TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Large-Scale Nuclear Training Exercise in Upstate New York
Episode Date: January 27, 2025Some people are calling it the Sputnik Moment. Sputnik was the name of the first artificial Earth satellite, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. Sputnik’s successful launch shocked Amer...ican leaders because they suddenly realized that the communist Soviet Union was far ahead of the United States in space technology. The impact led to the creation of NASA and the American space program. What is this new Sputnik Moment? China unveiled a new artificial intelligence program called DeepSeek. Wall Street investors were caught by surprise when DeepSeek’s founder said the company built a free, open-source large language model in two months and less than $6 million reduced-capability microchips.  In other words, DeepSeek offers high performance using chips with less computational power, and the service is free to the public.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 01/27/2025Join the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Get high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!       It’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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Ensure your loved ones are cared for in any crisis by building a storehouse with American Reserves,
because strength comes from smart preparation. American Reserves,
your ally in emergency readiness. Visit our website and become prepared today. Well, some people are calling it the Sputnik moment. Sputnik was the name of the first artificial earth satellite launched by the
Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. Sputnik's successful launch shocked American leaders
because they suddenly realized that the communist Soviet Union was far ahead of the United States
in space technology. The impact led to the creation of NASA and the
American Space Program. But what is this new Sputnik moment? China unveiled a new artificial
intelligence program called DeepSeek. Wall Street investors were caught by surprise when DeepSeek's founder said the company built a free open source large language model in two months on less than $6 million using reduced capability microchips.
In other words, DeepSeek offers high performance using chips with less computational power, and the service is free to the public. as it questions America's big tech massive spending on artificial intelligence models and data centers.
In response, tech stocks plummeted today as Silicon Valley tech barons and Wall Street investors coped with the possibility that China suddenly leapfrogged
the United States in leadership and the AI world. DeepSeek's app is now the number one free app
in the Apple App Store, pushing OpenAI's chat GPT into second place well this is true news for monday january 27 2025
we'll begin our analysis and commentary of today's world news by looking at this article published
hours ago by cnbc nvidia dropped 17 as china's cheaper AI model, DeepSeat, sparks global tech sell-off.
So, Doc, overall, Wall Street, generally, all the stocks held up okay today.
But the tech stocks took a beating.
It was not a good day to be invested in American technology companies.
And there, as you see, NVIDIA, the microchip manufacturer, their value dropping 17% today.
A few minutes ago, it was at 18%. I don't know where it's at right now.
It's fluctuating.
Back down to 17 right now.
So CNBC said NVIDIA and other U u.s technology firms plunged on monday
part of a global sell-off as chinese startup deep seek spark concerns over competitiveness
in artificial intelligence and america's leadership in the sector in a social media post, Mark Andreason called DeepSeek's product one of the most amazing and impressive breakthroughs I've ever seen.
He described it as a profound gift to the world.
The Andreason Horowitz co-founder was a supporter of President Trump in the campaign.
And, of course, just a week ago, President Trump had Silicon Valley tech barons at the White House to announce a $500 billion investment in AI.
Right. Operation Stargate, they're calling it.
So what has that done to this big announcement by Donald Trump?
Because the Chinese, they just came onto the scene, you know, basically with a dollar general version of AI that's faster, better, cheaper than chat GBT.
If you believe the propaganda that the Chinese are putting out there.
And so it's possible they might be fudging the numbers a bit, but it's certainly not
500 billion.
That we know.
But you said that this was a Sputnik moment.
Okay, I'm old enough to—
When you say Sputnik, you know, a lot of our audience may not know what Sputnik is.
A lot of our audience does, but you might want to fill in the gap a little bit here.
I'm old enough to vaguely remember Sputnik, okay, because I was about four years old, okay, when it happened.
But it was big news. And when I went to elementary school, which would
have been the fall of 1959, it was only two years after Sputnik. And so we were being taught
in first grade. We were being taught America must catch up with the Soviet Union because of Sputnik.
And so the Russians caught the world by surprise by putting a satellite into orbit.
And that satellite maintained its orbit for, what, like three months, I think?
I think so. From October to January?
But it shocked the world.
Nobody saw it coming, Doc.
You know, in 1957, nobody saw it coming because then the world's wondering, well, what else can the Russians do?
And all the speculation about astronauts in space and space weapons and everything, it stunned the United States.
President Eisenhower then put in motion the plan that eventually became
NASA. And then when he left the White House in January of 61, he handed it over to young John
F. Kennedy, who said, we're going to put a man on the moon in 10 years. That was Kennedy's promise
to put a man on the moon was America's response to Sputnik,
that we will go farther than putting a satellite in space.
We'll put humans on the moon.
And so that launched the American space program.
I found some video going back to 1957, some old newsreel. I want to show this.
I'm jumping out of line here, but this is number 2B.
Sputnik lifted at 22
hours 28 minutes Moscow time and entered orbit around the Earth.
The first artificial Earth satellite in the world has now been created.
This first satellite was the...
It emanates radio signals every three-tenths of a second,
charting its course as it streaks across the sky.
Radio signals can be picked up on 20 and 40 megacycles
as it circles the Earth once every...
We announce to our audience that anyone with a shortwave radio can listen to Sputnik.
This is Harry Sank on the recording.
This is the satellite, October 1957.
Yes, there it is.
I'm here on the 20 megacycles.
Steady, beep, beep, beep, every two or three times a second.
Steve Schaaf, left town, Long Island, reporting to the world that I am hearing it.
Green's after dying now.
Out of my range.
Another hand has got to pick this up.
Ladies and gentlemen, we are bringing to you the most important story of this century.
Mankind's breakthrough into space. For the first
time, mankind has reached for the stars and found them within his grasp. The Westinghouse Broadcasting
Company filmed the first motion pictures of the Russian satellite. You are about to witness this
historic event. Now here is a photograph released by the Soviets of the satellite,
and this is a track of what you will see in the lower half of your television screen.
So be sure that you watch very, very carefully.
There it is, about in the center of the screen, in the lower third.
We moved the camera.
The camera was moved there.
Now we start over again, and the stars are in the background.
This is a photograph of a monitor screen.
There's the object.
Across the bottom.
About in the middle of the screen now, I would say.
That is wonderful, isn't it?
Right now it's north of Auckland, New Zealand, and moving southeast.
It will be in 10 minutes about 1,500 miles north of Little America.
And in about 24 minutes, it will be over Santiago, Chile.
And in about 50 minutes from now, it will be over Spain.
So, Doc, in 2025, it's hard to believe that the launch of a satellite stopped the world in 1957, that people all over the world were trying to get a glimpse of the satellite, listen to it on ham radio.
It changed the world.
I'm not saying that China's announcement today is on par with Sputnik, but I am saying that
it has stunned Silicon Valley, Wall Street,
and Washington.
And they have referenced it as a Sputnik moment.
And that Americans were too, American leaders were too complacent, thinking that the United
States was far ahead of everybody
else in artificial intelligence.
What it's saying is that there is a world race that's underway to control artificial
That's the main thing.
And that the Chinese are now saying that they're ahead of the United States and they're doing it cheaper with microchips with far less computational power, which is why NVIDIA plunged today in its value.
Because the selling point of NVIDIA chips was it's going to be needed in AI.
So the Chinese came out today and said, no, we're doing it much faster, much better without those chips. Now, I think they're buying them from NVIDIA, but it's a low-grade version.
So I'm trying to get across to you that this was a significant moment today, you'll look back
and you'll realize that
the world
changed today with this
Chinese announcement.
And it's free. Yes. Open source.
Open source. It's free.
And one
day it became the number one
free app
in the Apple App Store.
And so, what was it?
Last week, the Chinese, in response to the ban on TikTok, they released, what is it?
Was it Redstone?
Red Note.
Red Note.
Red Note.
And it quickly went to number one.
Because everyone, you know, TikTok was down.
And so.
Well, I have a, this is another CNBC's number two deep seek hit with large scale cyber attack.
Imagine that, Doc.
Somebody, who would have done that?
Who would have attacked DeepSeek?
Somebody that doesn't like DeepSeek.
An enemy, perhaps.
Maybe a national player.
And so the company said that they had to limit registrations.
So you're going to have to wait in line now to get DeepSeek?
Yeah, they've recovered a lot of their information.
And in the process of recovering information, they also released another upgrade to their app for image generation.
And that's from those that have been using the image generation feature.
They said it's a game changer as well.
Is it really?
So I've just been watching social media on this and everything.
Whatever happened today, whether the U.S. had a heads up on this by Donald Trump coming out last week and saying, you know, we're expanding our AI infrastructure.
Maybe they knew that this announcement by DeepSeek was coming.
Or whether they didn't know it or they're left flat-footed, which appears to be the case. I mean, the way everyone is responding to this, the tech alliances were totally caught flat-footed by this.
Except maybe one person.
Who's that?
Jamie Dimon.
I'm not saying he knew about it, but remember last week at Davos World Economic Forum?
We played the video.
He was being interviewed on CNBC.
And he said, yeah, the stock market, it's a wee bit, tad overinflated.
Which was, hint, hint.
There's a correction.
The stock market, there's going to be a correction in the stock market.
Well, it started today with tech
stocks. I mean, NVIDIA is down 17% right now. So I'll play that video clip. This is just last
Thursday or Friday, Jamie Dimon at World Economic Forum. I think asset prices are kind of inflated.
And by any measure, they're top 10 or 15 percent. I'm talking about the U.S.
stock market, but it's not true for stock markets around the world. And they say sovereign debts price pretty well. Credit spreads are all time highs. So, yeah, they're elevated. They're
elevated. And you need fairly good outcomes to justify those prices. And we're all hoping for
that. And I think, you know, having pro-growth strategies helps make that happen. But there
are negatives out there.
That was Wednesday?
It was Wednesday.
Going into our Thursday.
So I think we played it on Thursday.
So I want to show you a headline from Daily Mail today.
Stock market hemorrhages $1 trillion as NASDAQ drops 3% on fears, China is winning the AI arms race.
So the market lost a trillion dollars in value.
Jamie Dimon said that last Wednesday.
In Davos.
The market is just a little overinflated.
On Monday, they've lost a trillion dollars in value. Okay, so what I was suggesting
to you last week is the reason that I think you owe it to yourself to call Gold Co. And I was trying to give you a heads up.
When you hear someone at the level of Jamie Dimon, who is a billionaire, runs one of the biggest banks in the world, if not the biggest.
Who is aware that every word he says.
That every word he says moves the markets.
Okay. word he says that every word he says moves the markets right okay and he's there in davos with
the chinese with the billionaires in the tech industry and he tells cnbc on wednesday afternoon
i think the market's a little inflated i think we're going to see some some adjustment that was
a hint to investors you want to start moving you want to
start moving your money some of it out of the out of the stock market and uh so what i was saying to
you last thursday was if i were you i would give goco a call and i would ask them how can you move
your retirement fund into precious metals see if the market the market takes a, if there's a, I'm not talking, I'm not predicting a crash.
It's not going to crash right now.
That's not in a foreseeable future, but a correction, a sizable correction.
You can have a serious correction, and that's not a crash.
But the value of your portfolio goes down.
All right, so get in touch with Gold Co. and ask them questions about how to move
your retirement account into precious metals. The phone number is 844-960-GOLD, 844-960-GOLD. 844-960-GOLD.
If you want to use the web address,
The easiest thing, just zoom in on the QR code, and it will take you directly to the site.
But for me, it's just amazing that we set it on Thursday.
And here it is. And here it is on Monday.
The market has lost a trillion dollars in valuation.
So that's how fast things can change.
That's what I want you to see.
This is going to make Mobile World Congress a bit more interesting, isn't it, this year?
Oh, yes.
This development today.
This will be a big topic at Mobile World in Barcelona.
Really big.
And the Chinese will be there.
And in force.
This story is from Portland, Maine, WMTW-TV.
3.8 magnitude earthquake off the coast of Maine.
Originally, it was a 4.1.
I don't know, Doc, the U.S. Geological Survey always downgrades.
Have you ever noticed that?
What is that?
After the initial reports, it always seems like they've done it all. They always bump it down.
It was a 4.1, and then it got bumped down to a 3.8.
Are they telling us
that their equipment is faulty?
a great question.
Or are they always trying to
say it's not that big?
It was an earthquake, but not a
big earthquake. It's less than we thought
it was. Because if you keep
it under 4, it's not
real big. Not quite as scary, is it? Right. So, well, this story is reporting that the U.S.
Geological Survey is reporting that a 3.8 magnitude earthquake happened off the coast of southern
Maine on Monday. According to the USGS, the earthquake happened at 10.22 a.m., just about six miles southeast of York Harbor.
And the depth of the earthquake was eight miles.
The Maine Geological Survey's online database indicates that this earthquake was tied for the third strongest earthquake with an epicenter in Maine since 1997.
Maine's total coverage has received reports from people across Maine who felt the ground
shake or heard a loud rumble. People in New Hampshire and Massachusetts also reported feeling
the earthquake. So I think the discrepancy in the numbers is the Maine geological survey had one
reading and the United States geological survey had another because Maine-based meteorologist, Ken Mahan, he had it at 4.1.
Which is what everybody had when it first happened.
Earthquakes in Maine are not completely unheard of, but they are unusual.
Next one.
The FBI is, well, let's jump down.
Lee, let's go down to number eight.
I have this out of order.
Federal agencies.
This is a news service.
Staten Island. Staten Island news service.
Federal agencies begin massive nuclear incident training exercise in New York.
The website said today marks the first day of a massive multi-agency nuclear incident training exercise in upstate New York.
The Departments of Defense, Energy, Homeland Security, the FBI, and Nuclear Security Administration,
along with New York state organizations, will be conducting the exercise from January 26 to Januaryst in a statement from the FBI.
So it actually started yesterday.
Okay, now we'll go to the FBI statement.
This is the actual press release put out by the FBI.
And the FBI said that from January 26th through the 31st, a large-scale multi-agency nuclear incident training exercise will take place in the vicinity of Schenectady, New York,
and surrounding counties of Albany, Saratoga, and Schenectady.
The training exercise will not pose any risk to area residents.
The public does not need to be alarmed by training-related activity,
including the presence of military personnel on aircraft and people in protective equipment.
It goes on to say in this
press release from the FBI in Albany, exercise participants will conduct operations in personal
protective equipment to simulate realistic conditions. It will also include aircraft
from federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies. The exercise is an opportunity for
participating entities to practice and enhance operational readiness to respond in the event of a nuclear incident in the United States or overseas.
And due to the sensitive nature of the capabilities being implemented, the training activities are not open to the public or media.
So they're keeping a close lid on this, too.
Just thought you'd like to know.
Especially if you live up in New York and see people walking around in hazmat suits. A large-scale nuclear incident.
What is a large-scale? Is that like a nuclear bomb?
What's a small-scale nuclear?
That's a good question. What would be a small one?
It's just a small nuclear incident.
Nothing to worry about, folks.
Telegraph, London.
The European Union should send military troops to Trump-targeted Greenland, says Austrian military chief.
So where are we going with this now? The EU is going to protect
Greenland from Donald Trump. At least that's the
suggestion of this particular general. The European Union's top general
said that the bloc should deploy troops to Greenland after Donald Trump
suggested he could seize the territory. General Robert Brigger, the Austrian
head of the bloc's military committee,
claimed the mood would send a strong signal
as well as act as a deterrent to Russian and Chinese activities.
Now, the article went on to say that General Brigger told Germany's Weltansamtag newspaper,
in my view, it would make perfect sense not to station U.S. forces in Greenland,
as has been the case to date,
but also consider stationing EU soldiers there in the future.
That would send a strong signal and could contribute to stability in the region.
Now, the article went on to say that the General side had melting ice caps
and Europe's desires to control critical minerals used in the production of green technologies
as two reasons why a greater EU presence there would be helpful.
I would say it's the control critical minerals.
Where the EU is saying, we better get our hands on Greenland, at least get our feet
on the ground and get some of the minerals.
Okay, there's a map of the planet, and you see Greenland there, the white, large island
there in the center of the globe.
A lot of folks really don't know where is Greenland.
All right.
So you see, it is part of North America.
It's an island.
It's the biggest island in the world, but it's part of North America.
And from, you see the line, the lower line, it goes to Washington, D.C., to Moscow.
It's 2,000 miles on each side.
So Greenland's right in the middle.
If you had a military base there,
you're between Washington, D.C. and Moscow.
And this is what Donald Trump was looking at.
He's looking at World War III and a war with China and possibly China and Russia.
And that's why he's going after Greenland plus the minerals.
I think the military factors is more important to him.
But he's prepping for World War III.
He's getting this country ready for it.
And, Doc, I wouldn't be surprised a year or two from now that Donald Trump is telling schools you need to start a military training program in elementary school.
Well, I could see that.
I think we're going in that direction.
Military training could become mandatory in schools.
As the United States and Europe go deeper into a war mindset, knowing we definitely
are going to clash in the early 2030s.
We've got to get ready for it.
But you've got Austria's top general saying, let's put European troops in Greenland.
Wait a minute, you're also planning to put European troops in Ukraine.
I mean, are they capable of doing this?
Is the EU, are they capable of deploying and maintaining a military presence outside of Europe?
Well, but also consider the motive of putting the troops there.
He says in the very beginning it was to send a strong signal.
To who?
Is he sending it to China and Russia
or to Donald Trump?
We know it's Donald Trump.
It's Donald Trump.
Because he's the only one
that's been making any kind of waves about it.
So is the EU saying
we're willing to stand up to Donald Trump?
Or are they really willing to say that?
That's the way I interpret it. I didn't see it as
say, hey, we're going to help Donald Trump defend Greenland from Russia and China.
Yeah. What I saw was the Europe's desire to control critical minerals.
That's what I saw. We've got to get some troops there so that Trump doesn't get all the minerals.
Folks, the next one.
This is LifeSite News.
Joe Biden conferred membership in the Freemasons of South Carolina.
He joined the Prince Hall.
The Prince Hall Lodge.
If you don't know about the Prince Hall Lodge, Prince Hall Lodges are for black Freemasons. Because, I don't know if they're still segregated, but for many years, the Masons were segregated.
And blacks could not attend white Freemason lodges.
So, they had their own Masonic lodges called Prince Hall.
Barack Obama is a member, to my knowledge, of Prince Hall.
He certainly, in 2008, did a lot of campaigning in Prince Hall lodges when he was a senator running for president.
I saw lots of news stories
as I was following the campaign.
Senator Barack Obama speaking last night
at the Prince Hall Lodge in Iowa.
He was making his way around the country
campaigning in those black Masonic lodges.
So the Prince Hall Masons of South Carolina made Joe Biden a Mason.
And did this happen the day before he left the White House?
Yes, January 19th.
Sunday, January 19th.
So, we're looking at this is, again, life site news, a Catholic news site.
Former President Joe Biden had membership of the Freemasons conferred
upon him, despite Catholic teaching firmly prohibiting joining the Masons, and such an
action being formally clearly given the penalty of automatic excommunication. Carolina became part of the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the state of South Carolina.
And we actually have that resolution from the website.
It says, it is with great pleasure that I, Victor C. Major, the most worshipful Grand Master,
welcome our newest members of the Prince Hall family. On Sunday, January 19, 2025, at a private event, Master Mason membership with full honors were
conferred upon President Joseph R. Biden Jr. in recognition of his outstanding service to the
United States of America. And it said, to be a Freemason, to be part of a brotherhood dedicated
to personal growth, service to others, and the pursuit of knowledge and truth is an honor to belong to an organization that promotes these timeless values.
And it goes on to mention some of the values that they are reflecting upon by his admittance into the Prince Hall Grand Lodge.
So what do you think motivated Joe Biden to become a Freemason on his last day as president?
This wasn't – nothing I had on my bingo card, Rick, at all.
And so I – it's been hard for me to discern exactly what's going on here.
What do you think?
I don't know.
I don't know.
I just – it totally caught me off guard.
When I saw the story, I thought it was fake at first.
I mean, you know, you say, come on.
That's just too, that's too true news.
So I had to go and search for the South Carolina Lodge website to see if they had something.
And that resolution, that's from the Lodge website.
But on his last day.
You would have thought he would have done it at the beginning.
Now, what's interesting is they have taken some of the material related to this off the Prince Hall site.
The only way you can access it is the Wayback Machine web archive.
So it did exist, and there have been other outlets that have reported this as well.
Like I said, it caught me off guard.
I didn't see it coming at all.
Because some of the fake media is saying, oh, it's not true.
But there it is.
Yeah, it is true.
Oh, I came across a video. Oh, I've seen this one seen this one before i had never seen it before
so who's this young man that went undercover and went inside and actually participated in a
masonic ritual uh it's a young man by the name of kyleasters. He does a kind of a YouTube channel and X channel called Kyle Undercover.
And he does sort of James O'Keefe style things, but a little bit further on the fringe.
A little bit edgier.
So was he the one being initiated or was he?
He was the one videotaping.
But how did he get himself into the lodge? I don't know.
Because you have to be a Mason to get in.
But you can be vouched by
a member.
And allowed
to see an initiation? Yes.
Okay, so this is his clip
of a new initiate
being initiated into
the Masonic Lodge. Let's watch this. I will take your life. This is no time or place for the man no secrets. Talk to me about time, place, patience, or the completion of the temple.
Give me the secrets of a master mason or I will take your life.
Neither behooved you in this rude and violent manner lest you demand no secrets.
When the temple's complete and yet bound worthy, you'll then receive them lawfully as I have.
You have passed, Jubileu, Jubileu.
Me, you cannot pass.
My name is Jubileu, well known for my determination of character.
What I undertake, that I do.
Give me the secrets of a master mason instantly,
for I will take your life.
I will not.
What still persists, then die.
Now, if you think this is just
costume play or dress-up time
and everything,
these guys take this seriously.
Very seriously.
You're making a vow
that you're not going to
disclose the secrets
of the Masonic Lodge.
The secrets of Hiram Abiff.
So, I wonder what happens to you if you videotape it and put it on the internet.
We'll find out.
Is he still alive?
Well, that's a great question.
I don't know.
I guess I'll have to find out now.
Well, while we're on a Freemason topic here, this popped up the other day in Russia Today.
Freemasons eyeing comeback in Syria.
Doc, you know, the last thing I would think with everything going on in Syria is somebody would say,
Hey, let's get the gang back together.
Let's get the lodge.
Let's reopen the lodge in Syria.
But isn't it interesting?
They had the revolution.
The Al-Qaeda-led revolution, you know, funded, orchestrated by the Western cabal.
And the first thing they do is open up the lodge.
Let's have a lodge meeting.
You can't make up this stuff.
You're like, guys, you should have, like, put this off a year.
I mean, so close to the takeover of Syria just weeks ago.
You should have put it off a year so we wouldn't connect the two.
Right. So RT is reporting that Freemasonry is returning to Syria after being banned for more than 50 years, according to a statement attributed to the presidency of the Supreme Council.
And who banned it? Assad.
Assad's dad.
His father did it.
And so this is not hearsay.
This was published in several media outlets over the weekend, two weekends ago, actually.
The group declared that the collapse of Bashar al-Assad's government had created an opportunity for its reestablishment.
So the Assads were holding back the Masons from being involved in Syria.
I want you to think about this, folks. What they're saying is President Bashar Assad, who was overthrown weeks ago, was blocking Freemasonry in Syria. Right. And they had to, so
was that a reason to get rid of him? It could be a reason among others. And so it says that for the
past five decades, the Freemasons' lodges have been
officially absent from the Syrian arena due to the security and political conditions imposed by
the authoritarian regime, they said. It accused the previous government of suppressing any
organizations or intellectual or cultural trends that might pose a threat to its secure control over Syria and its people.
The organization described its return as part of Syria's reconstruction,
stating the sun of freedom shines on our homeland and our forms once again,
announcing the beginning of a new era that allows the Syrian people to regain their civil and intellectual freedoms. And as we stated before, the Ba'ath Party in Syria more than 50 years ago branded Freemasonry
as an illegal secret society, banned it back in 1965 during the presidency of Amin Hafez.
Like other Middle Eastern governments, Syria associated the fraternal organization with
Western influence and Zionism, leading to its prohibition.
I can't.
Surely not.
You know, King Abdullah years ago, King Abdullah of Jordan, he told an American news organization.
I think it was CNN.
It's been years since I looked at the interview. But King Abdullah,
I was asked about the Muslim Brotherhood because when Obama was in the White House,
Obama and Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State, president in 2009, the first thing he did was hoof it to Egypt.
That's right.
And he spoke to the Muslim Brotherhood.
I remember that. Yes.
He put the Muslim Brotherhood in the front rows. The Arab Spring was a Muslim Brotherhood revolution that was financed and orchestrated by the U.S. intelligence agencies and so forth.
But anyhow, King Abdullah of Spain was asked about the Muslim Brotherhood, and he told this American news channel, and again, I don't know if it was CNN or a magazine.
He said, well, the Muslim
Brotherhood is a Masonic organization, and that's why it's banned in Jordan, because they're Freemasons.
So, Doc, a lot of Arab leaders know that the Masons are embedded in various places in the Middle East.
In fact, King Abdullah's father was a Mason.
Oh, I didn't know that.
King Hussein was a Mason.
But apparently the son isn't.
Anyhow, I have this book somewhere in my library, Freemasonry in the Ottoman Empire.
I've seen that book.
It's here, Doc.
It's here.
I don't know where it's at.
A History of the Fraternity and Its Influence and the Levant.
In Syria and the Levant.
Yes, in Syria and the Levant. Yes, in Syria and the Levant. And so it was written by Dorothy Summers.
And it's not written as a Christian book.
It's just written as a scholarly historical book about Freemasonry in the old Ottoman Empire.
So when I saw the story in Russia today that Freemasonry is back in Syria, I thought about that book.
But then—
The first thing I thought of, and you thought of too, is a story we did a few years back about Mr. Erdogan of Turkey.
Well, let me tell you what took me there, okay?
Hang on one second, okay?
So when I'm looking at the Russia Today story, that Freemasonry is now welcome back in Syria. And it's very well known, it's obvious, President Erdogan of Turkey was the master of that revolution.
He had the support of various intelligence agencies.
But he, his country, Turkey,
really was at the forefront
of taking down Assad.
They're the ones that orchestrated
the al-Qaeda invasion.
So when I read this thing about
the Masons are now in Syria,
I'm thinking, wait a minute.
That would mean President Erdogan is allowing the Masons are now in Syria, I'm thinking, wait a minute. That would mean President Erdogan is allowing
the Masons to go into Syria.
So then I just started searching about President Erdogan
and Freemasonry. Okay, so now we can put this up on the screen.
And I came across this article. I can't verify.
It says Erdogan is a Freemason.
A member of Turkey's secret society claims a Serbian Yugoslavian researcher.
Now, again, I can't vouch that this is true.
I'm just telling you what I found. but this researcher who is a Serbian Yugoslavian
claims that he has evidence that Erdogan is a Freemason.
Now, before we go into this
because we got a little video of him,
I want to put this image.
This is number 17.
This is a
photograph of a
theatrical play in Istanbul.
The tall man
on the right side
is President Erdogan.
In this play?
In the play. He was the star of the play.
He wrote the play.
He produced the play.
He directed the play.
He starred in the play.
And the name of the play, the Arabic name, is Maz Kam Ya,
which means a Freemason, communist, and Jew.
Go ahead and say it.
Walked into a bar.
I mean, that's what it sounds like, right?
Communist, Freemason, and Jew walked into a bar.
But that was the name of the play.
He wrote it.
He starred in it.
He wrote the play.
And starred in it.
And starred in it.
Communist, Freemason, Jew. in it. Communist Freemason Jew.
Actually, it's Freemason Communist Jew.
So the play was very anti-Masonry, very anti-Communist, very anti-Zionism.
So when I see this other article of this Serbian Yugoslavian researcher saying that Mr. Erdogan is a Freemason,
then I'm wondering, okay, did he change?
Or is the researcher wrong?
That I don't know.
I'll let you read the article, and then we're going to watch a video clip.
Yes, so a video has recently started to make rounds on social media,
which claims that Turkish President Erdogan is a Freemason and a member of Turkey's oldest secret society, DOMNE, that practices medieval occult practice of Kabbalah and has controlled Turkey for five centuries.
Now, the video shows a TV interview where the interviewer asks the Serbian-Yugoslavian current affairs researcher Dejan Lucic, about the history of Freemasons in Turkey
and the possible connections between Erdogan and the secret society.
Lucic claimed that Turkey is ruled by a secret society called Domne,
which has an elite group of Jews who converted to Islam back in 1666,
and they have been ruling Turkey since then.
So are they undercover Jews?
That's the best way to describe it.
Who infiltrated Islam.
Or rather made a deal with Islam.
That's the story.
Rather than be eradicated because he was keeping the leader of what became the Freemasons there,
he was keeping secrets from the sultan.
And the sultan was going to kill him.
He said, your eminence, I have a proposal for you.
Not only will I keep this secret and your secrets, but I'll convert to Islam,
and my people will also convert, and we will keep your secrets, but I'll convert to Islam, and my people will also convert, and we will
keep your secrets for you.
But in their secret society, they are themselves.
Not what they're acting to be.
Okay, so this video, do we need to read English subtitles?
Yeah, I'll have those along the way here.
Okay, let's watch.
This is Dijan Lucic in this most recent interview.
All right, so Turk is ruled by the secret society of Domini.
You can check this on the internet.
They are Jews who converted to Islam.
In 1666, mind you, 1666, in the 17th century, 17th, 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st century, for five centuries,
Turkey has been ruled by the secret society of Domini.
Let me explain who they are.
A guy called Sabatiz Evi, a charismatic Jew, handsome, two meters tall, being familiar with magic,
a good speaker, travels around Turkey,
although people know that he is a friend of the English,
and keeps boasting, I will establish a Jewish state.
He is supported by the Sufis, by the Kabbalists.
Everyone admires him.
He has 50,000 followers, and the majority of them lived in Thessaloniki.
The Sultan hears about this and orders his servants to arrest him.
He tells him, you fool, or something like that.
What do I hear about you talking about establishing a Jewish state on the Turkish territory?
Turkey back then stretched all the way to North Africa, including half of Asia.
How are you going to establish a Jewish state here?
Why are you spreading nonsense?
I will order my servants to cut your head off since you are a subversive element.
Hold on, dear Sultan, I want to tell you something.
If you cut my head off,
you will enrage the Jews in London, Paris, Berlin, and Moscow
who are all interconnected,
and then they will overthrow you,
cutting your own head off.
Your brother will become the sultan, perhaps your son,
and nothing will change in Turkey,
while you and I will be headless.
So let me make a suggestion.
Spare my head,
and I'll do my best to restore your honor
by neglecting the stupidities I talked about.
What is it that you're suggesting, says the sultan?
I'll denounce my Jewish faith and will publicly convert to Islam.
I'll say, Allahu Akbar.
I will bow and accept it.
The sultan smiled and said, all right, do it.
And he really did it.
He converted to Islam. But his 50,000 followers,
who were Jews, Sephardi Jews, also converted to Islam, and in five years have infiltrated every
existing poor in the Turkish state, taking full control of it. and ever since, Turkey has been ruled by the secret society of Domne,
comprised of Jews who number 20,000, but are perfectly distributed.
Thus, Kemal Ataturk, who was born in Thessaloniki and educated in Vitola, Macedonia,
who also probably spoke Serbian, a wise man, of course a Freemason,
following the order of the English
amputated the old Turkish state
and created a new Turkish nation
switched to the Latin alphabet
and modernized Turkey
since then up to today
Turkey has been ruled by the Jewish Domini
so Mr. Erdogan
who says he feels at home in Sarajevo
and that Sarajevo and Pristina are Turkish and so on.
He's a member of the secret society of Domini,
just like his former minister of foreign affairs, Abdullah Gül.
All of you Bosniaks can easily check this.
Contact your countrymen in Turkey.
Ask them via phone, Skype, or Viber.
If that is what Dujan Lukic claims to, that Erdogan is actually a Jew.
Oh, not just a Mason.
That's not the first time I've heard that accusation.
Not just a Mason.
But he's Jewish.
Okay, we just learned last year, I mean I say learned, it was publicized that the Saudi family, Mohammed bin, what's his name?
Bin Salman.
Bin Salman.
Okay, I almost said Bin Laden.
Bin Salman said his mother was a Jew.
His nanny was a Jew.
Have Jews infiltrated Arab societies,
pretended that they're Muslims,
and taken over the Middle East,
and secretly running the countries?
Orchestrating the wars and conflicts?
And who really gets killed?
Or people who don't toe the line.
If what that man said is true, Doc, is that the template?
Is that the way they have infiltrated the world?
All the way from China to the USA.
They take on the characteristics of whatever society that they're in,
maintain some of their practices, and...
And move their people in.
They did it in Turkey.
They did it in China.
They've done it in the U.S.
So, now remind you, this is, hey, this is what Dujan Vucic says.
But it is interesting that we have a couple of Freemason
stories in the same week.
It was just really odd.
I'll just give you enough to chew on.
I've got seven
minutes here. Times of Israel. Arab Americans
for Trump blast
President's wild call to
relocate Gazans.
Did I miss one here?
I think I did.
Number 19.
Let's go back to 19.
I'm sorry.
Israel starts allowing tens of thousands of Gazans to return to the Gaza Strip's north.
Massive migration.
Look at this.
Look at this movement.
Probably close to a million by some estimates.
The Palestinians that survived the war
Look at them.
are going back to nothing.
They're returning to their homes that don't exist.
Now see that coastline there?
Beautiful coastline.
Look at that beautiful coast.
Who do you think is licking their chops to get that coastline?
I tell you, wealthy Jews.
Who want to build condominiums and hotels and casinos on that coastline.
And so they got to get rid of these Palestinians
who are occupying the coast.
So at 7 o'clock Middle East time early this morning,
the walk started for a lot of these folks.
And that has been the scene all throughout the day today.
It's getting into nighttime now, of course.
But what we're seeing there is a mass exodus back into northern Gaza.
So then we had this shocking statement out of President Trump over the weekend.
Trump says he wants to clean out Gaza by removing the Palestinians.
He actually used the phrase clean out.
When you heard those words clean out, did you feel...
Well, it's called ethnic cleansing.
Clean and cleansing.
You know?
It's the same words.
Mr. Trump said he wants to cleanse Gaza of Palestinians.
That's his words, clean out.
Folks, you know, I told some friends yesterday, I was on a Trump high all last week until I read this.
And then I crashed.
I came down.
Because that's the talk of, I mean, who talks about removing 2 million people?
Besides Israel.
I mean, what kind of, what do we say?
If somebody, if another political leader said, I'm going to move, I'm going to get rid of 2 million people.
I'm just going to force them out and take their land.
What would we call them?
Despots, dictators.
I mean, the words escape me even now. You call them evil is what you call
them. You call them evil. This is the talk of a dictator. So what's happening is Donald Trump
has spoken to King Abdullah of Jordan, and he spoke to President Sisi of Egypt yesterday.
And the deal he's trying to work out is he's basically
saying to these two gentlemen, you guys need to take Palestinians.
Take a million each.
Well, I remind you that Jordan has taken in people.
They have a couple million.
For seven years, they have.
They probably have more Palestinians than Jordanians.
So in case you missed this yesterday, the president said, you're talking about probably a million and a half people.
And we just clean out that whole thing.
You know, over the centuries, it's had many, many conflicts, that site.
And I don't know, something has to happen.
On Saturday night, he said it's literally a demolition site right now.
Almost everything is demolished and people are dying there.
Yes, sir.
Who did it?
Our friend Israel.
Who did it?
It is a demolition site and people are dying.
But Mr. Trump's response is just get rid of them.
They're trash.
Isn't he calling them trash?
If you're doing a clean out of an apartment, what are you doing?
You're hauling out the trash.
We're going to tear the place down, put up something new.
He's calling the Palestinian people trash.
Now, you can get worked up about it, but look, the man proposed ethnic cleansing of Gaza.
If Netanyahu came right out and said, I am going to move two million Palestinians out of here, what would we call him?
A madman.
And there would be calls for the International Criminal Court to arrest him.
But Donald Trump can say it.
Well, it's not going over well
in the Arab world,
and it shouldn't.
People are horrified. Especially since
a lot of Arab Americans support him. They voted
for him. Yes. There's the
story. Arab Americans for
Trump chair, the chairman, blast
President's wild call to relocate
They are shocked by this proposal.
Go ahead.
We categorically reject the president's suggestion that the Palestinians in Gaza be moved, apparently forcefully, to either Egypt or Jordan.
That's coming from Arab Americans for Trump chairman Bashar Obama told the Times of Israel, what the Palestinians need right now is a continuation of the ceasefire,
more aid, a reconstruction plan,
and for the Palestinian
authority to take over the Gaza Strip.
We don't need wildish claims or
statements relating to the fate
of the Palestinians. The only resolution
to the Israel-Palestinian question
is a two-state solution, period.
Added Obama, who did not provide his organization's size, but insisted that it played a central
role in electing Trump and represents the majority of the views of the 3.8 million Arab
And it probably did make a difference in Michigan.
I mean, there's a large Arab American population in Michigan.
And he carried Michigan.
The Arab Americans loved him in Michigan. And he carried Michigan. The Arab-Americans loved him in Michigan.
And now they feel betrayed.
He's one week and they feel betrayed.
Who is he catering to?
How about one person, Miriam Alderson?
She gave the Trump campaign $100 million.
She just called her IOU in.
Let's pay it up.
Get rid of those. Get the trash out of there. Right. Okay. you in. Let's pay it up.
Get rid of those.
Get the trash out of there.
Isn't that kind of the expression that they wanted to
clean out the ghettos in Germany?
Yes. That's how
the Nazis talked about the Jews.
It was trash. Human
trash. Clean the ghettos out.
Now the Jews are acting like Nazis.
But maybe they're all the same.
It is
the Likud party, which came from the Nazis,
the fascists.
So Miriam Alderson is a billionaire.
Her husband,
who passed away, Sheldon Alderson,
they made their billions
with casinos, gambling.
Hotels, yes.
What Miriam Alderson is looking at is that beautiful coastline.
And she's seeing casinos there.
And billions of dollars coming into her slot machines.
But these Palestinians are in the way.
Those pesky Palestinians.
Human trash.
Got to get rid of them.
We got to clean them out.
Now, I think Mr. Trump will claim part of Syria.
He'll just take part of Syria.
He'll just say, that's ours.
And then he'll offer it to King Abdullah
and say, here, I made your little kingdom bigger.
I'm giving you Syria.
Well, you can't take somebody else's country,
but he did it with Golan Heights.
That was Syria.
He gave that to Israel.
What's stopping him from taking Aleppo
and that area of Syria
and just giving Syria borders Jordan?
Hey, all these nations were created
just drawing lines on a map
about 150 years ago. That's right.
Every single one of them. That's right. So you can
change the lines. That's right.
Just buy new maps.
That's right. So I think
he'll seize land in Syria
and tell King Abdullah, here, I'll give you
the land.
I'll throw an oil well in with it.
Now, notice that last week they cut off funding to all foreign aid to every country in the world.
Except three.
And those three were Israel, Jordan, and Egypt.
So consider that in this conversation.
They're keeping the money flowing.
We'll keep the money flowing to you.
But if you don't play this game, they're not going to cut the money off of Israel, but they'll cut it off on Jordan and Egypt.
That's right.
Take the Palestinians or we cut the money off.
If you take them, we give you more money and more land.
I didn't vote for that.
That's not what I voted for.
It's reprehensible.
And it's disgusting.
But do you know what?
Most Trump supporters in America don't care.
They don't care.
It wouldn't matter if we decided to kill every Palestinian. They wouldn't care at all. They wouldn't care. They don't care. It wouldn't matter if we decided to kill every Palestinian.
They wouldn't care at all.
They wouldn't care.
They don't care.
They don't care.
They would not care if we said, let's just kill every Palestinian.
We're not worried about them anymore.
That's right.
Putin today compared the Leningrad siege to the Holocaust.
That'll get him in trouble.
Yes. Leningrad's siege to the Holocaust, that'll get him in trouble. So they're celebrating the 81st anniversary of the liberation of Leningrad.
So the Nazis had seized Leningrad among such monstrous crimes against humanity as the Holocaust,
death camps, punitive actions of the Nazi accomplices against civilians.
The blockade claimed over one million lives.
And he went on to say that the enemy, meaning the Nazis, planned to wipe the city off the
face of the earth.
Well, that's what the U.S. plans to do with Gaza.
That's what Netanyahu was doing.
A siege.
He cut off the food and the water and electricity.
He turned everything to rubble.
Putin said the Nazis planned to wipe the city off the face of the earth,
encircle it, and destroy it with bombing and artillery strikes, and simply starve the people to death.
They were deliberate, documented intentions of the Nazis, plans for systematic destruction, extermination of thousands and thousands of defenseless people.
And I got a little bit of video here the siege of
this is from the
documentary series called
Battlefield and it focused one of the
episodes specifically on the
siege of Leningrad
and the
months long siege that
saw millions die of starvation
of disease as well as the bombing
raids and everything else that went on. Somehow, the people of Leningrad managed, some managed to
survive that. But for the Russians, Leningrad was the most horrible thing that happened in World War
II. And that, you have to understand Leningrad
to understand why the Russians are fighting in Ukraine.
Because the Nazis are in Ukraine,
and they said the last time Nazis got this close,
millions of Russians died.
And they're talking about Leningrad.
And if you don't believe that nations exterminate millions, just listen to what came out of Donald Trump's mouth over the weekend.
Because I'm telling you, the man would give the green light to Netanyahu, kill him.
Just to get it over with.
Just to get it out of.
Because what he sees is real estate development.
And he sees the Palestinians, they're just homeless trash.
Get them out.
Get them out of here.
He's going to make his offer.
Move them to Jordan or Egypt.
If they don't do that, kill them.
You think he wouldn't do it?
What are you going to say when he does it?
And all he has to say is it's their war.
It's their war.
But we're going to give them the money and the bombs to do it.
But it's their war.
So the worst may not be over.
The worst for the Palestinian people may not be over.
The Jews want the land.
It's as simple as that. The Jews want the land, and they're willing to kill 2 million people to get it.
And until yesterday, I had just a glimmer of hope that we might have seen a two-state solution, but that's gone for me.
Donald Trump's not going to propose it.
There's never going to be a two-state solution.
He has no plan whatsoever to create a Palestinian state.
Ka-ching, ka-ching, Miriam Alderson's $100 million.
She bought the presidency.
He wanted in the White House so bad, he agreed to whatever she demanded.
And notice that none of the Arab states are protesting this idea.
None of them are up in arms about this.
Well, Jordan and, well, I don't know, Saudi Arabia said, you know,
Palestine is, the Palestinian state is still their main issue.
Jordan has rejected this.
Egypt has rejected it.
But then he hasn't cut the money off yet.
That's right.
Okay. Okay.
So I'm very, very disappointed in him.
And with his interaction with the Colombian president over the weekend, money talks.
Money talks.
Money talks.
Within two hours, the Colombian president folded like a cheap deck chair.
And not only said, I'll take the illegals back to Colombia, I'll send the presidential plane to pick them up.
Something shook him up big time.
Now, I'm sure it wasn't just a 25% tariff.
Look, again, Americans won't care if two million Palestinians get killed.
They won't care about it.
But I'm going to tell you this, as a preacher of the gospel, what goes around comes around.
World War III is underway.
And there'll be a day when the Chinese are slaughtering Americans on American soil, and nobody will care.
Nobody will care.
The rest of the world will look and say,
it's over there. It's their problem.
Let the
Chinese do what they want to do.
They're taking the land. Folks, we're
planting bad seed. We're
planting really bad seed.
Look, if Joe Biden
had said, if
Kamala Harris had won and said, I want all the Palestinians out of there, what would I be saying right now?
The same thing.
You're a nutcase.
At least I'm consistent.
Genocide is genocide.
Ethnic cleansing, you can't put a pretty, you can't fix it up, Doc.
You can't put lipstick on genocide.
But are both Biden and Trump, two sides of the same coin on this?
They're both.
They're both.
Biden was eliminating the Palestinians, but taking longer to do it.
And Biden just joined the Masons.
He just joined the Masons. He just joined the Masons.
And what do the Masons want?
The temple in Jerusalem.
And what's standing there
right now? An Islamic mosque.
You see
how much this goes back
to masonry secret societies.
I'm supposed to be at a meeting 10 minutes ago.
I got to go.
Love you.
See you tomorrow.
God bless you.
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Good morning, everybody. Welcome to Morning Manna for Monday. We new day. Thank you for life.
Thank you for eternal life through faith in your Son.
Thank you for sending your Holy and to teach all of us
the depth and the riches,
the beauty of your word
so that we would know your son
and honor him even more
than we did yesterday, Father.
In the name of Jesus, amen.
All right.
And today we're going to be focusing on
Romans chapter 2 verses 12 through 16 that's Romans chapter 2 verses 12 through
16 so if you have your Bibles I'll be reading from the King James this morning
if you'd like to follow along verse 12 chapter 2 of Romans for as many as have
sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many as have
sinned in the law shall be judged by the law for not the hearers of the law are just before god
but the doers of the law shall be justified for when the gentiles which have not the law do by nature the things contained in
the law these having not the law are law unto themselves which show the work of
the law written in their hearts their conscience also bearing witness and
their thoughts the mean while accusing or else excusing one another. In the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ,
according to my gospel.
That's Paul, Romans 2, verses 12 through 16.
Verse 12.
For as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many
as have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law so the the phrase as many as have sinned, this applies universally to all who have committed sin.
So that's the entire human race.
Jew or Gentile.
It's universal. Paul is asserting that all humanity is subject to judgment based on their actions
and the knowledge they possess.
That's what's important to understand here.
The judgment is based on your actions and the knowledge that you possess,
the knowledge about right and wrong.
For as many as have sinned and then without law, this refers to the Gentiles who did not have the Mosaic law, but they still had access to the natural law of the conscience
their conscience their heart yes they god placed in them we keep seeing this theme in romans
there's no excuse god if you don't have the law you have the knowledge of right and wrong it's been downloaded inside of you god programmed you
to have a natural understanding of right and wrong right and if that wasn't enough he allowed
creation itself to be a witness to that as well that no matter what you are without excuse it
doesn't matter if you're a pygmy in papa new guinea It doesn't matter if you're a pygmy in Papua New Guinea.
It doesn't matter if you're a king sitting on a throne.
All, it says all here.
So they're without excuse.
And, you know, there are theologians today that try to make the argument that those that have not heard the gospel uh they were
they'll get a pass but that's not what the bible says does it rick no look you get you can walk
into a room with a toddler who's doing something he or she shouldn't be doing yes And the moment they see an adult, they'll
have a guilty look on their face.
Why is that?
two or three years old.
They already know what's right and wrong.
is saying here
that those
without the law
that's referring to the Gentiles
who didn't have
the benefit of the
Mosaic law but they had access
to the natural law of their conscience
their sin is judged
according to
this innate
moral awareness that's in every human but now in the law
it says for as many as have sinned without law shall also perish without law and as many as
have sinned in the law shall be judged by the law in the law refers to Jews
who have who were given explicit revelation of God's will.
In the Mosaic law.
They have a higher accountability.
Because they sinned against a very clear standard.
I want to make this very clear.
Gentiles. Are. standard now i want to make this very clear gentiles are people who are outside the covenant
christians are not gentiles good point you were then though maybe if you were Gentile because you could have been a Jew. But when
are born again,
you cease being a Gentile.
You are now in the new
in my view,
the Jews are now
the Gentiles
because they're outside the new covenant.
That new law, if you will.
But the important thing to understand
is that Gentile does not mean all non-Jews.
It means all non-Jews who are outside the covenant.
If you're born again,
you are in the new covenant.
You're not a Gentile.
You're not separated from God.
So both Jews and Gentiles will be judged fairly based on the light they received.
Gentiles are judged by the law written in their hearts.
Jews are judged by the letter of the law.
And what this does is it demonstrates God's fairness,
his impartiality.
There's no favor to it.
That's right. And it means that both jews and gentiles
need a savior the jews don't get a special dispensation and say well we don't need jesus
you know uh which some people even though they may not come outside come right out and say it subtle subtly teach it that the jews have one uh path of
salvation everybody else has a different path of salvation you know this levels the playing field
for both jews and gentiles law no law you're you've sinned you've you're condemned law or no law you're condemned
um verse 12 says the Gentiles perish without law
meaning they face condemnation for violating the natural law but the jews are judged by the law
so their sins are evaluated by the standards of the written mosaic law
gentiles perish jews are judged
you notice the difference uh so what's that that's a good point i hadn't thought about that before yes
perish without law means they face condemnation for violating the natural law. Judged by the law means that their sins
are judged by the standards
of the written law.
And that written law was given by
direct revelation of God.
So whether you've had direct revelation of God
or not,
you're still held accountable.
Yes. All of it came directly
from God.
So the Gentiles
who lack
the written law are not
excused from accountability
because the natural law within their conscience provides them with moral guidance.
And so, therefore, God judges their sins accordingly.
What this reveals is that ignorance of the law does not exempt anyone from responsibility.
Don't we have that in court today?
Judges say ignorance of the law is no excuse.
The law is the law.
Now, Jews, on the other hand, have the law is the law now Jews on the other hand have the law and so
they're held to a higher standard yes and this is yeah a great dog now I was
gonna say and keep in mind that the law was a direct revelation from God you
know I think creation itself is a direct revelation, but when we talk about the law,
we're talking about God went out of his way to say to Moses and the people of God,
this is my standard. So they had a different revelation than just general creation.
And like you said, they had a greater responsibility now, not just to the evidence of creation, but to the direct revelation of God.
And yet, you cannot keep the law.
You never could.
It was impossible to keep it.
And so even the law itself, both creation for the Gentiles
and the law for the Jews both pointed everybody for,
first of all, that they were sinners and that they needed salvation.
They did not have it in themselves.
You couldn't look at creation and say it.
You couldn't look at the law and say it.
You need salvation.
That's what it was meant to do, to point us to a savior. So if you look at these two, at the comparison of Gentiles and Jews,
the Gentiles were not exempt from the law because even though they didn't know the law,
they had an inner conscience that told them what was right
and wrong that's right so they had no knowledge of the law but they did have a knowledge of right
and wrong the jews have knowledge of the law and so possession of the law is insufficient without obedience.
Yes, and that's what is pointed out in verse 13.
It says, you can't just say, I heard the law.
You have to be a doer of the law.
So both groups, Gentiles and Jews, are still required to obey God.
At the bottom, at the end of the day,
it means obey God.
Whichever group you're in, obey God.
The term judged for the Jews,
it's speaking of a process of evaluation under the law. They're judged according to the law.
But the Gentiles perish.
And that's a condemnation without reference to the law both both groups face condemnation
unless redeemed by the blood of christ which they can only access through faith in jesus
so the law is pushing all humanity
to the cross
God's judgment
the knowledge
and the resources that each
individual had
so the Gentiles
lack the written law
and are not judged by it,
but they have the moral law written on their hearts.
The Jews have the law
and they face stricter judgment
because their knowledge of God's will
was even more explicit.
So the Jews are held to a higher standard
their judgment is more severe yes i don't understand all these christian zionists that
want to be jews like are you serious why would I want to put myself in that position?
Nothing against the Jewish people, but why would I want to make myself subject to the law?
But there are a lot of people that want to do it.
Which means they don't understand.
They don't understand the gospel.
The bottom line is that both groups are accountable for their deeds.
That's what you need to take away from this.
There's no excuse.
And God's judgment is fair.
He doesn't favor one group over the other.
Gentiles face condemnation,
but their punishment is proportionate to their knowledge.
They are not judged for failing to keep the law,
but for violating the moral law
the natural law Jews faced judgment
because they had received the law so they held to a higher standard let's go to verse 13 for
not the hearers of the law
are just before God but the doers
of the law shall be justified
so right away
merely hearing the law
or having access to divine revelation can justify
anyone before God
so you know Doc I know we said this last week
to me the book of Romans with his emphasis on the law
I mean you're writing to Romans.
Why are you writing to the church in Rome about the law?
The only explanation can be there were a lot of Jews in the church of Rome.
Why else?
You would think that the church ofome is all gentiles who were saved
apparently there are a lot of jews in rome who believed in jesus and yet were struggling with
judaism they still had you know change to judaism because he writes the whole this whole letters about the law you would
think he would have wrote this letter to the church in Jerusalem so what he's doing, and Paul, the model Jew himself, he's addressing the Jewish misconception that they had a privileged position that guaranteed them righteousness in the eyes of God.
Right. He's bursting that bubble
that because you're born a Jew,
you're an upper class citizen
in the eyes of God
and everybody else is lower.
He's saying if you don't keep the law,
you're no different than the Gentiles
that's right
there's not one person
who can keep the law
he says hearers of the law
he's talking about
synagogue meetings.
The rabbis are quoting the law.
He's talking to the people that go to
synagogue. He said, you're a hearer
of the law.
Doc, were there still, were there
Christians who were still going to synagogue
in Rome?
And there was nothing wrong with
going to synagogue, but
their faith could not be
on their ability to keep
the law.
That's the thing. Now
it's in Christ. That, you know, the law was That's the thing. Now it's in Christ. The law was meant to bring the Jewish people to a
place where they would recognize we cannot keep the law in ourselves. The only way that we can
be justified, this is what the law was meant to do, it's meant to be a school teacher, the only way we can be justified is by recognizing we can't keep the law, and we need
divine help, if you are divine salvation, to save us from what we're already condemned of.
If we don't keep, if we haven't kept the law, we're condemned. If we don't keep the law,
we're condemned.
What hope is there?
Our only hope is in God
and his mercy and grace
that it should teach them
that God had a plan
to provide for mercy and grace,
knowing his people would fall short.
And he did provide it
through his son, Jesus Christ.
That's right.
So the principle is the doers of the law shall be justified.
And what it means is that only those who perfectly
and consistently obey the law will be declared righteous.
Which is outside the realm of possibility.
And only one was able to do that.
There's only been one who has done that.
And that was Christ himself.
That's right.
Again, this is why you have to be in Christ.
When you are in Christ,
you and Christ are one.
And God has declared him perfect
and that he kept the law,
fulfilled the law.
And if you're in Christ,
then you are perfect
and have kept the law. If you're in christ then you are perfect and have kept the law if you're outside
of christ you're out here with the jews and the gentiles right you're on your own now
that's why you want to be in christ it's it's got a lot of benefits
um benefits um the term justified refers to to being declared righteous like in a courtroom
innocent a judge declares somebody innocent that person person walks away. There's no charges against them.
When you're justified,
you walk out of heaven's court innocent.
It means you have not broken the law.
That's really justified means
you in the eyes of God have not broken the law.
And the only way to be justified is to be in Christ.
But all of your faith in Jesus Christ and what he did,
you and I don't have to do anything to earn eternal life.
That's right.
All we have to do is so easy.
All you have to do is put your faith in what Christ did for you.
He did the heavy lifting.
He did all the hard work.
And it's done.
He said it's finished
well if it's finished
why you want to pick up the
hammer and start working again
it's finished
the work of salvation is finished
it's been finished for 2000 years
and yet there's still
you know
religions even in the christian faiths that are still
pushing people towards works yes doc you know if because of your connection
in the philippines you know every easter there are fil Filipinos that have themselves beaten by Christ, flogged, scourged.
What are you doing?
I've actually seen it, Rick, where they nail hands and feet to a cross.
And so that's how far they'll go in their religious devotion.
But it doesn't matter how many times you've been nailed to a cross as a human.
You're still in need of a savior, the one who died on the cross for you.
That's what religion does to people.
That's right.
If those Filipinos understood what we're teaching here today,
they would never put themselves through such a torture.
That's right.
I had my hands nailed for this.
No, there's only one man had to have his hands and feet nailed.
That's right.
And he did it for all of us.
And the price was paid. It finished it is finished it is finished so um what paul is doing here he's he's establishing
the impossibility of perfect obedience to the law.
He's like a lawyer, all right, a lawyer in the law.
What do lawyers practice?
The law.
So Paul is like a Jewish lawyer,
and he's laying the foundation of his case and he's establishing
the impossibility of perfect obedience
to the law.
So he would be looking at a courtroom
saying everybody in here is guilty.
None are righteous. None none all are guilty according to this law so he's obviously there's a mental block here with the people he's writing to
apparently they they they the roman some of the Roman Christians thought that they were still obligated to be perfect in the law.
So he's setting the stage to understand.
He's paving the way to teach about justification through faith in christ
that righteousness is a gift of grace not human effort
he just keeps returning to the fact that both jews and gentiles are judged according
to their revelation they receive.
Verse 14.
Dr. was there anything you wanted to say about 13 before I move on?
Oh no, I think we've already said it.
Verse 14. For when the Gentiles, which have not the law,
do by nature the things contained in the law
these having not the law are a law unto themselves
he's talking like a lawyer yes
um so
verses 14 and 15 go together
what this verse illustrates
is the fairness of divine judgment.
Paul is teaching that whether you're Jew or Gentile,
you have been granted sufficient moral guidance to be held accountable.
Go ahead, Doc.
No, I was going to say an example of that this uh and this isn't every
gentile but let's say an atheist okay it's the atheist trap so you say to an atheist
what's right and wrong and they say well you know your conscience determines what's right and wrong
and actually now that is confirming what Paul is saying here,
that there is something innate within humanity that judges between right and wrong.
Now we may have various degrees of judgment on that,
but there's the idea at least within every human heart
that some things are wrong and some things are
right and even an atheist will recognize that yes you know we see it often with um soldiers
returning home from war and they start having severe emotional problems
because they witnessed or participated in things
that they now know was wrong.
You know, I'm reading stories that a lot of the Israeli soldiers are having stress issues
because of the slaughter of
Palestinians who were not soldiers, not combatants, not
Hamas fighters, just citizens. Because your
conscience is telling them what you did was wrong.
You burned down houses with people in it.
You shot children.
And now their consciences are gripping them.
And they can't get relief
because they know what they did was wrong.
So the Gentiles are described as not having a law we keep going back to the same theme
they lack the written revelation given to the people of Israel
but they
possess an innate sense of morality
the law written in their hearts They possess an innate sense of morality.
The law written in their hearts.
The phrase, do by nature the things of the law,
indicates that some Gentiles naturally fulfill aspects of the law through Paul saying sometimes the
Gentiles are keeping the law they don't even know it they don't even realize it
but they're doing by nature the things of the law.
He's not suggesting that the Gentiles perfectly obey the law,
but occasionally
their moral
reveal the existence
of a moral compass inside of them,
corresponds to the divine law and principles
um without the law gentiles become a law unto themselves and are condemned
what does that mean doc that means that they've set the standard they'll be judged by that
standard and at the end on the final date they'll be found wanting because no one even even if the
law is written in your heart not on a tablet of stone you can't keep it you you fall short
all have sin paul later says in chapter 3.
All have sin and fall short of the glory of God.
All, Jew, Gentile, red, black, green, purple, whatever.
All have sin and come short of the glory of God.
So, what Paul's teaching is that the law is written in the hearts of Gentiles.
That's a natural revelation and it's sufficient to hold them accountable,
but insufficient for salvation.
You got enough knowledge to be held accountable,
but that doesn't save you.
Paul is also affirming the existence of universal moral truths that is available in every human.
So that even without Holy Scripture, people are aware of justice, honesty,
the virtues that God desires people to live by.
Get to verse 15.
And show the work of the law written in their hearts,
their conscience always bearing witness,
and their thoughts the mean while accusing
or else excusing one another.
All right, so this refers to the moral requirements of God's law,
distinguishing right from wrong.
It does not mean a complete knowledge of the Mosaic Law, but the awareness of the universal moral code that is in each person. So these principles, even though they are obscured by sin remain present
remnants of God's
original design for humanity
going all the way
back to the garden
and the garden
is a good example there Rick
they didn't have a written law
Bible says Abraham kept the commandments And the garden is a good example there, Rick. They didn't have a written law. No.
The Bible says Abraham kept the commandments.
That's a fascinating verse.
Abraham lived, what, 400 years before Moses?
How could he keep the commandments?
There must have been some commandments.
Noah was a preacher of righteousness.
How did you know what was righteous?
What about Methuselah?
He was a preacher.
What was he preaching, Doc?
I mean, if you went to a church meeting and Pastor Methuselah was leading the service, what was he talking about?
There was no law.
That's right.
The knowledge of God was passed down from Adam and Eve to each generation remember Adam lived to his 900 years old right he told the
story over and over on the other side on the other side of being kicked out of the garden.
How many times did Adam put his hands up to his face and go,
I'm so sorry.
I messed it up for everybody.
How long?
He lived 900 years. He told the story over and over people knew about the garden yes because adam and eve were there for he was there for at least 900 years
so many generations heard about the garden of Eden, heard about the maker, the creator.
They heard the story of creation.
They heard about the original sin.
They heard about the serpent.
This was passed down.
And one of my favorite verses, Rick, one of the very first ones I memorized when I was 15, is Hebrews 4.2.
For unto us was the gospel preached, as well as unto them.
But the word preached did not profit them, not being mixed with faith, and then they heard it.
So who was the gospel preached to?
The gospel was preached to us, but Paul says it was
also preached unto them. Who was the
them? Well, he was talking specifically
about the people
of Israel in the wilderness.
The gospel was preached to them.
What gospel?
Jesus and the cross?
Is that the gospel that
was preached to them?
What gospel was preached to them? What gospel was preached to them?
I have to come to the conclusion based on this passage in Romans
that both law or no law or the law of conscience
both drive us to a point where we absolutely realize
that we're bankrupt because of our sin and that we need a savior.
Yes. Whether it's the garden, whether it's in the wilderness, whether it's today, we have to come to a point where we
recognize we are sinners. We cannot save ourselves. We can't keep the law enough to save ourselves.
We need a savior. Yes. So the conscience is our internal judge.
God gave us a conscience.
And the conscience is judging our actions and our thoughts.
The conscience accuses and excuses.
The conscience accuses, accuses ourselves of guilt and wrongdoing. providing moral justification
and approval
when we
when our actions
align with
what is
recognized standards of good
so we have a conscience
placed in us by God
that's a judge
telling us what's right and wrong.
You say, well, what about people that have no conscience?
Well, they had one, but they seared it.
There you go.
They're still held accountable.
How do you sear it?
You continue sinning and telling your conscience to shut up yes okay you're telling
your inner judge shut up i don't want to hear it i'm going to do this and little by little you're
burning you're searing you're searing your conscience to the point that it's encrusted in a giant scab.
It can't function anymore.
And that's how you have these people now.
There's like, are they there?
How do you go into into school and shoot children?
What have you done to your conscience?
So the Gentiles has a law unto themselves
the exercise of conscience and moral reasoning
proves that Gentiles even though they don't have a law
possess a moral standard
and that standard is sufficient to hold them accountable to God's justice
Paul's not saying that this law unto themselves uh is sufficient for salvation he's he's saying
that there's an awareness of morality that is validates God's right to judge them
verse 16 in the day when God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel.
So this verse, verse 16,
this is the culmination of Paul's
point that he's making about God's judgment.
The previous verses explained how individuals are judged based on their knowledge of the law
or their innate knowledge of natural law but now Paul moves on to the day when God shall judge the secrets
of men by Jesus Christ according to my gospel yes so both Gentiles and Jews, for the argument here that Paul is making,
both are judged by Jesus.
And Jesus said his word would judge us.
So Jews will be judged by the new covenant. though they don't read it it's still going to be judged by it
that's right that's why people if you say you love the jews and i do we all love the jews
if you love the jews you'll tell them about jesus you'll tell them about the new covenant if you love them.
To not tell them is to not love them. That's right. It's not love. They're going
to be judged by the new covenant. They're not going to be judged by the old
covenant. They're going to be judged by the new covenant. And so are you and me.
So this phrase, in the day when
God shall judge judge obviously speaking about the day of judgment
the final day when every individual will stand before god and all hidden motives actions thoughts
will be exposed that right there is enough to make you crawl under the bed. Just think about that.
Every hidden action, all motives, all thoughts will be exposed.
The secrets of men.
And don't men love secrets, Rick?
They do.
So God judges the secrets of men and women.
He reveals their true nature,
the true essence of their hearts.
The real you,
the real you and me will be revealed to God,
revealed by God.
He already knows it. It will be revealed to god revealed by god he already knows it it will be revealed by god
and judgment will be executed by jesus christ that's right his father divinely appointed as
the judge right so john 5 22 says the father is not going to judge anybody but he has reserved judgment to his son jesus that's right so jesus has two
two roles he's savior and judge which one do you want
all right i want to go with the savior yes
because I am I'm putting all my faith
into this belief
that my file folder will be empty
that I will be declared justified
that the judge will say
what are you doing here?
Go. You're innocent go
isn't that what you wanted to hear the judge say
go so you want to live every hour of the day
in christ your faith in him justifies you.
The judgment will be
according to my gospel.
Doc, any doc any any uh understanding about why paul said my gospel you know uh different uh commentators
have different opinions on i think of just a natural expression of just Paul saying this gospel that I'm preaching. It's not, it's not his personal version of the gospel,
but this gospel, listen, I've, I've presented this before.
I've, I've laid out the case for this, uh,
or you've heard this gospel there in Rome. Uh, and so,
uh, that's going to be the standard. The standard is going to be, what is the standard the standard is going to be what is the gospel
i mean what what is the gospel the gospel is the good news that you're a sinner but you can be
saved through christ christ alone that's it that's the essence of the gospel right there recognizing
that you're a sinner and you need to be saved.
And so that's at the heart of everything that Paul preaches.
So the essence of verse 16 is God will judge all people, Jews and Gentiles, by exposing their hidden actions, thoughts, and motives.
Across the board, everybody.
Number two, Jesus Christ is the one and only divinely appointed judge.
And he will execute judgment with perfect justice and knowledge number three the gospel not only offers salvation but it
also offers a warning of coming judgment yes and that is to motivate us to respond to that warning in faith and obedience. And I guess number four, I would say
it is
the message is
live right before God.
nothing is hidden
from his sight. Nothing.
It's just nothing.
He sees all.
We've got a couple minutes here.
I want to tell a true story.
I wasn't there, but I know this story is true.
Years ago, my son Jeremy, first time he went to the Philippines,
he was going there.
He was at that time of his life, he was pursuing stories about Noah's flood.
And what I mean by that is that many primitive tribes have their own version of the flood.
And they usually, they dovetail with the biblical version.
You know, there's enough facts in the tribal version that you could say, you know,
that's getting pretty close to the biblical version it doesn't mean that the tribal version is real and different it just means
all these tribes have heard the story
so he was pursuing this he was going around the world finding these tribes and recording these stories so he heard about a tribe in the
philippines and i forget the island you probably would know i i forget the islands are very remote
island and um he actually he lived with him for two weeks okay now here's what happened the way he found out about him because he was communicating
with a filipino missionary when wasn't american it was a filipino who was going out into the wilderness to these tribes and i remember jeremy saying that
uh when they got off the last paved road they walked 50 miles through the jungle
walked 50 miles okay so he was carrying his gear and cameras, everything, 50 miles through the jungle.
But here's why he made the trip.
This missionary told him, and this is firsthand from the missionary.
This missionary said that the Lord had sent him to this region.
And he was on his way to find that tribe. And on the path to the village, he encountered a group of young women.
And one of the young women was pregnant and was actually in childbirth, but having complications.
And they had stopped on the trail and she was giving birth, but the baby wouldn't come out.
And this missionary
prayed for them,
prayed for the girl,
proclaimed the name of Jesus.
And the baby was born.
Those of jesus okay and the baby was born those those young ladies went back to the village and told the story okay what what he didn't know until he went to he went back he what he did he left
he went back home a couple weeks later he left, he went back home.
A couple of weeks later, the Lord said,
go back to that village.
You never completed a trip.
Go to the village.
So he made the final trip,
made it all the way to the village.
And when he got there,
he was carrying his Bible with him.
And when the people saw him,
the entire village came out and fell down on their knees,
and he's like wondering,
what is going on here?
The chief told him,
and they were able to put this together
by the time of the day,
that weeks earlier when he shouted the name Jesus to the pregnant girl,
in that village, there was this huge old tree that the tribe worshipped as a god.
And the tree fell over,
fell on the ground.
At the moment he said Jesus,
now, where am I going with this?
The tribe had an oral tradition
about a great flood
that happened long ago
that the earth filled up with water.
And according to their tradition, Doc,
their ancestors had a black book
that had the commandments of god in it
and the great flood washed away the book
and their prophets told them told their ancestors someday
the great spirit in the sky will send a man carrying a black book.
And when he arrives, do whatever he says.
That missionary had no idea.
He went walking in there with a black book.
That tribe had been waiting for thousands of years for this man to show up with this black book
that's a true story see it was inside that tribe
that there was a god and he had commandments right
and they held on to the story and waited for the arrival of the man with the black book
we're without excuse we're without excuse without excuse that's right so I can tell you that that's a true story because it my son went there he met with the tribe
and by the way the entire tribe got saved the entire tribe became christians
and they had a um they had a practice and i forget what they called it um but it was uh their own sense of justice
where somebody somebody broke the tribal law um
whether in the tribe or outside the tribe they were they were permitted to execute that person
okay they gave it up when they became christians they gave it up when they became Christians
they gave it up
because they knew it was wrong
their conscience told them
this is wrong don't do this anymore
because they had the Holy Spirit in them
primitive jungle people
but the Holy Spirit came in them because they're humans.
All right.
I don't know what you're saying, Reinhard.
One cannot be saved.
I don't know what that means because you better believe you can be saved.
Yes, you are saved.
Saved by faith in Christ.
That's what this entire Bible study is about.
You can be saved by faith in Christ.
Not by your behavior, not by the things you do, but by faith in Jesus Christ. Because if we could save ourselves by doing something,
we wouldn't need Christ.
So you're saying by one's behavior?
Are you saying nobody can be saved by their behavior?
If you're saying that, yeah, that's true.
You can only be saved by faith in Christ.
Somebody I just saw asks, is the death penalty wrong?
I believe it is.
As a Christian, I believe it is.
No politician will say it,
but it is.
Let me ask you,
would you execute a prisoner yourself?
Would you do it?
How come executioners end up going crazy?
So many of them do.
Because they killed so many human beings and they're there I know
yes people are asking what about pedophiles okay these are tough questions yeah I'm I'm
of the opinion to Rick that the death penalty is, for the Christian, it's not an option.
If it's not an option in the womb, it shouldn't be in the tomb either.
And so that's me.
And that's just based, I know that there are laws that have to be enforced in a country, but that doesn't mean i have to be a fan of them so um
would you if you were a prison correctional official would you push the button that
turns on the electric chair yes if you were a prison doctor, would you inject the poison?
Would you do it?
So everybody's saying no.
Well, then it must be wrong.
Think about that.
There's something inside of you that says that's wrong.
I should do that.
All right.
But you want somebody else
to do it.
Okay. That's another
That's another lesson. You know, I've got to say this.
The book
of Romans, for me, has always
been a
difficult book.
I never really...
I'll be honest, Doc, I never really got
excited reading the book of Romans
because I felt it was like
really dry
and legalistic.
It feels daunting at times, doesn't it?
Yes, because Paul
was talking like a lawyer.
His brilliant
mind was
on display.
What do you think now, Rick?
This time I am thoroughly enjoying it.
Because with this class, what you're doing,
this class is making me study a book
that I really never wanted to study.
I like the miracles.
I like this. You know, that's where I like. I like to go over there in the Gospels and read about the miracles i like this you know that's where i like i like to go over there
in the gospels read about the miracles okay i like the parables they're just things you know
romans was always one of those like oh that was a tough one feels like a college course doesn't it
yes yes and it is i mean really paul is teaching at a very high level here
and you romans is a great book for doctrine and for foundational teaching and uh because as we
move along through romans uh paul just peels back layer by layer on this. And then he throws down the hammer
by about the time we get to Romans chapter six and seven
and says, all right, now I'm going to show you the way.
And it's really beautiful the way he lays it out.
So I'm looking forward as we move forward,
especially when we hit chapter three.
Chapter three is going to be pretty deep and so
and then six once we get through and figure out israel who's israel that's that's going to help
a lot of people on this uh bible study i guarantee you yes yeah i'm looking forward to that part. These first couple chapters are tough.
And thank the 360 people who showed up this morning
for this class to make me study.
Praise God.
All right, everyone.
Well, it's Monday, beginning of a new week.
And we appreciate you joining us.
And be sure to join us tomorrow 8 a.m. for
we're going to continue in
Romans chapter 2 but don't miss
the opportunity to tune in later
on to the God cast and
we're going to have headlines for
you today to help discern what's happening
in the world compare it with the word of
God there's no need for
the believer to fear what's happening in the world
around us but
having the information helps us to
information, the biggest part of preparation
is information.
And you've got to first prepare your
soul for eternity before you do anything
else. Amen?
Amen. Love you. See you tomorrow.
God bless you, everyone. We'll see you tomorrow god bless you everyone we'll see you tomorrow all right bye