TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Jan. 6 bombshell: VP Pence had nuclear football in Capitol during mob riot

Episode Date: July 21, 2021

Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke are joined by Rick Wiles, as they discuss the reports of the multiplication of monkeypox around the country, and the vaccine that’s been around since... 2019. The team also looks at the shocking news that Vice President Pence had the nuclear football with him on January 6th in the Capitol building. Was it ever in danger of being compromised? Also, outlets report that General Michael Flynn accepted $100,000 from Israeli spyware firm NSO Group. What did he have to give in return? Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/21/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Wednesday, July 21st, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The bombshell that was hidden in a recently released Inspector General's report will shock you. On January 6th, when hundreds of protesters flooded into the Capitol building, as Vice President Mike Pence was preparing to certify the election results, he had the nuclear football with him. That's right, the portable device used to launch nuclear weapons came with an eyesight of an angry mob.
Starting point is 00:01:04 We'll discuss that in just a moment. And the $100,000 General Michael Flynn was paid by the Israeli spy firm NSO Group. All this and more today on True News. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Guardian says employers around the U.S. are responding to a perceived worker shortage by going after cheap sources of labor, like current or former prisoners. And you know there are more than 100 Bible verses about second chances. This is more than his place of work. It's a no-judgment zone. They don't care about the past. In the past, Comer spent 33 years in prison for aggravated robbery and murder,
Starting point is 00:01:54 but Nehemiah Manufacturing gave him a second chance, hiring him last year. So that makes working here that much easier, you know, not worrying about if a person is going to judge you because of your past. But Chuck Stiles says the talk about prison labor is exploitation. He represents 32,000 workers in the private waste industry. He says there is no driver shortage. Companies, he says, are refusing to give up anything on the bottom line. CNN says a judge has blocked Arkansas's law on virtually all abortions.
Starting point is 00:02:33 The new law would ban providers from performing abortions except to save the life of a pregnant woman in a medical emergency. Governor Asa Hutchinson signed the bill in March. He says, I signed it because it is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's called says Russia is showing off its new high-tech S-500 rocket system. It's designed to take down enemy space weapons high above planet Earth. Yeah, Russia says the S-500 can destroy enemy warplanes and even hypersonic weapons in near-Earth space hundreds of kilometers away.
Starting point is 00:03:29 They plan to deliver the first of the S-500 systems to air defense missile brigades near Moscow. reporting that the CDC says more than 200 people in 27 states are being monitored for possible exposure to monkeypox. Officials say this all started in Texas. Here's Fox 4 in Dallas-Fort Worth. Dallas County announced the first ever monkeypox case in the state. The county's health department says a man traveled from Nigeria to Dallas-Leve Field on July 9th. The CDC is helping contact those who were on his flight, but they say since masks are still required on flights,
Starting point is 00:04:09 the spread risk is low. It doesn't spread easily in general. The infected man is being treated in isolation at a North Texas hospital. Monkeypox symptoms include a rash, fever, and other flu-like symptoms. Only people who have symptoms can spread the virus. And the CDC says the man flew from Nigeria to Atlanta before reaching his final destination in Dallas. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back to Edward now. Thanks for watching.
Starting point is 00:04:40 Thank you, Kerry. Well, I have the honor of introducing in our panel for today, which today includes Rick Wallace, our president. Hey, Edward. How are you today? Doing well. You know, I think maybe for tomorrow. Hey, Lauren, Doc. Good to see you.
Starting point is 00:04:54 I think for tomorrow, I'll tell our audience some of the details about what we're working on. You're talking about the secret project? Yeah, yeah. All right. They're so close to launching that we should roll up the door, the hanger, and start showing people. You know, we've had a few more delays. I wasn't expecting the COVID thing, you know, last month.
Starting point is 00:05:23 That set us back a month. And we've had some other setbacks, you know, last month, that set us back a month. And we've had some other setbacks, you know, but you just keep going. You never give up. You never stop. You just keep moving forward. So I think tomorrow I'll just give our audience a little sneak peek of some of the things that we're working on. And they'll understand why some days I just have to step aside because we're so close to launching. If I could clone Doc right now, I need about four Doc Burkharts with me right now. I really do. I mean, there are things that we have to do. The doc is wearing so many hats here at this organization. Plus being a full-time spy. I was going to say that. Oh, you're a spy now? Oh, he's been a spy the whole time. That's what Lauren thinks.
Starting point is 00:06:16 That's what I swear. I swear he's a spy. He's kind of low-key, sneaks around, knows everything. Oh, it's true. It's just way too suspicious. Speaking about doctors that know everything, did you hear there's a monkeypox outbreak? I sure did. So last week there was a story that an African passenger arrived in the Atlanta Hartsfield Airport and then went on to his journey to Dallas Love Field. And the moment I saw monkeypox, here we go. Here's the next
Starting point is 00:06:48 plague that's going to hit. It was very difficult to find news about it. Oh, certainly. That first couple of days. In fact, in the Dallas-Fort Worth area, I kept searching the local news outlets, and there was very little. I mean, they just had some small reports. The one CBS affiliate said, nothing to worry about, low risk to the people of Dallas-Fort Worth. Well, that was one week ago. Now we're told that the U.S. government is monitoring 200 people for monkeypox in the United States of America.
Starting point is 00:07:29 Yes. And just to remind the audience, do you remember when they were monitoring only 100 or 200 people for coronavirus? An outbreak of a virus, especially in the CDC, having to get involved is no small thing, especially when the disease itself, some of the worst variants of it, have a 10 percent mortality rate. Yeah, that's frightening. That's very scary. And the symptoms, the early symptoms appear very similar to COVID. With the addition of blisters all over you. That's when you know it's monkeypox. But it starts out with, you know, the headache, the fever, the runny nose, all that kind of stuff. But the blisters are hideous looking. And this is nothing to dismiss lightly.
Starting point is 00:08:15 200 people in one, it's gone from one to 200 in one week. But they just said it's not spread that easily, Rick. So how is it being spread? Well, it's kind of like the rare breakthroughs of COVID to fully vaccinated people. It's every time there's a vaccinated person who develops COVID, the media says it's a rare breakthrough. Do you know how many rare breakthroughs there are now every day in the United States? It's quit being a rare breakthrough. It's not rare so much, is it? So we're getting the same line about monkeypox.
Starting point is 00:08:54 But the other thing that I discovered last week, the moment the story came out, I was like, OK, I got to start looking. I got to start researching. And so I researched monkeypox vaccine. And guess what pops up? This story right here. FDA. That's a press release from the FDA, the Food and Drug Administration. This is from September of 2019. That's what got my attention. FDA approves first live non-replicating vaccine to prevent smallpox and monkeypox. And then I looked at the date.
Starting point is 00:09:28 2019. Just right before the COVID outbreak. Yes. Now, I don't recall in 2019 that we were worried about a plague of monkeypox in the USA. No, I had never heard of monkeypox before last week when that first report popped up. In fact, when I first heard about it, I thought that's a joke, right? Monkeypox, there's no such thing. I had heard about it many years ago in the early days of True News, but it just, it wasn't in the United States. It was, you know, stories that got out of like BBC or something out of Africa. You know, right after September 11th, there I got out of like BBC or something out of Africa.
Starting point is 00:10:11 You know, right after September 11, there were a lot of stories about smallpox and all kinds of plagues that could be released. And monkeypox was one of them. But that story went away and I completely forgot about it. But when I saw it, it triggered my memory. I said, okay, I got to look into this right away. So why does the FDA have, why did the FDA approve a monkeypox vaccine two years ago? Well, partly it was so they could add the vaccine to the strategic national stockpile. Now they claim they needed to have these on hand
Starting point is 00:10:41 just in case there was an outbreak. Just so happens that they've stockpiled this, have a vaccine available right now for those who are potentially exposed. And the vaccine itself, you read the insert put up by the Food and Drug Administration. The vaccine is called Jeneas. And the way it reads, it reads as if it was a Pfizer or Moderna vaccine for COVID. A year ago, yes. Well, two years ago. A year ago, yes. Well, two years ago. We're talking about 2019. This is before the pandemic in the United States was even declared for COVID. Janus was assessed in more than 7,800 individuals. So they actually tested
Starting point is 00:11:15 the vaccine before they gave the FDA approval we just showed on screen. So again, it's a multi-dose vaccine. Those who receive at least one dose of the vaccine, it was successful. Commonly reported side effects, not from the disease, but from the vaccine, were pain, redness, swelling, itching, firmness at the injection site, muscle pain, headache, fatigue. Doesn't this sound like the Pfizer shot, the Moderna shot, the Johnson & Johnson shot? The exact same side effects. Again, maybe that's just what a vaccine does. It is. It's typical with vaccines.
Starting point is 00:11:48 Yeah. But I think the COVID vaccine, what I've seen, I've seen people having muscular tremors and a lot of worse stuff. I've never seen with vaccines other than the the Jilan BarBarrar paralysis. But I've never seen with vaccines heart inflammation, heart strokes and so on. Yes. That we know of. Precisely.
Starting point is 00:12:14 And so is this a true vaccine? In other words, is it administered to prevent monkeypox or is it something that we say to people, hey, take this and it reduces your symptoms after you've had monkeypox? Or is it something that we say to people, hey, take this and it reduces your symptoms after you've had monkeypox? And so. Well, it's actually, I believe actually does activate as a regular vaccine, not with mRNA. But one thing that was interesting about this review was that it also got emergency approval, much like the vaccines which we saw in response to the coronavirus. Probably was not expedited to the speed that Operation Warp Speed brought about
Starting point is 00:12:47 the mRNA vaccines for Moderna and Pfizer, but that really says they were given priority review status, which is the current status for the mRNA vaccines in America, that if they do reach that full authorization, will be authorized, for example, mandated even in the military. This is something we reported before. It was tested. How mandated even in the military. This is something we reported before. It was tested. How interesting you just said military.
Starting point is 00:13:08 I just pulled this article up from 2019. Is that a, would you say that's a credible source? Okay, the U.S. Army's website. A new vaccine approved September 24th, this is 2019, by the FDA prevents both smallpox and monkeypox. Let me guess, the 7,800 individuals mentioned here by the FDA, were those soldiers they tested on? Well, marketed under the brand name Genios, the vaccine was developed by biotech firm Bavarian Nordic
Starting point is 00:13:39 and tested by the U.S. Army Medical Research and Developments Command, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases at Fort Detrick. At Fort Detrick. No way. Wow. Very, very interesting. Obviously, yesterday we spoke about the communist Chinese, their attempt to spin the origins of COVID.
Starting point is 00:14:04 You're saying here the monkeypox vaccine ordered and stockpiled prior to the outbreak of monkeypox in America was only tested on soldiers, but tested out of Fort Detrick. Do you know that Lyme disease came from Fort Detrick? I was not aware of that, but it makes a lot of sense because if it were to leak from Fort Detrick, I know the Northeast has a serious Lyme disease problem. Like all of my friends got very sick. My grandparents got very sick from Lyme disease, and it came out of nowhere.
Starting point is 00:14:31 Like, you know, I used to play in the woods all the time as a kid, but up there in the Northeast, it's become a problem where you can't even go hiking because all the ticks have it. No, a U.S. Congressman about two years ago stated publicly that Lyme disease was developed at Fort Detrick. It was leaked, accidentally leaked from Fort Detrick. And look, I grew up in Western Maryland. Fort Detrick was about, I'm going to guess, maybe 30 miles from my home.
Starting point is 00:15:07 And I had relatives who got Lyme disease. Okay. So it's something we never heard of earlier. Yeah. And then suddenly we have this. Yeah, it's bad. It's everywhere. And a lot of people are getting it.
Starting point is 00:15:22 Yeah, don't go into the woods. The ticks are infected. Yeah. But again, we find out getting it. Yeah, don't go into the woods. The ticks are infected. Yeah. But again, we find out that it came from Fort Detrick. A bioweapons program. Yes. So now we got monkeypox. And we know the U.S. Army tested a monkeypox vaccine that was approved in 2019, which means that they were doing the test
Starting point is 00:15:45 much earlier than 2019. Right. And who were they testing it on? Soldiers. Just monkeys or soldiers? I'd hope it was monkeys, but that is sounding as if they were testing it on people, especially in the FDA report,
Starting point is 00:15:58 it said 7,800 individuals. Right. So that looks like a person, a soldier. Animal trials, yeah. Well, in addition to this vaccine, Rick, I was looking at that company. They're not based in Germany. It sounds like they might be Bavarian Nordic. They're actually based out of Denmark.
Starting point is 00:16:12 Right. And this article actually noted that they do a couple other vaccines. They produce a vaccine for rabies, encephalitis, the small head side effect among those who've had Zika, mothers at least, here's the insert for them. They also helped produce a vaccine for Ebola. I mean, they've been on the cutting edge of every vaccine, I guess, other than COVID, they must have stayed out of the production for that one.
Starting point is 00:16:39 But then you have to wonder, if this doesn't becoming a pretty widespread outbreak, they're about to become multimillionaires. Yeah, I just pulled up. Yeah, if there's an outbreak, how about that, Edward? A pharmaceutical company will make gazillions of dollars on a disease that nobody heard of here in the USA. If there's an outbreak, let's say. If there's an outbreak.
Starting point is 00:17:06 And they only make money if there's an outbreak. Now, Newsweek used to be a really big magazine. It's now a digital website. They write a lot of bad stuff about me. They don't like me. So our critics, I mean,. They don't like me. So our critics, I mean, if you don't like me, you have to assume that this article I'm going to read to you
Starting point is 00:17:35 is credible because it came from Newsweek. So this is Newsweek, July 17, 2019. Last week, the U.S. House of Representatives quietly passed a bill requiring the Inspector General of the Department of Defense to conduct a review into whether the Pentagon experimented with ticks and other blood-sucking insects for use as biological weapons between 1950 and 1975. If the Inspector General finds that such experiments occurred, then according to the bill, they must provide the House and Senate Armed Services Committee with a report on the scope of the research and whether any ticks or insects used in such experiments
Starting point is 00:18:19 were released outside of any laboratory by accident or experiment design, potentially leading to the spread of diseases such as Lyme. And they've got that article for you. Hey, you guys are awesome. They're in control. The amendment was put forward by Representative Chris Smith, Republican from New Jersey, who was inspired by several books and articles claiming that the U.S. government had conducted research at facilities such as Fort Detrick, Maryland, and Plum Island, New York, for these purposes.
Starting point is 00:18:56 Plum Island. Okay, so the article goes on. One of the books, Bitten, The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons, written by a Stanford University science writer and former Lyme sufferer, Chris Newby. It interviews the late Swiss-born scientist, Willy Bergdorfer, the man credited with discovering the bacterial pathogen that causes Lyme disease, who once worked for the Department of Defense as a bioweapons specialist. So, the Pentagon just messing around with ticks, Doc. Just playing. We're just playing with them.
Starting point is 00:19:44 So either they're really irresponsible or we're at a point where this is intentional. Like, are they releasing this kind of stuff on us? Because, well, they obviously hate us. Well, what they're saying, Lauren, is this study that was demanded by the Congress, where did it go? Yeah, I haven't heard anything about it. That's right. That tells you what they found. And it took 43 years for us to even have a conversation about it. It was on purpose that it was released out in the public. Yes. Because the article said they were instructed to tell the Congress whether there's an accidental release or was it for experimental
Starting point is 00:20:20 purposes. They're experimenting on us. Can we put that... Why did Anthony Fauci decades ago go to gay bathhouses? He wanted to see how HIV... I'm serious, that's a real question. He wanted to see how HIV was spreading in the wild. Yes, so I'm not asking that to insinuate that Dr. Fauci is gay. That is not the reason. I believe he went to gay bathhouses as a scientific observer to figure out how can we spread AIDS. I think that's the reason he was there.
Starting point is 00:21:07 He wanted to see behavior. How can we, if I, look, Fauci had his, he was up to his eyeballs in the creation of AIDS. Oh, yeah. Well, he's the one, he supposedly was the one responsible for creating a vaccine for HIV, and we still don't have one, I don't believe. Like, he, you know, and he initially, like with that report that we had with Dr. David Martin,
Starting point is 00:21:28 he was talking about how like that was HIV and AIDS, but that was Fauci's thing. But you can't have a demand for something like if there's no, you know, no supply for something and there isn't a demand. Can we put that product list back up? This is number five, the Bavarian Nordic product list, what they do. So you see they've got what we were talking about today, the smallpox, monkeypox vaccine, right? Rabies vaccine. But you see the third line there, right? The tick-borne.
Starting point is 00:21:56 The tick-borne encephalitis vaccine. That's actually Bavarian Nordic, they're in partnership with another pharmaceutical company called Valnova, where that vaccine that they're talking about there, don't let the word encephalitis fool you. It's a vaccine development on Lyme disease. Oh, wow. And remember, this is the same company that worked in partnership with Fort Detrick to roll out the smallpox slash monkeypox vaccine. So the question is, are we about to see a massive outlay of monkeypox all over the country here over the next few weeks, few months? That will shut down the country, won't it? Yes, because obviously their current plan, their current COVID
Starting point is 00:22:46 plan isn't working. So they've got to come out with a disease that forces blisters all over you. Now, I have to be honest with you. If I'm out at TGI Fridays and someone walks in with monkey pox blisters all over their head and face, I'm having second thoughts, okay? That's obvious. No, I'm not having second thoughts. You're having first thoughts. You're getting out. I'm leaving as fast as I can.
Starting point is 00:23:11 You're leaving your appetizer and heading out. And so that's obvious, okay? Is that what it's going to take to really lock down the country? Is that the next phase of what we're about to see? That was my first thought when I saw this last week. And here we go. They're going to punish. They're going to punish the people who won't submit. We're going to make you submit. You're going to get down on your knees and admit and confess that the deep state is your daddy. That's what the shot is. It's a submission shot.
Starting point is 00:23:51 So look, all of these, all of these bio research labs like Fort Dedrick, Wuhan, all over the world. I've said for decades, this is an in-time nightmare getting ready to happen. You've got mad scientists and warmongers playing around with deadly pathogens, not only deadly pathogens that have killed people in the past, but they're creating superbugs, superviruses. Hey, let's take this virus and weaponize it and put this virus with this virus and let's SUPERVIRUSES. HEY, LET'S TAKE THIS VIRUS AND WEAPONIZE IT AND PUT THIS VIRUS WITH THIS VIRUS, AND LET'S ADD THINGS, AND LET'S SEE IF WE CAN CREATE SOMETHING THE HUMAN BODY HAS NEVER EXPERIENCED EVER IN THE HISTORY OF THE HUMAN RACE. THAT'LL KILL A LOT OF PEOPLE. WHO THINKS LIKE THIS?
Starting point is 00:24:56 PEOPLE THAT THINK THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE ON THE EARTH. YES. LIKE BILL GATES AND OTHERS. AND KILL GATES. YEAH, KILL GATES. ALL THESE SCIENTISTS, THEY SUBSCRIBE TO THIS WHOLE like Bill Gates and others. Bill Gates. Yeah, Bill Gates. All these scientists, they subscribe to this whole philosophy that there's just way too many people in the world. We've got to eliminate people.
Starting point is 00:25:13 There aren't enough resources to go around for everybody, which isn't true. There are plenty of resources. But they believe that the solution is fewer people. Because they're part of the Gaia religion. Right. So why would you trust someone to develop a vaccine to cure disease when they want to see people die of disease? Why would we trust people to develop a vaccine when they created the disease? That's right. Right. And it's also people with an ideology that want us dead. You know,
Starting point is 00:25:46 these are the same people that actually openly preach about population control and how there's too many people, how we're going to dim the sun and all this crazy stuff. These people legitimately want us dead and we're trusting them with our medical, like our medicine, our healthcare. You know, it's madness. These scientists at these labs, I've reported in the past where they were sending virus samples to other labs through the postal service. Yes, through the mail. You can't tell me that's not intentional. Like you cannot tell me that you're not specifically doing this with the intention of it leaking
Starting point is 00:26:22 and making people sick. Or you're not as smart as you want us to think you are. Incompetent. You become that arrogant, that cocky that you think, I can just mail a virus to another laboratory, you know, U.S. Postal Service, UPS, FedEx, and nothing's going to happen. Do they become... See, when you become that. Mad. That relaxed about the madness, then that's when mistakes are made.
Starting point is 00:26:54 Right. That's when accidents happen. Or they just don't care that much. You know, oh, if it leaks, it leaks, you know, that kind of thing. And they're just inept anyways. Speaking of relaxed incompetence and irreverence with weapons of mass destruction, did you know that the nuclear football was inside the Capitol on January 6th? I didn't know until about an hour ago.
Starting point is 00:27:16 The Pentagon apparently is doing a safety review. That's how they get the authority to go through monkeypox and other things. They're reviewing things on how to make it safe for us, more secure. Well, they're doing a review of the nuclear football, and Rick, they hid inside this report. We haven't got the full report yet, even. What they have admitted is that on January 6th, when
Starting point is 00:27:38 the Capitol was being breached and an angry mob was going through the halls, Vice President Mike Pence had a nuclear football with him. I say, hey, because Rick, it turns out there's actually three nuclear footballs at all times. But he had that inside the Capitol. I never thought about in the past that the vice president would be carrying the suitcase with the nuclear launch codes. I mean, I've known for many years about the president
Starting point is 00:28:06 always having one with him. But I just never thought about the vice president has one also. So the three nuclear footballs, of course, the president has one. Now, I didn't know before today that the vice president has one. Where's the third one at? This is according to The Guardian. Nancy Pelosi's car trunk. They actually stored it at the White House, they claim. We'll jump down to number 11. The Guardian did a report on this subject. They're actually the only source right now to claim there's more than one. More than one simply with President Trump or whoever the president, President Biden.
Starting point is 00:28:43 They claim that after the Cold War, the man with the bag, they referred to him as like someone in the shadows. They said there's actually three nuclear footballs. One is kept near the president when they leave the White House, another for the vice president, and a third is kept in storage in the White House. Now, in storage, I hope it's not just in the closet, but three, three separate nuclear footballs. And before today, I assumed that there was only one nuclear football, and that was always
Starting point is 00:29:08 with the president. I did not know that there was, you know, one traveling with the vice president at all times and one that's at the White House. But the reason why that particular aspect of the story is important is because Vice President Mike Pence was in the Capitol on January 6 to certify the results of the Electoral College. And apparently he had his nuclear football with him. Yes. And we know this because of some video I found today. So this was actually played during the impeachment trial.
Starting point is 00:29:40 You know, this is the exculpation of President Trump back in February of this year. You see here on screen, you're going to see Vice President Mike Pence. He has a man with the white hair. You see him walking out. You see that man dressed up in military uniform with the white corsage on the right part of his shoulder?
Starting point is 00:29:59 Look at what he's carrying. Look in his left hand. Right there. That man right there, That's a nuclear football. That is the nuclear football. This was played for the country back in February. No one caught this. But someone at the Pentagon did. And because of this incident, because the nuclear football, they assure us, by the way, that even if this had been captured by a supporter or an FBI informant or someone else inside the Capitol grounds,
Starting point is 00:30:24 that there would have been no way for them to order a nuclear strike. They assure us of that. But this incident, that right there, has triggered a full Pentagon review to look at the safety procedures, the security procedures around America's first launch device. Yeah, and does it specify that he's supposed to have it with him? Because it's very strange to me, an ordinary person to be like, why on earth would you take a nuclear football to certify the electors when you knew tensions were high? You knew Trump was having a rally there. Why would he take that there? What is it, a rule that he has to have it with him? Does it specify that?
Starting point is 00:31:00 Well, so there isn't a public manual on the president's emergency satchel. That's the official name. But strategically, it has to be near your VIP, your president, or in this case, the vice president, because the theory is if we were engaged in some kind of standoff or the president is killed, there's been a strike, president's knocked out, the satchel, the nuclear football needs to be near enough to the vice president to be able to launch a nuclear strike. So in theory, near. It has to be near. I'd say within his detachment, wherever he goes. So you're telling me Kamala Harris is currently walking around with a nuclear football. Well, as president, yes. I mean, vice president. As vice president, yes.
Starting point is 00:31:38 Now, since Vice President Mike Pence was in the Capitol building that day, and we saw on the video here that he had nuclear football with him. Was there ever a time where it was in danger of being lost? I mean, to me, that would be a pretty big deal, wouldn't it? Well, what if a crowd had broken into the room where the vice president had? You'd have chaos going on. Right. I mean, if someone got a hold of it, could they set off World War III? Well, the Pentagon says no, but you have to wonder if someone who was near Vice President Pence kicked in a window and tried to move through it, but then was shot at, you know, in the process of
Starting point is 00:32:21 it, you'd have to wonder. If, again, the security were briefed, the nuclear football was near, if Vice President Pence maybe was near to that, we know at a minimum he was being moved expeditiously. You saw in that video, because they were within at least 10 meters of him. Okay, I just found an old article. This was talking about Bill Clinton losing the launch codes. Oh, that's true news classic right there so I remember those stories. So yeah he long Bill Clinton couldn't find the launch codes it didn't tell anybody for a long period of time. And
Starting point is 00:32:54 when we say a long period of time we're talking maybe months maybe even a year. Bill couldn't remember he just couldn't remember how long it had been since he had seen the launch codes. But he knows the definition of this. Yes. This says the authorization codes to launch nuclear weapons is supposed to remain in close proximity to the president at all times, carried by one of five military aides representing each branch of the military. The codes are on a card called the biscuit carried within the football,
Starting point is 00:33:35 a briefcase that is officially known as the president's emergency satchel. So this says the codes are inside the satchel. Inside the nuclear football. So if that's the case, and this information came from General Hugh Shelton, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. You can't lose the biscuit without losing the football. Well, if you lose the football, you've lost the biscuits. And whoever has the football has the codes to launch a nuclear strike. Yes.
Starting point is 00:34:06 They're both together. But in that article from Reuters where it talks about it, they're quoting a U.S. official and says, Speaking on condition of anonymity, they said concerns surrounding the January 6th siege helped trigger the evaluation that everyone was talking about. On that date, Vice President Mike Pence was at the U.S. Capitol accompanied by a military aide carrying a backup nuclear football when the building was stormed by supporters, that's their words, of then-President Donald Trump. And this is the quote. At no point was it ever compromised, said a source familiar with the situation. Even if rioters had taken possession of the satchel, any nuclear strike order would still have needed to be confirmed and processed by the military.
Starting point is 00:34:43 But what you're saying, Rick, is that the codes go with the football. That's what this says, according to Hugh Shelton. But does that mean there's a fail-safe mechanism inside the military that if the president enters the launch codes, it still has to go through some process? Yeah. And remember when that came out, that book about Milley? Apparently, allegedly, he had told Nancy Pelosi, oh, he can't nuke everybody or nuke any President Trump can't because we have stuff set in place to prevent that. So basically what it means is it comes down to the loyalty of the military. Are they loyal to the president?
Starting point is 00:35:23 The military could override the commander-in-chief in a time of extreme crisis. Yes. Okay, so I got a question. Ashley Babbitt, who was shot and killed, as she attempted to crawl through the window to go into the next section of the Capitol, the mysterious hand comes out, shoots her, kills her.
Starting point is 00:35:50 There's speculation that the man who shot her, it's only speculation, was a Secret Service agent assigned to Vice President Pence. Now with this information about that Mr. Pence had the nuclear suitcase with him, with then the launch codes also, is it possible that Vice President Pence was extremely close to that location at the moment that Mrs. Babbitt tried to get through that window? Was he perhaps just on the other side of the door in another room? And that was his secret service agent who said, we got a mob coming in here. He's got the nuclear suitcase. It's certainly possible because the reports from the day was that not only was Vice President Pence kept near the other lawmakers, but it said that the protesters at several times saw him. They crossed paths almost. It's very close.
Starting point is 00:36:53 He was only, and they gave him time, probably 10 meters. They saw Vice President Pence? Yes, there was one moment that was covered during the impeachment hearings where Vice President Pence's detail passed by where some people were going through the Capitol. And they yelled, they screamed at him. And Vice President Pike Pence, according to the reporting, could hear the pointed message directed toward him. But again, at other times, they were in vicinity of him. And Cockburn, for example, the reporter for Spectator, said that what he has heard, common knowledge among intelligence community employees in D.C., is that it was indeed a Secret Service agent and that they were covering it up and saying
Starting point is 00:37:35 it was a Capitol policeman, but we didn't know why. Why there would be this massive cover-up. This could be it. Yes. I think we've stumbled onto something. I mean, if a crowd, angry crowd, had run towards Vice President Pence, what would have been the reaction of the people around him? Well, they took NetSupport's laptop. I mean, they were looking to take things. But the people who were surrounding Vice President Pence. Flighty, on top, ready to shoot. Hypervigilant.
Starting point is 00:38:09 I mean, they would do anything to protect Vice President Pence and the nuclear football. Using that logic, then it's conceivable that the vice president was on the other side of that door where Ashley Babbitt was trying to get access to. And actually, that makes a lot of sense, Rick, because from the very beginning, from that particular day, it has constantly bugged me. If the people coming into the Capitol building, the protesters that were there, if they're the bad people and the Capitol Police and all these guys that are protecting the building, they're the heroes, right? And notice they celebrate, well, I can't say celebrated, but they honored the death of those Capitol Police officers that died, not as a result of anything that happened that day, but just heart attacks and stuff like that. And they made it sound like that.
Starting point is 00:39:10 But here we have this one hand that comes out of the darkness that shoots one of the protesters. And my argument has been from the very beginning, why haven't they celebrated that guy? Why haven't they had a parade for him? Why hasn't Joe Biden invited him to the White House and given him the Medal of Honor or Medal of Freedom
Starting point is 00:39:33 or the Medal of Communism, whatever, give him a medal, because you stopped the protest dead in its tracks, literally dead in its tracks. Why haven't they done that? Well, it would really make sense that if the nuclear football was right there, there is no way that they're going to let the American public know that we were about, what, eight feet away from a whole bunch of people actually getting close to the nuclear football.
Starting point is 00:40:03 You know who can answer this? The NSO group. There is a firm, Rick, that is rocking DC right now, has been rocking it for quite some time, been doing more than that actually. They've been putting apps onto people's phones, able to turn the phone into a mini spy device. And this is broken this week. Not only were they spying on pretty much everyone in the Capitol through these subcontractors, but they were working with the main power brokers, which, who knows, could have involved
Starting point is 00:40:35 Vice President Mike Pence, but we know for sure involved people like General Michael Flynn, to actually spread this spyware. Where is this company, NSO, where are they located? Depending on what subsidiary you quote from, their main funder and part of their headquarters is in London. But, I say this with a big but, NSO Group was founded out of Israel. Their co-founders are retired members of Unit 8200, which is an elite Israeli military defense agency. And they've
Starting point is 00:41:12 been working extensively with other tech firms based out of Tel Aviv and now in the United States to spread the joy of spyware through people such as General Flynn, former Department of Homeland Security Secretary for Obama, Jay Johnson, even current employees in the Biden administration. So according to these reports first came out in The Guardian, what was it? 50,000. 50,000 phone numbers.
Starting point is 00:41:41 Right. And remember when it first broke, it was journalists that they were concerned about. All these journalists, all these, the people that Guardian and the Times. Financial Times. Right. Financial Times that had been compromised by this spyware and everything. But now we're finding a deeper hole, of course. Not only were those journalists, quote, compromised, which I don't believe they were compromised, but they were on the list. I do, Doc. I do. Well, I think it's playing to them.
Starting point is 00:42:11 I know why you don't, because here's why I believe. The Israeli Zionists, obviously they're using, these journalists are friendly with them. Right. Right? Writers at the London Times. Bloomberg. Bloomberg. They're all friendly with them. Right. Right? Writers at the London Times. Bloomberg. Bloomberg, they're all friendly with Israel.
Starting point is 00:42:28 I mean, they're, you know, they would never write anything detrimental to the state of Israel, but in the eyes of the Zionists, they're goyim. They're just goyim. And they can be used. They can be used. Okay. So they use them in any way that benefits the Zionist state. And if befriending them, making them think that they're part of the network and you keep them on, you keep them talking to you,
Starting point is 00:43:05 if that works for the Zionist state, fine. But spying on them, that works fine too. And you're not violating, in the Zionist mind, you're not violating any ethics code because they're goyim. They're not even human. You're permitted according to the Talmud to do that. They're subhuman in the eyes of the Zionists.
Starting point is 00:43:26 All non-Jews are subhuman. Now, that is what the Talmud teaches. Well, Rick, this Goy can read. And I'll tell you what, what I've learned is that the NSO group publicly claims they couldn't spy on America. It's impossible. It's illegal. But they set up a matrix of subsidiaries that we now have information about. One of them was called Westbridge Technologies. Now, this was founded in 2014. Actually, part of the setup for this company, Lauren, was out of your home state, Delaware. Delaware.
Starting point is 00:43:59 It had a headquarters in Virginia and Maryland. Now, they used this specific subsidiary to pitch U.S. intelligence agencies and police departments. Also, the DEA. So, San Diego, L.A., and the DEA, and, of course, the CIA. They were able to actually make about $700,000 selling this technology, though some of these outlets said it was way too expensive. We're not sure exactly what was sold to agencies outside of this, but what we do know is that that group used something called OSI Technologies.
Starting point is 00:44:32 Now, this is another subsidiary of NSO Group, the Israeli spy firm. They used this to pay General Michael Flynn as a consultant, a contractor. Now, this is a quote from the Washington Post article. Between 2015 and 2017, NSO's parent company, OSY Technologies, and a previous owner, Francisco Partners, paid roughly $100,000 to Michael Flynn, the former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and future National security advisor to Donald Trump, for what Flynn said was consulting work.
Starting point is 00:45:08 Now, he said this in a financial disclosure form. I have this to show in just a moment. There is no other information about this work. He's always described this as consulting work. And he's never been asked in an interview. But this is absolutely true. And it was during a time period that General Flynn was working on President Trump's campaign and entering the White House. OK, so, you know, looking at the years, I don't know what what months in 2015, what months in 2017.
Starting point is 00:45:35 So that time span could be two to three years. you're looking at somewhere between $33,000 to $50,000 per year is what Michael Flynn received. It's not a lot of money for somebody at his stature to be doing consulting work. I mean, how much? It's a big role in my life. It's very. It's almost like a retainer. It's just a retainer fee. So what role did he serve?
Starting point is 00:46:07 Why did they want him on their payroll? Okay, my guess is his phone contacts. I'm going to assume that General Flynn himself did not even know what NSO was doing. But by having some influential, well-connected man, such as a retired U.S. general, who is close to Donald Trump, and then eventually, you know, he's in the campaign,
Starting point is 00:46:43 and the president's elected, and now 2017, Mr. he's in the campaign and the president's elected. And now 2017, Mr. Trump's in the White House. If General Flynn's phone was secretly infected with NSO spyware that he did not know about. Every time he made a phone call, they had a contact. They had a way to infect that phone. The ports are, all it takes is a link. Do you see where I'm getting? Yes. It's a center of influence.
Starting point is 00:47:16 Right. Hey, we'll pay you $100,000. We'll put you on contract. We'll give you $100,000. All they want you to do is make phone calls. Yes. They'll do all the work. They'll do everything else.
Starting point is 00:47:29 You just make, you just call the people you know. And look, if that's a case with General Flynn, it's a case with, it's a possibility rather, with every person NSO group consulted with, which we know now is, it includes the first Department of Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge. He was brought in actually after the Khashoggi killing to do like a PR spin on it. Also, Obama's DHS chief, Jay Johnson, I mentioned this. Another Obama alumni in the Department of Homeland Security, Juliette Kayyem. A current Biden senior advisor, Anita Dunn.
Starting point is 00:48:11 She did PR work to to kind of revitalize and and make NSO group and the Pegasus software, which we've learned was used to track down and hunt Jamal Khashoggi and his friends. Sure. Her job is to make them look better. In addition to that, we also have Biden's general counsel for the administration office. This is an office inside the White House. Dan Jacobson, he was also paid and consulted with NSO Group. This group also worked, Rick, with the same company that was promoting Hikvision. Remember the Chinese PLA military? With former Senator Vitters. Yes, Vitters. Yes, it's quite the web. And if, again, if their job was to make phone
Starting point is 00:48:48 calls or to act as even a test, let me show you my phone. Hey, I've got the app on it. I want to show what can do the capabilities of this spyware. It also turned the phone into a microphone. Yes. You now have something way more powerful than the Stingray spy device that Israel is reportedly using in D.C., you have the ability to listen and act upon the deepest and secret conversations of our government. Yeah. So the European paper is reporting today that French President Macron was also targeted by NSO. Right. by NSO. And so it means the Israelis, possibly MI6 in London, were listening to the phone calls of
Starting point is 00:49:36 the president of France. And who does he call? Heads of state around the world. So they have advanced knowledge of what these leaders are thinking, what they're planning to do, the actions that they're going to take, the investments that are going to be made in their country, their strategies, how they're going to negotiate, what their position is going to be on issues. Specifically the Iran nuclear deal. There was one man in that Garden article that was mentioned. He was the chief negotiator on the Iran-U.S. nuclear deal. So if you know all this information, you can block deals.
Starting point is 00:50:20 You can block treaties, negotiations. You can outsmart your competitors. You can embarrass your enemies. There's a lot that you can do if you're listening to the phone calls of the most important people in the world. Does anybody get outraged by this anymore? No, they don't. It doesn't bother them, Rick. You just assume that there's no such thing as privacy anymore. You can't get outraged at Tucker Carlson being spied on by the NSA and not be outraged by this story. You're not being fair. You're not being honest to yourself. And in an ironic twist, you know, I know there's a lot of people that are big fans of Telegram, right? It's supposed to be super encrypted and super, you know, you can't hack that.
Starting point is 00:51:04 No, no. We got the one thing you can't hack. Well, turns out the founder of Telegram, he's listed in the leaked Pegasus project data. In other words, his number is on that list too. So does that mean not only is Pavel Doral himself, maybe he's been hacked. Has Telegram itself been hacked by NSO Group? And not necessarily hacked, but did it give them access to all the data of all the users of Telegram, you know, is what I'd be curious in finding out too, like how much access did these people have? Well, one other thing edward mentioned this earlier um that uh nso group has a lot of these subsidiaries around the world several
Starting point is 00:51:51 subsidiaries have popped up here in the u.s they've tried marketing they can't directly sell surveillance technology here in the u.s rec it's forbidden? But guess what you can do? You can start a company here in the United States and apparently they can surveil you because that's exactly what NSO Group did. They started a company called Westbridge. And what they did is they took the concept of the Pegasus software device app and they rebranded it into what's called Phantom. And Phantom was the system that was directly marketed, like Edward was mentioning earlier, directly to law enforcement around the country for a price. This is what the Westbridge Group,
Starting point is 00:52:46 based up in the Northeast, they were selling to various law enforcement agencies like the LAPD, the pitch to the DEA, and others. So the selling point is, don't you want to listen to the phone calls of drug dealers? Right. And so it actually gathers information from every single app on your phone.
Starting point is 00:53:06 It's not just listening to phone conversations. Everything that transmits data, your emails, your location tracking, which, by the way, shut it off, okay? Your contacts, instant messaging, your browser history, all your social networks, your pictures, your microphone, everything is being gathered with with the use of the Phantom app. It's like having a spice on your right shoulder. So if if this was sold to local police departments and you know, this is to be used against the bad people. Yeah. Those bad guys. Pedophiles and drug dealers and, you know.
Starting point is 00:53:53 Patriots. No, they wouldn't say that. They're just bad people. But don't you think eventually then it went to a political purpose? The police could listen to people that they might think are politically incorrect. Or what about listening to the mayor's conversation, listening to the city council?
Starting point is 00:54:19 Just to make sure they're not doing anything bad. Precisely. And now the police become little KGBs with compromising information on the mayor or the city council president. And now you have power, kind of like the CIA has over congressmen and senators. You see how this thing is just going down, down to the local level, down to the local level down to the city level there's surveillance of everybody in blackmail and extortion a story where can't get to today but there's a monsignor up in the Northeast his name is monsignor Burrell he's the the the director of the. Conference of Bishops. Well, at least he was.
Starting point is 00:55:06 He was until this week. He's had to step down because apparently on his phone there is data that he was using Grindr, which is a hookup app for homosexuals, and also pinpoint his location at gay bars and everything. Now, what's interesting is how this information was gathered, Rick. Apparently, everything that you use your phone for, that data is being uploaded somewhere and that data can be packaged and sold. So every one of us at table here, if we have a phone, everything that's going on in our phones is uploaded and it can be bundled together. And what happened? That could be. Well, it is. So someone bought a bundle of data and they were able to drill down and discover Monsignor Burrell's
Starting point is 00:56:06 information specifically. And they took that data and were able to determine that he was using Grindr, that he was going to gay bars, going to gay spas and massage parlors and all this other stuff. While he was supposed to be carrying out the Vatican's response to the sex scandals in the country. But what I'm saying is that data, you can, Rick, you could buy the data if you wanted to. You could go out and buy these big packages of data. If you have enough resources, you have the right software, you could actually isolate an individual. But who was targeting him? That's the question.
Starting point is 00:56:41 I mean, somebody went through a lot of effort and money to target that one man. Right. Who is it? The report is it's an independent Catholic outlet, very small. And I hadn't heard of him before reading the story. But again, that's just the front story possibly. It could have been someone else, an enemy, or someone that had been abused looking out trying to get his own back on the Catholic Church.
Starting point is 00:57:02 Look, you just have to assume that there is no privacy whatsoever. Privacy's over. Right. I don't know how you can get it back. You'd have to have, well, an EMP attack would destroy all communication. Then you'd have privacy again. But right now, we're in a post privacy world
Starting point is 00:57:25 well um this is the satanic equivalent of omniscience yes it's uh satan trying to gather as much information and data as he can using human beings to gather that yes um in order to imitate god that's all satan does is is imitates god at every step of the way. And this gathering of information, at some point in the AI supercomputer, that is, will roll out at some point, where they'll make the decisions based on all this data that they're accumulating, where they'll say, we don't need Edward anymore.
Starting point is 00:58:01 We don't need Lauren anymore. We don't need these eaters anymore over here. But we do need this group of people to survive and lead and to promote the human race. But a computer is only as smart as the people who program it. And so someone is controlling this flow of data, and they're under demonic influence, Rick. Yes, no doubt about it. Data is the most valuable resource on the planet right now. But in the kingdom of God, wisdom.
Starting point is 00:58:38 That's right. Wisdom is the principal thing. With all thy getting, get wisdom. Wisdom. Yeah, get up every morning and seek wisdom and understanding. THE PRINCIPLE THING, WITH ALL THY GETTING GOOD WISDOM. WISDOM. YEAH, GET UP EVERY MORNING AND SEEK WISDOM AND UNDERSTANDING. THE WORLD IS SEEKING INFORMATION, DIRT. WHAT CAN THEY GATHER ON SOMEBODY TO EXTORT THEM,
Starting point is 00:58:55 TO GET A JUMP ON THEM? BUT IN GOD'S KINGDOM, WE'RE TOLD TO SEEK WISDOM. AMEN. AND THE WISDOM IS GIVEN GENEROUSLY TO ANYBODY kingdom, we're told to seek wisdom. Amen. And the wisdom is given generously to anybody who will get up in the morning and ask the Holy Spirit for wisdom. Hey, I understand, did you interview the Arizona State Senator? Wendy Rogers. Wendy Rogers. So big news. I mean, as everybody knows that the Arizona audits have been happening, they've been going on for the last couple of months. They started introducing some of the stuff that we might have seen that went wrong with the election audits in Arizona.
Starting point is 00:59:35 And it appears that the fraud was extravagant, like what they did was absolutely terrible to Maricopa County, Arizona. So we wanted to get to the source ourselves. So we reached out and interviewed State Senator Wendy Rogers. She is in Arizona. I don't think her district is Maricopa County, but she is one of the few state senators that is fighting for election integrity and fighting for the results of the audit. As you know, every institution has been fighting this audit, trying to discredit it as like a conspiracy theory. However, it is one of the most legitimate audits that has ever been performed in United States history. I mean, it was ordered by a judge. It was they hired a real audit company and they went through everything. It was a
Starting point is 01:00:15 forensic audit. So we did an interview with Wendy Rogers and we asked her some other questions, too. And we got her to share a little bit of her testimony. I a huge fan so good so let's uh you want to just go into it right after carrie kinsey's uh that's a good idea let's uh let's share carrie's uh second true news headline segment and we'll be back in just a moment with wendy rogers welcome to true news headlines i'm carrie kinsey the south china morning post reporting that a research team in western China is showing off a drone that can travel through the air and underwater. Similar drones have to rotate their blades at a slow speed when they're in the wet stuff, or they can snap them.
Starting point is 01:00:59 But Chinese researchers in Xi'an say this drone uses two kinds of blades. One of them spins in water at 3,600 times per minute. That generates a powerful thrust. Researchers there say cross-medium UAVs went between water and air seven times in one test. The Chinese say they see this being used for military and civilian use like beach rescues. For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website. It's called The Guardian says a man in Western Australia found a good way to beat his COVID quarantine.
Starting point is 01:01:38 He tied bed sheets together to escape from a fourth floor of a hotel. A man has allegedly escaped hotel quarantine in Perth, abseiling four stories using a rope made out of bed sheets, only to find himself in jail tonight. Instead, the 39-year-old arrived on a flight from Brisbane without a permit and was sent into quarantine to Brittany Hoskins, who is in Perth tonight. Brittany was on the run for very long. Michael, he enjoyed eight hours of freedom before authorities arrested him in Mount Lawley, around seven kilometres from the Great Eastern Lodge Motel
Starting point is 01:02:16 here in Rivervale. Yeah, Travis J. Miles returned a negative test result for COVID, but he was charged with providing misleading information. Charlotte Observer says more snakes are taking on facial deformities because of a snake fungal disease. Now, it's a skin disease wildlife experts don't quite understand. The fatal condition is showing up more in the eastern part of the country. The UK Sun says actor Mel Gibson called Britney Spears at her lowest point and told her God would save her. That according to Spears' best friend,
Starting point is 01:02:52 Sean Phillip. In 2008, the pop princess went through a bad breakup. Phillip told the Sun, I remember Mel Gibson was one of them, telling her that Christianity would save her and to turn back to God. He said it was all quite surreal. That's a look at True News headlines. Let's toss it back now to Edward. Thanks for watching. So we have with us today State Senator Rogers from Arizona. I'm sure everybody here has heard about her.
Starting point is 01:03:27 She is taking America by storm, leading the charge on election integrity. Recently, Arizona did perform audits in Arizona, and you're hearing about it everywhere. And we brought on the source. We brought on State Senator Rogers today to tell us what is exactly going on in Arizona. We hear everything. We see it all over Twitter. But we want to hear it from you. Can you tell us what they found? Well, thank you, Lauren, for having me. I represent northern Arizona. And we, of course, had our preliminary report put out in a hearing last Thursday by my colleagues, state Senator, President Karen Fann and Warren Peterson. And as you know, by background, Maricopa County is the most populated
Starting point is 01:04:13 county in Arizona, predominantly the Phoenix area, where we then prevailed to audit 2.1 million ballots. And so the preliminary report that came out this past week was really, we think, pretty earth-shaking. I'll just tick off three or four data points which speak to the original now inaccuracy of the election certification, quote-unquote, that we submitted several months ago. For example, 37,000-plus security queries were made in March of this year, whereby thousands of logs were deleted. Almost 4,000 people registered to vote after the October 15th deadline yet were allowed to vote. 11,000 plus voters were not on the voter rolls November 7th, a few days after the election, but miraculously showed up in December, on December 4th. I mean, how does that happen, right?
Starting point is 01:05:27 And then 18,000 voted, voted in November, but then were-in ballots were mailed in and counted as votes, but were not tracked as having been sent out originally to the voters. So how does that even happen? And all of these anomalies speak to the inaccuracy of the election thus far with what we know. Can you tell us about the bleeding Sharpies? You know, we've been hearing about that. And I saw, you know, there was a tweet that came out from the Maricopa County Election Audit page where they were talking about the Sharpies that were they voters use, that they were bleeding through. And you made a really interesting suggestion yesterday, we read, about possibly that they did that to specifically tarnish Republican ballots, because Republicans were the ones that came in to vote on Election Day. Can you tell us your theory with that? Well, you exactly jumped right on it. We knew that Republicans were going to wait. Everybody knew in the country that
Starting point is 01:06:47 that was the prevailing mindset, that Republicans would wait until Election Day to vote in person to ostensibly know that their ballot was not disposed of or, you know, thrown away on its way to the poll. So a lot of people showed up in person to vote. And interesting that you asked me because I performed sort of an experiment for myself with a Sharpie. And I filled in what a bubble would be on a regular piece of paper from my printer. And sure enough, it bled through. And so this speaks to the situation where if a voter were to show up to vote and then they print off his ballot. And there's no consistency, by the way, on the type of paper that a polling location could utilize. They could go to Kinko's or OfficeMax and get a ream of paper and print off ballots, and they did. And there's
Starting point is 01:07:52 actually nothing written against doing that. We need to tighten that up. But they did. And so that could happen with a Sharpie. And you exactly hit the nail on the head. So all of these anomalies speak to the fact that the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors has a lot of explaining to do. But what do they do? They continue to obstruct and obfuscate and go whining, honestly, to the left and to the media to try to, as we say in the Air Force, run top cover for them. And it's just not working. And so I get this question on every interview I do. Senator Rogers, why would these people continue to be intransigent and and unhelpful because don't they all want to know the truth just as we do and i would say to you i guess not because they human nature would lead me to think they are either embarrassed or covering up or whatever but But something interesting that CEO Doug Logan told me of Cyber Ninjas,
Starting point is 01:09:09 the most tech savvy guy on the whole operation, the boss, he said that where there is most resistance, what little areas there is most resistance are usually the areas they're trying to cover up. OK, yeah, Senator Rogers on the bleeding Sharpie that some have called it Sharpie gate. I think the bleeding Sharpie is much like the hanging chat of the 2000 election in the sense that that is something we can directly look at and question. First of all, who even made the call? You'd have to have gotten that approved, right, to decide to use a Sharpie on election day to fill out the ballot. And what you're actually proposing is the direct, I guess, vulnerability, the liability of using an electronic
Starting point is 01:09:57 machine to count or to organize the ballots after a ballot has been filled out. I mean, the bleeding Sharpie to me, it makes me wonder if this has been done throughout the nation. Do you know who ordered it on November 3rd? This memo came out October 22nd, and I'll read you the highlighted part. We need, and this is a Maricopa County official cascading down to the underling officials under her. And this was nine o'clock at night, October 22nd. And she says, thank you for all your support and hard work. And now I want to speak to what writing implements to use. She said, starting tomorrow, 23 October through 2 November, we're asking that clerks hand the voters ballpoint pens, capital letters, rather than markers. And then the next sentence, we need to use markers on Election Day. But for now, and through the 2nd of November, hand the voters a ballpoint pen. Please message this to your inspectors and ensure
Starting point is 01:11:07 they pass the word to everyone on the board. So this is, of course, online now and being seen for what it was. And, you know, you asked me, well, is this a nefarious attempt to undermine an election? Hard to say, but it sure looks suspicious when so many ballots then had to be, quote unquote, adjudicated because of the bleed through. Wow. Well, I'll tell you what, Senator Rogers, that makes me think it wasn't my county. I'm here out here in Florida. That happened here, and they changed the rules just for Election Day when, again, the majority of Republicans would be voting, not those who are sending in mass mail-in ballots, absentee voters, all these other mechanisms which were used really for the first time in mass during the 2020 election. We'd be calling to get rid of those election voting machines. Really, the counting machines and also the machines themselves.
Starting point is 01:12:14 I think this would be a clear evidentiary point to really point toward, other than the exorbitant price these companies charge. Is this going to be the route to get elections back to the way they do it in India and other countries, with your finger going into a piece of red paint and physically filling out a ballot and having a human count it? What we need is one piece of paper per voter on Election Day. One day you must go to the polls unless you're serving in the military or you're an invalid and cannot get up and out. This is what actually Doug Logan of Cyber Ninjas told me. He said, Senator Rogers, I had three very in-depth sort of debriefs with him, just he and I. And he said, this is what we need to hearken back to.
Starting point is 01:12:58 He said, the more technology advances, the more room for mischief there can be. And, you know, you speak to a couple of other things on my mind that I want to kind of go over. There was evidence of shared passwords among election officials. The antivirus definition wasn't updated since 2019, which begs the question, why? Because otherwise you would be led to believe then they were connected to the internet. The election management breach in November when the letters were sent out. Envelope images have not been provided to us. Maricopa County has refused to assist on that. The ballot batches, I mean, I saw this when I was on the floor, pink counting slips in the boxes did not match the number of ballots in the box.
Starting point is 01:13:54 Ballot paper, as I said, was printed on not a correct thickness. And ballot calibration was off by 1900 percent. It's supposed to be 100 percent. So these are huge errors. And if you ask me, well, Senator Rogers, you know, you've talked about decertifying the election. What does that really look like? The U.S. Constitution endows the state legislatures specifically to have oversight and plenary power on the presidential election. And as such, then our state Senate and our state House are responsible as the state legislature to say there were inaccuracies in the report we submitted months ago. And to decertify, you simply have to say that the first report wasn't accurate. It's an incredible thing. I mean, it makes sense. If obviously the certification was done under the grounds that no one knew about these astounding anomalies during the election, you would think it would be an obvious thing, even a just thing for a legislature to move forward.
Starting point is 01:15:14 My understanding is it requires a majority in both the House and the Senate. And for Republicans, they control that, right, in your state? Yes, however tenuous it is. We have a 16-14-1 vote majority in the state Senate and in the state House, 31-29. So my colleague, President Karen Fann, has done an absolutely magnificent job navigating those narrow straits thus far. We just adjourned the 30th of June. Of course, this is ongoing, though. So we know we've watched as you've been fighting even Republicans every step of the way, and you're going to need enough Republican votes to decertify this election. Is that correct? And the electors from this election in Arizona, is that correct? Yes. And we are working hard to
Starting point is 01:16:02 get there. OK. Now, there has been, you know, the essence of McCain that has remained lingering in Arizona. Let's check out and see what Cindy McCain recently had to say about your election audit in Arizona. Let's run that clip. What do you make of all this? Is the Arizona Republican Party undermining democracy? Oh, listen, the whole thing is ludicrous. Quite frankly, it's ludicrous. And this also comes from a state party in Arizona that refused to be audited themselves on votes that were cast
Starting point is 01:16:36 within their own party communications. So, you know, the election is over. Biden won. How much influence would you say that the McCain's still have in Arizona? Well, overtly, they don't, in my opinion, have nearly the cachet that they had. Also, bear in mind, Mrs. McCain was overtly supportive of Biden. So you really have to sort of take what she says with a grain of salt. Maybe even less than that, maybe just a pinch. I mean, Cindy McCain, when the late Senator McCain
Starting point is 01:17:14 was still alive, we had our grievances with some of the positions he took, especially the last minute vote against repeal of Obamacare that was under President Trump. Cindy McCain, I'm not sure if you're aware of this, Senator Rogers, but she actually admitted back in 2020 that her daughter had a friend who had been trafficked or abused by Jeffrey Epstein. And she decided not to say anything about it then. That was a clip during a conference. She now has come out. She's been appointed by Biden to head as an ambassador at the UN for the food and welfare program but the way you see how they're framing this is Jake Tapper CNN it's it's ludicrous they're checking the type of paper of course they're checking the right type of paper right if they didn't do this Senator Rogers they wouldn't have
Starting point is 01:17:59 found for example the the anomaly with the bleeding sharpie. Is that correct? Right. And also, let's talk about auditable professions. Every other profession and line of work in this country practically is subject to audit. And for our democracy to simply not not consider auditing elections is ludicrous, to use her word. Honestly, we have to keep moving the ball forward. We cannot let this narrative that we are now commanding stop until we expose the election fraud and we get our country back. And I've been known to have said this. I actually predict one day even Democrats will turn on other Democrats when the fraud is finally exposed, because it's already starting to happen in New York in the Democrat mayor's race. The 135,000 test ballots that were counted as votes. You'd think that would have started a national movement
Starting point is 01:19:06 to take Arizona and actually other places like Michigan, Georgia, the places they want to do audits, the places they're getting obstructed by the same agents and powers of which you're facing in Arizona. But it seems we're at this weird median. And we follow your Twitter very closely, Senator Raj. I think that your courage has inspired many to actually be vocal. We're in a time, however, where being vocal, it's likely also to get you silenced, get you censored. And what you're proposing, the intriguing part about it, is that we're actually discussing the possibility of a decertification of an election,
Starting point is 01:19:45 which has already gone through the point where we have inaugurated the president of the United States. If Arizona were to decertify, have there been officials in other states giving the indication that they might look into the same anomalies that you found in Arizona and maybe pursue the same action, a decertification? And where would that go? It'd be like a constitutional crisis, wouldn't it? Well, we are there in the breach to support them, especially Georgia and Pennsylvania, who sent out state representatives and state senators who I hosted, Doug Mastriano, for
Starting point is 01:20:16 example, who's a great patriot. We're both airborne qualified and we really sort of clicked. We, as Arizonans, started the ball rolling in the most in-depth, far-ranging scope of an audit possible. And now it's up to us to continue the fight, to continue to home in on the truth, but to also encourage other states to do so. And they're all my contacts in my smartphone. I talk to these colleagues across the country every day. I just talked to a gal in South Carolina who had come out to the audit earlier this morning on her online stream. So this is imperative that we come together as Americans and save our country. In fact, we should audit every county in all 50 states who used these machines. Any of them. You know, it's almost as if we, you know, there's a pressure not to say the name of the company, not to make statements
Starting point is 01:21:21 we can't defend, because I'm sure you've faced this, where anything you say, you're not only going to get scrutinized by the left-leaning media in your state, but you're also going to potentially face maybe attacks from Katie Hobbs, the Secretary of State there, right? The companies themselves, I think I speak for many Americans, Senator Rogers, the trust is gone. I can't say if I were to show up at my election precinct in 2022, or let's say 2024, that if I cast a vote for a certain candidate, I'm not confident that that vote is going to get counted, let alone be given as information, the overall results to the electors to then go to electoral college and carry out our form of government. Precisely the reason Karen Fann, Senator Fann, continues to emphasize that we have to restore election integrity.
Starting point is 01:22:18 The left calls it voter suppression, but we must bang the drum and continue to use the words of truth, which are restore election integrity, which means get to the truth first and foremost of what happened in 2020 and then also fix it for 2022. But what became really clear to me when these other states came out to visit was that they wanted the truth in their state for 2020. We're not just going to accept what happened. Well, part of the words of truth I think a lot of Americans are facing down is that those words themselves are being considered to be extremist markers. You know, to even say many of the things that you've said to us during this interview, are now considered by the Biden administration and the techno-fascists who are coming up with these algorithms of censorship,
Starting point is 01:23:11 to be words of terrorists, to be extremists. You know, there's a score that came out. There's a data company. They've produced a version of China's social credit score. I'm not sure if you saw this or not at the beginning of the year, but they're based on the people who came to the January 6th rally and revolved in the Stop the Steal movement back in January. They had actually created something called an extremist score.
Starting point is 01:23:35 Senator Rogers, you're an elected official. I mean, the people look to you. People honestly would see you as a leader, especially with your military background. To follow you, even to follow us, the average American citizen now has to consider they will be considered a terrorist by their own government. What can we do about that, Senator Rogers? We can never tire. We can never back down.
Starting point is 01:24:00 We have to double down. I think about the two times that I visited Auschwitz, first as an officer, as an Air Force pilot, and then later as a mother taking our daughter there. And I've visited the killing fields in Cambodia. And I've taken our children, George and Emily, to these places in history. And their father and I have been married 43 years. Both of us served 20 years in the military. Congratulations. Well, thank you. And half of those 20 years we were overseas, our daughter was born overseas. And we have shown them these places and we have made sure that our grandchildren understand. You cannot stop. You cannot just accept the status quo
Starting point is 01:24:47 and hope that it gets better because it won't, because they're counting on you to do that. They're counting on you to simply go along to get along. We cannot let that happen. And, you know, back to Maricopa County, they still need to hand over 40 percent of their machines and routers. And the company still has the passwords to the routers so that we can't even see who accessed the machines in November. We're not going to accept that. We're going to continue. Bear in mind that this audit has survived four, one, two, three, four court hearings and decisions. And we're very proud of that. And so I will do whatever it takes to lead, to make sure that we finish the audit, that we hold the Board of Supervisors accountable to possibly sending them to jail.
Starting point is 01:25:43 And we have to get to the truth and we will not give up. Senator Rogers, you've mentioned the subpoenas, you know, and the companies themselves kind of just ignoring the order to give over data, give over passwords, give over machines themselves. What power does the Arizona Senate have? And can they actually arrest, for example, a Maricopa Board of Supervisors official or others who are basically obstructing the audit? We hope so. We hope that we have that capability, that all those avenues are being pursued by the day. Definitely, because we were it was ruled in our favor legally, and so we are working on that. Before I switch over to Lauren, I had one question about Arizona citizens who may have gotten caught up and potentially arrested in the Capitol. This is on January 6th. You mentioned
Starting point is 01:26:42 this starting a movement. A lot of people went to the Capitol on January 6th, you mentioned this starting a movement. A lot of people went to the Capitol on January 6th for the protests because they believed the election had been stolen. They heard their president say the election had been stolen from him. Some are now being held in solitary confinement. Arizona citizens, maybe even some of your constituents. Is there a movement, is there a will among other legislators like yourself to rescue these Arizona citizens from those D.C. jails? We need to do everything we can to bring justice to the forefront and not let the U.S. government
Starting point is 01:27:20 tell us as a state what to do. And so along that line, we have really taken our state legislative responsibility very seriously. As we said, the U.S. Constitution endows the state legislature oversight of the presidential election. So whatever we can do as a state and as a state legislature to push back against the feds, we will do. We'd love to hear it. Senator Rogers, thank you so much for coming on today. True News is a Christian network, and we all pray for our elected officials. But we were wondering if you were a born-again Christian, if you would mind sharing your testimony with our viewers today. Well, thank you. I was raised in a family of faith. My father was an army officer. I'm a fifth generation military officer. Both my husband and I were raised in Protestant families. Both of our children are married with children, and both are families of faith. I've grown up in a Christian home, and I was always
Starting point is 01:28:26 imbued with the foundation of knowing that Jesus died for our sins on the cross, and we are so fortunate to have him as our Savior. And if we invite him into our heart, I but for such a time as this, as said in the book of Esther, if you had asked me, Lauren, two years ago, hey, Wendy Rogers, you're running for state Senate. You're going to be at the pointy tip of the sword for the national presidential election. And I would have said, how can you even imagine that? And now here we are. And, you know, it's sort of incredible. And I feel as though God has prepared me for this and that I will serve. Yeah. And, you know, Jess, you had mentioned Esther. And it's interesting how God gives ordinary people extraordinary influence,
Starting point is 01:29:23 and only he is capable of doing that. And, you know, God bless you. We'll be praying for you. Thank you so much for your time today. God bless you. God bless all of you. Thank you. What an awesome interview. Good job, Lauren. I don't think anyone else has gotten the Senator to share her testimony before. Well, that's what we do here at True News. This is what we do. And, you know, she was like, I never imagined in a million years I'd be a state senator leading the charge on election integrity for President Trump. You know, all this stuff. And, you know, it's true. God does take ordinary people and place them in positions of extraordinary influence and gives them extraordinary influence. And, you know,
Starting point is 01:30:03 that goes to show, you know, she is a national name now and she's fighting for what's right and fighting for truth. So God bless Wendy Rogers. Well, I think the most interesting thing in that interview, other than the very detailed information about the audit, was the bleeding Sharpies. Yeah. I mean, this, how is this not going to become the hanging chad of 2020? The bleeding Sharpies are how these ballots were disqualified. And the craziest part about this is that they were talking about this before the election. Right. As a matter of fact, Maricopa County before the election, Maricopa County, Arizona, they put out a public service announcement to the voters in the Phoenix area saying you could use a black pen, you could use a blue pen, and you could use a Sharpie.
Starting point is 01:30:53 And so we dug back through the True News archives. We found that public service announcement. Here is the Maricopa County Office of Elections saying, Sharpies are okay. Did you know you can use a black or blue pen or Sharpie to fill out your ballot in Maricopa County? The new tabulation equipment only reads the ovals, so bleed throughs are not a problem.
Starting point is 01:31:19 The new ballot style also has off-centered columns that don't allow for bleed throughs to fill out ovals on the other side of the ballot. At the vote center, you may notice fine-tipped Sharpies are used. That's because it's the fastest drying ink and works best on the tabulation equipment. If you're filling out your ballot at home, you can use blue or black ink with ballpoint pen or Sharpie. Just don't use red ink. The tabulation equipment cannot read red. So they can't read red, but they were telling people that the reason why they use sharpies... You can vote red. You maybe can't if you use a sharpie. They were saying it's the
Starting point is 01:31:56 fastest drying ink. That's the excuse for only doing it on election day? Why didn't they do it for all the other days, as Senator Rogers laid out? And technically, the material inside of Sharpies is not ink. It's a different solution altogether. And so that's another way that they could mark out ballots. And so, well, we talked a lot about corruption today and about corruption within government. And we need to be reminded that every government is put in place by God. We may not like this, but it's true.
Starting point is 01:32:29 John 19, 11 says, Jesus answered Pilate, you would have no authority over me at all unless it had been given to you from above. And, of course, Romans 13, 1, there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. But that doesn't mean that God endorses the behavior of governments because it also says in Proverbs, in chapter 29, If a ruler hearkens to lies, all his servants are wicked. The poor and the deceitful man meet together.
Starting point is 01:32:59 The Lord lighteneth both their eyes. The king that faithfully judges the poor, his throne shall be established forever. And so God has an expectation of governments, even though he institutes governments, puts them in place, he has an expectation of governments to maintain goodness and justice in society. So there's a burden on governments to do the right thing, to do right. So far, all we see are lies from our government, from everything from whether it comes to election integrity, information regarding the so-called vaccines, information regarding the so-called
Starting point is 01:33:37 pandemic, all these things. In fact, it seems like all our government, what our government does best at times is lie. We can't call ourselves a Christian nation here. We're a lying nation. And liars are children of the devil. We talked about that yesterday. Now, that verse in Proverbs says that the king that judges righteously for the poor, his kingdom will last forever. Well, there is no earthly king that can ever fulfill that.
Starting point is 01:34:06 As a matter of fact, Isaiah chapter 9, beginning at verse 6, gives a promise about a king who will judge faithfully forever. For unto us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder. And his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and of peace, there will be no end. On the throne of David and over his kingdom, to order it and to establish it and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from this time forth and forevermore.
Starting point is 01:34:38 The zeal of the Lord of hosts will do this. If you're looking to have government solve your problems or to tell you the truth, it will probably disappoint you completely. There's only one government that exists now and will exist forever. And I'm a part of that government. It's called the kingdom of God. And I invite you to be a part of that kingdom as well and when you are you'll start looking at the kingdoms of this world the governments of this world with a whole new light because you'll be looking at it with the light of the truth Jesus Christ and so
Starting point is 01:35:14 I encourage you make your confession of faith in Christ Jesus today get baptized in water in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit make your confession of faith in the resurrection of Jesus Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit. Make your confession of faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Take on a new government, and that's the kingdom of God. Edward?
Starting point is 01:35:31 Thank you, Doc. Again, wise words of wisdom. Well, it's been an hour, 35, and I tell you, we appreciate you sticking with us. And I'm sure that this has been informative. We appreciate you every day coming and watching every edition of True News that we produce. It was action-packed and I guarantee you won't hear anything close to that from the Marxist paperboys on network television. But we're not just here to inform you about the headlines they won't read.
Starting point is 01:36:02 We're here to inspire you and we're here for you to hear that this life doesn't have to be the end of your story. Make a decision for eternity today. Also, please consider becoming a monthly partner with this ministry as we report the truth day in and day out without hesitation and without a paycheck from any government or intelligence agency. You can support True News by going to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Just click on the heart on the left-hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116.
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