TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Jan 6 Capitol Riot Used to Justify U.S. National Police Force

Episode Date: July 7, 2021

Today on TruNews, host Edward Szall and the team the latest news from the US Capitol Police that they plan to launch field offices in California and Florida in response to the Jan 6 riot. Is this the... beginning of a national police force first proposed by Barack Obama? President Biden is planning on a nation-wide door-to-door vaccination checks, enforced by loyalists to the Communist agenda. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (7/7/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Wednesday, July 7th, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. The U.S. Capitol Police are being expanded into a national police force run by General Pelosi and it's legal. Joe Biden is promising door-to-door vaccination for those pesky Christians who refuse to risk a heart attack or death from the deadly COVID shots. And the NSA is leaking spy material from Tucker Carlson's laptop to DC journalists.
Starting point is 00:01:03 All this and more on today's True News. But first, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Fox News says the Biden administration is launching a new door-to-door effort to vaccinate Americans. This after falling short of its 4th of July goal of having 70 percent of the adult population with at least one shot of the coronavirus vaccine. Now we need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oftentimes door-to-door, literally knocking on doors to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus.
Starting point is 00:01:52 Now, Congressman Dan Crenshaw tweeted, how about don't knock on my door? You're not my parents. You're the government. Make the vaccine available and let people be free to choose. Why is that concept so hard for the left. UK Daily Mail reporting that former President Trump is launching a class action lawsuit against big tech on behalf of victims of cancel culture. The former president had this to say at Trump National Golf Course in Bedminster, New Jersey. I'm filing as the lead class representative
Starting point is 00:02:24 a major class action lawsuit against the big tech giants, including Facebook, Google and Twitter, as well as their CEOs, Mark Zuckerberg, Sundar Pichai and Jack Dorsey. Three real nice guys. We're asking the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida to order an immediate halt to social media companies' illegal, shameful censorship of the American people. And that's exactly what they are doing. We're demanding an end to the shadow banning, a stop to the silencing, and a stop to the blacklisting, banishing, and canceling that you know so well. Mr. Trump says our case will prove this censorship is unlawful, unconstitutional, and completely un-American. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's a good one. It's called The New York Post says the president of Haiti, Jovenel Moise,
Starting point is 00:03:36 was assassinated and his wife wounded by a group of gunmen at their home on Wednesday. The Miami Herald reporting that the gunmen claimed to be DEA agents. The Post says the nation of more than 11 million people had grown more unstable and disgruntled under the rule of the late president. CNBC says a lawyer for Joel Greenberg, a key figure in a federal probe involving Congressman Matt Gaetz, is asking a judge to delay his sentencing date by 90 days. The lawyer cited Greenberg's cooperation with federal prosecutors. Now, in May, Greenberg admitted to crimes including sex trafficking of a minor and identity theft. Gaetz has not been charged with any crime and has denied any wrongdoing. By the way, the New York Times says Gates is under investigation
Starting point is 00:04:26 by the DOJ over an alleged sexual relationship he had with a 17-year-old girl. The Times of Israel reporting that that country is slamming what it calls unacceptable remarks by the leader of Belarus that the world bows to Jews. In a speech Saturday about raising awareness of Nazi war crimes against people in his country, Alexander Lukashenko said his country's people should follow the example of the Jews who got the world to bow before them. Let's look at True News headlines. Now, let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward, Doc, and Lorne. Thanks, Kerry. Welcome to the program, guys.
Starting point is 00:05:14 And our lady. And girls. Yes, and girls. I knew what you meant. I'm not that offended. Did you just misgender me? Yes, you've been misgendered in front of the whole world. That's it. I'm not that offended. Did you just misgender me? Yes, you've been misgendered in front of the whole world. That's it. I'm out of here. Well, so we're going to be talking about
Starting point is 00:05:32 a national police force. And Rick, according to the statutes for the Capitol Police, this is the police force that's assigned to protect Capitol Hill, congressmen, senators, any of the lawmakers we have elected, they can operate outside of D.C. Not a lot of people know this, and they're now starting to flex that power. Well, let's talk about why they're doing it. The Democrats, using the FBI, using law enforcement, are going after people who were inside the U.S. Capitol building on January 6th. And we're now up to 535 arrests by the FBI.
Starting point is 00:06:19 Now, I just saw video of looting in a Neiman Marcus store. Is the FBI going to arrest all the looters who were there? No, they're not going to touch it. Is the FBI even involved in that story? How about last, you know, Antifa has been trying to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland. Is it Portland or Seattle that they were trying to burn it down? One of the cities. I mean, for over a year and a half, they've tried to burn it down.
Starting point is 00:06:54 And night after night of rioting, attacking a federal building, burning a police union headquarters, destroying private property in the downtown every night for over a year and a half. Why isn't the FBI rounded up these insurrectionists? I mean, they even had a chop land where they declared their independence. Isn't that insurrection? Isn't that insurrectionists I mean they even had a chop plan where they declared their independence isn't that isn't that insurrection they consider that independence I can answer that real freedom in the new America but where was the FBI I mean Donald Trump kept trying to get the feds to go in and his own administration opposed him they wouldn't do anything. They obstructed him every step of the way. They stopped him every step of the way. They obstructed him because he wanted to send in people. I think it was General Mealy that actually gave him the advice that we were not going to. on the streets and the mayor, you know, renamed the plaza Black Lives Matter Plaza, a Marxist organization. That's not opinion. The leaders clearly state that they are trained Marxists.
Starting point is 00:08:15 There was reason to believe that they were going to storm the White House and attempt to enter the White House. Yeah, so much so the White House turned the lights off. But General Milley refused to provide military protection for the president. Everybody knew they wanted to get inside and drag the president out and kill him. That's not an exaggeration.
Starting point is 00:08:35 That mob wanted to get in there. For over four years, the left was bringing guillotines out in the street. They had stuffed dum, you know, stuffed dummies that look like Donald Trump chopping his head off on public streets. And nobody arrested them. Where was the FBI? Why didn't they go arrest these leftist demonstrators who said openly we are going to decapitate Donald Trump.
Starting point is 00:09:06 Because that didn't fit the script that was put out. You see, the script said that it's white supremacists that are the threat, right? I did a doc. What was making conservative white patriots so frustrated, so fed up, that anger burst out on January 6th. And I'm not condoning it. I'm just saying the anger overflowed. What prompted it? Years and years and years of watching that kind of stuff going on, where the left just kept pushing and pushing and pushing trying to get a reaction. They finally got a reaction and now they're going to milk it for all that they can get. So they're rounding up. They've rounded up 535 people, a lot of them veterans. Grandmas, grandpas, moms. Not dangerous criminals.
Starting point is 00:10:03 And these people are facing five, ten, twenty years in a federal prison? Many have been in solitary confinement, can't speak to anybody. But you can go out and you can raid a department store. You can break the windows, steal anything, and nothing's going to happen to you. You can burn a city down, nothing's going to happen to you.
Starting point is 00:10:22 Rick, that's reparations. Yeah. Yes. And you have news presenters on national news networks like CBS and CNN saying there's nothing wrong with the looting because these are people who are gathering material things to make up for the years of loss. It's reparations. I mean, wasn't it recently, was it CNN, where the anchorman said, talking about the looting, well, probably they needed it. Well, it likely came from CNN.
Starting point is 00:11:01 We've seen interviews with them. You need $200 sneakers. Yeah, they needed it. You need a Gucci purse. So you have to go into Gucci and go get it. But where's the FBI? Where's the FBI with pedophilia? Where's the FBI with the Jeffrey Epstein child molestation empire?
Starting point is 00:11:20 It was an empire run by a foreign government for 30 years in this country. The FBI didn't know about it for 30 years? Even though they were told in the 90s. I'll take it for instance here in Florida. You know, sex trafficking is a crime. I could take you to places here in Florida and show
Starting point is 00:11:39 you where the prostitutes are hanging out on the street. And show you the massage parlors where the guys go to. I mean, it's obvious. Well, I can do one better, Doc. My daughter Carissa rescues little girls in Latin America. I can't say where. Why can't I say where?
Starting point is 00:11:59 Because she would be in danger, and the people that work for her in Latin America would be in danger. Right. Okay, I can't say it. I can't give details. And sometimes people say, why don't you talk about your daughter's work? I can't.
Starting point is 00:12:12 It's strategically not smart. She asked me not to talk because it's too dangerous. But here's the point. You have honest police officers in a particular city, that's along the coast, who told her, see those yachts out there in the sea? Those are wealthy Americansicans and wealthy europeans and the little girls are taken in boats out to the yachts and the yachts sail off where's the fbi why doesn't the f FBI have agents in those wretched cities to catch these wealthy Americans that are buying little girls?
Starting point is 00:13:12 I mean, buying them for literally dollars. Dollars. Not even hundreds. Dollars. Where's the FBI? They don't know about this stuff? Well, agent, call me, and I'll give you my daughter's phone number. She'll tell you where it's happening at. Well, you better not do that because they might be in on it.
Starting point is 00:13:29 Because the FBI, what the FBI does is it gathers who were inside the Capitol building on January 6th. And the Democrats are determined to use this as the justification for increased police powers. Now, we all knew this was coming. We saw this after January 6th. We were wondering, how far will they take it? We knew the country would change, but just didn't know how far. Today, we know. They're going to take it all the way. Today, we now have a clear idea where they're going. Let's look at CNN. They, meaning the U.S. Capitol Police, they need a radical restructure. Now, was that from a Democrat lawmaker there that said that?
Starting point is 00:14:31 No, from a Republican member of the House. John Katko from New York. He's the top Republican on the Homeland Security Committee. He believes that there needs to be major reform, and it's in the version of strengthening the Capitol Police, both in manpower and in intelligence-gathering capabilities. Now, it might help our audience to understand who the Capitol Police answer to. They're not considered answerable to the city of Washington, D.C.
Starting point is 00:14:59 No. They are directly answerable to Congress, right? That's right. So in, I guess, in so many words, they are the police force of Congress. Washington, D.C. has the Metropolitan Police Force. Right. Those are the police officers out on the street enforcing the District of Columbia's laws. Right. Everything, traffic laws, you know, breaking and entering,
Starting point is 00:15:25 all that kind of stuff. The Capitol Police protects the Capitol. That's what you would think, right? Right. And, you know, the House and Senate office buildings and things like that. It's the Capitol Police for government structures. What is their primary role then, to protect members
Starting point is 00:15:40 of Congress or protect the- Federal elected officials and federal employees, the federal building. So that's it. That's their primary mission as law enforcement officers. That is their only mission. Okay. That's their only mission.
Starting point is 00:15:53 It's their only purpose to exist. Now, since they're called the Capitol Police, Rick, I would imagine, you know, if, for instance, if they were called the Florida Police, I would think that they would be limited to the state of Florida. Right. Or if they were the Minnesota Police, they'd be limited to the state of Minnesota or the Chicago police.
Starting point is 00:16:10 In a normal world. So I assume that the U.S. Capitol police are confined to just the U.S. Capitol, right? They've been my entire life. Okay. If I wanted to find a Capitol police officer, I wouldn't go to Abilene, Texas. Right. I'd go to the District of Columbia. Not only the District of Columbia.
Starting point is 00:16:33 But the U.S. Capitol. But to the Capitol building. That's where I'd find them. Okay. Not over in Anacosta, not in Northwest Washington. I'd find them in the center of the city where the government structures are at. That's where you're going to find the Capitol Police doing their job, protecting the members of the Congress, the federal employees, and the federal buildings. Okay.
Starting point is 00:16:53 So what's changed? Has anything changed in that? Yes. CNN told us. The Capitol Police needs a radical restructure. They have to adapt to new threats. So look at the Los Angeles Times. This came out yesterday.
Starting point is 00:17:10 The U.S. Capitol Police to open California office following the January 6th attack. Now, it's not just San Francisco in California, but also Tampa. Here in Florida. Here in Florida. There's going to be field offices. There's not a U.S. Capitol in Sacramento or San Francisco. There's not a U.S. Capitol in Tampa. How is it possible that the U.S. Capitol Police can have field offices in these other cities?
Starting point is 00:17:37 Because there are members of the House and Senate in California and Florida and the other 48 states. Okay. So they have now decided, somebody has decided. My guess, I don't have the evidence. My guess is Nancy Pelosi and Charles Schumer. Maybe Mitch McConnell's part of it. Maybe Kevin McCarthy is in agreement.
Starting point is 00:18:04 We don't know. They ought to be asked. They have decided we need to expand the Capitol Police nationwide. And I think the agenda is a Capitol Police office, not only in every state, I think most likely it'll be every major city in America. So what's the justification? Let me qualify it. In every congressional district. Right. But they don't meet. These federal seats, they don't meet together. They go to D.C. to talk about legislation. So what are they going to be doing there? They'll have Capitol police officers in every congressional district. And the idea would be they'd be there to protect the members of Congress and their families.
Starting point is 00:18:55 Yes. So is that where they're going with this idea? Yes. And it expands past protection of the families, but also to investigate those allegedly threatening the family members and the congressmen, women, senators. They are now claiming that they have the authority. It's partly in their charter because they can investigate. One has to ask if this investigation could lead to arrests. But this is from the LA Times. It said, at this time, Florida and California are where the majority of our potential threats are.
Starting point is 00:19:22 This is a statement from the Capitol Police. The field offices will be the first for the department. A regional approach to investigating and prosecuting threats against members is important, so we will be working closely with the U.S. Attorney's offices in those locations. Very few members of Congress are accompanied by security outside the Capitol building, and it is unclear if the new offices will primarily investigate threats against members or also will help with security as needed in the state. The Capitol Police have jurisdiction to investigate all threats made against a member of Congress. I think where they're going is the Capitol Police will become the secret service agency for the members of Congress.
Starting point is 00:20:07 Give them enough time. Every House member, every senator will be surrounded by Capitol Police officers. What are you afraid of? Afraid of the people? These guys are afraid to go home. They've angered so many people. People were at the breaking point. They're afraid to go back to their home in washington they've got troops guarding them they got they got barbed wire they
Starting point is 00:20:32 got offenses okay but they go back to their home district and they're walking in the streets and they're afraid that some citizen's going to come up to them and give them an earful, they will interpret that as a threat. Right. Yeah. So there's a threat to defeat you. If I say we're going to get you in the next election, is that a threat? No, it's protected speech.
Starting point is 00:20:56 That's first. But you don't know. Under the new rules, under the new America, that's hate speech. Yeah. Yes. The new America. But also they put up the walls. They put up the fences. They put up all that.
Starting point is 00:21:06 You see, the biggest thing that scares them is ordinary people walking in and confronting them on their way to the bathroom, which you used to be able to do last year, years ago. Now, they're so terrified. If you're in public service and you're terrified of the public, perhaps you shouldn't be in public service. It's true. It's true. And that's exactly what it is.
Starting point is 00:21:24 They have done such a poor job representing Americans. They have let us down. They left people starving during COVID, you know, arrogance. So they now are terrified to be confronted by the public. So now they're sending U.S. Capitol police officers, federal foot soldiers to the states to run water for them, basically, and keep them protected and keep them from having to be confronted by ordinary Americans who have been betrayed by them. Rick, anyone that's been a longtime listener or viewer of True News knows that we have talked about this particular topic many, many times over the past two plus decades about the rollout of a federal police force. And it wasn't really until today that I began to see how it is
Starting point is 00:22:07 entirely possible for there to be a national police force rolled out with very little effort. Yeah, this is pretty scary today. We didn't see this one. We saw a national police force coming someday. But we didn't see how it could how it could be justified because it didn't the constitution didn't allow for it but now they found a way around they found it they found it here is an editorial from the publication law officer which is a publication by and for law enforcement officers, primarily local. And this is an editorial. A national police force is coming. Here's why. The editors of Law Officer really have this right.
Starting point is 00:22:59 And when you look at their analysis, we see what the communistists, Marxists, leftists in America have been doing to get us to this stage that a national police force could be implemented overnight with no public discussion, no opportunity to express your views. Just here it is. It's done. They don't even, and we're going to show you in a minute, Pelosi and Schumer don't even have to pass a law. Right. They don't have, we're going to show you in a minute.
Starting point is 00:23:36 The law officer laid out their, how many was it? Seven things of why, how this is happening. First, the left exploited the lack of trust in the community. So we've seen this for years, attacking police officers. But it went to another level last year. It was hatred of police officers. Right. Remember, I mean, throwing water in their face, throwing acid on them, putting things in their sandwiches, in their coffee. If you said blue lives matter, police lives matter, that was considered racist.
Starting point is 00:24:17 Yes. on police officers. The news media repeatedly last year told America, you must hate local law enforcement officers. You must hate them. You must distrust them. They would show parts of a video. They wouldn't talk about the incidents which led up to a shooting or an incident between a police officer and a criminal. They also are making the job impossible. A lot of police officers at the local level are quitting. Well, they're defunding police departments. And they're defunding them, that's right. How are you going to staff, how are you going to have the weapons necessary to defend against the bad guys if there's no money? And they're taking money away from police departments.
Starting point is 00:25:02 Lockdowns didn't help with that either. You shut down the businesses that provide for the income for the county to pay for the police. Well, number two is promoting propaganda and what law officer calls instaganda. The propaganda being the things that we've just been talking about, how CNN, MSNBC, CBS News, all of them were nonstop telling the American public last year, police officers are bad. We've got to get rid of them. We need to. We need community police. Reimagine, reimagine law enforcement, meaning we're going to get rid of police officers and we're going to put badges and guns on communists. We're not getting rid of the bodyguards, though. Right. So instaganda. I wasn't sure what this was.
Starting point is 00:25:51 But according to them, did you see? I did. And part of it is how quickly video clips and pictures go viral now. Yes. And memes. And memes. They knew that the model for this was, for example, and a prime example is the George Floyd incident last year. That set the country on
Starting point is 00:26:08 fire. It's a polarizing event. In hours. But think about it. Minimal amounts of information were released. The video itself, given with no context, could have a whole show discussing the context in the background, but the point was, it became instaganda. Because you watched the video and you were instantly
Starting point is 00:26:24 polarized and angry. And what the media has done and the left with their activists, let's say there's a shooting and they'll put in the headline, white nationalist shoots somebody, Trump supporter. It's in the headlines. Now, this goes viral the first three or four hours. Then it comes out that it wasn't a white person. We just saw this past weekend. It was somebody of another race. And they never withdraw the headlines. They never withdraw the memes and all the propaganda.
Starting point is 00:26:58 That's the instaganda. They are deliberately putting this misinformation out because they're they're building hatred against police officers and hatred against white men. And they're tying it together. And they're saying white American men, especially cops, like to shoot black people. Now, that's the message the leftists have put out. The news media was the propaganda machine. And yet the facts show most black people are shot by black people. But if you say that, you're a racist. So they're using propaganda when you refute their propaganda. But the law officer publication goes on outlining, number three, this is what you guys were talking about a minute ago, make the job of law enforcement impossible. Is that not what we just went through in 2020? Yes, I think some police, they don't even police certain neighborhoods anymore because of the risk of lawsuit or loss of their job and their family.
Starting point is 00:28:05 Or their life. Or their life, yes. Or their life, too. So they've made policing a miserable job now. You know, every time when I'm driving on a highway and I see a police officer pull a car over, I pray, I pray as I'm driving, dear God, protect that police officer
Starting point is 00:28:28 that when he or she walks up to that window, they are not shot. Because every officer's got that in their mind now. Yes. You don't know when you walk up to an automobile or truck window if that person is going to pull a gun on you. So they're living with this every day. Who has driven this hatred? The left and the news media.
Starting point is 00:28:54 It's deliberate. It's calculated. It's strategy. And law officers laying this out, they're saying, look at the steps. Look at what they've already done. Number four, create chaos while hiding the reality of skyrocketing crime. Chicago, San Francisco, Los Angeles, all these are prime examples of it. Chicago, this past weekend, how many murders? About 20 murders. Yes. More than 100 shootings, yet you still have their mayor, Mayor Lightfoot, come out and say this city's beautiful.
Starting point is 00:29:28 The crime statistics, that's a lie. I think it's white supremacy. You were talking to me yesterday about gaslighting. Yeah. All right. Take this number four. How does this apply to gaslighting? What are they doing to the American people?
Starting point is 00:29:43 Well, what they're doing to the American people is trying to tell them that what they're seeing isn't real. It's a psychological warfare is what they're doing on people's minds to make you question your own sanity. So as you're watching crime rates skyrocket, as you're watching these videos of people rioting and looting and stealing Gucci bags for reparations, they're like, well, white supremacy is the biggest issue. You know, we have to lock up these white Christians because, you know, they're the biggest threat to our democracy. But that is what gaslighting is. You know, they recently, Jen Psaki also just did a press release saying that they something about the police. What was it? Yeah. Republicans were the ones who wanted to defund police all along, you know, and they put that out. And it's like after the last year, after watching the defund the police movement, they try to make you question your insanity by putting it out there, that propaganda and making you.
Starting point is 00:30:33 It's a gaslighting. That's what gaslighting is. And they say with a straight face. Yeah, it's psychological warfare. They are trained professional liars. Yeah. Just get to the point of just saying what they are. It's not that you have a disagreement with them. They're trained professional liars. And they're on the offense. They're deceivers. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:30:53 Right? And so like last year when the riots were taking place, and you're watching CNN or MSNBC or any of the news networks, and you see the buildings burning. Right. You've got the reporter standing there with his microphone. There's a big fire going on in the back, and he says, well, there are protests tonight, but they're mostly peaceful. It's mostly peaceful.
Starting point is 00:31:15 Mostly peaceful. Fiery, but mostly peaceful. Your eyes say, no, they're burning the city down. That's a mostly peaceful fire that's burning in the back. See, that's not, quote, liberal bias. That is Marxist propaganda, deception, doing what Lauren is saying, gaslighting you, telling you, don't believe your eyes. Your eyes, don't believe your lying eyes. Your eyes are telling you a lie.
Starting point is 00:31:41 You think that this is a riot. You think that they're burning the city down. But the news reporter said it's peaceful. are telling you a lie. You think that this is a riot. You think that they're burning the city down. But the news reporter said it's peaceful. Right. Now your mind is saying, well, which one is it? It makes you question your own sanity. And if you say what the whole purpose of it is, and if you conclude it's a riot, you are a white supremacist bigot. Because we told you so. Because the news announcer said, anybody who says that this mostly peaceful protest is a riot, that person is a white supremacist bigot. Exactly. It's all, it's calculated propaganda. They know what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:32:18 Oh, they're trained agents of it. I mean, we just listened to them. They say they read Mao. Well, they're probably also carrying out Mao's actions. Now, this goes right into Boston. Well, they are. We just went through a cultural revolution. Yes, they took down the statues already.
Starting point is 00:32:31 The revolution's over. They call it the cancel culture. It's not the cancel culture. It's Mao's cultural revolution. Yes. Implemented here in America. Yes. By communists, real communists.
Starting point is 00:32:48 And the conservatives, the patriots, they just can't process in their head that a Chinese-inspired communist revolution is taking place in their country. They just can't believe it. The leaders are either cowards or they're compromising agents in the sense that they're trying to sell the idea that all we have to do is just make it to 2022 or the next election.
Starting point is 00:33:10 If we survive somehow to the next election, we'll fix it all, Rick. We'll fix it all. One election away. And just get one more conservative judge. Let's go back to our list. So this goes right into step five, promoting public fear. Now, on top of those being gaslit, realizing everything around them is the complete opposite of what the news media, of the controlled opposition, the politicians are saying. This creates public fear because you start to wonder, is there anything protecting me? My house is a target now. And they say what you need to fear is not the rioters, not the people that are burning things down, but some mysterious group over here that isn't rioting, that is not the rioters, not the people that are burning things down, but some mysterious
Starting point is 00:33:45 group over here that isn't rioting, that is obeying the law, the white supremacists, whatever it might be. Mystic terrorists. Right. That they're the ones you should be really afraid of, not these peaceful protesters over here who are setting things on fire. How many white supremacists have looted department stores? I haven't seen one.
Starting point is 00:34:07 I can't think of an example of a white supremacist looting a department store. But the media and the political left and a sizable portion of the Justice Department and the FBI, they'll tell you this is the greatest threat. These white supremacists out there, well, where are they? Who are these people? But my eyes see non-white people burning buildings, looting stores, and carrying out acts of violence, and there's nobody stopping them. There's nobody condemning it.
Starting point is 00:34:45 Well, because the Black Lives Matter type people are the militia arm of the left-wing federal government. You know, they can't go in there and terrorize normal American citizens. So they pump these people up. They pump the inner cities up with hate-fueled propaganda that everything is owed to you. Everybody hates you. They fill them up with this and it makes them angry, gets them riled out, and then they tell them, go take what's yours. And that's what they've used them. They've turned them into a little mini militia.
Starting point is 00:35:12 Lauren, when the left talks about reimagined law enforcement, where this is going is that they're going to get rid of all of the traditional police officers, regardless of race. They want them out. The new police officers are going to be members of Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Yep. They're going to put a badge and a gun and swear them in to loyalty to the new state, the new state that we're in, because they've overthrown the old America. There's where we're going. Yep.
Starting point is 00:35:49 And if you want to live in a nightmare, you just imagine being stopped- By razzmatazz. By a state police officer who is a Black Lives Matter communist activist. Right. With a gun and a badge and the authority to arrest you. Right.
Starting point is 00:36:07 That's where we're going in this country if it's not stopped. And right now, there's very little opposition to it because, again, the conservative leaders in this country are either so dumb that they can't figure out this is a communist revolution or they're just paid off to be quiet. I don't know which one it is, but there's very little opposition. Don't call the left liberal. Liberal was Walter Mondale.
Starting point is 00:36:44 Liberal was Hubert Humphrey. Free thinking. Okay, that was a liberal. Liberal was Walter Mondale. Liberal was Hubert Humphrey. Free thinking. Okay. That was a liberal. These people are not liberal. They're communists. Hubert Humphrey was not a traitor. Walter Mondale was not a traitor. George McGovern, the first person I voted for for president of the United States, I met the man in 1972, got to shake his hand. He was not a communist. He was an old fashioned Midwestern prairie populist liberal who loved America. Who actually opposed the corporations back in the day. They used to be, you know, they used to oppose the corporate oligarchy that's ruling and reigning over people. And now they've become corporate sponsored communists, communists and liberals, if that's what you, they're not liberals. Frank Church was not a leftist communist. He was a liberal Democrat. Yeah. Scoop Jackson, Senator Scoop Jackson was, was a, a patriot Senator scoop Jackson was was a a patriot senator
Starting point is 00:37:46 But Democrat even though they were Rick they still allowed the camel to put its nose under the tent and get in Yes, so because it started in 1972 No, actually 68 with the rioting the SDS, what was it? Students for Democratic Society. That's right. I remember that.
Starting point is 00:38:11 Yes. A Marxist communist group led by Marxist communist Jewish guys. And they rioted at the 1968 convention. They beat the police. And Democrat Mayor Richard Daley used very strong law enforcement on them to stop the rioting. The media blamed Mayor Daley. They vilified Mayor Daley. Yes. They vilified Mayor Daley. He was a Democrat. And it's back when Democrat mayors of Chicago said, this is a city of law and order. We're not going to have this here.
Starting point is 00:38:52 Right. Okay. The point of what I'm making is, we don't have liberals today. And when you hear a conservative talk show host or a conservative Republican member of the House or Senate talking about, we've got to do something about these liberals. That tells me right away, they're absolutely clueless. They don't have any idea what's going on. These aren't liberals.
Starting point is 00:39:18 They're Marxist communists. When I hear those people, Rick, I just think that they're shackled by their misplaced loyalty. Because honestly, you go back to the biggest incident last year was George Floyd. We have to be careful what we're talking about. We get lambasted by those libelous, those people who watch our show but love to criticize. But what I'm talking about. They wouldn't talk about what we said about George Floyd. They're afraid of going to bed. And that's why the right won't say what they need to say about it.
Starting point is 00:39:43 It's because you won't talk about the training which led to the death of George Floyd. Talk about where that police officer learned the knee on the neck technique. They stopped when they got to that point because then it just has to be, well, we want to compromise with the left. We'll give them community policing. All right. So are we going the ADL brags, the Jewish Anti-Defamation League brags that they have trained one hundred and fifty thousand local law enforcement officers in the United States. Many of them they paid to take to Israel, including officers in Minneapolis. deliberately militarize local law enforcement officers for the purpose of vilifying them someday and destroying them? We'll just leave that question hanging.
Starting point is 00:40:36 We'll let the audience figure that out. In the universe, and you pondered in the privacy of your home. Let's get back to this. Yeah, we're only at number five. So number, step six of the seven planks to destroying our country is creating a false sense of legitimacy. And by that, they mean having high profile people
Starting point is 00:40:56 coming out and saying, you know what? We need a solution to this issue. We need a federal police force. Local law enforcement can't handle this. We need the support of the federal government in the local communities. We need a federal police force. Local law enforcement can't handle this. We need the support of the federal government in the local communities. We need money. We need commissions. We need everything except the authority that local law enforcement needs in order to enforce the law. So it's problem, reaction, solution.ATE THE REACTION, GIVE THE PEOPLE THE SOLUTION. THE HEGALIAN DILECT.
Starting point is 00:41:28 THE SOLUTION IS NUMBER SEVEN. SELLING THE IDEA THAT SOMEHOW THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT CAN HELP. I THINK REAGAN HAD IT CORRECT. IT'S THE SCARIEST THING WE'LL EVER HEAR. THAT'S TRUE. AND SO THIS BRINGS US BACK TO OUR TIME. THAT TODAY THERE IS TALK OF, And so this brings us back to our time. That today there is talk of, it's not talk, it's already a decision. They're going to.
Starting point is 00:41:51 It's not a talk. They're doing it. The Capitol Police is expanding outside of Washington, D.C. They've announced that they are opening, have they opened or they're going to open offices in Florida and California? Right. And because those are where the greatest threats are, quote unquote, which, by the way, Florida is most saturated with Trump supporters. And then California, we have Nancy Pelosi. We have Chuck Schumer living out there. Schumer's in New York. Oh, wait. No, New York. Sorry. Schiff. Schiff. Adam Schiff. Adam Schiff's out there. Yeah. And these people that have blatantly let the American people down are terrified of the public.
Starting point is 00:42:30 You know, and it's, you know, I find it very interesting that they did Florida too, because Florida is overall conservative. Like, why would they see this place as a threat? Oh, it's because Donald Trump's supporters are most saturated in a population here. You know, and it's not going to just stop here. It's just they're going to California and Florida first. Next will be Arizona. Next will be Pennsylvania, Georgia, you know, that kind of thing. So even if you criticize these people, they're going to take it as a threat and take it out on the American people. All right. Now, Edward, of course, Rick has addressed this topic a number of times over the years with True News about a possible
Starting point is 00:43:04 federal police force. It's always been a puzzle to people how that could ever be implemented, how that could ever come to fruition because the Constitution doesn't allow for anything like that, even though we have a couple dozen federal law enforcement agencies. This is something different. We're actually now talking about replacing local police with federal police. Is there precedent or is there law even that allows Congress to do this? Yes. The Capitol Police are not solely confined to the Capitol. That sounds crazy, but we have
Starting point is 00:43:43 to look into this today. U.S. Code Title II, Chapter 29, Governing Jurisdiction and Powers of the Capitol Police. This is the U.S. Code, which dictates that the Capitol Police can both be funded through Congress, but can exist. This is their legitimacy. Now, if you look through the code, what it explains is the Capitol Police, they're empowered to police the United States Capitol buildings, the grounds under the direction of the Capitol Police Board. This consists of the Sergeant-at-Arms and the United States Senate, the Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives, and the Architect of the Capitol. Now, they have the power to enforce the provisions of this section, which I'm going to outline, and
Starting point is 00:44:20 to make arrests within the United States Capitol buildings and grounds for any violations of any law of the United States Capitol buildings and grounds for any violations of any law of the United States, of the District of Columbia, or of any state, or any regulation that's pursuant within. Well, that sounds right there like it's just confined to the Capitol. So how do you get- So you break any law of any other state. So this is the first little clue here.
Starting point is 00:44:42 You can enforce other states' laws inside the Capitol. The police, the Capitol Police in this sense, are not just officers of the Capitol. They can enforce the laws of Florida, Missouri. If someone has a warrant out for the arrest, for example, that's what that's referring to. So they've already been embedded with the authority to enforce the laws of any jurisdiction in the country. Where do you see? That was in the previous screen. Go back and show me that. I was looking at something else.
Starting point is 00:45:06 I apologize. So in the last line, to make arrests within the United States Capitol buildings and grounds for any violations of any law of the United States, of the District of Columbia, or of any jurisdiction in the nation. You could take that last line of any regulation. I mean, you could take that down to the city council. Sure. Yes. Down to the county level. And they have a segment in here specifically about deployments
Starting point is 00:45:45 outside of jurisdiction. This is interesting because we're going to outline that it's not necessarily out of a jurisdiction for the Capitol Police to operate in Florida or California, New York, based on the law. But let's say you have to be deployed outside of it. To do this, you have to get prior notice.
Starting point is 00:46:00 You've got to get approval. The chief of the Capitol Police may not deploy any officers outside the areas established by law unless the chief provides prior notification to the Committee on House Administration of the House of Representatives, the Committee of Rules and Administration. So you control the House, the House of Representatives and these committees, including their Appropriations Committee, you can get approval to do what they've just done. And I want to show you this for you. Number 10, this is the jurisdiction that's laid out.
Starting point is 00:46:28 This is the official jurisdiction. We'll go further into this. Number 10 for control. This is the map that's in their manual. White and pretty much the rest of the country is outside the jurisdiction. The colored area right there is it. That officially are the boundaries of the Capitol
Starting point is 00:46:45 Police, unless they now exercise this loophole. Now, Rick, they can provide intelligence gathering services, they can provide protective services, and they can respond to imminent threats or emergencies. Those are the three clauses inside the U.S. Code, and that's the three clauses they're using. Now, we go forward to number nine. This is the 2019 Capitol Police Board Manual, which outlines the department's jurisdiction. Now, what this lays out is that they can enforce, basically, traffic blocks. They can stop areas. They can shut down areas as long as they're doing it under their area that they've been empowered to do so. So this right now has only been enforced in the Capitol. But they could enforce it in Texas, Utah, Michigan, Florida, any place.
Starting point is 00:47:37 Yes. They have the authority to shut down traffic. Yes. And specifically, they can arrest and detain you for up to 90 days. That's in this manual. If they're empowered over a new jurisdiction, they have the power, the same power they have in D.C. The Capitol Police Board that manages, oversees the police department is made up of three people, the sergeant at arms of the United States Senate, the sergeant of arms of the House of Representatives, and the Capitol architect.
Starting point is 00:48:16 I'm not going to say anything, because the Capitol architect is always a Freemason. Of course. It has been since the very beginning. Why do we have an architect? Are they still building? I guess so. Yeah, they're still building.
Starting point is 00:48:28 They're building. The new world order. That's right. And so, but the architect of the capital functions in a supervisory management role of all the capital grounds and make sure the buildings are in order and things like that. But it's interesting that they are the three in charge. Now, what actually gives them the authority beyond this, Edward, that says we can set up a field office in California,
Starting point is 00:48:54 we can set up a field office in Florida? So it goes to the three specific missions that they can do outside of their jurisdiction. Responding to imminent threats, intelligence gathering, and providing productive services. And now I found this answer actually in a job posting for the United States Capitol Police. So they're hiring right now. This is a posting they placed for hiring a new officer. But they had a little background, the history of the organization. And there was something very interesting. They noted that this was created by Congress, the Capitol Police, in 1828.
Starting point is 00:49:27 This was following the assault on John Adams. He's the son of John Quincy. And he was attacked, actually, in the Capitol Rotunda. And after this, they had one officer that was in charge and was trying to help out with anything that would require intervention. After this, they had an actual force, an actual police force, put in place. Now, the original duty of this was to provide security for the United States Capitol building. Today, they say, their mission is expanded to provide the congressional community and its visitors with the highest quality of a full range of police services. These services are provided through the use of a variety of specialty support units,
Starting point is 00:50:02 a network of foot and vehicular patrols, and fixed posts, today's United States Capitol Police officer has the primary responsibility for protecting life and property, preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal acts, and enforcing traffic regulation through a large complex of congressional buildings, parks, and thoroughfares. That all sounds normal. Right. Here's the last line. Additionally, the protection of members of Congress, officers of Congress, and their families is expanded by
Starting point is 00:50:31 statute to the entire United States, its territories and possessions, and the District of Columbia. Let's put that back up on screen, that very last line there our audience really needs if you if you want to save this still and share it capture it right now because it's that last line that's important additionally the protection of members of congress officers of congress and their families is expanded by statute to the entire united states its territories possessions and the district of columbia well we already knew they, and the District of Columbia. Well, we already knew they were in the District of Columbia, the Capitol grounds. They're saying their authority extends throughout the entire United States.
Starting point is 00:51:14 The Democrats are demanding their own Secret Service protection. Yes. There's where we're going. I'm making that prediction today. If they get what they want, they will have round-the-clock Secret Service protection, not only for themselves, but their spouses and their children. There's no end to this. There's no end. There will be tens of thousands of Capitol Police officers hired in the future if the Democrats get what they want. And think about the insidious nature of what they've done here. They
Starting point is 00:51:52 have cleaned out the Capitol Police. They cleaned out many police jurisdictions, but specifically one of the first articles we showed noted that there has been an exodus of officers. The young officers don't want to join because of the stigma of the Capitol Police and the older officers who are ready to retire, they've left. So you have basically a bare bones Capitol Police that is fresh to be filled with new Marxists. And you have purists that are left.
Starting point is 00:52:18 Yeah. The ones that... The most loyal. Yes. And I wonder what kind of people they plan on hiring because I'm certainly sure that they're going to require vaccinations, they're going to pour through your social media, and if you give any of people they plan on hiring, because I'm certainly sure that they're going to require vaccinations. They're going to pour through your social media.
Starting point is 00:52:27 And if you give any hint that you're a conservative, you don't get the job. You know, so it will be discriminatory hiring, most likely. You know, we know that they're not going to hire a woke army without their woke soldiers. Well, I think an indication of the kind of people they will hire, We kind of saw this before the Capitol riots. We spoke to National Guard soldiers that were deployed from the D.C. area, the D.C. District National Guard. They were soldiers who weren't even U.S. citizens.
Starting point is 00:52:53 We met one man from Ukraine. He'd been here for two years, somehow able to join the National Guard, and he's now armed on the streets of D.C. at this tumultuous time. Pointing guns at American citizens. Really? So think about it.
Starting point is 00:53:08 They will fill them if they need to with illegal immigrants. Slightly different topic, but it's related to January 6th. President Trump said again today at the press conference where he announced a lawsuit against the social media companies, you know, the tech companies. Facebook and Twitter, yeah. Yeah. He said today that he knows the identity of the person who shot Ashley Babbitt. And he also said that she was shot in the head, which is different from the reports that said she was shot in the shoulder, I believe.
Starting point is 00:53:41 In the neck. So this is not the first time that former President Donald Trump has brought up the topic of revealing the identity of the shooter of Ashley Babbitt. Right. Why is he doing it? I mean, first of all, we got multiple questions.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Why is the officer's identity hidden? It certainly isn't done in any other shooting where a law enforcement officer kills somebody. That officer's name is released immediately. That officer is put on administrative leave. And then there's a board that does an investigation and all of it's in public none of it is in is in secrecy but this officer's name has been concealed since january 6th and president trump has brought this up multiple times and he said today he knows the identity of the officer who shot Ashley Babbitt. Why is he persisting in asking this question? Anybody have any ideas?
Starting point is 00:54:54 Because his base wants to know. Because his base wants to know. Well, then tell us. He knows. The base was getting really upset because he wasn't even mentioning he had never once said Ashley Babbitt's name. And then he was completely ignoring the fact that his supporters that attended his rally that hosted by the United States president attended in D.C. were getting thrown in prison in solitary confinement, were getting beat by the D.C. parole officers or whoever's running these prisons in there. And he wasn't saying anything.
Starting point is 00:55:25 And they started to pick up on that. I think the people in administration surrounding it, and it was a release valve. That's what that is. But he says he knows the identity. Then tell us. It's a release valve. He's only going to give you so much. He's not going to give you the whole thing.
Starting point is 00:55:39 He's going to give you just enough to appease his base, and then he is going to hopefully ride this out until somebody else figures it out. Do you think he knows? Oh, I know he knows. He recognizes it. There's no way that he doesn't recognize who that security guard is. Allegedly, it was somebody associated with Mike Pence. There was a report that came out. It was one of- Spectator. Yeah, it was one of, so you know- A spectator. Spectator came out with a column, a spectator, a publication, a service agent. I thought you meant the shooter was a spectator. No, no, no. He was allegedly this isn't, you know, in fact, but was Mike Pence's people.
Starting point is 00:56:15 And so you're talking about somebody assigned to former Vice President Mike Pence's security detail. Yes. Was a secret service agent. It wasn't a Capitol police officer. They're saying it was a secret service agent surrounding Mike Pence, which would be a scandal in? Yes. Like a Secret Service agent? Yeah, it wasn't a Capitol Police officer. They're saying it was a Secret Service agent surrounding Mike Pence. Which would be a scandal in some regard because remember
Starting point is 00:56:30 what we've been told so far. We've been told there was an internal investigation into a Capitol Police officer. They cleared him. Yeah. And that Capitol Police officer involved in the shooting,
Starting point is 00:56:41 remember they said it was a police officer, a Capitol Police officer involved in a shooting inside the Capitol, that that person was placed on suspension, brought back, is back on duty, and they're not releasing the name because of fear that that officer might get attacked or might be harassed. They lied the entire time then.
Starting point is 00:56:56 What about all the police officers who've been identified around the country when somebody is shot? Almost immediately identified. And their photographs are on national news and everything. They're not protecting them. No. Right. It's because of Trump's support of that. Once again, I make the case, if you're using the left's narrative, then this, whoever shot Ashley Babbitt is a hero, right? They stopped the insurrection. Well, it's not a person.
Starting point is 00:57:23 It's just a hand. It's just a hand. It's just a hand. A hand came out. The hand was not connected to anybody. Well, let's give the hand a parade. Yes, identify the hand. Give him a hand. All right? Give him a hand, yes.
Starting point is 00:57:33 Identify the hand. You know, Donald Trump is saying he knows. Then he's obligated to release the name. If it is a Secret Service agent assigned to Vice President Pence, then I have to ask the question, why is Donald Trump continuing to ask that this man's identity be revealed? I mean, what is he waiting for? If the shooter of Ashley Babbitt worked for Mike Pence, why does Donald Trump want the world to know it?
Starting point is 00:58:15 Why doesn't he want the world to know? Like, I think he's waiting on somebody else. He doesn't want to be the guy that. But what would be his interest in linking Mike pence to the death of ashley babbitt even though mike pence it's it's not mike pence's hand it knocks mike but he would blame mike pence you right the average average voter would he's got it yeah he's got it not it knocks mike pence out of 2024 interesting if you ever had a chance to begin with. Is he thinking about, you think he's going to have him as VP again? Is that what you're thinking?
Starting point is 00:58:46 No, no, no. Mike Pence is going to run. There's no way. There's no way. In his mind, there is. These people are delusional. These people are absolutely delusional. Who actually thinks that America is going to elect a Mike Pence or a Nikki Haley?
Starting point is 00:59:01 These people are absolutely out of their minds. Oh, Lord, if the elections are rigged. Who elected Joe Biden? That's so true. That's true. And they're even bringing primaries. So, yeah, that's true. Who elected an elderly grandpa that can't fill a Kroger parking lot?
Starting point is 00:59:16 That's a good point. I mean, who elected that? And then, you know, to see this breakdown, yeah, it's entirely possible because Mike Pence is acceptable. He's an acceptable Republican. Yes. He could get elected. They'll at least allow him to have the nomination
Starting point is 00:59:33 like they did old John McCain. Right. I remember the year McCain was running. What was it? 2008. And it's like, nobody's paying attention to John McCain. No one was excited about John McCain. And then all of a sudden, we're being told he is the presumptive Republican nominee.
Starting point is 00:59:55 And we're sitting there going, how did that happen? How did old John McCain come from nowhere here and pass all these other candidates. I never heard anybody saying they wanted John McCain. But John McCain was the fall guy to take the dive in the election for Barack Obama. That's all he did. He took a dive like a boxer. And the right got played just like we get played every single time with Sarah Palin. That was the hook.
Starting point is 01:00:27 Oh, yeah. Bring them all in. Doc, I remember. I remember saying I can't stomach voting for John McCain. I'm going to vote for Sarah Palin. Right. Yeah. Okay.
Starting point is 01:00:39 The hook was it. Yeah. All right. And they do it every time. Every single time. And then they burned her. Yes. After the election, they burned her. They her after the election. They were done with her. They were done with her. They threw her out on the garbage can.
Starting point is 01:00:50 So you think, Doc, you think that Donald Trump wants the identity of the shooter revealed because it's Mike Pence's bodyguard. And then the Trump base will then blame Mike Pence for Ashley Babbitt's shooting. It makes sense to me. It knocks Mike Pence out of any consideration for 2024 without Donald Trump having to do it. Because Mike Pence is going to be questioned about it everywhere he goes. Right. And that way Donald Trump doesn't have to say, I know who did it, but I need somebody else to say it and let that person say it. And then the you know,
Starting point is 01:01:31 they'll start questioning Mike Pence. But that's going to open up a bigger can of worms, because up to this point, we've been told it's an investigation to a Capitol Police officer. There's been official statements both from the Capitol Police and from even Nancy Pelosi, other top Democrats in the House and Senate saying it's a Capitol Police officer. So on top of knocking Mike Pence out, if you ever had a shot to begin with, you also have a new scandal, a new lie from the government. Yeah. But if you look at the video footage, he wasn't dressed in Capitol Police officer clothing. That's true. That's something I noticed. I was like, he's dressed like a Secret Service officer. We thought it was a secret service officer. So there's that gaslighting again. They're like, oh, if everybody wants me to believe
Starting point is 01:02:09 it's a Capitol police officer, I'm believing the opposite. You know, if I'm believing my eyes, if I see it looks like a secret service officer, I'm going to go with that. And that's, I, wow, I'm just blown away that they're probably going to run my test. There's just a mysterious hand that came out and, you know, Eric Clapton should write a new song. Who shot Ashley Babbitt? It's true. But if he knows, he needs to tell the American people. The American people have a right to know.
Starting point is 01:02:32 And if it does come out that it is true that it was Mike Pence's Secret Service agent, that means that Mike Pence knew all along and said nothing. He watched as we were like, who murdered this woman in cold blood? You know, we watched as they try to condition us into believing that our lives didn't matter. You know, our lives were worth less than others because they shot her in the neck and killed her just because she was a participant in a Trump protest. You know, and it's like, and he said nothing. That's what that means. And that would be, you know, absolutely devastating for Mike Pence. His career would be over.
Starting point is 01:03:02 I will say this, and there was other ways to stop her. There were other law enforcement officers nearby. Standing next to her, they could have grabbed her. She was allowed to break open a window glass and crawl through it. She attempted to crawl through it. But the police officers moved to the side. They moved from the door, guarding the door, and police officers moved to the side. They moved from the door, guarding the door, and they moved over to the side,
Starting point is 01:03:35 and right there beside them was a SWAT team guy. Yeah, they were coming up the stairs right after shooting. And nobody grabbed her and said, you can't do that, okay? That would have been the right thing to do. But even on the other side, how about mace? Well, I mean mace mace would have slowed her down she would have to shoot and kill her but Look, she is partially to blame She she she was doing something that was illegal. She broke glass and was crawling through the glass of the capital of the United States. I'm not going to.
Starting point is 01:04:12 And they didn't know she wasn't armed. Yes. I don't know at the time. So, I mean, what she did was wrong and dangerous. She endangered her own life. But what I'm saying is shooting was not the way to solve it. They had mace. they had other ways. They had officers standing there behind her. They simply could have just grabbed her and said, no, you can't go in there. On the other side of
Starting point is 01:04:36 the glass, they could have sprayed her face with mace. That would have absolutely slowed her down but no the discombobulated hand comes out the mysterious um bodiless hand comes out and shoots her okay and that that was the thing that was wrong and the identity of that person has been covered up and there must be a reason. There's got to be a political reason that they've covered it up. And now Donald Trump is adding to the mystery of saying, I know the identity. Well, tell us. Tell us, Mr. President. Tell us.
Starting point is 01:05:18 All he has to say, he doesn't even have to give a name. If it is a secret service agent assigned to Vice President Mike Pence, all he has to say is, I know for a fact it is a secret service agent assigned to Vice President Mike Pence, all he has to say is, I know for a fact it's a secret service agent who was on Mike Pence's detail. That's all he's got to say. He doesn't have to give the name. Now the secret service has to give an answer. Now Mike Pence has to give an answer. But we don't know if that's the case. We don't know. But and we should know six months later. Yes. Right. But when don't know if that's the case. We don't know. And we should know six months later. Yes. Right. But when the former president of the United States repeatedly says, I know who killed
Starting point is 01:05:52 her, there's something bigger here. He's trying to get, as you say, he's trying to get somebody else to say it without it being him. And yet he's really adding fuel to the fire. Right. He's very good at doing it. He's very good at doing it. He's very good. You're able to fundraise off of fire making. President Trump is very good at fundraising too.
Starting point is 01:06:21 Yeah, well, he's got enough money raised, hundreds of millions of dollars from his legal defense fund after November elections, which he didn't do any. He spent, I don't know, what was it, $20 million he spent actually on the election defense. Where's the other $175 million? Where did it go? That's another story we don't want to talk about. And Mr. President, how long have you known the identity? Did you know January 6th? Did you know that day? Did you know that day when you were heading back to the White House after the rally,
Starting point is 01:06:58 the same event was occurring? Did you know the identity of whoever shot Ashley Babbitt that day? And have you kept this to yourself for six months when your supporters, a large portion of them, have been asking this question? Well, it's a very important question. But real quick, before we continue our discussion, here is Kerry Kinsey with some more headlines. Welcome to True News Headlights. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Hill reporting that a New Zealand academic says that Twitter temporarily restricted her account for her tweets mocking Chinese President Xi Jinping. The Hill says the Associated Press first reported this story.
Starting point is 01:07:42 Now, on Sunday, University of Canterbury professor Anne-Marie Brady tweeted, seems like Twitter may have briefly forgotten they don't work for Xi Jinping. Hashtag CPC 100 years. She says after those tweets were made unavailable, her account was then restricted. She appears to be back up on Twitter. The Hill says Twitter didn't say what prompted Brady's account to be restricted. Fox News says Nebraska's governor is declaring July to be Victims of Communism Remembrance Month. Governor Pete Ricketts is speaking out against the actions of communist regimes throughout history and the present. Communism has had so many terrible effects on people throughout the years.
Starting point is 01:08:40 In fact, over 100 million people have died because of the implementation of communism. People in the past have suffered under communism and continue to suffer under communism and repressive socialist regimes. Now, the governor told Fox News for those on the left who don't think communism is a bad thing, go look at history, he said. He said we can see case after case after case. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website. It's called reporting that Germany arrested a former spy for that country's secret service for conducting intelligence agent activities for China. Starting in 2010, the man allegedly supplied the Chinese Secret Service with information for almost a decade.
Starting point is 01:09:26 At the same time, he was allegedly an informant for the German Federal Intelligence Service. New York Post says the Catholic priest claims exorcisms have grown exponentially in the past decade as the U.S. is demonically oppressed and in a moral crisis. Monsignor Stephen Rossetti is a licensed psychologist and research associate professor at Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C. He and his team perform up to 20 exorcisms each week, liberating people and homes from what he calls demons and satanic evil. The Jerusalem Post says Israeli researchers have developed a hybrid organ from a pig with human blood vessels. Oh man, they believe it could help alleviate the shortage of transplant organs.
Starting point is 01:10:21 They say the solution to acute rejections is to remove the coating from the pig's blood vessels and replace it with a more friendly coating to the human immune system that was engineered in the laboratory from human placenta cells. Now, they claim instead of destroying the whole organ, we target only part of the organ, the most important part, they say. Let's look at True News headlines. Let's get back to the Godcast now. Here's Rick, Edward, and Doc and Lorne. Thank you, Kerry.
Starting point is 01:10:58 Rick, I'm a little confused about that last story. I'm not an expert in the Old Testament. You can't have pork or pig-related products in a product would be used by Jews, right? So they couldn't do it. So apparently a hybrid pig-human organ will only be for goyim. Wow. We get the hybrid. Thanks a lot. I mean, I would have honestly, seriously, I'd like to ask a rabbi, will Jews be permitted to have laboratory-grown organs inserted in their body that is part pig,
Starting point is 01:11:39 swine, and part human? Would that not make you unclean? Well, my view is it'll make everybody unclean. I don't care who you are. I don't want no pig organ in me. This is the Nephilim. Let's call it, what is this? This is modern day Nephilim. They're messing with the DNA of the human race. That's another topic. We're talking about a national police force and President Joe Biden hinted at something. Oh, maybe we're taking it too far.
Starting point is 01:12:17 Yes, the facts of it, he announced vaguely without giving much of what's going to happen inside of it. He said during a speech yesterday that there's going to be a door-to-door, community-to-community, neighbor-to-neighbor campaign. Now, this doesn't mean... To do what? To spread awareness about the need for vaccination. Now, which doors are they going to? Every door?
Starting point is 01:12:40 They're going to focus, according to Jen Psaki, areas of low vaccination. So again, we'd have to jump and say, are they talking about the South? Are they talking about conservative areas, which are reluctant? Yes, the South. But what I'm asking, are they going to specific homes? Or is it just a general doorknob? Are they going to every house? Or do they know who is not vaccinated? The way the president presented this and his press secretary clarified, they have a list and they're checking it twice and they know who's been vaccinated and who has not been vaccinated. Would that be through your contact tracing through your telephone? I think it's everything put together.
Starting point is 01:13:24 Social media, contact tracing, maybe again the hospitals. Your vaccination record. Yeah, vaccination record. Maybe when you had to sign in to go to a restaurant, you know, you had to write down your name. I think all this data was aggregated.
Starting point is 01:13:37 Salesforce, for example, has taken up a contract with the government to do this aggregation. I think they're confident. Salesforce. Yes, remember Mr. Brunioff. Who's going door to door? I mean, there are 100 million homes in America. You need a 100,000 man army of federal officers. Who's going to go door to door knocking on 100 million homes? Well, let's just say
Starting point is 01:13:59 half the country supposedly is vaccinated. So let's say they have to go to 50 million homes. Who is doing it? I mean, you would need a civilian national security force to pull something like that off. You're talking about doing it this summer. It has to be a national security force, either that or it's just going to be a giant money laundering, money dump scandal. And the people that they hire are going to be too lazy to come out and check anyway. So it's going to have to be like officially official U.S. officers.
Starting point is 01:14:28 Or there is another solution. What's that? The military. Donald Trump authorized it a year ago. Up to a million, you're right. Oh my goodness. That authorization is still in place. For a call-up, that was right, that was around April, May, something like that,
Starting point is 01:14:45 Donald Trump signed an executive order authorizing the call-up of one million reservists for active duty. Specifically related to the current crisis. Yes. Every once in a while I'll get it right, Rick. You're thinking pretty good here today. I'm taking my vitamins. Wow. Are we going to have soldiers knocking on the door?
Starting point is 01:15:11 Of course, they may have their own problems in September. They try to do mandatory vaccination in the military. The ones that survive will be knocking. This is a lot of people's trouble. There are several congressmen commented on the president's statement asking for much deeper clarification. Even attorney generals, the attorney general for Arizona said he will not tolerate intrusions like this in his state. That itself seems like a pretty serious warning. But let's listen to what the president said.
Starting point is 01:15:41 A special focus on five ways to make gains in getting those of you who are unvaccinated vaccinated. Because here's the deal. We are continuing to wind down the mass vaccination sites that did so much in the spring to rapidly vaccinate those eager to get their first shot and their second shot, for that matter, if they needed a second. Now we need to go to community by community, neighborhood by neighborhood, and oftentimes door to door, literally knocking on doors to get help to the remaining people protected from the virus. Now, when you said that, Rick, I thought about Philadelphia. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you. In short, in Philadelphia, they actually did have soldiers, National
Starting point is 01:16:24 Guard who were deployed, who were going door to door and offering vaccinations on site. Well, how about the videos we showed months ago in Los Angeles, the police officers that were rounding up homeless people, mentally ill people and holding them down and forcing them to be vaccinated against their will? Is that where we're going? Yes, that is where we're going. Well, Alan Dershowitz told us it was legal. Remember? Constitutional. He said troops could pull you out of the house and jab a needle in you. I hope Alan Dershowitz is the one that knocks on my door. That would make me very happy. So you can have a good conversation with him.
Starting point is 01:17:01 I would. I would show him where he can stick his needle. Okay. Well, this is an odd subject for the Biden administration. You know, we often say that you don't think Biden's really running the show. You mean the Obama-Biden administration? Yeah, really, the Obama administration, the second, third term of it. This talk of a national police force reminds me of Barack Obama in 2008. Yes, he made a very ominous statement while he was running.
Starting point is 01:17:33 This is Senator Obama, again, the man that no one really knew anything about. He made a call that when he becomes president, and after, he's still going to go for this, a civilian national security force as powerful and as well-funded and as strong as the military would be deployed in America. Let's remember, let's go back in time and just enjoy the sound of Barack Obama's voice. Here he is. We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national
Starting point is 01:18:14 security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded. What in the world was he talking about? A national police force, SS troops. He proposed his own SS troops. And we're here at this point now. It's happening.
Starting point is 01:18:37 I told people in 2008, Barack Obama is a Marxist communist agitator, organizer. He's leading a communist revolution. And I had conservatives who laughed at me. I had a prominent conservative journalist who hung up the phone and ended the interview when I said Obama was a Marxist-Communist. He said, I don't want to participate in this interview. I remember that day. The same journalist is now trying to be on the bandwagon with the, let's defend the insurrectionists.
Starting point is 01:19:11 Let's be patriots. Well, you were a patriot back in 2008. And that's interesting because you said before that Joe Biden is Obama 2.0. So you were right then, and the same thing's back now, and you're right now. He's still, Joe Biden is still Obama's vice president. Joe doesn't even know he's the president. How many times has he called? He's the shadow VP. How many times has he called Kamala Harris the president?
Starting point is 01:19:38 He just did it a week or two ago. Yes, he's done it several times. More times than he can count on his own fingers. Could it be because he's heard Barack Obama tell him, Joe, do you understand? You're not the president. Maybe he's heard this, and he doesn't realize that he's not supposed to say it in public. But Barack Obama, raised by communists like Frank Marshall Davis, surrounded by communists his entire life, proposed a national communist police corps. So we thought, oh, we got rid of Obama.
Starting point is 01:20:18 He's gone. That crazy idea is finished. But Biden is here now. He says, we're going to go door to door. We're coming to your house to tell you to get says, we're going to go door to door. We're coming to your house to tell you to get vaccinated. We're going to go door to door. And by the way, we're going to have a cap of police everywhere.
Starting point is 01:20:35 This is where we're at right now. Obama is still running things. He's still the Marxist behind the curtain. He's still the president of the United States. He was the president of the United States during the four years of Donald Trump. I predicted it before Trump was elected. I said Obama will not leave Washington. He will be the president in exile.
Starting point is 01:21:03 And he set up residence and had Valerie Jarrett living upstairs. A communist. Her parents were communists. And he never up residence, had Valerie Jarrett living upstairs. A communist. Her parents were communists. And he never left Washington. And he was the president in exile. He ran the entire resistance movement to Donald Trump. He was being led by Barack Obama. Who had the ability to call the former director of national intelligence? Who had the ability to call the former director of the CIA? Who had the ability to call the
Starting point is 01:21:34 FBI director at the time? You had to be somebody at Obama's level or higher to reach them. And they jumped when he called. And they did their dirty work for four years to take down Donald Trump. There are a lot of things Donald Trump did and said that I did not like and agree with, but put that aside, the dirty campaign that was waged against him was the most despicable thing I've seen in my lifetime. Because it was waged against us.
Starting point is 01:22:10 Yes. It was waged against the American people who voted for him. It was a campaign against the Constitution of the United States, against the Republic. But these people hate the Republic. They hate the Constitution. They hate the Declaration of Independence. And they hated the people who revere those things. Yes.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Because they're revolutionaries. What they celebrated on July 4th, last week, was the overthrow of the Revolution of 1776. That's what they celebrated. They've conquered it. They overthrew the revolution of 1776. Now they're rolling out their National Police Force. I think in the time we have, Edward, I think we should talk about Tucker Carlson. What he's alleging. Tucker Carlson, his continuing allegations against the National Security Agency. He was on Fox Business News this morning. I heard part of the interview driving in today, and he was talking to Maria Bartiromo. He went farther than he's ever gone in his allegations against the NSA. Yes, and this now has gone as far as to say that the NSA has leaked his emails, his text messages, to other journalists in D.C., doing basically what James Comey admitted to doing, right? Working with the media to slander the current outstanding president. In this case, Tucker Carlson is claiming that the very contents of his emails,
Starting point is 01:23:46 the ones that he came out last week and claimed the NSA was spying on him, collecting and then using against him, that that has been handed off to other Americans, Americans that don't necessarily have Tucker Carlson's best interests at heart, and it gets being done to bring down his show. Now, independently, we don't know. Tucker Carlson hasn't presented the evidence of this. We have not met his source, though he did identify now that he met and spoke with his source at a funeral in D.C. At this point, I think Tucker Carlson probably should bring his source on
Starting point is 01:24:17 or do something to expand on this. But this is what he shared with Maria Bartolome, who appears to believe Tucker. And Tucker is very passionate about the fact that if this will happen to him, it'll happen to any American in any period of time if we don't fix it. You don't go on TV lightly to say the government is spying on me because you sound like a crazy person. And of course, you would never say that unless you knew that it was true. And I did know that it was true almost accidentally. I was in Washington for a funeral last week and ran into someone I know well who said, I have a message for you, and then proceeded to repeat back to me details from emails and texts that I sent and had told no one else about. So it was verified. And this person said,
Starting point is 01:25:00 look, the NSA has this, and that was proven by the person repeating back the contents of the email, and is going to use it against you. Now, to be totally blunt with you, I would never have said this in public if it was something I felt was wrong or illegal or immoral. They don't actually have anything on me, but they do have my email. So I knew they were spying on me. And again, to be totally blunt with you, as a defensive move, I thought I better say this out loud because I have no I have no other way to defend myself. I'm just an American citizen. I don't have any position of official authority, but I do have a megaphone. So I should say this out loud. And I soon, that the NSA leaked the contents of my email to journalists in an effort to discredit me. I know because I got a call from one of them saying, oh, this is what your email was about.
Starting point is 01:25:53 So it is not in any way a figment of my imagination. It's confirmed. It's true. They're not allowed to spy on American citizens. They are. I think more ominously, they're using the information they gather to put leverage and to threaten opposition journalists, people who criticize the Biden administration. It's happening to me right now. And I think it's shocking. And I don't think, Rick, to mention that he's a U.S. citizen, that this shouldn't be happening to U.S. citizens. He's not a peasant, that he has rights. But he says, well, if this is happening, he eventually comes to the conclusion, Rick, that no, he's not. We're not free in this country if this is the norm. That's right. What came to my mind is that what's taking place against Mr. Carlson is very similar to what happened to Donald Trump, the president of National Intelligence, the FBI, the NSA,
Starting point is 01:27:11 Obama loyalists whom he got appointed into those positions. They burrowed deep. They went deep into those agencies. And they were not loyal to America, not loyal to the Constitution. They were loyal to their Marxist communist leader, Barack Hussein Obama. Now, that's what I think is happening to Tucker Carlson. It does not mean that the entire NSA is out to get him. I think that there are Obama loyalists in position in the NSA
Starting point is 01:27:48 who are reporting directly to Barack Obama. Obama is giving them the instructions, take down Tucker Carlson. And the NSA director needs to do a complete, thorough investigation and find out if that's what's taking place. Are there Obama loyalists who are using the resources of the NSA to illegally spy
Starting point is 01:28:20 on Tucker Carlson and then leak it to the media for the purpose of taking it down. Is that not exactly what they did to Donald Trump? Yes. And of course, I don't know if the NSA is directly relaying information to the FBI or other entities. What they're likely doing is in order to get around the domestic surveillance issue, they can't say they're directly spying on Americans. What they could do is they could gather that information, hand it off to one of the five I partners out there, the five intelligence communities,
Starting point is 01:28:53 and then that intelligence agency give it back to them. Like Australia or Great Britain, Canada. But that implies that the agency is officially carrying out that work. That would mean the agency is creating an agency relationship with another surveillance agency in Great Britain or New Zealand or Australia, wherever. That leaves a paper trail. that leaves a paper trail. That leaves a paper trail. Yes. That opens you up to prison time.
Starting point is 01:29:34 I think this is much... Simpler? I think they're extremely careful in how they do. You know, Doc, I think they're extremely careful in how they do. You know, Doc, I think they're so sneaky. Some of their people use ham radio to communicate. Oh, Nellie Orr. Remember her? Yeah.
Starting point is 01:29:53 Oh, Nellie Orr. Yeah, Doc's the one that figured this out. That one of the key players in the spying against Donald Trump, Doc discovered that she had a ham radio license to communicate by old-fashioned ham radio. Nobody would have thought about that. There's no recording. 58-year-old woman
Starting point is 01:30:14 suddenly taking up the hobby of ham radio. But you caught it. You saw it one day and you said, wait a minute, that's now your. That's the same person that's in the Trump scandals. And so anyhow, I think that I think the Obama people are extremely careful not to leave paper trails. They they got out it in the scandal against Donald Trump, but nothing done against them.
Starting point is 01:30:47 No accountability, no punishment. I think they're much more careful now. And so maybe I'm naive. I'm not at the point of saying that there are Obama loyalists inside the NSA who are secretly using the resources of the NSA to spy on people who are opposing the communist revolution. Right. And the only thing he's doing is his journalistic duty by holding the powerful into account. That is what his job is to do. And just by doing his job, he's threatening whatever plans they have for us. So they have to take him out.
Starting point is 01:31:34 They have to drive him absolutely mad by making him feel like I'm constantly being watched, which they are. And they're doing this to them, as he said. A journalist showed him these private emails which means that they were leaking them and then him going on TV and saying hey this is what they're doing to me they put a stop to it they didn't move forward with it so like oh hold up he found out but you know so praise God that person told Tucker Carlson what was going on you know there was somebody good there that was like
Starting point is 01:32:01 looking out for him Lauren I, I just had this thought. This actually gets back to gaslighting. It always does. The whole scenario that the leak, that somebody, what he said was that a person who attended the funeral said, I have a message for you. That's what he said. Tucker Carlson, that person said, I have a message for you. Okay. This could be set up in a way that they deliberately leak to Tucker Carlson that they're spying on him so that he'll go on national TV and say, they're spying on me. They're watching me. All right. What are they doing?
Starting point is 01:32:43 Making him sound crazy. They're gaslighting. They're gaslighting him. They're sayingying on me. They're watching me. All right. What are they doing? Making him sound crazy. They're gaslighting. They're gaslighting him. They're saying all these things. Now they're saying he's the new Alex Jones. So they're gaslighting him. Gaslighting is an old tactic that private detectives would carry out. Originally, you know, for wealthy men that wanted to divorce their wife, trying to find a way. How do I get how do I get her out of the house?
Starting point is 01:33:09 And so they would hire a private detective who would go into the house, rearrange the furniture, leave notes and things like that. So that when the wife would come home, she would have this creepy feeling somebody was in the house. So she'd call her friends, call her family. I swear somebody was in the house. So she'd call her friends, call her family. I swear somebody was in the house, right? And so every time that this would happen, people would start to think, Mary's losing it. Karen is starting to, Karen's becoming so paranoid. There'd be somebody usually in cahoots with that saying,
Starting point is 01:33:42 no, everything looks normal. Everything looks right. There's the lying eyes. I think Tucker Carlson has to consider the possibility that there's somebody in the NSA gaslighting him. They also did have the emails though or else they wouldn't have been able to tell it to him. Of course, that's part of the plan.
Starting point is 01:34:00 Yeah, and that's how they took it to the next level. Actually, think about this for a second because he actually goes in this interview and says, okay, well, my executive producer saw these emails too. Maybe some of my staff have seen these emails and texts. They would know. What if someone on the staff, like it's not even the NSA, what if someone on the staff leaked emails or texts?
Starting point is 01:34:18 That's what I'm saying. And then the story is the NSA, you know, this monolithic spy agency that is only now in the first, this century now, you NSA, this monolithic spy agency that is only now in the first, this century now, really public, we weren't even supposed to know about them now. And that now you think, okay, there's some legitimacy. Because really, the only thing he knows,
Starting point is 01:34:35 he claims he's tried to cross-reference this and prove it through FBI agents and other stuff like that. He said he called the NSA and got a yelling match of them over this. But all he really knows is they read back an email to him. That email could have been printed. The text message could have been someone from his staff. You've got to be as dumb as a dead garfish to not think that your emails and your text messages can be hacked.
Starting point is 01:35:04 If you put private confidential stuff in an email or a text, you're dumb. I mean, I don't know what to say. I've operated under this theory for 20 years. They're watching. Somebody's watching. It doesn't mean it's the government. It doesn't mean. We're told every day,
Starting point is 01:35:26 hackers. Hackers are getting into everything. Right. Russia, you know... But they can't hack your email? They can't hack your text messages? Look, we're dealing with revolutionaries that... The tech companies themselves are part
Starting point is 01:35:41 of the revolution. The people who sold you the stinking phone are part of it. The people who designed the phone, the people who run, I mean, it's Microsoft email. It's Apple phone. Who does the FBI call if they need to get into a phone? They call Apple. Right. They call Microsoft.
Starting point is 01:36:03 They're all in on it. Do you really think that? Yeah, that's true. That's a good point. But if you remember last year, that USB, during the Hunter Biden laptop scandal, his producer, Tucker's producer, mailed a USB across the country to him, and the package arrived empty. So they've been doing this to him for a while now. Like, we never heard what was on the USB, so there probably wasn't anything.
Starting point is 01:36:23 But then he was giving it back to him. But Tucker never heard what was on the USB, so there probably wasn't anything. They're messing with him. But then it was given back to him. But Tucker never revealed what was in it. Exactly. Because it was his friend, Hunter Biden. He did reveal that when he spoke about it after. He said that he was a longtime friend of Hunter Biden and the family. Oh, okay. On live TV.
Starting point is 01:36:37 Personal friend. Yeah. It's another one of those mysteries. He got the message. It's a mystery. You're going too far. Shut it down. Be quiet. Okay? the message you're going too far shut it down be quiet okay I think that this is
Starting point is 01:36:45 part of the intimidation against Tucker Carlson saying your career is over it's time you gotta think about being a schoolteacher that's what this is about the communist resistance movement in this country is saying, take the hint. It's time to retire. Maybe you want to move to Ireland. Okay. I mean, they already forced him to leave D.C. Yeah, he's living in Florida now. His studio is out of his house. They've already intimidated him enough that he's scared to let his wife and children at home. Right. Where was the Capitol Police?
Starting point is 01:37:26 There were terrorists at his house, going up on his porch, terrorizing his wife. It was a night time, Rick. They're not terrorists, remember? Yeah. Oh, that's right. Get it right. That's right.
Starting point is 01:37:36 So he's already dealt with this. I mean, I've just become hardened to it. I've had so many death threats against me that you just get used to it but it bothered him and he moved okay now they're saying to him shut down your program your career is over you might want to be you might want to host a cooking show. All right? There's your options. Stop resisting the communist takeover, or we destroy you. Yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:16 Stop holding us accountable, or we will remove you. That is what it is. Or we can destroy you, so you can retire now and go live your life peacefully and not obstruct the regime that we're trying to, the communist takeover, or, you know, we destroy you. That's it. But again, I don't, I'm not convinced. It's the official NSA agency. I think it's Obama loyalists in the agency who are still there, still responding to their great leader, Barack Hussein Obama. That's the man who's in power. Oh, yeah.
Starting point is 01:38:48 For sure. We covered a lot of ground here today. That's some good stuff. Yes, we did. All right. It was a good show. But, Rick, did they learn anything today? I hope so.
Starting point is 01:38:55 I hope so. We have a great audience. Hey, oh, I forgot. I'll do it tomorrow. We're already getting testimonies coming in about... Miracle money. Miracle money. People are already finding their miracle monies.
Starting point is 01:39:06 It's really exciting. Do you want to quickly tell people what miracle money is? Well, yeah, miracle money, if you want to, desire to give an offering to True News, and you just don't have the cash to do it, ask God to give you miracle money. The Bible says he gives seed to the sower and he will give you seed to sow into his kingdom. I promise you he will do it. It will work. And just ask the Lord for miracle money. Tell him that you will give the money to True News the moment it comes in. And then when the money arrives, you fulfill your vow to God and NEWS THE MOMENT IT COMES IN, AND THEN WHEN THE MONEY ARRIVES, YOU FULFILL YOUR VOW TO GOD AND GET THE MONEY TO TRUE NEWS.
Starting point is 01:39:48 AND YOU WILL HAVE A GIFT GOING TO SUPPORT TRUE NEWS, AND IT DIDN'T COME OUT OF ANY OF YOUR RESOURCES. THAT'S THE AMAZING THING. THAT'S RIGHT. IF YOU HAVE ONLY $100 TO YOUR NAME RIGHT NOW, AND GOD GIVES YOU $100 to your name right now, and God gives you $100 miracle money, and you send the $100, you still have your $100. But you gave a $100 gift.
Starting point is 01:40:14 Where did it come from? It came from heaven. It came from heaven. And now God's going to bless the $100 that you gave. And the blessings of heaven start moving into your life. And every time the blessing comes, you give a portion of it back to the blessings of heaven start moving into your life. And every time the blessing comes, you give a portion of it back to the kingdom of God. And now the flow is moving. But we're already getting people who within less than 24 hours
Starting point is 01:40:37 after making the pledge receive their miracle money. I'll start talking about it tomorrow. So anyhow. I look forward to hearing that story. Make your pledge to God and ask him for the miracle money. I'll start talking about it tomorrow. So anyhow. I look forward to hearing the story. Make your pledge to God and ask him for the miracle money and then watch what happens. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. This world is hopelessly corrupt, but it's not our kingdom. We are heavenly citizens of the Lord Most High, and we are called to be lighthouses for truth,
Starting point is 01:41:03 righteousness, and salvation in these times. Answer the call and stand with us as we stand for our Lord Jesus Christ. If you liked what you heard today, please share this Godcast with your friends and family and consider becoming a monthly partner for this ministry in the month of July. You can support True News by going to That is Just click on the heart on the left-hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or a story you'd like us to investigate, our address is P.O. Box 690069,
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