TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Mileage Tax and Retina Scanning Buried in Dems’ Infrastructure Bill
Episode Date: August 9, 2021Today on TruNews, Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart take the helm, as Edward Szall and Lauren Witzke make their way to Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Rick and Doc discuss the... latest in Coronavirus news, including the relationship between high vaccination rates and high so-called ‘Delta’ cases. They also discuss how this scenario appears to have been planned for years. In part two, they examine how President Biden’s trillion-dollar Infrastructure Bill is rolling out massive surveillance on roads, cars, and even your breath and eyes. Rick Wiles, Edward Szall, Lauren Witzke, Raymond Burkhart, Kerry Kinsey. Airdate (8/09/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support
of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit www.t'm Rick Wiles. Welcome.
Doc Burkhardt is here with me.
Edward and Lauren are in flight right now to an important meeting.
I'll tell you more in just a few minutes.
But first, Kerry Kinsey has today's top True News headlines.
Welcome to True News headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The Chicago Tribune says the
Pentagon will make members of the U.S. military get the COVID vaccine by September 15th. That,
according to a memo obtained by the Associated Press, the deadline could be pushed up if the
vaccine gets final FDA approval. New York Post reporting that all of New Jersey
should mask up indoors regardless of vaccine status. The entire state, that is 21 counties,
now fall under the CDC's guidance for indoor mask wearing. Fox News reporting that viewers
ripped CNN's Jim Acosta this weekend for saying that at least one of the new variants of the coronavirus
be named the DeSantis variant.
People should not have to die so some politicians can own the libs.
They're not owning anybody.
But they may end up owning the pandemic because they're prolonging it.
Perhaps it's time to start naming these new variants that may be coming out after them
instead of the Delta variant. Why not call it the DeSantis variant?
We could sell beer koozies that say, don't Florida my Fauci. And use the money to help pay for all of the funerals
that will be coming in the days to come. A little bit of a copycat there, Jim,
because about three weeks ago, yeah, the governor started selling koozies that say,
don't Fauci my Florida. A spokesperson said it's clear that CNN, which apparently functions as a PR firm for the Democratic Party, is afraid of Governor DeSantis.
For information on this story and more, please visit our companion website.
It's news coup dot com.
New York Post says the Missouri cab company won't pick up those who are vaccinated or wearing a mask.
Charlie Burlington's Yo Transportation Services works the St. Louis area.
He says we don't allow any type of masks in our vehicles.
We are very against the vaccine and don't allow people in our vehicle that did get the vaccine. Charlie says he's proud that Missouri is among the top three states
with the lowest vaccination rates in the country.
And why are warthogs flying on a Michigan highway?
Fox 2 in Detroit says the Michigan Air National Guard needed a northern Michigan highway
to practice landing aircraft on the road.
Two A-10 Thunderbolt IIs made history when they landed a modern military aircraft from a U.S. highway for the first time ever.
It happened on Michigan State Highway 32 near Alpena.
It gives pilots a chance to land in a harsh environment that they're not used to.
That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching.
The culture warriors in this country are breaking down traditions, morals, family structure.
They've been doing this for decades, and they are aiming their guns at young men. They want to feminize them.
They want to feminize them, they want to demonize them, they want to criminalize
them, so that they will not act like the men that God created them to be. God Tribe is
a social media educational platform, digital platform, for young men and to give young men a place to congregate where they feel safe.
Its mission is to build better men.
It's a place for Christian men to congregate with other Christian men
and communicate with each other, fellowship, encourage each other,
building up each other to be better men for Jesus Christ.
That's the purpose.
Well, welcome back to True News.
Edward and Lauren are in flight right now to Sioux Falls, South Dakota,
to attend Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium conference that starts tomorrow.
Doc Burkhardt is here with me.
We will be getting reports throughout tomorrow from Edward and Lauren,
and we intend to stream much of the conference
So if you're interested in Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium,
you can watch it tomorrow at
And then Edward and Lauren will be on the newscast
tomorrow night, giving us their personal analysis of what took place,
the information. The symposium goes Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. That's a lot of
information that he says that he's going to be presenting. We've got a Washington Post article
that just came out a day or two ago. Mike Lindell, MyPillow CEO,
says delegates from 45 states to attend the 2020 election cyber symposium.
Again, it's in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
And supposedly he's going to present evidence
that the United States election in 2020
was hacked by China.
And so, Rick, what are your thoughts on this?
Is he really going to present the evidence?
I mean, he's had the opportunity to present the evidence before.
That's right.
Well, to me, this would be his last chance to bring forth the evidence that he says he has assembled.
I think a lot of people are curious to see what does he have. If it's just talking
and no hard evidence, you know, then the issue is over. It's nobody's going to,
even if you believe the election was stolen, which there's no doubt that there was a great deal of corruption going on.
But from what I understand, the main focus is not going to be
the ballots box stuffing, you know, with the illegals, illegal immigrants voting and so forth. My understanding is most of the focus is gonna be
on electronic hacking from China.
He's openly saying China hacked the election.
Now, Doc, if he has evidence,
this is gonna become a national security issue.
Right, now this is in light of both the suit and counteruit that's going on with him and Dominion voting system.
Because early on, he seemed to tie directly to Dominion voting system as being that.
Now, we've held the position that it's bad people that hacked into it,
whether they're from Russia or China or wherever, that Dominion voting system might very well be vulnerable.
So you think that's the tack that he's taking now as well?
I don't know. I mean, you know, our view has been let's find out if foreign actors were able to hack electronic voting machines.
Let's just find out.
I mean, that was the accusation in 2016. Did something change between 2016 and 2020 other than Donald Trump?
Well, the Democrats spent four years telling us that the Russians hacked the election.
The news media told us every single day, Russia hacked the election.
We kept asking, where's the evidence?
They didn't present any evidence.
So now we're being told China hacked the election.
So we're asking the same question.
Present the evidence.
Present the evidence.
And we will be open-minded.
And that's why we sent Edward and Lauren to South Dakota.
I mean, Sioux Falls is a wonderful city.
Do you have any idea why Mike chose Sioux Falls?
And you would think for something like this,
he would choose Atlanta, Los Angeles, New York,
Washington, D.C.
Do you have any idea?
A couple of things.
Well, Kristi Noem is governor of South Dakota.
That's one big plus there.
Why is that a plus?
Well, it's a friendlier environment.
I'll say that.
Plus, I don't know if Antifa can get the bus tickets and everything or even know a map where South Dakota is.
Because all the protesters and everything, if it was any major city like, let's say, Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City, you'd have all sorts of protesters showing up.
You have to want to go to Sioux Falls to be there.
Whereas in the other cities,
they have the rabble rousers living in the city.
And they can just call them up on the phone or email
or text them and say, come on down.
Also, it may be more difficult to find hotels
and restaurants and meeting places
that are willing to cancel reservations.
Yes. Because, hey, these are conservative people. places that are willing to cancel reservations.
Yes. Because hey, these are conservative people.
If you do it in other major cities,
they'll simply cancel your,
if you rent a hall for a meeting,
they'll just cancel at the last minute.
And you have the people who arrive and there's no meeting.
So that may be why he's going to Sioux Falls because there's not
a lot of crazy people in Sioux Falls well fewer anyway yes you are much fewer crazy people in Sioux
Falls South Dakota and it's not too far from Sturgis and Sturgis had the big annual motorcycle
rally over the weekend and so is Mike is Michael a motorcycle right I don't know but you've got all these people that came to Sturgis, South Dakota for this event. So obviously
South Dakota is very open to it. Uh, in fact, uh, Dr. Fauci attacked that. We'll talk more
about Dr. Fauci here in the God cast today. One other thing last, uh, last week we told that two of our projects here at Flowing Streams,
Prazer, our music streaming service,
and God Tribe, the new digital platform for young men.
We said we were going to have advertisements on TBN,
Trinity Broadcasting Network, on Friday night.
They were broadcasting a special event from Nashville
with Nashville country music singer Carrie Underwood.
It was a gospel music concert produced by Bill Gaither,
shown on TBN.
And we were contacted last week by a media rep and said, would you like to sponsor this event?
We said yes.
And we met all the deadlines and they were very short.
We had two commercials produced in less than 24 hours.
We prepaid the invoice.
We did everything ahead of schedule. We met our
obligations. Well, here's what happened. We started getting messages from our TBN family
and people writing and saying, does Rick not know that Carrie Underwood is a big-time supporter of same-sex marriage and the
homosexual agenda and the answer was no I did not know you got to give me some
some slack on this one because I just didn't know and I found out she's she's
she's been a promoter of same-sex marriage for years not not something
lately should not do be on this. But I simply didn't know.
I really don't have time to follow celebrities.
It's just not something high on my list.
I got to find out where celebrities stand on everything.
So the Trinidad family educated me very quickly and said why why are you backing this well our situation
was we had an agreement and we paid in advance for the advertising and so um and we went into
this thinking this is a gospel music event uh once again produced by bill gaither they're saying
saying about jesus the whole time.
In Nashville.
In Nashville.
What possibly could be wrong with it?
Well, we found out.
So we found out.
So here's what happened.
Friday, late Friday,
in fact, right after we finished True News on Friday,
we canceled our sponsorship of the Carrie Underwood concert. And so our ads did not
appear. And TVN has agreed to refund our advertising money. So I just want you to know
that. I appreciate the True News family. Keep us on our toes. Really, I really appreciate you
letting me know. I just don't have time to follow every one of these things.
I just took it for granted.
Hey, this is a gospel concert coming out of the Ryman Auditorium in Nashville, produced by Bill Gaither on TBN.
It's got to be good.
But I didn't know that Carrie Underwood was such a major supporter of same sex marriage.
And so we we backed out and we did not support TVN. And I, you know, I worked at TVN years ago.
And I'm going to tell you what, Paul, Paul Crouch, senior, would never have promoted somebody that was promoting same-sex marriage.
He just never would have done it.
Things have changed, and I just hope that TBN and all the other religious broadcasters
will find the courage to take a strong stand for biblical morality,
and whatever happens, happens happens you have to pay
the price the the Apostles and the early church fathers suffered persecution
because they stood for Jesus Christ that's right and his kingdom and you
can't escape the persecution the Christ haters have always been in the world and
sometimes they they have a position in the world and sometimes they
they have a position of strength and other times they're subdued right now in america the christ
haters have a position of strength but they're going to pay a price for it someday that's right
maybe not in this life but they will when the final day comes and the final day is the last day. By the way, on my book, Final Day,
I'm going to get to the news in just a minute.
Final Day, we have a few copies left here, very few.
If you want a copy, you should order it.
Final Day, go to and you can order it.
It's $29.95 plus shipping. If you
would like my personal autograph, I will gladly do that. We asked for a donation of $100. All the
money goes to support Flowing Streams and the work that we're doing. I have not received a penny
as a royalty, a commission, or anything. In fact, I financed the book.
I wrote the book.
I financed the printing of it.
I've taken nothing out of it
other than recoup my initial investment,
which was substantial to get the book done.
But anyhow, we only have a few copies left,
but here's what we're doing.
We are reprinting the book.
The reprint will be out probably, I'm going to say, just to be safe, I'm going to say early November.
So there may be a space of time between the next couple of weeks in November that there are no copies of Final Day.
But there will be new Final Days.
There will be a new batch of Final Day books coming, like I said, late October,
early November, and also an audio book. Yes. You've been asking for it. We're finally doing it.
So maybe by Wednesday or Thursday of this week, I will start recording the audio of final day.
And then that will take some time to record the entire book. It's over 400 pages. And then that will take us, that will take some time to record the entire book.
It's over 400 pages. And then we have to master it and edit and do all this stuff.
And but we'll have the audio book out by late October also.
So I just want to let you know where we're at on this.
OK, that's enough of housekeeping.
So we talked about Carrie Underwood, country music singer.
Another country music singer in the news is Reba McIntyre.
And she announced today that she and her boyfriend contracted breakthrough COVID-19.
That's not regular COVID.
That's breakthrough COVID.
Double COVID. Because both breakthrough COVID. Double COVID.
Because both of them are vaccinated.
And she has no idea how she got infected with COVID when she's been vaccinated.
Therefore, she contracted breakthrough COVID.
That's a special COVID that has the ability to break through the wall of defense that these vaccines
put in your body. Right? Right. Okay. How about the virus was injected into their bodies and she
got sick? Right. And not only did she get sick now, she's potentially spreading the virus herself.
Yes. The CDC admitted that last week.
That's right.
Confirming what we were warning for many, many months, that the vaccinated people are spreading the virus.
And my view is that there is no Delta variant.
There's only the vaccine mutations that are being secreted out of the people who've been vaccinated.
Look, for about the first two weeks after your vaccination, you've got spike proteins.
OK, you are contagious and you can infect other people.
And I personally think that's what happened to myself and how it spread so quickly here in the building.
I think somebody came into our our facility who was recently vaccinated and I stood close to that person and I got a heavy load of the virus.
And and then I passed it on to two others here.
So the explosion of covid cases right now and, you know, the first six months, seven months,
we're into the eighth month now of 2021.
I am convinced that it's coming from the vaccines.
Now, the vaccine promoters
are obviously not going to say that.
They have admitted it's possible for you to
be infected by somebody who's been vaccinated but here's where the logic is rick there are more
people vaccinated and there are more covid cases i mean it's it's a direct relationship there the
more people that get vaccinated the more covid cases are. And yet we're told on the other hand, we've got to get everybody vaccinated to stop the pandemic. But the more you vaccinate people,
the more the pandemic worsens. Right. Now what they want, the vaccine pushers,
they want to say the unvaccinated are spreading the virus and and giving it to the vaccinated.
Well, how can I give it to the vaccinated? How? How does that work?
If it's a true vaccine, it shouldn't happen. And yet we read stories like Reba McIntyre, others.
That's that's just one example. The truth is the vaccinated are giving the virus to the unvaccinated.
Yes. And then they're telling you
you better get in and get vaccinated well if you get vaccinated you're going to spread it to
somebody else too and that's the game that's the plan that's what they want it's designed to work
this way so dr anthony fauci said get vaccinated to stop risk of an even deadlier COVID variant.
Wait a minute.
Let's follow his logic here.
The current vaccine doesn't protect you from the current virus.
So get the vaccines to protect you from an even deadlier one that's coming down the road.
That's his law. That's what he's saying. Think about what he's saying.
Fauci says you got to get vaccinated to stop the risk of being infected with a deadlier covid variant that will come someday. But right now, today, he can't promise you that the vaccine will protect you from the
virus that we have in the country right now.
It doesn't make any sense, does it?
No, they don't make sense because these people are liars.
They're professional liars.
They don't just tell half-truths.
They're liars. I mean, let's just say what they are. They're liars. They don't just tell half-truths. They're liars. I mean, let's just say what they are.
They're liars. They're professional liars. And they're deceiving the world. And they can barely
keep up with their lies. And the more the truth comes out, the more they lie and tell bigger lies
to cover up the lies that they just told. And for example, here's a lie.
This is coming out of Australia here.
So look at the title here, Rick.
This should be number three.
Yeah, this is.
Yeah, this is a different one here.
No, that's it.
Oh, that's right.
Because Iceland is dealing with a growing Delta outbreak as high vaccination rates stop death.
OK, now, the way you would read that,
so the vaccinations are stopping people from dying.
But really what it's saying is as more people get vaccinated,
more people are breaking out with COVID.
So Iceland has the highest vaccination rate in the world.
But they're dealing with an explosion of Delta
variant infections. And again, I don't believe there's anything called Delta. I believe it's a
name that they put on the virus to cover up the fact that the vaccine is spreading the virus to people.
Delta refers to your brainwaves when you're in your deepest sleep.
And that's what they're saying to the population. You're in a deep sleep.
We're killing you with the vaccine and you're in a delta brainwave mode.
So how do you explain Iceland being the number one vaccinated country in the world?
And yet they have this explosion of COVID.
How can that be true, Doc?
It can. It says in the article, it says 86 percent of the population has been fully vaccinated.
In other words, they've received two shots, Rick.
In fact, 96 percent of all Icelandic women have received at least one vaccine dose in the figure
for men's about 90%. So it's almost, you know, it's pretty high number there. I mean, it's pretty
much universally there. And yet somehow all those unvaccinated people in the 4% margin there are
spreading it to everybody to the vaccinated who are vaccinated so that nobody, so that they don't get infected.
So if you can be infected while you're vaccinated, what's the point in getting vaccinated?
Other than it's a symptom suppressant.
And if they would just call it that, it'd make it an easier sell, but still unbelievable.
All right.
So the next one, one is USA Today.
Fauci says expect a flood of COVID-19 vaccine mandates after the full Food and Drug Administration
approval. Well, you can be sure. Now, this one, he's telling the truth. He's not lying now. He's
telling the truth because they're making sure corporations and government agencies
have the memos written now. Yes. To go out to their employees the moment the FDA gives full approval.
Right. And in that same interview that he gave, he also said that the federal government cannot mandate this, but state and local jurisdictions could.
And so.
And it's true according to a Supreme Court ruling from about 100 years ago.
But it's almost like he said that with glee.
You know, state and local governments, you can do something about this.
You don't have to wait for the federal government.
And employers.
So, look, you're running out of time to protect yourself if your employer requires you to be vaccinated.
You need to draft a notice of liability letter. And, you know, you may want to find, you know, find an attorney or find an excellent template online.
Make sure it's well written. A notice of liability letter and sign it and give it to your employer stating the letter has to state that you object to being vaccinated and that you will hold the employer
liable for any physical damage that happens to you if you comply with their order and submit that to
your employer to to the human resources director or whatever appropriate executive in the company
and put them on notice that you have now legally notified your
employer that that the employer is creating a a hostile workplace by requiring you to be vaccinated
and that you are going to hold them legally responsible for damages done to your body
if they force you to be vaccinated in order to keep your job.
Also, maybe we should save this because we're so close to taking a break.
Let's jump down to number 10.
Kerry mentioned this earlier, the Pentagon to require members of the U.S. military to
get COVID-19 vaccine by September 15.
This is a an Associated Press article published by ABC News today and other outlets.
So AP is certain that the Pentagon is going to make this announcement this week.
Well, they've already, I mean, pretty much said
it's a said and done deal, Rick. We had predicted to come out on Friday. It's just now coming out
today that Secretary Austin's making that push that by September 15th, we expect a order from
the president to the military that everyone must be vaccinated. Now, that order has not gone out
yet. Secretary Austin is going to take the request
to the president and say, issue the order.
And so the Secretary of Defense is asking the president,
tell us to vaccinate everybody in the military.
Which you know he's not asking.
He's simply doing the theatrics
of making it legal in their eyes.
You know, Biden's already agreed.
We only have a minute before we take a break.
Doc, where's case scenario?
Is the United States going to war with China this year and the Pentagon expects a biological war?
Well, I would say we're already in a biological war now. We're in the steps up to
it at least. Yes. But that makes perfect sense, Rick, that they would be doing that right now.
If we're getting ready to enter into a biological war with, let's say, China.
Are we going to retaliate for what China did to us? And then is China going to retaliate against
our retaliation with another biological warfare attack?
And just increases and keeps going on and on until we wipe everybody out?
Which would explain why they're going to make the entire U.S. military be vaccinated,
because they're sending them into a biological war battlefield.
Yes. Well, that's a very real possibility.
All right. Hey, you're watching True News. I'm Rick Wiles. I'm a little rusty at this. It's been a while since I've been sitting
over here in this seat. Edward and Lauren are away, but Doc and I will be back here right after
Kerry Kinsey. Welcome to True News Headlines. I'm Kerry Kinsey. The New York Post says New York Governor Andrew Cuomo's groping accuser opened up in a CBS interview.
The aide claims he groped and hugged her for personal sexual satisfaction and turned her dream job into a nightmare.
Brittany Camiso is one of 11 women Cuomo is accused of sexually harassing,
according to an investigative report released by the state attorney general's office last week.
She recently filed a criminal complaint with the Albany Sheriff's Office.
Then they started to be hugs with kisses on the cheek,
and then there was at one point a hug,
and then when he went to go kiss me on the cheek,
he quickly turned his head and he kissed me on the lips.
Camiso, identified only as executive assistant number one in the report,
told state investigators that Cuomo fondled her breast on one occasion,
the most serious allegation the governor faces.
She also said he rubbed her backside while taking a photo.
Cuomo has resisted widespread calls for his resignation,
including from fellow Democrats such as President Joe Biden.
Speaking of, the New York Post says President Biden got his math wrong in just a bit. Mr. Biden
says 350 million Americans have been vaccinated. It's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. I know I've said that constantly
and others have as well. The vaccination of the unvaccinated, you know, and it's needless,
taking a needless toll on our country. You know, we have roughly 350 million people vaccinated
in the United States and billions around the world.
Well, the president almost certainly meant to say that about 350 million COVID vaccine doses had been administered, as indicated by CDC data.
I would also hazard a guess that vaccination is not a word.
For information on this story and more, visit our companion website.
It's Senator Rand Paul wrote an op-ed for Fox News last week where he called on
Americans to resist any future lockdown efforts. Well, Town Hall says the senator has put those
words into a video and it's pretty strong stuff. It's time for us to resist. They can't arrest all
of us. They can't keep all of your kids home from school. They can't keep every government building
closed. Although I've got a long list of ones they might keep closed or might ought to keep closed.
We don't have to accept the mandates, lockdowns, and harmful policies of the petty tyrants and bureaucrats.
We can simply say no, not again.
Nancy Pelosi, you will not arrest or stop me or anyone on my staff from doing our jobs.
We have either had COVID, had the vaccine, or been offered the vaccine.
We will make our own health choices.
We will not show you a passport. We will not wear
a mask. We will not be forced into random screenings and testings so you can continue
your drunk with power reign over the Capitol. Will we allow these people to use fear and propaganda
to do further harm to our society, economy, and children? Or will we stand together and say, absolutely not, not this time, I choose freedom?
CNBC says a fund set up to compensate victims of Jeffrey Epstein awarded almost $125 million
to about 150 people. This after getting more than twice the number of claims its administrators expected.
Tuesday is the second anniversary of the death of the pedophile.
That's a look at True News headlines. Thank you for watching.
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Hey, welcome back to True News.
I'm Rick Wiles.
Edward and Lauren are in flight right now to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
They will be covering, as journalists, Mike Lindell's Cyber Symposium, which starts tomorrow and concludes on Thursday.
True News will stream most of the event at
And we will have Edward and Lauren on the newscast for the next three nights, giving us their eyewitness accounts of what was said and what was done.
And we don't know who they will have an opportunity to meet with and get personal interviews with.
So tell your friends about True News.
If they're interested in what Mike Lindell is doing this week in South Dakota, you can
watch it on During our break, we just showed the promo
for God Tribe and Prazer.
And there's an all-new Prazer
coming out this fall.
We have worked quietly
for many, many months
to upgrade and improve Prazer.
And it is looking great.
We're going to be releasing the app sometime very early in the fall.
And also, our 24-hour television station here in Vero Beach went on the air over the weekend.
Now, we're broadcasting.
Right now, we have a test signal.
That's all it is.
It's just a test signal, but it's going out 24-7.
The channel will be for God Tribe.
Right now, we're just sending out videos just to get the feed out every day.
But the God Tribe television network will be launching in September,
and we will keep you informed about that.
We will be on the air in Atlanta, Las Vegas, Reno.
In Vero Beach.
Vero Beach, and Quincy.
And Sioux Falls.
Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
And then about, I don't know, maybe 12 or 13 more cities. I know they'll be coming online in a staggered schedule
throughout the rest of this year.
Midland, Odessa is one of them.
I think Waco, Texas is on the list.
I'm trying to remember all the cities that we have signed affiliate agreements.
They're already in place.
Those stations will be converting over
to a God tribe format as the year goes on. So we'll keep you informed. Plus, we will be on
some OTTs and we'll have our own app. There'll be a lot of things that we're doing. And it is the
first Christian television network for men. And I am believing with all my heart in the name of Jesus Christ that we're going to witness a mighty outpouring of the Holy Spirit in and through and out of this God Tribe Network and the movement, the organization that we're creating that I believe hundreds of thousands and I.
Yes, I believe millions of young men are going to come to Christ in the years ahead through God tribe.
And I hope you are excited about it. You'll be part of it when you support us.
These are the kind of things that you're doing with your financial support.
We're not just a news program.
We're a church that's preaching the gospel.
We're going into all the world.
And the world that the Lord told me to go into was to go
through the digital world and to reach people around the world.
And, Doc, we're doing it with New Zion.
Every single week we get, what,
12,000 to 15,000 people watching New Zion. Yes. Every single week we get 12 to 15,000 people watching New Zion.
Yes. And they're all over the world. All over the world.
I mean, it just is so encouraging to freely preach the gospel, just be able to freely preach it.
No, no holds barred and be able to share the word of God with people around the world.
And people respond to that. It really is a blessing. Right.
That's right. So your financial support, you enable us to do these things.
I want to get back to Dr. Fauci and the COVID agenda.
And really, the COVID agenda has not caught him by surprise, has it, Rick?
No, no.
He's been thinking about it for a long, long time.
He's been working on killer viruses. They get really
excited about killer viruses. Yes. 20 years ago. I mean, I know going back to 18, 19 years ago,
early days of this of this of this newscast, I was warning our audience they're they're digging up
people from the corpses they're digging up corpses buried in the frozen tundra of europe i remember
these stories yes trying to find live virus samples in their corpses, in the dead, frozen bodies of human beings.
They're trying to get viruses from the 1917 Spanish flu pandemic.
And I remember saying back then, these scientists are mad.
They're insane.
Something's going to be turned loose.
Something's going to get out of a laboratory and kill tens of millions
of people. But it seems like nothing excites a virus scientist as much as finding a virus that
could potentially kill billions of people. And then weaponize it. Yes. And then create the vaccines
that will be administered to hundreds of millions of people and make enormous amount of money for pharmaceutical
companies. And they get very excited about this stuff. So back in 2017, Dr. Anthony Fauci warned
that Donald Trump's administration would be faced with a surprise outbreak of a virus. Now, it wasn't a surprise to him, obviously, because he predicted that there would be a
surprise outbreak that would take place, and we actually have the video of it, Rick.
I remember.
Here is Mr. Fauci himself.
Given, as you heard from the introduction, that I have been around for a while and have had
the opportunity and the privilege and the pleasure of serving in five administrations,
I thought I would bring that perspective to the topic today is the issue of pandemic
preparedness. And if there's one message that I want to leave with you today
based on my experience, and you'll see that in a moment, is that there is no
question that there will be a challenge to the coming administration in the
arena of infectious diseases, both chronic infectious diseases in the sense
of already ongoing disease, and we have certainly a large burden of that, but
also there will be a surprise outbreak.
And I hope by the end of my relatively short presentation,
you will understand why history,
the history of the last 32 years
that I've been the director of NIAID,
will tell the next administration
that there's no doubt in anyone's mind
that they will be faced with the challenges
that their predecessors were faced with. No doubt, no doubt that there's going to be a surprise
outbreak. Well, he's a prophet and there's a lot of profit in vaccines. Yes, that's true. But,
you know, he's not the only one, Rick. I mean, if we dial back just a couple of years earlier, we even have Barack Hussein Obama, President Barack Hussein Obama.
He actually had his own words about pandemic.
So this is from 2014.
Hear what Barack Obama said. There may and likely will come a time in which we have both an airborne disease that is deadly.
And in order for us to deal with that effectively, we have to put in place an infrastructure,
not just here at home, but globally, that allows us
to see it quickly, isolate it quickly, respond to it quickly. So that if and when a new strain of
flu like the Spanish flu crops up five years from now or a decade from now, we've made the investment
and we're further along to be able to catch it.
I don't know if you caught what he said there, Rick, but he said five years from now.
That's 2014.
That was 2014.
He said that.
When did the whole crazy COVID nonsense start?
Late 2019.
Late 2019.
Now, isn't it weird, Rick, that he said five years from now?
He's just a prophet.
Just a prophet.
But you know what?
Really, the pandemic's not really bothering Barack insane Obama at all.
I mean, you heard about his big soiree that he had for his 60th birthday party.
His what?
That's a southern word.
All right.
What is that?
That's a big humdinger of a party.
Oh, humdinger. OK. He had a humdinger of a party. It was his 60th birthday.
And wait a minute. Wait a minute. I heard on television news that there was an uproar about him inviting 500 people and they scaled it down.
In fact, they were going to cancel the whole thing to be
responsible people. Well, they didn't, you know, cancel of course. And it was scaled down to 500.
That's the thing. It was scaled down to 500. Initially they were going to have about a
thousand people there. Hey, he, he didn't, he disinvited Nancy. Yes. And he, I don't know if
you heard the story about it. She showed up anyhow. And he ran into her at the golf course.
Yes. At the clubhouse. And so so she was up there snooting around trying to get invited to the party.
Certainly they were wearing masks. Well, you would think after, you know, after a speech like in 2014.
And these are Democrats, Democrats, you know, they're masked and they're vaccinated, right?
Nah, wrong.
Here's Erykah Badu, a Hollywood celebrity.
Behind, there's Barack and St. Obama and Michelle Obama.
He has an invisible mask.
No mask.
Hey, look at her eyes.
Aren't they crazy anyway? What? Hey, look at her eyes. Aren't they crazy anyway?
Hey, she's strange looking.
But once again, Rick, yeah, this is strange.
There are a lot of strange people up at Martha's Vineyard this weekend.
And I just love the way that the media rolls around on this,
saying they were responsible in their
the way they handled it with the
They were wearing clear masks. Yes.
Invisible masks. Masks that you couldn't
see. They don't take
it seriously, Rick. They don't believe it.
One news
celebrity on CNN said
well the
reason they weren't wearing masks is it was
a sophisticated group.
Oh, yes.
They were sophisticated.
Yes, a sophisticated group.
So COVID doesn't attack sophisticated people.
Only white nationalists, unvaccinated white nationalists get sick.
But sophisticated people, no, it doesn't go near them.
Well, you can't criticize the Democrat messiah.
You can't criticize Barack and St. Obama at all.
Because if you do, then you might get struck by lightning or something like that.
Do you remember that last year, you know, 2020 during the campaign, most of the Democrats, you know, on a national level and the news media, they were anti-vaxxers.
That's right. And they were coming out because they didn't like the way the vaccination process was being handled at all.
They could question the vaccine process.
They were telling people don't get vaccinated.
Right. And for those of you with short memory, here is a video clip of just a few of Democrats from last year, back in 2020, saying, you know, we really don't trust that vaccine stuff.
So the first question is, the vaccine safe? Frankly, I'm not going to trust the federal government's opinion.
Who's going to take the shot? Who's going to take the shot? You're going to be the first one to say, put me, sign me up. They now say it's okay. Would you get it? Well, I think that's going
to be an issue for all of us. I will say that I would not trust Donald Trump. If Donald Trump
tells us that we should take it, I'm not taking it. I don't trust the president and I don't trust the FDA. If and when the vaccine comes, it's not likely to go through all the tests that needs to
be and the trials that need to be done. The American people don't trust the process. I don't
trust the process. You shouldn't be banned from one platform and not others if you are for providing misinformation out there.
Well, shouldn't they be deplatformed? They were anti-vaxxers. Now they're vaxxers.
But that video was produced by the office of Congressman Steve Scalise, a Republican.
Who is pro-vaccine. Who's pro-vaccine. So don't be fooled by the Republicans.
I'll make this real easy for you.
The Democrats are pro-mask and anti-vaccine.
I mean, pro-vaccine.
The Democrats are pro-mask and pro-vaccine.
The Republicans are anti-mask, pro-vaccine.
They're both pushing you to get vaccinated.
Both Democrats and Republicans.
Don't get vaccinated.
But don't trust the Republicans.
The Republicans are totally in the pocket of the pharmaceutical companies,
and you cannot rely on the Republicans.
They just talk a good talk, and they say, we're fighting for you, but they're really
pushing you to be vaccinated. And when the Democrats and Republicans aren't busy trying
to convince you to get vaccinated, they're up in D.C. spending all your money. And they got this
hack infrastructure bill that they're trying to push through, which a lot of the money is not
going for infrastructure anyway.
It's human infrastructure. There's a new one, a new phrase, human infrastructure.
As you dig down into this infrastructure bill, Rick, you find some shocking information that buried in it is incredible amounts of information on continued efforts to track the American people,
no matter what they're doing. So this from International Business Times.
Infrastructure Bill 2021 hides pilot program to track drivers travel data.
And what they're doing in this, Doc, is that the Democrats, along with the support of the Republicans like Mitch McConnell and Mitt Romney and so forth, who have signed off on all this stuff.
There is a substantial amount of tax money that will be appropriated if this bill is passed
that will set up test, trial, pilot projects in various states. States will be given federal money to test these concepts
in their states. And they will be tracking you in your driving through your phone,
through the apps that you're using. Yes. And even devices that your insurance company is now promoting.
I don't know if you've gotten ads like this, Rick.
I know I have about devices that you can add to your car that plug in underneath the dash of your car that track and monitor your driving.
And they incentivize it, Rick, by offering you lower insurance rates for having this data.
But part of this, the reason why they're tracking this is they're getting ready to roll out what's called a VMT which is a vehicle mile mileage
tax this is where they're going with this they're going to tax every mile
that you drive it now if you haven't been taxed enough they're going to start taxing every mile that you drive. Now, the reasoning behind it, we're back to the, you know, the radical green activists who want to stop people from traveling.
So if I make it painful for you to travel, you will give up driving
because when you get a tax bill from the IRS, if it's automatically debited from your account,
your bank account. Yes. Okay. Because I have a feeling that's where they're going to go with it.
You're not going to get a tax bill. They're going to take it from you. And when you start seeing your bank account debited
hundreds of dollars, maybe several thousand dollars every month for driving, what's going
to be your reaction? I'm not driving. Right. You're going to reconsider whether you make
that one trip to grandma's house or not. Which is where they're going. We can put number 15 up. This is from
a website called the Infrastructure bill includes per mile road tax test that will
track drivers travel. Now, the intercept publication put this out last week.
Senate infrastructure bill would invest $500 million in smart city surveillance technology.
Now, many of our True News fans, you know that some years ago, I guess it's been, what, four years ago,
we started attending technology conferences around the world.
And we got a lot of flack from a segment of the True News audience.
I don't even know if they're still with us.
I don't know if I offended them and they left.
I don't know.
But there was an uproar when we started attending those conferences around the world.
They were saying, what are you doing?
We're not interested in this stuff.
Why are you in Singapore talking about this?
Why did you go to Hong Kong?
We don't want to know about driverless cars.
We don't want to know about surveillance.
And we did our best to try to tell our audience,
but we're showing you what's coming.
We're preparing you for
it. Now, look, it was a small portion of our audience, but they were noisy and they really
threw a fit about us going there. But we also heard from a lot of True News supporters who said,
no, we understand why you're doing this and please keep telling us more. That Intercept article that the Senate bill will invest
$500 million into smart city technology. This is exactly what we were warning our audience four
years ago was coming, that cities will be converted into all surveillance territory.
Everything will have sensors, cameras, microphones,
and this is all connected to 5G.
What we learned was none of this can be rolled out until 5G is universal.
The 5G technology is, and 5G is just the next level of mobile phone communications.
Right now we're at 4G. They're taking us to 5G, but this new technology cannot be implemented
and rolled out across the nation, around the world until everybody's on 5G. So that's where this is going. And it is the Internet of Things
where every single item will have microchips in it. And when I say everything, I'm talking
a coffee cup, your jacket, my jacket, OK, my lapel pin, my book, everything. They will implant microchips in everything.
I was in a session.
I think it was in Singapore.
And the topic was how to implant miniature microphones in every product.
And I'm sitting there.
Of course, you know, everybody there, they were either engineers or they were investors.
And they were excited about that. They were excited.
I'm like, why do you want a microphone and everything?
Because they want that data.
They want that information.
They want the information.
But you can also spy on everybody.
I mean, when you get to the point 10 years from now, and even your coffee cup is listening to your conversation. Where do you
go for privacy? Well, that concept's out the window, Rick. Privacy's, their attitude now is
that if you want privacy, you are a suspicious person. Right. Because you must be up to something.
One of the other things that's in the Senate bill is, this is from Tech Crunch,
drunk driving provision could fuel demand for driver monitoring
technology. And this article talks about how big of a market is out there for driver monitoring
technology. I mean, there's people going to make billions of dollars on this technology. You know, we saw it, I think it was in,
I want to say Barcelona.
Edward interviewed an executive of a company,
it was an Israeli company.
That was installing video sensors in cars
to monitor the drivers. Okay.
So in the Senate bill is hundreds of millions of dollars to encourage states to test these technologies.
So regarding drunk driving, the next one is a Time magazine article.
Look at this.
Buried in the bipartisan infrastructure bill.
Bipartisan meaning Democrats and Republicans are supporting it.
We're all together on this. Oh, but Doc, it's buried in the bill.
Some sneaky little Senate aide stuck it down in the middle of that vast bill and mitch mcconnell and chuck schumer don't even
know it's there it's buried it's buried doc way way way way way down deep in that bill and the
democrats and republicans don't even know it's in the bill but time magazine knows it's there
it found it and guess what it is the democrat Democrat, well, I can't say Democrat.
The Congress is going to require auto manufacturers in America to install in-car breathalyzers
that you will have to take a breathalyzer test before you can start the engine of your automobile.
Now, Rick, are you in favor of drunk driving?
No, but I'm not in favor of the government looking in my eyes
with sensors, with cameras inside my car to see if I'm drunk.
I don't want to be required to breathe into a device before I can start the car to go to the grocery store to get some milk.
This is where they're going.
And look, if they can have the technology that prevents you from starting your automobile or your truck because, oh, you're drunk.
Okay. What about you're going to go vote and you're the wrong voter? How about you're going to a protest to protest against big brother
surveillance? You're angry. You're fed up with it. How about you're going to a rally
for the Second Amendment?
What if they just turn off your car or truck
and you can't go?
That's where we're headed.
Once they install this technology,
they control who is mobile.
And you can see where they're headed with this.
Last words, Doc. We got 30 seconds we were promised
by our founding fathers life liberty and the pursuit of happiness by the way that pursuit
of happiness really should have been private property but liberty was part of that the freedom
to be able to move travel go about do things constantly through these surveillance systems
rick we see that restriction on our liberties here in our nation. That's right. That's right.
Well, we will do our best to continue to report these matters.
We've been light years ahead of every other alternative news organization out there.
This is not new to us.
We've been talking about it for over 20 years.
Check back with us tomorrow.
Remember, Edward and Lauren will be reporting from Sioux
Falls tomorrow. Watch True News throughout the day. God bless.
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