TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - JP Morgan Hoards Cash, Biden IRS Powers Up to Seize Cash

Episode Date: June 15, 2021

Today on TruNews, Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke examine the accumulation of cash by JPMorgan, as major banks respond to concerns of massive inflation and investigations by ordering employees to prese...rve texts and WhatsApp messages. In the second half, Milo and Edward look at the revelations of former Trump officials now coming out as saying the source of the COVID virus is the Wuhan lab in China. Edward Szall, Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/15/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Tuesday, June 15th, 2021. I'm Edward Zell. The CEO of JPMorgan Chase has casually admitted his investment bank is hoarding $500 billion of cash. What for? The age of inflation we're now living through. And apparently it's here to stay for the foreseeable future. Join me in a moment to discuss this and the 80,000 man goon squad of IRS agents President Biden is about to set loose are my co-hosts Lauren Witsky and Doc Burkhart.
Starting point is 00:01:09 Rick is doing good, but he's going to give his voice a rest today. And later, Milo will be joining us to discuss the latest on COVID and China. But for now, here is Kerry Kinsey with today's headlines. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Here's a quick look at what's making news before we hand it off to the panel and the Godcast. The White House releasing a report that designates January 6th event at the Capitol as a domestic terrorist attack. It also endorses an internet purge of extremist content. The description is likely to draw stiff disagreement from allies of former President Trump
Starting point is 00:01:49 who say the incident has been used to push political censorship. says Hunter Biden invested millions in a Chinese Communist Party firm operating a nuclear plant that's experiencing a leak. The article claims the Biden team's lack of concern comes as the primary operator of the China-based plant. China General Nuclear Power Corporation counts millions in investment from the president's son. Jamie Dixon says cash is king. The CEO of JPMorgan Chase has been effectively stockpiling cash
Starting point is 00:02:27 rather than using it to buy treasuries or other investments because of the possibility higher inflation will force the Federal Reserve to boost interest rates. Looks like inflation is continuing to build. Producer price rose in May at their fastest annual clip in 11 years. Back to J.P. Morgan. Bankers there are panicking over recent orders from the mega bank to save all of their work-related text messages, even if they were tapped out on a personal device or an app. The company is asking bankers, traders, and financial advisors to review messages on personal devices dating back to the beginning of 2018
Starting point is 00:03:13 and save any text that mentions work and every text to colleagues. Wow. Morgan Stanley's top boss issued a stern warning to his staff on Monday, come back to the office by Labor Day or face a pay cut. Chief Executive James Gorman says if you can go to a restaurant in New York City, you can come into the office. Since the pandemic first started, the banking giant permitted its 70,000 employees to work from home. That's a look at True News headlines. Now, let's get reaction from Edward, Lauren, and Doc. Thank you, Kerry. Wow, what a very weird day for financial news. Yes, it is. Doc, what do you make of this story about the hoarding of cash in J.P. Morgan?
Starting point is 00:04:05 Well, it seems kind of counterintuitive when you start to think about the nature of money, how if we put number two up on the screen, this is from CNBC, J.P. Morgan is admitting that the bank is hoarding nearly half a trillion dollars in cash. Now they're saying it's as a hedge against inflation. Now, really, when you stop and think about it, that seems a little bit counterintuitive. So imagine if you will, both of you, you had $100 in the bank, and let's say inflation rose by 10% over the course of the next year. The value of the money in the bank, assuming that there's no interest on it or anything,
Starting point is 00:04:47 would now be equal to $90. So the value of money actually decreases as inflation goes up. But in this particular scenario, because J.P. Morgan has so much cash available, they're making a bet that the Federal Reserve is going to be raising interest rates. And when that happens, that gives JPMorgan the opportunity to swoop in on a number of investments and also to buy up other hard assets like gold, silver, and others as people make their way into those markets, too.
Starting point is 00:05:27 I have to wonder how many of the major banks, probably all of them, are following a very similar strategy and have these enormous, insurmountable amounts of working capital. We're talking about half a trillion dollars that they have readily available. They said to possibly treasuries. And I'm sure these companies, they have to turn that cash into something that's going to provide back a return. It can't just sit in an account. But if these banks, these investment banks and these other institutions, maybe even wealthy
Starting point is 00:05:58 individuals have followed the strategy of hoarding cash during this time, what will the impact be if we do see a flash crash in asset prices? I mean, you were talking about JP Morgan, for example, maybe buy half of the commercial real estate in New York if they want it. Well, there is another possibility that exists, too. Normally, when you have inflation, the Fed responds by lowering interest rates. We already have low interest rates. We have historically low interest rates. We already have low interest rates. We have historically low interest rates.
Starting point is 00:06:25 The only option that they have left, Edward, is to go negative in interest rates. If that happens, then if you're holding on to cash, guess what happens? The value of your cash goes up. That's another possibility that exists there. Now, the whole question is, is the inflation that we're experiencing right now, is it short term or is it long term? We are experiencing inflation. Food prices are up. There's consumer prices that are up all across the board in all different sectors and everything. But the real question is, is this just a temporary spike as people are getting back into the workforce and they're spending money again? Is this just a little bubble on the horizon or is this a trend that we're going to see? Now, I'm going to date myself a little bit here. I'm a child of the 60s
Starting point is 00:07:18 and 70s. I grew up mainly in the 70s. We saw, you know, inflation that just went crazy during the last years of Jimmy Carter and into Gerald Ford. And, you know, so it was, you know, or Gerald Ford into Jimmy Carter. There was a time, Edward, that people were actually taking out mortgages. This will blow your guys' mind mind at interest rates of 17% or 21% I mean those are loan shark rates but people were taking out loans to buy houses that because that was the only rate available inflation was on such a spiral upward at the time fortunately Ron Reagan came in, the economy kicked back up again, and those rates came down. So, you know, this bet by J.P. Morgan, I think they know more than they're letting on.
Starting point is 00:08:13 They're either betting on interest rates going negative on this or looking at the opportunity to swoop in and own everything else that they don't already own. I can't help but wonder if this move and this announcement, because it was said so casually during this conference. Jamie Dimon, the CEO of JP Morgan, he's a well-known figure in the financial world. I mean, often many will make financial decisions. Smaller companies will strategize based off of a move of an investment bank of that size. But you have to wonder if this is tied to the financial policies that the Biden administration is pursuing. How could this not be connected in some form to the equally historic spending of the Biden administration?
Starting point is 00:08:59 We're talking about 10s, 20s, $70 trillion in spending plans for things we're being told that are going to radically change the country. Yet I'm just not really aware of how we're planning to pay for any of this. Right. Well, I mean, you have to understand that these people never have your best interests at heart. But they also have insider information as well. So they know they're right in alignment with whatever the Biden administration's up to, whatever spending, you know, they are preparing accordingly and always assume that these people, they just don't have your best interest at the ordinary American's best interest at heart. So, you know, keep an eye out on this. This is something you should definitely watch because if you see it this way. Well, I think we're not the only ones starting to watch or question
Starting point is 00:09:42 inside, you know, the corruption or the status of our economy, even the companies themselves. I mean, J.P. Morgan, that was a story in the New York Post, that they are actually ordering their employees to preserve text messages dating back to 2018. Now, it's not just text messages, any message on an encrypted app. They said specifically encrypted chatter. You have to wonder, what is it that JP Morgan is looking to find? And according to the New York Post, people are freaking out about it. They're panicking. They might lose their job if they don't preserve.
Starting point is 00:10:15 To me, this sounds like they're either trying to find a leak or they're trying to find if employees themselves maybe have been trading off of inside information that's been given through the company. This article in the New York Post specifically pointed out WhatsApp and WeChat as different apps. So those are off-platform text messaging services that they don't belong to JP Morgan yet. They don't belong to the bank. They're personal, right? But the the JP Morgan is requesting that they preserve even those texts as well outside of work. My thinking is, Edward, that there is possibly
Starting point is 00:11:01 coming an investigation into JP Morgan. That's why they're giving their employees the heads up now to start saving all encrypted messages and all encrypted information there. The same firm that's hoarding half a trillion dollars. Because there's something big that's about to happen with J.P. Morgan, perhaps. In that arc, it made a point to say that this could be part of a books and records requirement from the SEC, which is intriguing in its own regard because, one, we're talking about personal devices, your cell phone, your computer, your apps that you've downloaded. That has never been included in a requirement for accounting. It almost again makes you wonder if this, we actually got a little sneak peek at a change in Wall Street where they are now going to consider all communications to be akin to a
Starting point is 00:11:52 line item on a book report. They said they're not going to look at, they're not going to read the contents, but why bother collecting test messages unless you're going to read them? I do wonder if maybe Wall Street or maybe the SEC is planning to deploy some kind of AI algorithm, some kind of system that will be able to mass scan text messages, maybe scan them for insider information training, or simply maybe they're trying to find the political leanings of the employees that are working on Wall Street. Well, actually, just last year, J.P. Morgan fired one of their senior executives for basically trading information on WhatsApp.
Starting point is 00:12:29 So there is a precedent in this right now that they have already used, you know, information they've gleaned from WhatsApp and these other social, you know, platforms. It's really kind of difficult now because, you know, the work environment and the personal environment are so blurred now. The lines cross so much, you know, you're text messaging a friend at work, you're posting on Facebook Messenger, you're using WeChat, WhatsApp, you know, you're just doing that as part of your casual conversation. Maybe you hear, hey, so-and-so is going to be buying this company here sometime next month. Well, you tell that to a friend, is that insider trading? And you did that on WhatsApp, let's say. So, you know, those are real questions that need to be asked. But does that mean they can also tap your phone? And, you know, does that mean they can bug your house? Not that they don't already do all that,
Starting point is 00:13:31 but does that mean they don't have the right to do that? Because you and I could have a casual conversation on the phone and we could share information that way. So is that going to be monitored as well? Well, I think in the long run, they'd love to have that. Well, we're in a special era. It's a criminal era. We're in an era where I don't think most criminal acts are being prosecuted, certainly not the high-profile ones we've talked about in the program. And that is a very dangerous time to be, to be working, to be alive,
Starting point is 00:14:01 and to be functioning in a society, because it means that people who are breaking the rules, there's no consequences for it. And I try to look back at historical precedents. Let's see, is there an age where this was true? What I think is true in this case, if criminals and people who have nefarious intents at heart know that they can commit crimes, even small ones, or white collar crimes, especially in the financial industry, and there is no repercussions for their actions, that probably hundreds, it may be thousands of people who are actively
Starting point is 00:14:36 engaged in schemes. And well, Kerry mentioned this story about Morgan Stanley's message to bankers. I also think that the banks, and we talk about the banks because they're very powerful. They're their own lobby, their own segment of power in this country. All of us have a relationship with the banks, even if we don't actually want to have a relationship. They either control the cost of eggs, milk, and other commodities, or they own our mortgages. They control a good portion of our life and to death, but they're also looking to get rid of a lot of their employees. Lauren, we've spoken on the program before about the move to a cashless society. And banks, I think,
Starting point is 00:15:19 especially investment banks maybe, are looking to shed their employment roles because it's an unnecessary cost. They have their own useless eaters that work at these banks in their opinion. Well, what Morgan Stanley is doing is that they're saying, unless you're able to come back to work, we're just going to cut your pay. And I'm sure that's going to eventually just going to cut you. What do you think the impact will be? Or in some of these big cities where half of the
Starting point is 00:15:45 executive class, those who could afford to even work in these cities, just overnight don't have a job anymore because they've become remote. Well, you have to understand, even with the, where they are collecting text messages, or now if you don't work in the city, you don't deserve the right pay. It's all going after the workers, just the ordinary workers. Maybe some people don't want to be inside New York Maybe some people don't want to be inside New York City. They don't want to be involved in the politics of New York City. So with everything that's here, with the $5 billion cash, or that they're saving, they're hoarding for something coming, them going through, threatening their employees to go through
Starting point is 00:16:18 their phones and their personal text messages and conversations with other employees, as well as basically threatening them, if you don't move back in to the city with us, we're going to cut your salary. They hate ordinary people that buck the system. So that is what that is specifically targeted for. They don't want the quality of people that live in the country. They don't. They don't. They hate them. It does make me wonder, are there people that work at these firms, obviously are, that are sane, that are normal. Normal people. They don't want to live in these crime-ridden cities anymore, or they don't want to be around these companies and their dictates. I'm sure Morgan Stanley, like many companies, is saying, well, in addition to coming back to work, you better be vaccinated.
Starting point is 00:16:59 Sure. It's a submission test. Yeah. How do you come back into the office if you haven't been vaccinated, especially in New York and the draconian state of New York? But I think there is a point to be made here. Why should you be paid New York rates if you're living in New Jersey or in Colorado? I mean, people have been working outside of the office for a year now, and they've discovered they like it, that they can still do their job, the same job that they were doing, but they didn't have to be sitting in an office. They didn't have to fight traffic.
Starting point is 00:17:34 They didn't have to ride the subway. They didn't have to, you know, avoid the guy peeing in the, you know, on the staircase as they got off the L train, okay? You're making the city sound wonderful. Right. And so, but, you know, if you live in these major metropolitan areas, you usually have an adjusted salary rate, right? In my opinion, this article is just a, you know, attempt, like you said, Edward, to cut payroll down. Jim Gorman, the CEO of Morgan Stanley, basically said,
Starting point is 00:18:03 if you don't come back to work by Labor Day, we're going to have a different conversation with you than we had before. Now, it's yet to be seen if the other banks, major banks, are going to follow suit with that same, you know, hard hand that's coming down. But let's face it, Morgan Stanley is the leader in this. And so we're going to see probably all the institutions saying, come back to work. If you're going to come back to work, guess what that means? You're going to have to get jabbed at least once or twice. Well, Doc, the subject of jabbing, I think, is everyone's mind kind of concentrated, but you also have to purchase things too. Life now is complicated
Starting point is 00:18:44 because you have to find a business that will hire you and not abuse you, force you to get vaccinated or get some other kooky government requirement in order just to work. But in addition to this, things are costing more. And it's not just in the cities. I mean, Kerry mentioned the producer prices climbing 6.6% in May. I have to wonder again, if this is one of those little hints, this little breadcrumb that is all connected to the stories with JP Morgan, the stories with other inflation, and the Fed, Doc, they're meeting right now. And often, many people don't pay any attention to what the Fed's doing.
Starting point is 00:19:20 If you've watched one of the press conferences or one of their announcements, it is intentionally boring. You can't watch 10 minutes of it without probably falling asleep. But I'm certain very important information is shared in those 10 minutes. Doc, what's this story about? Well, you know, basically, this is the first indication of the reaction to the new Biden administration under President Donald Trump. What were you guys paying for gas six months ago? $2.89. Okay. How much are you paying now?
Starting point is 00:19:53 Three, three plus? $3.20 something. We're lucky here, it's about three. Yeah. And lots of other areas around the country. You know why gas prices are up? Well, because we're no longer energy dependent anymore, okay? And we're shutting down pipelines, and then we get hacked, air quotes, hacked pipelines and
Starting point is 00:20:15 everything. That has a trickle-down effect across the economy there. When gas and energy prices are up, that influences everything. Plus, we've had some supply chain disruptions, which I'm not really quite buying myself about how tough it is to deliver a 2x4 from the forest to Home Depot. But now we're seeing a response to that. I think people are making the same kind of decisions that Jamie Dimon is making. I think some people are saying, why don't we hoard the product? I saw reports out of China that they were hoarding certain commodities. I've seen the same discussion about lumber. Lumber has been fluctuating. Let's talk about
Starting point is 00:20:53 the price when I'll come back down. There's been a break in this supply chain break. But why wouldn't regular people who own a product, watching inflation, watching the government manufacture dollars out of thin air, why wouldn't they just begin to make the same calculus and say, well, this Apple might be worth 10 times what they're actually telling me it's worth. I mean, this is the issue, though, is that society itself starts to break down when the fair deal is gone. And that article that we had on screen, it talked about this push against the easy money policy that we had during the pandemic. I'm certain what they're kind of discussing is that it's very cheap to borrow.
Starting point is 00:21:34 It's very easy to get capital. But the money itself, the buying power, is nonexistent. It's decreased. And the people that hurts are right now the asset holders. But eventually, if that goes the other direction, if the Fed, for example, I think everyone's watching if the Fed's going to increase the rates, the direct impact and the person that impacts the most, it appears in this case, is the middle class or below, the ones that don't really own anything.
Starting point is 00:22:00 The ordinary Americans that they all hate. Yeah. Really. They get to handle that. But really. It goes to show that they control the supply chain of everything, too. Everything with gas. Now with lumber. This all affects working class people trying to get to work every day and buy gas. People that are trying to build their own homes or build their own deck. The entire thing is an assault on the working class, but it's also a flex. They're letting us know that they have control of the supply chain.
Starting point is 00:22:23 And this is a tactic that they use to cause chaos, to cause panic buying. You remember the COVID toilet paper, you know, that kind of thing. Oh, there's a shortage in toilet paper. They get to control that, you know, so they are in charge of the supply chain. And we're watching this because they're conditioning us to get us ready for more cyber attacks, more shortages, more gas shortages, more lumber shortages. So it's like they give you a little taste of it before and kind of hint at what they're up to. And it just goes to show that they do now control the supply chain, and they will do with it as they wish. Remember back in the old days, Edward,
Starting point is 00:22:59 where people handing out free money from the government used to be a bad thing? Well, I still think it's a bad thing. I agree. Yeah, we are in this weird period. It's become normal. We called it unlimited, you know, our universal, yeah, it's unlimited basic income, but universal basic income. We did several guide tracks about it.
Starting point is 00:23:15 A far-off thought we never thought we'd see in our country, right? Now what is it called? Well, it's called a stimmy. A stimmy. Now, that's short for stimulus. Yeah, we basically package free money. You're words and everything. Well, I mean, I think for a lot of people, I mean, Laura, did you receive a, you know what I'm asking, did you receive a stimulus?
Starting point is 00:23:33 Oh, yeah. I'm a normal person. I got a stimulus. Yeah, I'm not a rich person. You were both dismayed but happy. I mean, who would be sad to see money in your bank account? Right. But happy I mean who would be sad to see money in your bank account right? But then when you do like I think thinking people normal people who watch this probably they they think about well
Starting point is 00:23:50 Where does this money actually come from can I reject it? Does this come with some you know some time so other some things? I'm gonna have to do now based on this I Think that the the weirdest part of this you mentioned this stimmy it has become like a meme You know it's It's become this joke. But the joke's on us because we borrowed against ourselves and our kids and their kids. This is eventually going to have to pay back, right? Or is that part of the game here where it's just kind of the funny money that we can just default on?
Starting point is 00:24:18 Well, my opinion is all funny money because, I mean, what's the difference between what they're printing at the Federal Reserve and you know monopoly money the only difference is is you you know you can actually win in monopoly how you can't win with the Federal Reserve notes but the the idea is of course that these recent retail sales are on the slide down right now because consumer prices are going up right so you see the inflation. So people say, well, I can't spend as much. So it's going down. So it used to be the response of, well, let's respond by lowering interest rates.
Starting point is 00:24:55 Interest rates are in the basement. So now what's the response? Well, we've got to get people to buy cars and we've know, you know, buy appliances and do all this stuff. Well, last year when we sent everybody a check, they spent money. And so that's their strategy now as well. So I think now we are in that stimulus cycle of life now that anytime we see a dip in retail sales of any kind, we are then going to begin seeing a response from the federal government, let's just send everybody a check. And then, for instance, in my opinion, whenever you send a stimulus check, that does not help the economy. That actually drives the value of products down. Because we all know what people
Starting point is 00:25:44 are spending it on. Right. They're not going out to buy necessities. They're going to buy stocks. They're going to buy Bitcoin. They're going to buy things. Speculate on it. I'll tell you what they buy. What was the last stimulus check? How much was it? $1,400. $1,400. Here's the deal, though. The stimulus was just such a tiny, teeny fraction of the stimulus packages. I mean, they gave so much money to globalist corporations who hate ordinary Americans while we got the crumbs. And that's the thing.
Starting point is 00:26:12 So we're paying for these bailouts. And demonic left organizations too, they handed money. Planned Parenthood. I'll give you an example. So we were bailing out all these corporations, but we got a little tiny crumb, but our grandkids are going to have to pay back everything. And that is what is the problem with everything. What you see a response at is all the retail sales. So you get a stimulus check for, let's say, $1,200. So guess what? You're going to see the prices at Walmart for the big fancy TVs at how much? $1,198.
Starting point is 00:26:41 Oh, I'm going to buy. They're going to price around it. Yeah, it's business. I guess I say it's business. There's no real business going on here. Isn't that really? It's not a bailout of the American people. It's a bailout of corporations. Whatever happened to good old days where businesses and banks and everything were allowed to fail? I mean, failure is not necessarily a bad thing. If you're doing bad things, failure is actually a good thing
Starting point is 00:27:05 to happen because it's a correction. It allows you to reset. It allows you to say, you know, maybe hitting my head with a hammer all the time is not a good thing. Maybe if I lose the hammer, that would be a failure. That would be a good thing. Okay. What we're basically doing with stimulus checks is we're hitting our head with a hammer, and we're going to just keep hitting our head with a hammer until we're a bloody pulp and the economy collapses. Well, these stories are a little bit complicated to read through today, and I think that it's starting to make sense when you realize that we're still debating passing a budget. We may actually have a government shutdown in three months. It's a long time away, I suppose. But we're not often abreast now to what's going on inside our
Starting point is 00:27:50 government. I think government both slowed down and got boring when President Trump left. But it doesn't mean that they stopped doing things. And specifically, they've played off of our ignorance when it comes to the direct impact of stimulus. And they took that concept, which is that they can fabricate money, give it to us, and certainly give it to many other globalists and globalist corporations. They took that to the absolute extreme. It doesn't matter if you create $1 trillion at a dinner. Why not create $70 trillion? Or maybe use this as an opportunity.
Starting point is 00:28:21 Well, a trillion. Why not? What difference does it make? Oh, and you talked about the submission test that some of these banks are now making on employees. I have a suspicion that the government is preparing to put that very same submission test on the middle class. And what they're going to do is they are going to make us pay with our blood, sweat, and
Starting point is 00:28:41 tears, in addition to our money that we have left over, for these exorbitant spending packages. The $70 trillion, they won't wait till we have kids, or they have kids. They're going to try to make us pay for it right now, because obviously we don't have the offshore tax strategies that some of these elite people have. We don't have the immunity from taxation. Or did you hear specifically how Elon Musk avoided paying large amounts of tax? I read this yesterday. He's been living, his business has been living off the loans that he's been getting. And he only ever sells stock when the stock options are about to expire. They live in completely different bubbles.
Starting point is 00:29:19 And apparently that's completely legal. And obviously Elon Musk is someone that has benefited very greatly from a relationship with the U.S. government. Well, and one of the biggest things that we have a challenge with is politically, Lauren, because there used to be layers of checks and balances within government. Sometimes it's frustrating, the checks and balances, but the checks and balances were there in order to cause us to reflect upon the decisions that we make, the political decisions that we make, especially in relation to the federal government and how it spends money. So normally in the past, what has happened, let's say if we wanted to do a stimulus bill of some kind, that it would normally go through a layer of committees in the House and the Senate and everything, and, you know, in order to have, you know, different members of the House and the Senate to review the information that's in there. Now the demonic left Democrats, you know, they've had such a stranglehold on the House for a number of years, and now they're in control of the Senate.
Starting point is 00:30:23 What they've decided to do, Edward, is to, why do we need to deal with those silly committees and everything? Wouldn't it be better if we, you know, just bypass all that? We know what we want. Let's just, you know, go around that. Well, a representative from Missouri, God bless Missouri, Missouri born, Missouri bred, and when I die, I'll be Missouri dead. Representative Jason Smith from Missouri, he called out the demonic left Democrats in the House and Senate for their peculiar behavior about this next stimulus package that the Democrats are trying to push through a deeming resolution to spend 1.5 trillion dollars and they yet to even bring it up
Starting point is 00:31:15 in the debate. They want the American people to believe that what we are about to vote on on this floor right now is a bill that's in financial services or a bill that's in foreign affairs. But yet, they are trying to pass a resolution to bypass the budget process to spend one and a half trillion dollars. We have been in where the Democrats have been in power for almost 900 days, and they have yet to put a real budget on the floor of the House of Representatives.
Starting point is 00:31:58 Even though the Budget Control Act of 1974 clearly states the process. What is it? What are you trying to hide? Why don't you want debate over $1.5 trillion of spending? Why are you hiding it from the American people? Why are you being so dishonest? $1.5 trillion is a lot of money. Your president submitted a budget just two weeks ago,
Starting point is 00:32:34 the latest budget in the history of the United States. Are you not wanting to debate it? Are you not wanting to discuss it? Because your speaker said the budget is a statement of your values. Show us your values. You don't want the American people to see your values because in the president's budget, the largest amount of spending in the history of this country, 69 trillion, you're putting 80 billion dollars to hire 87,000 IRS auditors to go after the American people. The largest tax increases in the history of the United States, $55 trillion. Tax increases on low income, middle income, all incomes.
Starting point is 00:33:22 It's the big lie. But you know what? Across the board, average increases of everything by at least 16% increase, except for things that deal with security, our men and women in uniform, flatlining our national defense. Not one additional dollar could be found for border security when we are facing the Biden border crisis right now. More people have illegally crossed the southern border since January 20th, since the entire population of Kansas City, Missouri. And you all can't find one additional dollar? It's because you're divided within your party. You all are fighting to defund the police. You're fighting to defund our men and women in the Army, the National Guard, the Navy, the Air Force. Where are your priorities?
Starting point is 00:34:17 Members are reminded to address their remarks to the chair. The gentleman is recognized. Madam Speaker, where is your party's priorities in defunding the police, defunding our military? Put this legislation on the floor. Don't try to put it in one sentence, one sentence in a rule. We are three and a half months from a government shutdown. Three and a half months. Let's pass a budget, a budget that was supposed to be passed by April 15th, according to the law.
Starting point is 00:34:53 Well, Representative Jason Smith from Missouri makes a lot of good points, but it's not really just a demonic left Democrat problem. It's a demonic right Republican problem, too, because it was a Republican Senate that approved two stimulus payments last year. And for a party that in the past, Lauren, has crowed about the balanced budget amendment. Remember, that was almost, you know, one of the Ten Commandment level things that the Republicans were always having their platform and everything for years and years. That all flew out the window. That's all gone away. And so the problem is on the left and the right on this.
Starting point is 00:35:38 Absolutely. Well, even when we had control of everything in 2018, they still passed a budget that required Christian taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood. If we had more people like that gentleman from Missouri, I doubt that would happen. As a whole of our Republican Party, you mentioned that the Democrat Party is divided. Yeah, absolutely. You have moderates like Joe Manchin and Sinema from Arizona, but then you have radical leftists like Ilhan Omar, who does not care
Starting point is 00:36:06 about the United States Constitution. She does not care about the southern border crisis. So yeah, there certainly is a division within their party, but I commend him for speaking up. I commend him. That took a lot of heart, and I hope we see much more of that. Well, it's what he was talking about there. I don't think any American is really paying attention to. I mean, first of all, the biggest thing is he just mentioned
Starting point is 00:36:28 there's about 87,000 IRS auditors that are about to be released on the American public. I can't even fathom that. 87,000 new IRS auditors that they're getting us to pay for. Auditors do one thing. They go after people's bank accounts, go after businesses. They audit in order to produce revenue for the Internal Revenue Service. And I think that this subject, you know, the fact that he gave this speech, the one that met behind him, I think, was half asleep during most of it. There's no one even paying attention to much of what was being said in that hall there. But that should be on the front page of every American's doorsteps right now. You may get a visit from the IRS. Forget the FBI and forget these other things. The IRS may be digitally attacking you or raiding your home and your assets soon.
Starting point is 00:37:16 So they'll print out trillions of dollars of money. This tells you where the money goes right here. This whole conversation here will tell you where the money really, really goes. If we can get number nine up on the screen from Politico, the IRS is getting ready to double their workforce, right? So we're printing up trillions of dollars of money. Guess where it's not going? It's not going down to the little guy, the little people down at the bottom. No, what they're going to do is they're going to double the IRS workforce to squeeze as much blood out of the turnips of people that they possibly can because that's what the goon squad is for. What kind of people do you think this IRS is going to go after?
Starting point is 00:37:59 You think they're going to go after the Jeff Bezos? Oh, the Jamie Diamonds, the Elon Musk? They're going after the Doc Burkhart and the Lorne Witzkis and Edward Zops. They're coming for us. Yes, they're going to go after the Jeff Bezos? Oh, the Jamie Diamonds, the Elon Musk? They're going after the Doc Burkhardt and Laura Witzke's and Edward Zopp's. They're coming for us. Yes, they're coming after us. Coming for ordinary. Will they weaponize the IRS again like they did during the Barack and St. Obama administration? Yes, they will.
Starting point is 00:38:18 And Republicans need to fight this with every fiber of their being because they're coming for us. They're coming for their voters. They're coming for their constituents. Oh, you're so hopeful. They are. They are. You know, but, you know, those are the people that we can, you know, persuade to at least maybe have an incentive to fight for us. You know, if they want to keep their political power, these people need to step up and fight for us because this is the reality of it. You know, I would really like to I would really like to see a fighter in D.C. Who is the, Rand Paul might be one.
Starting point is 00:38:48 Who else? You got a Jason Smith here and there. I mean, it seems like sometimes the tidal wave of corruption and the insolence of politics is just so massive. You know, it's, you know, it just seems overwhelming at times. I'm hopeful and prayerful that God can raise up an army of people that respond to it. But you know what? Maybe we get the government we deserve at this time and place in history. So after all, they're calling common people that show up in the Capitol to go to a rally with the president terrorists. OK, like Lauren here.
Starting point is 00:39:31 Not inside. Not inside. Not inside. She went to hear a speech in front of the Washington Monument. Right. And so now she gets called a terrorist. And so, but now the White House, this is New York Post, it's reporting, they're calling the White House itself, it's calling the Capitol riot a terrorist attack. A terrorist attack.
Starting point is 00:39:57 A selfie terrorist attack where the old grannies were selfie-ing people to death? Because, you know, what I saw when I was outside. Well, that's Al-Qaeda right there, right? That's what they're telling. That's the Taliban. I guess so, because it was all... It's not an American flag you're looking at. Older people flag-waving. You know, this is punishment
Starting point is 00:40:17 for people who had the audacity to support President Trump. And do it during the daytime. You heard that rule. I'm sure the Attorney General... Oh yeah, if it was nighttime, they'd be fine. If they were rioting, looting on behalf of Black Lives Matter, they'd be perfectly, they'd go off scot-free, you know. So it's just double standards. It absolutely is. However, you know, this DOJ is weaponized. Biden's DOJ is weaponized. They're angry and they're coming for anybody that had the audacity to support President Trump or anybody that has the audacity to stand up against the regime or watch Tucker Carlson.
Starting point is 00:40:49 You know, they're coming for us all. And that is what that is. And it's not something we could ignore or just be passive because you listen to a speech today. The attorney general is putting his weight behind. Yes. The department can tell me about what the attorney general is thinking about doing this, because that just said there's going to be an Internet purge. Yeah. Extremist pur it. Yes. The department was like, can you tell me about what the Attorney General is thinking about doing with this? Because that just said there's going to be an internet purge. Yeah. Yeah, extremist purge.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yeah. So today, actually, Mayor Garland, actually, I have some footage of that. Do you mind if I run it? Yeah. Okay, let's watch this. Let's check out what he said today.
Starting point is 00:41:16 It will shock you. During President Biden's first week in office, he directed the administration to undertake an assessment of the domestic terrorism threat and then to use that assessment to develop the national strategy being released today. Our intelligence and law enforcement agencies undertook that assessment in the first several weeks of this administration. In March, they concluded that domestic violent extremists posed an elevated threat to the homeland in 2021.
Starting point is 00:41:49 Our experience on the ground confirms this. The number of open FBI domestic terrorism investigations this year has increased significantly. According to an unclassified summary of the March intelligence assessment, the two most lethal elements of the domestic violence extremist threat are racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists and militia violent extremists. In the FBI's view, the top domestic violent extremist threat comes from racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists, specifically those who advocated for the superiority of the white race. So I have never in my life, I worked in like conservative politics,
Starting point is 00:42:33 worked with a lot of people, met anybody who, and never met a white supremacist, not once. Like worked in Trump politics, but that is what he is talking about. He is labeling every Trump supporter a domestic terrorist, white supremacist, anybody who may like Tucker Carlson or somebody like me who advocates for opioid
Starting point is 00:42:52 recovery solutions because it helps the white working class. That makes me a domestic terrorist. That is what he just did. And that is terrifying. And he's weaponizing against us. We've shown there's a two-tier country. It's kind of surreal looking at the Attorney General, first of all, make speeches without ever being specific. I mean, they have their own definitions of all these things. Their definition of a white supremacist is the most evil, demonic thing you probably can come up with, but they dare not label it out because they want to keep it fake.
Starting point is 00:43:23 They want to be able to label anyone they can, anyone they don't like. Dare I say someone that they disagree with politically, which would be terrorism, mind you. They're terrorizing anyone who disagrees with them. But arrest half the country? And that's the thing is, are they going to arrest half the country or are they going to use the other mechanisms and strategies in place, such as the 87,000 IRS agents, that doesn't have any money to give, the money that you plan to do here is not going to benefit you and me or the average person. And it's going to specifically be used to go after and persecute, as you said, half the country.
Starting point is 00:44:16 Yes. I mean, we don't have a country anymore if we're attacking ourselves. Forget all these other predominant threats. The climate is changing. And it's in this country. And it's against someone who's white, blonde, anything they want to say about this. Show me, show me this horde, this army of attackers that are going to destroy the country, the white supremacy that's about to overtake us. You can't, OK? Hey, Lauren, you you know Edward has been
Starting point is 00:44:46 accused of being a white supremacist? Oh, they do. They've accused me. That's interesting. Look how white he is. The color boy. Okay. Clan leader over here. Well, we want to close out the segment, Lauren, by bringing up someone that we thought had some potential. And we're speaking, of course, about the representative Marjorie Taylor Greene. She did something very odd yesterday. Can you talk about that? Yeah, sure. So we actually have even better. We have footage of what happened yesterday. Marjorie Taylor Greene, ordinary person who happened to make her way. She was never supposed to win, never supposed to win. But I've really enjoyed watching her journey. I enjoyed watching her campaign. I loved her campaign videos against socialism and the guns. But, you know, yesterday,
Starting point is 00:45:29 something really strange happened. A couple of weeks ago, she had mentioned something about the mask mandates and the vaccine mandates being a precursor to Nazism and the Holocaust, which she was correct. And not even, not only did just the Democrats go after her, Republicans, conservatives, people that have been calling us Nazis for years just for supporting Trump came after her, you know, and everybody caved. And yesterday she put out a public press release and a public apology. Check this out. I always want to remind everyone I'm very much a normal person and I think it's important for me to always be transparent and honest and I just want to tell you all I'm really really lucky. I was blessed with, am blessed with amazing parents and my dad passed away
Starting point is 00:46:27 in April. But I will say he taught me some great things and one of the best lessons that my father always taught me was when you make a mistake you should own it. And I have made a mistake and it's really bothered me for a couple of weeks now. And so I definitely want to own it. This afternoon, I visited the Holocaust Museum. The Holocaust is, there's nothing comparable to it. It's, it's, it happened and, you know, over 6 million Jewish people were murdered. More than that there were not just Jewish people, black people, Christians, all kinds of children, people that the Nazis didn't believe were good enough or perfect enough.
Starting point is 00:47:22 And the horrors of the Holocaust are something that some people don't even believe happened and some people deny, but there is no comparison to the Holocaust. And there are words that I have said and remarks that I've made that I know are offensive, and for that I want to apologize. And I am just fine and very glad to be able to come out here and do that because I believe it's important. I believe that if we're going to leave we need to be able to lead in a way where if we've messed up it's very important for us to say we're sorry. So does she not think the mask mandates are bad or tyrannical? Or maybe the vaccine cards or whatever aren't a precursor to a holocaust of the American people.
Starting point is 00:48:09 She was right. Marjorie, lean in. Never apologize. That is my advice I would give her because that was a hostage video, it looked like. Didn't it? It was awkward. It was weird. I don't really think she meant it because I wouldn't have meant it. She was absolutely 100 percent right. What more evidence do you need when they already have us in order to purchase things? We have to present a vaccine card. If you eventually it's going to be if you want to travel, if you want to fly. You know, this is all a precursor to the mass genocide of the American people. You know,
Starting point is 00:48:40 these people aren't exactly not hostile towards us, our government. Well, I'm just very confused why the Congresswoman went on a field trip to a museum. We have plenty of other issues to deal with here. Is this like on some checklist? When you offend the political class, do you have to head to the Holocaust Museum? Yes. You do. Absolutely.
Starting point is 00:48:57 You got it. Okay, wonderful. You've got to. You've got to go. I'm ready to be in Congress. Now she'll get reelected. Yeah, it's her humiliation ritual. She had to take her lap.
Starting point is 00:49:07 She had to go up there. She had to tour the Holocaust Museum. She had to admit she was wrong when she wasn't wrong and go out there and apologize so everybody can mock her, make fun of her, and still hate her anyway. Yeah, they're still going to hate her. Exactly. But now they can hate her and give her money, too. Yeah. Because now she'll get reelected.
Starting point is 00:49:24 And this is why we have endless stimulus checks and $70 trillion in budget. We need to get, really, we need to get this under control. And we also need to get to our second line of headlines. Here's Kerry Kinsey. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. Here's another brief look at what's making news before we hand it off again to the panel for the God cast. Comedian Jon Stewart goes all in on the
Starting point is 00:49:52 Wuhan lab leak theory. It happened during his appearance on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert. Chance that this was created in a lab. There's an investigation. A chance? Well, if there's evidence i'd love to hear there's a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking wuhan china what do we do oh you know we could ask the wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab the disease is the same name as the lab that's just that's just a little too weird, don't you think? And then they ask those scientists, they're like, how did this So wait a minute, you work at the
Starting point is 00:50:30 Wuhan Respiratory Coronavirus Lab. How did this happen? And they're like, a pangolin kissed a turtle. And you're like, no. The name of your lab, if you look at the name, look at the name.
Starting point is 00:50:45 Can I let me see your business card? Show me your business card. Oh, I work at the coronavirus lab in Wuhan. Oh, because there's a coronavirus loose in Wuhan. How did that happen? Maybe a bat flew into the cloaca of a turkey and then it sneezed into my chili. And now we all have Corona. Like, OK, OK.
Starting point is 00:51:13 What about this? What about this? Listen to this. Wait a second. All right. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. There's been an outbreak of chocolatey goodness near Hershey, Pennsylvania.
Starting point is 00:51:26 What do you think happened? Like, oh, I don't know. Maybe a steam shovel made it with a cocoa bean or it's the chocolate factory. Maybe that's it. That could be. That could be. Stewart noted that in Austin, Texas, where people gather under Congress Bridge to watch countless bats emerge from underneath every night, they do not have a laboratory dedicated to the study of the coronaviruses. In Canada, says Pastor Tim Stevens was arrested on Monday afternoon on new charges. This after Fairview Baptist Church gathered for underground worship for the second week in a row since their church was effectively seized by Alberta Health Services last Saturday. Authorities were forced to drop other charges against Pastor Tim last month
Starting point is 00:52:24 after discovering that he was never served with the court order he was accused of having violated. That effectively ended the case against Pastor Tim, but he will now be facing another legal battle. Over the weekend, an ever-growing crowd gathered at an undisclosed location and shared the word, sang songs of praise, and heard Pastor Tim preach. In Rhodes College, at Rhodes College in Memphis, Tennessee, they say they'll charge unvaccinated students an extra $1,500 per semester, per semester starting this fall to cover the cost of mandatory COVID-19 testing. Last week, the college said that unvaccinated students will be charged a $1,500 health and safety fee per semester until the FDA formally approves the
Starting point is 00:53:13 vaccine, in which case all students, faculty, and staff will be required to get the jab. Can you believe that? That's a quick look at true News headlines. Now let's get a reaction from Edward, Doc and Milo. Thank you, Kerry. Well, welcome back to True News. I'm Edward Zoll. The summer of vaccine segregation has begun and good upstanding Americans are being fired from their jobs for not wanting to roll the dice with Pfizer, Moderna, or expired J&J shots. But of course, we know that communism and tyranny is a completely homegrown. And as every day passes, we learn more about Beijing's role in this pandemic and the crippling depression which has been unleashed on the world.
Starting point is 00:53:59 Here to discuss the latest with COVID, China, and of course, whatever pops up in Milo's head is Doc Burkhardt and Milo Yiannopoulos. And it could be anything. Milo, how are you? You know, not everybody can be a Renaissance man. And my extensive brilliance in every field I choose to turn my attention to has been nothing but a curse. It's true. However, what I have learned is that hosting shows like this isn't terribly difficult, is it? That was a dig, folks, yeah. And the way I know that, well, I'll share the way I know that, today's actually a very
Starting point is 00:54:36 special day in the history of the Godcast. Is it? Yes. Before the graphic goes up there, can you guess what it might be? I'm afraid to ask. Do you know what it is? I don't. Oh, dear.
Starting point is 00:54:50 Well, let's put the graphic on. I was on my iPad this morning and I saw this pop up. So a thousand episodes. Sadly unremarked upon by your usual host, Edward Sahl, folks, was yesterday's thousandth episode. Are we sure it's only a thousandth? I think that's only the record cast. So I'm sorry.
Starting point is 00:55:08 Look, I don't want you to torture yourself. It's the thing. That's about right. I would say that's about right. It's the sort of video since 2016. It's the sort of thing that only a really attentive host would notice. Thanks, Control. It's the sort of thing only a really attentive host would notice.
Starting point is 00:55:22 What's my idea? You hear it now. You're like my second part of my brain. Somebody on top of their... I think I might multiply your brain by several orders of magnitude. Oh man, we're supreme now. But you started it. I'm sorry. If you started it... Anyway, that, I have to tell you, is not in fact true. There are a thousand on Apple, but some of them have been removed because of Apple's guidelines.
Starting point is 00:55:42 And there are in fact more tagged that on the website. So it's possible that yesterday yesterday was not, in fact, exactly the 1,000th episode. We would require a little more research. I'm told by the team here that the true number is somewhere between 1,000 and 1,200, but closer to 1,000. So anyway, if you weren't going to market, I thought I would. And congratulations to the amazing team here at True News.
Starting point is 00:56:07 Just wonderful. And in this difficult time of transition, we're letting him work the month out. We're letting him work the month out because we're kind. We're decent. We're Christians. We're Christians. We're very magnanimous. The thing I appreciate most about you, you're very fiery.
Starting point is 00:56:22 And, you know, we need more fiery reporters out there. I found something today I think that might even inspire you. Maybe it will inspire you for more mischief. And I know you're a fan of mischief. But this is something I would expect you to be happy to do. Hannibal Lecter might have called that ham-handed segue. Well, other than heat waves, Milo, there are reporters out there who are putting heat on their employers. I hope you never do this to us. That was quite
Starting point is 00:56:47 good, actually. That was quite good. There's a reporter who said something very interesting. We don't know quite yet what they're going to reveal, but a reporter in Houston for Fox 26 named Ivory Hecker used a live shot to reveal to her employer, Milo, much how you
Starting point is 00:57:03 ambushed me here, is that she plans to blow the bomb on them. Don't take it to heart. Oh, I love you, Milo. I do. And I want to show you this first. I can hear that in your tone. I do, Milo. I do. I love you. You're my brother in Christ. What Americans sometimes can find a little uncomfortable is the way that British men, and you are still British despite what you're doing with your accent, British men will tease each other quite, to the point of real discomfort, taunting. Doc, that's how you guys beat us, right?
Starting point is 00:57:34 Because you're just busy. Arguing with each other. Teasing each other while the Americans are fighting. Is that how that works? I mean, probably. So we roast each other. It's actually a form of bonding. It's kind of you sort of testing somebody's limits,
Starting point is 00:57:45 and it's how you kind of get the measure of them. So if I'm teasing somebody, it's because, in fact, I respect and admire and rate them, and I want to see how they respond under pressure. That's kind of the British way that men make friends. Well, I want you to rate what this reporter did. Here is the footage from Fox 26. Outages across the region.
Starting point is 00:58:04 Fox 26 reporter Ivory Hecker is live in Montgomery County to take a look at that aspect. Thanks, guys. That's right. Before we get to that story, I want to let you, the viewers, know that Fox Corp has been muzzling me to keep certain information from you, the viewers. And from what I'm gathering, I am not the only reporter being subjected to this. I am going to be releasing some recordings about what goes on behind the scenes at Fox because it applies to you, the viewers. I found a nonprofit journalism group called Project Veritas. It's going to help put that out tomorrow. So tune into them. But as for this heat wave across Texas, you can see what it's doing to AC units. I love it. Oh, my goodness. So she was sent out to do this, you know, report.
Starting point is 00:58:47 Hey, Ivor, we need you to go out and do a report on air conditioners. And then she goes and turns that into a Project Veritas release. It was an announcement, if anything. She's claiming that her and other reporters are being muzzled. Now, that, of course, gets anyone's attention. By Fox. Yes, by the Fox affiliate. And you have to again wonder, I was looking at some of the
Starting point is 00:59:08 stories that Ms. Heckler has covered. Ms. Heckler has actually been at the forefront of a story we covered here on the program we've been paying attention to. There's an incident in Houston. A hospital has actually fired. They fired about 117
Starting point is 00:59:24 employees who were refusing to get vaccinated. Now, these employees were being put under the gun, literally. They were being told, you're going to get vaccinated or you're not going to be able to work here anymore. You're not going to carry on. This is a story that Ms. Heckler did last week. And I don't know if this is going to be the Project Veritas release, but you've met James O'Keefe, right? It has to be something juicy for James to have jumped on this. Well, he's getting quite good at these. James is a friend of mine, and he's getting quite good at these drops. And even with his very dearest best friends, he will either respond quickly or not at all when he's got big news. So I dropped
Starting point is 00:59:59 him a line. Unfortunately, he was not available today to talk to us. But what he's told me in the past about people like this is there's a golden triad when you're looking for leakers. And so, first of all, you need somebody with access that appears to be slightly above their pay grade or would normally be. So, for instance, local news affiliates sometimes have access to corporate diktats that you wouldn't necessarily immediately imagine that they would. These big companies, sometimes some of their diktats make it all the way down to the janitor, and it's the janitor you want to get to. So on a local news station, these people do sometimes have access to juicy stuff internally. The second one is horrible to say, but the second one is if you're on local news, it
Starting point is 01:00:40 probably means your career hasn't panned out quite as much as you wanted it to. So you're probably more susceptible to the kind of resentment-based entreaties from leaking organizations. And the third one, of course, is that people on, the third one that you look for is people with not very much to lose. So, you know, it's very unlikely that you would have a CNN anchor leaking because why would they give up their life? So this young woman has all three, this triad, the perfect leaking triad. And as you correctly say, she's been reporting on a story. We've got the Fox 26 thing here. Her byline is on this story that 117 Houston Methodist employees, that's a hospital, plan a walkout on the final day. So this is very interesting because this
Starting point is 01:01:22 is an example, quite rarely, I think, of American health care staff refusing to take a vaccine, right? So we're used to seeing them not treating patients and spending all their time rehearsing TikTok dances in the corridors and being very woke and voting Democrat. We're not quite so used to seeing frontline health care workers from hospitals refuse to take vaccines. And this, I think, the message that viewers should take home from this is that even your doctors and nurses don't want to take it. Do you think that maybe
Starting point is 01:01:53 and Ivory Hecker is the the one that has the byline on this article that you're looking at right here. Do you think that perhaps the project Veritas reveal that's coming up that that perhaps Fox corporate told her, because that's the impression in her drop here earlier, that they told her not to be talking about stories like these? Oh, absolutely. It's certainly possible because this story is, as Milo correctly pointed out, it's a story that leads someone to not want to get vaccinated. This is a terrible advertisement for the vaccine companies because, look, you have people who are dealing with those who have COVID, those who are in these people also, these nurses, these frontline workers who were heroes before they were fired. Right. That's what we were told. Right. They're not heroes anymore.
Starting point is 01:02:42 Apparently they're saying we would rather lose our job than take this shot oh by the way we've got a vaccine drive coming right now most of these vaccines specifically jnj they're about to expire we got to get them in people's arms i i think that's plausible i'm intrigued and very excited to see what james o'keith has and the fact that it hasn't come out yet today i think it's built up quite a lot of anticipation. Maybe it's not this story. Maybe it's something much bigger than this that we haven't even thought about. For example, cities. Cities, and especially a place like Houston. I mean, Houston is known a little bit for corruption. I wouldn't say all city officials there, but we've covered quite a few stories over the years about misappropriation of funds. You've got, wasn't it Houston, the mayor there
Starting point is 01:03:29 trying to subpoena a sermon? Yes, exactly right. They got pushed back on that, but the mayor, for whatever reason, thought that that might actually fly. And it almost did. It almost did. So you have to wonder what's happening in Houston. But that subject was hospital. Yeah, that story was from a week ago. About a week ago. So what has happened since then? What's happened in that whole process? Well, a judge has dismissed the lawsuit by the employees. That's the first thing.
Starting point is 01:03:56 Obviously, second, Ms. Hecker has been suspended. So I'll put that in there too. A person who wrote this story, one of the biggest outlets in town. I'm shocked. Suspended for what she did. I'm shocked she doesn't have her job today. Well, you know, and I think she knew it was a calculus. She might be working at Project Veritas tomorrow. We don't know.
Starting point is 01:04:11 But there's been a lawsuit. And the lawsuit was dismissed by the judge. The judge, actually, interesting, tried to claim that there was nothing really unorthodox being pushed on the employees, which in itself I think is a dangerous precedent, because if you're a hospital, you're anywhere, it has nurses, doctors, or anyone in the health care field, if you're watching this, you're saying, well, wow, we can fire, we can remove, we can purge our staff of people who are, quote, anti-vax,
Starting point is 01:04:44 or concerned about a vaccine which is not FDA approved for regular use. Right. It's quite, I mean, as with all the best stories, it does have a Nazi dimension. You can't say Nazi. You'll have to go to the Holocaust Museum now. No, no, no. Well, I won't. I've been, and it's not a very good museum.
Starting point is 01:05:04 The one in Berlin is even worse. Well, I won't. I've been, and it's not a very good museum. The one in Berlin is even worse. There is a... It's just not a very good museum. I'm not saying the Holocaust wasn't awful. I'm just saying the museum is crap. The museum is not good. You can send those emails to info at... No, I'm just saying it's all this weird, jagged,
Starting point is 01:05:21 modernist architecture that is supposed to evoke... For this one, they'll sell you the smallpox museum or something, right? That's the... You have to find a museum related to the scandal. No, no, no, no. Look, look. Do you see how you've ruined my beautiful and elegant connective tissue?
Starting point is 01:05:34 I'd say, like with all stories, there is, of course, the Nazi angle. I'll try it again, right? With interruptions. Tell us about the Nazis. The judge who tossed this case out called it reprehensible that the frontline workers bringing it compared vaccine mandates to Nazi Germany and to the Holocaust.
Starting point is 01:05:52 I just wonder, sort of like, if someone is actually behaving like, you know, the National Socialist Party in 1930s, 1940s Germany, what are we supposed to call them if we're not allowed to compare them to Nazis? Bad people. Oh, you can't even say that. It doesn't have quite the same... It doesn't have quite the same... It doesn't have quite the same frisson of danger, does it? It's okay for the other side to call you a Nazi. Do they call him a Nazi?
Starting point is 01:06:19 He doesn't look much like a Nazi. It's quite a stretch. You can't keep saying this about me. I don't see these much. But it's a good point. I mean, they think about this. They know that you're a delicate thing, and they keep them from you. They keep them from you. I've seen them. I've seen these emails that come in about you. Thousands of them. I'll tell you, people who are getting emails today,
Starting point is 01:06:35 those poor Methodist nurse employees. They know that you're fragile. They know you can't take it. I'm not a teacup, I tell you. But on this story, it's important because when it comes to the tyranny of this pandemic, a real impact is losing your job. Yeah. This is an instance where people are actually losing their job. And more than this, I hope it's about this. I do. I hope the Project Veritas release is about this because it needs to go national.
Starting point is 01:07:03 This is an example of something that needs to be fought back against. You were telling me the other day that there are all these weird legal dodges popping up now. Like employers are accepting that they can't mandate vaccines just to be on the payroll, but they'll say, oh, well, you have to come into the office and have to do your job properly, otherwise you get fired. Oh, and by the way, in this building, we require vaccinated individuals only, right? So there are all these kind of ugly legal dodges that people are using to get around. That's number 29 for control. So the Wall Street Journal was pointing out that there is a subcommittee group. It's not even officially part of the government, but there's a subcommittee group that has given advisement that though you can't require your employees
Starting point is 01:07:46 get a vaccine, you can require they get it to come in your building. And require them to come to work. The building is actually, and that's essentially where you work. It has to be somewhere the company owns. The building itself now, you can put parameters. The same way you have to require someone to wear pants, like actual long pants, not shorts to work, but pants, you can now also require they have vaccines.
Starting point is 01:08:08 I know that you're not speaking of anybody in particular. No, of course not. Everyone here wears suit shorts, right? Just wondering. You know what the worst thing is? He said, oh, look, what's his name? He said, oh, look, you're doing a Brian Stelter. I've never been.
Starting point is 01:08:24 Milo, you're not wearing pants. I'm wearing. I was just confused. It's not like you're ever seeing something we talked about. Okay. Well, on the subject. I'm wearing tailored shorts. They're from Ralph Lauren.
Starting point is 01:08:35 But they are, I'm afraid. Tailored. I'm afraid they're above the knee. Good. It's a bit edgy. But it is high. It's Florida. It's June.
Starting point is 01:08:43 It's Florida professional. On the subject of banning, I mean, this isn't something that's just unique to America. Where do we learn this nonsense? I think that, again, it points back to the communist comrades who seem to have taught part of our country to hate itself. And we've got some new information, obviously, that the subject of the origin of the virus is not going away. The origin of the virus is the origin of the virus is not going away. The origin of the virus is both the origin of the tyranny, the origin of these employees losing their job, the origin of this reporter potentially risking her employment to come forward as a whistleblower. This is something that Kerry brought out.
Starting point is 01:09:20 It's made it all the way to late night television. And that segment, I think that obviously we can't just sit here and make jokes about there being a bioweapon that's released in the country. And how many more times do we need the CDC director, the former one at that, to come out and raise this as a serious issue? And I think when you see reporters falling on their own swords, I mean, outside of these four walls and perhaps, you and perhaps a couple of other news organizations in the country, but not many, journalists are not known for their courage. They are not known for the risks they take to valiantly bring you true stories that speak
Starting point is 01:09:55 truth to power, that defend civil rights and all the rest of it. It's not really what journalists do anymore. They blog about racism from their apartments. So for this woman to be falling on her sword and destroying her career Indicates to you that there are people in news organizations who themselves are now saying what guys what are we doing? And they're starting to snap. They're starting to crumble. This is a good sign as far as Us being able to find out what's really going on is concerned because people are gonna start blabbing now
Starting point is 01:10:24 But it's also somewhat terrifying because it suggests that they live under such, as I say, it's a species not known for its courage. This is a species that lives under such rigorous oppression and uniformity of fact selection and opinion in the press. It makes you wonder just how much we don't know and never will. And never will. Well, I'm hoping that there is going to be a new generation of reporters. I mean, with courage like yours, Milo, the fiery spirit, but more so that the ones just do their job. I mean, seriously, I would love to see a generation, not just of whistleblowers, but reporters who actually look at... Report.
Starting point is 01:11:04 Report, yeah. First of all, the report, you have to first identify what the truth is. As opposed to whining about sexism, whining about racism, whining about pronouns. Or sending the pretty young girl to go out and do a story about air conditioners. Sure, sure. It's hot outside. We run air conditioners. Look, there's a guy working on one.
Starting point is 01:11:20 Oh, by the way, I'm dropping on Project Veritas tomorrow. I'm tired of the corporate nonsense. And so you speaking of the drop on Fox, Fox had a story today on you mentioned a little while ago about former CDC director Redfield. And now this is number 24 control up there. And he's saying now that he believes that COVID-19 emerged from a lab. Where were you, Director Redfield, a year ago? Were you not doing your job a year ago? I mean, True News was reporting this a year and a half ago. Dr. Redfield, come on.
Starting point is 01:12:03 There's a phenomenon now where we can only really trust public employees after they've left the job. After they've left office. Have you noticed that? And I can't even trust them then. Well, no, but have you noticed that? All these people who suddenly in retirement grow a pair, as they say, you know? These people who in retirement suddenly discover their consciences.
Starting point is 01:12:21 They weren't prepared like that valiant young woman on the news to risk it all, blow up their careers. I mean, she'll never be employed again anyway. She might have a middling career in right-wing media, but she's never going to have a real job again because she might do it again. She might do it again. Yes, yes. They consider someone like that, that they've broken the cardinal rule, the secrecy. Right, the omerta, right? Or whatever it is. It's omerta, isn't it? Yeah, no. So she'll never be employed again.
Starting point is 01:12:48 But all these people, oh, aren't you brave now that you're retired? And this is my least favorite trend, is belatedly heroic public employees, public servants and federal employees, who only tell you the truth after they left office, implicitly reassuring us all of what we already know, which is that everybody in public life and everybody working for the federal government is lying through their teeth constantly with a straight face to the American people with their own money, using their money to buy the cameras, to buy the suits, to get the haircuts, to lie directly to the American public on their own dime. And they're all now, by implication, saying, yep, I did too.
Starting point is 01:13:28 It's my least favorite trend. Well, you're absolutely right that we're in a crisis of confidence. I think that these public officials were trained, I think just as humans, to expect that we are going to get some truth from those who've been placed into positions of power. And obviously, we've also, through common sense and action, we've been taught to be very wary of the statements of the public officials. But if we look at this, we have to take the position, initially at least, that maybe Rockefeller is telling the truth here. Doc, you're correct that we need to know more than just that you'd now believe it
Starting point is 01:14:05 came from the Wuhan lab. You were the CDC director. So we need to know much more than that, especially since we paid for quite a bit of research and even had a large CDC staff in China. But I want names. We want more than just names. Who told you to say what and why? Why did you do it? What were the names of the people responsible? And when they looked you in the eye and said, you have to lie to the American people on their own dime, why'd you do it? And who's going to be punished for failure?
Starting point is 01:14:41 I mean, the CDC, their job is to protect the American public from disease, right? That's a general understanding of the CDC. Well, clearly someone failed here. And you served in the position that is usually responsible. I mean, generals were fired during World War II for botched operations and killed soldiers. In this case, we have a bioweapon that's both impacted the mindset of our lawmakers, the mindset of our country to put ourselves in debt, but more so the literal livelihood of the country. We're killing businesses and people with this virus. I want to play the statement from Mr. Redfield. Let's kind of analyze it. You're right. Let's be very, very critical of this statement.
Starting point is 01:15:16 But he has come out and said that not only is it a virus originated in Wuhan, but the WHO itself is compromised. Welcome to 2021. 9.30 here in New York, a top virologist in China defending her research in the lab in the city of Wuhan where COVID first emerged. The thinking that the virus leaked from that lab is getting more and more attention.
Starting point is 01:15:42 And now the former CDC director, Robert Redfield, sitting down for an exclusive interview with Fox. Dr. Mark Siegel spent two hours with him over the weekend. Doctor, good morning to you. What did you learn? Bill, a year and a half ago, Dr. Robert Redfield, then CDC director, had a hypothesis about the emerging virus. So did Dr. Anthony Fauci. Redfield felt that the evidence pointed to a lab manipulation and a leak, and Fauci didn't. There's an alternative hypothesis that it went from a bat virus, got into a laboratory, where in the laboratory it was taught, educated, it evolved so that it became a virus that could efficiently transmit human to human. My professional opinion as a virologist is that's where that's the hypothesis
Starting point is 01:16:32 that I support. You know, other individuals, Tony Fauci, for example, would say that he prefers to support that evolved from nature. I think those are the two hypotheses. Dr. Fauci has long believed the virus came from an animal intermediary, a theory that gained the most traction in the media. And only recently, he has conceded that there might be another explanation. I think Tony is holding on to this hypothesis tightly. Now, why would that be? Sometimes scientists, when they bite into a bone on a hypothesis, it's hard for them to move on. I guess if I'm disappointed about anything about the early scientific community is that there seemed to be lack of openness to pursue both hypotheses. Dr. Redfield told me he had a higher level security clearance than others on the task force, working directly with the State Department and the National Security Council,
Starting point is 01:17:29 giving him early knowledge of the virus's characteristics that others on the task force just didn't have. But much of what he reviewed was classified. He says data like this needs to be shared wider to protect Americans. I think the first critical error was we called this SARS-like. COVID-2 is not SARS-like. And by calling it SARS-like, we mounted a public health response that was mirrored off SARS. The problem is COVID's nothing like SARS.
Starting point is 01:18:03 This virus's transmission is largely asymptomatic. So that strategy that we started in January and February and finally figured out as we got into March that that wasn't the situation here, that probably most of the transmissions of COVID was from asymptomatic people was flawed. Dr. Redfield claims it was a big mistake his CDC team wasn't allowed into the Wuhan lab when the virus was first identified in January 2020. He says he should have pushed harder to get in right away, and the World Health Organization was too compromised to help.
Starting point is 01:18:40 I think they were highly compromised. Clearly, they were incapable of compelling China to adhere to the treaty agreements that they have on global health because they didn't do that. Clearly, they allowed China to define the group of scientists that could come and investigate. That's not consistent with their role. Dr. Redfield told me he is concerned that manipulating viruses may be research that we are not quite prepared to be doing. And he warned against what he called going down a path of scientific arrogance. You know, these warnings and these statements, these interviews with public officials, especially someone like Robert Redfield, they seem so elementary. It seemed like something that it would have been OK and I think helpful to say in February 2020.
Starting point is 01:19:33 Not now. It's not enough. It's not even remotely in the ballpark of I think where most people are wondering. People are coming down with mystery illnesses. They're experiencing odd phenomena. They're also experiencing government shutdowns and tyranny. But Mr. Redfield is laying out now, well, okay, I want to admit that we didn't explore a hypothesis. The average person knows more about this than Dr. Redfield will even speak about on an interview, an exclusive interview with Fox News. Well, you know who doesn't have a job with the CDC today? Dr. Redfield. Do you know who still has a job with the CDC today? Dr. Redfield. Do you know who still has a job in the American government?
Starting point is 01:20:09 Dr. Fauci. And still is the highest paid federal employee in the federal government. Gets paid more than the president. Dr. Anthony Fauci. Well, souls are expensive, you know. If you want to buy one off somebody, you have to give them a decent chunk of change. I loved what you said, Edward. And I thought it was very true.
Starting point is 01:20:26 And I agree with you. And I also noticed that word compromised. It's a euphemism. It means they're bought and paid for by China. It doesn't mean compromised. It means corrupt. And exactly the sort of vagueness that you noticed there, which I agree with, it's in the language too, isn't it?
Starting point is 01:20:44 They're sort of fudging what's really going on. The organization was compromised and therefore it couldn't quite enforce on China. What? No, be quiet. What you mean is they paid you to shut up. So just say it. Just say it. You were on the payroll or they were on the payroll. You know that. All this fudging and euphemistic language that goes on in public life,
Starting point is 01:21:06 all to mask, it's like layers of half-truths and lies that we've been subjected to for so long. Even when they tell the truth, it sounds like a lie. It comes into a crisis of confidence in any government statement. I've started to wonder this now as a reporter. I see a statement from the government, and you really can't take these statements at an official value anymore. I've learned since the 90s, and when I was first exposed to all this nonsense in the federal government,
Starting point is 01:21:37 is if the federal government says it, assume, first of all, that it's a lie. The opposite is true, probably. If you start with that premise, if you just assume that whatever the federal government is saying to you is a lie, start with that and then go backwards from that to find the truth. That's worked well for me. Does that go for moon landings for you? Well, I think they asked Stanley Kubrick to actually fake the moon landing, but he wanted to do it on location, so they were priced out. I see.
Starting point is 01:22:08 Although I'm happy to see that Jeff Bezos has got himself a ticket to outer space. And a mysterious passenger. I'm wondering who that person is that gets to travel the space to Jeff Bezos. Well, it's probably the one in the video didn't look like the real Jeff Bezos to me, so maybe he's taking one of his body doubles. Well, he's certainly taking his brother, isn't he? We could pray every night that it ends up being a one-way ticket. We've had the stories over the past couple of days with Pompeo,
Starting point is 01:22:31 now with Redfield, and with everybody else that was in the Trump administration. And they said, gosh, golly, gee whiz, you know, it came from a Chinese lab. And the WHO, maybe they've been influenced by China. I mean, like suddenly they had done it. In fact, Dr. Redfield in that clip said, you know, it was just recently that I really started to consider that maybe this came from a lab in China. Like if you just recently started to consider that, sir, you were wholly not prepared. And unfortunately, I think completely incompetent. You couldn't have been holding the head position at the CDC if you only now were starting to waste.
Starting point is 01:23:18 Obviously, this is a ridiculous statement. I want to hear what Robert Redfield actually thinks. And look, I don't know how we'll ever get that. But, Doug, you know, you're a parent. You know, if your kid is doing something horrific, something bad, and it's an action that you've told not to do. Let's say they keep stealing your car every night when you go to sleep. They wait till you're asleep and they steal your car and they go for a joyride around Missouri. OK. And they come home and say, I'm not sure what happened. The odometer is higher. You have less gas.
Starting point is 01:23:51 A hypothesis I have. I may have set foot in the car. I'm not sure what happened. We need an investigation. Clearly the informant, my sister, she is compromised too. And my approach is, hey. I do it a hundred times, Doug. What would you say to me? Someone's been in my car.
Starting point is 01:24:13 There's less gas in here. Maybe someone that has access to the keys to the car drove it. That's an investigation. You just used it. But it couldn't be my kids because they wouldn't do that. So you've just matched the complexity and depth with which the CDC and WHO ever investigated the lab leak theory. Right.
Starting point is 01:24:36 And then ask your kids, hey kids, we need to get the bottom of this mystery. We better call Scooby Doo and the mystery gang in on this one to really get to the bottom of this because somehow this is happening. It's ridiculous. We haven't progressed. We get new information daily, but little tidbits about Dr. Fauci's relationship with the Chinese, his friend Peter Daszak's role in gain of function, but we're not actually learning or progressing the investigation toward a conclusion. People want, I dare say, blood. They want
Starting point is 01:25:12 someone to be held responsible first. The reason that people are prepared to believe almost anything about the federal government, about globalist elites, and so on and so forth, is on the one hand because they're probably guilty of everything because they're awful. But on the other, we get these sort of fragmentary just little chunks of information. So we'll get a connection between this person and this person, and we find out that fact way later. And then we get another chunk over here, and we're left to connect them up ourselves, right? Why are tech CEOs, you picked out a story today.
Starting point is 01:25:43 Yes, Mark Zuckerberg. Mark Zuckerberg. Why is he funding something to do with this? And then you've got this guy that he's lying about. Oh, and then Dr. Fauci was telling us lies, has a mate who has just admitted his Chinese connections, Dan Zuck, whatever his name is. We're given all of these arrows and fragments of the story, but nobody will put it all together for us. So we have no option but to start sketching what it might be. It's like if you've got a drawing of an extinct animal, and all you have is like the feet and an ear and maybe a bit of the tail. And they said, well, just fill in the rest yourself.
Starting point is 01:26:15 We'd come up with quite different versions of the animal, wouldn't we, if there's three of us around the table? And that's all we can do with this. I have another theory on that, and it comes from political advisor Dick Morris. Dick Morris, of course, he advised the Clintons and everything. But Dick Morris had put out a book, this was back in the late 90s. And in the book, he talked about one of the strategies that the Clintons used was the strategy called inoculation. Now, inoculation is a lot like kind of a vaccine, a real vaccine, is that you use a little bit of the virus, if you will, to inoculate the public. Like Rasputin. So what they do is instead of telling you the whole story, they put out little pieces of the story out there to inoculate you against the bigger story. Because they know if they give you a little breadcrumb here, you feel like, and now you filled in the blank, like he said.
Starting point is 01:27:11 Now you feel like you've got it all figured out and you've got the whole story. And that way they can move past it on to the next Arkansas or scandal or Clinton clone or whatever it might be. It's such a good point because we're talking about it like it's the chaotic fallout of pathological lying. But it isn't that unstructured, is it? It's actually on purpose. This is a strategy. Give them little dribbles and move on.
Starting point is 01:27:40 That's such a good insight. Thank you. Well, you look at it, it's really trying to resemble mass gaslighting. I'm touched that you would recognize that. Oh, you too. If I were roasting you like I were roasting him, then I would quickly find myself ganged up again. You see, so I have to forge an ally one side or the other. I see, okay. Lest you betray me. Okay, well, it's an odd subject. Just kidding. I think we're probably talking about in 2022 also. But is there a breaking point
Starting point is 01:28:08 for the public? Because what you described there in action, I get Dick Morris doing this in the 90s and it working somewhat in various scandals. I mean, you're talking about
Starting point is 01:28:18 putting a little bit of the story out there. That way you have enough rope out there to kind of say, okay, well, we did do this and this was wrong. We found out what we could. We found out what we could. there to kind of say, OK, well, we did do this and this was wrong. We found out what we could. We found out what we could. Someone was held accountable.
Starting point is 01:28:29 But the thing is, nowadays, we don't even bother doing the investigation. We've covered in this program that the government has money to hire IRS agents to audit us. Tens of thousands, 87,000. We also have it clear that our attorney general has the, I guess, the passion, has the energy to launch a new commission against half the country based on who they voted on. Yet, for most, they're worried about being able to afford groceries. They're worried about the state of the country. And they're worried about this shadow that's behind all of us. Every single aspect of society has been impacted by the pandemic. And on this specific subject, I think people, I have to wonder, is there a breaking point where we're no longer OK?
Starting point is 01:29:15 We're just seeing an interview from Robert Redford. We're no longer OK. We're seeing Mike Pompeo say, well, yeah, I think you guys might be honest on the public reporting. What is the breaking point, guys? You're asking the right question, because what's been happening since the Trump election is, as Lauren has said in a couple of programs previously, we're being asked to believe that the evidence of our own senses is lying to us. That's right. Our eyes are lying to us.
Starting point is 01:29:39 You got it. You know, we're being and it will come. It will come with a breaking point. That's exactly the right question to ask. And so what we should who knows when it will come all we can do is look for signs of its imminent arrival, which I know is something that you guys are for Masters that here true news in another context, but in this one Look at the reporter who finally breaks rank She is inspiring isn't she? No, I'm just saying. Yeah, she snapped.
Starting point is 01:30:05 Reporters breaking ranks, right? Isn't that a sign that they know the writing's on the wall? That they know that people are about to say, you know what, enough is enough. We were lied to about some of the most fundamental truths of American democracy. Who won the election in 2020, right? We were lied to about all kinds of things and this year
Starting point is 01:30:27 It's taken a Kafka esque turn hasn't it and you'll know of course from from literature You know that that it's it's a feeling of truth being turned in on itself in Inside outside upside down like an Escher drawing and it suddenly we before, we knew what the truth was, and we knew we were being lied to. Now, we just have no idea what's happening. And in those circumstances, when it feels like the whole world has inverted in on itself, people start to get angry. And so in answer to your question, is there a breaking point? Well, I pray that anger...
Starting point is 01:31:03 I don't think it's going to be very much... That anger doesn't lead people to actions which are going to lead them to jail. I pray it doesn't lead them to hurting other people. I don't see how it's avoidable unless the government stops behaving like it does. Well, our response to it is... Because if oppressive governments where people are not free to tell the truth and not free to express themselves breed violence, the American government is systematically and on purpose breeding violence. That's what they're doing They are doing it on purpose. This is not an unfortunate byproduct of propaganda
Starting point is 01:31:33 This is the purpose of the current American regimes propaganda. It is to create violence so that they can say we Look at this white nationalist uprising. See we told you we told you these guys were a problem. That's what this is for. And it's what the FBI has been doing for decades. The FBI, the FBI setting people up, infiltrating groups, egging on vulnerable people and creating the groups, creating the groups or overtaking them like they did with that. That guy who's who's been who's been the deadbeat dad we talked about last week. Enrico Tarrio. Enrico Tarrio, who is a FBI informant. You know, the deadbeat dad was the focus of the story last week, but the reason that he got on my radar in a
Starting point is 01:32:12 negative way is that it turns out he's an FBI informant who infiltrated this men's drinking club that was supposed to just be a, you know, fraternal, patriotic organization. Not fraternal in the way that sets off your radars, by the way. But, look, the point is... No, by the way. But look, the point is, no, it isn't, it isn't.
Starting point is 01:32:27 The point is, we are now so assaulted with such, not just directly contradictory, but chaotic truth vectors and indices on purpose as a means of control that it is now inescapable the American the conclusion the American government is Trying to push people to the brink on purpose. They want Waco's they want them Yes They want wake I believe because it gives them an excuse to crack down on the people who might be resistant to their tyranny
Starting point is 01:32:59 otherwise, which typically is White Christian conservative but snapping like that, they win. No, well, look, they don't believe that they can ever lose. What they're trying to do is accelerate the timeline and make their victory assured, right? Let's not wait until some white guy goes into a mall or into whatever. Let's not. By the way, did you notice the other day Jeffrey Toobin comes
Starting point is 01:33:28 back from his masturbatory hiatus? Yes. What is he writing a book about? The Oklahoma City bombing. Right. Why is he doing that? Because they're waiting for the next one so they can do even worse things than they did in 2020. Do you know what that call was about?
Starting point is 01:33:43 It often gets missed out of the reporting. Jeffrey Toobin and his colleagues at the New Yorker, was it New York Magazine? The New Yorker. New Yorker. They were involved in election, post-election strategy. They were actually discussing what to do
Starting point is 01:33:59 if President Trump claims he won that election. This was before the election, of course. Right, right. Have to steal the election all over again. Most of these establishment reporters were involved in an operation to discuss. They were gaming it out. They were gaming it out. And that's another one of those things. We know all these facts about it.
Starting point is 01:34:16 They're bragging about it in Time magazine. But again, we're left in this awkward situation where we know more than any investigator has ever looked at. What do we do? The mechanisms of government won't investigate. I mean, as a pastor, have you stayed sane watching the hundreds of scandals which have gone unprosecuted? Well, you assume that I'm sane. I do. Against all evidence to the contrary. But, you know, listen, you look in the scriptures and you look against the temple of history. Empires rise and fall. What was here a thousand years ago is no longer here today.
Starting point is 01:34:59 So kings come, presidents come, prime ministers come and go. Nations rise and fall with the tides and course of history. But you know what? The Bible tells us that the heart of man has not changed. As good a nation as America could be, and maybe at one point had a shadow of what it could be, it no longer is. We need to recognize that, own up to that. But what
Starting point is 01:35:27 country is out there? There is none. In fact, the Bible says there are none righteous, no, not one. So what keeps me sane in all this? That even in spite of governments coming and going, presidents coming, another president comes, one prime minister comes in, another prime minister goes out. You see the hand of God weaving through the course of history through individuals and through individuals who speak up for the word of God, who are dedicated to serving the kingdom of heaven rather than the kingdoms of this world. How do I maintain my sanity? I'll tell you why. I'm a citizen of a kingdom of heaven rather than the kingdoms of this world. How do I maintain my sanity? I tell you why. I'm a citizen of a kingdom of heaven. That's where my citizenship lies. I wear this crown of thorns because the crown that my king wears or he put on himself, he allowed it to be
Starting point is 01:36:21 put on. I serve that king. I also have another little flag here, this Philippine flag. It's not a Masonic or UN flag. It's Philippine flag because I love the Philippines and I pray daily for the Philippine people that God would do a work in that nation. I'll be honest with you. My burden is the Philippines it's not for America I gave up on America in the 90s and because we are a wicked people yeah we're wicked we're a wicked wicked people and I wish I could say with some degree of confidence that I see a genuine heartfelt return to the ways of the Lord or even a desire for God. It's like I'm in a desert where there is no water.
Starting point is 01:37:15 And there's a famine, the Bible says, in the land for the word of the Lord. That's where I'm at. But what helps keep me sane and all that is that I know that even in spite of all the corruption that's taking place, God's still at work in the United States of America. He's still at work in the UK. He's at work in Russia. He's at work in Italy and even in Israel, so-called. He's at work all over the world right now working through individuals that are submitted to him.
Starting point is 01:37:45 And it's worth pointing out as well, and thank you for that. It's beautiful. It's worth pointing out as well that God is still God, but also the devil is still the devil. And as Rick pointed out the other day, he always overplays his hand. And I think that we can see, I know we're running out of time a little bit, but you put some stories together for us to talk about how the UK is now apparently extending its lockdown. Yeah, I put that in there because, look, we have to look to the countries. I see that overplaying in there, right?
Starting point is 01:38:12 Look, they're going to bring lockdowns back. And I'm convinced of this. It's overplaying. Don't you think it's overreaching? It is. It is overplaying because the people are done with the lockdowns. I mean, unless you're prepared to put a policeman outside of each home in America, I don't want to dare them to do that because they might do that.
Starting point is 01:38:30 They're about to hire 87,000 auditors to the IRS. They could hire a million thugs to maybe do this. But I'm telling you, people are at the point where unless you put someone outside their home, they're not going to play the game anymore. And look, people, they're not going to play the game anymore. And look, people have, they're smart. Individually, people are not going to do most of the time things that are going to kill them. Now, there's obviously the subject of foolishness and spiritual maturity, and that leads to much damage in people's lives. But on the subject of lockdowns that you brought up,
Starting point is 01:39:00 what we're seeing in England is their response to what's called the Delta variant. It's the variant they're saying is coming out of India. Now that we're seeing in our country. It's like Dracula, isn't it? It keeps getting resurrected under new names. The response to it is a lockdown. And I have to wonder if the lockdown is now the answer to every one of the agenda goals made into 2030. Maybe they're thinking about
Starting point is 01:39:25 doing climate lockdowns next. They are. They have a system in place for it. But, Doc, I think, again, our answer would always simply be is we are resting in Christ. They will not shake me. They will not break me.
Starting point is 01:39:39 They will not make anyone at this table, no matter how much righteous fury we have, and we do. I think any normal person looks at this, and you're not just infuriated, but you think about the people hurt by it. I mean, I think about all the grandmas. I think about all the elderly. I think of all the people in this country who spent their entire life dedicating themselves as an American. What does that look
Starting point is 01:40:00 like? And now they're not sure if they're going to be able to afford food, be able to pay for their truck, pay for their home, pay for the life which they were told was going to be their retirement, their American dream. But I think our message is you have to turn to Christ during this. If you're hurt and you've been attacked and you've felt the pain that we've all known, the frustration, it's not over. And you're feeling probably convicted. That's what I, because is that true, Doc? You think, I mean, is some of this frustration, it's good because it's conviction.
Starting point is 01:40:34 Yes. I mean, you have the opportunity now that if these things are troubling you or if they're causing you consternation, it's time for you to get locked down with Jesus, really. That's really what you need to get locked down with. You're going to have to, if you're going to be locked down, there's no better place to be locked down with than with Christ himself. And so, Edward, we're going a little bit long today. We don't want to wear out our audience. We apologize for that.
Starting point is 01:40:59 We appreciate you sticking with us. I mean, you're the most dedicated family I think anyone could ask for. And I hope again that we've enriched your life. And again, thank you for joining today's edition of True News. As usual, you are now the smartest person in the room. You've been armed with facts, figures, and analysis, and I'm absolutely positive you will hear nowhere else. Help us continue to do this day in in day out. Please consider partnering with this ministry in the month of June. You can support True News by going to that is to click on the heart on the left hand side or the red heart on the right. You can
Starting point is 01:41:37 also call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116 that is 1-800-576-2116 If you'd like to donate to us by mail or simply send a prayer request or a nice message I know, Milo, you like those messages I've been kept... They've been very nice to you, they have been Well, I've been kept warm by them because I don't make a big deal out of my private griefs I prefer to try to make people smile and introduce some insight analysis or whatever. But, you know, people know I'm on Friday. I have a
Starting point is 01:42:10 little announcement about that, actually. I've been going through my own journey. So we do read and love the messages that you send us. And it helps us be braver, you know, and that we want that, you know, the one thing to keep joy alive together. No, it does. And, you know, there's a little glimmer of hope in all this COVID hell, which is from an unlikely place. You don't often put brave and Italians in the same sentence, but the Italian restaurant industry during COVID, 70,000 restaurants just turned around to the government and said, we're not closing. And the government said, okay. And it's just those simple acts of defiance, but in brotherhood,
Starting point is 01:42:45 whether it's brotherhood in Christ or brotherhood with one another, those acts of courage and defiance. Well, let's share. You help us to do by writing those wonderful letters, and we hopefully in turn help other viewers to do. The address of those for letters, if you want to send them is PO Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We also accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metals,
Starting point is 01:43:07 and even bulletproof storm shutters. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. To find out how you can help, visit

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