TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - JD Vance and Tim Walz Both Express Doubt Over Their Likelihood to Win Election
Episode Date: November 5, 2024Campaign 2024 is finally over. Tens of millions of American citizens are participating in the final day of voting. Will we know the winner tonight? Nobody is confident there will be a decisive victory... for either Mr. Trump or Mrs. Harris.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 11/05/2024Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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American Reserves.
Faith. Wisdom. Prepared. Well, campaign 2024 is finally over.
Tens of millions of American citizens are participating in the final day of voting.
Will we know the winner tonight?
Well, nobody seems to be confident that there will be a decisive victory for either Mr. Trump
or Mrs. Harris tonight. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Election Day,
Tuesday, November 5th, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's headlines by looking at this Fox News article headline, America to Decide the Next President of the United States Today.
Doc, I just realized as I was walking into the studio, this is my seventh presidential election since I started this program.
Seven of them.
Yeah, that's hard to believe.
Go back to 2000, okay, with George Bush and Al Gore.
Right, and that was a contentious election year.
Yes, we didn't know for quite some time.
Remember the hanging chads?
Right here in the state of Florida.
So, been through a lot of elections doing this program.
And I got to tell you, Doc and I think agree on this.
Neither one of us have a definitive feeling in ourselves which way this election is going.
I think the biggest surprise for me will be if there's a landslide.
That will be a surprise to me.
I agree.
Because it just seems like this is going to come down to a 50-50 split.
It's conceivable, even with 50-50 in votes,
the American presidential election is not determined by the popular vote.
It's decided by the electoral college.
You have to win the states.
It only takes one candidate getting one more vote in the electoral college than is constitutionally required.
But it's possible we could – well, somebody has to win the electoral college.
The question is, will there be certain states that have not been decided tonight?
Are we going to go to bed and wake up tomorrow and be told that certain states have not declared a winner?
And we're not going to have no winter for days or even weeks. We've seen this happen in
previous elections where there have been equipment meltdown, software glitches, all kinds of problems
that appear on election night. And so that's what I'm bracing for.
I really don't get the glitches and everything. I really don't understand it because I remember back when I was in second grade.
This is in 1972.
It was the election for President Nixon.
And the morning of November 6th, or the day after the election, I don't know what the date was,
but the morning after the election, they knew exactly how many votes Richard Nixon had.
Exactly, because we didn't have computers.
I thought computers were supposed to make things faster and easier.
Voting was done either manually by paper ballots that had to be physically counted,
or it was done on voting machines that had levers.
And you had one day to vote. Yes. All it was done on voting machines that had levers. Right. And you had one day to vote.
All one day. And the voting machines, again, they weren't electronic.
They weren't computerized.
You popped the hood on the back.
You opened up the frame, and what it looked like were odometers.
It was a mechanical device.
It was a mechanical machine, and it had odometers on it.
Vote counters.
And you simply went across, because I saw them as a, you know.
You were a candidate back then.
Well, active in politics.
Yeah, well, I ran for the Maryland legislature in 1994 and almost won.
But back then, you just opened up the machine, looked at the votes, wrote them down, and
they called the election board and said, candidate A got 300 votes, and candidate B got 410.
All right?
Each precinct did that.
Across the country.
Across the country.
Whether you were in Florida or you're in Alaska. And if there was a recount,
all they did was open the machines up again and look one more time.
That was the recount. Now, if there were paper ballots,
they had to physically count the paper ballots again. But, you know, we've got to get
rid of these electronic voting machines. How is it that we've gone backwards
in determining the winner of an election?
Because you can control elections with computers.
That's exactly right. That's the point I'm trying to get from.
We should have never allowed
computerized voting. Right.
That's the one thing where I think technology
should be banned.
Absolutely banned. We don't want it.
We don't need it. Okay?
Count it the old-fashioned way.
Yes. And when you have paper ballots, guess what?
You have a record.
They are there forever.
You've got the paper ballots.
You store them away.
You put them in someplace, and there is the record of that election.
They can't be tampered with. And I remember the first time I voted, this was right after, you know, early in college, that, you know, you had to sign your ballot.
You had to present a photo ID.
Even back then you had to present a photo ID.
And then you had to sign the ballot.
I mean, that was you verifying this is what I voted for.
Now, see, I don't recall that.
And I grew up in Maryland. It was in Missouri. Yeah. Maryland didn't have that where you signed. I don't recall that. I grew up in Maryland.
Maryland didn't have that where you signed
there was a privacy thing, but I
personally, I would have no objection to signing
a ballot. I don't have any problem
people knowing who I voted for.
If you don't like it, it's your problem.
But that solves the problem
illegals voting,
of bots voting, because you know we've got bots that are voting, invisible people.
So go back to the old-fashioned way, but then that depends on people still being able to count.
I didn't see that one coming.
Just when I thought I got a bead on you.
That could really slow things down.
We might not be able to find enough people.
Who could know how to count.
In each precinct, who could count?
Fortune Magazine.
Election Day 2024 is here.
82 million ballots have already been cast.
More than half of the 2020 vote.
That's a sizable number.
82 million votes are already done by mail-in ballots or early voting.
And so what's taking place today is just the remainder of the voting.
Most of the voting is done. That's why I don't pay attention to the polls, because it's already done.
Yes. And you mentioned that yesterday on the Godcast about the polls. And so last night,
Lord help me, I watched a little bit of CNN to see what they were doing on the coverage, and they were going through the polls.
But you had to look at the fine print on each of the polls.
All the polls that they were referencing were from October 28th to November 1st.
A week ago.
That's almost two weeks ago now.
I mean, it's a week ago. I mean, but the fact they're going off polls that are stale polls.
They're stale polls.
A lot has happened in a week.
A lot has happened.
The only polls that you should be looking at, and I don't think they're doing them, are polls of people who have not voted and intend to vote.
That's the only thing that matters.
So the remainder of the population that has not voted is voting today.
Elections, it used to be that everybody voted on one day, and then they got it down.
They had early voting for about 10 days before, and then they spread it out to a month.
And now some states are like six weeks before Election Day.
So if you're a candidate, you have to win the election six weeks before what we call Election Day.
Because that's when people start voting.
And it's changed the dynamics of campaigning. Well, the number, or I should say, the first town to vote in America is in New Hampshire.
They've got a grand total of six voters.
And they voted this morning.
And they announced.
They didn't have any problem counting.
They counted the votes.
There was somebody in town that could count all six.
And they don't have a winner
they had a tie nope this is a uh we're talking about dixville notch new hampshire and here's
a little report from cnn all right are we ready for president let's listen three for comrade harris
three for Donald Trump. Following the national trends for governor, one for Joyce Craig and five for New Hampshire.
The first in the nation ballots cast on Election Day.
It is now official in Dixville, not a tie.
Three votes for former President Donald Trump. Three votes for Vice President Kamala Harris.
If that's the trend, that's what we're going to see tonight.
Across the nation.
I'm not surprised by that result.
That's what I'm expecting.
A tie.
It's going to be very, very close.
Now, it went 4-2 for Biden in 2020.
Dixville Notch did.
And so something has shifted there.
The one I noticed was the governor's race in New Hampshire.
And the one candidate only got one.
The other candidate got five.
If that's a trend in New Hampshire, you're going to have a landslide in the governor's race.
What is this next one, Doc?
I don't know.
Polymarket is the market that's out there that places bets on who wins the presidential election.
Now, there's been controversy about this because some are accusing people of investing to inflate numbers for Donald Trump.
But as it stands right now, it's of 11 a.m. today,
the polymarket betting on who's going to win the election is Donald Trump at 62.7 percent
to Kamala Harris was 37.4 percent.
As you can see, that gap started widening today even more. and it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out.
Now, keep in mind –
But what do you have to spend to invest?
You know, I'm not sure, but there's been –
And what are you investing in?
You are making – you're placing a bet just like in a horse race.
You're placing a bet to your – for your candidate or your horse to, you know, end up being declared the winner.
You don't get a payout unless your candidate wins.
But there is a payout?
There's a payout.
If you invest so much money and the odds are two to one.
So the money is on Donald Trump.
As it stands right now.
So if Harris wins, the people that bet on Harris, they're going to clean up tonight.
Yes, right.
I didn't even know that's legal.
You're betting on a presidential election.
Well, they do it offshore, but it is very popular this year.
Right now, Rick, on the polymarket, there's nearly $4 billion that's floating around.
$4 billion? Yes floating around. $4 billion?
Yes. In the election?
On that one market for
the election, $4 billion
that's being traded back and forth
on the polymarket for the presidential
Do you see how much money is in this
country? Yes.
There's no shortage of money.
There are gobs of money.
They get so much money they can
put $4 billion on
a bet on a presidential election.
And that's not even investing
in the campaigns. This is just
like flipping
heads or tails and saying
I'm going to bet that it's heads.
Well, the next one,
this is not good news for the Democrats.
And this took place on CNN last night.
Poster Mark Lauder gave the CNN news crew some bad news
concerning Kamala Harris and the Democrats,
their possibility of winning tonight.
Let's watch.
The math doesn't work. The Democrats are down 1.7 million early votes in the battleground states
in urban areas. They are down 1.4 million votes in the battleground states among women voters.
Rule voters have overperformed early by 300,000. Democrats have to win their races early. Republicans generally win them
on election day. And the margins don't add up right now for the Democrats in any of these
battlegrounds. That's really bad news for the Democrats. And that, Doc, that will carry downstream.
Yes, down ballot. Down ballot is because candidates running for governor, senator, house, state house, county commissioner, all of it will benefit by whichever party is showing up in the largest numbers.
So there could be a lot of upsets in many of these states.
You could see local racists turned upside down because there's a high number of Republicans showing up and they're voting Republican all the way down the ticket.
Now, I'm going to show you the next three videos.
I'm kind of surprised by it.
I didn't expect this.
I know the candidates are tired, all of them.
They're tired.
They're exhausted.
Everyone. Donald Trump, Kamala Harris're tired. They're exhausted. Everyone.
Donald Trump, Kamala Harris, Tim Walz, J.D. Vance.
It is exhausting to campaign day after day, month after month.
I heard that Kamala Harris did five rallies yesterday in Pennsylvania.
Donald Trump did his last rally.
At 2 in the morning.
He was still talking in Grand Rapids at 2 a.m.
That man doesn't stop.
So I know they're tired.
And I know when you're tired, you say stuff that you wish you didn't say.
So, you know, I'll preface my remarks by acknowledging these gentlemen and Mrs. Harris are all tired.
But I'm going to show you what J.D. Van—we'll start with Tim Walz.
He told Stephen Colbert that he's disappointed in how close the election is.
Let's watch.
Why do you think this is still so close?
Does that mystify you?
No, it disappoints me, I think, because I think that the choice is so stark.
But it's not surprising. The country's really divided.
There's been a group of people out there who figured that out.
And I think they've done a wonderful job of making people think it doesn't matter.
Everybody's the same.
And in this case, you've got the Constitution versus not the Constitution.
You've got reproductive rights versus I don't care if you like it or not, I'll tell you what to do from Donald Trump.
In closing with insulting people, I'll tell you what to do from Donald Trump.
In closing with insulting people, I know we're sitting in Pennsylvania.
There's 500,000 Puerto Ricans here.
And Puerto Ricans, as all Americans, are very proud of where they come from.
Exactly. Have you ever been to a Puerto Rican Day parade?
So they're very into Puerto Rico.
They're very into it.
As well they should.
But the point he made was, I'm disappointed that this election is so close.
J.D. Vance is saying, I mean, excuse me, Tim Walz is saying, we should be far out in the lead right now.
And it's not, and I'm disappointed.
So he's admitting that this is very, very close.
That they don't have the momentum they thought they would have by today.
Now we take a look at J.D. Vance,
and after he voted in Ohio,
he kind of had a,
kind of an all shucks,
I don't know if we're going to win or not.
He said, you never know until you know.
Let's listen to what J.D. Vance said. J.D. Appreciate you coming out to see one of the great traditions, of course,
in American democracy.
I, of course, voted for Donald Trump and myself.
So did my wife.
And we also, for all the locals out there, we voted for Bernie Marino for the United
States Senate.
And if you want the policies of Donald J. Trump in the United States
Senate, then Bernie Marino is the only candidate in this race who I think is the candidate of peace
and prosperity for the United States Senate. So I hope people will get President Trump over the
finish line. I hope people here in Ohio will get Bernie Marino over the finish line. Look, I feel
good. You never know until you know, but I feel good about this race. I felt good about my own
race a couple of years ago when I voted in this exact same spot. Hopefully it goes as well for President Trump and
me as it went for me a couple of years ago in the state of Ohio. There's just slight
amount of doubt. You don't know until you know. Right. That's not something a presidential or vice presidential candidate says.
You have to maintain
We're going to win. We're going to win all the way.
Yes. So you've got
Tim Walz saying, yeah,
I'm upset. It bothers me
that it's so close. You've got J.D.
Vance saying, you don't know until you know.
Now the next one is, we don't
have the audio or video of Donald Trump.
We only have what ABC News' Jonathan Karl says Donald Trump said to him on a phone call.
The phone call took place Sunday evening.
And so there was a conversation between ABC's Jonathan Karl regarding the election, of course. And former President Trump kind of put it out there that he could possibly lose,
which is something you don't hear coming from Donald Trump.
And so, but here's that clip.
Let's watch it, and then Rick and I will talk about it.
President Trump this morning, how's he feeling about the race?
Well, you know, frankly, his voice was a little scratchy.
He sounded tired.
I talked to him early in the morning.
He had been up all night doing his rallies.
He's out there again today.
But what was very interesting is I asked him, is there any way you could lose?
Because he's saying he's up everywhere.
He's got the substantial lead.
And he said something I've never really heard him say before, which is, yeah, I guess it could happen.
Things happen.
Bad things happen.
But one thing he was upset with me about, I had pointed out that his campaign wants
him to his advisers want him to focus on a fundamental issue of the economy, the border.
It's worse now than it was when he was president.
That's the argument they want to make.
And he's out there, you know, talking about putting guns in Liz Cheney's face, the Madison Square Garden rally, all that that had. And I said that they're upset
that he's not disciplined. He doesn't have a message. And he was upset with that. He said
the weave, that's what he calls it when he bounces around, is why he got elected president.
I have to agree with Jonathan Curl politically. Donald Trump, I personally think he's one of the worst campaigners I've ever seen because he talks forever about stuff that doesn't matter.
But that's his appeal.
He's an anti-campaign.
I understand that.
But I couldn't sit through a two-hour rally and listen to that stuff, okay?
The name-calling, the bragging.
I couldn't do it.
I just couldn't do it.
You've got to go in and you've got to deliver a message and leave.
His rallies would go on, you know, for hours, okay?
What I've seen, Doug, and it's been troublesome in the past week, is there's clear evidence that the number of people attending his rallies is dwindling.
I've seen the videos of half-empty stadiums, arenas.
I've seen people walking out because they said, I've heard it.
I'm tired.
I want to go home.
Last night, as you mentioned, Grand Rapids, he got there late.
It's supposed to start at 1030.
I talked to a friend of mine last night driving home.
He lives in Grand Rapids.
I said, are you going?
He goes, no.
He goes, he won't show up at 1030.
I can't stay up that late.
So when did he show up?
He showed up at midnight and was still talking at 2 a.m.
The point is, he goes all over the place.
And he's talking about people.
He's calling them names.
He's yelling about the microphones.
He's talking about beating up people who didn't get the audio right.
It's just erratic to me.
It's just erratic behavior, and I think it's hurting him.
I think it's hurting him. I think it's hurting him.
Now, last night I was wondering,
because I was on Twitter,
and I'm looking at all these videos of these empty arenas,
half empty, okay?
And, of course, his enemies are out there saying,
look at this.
This is a Trump rally, and it's empty,
and all that kind of stuff.
So I was thinking, well, what explains it?
Well, one thing that I think would explain it is his most ardent supporters have already voted.
That's right.
Probably most people in the rallies have voted.
That's what I mean.
And they've already heard it.
They've already heard it over and over and over, and they're not going to go back out for another rally.
Like my friend said last night, I've got to go to work.
I can't stay up to 2 or three o'clock in the morning.
So, you know, he's voting for Mr. Trump, but he's like, I can't go to the rally.
I can't be there two o'clock in the morning.
So I think that explains a lot of it.
But Jonathan Carroll's right.
Donald Trump doesn't stay on target, on message.
He gets personal.
He starts talking about people that make him angry and he starts saying things he shouldn't be saying.
He should go in, deliver a message, and leave.
But you have to admit that there is some difference between the Harris and the Trump campaigns.
Harris, she is definitely teleprompter driven.
Oh, yes.
Donald Trump, he may have a teleprompter, but he doesn't need it.
He doesn't need a teleprompter.
He just needs a message and deliver the same message over and over and over
and not go on and on and on and on and on about who makes him angry
and what he'd like to do to them.
That's what gets him in trouble.
Just deliver the message and leave and let the people go home.
Now, Kamala Harris, you're right, she has to have a teleprompter.
But the other thing she has to have are celebrities.
If she doesn't have celebrities, nobody's coming out to her rallies.
Donald Trump is the celebrity.
So at his rallies, he's the celebrity.
Right. No one is in competition with him.
Nobody. But at a Kamala Harris rally, people aren't going to see Kamala Harris.
They're going to see J-Lo. They're going to see—
Cardi B.
And so it's a different atmosphere,
and I don't think the people are there necessarily to vote.
They're there to be entertained.
I got you.
Yeah, I agree with you.
It's not a political thing.
It's an entertainment thing.
There's certain groups of people that if you tell them four or five major entertainers are going to be there,
they're going to go.
They may not vote, but they can say they were at the rally
and they saw all these people,
these famous people.
So there is
in fact,
Van Jones, who was
in the Obama administration,
he said this,
I don't know if it was last night,
I saw it last night, where he said,
you know, I don't feel good about all these celebrities going to these meetings.
That's not a good sign.
He admitted it.
That's coming from Van Jones.
Like you have to inflate your rallies.
There's something wrong here.
You're inflating your rallies.
And he pointed out, and I don't remember which state it was, where he said, you know, at the end of the campaign,
they had a big rally for Barack Obama, and they brought out all these celebrities. And he said,
we lost the state. He said, there's danger in putting your confidence in celebrities to get
out to vote. Because they don't necessarily get out to vote. They just get out people who want to
see a celebrity. Whereas the Trump campaign
generates voters. And I think the reason his rallies are dwindling in size is because they
voted. It's voter fatigue. It's voter fatigue. So you can't say, well, look, his rallies are down.
He's losing. No, they voted. They just don't want to go to another rally.
And Mr. Trump hasn't figured that out yet.
He should just, like I said, go in, give a 20-minute speech, and get out of there and get to another.
He could do more rallies if he did it that way.
But when you go on for two hours talking about who you want to punch.
I'm so tired of hearing this stuff.
I mean,
the other day,
Joe Biden was talking about,
I just want to smack him in the face.
Have you ever heard a president talking about punching somebody in the face?
Or smacking their,
the supporters rear ends.
He said that, too.
You know, I'm just, where are the statesmen?
Can we just have some statesmen?
Just bring back some dignified people to lead the country?
And I'm talking about all of them.
I'm really disgusted with where it's going.
I've got one more political story.
A great one, too.
So I found this in Zero Hedge today. How do you know, this is from a debate in New Hampshire,
how do you know about regular people suffering? Well, the woman on the right is a candidate,
a Democrat running for state legislature in New Hampshire. She just turns out to be Jake Sullivan's wife.
Well, wait a minute.
Jake Sullivan is national security advisor.
They live in Washington, D.C.
Why is his wife in New Hampshire running for the state legislature?
Does she live there?
Did you know that Jake Sullivan is from New Hampshire?
No, I didn't know that.
Obviously they're not. And that's what this
woman on the right
is the Republican. Her name is
Lily Tang Williams.
And she ripped into
Goodlander. What's her name?
Maggie Goodlander.
She doesn't even go by Jake Sullivan's last name.
So this is a little clip from the debate where the Republican just ripped into Jake Sullivan's wife and set her straight.
And hope for the best.
Hope that the results will trickle down to hardworking people.
I take a very different approach.
I believe that the middle class deserves a tax cut.
And I believe that we will do a lot for
this country by ensuring that we don't continue this disastrous tax policy.
You are wealthy, you're worth $20 million to $30 million.
How do you know about regular people suffering?
Do you go shopping, go to Walmart, buy food?
I talk to those people.
And you pretend to be a renter in Nashua a few months ago,
move back to run for this open state with millions of dollars from Washington DC insiders.
And the millions, millions of dollars.
I don't have money to run a TV ad.
And you pretend you are poor, complain rent is so high.
You couldn't save that apartment for other people to rent in Nashville.
I just go back to your $2 million home in Port Smith.
Please don't say that because you do not understand regular people's concern.
People cry in my arms on this issue.
The woman on the right, the Republican, Lily Tang Williams, is an immigrant from China?
And she was inspired to leave China, this is the story in her bio, after reading a copy of the U.S. Constitution.
We'll just assume that.
So how long has she been in the USA?
I'm not exactly sure, but I do know that—
But you know Asian people.
Yes. I'm married you know Asian people. Yes.
I'm married to an Asian woman.
That was so Asian.
Oh, my gosh.
She ripped into her.
Oh, yes.
How do you know about suffering?
She just ripped into her.
Don't get them mad because they will rip your head off.
Puerto Ricans, too.
Don't get a Puerto Rican woman angry.
Oh, my goodness.
But she made some good points there.
You know, this political class out of D.C. plays their games.
Of course they live in D.C.
Everybody knows they live in D.C.
She's in the debate.
Maggie Goodlander complained about rising rent prices.
You know, that she was having to pay
rent, you know, that was so expensive. And she was going to, you know, do something about that.
And that and Miss Williams, you know, was addressing that. You own a $30 million house
and you're complaining about rent here in New Hampshire?
You own a $30 million house.
Right. Right.
So fake.
I love it.
It was great.
I want to remind everybody that American Reserves has an election day pre-chaos sale.
All right?
So let's hope there's no chaos.
Let's hope there's no civil unrest.
I don't want
it to happen. I hope both
sides just accept whatever
the voters decide and live
with it. Just live with it.
And let's move on. Okay, move on. We have other
things to do. It's not the first
election, not the last election.
We don't need to be
fighting with fellow Americans
over politics.
But just, you know, American Reserves is offering a 15% discount on everything on the website.
And that expires tomorrow.
The next story is from CBS News. White supremacists plan to blow up Nashville power station with explosives-laden drone, says been arrested after federal prosecutors say he tried to use what he thought was a drone packed with explosives to destroy a power station in Nashville.
That's coming from the Justice Department yesterday. Skyler Philippi was charged with attempting to use a weapon of mass destruction, attempting to destroy an energy facility,
prosecutors said in a news release. Now, according to a recently unsealed
criminal complaint, Fiddlepie allegedly told multiple undercover sources from the FBI that
he wanted to blow up multiple energy stations to shock the system and lead to the collapse of the
nation's power grid. He also allegedly talked about other attacks, including a mass shooting at a YMCA facility and a plan to derail a train in Tennessee.
Now, Philippi allegedly told the FBI sources that he was affiliated with multiple white supremacist groups and said he believed a conspiracy theory about 9-11 attacks.
Philippi allegedly spoke with one of the FBI sources about supplying explosive materials.
Now, listen to this, Rick.
He said he wanted materials that could cut through three-quarter-inch metal, according to the complaint,
instead of for something the source described as poor man C4.
Philippi also allegedly wanted to assemble pipe bombs
and asked the FBI source to provide him with the black powder to make the bombs explode.
Now, on November 2nd, Philippi allegedly went to carry out the attack.
The undercover sources were with him every step of the way.
They were with him every step of the way, Rick,
picking him up from his home, traveling to Nashville,
and providing him with the inoperative explosives, prosecutors said.
They allegedly conducted a test flight of the drone,
drove by the site of the substation, and again discussed the plan for the attack.
At the hotel they were staying in,
Philippi and the sources allegedly conducted a Nordic ritual
associated with white supremacist groups.
It involved each of the participants reciting a Norse prayer and discussing the Norse god Odin.
Okay, there's two things in this story.
First of all, the FBI was actually participating in the plot.
The guy probably said, you know, if I had explosives, I'd blow something up.
Well, here, we got something.
No, no problem.
Hey, you want us to drive you over to the plant?
Yeah, we'll get the hotel, too.
So let's deal with that.
The FBI was participating in the plot.
But the other thing I want you to see is that I believe this guy really did want to blow up a power station.
So you've got to accept that.
You have to accept that, that he really did want to blow up a power station.
And the next thing you need to understand is that he is involved in the Norse religion and worships the Norse god Odin.
And we're talking about Viking stuff.
Doc, this is real.
I know people don't think about this, but this is going on inside, not only the USA, but in other European countries. And the moment I read it today, when I read the Norse god Odin line in the CBS News report,
I immediately thought of a previous mass shooting that was in Europe.
I believe Norway.
And this was carried out by a guy named Anders Bering Breivik.
Yes. Now, lookering Brevik. Yes.
Now, look at the article.
May 2012.
Anders Bering Brevik, Norse god Thor and Odin engravings on killer's gun.
I remember this story.
Doc, it just,
the memory of it just popped up instantly.
Like, wait a minute.
There was a mass shooting.
There was a horrible
mass shooting. He killed
69 people at a youth
camp. At a youth camp. He shot
people at a youth camp, slaughtered them.
Back in 2011.
It was a horrible mass
murder. Yeah, Europe had not had anything
like that in decades.
It's such a shock. I remember that story, Rick.
He killed 69
people at a Workers
Youth League summer camp
there in Norway.
But what was interesting about that... But he also detonated
a bomb. He did two things. He
detonated a bomb. If I two things. He detonated a bomb.
If I recall, he killed eight people by detonating a van bomb in Oslo and then went to the summer camp and shot 69 people.
This guy was a mass killer.
And he was into this Norse god religion.
These are scary people.
And he was also a Nazi.
He was a member of the Nazi party.
The Nazism goes together with the pagan religion.
They're pagans.
Let's name it what it is.
They're pagans.
And so you have these pagans.
This stuff of white supremacy, you think, oh, that's just the left making
this stuff up.
No, there are people out there who are diehard real white supremacists, and they're pagans.
They're in pagan religions, and they're in Nazism.
And you've mixed the occult and witchcraft in with that, too.
And you can have bloodshed. So what was the way this ties together here is
actually engraved
Norse prayers
on the weapons that he used.
Yes, you're right.
So he tokenized them.
He made them an offering to
Odin by doing that.
I do remember the engravings.
And so it's interesting that
Philippi here
in this story,
in the Nashville story here,
brings up Odin now.
Brings us all up.
Because there's a network of these people around the world.
Right. So I
believe that he was genuine in
what he was trying to do.
But did the FBI set him up?
Yes. Both. But the guy was planning to do it.. But did the FBI set him up? Yes.
All right.
But the guy was planning to do it.
Look, Brevec carried out his killing in Norway.
He killed 69 people at a youth camp.
A lot of them were children and teens.
He carried out his mass murder. And no doubt the FBI knew of Philippi's connections to Odinism, too.
So, look, don't dismiss the stuff of paganism, Norse religion, Odin, Nazism.
This stuff is rampant, and I'll tell you a home base for it, Gab.
I'm just laying it out, folks.
Gab social media is where they congregate.
I'm going to hear it.
I don't care.
If you're going to defend neo-Nazism, you're really demented.
If you're going to defend worshiping the Norse god Odin, you are in an occult religion.
Oh, absolutely.
So don't even go there with me.
And that Gab social media platform
is a major congregation,
social media congregation for these people.
It's the truth.
I don't know what to say. I just tell the truth. I don't know what to say.
I just tell the truth.
I've been doing it for 25 years.
Rick, you brought up a story to me yesterday that I hadn't heard about before you mentioned it to me.
And that was this next one that we're talking about.
This is from Wall Street Journal.
Well, we were in a meeting.
You and I and our team, our leadership team was in a meeting yesterday.
I turned my laptop around the dock. I said, team, our leadership team was in a meeting yesterday. I turned my laptop around.
The doc, I said, hey, look at this.
This had just come out yesterday in Wall Street Journal late in the afternoon.
Russia suspected a plotting to send incendiary devices on U.S.-bound planes.
I looked at the doc.
I said, they're determined to get a war.
Somebody's going to have a war.
So let's just read what the Wall Street Journal reported, then we'll comment on it.
So Western security officials say they believe that two incendiary devices shipped via DHL were part of a covert Russian operation that ultimately aimed to start fires aboard cargo or passenger aircraft flying to the U.S. and Canada.
This is according to them as Moscow steps up
sabotage campaign against Washington and its allies. Now, the Wall Street Journal is reporting
that the devices ignited at DHL logistics hubs in July, one in Leipzig, Germany, and another in
Birmingham, England. The explosion set off a multinational race to find the culprits.
Now investigators and spy agencies in Europe
had figured out how the devices,
electric massagers implanted with magnesium-based flammable substance,
were made and concluded that they were part of a wider Russian plot,
according to security officials and people familiar with the probe.
Security officials say the electric massagers
sent to the UK from Lithuania
appear to have been a test run to figure out how to get such incendiary devices aboard planes bound for North America.
Poland's national prosecutor's office said authorities there have arrested four people in connection with the fires and charged them with participating in sabotage or terrorist operations on behalf of a foreign intelligence
Poland is working with other countries to find at least two more suspects.
It says the group's goal was also to set to test the transfer channel for such parcels,
which were ultimately to be sent to the United States of America and Canada.
The prosecutor's office said, without saying who
was orchestrating the group's events. But the head of Poland's foreign intelligence agency, Paweł
Zota, said Russian spies were to blame in such an attack if carried out would have represented a
major escalation in Moscow's campaign against the West. I'm not sure the political leaders of Russia
are aware of the consequences if one of these packages exploded, causing a mass casualty event, Zota said.
Zota's comments echo what other Western intelligence officials said, indicating that
Russia and specifically its military intelligence agency, the GRU, was responsible. Now, these
incendiary devices that ignited back in July only narrowly missed
being on aircraft used by DHL, the people said. German police who tested replicas of the incendiary
devices said that once magnesium ignited, it would be difficult to extinguish it with the
firefighting systems most planes have. And the German investigation said, and pilots would have been forced to make an emergency
An aircraft far from land and over an ocean would have been at risk of going down, the
people said.
So do you think this is a genuine story, or are they just trying to pin something on Russia
here or trying to red flag the situation?
And then I'll have another question for you after this.
First of all, the story does not have evidence that Russia did it.
The headline says Russia suspected.
So there's no evidence.
Let's assume that it's real.
We're talking electric massagers.
The first thought that came to my mind as you were reading the story,
I would like to know who were the recipients, the intended recipients of the massagers.
Because this sounds like an Israeli Mossad operation.
That's where I was headed next.
Doesn't that sound like the pagers?
Yes, that was my very first thought.
Hey, let's put an explosive in a massager.
And you don't see people going gaga and asking the question,
how did the pagers get from Central Europe all the way to Israel?
The Western news media and the Western intelligence agencies
apparently were delighted with what Israel did with the pagers.
That was wonderful.
And I asked the question, what if somebody was on an airliner and had a pager that exploded?
So you're going to blow up everybody on the plane?
But now a more basic question is how were they even shipped from Central Europe to Lebanon and Palestine?
So these massagers were being shipped by DHL.
Were the massagers going to retail outlets or to individuals?
I'd like to know if they were intended to be delivered to individuals.
Then I would like to know the names.
Then you could find out, is there a connection?
Do these people have anything in common?
Are they all Arabs?
Are they critics of Israel?
Until you know who the intended recipients are, you can't have a legitimate investigation. If they were Ukrainians, if they were in support of the Ukrainian war, okay, now that would tend to lead back to Russia.
You've got to find out who were the intended recipients.
Have there been other devices discovered that didn't ignite?
These are just two that ignited.
So how many things are floating around on airplanes that have explosives in them?
Why would I want to get on a plane now?
You're making me wonder what's in the cargo.
And how did it get through security?
That's a great question.
I can't even take a stinking bottle of water on the plane.
And you're telling me that somebody got a highly explosive substance?
All the way from Lithuania to the UK.
And not one detector.
You have to go through all the detection equipment.
You've got to be scanned.
No dogs barking.
But this stuff got through.
Two of them
that makes me suspicious
about this story
but anyhow
you need to know
because if
if Russia has nothing
to do with it
and a plane blows up
that's going to be like
the sinking of Lithuania
they World War III is on
got a fight
they blew up a plane
blew up a plane
now if the Russians did it Doc that's World War III is on. Got to fight. Yes. They blew up a plane. Russian blew up a plane.
Now, if the Russians did it, Doc, that's a really scary thing that we've moved to this stage where the Russians are saying, let's just blow up planes.
I don't see the Russians doing that.
Why would they give the West the justification to launch an attack?
I think the massagers were intended for specific people.
That's my view.
RT, Lavrov warns NATO of missile redline.
Moscow would not hesitate to respond to aggressive actions by NATO, Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov has warned. Allowing the Ukrainian military to use Western-supplied long-range
missiles for strikes deep inside Russia would be treated as one such step, the diplomat said on
Tuesday. Kiev's forces would not be able to operate such weapons independently and would require the presence of NATO specialists as well as intelligence data obtained through the bloc's satellite system, said Lavrov.
This is a quote from him.
If such weapons are used, that would mean that not just Ukraine, but the NATO nations are openly at war with Russia.
The nature of this conflict, which the Western leaders sought to conceal, would literally come out.
According to Lavrov, Moscow is well aware of the U.S.-led military bloc's aggressive policies.
It has designated Russia as the biggest direct threat to its security, and NATO troops are being trained to launch offensive operations.
Based on this, the diplomat added, another quote,
Europe is being militarized at a quickened pace.
Our opponents should not be mistaken in case of any aggressive actions by NATO or its member states against our nation, adequate retaliatory measures will be taken in full compliance with Russia's right for self-defense embodied in the U.N. Charter.
And he said Moscow would use any means to ensure its security.
And he goes on to say, no one will be able to sit out either beyond the Atlantic or the English Channel.
That says it all.
Pretty clear message there.
That's why I don't see the Russians hiding explosives in massagers saying, hey, let's do something really sneaky.
Now, that's a massage type of operation.
The Russians will just tell you right out front, we're going to blow you up.
You mess with us, we're going to blow you up. You mess with us, we're going to blow you up.
We're not going to use a massager on you.
We'll just tell you to your face.
You do this, and we're going to blow up your country.
So I've got suspicions about the Wall Street Journal report.
North Korea fires multiple short-range ballistic missiles just ahead of the U.S. election.
That's kind of Kim Jong-un's fireworks display when he gets agitated.
He shoots off lots of rockets.
Really nothing serious here.
It's just a typical saber-rattling hours before the votes are counted in the United States
to say, hey, we're over here.
Remember us?
Whoever wins, you got to deal with me.
That's all it is.
This story we did not get to yesterday.
This is another Wall Street Journal report.
Iran tells region strong and complex attack coming on Israel.
Now, we didn't get to it yesterday, but you really need to pay attention to the story
because Iran, for the first time, says, we'll use nukes.
They did?
Oh, yeah.
It's implied in the story surrounding this.
And so, amid U.S. warnings against a counterattack on Israel, Iran is sending a defiant diplomatic
It's planning a complex
response involving even more powerful warheads and other weapons. Iran has told Arab diplomats
that its conventional army would be involved because it had lost four soldiers and a civilian
in Israel's attack. Involving its regular army doesn't mean its troops would be deployed, but
that the paramilitary IRGC troops that normally deal
with Israeli security matters wouldn't act alone in this case. An Egyptian official said Iran
warned privately of a strong and complex response. He says our military lost people, so
they need to respond. He said Iran could use Iraqi territory for part of the operation and would likely target Israeli military facilities, but much more aggressively than last time.
Now, Iran isn't planning to limit its response to missiles and drones as two previous attacks did, and any new missiles used would have more powerful warheads, the Iranian and Arab officials said.
Iran said it mostly fired four different types of medium-range ballistic missiles in its last attack.
It describes those.
It says on Friday atop, Iranian general threatened an unimaginable response,
and the country's supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei,
weighed in Sunday to warn of a tooth-breaking response.
That was their description of it.
So where's the threat of nuclear weapons?
Down in number 20 here.
And see this article from The Hill.
And so Israel's strike has Iran facing a stark nuclear option.
It was an opinion piece that was written just a couple days ago. And in the opinion piece, they raise the specter that Iran, when it says a tooth-breaking response,
they're equating that to possibly using a tactical nuke on Israel.
Do you know who wrote the Hill op-ed?
I'll get it for you here in just a moment.
Folks, this could go nuclear very quickly. And, you know, they were saying last week Iran was
going to attack Israel before the election. And I didn't believe that. I thought, no, they're going
to wait until the election. They're going to wait to find out who is going to be in the White House
in January. If Donald Trump wins, Donald Trump will give Israel anything that they
want. And he'll wink and nod to Bibi Netanyahu and say, do what you got to do. Yes. The most
dangerous period is not going to be after Donald Trump takes office, the most dangerous period will be between tomorrow and January 20th.
Well, Joe Biden is still in the White House.
Because Bibi Netanyahu will say, this is my opportunity to hit Iran hard, hard, hard, knowing that nothing negative is going to happen to us because donald trump's going to be
in the white house in january and i don't care what joe biden says that's going to be netanyahu's
attitude i got a free ride i got a pass i've got november december and three weeks in january to in January to pound the snot out of Iran.
And when my buddy Donald Trump gets in the White House, he's not going to say a word about it.
He just wants it done before he gets in the White House.
He doesn't want to be bothered.
Isn't that what the message is from the Trump campaign?
Get it done before January.
Because he's implying he's going to get it done one way or the other.
But Donald Trump is sending messages to Netanyahu, I don't want to mess with it in January.
You get it done now.
The point I'm making is that starting tomorrow, if we know Donald Trump is going in the White House, okay,
if it looks like Donald Trump is going in the White House, okay? If it looks like Donald Trump is going
in the White House, Netanyahu has the green light to attack Iran.
Right. Now, you take this article that we just talked about, that was from Benham Taubalu
from the Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, and you add to that the next one, this article
from Reuters, where it says specifically that Iran is in the process of updating its nuclear doctrine.
That's the first time they've ever said something like that.
That's right.
I've always believed they have nuclear warheads.
I do, too.
They're about to say, we've got them.
It's done.
We're ready to use them.
I think they're going to use them before they admit they have them.
I think the admission that they have them is going to be the explosion.
Oh, yeah, by the way, we've gone nuclear.
Number 19, Iran slams destabilizing presence as the United States sends B-52 strategic bombers to the Middle East.
And what do B-52 bombers carry, Rick?
Nuclear warheads.
So Mr. Biden is at least sending a message that he's prepared to nuke Iran.
I'm not so sure he will.
I'm not so sure he will.
All we know is this, okay? The next three months could be extremely chaotic in the Middle East
as the Middle East makes this transition
while the United States is getting its new leader in place, okay?
Be prepared.
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Prepared. Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna. We are glad to have you with us.
This is the weekday Bible study sponsored by Faith and Values Fellowship of Bureau Booth,
Florida. And your teachers are Dr. Burkhardt and myself, Rick Wiles.
And we are studying the gospel according to St. Matthew. We started in January,
and here it is, November, and we've made it to the 26th chapter, verse by verse,
precept by precept. And today, we're going to look at verses 14, 15, and 16 in chapter 26.
Let's pray, and Doc will read the word.
Father God, thank you for this awesome, beautiful day.
Thank you for saving our souls.
Thank you for forgiving our sins.
Thank you for being our wonderful Father.
We gather here today, Father, virtually over the internet, brothers and sisters from many nations gathered together to study your word.
And so we invite your Holy Spirit to take his seat at the head of the table and direct this Bible study.
Enlighten us, illuminate us, strengthen us with your word.
In the name of Jesus, amen.
And Rick, how far did you want me to read today?
14 to 16.
Okay, just those three.
Okay, just to be sure.
All right, so we are in Matthew chapter 26.
And welcome, everyone, no matter where you are in the world.
We have folks from Malaysia, the Philippines, Russia, Brazil today.
So welcome, all of of you all over the
world this morning or this evening, depending on where you're at. Matthew chapter 26, starting at
verse 14. Then one of the twelve, called Judas Iscariot, went unto the chief priest and said
unto them, What will you give me? And I will deliver him unto you.
And they covenanted with him for 30 pieces of silver.
And from that time he sought opportunity to betray him.
God bless the reading of his word.
All right.
So Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve apostles, is identified as the one who initiates the betrayal, where Judas was the chief objector to Mary's actions was not
the primary reason
Judas betrayed Jesus.
The sin of betrayal was already
in Judas' heart and mind.
Long before the dinner at Simon's
Remember what we
read at the beginning of chapter 26. Simon's house. Remember what we read.
At the beginning of chapter 26.
Jesus had.
Previously said.
That the son of man.
Is betrayed.
He spoke in the present tense. He didn't say.
Will be betrayed.
He said is betrayed.
It's happening now it's underway that was before the dinner let's read those words matthew 26 1 and 2. and it came to pass when jesus had finished
all these sayings what were the say? Everything that we read in 24 and 25
about the destruction of the temple,
the sign of his second coming,
the sign of the end of the world.
When he had finished all these sayings,
when his public ministry came to an end,
he said,
Ye know that after two days is the feast of the Passover and the Son of Man is betrayed to be crucified
James James said this is James chapter 1, verses 14 and 15.
But every man is tempted when he is drawn away of his own lust and is enticed.
Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin.
And sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth sin. And sin, when it is finished,
bringeth forth death.
the betrayal of Jesus was conceived in Judas
much earlier than these passages.
And Judas
was drawn away by his own lust.
It was his lust
that Satan used
to entrap him.
And when Judas
finished the sin,
it brought forth death.
He committed suicide earlier even earlier in Jesus's ministry there were indications of a darker nature within Judas Jesus spoke of the devil nature already working in Judas
Jesus had previously hinted that he knew that one of his disciples was a devil
and he made the remark and this is very significant to understand when Jesus said it.
He made the remark in response to his disciples objecting to his declaration that eating his flesh and drinking his blood is necessary for eternal life doc I'll have you read John chapter 6
okay and there's 20 verses 50 through 70 okay so think about this where we're at now Matthew 26 Judas is he's privately internally he's
angry about what Jesus said at Simon's dinner party okay he's he's he perceived
Jesus remarks as an insult.
But this was not the beginning of the devil working in Judas.
Because when you go to John 6,
Jesus said, one of you, you've got a devil in you.
But what were they talking about?
Jesus said it when he knew that his disciples were griping about what he said about eating his flesh and drinking his blood.
So, Doc, I'll let you read John 6.
All right.
John chapter 6, verses 50 through 71 here.
This is the bread.
70, yes.
Okay, 70.
This is the bread which cometh down from heaven that a man may eat thereof and not die. I am the living which cometh down from heaven, that a man may eat thereof and not die.
I am the living bread which came down from heaven.
If any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever.
And the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying, How can this man give us his flesh to eat then jesus said unto them
verily verily i say unto you except ye eat the flesh of the son of man and drink his blood
you have no life in you whoso eateth my flesh and drinketh my blood hath eternal life and i
will raise him up at the last day for my flesh is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed he that eateth my flesh and drinketh my
blood dwelleth in me and I in him as the living father has sent me and I live by the father
so he that eateth me even he shall live by me this is that bread which came down from heaven, not as your fathers did eat manna and are dead.
He that eateth of this bread shall live forever.
These things said he in the synagogue as he taught in Capernaum.
Many therefore of his disciples, when they heard this, said, this is a hard saying.
Who can hear it?
When Jesus knew in himself that his disciples murmured at it,
he said unto them, Does this offend you? What and if ye shall see the Son of Man ascend up where he
was before? It is the Spirit that quickeneth, the flesh profiteth nothing. The words that I speak
unto you, they are spirit and they and their life but there are some of you
that believe not for jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who should
betray him and he said therefore said i unto you that no man can come unto me except it were given
unto him of my father from that time many of his disciples went back and walked no
more with him then said Jesus unto the twelve will you also go away then Simon
Peter answered him Lord to whom shall we go now has the words of eternal life and
we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God.
Verse 70.
Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil?
Doc, Jesus, he revealed that Judas never believed.
Judas was never a believer.
He said in verse 64,
but there are some of you that believe not,
for Jesus knew from the beginning who they were that believed not and who
should betray him and then he said one of you is a devil only one betrayed him
only one had the devil and that one did not believe in jesus so it wasn't a matter of judas falling away
he never believed
and jesus knew it
so regarding john 6
judas was offended by the euchucharist, the great Thanksgiving feast.
Jesus had not yet instituted the Lord's Supper, but he alluded to it, and it repulsed Judas.
He was repulsed at the thought of eating Jesus's flesh and drinking his blood.
So Satan was working in Judas's heart and mind long before the night of Simon's dinner party.
So let me ask you some questions. Have you ever had a person in your life close to you
that you did not fully trust
have you ever had a person in your inner circle
your private life your business life you whatever, that you're not fully confident would have your best interests.
Have you ever had a private inner feeling
that a certain person in your life was capable of betraying you
if the right opportunity and price came along?
So just think about that.
Think about those questions.
Because this is what Jesus was facing.
He had a person very close to him.
And Jesus knew all along he was not trustworthy.
Yet he called him.
He called him.
Well, many are called, but few are chosen.
Was he chosen?
He was called.
And Rick, only a friend can betray you.
An enemy can't betray you.
You know where an enemy stands. That's right. Only a friend friend can betray you. An enemy can't betray you. You know where an enemy stands.
That's right.
Only a friend that can betray you.
That's right.
Only a friend.
So what was wrong in Judas's heart?
He lusted for money and political power.
He was a zealot he was adamant there must be a revised uh davidic
kingdom yes to to rule greater israel as in ancient times. He believed in the restoration of the state of Israel. Exactly.
All of it. Not just Jerusalem, not just Judah. He knew the boundaries of old ancient Israel
under King David. He wanted it back. He hoped Jesus would be the revolutionary leader who would instigate and lead a revolt against Rome's occupation of Palestine and liberate the Jews to rule the region.
Judas wanted a seat at the table.
Oh, Lord.
Perhaps he dreamed of occupying a powerful cabinet office in Jesus's government.
I'm going to say something that's shocking.
I believe Judas is the father of Christian Zionism.
Why do I say it?
He was closely identified with Christ.
He pretended to be a disciple of Jesus.
Indeed, he was a member of Jesus' inner circle. He was the treasurer of the movement.
But he had no interest whatsoever in jesus's kingdom in people's hearts
he wanted a kingdom of real estate
in jerusalem with power and might and money with no real estate there was no kingdom
he's listening to jesus talk about a kingdom in people's hearts,
and he's like, oh, whatever.
No, no.
When are we talking about the real kingdom, Jesus?
We need land.
We need fortresses.
We need armies.
We need money.
We need businesses. We need money. We need businesses.
We need a seat at the table.
He wanted a seat at the table of this government that he thought Jesus would bring in.
His only interest in being around Jesus was to ride to power with Jesus.
And you know what? was to ride to power with jesus
and you know what if jesus would have become a king judas was capable of betraying him and installing
a more radical jew yes
he saw jesus as a tool to get to the goal. And the goal was a Zionist empire.
In his heart and mind,
Judas had never abandoned Judaism and the Babylonian Talmud.
Inwardly, he was still,
he was closer to the Pharisees than to Jesus.
He had no intention whatsoever of ever leaving Judaism.
He wanted Judaism to rule.
And Jesus, in his mind, is talking out of his head.
You know, there must have been times Judas was sitting there saying this guy
this guy talks like he's a king and there's only 12 of us here we're out here in the wilderness
eating bugs eating locusts as we don't have enough money to buy food. This guy says he's a king.
He didn't believe Jesus.
Didn't believe in him.
He lost it for a seat at the table in Jesus's future earthly government
as he imagined it would be someday.
But something snapped in him at Simon's house.
On that night, he was done with Jesus.
It had been coming for a long time.
His decision to betray Jesus was not an act of impulse.
Judas had been contemplating for a long time
breaking free from Jesus and returning to the Pharisees. Judas had been contemplating for a long time,
breaking free from Jesus and returning to the Pharisees.
He saw Jesus as a loser.
This thing's going nowhere. Yes.
I've been out here for 30 years walking around with this guy.
This movement's going nowhere. All we've done is make enemies.
So he made his decision when Jesus took Mary's side and embarrassed Judas in front of the dinner
guest. Well, he was Jesus's treasure. And Jesus, in front of everybody, condoned an action that Judas, in his mind, saw as a foolish waste of money.
And that was it.
He was finished with Jesus.
And he reasoned in his mind that there was no future in serving Jesus.
Instead, he could have a seat at the table with the Pharisees.
Perhaps they would appoint him to serve in the Sanhedrin.
So I said, I believe he is the father of Christian Zionism.
He's the model.
Judas was a Zionist zealot he was identified with
Christ but devoted to Zionism yes he betrayed Christ for the cause of a
Jewish Empire in Palestine yes he accepted Jewish money for betraying the Lord,
denying his divinity, and setting up Jesus to be arrested to be crucified.
He accepted Jewish money with the hopes of having secured a seat at their table of influence. And he joined the men who were plotting to kill the Son of God
for the purpose of stealing his inheritance.
And today, you have Christian Zionists who are in alliance
with the people who are still crucifying Christ.
And for what reason? For a seat at the table.
That's the reason.
That's all they're motivated by, to have a seat at the table.
But the Zionists, today's Zionists, they haven't given up the plan.
Greater Israel and still the son's inheritance, which are the nations of the world.
So feeling affronted at the dinner party, insulted, embarrassed.
You know, you can just imagine him leaving that party, mumbling to himself,
that's the last time.
That's the last straw. He's going to do that to me.
That's it.
He's never going to do that to me again.
I'm the treasurer of this organization.
And he just condoned wasting thousands of dollars.
That's insanity.
I'm not serving this man anymore.
And so he marched off to the high priest palace where most likely he knew
that the council was assembled so how did he know that they were in session at night
i'll tell you how he knew he had sources yes he had sources in low places.
Friends in low places.
He had never severed his ties with the Pharisees.
They had their hooks in him.
He asked, what will you give me if I deliver Jesus to you to be arrested?
The Jewish rulers were stunned but delighted by the surprise offer.
Yes, the first Christian Zionists had arrived and begged for money to betray the Son of God.
And there would be many more to come.
And they're still going to Jerusalem today to beg for money and betray Christ.
Wow, Rick.
Filling out Jesus was the ultimate sin but adding insult to injury judas did it for a meager sum of
30 pieces of silver yes and that amount fulfilled the prophecy in zechariah 11 13
in the old testament says and the. In the Old Testament it says,
And the Lord said unto me,
Cast it unto the potter,
a goodly price that I was prized at of them.
And I took the thirty pieces of silver
and cast them to the potter in the house of the Lord.
It reflects the fulfillment of prophecy,
and that shows us that even the smallest details of the crucifixion of Christ
were foretold centuries earlier in Scripture,
and now it's being fulfilled.
There's more to this,
the significance of the 30 pieces.
The 30 pieces of silver
in monetary value were insignificant,
but the price was significant.
Here's what I mean.
30 pieces of silver was the legal price that Jews were obligated to pay for a slave who was gored by an ox.
That's in Exodus 21, verse 32.
It says, verse 32 says if the ox shall push a man servant or a maid servant he shall give unto their master
30 shekels of silver and the ox shall be stoned so it's really a very small amount of money
with 30 pieces of silver like maybe 50 bucks something like that right well depends on how much silver was in the coins
right i mean today our our coins are one ounce and an ounce of silver right now is what around 30
dollars i don't know if they had a full ounce but we don't know. But it was not a lot of money.
But it was the minds of the Jews.
They knew that a slave, the maximum price you had to pay for a slave was 30 pieces of silver.
It means that they didn't have any more value for Jesus' life than that of a slave that they would kill.
He was a worthless slave.
Okay, here's 30 pieces of silver.
He's worthless.
It speaks of their disdain for Jesus. Jesus also these 30 pieces of silver were shekels of the sanctuary which had
significance in in in the religious rituals in the temple so all this parallels Jesus's role as the
sacrificial lamb he sold for the price of a slave and they paid with temple
money he's the sacrifice they bought him they bought him with temple money right now notice they didn't pay
him up front no they were the good they're jewish businessmen they made a covenant with
they said that we're making a deal all right here's the deal you betray him and you get the
30 pieces of silver the price of a slave that's right so they covenant with him they entered into an
agreement they weighed out it the term means they weighed out the silver okay
Judas look here here's the 30 pieces of silver we're gonna put it in the scales
we're gonna weigh you see it here 30 pieces of silver. We're going to put it in the scales. We're going to weigh. You see it here?
30 pieces of silver.
You bring Jesus to us, you get the money.
You don't get it until you bring him.
You deliver the goods.
We're not paying you without you delivering Jesus to us.
Maybe they gave him a down payment. But he didn't get the 30 pieces until he betrayed
Jesus. Now, it's interesting here that back in, what was it, the beginning of chapter 26,
that the Jewish leaders, they had already made up their mind they were going to kill him they but they uh didn't want
to do it because the passover is coming because there'd be a big crowd there but now judas
by coming to the high priest and to the jewish leaders he has accelerated the timeline so to
speak uh because he began to work in concert with them to look for an opportunity to portray Jesus.
And it's going to happen that night.
They thought the timeline was being accelerated, but it was actually God moving it.
Doc, when we studied the Acts of the Apostles last year, which were written by
Luke, we often commented with humorous admiration of Luke that he was a doctor he was meticulous in his note-taking in his observations
and and we would point out in in in the acts of the apostles
you know a verse or two hey look this is dr luke just adding some details here
because he's his his characteristic of observing
details and making written notes which show up in the book of Acts I'm saying
this because what was Matthew's career before he was called?
Tax collector.
So he was a specialist in money, wasn't he?
I think Matthew, we're studying the gospel according to St. Matthew.
I think Matthew is making the notes.
There was a transaction.
They waited out 30 pieces of silver.
Here are the terms of the agreement.
He's just letting us know how it went down.
And it's interesting that both Mark and Luke don't mention the sum.
That's what I'm saying.
It's Matthew.
Matthew, the tax collector, said,
by the way, it happened to be 30 pieces of silver,
and they weighed it.
As a tax collector would weigh it.
Oh, I'm not accepting that until I weigh it.
You got to prove to me it's silver.
So Judas entered a conspiracy with Jewish Zionist authorities to participate in a coordinated plot to eliminate Jesus Christ.
And that's exactly what the Christian Zionists are doing today.
They have replaced the cross with the star of David's flag.
I could go down the list of the things that they have replaced.
They are the preachers of the true replacement theology.
Because they've replaced Israel with, they've replaced Christ with Israel.
They've made the state of Israel their idol, their God so Judas entered into a conspiracy with these Zionists to
eliminate Jesus he was never a believer he had a devil in him long earlier so I
asked this question how many Christian Zionist ministries and churches today are
secretly financed with Jewish money I know for a fact that some of them are
how do I know Oh five six seven years ago there were documents published in
Hebrew in Israel they were documents were put online we
downloaded them we translated them in the English and these documents revealed
that Israeli government money was laundered through a Israeli nonprofit and then sent to ministries in America to finance them.
And John Hagee's KUFI was one of the organizations.
And this has gone on for a long time.
I mean, all the way back to the time of Jerry Falwell.
And another one was a woman who at that time was actively attacking me on radio stations, online.
She was, I mean, she was determined to smear my name.
And when we brought those documents out, she shut her mouth and disappeared for several years.
You know why she disappeared?
Because what she was doing was a federal crime
she was receiving money from a foreign government to influence American foreign policy and so she
was getting money from Israel to attack me and so there'd be these news headlines Christian leader attacks
anti-semitic Rick Wiles never revealing to people that she was financed by the so this does go on there are still men and women today that have devils in them
pretending to be christians never believing
but secretly working for the jews and israel to betray christ in his church yes
but their end is death
they won't have a bright future no no brighter than judas
and they want the same things judas wanted two things power and money you got it
so got it so in Luke we we read that Satan entered into Judas Matthew doesn't tell
us that Luke tells us Satan entered into Judas and and so that speaks of a complete surrender to satanic evil impulses and a total abandonment to destruction.
He became known as the son of perdition.
Perdition is destruction.
Satan completely destroyed him.
But while Satan entered Judas,
it's important to remember that it was Judas who opened the door.
Judas opened the door to his soul and invited the devil in.
Satan can't get in your soul and possess you unless you open the door
don't ever worry don't ever be worried that satan could take possession of you if you're a child of god he can't you have to offer him you have to open the door and say come in so this is a stark reminder of the
potential of human beings created in the image of God intended to be vessels for
the Holy Spirit to become corrupted and controlled by evil demonic forces when they persist in sin
you stay in sin long enough and the devil is going to get his hooks in you
you were delivered from sin don't go back to it
verse 16 says,
And from that time, he, meaning Judas, saw an opportunity to betray him.
I'm going to repeat this.
Judas had decided long ago that he was finished with Jesus.
This was not an impulse impulse he wasn't a servant
of christ up until this moment and then decided i'm going to betray him no he was never a servant
of christ he was an imposter what he perceived as an insult at Simon's dinner
was the incident he needed to cross the line.
He'd been looking for that line.
And that line appeared at Simon's dinner.
And so he went in the darkness of the night
to the meeting of the Sanhedrin to make a deal to
betray Jesus. Now he only had one thing left to do, fulfill his part of the bargain
to collect the money, the silver, and what did he have to do? He had to find the right opportunity
to betray Jesus. The Jews didn't tell him hey you
got a hogtied jesus yourself and drag him in here now just tell us where he's at we'll get him
you just lead us to where he hangs out you know his secret places you know his favorite places he goes to pray to be alone just tell us where they're at
see this is what a
this is what a judas in your life will do a judas in your life will tell your enemies
here's the secrets of this person boy ah Boy.
I know this person's private behavior.
Here is his or her secrets.
So we see.
I'm just, the wheels are turning in my head.
I'd never really thought about that before yes
I'm making notes
I just said that
we see the progression of sin
once conceived it seldom We see the progression of sin. Once conceived,
it seldom encounters obstacles
strong enough to stop it.
Once that baby's born,
it's going to continue to grow in strength and size
until it culminates in the person's destruction.
Sin starts out as a little baby but it grows up
you know it becomes the incredible hulk you can't stop that thing
it's more powerful than you
i'm going to ask you another question.
How many celebrities,
musicians, artists, actors, actresses, politicians,
how many celebrities made the journey
in the nighttime to the crossroads?
Do you know what I'm talking about? How manyroads do you know what i'm talking about
how many people right now know what i'm talking about if i said he went to the crossroads
doctor we have anybody in chat saying i know it there's a few that recognize that but we
might want to elaborate on that okay so there was a guy named robert leroy johnson
and to this day he's revered as the father of the blues genre of music he was born
a poor man mississippi 1911 but according to the legend of his life, after struggling for years to gain
recognition as a musician, and he wasn't, from what I've read, he didn't have a lot of skills
as a musician. He lacked something. He went to a crossroads in Mississippi at midnight.
And there he met the devil who offered him a deal.
The devil said, in exchange for your soul,
I will impart into you, Robertbert unparalleled guitar skills and songwriting and singing ability
and johnson made the deal with the devil he sold his soul in return for becoming a great physician
and when he came back from the crossroads, he was a master of the blues his career skyrocketed in the late 1930s
but it was a short ride to the top because the devil killed him at age 27.
but today influential musicians such as eric clapton and bob d Bob Dylan say Johnson's music style strongly
influenced their music in their career so I ask you how many celebrities how
many famous people went to the crossroads is it is this a dark little
secret that's known in the entertainment industry?
Look, kid, you want to be famous?
You really want to sing?
You want to play the drums?
You really want to play the guitar?
You really want to be a great actor?
This is what you've got to do.
You've got to go to the crossroads and make the deal.
I remember several days after the death of Michael Jackson I read in the Los Angeles Times an article
about his death this is like three or four days after his death and they quoted they quoted a close friend of Jackson who said, you know, Michael often said to me, he made a deal with the devil and he wanted out.
And this friend said, now I know he didn't mean the real devil.
He meant the music industry.
But when I read that article, I knew I knew no Michael Jackson went to the
crossroads he made a deal with the devil and he wanted out he knew he was trapped
I think a lot of these famous people today, they went to the crossroads.
You wonder, how did this person just come from nowhere and suddenly is famous and rich?
They made a deal.
I think it goes with invent power and fame and they have made deals with
the devil they sold their souls in return for worldly gain but in the end, Satan took their lives and took their souls.
So Judas sought an opportunity to betray Jesus.
And according to Luke, to do it away from the public's eye to avoid causing a tumultuous reaction among the people.
He wanted to do it discreetly.
So the term opportunity implies finding Jesus at a moment
when he could be quickly apprehended and handed over to the Jewish authorities
without interference or public outcry. Right. Had to be done discreetly, privately.
So the chief priest most likely advised Judas, just wait. Wait for that private moment.
When you know where it is and when it is, you get in touch with us.
We'll get our soldiers over there.
We'll get the temple police to arrest him.
But the chief priests themselves were eager.
They were excited.
We got the opportunity to get him.
They were planning to do it at the end, at the conclusion of Passover.
That was their timetable.
Hey, we got to get Passover done with.
And as soon as we get Passover done, get that off our calendar that our next item
will be killing jesus and the reason why they were wanting to do it after passover is they
were worried that at passover if they didn't made any move on jesus that the crowds would
turn against them that they were afraid of so they were going to do it after Passover but then opportunity arose suddenly
they have the opportunity before Passover okay and they're thinking we've got to act on this he's
been betrayed by one of his inner circle men this guy could change his mind. That's what they were thinking.
Judas could rethink this and change his mind.
He might go back and tell Jesus what he did and ask for forgiveness.
We better strike now.
Even though this is not the right time.
We didn't want to do it before or during passover but we may never get this opportunity again of course it was god's perfect timing
because the passover lamb had to be sacrificed
and jesus was the passover lamb
and his blood atoned for their sin of murder.
They had no idea that this man that they were going to kill was the sacrificial lamb.
And that the spilling of his blood would atone for their sin of murdering the Son of God.
Yeah, you would atone for Judas' betrayal.
Yes, but they had to repent.
Yes, of course.
The atonement is there,
but you have to repent to receive it so there
was this now there's a new sense of urgency to capture Jesus and all Judas
had to do was find the right opportunity the right place the right time. This word betray connotes treachery, deceit.
You can't betray somebody without being deceitful,
without being treacherous.
Do you have anybody in your life who is treacherous?
Just study the word treacherous? Just study
the word treacherous, treachery.
Do you have anybody in your life who's
They have a treacherous
They'd sell you
out in a heartbeat if they had the chance.
Do you have anybody in your life who is deceitful
if you say yes you got a problem
and you need to be on guard yes look Jesus had one so don't think something wrong with you he had
one we're learning about life that in the hearts of men and women is treachery and deceit.
And we're told in the last days, the love of many will grow cold.
And the love of many, the many, the verse is speaking about, are the people in the church.
Not the people outside of the church it's the people in the church their hearts shall grow cold and what will they do they will betray you to the
authorities you will be taken into the synagogues and beaten you some of you will be put to death this is what jesus told us back in what chapter 24 right
that they would be betrayed yes so you're betrayed by treacherous people deceitful people
and he said in the last days the the hearts of many in the church shall grow cold. But when they have cold hearts,
they will become treacherous and deceitful and betrayed.
And who will they betray you to?
The Jewish leaders.
The Zionists today.
They will betray you to the Zionists today.
You bet they will.
They'll say, look at this guy.
He's an anti-Semite.
He's against Zionism.
He's against Israel.
He hates all Jews.
He is a friend of the Palestinians.
He's an enemy of the Jews.
This is coming from evangelicals.
And they'll go to the state.
They'll go to the Roman Empire
in Washington.
We need a law.
Yeah, we need a law.
We're filing a complaint
against this guy.
He uses hate speech.
Don't do business with this man.
Don't give him a contract
or anything.
They do that now.
Put him on a watch list.
Put him on a watch list.
A no-fly list. is what the judas's are doing today
so his actions fulfilled a predetermined plan they were not spontaneous. It was a predetermined
plan. This
treachery against Jesus
had been simmering
in him for a long time.
And really the clue
that had been in him for a long
time was the
30 pieces of
silver. Because
if it was just a matter of him being disappointed
that Jesus isn't going to be an earthly king,
he would have just betrayed him without any exchange of money at all.
There would have been no reason for him
because it would be a principled decision.
Jesus isn't the king we were hoping for.
I'm turning him over to you.
But no, Judas asked, what will you give me if I betray him?
What will you give me?
And so that really opens up the true motives of his heart.
It was never about a kingdom.
It was never about him.
It was about advancing the cause of Judas.
No, I think the betrayal was because Jesus was not going to bring about the Zionist empire.
Oh, I agree.
But Judas's mindset was, I'm going to betray him, but I'm going to get something out of it. Yes. But Judas was it? Judas's mindset was, I'm going to betray him, but I'm going to get something out of it.
And not even knowing.
Even if it's only 30 pieces of silver, I'm going to leave with something for me.
Something in my pocket.
Not even knowing that they were fulfilling scripture fulfilling prophecy
in the midst of it he probably would have done it for 10.
it was just the idea he's going to walk away with some
jingle in his pocket but he was he'd already made up his mind he was going to do the the deed right but his greed in him said before you do the deed fulfill your greed
get something out of it cash out get something
so the emphasis on seizing Jesus at the most advantageous moment
speaks of the strategic nature of Judas' betrayal
and the calculated planning he carried out.
He was treacherous. He was devious.
He planned. He thought. he was treacherous he was devious he planned he thought where would Jesus go where did where were the places that we normally hung out in Jerusalem he knew
where to go he may have heard Jesus say earlier today, this is where I'm going tonight.
We're going to spend the night
in such and such place.
Gethsemane, yes.
And we've been there.
We've been to Gethsemane.
And really, it is a tight, secluded place
down at the base of the Mount of Olives
and everything.
And, you know, it's at the bottom of the valley.
There's, if I remember right, there's a road that goes in front of where they say the modern-day Garden of Gethsemane is.
And, you know, really, it is a tight, secluded place, hard to get in and out of.
And so it's possible that you just gave my heads up that hey this is our
schedule tonight we're having a our passover meal tonight after the passover meal jesus has said
this is where we're going to be because they were ready obviously we read later on they were ready that night yes so doc my last thought before we close here every successful
leader whether it's in politics or government corporations churches
ministries nonprofit organizations doesn't matter. Every successful leader privately wrestles with the inner thought,
who on my team would betray me to my enemies?
And what price would it take to motivate somebody close to me to sell me out?
Everybody wrestles with that thought
who are the people on my team i fully trust and who's on the team i'm not sure about
and with the ones that i'm not sure about what price would it take to motivate them to sell me out.
Everybody wrestles with that.
You think about Donald Trump, he's two attempted assassinations in the last six months.
You don't think he's not thinking about the security guards around him,
the secret service agents.
Can I trust these guys?
It's throughout society.
You hear about a major leader suddenly toppled.
Board of Directors removes the CEO, replaces CEO with his younger competitor.
I've seen it happen in major ministries where the founder of the ministry was toppled by the board of directors.
Had no idea what's going on here.
How did I get kicked out?
Because there was a coup d'etat inside the ministry.
There was a Judas who secretly led.
I'm thinking of one right now.
Happened years ago in Colorado Springs.
The founder of a major ministry was ousted by his board of directors.
There are Judas's everywhere.
And that founder had not done anything wrong.
They had no crimes against him, nothing.
They just wanted his power, his position.
They wanted him out because he was maybe too rigid in his insistence on principle. And they thought,
we can grow this ministry more
if we'll just bend a little, compromise a little.
And that ministry has been compromising ever since.
All for a seat at the table.
All for a seat at the table.
Seat at the table.
That's how they get co-conspirators. Hey, you join the conspiracy, you get a seat at the table. Seat at the table. That's how they get that's how they get co-conspirators.
Hey, you join
you join the conspiracy
you get a seat at the table.
Happens in politics.
Happens in business.
So if you're a leader
who do you have
on your team
that you don't trust?
These are These are uncomfortable questions to ask. So, hey, I'm at the one hour mark. We'll pick up verse 17 tomorrow.
Yes, and so study ahead, folks. Get the word in you and everything. Read Matthew 26 one more time,
and tomorrow we'll pick it back up on verse 17,
and it'll be the day after the election tomorrow,
so you won't have to worry about going out to vote
or anything like that.
So we invite you to come out 8 o'clock tomorrow morning
on the East Coast time for those that have adjusted
to daylight savings and everything.
God bless you.
And we'll see you on the 12.160 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. Eastern
and on frequency 4.840 from 10 p.m. to 2 p.m. Eastern.
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