TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Israel Secures Green Light to Bomb Iran as U.S. is Distracted By COVID

Episode Date: August 2, 2021

Today on TruNews, we discuss the preparations for military strikes against Iran and the on-going campaign to gaslight Americans into mandatory vaccination, even after the CDC admitted their ineffectiv...eness. Lastly, we interview Pennsylvania congressional candidate Teddy Daniels, and ask about his platform and his faith in Jesus Christ. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/02/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit Welcome to True News. I'm Edward Zoll. Doc Burkhardt and Kerry Kenzie are out today, but in their absence, we have an action-packed show in regard to the Middle East and the green light for war which has been given to Israel. We'll discuss the attack on the tanker, but also the attack on America through vaccine mandates and vaccine tyranny. Specifically, Alan Dershowitz, Harvard lawyer, has quite a lot to say about the legalization of this action for the federal government.
Starting point is 00:00:54 We'll also, later in the program, interview Pennsylvania congressional candidate Teddy Daniels. All this and more on today's True News. But first, we have to discuss the attack on the tanker. I have with me Rick Wells and Lauren Witzke. Hey, Lauren. Hi. It's Monday. Rather, Rick, it's Monday and the war drums have already begun.
Starting point is 00:01:14 It is. And this one's very serious. You know, I've said many times over 22 years, I've seen the same cycle regarding Iran, seeing it under different presidents where things get very heated and it looks like we're going to war with Iran. And then it suddenly subsides and we go back to normal and nothing happens for months, maybe a year or so. This one seems different because they are now, I'm talking about American and Israeli officials are saying in clear terms, we're going to take action. That's what makes us different. And so I think something is about to happen,
Starting point is 00:02:03 whether it's a full-scale attack on Iran. My guess is they will hit Iran someplace, and Iran will have to make a decision. Do we sit there and take it? Do we absorb the attack and be quiet, or do we fire back? If they fire back, that's the opening for all-out war. And they know it. Yeah. And they've been progressively working to get the public opinion behind going to war. Right now, they don't have it. In the court of public opinion in America, we are done with war. However, they're going to keep issuing out. There has been a brother, this kind of blood war for
Starting point is 00:02:41 1,000 years. But they keep pushing it in the media because they're trying to win in the court of public opinion because they're not just going to go to war. So you're going to see a lot more of these. Yeah, I certainly agree that they are building something and they're preparing the public for war. Okay, so what's the basis for us going to war? What's the excuse? So on Thursday of last week, an oil tanker called the Mercer Street was attacked by a drone. Now, this drone killed a British citizen and a Romanian citizen. Over the weekend, the blame for the attack was placed on Iran by Israel, the United States, the United Kingdom. They claim that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard was controlling this drone, which hit the tanker off the Gulf of Oman.
Starting point is 00:03:27 Now, what has changed today is the Secretary of State for the U.S., Anthony Blinken, has said that all the countries involved, the United Kingdom, U.S., Romania, and Israel, will collectively respond. This has been also, in addition to the statements from the Israeli government and their prime minister, Naftali Bennett, that Israel not only has the right to attack, but has been given the green light secretly by their Western allies. So we'll see if Israel blinks here, because this does seem different. It wasn't like before we talked about sanctions on the Iranians. You already have sanctions on the Iranians. There were people killed in this incident. And it appears that Israel has gotten the guarantee that they'll be backed by the West if they take action. I agree.
Starting point is 00:04:12 You know, we can only go by the only information we have is what the West is putting out. The Israeli intelligence services, the U.S. State Department, so forth. We have no way of challenging any of this. If Iran did attack the ship, then it needs to be condemned. There was death and destruction. We don't know for certain that Iran did it. But let's just say, for the sake of the argument, let's just say Iran did carry out the attack. On the flip side, how many times has Israel attacked Iranian assets?
Starting point is 00:04:56 How about the general that they murdered? Soleimani. Right. They killed him in Iraq. How many hundreds of times? I mean, I lost count several years ago. It was up over 500 times in several years that Israeli warplanes bombed Syria. Yes.
Starting point is 00:05:16 When has Syria retaliated? They haven't. They've shown great restraint officially because Israel will say, well, they have threatened to attack Israel. They've helped forces that are against Israel in Syria because Syria themselves, their position is we're fighting a civil war, a proxy force that has been armed and supported by the IDF and Mossad. That's their official position.
Starting point is 00:05:40 Syria has never shot a missile. It would be very easy too, right? I mean, the border, they border Israel, absolutely. Send troops over the border. They haven't. Same with Iran. Iran is about 10 times larger than Israel by their forces. The Golan Heights belongs to Syria, but Israel has soldiers occupying the Golan Heights, which we call the Stolen Heights.
Starting point is 00:06:00 The U.S. has troops inside Syria stealing Syrian oil. Great destruction has been brought on Syria, but Syria has not retaliated against the United assassination, every cyber attack, you put it all out over the last 10 years. Who's the aggressor? The aggressor, the most violent, bloodthirsty, warmongering country in the Middle East is Israel. Rise up and kill first. And the reason the other countries have not retaliated is because Israel has hundreds of nuclear weapons, which if we're going to bring stability to the Middle East, then Israel has to disarm. Why does Israel have the right to
Starting point is 00:07:16 have hundreds of nukes and then tell another country, if you even think about having nukes, we'll bomb you into the Stone Age? Well, the other countries are thinking about getting nukes because Israel has hundreds of nukes. You know, the logic doesn't work here. And so Israel gets away with this stuff. I think this is the one there's going to be action. Whether Iran responds and retaliates, that's the open question. They may absorb the hit. Israel may hit something, do damage, and the Iranians may just sit there and grit their teeth and just say, we're going to take it and we're not going to respond because they know if they respond. Israel is going to unleash everything on them.
Starting point is 00:08:15 Yeah. And they know that means America comes with them, too. They know that we just can't help, but we have to get involved and have Israel's back. And do you think Biden is aware of this stuff? Do you think Joe Biden is alert enough right now to know that we're going into war? He was drooling over the weekend. I'm not sure you saw that video. I think his sector of state is aware. I think that can be said.
Starting point is 00:08:38 His sector of state. Are you talking about the egg on his chin? Yes, that he appeared to have been prompted by an aide to wipe. And then he ate it. Yeah, he did eat it. Some are saying that was something other than egg. But what I think is true is the Secretary of State and some of his cabinet have taken the lead on this.
Starting point is 00:08:56 And obviously, they will take an approval from the president if we're going to get involved. Are we allowed to point out that the Secretary of State is Jewish? We should, because the other officials involved in the negotiation, even going to the intelligence center, are also of the same faith of the country we're talking about supporting in an attack on another nation. Let's take the names of the nations off. We're talking about starting a war. Yes.
Starting point is 00:09:21 It's clear as day. What they said, President Trump was a warmonger. Some on the left tried to use this as a moniker of attack. We would agree with them to a certain extent, but he never did the launch. He never did the attack on Iran, which appears to have angered many allies. But what he did do is lay the groundwork for what we're seeing now. The cooperation between the United States, Israel, and the United Kingdom has been used, the framework has been used to now pressure Iran. And today, one of the first things that has been put out is that the United States and the United Kingdom have helped Israel pick out targets. Now, so there was a story in
Starting point is 00:10:00 the Kuwaiti news that the Israelis were given a green light and they were given a list of targets the IDF and the Air Force could attack and this would be a fair response. Among those lists, among that list rather, ports, other ships, military bases. They didn't say they'd attack a nuclear facility, thank goodness. Attacking Iran's nuclear facility might prompt Iran to actually use some of their nuclear weapons. I don't think for a second Iran isn't armed with something at this point. You don't think if Israel destroys a port, Iran's not going to respond?
Starting point is 00:10:37 They need the ports because the oil is the main revenue for the country. Bombing an empty warehouse is different than bombing a port. Typically, what the U.S. has done is fire missiles into an empty building and got the headlines, President acted with strength and hit the enemy. Okay. Israel's not going to hit an empty warehouse. They're going to hit a strategic target. They don't care about casualties. They like blood. They like death. Rise up and kill first. That's their motto. Rise up and kill first
Starting point is 00:11:14 is the motto of the Mossad. And I think they're going to hit something strategic. They have to hit something hard enough to make Iran squeal. They don't want Iran to sit there and take the blow. There's nothing for Israel's advantage. There's nothing to be gained out of it other than some PR press. But if the objective is to start a war, a big war, they have to hit something hard enough with enough force and destruction that the Iranians scream and howl and there's a desire for revenge. Because in Tehran, you will have people telling the Iranian leadership,
Starting point is 00:12:09 are you just going to sit there? Yeah. What are you going to do? Because Iran just went through their own election. So they've had an election, and I say this with quotation marks, because often in these authoritarian countries, there's pretty much one candidate you can pick. But they've had a change of power.
Starting point is 00:12:24 Their president, former Hassan Rouhani, he's gone. They've characterized as a more extreme replacement, a man whose name is Ibrahim Raisi. This man has to prove himself to the IRGC, the more fanatical branch. Like Mr. Bennett has to prove himself. Exactly. Both sides, they can't come out of this with nothing. Iran can't look weak because Iran has been pretty badly destabilized by the destabilization through COVID, the health response. There are reports it's been very bad in Iran. Actually, one of the first spots outside
Starting point is 00:12:56 of China, remember, like last year, was Iran for outbreaks of COVID. In Israel, they barely just passed a budget. They barely got through this election cycle. They've gotten new leadership in. But if they fail in the eyes of ardent Zionists in the country to protect the nation and their assets, they also could risk a primary, say, in the version of Israeli politics. Benny Gantz, for example, he's going to be moving into the prime ministership
Starting point is 00:13:25 after the term of the current prime minister is over, but he's the defense minister right now. And a retired general. And a retired general and expert at keeping the conquered territory of the Golan Heights and such. That was his role before moving into politics. He is urged for action right now in response to Iran. But his former opponent, Benjamin Netanyahu, is being accused of potentially undermining this. There was a report out of Axios today. The reporter in Jerusalem, Barak Ravid, is saying that Benjamin Netanyahu is taking advantage of this opportunity to leak information about the proposed Israeli response against Iran.
Starting point is 00:14:07 This was put out in a tweet from this reporter. He said, Netanyahu says the Biden administration could leak information about planned Israeli operations. He's also bringing the Biden administration into this, saying that the Biden administration, because they've taken actions in support of the Palestinians and in support of the West Bank and even in Gaza when they were decreeing and condemning Israeli action against Hamas. What he's saying is that this alliance, this group, could undermine any response against
Starting point is 00:14:35 Iran, which part of that doesn't make sense, though. No, he's not. It sounds to me, and I haven't seen the Netanyahu. It sounds like he's saying Biden is going to lead the operation, not Netanyahu. Yes, that's what he, Netanyahu is, who made the statement about Biden? Barak Ravid. And then he also said Netanyahu is trying to sabotage the Israeli-U.S. relations for his political interests. It's a two part.
Starting point is 00:14:55 He's saying that the Biden administration, upon prompting, could leak, could leak the information about the operation. And also Netanyahu in Israel is trying to sabotage whatever operation is being put together between the United Kingdom, the U.S. and Israel. Well, I can assure you Netanyahu is not suddenly chanting, give peace a chance. What he's upset about is there's going to be bloodshed and he's not at the top of it. He's not going to be the one pressing the red button. Yes, that's what he's upset about. He wants back in the prime ministership so he can lead the war. So in his mind, if they can get rid of Bennett as prime minister
Starting point is 00:15:39 and Netanyahu can get back in power, you can always have that war some other time. But right now, Benny Gantz is saying that Israel must act now. He said this is the exact reason that we must act right now against Iran. He said Iran's aggression in the region generally and on the maritime front in particular is intensifying this is the reason we must act now when you hear a defense secretary and I retired general saying we have to take action now he's not talking about sending them a diplomatic letter a protest so the military leadership in Israel is saying this is the moment. You've got other, you've got Blinken today, Secretary of State Blinken, a statement that just came out. What was it?
Starting point is 00:16:39 Collective response. Secretary of State Blinken says that there will be a collective response. What does that mean? Collective response. Secretary of State Blinken says that there will be a collective response. What does that mean? Collective. Several countries together agreeing on the military action that's going to be carried out. And we've learned from the strikes in Syria and the planned strike that was supposed to take place in Iran that these collective strikes are often planned out with air assets. Because back then it was the United States, UK, and France that had agreed on collective action both in Syria and Iran,
Starting point is 00:17:10 and it was the deployment of both naval assets and air assets. And we know that all the countries in this coalition, maybe for once Israel would lead the charge in the sense that they've actually risked their own troops and own aircraft. No. You don't think so? You don't want to use the F-35s? No. The Israelis do not fight their own wars.
Starting point is 00:17:30 They use American blood for Zionist wars. And they're not going to fight in this thing. Of course, they wouldn't change the template they use against the... The only reason they would fight would be if Iran launches an all-out attack on them, and they have no other choice but to fight back. But the preferred method of the Zionists is to get American men to die for Zionist wars. It's been working wonderfully for them for the past 20 years.
Starting point is 00:17:58 How many men have died? How many American men have died or come back blinded, crippled, maimed, missing limbs? Hundreds of thousands. All for Israel. All for Israel. You know, the American people fell for this stuff, the propaganda. You know, I spoke out against the Iraq war. I lost a lot of support.
Starting point is 00:18:26 A lot of people who were listening to this program in 2003 thought I was just terrible for not supporting George W. Bush. Don't you know he's God's man in the White House? This is America standing up against the people who attacked the Twin Towers. The Iraqi people did not attack the Twin Towers. The Afghan people did not attack the Twin Towers. Afghanistan is still in another century. But the propaganda was we have to go to war. Libya, one by, one by one, we attack the countries for what? For what purpose? But I've noticed that they also, like it has to be some country uniting event to get us to rally behind our president to send us to war.
Starting point is 00:19:17 And right now, in the court of public opinion, America does not want more. We just went through a pandemic. Our military has been weakened. Like the people have been weakened. We're broken currently right now. There is no way that they are gonna rally the support to go to war unless something dramatic happens. Well, you know, you made a very good point, Lauren.
Starting point is 00:19:35 I would recommend people to watch Sacrificing Liberty because the same scheme was carried out in 1967. Israel and the United States secretly plotted to bring the American military into the war on behalf of Israel. They staged a false flag attack. Our own country worked out a plan for Israel to sink an American ship,
Starting point is 00:20:06 kill all the men. They pumped it. And then, well, they thought the ship was going to go down on the first attack, okay, and it didn't. And they couldn't kill off all these guys. They killed 34 of them. They tried. But they tried.
Starting point is 00:20:20 They spent all day trying to kill them. But these were some tough guys, and that old ship wouldn't go down either. And the cover-up still goes on today. You can watch this four-part documentary, And we lowered the price last month so more people would watch the film, and a lot have watched it since that time. But Lauren, right here. If the collective action, the Jews live by an eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth, okay? So if Iran bombed the ship, then what would be an eye for an eye?
Starting point is 00:21:08 They would have to hack another tanker, but I almost wonder if they take the eye for an eye to a different level. They would attack a port. I think the port is the most likely target. But think about this. If they carry out, if Israel carries out an attack on an Iranian ship with the support of the U.S. Now, some evil force out there that wants a really big war takes out a U.S. warship. Who's going to be blamed?
Starting point is 00:21:41 It's going to be Iran. It's going to be the ones that they want us to go to war with. They're going to set Iran up to take the blame. They're going to hit, and I think they're going to hit an Iranian ship and then blow up an American ship. And everybody in America is going to say, hey, no doubt who did that. Iran did it. Okay, we're on. Let's get them. I think it's going to have to be worse. I think it's going to have to be something far worse to get the American people behind it. If a warship goes down with 3,000 men in it,
Starting point is 00:22:17 believe me, believe me, they will be calling for blood in the United States. And let's think about what else is going on right now in the United States right now? Aside from COVID and the vaccine. No, not aside from COVID. The weakening of our own military. No, but I'm thinking the explosion of vaccine-related infections and deaths. The hospitals are filling up with people from the COVID vaccine. Including Lindsey Graham, just tested positive.
Starting point is 00:22:51 Lindsey Graham did, and he's fully vaccinated, right? Yes, he is. And his quote was, I'm very glad I was vaccinated because without vaccination, I'm certain I would not feel as well as I do now. Unbelievable. You know, I just got to let that sink in right now. But here's what I'm saying. We warned back in taking the warnings of scientists because we didn't have that kind of knowledge about viruses, but we took the warnings of prominent scientists in Europe who said in April, there will be a global catastrophe
Starting point is 00:23:31 by August, September, and a sizable portion of the human population could die. Yes. Yes. Because of the vaccine. What do you do right now? If this is actually in motion right now, the best thing to do is create a diversion, a war. Hmm. Now you've taken everybody's attention off of of the vaccine.
Starting point is 00:24:01 But what if what of a what of what if Iran releases a virus in America? Oh, boy. They blame it on Iran the same way. Yes, we've been able to trace. And now it's a military, a military order to be vaccinated. Don't rule out anything. Right. These people would, I'm talking about the ruling class in America. These people would make Hitler blush. Yeah. There's no limit to how far they will go.
Starting point is 00:24:33 Like they really have the gloves off and they're willing to do anything. And that's why they're confusing us too. They're confusing us with the different data. They're confusing us while people are getting sick, while being vaccinated. And it's just war and it's just everything. different data. They're confusing us while people are getting sick while being vaccinated. And, you know, it's just war and it's just everything. The whole point is to cause chaos and confusion.
Starting point is 00:24:55 It's a new world order saying like out of chaos comes order. You know, that is what they are currently doing to us. That's right. And Lindsey Graham obviously is confused. He's grateful he's grateful he's been vaccinated so he doesn't feel so sick. Well, it was interesting about the hypothesis about creating a diversion. That actually was raised in the Israeli press today. I mean, number nine for control in the Times of Israel. They're actually running a separate drill right now, Rick. For Lebanon. Yes. Operation Sunbeam is the name they've given it. And they plan to use the lessons they've learned from the conflict in Gaza with Hamas. Now think of this for a moment. No one in the world is talking about that mini war that just took place last month. It's only last month where
Starting point is 00:25:36 Israelis were shooting missiles at civilian structures in Gaza, killing hundreds in Gaza. But the Israelis are saying we learned a lot from that. We're going to apply those same lessons in both readiness on the Lebanese border. But I have to wonder, because this article mentioned that this is happening while there's a major outbreak in the United States of COVID. They made note of that in the front of the article. And there's other articles in the Israeli press. And an outbreak in Israel. And an outbreak in Israel. So it outbreak in Israel. They're giving... It's easy to blame Iran on that.
Starting point is 00:26:06 They're now giving Israelis their third shot. Yep, their booster. Yeah. Now, who is in Lebanon? Hezbollah. Hezbollah. Another, quote-unquote, Iranian-backed militia, right? That's the official characterization of them.
Starting point is 00:26:23 And if you believe the Israeli papers, and they may be absolutely accurate, I don't know. Hezbollah has hundreds of thousands of missiles. I'm not talking about ICBMs. We're talking about short-range missiles that can do serious damage to a building. But they have hundreds of thousands, if the Israeli reports are correct. Hamas in Gaza supposedly has a massive arsenal. And then you have the Syrians to the north of Israel who have not responded to anything. But what if, what if all those forces, if they see Israel pounding Iran and Iran unleashes everything it has into Israel and now Hamas in the Gaza Strip starts fighting.
Starting point is 00:27:28 Hezbollah in Lebanon starts fighting. Syria starts fighting. Israel's surrounded by all sides. Their options is nukes or neutron bombs. The neutron bombs will kill people and not destroy buildings. They've never even acknowledged that they have neutron bombs. Let alone their own nuke program. But this was in the newspapers, let's see, during the Jimmy Carter years that Israel had neutron bombs.
Starting point is 00:27:58 But they've also never acknowledged having ethnic bioweapons. That's right. Weapons that can kill Arabs but not harm Israelis. That's right. They'd have to have a separate one for Iran because they're Persians. They're not Arabs. But we could see a mini-Armageddon turn loose in the Middle East because of what is about to happen in this retaliation. Eric, today is a very interesting day because it is the 31st anniversary of the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait.
Starting point is 00:28:27 I caught this in reading some of the Middle Eastern papers. Today is the day Iraq invaded Kuwait, which we responded to in the United States in a coalition, responded and was basically the first Gulf War. We pushed them out of Kuwait and did not topple Saddam. But today marked the day that Israel started lobbying the United States and other countries that you have to intervene in this situation. I wonder if the government in Tel Aviv has been paying attention to this anniversary and if today was time. There's the oil fires. We were told back then that Saddam Hussein set fires to the oil wells.
Starting point is 00:29:13 And the truth is, well, I could tell you the name of the guy that I was told who did it, whose company did it. This was a false flag. Well, I mean, the war was going on. What they needed was to whip up even greater shock and anger around the world. Look how crazy Saddam Hussein is. But there was an American company that was sent in to set fires. Wow. That doesn't surprise me. Not one bit. I'll tell you the name when we're not streaming. You can tell me what it rhymes with maybe. No, I'll tell you later.
Starting point is 00:29:52 So bad guys did this then and framed the Iraqis. Yeah. It was just to whip up the anger. Well, it worked. Yes, it worked. You got public support behind the war. America won the first war since the Vietnam War. Right. I would say a lot of people looked at it as a smashing success, and then this laid the groundwork for eventual 2003 invasion of Iraq.
Starting point is 00:30:16 That's right. So we're sitting right on top of it today. And I think it has something to do with the COVID vaccine disaster that is underway in the United States and other nations. The most heavily vaccinated countries are having the greatest explosion of COVID cases. And, you know, they tell us it's the Delta variant. Okay. How do you even know? How do you know? Where do you go to get a Delta variant test? Which drugstore is doing it? Is it CVS or Walgreens? I mean, I had the regular COVID. Well, what if I wanted to get the Delta test?
Starting point is 00:31:01 Yeah. Well, you can't, the current test that came out, they can't even tell the difference between influenza and COVID. They're discontinuing them by the end test. Yeah. Well, you can't, the current test that came out, they can't even tell the difference between influenza and COVID. They're discontinuing them by the end of the year. Yes. So you don't even know if you're testing positive
Starting point is 00:31:11 for the flu, COVID, or the Delta variant. But they're telling us that there's this explosion of Delta variant infections. How do you know it's Delta variant if you don't have a test for it?
Starting point is 00:31:25 Because the experts, the scientists told us, right? That was the White House position on Friday when they queried about this. Lauren, do you know that the next testing company is going to be owned by Bill Gates and George Soros? I'm dead serious. They bought a British company that does these tests. Together? They bought it together? Yes.
Starting point is 00:31:40 Before we go to break, though. Isn't that sweet? Oh, that's so convenient. That's so sweet. There's another issue that this diverts attention away from, the NSO spying exposés. The Israeli spying firm that had the app that was on many people's cell phones, many world leaders' cell phones, listening to conversations, looking at emails, looking at contacts, being used in many different leveraging and blackmail scenarios. You're not talking about that, and you're not talking about the new Israeli spy software that breaks encryption.
Starting point is 00:32:11 It's called Paragon. Again, this is number 11 for control. Forbes did a story on this. This is an Israeli surveillance startup that now has allowed the breaking of encrypted apps. The app we were using and discussing and having conversations on, they're not safe anymore. It probably were never safe. So now Telegram, Signal, all of them can be hacked is what it's saying. Something that we thought was safe and encrypted. Yes. And again, these are all things that are being kind of
Starting point is 00:32:40 attentions being taken away from, taking all the air in the room. In this next segment, we will discuss updates on COVID, specifically the mad rush toward mandating. And there's been a very interesting story about sirens, specifically the purge siren being heard in Maryland. It's happening at nighttime. They don't know where it's coming from, but it's right next to the U.S. Census Building. We'll be back in just a moment with that story and more here on true news
Starting point is 00:33:08 the culture Warriors in this country are breaking down traditions morals Family structure. They've been doing this for decades and they are aiming their guns at young men. They want to feminize them. They want to demonize them.
Starting point is 00:33:35 They want to criminalize them so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be. God Tribe is a social media educational platform, a digital platform for young men and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe. Its mission is to build better men. It's a place for Christian men to congregate with other Christian men and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other, building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ. That's the purpose. Here at the Ministry of Flowing Streams, we do much more than news.
Starting point is 00:34:25 You see a lot of us do the news and a lot of aspect and focus on the news. But another aspect in which I'm actively involved with and which I really like to encourage our viewers and listeners to be involved with is New Zion Assembly. I'm Doc Burkhart, Dr. Raymond Burkhart. I'm the preaching presbyter for New Zion Assembly. I'm Doc Burkhart, Dr. Raymond Burkhart. I'm the preaching presbyter for New Zion Assembly. We share our weekly services, our church services here of New Zion Assembly each Sunday morning on the platform. We'd like to invite you to come and join us on a weekly basis for this time of worship, a time of great music, and our weekly focus on the Lord's Supper, the Eucharist, the communion. We'd like for you to be involved. That's New Zion Assembly, Sunday mornings at You're going to hear messages that will inspire you, that will uplift you,
Starting point is 00:35:19 that will educate you, inform you, and exhort you. Now, Rick Walls is also involved, and he usually has a weekly message as well. But you're going to hear a sermon from me each and every week at New Zion Assembly. So come and join us Sunday mornings on for New Zion Assembly. Welcome back to True News. In this segment, we're going to discuss the push toward a mandate and also the slipping credibility of the medical establishment as they're now saying what True News has been saying the entire time. Is that the vaccination will not stop you from getting COVID. And on top of that, you'll still have to go wear a mask. Now, Rick, I mentioned before the break,
Starting point is 00:36:10 there has been an odd event in Suitland, Maryland, in Prince George's County, right outside DC. Residents at nighttime are being woken up by a purge-like siren. I'm talking about that movie where they legalize murder and they have that ominous horn that's going throughout. There are residents that are hearing this every night. What do you think this is about? First time I heard about it, the first thing that stands out to me is that it's next to the U.S. Census Bureau. But what is the Census Bureau?
Starting point is 00:36:45 The agency that counts the population. And counts the decrease if there's death. Yes. So if there's a purge, there won't be as many people to count in the next census. It's creepy. I mean, this was happening last year. Before the lockdowns, remember? Yes.
Starting point is 00:37:07 They were testing these sirens in Louisiana was one place. But we were talking about the purge before the pandemic. Yes, yes. And the ominous use of Keep America Great, the campaign slogan for President Trump prior to his adoption of it. But the purge came up to us because you remember all those movies that were coming out in 2019 and 2020 about murdering Christians, rounding people up, decrease the population, purge conservatives. Well, now you have a pandemic and you have seen
Starting point is 00:37:37 lockdowns and the purge of conservatives from businesses based on your vaccination status? My personal view, and this is pretty Orwellian, is if you lived in Germany in the 1930s, intelligent, informed citizens of Germany who were paying attention and using their minds to reason and contemplate what was taking place, discerned the changes that were happening in their country. And there were no doubt a number of German citizens who were alarmed and frightened by the direction the country was going in. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, obviously one. Pastor Bonhoeffer, who lost his life opposing the Nazi regime. But those Germans warned their fellow citizens, this new government, this new government is evil. It's creepy.
Starting point is 00:38:50 It's saying things, doing things that are not sane. If you listen to them, if you take them at their word. I mean, Hitler wrote a book, Mein Kampf in Prison, and he told the whole world, I'm going to kill them. I'm going to create a perfect race. He laid out his plan, all right? And he gained political power, okay? So right now, for the last several years in America, we are seeing social trends, political trends, governmental actions, corporate actions. There's a mentality building in America
Starting point is 00:39:44 that is very akin to Nazi Germany. And a political salvation thing, too. That kind of perspective where you think like, oh, if we have this certain leader, he can save us from all of this. That's building, too. I mean, it started in 2016. It did. On both sides. Yeah. And now it's like, actually, yeah, the left. I mean, it started in 2016. It did. On both sides. Yeah. On both sides. And now it's like, you know, actually, yeah, the left. Like, I mean, they worship their political leadership. Like, it's their political salvation. And that's a scary place to be.
Starting point is 00:40:13 Yes. Where you will overlook a lot of stuff, a lot of things that are really bad that don't sit right with you, but you'll overlook them to achieve that political salvation. That's right. So what I'm saying is, it's very possible that the United States of America could quickly go into a Nazi-like world and millions of people extinguished and the world to sit back and watch it because the world watched Nazi the Nazi Germans so it would surely rise kill a lot of people before that there was a collective response to stop them and and what would that collective response be there would be foreign troops invading the United States of America to stop the American Holocaust.
Starting point is 00:41:09 Who do you think would be the targets of this new Holocaust? Would it be Christians? Would it be us? Oh, yeah, absolutely, absolutely. But there's also the possibility that the Lord has allowed them to build their own gallows, like Haman.
Starting point is 00:41:32 Haman planned to kill the Jews, but Haman was hung on his own gallows. There may be anti-Christian forces in this country who are planning to kill the Christians, but they get executed on their own gallows. Those gallows may be the vaccine. We've had these world-renowned scientists months ago issue those draconian warnings that the vaccines would bring about a sizable reduction in the human population. And they predicted there would be hundreds of thousands who'd have side effects.
Starting point is 00:42:08 And if the numbers are to be trusted, the same amount in deaths or more. We have seen hundreds of thousands of side effects. We've officially from the CDC, if we take them at their word, they took down the VAERS database, about 12,000 deaths just in our country. But this happened. They were able to predict this, not even just in April, but last year. Dr. Mikevitz, for example, Dr. Tenpenny, they were able to do this because of watching how other vaccine initiatives were carried out by the government. This is being done against the entire population. And on Friday, Rick, the government is making this actually pretty easy to get the message out because
Starting point is 00:42:47 they keep accidentally leaking the actual goal of the vaccination drafts, which is to potentially vaccinate the entire population of the United States, exposing the entire country, regardless of comorbidities or other issues that you currently have for your health, to these side effects and death. Going back to the purge, has anybody captured the audio? Yes, NBC4 in Washington did. And the residents, actually, you'll hear from a Christian man. I pay attention to where there's sirens. And he's been waking up every single day this week by a purge siren. SWRC-TV, Channel 4, Washington, D.C. I want to hear it. People who live here in Suitland near the Census Bureau federal property say a mysterious loud noise has been keeping them up at night.
Starting point is 00:43:41 They want to know where it's coming from, and they want it to stop so they can get some sleep. This is a sound that some residents are hearing. They tell us it's happening all night, every night. Sounds kind of like a combination of a tornado siren, a spaceship taking off and like the siren from the Purge movies. People have complained about loud noises in this area in Prince George's County on and off for years, but it's happening again. And it's so loud people can hear it inside their homes. We have a lot of young families in the neighborhood, a lot of children, and I know it's probably keeping them up. A lot of my neighbors are having trouble sleeping and it is disturbing. They can't help but wonder if the sound could be coming from the vast gated Suitland Federal Center or maybe even from a weather warning system. I just want to know what it is and can they turn it off?
Starting point is 00:44:29 Because people are trying to sleep and it's tough, you know, especially when, even right now when it's off, you can still hear it in your head. I don't think for a second we're supposed to ignore these warnings. I mean, the Lord, I think, makes it very easy for those who are paying attention. When you hear sirens going off in the middle of the night, as the United States is discussing a federal mandate for vaccines past their employees, you have to pay attention to that. You have to prepare your family.
Starting point is 00:44:57 And you mentioned, Rick, the kind of Heyman's Gallows. We know the most vaccinated part of the population right in the country is those who would support the draconian measures. It's the left. It's the Democrats. Over 80% of them are vaccinated. The same group that are calling for, whether it be draconian action of censorship against conservatives and Christians, they're also the ones calling for the mandate. They've already taken the vaccine, though, and if this is true, are the worst hit by the side effects and the deaths. That's right. And last week, the CDC had to admit itself that in Massachusetts, 74% of the people infected are fully vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:45:47 Tell me now, help me understand, why am I supposed to be vaccinated? So if you do get COVID, Rick, you're going to have a better time in the hospital. It's going to be less severe. Seriously, that is the position right now. Yeah, and that's what Lindsey Graham's saying. They're admitting. CBC's saying you're not going to be immune from COVID. You're still going to get infected.
Starting point is 00:46:07 You're still going to be able to spread it to others. You're still going to have to wear a mask. But don't worry, if you do get COVID, your hospital stay might be shorter. But that's what we've been telling our audience before the vaccines came out. We said they are openly telling you, if you will just listen, it is not a vaccine. It is a symptom suppressor. Lindsey Graham today said, hey, I've got COVID and I am glad I got vaccinated because I won't be as sick as other people. He's saying the vaccine was worthless to protect me from getting infected?
Starting point is 00:46:47 But the reason I'm glad I'm vaccinated is I won't get very sick. Rick, I believe they've been given to a reprobate mind. They're not thinking logically or strategically. And Lindsey Graham's statement, doesn't he realize by saying I've gotten COVID and I'm fully vaccinated, that's not going to encourage people to get their shot because on its face, you're saying, well, it must have failed, sir. You have COVID. In addition to this, right before the program, Rick, another prominent Republican gave a statement. Lauren, do you mind reading President Trump's release? And specifically, he didn't realize how unstrategic it would be to make reference to people being shot and killed while mentioning, all over our cities and the border totally open with criminals
Starting point is 00:47:45 and heavily infected COVID people pouring through our southern border and into our communities, the fake news media would be having an absolute field day, which is true. When I left office, law enforcement was supported like never before. The border was strong, safe, and secure, the best ever. And I got a highly effective vaccine developed in less than nine months when it was supposed to take five years or more. Hopefully the people will never forget. Well, we won't forget about the vaccine, that's for sure. So we've got the purge siren going off at the Census Bureau.
Starting point is 00:48:27 Seventy-four percent of the people infected with COVID in the state of Massachusetts are fully vaccinated. They can't hide it anymore. That's the thing. It's gotten very interesting. Remember when the Texas Democrats fled Texas? They were fully vaccinated, and they tested positive for COVID. That was one of the biggest big big name people that were vaccinated. It was like they knew this was happening.
Starting point is 00:48:49 It got to a point where they couldn't hide it anymore. And now studies are coming out where Massachusetts, 74% of the people that are vaccinated are testing positive for COVID. Something is certainly wrong. And people are looking around and starting to notice. Even the pro-vax, the same people that want to drag you out of your home and stick a jab in your arm are the same people that are starting to notice that something is very wrong. And the state was known as mascochusis. Mascochusis. Yes, because they were
Starting point is 00:49:16 so stringent about wearing masks and then they pushed for the vaccines and now they have an explosion of COVID among vaccinated people. Friday evening, as I was driving home, I was listening to Fox News. My exposure to Fox News is in my vehicle. I have Sirius XM. And so I listened to it on the way in and the way home. And so I was listening to Brett Baer as I was driving home Friday, and he was interviewing the CDC director. Yes, Ms. Walensky. Yes. And I'm like, did I just hear what she just said? She indicated that a federal mandate to require all Americans to be vaccinated was under consideration.
Starting point is 00:50:11 I heard it with my own ears and I looked at Susan. Susan was on her phone. I said, did you hear what she just said? No. What would she say? I said, she just said the White House and the CDC is considering a federal mandate requiring every single American, not just federal workers, every American to be vaccinated. Now, they did try to walk it back, but it was it was out. And typically what they do on a Friday, what politicians do is that they release a big news story on a Friday afternoon. Because most people aren't paying attention. People aren't paying attention. Saturday and Sunday, not really going to get any traction. But they can test. For those who did hear it, they can test a reaction. And later, they can always say, oh, no, we told you about that weeks ago.
Starting point is 00:50:58 Yeah, because if you look at every headline now, it says CDC says that they will not mandate vaccines or support the mandate of vaccines. However, right there in the interview, she clearly says that it is being considered. But all the headlines, I mean, there was a lot of outrage over it. There was. Ironically, that's called inoculation. Yes.
Starting point is 00:51:16 Political standpoint is called inoculation. We actually have that soundbite that almost pulled you to pull your car over on the highway. And news articles, the news, the text of the article and the headline are two different things. Yes. The more truth is in the article, but the headline is for the propaganda. They're betting that most people are not reading the headline. That's right. Let's listen to that Fox News interview.
Starting point is 00:51:39 Before mandating a vaccine on a federal level. You know, that's something that I think the administration is looking into. It's something that I think we're looking to see approval of from the vaccine. Overall, I think in general, I am all for more vaccination. But, you know, I have nothing further to say on that, except that we're looking into those policies. And quite honestly, as people are doing that locally, those are individual local decisions as well. She answered the question. Because what I did is I actually heard the response,
Starting point is 00:52:14 the walk back first before I ended up hearing the soundbite. She said, well, no, no, no, that's not what I meant. I was talking about the federal mandates for employees. No, you weren't. No, you were very clearly answering for the entire country. Yes. And she said, when the approval comes, the FDA, because right now these vaccines are under emergency authorization. So what she indicated was when the FDA says these are safe vaccines, then legally we'll be on stronger ground to mandate that everybody be vaccinated. But they're pushing it back. It was supposed to be this fall. Like that's when they were going to push it on the military and they were saying August that the FDA was going to approve it. Now the FDA is saying it won't be until January 2022. I guess I found it today. It's actually in this interview. Yeah, I actually have a clip of that. Yeah, it should be in here. Because I just, I mean, a week ago, I heard or
Starting point is 00:53:17 read that the FDA was expected to approve one of the vaccines in the next few weeks. And they've given priority review status to one of the vaccines, I next few weeks. And they've given priority review status to one of the vaccines. I believe it was the Pfizer shot that they're pointing a lot of the weight behind. But it is true. The CDC director addressed this during that interview with Brett Berry. It didn't get caught by most, but Lauren caught it. When is the FDA going to authorize the full approval of vaccines that have been on emergency authorization so far?
Starting point is 00:53:45 The president the other day said it's the fall, but the FDA has put out that it might be January 2022. Why has it taken so long? You know, I don't know the FDA's timeline or plans. I will leave that squarely with the FDA. But what I do know is that the due diligence and the science and the review and the epidemiologic data need to be done, and the epidemiologic data need to be done. And the FDA is working hard to do so. So it came up in the interview. Brett Burr suggested it. She didn't deny it, but she also said, I don't know the timeline.
Starting point is 00:54:13 She's not the FDA director, CDC director. The CDC director doesn't talk to the FDA. Right. OK. Kind of silly. But I'll tell you, someone who came out of the woodwork on the subject. If I can just say one more thing before we go to the next thing. OK, so let's say they do go. The FDA takes until January. OK, that may be another clue that we're in the winter.
Starting point is 00:54:38 We're into by that time, the seventh or eighth wave of COVID. By then, it's probably the Omega variant. Right. Or the Martian, maybe the Martian variant. Or the Venusian variant will be here. The Grab variant. Yes, who knows what it'll be. By January, then the vaccines are approved. And then, oh, maybe we were off by a year
Starting point is 00:55:04 for Biden's dark winter. Maybe the winter of 22 is the dark winter. The most insidious part of them putting it off until January and doing a mandate then is that you would have at that current time, you'd have plenty of flu cases. You have plenty of people who are sick naturally during that time period. You'd have a lot of elderly who have a hard time during the winter period. The public will be yearning, at least in the mind of some who've lost their minds, for this solution. Because that's how it's being sold to them.
Starting point is 00:55:34 Again, the government has admitted that not only will the vaccine, even a booster shot, not make you immune to COVID, it will also not stop you from spreading it to others. That's them. This is the CDC's official position. The only thing they said it will do for you is it will help with your hospitalization. This isn't a solution to the pandemic. And Rick, you and I know that it's not a solution to the case that everyone's facing. Your mortality for us, I turned to Jesus. I didn't turn to the Pfizer shot. That's right. And it was Jesus Christ who healed me when I was very, very sick. I cried out to Jesus Christ. He had mercy on me and he healed me.
Starting point is 00:56:16 Last year, during when President Trump was still in the White House, his his lawyer, his friend, Alan Dershowitz, said the government has the authority to come into your house and drag you out and jab a needle into you and vaccinate you. Has dear old Alan opened his trap lately and said anything about mandatory vaccination? Yes, he has. On Laura Ingraham's show, he actually doubled down on this, not only saying that it's constitutional, but he supports it. As far as mandating vaccination, I think the Supreme Court would uphold gradual mandating of vaccination. That is first conditioning going to school on getting vaccinated, conditioning getting on airplanes, conditioning going to crowded buildings. Ultimately, if it became absolutely necessary, they would quote George Washington in the middle of the Revolutionary War, who mandated vaccination against smallpox. Are you saying that COVID-19, Alan, hold on. Are you saying,
Starting point is 00:57:21 see, I disagree with this analysis. COVID-19 is not smallpox. I don't think you have to overrule the Jacobson case. You can distinguish the Jacobson case on the basis of the data, mortality, the, you know, how infectious this is, how many people it kills. This is not smallpox. So it's not a fully approved. It's not a fully approved vaccine either. Neither was the smallpox vaccine in 1905. No, I think COVID is worse than smallpox in many ways. It may not kill as many people, but we don't know what the long term impact is. I have 300 million people worldwide. I have a million people. I have a right. I know I have the right to get on an airplane and
Starting point is 00:58:06 know that everybody on that airplane is vaccinated or tested. You may have the right not to get vaccinated, but you have no right to spread the disease to me, even if you won't kill me. Professor, have you not been listening? This is Harvard Law School. I don't believe you. I didn't go to Harvard Law School, but I did hear the president today talk about how if you're vaccinated, you spread the virus. You still can spread the virus. I mean, the data out of Israel, the data out of the U.K., they're freaking out about this. It'll be spread much less seriously. Look, we don't know what we don't know. OK, you can deprive people of
Starting point is 00:58:45 their constitutional rights on the basis of a vaccine that still there is still allows the spread of a virus. No, there is no. Alan Dershowitz is for plunging in the arm, Rick, but he says right now Biden could mandate and it would be constitutional. Should we trust this man who used to represent Epstein? We're in the Constitution, does it say, that Washington has the authority, the constitutional authority, to force an unknown substance into the veins of my body? It doesn't. It doesn't. And he knows it. But the vaccination is part of the plan. Yes. And no matter what the facts are right now, they're sticking with their story.
Starting point is 00:59:31 The same way there's no such thing as a child prostitute, which is what Epstein's lawyer, Alan Dershowitz, used to defend him. There is nothing in the Constitution which defends mandatory vaccination and the removal of informed consent which is what the nazis did we'll be back in just a moment with more true news i was a rageaholic i was an alcoholic and i was a sex addict you have to understand the addictive dynamics that you're fighting. You'll renew the structure of your mind. The Conquer series is the most successful small group series ever made. And we're just getting started.
Starting point is 01:00:17 We spent the past seven years working on something that will totally transform the church. Wounded and broken people are flooding our pews, enslaved to addictions. Marriages, families, lives are falling apart. So we decided to come alongside the church and do something about it. It's called Soul Refiner.
Starting point is 01:00:44 We're putting something big in small groups. Hey! You have been prisoners long enough! How much longer are you going to let those chains bind you? This is a turnkey ministry for your church, a powerful tool to help people deal with life's deepest struggles. is a website where you or your church can stream cinematic small group videos that focus on lifelong healing and freedom. We're not going for short-term band-aid stuff.
Starting point is 01:01:13 We're going for permanent leadership. We've gathered the top Christian teachers and experts and created original content to provide answers and solutions to the tough and messy issues of life. Sometimes we bring some things into our families that maybe shouldn't be there. I had to face it. I had to do the hard stuff today. I can teach you all kinds of parenting techniques, but the key is you need to be a healthy person. Let's make church the place where you heal from whatever life throws at you.
Starting point is 01:01:46 No fluff, no cheese. Jesus didn't die on the cross to give us the ability to cope. He died on the cross to give us the ability to conquer. Grace covers our sins, but it doesn't take away our problems. is more than a website where you can stream cinematic small group series on inner healing. It's a platform for you to safely and easily create, manage, and lead groups. Learn together, hold each other accountable, track progress, and experience true discipleship anywhere, anytime, on any device. The essence of Soul Refinery is sanctification. It's to disciple men, women, and children to become conquerors,
Starting point is 01:02:25 overcomers, and leaders in Christ. Transformation happens by the renewing of the mind. If you want God to do something new, you have to have a different approach. We hope you'll join us. Let's bring healing to the broken and freedom to the captives. Sign up at, where true transformation begins in the refiner's fire. Welcome back to True News. In this segment, we're going to be discussing the continued push to vaccinate the world, and not just with a poison in a needle, but the ideas of Nazism, the tyranny. But first, I wanted, before we transition to that, to discuss a little more about Alan Dershowitz. I have with me Matt Scow, our in-house documentarian,
Starting point is 01:03:33 and, of course, Lauren Witsky. Lauren, what did you think about Alan Dershowitz coming out of hiding on the mandatory vaccination? Well, I'm wondering why Fox News, why I keep seeing all these nice long interviews and people on Fox News actually care what Alan Dershowitz has to say. You know, a lot of people may not know who Alan Dershowitz is. He was Jeffrey Epstein's lawyer.
Starting point is 01:03:53 He was the one that practically essentially said from the interviews that I saw that the young girls that were abused by Jeffrey Epstein actually were asking for it to a degree. You know, he said that they're still prostitutes, even though they were human trafficking victims. So, you know, I just wanted to share a little clip of the character of the type of people that Fox News is putting on their TV and is influencing us and telling us that we need to be drug out of our homes and have a jab put in our arm. Check this out. Dershowitz is a longtime friend of Epstein's who represented him in the criminal underage sex case. I never saw a young underage woman. Yet Epstein's former butler swore under oath that Dershowitz was at Epstein's residences at the same time underage girls were there. Were there young women in another part of the house giving massages when I wasn't around?
Starting point is 01:04:44 I have no idea of that. Dershowitz did say he once received a massage at Epstein's mansion, but from an adult woman. I kept my underwear on during the massage. I don't like massages particularly. I'm a little bit confused by that. He doesn't like massages. But this is the kind of people that they are giving a platform to influencing the populace. I mean, it's propaganda. They are having this guy propagandize conservatives or Republicans who may watch Fox News into saying that, oh, it's constitutional for you to be mandated to be vaccinated. And I just, you know, that is the character and integrity of the kind of people that we're dealing with here.
Starting point is 01:05:21 Well, certainly it's they've taken gaslighting to a new degree. Yes. Did he really say in there that he kept his underwear on? Somehow that would make it better. Those forced massages. I kept my underwear on. At Epstein's house. Totally normal stuff. Can I go to your house and get a massage? But this is when my underwear is. No, no, no. Keep all your clothes on, please. Well, Matt, you've been very busy. I'm glad we've had the chance to get you on the program this week and last week. First of all,
Starting point is 01:05:53 your documentary, The Greatest Reset, you're expecting that near fall, end of the year, maybe next year? I would like to give a definite date. Sure, we can't give one yet, right? I'm looking to hopefully a nice Christmas surprise. The way that it's coming together, it could come before, but the thing is, the story's changing. It's still rapidly, like, things are happening. The push for the vaccine, the cyber polygon, which could be the precursor to the falling of the Internet. I mean, when Klaus Schwab speaks, things, you know, happen. He spoke about this virus, you know, COVID-19, wrote a book. And then we're, you know, the world's encapsulated by this, what he wrote about.
Starting point is 01:06:42 So when he came out with the cyber polygon, we're like holding our breath. When is this going to happen? You're talking about during a pandemic, there being cyber attacks after Klaus Schwab had already organized many countries and agencies to come together and protect the world and its infrastructure against cyber attacks and power outages. Yeah, just like event 201 just happened to talk about a pandemic that hadn't happened yet. So, you know, this thing is evolving, changing, but we have some crucial information that needs to get out. And we want to make it the best, the most cinematic, the most beautifully shot, edited.
Starting point is 01:07:22 We want it to be, it's not entertaining, but of course you want to sit through it and feel like you're watching something with great importance. So yeah, we will hopefully, but probably it'll be a part two if the world's still around, you know? Well, unless Jesus Christ comes back,
Starting point is 01:07:39 we know there'll be something left in the world. But if you do anything close to what you do with Sacrificing Liberty, it's going to be a smashing success. I'm telling you, this one is going to top it. I guarantee you. Just the interviews that we've done, the trailers alone,
Starting point is 01:07:54 they just blow me away every time I watch them. This one is going to be groundbreaking. So you have a new trailer for us today, is that correct? Yeah, let's watch this first. In Noah's day, no one believed him. The rain began in the middle of the day when the sun was shining. I wouldn't use the term angry.
Starting point is 01:08:30 I am in a perpetual state of controlled rage. And why wouldn't I be? I would tell the people watching this in 50 years, 2020 was the year the world changed. Global crisis requires global response, and that justifies global governance. The world is off its axis. There are no rules anymore. This is about survival.
Starting point is 01:08:57 This is about taking care of our family and our friends. Everything is off now. The goal, quite clearly, appears to be reordering a new society, a greatly reset society that is ordered after the image of man, not the image of God. All of the evil societies in human history went evil precisely by building a city of man. There has always been an impulse in humanity that we could call evil. Cecil Rhodes, his biographer, wrote an article called Government by Journalism. And for them, journalism meant propaganda propaganda it didn't mean truth.
Starting point is 01:09:47 They're told what to believe by the mainstream media and they believe it they hook line and sinker. People believe that journalists all journalists are honorable. I mean at this point we're living in a virtual asylum of people that seem willing to believe whatever they're told if it somehow provides them a false sense of security and I would argue, there is no security hiding in your cabin on the Titanic. The ship is going down. What you're watching now is the truth of what happened from people talking about it who don't have an agenda. This whole crisis, the whole thing, the Great Reset, behind all of it is a spiritual battle.
Starting point is 01:10:30 Our enemy is Satan. This is an apocalyptic battle between good and evil. There's no better side to stand on than the side of truth and the side of justice and the side of honesty. The stakes are higher than they've ever been. It's like an existential crisis for the species. I thought to myself, God is blessing me to be on the front lines of this, and I get to go into battle against these people.
Starting point is 01:10:56 So when you talk about what they're trying to do to this world, I've seen something different. I've seen God move. When we thought it was impossible. The Greatest Reset. Wow, powerful. And you saw that that trailer opened up with Dane Wigington. He has an amazing property over Lake Shasta in Northern California, outside Redding.
Starting point is 01:11:38 He bought this land, hundreds of acres in like the 90s, really at the time but it's vast the background you saw was Lake Shasta it's so low right now and he when he first bought that land and built his house it's all sustainable himself solar panels he can you know it's off the grid he started noticing weird things happening with the solar and he was like what is going on with this and he started noticing weird things happening with the solar. And he was like, what is going on with this? And he started noticing all these airplanes flying by. And, you know, we hear about chemtrails. Geoengineering, it's real. Geoengineering, it is a real thing.
Starting point is 01:12:16 In 1963, LBJ at a commencement speech said, whoever controls the weather will control the future. And we used geoengineering in the Vietnam War. Of course. So we're seeing all these unprecedented storms and temperatures. And he says in his research, and it's all factual, he actually went behind one of those planes and captured what they were spraying. Wow.
Starting point is 01:12:44 Had it tested. He said there's high levels of aluminum in there. He drove us around his, all of his property and you see these trees falling. He's like, these trees are 300 years old. They shouldn't just fall down by snow. But what was happening, the snow was melting at like at 40 degrees. It would stay on there for so long that it was tipping the tree over. Wow. And what they tell you, oh, that's, yeah, they're condensation trails. But, of course, you blow out, and when it's cold, it doesn't stay there for 30 minutes. We all see it.
Starting point is 01:13:18 So you interviewed Dane. He's the founder of Geoengineering Watch. Yeah. Was it about a month ago, two months ago? About a couple months ago, and he's the founder of Geoengineering Watch. Yeah. Was it about a month ago or two months ago? About a couple months ago. And he's testified in front of Congress. I mean, this guy, he's not what the media will portray people who talk about these things as crazy, tinfoil. Of course, they want to put disparaging words on you because they're afraid of what they're talking about.
Starting point is 01:13:39 Everybody in our film is at this level. Dane has talked, his thing was environmental. We'll talk about Peter McCalla, Dr. McCalla, who's a cardiologist who's raising concerns about the vaccine and how we're treating patients. But I wanted to share a little bit of what Dane, a little bit of an interview, so let's check that out. The condensation trail narrative is perhaps the greatest deception that's ever been perpetrated on populations around the world.
Starting point is 01:14:14 We have at film footage of aircraft at altitude, military tankers and commercial aircraft, KC-10s, KC-135s, C-17s, up close, nozzles visible, with dispersions being turned on and off. That is the end of the argument. This is not condensation. Next, to add to that equation, we know all military tankers and all commercial aircraft are fitted with what's called a high bypass turbofan jet engine. That is a jet powered fan. 90% of the air that moves through that engine is not combusted. That engine by design is nearly capable of producing
Starting point is 01:14:52 any quote condensation trail, except under rare and extreme circumstances. So bottom line is that film footage alone of aircraft at altitude, nozzles visible, turning dispersions on and off, is the end of any discussion. We're not seeing condensation. And I would challenge people to consider their own sense of reason. And they know their breath can condense under very cold conditions. Do we see people when their
Starting point is 01:15:15 breath condenses with a cloud over them, if they've been there for half an hour? Or if they walk a mile, do we see a long trail behind them of their cloud, their breath hanging in the air? Condensation does not behave in that manner. It immediately dissipates. So the bottom line is again, this is a particulate dispersion and we know from our lab testing, from our testing at altitude, these particles are there. They're part of the climate engineering patents. When every single dot connects, Occam's razor applies. On the current rate of loss, statistically, if we stay in the current course without a complete course correction, we would only have less than this decade before the Earth's life support functions are completely dysfunctional. And if people don't believe what they see with their own eyes, film footage, jet aircraft, nozzles visible,
Starting point is 01:16:09 turning on and off at altitude, there's nothing we can tell them. I've been familiar with Mr. Wiginton's work in regard to hurricanes. Back when Hurricane Matthew hit and Hurricane Maria, Geoengineering Watch was raising awareness about the odd activity around the Florida coast at the time of these storms. If you remember, President Trump said, I wish we had a weapon or something to dissipate. He actually said this. A lot wondered if President Trump was alluding to capabilities that the United States military and the government have to manipulate weather.
Starting point is 01:16:50 We look at HAARP, too. Like, the HAARP, I mean, these are things that we as a people fund through taxes that our government is just manipulating the ionosphere with, like, shooting up energy up there. Well, the United Arab united arabic they just admitted that they're doing it with drones they both are shocking clouds and seeding clouds this isn't a conspiracy theory they said they needed to generate rain they're going through a drought so they went and turned to manipulation of god's creation look uh what he said is they started
Starting point is 01:17:21 manipulating the weather and it's like they let the genie out and they can't get it back in. So what it's doing, it's kind of like a car that's out of control. They're push it this way, push it that way, trying to steer it back. That might be the good people trying to do it. But there are also people who are using it for nefarious reasons. And we know that. And what we carry on to to another guy we interviewed was Peter McCullough. Peter McCullough has been in the news lately. He's a regular on Fox News.
Starting point is 01:17:51 It's funny to see all these people we interviewed are now making rounds on national TV, just like Tony Roman, who was on CNN, who destroyed Chris Cuomo the other day. So God's doing something. He's like he's putting our cast of interviewees in the public. So it helps, you know, grow more awareness to what we're doing. Holy Spirit casting. Trademark that. Here's a soundbite from Matt's documentary. I think the media has played an enormous role. And I can tell you, as I become more and more involved with the media every day, I have basically come to the conclusion the media creates reality. The media creates reality. The media basically creates history. And on or about the December 10th,
Starting point is 01:18:48 media announced it was going to create history with the Trusted News Initiative. The Trusted News Initiative said, a vaccine is coming. We are going to band together and we're going to squash anything that leads to vaccine hesitancy. Well, anything that vaccine hesitancy can also be thought of as careful thought. It can be weighing the risks and benefits. Vaccine hesitancy can be thought of fair balance. There's no medicine in the world that's free of side effects. None. Zero. And everybody knows it. But when the Trusted News
Starting point is 01:19:27 Service came out and said, listen, we're going to squash vaccine hesitancy, that meant we are only going to hear one thing. The vaccine is safe and it's effective. And both of those are false statements. So the media has banded together explicitly to promote false statements and to fully supercharge the entire moniker of a needle in every arm. And I can tell you we can go around Dallas, Texas right here and look right on these billboards and see a needle in every arm, the most important moniker that's probably ever come into modern-day human experience in the last 70 years. A needle in every arm. I will predict that more people will end up in the hospital and dead due to the vaccine
Starting point is 01:20:19 than will end up in the hospital and dead due to the respiratory virus. I think we're clearly on track. Part of that is because we can treat the virus. I don't know how to treat these vaccine injuries. We are having conference calls on this. We're scrambling. What do we do? Patients are scrambling. It's god awful. We don't know how to handle these vaccine injuries. You said it perfectly. It is god-awful. Looking at the children, for example, that were testifying in the Wisconsin hearing, they've been damaged.
Starting point is 01:20:55 They're emitting now. It is from the vaccine. It's not a conspiracy when it comes to some of the deaths and some of the side effects. I thought he was only coming out against the vaccine. He's obviously taking this to the media, the other co-conspirators in this cover-up. He's pro-vaccine. He'll tell you, I am for vaccines. He's not for experimentation on the public in the guise of being a vaccine. This is not a vaccine. This is some kind of experiment they're
Starting point is 01:21:26 playing with us. They've had to change the definition of what a vaccine is. Merrill Webster added a definition to say for experimental drug substance or technology, which is what the Moderna and Pfizer are with the mRNA technology. But what he's saying is prior to the release of the vaccine, the trusted news initiative would control the narrative. And the trusted media, which we call the Marxist media, they get to create reality and history. History. That was the most terrifying thing. He was like, the media, what they say, it goes down in the history books. Another thing that I found terrifying that he said, I don't know how to treat the vaccine injuries he's like i can treat the virus he's like i know how to treat
Starting point is 01:22:09 those symptoms but they don't know what they're dealing with they're watching all this stuff happen to people all these injuries that are happening to people heart problems tremors murmurs all this stuff that's happening and they don't know how to treat it. And when he said that it will be more people being hospitalized and dying from the vaccines as opposed to the virus itself, which had a 99.7, I think it was, survival rate. It was over 99%. You start to question yourself. The media had to be in on it. They were in on it.
Starting point is 01:22:42 Somehow they became the branch, the arm, the propaganda arm of this globalist elite who are pushing these vaccines on us and this disease. And we delve into that. And we talked about the last time I was on air about how to govern through the media. Yes. Gaslighting people, canceling people. I mean, they play both sides of it. You want to talk about the vaccine hurting you? Well you're gonna pay for that because it goes against our
Starting point is 01:23:08 narrative. We're seeing this push for a vaccine like we've never seen before. It's quite scary. Well certainly last hour we discussed the push toward mandates, the sirens we're hearing outside big cities. Clearly the population is being conditioned to accept either a mandate, a die-off possibly, but the thought they can't cover up. They cannot cover up the side effects. And Dr. Mercola laid out that he doesn't know how to treat the vaccine injuries. Well, it's been seen among celebrities. It's not like you can deny this. One of the vaccine injuries is brain inflammation. This isn't something that was occurring in mass before the vaccination.
Starting point is 01:23:49 And it's those who are vaccinated who are pointing toward the vaccine itself as being the genesis of this injury. One man, Jimmy Dore, a comedian, was recently on Joe Rogan. And he and his wife have both experienced side effects. They don't blame it on the unvaccinated. They don't blame it on another freak incident in their lives or genetic problem. No, they credit it to where Pfizer, Moderna, and other have credited side effect. They credit it to the vaccine. Matt, you've watched Joe Rogan for many years.
Starting point is 01:24:24 How do you think Joe received that? Because Joe Rogan kind of takes a middle ground when it comes to these positions, right? I give credit to Joe on a lot of things. He talks about things that a lot of people don't. He has a huge audience and he hasn't succumbed to the powers that be that tell him don't say certain things. It's actually in his contract. He can say whatever he wants. If he gets fired, he gets his money. That's a good deal. Now, look, I give him credit for talking about this openly. Well, we're about to watch with this clip with Jimmy. He's talking about side effects that happened to him after taking the Moderna that he that he took without any coercion. His doctor told him to take it. So he's like, my doctor told me to take it. That's
Starting point is 01:25:05 where Peter's saying there's something that this veil across that's gone over people's eyes. These people who had good intentions are doing very bad things. And some of them aren't doing it on purpose, but there's something governing this and which Peter McCullough says is demonic. Yeah. This is a doctor who's not going on Fox saying this, but he'll say to me because he understands our point of view. And we have a spiritual narrative here and a Christ centric. But he he recognizes what it is. But this clip that we're about to see with Jimmy Dore is is it's scary to think that
Starting point is 01:25:41 this is happening to people all over the world and they don't have a voice to talk about it. It's the story of millions. I mean, I'm taking for inflammation in my brain. You have inflammation in your brain? Well, that's because it causes inflammation. So the spike proteins cause inflammation. And so they did some kind of blood test on me and they said, yeah, you got the thing. Was it a D-dimer test? Is that what it was?
Starting point is 01:26:06 Joe, you got me. But they said, you look, you have the same, you're right where a long haul COVID person is. Like whatever the markers were, I had the same thing. You're right there. And so I go to my doctor and I start to explain to my doctor about what this other doctor told me. And my doctor says, oh, I'm treating five people just like you. And one of them is a neurosurgeon and one of them is a nurse. And they were afraid to talk about their symptoms because they were afraid to be ostracized and stigmatized. And I'm like, what a messed up situation we're in in this culture when they politicize medicine where doctors and medicine medical professionals are afraid to talk about their symptoms that's horrible well so that was a shortened segment
Starting point is 01:26:51 from the interview clearly he doesn't think side effects are conspiracy theory he knows because he is a victim he's living through it you know he earlier in in that segment with Joe, he's talking about how he got to take the vaccine. His doctor recommended it. And when he went in there, it says very big. And you have to sign a waiver, say this is not FDA approved. Now, think about that. Like he's taking a foreign substance that he believes has been regulated for somewhat. I mean, his doctor's prescribing it to him
Starting point is 01:27:25 or recommending it. But before you do that, they make you sign that little paper saying, you know, this isn't tested by the FDA and we don't really know what it's going to do. They're not assuming no risk. So it's your choice. If you want to get the vaccine,
Starting point is 01:27:38 if you want to get that put in your arm, you can't sue anybody. Nobody's responsible. It's used for emergency use. And people, you know, I'm seeing more and more of this. Last week, Friday evening, actually, it was Twitter was in a storm. People were posting people that had it was their vaccine regret. It was people that had received the vaccine and they were regretting it. They were like, I never I haven't felt the same since,
Starting point is 01:28:00 you know, I've felt off. I haven't been able to even run a mile like that kind of thing. And it was different things that people were saying. These are people that were pro-COVID vax and they're experiencing side effects. But nobody's allowed to talk about it. Like you said, you get ostracized if you even mention it because COVID has become their religion. The vaccine has been their worship. If you offend their religion and their worship, they will destroy you. What is the vaccine good for?
Starting point is 01:28:24 Like they got it because they didn't want to get the virus, right? Right. Like, the fear of the media and everything has been like, oh, granny's dead, and my neighbor died, and I don't want to get that, so I'm going to go get a vaccine that's not proven, and they still get the virus. It's like a blankie if you've been shot. I mean, honestly, it'd be like giving someone a
Starting point is 01:28:45 blanket instead of a body armor to protect them from a shot. I mean, seriously, we talked about this last segment. The only thing it's doing is to reduce the effects of the virus if you're hospitalized. That's what it's saying. You may not die. I don't even believe that. I mean, is it really? Do we have proof that it is? I mean, because there hasn't been any studies done on it. You know, the Delta variant, we can't even decipher the difference between COVID-19 and the Delta variant. One thing it is, it's hospitalizing little kids with heart attacks, paralyzation. I mean, these things they would have never gotten unless they took that vaccine that was pushed by the media, our politicians, actors. I saw at the Lollapalooza, this guy running down the stage going, shots, shots, shots, shots, with a giant
Starting point is 01:29:32 needle. And people are like, yay, shots. I mean, what is happening right now? It's become a religion. It is. It's so weird. Literally witnessed government pay for propaganda because it wasn't only but two months ago. The government had allotted millions to pay for both media and for initiatives like this. I saw something similar on TikTok. They made a version of Bob Marley's jamming song, but it was jabbing. We jabbing. It's a joke now. It's but it's like this is not a joke to those who've been injured. No, those lost loved ones. But you do not get to hear from them. Right. I mean, that's so great that he went on, was able to say that on Joe Rogan's podcast,
Starting point is 01:30:14 because I think millions of people will see that. But if Peter McCullough talks about it, Baylor wants to sue him for using his name where he works. I mean, this is serious. This is really serious, and it's only going to get worse. Yes. In this segment, we're going to discuss, I guess, the response, which has both been from COVID, but more so from the political end. I believe this tyranny is going to birth a new type of candidate, a new person to stand up against and stand for those who have been silenced,
Starting point is 01:30:45 stand for the patriots being oppressed. And an anti-tyranny platform, I think, is actually going to be very successful in the next election cycles. After the break, we'll be back with Teddy Daniels running in Pennsylvania for Congress. But first, here we're going to go to break. You've been watching True News. Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge. But he who hates correction is stupid. A man is not established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous cannot be moved. An excellent wife is the crown of her husband, but she who causes shame is like rottenness in his bones.
Starting point is 01:31:34 The thoughts of the righteous are right, but the counsels of the wicked are deceitful. The way of a fool is right in his own eyes, but he who heeds counsel is wise. A fool's wrath is known at once, but a prudent man covers shame. Lying lips are an abomination to the Lord, but those who deal truthfully are his delight. Well, there's no question it was a big cover-up from the top on down. What did we do wrong? Why are we being labeled the bad guys? We can't talk about it. Why would they go ahead and tell me not to say nothing? If you do, you're going to go to prison or worse. They sent all of us in different directions. That was to ensure that we didn't talk to each other and come up with a plan.
Starting point is 01:32:39 It was only the USS Liberty items that you were not permitted to put on your uniform. Lies and deceit cover up the truth. We want to uncover the lies and deceitfulness for the last 52 years. It's a terrific combination of American money, French equipment, and Israeli Air Force pilots. What was he doing about all these people who were wandering in and out of the White House at the time? His girlfriend from the Mossad told him that he could raise all kinds of money to continue the Vietnam War. The story has to be told.
Starting point is 01:33:20 I am not saying anything about the liberty, period. Welcome back to True News. In this segment, we're going to discuss the new political candidates come out of this wave of tyranny. Now, we've seen a couple outstanding politicians, if I can even call a politician outstanding in this era. But Wendy Rogers, for example, in Arizona, state senator, has come against the obvious abnormalities in their election in that state and around the country. She's calling for a change, in a sense a political revolution against what many have conceived to be inaction and ineptitude in D.C. Another candidate that caught our eye over the weekend is a man by the name of Teddy Daniels. He's running for Congress out of the 8th District in Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 01:34:20 He's running for Congress on a platform of being unbribable, someone who will stand for the people. He's a veteran. We have his campaign trailer. And I'll tell you, of all the ads I've seen in this season. Wow. This is pretty amazing. We'll come back right after this and we'll have on the line with us, Teddy Daniels. That's better, Teddy. Look at you now. See? If you don't do it our way, we won't back you. We pick who wins and loses around here. You know what? I'm not doing this fake, phony, elitist BS.
Starting point is 01:34:59 It's not me. I don't need you, and I'm not going to let you clowns muscle me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm Teddy Dames and I'm running for Congress in Scranton, Pennsylvania. You know, Joe Biden's hometown. I despise swampy sellout, and that's exactly why I'm running. I'm tired of these elitist suits who have sold out our country, and something needs to be done about it. These establishment sellouts are completely out of touch with real America. They are nothing more than bought and paid for hacks who sell out America and the individual
Starting point is 01:35:41 freedoms and liberties of everyday people like you and me. Hell, they'll even eat their own for a dollar. They don't care about protecting your freedom of speech, your right to bear arms, or even Alexa security. They're more concerned about appeasing the left than they are standing up for us. Time to bring out the big guns. And the big guns are the millions of men and women in this country who feel as though their voices aren't being heard. I'll be your voice. I did my part and served our country in
Starting point is 01:36:11 the U.S. Army. I survived gunfights with Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan and they gave me a Purple Heart. If I was willing to risk my life for freedom when I was deployed overseas, you know I will take the fight to the enemies of this nation in the halls of Congress. We are at a pivotal moment in American history. If we don't act now, we could lose our freedom forever. They used to say socialism was at the door. Well now it's in the building and coming down the hallway. It's time for we the people to take our country back from corrupt swamp creatures in both parties. I'm in this fight for my family and I'm in this fight for
Starting point is 01:36:52 your family. I've been a fighter my whole life. This is a fight that I won't walk away from and I've never backed down from anyone or anything in a fight. Send me to Congress so I can be your voice. Joining us now from Pennsylvania is Mr. Daniels. Welcome to True News, sir. Hey, thank you very much. It's an honor to be here. Well, first, of course, thank you for your service, service to the country. I saw the video, actually, on
Starting point is 01:37:23 that you're referencing in your ad. You were shot in Afghanistan. Is that right? Yes, sir. Yes, sir. I was wounded in a gunfight over there. So this ad clearly has caught a lot of people's attention. I think it's been a while since we've seen such a patriotic ad.
Starting point is 01:37:40 I thought for a second that it was a video made for one of those viral channels. But then I looked into you and I said, man, this is a real candidate. This is someone who's actually going to stand against censorship and corruption. What were you thinking when you made the decision to run to represent Pennsylvania? Well, I got to tell you this. I have four sons. My youngest is four. His name is actually Jack Daniels. Oh, I know. I know. My youngest is four. His name is actually Jack Daniels. And, oh, I know.
Starting point is 01:38:08 I know. My wife is the best. She let me do it. But, you know, I got back from Afghanistan. And, you know, I ran a few businesses. And I sold those. And I retired. And, you know, I wanted to spend time with my family, with my cigars, with my friends.
Starting point is 01:38:25 I hunt. I love the outdoors. Just finally at that point in my life where I can enjoy life. And the left just keeps pushing and pushing and pushing. And I thought, you know what? I don't want my son looking at me in 20 years and saying, Dad, how come nobody fought for me? So, you know, it's not just my son. It's everybody's years and saying, dad, how come nobody fought for me? So, you know, it's not just my son, it's everybody's families out there and everybody's children that, you know,
Starting point is 01:38:52 we need to stand up and ensure their future. Well, one of the big questions right now, you said you have four sons, is that right? Yes. Oh, that's, you've got quite a job. I bet that's going to be quite a story to grow up. The youngest is the biggest handful. Okay. The added batch is the name. Let's put it that way. A lot of kids around the country right now are having to come back to school wearing masks.
Starting point is 01:39:16 Some are facing vaccination requirements. Is that anything you've had to face in your hometown? So, yes. Yes, it is. And the people are sick and tired of it. This is gross government overreach. Right now, my four-year-old is to start preschool in about a month. And we have a liberal governor here in Pennsylvania. And obviously, we know he's going to go along with the CDC guidelines and that the teachers unions are behind a lot of this. I think a lot of them got used to sitting at home and working from home.
Starting point is 01:39:50 So if it comes to the point to where the school district is going to require masks for children, my wife is leaving her job and we are homeschooling our son. We're not putting up with it. We're not going to play the game. Well, sir, I'm sure you remember your time in the US. I want to assume that you were an NCO, right? You'd gotten to the point where you were commanding soldiers. Is that correct? Brother, so actually I did it backwards. I did 15 years as a cop. And then at 35, it was time to enlist. It was time to go take it to the next level. At 37, I was in Afghanistan wounded in a firefight, and I was medically retired at age 39. Well, I've asked this because, you know, the Army vows have been instilled into you.
Starting point is 01:40:38 You know, you know this probably back, you know, front. And at the beginning of your ad, it addressed honor and integrity. Absolutely. The notion that our politicians are being bought by special interests is the way you opened your ad. The thing that caught my eye was you're someone who's not purchasable. You're not someone who's going to, if you are elected, you win your election, you're not going to go to Congress and sell out your constituents. Is that something you've heard a lot happening? I mean, Washington, for example. It happens all the time. And I know Lauren can definitely speak on this as well. It happens a lot.
Starting point is 01:41:18 You know, they say rhinos are the greatest threat to this country, Republicans in name only, because they go down there and they play the game. And, you know, if for the past 20 years, if the Republican Party actually had a backbone and stood up, we wouldn't be dealing with the atrocities that we're seeing today. So they just let it go and let it go and let it go. And actually they have enabled it. I get tired of seeing campaign ads saying, I'm going to go to this office or I'm going to go to that office and I'm looking to work across the aisle with Democrats. When was the last time you saw a Democrat ad that said, I can't wait to take office and work with Republicans?
Starting point is 01:42:00 They don't. So that's part of the big problem. And, you know, I'm retired. Like I said, I should really be at this point in my life, enjoying my family, spending all the time in the world I can with my four-year-old. But you know what? His future depends on me stepping into the ring. Absolutely. So, Teddy, listen, I'm not sure if you were aware, but, you know, in 2018, we had, I'm very pro-life. It's a big issue for us and our audience as Christians.
Starting point is 01:42:30 You know, in 2018, the House, the Senate, we had the presidency and they still passed a budget that forced taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood. Now, you know, you could win. It's looking really good. You know, you could win. And, you know, how can we be sure that you won't go to Congress and just vote the party line and that you'll actually fight for the people that elected you to serve? You know, I saw on your platform that you're very pro-life. You know, is that a life at conception kind of abortion stance or are we going to make compromises with the left on this? There's no compromises whatsoever. And I think that's why the establishment hates me so much. They are actually out actively recruiting another Republican to try to jump in this race against me.
Starting point is 01:43:23 Now, the two that they have already approached, they said, you know what, we're not interested. We're backing Teddy. Teddy's the guy that's going to win this seat. And if you want to win this seat, you need to get behind him. Well, they know that I'm a guy that's not going to go to DC and play ball. So they're still looking for their swamp rhino puppet that they could put in and control with the packs and the committee assignments and so on and so forth. You know, my kids' future, our nation's future means more to me than a committee assignment or a big money PAC. Yeah, absolutely. And, you know, in your campaign commercial, I noticed your ad, it was brilliantly put together. I noticed that there was a segment where you had the opportunity to make a deal, you know, as somebody that also ran for office. You
Starting point is 01:44:09 know, I know there's people out there like, you know, we'll support your campaign, but sign this or, you know, you have to say this or you can't say this. And, you know, I really appreciate the fact that you are running as an America first candidate who is willing to say the things that need to be said. You know, I know Scranton. I mean, Joe Biden says it's his home state. But when he's in Delaware, he says it's his home state. I don't know what Joe Biden, where his home state is. You know, what is the reception on somebody like you? You're an ordinary person. You aren't PAC funded. You're not funded by Big Pharma. But you potentially could be running against somebody who is funded by these big corporate packs.
Starting point is 01:44:45 Like, how are the ordinary people of Scranton, Pennsylvania, responding to somebody like you running? Have you been out and about? Have you been campaigning and meeting with the people? They love it. They do. They love it. They are fed up. You know, the funny thing is, everybody thinks that, you know, everybody's fed up against the left. When in reality, every single person and every piece of feedback that I get is finally a Republican that's going to stand up. People hate the establishment Republicans more than they hate the left.
Starting point is 01:45:28 And that's just how it is. Because again, people are tired of getting pushed around. They're tired of their voices not being heard. And Lauren, one of the big issues that brought this about was state Senator Doug Mastriano pushing for the audit in Pennsylvania. And it's everything's in the open. And he is facing the same amount of resistance from the establishment Republicans in the Pennsylvania state Senate than he is from the Democrat Party. So if you're not on board, if you're not willing to be the voice of the people, get out of office. We're done with you. We are done. Well, speaking of the rebelling against the rhinos and the establishment Republicans, we know this past weekend there was a compromise struck in the Senate. This infrastructure bill that many who've looked through it are saying there's more pork fat in here than there is
Starting point is 01:46:20 actual money toward bridges and roads and actual infrastructure. It almost seems as if the infrastructure being built is the highway to hell. Will you oppose this kind of legislation and this kind of action, a compromise with the left that actually destroys the country and burns the flag? Absolutely, 100 percent. And here's what a lot of these politicians need to realize. They don't work for the other senators in D.C. They work for the people that they represent. And that's going to be first and foremost on any bill that comes across my desk that I have to vote on or sponsor or co-sponsor. It's how does this directly affect the folks in my district? You know, we see what's going on even with the culture wars in this country.
Starting point is 01:47:17 And I think that is a big platform that even the old school Kennedy style Democrats can get on board with. You know, they may agree with a lot of the Democrat policies, but when it comes down to the hatred of the American flag and the demonization of police officers, there's a lot of good, hardworking, blue-collar Democrats that just cannot get on board with that platform. The thing I found very confusing, Teddy, you fill me in on this. I mean, you know the constituents that you're approaching. They're blue-collar workers. They're real Americans. They're bikers. They're veterans, police officers, retired. The left wants to defund all these institutions, but they are also asking for mandates and for the federal government and its officials to really intervene and be the foot soldiers for them.
Starting point is 01:48:13 Watching this censorship has been so odd because there is almost two Americas that have been created. Are you planning to try to bridge that divide? I mean, for example, do you think there's a lot of Democrats who would vote for you out of Scranton just because you support the troops, you support the police, you support what America used to be? I think it, yeah, and you nailed it on the head. It's everything that is apple pie, blue collar, flag waving, patriotic America. And that culture, even the nuclear family that Antifa and BLM have openly stated that they are trying to destroy. They are taking away our values. They're attacking our morals. And people are just done with it. And I think the Democrat Party has gone so, so far, so far left because, you know, like I said, the party has
Starting point is 01:49:17 been infiltrated and overtaken by socialists and Marxists, and it has swung left. And being in the hometown that Joe Biden claims, now keep in mind he hasn't mentioned Scranton since November 3rd, these people are fired up. They are not happy with what he's done, and there's been a lot of Biden regret for the vote. Well, certainly Biden regret. I think Lauren has a question for you. Yeah, well, absolutely. Well, I remember after Biden had
Starting point is 01:49:53 said that he would get rid of fossil fuels, the number one search on Google was, can I change my vote in Scranton in that area? Because people had already mailed in their ballots and they didn't know what they had signed up for. Now, if you were to get in office, which is looking very likely, you know, what would be the first thing that you plan on doing? You have mentioned the nuclear family. You have talked about the assault on life. You have talked about the assault through BLM on the nuclear family. You know, your website also mentions health care, which would include addressing the opioid epidemic, providing opioid solutions for broken families. You know, I'm a very appropriate family person, but I'm going to ask you, what would be your first culture war legislation that you would push through and write up as well as economic? Lauren, there are so many, but since you brought up the healthcare,
Starting point is 01:50:46 I'm going to start with that. And President Trump hit the nail on the head and people didn't understand when he said this was removing the borders for insurance companies, okay? And people were like, what's he talking about removing the borders? We obviously need to finalize the repeal and replacement of Obamacare. You know, I tell people all the time, I'm 100% service disabled veteran.
Starting point is 01:51:13 So I receive my medical care at the VA. Now, they do the best they can, but that is the best medical care that I can receive. Now, if they are having a hard time trying to keep up with the veteran community, I tell people all the time, I've had specialists at the Philadelphia VA. You know, you want socialized medicine, go toward the Philadelphia VA, because that's the type of service you're going to get. So we need to obviously take down these state borders that these different insurance companies operate in, and we need capitalism. Let them compete with each other for the best service for the lowest price. You know, Bernie Sanders runs around all the time and says,
Starting point is 01:51:58 health care is a right. It's not. Show me in the Constitution where health care is a right. That's a problem. But we do need to make it affordable for folks to have acceptable health care privately. So would you say that is the first thing that you plan on doing is addressing health care? I know that people like my age, it's almost impossible for us to afford health care. You know, not many jobs. Like, I mean, is that something that you plan on doing first or? Well, the first thing I want to do, Lauren, is I want to break up big tech. OK, because censorship. OK. Second thing, I want a federal or what is the the national concealed carry?
Starting point is 01:52:42 The Second Amendment is the Second Amendment. As you guys can tell by my video, I like guns. So we should be able to carry them wherever we want in this country. If you have a driver's license in one state, you can drive across anywhere in the country. It should be the same way with concealed carry. Big tech, concealed carry, immigration, we got to continue building the wall.
Starting point is 01:53:08 We got to shut the border down. There is just so many things that, Lauren, obviously every single one is a priority. Right. I can't really put one above the other, but what we can do is try to do them all together and get everything done. You know, I'm only looking at between six to 10 years of being down there. I'm not going to go down there and camp out. My wife is 10 years younger than me. She's drop dead gorgeous.
Starting point is 01:53:41 You know, she's the woman that when we walk into a room together, you know, I see people whispering like, what's she doing with this guy? So, you know, I want that time to spend with my family and, you know, raise my youngest son. But 10 years and, you know, I'm not going to go in there with the mindset, well, if I don't do this, I'm not going to get reelected. It's going in there and fighting for the American people, regardless of the backlash. Well, Teddy, you know, you're coming at a time that is incredibly turbulent. I mean, many are watching to see how the 2022 election will play out, because for the next presidential cycle, we have a question of trust.
Starting point is 01:54:30 The audits have shown several abnormalities in Arizona, for example, that many would say are prime examples of why they either won't vote or won't trust the results. I know I've seen that you're following Wendy Rogers and what she's been saying about the audit in Arizona. How have you navigated that, getting people out to vote, while the system itself hasn't changed in regard to the election machines used and the processes? So Wendy Rogers actually came out and endorsed me. So did State Rep Mark Fincham from Arizona, who's running for Arizona secretary of state. And what I've told people, and it started mid-November through January, a bunch of people were like, I'm getting off Facebook. I'm not doing this.
Starting point is 01:55:14 I'm leaving the Republican Party. I'm never voting again. And I brought them back. I said, guys, now is not the time to leave the battlefield. Now is the time to dig in and start taking the offense. You leave the battlefield. That's what they want. They want.
Starting point is 01:55:34 We don't leave. We press forward together. You know, there are more of us than there are of them. It's only a small group of the progressive liberals who are running this policy down our throats. It's only a small group of them. You know, you take, you know, 75 plus, and obviously it's more than that, 80 plus, you know, Americans together. We are a strong force. So we need to stand together and take this country back together.
Starting point is 01:56:04 Let's dig in. Let's get our battle plan and move forward. Mr. Dan, as you mentioned that the first group you're going to go after is big tech and censorship. First, have you experienced any censorship in your campaign? And what action are you going to take against big tech? For example, are you going to back some kind of sanctioning against the corporations if they censor people like President Trump or other candidates in 2022? Absolutely, because what it's doing right now is it's giving an unfair advantage to the Democrats coming up on the 22 election cycle if all conservative candidates are being censored. So even my Facebook, over a post I put up two and a half, three years ago,
Starting point is 01:56:48 they came back and they banned me from going live for, I believe it was three months. Well, live videos is how I get people in. I get my message out and that's my interaction with people. So not people like that, but, you know, online, getting my message out to people across the country and across the world. So when you take that tool away from me and those tools are still afforded to my socialist opponents, you know, there's a problem there. So imagine this if you can for a minute. Now you've watched the ad, you've talked to me for a little bit. The only committee I want on is oversight committee, because I want to call Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey in and have them sitting on that table across from me and take a wild guess how that's going to go down. It's going to be very, very, very uncomfortable for both of them. And I can promise you that. Certainly. Well, you know, if big tech wants to act like publishers, we can regulate them
Starting point is 01:57:54 like publishers. Teddy, we have about two minutes left. You know, I know that we are, this isn't just a physical battle in the natural or a political battle um you know you can't vote your way to salvation i was hoping you could share with our viewers you know are you a christian as jesus christ your lord and savior if so would you mind sharing a little bit of your testimony with your viewers today you know i'm so i love sending christians to congress love it and we need more of that i actually grew up polish I actually grew up Polish Catholic. Went to Catholic school the first six years of my life. And, you know, there's a video of me from a helmet cam of a firefight posted online from Afghanistan in 2012. And that actually went viral back then.
Starting point is 01:58:39 And that's when God and I became very, very close. I actually had my personal talk with God that day on that mountain. I told him, I said, Lord, I know today's the day that I'm coming home. I'm coming home to you. And I gave myself to God again that day. And I felt nothing but pure peace. And I had accepted death and given myself to God. And when I stood up, after the battery went dead in that helmet cam, I stood up and started working my way down the hill. I've never felt more calm, more relaxed, more at peace before in my life.
Starting point is 01:59:22 Now, I had a bullet actually knock the sunglasses off my face. I had another bullet skip off the side of my helmet. And the whole time, I just felt completely at peace. Perhaps God spared you in this time to, you know, had a plan all along to send you to the United States Congress to save America. God bless you. We will be praying for you. You have two seconds. Any last words? Lauren, thank you for having me on, guys. I love what you do. Keep putting your message out. Thank you. God bless.

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