TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Japan warns China may attack Pearl Harbor

Episode Date: July 1, 2021

Description: Today on TruNews, host Edward Szall and the team examine the comments by a Japanese defense minister that China and Russia may be planning a Pearl Harbor style attack on the United State...s. Meanwhile, Xi Jinping channels his inner Mao, threatening to crack and bloody heads of those who dare to bully China. An 82 year old female pilot gets the opportunity to go into space on with Jeff Bezos on the Blue Origin. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Doc Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (07/01/21) Episode 8

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help,, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Japan is warning America that China and Russia are plotting a new surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The U.S. and Japan have been conducting top-secret war games to repel a communist invasion of Taiwan. And President for Life Xi Jinping has warned the West that their heads will be cracked and left bleeding if they attempt to confront the rising red dragon. All that and more in just a moment. But first, here is Kerry Kensey with today's True News Headlines.
Starting point is 00:01:12 Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The South China Morning Post says China is sending a warning shot to the West as the Chinese Communist Party celebrates its 100th birthday. President Xi Jinping warns that foreign powers who might want to bully, oppress or enslave the country will have their heads cracked and bleeding.外来势力欺负压迫奴役我们谁妄想 这样干 必将在 14多亿中国人民
Starting point is 00:01:53 用血肉 铸成的 钢铁长城面前 碰得头破血流 CNN reporting that the Trump Organization is expected to be charged with tax crimes. Allen Weisselberg, the organization's CFO, surrendered to the Manhattan DA's office this morning. Allen Weisselberg did surrender a couple of hours ago to the Manhattan District Attorney's office. Later this afternoon, he and the Trump organization will be arraigned on these charges. That's when we expect the indictment will be unsealed. And we'll know the details of these
Starting point is 00:02:39 charges, the breadth of these charges, and actually how much money the company and Allen Weisselberg is alleged to have apparently not paid taxes on. But we're waiting for those details. Now, we just got a statement in from Allen Weisselberg's attorney attorneys. They said Mr. Weisselberg intends to plead not guilty and he will fight these charges in court. We also got a statement from the Trump Organization. In their statement, they said Allen Weisselberg is a loving and devoted husband, father and grandfather who has worked at the Trump organization for 48 years. He's now being used by the Manhattan district attorney as a pawn in a scorched earth
Starting point is 00:03:15 attempt to harm the former president. The district attorney is bringing a criminal prosecution involving employee benefits that neither the IRS nor any other district attorney would ever think of bringing. This is not justice. This is politics. And I think we're going to hear a lot more of that from the Trump organization and perhaps even the former president as they attack the district attorney's charges here. I mean, as we've been reporting for weeks, you know, this investigation had been very broadly focused, looking into property valuations, looking into whether any banks or insurance companies were defrauded. And the focus now, at least for now, has really narrowed on this issue of compensation and benefits.
Starting point is 00:03:53 And this is where Alan Weisberg fits in. He is under investigation for benefits that he'd received. That's a rent-free apartment, a company car, tuition for at least one of his grandchildren's schools, and bonuses. And this is something that we expect to be part of the case today. We don't know the full breadth of it, but I think once we know more, we'll be able to get a sense of just how much additional pressure there'll be on Ellen Weisselberg and where else this investigation may be heading. And those indictments should be unsealed at any time now. Former President Trump is not expected to be charged, that according to his attorney. For information on this story and more, visit our companion website.
Starting point is 00:04:33 Check it out. It's called The New York Post reporting that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy has asked the top Republican on the House Intelligence Committee, Devin Nunes, to look into Tucker Carlson's allegations that the NSA is spying on him. On his show Monday, the Fox News host accused the Biden administration of surveilling his private communications in an effort to get his show yanked from the air. That's a look at True News headlines. Now, let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick, Edward and Doc.
Starting point is 00:05:13 Thanks, Kerry. Well, more war, war, and war. It's not every day, I guess, we get to talk about a dictator threatening to bludgeon our heads. No. But we talk about war a lot on this program because we're trying to show people where the world is headed, and I suspect that these shocking news stories today
Starting point is 00:05:40 probably just won't register with most people. They're just numb to it. And these are headlines that if I was reading this stuff on True News 20 years ago, I would have been absolutely alarmed. I mean, if I had a headline with, hey, Japan warns China is going to do an attack on Pearl Harbor. The Chinese premier said, we're going to crack your head open. You're going to bleed. Those would have been horrific headlines. But not anymore.
Starting point is 00:06:21 Today, the public is numb. There's so much coming at them. They're just numb. And the sad thing about it is the warning signs are there, blaring, shouting at them. But they're not going to prepare. They're not going to prepare spiritually. They're not going to prepare physically. They've just resigned themselves.
Starting point is 00:06:55 Probably going to happen. What am I going to do about it? I'll just die. Right. And the mainstream media, or the lamestream media, really, they're not going to address this. You know that. What about the Marxist media?
Starting point is 00:07:06 I like that even better. That's where we're gonna go with from now, the Marxist media. What they do is they suck all the air out of the room with these crazy charges against the Trump Organization and the continued chasing of ghosts and shadows in the dark. And we allow them to distract us on that. And what do clowns do at the circus?
Starting point is 00:07:26 They distract everyone so the elephants can come into the tent. So that's what a clown is for. So the Marxist media clowns distract the public from what's really getting ready to take place on the center stage. Right. And so we'll start with, I mean, I saw these two headlines last night at home. I was like, oh boy, I can see what tomorrow's going to be like at True News. You know, in the evenings when I scan headlines,
Starting point is 00:08:03 you can pretty much get a gut feeling. Oh, the next day. Yeah, what it's going to be like the next day. When I saw this first one, Japanese official warns U.S. of potential surprise attack on Hawaii from Russia and China. In specific, he said Pearl Harbor. Now, this gentleman is the deputy defense minister of Japan. Actually, I believe the full defense minister.
Starting point is 00:08:29 Oh, he's a, okay. Yes, he's a deputy minister in the government. His name is Yoshida Nakayama. And he was speaking with the Hudson Institute and making this comment. We have a soundbite for him, but first I wanted to point out, I don't think I've ever heard a Japanese government official
Starting point is 00:08:43 in speaking to an American audience, remind the American audience, we attacked Pearl Harbor. Listen to me real quick. I know that this is a vulnerable target. I know that your enemies now might want to attack this target because we thought this way before World War II. Edward, in my lifetime, I've never heard a Japanese government official even say Pearl Harbor. They avoid this subject like the plague. And so he was speaking at the Hudson Institute, and he said, we know something, we, Japan,
Starting point is 00:09:16 we know something about Pearl Harbor. We attacked it one time. And we had a, in our mind in Tokyo, we had a justified reason to attack Pearl Harbor. And I'm trying to tell you Americans right now that China and Russia are thinking the way we did just before we attacked Pearl Harbor. That's essentially what he said. I mean, who would have imagined seeing this headline in any publication at all? Basically, they're saying, hey, you know, we attacked the United States, and we're seeing the same type of scenario being set up.
Starting point is 00:10:01 All right, flip it around. What if President Biden said to a Japanese audience, you know, we know something about Hiroshima. Yes, we know a little bit about nuclear warfare because we did it to you. Twice. And we see something coming. We think another country is going to nuke Hiroshima. Would that be a major headline in Japan?
Starting point is 00:10:30 Oh, you best believe it would be. They wouldn't stop talking about it. And the Japanese are subdued. That's the other thing. Do you see this story anywhere in America today? No, they're obsessed with domestic politics, stupid political theater. You know, stories that have meaning, of course. They don't want the president to be prosecuted in a witch hunt, but that's nothing compared to Japan, who is known to make subtle, subdued statements. None of their officials ever talk about war, and especially not Pearl Harbor, warning us that the two other superpowers
Starting point is 00:11:03 in the world may attack our Pacific home base. I'm going to pick up. This is the Washington Examiner. They picked up the story from another source. And their article says Russia and China are coordinating military exercises to threaten not only Taiwan, but also Hawaii, according to a senior Japanese defense official who warned the United States to beware of a Pearl Harbor-style surprise attack. Quote, we have to show the deterrence towards China,
Starting point is 00:11:40 and not just China, but also the Russians, because as I told you, that they are doing their exercises together, said Japanese Deputy Nakayama. Speaking to the Hudson Institute this week, Taiwan's vulnerability to an invasion from mainland China has become a preoccupation in recent months. The story goes on. Mr. Nakayama said, I think the Taiwanese are really concerned, and also they're focusing on the two big countries collaborating and presenting a lot of threats towards Taiwan. But he goes on to talk about why he fears
Starting point is 00:12:21 that China and Russia are going to carry out a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. He said, quote, 70 years ago we attacked Pearl Harbor, but now the U.S. and Japan are very good allies, one of the best allies all over the world. I don't want to remind us of the attack 70 years ago, but we have to be careful of the exercising of the Russians. They are taking place off the western side of Honolulu. I mean, in Hawaii. And they were. They were just doing drills here just a few days ago. 20 to 30 nautical miles right off the island. He said the exercise was intended to check the reliable operation of shipborne weapons in a hot climate. And remember, when we reported that story a week or two ago,
Starting point is 00:13:14 one of the American news outlets had the headline, what are the Russians doing off the coast of Hawaii? And our response was, preparing for war. Okay, so a great... Don't be so dumb. What do you think they're doing? So I could ask the question, what are American and British ships doing off the coast of Crimea?
Starting point is 00:13:32 Preparing for war. Right, the same thing. Yes. And so Japan is watching this, and their top defense official said, we know something about bombing Pearl Harbor. And we're telling you, we think China and Russia are going to bomb Pearl Harbor. And I was listening through his speech, because you see in that segment you just read, it
Starting point is 00:14:00 just mentions Russia, but then it also has a mention about the threat against Taiwan. I believe that Mr. Nakayama, what he was inferring is that in addition to Pearl Harbor, a Pearl Harbor style attack could be used against Taiwan or other targets. Because for the Chinese, they don't have to knock out Pearl Harbor. They could potentially use the same mindset that Japan used and use their nuclear weapons or something worse against New York, against Los Angeles, or a plethora of other targets around the world. But do it in the same manner the Japanese did. It is the opening attack for the war. Yes. But he did specifically say they're exercising, they're doing military exercises off the western coast of Hawaii. You found a video clip? Yes, the Japanese I have the statement from Mr. Yakeyama. And this is him speaking to the Hudson Institute a few days
Starting point is 00:14:56 ago. So if you look the map, this is the United States, and this is my country, Japan, Pacific Ocean. And now, one more thing, we have Honolulu here. You know, 70 years ago, we attacked Pearl Harbor. But now, US and Japan is a very good allies, like, you know you know, one of the best allies in the all over the world. And we can together preparing for the and the defense for the lots of if something enemies activities or even evils coming attack our nation or our citizens. We have to protect together. But if you look at the news from Zvezda,
Starting point is 00:15:55 which is a Russian report, the news from the Russian military, they are actually exercising now just right in front of Honolulu. And there are battleships, nuclear submarines and big airplanes, and they are really exercising just right in front of the western part of Honolulu. And so the I don't want to remind the 70 years ago, but we have to be careful the exercising of the Russians. They are taking the place, the western side of the Honolulu, I mean Hawaii, and in Hawaii. What better example that we're in a fresh world order, where you have the two countries which were allied with us in World War II fighting Japan, who are now basically our predominant enemies. And Japan, the country that attacked us, is now the country that we're conducting top-secret drills with to fight China.
Starting point is 00:17:11 And warning us that our two former allies are going to attack us in the same place that Japan attacked us. Topsy-turvy. Yes. Just for all you history folks out there, remember, it was before World War II that we were providing flight support, aviation support, military support to China to defend itself against Japan. And now we have the whole scenario kind of turned upside down. Do you think, Rick, in all of this, is Hawaii a genuine target or is this just rhetoric to build things up?
Starting point is 00:17:49 Is the real plan for China Taiwan? I mean, they claim it as their own. They were offended in the minister's speech that he kept referring to Taiwan as a country. And in fact, they called that a provocation. They used that word. Realistically, where do you think this goes? Taiwan is what China desires. Hawaii is a target.
Starting point is 00:18:14 Guam is a target. You've got to factor Guam as a major target in a war. This would be in the Pacific, it's going to be Guam and Hawaii. Japan knows if they show favoritism to the United States, they're going to get whacked too. Right. And they already have the issue of hosting U.S. base, several of them actually, Okinawa being a major base.
Starting point is 00:18:44 They've got airfields with bombers in this in Japan us airfield but Japan also knows that if they if they Remain neutral and the US is defeated by China They're in They're in a lot of trouble after that war because there's nobody to fight for them, to defend them from China. So Japan's got a very difficult position, same as Australia. Now, the Financial Times of London yesterday reported that the U.S. and Japan reportedly have a possible Taiwan war. This story is from Sputnik News.
Starting point is 00:19:30 They're covering it from Financial Times. And the Financial Times said that the U.S.-Japan war games started under President Trump. Yes. And this is a very important note because often we see the news headlines about us conducting drills or just sending our warships to other parts of the world and we're doing things which are harmless. The Financial Times noted
Starting point is 00:19:54 that these top secret war drills were being conducted under the guise of being called disaster relief training. Anytime you saw a humanitarian mission or a training drill for our medics or our personnel for recovery, what the Financial Times is saying, according to six different sources they spoke to on this, is that we were actually conducting drills to repel an invasion of Taiwan or outright war with China all over the South Pacific.
Starting point is 00:20:24 Which would be a major humanitarian disaster. So Kerry Kinsey at the beginning of headlines today mentioned Xi Jinping's speech. This is the 100th year anniversary of the China Communist Party. And so they've been celebrating all week. And Xi Jinping warned foreign powers that they will have their heads cracked and bleeding if they dare take on China. We have, let's play, we have the video for, I know Kerry played it in the beginning of the headlines, but let's watch it again.
Starting point is 00:21:10 We Chinese are a people who uphold justice and are not intimidated by threats of force. As a nation, we have a strong sense of pride and confidence. We have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other country. And we never will. By the same token, we will never allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course with a great You saw the disparity between the applauses, of course, the sound bite that everyone is playing today about the threat of bludgeoning, the threat again of responding with full military force,
Starting point is 00:23:04 the full force of 1.4 billion people, that got a thunderous applause. But when Xi Jinping tried to share, which I think is provable propaganda, that China is not engaged in any offensive actions against any countries, he even went as far to say in that speech that they don't have hegemony in their genes. They don't have aggressiveness in their genes. Oh, so that was a racist comment he made. Well, can guys in control, can you put the last still, I mean, the last frame of that video on Just Hold It, of the crowd, the massive crowd speaking or listening to Xi Jinping. Right there. I'll tell you what I thought of. The 1930s, Adolf Hitler speaking to the Nazi party.
Starting point is 00:23:59 Oh, it was very Nazi-like. We have video from the event. This is scary. This is a scary scene. They have indoctrinated kids there. They have the whole full blown. I think they maybe even copied Hitler's coming out. Edward, you made a comment while we were watching that about how Xi Jinping was dressed. He was dressed like Mao. Right. That was likely intentional, wouldn't you say, Rick?
Starting point is 00:24:22 So what's the message he's trying to send by dressing like Mao? He's prepared to kill like Mao. I think that's the message that he is trying to deliver. He's dressing like Mao. I am Mao. I'm going to do the same things that Chairman Mao did. Which was kill millions of their own people. Yes.
Starting point is 00:24:45 The Chinese people. They purged the Chinese society. Anybody that refused to accept the communist doctrine was eliminated. And brutalized, persecuted, and eaten in some cases. The communists, absolutely. Look at that. Yeah, this is what I'm talking about, Rick, is those aren't all adults. Actually, about half of them are children.
Starting point is 00:25:09 They're in their military uniforms or civil uniforms. These are balloons and pigeons that you just saw just a moment ago being released. Those are the children. They've been trained to wave the flag for this major ceremony, celebrating communism. There are parts of this, Rick. Obviously, you have the military who showed up. The military played a major role in this. Fixed bayonets, marching in step, even brought artillery to this. Rick, that's the landing force. This is 1939, Nazi Germany.
Starting point is 00:25:49 And we just got a warning from Japan. China's going to attack Pearl Harbor just like we did in 1941. Right. So also a show of military force here, military helicopters coming in. So it's definitely trying to send a signal. Oh, look, they can coordinate, too. They can spell things out in the sky. So. I know we have some quotes from Xi Jinping's speech. Yes, a couple we took out of the speech, probably the main parts of the speech. First, Xi Jinping said, with apps, we'll absolutely not allow any foreign force to bully, oppress, or enslave us, and
Starting point is 00:26:26 anyone who attempts to do so will face broken heads and bloodshed in front of the iron great wall of the 1.4 billion Chinese people. He also said, the people of China are not only good at destroying the old world, they have also created a new world. That's interesting. He said only socialism can save China and only socialism with Chinese characteristics can develop China. No one should underestimate the resolve, the will, and the ability of the Chinese people to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
Starting point is 00:27:02 And that was a statement directly pointed at Taiwan and countries that are saying they're going to defend Taiwan against invasion. And the South China Sea as well. Yes. The last quote, China now enjoys tremendous international influence, but does not carry aggressive or hegemonic traits in its genes. But our scientists at Wuhan lab... They're made of a different silk. They're working to have new genes put into the Chinese people.
Starting point is 00:27:34 I'm obviously being facetious. But you heard that at the end. That is a distinctly racist comment. I mean, it's saying the Chinese people, we're better than the rest of the world. We are the supreme race. Once again, making that parallel to Nazism in the 30s, you know, the great race. How do we know that they haven't developed genetically modified soldiers? Well, both the Russian, the Chinese, and Americans have talked about super soldiers. Actually, even as going as far as saying the products are underway. China, with use of CRISPR,
Starting point is 00:28:12 gene editing, it's not just production of viruses in Wuhan. They are, according to their own PLA, doing this, trying to create that super soldier or an army of killer robots. And we'll remind our audience that in the past, I guess in the past four years, twice the foreign minister of Syria said that the United States used genetically modified soldiers in Syria. Yes, he did. Right. And then the one time Vladimir Putin made a very cryptic remark, and it was because there was a photograph of a so-called ISIS fighter that had ripped the heart out of a
Starting point is 00:29:01 Syrian soldier and ate it. And Vladimir Putin made a cryptic remark about the possible genetic origins of that soldier. I forget the exact words he said, but it implied that the Russians were aware that something very inhuman had been introduced into Syria. So I don't rule out the fact that we already have genetically modified soldiers being used on battlefields. Did you ever notice over the past four or five years how many times photographs of the so-called ISIS soldiers,
Starting point is 00:29:46 when they would have the hoods over their head, how tall they were? Yes. Compared to the Syrians? Right. Like a foot and a half taller. Yeah. And then at times you'd see their hair and it'd be red hair, blonde hair and everything. Lots of red-headed and blonde-headed people in Syria.
Starting point is 00:30:05 So, yeah, that really stands. I believe there are genetically modified soldiers that are serving out there. We've created them. China probably has them, too. And, hey, we're in a genetic war now, Rick. We are right now. He said they're worse than a nuclear bomb. That was at least in 2017. And as you've noted, he's over many speeches, he's addressed this dystopian future. It was a statement Putin made about the soldier eating the heart of the Syrian. I don't recall the exact words. I'm going to go on to number eight. Newsweek said satellite images reveal nearly 120 new nuclear missile silos built in China. That's a massive number,
Starting point is 00:30:50 120 missile silos. Yes, and these aren't new homes. These are homes for nuclear missiles with the range to hit anywhere on the planet. They're ICBMs, according to Newsweek. And this is again on the back. They're not planning to build these. These are pre-built nuclear cells that we didn't know existed before. Some of them, Rick, I was reading through this Newsweek story. They said they're covered by bouncy houses of death. This is one of the mechanisms they've used to try to hide the silo itself. There's one in the bottom with a C. Well, I can't believe that we just discovered it. I just believe that the U.S. government just decided now to release it.
Starting point is 00:31:30 Let's tell everybody about these. Now, Edward and I have looked in the past at, you know, the buildup of Chinese missiles. They have a very mobile missile system. And of course, you're aware of that. You've covered that in the past too. The majority of their missiles are on mobile trucks, they're on trains, they're moving around all the time, which is why I found this particular story interesting, you know, that they have these stationary silos. So I guess they're confident enough now to say,
Starting point is 00:32:02 hey, we can build silos just like you do in North America and anywhere else. And then several years ago, we interviewed the Georgetown University professor who said that his research revealed that China had hundreds of missiles hidden underground in tunnels. We had discovered that too. BILL MOYERS But if you listen to the official people in Washington, I mean, I remember Hillary Clinton was telling us when she was Secretary of State,
Starting point is 00:32:38 it might have been Condoleezza Rice. What does it matter? BILL MOYERS Right. You can get the same thing. BILL MOYERS Maybe it was Condoleezza Rice. No, China has 11 or 12 ICBMs. 11 or 12. Oh, boy.
Starting point is 00:32:54 OK. And nobody in the media challenged her on it. And those were the headlines. Secretary of State says China has 11 to 12 ICBM missiles. So no problem. Yeah, we can knock that out. But now we're being told they just built 120 silos. So which is it?
Starting point is 00:33:14 They have 120 silos for 11 missiles? They likely have more than 120 missiles for those 120 new silos. I think the truth is that China has what we have. Yes. That's the fact. The same with the Russians. We keep pretending as if we're going to be fighting another war like World War II. It's not going to be anything close to that.
Starting point is 00:33:37 Right. And China and Russia have repeatedly said we are constantly upgrading our missile defense system, whereas our own pentagon has come out many times over the past year saying hey our entire nuclear missile system is about ready to fall apart you know we've we've got to upgrade we need money for all this um and so they're not issuing a great deal of confidence in our ability to defend ourselves with those kind of things. But they might be playing wolf, crying wolf. They might be, right. I mean crying wolf, not playing wolf, crying wolf.
Starting point is 00:34:10 I should say they're playing possum. Playing possum, yes. Playing possum, lay down, act like you're dead. Well, they have wolf warriors. Number 10, this is from TASS News Agency, Putin does not underestimate the danger of the West's provocations. Now, he's continuing
Starting point is 00:34:31 to talk about the possibility of World War III. And my view is what the Russians are doing this week is they're bringing up the topic of World War III to get it into the news headlines,
Starting point is 00:34:52 but then saying, but we can't imagine starting World War III. So they got it into the headlines. They got that World War III. They got it into the headlines. They got that World War III. They got it into the headlines printed around the world. But their position was, I know people are worried about World War III, but we don't even think it's realistic. They're public relations people. They're military planners.
Starting point is 00:35:23 What they were trying to do is get the thought of World War III in the news cycle. Right. But then take a mild defensive position. But we, us, no. We wouldn't even imagine having World War III. Almost impossible. But what are we talking about right now? We're talking about the fact that Putin mentioned World War III. Almost impossible. But what are we talking about right now? We're talking about the fact that Putin mentioned World War III.
Starting point is 00:35:48 Yes. That's what he wanted. He got it into the news cycle. He was sending a message to NATO this week as NATO is doing war drills in the Black Sea, and he's telling them, you may be thinking about World War III. But we're not. We're not. But now that you've brought it up, we're thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:36:12 Your ships have made us think about it. And so this story says Putin does not underestimate the danger of the provocations being done by the West against him saying he's telling the Russian people, I don't think the NATO would attack us, but I'm sleeping with one eye open. Vigilant. Yeah. Just in case that they would try to do something. We're aware of it. And then here we go. Number 11 from Tass. Another world war impossible at this moment, Kremlin spokesman believes.
Starting point is 00:36:50 Mr. Peskov, who is the press secretary for the Kremlin. So he brings it back up again. World war, it's impossible. Why are we talking about it this week? Well, and Mr. Peskov was approaching it from the perspective of, you know, of a nuclear defense of both sides. Mutilation or destruction. There's no way we'd go to a world war because it would mean nuclear destruction. So what's the message he's sending? Don't try to start it.
Starting point is 00:37:23 And if you do, none of us will be alive. Right. That's what he's sending. Don't try to start it. And if you do, none of us will be alive. Right. That's what he's saying. If you make a run towards Crimea this week or next week and you start a nuclear war, nobody in Russia and nobody in America will be alive. Right. nobody in America will be alive. I'm waiting for the Russians to say one of the reasons why we're not afraid of this nuclear war the West is seething for is because
Starting point is 00:37:52 most our country is saved by the blood of Jesus. They know where they're going after they get killed by nukes. Can you say the same, America? The Russians, they know this has gone into a spiritual battle. This is not a Cold War standoff anymore. It's a spiritual standoff.
Starting point is 00:38:08 Yeah, I think they're very aware of it. Interfax, Russian foreign ministry accused the West of plans to make the Black Sea a zone of confrontation. And, you know, so, Rick, we made mention of the 30 ships that are on their way to the Black Sea. Some of them have already arrived for defensive posturing against Russia. I have to ask you, Rick, what's the end game here? I mean, they— An invasion of Crimea. Well, they know Russia's not going to sit back and just take that.
Starting point is 00:38:45 They know that Russia's going to respond to that. Are they serious enough to really go after Crimea? Doc, leaders of a nation that reject God, reject Jesus Christ, reject morality. Leaders of a nation that embrace the slaughter of millions of innocent babies in the womb. Leaders of a nation that endorse and promote same-sex marriage. Leaders of a nation that promotes and advances transvestite drag queens on military basis. Leaders of a nation that allow a long-running 30-year child molestation, child rape, honeypot entrapment scheme by another country to entrap leaders of their own country. Leaders of that kind of a country.
Starting point is 00:39:57 Do you think they have a right mind? Of course not. They've given up on reason. They're reprobates. So we ought to be very concerned. And that's what the Russians are saying. Your leaders in America, they're nuts. They're immoral. They're reprobates.
Starting point is 00:40:14 And we're aware of it. And we know that we're dealing with people who are not in their right mind anymore. Just like the German people were not evil, but the German leaders were evil. Hitler was insane, but extremely dangerous. He was brilliant and yet insane. Insanely brilliant. And so the West knew we have a problem. Hitler is communing with devils.
Starting point is 00:40:54 The man was demon possessed. But he built a massive military operation in a very short period of time and was actively engaged in conquering Europe. Right. He wasn't just talking about it. He was actually doing it. He was conquering Europe. Creating zones of confrontation. Yes.
Starting point is 00:41:13 Just like Maria Zakharova is saying from the Russian foreign ministry. And so by the time, you know, in the latter years of World War II, and you see the gas chambers and the Jews being slaughtered, world leaders know this is a calamity beyond anything we can imagine. We never thought it would get to this point. Hitler and his Nazi party is so insane, so demon-possessed, that they're taking millions of people to gas chambers to eliminate a race
Starting point is 00:41:50 of people. World leaders said, we have to stop them. I believe people in Russia are looking at the West saying, they're insane. They're infected. Yeah. They're insane. They're infected. Yeah.
Starting point is 00:42:06 They're insane. They're not in their normal right minds. They're dangerous. And so I believe the Russians are extremely nervous and cautious about what the West is doing, and they're not assuming they're in the right mind people in the right mind don't do the things that I just talked about people in the right mind don't start a war so the response of the Western nations to Hitler after they came to the conclusion this guy is out of his head what was
Starting point is 00:42:44 their response to it we've got to go on the attack. We have got to coordinate our efforts. We've got to get together, and we've got to stop this mess. It's live or die. Right. At what point do you think in the future, Rick, where nations will start looking at the United States and say the same thing? Now.
Starting point is 00:43:03 Now, this week. We've already reached that place. They already know it. The Russians already know that we're reprobates. And just watch our news and our entertainment. They know we're reprobates. Oh, absolutely. And they also know that the God-fearing Christians in America
Starting point is 00:43:23 are now in the minority and are being persecuted. They see it. I mean, I just have to imagine that in the Kremlin, top political leaders and military leaders are watching videos of American entertainment. Or the stuff that's not even entertainment, the things that Americans are doing to each other or allowing to be done. Everything I'm talking about are the blood in the streets, the violence, the debauchery, the sexual immorality. Transsexuals in government.
Starting point is 00:44:02 Transsexuals, you know, Caitlyn Jenner, Bruce Jenner, all this kind of stuff. And they're saying this this thing called America wants to rule the world. I mean, if they get their way, the whole world is going to become like this. These are the new American values. Right. And we're exporting it around the world. July 4th is coming up.
Starting point is 00:44:30 What are you celebrating? What are you celebrating, Doc? You're supposed to be celebrating the independence of our nation from Great Britain. Okay. I mean, for me, family. That's all I can really revert back to. It's a day I spent with my family and friends. But are we really, are we celebrating a nation that still exists?
Starting point is 00:44:50 No. It doesn't exist. The old America is gone. It's gone. But we're going to have parties on July 4th and pretend that it's here. And it's not here. This is a decadent nation. And we're just going to lie to ourselves. We're going to have a big party on July 4th
Starting point is 00:45:11 and pretend that we are a God-fearing, moral, upright nation like we used to be. Really? We're celebrating their independence from God. That's it. They declared their independence from God. They're separated from God. That's a very good point. That's really where the new America is at. It has it declared its independence from Almighty God. That's a dangerous place to be.
Starting point is 00:45:37 And that is where that's where most of the leaders of this nation are at right now. Now, let's go back to number 12, because I want to show a connection between two stories. This is Interfax News Today. Russian foreign ministry accused the West of plans to make the Black Sea a zone of confrontation. Well, do they have anything to back up that accusation? Let's go to the next one.
Starting point is 00:46:04 U.S. Navy strategic submarine with ballistic missiles entered the Mediterranean. Now this story is of specific interest, Rick, not only because the Russians are pointing out they're tracking our nuclear submarines and that we have deployed the Alaska, the SSBN Alaska that is armed with nuclear ballistic missiles. About 20 of them, trident missiles that can reach anywhere in the world. The other part of this, though, that it's at the bottom of the Russian story,
Starting point is 00:46:32 and I know they put this in here for a reason. There is a second sub. It's called the Mont Pierre. It's at Souda Bay, an island of Crete. It's armed with, you know, Tomahawk cruise missiles. It's going to attack something. But specifically, it also has mobile bottom mines. Now, these are used for the covert mining of coastal areas.
Starting point is 00:46:56 Suda Bay is a ready mine. It's not for Suda Bay. I'll tell you how crazy we are. Would we send this submarine into the Black Sea, and would we set up mines along the quote-unquote Russian exclusionary zone, or even maybe at the face of the Kerch Strait? Now that is an interesting possibility. We're crazy. Okay, we are crazy.
Starting point is 00:47:23 We would do something like this. And they're used specifically for anti-submarine events. But also can be used against ships, depending on the depth you put it at. Well, I don't think the Russians are going to allow them to do it.
Starting point is 00:47:39 I just don't see it happening. Well, that is pretty much our coverage of war on this day, first day of July 2021. We're halfway through the year. Yeah. And we're still talking about war. We're still talking about war. But we're the only newscast that talks about war. Oh, Jesus told us to pay attention to the wars and rumors of wars. But the rest of the nation is talking about Donald Trump's tax problems.
Starting point is 00:48:14 That's all they're talking about today. These are the big headlines. His tax problems, okay? We're talking about America's attack problem. The courtroom gets blown up too in this war. I don't think people quite understand this. Our little issues here in America, whether they be as serious as President Trump's facing or not, they end if a world war breaks out. Our crazy leaders think we can win it.
Starting point is 00:48:44 Yes, that's how crazy they are. They leaders think we can win it. Yes, that's how crazy they are. They think we can win it. So did Hitler. Hitler thought he was going to win. He called for a 1,000 year millennial reign. He was trying to imitate Jesus Christ. He said the Nazis would rule for 1,000 years. There would be a millennial Third Reich. They expected full world domination. That's why they had to be defeated. But here we are today, and every news outlet in America is talking about
Starting point is 00:49:19 the indictment of Donald Trump's corporation CFO, Mr. Weisselberg. Now, if you look at Drudge, you would think they're just hours away from putting handcuffs on Donald Trump. Right. And U.S. Marshals seizing the Trump Tower and locking it down. Well, he's got a grudge. It's the Grudge report these days.
Starting point is 00:49:47 Yeah, that's why NewsCoup is growing so fast. It really is. I've been very surprised by the growth of But when you read the Trump tax story, and you realize what they really are doing, there's nothing there. Right. These are charges about expense reports and perks. And the impression you get from the news coverage over the past several days is they've got the goods on dozens of employees in their expense reports.
Starting point is 00:50:25 Actually, the only issue they have is with Mr. Weisselberg himself and his personal expense reports. And so they're saying that Mr. Trump let him use a company car and he didn't pay taxes on it. Apparently, Mr. Trump paid for the tuition of Mr. Weisselberg's grandchild. And since that was an alternative to cash, he didn't pay taxes on it. Wait a minute. Who is taxable? The grandchild, the grandchild's parents, or the grandchild's grandparents? Who's taxable?
Starting point is 00:51:08 I mean, who got the benefit? Well, the school got the money. Yes, but why don't they pay taxes? So the IRS said this was income going to this child. Well, why don't you indict the child? Yeah. Come on. Bring it on. Yeah. Indict the child. Oh, boy. Yeah. The child's the one that got the free education, not his grandfather. The whole thing is a hoax. It's it's a big joke. And Rick, it's not what they promised. Again, the point of this was they got all the taxes. They got it all. Everything. They got it all. And this is they got it all. And this is what they found. It's like getting your entire property. What they're what they're admitting. A your entire property. All of your property.
Starting point is 00:51:45 What they're admitting. A little speck of dirt in your pool. A small little speck. They're admitting that with all of the records that they got, apparently Mr. Trump has run a clean operation. And I bet you they and their friends on Wall Street and in Hollywood, they can't say that too. Imagine if other corporations, other entities in America that fund our politics
Starting point is 00:52:09 were put through the same process that President Trump's put through. We wouldn't just find gifts, out-of-turn expenses. We'd find pedophilia. We'd find crime. We'd find mafia activity. We'd find political corruption. Prostitutes, company money being used for prostitutes, drugs, all kinds of stuff. This is the IRS and the Manhattan district attorney. They have wasted millions of dollars to collect how much in unpaid taxes? It's under $100,000, if anything.
Starting point is 00:52:45 I mean, $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 in taxes. You spent millions of dollars to collect a couple thousand dollars in taxes? That's a good point. That's a good point. That doesn't make any sense. You spent $18 million. With a Mueller investigation, you get nothing out of it.
Starting point is 00:52:59 On an average day, on any average day, the IRS would never open up an investigation like this and spend millions of dollars to collect $10,000, $20,000, $30,000 in unpaid taxes. They just wouldn't do it. No, they wouldn't. And you don't do it with a grand jury indictment. You send an IRS agent over to the taxpayer and you say, let's see these records. And look, we're going to make a ruling here.
Starting point is 00:53:33 We think you should pay taxes. We're going to send you an invoice. And if you want to contest it, you can challenge it after you pay the tax. Because that's the way the IRS works. You pay the tax, then you can file a complaint in the IRS court that they control. But you're still going to pay. You're going to pay the tax. Yes.
Starting point is 00:53:56 The IRS would not go through this process of spending millions of dollars to collect $10,000, $20,000, $30,000. It's ludicrous. It's political. It's political. And where is the IRS in all this? You don't hear that brought up, do you? No. They don't appear to have an interest in this at all. No. No. In all these years that the Trump organization has been filing taxes, the IRS never apparently audited them. Yeah, they didn't audit the Clinton Foundation either. I got to say, look, to me, it says that Mr. Trump's tax records were far more squeaky
Starting point is 00:54:33 clean than any of us expected, including me. I thought when they got his tax records, I thought, oh, they got, this is it. He's going to have so many shady deals they're gonna lock him up no they can't find anything other than hey you're you're your comptroller he didn't felt the expense report right he should have paid some taxes on a car he was driving seriously yeah this is it and isn't that us isn't that like a civil issue not not a criminal? That's what I'm saying. It's civil. The IRS wouldn't indict somebody. What other former president have they ever done this to? Let's just let's be honest.
Starting point is 00:55:13 None for them to even pretend that this is for the interest of the people of New York. Meanwhile, meanwhile, everybody, including the Chinese, have a copy of Hunter Biden's hard drive. They're all working with Hunter for the nuclear facilities to the basically the gas and oil companies. Everybody's got a contract with Hunter. COVID research. Yes, that's correct. Through Peter Daszak. There is a connection to Wuhan through Hunter.
Starting point is 00:55:41 And has he paid his taxes? Are his business deals legal? Is Papa Biden secretly paid through Hunter Biden's business deals with the Chinese and the Ukrainians and all these other people? Is anybody doing an investigation? Did Hunter pays taxes? That's a great question. Does hunter pay taxes? You know, nobody's doing an investigation. And nobody's going to do an investigation because the system is corrupt. Rudy Giuliani lost his law license. For what? What crime did he commit?
Starting point is 00:56:23 What's the crime he committed? For practicing law and challenging fraud. Again, I believe he actually did have affidavits. I think he was ready to prepare a case. But the Democrat who thought he was going to win the New York City race for mayor is accusing the New York City Department of Elections of stuffing the ballots with fake ballots. 135,000. Are they going to go after him?
Starting point is 00:56:50 No. For making wild conspiracy theory accusations about the New York City election. No. Doc, you're right. Cheaters win. Yes. We're in a new normal. Cheaters win. Yes. We're in a new normal. Cheaters win. The criminals are in charge of the society today.
Starting point is 00:57:16 Lawlessness and disorder. Yes. And it's really, I think, part of the curse that's on us, part of the judgment that's on us. You want to be lawless against God? Well, I'll let you live under lawless leaders. You will. And that's what we have right now because we're a lawless people. In God, well, I'll let you live under lawless leaders. You will. And that's what we have right now, because we're a lawless people. In God's eyes, we're a lawless people, because we break his laws every day. Rick, before we continue the discussion anymore, shall we listen to Kerry's second headlines? Yes, let's bring Kerry in. We'll be back here in just a moment. Here's Kerry Kensey with some more True News Headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Fox Business News says gun owners in San Jose, California will soon face a yearly tax and be required to carry additional insurance. The city council voted to impose the new measures and people who don't comply will have their guns confiscated.
Starting point is 00:58:08 We get more from ABC 7 San Francisco. Yes. With a unanimous vote Tuesday, San Jose will soon become the first city in California requiring all gun owners carry liability insurance. Beyond that, they must also pay an annual fee towards supporting critical emergency medical and police response. We know this is a controversial issue, and of course this is an issue which implicates constitutional rights, and of course that's a great concern and means we need to be very focused on doing everything constitutionally and lawfully.
Starting point is 00:58:42 The vote comes just weeks after the city became one of only several in the nation demanding gun shops record video and audio of firearm transactions. All this to prevent straw purchases. During public comment at Tuesday's city council meeting, mixed reaction. It puts a financial burden on a constitutional right, which is the right to bear arms. For city leaders, last month's deadly mass shooting at the VTA Guadalupe rail yard led them to explore these additional steps to reduce gun violence and ultimately the toll it takes on the public. But around the Bay Area, law-abiding gun owners
Starting point is 00:59:17 say they shouldn't have to cover the cost of gun violence, instead saying the move punishes people who legally own guns. I doubt it's going to do anything for the gun violence. Majority of the gun ownership that gun owners that are legally owned guns, you know, they're good people. On the rising crime rate in the U.S., National Review reporting that former Detroit Police Chief James Craig says the real culprit is not guns, but criminals. He says we don't have a gun problem in America.
Starting point is 00:59:48 What we have is a criminal problem. Criminals don't follow the law. He says they're going to get guns. So what do we want to focus on? Getting guns from law abiding citizens. And there was a big question mark after that last sentence. Here's more from Fox Business News. We mentioned that President Biden is blaming guns for the surge in crime. The question, therefore, is, is gun control the answer? Heather McDonald joins us
Starting point is 01:00:19 on this, and she's written extensively about this subject. OK, big question to start with. Is gun control the answer to the spike in crime that we're now seeing? I'm gonna cite Bernie Sanders, Stu, who before I got really woke pointed out that everybody in Vermont owns a gun and there's virtually zero gun crime in Vermont. There's zero drive-by shootings for sure, that's true.
Starting point is 01:00:42 Israel, Switzerland, almost universal gun ownership, zero gun crime. The problem is not the lack of gun control in these inner city areas. The problem is the lack of self-control. We were seeing these non-socialized young males that have no control of their impulses, that are wildly spraying bystanders out of some grudge match that they've gotten onto Facebook and Instagram. The solution, when you do not have families, is strong policing. And if Biden wants to get a handle on this tsunami of gun violence that is breaking out in cities across the country, he can stop demonizing the cops. For more information on this story and more, visit our companion website. You really got to check it out. It's called That's a look at True News Headlines.
Starting point is 01:01:33 Now let's get back to the Godcast. Here's Rick Edward and Doc. Thank you, Kerry. Well, Rick, other than the talk of bludgeoning our heads, there is some good news today. We found a couple of stories I think were interesting. You know, they're uplifting, but more so kind of inspiring. There is an 82-year-old woman. She's a trained pilot, was going to be an astronaut. She's not only a trained pilot, she trains pilots. Yeah, she trains pilots and she trained to be an astronaut, better than not only a trained pilot, she trains pilots. Yeah, she trains pilots, and she trained to be an astronaut,
Starting point is 01:02:07 better than actually some of her male compatriots. She's going to space, Rick. This was a, I learned a lot from this story. Jeff Bezos of Amazon has asked this 82-year-old woman, her name is Wally, Wally Funk, to be on the, I guess it was a SpaceX flight. He's taking, there's like four passengers that are going to go into space. And he asked this 82-year-old woman to go on the flight.
Starting point is 01:02:39 What a road trip. Yeah. And so when I first saw it, I thought, well, did he just pick her name, you know, out of the blue? Why? Why this woman? Doc, I learned something through this story. I did not know that in the 60s, NASA had a training program for future female astronauts in the 60s.
Starting point is 01:03:06 I didn't know that. And she was at the top of the class. Yes. In fact, she performed so well, she was outscoring the men in the Gemini and Apollo program. But she didn't get to go to space. No, because she was female.
Starting point is 01:03:27 And so they didn't send females into space until the Reagan years. I didn't know this. I had never heard this in my life. And it's not just her, but she said there was a whole, you know, a team, a class of women who were studying and training to be female astronauts in space. Now, I can understand in the 60s why NASA officials would say, OK, how's this going to work?
Starting point is 01:04:01 I mean, do you remember how small Gemini capsule was? The size of this table. Of course it was dangerous. You're going to put two men in a, you know, were they two people or three people? Three people, yes. You're going to put two men and a woman in a capsule. Back then, that would have been a huge scandal. And then if there was some sort of tragedy that occurred that had occurred before,
Starting point is 01:04:23 how would it look if a woman died as a result of it? Would it completely scrub the entire space program? And so those would be legitimate questions there. Yeah. So, but this lady is an amazing woman. And she has trained a lot of pilots in her lifetime. And she's got a lot of flying hours under her belt.
Starting point is 01:04:49 And so, hey, she deserves to go to space. You know, this story actually makes Jeff Bezos look human. Yes, it does. Yeah, I'm trying to hold myself back. It's got to be nice, okay. I know, I know. It was a nice act. It's got to be nice. Okay. I know. I know. It was a nice act.
Starting point is 01:05:06 It was a very nice act. Honor the nice act when he's right. Lex Luthor showed his humanity here and blessed this woman, Wally Luthor. We've got a TV or it's a video from. It's from Blue Origin. Jeff Bezos' space company. They've produced the video to show both Wally Funk's story and, again, her story of meritocracy. Not using her gender.
Starting point is 01:05:30 You know, modern-day culture would try to do this. But instead, she competed. She trained. She learned. Aeronautic mathematics is not easy. And now she actually gets to fulfill her dream. She deserved to go because of her skills and her talents. Not her gender. Not her gender.
Starting point is 01:05:45 Not her gender. The society didn't let her go. And that was wrong. Yes. But she didn't say, I must go because of my gender. That's right. And she didn't say, I get to go even if I can't get the right score in the test, if I can't meet the physical demands. She met all the demands.
Starting point is 01:06:12 And exceeded them. And exceeded them. And didn't get to go to space, but now she's going to go to outer space. Let's watch it. You're in zero gravity for four minutes. You come back down. We land gently on the desert surface. We open the hatch, and you step outside.
Starting point is 01:06:31 What's the first thing you say? I always say, honey, that was the best thing that ever happened to me! I'll give you a call! I've been flying forever, and I have 19,600 flying hours. I have taught over 3,000 people to fly. Private, commercial, instrument, flight engineer, airline transport, gliding, everything that the FAA has, I've got the license for. And I can outrun you.
Starting point is 01:07:03 Back in the 60s, I was in the Mercury 13 program. They asked me, do you want to be an astronaut? I said, yes. They told me that I had done better and completed the work faster than any of the guys. So I got a hold of NASA four times. I said, I want to become an astronaut. But nobody would take me. I didn't think that I would ever get to go up. Nothing has ever gotten in my way. They said, Wally, you're a girl. You can't do that.
Starting point is 01:07:32 I said guess what? Doesn't matter what you are. You can still do it if you want to do it, and I like to do things that nobody has ever done. We're gonna fly you up into space on the very first flight. That's your... I can't tell people that are watching how fabulous I feel to have been picked by Blue Origin to go on this trip. You're gonna be an astronaut. Oh finally! I love every second of it. Woo! Ha-ha! I can hardly wait. Well, I pray for safe flights. I think that's...
Starting point is 01:08:09 Me too. I think it's an awesome story. I'm jealous. She's good to go to space. I always wanted to go into outer space. It might happen. We'll see. You know what my dad told me when I was a kid?
Starting point is 01:08:21 What? He said, Ray, not everybody can be an astronaut. And what did he mean? I don't know. I don't know what he meant by that. Take it for what you want. He said, not everyone can be an astronaut. Well, that's a good story. We have any more good stories? We have another good story. This caught my eye, actually, out of the Washington Post, of all places. They interviewed a survivor from the Surfside Condo disaster. Now, this is the condo in Miami that half the building collapsed that's being investigated. But what we're going to point out here is actually a survivor would have died, along with the others that came to this,
Starting point is 01:09:10 had a mysterious force that she credits to Almighty God, woken her up, then audibly told her, you must flee immediately or you will die. Now, this woman is named Maria Eliana Montiagado. She, again, was woken up in the middle of the night. We have actually her own video in just a second. Rick, I believe if it wasn't a Lord, an angel woke her up. She's a devout Roman Catholic, and she said just minutes before
Starting point is 01:09:40 the condo collapsed, a voice kept saying to her, you must flee. You must get out of the building now. And, you know, when you read the story, she talks about by the time she got down to the lobby, the building was starting to collapse. You should have started praying. You should be praying the entire time. I want to see my grandsons. Please, Lord, do not let this be my last rest and she said to the security guard uh this must be an earthquake and
Starting point is 01:10:10 he said this isn't an earthquake the building is collapsing but the holy spirit spoke to this woman again whether it's angel whether however she heard a message from heaven saying, flee. Right. Get out of the building. And it's, you wonder how many other people in the building also heard the voice and didn't obey it. This is a lesson. How many people did the voice speak to, but they were too busy with the world to hear the voice? The world was drowning out the still small voice of the Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 01:11:05 Right. I think he spoke to every Christian in that building. But just because you're Christian doesn't mean that you're listening to the Holy Spirit. Right. You can be so consumed with the noise of the world that you miss the voice of God speaking to you. But in this case, she did hear, and she did obey, and she's alive. And she credits the Lord for it. We have a assignment to share for you, an interview she did with the Washington Post. This is Mrs. Montegato.
Starting point is 01:11:39 I was sleeping, and a rare force woke up me. I run to the living room and I look. I see the ceiling and I see a line that coming. It's like a crack. And something inside of me said, you have to run because this building will fall down. And I run to my room. I take out my robe and I put one dress. I put my sandals, go to the dining room and took my purse. I opened the first door that I find and was the stair, the escape. And I started to run down the stair to run between sixth floor and fourth floor. I hear a terrible noise. Then I knew it, then building was collapsed. And I start to call God. And I say, Jehovah, please help me. I want to see my sons again. I want to see my grandchild again. Please keep me alive. I want to see my grandchildren again. Please keep me alive. I don't want to die in this condition. Please help me, God, help me. I don't have place to live. Everything that I have fell
Starting point is 01:12:53 down or fall down with that wall, with that building. I don't have past. Past, my past, My past is under all the scum, trouble. I am ashamed of myself because I'm in zero, like when I came from Cuba close to 50 years ago with nothing in my hands, nothing at all, my life. And I say, thanks God. And she, in that interview, she had her son there at the apartment. She's happy to be alive.
Starting point is 01:13:25 It was traumatic, but she credits the Lord with her survival. And the lesson to all of us, be obedient to the Holy Spirit. But the Washington Post can't credit the Lord. No, they can't. They got to say it's supernatural entity, a supernatural force. How about Almighty God? Yes. Oh, the Holy Spirit.
Starting point is 01:13:43 But that's their problem. It's not mine. It's not hers. She knows the Lord and he knows her and he spoke to her. And we should take comfort in this, that when times of danger, physical danger comes to us, if we are... See, you have to be listening to the Holy Spirit before the danger. Yes. You have to train your spirit, your mind to be quiet,
Starting point is 01:14:11 to listen for the still small voice of the Holy Spirit to give you instructions. But it tells us that when times of physical danger comes, the Holy Spirit will speak to you and give you instructions to get out and flee. You know, I met a woman one time on the island of St. Kitts, and she had a story. She had a story about escaping a fire. And she said something to me about it. And she said something about how the angels spoke to her. And I looked at her. And I said, angels spoke to you?
Starting point is 01:15:02 And she said, yes, they told me to flee, flee the fire. And she had a very similar thing where she was awakened, told to flee the condo. And she did. And the building burned down. But she was one of the survivors. The Lord does wake up people. He does speak to people. He tells his people there's danger and what they should do. And you should take comfort in that because all this stuff that we're talking about, this end times, wars and calamities,
Starting point is 01:15:46 God will take care of his people. He'll take care of you. That's insurance. Hey, thank you. It's been a good day. You know, yesterday I mentioned about the financial support of True News. And I said, if you do not have funds to give, but your heart desires to give, ask the Lord for miracle money. And so I'm going to repeat that again today.
Starting point is 01:16:13 What that means is the Bible says that God gives seed to the sower. So you desire to sow, you desire to give a gift to True News, but you honestly don't have any money to give. God understands that. And he says, if you ask him, he'll give seed to you to sow. Ask the Lord for miracle money and make a promise to him that you will give the money to True News. Now, we're talking miracle money. What is miracle money? Money that shows up in your possession that you did not expect. You were not looking for it. It just arrives. Maybe you find it or maybe somebody gives it to you or you get a check in the mail that you had no idea it was coming to you. It's out of the blue.
Starting point is 01:17:06 Miracle money. Ask the Lord for miracle money and promise him that you'll give the miracle money to True News and then he'll bless you after you give. He'll give you another seed, a blessing. And from that blessing, you take a portion of that blessing and you give it again. And now you're priming the pump. It's like the old water pump at the farmhouse. You know, you got to prime the pump to get the water coming up from the well. And if you've not been giving for a long, long time, you got to prime the pump. that's what this miracle money is you're asking the Lord for miracle money and he'll get the moot and the money moving through
Starting point is 01:17:49 the pipeline again for you and the blessings of heaven will start coming upon you and if you just keep giving as each blessing comes take a portion give it again another blessing take a portion give again. You've got a flow of blessings coming from heaven. So I'm not asking you to give. I'm not asking you to take food money or money that you absolutely need to pay your life. I'm telling you, God will give you miracle money to give. Right. Seed to the sower.
Starting point is 01:18:49 You're going to have, you're going to have fun at this. You're going to laugh when the miracle money shows up. You're going to be, you're just going to, you're going to go, this is awesome. This is absolutely awesome. What the Lord did. Driving home last night, I remembered another story. I remember a man told me he was at a he was at an auction and he bought some things, you know, like junk. And they put it in a burlap sack. Right. So he goes home, he takes all the junk out that he bought at an auction. Right.
Starting point is 01:19:23 And he turns the sack upside down and money came out. That was the joke? There was money in the burlap sack at the auction. Oh, wow. So he knew this is the miracle money. I just asked the Lord for miracle money for true news. He found it at the bottom of a burlap sack that he got at an auction. This is what I'm talking about. He found it at the bottom of a burlap sack that he got at an auction.
Starting point is 01:19:46 This is what I'm talking about. Money at the most unexpected place. It just shows up. It may. I'm telling you, I've heard stories of people saying they just found $100 bill lying on the street in front of them. I still remember the man who told us he found his drain in his sink. Well, there may have been one in the shower, but the one I remember is the one in the shower. He found a $20 bill in the shower. He's like, how could a $20 bill be in the shower? But people found, they've just found money in places. They've gotten checks. They've gotten reimbursements of things that they didn't even know somebody owed them the money.
Starting point is 01:20:28 And suddenly the check comes. This is what I'm saying. This is the miracle money. And if you just ask the Lord for it and in your heart, be sincere, you're going to give the money that you promised to the Lord. Because now that becomes a vow, a promise. And the Lord said, if you don't keep your vows, he'll destroy the works of your hands. So it's really important that you keep the vow
Starting point is 01:20:54 and give the money. And then the Lord will give you more and more and more. It will become a regular rhythm, like breathing. Yes. And that's when it really gets to be fun. Yeah, it just flows. It just becomes a natural flow in your life. Do it, and then email us, info at,
Starting point is 01:21:21 or write us a letter, tell us about the Miracle Money. We'll read it to everybody here and encourage them. All right, let's do that, Edward. I'm looking forward to the very, very good stories. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Every day we wake up, it's a blessing. And it's a blessing that we can't take for granted. All right, if you want to partner with us,
Starting point is 01:21:40 we are looking for families. We're looking for saints. We're looking for people who just want to stand with a ministry that means something, that is willing to do this in a time that is just, it's dangerous, but it's also a time we know and we've been told about. If you'd like to support True News, you can go to That is T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. You can click on the left-hand side or the red donate button on the right. You can also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116.
Starting point is 01:22:12 That is 1-800-576-2116. If you'd like to donate to us by mail or have a prayer request or a story you'd like to share that we can investigate or just something fun, something that shows your faith in action. Our address is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida. Zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals, and even lumber. The price is up today, I hear.
Starting point is 01:22:38 Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you and God bless you. The preceding program was made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit

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