TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - MARK OF THE BEZOS: Amazon’s Palm Vein Scanner Freaks Out Christians

Episode Date: April 22, 2021

Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall reports on the latest efforts to implement a global identification system, fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation 13. New pay-with-your-palm and facial recognitio...n technology are providing an opportunity for ruling oligarchs to control the populations of nations. The team also examines the latest on NATO’s aggression towards Russia, as Putin produces a phantom inflatable army to dupe the West. Finally, Israel’s impenetrable Iron Dome defense may have been compromised, as an ‘errant’ missile nearly hits the infamous Dimona nuclear development site. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/22/21)

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for Thursday, April 22nd, 2021. I'm Edward Saul. Amazon oligarch Jeff Bezos has unveiled a payment system forcing customers to use their palms to pay for groceries. Debuting this week in a Seattle Whole Foods, the pay-by-palm scanners analyze, produce, and store a palm signature for each customer, which can only be deleted once you've paid off your debts to Amazon. Amazon didn't move much today, but it's rolling out biometric technology at its Whole Foods stores here in Seattle. It lets you pay for items with just a
Starting point is 00:01:11 swipe of your palm. They call the system Amazon One. It links a credit card with your palm print, giving you a way to pay without touching anything. The technology, it's different than the cashier less system at Whole Foods and Amazon stores, which you still use your credit card for. Selling overpriced avocados and transitioning inner-city drones into contactless payers is not the end goal for the Mark of the Bezos. No. He wants to see biometric buying and selling in a stadium, office building, and retailer near you. Jesus comes soon. Joining me to discuss this story and more
Starting point is 00:01:45 are True News founder Rick Walls and Doc Burkhart. Hey, Edward. So we're going to pay for our groceries by waving our hand over a scanner. And we're letting them store all that data, specifically our thumbprints, our vein structure in our hands. Well, I want to congratulate Jeff Bezos for verifying that the Holy Bible is true.
Starting point is 00:02:10 Yes. And this is... We know which side he's on, Doc. Right. And this is something we've talked about on True News for two decades. And I know one of the programs I listened to before coming on board here, you know, this is when I was just a True News listener, was you talking about people going to supermarkets
Starting point is 00:02:31 and waving their hand over a scanner. And as we were reviewing this morning, I'm just thinking, I remember listening to True News then. Yeah, 10, 12 years ago. 10, 12 years ago, yes. Been talking about this stuff. I mean, where it was actually introduced. We were talking about it at the beginning of True News in 1999.
Starting point is 00:02:50 Right. You know, first it was the RFID microchips that came out. And then the palm scanners were introduced in schools and so forth. But now it's being rolled out into the general public. And it's been in the making for a long time. Here's Seattle Times, Amazon expanding. Look at that.
Starting point is 00:03:15 Pay with your hand technology to Seattle area Whole Foods stores. It's right out of the Bible, out of the revelation of Jesus Christ, the mark of the beast. Pay with your hand. I don't know, Doc, what we have to say to doubters, to cynical people who say, well, I don't know about Bible prophecy.
Starting point is 00:03:45 You know, I'm really into technology. This looks pretty cool. The Bible was written thousands of years ago. How would they know about something like this? Well, the devil loves a doubting Thomas. Like this is right in front of you. You can't deny it. This is something that's gonna be already in Seattle, but will be in your hometown. And they'll be using it for tax
Starting point is 00:04:08 collecting. They'll be using it for various other conveniences. But it's not convenient to your eternal destination, your eternal salvation, because the Bible is very clear about this kind of technology. We are on a fast track now. We are on a fast track. This is moving fast. We're on a fast track now. We are on a fast track. This is moving fast. We're on a, I mean, this is, this is grease lightning.
Starting point is 00:04:33 We're headed towards the arrival of Jesus Christ. But before Jesus Christ comes back, the one that is called Antichrist, son of perdition, he first must appear. Now, if you believe the rapture people, they've got it reversed. They say, well, no, the church is raptured. Then the Antichrist appears. Yes.
Starting point is 00:04:57 You sure about that? You want to bet your hand on it? Yeah. You want to bet your hand? Yeah. And I think privately, a lot of these rapture teachers are privately, they're nervous. They know, hey, it's not going down the way we told people it was going to happen. Well, that's a great part about having a chart is you can always print new charts. So you can update them. and they have updated them yes their prophecy their prophecy charge but if they were right we should have we have we should have been raptured years ago so now
Starting point is 00:05:30 here we are and to go buy groceries at whole foods you're going to have to wave your hand right and so what if i don't want to wave my hand well eventually you won't be able to shop at Whole Foods because their plan is to eliminate all kind of any kind of payment with contact at all. So someone might say, well, why not just use your debit card or your credit card? They don't want you to use your debit card or your credit card because at some point you have to touch something, touch somebody or touch a machine. They don't want you to do that at all. They want total contactless payment. And once they get that established across the Whole Foods platform, let's face it, it'll be a success. I mean, we already know it's gonna be a success.
Starting point is 00:06:19 They'll make it a success because Whole Foods is a premier brand, people wanna shop there, it's classy. Like Edward said, you pay twice for avocados, but people still like to shop there. People get on board with this because they love it. But you need to be careful not to be seduced by this alleged convenience. It's not more secure. In this case, if one person wanted to defraud this, they would start printing other people's hand signatures. And you'd have to just wave that under the machine. I'm sure fraudsters can find ways to beat this.
Starting point is 00:06:51 But that's not even why we saw this story. We saw this story because of the spiritual implications of it. I'm not so sure about printing a copy of somebody's palm. I mean a 3D printed copy. That's what I mean. It's with a synthetic substance. I can think right now you could print just like a Hollywood set.
Starting point is 00:07:08 You print a synthetic version with a layering of veins underneath that resemble that of the hand signature. You could do that if you hack this system. They claim, by the way, that all biometric data will be separated inside the Amazon cloud. And don't worry, it'll never be hacked.
Starting point is 00:07:23 Never. That's what we've been told with everything from our Pentagon nuclear codes to Hunter Biden's laptop. So if Amazon is introducing this in Whole Foods, which they purchased several years ago, so if this becomes the way in a physical bricks and mortar store, the way for you to purchase your groceries.
Starting point is 00:07:47 Is Amazon also moving towards contactless palm vein scanning in the home to purchase products from Amazon? Well, that would be a natural integration of things, wouldn't it? I mean, why, you know, it would eliminate credit card fraud. I mean, think about that. Someone could be using your Amazon Prime account and someone could hack into it. Right now, there's nothing to hack anymore. Right. And so now they'd have to hack your hand. And I hadn't thought about the 3D printing technology there. I'm sure they have already thought of that too. I love what you said, Rick.
Starting point is 00:08:27 Reading about this today, especially the blog post that Amazon put out, they're looking for total platform integration. What they mean by this is that they already have the Alexa. That's their smart device that is in home. And the device they're using, it's called the Amazon One. That's the scanner. If you look at it, it's not that much larger than an Alexa. The technology is not that much different. It's actually cheaper if you compare not about you being in your home, but about your friend's home. What about out at another place, another country? As long as there's an Amazon device and Alexa for you to scan your hand,
Starting point is 00:09:16 your ID is there with you. You know, 20 years ago, Rick, when we talked about RFID technology rolling out, I still remember then, you know, where they were talking about, we're going to put a chip in your hand or they're going to put a chip in your head. And it always kind of got to me as well, there's going to be just a limited amount of data that they can hold on it. I mean, it's amazing how much they can store on small devices now, but it always got to me that, you know, there would be a limit of health information or financial information that could go on a microchip in either place. By using the palm as, you know, as your way in or a biometric, let's say facial recognition that ties into with
Starting point is 00:09:58 revelation 13. And suddenly all that data is not stored with you physically anywhere. All your data now is stored in where? The Amazon cloud. Unlimited information about you. Everything about your health, about your shopping activities, your search profile online, your shopping profile online. Everything that's you online is now stored, and it has an unlimited capacity of storage. Think about that. Yeah. And Amazon's in possession of all that data. Yes. Worldwide. You mentioned, Doc, that years ago you heard me talking about palm vein scanners and believe it or not, they were first introduced into public schools. They started testing palm vein readers on school children. This story is from 2012. Florida schools use palm vein
Starting point is 00:11:01 for lunch payments. So you've got children. Look at this little boy in this 2012 photo. All right, so that's almost 10 years ago now. So he grew up in a world where if you wanted your milk and your macaroni and cheese for lunch, you had to be scanned. Yes. So there's nothing freaky to this young man. He's a young man now. And I heard you talking about this on True News.
Starting point is 00:11:33 I remember when we were doing our editorial meeting this morning, and I said to you guys, well, they've had that around for years. And then Rick said, yeah, I reported on it. And I said, that's one of the first shows. You know what bothered me then, Doc? Parents were accepting it. And that's one of the first shows. You know what bothered me then, Doc? Parents were accepting it. Right. Christian, church-going parents did not protest. They didn't go to the school board and say, never, no way.
Starting point is 00:11:55 You are not going to indoctrinate my children to scan their hands to make a purchase. There was no response from the Christians in America. They just rolled over and accepted it. And they accepted the convenience of it. They accepted the speed at which, you know, increased lunch lines. This is a story out of patch. This is from 2011. And Palm scans speed up lunch lines. Well, you don't want to be waiting around in a lunch line. You don't want your kids waiting in a lunch line all day. Why not just have them scan your hand? And, folks, this is from 2011.
Starting point is 00:12:34 Well, to credit to where you grew up, Rick, there was some pushback in Maryland. The Baltimore Sun, an article I found today from 2012, spoke about one of the main companies. It was called Palm Secure. Now, they were in Louisiana and Mississippi, Florida, and even up in Baltimore. But there was a parent, Mike Richmond. He had two kids. He's quoted in this article as saying,
Starting point is 00:12:57 I'm concerned about it. I know it's the way of the future, but it's fingerprinting. It's palm printing. The only difference to this now is it's contactless. It's not, you're touching something. And what's facilitated that is the pandemic. Without the pandemic, Jesus would not be able to sell this to the American public. Yeah, that was Carroll County, Maryland schools. A small, well, it was rural, it's not rural anymore. It's not a major urban area.
Starting point is 00:13:30 It's really now a suburb of Baltimore. But Carroll County, the fact that they introduced it in a small rural county 10 years know, 10 years ago. Right. And there was only one citizen, one parent who spoke up. Again, where were the pastors? They were fighting for Israel. Yes. They were trying to get the capital moved, or the embassy moved to Jerusalem.
Starting point is 00:14:02 They were fighting for the state of Israel. That's what the evangelical pastors were doing in America. They were rooting for war. They wanted war in the Middle East. They've been doing all the wrong things for years. And the devil came into the school systems and trained their children, their church-going Bible Sunday school attending children to be scanned and got them ready for the beast system.
Starting point is 00:14:32 Now it's here. It's right in your face. You know what else they were doing? They were going to the movies to see Left Behind. They were reading Tim LaHaye Left Behind books. They were going to prophecy conferences to talk about the mark of the beast and the Antichrist. Talking about all the things that were going to happen after. After they were raptured.
Starting point is 00:14:52 It always bugs me why they were talking about things that were happening after the rapture. You didn't need to know about it if the rapture was real, right? That's right. So I guess in order to, in case you were unsaved sitting there now, at least you'll know after we're all gone, you'll know what the mark of the beast is. That never made sense to me. Another school system, this is in Georgia. This is a story from 2013. Talks about high school cafeterias go high tech using palm scanning technology.
Starting point is 00:15:18 So this is back, way back in 2013. So this has been around for a while. But something that caught my attention in this article, Rick, and I would guess that there'd be some people today that would say, well, yeah, they're using that Palm technology and everything, but just for shopping, it's just for that information. But there was a quote out of this article that caught my attention. This is from 2013. It says, it's a quick and easy way to help expedite the time spent in the lunch line to purchase meals and helps to ensure accurate, efficient identification of students, funds and reports. But this is what caught my attention.
Starting point is 00:15:52 In the past, if a child did not have their student ID, the cashier would have to search for the student's name and account number, which could take up to a minute or longer. Now they could get it in four seconds. And this was 2013. So they were storing identifying information to the purchase. Okay. So for the naysayers out there say, well, it's only for shopping. It's only for this. They are creating identification features with this data, with the shopping data.
Starting point is 00:16:21 And it's just a hop, skip and a jump until you can neither buy nor sell without the mark of the Bezos. Yes. And the other thing I see in this, guys, is that all these articles that we're looking at, going back to 2011, all the testing on humans were done, testing was done on children, on high school students in public schools.
Starting point is 00:16:50 Yes. They did all the testing on children in public schools. They trained the children, if you want to eat, you have to be scanned. Now those children are adults shopping at Whole Foods. And they're told if you want to eat. So now they're telling these young adults, if you want your food, you have to be scanned. But there's nothing odd to these young adults because they were scanned in school. Yes.
Starting point is 00:17:20 You're the one who's odd for complaining about it, Doc. For even questioning. What's wrong with you? That's their mindset because they've been indoctrinated. They've been brought into the beast system, and the churches in America did nothing. Absolutely nothing. Franklin Graham.
Starting point is 00:17:40 Let's go down the list. John Hagee. Paula White. Paula White. T.D. Jakes. T.D. Jakes. A whole list of them did squat, did nothing but build their religious empire. Stephen Strang, all of them, they built the religious empire while Satan built his beast system. And they foolishly told their followers, you don't have to
Starting point is 00:18:08 worry about this. You're going to be raptured and taken away. Well, the rapture doctrine was false. And if you want to know, just read my book. I put two chapters in here about the origin of the false
Starting point is 00:18:24 rapture doctrine and where it comes from. Freemasonry. It's a Masonic lie. I personally convinced most of these rapture teachers are Masons. I can't prove it. It's just my gut feeling that most of them are Masons. So they hoodwinked the church and the Christians fell for it. Instead of reading the Bible, reading what Jesus said, reading what the apostles said, instead of reading their Bible, they listened to what John Hagee said. They listened to what Tim LaHaye said. At least Tim LaHaye had the honesty to say that his stuff was fiction.
Starting point is 00:19:04 Yes. You know, I mean, he gets a pass. Hey, it was all fiction. What I wrote is a fiction book, but people believed it. And the preachers, Perry Stone, Jeremiah, David Jeremiah in California, all these guys had been peddling this rapture doctrine.
Starting point is 00:19:25 They made a fortune on it, telling people, you don't have to worry about anything. You're going to be raptured and taken away. Well, where's the rapture? Yeah. Where is it? Still waiting. Now, I'm here telling you the hard, cold facts. We're going through tribulation.
Starting point is 00:19:43 And he who endures to the end shall be saved. I'm telling you the truth. I'm telling you, you need to be in Christ and you need to be prepared and ready to suffer for Christ. Boy, that's not a happy message.
Starting point is 00:20:04 It will sell books. It will save message. It will sell books. It'll save souls. It will save souls. And these rapture preachers are going to be held accountable by God for what they told people. There's going to be a lot of people who are going to walk away from their faith when the persecution starts. Persecution has already started. But wait until they can't buy food. It's almost here.
Starting point is 00:20:32 What's it going to be? Two years from now, all Whole Foods will be palm vein reading at the checkout? Oh, certainly. Maybe two years for the whole country? Yeah, already thousands have enrolled happily in the Seattle area. Especially if they can stretch the pandemic
Starting point is 00:20:48 out for a couple more years, they for sure will do that. Yeah, because, you know, the scanners, they get germs on them. Right. Well, and that's the idea for the new generation of these palm readers. You don't touch anything. They can scan it from a distance. And as a matter of fact, some of you brought up today, Rick, I didn't know there was a group out there that actually provided biometric updates until today. And the whole industry, I guess is there a website for everything that's new about biometrics. I've been reading that one for a long time, This year, so this is an article from today. It says, timely here, 2.5 million biometric payment
Starting point is 00:21:34 cards in 2021 could be the first step for future de facto payment type. Translation, they're going to get rid of the cards. All right. So what is a biometric payment card? It's a payment, it's a card that involves your fingerprint or another form of identifiable touch. It could be your hand, it could be part of your body. But it's in the card? It's embedded in the card? It's embedded in the card or the card's consistent database, which means their cloud database that the card's tied to.
Starting point is 00:22:06 They would ping, that would pull knowledge from when it's going through the payment. Now, we always think of it as your thumbprint, but they're getting so much more advanced than just that now. It's not even a card anymore, per se. And obviously, the POM, cashless, contactless method is the latest inception, but it can get way past that. The presence could become the payment. According to Biometric Update, two and a half million people using a card that has their biometric identifiers embedded in the card, in the cloud.
Starting point is 00:22:41 So, and that's by this year, Yes. Two and a half million this year. Guess what else they're doing? They're introducing facial recognition in restaurants. Yes, and specifically fast food restaurants around the country. So you are able, you don't have to bring in your card. If you're a member of the, let's say the McDonald's Club, where you've already provided your information and you've already registered and done all that, you can go in, let's say to a kiosk in your local McDonald's,
Starting point is 00:23:12 you want a Big Mac, you walk up to the kiosk, it reads your face, and you don't have to present a credit card, you don't have to do anything. That's where the future is taking it. And what you just said about reading your face, this picture is actually really smart. If you're watching on for the video here, what you'll see is actually the way it creates a unique number and identification to you. Everyone's face, based on where your eyebrows are, your eyes, your nose, your mouth, creates a unique shape.
Starting point is 00:23:42 Right. See that right there? That's a shape. That's what gets stored. That's you right there, and that gets turned into digits, and that is how they have a personal identification that can be transferred not just from a camera,
Starting point is 00:23:54 not just from this restaurant, but it could be a universal digital identification. They've turned you into a number. Well, you probably won't even have to place an order. He recognizes your face. He wants a Big Mac. He'll want a Big Mac for sure. Well, we've mentioned Bible prophecy,
Starting point is 00:24:15 and to be specific, one verse is Revelation 13, verses 16 through 18. And he, referring to the one that is known as Antichrist, and he calls all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads, and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast,
Starting point is 00:24:56 for it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred, three score and six. Doc, did you ever think you would actually be alive to see it happen? You know, on the one hand, you know, a lot of my teachers back in Bible college and in ministry, they held to a pretty strong rapture theology. And so that, of course, put up a wall. Well, I don't have to really worry about
Starting point is 00:25:27 it. Right. But on the other hand, too, it was like, well, that will happen way off in the future. I mean, it's nothing like that is happening now. I mean, the technology wasn't there, but now we see the technology unfolding every single day where we've gone from barcodes to RFIDs to microchips that are embedded under the skin. Now, where you don't have. And it's, you didn't, you couldn't fully comprehend. Back when I started in ministry, you couldn't fully, you couldn't comprehend facial recognition. What's that thing? We mean read your palm like a fortune teller.
Starting point is 00:26:18 I mean, but there was no comprehension of that in the 70s and 80s. No discussion. It didn't even come up. Those topics never came up. I still remember the books. It talked about the Mark of Beasts, and it had a barcode on people's foreheads and stuff or on their wrists and things.
Starting point is 00:26:36 But you never imagined that you would be the mark. You would. You don't actually have to have something physical or even something visible anymore. Think about that. Remember, it was going to be a tattoo. They wrote a tattoo on you. Now you are the number.
Starting point is 00:26:57 You become the number. And the technology is just today, we're really beginning to understand it. Having gone to all the tech conferences the past few years, Rick, we've had a little bit of a head start on a lot of this information. For our listeners and viewers that have stayed with us here through the years, you have been given information that puts you years ahead of the rest of the pack in trying to discern the times.
Starting point is 00:27:25 Doc, spiritually, where do we draw the line as Christians? Where do we draw the line and say, I'm not going any farther? That's it. Because we're being incrementally pushed into the beast system. Right. We're all doing things today that we said 10 years ago, I'd never do that. But we're doing system. Right. We're all doing things today that we said 10 years ago, I'd never do that. But we're doing it.
Starting point is 00:27:47 Right. Where do you draw the line and say, that's it? I'm not going another inch. Look, our souls are at stake. If you believe the Holy Bible, then you know that your soul is at stake. If you receive the mark of the beast, you will be damned forever.
Starting point is 00:28:15 There is no repentance out of it. You will be damned forever if you receive the mark of the beast. You will burn in the lake of fire. There's no... Repenting from it. Yeah, there's no repentance. This is it. Clearly, the revelation of Jesus Christ declares the curse on anybody that receives the mark of the beast. And receives the key word. You choose. Yes, but it scares me, Edward. It really scares me. What is the line? What is the line?
Starting point is 00:28:48 When do we as Christians say, I'm out, I'm opting out of the system right now? I think it's here. I'll be perfectly honest. I'm very uncomfortable with any biometric. I'm not going to voluntarily enter myself into any biometric database. Probably already are part of a biometric database because of the way our country has been with our data. But I'm never going to voluntarily. I'll say that. That's a red line for me. This system, I'm not going to go to Whole Foods anymore. I have to. There's no question for me. Even if they do continue to progress, I cannot be a party to it. I cannot shop places where this is the only form of payment.
Starting point is 00:29:30 There will come a day where, as the Scripture is very clear, there will be no other option. Okay, so several weeks ago I read the future of air travel. Because of COVID, everything is being changed in the airports. Now, when the airports, you know, they're open, but when they really open to the whole public, you know, because a lot of the people aren't back at the airport. There's going to be a revolution in air travel. But one of the big changes will be biometric check in. The major airlines are already moving right now to establish
Starting point is 00:30:06 biometric check-in. PAUL JAY As part of a vaccine passport system. RICK HARRISON That's right. It's not going to be, you know, I mean, the paper ticket is already gone. But they're going to eliminate the phone scan. They want to scan your eyes now. Scan you. Yes. And of course, not only do they scan your eyes to make sure you are who you say you are, but they're also scanning to make sure you're not sick. So this is all part of the, hey, while you're there being scanned, we might as well check your eyeballs too. Might as well get all the information that we can get. Aren't you willing to do that
Starting point is 00:30:45 too? You're getting your temperature taken, you know, all these things. So if this is the future of travel in 2021, 2022, when do Christians say, I'm out, I'm opting out and I'm not doing this. I'm there. Okay, but look, I'm at a different age. I can look and say, you know what? I've had enough of this world. I told the Lord that this morning, early this morning. I'm really done with this world. I just want to, I did about five o'clock this morning.
Starting point is 00:31:22 I just said, Lord, I just want to get my job done and get out of here. I'm really done with the dock. I'm done. I'm done with this world. There's nothing here I like anymore. I just want to get my job done. I want to finish my task
Starting point is 00:31:39 and punch out and go home. This world is now unpleasant. It's no longer a pleasant place to be. There's nothing here that's enjoyable. I mean, my family, my grandchildren, that's completely different. But I'm talking about the world. What is it?
Starting point is 00:31:59 My country's gone. I don't have a country anymore. They took my country from me. They took my values. They took everything. It's all gone. I don't have a country anymore. They took my country from me. They took my values. They took everything. It's all gone. What are we doing here? I mean, just what are we doing?
Starting point is 00:32:13 And now I'm going to be scanned like a piece of meat? Yes, that's what you are. Yeah. I'm going to be forced to be vaccinated every year with some strange substance that changes my DNA, I'm done with this stuff. I'm out. I'm not going to do anything crazy. I don't think that. I'm just saying I have no love of this
Starting point is 00:32:36 world. Nothing. I have no love of this world at all. This world is going to hell. This world is not our home. It is not my home. It is not my home. It used to be pleasant. I could find places in the world that were pleasant. It's not pleasant anymore.
Starting point is 00:32:52 And it's going to become more unpleasant every day that goes by for those who love Jesus Christ and are committed to his kingdom. See, the church is yet crying out for Christ to come back. They're not crying yet.
Starting point is 00:33:12 They're not hurting. They're not sad. They're not grieving. They're not really missing him. They haven't hit their line. We're talking about the line for violence. They haven't hit their line of grief. No, their discomfort.
Starting point is 00:33:24 That's what it is. It's not even about freedom or security. It's about comfort. Yes. But they're not yearning for Christ. Right. You have to be uncomfortable to yearn for Christ. Isn't there something wrong with that? You really have to ask yourself, do you really have a relationship with Christ? That's where you have to go with it. I mean, if this world does not pain you, if the immorality of this age doesn't break your heart, if just the millions dropping off the precipice into hell every day doesn't cause you pain, I have to ask, where are you with God?
Starting point is 00:34:05 I know. You're not craving his presence and desiring to be with him and longing for his return. I mean, I really think a lot of well-meaning church people, I say church people because I separate church people from disciples. I think a lot of well-meaning church people really privately don't want Jesus Christ to come back right now. They want it on their own timetable. Yeah. They want to enjoy themselves a little bit.
Starting point is 00:34:36 They get things that they want to do. They have their plans, their careers, their education, the boats that they plan to buy, their toys, you know. Their retirement. Yeah, they're really not waiting on Jesus Christ. They really aren't. I'm talking about people that go to church.
Starting point is 00:34:57 They really aren't yearning for Christ to come back. He would interrupt all that. He'd interrupt all their plans. I hope it comes from ignorance, because don't they realize what they inherit through that love of Christ? No, they don't. It's so much better than anything that's in this book. No, they don't. They don't. They don't believe it. If they did, they would be crying for him to come back. They'd be begging, pleading for him to come back. You ought to be begging and pleading for him to come back. They'd be begging, pleading for him to come back. You ought to be begging and pleading for him to come back simply because you love him. Just for the sake that you love him.
Starting point is 00:35:34 As he loves you. So you know what's going to happen? The world is going to become darker and darker and darker until people who claim to be Christians finally cry out, come quickly, Lord Jesus. Come quickly. You know, until they get to the point they hear a rapture preacher
Starting point is 00:36:02 telling them about the rapture and they just go, it's not true. It's not true. We don't want to hear it anymore. None of that stuff's true. We need Christ to come back. They're not at that place yet, but we're moving rapidly towards the time
Starting point is 00:36:23 where the beast is completely visible. The beast is not the antichrist. The beast is the system. Yes. The beast is the system. You receive the mark of the system. The people are conformed to the image of the system. Yes.
Starting point is 00:36:49 And how are you conformed? By the things that you participate in. Yes. And you submit to. Yes. And you desire. Yes. And one way to do that is by the things that you buy
Starting point is 00:37:00 and the things that you sell. Right. Your basic form of commerce. I mean, we have in 2021 major evangelical preachers in America, Bob Jeffress, Baptist preacher Dallas, telling us that the coronavirus vaccine is a gift from God. And don't listen to any conspiracy theorists who tells you that it's not from God. That's what Bob Jeffress said. He dared to even bring up that it wasn't the mark
Starting point is 00:37:32 of the beast or a beast system in that same commentary. Precisely. You've got Franklin Graham not only telling people to get the coronavirus vaccine, get a DNA changing vaccine. Yes. Moderna. Yes. DNA changing vaccine. Vaccines produced from the stem cells of aborted human babies. Franklin Graham, son of Billy Graham, telling people to do it.
Starting point is 00:38:01 Not only is he telling people to do it, but his ministry, Samaritan's Purse, is running vaccination sites. They are. T.D. Jakes, vaccination site at his church. On his church parking lot. Church parking lot, Potter's House, Dallas, Texas, holding a social media live streaming session with Dr. Fauci himself. This is the state of American evangelical Christianity in this country.
Starting point is 00:38:36 And let me tell you something. They will lead you to hell. Those preachers will lead you to hell they're telling you to be vaccinated they're telling you don't worry about the mark of the beast they're telling you don't worry about any of these things they've been misleading you and they're going to continue misleading you and they will mislead people right up
Starting point is 00:39:04 till the day christ comes they're either deceived or they're deceivers only god knows only god knows what's in their heart you can be deceived or you can be a deceiver but a fool is someone who follows yes but you don't have to be a fool. It may be that these men are just deceived, or it may be they're deceivers. Only God knows that one. So I'm not going to judge.
Starting point is 00:39:36 Either way, you can't follow them in those states of mind. Whether they're being deceived or they're deceivers, obviously those aren't people that you take spiritual guidance from. You have to yourself have wisdom to discern those who are in this state of mind and flee from them. That's right, Edward. And so why am I bringing this up about the vaccine? Because I never imagined, I never imagined that I'd find out that Franklin Graham is a close friend of Scientologists. I never imagined that Franklin Graham would be telling people to be vaccinated with a vaccine derived from aborted human babies
Starting point is 00:40:13 that changes your DNA. I never imagined it. I never thought Bob Jeffress would be telling people a vaccine made with aborted babies is a gift from God. And I'm paraphrasing him. He said, Jesus was an innocent man who died that people would live. And maybe these aborted babies, maybe people will live because of their death too. That's a paraphrase.
Starting point is 00:40:41 That's very close to what he said. Yes. I never imagined these people would say these things. So a year from now, two years from now, who knows what is going to come out of their mouths about the mark of the beast. I believe some of these deceiving preachers are going to tell their congregations to get chipped. Right now, Doc,
Starting point is 00:41:11 is this unimaginable? No, it's not beyond the realm of imagination at all. I can see Franklin Graham having a chipping station on his parking lot. It's not inconceivable now. And there's already preachers even in town. There's churches in town that have the fingerprint scanning machines. Yes. Their argument was for safety, for security.
Starting point is 00:41:35 For the nurseries. Yes. They have the kids. The kids, again, get indoctrinated and think this is normal. Have their kids check in with their biometrics. That's what you're doing. Now think about this. Now in the time of the COVID scandemic that's going on, we don't want to be touching some sort of thing that might have Corona cooties on it, right? What's the next natural thing they're going to do then? They're going to have contactless,
Starting point is 00:41:59 the contactless ability to check in for the nursery or whatever it might be at church. That's going to be an easy sell. If you're thinking about a business going into business with the devil, that'd be a great one to get into because every church in America will sign up for it. Well, that's what's so important about that picture that you saw on screen with the biometric update is that it's not simply you getting scanned. That's the issue. The EU, for example, right now is talking about, we're not going to do a Chinese social
Starting point is 00:42:30 credit system. No, we're going to do an EU version of it. It's going to be unregulated for the military. But why this is important, they've said that there'll be a few exceptions in this EU version, this EU flavor of a system that we've just discussed here. One of them is when you're trying to find lost children, when you're trying to track down terrorists, find runaway criminals. But the children won't caught my attention. And the way they're going to do this is the cameras throughout Europe will have your biometric identification built into its database. It's going to look for that that shape the shape of your face
Starting point is 00:43:06 The special marks the indentations of your face create a code That's what the cameras are gonna look for in the EU in the EU. Well put the put that The EU unveils Ai rules to tackle Big Brother. That's how they're selling it They're selling it that we're going to regulate these companies like Google, Facebook and in this case maybe Amazon. We're going to regulate them. We're going to stop them from using your privacy. We're going to tell them how to scan you. Yes, exactly. That's it right there. We're going to give them specific guidelines. You don't have to worry about Big Brother. We've got AI
Starting point is 00:43:39 over here. The core of this article, it doesn't really get good until the bottom. That's the truth of much of the publications. But in the core of it, it said there are many exceptions, exceptions that are given to the military of Europe, exceptions given to the police, the various infrastructures of power. And why that's important is here in America, even the Postal Service is happy at way in building their own versions of this beast scanning system. Did you know the post office, first of all, had a law enforcement arm?
Starting point is 00:44:13 Oh, I knew that. Post office cops. They carry guns and everything. You think the post office is just a man who comes by and drops it from out? No, they have a whole division of police, specifically cyber police. And as it's come out, Yahoo has obtained a bulletin with SASDOT in March, a unit and a program inside the U.S. Postal Service called the Internal Covert Operations Program, ICOP. This program...
Starting point is 00:44:38 I-C-O-P. They were very proud of that one. ICOP. They were very proud of that one. I copped. Oh, it should be. I scan soon. What they did was they were scanning customers' social media posts. So they were going through Facebook, Telegram, and searching for extremist markers. Wait a minute. The post office delivers letters and boxes. Oh, they deliver the letter on this one.
Starting point is 00:45:03 They don't deliver emails. Oh, they deliver the letter on this one. They don't deliver emails. Oh, they deliver scarlet letters. In this sense, they marked people based on the posts. What is the justification of the U.S. Postal Service to spy on the electronic communications and social media activities of Americans if those people are not using the postal service to send those communications? Well, actually, they took a page from our favorite company, Twitter. Off-platform activity. That's terminology that was included in the terms of service for Twitter. It's how they were able to start banning people who were doing things without a Twitter account, banning their account.
Starting point is 00:45:46 We're going, are you saying we're moving to the place that I could be deplatformed from the mailbox? Yes, deplatformed and spied on. Because they weren't just spying on you. Are they going to ban you saying, based on your social media posts, you are no longer allowed to mail a letter? Well, think of it like this. Do you want terrorists mailing letters? Terrorists could send anthrax.
Starting point is 00:46:09 Terrorists could plan operations using the mail system. That's the mindset. They're saying that these dangerous individuals, they're too dangerous to be allowed to use something like the post office. And we're going to fine them with our own cop division. Oh, I see. I get it now. I see what they're doing.
Starting point is 00:46:25 Pre-crime Well, I can understand the Postal Service monitoring a letter I mean and being able to track down, you know You don't want porn going through child porn going through the mail or anything like that. I understand that but at what point did they move from? delivering and securing the mail Into now monitoring social media? 9-11. That's when the seed was planted. You read this article, they're actually fulfilling the mandate from the government. That is the rationale.
Starting point is 00:46:55 They said our policy, the U.S. government, is to fight terrorism. It's to protect our citizens, our customers. That's the job of the post office, to fight terrorism? I'm so glad we elected that Republican, George W. Bush and Dick Cheney. The Republicans, you can count on them to protect your constitutional rights and liberties. That's sarcasm. That is sarcasm. But if you go back to true news, to 2001, I was warning this audience about Bush and Cheney.
Starting point is 00:47:25 And a lot of people quit supporting me. They wrote me off. They said, not going to give another dime to true news. Not going to listen to true news again. You have bad mouth. George W. Bush. God's appointed man, George W. Bush. Dick Cheney, the patriot.
Starting point is 00:47:46 You know, boy, I heard from him. The Republicans. Oh, they got so mad at me. Well, here we are. What did Bush and Cheney put in motion? The post office spying on you. Yes. Okay.
Starting point is 00:48:02 So I really don't hold a lot of hope that today's current group of so-called patriots are going to be any better than they were 20 years ago, because they didn't see it happening then. They don't see this stuff now. I mean, Trump put things in motion. Operation Warp Speed, best example. But other than that. The Trump scene.
Starting point is 00:48:27 The Trump scene. Also an obscene expression would have been the expansion of this pre-crime division since both the DOJ and other agencies like. Well, it was Trump who wanted red flag laws and said, hey, the government should be able to come in. And it was also President Donald Trump that enhanced the postmaster general's powers to further implement this activity going on with the USPS and to duplicate that with the Department of Homeland Security. So they are sharing this information across agencies, Rick. It's not like, well, the post office is hanging on this information.
Starting point is 00:49:02 They're not going to do anything with it. No, they are actively sharing this information with every other agency. By the way, we have a total of 36 separate investigative agencies in the United States federal government, 36 different ones. Other than the FBI? Yes. I mean, you've got the VA. You've got the U.S. Post. You've got Fish and Game.
Starting point is 00:49:23 I mean, everybody has got – everybody's in the cyber business now. And I don't know if Fish have websites and stuff, but every department, you know. Yet we can't get an investigation of Hunter Biden's laptop. Yet we can't get an investigation of Jeffrey Epstein. Hey, speaking of Jeffrey Epstein, his mansion in Palm Beach County, Florida, where so many little girls were raped by powerful, rich American men. They tore it down. Bulldozed it. Yep.
Starting point is 00:49:54 An $18 million property. It's kind of like the schools where they have the mass shootings. They immediately go in and they bulldoze the schools. They did the same thing to Jeffrey Epstein's mansion. Not going to be any investigation in that building, is there? No. It's gone. You know? So that's the way it works.
Starting point is 00:50:12 Tear down the building before anybody gets in and does a thorough investigation inside the building. Hey, in our remaining time, I saw some stories in Russian press today, Edward, that appear, the headlines give you the impression that the Russians have stood down, backed off,
Starting point is 00:50:41 pulled back from a possible confrontation with NATO. Is that true? According to international headlines, that might be the case. According to General Shogu, he gave a press briefing this morning and he said, first of all, that NATO has significantly increased its activity in the southern border. So the Russians are saying there's been a lot more activity, a lot of troop activity, a lot of more supplies, munitions, tanks being brought in. But in that same breath, he announced that he was happy, actually very, very happy with the success of the drills the Russians had conducted over the last couple weeks.
Starting point is 00:51:21 And thus, he is okay to end them and bring troops, especially airborne divisions, back to their home bases in central Russia. So some or all the troops along the border with Ukraine, they have pulled back? Some. And this are some of the pictures that came out of drills this week. Some of these troops right here will be moved. They'll be going back to near Moscow, back to other parts of their home bases. The number was not announced by Sergei Shogun, the head of Russia's defense ministry. But he gave the impression that it would be maybe as much as half.
Starting point is 00:52:01 The impression, if you read the story and read the coverage, is that the standoff's over. Russia is de-escalating. They're pulling back what was reportedly 140,000 troops. What's interesting about this story and the subsequent drills is that the Russians also appeared to have played a joke on NATO. And this is also why it's very important for any of the stories. And this is why we source everything. We tell you why we're saying and what we're saying and where we got it from. It turns out the Russians, when we were seeing photo imagery and satellite imagery, the Wall Street Journal, for example, ran this as an exclusive. We got it from a secret satellite firm. It turned out the Russians had actually put out an entire army of blow up jets. Blow up jets. Blow up tanks. Blow up missiles.
Starting point is 00:52:53 They blew them up? No. They're like bouncy castles. Inflatables? Look at this. That's an inflatable rocket launcher. Wait a minute. Are you telling me that? Oh, gosh. Look at this. You've never seen these images. And we were wondering. We know the Russians have the boy trips. This is what was in the Wall Street Journal this week.
Starting point is 00:53:13 They got the Wall Street Journal. They got many outlets. NATO was crying. The Russians. The Ukrainians were crying. I want one of those balloons. You want a balloon jet? I do.
Starting point is 00:53:22 I want them all, man. It's like that's your five-year-old's birthday party. Yeah, Brandon would love this. Look at that. I bring that home to my grandchildren. They said that this was twofold. One, it was obviously to mask the real movement of troops and munitions. But two, it was to prove a point that the West, its media, and its people are so easy to manipulate
Starting point is 00:53:46 that you don't know what you're actually looking at, what you're being told. Oh, they've got convoys, too. That's an escander system. That's an actual nuke system. You can see it from the plane. And also, it shows you how much the West was relying on our surveillance technology once again.
Starting point is 00:54:02 Instead of actually, if anyone had actually tried to infiltrate and physically look to see what these were, they would have found out. They would blow up. Can we go back, guys, in our control room? Can you go back to this week where we had the Wall Street Journal report?
Starting point is 00:54:17 Was that yesterday or the day before? The day before. I'll grab it for you in just a moment. Like Tuesday, the Tuesday's program, we had the wall street journal it had the the pictures of the of the uh russian jets and tanks right yeah i think it was yesterday's was it yesterday so it's been in the past two days so um you got to give the russians uh credit for ingenuity and uh this is not the first time guys no this is not the first time
Starting point is 00:54:47 because uh again back to the early days of true news the balkans war yugoslavia 1999 2000 when bill clinton was in the white house so bill bill clinton and Clinton and Tony Blair were running a New World Order operation against Yugoslavia. They destroyed the country. They erased it. There is no country now called Yugoslavia. Why?
Starting point is 00:55:16 Because the Bilderberg guys said they wanted to get rid of it. That's why it's gone. But during that war, I remember this one episode where General Wesley Clark, who was running my reports that today NATO bombed Yugoslav tanks and jets and a big day of victory for NATO forces. Well, oh, Slobodan. There you go.
Starting point is 00:55:59 OK, so there's there's the Wall Street Journal. Was that yesterday? Yeah, I believe so. Yes. OK, so in the past two days, that's Wall Street Journal. Was that yesterday? Yeah, I believe so. Yesterday or the day before. So in the past two days. That's Wall Street Journal. Yes, the 20th.
Starting point is 00:56:08 Two days ago. Wall Street Journal satellite images show Russia's expanding Ukraine buildup. And those are balloons. They're inflatable jets. That's what Wall Street Journal showed us two days ago and said, look at the Russian jets lined up. This is amazing. So going back to the Balkans War. So Slobodan Milosevic, he was the president of Yugoslavia.
Starting point is 00:56:36 Wily old rascal. The reason they were after him is that he moved 600 million, no, what was it, 600 tons of gold out of the Yugoslav Central Bank. He flew it out of the country. They don't know where it went. Six hundred tons of gold. And that's the reason they captured the president of Yugoslavia and took him to the Hague in the Netherlands. For moving the gold out.
Starting point is 00:57:10 Well, they didn't officially say that. That's what Rick said. They accused him of being a war criminal. A genocidal dictator. Yeah, he wasn't a war criminal. He got the gold, the gold that they planned to steal. You can commit genocide, just don't steal the gold. They were going to steal the gold. That's right. Just like they stole Libya's gold.
Starting point is 00:57:35 And Iraq's gold. And Iraq's gold. Venezuela's gold. So before NATO got into Yugoslavia to get the gold, old Slobodan Milosevic got rid of the gold, sent it somewhere, so they arrested him, charged him with being a war criminal, put him in The Hague in the Netherlands,
Starting point is 00:57:55 and finally, he wouldn't talk. They put him in solitary confinement. He wouldn't talk. And I don't know if they tortured him or what, but he would not tell them where the gold was. And then one day, one of the guards looked inside the cell. He was in solitary confinement.
Starting point is 00:58:21 I guess peeped in the little hole. And Oslobadom was laying in there naked and dead. Yes. He was solitary confinement. I guess peeped in the little hole and old Slobodan was laying in there naked and dead Yes, he was dead. He died naked inside the cell by himself died by himself in there But where I'm going with the story was Wesley Clark the commander of NATO was bombing Wesley Clark, the commander of NATO, was bombing Yugoslav military forces. And the NATO press secretary was Jamie Shea. Oh, I remember that name.
Starting point is 00:58:52 Remember? Yes. Oh, lion Jamie Shea. Remember that name? Jamie Shea. I remember all this. Jamie Shea would come out and do his, you know, Edward, some 20 years from now, you're going to be, you'll be naming people at press conferences in 2021. But Jamie Shea would come out to his press conference and just lie, tell the whole world about the success of NATO today and bombing the Yugoslav Army and the Air Force and everything.
Starting point is 00:59:22 Well, it turned out that Slobodan Milosevic's army had cardboard tanks. Yes. I remember that story. A cardboard tank that's worth maybe a thousand dollars in lumber. Cardboard. We blew it up with a million dollar bombs. Okay. And what NATO was bombing were cardboard tanks. And they're crowing about it. Just crowing about it. Well, a terrific defeat. Yes. Ukrainian forces. Yeah. Covered by the New York Times and the Washington Post and BBC. And then they found out it was cardboard and some, they actually used some lumber on some men, camouflage and things like that. But they fooled. So the Russians, this isn't anything new. The Russians said, well, we'll just have inflatables.
Starting point is 01:00:11 If it worked for Yugoslavia, it'll work for us right now. Worked for Patton, too. Yeah. In World War II. Yes. It was an old trick. It was enough to fool the Nazis. And I don't know if they ever did find the gold.
Starting point is 01:00:25 I have no idea. Oh, someone has that gold. Yeah. I'll tell you another story. Yasser Arafat. The story was Arafat himself had $2 billion in a Swiss bank. Wow. Now, in those days before the 2008 banking crisis and before the Western mafia began pressuring countries
Starting point is 01:00:59 to change their banking laws, in Switzerland, your bank account did not have your name on it. Right. You only had a number. Just a number. And so the bankers did not, they could not identify you. If you lost your number, you lost your bank account because they couldn't find it. How would they know it's yours? It was a number. Right.
Starting point is 01:01:19 And that was the Swiss privacy. So the story is that Yasser Arafat had $2 billion in a bank account in Switzerland. Well, Yasser Arafat became very sick. Some people think the Israelis helped him become sick. I mean, we now know the Israelis wanted to shoot down a jetliner which had hundreds of passengers in it. Because Arafat was on board. Ariel Sharon was the prime minister. He was willing to kill hundreds of passengers in it. Because Arafat was on board. Ariel Sharon was the prime minister. He was willing to kill hundreds of innocent people,
Starting point is 01:01:50 including children, because one passenger on that plane was Yasser Arafat. So with that kind of mentality, did they poison him? Most likely. But Arafat became very ill. And France, the French government had this wave of compassion. And they said, we will fly Arafat to Paris
Starting point is 01:02:17 and give him the best medical treatment. Why are you laughing, though? You know where this is going, you know? So I'm sure they were probing his brain and trying to get him to say the numbers, you know. But that story died with him. And I never did find out whether the French got the secret numbers out of Arafat before he died.
Starting point is 01:02:48 He may have gone to his grave with the numbers of his Swiss bank account and two billion dollars. It's still sitting there. Anyhow, how we get talking about all this kind of stuff? We're back to Russia. So is Russia, are they pulling back or are they doing rope-a-dope? I think it's a rope-a-dope. And I think with the analysts that we shared yesterday, his statement about what would be the best time for Russia to attack Ukraine and conversely, the best time for NATO to attack Russia. Russia has nothing but time. In addition to this, by pulling off of the border, by getting the headlines around the world that Russia, not the United States, not Britain, not Russia, not Ukraine, certainly not Ukraine, that Russia de-escalated.
Starting point is 01:03:40 Russia was the bigger country. Putin, the bigger man. Now they can say, we did our part. You asked us to kind of approach this with mercy. Turn your ships around. Turn your ships around. There's no reason for it now, right? Our troops are off the border. You said you're deploying it because of the troops being there. And Putin knows this. If it's true what that analyst said, all Putin has to buy, the present Russia has to buy just a month. May is the month for NATO's opportune attack on Crimea. So the ships that are on the way-
Starting point is 01:04:15 I was just going to say that, yeah. The ships that are on the way to the Bosphorus Strait, the two British ships and an American ship, the pressure now is on Biden and Boris Johnson to cancel that exercise to try to get through the Bosphorus Straits. And into the Black Sea. And into the Black Sea. So the pressure's on because they can't say, well, we're doing this because of a buildup of Russian troops in Ukraine. Right. If the troops had been pulled back,
Starting point is 01:04:45 the burden is on them now to turn around. And if they don't turn around, Putin has, he's got the advantage of saying, well, I'm going to put my troops back on the border. I offered you an olive branch and you spit in my face. I mean, it's a pretty smooth move, what he's done. I have to admit it is. And the other thing that's happening that could affect those ships specifically is that there's a lot
Starting point is 01:05:11 of pressure being put on Turkey right now. Today, actually, I haven't found this anywhere else other than Al Arabiya. But Al Arabiya and the Middle East has been able to confirm that Turkey has been kicked out of the F-35 jet program that they helped pay for, that they helped develop. Again, NATO ally Turkey has been removed from the U.S.-led F-35 program because of their inclusion, their purchases of the Russian S-400. Now, why this is important... I thought this was settled last year.
Starting point is 01:05:52 There was a conclusion in December that if Turkey did not take action, they will be removed. Well, that day's come. And it's come this week, at a time when NATO needs Turkey to keep the Bosphorus Strait open so that they can supply an invasion, of the Crimea. Now, in addition to this, there is a symbolic announcement that's coming. I believe this will take place, but the source on it is the New York Times, so take that for what it's worth. Joe Biden is going to declare the Armenian genocide to have actually occurred. He's going to recognize it. Now, the anniversary is coming up on Saturday. This was the 1915 massacre by the
Starting point is 01:06:28 Turks of the Christian Armenians. They're only doing this because they're mad at Erdogan right now. Yes, and this is going to get Erdogan certainly madder. This is going to probably cause a major fracture between the US and Turkey.
Starting point is 01:06:44 Are we going to see Turkey leave NATO and join Russia? a major fracture between the U.S. and Turkey, which again could cause a closure of the Bosphorus. Are we going to see Turkey leave NATO and join Russia? A military alliance with Russia? Well, we're certainly pushing Turkey in that direction with these actions over the past several days. And so this, of course, this is a very touchy point for Turkey. Yeah, Erdogan and Putin really don't get along very well. No, but... Erdogan doesn't get along with anybody.
Starting point is 01:07:08 But, you know, Erdogan's been kind of playing both sides of the street here. But now, this is the first time the Americans have actually said, we're calling it genocide. We're making it official. And that puts a different level of chemistry between us and Turkey now. Well, then how can a genocidal country be a member of NATO? They can't and they shouldn't be. If they're holding to NATO values, NATO mindset, NATO, I guess, standards.
Starting point is 01:07:41 NATO bombs genocidal countries. Yeah, it's a justification for intervention in Libya. A justification certainly for the intervention in the Crimea or Syria. I hope Erdogan's got lots of inflatable tanks. Or diggies to close the straits. Well, the only other story I think we need to cover before we close on Outrick is what happened last night in Israel. These sirens were going off in Dimona. the story I think we need to cover before we close on out, Rick, is what happened last night in Israel. The sirens were going off in
Starting point is 01:08:07 Dimona. That's Israel's nuclear reactor. As it turns out, a Syrian anti-aircraft missile did what apparently no Iranian missile or opposing nation missile could do in the history of Israel. A anti-aircraft
Starting point is 01:08:23 missile. These are separate explosions near the Dimona nuclear reactor. The same reactor that the Middle East press, including the Times of Israel, has emitted is being expanded for further enrichment. Again, Israel is a nuclear-armed nation. That reactor came very close to getting hit last night by a missile.
Starting point is 01:08:43 Now, Rick, of course, the Syrians or Iranians... Where did the missile come from? It came from Syria, but it wasn't, according at least to the IDF, wasn't an intentional launch. And actually, it all started because the Israelis were bombing the Syrian-controlled Golan Heights. So the Israelis sent a bombing sortie toward the Golan Heights. The Syrians, to defend the women and children there, fired a missile at the Israeli jet.
Starting point is 01:09:10 The missile missed and went, the word they use is errant, went off track, went flying at Damona. Now, of course, Damona did not receive any major damage, at least to what we know. But after this, the Israelis sent bombers to kill any of the people that sent that missile. They're trying to follow this. The Golan Heights is Syrian territory, but Emperor Trump gave it to dictator Netanyahu by decree, royal decree by Emperor Trump. Yes. Golan Heights, the Stolen Heights now israeli territory but it actually is syrian territory so i'm trying to follow this story so you're saying israel was bombing syrian forces that were trying to retain control of the land that emperor trump gave to israel right and so they
Starting point is 01:10:07 which they uh it's their land but israel's bombing them right and then they try to defend themselves they try to shoot down the israeli plane the israelis say how dare you try to shoot down our planes when we're bombing you? That's right. You got it. Right. But what makes this story even more interesting is that missiles were able to get so close to Dimona. Now, of course, for many years, Israel even denied that Dimona even existed for years. And then they finally had to admit, you know, whether they came out and said or not, yeah, this is where we developed our nuclear program. But the fact that they-
Starting point is 01:10:50 Mr. Venenatu spilled the beans, really. He told the world. But the real question is, now, of course, this is supposed to be an errant missile, right? All right. So it's a stray missile, but it got through Israel's Iron Dome system. That's their air defense system they have in place, the one that we've spent billions to help them develop and put into action. It didn't stop the missile. This is such a big deal because it's punctured. It's a vulnerability that has often been attributed to the Israelis, if an errant missile can do that, what
Starting point is 01:11:28 would 5,000 intentional missiles do? Think about this, Rick. Suddenly it was just telegraphed to the Syrians. We can hit Dimona. The Iranians, the Turks, anyone has an issue. If we can almost mistakenly hit it, what would happen if we tried to on purpose? Because obviously the system, the Iron Dome system, by the way, we purchased the Iron Dome system that we helped fund back from the Israelis. And so we're bringing it back here.
Starting point is 01:12:01 But that Iron Dome system allowed an accidental missile to get through to their most precious military site, Dimona. And then something else happened last night. This is number 25. A powerful explosion rocked a Israeli missile factory. Any details on what happened? Well, earlier this week, there was a mysterious explosion that took place basically at an Israeli weapons factory. They're trying to figure out, well, how did this happen? Well, I would say based on what we're seeing this week, it's possible that the Israeli defenses are extremely vulnerable. What does that mean as we move forward over the next few weeks?
Starting point is 01:12:51 Basically, it could mean, Rick, that all bets are off now. If Syria or Iran or any country has figured out that they have discovered a weakness within the Israeli defense system, whether to hack into it. Because think about if this was a powerful explosion rock sensitive Iranian missile factory during tests, what's going to be your first response? Israelis did it. Yeah, the Israelis did it. They were hacked or something along that line.
Starting point is 01:13:19 Well, that was my thought. Have the Iranians figured out how to either hack the computers or did they get a thumb drive into the building? Well, they haven't taken credit for it yet and they haven't come out and admitted it yet. But now you have to ask yourself, based on what happened last night, now this mysterious explosion that took place two days ago, is Israel vulnerable right now? And they are politically wounded, headed towards the fifth election. Edward, I know one other story. In 28, there was an explosion at a hotel in Pakistan. Yes. This explosion occurred late last night, and it occurred at one of the nicest hotels in the country. It was a port city, the Keta is the name.
Starting point is 01:14:09 Why this is important, this city hosts two things. It hosts the ambassador of China and the delegation. And it hosts a $46 billion port city project for the Belt and Road Initiative. Now, the South China Morning Post, as you just saw on the screen a moment ago, is attributing this to the Pakistani Taliban. It's a suicide blast in the parking lot of the hotel. Thankfully, the ambassador was not there or his staff. Five were killed.
Starting point is 01:14:47 But why this is important, this project and this ambassadorship, that's why they put the ambassador here, is of key importance for China to ensure they have gas and oil over the next hundred years. This project, this port specifically out of Pakistan, without it, China gets cut off. It's a direct pipeline project where they get gas through land and sea from the Persian Gulf to China. Last night, you had an attempted assassination attempt of a senior diplomatic official. The timing is very suspicious because we just days ago read that China is going to set up military operations in Afghanistan. Yes. And now we have a hotel blows up where a senior Chinese ambassador is staying.
Starting point is 01:15:36 Coincidence or attempted assassination? The stuff that goes on in the world all day long, most people don't even know about it. They never hear about it. That's why True News is here. That's what we do. We keep our audience informed. You're the most informed audience in the world. You get more relevant information from True News than any other news source in the world.
Starting point is 01:16:03 And this stuff's going on all the time. Attempted coups, assassination attempts, bombings. It's around the clock. And at any time, it could erupt into a world war. Yes, that's how close we are. That is exactly how close we are. And the Bible is being fulfilled just as we are talking on this Godcast today.
Starting point is 01:16:32 We're talking about if what's happening with Amazon and their palm reading devices and everything, if that isn't a testimony of the validity of the Bible, if the increasing amount of wars and conflicts that we see happening in the world isn't a confirmation of the surety of the scriptures, what's it going to take to convince you? What's it going to take to tell you we are in the last moments of time before that final day. We are at that moment. Doc, you can look at it two ways. I mean, you can be troubled, shaken, worried, or you can be excited.
Starting point is 01:17:15 I'm excited. I choose excitement. Christ is coming back. Amen. It's going to be a wild ride. It's going to be exhilarating. It is going to be frightening. Perilous times. Jesus said perilous times.
Starting point is 01:17:34 I like the way you put it sometimes, Rick, is when we finally get to that eternal age and we're sitting down with the saints of old and they ask, how crazy did it get? We heard rumors here in heaven. Was it they ask, how crazy did it get? We heard rumors here in heaven. Was it that weird? How weird did it get? We had transgendered librarians. We had palm reading devices. There was war, not just in Israel.
Starting point is 01:17:58 It was everywhere. War was everywhere. It was at the North Pole, the war was gone. I mean, it was everywhere. If there are campfires, if there are campfires on the New Earth, if you're going to have a campfire meeting. You're telling the scary story.
Starting point is 01:18:11 You got Noah, you got Moses, and you're telling them. Shut up. We don't want to hear anymore. You know, you say, look, men were wearing dresses. It was weird. I mean, it was totally strange. They were getting high elected office. It was a bizarre time. They had robots and people were having sex with
Starting point is 01:18:32 robot machines. Can you imagine the saints of old listening to the stories of the last day saints? I can imagine them hearing how we ended, telling them that we did indeed endure until the end. That's right. Amen. The saints are going to be given the greatest victory parade, the welcome into New Jerusalem. Hallelujah.
Starting point is 01:18:59 You have no idea. And the parade being led by King Jesus. Amen. Leading his church down Main Street of New Jerusalem. No king but Jesus. Millions of angels cheering and clapping. Hallelujah. The saints, the saints who overcame by the blood of the Lamb
Starting point is 01:19:17 and the word of their testimony. Amen. Glory. I'm excited. Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family. Glory. I'm excited. And just click on the red donate button on the right hand side or the heart on the left. You can also call our toll free number at 1-800-576-2116. That is 1-800-576-2116. Call anytime, anywhere and a friendly voice will walk you through the process. You can also donate to us by mail at P.O. Box 690069, Vera Beach, Florida, zip code 32969.
Starting point is 01:20:08 We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, and precious metals. Whatever you want to bless us with, we will gladly receive and put toward our mission here to report the good news every day as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you.

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