the word our wonderful heavenly father we give you thanksgiving for this day
father we praise you we are grateful that we woke up and that we are blessed. Father, my heart is heavy thinking about
people in our nation, in Tennessee and Georgia, North and South Carolina, who are in great
trouble today. Father, send them help. Send them hope and send them help. Father, we are gathered here today to study your word
and we humbly request the presence of your Holy Spirit
to lead this morning man of Bible study,
teach us your word and make us strong disciples
so that we would make you proud, Father,
of our devotion to you in these last days.
In the name of Jesus, amen.
We are continuing our study in Matthew chapter 24 here on Morning Manna.
And if you're listening at a time where we're not live,
you can always listen to archives of Morning manna so you can catch up on faith
and so we invite you to be a part of faith and so today we're reading from
matthew chapter 24 verses 13 through 15 i'm reading from the king james but he that shall
endure until the end the same shall be saved and this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world
for witness unto all nations,
and then shall the end come.
When ye therefore shall see
the abomination of desolation
spoken of by Daniel the prophet
stand in the holy place,
whoso readeth, let him understand.
Okay, so to put this into context,
you know, we go back to the beginning here of chapter 24.
Jesus has come out of the temple.
His disciples stopped him and said, Master, look at these beautiful buildings.
And he said, see you not all these things they will not be
left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down and then he sat upon the mount of olives and his disciples came to him privately and said ask him three questions. When shall these things be? What shall be the sign of
thy coming and the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said, take heed, no man deceive you.
Many will come in my name saying I am Christ and deceive many. You're going to hear of wars,
rumors of wars, commotions, revolutions, anarchy don't be trouble all these things must
come to pass but the end is not yet nation will rise against nation kingdom against kingdom
and there will be famines and pestilences and earthquakes in many places all these are the beginning of sorrows. Yesterday we watched nation against nation.
Don't let your heart be troubled.
The end is not yet.
These are the beginning of sorrows.
Okay, so then we went into verses uh nine and and um
pretty i'll deliver you up to be afflicted uh they shall kill kill you you'll be hated nations
and say then many shall be offended shall shall betray one another, hate one another.
Many false prophets shall arise and deceive many.
And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold.
So that brings us to today's verses.
But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations.
And then, then shall the end come. come so the central message of matthew 24 13 is endurance perseverance
uh this this endurance that he's speaking about is not just a temporary commitment
but it is a steadfast lifelong commitment to remain faithful. Faithful to Jesus Christ, faithful to his
commandments, faithful to his kingdom. Irregardless of trials and tribulations you have to go it is um it speaks of enduring persecution enduring tribulation enduring hardships
um it's not saying life is going to be hard all the time it's just saying
you're going to have trouble there are going to be seasons of trouble you've got to stay faithful you
go through it I'll be there with you you stay faithful to the end so it's
speaking of the necessity of remaining steadfast in your faith despite facing persecution, ridicule, opposition
from wicked people. It means making a commitment to Jesus Christ that you will obey his commandments even during times of great
adversity yes this completely contrasts with those who stumble or fall away from
the faith which is what we were studying yesterday.
He told us many people are going to fall away.
And they're going to be the ones who persecute you.
Much of the persecution is going to come from apostate Christians.
The tares.
Because they really weren't Christians to start with.
They were tares, lookalikes. Right.
The contrast between endurance and stumbling is profound.
Believers are encouraged
in holding
on to the
of the
even when
with the
from false
who seek
to lead
them astray.
Doc knows this
because he's pastored churches
many years.
There's probably nothing
more devastating to a church
than for a scandal to happen
and people find out
the man that they've been following
and believing
isn't what they thought he was.
And people fall away.
Jesus is telling us here, I'm telling you right now,
not only are you going to be persecuted and afflicted,
but you're going to be deceived.
And when you find out you've been deceived, don't quit the faith.
We've all had this situation in our lives where it's devastating.
It's absolutely devastating to your faith.
But you've got to, that's when the enemy comes in.
When there's a scandal in ministry,
the enemy comes in and says to people,
why are you working so hard to be such a good boy and girl for Jesus?
You see, none of it really matters does it and he plants that thought in the minds of people yes you're
the fool you were following that guy you thought he was righteous and he's corrupt. Why don't you just go ahead and be corrupt again?
And that's where people fall away.
They go, what's the use?
What's the use in going to church
and doing all these things when it turns out
the leader
was immoral
or a deceiver?
You can be a moral
You know what I mean by that?
The person, the deceiver
can actually live a good
clean moral life
and yet be a deceiver.
Because the doctrines they're
teaching are deceptive.
So, despite the prevalence of moral decay and impurity in society, even in churches,
believers are called by Jesus to maintain a life of holiness and righteousness
of what's happening around you
you stay the course
you stay the course
you don't jump ship
what happens if
every sailor jumps off a ship when a storm
you'll lose the ship.
Of course.
Of course.
So endurance includes patiently bearing afflictions and hardships.
Those hardships can be physical, emotional, spiritual,
until the end of one's life or the end of the trials themselves.
So let's talk about this end.
I was just getting ready to ask you that question, Rick.
What end is Jesus talking about here?
He said, endure to the end.
The end of what?
Well, some scholars interpret the end to mean the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD,
and the temple, and the Jewish system.
They believe that that's what Jesus was saying.
Endure to the end of this, until you unto the end refers to the duration of the temptation or the trial, the hardship, the persecution that you're going through.
That you are to remain faithful to the end of that difficulty.
Others interpret it as remain
faithful to the end of
your life.
And still
others see it as referring to the
end of the world. Right.
My view is probably all
of them. Well, there's
truth in all of them.
There's truth in all of them. Well, there's truth in all of them.
There's truth in all of them.
But back up in verse 6, Jesus says, the end is not yet, and then he lists these things that will happen.
And then he says, those that endure to the end shall be saved.
And all that stuff in between there is persecution and tribulation of saints
yes you got it dogs uh whether it's the end of our life the end of the jewish age in 70 a.d
uh you know or the end of the world the the meaning is still the same to endure that's the
key word there to endure and that word endure is not
just like well you know i'm i'm waiting here in the office with my number i'm i'm patiently
enduring you know the word endure there is often partnered with the word tribulation
many times in the new testament and so they're like a connect they're connected together so
when you think of the word endure it automatically assumes tribulation is
involved in troubles and tribulation isn't being you know getting to the
restaurant before the other churches do it's or not getting there in time uh it's real trouble real persecution for the gospel's sake
i i totally agree with you doc so while the reference may be to events surrounding jerusalem
as some people teach the principle of endurance applies universally to all believers.
Right. Because we will face trials. In every age, there have been believers who have suffered
persecution, affliction, hardships. The phrase endure unto the end implies a continuous unwavering commitment to the
christian faith and righteousness despite challenges and hardships
it means remaining steadfast in your devotion to christ
oh integrity in spiritual resilience basically they put it like
this you got to still be in the game on the day you die on your last day let it
be said you're still in the game you're still faithful yes you haven't you haven't become an
apostate you're not a heretic you haven't backslidden and fallen away you haven't denied
christ you're still believing with all your heart mind and soul you're still serving him you're
still salt and light you're still proclaiming the kingdom.
You're in the game.
That's what this means.
That on your last day on earth, you're still in the game.
And so those who endure to the end are promised salvation. salvation so now there are obviously multiple opinions about the meaning of
the salvation some see it as a promise of divine deliverance from physical harm
dirt and persecution for me the weakness in that interpretation is that jesus previously warned his disciples that
some of them would be killed yes i think that would be a key factor in understanding that
right so i think the common interpretation is is you know that the promise salvation is eternal life.
It is the assurance of ultimate deliverance and salvation from this sinful fallen world
for those who remain faithful throughout their lives
until the end of their life or if they're here when christ comes back
it it simply means you remain faithful until the end
this salvation is not a one-time event. It's an ongoing process that requires continual perseverance and fidelity.
You can get into all kinds of theological debates about this.
Well, if somebody was saved in their 20s or 30s but by the time they're 70
years old they're back into sin are they saved Jesus said you got to endure to the end. Right.
That's pretty plain there.
Qualification for salvation is endurance.
I don't like it.
Coming from a Baptist background,
I don't like that.
So I think the way you have to teach eternal security is,
you have eternal security as long as you stay in the game.
I don't think eternal security is a wrong doctrine if you understand it as if you remain faithful to Christ, he will remain faithful to you all the way to the end of your life.
It doesn't mean that you lose your salvation because you sin or you fall short or you back no it means over the long haul of your life are you are you in the game are you fighting to win are you struggling to stay true to christ even in times
of your weakness he can work with that he can work with a soul that's struggling to be true.
Because there's still life there.
He'll bring that person back into a full relationship with him. So we are expected as believers to endure challenges, hardships, even doubts, difficulties, opposition, persecution, rejection, abandonment.
There's all kinds of things we're going to go through. and he expects us to be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations,
and then shall the end come.
Once again, Doc, the end.
So this speaks of the proclamation of the gospel of the kingdom of God.
The gospel is to be preached throughout the world
the entire world the verse specifically says and this gospel
and this gospel yes not the prosperity, not the personal motivation gospel, not the social justice
gospel, not the gospel of diversity and inclusion. This gospel, this gospel is Jesus's gospel.
He's not giving people the option to come up with their own version right and neither did he say the gospel he said this got this gospel
the one and only gospel and the one and only gospel is his gospel.
This gospel is the gospel of the kingdom,
the message of salvation and eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.
It is the gospel that God's son came to earth in human flesh, was born from a virgin, that he lived a sinless life that he
performed miracles that he was crucified although he was a pure man who never
sinned the sins of the world were placed on him that he died was buried was
resurrected ascended back to heaven took his seat beside at the right hand of his
father is there this very moment making intercession for the Saints on earth and
shall come again in glory and his kingdom shall have no end that is this gospel yes and anything else added to
it is wrong it is the gospel of the kingdom of heaven which is the establishment of god's reign
on earth it is the gospel of the kingdom God, which is the restitution of all things
and an eternal kingdom where God's children dwell safely with him forever.
If anybody preaches anything else, it is not this gospel. Right.
So every time you hear a preacher say i'm called to preach the gospel
then listen to what he preaches listen is it this gospel or is it his gospel
is it his denominations gospel is it his thoughts or is it this gospel and this gospel is based on
Jesus's thoughts and words right the preaching of this gospel throughout the
world serves as a witness to all nations. All the world.
That means something
different in each age.
Paul's time,
it meant Asia Minor in Rome.
Right. The
inhabited earth at that
time where people were.
Or civilized, what we consider.
There were people all over the world. consider there were people over the world there
were people oh yeah i know but when we think of history and everything we think of uh that
big section in the middle east stretch from about india to you know where turkey is today down to
northern coast of africa you know uh the kind of that birthplace of Western civilization. That was, you know, for the people that were listening that day,
the disciples and the audience, you know, that's the inhabited earth.
They didn't know anything else existed.
When Paul said, I'm going to go into all the world,
his world was Asia Minor in
Rome right and he went in other ages ships enabled missionaries to travel
across the Atlantic and the Pacific oceans to reach other continents and
islands far from their home.
So our sense of the world got a lot bigger.
In their minds, those missionaries went into all the world.
Later, airplanes carried missionaries around the world.
In the 1980s and 1990s,
preachers used broadcast television and cable television and radio.
Today, we have the Internet.
Each generation is able to go into all the world based on the means of transportation and technology available to them at that time.
For us today, there's no excuse.
We can reach the world.
And that's why I believe we're close to the end.
Because it is literally possible to to the whole world now and that's happening all over the world now our our world today is even bigger by
getting smaller there's cyberspace now i mean you know suddenly there's a whole new dimension of
our world our understanding the world and the gospel needs to go there too. That's right. As virtual worlds open
up, there need to be
virtual missionaries who go into
virtual reality and
reach people who are living
inside virtual reality.
I know that sounds weird to people, but
folks, that's where the world's at right now.
VR becomes more prevalent
and more people spend time in virtual reality,
the Lord Jesus is going to say,
I got to get some people to go in there.
You got to go in there for me
because that's where the centers are at right now.
The Greek word translated as witness is martyrian. It means a testimony,
proof, evidence. The purpose of preaching this gospel to all nations in the world is to provide a testimony, proof, evidence, bearing witness to the truth of Christ and offering is to provide each human with the opportunity to accept or reject Christ.
And that serves as a witness for or against them.
And despite the universal offer of salvation, not every nation, not every person will accept the gospel.
Regardless, the gospel was preached
and evidence entered into heaven's court records
that that nation and that person heard the gospel.
I firmly believe that there is a court system in heaven.
I believe that there are very meticulous records kept.
There is written evidence every time a sinner heard the gospel.
There will be no excuse on judgment day.
The sinner will not be able to argue with God and say, I don't know what you're talking about.
I never heard the gospel.
Because he's going to have records.
Truth is, the sinner is not even going to get the opportunity to speak up they're guilty when they show up in court they're they're they're going to be in heaven's court not
for a hearing or a trial before sentencing that's right they've already been found guilty
that that court decision was rendered the moment they closed their eyes and took their last breath.
Well, the phrase, then shall the income,
implies that the preaching of the gospel to all nations
is a precursor to the culmination of human history
and the fulfillment of God's divine plan.
Again, you will find, if you'll study Bible commentators,
some teach then shall the income means
the end of the Jewish world in 70 AD.
Others teach that the preaching of the gospel meant the Roman Empire.
The preaching of the gospel to the whole world meant the Roman Empire.
My view is that it means the end of the age of mankind and that the proclamation of this gospel in all the nations of the
world precedes the end of the age and it signals the culmination of God's
redemptive plan there is coming a day when Almighty God says, that's enough.
Yes. The gospel has been successfully proclaimed in every nation and to every tribe.
Go, my son Jesus, and bring home my children.
That day's coming.
Nobody knows today.
Even Jesus doesn't know.
Only the Father knows.
Verse 15.
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
stand in the holy place.oso readeth let him understand
this this verse is one of the most widely misinterpreted verses in the Bible. It is misinterpreted
by Bible prophecy
teachers, especially the Christian
They teach
it is a future event that will
occur during the time
of Great Tribulation,
after the so-called secret rapture
of the church, which they
say will occur before the appearance of the Antichrist.
Now, I'm going to outline five things that the Christian Zionists teach.
And no doubt, you've heard it.
And I know because we get these questions all the time.
But Rick, but Doc, tell me about the abomination of desolation.
Tell me about Daniel's seventh week.
Have you heard somebody talking about Daniel's seventh week?
I guarantee you they're a Christian Zionist.
Oh, yes.
That's a dead giveaway.
So here are the five things that they teach.
Number one, a future ruler, the man they call the Antichrist, will make a peace treaty with Israel.
Have you heard that one before?
You've heard Bible teachers saying, now the Antichrist, he's going to sign a peace treaty with the state of Israel.
The terms of this treaty will be for a week, which they teach is seven years.
Which is where they get the seven-year tribulation.
Midway through the time, halfway through the seven years, the antichrist will break the peace treaty yes he'll gather his troops
and he'll march into the temple and declare himself god and he'll set up a image in the temple
and command everybody to worship it.
He'll desecrate the temple.
And the desecration of the temple will continue until the judgment of God
is finally meted out on this ruler and his followers,
and that will be 1,29090 days which is three and a half years
which is again where we get this seven year tribulation number so the phrase
abomination of desolation originates from Daniel 12, verse 11.
John Calvin believed it referred to Daniel 12.
No, he thought it came from Daniel 12, 11.
So there are differences of opinion among traditional Bible teachers,
meaning when I say traditional Bible teachers, meaning when I say traditional Bible teachers,
I'm saying people who are not Christian Zionists.
They have differences of opinion
about whether the desolation occurred
before the Roman soldiers entered the temple
or while the Roman troops were inside the temple.
The scholars who believe it happened prior to the entry of Roman troops believe that the Jewish zealots who hid in the temple
during the Roman siege of Jerusalem defiled the temple with violence and bloodshed and murders and
profane actions of their own people of their own people the the Jewish
historian Josephus and his account in the book called the Jewish war, provides some insight into the desecration of the temple by the Jewish factions.
But the other traditional Bible scholars believe that the abomination of desolation refers to
the desecration of the sanctuary. Well, this is actually a second viewpoint a second a second school of
thought says that it the abomination of desolation occurred in the sanctuary by
Antiochus Epiphanes during the Maccabean period. And then the third school of thought teaches that the abomination of desolation
refers to the stunning amount of bloodshed inside the temple when the Roman soldiers
entered the complex and slaughtered the Jews. And each one of those schools of thought
are based what you come into it as far as what your perception is of the end times.
So if you come in with a historicist view, for instance, you might say some things have
happened in the past. If you come in with a dispensational view, you see things in the future,
and you see a great tribulation, you see an antichrist. And so you come in with kind of a rose-colored glasses on
each one of these theories based on what you would you come in with it yes so
whether it occurred prior to the entry of Roman soldiers or during their time
inside the temple the abomination of desolation represents a significant defilement within the temple itself
yes the greek word that's translated as abomination denotes something that is morally
religiously repugnant disgustingly abhorrentrent, loathsome. It actually implies a feeling of
nausea, something that's reeking with stench, a foul odor, something that would make you vomit.
That is the picture of abomination, that whatever it is, you would look at it and just start to throw
up it's that gross that disgusting who is it disgusting to oh my hey God my
personal view is that the abomination of desolation is not a a statue or an image placed in the temple by the
romans or by the future antichrist or the future antichrist i believe it was the presence of the
roman army itself yes all right verse 15 when ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation spoken of by Daniel the prophet,
stand in the holy place, whoso readeth, let him understand.
Jesus used the phrase in a future context, suggesting that this desecration was yet to come. Now,
it could be that
the desecration did happen
during the Maccadian period.
And that's what Daniel was prophesying.
But Jesus is saying here,
there's a future desecration coming.
And this is where the Christian Zionists
go crossways
and misinterpret his words to mean that it will occur at the time of the antichrist
jesus was saying it's going to happen in the future yes that's true
but i believe he was talking about 70 AD.
That's the future when he said it.
But the Christians say, oh, no, it's way thousands of years ahead.
It's at the time of the end of the world.
A holy place refers to the city of Jerusalem in particular the temple and probably you
really want to narrow it down to the Holy of Holies whosoever readeth let him
understand Jesus saying here when you read this you stop and ponder you understand what i'm talking about
you know that i'm referring to daniel's prophecy
the jews who heard jesus say it knew when he said abomination of desolation they knew he's talking about daniel
it was it was jesus's way of telling his disciples listen to me you know daniel's prophecy about the abomination of desolation standing in the temple it will happen soon and when you see it get out
of jerusalem as fast as you can run when you see the temple defiled, run, run,
run. Yes.
Again, the
Christian Zionists today teach
that Jesus warned us that this event
would occur in the last
days when the
Antichrist is supposedly
going to be in Jerusalem.
I believe we're told that it's the army of Rome.
Yes. And you get the clue in Luke 21, 20.
Luke wrote it this way.
And when ye shall see Jerusalem compassed with armies,
then know that the desolation thereof is nigh.
Now, again, the Christian Zionists say they come up with this.
That's a future event.
And the armies of the world are going to gather around the state
of israel in fact you're probably here you're probably hearing that this week oh my they're
probably hyper hyperventilating folks this is it it's coming the armies of the world are going to
circle israel and and when the when when they're ready to to p on Israel, Jesus Christ is going to come in and destroy the enemies of Israel.
I guarantee you they're teaching it right now on Christian TV and radio.
This Iranian attack yesterday, this was the beginning of Jerusalem being encircled by armies. No, Jesus is telling them, when you
see the Roman armies circle Jerusalem, you know that this desolation is soon. It's coming.
You need to get out of town. He was saying, when you hear reports that the zealots are defiling the temple with human blood,
and when you see the Roman army surrounding the city,
you must know that Jerusalem's destruction is imminent.
You must flee immediately.
When did the Christians flee?
One possible explanation may be the sudden withdrawal of Roman troops from the outskirts of Jerusalem.
Those troops were led by Cestius Gallus.
He was the Roman ruler of Syria.
He retreated after a failed attempt to seize control of Jerusalem.
And historians think that his failure was the result of a combination of factors,
including that he underestimated the strength of the Jewish zealots,
that the loss of his own military equipment during an ambush by the zealots. There were heavy October rains that cut off his supply lines,
and his fear that because his supply lines had been cut, his troops would be in great danger
during the coming winter months, going without food.
So he had to do what's called a strategic retreat.
He did.
So Gallus made a sudden and unexpected decision to retreat.
But the retreat turned into a rout.
Because the Jewish rebels used his withdrawal as the opportunity to attack the Roman column,
and Gallus lost 5,700 soldiers while he was retreating.
He and the remainder of his army escaped under the cover of darkness.
Now, there was a second brief window for Christians to escape.
See, the attack on Jerusalem didn't happen in one day.
It happened over four or five years.
Yes, over years.
There was a second brief window for Christians to escape Jerusalem.
That was between the time that Gallus retreated and was replaced by Vespasian.
And so there's your first, that's your first window.
There's this time between the retreat of Gallus' troops, and then later Rome sent vespasian there with troops so they had a brief window and then
there was a second brief window when vespasian returned to rome and the time that his son titus
laid the final siege to the city right so the sudden withdrawal of Roman forces under Gallus and the return of Vespasian to Rome gave the Christians time to get out of the city.
What were they hearing in their minds, in their hearts?
The words of Jesus, when you see the city encompassed by armies,
when you see the abomination of desolation in the temple, run.
Don't even go back to your house to get a suitcase.
Come down off the roof.
Wherever you are, run.
Have your babies before all this happens. Yeah, you better hope you have your babies before this happens.
This was the providential intervention by God to save the Christians.
And where did they go?
Those of you who went with Doc and me to Jordan, you know where they went.
We took you there.
Pella is an ancient city
on the east side
of the Jordan.
It's in the country of Jordan.
And the Christians went to Pella.
And even
today, there are
many remains
of churches visible today in tella yes that's where they went they
fled god got them out of jerusalem and saved their lives and even uh they when we went there they
have like the uh i don't know how to describe it it It's the Tourist Information Center, right?
And remember, I don't know if you were in that conversation,
but a couple of us were talking to one of the guides,
and we started having a conversation and said,
you know, we teach that the Christians came from Jerusalem to here.
He said, oh, you're absolutely right, yes.
There is evidence going back that the christians came from jerusalem and had a presence
here for hundreds of years in fella yes and of course it wasn't temporary they stayed there for
centuries that's right and so there was a large christian community there for many many years
until uh islam uh moved in and in its wave and stuff.
But still we were there and we saw it
and we saw the remains of churches
dating back hundreds of years
and the ongoing work too.
They were telling us, Rick,
they hadn't even touched the surface
of the archeology finds there at Pella.
That's right. So, but, the main thing I want you
to understand is the next time you hear somebody like Perry Stone or John Hagee or David Jeremiah
or any of these Christian Zionist Bible teachers, Jack Hibbs and all these guys, when you hear them
talking about the abomination of desolation and that the antichrist is going to
make a peace treaty with israel and then he's going to break the treaty halfway through the
seven years and and then the armies of the united nations are going to circle around jerusalem and
and god's going to come and save the state of israel and jesus is going to set up his his uh throne uh in in israel it's all a bunch of horse hui
you added to my hooey rick i'm just saying hooey but rick said horse it's horse hui
camel hui all right whatever you it no look the abomination of desolation already happened.
Jerusalem was already surrounded.
And the Christians already fled.
This is part of his answer to these three questions at the beginning of Matthew 24.
When shall these things be?
That's the question he just answered.
He just told him,
when you see these things happen,
the destruction of the temple is near.
And then he goes into other things about the second coming,
about the end of the world.
And we've got a lot to study
in Matthew 24 and 25,
which is all his answers.
We only made it to the 15th chapter, the 15th verse of the first chapter of this answer.
We've got a long way to go.
We'll be in this for a couple weeks.
Yes, and that's a good thing.
Okay, we've got to go.
I do too.
All right.
See you tomorrow. and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern. Connect with us on Rumble, Facebook, X, and Getter.