TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Middle East Nations Brace for Iranian Attack on Israel
Episode Date: August 1, 2024To say that Middle Eastern nations are on edge this week would be an understatement. Some type of retaliatory attack from Iran on Israeli targets is a foregone conclusion. The only questions are the t...iming, the targets, and the types of weapons that will be used.Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 08/01/2024Listen to this FULL show exclusively on Faith & Values the leading community for Conservative Christians! https://www.FaithandValues.comYou can partner with us by visiting, calling 1-800-576-2116, or by mail at PO Box 399 Vero Beach, FL 32961.Now is the time to protect your assets with physical gold & silver. Contact Genesis Gold Today! https://www.TruNewsGold.comGet high-quality emergency preparedness food today from American Reserves!https://www.AmericanReserves.comIt’s the Final Day! The day Jesus Christ bursts into our dimension of time, space, and matter. Now available in eBook and audio formats! Order Final Day from Amazon today! users, you can download the audio version on Apple Books! the 4-part DVD set or start streaming Sacrificing Liberty today. Fauci Elf is a hilarious gift guaranteed to make your friends laugh! Order yours today!
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This flexible payment option makes it easier than ever to prepare for the future without
breaking the bank. Don't miss out on these fantastic savings and the convenience of ShopPay.
Visit today to shop smart and save big. American-owned, American-made, To say that Middle Eastern nations are on edge this week would be a significant understatement.
Some type of retaliatory attack from Iran on Israeli targets is a foregone conclusion.
The only questions today are the timing, the targets,
and the type of weapons that will be used. I'm Rick Wiles. This is True News for Thursday,
August 1st, 2024. Let's begin our analysis and commentary of today's headlines by looking at
this Ynet News article from Israel. Israel on edge preparing for possible combined Hezbollah-Iran strike.
And then the next one also from Ynet, in Tehran, Iran and proxies weigh retaliatory strikes against Israel.
And so, Doc, according to this report, there's already been a meeting today.
It's already occurred in Tehran of leaders from Iran, Hezbollah, and Iraq were involved in this meeting.
To plan for an attack against Israel.
This was going to be a much bigger operation.
Yeah, and this is in response to the assassination of Hamas chief Hanaya and others.
And there was a third one, too, which was revealed today that had been knocked out a couple weeks ago that we didn't know about. So Iran and its regional proxies convened on Thursday to discuss possible responses following the killing of Hamas chief Ismail Hamani in Tehran on Tuesday.
Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, said that the response would involve a direct attack on Israel's soil.
A direct attack, that is, according to reports.
Although the decision rests with Iran's Supreme National Security Council,
led by Pazeskian, Khomeini is expected to make the final call.
Pazeskian is the new president of Iran. In an interview with the Associated Press, Andres Krieg, a military analyst and a senior lecturer in security studies at King's College in London,
noted that Hezbollah is likely to carry out a significant retaliatory
strike. Krieg suggested that Hezbollah might target a significant military site, such as an
Air Force base near Haifa, which appeared in surveillance footage released by the group in
July, rather than a civilian target. Now, regarding Iran, Krieg indicated the response might be more
severe, as the killing of Anaya, while he was
a guest of the regime, represents a humiliation and damages Iran's reputation. We discussed this
in detail yesterday that that would likely be the motivation of the response of Iran,
because they've lost significant face in this assassination of an air. So this, this, this Ynet news article, it just says that Iran's Supreme Leader Khomeini
said that the response would involve a direct attack on Israeli soil. According to reports,
the main report came from the New York Times. I'm just curious, where did the New York Times get this information?
That's a great question, isn't it?
Do they have reporters on the ground in Tehran?
Can they call Khomeini?
Do they have insiders in Iran?
Or are they getting the information from Israeli intelligence agencies
and Israeli sympathizers in the United States.
I don't know.
When I see this, when I see these kind of stories, you know, I'm—
And it is Ynet.
It is Ynet.
All right.
But when I see these kind of stories with no sources, just according to reports, it makes me wonder how much facts do they have?
Because they're saying Khomeini said the attack would involve a direct attack on Israeli Soros.
Okay, so did they quote him?
Is there a direct quote from Khomeini?
I don't know.
Look, I'm assuming Khomeini is going to, that he has ordered an attack.
That's not, I'm just, I just question where did the New York Times and Ynet News get it?
So then we have I-24 News.
It's a television network in Israel.
Israel on alert for possible retaliation from Hezbollah and Iran.
Right. And so this article from I-24 is saying Israel is preparing
for a possible retaliation from Iran and or Hezbollah following the recent eliminations
of senior terror officials in Beirut and Tehran. The Israeli military has announced the strengthening
of its defense systems and improvement of its readiness while maintaining the home front
command unchanged
for the civilian population. Now, despite the heightened tensions, daily activities continue
as usual, including at the borders at Ben Gurion Airport and in the center of the country.
The situation suggests that the IDF primarily anticipates military targets in case of an attack.
Now, the IDF does not rule out that Hezbollah and Iran may delay their
response to maximize their operational readiness and increase psychological tension in Israel.
The response could involve coordinated and combined attacks with the Iranian
Revolutionary Guard, promising a special action that could require several weeks of preparation.
Now, unlike previous confrontations with Hamas,
the response could focus on a significant strike against a major military target in northern Israel,
such as a naval or air base accompanied by a limited rocket barrage aimed at sowing panic
rather than causing widespread damage. Once again, we don't know where the source of this
information is.
It very well could be that Hezbollah shoots off 100,000 rockets over the next few days.
So there's a lot of political action that's at play here. But we are a simmering pot for World War III right here in the Middle East. We are. World War III is on. It started February 2022.
A couple of things in this article that I see.
It's saying that, you know, they're speculating that Israel could delay the retaliatory strike by several weeks for psychological reasons, and that the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps is preparing a special action, whatever that is, that would take weeks to prepare. All right. I lean towards that,
that that's where this is going. I'm not expecting today or tomorrow you're going to see an all-out war break out.
The Iranians know this could be the end of the Persian nation.
I mean, this is a big deal.
This is a big one.
All right.
Israel has nukes.
It's possible Iran has nukes.
I go back to the fall of the Soviet Union, and there were reports Iran and China that they were cashing out.
It was like, hey, the Soviet Union is collapsing.
What do we got for sale?
And they sold nuclear suitcase bombs.
In fact, General – I forget his name now, the Russian general.
He died in a plane crash years later. He said he did an inventory, and there were 200 nuclear suitcase bombs missing.
It wasn't a plane crash in Ukraine?
I can't remember his name either, but I remember where it was.
He was later a governor of a territory.
I don't know if it was Ukraine, but he was a governor.
He was a retired general.
But he said at the time when he was a general that there were 200 nuclear suitcase bombs missing. You know, you can't find this stuff
on the internet anymore. I have it in my mind. I have memories of it. But when you search Google,
it doesn't come up anymore. This stuff's gone. They have rewritten history. It's just gone. You never
find any of these things. At that time, there was also talk about red mercury. That's another topic
that disappeared. Okay. And I've told the story that Colonel Luna warned me not to talk about
red mercury. I asked him, I naively asked him, I said, hey, I want to ask you about red mercury. And he was standing, we were at Dallas-Fort Worth
Airport outside. And he was puffing on his cigarette. And I said, Colonel, I want to ask
you about red mercury. And he almost swallowed his cigarette. And he got real close to my,
I mean, seriously in my space and said, men have died asking that question.
Okay, let's talk about something else.
Okay, we're in change.
What do you want for lunch?
Yeah, let's go get some barbecue.
But Red Mercury is a story that disappeared.
What was red mercury? The story back in the 80s was that Russia had developed a highly concentrated nuclear warhead that was the size of baseballs that could be smuggled into countries and launched.
I don't know what kind of launching platform would be used, kind of like a bazooka. But they would be able to hit targets inside nations with baseball-sized nuclear warheads.
And that story was all over the news back in the 80s during the days of Ronald Reagan.
And then it disappeared.
And then there was another story that disappeared, and that was that Israel had neutron bombs.
That was out during the days of Jimmy Carter.
Yes, I remember.
I remember they were doing specials on nightly news, what a neutron bomb would do.
I still remember that.
You remember that?
As a kid, yeah.
Yeah, you had to be little.
Okay, I'm older than you.
All right, so I was an adult when Jimmy Carter was
in the White House.
So that was
the late 70s. He was elected
in 76, served one term
in 1980.
But the story was
that Israel had an
arsenal of neutron bombs
which do not destroy
It only kills people.
Then that story disappeared.
So, you know, you don't know what,
you don't know if these stories have any truth to them
or whether they were propaganda at the time
or why it's completely scrubbed from every source that you could investigate.
But they're gone.
But again, they're in my memory.
And here's what I'm saying.
We don't know what Iran has.
That's the point I'm trying to get at.
We know they have tunnels with sophisticated weapons in the tunnels.
They revealed it about two years ago.
They did a little preview.
They said, hey, take a look at these tunnels.
Look what we have in here.
They wanted Israel and the United States to know,
we have a very advanced, developed defense system here.
And they only showed what they knew Israel and the U.S. already knew about.
They knew that they had or suspected that they had.
But revealing it open was, you know, was bold.
The point I'm making is we don't know what Israel has.
We don't know what kind of weapons.
This story that came out last week that Iran transferred EMP bombs to Hezbollah.
Now, these aren't nuclear bombs that are going to be detonated in space.
No, these are field EMPs.
Yes, battlefield tactical EMP weapons that are going to take out electricity utility plants,
take out major infrastructure in Israel.
They would hit key targets.
Look, Israel could go dark.
And we saw that months ago when there was an Israeli energy official who told an Israeli
conference, we're not prepared for a war with iran and hezbollah because our energy
sector will not survive right and he got he got his his behind spanked spanked publicly okay you
never heard from that guy after that speech um you know he had to retract it and everything said
well i you know i i misspoke. No, you spoke.
You didn't misspeak.
You spoke.
They didn't want that information out because that told Iran and Hezbollah that they were
That they're vulnerable.
The reason I'm saying all this is that we have no idea what either side has.
Iran doesn't know what Israel has.
Israel is probably in possession of weapons that the United States doesn't even know.
They just called the Jericho option, the Jericho weapons,
meaning if the country's existence is at risk, they bring them out.
That's right.
And we'll lose 90% of our population if we have to.
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Who wants the United States to get in this war?
Well, the number one cheerleader here in the U.S. is Senator Lindsey Graham.
There he is.
So here's the Jerusalem Post.
None other than the Jerusalem Post.
It's on the front page.
U.S. Senator Graham calls for military force against Iran over Hezbollah threats.
Again, Senator Graham, with all due respect, could you just keep us out of another war?
Yeah, could you represent South Carolina and not Israel?
All this money that we spend on war, on other people's wars.
They're not our wars. They're other people's wars. They're not our wars.
They're other people's wars.
Ukraine, over $100 billion.
Last April, the U.S. Congress
sent $26 billion to Israel
to fight Hamas.
That's just one vote.
All this money
could be used in America. Think of the schools, the healthcare.
Think of what we could do if we kept our money home and took care of Americans.
I'm not going to go into that. Join a community of like-minded believers and foster a Christ-centered family. Join us at
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