TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Molotov America: Fires and Blood Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
Episode Date: April 20, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall deals with the unrest in the nation being stoked by the latest news from the Chauvin trial, and Mad Maxine Water’s attempts to create a racial riot in Minnesota. ...The team also addresses the doublespeak being created by Communist Covid propaganda in the US and beyond. Edward Szall, Matt Skow, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (04/19/21)
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I'm Edward Zoll.
Fire, blood and looting are expected in cities across America as the trial
of Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin enters jury deliberations. Regardless of the verdict,
legions of anarchists are preparing to riot in the name of George Floyd, and especially so if
anything but a capital murder conviction is reached. The Twin Cities have turned into a war
zone with the deployment of 3,000 armed National
Guardsmen trained in riot control and 1,100 police officers with a mandate to protect
the rights of Minnesotans and their property from a growing downtown mob.
In preparation, and with the price tag of last summer's riot damage of $350 million
hanging over their head, Minnesota has launched Operation Safety Net
in conjunction with nine state and local agencies
to enforce curfews, coordinate street closures,
and counter any large-scale violent civil disturbances,
including fires and looting of government buildings
and critical infrastructure.
Adding fuel to the fire,
California Representative Maxine Waters
forgo her own constituents in the suburbs of Los Angeles to take to the streets outside the courthouse.
She will soon be joined by former FBI mob informant Al Sharpton, who boarded a private jet earlier today in order to amplify messages like this.
But I know this. We've got to stay in the street and we've got to demand justice.
As a black man, despite all of the efforts, I feel like nothing changes.
And George Floyd is waking so many people up.
Nothing has happened despite the rhetoric.
What needs to happen that's different this year than all the years before?
We're looking for a guilty verdict.
We're looking for a guilty verdict.
And we're looking to see if all of the talk that took place and has been taking place
after they saw what happened to George Floyd, if nothing does not happen, then we know that
we've got to not only stay in the street, but we've got to fight for justice.
But I am very hopeful and I hope that we're going to get a verdict that can say guilty,
guilty, guilty. And if we don't, we cannot go away. And not just manslaughter, right? I mean,
oh, no, not manslaughter. No, no, no. This is this is guilty for murder.
I don't know whether it's in the first degree, but as far as I'm concerned, it's first degree.
What happens if we do not get what you just told? What should the people do? What should protesters on the street do? I didn't hear you. What happens? What should protesters do?
Well, we got to stay on the street and we've got to get more active. We've got to get more
confrontational. We've got to get more confrontational.
We've got to make sure that they know that we mean business.
She wants confrontation.
Will she get it?
Rick is out today, but join me to discuss this story and more.
Our co-host, Doc Burkhart,
and award-winning documentary film director, Matt Scow.
Hey, Edward.
Thanks for coming on today, Matt. Man, how you guys been?
It's been a long time.
You guys got kicked off any platforms lately?
Not since you've been here.
Oh, good.
Well, Doc, before we get into today, you have a message for our recurring donors.
Over the past couple months, we've told you that we're shifting our platforms as far as our payment processing is concerned.
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We still have a number of you
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One of the fantastic administrative assistants in the office
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We have a deadline.
We've got to take care of it this week,
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thing for us moving forward. If you are not a recurring donor, you can be. Just contact us,
visit our website at, click the heart button on there, and you can be a monthly
supporter of this ministry. And so that's the update. We just want to let everybody know we have a deadline this week to get this taken care of.
Well, thank you, Doc.
Thank you.
Well, speaking of reoccurring donors, we know that the left and Black Lives Matter
and the other various anarchy groups that have begun to gather, not just Minnesota,
but in New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, they've got plenty of reoccurring donors,
and those donors are calling for blood.
And this court case has split the country.
It's finally gotten to the point where it's in jury deliberation, but I think it's fair
to say that I don't think many expect there to be a fair verdict, either for Derek Chauvin
or for the victim in this case.
Now we have a sitting communist congressman, people like Maxine Waters,
mad Maxine Waters out there saying we demand a guilty verdict.
And if you don't get one, well, then what?
Well, she wants mob justice.
When she says that, she's calling for mob justice.
It's a jury trial for a reason.
Due process.
Well, people on the jury are going to see they've seen the evidence.
I don't think Maxine's seen
the evidence.
This is why it's very
scary while we have representatives
demanding a guilty verdict
and why have the trial? What's the point,
This is scary rhetoric from a
sitting congresswoman that she's telling
protesters to protest
something that hasn't even happened yet.
Protest what? And to get more confrontational. I mean, you think about this. After making those
statements, people started shooting at the National Guard. You know, maybe Maxine Waters
should go back to her district in California and find out the reasons why the homeless are
crapping on the streets in her district before she goes to Minneapolis and starts imposing her communist stuff there. I mean, first of all, she has no representation there. She has other than she's
representing the communist mob that's there. And so this whole thing is a travesty of justice,
but really it's, Matt and Edward, it's all about the attempt to split this nation. And it's
following the communist agenda to burn this place down, to create race riots,
create divisions with our nation, to get us hiding in our houses.
And that way they know where to drag you out from to kill you and burn you.
That's basically it.
I was reading the story today, Doc.
I realized that we've become accustomed to seeing troops, armed troops on the streets.
Yeah. Not just in Minnesota. I troops, armed troops on the streets. Yeah.
Not just in Minnesota.
I mean, it's around the country.
When you have the National Guard posted outside the Congress for so many weeks, for nothing,
but basically nothing, just to have the illusion that there's some white national terrorists
out there somewhere looking to overtake the government.
Look, we're getting more accustomed to this.
You know, when we don't think twice that we see armed National Guard patrolling the streets,
I mean, this might be the norm. And that's the case right now in Minneapolis.
There's approximately 3,000 airmen and an army, National Guardsmen.
Oh, well, then we're all perfectly safe there, right?
Well, the problem we have all perfectly safe there, right?
Well, the problem we have actually in this case,
you mentioned Maxine Waters and her being out of her district.
She was happy to cheer on the National Guard when they were in the Capitol.
But her statements have actually led
to a couple National Guardmen getting injured.
So this story broke last night,
CBS Local there in Minneapolis.
There was a drive-by shooting on a Humvee.
There was two guardsmen injured.
Reportedly, neither were shot.
The injuries were nondescript by the command sergeant major of the unit there.
But here is what the windshield looked like of one of the Humvees that's been sent to this city to defend against rioting and looting.
Look at that.
It's something you would see out of Iraq.
I mean, when these soldiers left their full-time job to head into the city to try to maintain a semblance of order,
I don't think they realized that they were going to become the target.
But they certainly have.
Now, it's not just the National Guardsmen who have become the target.
It's also any business in the area.
There was a series of burnings, let's just call
it that, arsons in the Brooklyn Park area. It's a suburb of Minneapolis.
And Brooklyn Park is the area where the...
A female officer made a mistake and shot a young man.
So what are these businesses guilty of Edward? Well, apparently the the geographic location on Google because at 1 a.m
fire and police were called to
show up at the this barber shop this nail salon and
The crime really was the fact that they might have money inside
The businesses were burglarized set fire. Of course you see here the damage
These businesses may not recover.
I mean, the damage itself is noted in the open.
Did you know last summer $350 million just in Minneapolis?
That's the damage.
That's the price tag.
You think many of those businesses had that money sitting around to repair?
Those are reparations, Edward.
Wasn't that the excuse?
That was the argument the New York Times columnist and other commentators on the left were making.
Well, they're not only burning buildings and not only shooting National Guardsmen,
but they're also sending cryptic messages in blood, aren't they?
Well, this is actually the house of what people suspected was a witness.
This is a man that testified in the defense.
This is out in California.
Okay, a mob gathered in Santa Rosa.
Wait a minute, how big is that thing?
So this is, what you're seeing on screen here is, it's basically a hand, it's a public arts
works. So that's animal blood.
Oh, that was out there.
That's, yeah, that's in the public square. But then this same group that showed up in
Santa Rosa, other than putting the animal blood on that hand, decided to go to the home
of one of the defense witnesses in the Chauvin trial.
Not only threw blood all over the house, Matt, but threw a pig's head.
Decapitated pig's head.
But in California?
In California.
Oh, what's the, why in California?
That's where the man's home was suspected to be.
Oh, okay.
This home ended up getting the brunt of it.
And if you look at this here, I mean, this looks like a scene out of The Purge.
This is one of the witnesses in the Chauvin trial.
He lives out in California.
If it was me.
So he was docked by somebody in there.
Look, if you were in this predicament and you saw something or whatever, you know, you would be terrified now to be a witness.
Like, I would want witness protection for sure because this is how the standard is now.
This is the way it's going to happen from now on.
But imagine this.
Isn't this witness intimidation?
It is.
But the irony of this is this particular witness, his last name is Broad, doesn't even live in the home anymore, doesn't even live in California anymore.
That's what I said.
They thought he lived there.
And so imagine you're living in this house now.
Someone shows up with a scene like a Carrie movie gone wrong and throws blood all over the place and a pig's head.
You've got to be thinking it's the end of the world or the end of your family at least.
Well, lucky for those assailants, they did it at 3 a.m. in the morning, because according
to our attorney general, that's not domestic terror.
Well, that's right.
It's after dark.
Yes, after dark.
So they're going to be OK.
But again, this isn't just Minneapolis.
Every city is bracing right now.
And as you saw in California, our nation's capital is preparing for a siege.
We have a report from a local outlet, WUSA CBS 9.
What you're going to hear here, first of all, did you know that there was an assault of a police officer by a 15-year-old with an axe this weekend?
With an axe.
Yes, he was involved in what are called the pre-protests. The pre-protests. Yeah, a lot of people were coming out and they were trying to prepare themselves emotionally
and physically for the expressment of anger and frustration on the streets if they don't
get their verdict.
Even if they do get their verdict, they might still riot.
Yeah, do you think really if he gets found guilty on everything, they're not going
to go out there and still burn some stuff?
Well, you heard Maxine Waters.
She wants a charge that he's not even charged for.
Again, he's been charged with second and third degree murder and second degree manslaughter.
That's right.
Not capital murder.
Okay. Though a jury has purview to upgrade a charge, it's not even on the slate.
Yeah. They're calling for literal blood.
That's a good point.
In the case of DC, I want you to pay attention to this package.
Because when it comes to the organization of this anarchy, it's not just being done by members of or the various officials and agents of George Soros, Barack Obama.
No, there are pastors who've gotten involved with helping to corral and organize this mob as they prepare to hit the streets.
As the nation waits for a verdict in the Derek Chauvin trial, D.C. is preparing for demonstrations,
which have already started.
People taking to the streets to protest two police shootings,
one in Chicago and another in Minnesota, and the looming conclusion of the Chauvin trial.
If the defense has a strong enough case or whatever circumstances happen judicially,
Derek Chauvin is found not guilty. There's going to be great rage and frustration because George
Floyd represents all of us. In preparation for a verdict, Pastor Devin Turner reached out to
local organizers to talk about ways to ensure peace during what could be a very emotional week,
asking for volunteers to serve as mediators between police and protesters so things don't escalate.
Let's protest. Let's make our signs. Let's march. Let's rally. Let's do everything that we got to do.
And let's also engage our elected officials. Let's move in policy
as well. And let's not engage in any physical altercations. D.C. police say four protesters
were arrested this weekend for possession of destructive devices and assault on a police
officer. The arrest taking place a little more than 24 hours before the entire D.C. police
department moves to full activation, canceling time off requests and moving officers to 12-hour shifts.
Turner is hopeful that those who demonstrate will not engage in violence.
And I'm confident and hopeful that we'll be able to have peace this week
and everybody will be able to express their views
and we won't have any other people hospitalized or, God forbid,
have to be buried as a result of any actions this week.
Pastor Turner has a phone number and website for people who may need assistance while out protesting.
I have those details on our website,
I hope the pastor is correct that it won't be more violence.
Yeah, but he loaded that whole response up. He says,
if Chauvin is found not guilty, there's going to be a whole lot of rage out there.
So he's already priming his audience and his church members and telling them,
you're going to have a lot of rage if there's a not guilting verdict. What do you do with rage,
Matt? Look, they're going to protest, blow stuff up. It's just, that's, it doesn't matter. Either way, they're going to be mad that the police officer
did that, got indicted, didn't maybe get the charges Maxine wanted. So go ahead and burn,
burn an auto zone because, you know, auto zone helped contribute to that. Right.
Well, you think about the comparison here. On one end, we have churches in North America,
speaking again of grace life.
It is considered to be domestic terror to rip down a fence that's surrounding a church.
But when it comes to D.C. or let's say out in Minneapolis, there's something called righteous
fury or righteous rage, right?
That it would be somehow excusable
in the case of a trial like this with police brutality that we have basically a combination,
a kind of an accommodation for rioting, for looting, for setting things on fire,
for throwing blood on people. No, you have a right to do it if you're African American.
You get a pass in a situation like this because
we're afraid. We're afraid. But you know, that whole idea of that there's such tension in our
nation right now that anything is going to set. And we've been preparing for this here at the
Godcast for years. We've been trying to tell people, be prepared. Any major event that's
going to send off sparks. And now we're starting
to see those sparks start flying up in other places too. Literal sparks, right?
Molotov cocktail sparks this past weekend in New York. An NYPD officer was ambushed.
Apparently there was a driver who had a lit Molotov ready to go in his vehicle after he
was stopped for a routine traffic stop.
And he threw it at the police officer.
This is the streets of America right now.
We have Molotov cocktails being thrown.
Again, it's starting to look a lot like Ukraine, Egypt, or other places that there have been color revolutions.
I don't think we've had a month in the past two years where there haven't been civil
arrests in the streets akin to those revolutions.
And what we see is the media is compliant with all this as well.
Well, they're priming it out.
And so Chris Cuomo, for instance, he's ready and waiting because he is saying police reform
will only come when white people's kids start getting killed.
And once again, this is the media priming an audience out there saying at some point,
probably in the very near future, you're going to see a whole bunch of white kids get killed
in order to balance things out, in order to even it out.
Who can take him serious? I mean, seriously, this guy.
There's some crazy people who do, though. That's the thing.
But he has been confronted about being out of his COVID containment isolation when he had COVID.
I mean, this guy is such a joke, but they keep on putting him out.
He can't do anything that will get him off the air, it seems, like discredit him enough.
He's just part of this, whatever it is, to bring America down to its knees.
He's part of this problem.
He's certainly a good agent of propaganda.
A statement like that, how is that not incitement to violence?
If you read that and you saw his comments, you're going to think to yourself, well, maybe my way of helping with this injustice, with the terrible killings that have taken place, and the deaths
of African-American and white youth.
It's not just African-Americans that are dying in the streets, okay?
You look at crime statistics, it's plenty of youth.
That doesn't matter.
Statistics doesn't matter in this game.
No, logic and facts don't matter.
Just blood and retribution.
By your logic, yeah, by your logic, if I do want police reform, what do I need to do?
Kill white people.
And that's it.
That's Chris Cuomo's message.
Listen, racism is wrong and informed, but also is capitulation to racism, too.
That's what Chris Cuomo is doing.
He's bowing down at the idol of racist ideology here in this nation.
That ideology, it says, we've got to hate one another.
We've got to hate blacks because they're black
and white because they're white and Asians because they're Asians. We've got to hate one another.
That's one of the tactics of the communist platform to create racial divide.
Divide and conquer.
And it's working. It is working. It's going off very, very well. It's setting the stage for states like Florida to take
rather, I wouldn't say extreme, but serious action.
I think it's good what he's, you're talking about Governor
DeSantis, right? Yes, Governor DeSantis signed the long-anticipated anti-rioting
bill. I'm against riots.
Yeah, you should anti-riot right now. There's anyone
who's for rioting. But
sparking outcry from Democrats.
I guess they're pro-riot, right?
Is that it? You read the Orlando Sentinel,
Doc, they are pro-riot
in the sense that they don't see
actions just short of murder
to be anything more than protest.
I mean, in their mind,
again, there's an accommodation for rage.
Like burning down a business is a crime of passion.
As if we have a situation where the father is having to deal with his daughter being murdered or raped
and he's gone out and taken out action against the man or woman who's committed that crime.
That's usually what a crime of passion is considered to be, not someone going out
and setting a business on fire or taking a pot shot at National Guard.
Here in Florida, the anti-riot bill states that any city jurisdiction can expel rioters.
And without question from the state, the state will back it.
It will also hold, the state will hold local county jurisdictions liable if they try to discipline the police officers.
I can't believe this is like a law. I thought it already had been a law.
This hasn't been on the books yet.
It's a law. And so.
It hasn't been. And often.
Should we let riots go on? Really? There ought to be a law against riots.
That's crazy.
Well, Doug, you watched the press
conference. It was quite a sight. Yeah, I did. The head of the Florida Sheriff's Association came up
there, and I believe this was a sheriff from over in the Clearwater area came up, Hernando County,
showing pictures of this is what Florida looks like, okay? It showed Disneyland and beaches and nice, calm scenes and water.
So we plan on keeping it this way.
Don't be bringing your riots here to the state of Florida.
We know the difference between peaceful protest and riots here in this state,
and we plan to demonstrate that we have knowledge of the difference as well.
So they're taking a very tough stand on that aspect of the uprisings that will happen.
When is this going to a face?
It's signed by the governor.
Well, I think the timing speaks for itself.
Oh, certainly.
He addressed that in the press conference.
This clearly is never needed more in Florida and other states.
Other states should be copying our example.
But it tells you Governor DeSantis is even thinking, well, it's Tampa, it's Orlando,
where you have critics of people trying to stop running, Miami, Tallahassee, Jacksonville.
Are these cities going to be vulnerable to the backlash of the jury come back without a conviction verdict?
One of the other unique situations that you have here in Florida, by the way, move to Florida,
plenty of land. We're still selling houses here, still selling land. Move to Florida,
but don't bring your New York here or your riots here. But sheriffs have more power here in Florida
than they do in maybe some other regions of the country. There's a lot of power that's given to sheriffs.
So even if you have municipalities,
let's say like Orlando, Miami, Tampa,
where local law enforcement may take a more,
let's say hands-off approach to protests and riots,
county sheriffs still have a lot of muscle.
And they can still enforce the law.
And I think that was the message that Governor DeSantis and the head of the Florida Sheriff's Association was trying to get across in this press conference today is not just a message to any potential rioters are here,
but a message to potential law enforcement communities like local municipal jurisdictions that don't even consider not enforcing the law when it comes to this.
Well, he's arming them with a new charge called mob intimidation. That's a new crime in Florida,
I said today, and aggravated rioting, which happens to carry a sentence of 15 years.
Wow. All right. So we're not playing around here in Florida. Well, I think it's justified and needs
to be because remember after the last protest or calm protest, it was really just burning businesses.
I drove through Orlando, saw many shops and businesses smashed, you know, looted.
You know, Pier 1 imports didn't have anything to do with the murder of George Floyd.
You know, it's like they were just looking to damage things. So good for him.
We need to have this in our country because without this deterrent, you're going to see
this happen more and more.
Well, I have to give Governor DeSantis five stars when it comes to opposing any kind of
demonstrations or anything related to anything that might happen over the next couple of days. But I have to give him maybe not even half of
one star when it comes to vaccines here in the state, because Governor DeSantis, even though
we're very open here in Florida, another reason to move to Florida. OK, like I said, plenty of
houses, plenty of land, move to Florida, everybody. But Governor De I said, plenty of houses, plenty of land, move to Florida,
everybody. But Governor DeSantis, first of all, in this article from the Daily Mail,
he is saying that the messaging from Biden and Fauci is terrible, which I agree with,
and should be more like, take the shots, work and make you immune, so act immune.
Well, maybe he's just misinformed because he thinks it's a vaccine.
You know, I would think just by the word itself, vaccine, yeah, that makes a lot of sense.
But we know this is not even a vaccine.
Well, but the shots don't make you immune.
That's what I'm saying.
But when I hear vaccine, I think, oh, immunity.
But that's, yeah, it's a false message of safety. So I think either he
doesn't know that the vaccine doesn't work, or he's saying you should act how a vaccine should
work, you know? The conundrum he's been placed in is that because President Trump was the author
of this vaccine, you know, named it the Trump scene now, a lot of Republicans, especially some loyal ally like Ron DeSantis, who was fundraising with the president this vaccine, named it, the Trump scene now, a lot of Republicans, especially some
loyal ally like Ron DeSantis, who was fundraising with the president this weekend,
he has to take a position where he's pro-vaccine, but he's also for it not being mandatory.
In the case of this, most of the politicians who are speaking on the right about vaccination,
they've all gotten the vaccine. And they're happy proponents to make sure that the states are offering it at the Publix's,
local grocery stores, at the drugstores.
The part of this press conference that didn't make a whole lot of sense was that Ron DeSantis,
he's not disagreeing with Dr. Fauci on something that really matters.
Like the vaccine passport, obviously something Florida's taking a stance on.
In regards to the vaccine, he's trying
to make this argument that would try to persuade you and I into getting the vaccine itself,
is that somehow if we get the vaccine, we won't have to wear a mask anymore.
This is a compromise.
We can go to church again. We can go out and eat at a restaurant in peace. and we can go to ball games again,
and we can do all this again.
But the fact of the matter is the vaccine,
what they're touting as a vaccine,
which isn't a vaccine, does not make you immune.
It does not make you immune.
And that's, you know, whether it's in ignorance
or whether it's deliberate, the damage is still the same.
It does not make you immune.
One thing, though, on both sides of the aisles, Big Pharma gives both sides lots of cash.
So is this, is that why we're not looking into it more like stringently, like what's behind this?
Because both of these parties get a lot of donations from these big pharma companies.
Well, and I think at the core of this issue is that we'd expect someone like Ron DeSantis,
who claims to be pro-life,
to speak about the clear association to abortion that each of these vaccines have.
It's almost as if there's a new wing
of the Republican Party that's come out
and they're now openly pro-choice.
I mean, we've always suspected
they're not huge advocates
of getting rid of abortion in this country. And the fact that they didn't do much over the last four years to stop
the unnecessary killing of children, the butchering of poorest African-Americans where
those abortion clinics are at. But in this sense, they are pro-vaccine because it's pro-business.
The money has to keep flowing. But here's a good point. Here's Governor DeSantis at a press conference here.
I think the messaging on this has been horrific.
The messaging should be get a vaccine because it's good for you to do it.
It works.
You're not going to have to be doing anything abnormal.
You can live your life.
I mean, that has got to be what the message is.
Unfortunately, I think the message has been very muddled when you tell people, oh, yeah, yeah, this is important. Go get the
vaccine. But then you still got a social day. You can't do this. You can't do that. You can't eat in
a restaurant. Some of the people are still saying that kind of stuff. I think it's a huge, huge
blunder to be able to do it. So the challenge for us is going to be we're going to have vaccine available and you're not
going to be able to probably fill up the appointments and I think that that's going to be
consistent throughout the country. So my view is if you get a vaccine, the vaccines are effective,
you're immune and so act immune. If you tell people the opposite, then gee,
why, if it's not effective for them
and it's not gonna change anything,
then what's the point of going through it?
Dr. DeSantis, you're not immune.
That's the point, yeah, that's the point.
They're just throwing out this word vaccine
like it's used, like how we used to use a word vaccine.
Like you don't get it anymore or transmit it, but they've told you, you get it and you
transmit it.
They said that after you get the dose, the jab, whatever you want to call it, you are,
you can still transmit coronavirus to someone else.
You still have to wear a mask.
You still have to social distance until we tell you otherwise.
You're still going to get more jabs too. Yeah, that's just the first one. Because that's the variant
change, a Florida variant, the UK variant, the Brazilian variant. And for every jab,
another pharmaceutical executive gets his wings. I mean, for every one. I'm telling you.
They make money from that. From the taxpayers. We're the one buying the vaccine. And guess what?
And through the research and through the development. If old granny dies, well,
that's just, you know. She's lived her life already. They're immune. They have a vaccine
from getting sued. They have immunity.
They've been inoculated. Well, we're starting to see
I think the truer side of many of the politicians when it comes to their stance on
issues that we actually care about. And the vaccine is clearly an issue that won't just be a topic for this year, but for the next two political cycles, 2022 and 2024.
And on the Hill in Washington, there are plenty of right wing or conservative politicians who have already capitulate. The argument right now, according to The Hill, is less about whether we should mandate vaccines
or whether they're even effective
or should even have the vaccination have immunity
due to clear side effects that have been evident
even among deaths among the elderly and the young.
For Republicans, the call is actually now,
well, if I've already had coronavirus
and I've reported I've had it, shouldn't I be immune from this?
And Senator Cruz is quoted in this article.
Interesting doc.
He said he's been vaccinated.
He was one of the first to get it.
And most of the staff and other politicians in D.C. have gotten it, both Republican and Democrat.
So when you're speaking about or to a politician in your in your wing, in your party, you have to realize you're talking
to someone who's already been inoculated. They've already opened up their arm. They've already
rolled the dice with these various immunity vaccines that, as you know, only give immunity
to the pharmaceutical companies who actually produce them. Well, there on the screen, you got
Rand Paul, Dr. Rand Paul. He said,
I've chosen not to be vaccinated because I got it naturally. And the science of 30 million people
and the statistical validity of a 30 million sample is pretty overwhelming that natural
amenity exists and works. A doctor. So he contracted the COVID cooties last March.
Doesn't wear a mask in the Capitol.
Refuses to do it.
Rick Scott, who's a health care executive before he got into politics.
That's how he made his millions.
He says, you know, I'm still looking at it.
Are you telling me you're health care executive and you haven't gotten the vaccine yet?
Why, Mr. Scott?
Why is that?
Maybe because there's something that bothers you about it?
You know, that headline said there are a lot of Republicans that are saying no to the vaccine.
But I would say the overwhelming majority of Republicans have already said yes to the vaccine.
Yes, politicians, the leaders have said yes. I'd say quite a lot of the voting have already said yes. Yes. Politicians, the leaders have said yes.
I'd say quite a lot of the voting base have said no.
And so what's the.
Have the right to do so.
And so what's the difference between that and what the White House is rolling out this week with their new media blitz that they're coming out with?
You probably have already seen President Biden out here touting, you know, that everybody's 16 and older now, Matt.
Oh, good.
You can get, you know, the shot in the arm.
Everybody, 16 and older.
Now your teenage kids can do it.
And so if that article from the other day is correct, that 34% of people that contract coronavirus come up with mental illness
and that we're using a symptom suppressant to keep people from realizing that they have
coronavirus, then isn't that going to mean that we're going to have tens of millions of people
who are mentally ill wandering around our nation really soon? It's absolutely true. And we're
paying for this propaganda.
But if you, everyone watching this program,
even at this table,
we've all had to deal in our own families
with having the tough conversation
about what we're going to do,
if and when there's a vaccine passport
for parts of the country,
if and when our relatives consider
or go out and get a vaccination,
if and when one of our relatives
unfortunately die or succumb to one of the side effects from a vaccine or the virus itself.
I think there's no one who's been left alone, hasn't been exposed to this. But
the thing with the neurological disorder, I think that there is a pressure right now.
And you're feeling it now more because there's actual ad campaigns.
More than that, even there, there are these bullying campaigns.
You've seen some billboards, right, and traveling to Orlando.
So, well, I've been on the road with the new documentary and we've been traveling.
I just got back from New York and Ohio and they used to have the signs where it says buckle up for safety.
Now it says COVID still out there be watch out get you
get get your shot this is whenever you got to be force-fed something like this if like if there
was a true disease out there you'd know it wouldn't you want to be protected from it but
you'd be looking around hey uh did that person just drop in the aisle there i mean you would
know something was wrong common sense would tell you you. It's amazing. A Spanish food level.
Even when sports started coming back on,
and you see the advertising in the sports
and this over and over, it's like,
don't you want to help society?
Go get vaccinated.
But for what?
We want to see scientific proof this works.
And what we're seeing is someone gets the COVID shot and they die a couple of weeks
later, but we don't talk about that. But remember when granny fell off the roof and she died? That
was because of coronavirus. That's right. Yeah. So there's plenty. But when granny's dying right
after the vaccine, you don't hear anything about it. We are being brainwashed slowly. This populace is the frog in the kettle and the heat is just being incrementally turned up.
People need to wake up and understand
that this is not real.
Like there is something that,
Corona virus is out there, yes.
But what they're implementing is not a cure to it.
They're lying to you about this.
There's something sinister going on here.
And there's an enlistment that takes place when you get inoculated. cure to it. They're lying to you about this. There's something sinister going on here.
And there's an enlistment that takes place when you get inoculated. The CDC just came out this
past week and said that more than half of Americans have gotten at least one dose of one of the
vaccines that are available. And the Biden White House, their goal, other than putting Dr. Fauci
on Snapchat to achieve it, is that's true. I hope Dr. Fauci doesn Snapchat to achieve it. That's true.
I hope Dr. Fauci doesn't use Snapchat
how most of the younger generations use Snapchat.
But in regard to this, if they do get 200 million,
because that's the goal,
they want 200 million Americans to be able to proudly say,
hey, I've gotten at least one of the shots,
one of the doses.
They've enlisted those 200 million
as supporters of the vaccine.
Because if you get the shot and you don't have a visible side effect, you don't die
after getting the vaccine.
Yeah, if you don't die.
If you don't die.
You then become a huge fan, become a huge fan of others around you getting it because
you yourself have gotten it.
You're going to become an evangelist for it.
And that was the goal all along.
Again, how ridiculous, getting one shot. But that's not enough. That's why you had to
get two shots, right? And then it's three and it's three plus three masks. And then the annual one,
you got to get the annual shot. Before we go further into the COVID segment, I just want to
provide an update. The judge in the trial for Derek Chauvin has just addressed the incitement to violence,
the statements that you saw just moments ago from Maxine Waters.
He has said that her comments did indeed incite violence and may result in this whole trial being overturned.
Oh, my goodness.
That has backfired pretty astronomically. But
if this does get, let's say this moves forward in that direction,
then they are not going to get their conviction. But are the juries sequestered or not? I mean,
how would they know if they're not being sequestered? They have to be sequestered,
right? Wouldn't you agree at this high profile? I would hope so. Because that's the only way they
would be influenced by this because they wouldn't have heard it. And if he does overturn that,
if the trial is overturned. Maybe he wants a way out of this. I don't want to be a part of that.
The defense attorneys argued that even though the jury was somewhat sequestered, there was no way
to keep them away from that crazy of a statement. They've heard some media reports. They haven't
been sequestered. Sequestering means you don't hear anything.
Apparently they have heard enough. And the judge has just said that this could result
in overturning the actual trial.
Then you'll see real riots.
And that's what they've promised. Going to New York, they promised something new.
They've promised mandatory vaccination for nurses. If you want to be a nurse going into April
now in New York, especially at nursing homes where the elderly are, you are going to have to get one
of the vaccine jabs. Which one? So is Johnson & Johnson off the table? Did they pull it or where
were they? It's on pause right now. Dr. Fauci said today that he expects it to be back on in a week. Why? Why is
it paused even? Think about that. There should be no issues with something like that, right?
Oh, yes. Perfectly safe with an experimental drug being pumped in your body. Not approved by the FDA.
As you're noting here, it's been given emergency authorization, unlike regular vaccines, which
at least require a five-year testing block.
This testing block of clinical trials is very quick.
Well, Edward, the whole argument here and everybody getting jabbed and everyone getting
this fake vaccine and everything else that's going on, the argument is that we're going to
get back to normal, right? That we can finally go back to Pizza Hut and eat in peace, right?
That we can go to the park and not have to wear a mask in the park.
First of all, how crazy is that you're wearing a mask outside
or wearing a mask driving a car at 80 miles an hour going down the interstate?
But the whole idea, everybody getting vaccinated, let's all get on board
and we can get life back to normal.
But that's not their intention, is it?
No, it's to get numbers up, is to sell this idea and also to refuel a new economy,
a resetted economy. In New York, something very important to look at here is that their
primary argument for why the nurses in the nursing homes where Governor Cuomo ravaged
the population, and I'm talking about the placement of those who were sick from the hospital in nursing homes.
It's something they're still looking at, Mr. Cuomo, is that the vaccines will go to waste.
I'm serious.
This is from the Department of Health in response to this mandate.
So I have to look at vaccines like I do milk.
I want the vaccine the farthest away because that has a better shelf life.
Well, they're saying this is a direct in order that the emergency regulations, this is what
that they're calling it for the mandate of nursing home employees to get.
The emergency regulations are necessary in order to ensure no vaccines are going to waste.
No one who wants it to get vaccinated is easily able to.
It turns out most of the nursing home staff don't want to.
They develop a very close relationship with the people that they care for day in and day out.
And they've seen a lot of them pass away, especially after vaccination.
That's the real reason right there, Edward.
They saw Aunt Edna that they've been taking care of in the nursing home for the past two years.
And she was doing fine.
She's been lingering along and everything.
And then she gets the vaccine shot, Matt.
Just like Hank Aaron did, like Marvin Hagler.
DMX's family says he got the shot and then dies of an overdose.
So if they didn't kill the old folks by bringing coronavirus laden people into the nursing homes back at the beginning,
well, let's finish them off by giving them the vaccine shot,
causing a blood clot, and then you say, well, I guess it's corona.
Well, obviously not to be outdone by New York.
Oregon is trying to take things to a new tyrannical level.
They think that the temporary mask mandates are not good enough
to keep Oregonians and Portland residents alive.
Hopefully they've survived the attempts to colonize their downtown or to burn most of it down.
That happened last summer.
Their new push is to make masks a mandatory, mandatory act.
Permanently. Permanently.
You have to wear a mask and it'll be permanent
it'll permanently like a driver's license it'll be again like wearing clothes in public although
people in oregon i don't know many in portland we say this and like okay but they want that
like those people want it and they're not they're not against it or like protesting against it
these people want to be enslaved yeah That's what it's about.
If it's really that bad, why isn't everyone in Oregon wearing a hazmat suit?
I mean, what's the difference?
Are you saying that, you know, a mask and social distancing protects me?
Well, then I want ultimate protection, right?
They should issue a hazmat suit to every person in Oregon.
All this is is virtue signaling.
That's all it is.
It's looking, look how much I care about you.
I wear a mask for you that I haven't washed probably ever.
And it's been sitting in my purse for the last five months.
But I love you.
And I do it because I wear two of them now for you.
And that's because I extra care.
And look, we say this with love to anyone who's watching this or has relatives who are
big fans of wearing the
mask in public or multiple. Look, we were wearing masks when we left Switzerland at the beginning
of last year before anyone would care about this. And I'll tell you from speaking to biochemical
specialists, people in the military serving the chemical corps, they've told me the manuals are
very clear on bio warfare, that a mask like the one you're wearing on your face, when you want mandated, has to be washed every two hours or replaced because the N95 masks, the ones you really want.
But you're told not to wear those. So if you go out in public with the same mask you've been wearing for for the last year, you are yourself not protected from much other than the glaring orders of police, of other officials.
When you try to enter a grocery store or try to enter a coffee store, I mean, in Michigan,
they're trying to make it so you can't go into a golf course. You can't go to the dentist,
can't go to a Kroger. Blue Cross Blue Shield was even fined for not enforcing these mandatory masks.
And those masks that are sitting right there on the screen right now.
That are polluting everywhere.
They're killing bald eagles.
Read the box that they come in.
How dare you.
Read the box that they come in and see if they provide protection against coronavirus. In fact, many of them will say
does not provide protection against coronavirus. So the only reason that you're wearing it
is to mark you out. Well, square me this. We'll spend $100 million on a missile. Yet,
remember when we told our troops to make masks out of underwear and t-shirts last year?
It's a placebo.
That's why Dr. Fauci, when he went to the baseball game, didn't wear it, didn't wear it fully.
It's a placebo.
All it is, it's a sign that you're playing ball with them.
That's it.
They can look over and see, oh yeah, we got them, we got them.
And then, if you don't, you get singled out by that mom.
It's teaching people to be authoritarian as a mob. I deal with it all the time. Oh yeah,
because we've been traveling so much lately and we're going to places where they're not as lenient
as in Florida. And I'll tell you, man, you go into a restaurant and I literally had to walk maybe,
I don't know, five feet to the,
to the booth, but I had to wear the mask to get to the booth. And then you could take the mask
off because the Corona cooties aren't sitting at the booth. Like walking up down the aisle.
I should have taken a video because it was five feet. I had to, I had to make it just five feet
if I could get through the COVID somehow. And I, but I had to put the mask on. I couldn't,
I didn't even have to do that because I didn't have time to put it on because I was so close.
But it doesn't matter.
It's not about safety.
It's about being compliant with those draconian laws that they're passing.
Well, I'm glad, fellow survivors, that you've made it through the last two years without having to.
I think I had the original COVID from Shanghai.
Oh, sure, you got very sick.
Yeah, you got very sick. We were all sick and
got through it, you know, so amazing. Florida is not perfect in all respects to the coronavirus
restrictions, though it's not mandated from the state. There are local jurisdictions, even in the
county we're currently in, that have odd requirements, odd mandates, even necessitating a
police officer, a sheriff's officer to enforce.
Here at the Indian River County Tax Office, one of our staff ran into something very odd
last week when he was attempting to do some regular business, like a good citizen going in
to pay his taxes. Our staff member not only had to wear a mask, but he also had to submit to a
temperature check.
And see the picture on the screen, it shows what was on the front door of the tax collector's office.
The police officer at the front wanted to double check that not only could our staff member read,
but that he was going to be willing to submit to every and all rule that this tax collector
and various other bureaucrats inside there wanted from our staff member.
Now, Indian River County has tried for quite some time.
There have been officials in our county that have been trying to get a mandatory mask mandate for the city and for the county.
There's been a real battle here in our city.
The city has actually gotten it.
The city itself, if you go downtown to some of the
businesses they will look at you like you have a horn growing out of your head if you don't have a
mask on in places like here we're not wearing them because we may have not lost all the all the iq
points that come from submitting like that but here is the requirements for a place like this. Alright? Before you make an appointment to pay your taxes.
Again, to pay your taxes to pay for the police officer
who's standing in front of the tax office. Or to renew your tags.
Or to transfer a title on a vehicle. Anything like that.
I don't know how it works in your local jurisdiction, but here
in Indian River County, we can do all that,
the tax collector's office and everything.
Tax collectors are independent,
here in Florida, are independent entities,
independent individuals, usually not Republican or Democrat,
that it's a political office,
but it's a little bit different here than a lot of states.
And so they basically are king when it comes to taxes.
Oh, sure.
And so they can set kind of their own rules.
Now, even though Florida is a no mask mandate state, I'll say that again.
Florida is a no mask mandate state.
The Indian River County Tax Office, a government office, does mandate a mask, does mandate social distancing.
They won't let you do business in there without it.
And I don't feel, I don't even feel it.
I haven't been given the proper presentation from our government officials here to why this would be necessary.
I'd love for
them to make that presentation to the constituents, the ones that have put them in office, the ones
that are paying for their salary. Yeah, it's trust the science. Show me the science. Then show it.
If it's as simple as trusting it, show it to me. And this is the case around the world, even up in
Canada. It doesn't exist. They don't want to make the argument. Besides that, the CDC now, you know, two weeks ago said six foot, you don't have to worry about it anymore.
Go three, right?
Go three now.
All right, three.
So now who's smarter, Dr. Tax Collector here in Indian River County or the CDC?
He's got to update his chart.
So there's an inconsistency in this all the way.
So you have to ask yourself, if it's not about the science, if it's not about an actual virus, what is it really all about?
It's about controlling people.
It's about managing people, about hurting people, about, you know, breaking them up into groups so you can gather them together.
You're categorizing people, too, because, look, they're monitoring what you say on your Facebook or your Twitter.
What side are you on on this?
And you're getting put in these algorithms.
They're just creating a big database of who's pro this or pro that.
And that's how they're building their little portfolio of the people of America.
And look, the mandates at your government offices are just the beginning.
Clearly, the next step that's being taken is to go to where you are and make sure that you've submitted inside your own businesses or in the case of Christians in North America and in the churches.
There was an interesting story that came across my desk out of Jamaica.
Now, obviously, Jamaica is not in North America, but you consider it to be a westernized nation, a former colony of the British Empire. They're persecuting a local pastor
who's on the radio. His name is Reverend Jeffrey Shuttleworth. Now, his crime is he dared to
question the safety of a mass vaccination drive back on April 9th, as reports in the U.S.
were coming out about the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, about other vaccines having potential
issues, potential side effects. Well, for this crime, the broadcasting commissioner for the
island of Jamaica has put an 11-day ultimatum on the ministry of Pastor Jeffrey Shuttleworth.
They've said, you will be taken off the air unless you provide the tape of what you said and you recant.
Now, I spoke to his lawyer just before the program.
His lawyer is Hugh Wildman.
This is a respected lawyer, especially in regard to his faith.
This man has said he is about to put in the largest religious freedom lawsuit in
the history of Jamaica. They are going to fight, much like the church in Canada, Grace Life Church,
has begun to fight in court. But in the case of Jamaica, Doc, I want to hear your take on this,
because what they've done is they've said that a ministry that does broadcasting
shouldn't be allowed to do both. That's the argument being made right now by the government
in Jamaica. So what that simply means is therefore religion doesn't have the right to a voice
in a free society. Therefore, it's not a free society. The particular outlet they're talking about is TBC.
It's a Christian radio outlet in Jamaica.
And they've been around for quite a while.
For those that don't know, I was a missionary for about six months in Jamaica, served there.
So familiar with some of the names there and some of the ministries that go on there.
But for someone to come out and say, well, a Christian or a ministry should not be on the radio.
Well, who should be?
Dr. Fauci?
Dr. Fauci.
Who gets a voice on the radio?
Who is allowed and who's not allowed?
When you start asking questions like that, Matt,
that's where it starts getting really sticky really fast. Are they saying that he can be on there,
but he can't talk about politics or he just has to stick to the Bible?
They're saying that the license itself may not be properly given in this sense,
that the fact that he's been running both a ministry and a broadcasting,
he serves as both a preacher and a commentator, general manager for the station, that he's not allowed to do both.
He's now basically saying that if you dare to take a stand for Christ as a pastor being a shepherd of
a congregation, that you would have to do nothing but quietly preach the word and shepherd a
congregation. You cannot be on the radio, cannot be on TV,
cannot challenge COVID vaccination. What we're seeing happen in Jamaica in this particular case
already happened in Canada a decade and a half ago, where Christian radio stations and ministries
were basically told, if you want to remain on the air, if you want to remain on TV,
if you want to remain on the radio, you cannot talk about
homosexuality. You cannot talk about gay marriage. You can't talk about abortion.
You can't talk about those things. And in fact, a lot of U.S. ministries, Matt, you may not know
this, make two versions of their program, one for U.S. audiences, one for Canadian audiences.
So it could be broadcast so they can continue to have that.
And so the fact that the church, Christian ministries and everything caved in on that,
didn't stand up for the right sin, leads us to where we're at today, where they're putting
fences around churches in Canada. No one's upset about that, by the way, except for a handful of
people. No one's really mad. No one's really angry. No one's
really boiling or anything like that. They're putting fences around churches and telling people
you can't go into your church because you oppose the state line right now.
A state line that the state won't even defend in court.
That's right.
What I'm referring to is the latest update in the pending trial of
Pastor Coates at Grace Life. Now, there was an update in the case. This is from Pastor Coates'
lawyers. As it turns out, the state, I'm talking about the government of Canada,
they've been given a bye. They've been given an exemption from having to actually defend
the lockdowns in Alberta. Now, what Pastor Coates' lawyers were asking was, explain to us, show us the science.
The lawyers for the government said, we can't.
We won't. We can't.
And the judge in the case said, that's okay. You don't need to.
It doesn't exist.
Right. So this is from the JCCF up in Canada, one of when the few voices left up in Canada standing up for the rights of believers there.
And what Edward is saying is exactly right. That, OK, you want to offer a lockdown and everything will show us the evidence of the reason why.
And so rather than actually presenting the evidence for the lockdown, the government just said,
no, we don't have to provide evidence. We said we're locking it down and that's the final thing.
And so live with it. That's it. I mean, who does that? A communist nation does that.
Communist Canada.
You know what else a communist nation does, Doc, is they beat the life out of the elderly
and those who dare to resist here. The reason why it's important for a state to explain when it's
taking away rights which are God-given to its citizenry is that if you're not going to explain
it, there's no justification like there ever was for what I'm about to show you. A video has come
back out. It went viral in January, but now once again is making the rounds because the question
lies, is Canada, America, any government in the world, when they're taking these executive actions
and sending police to the homes of those who others or people who snitch on their neighbors
say that they're not following
the mandates to a T, like wearing a mask inside their own home or social distancing. Remember the
early pandemic rules? Those are coming back. And in the case of this man, an only man in Canada
is why you have to explain the lockdowns. This man got beaten up by officers. And if you haven't seen this video,
careful. You be careful with this because this could be you. This could be me.
And it will be us if we don't push back against this tyranny.
Look at what the officer is doing to this man. Look at what he's doing.
Look at what he's doing. Look at what he's doing.
Look at what he's doing.
Stop resisting!
Look at what these cops are doing.
They punched this man.
This officer, Irv Shash, was kneeing him in the head.
They're breaking his balcony.
This is an old,
frail man that they're doing this to.
Look at what they're doing to him.
Look at what they're doing to him.
That man was attacked and beaten by officers in Canada.
Again, a 20-year-old officer made the decision that that elderly man,
a man who dared to even question why these officers were showing up at his door. Do you notice the police officer didn't even have his mask properly on?
Because it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter when tyranny is being enforced.
And the other part to this too, and why the science explaining it, at least, is very important,
is the science changes.
Science is just knowledge.
In Europe.
I'm going to show you what the European medicine agency was saying just at the end of March.
They were saying that there was no evidence to restrict AstraZeneca, the vaccine.
Now, there was issues with people
getting blood clots. Just weeks ago. Just weeks ago. They were restricting. Some states were
saying, we're not going to administer this. We're going to wait for a review. The head of the
European Medical Agency, this is their version of Dr. Fauci, said there's nothing to worry about.
No one needs to restrict. There's no causal link with the vaccine. It's not proven.
It's a conspiracy theory. What did not take long for Emma Cook, the director of the European Medical
Agency, to completely recant that position. And this is why we must question these draconian
actions, these mandates and this mantra of trust the science.
Here is what Amber Cook is saying now.
After a very in-depth analysis has concluded that the reported cases of unusual blood clotting following vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine should be listed as possible side effects of the vaccine.
As we communicated last week, we convened an ad hoc expert group composed of experts from a range of medical specialities,
including haematologists, neurologists, epidemiologists and virologists. Based on the current available evidence, specific risk factors such as age, gender or previous medical history of clotting disorders have not been able to be confirmed as the rare events are seen in all ages and in men and women. A plausible explanation for these rare side events is an immune response to the vaccine leading to a condition similar to one seen sometimes in patients treated with heparin.
It's called heparin-induced thrombocytopenia and Dr. Strauss will give us more details from the assessment.
EMA is working very closely with the national competence authorities in all the EU member states and the company to make sure that these risks are proactively communicated to healthcare professionals.
It's important that both vaccinated people and healthcare professionals are aware of the signs and symptoms of these unusual blood clotting disorders so that they can be spotted quickly to minimize any possible risks.
We will continue to monitor the scientific evidence available on both effectiveness and safety of all the authorized COVID-19 vaccines vaccines and we will issue further recommendations if necessary
on the grounds of science and robust evidence.
This case clearly demonstrates one of the challenges
posed by large-scale vaccination campaigns.
When millions of people receive these vaccines,
very rare events can occur that were not identified
during the clinical trials.
Will she be deplatformed for saying that? Will she be silenced? Will she have a police officer show up at her door?
If we're daring to say that there is a link between the vaccine and a deadly illness, a side effect in those who've taken the shot.
I wish that this statement had been widespread enough.
It would have been had the media not gone silent, I suppose.
Her colleague in Denmark might not have experienced a deadly fall.
If we remember this, covering this last week, Tanja Eriksson.
This is the director of the medical agency in Denmark.
She's the lady that fainted making the announcement at the vaccination event.
The press conference announcing that they were no longer going to administer AstraZeneca
and that they were halting the Johnson and Johnson shot.
And we don't know if she got vaccinated.
You'd suspect the head of the medical agency in Denmark would want people who would lead
by example really in this case would have gotten the shot and was the biggest proponent. We know she was a proponent of vaccines, but she has come out now
today and given a proof of life. It was odd. No one had heard from her for at least five days.
She said, thank you all very much for your caring greetings. It's whimsical. It was certainly a
whimsical fall. She said it was a hard blow. My head had to accept, but luckily I'm in good recovery
now. Recovery from what?'m in good recovery now.
But recovery from what?
We still don't know.
If you didn't see what we're talking about, this is the fainting during a press conference announcing AstraZeneca was being halted permanently in Denmark.
The very shot that the head of the medical agency in Europe said is being halted for
the links, the confirmed links, not a conspiracy theory, confirmed links, the side effects. It's a form of international gaslighting.
I mean, if you see that, Matt, wouldn't you have questions?
I mean, an average person with common sense would have questions.
What happened to her?
And is it vaccine related?
Oh, man, it was scary, though.
It looks like she got hit by a dart gun.
She said it was a very hard blow.
Look at this.
I mean, maybe, who knows, but I'm glad she's recovered.
But what a fall.
The point of showing this is to note that it's important to have free speech.
It's important for the media.
It's important for us to have discussions around this.
And the government can't just mandate things upon us. It is even at their own conferences
Their officials are having medical emergencies. All right, this does not
Instill I'd say confidence in the process
But even past that we know that the intent is not to instill confidence. It's to enforce mandates edicts
In England, they've made it very clear that
the British people are starting to feel terrorist. I think anyone in the world is starting to feel
terrorist by these mandates. There was a study that came out this past week that Britons are
indeed terrorized by the edicts of their Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who wants to send the
country into another lockdown. You know, America is also trying to follow suit in this regard.
But that's also what you've been busy with a project, Matt.
Because even though the elite want a great reset of society,
they want to terrorize the populace with endless pandemics.
You've been working on something to show a greater reset,
the greatest reset of all.
Yeah, so we're in full production
with the latest documentary.
We don't know if it's a series or full feature yet,
but the greatest reset is in full production.
We've been traveling the country talking to leading experts
in sciences, in the medical field, agriculture, economics.
This is this great reset that they're trying to instill agriculture, economics.
This is this great reset that they're trying to instill
in the world has a lot of people behind it,
has a lot of propaganda behind it.
So we're kind of getting that onion and peeling it
and seeing what's behind it.
When we have things like event 201, a simulated pandemic scenario.
For coronavirus.
For coronavirus that was game planned a month
before we actually went through what they simulated.
If you're not a free, if you don't take that as a free man,
as a sovereign person, and you want to question that,
that's what we're doing.
That's what the True doing that's what the true
news family is doing and contributing to us and and uh we we have a lot of people we've interviewed
we have uh two more this week or three more and then we're off to the west coast we need to go
into canada and view people but canada's on a complete lockdown it's's a 10-day quarantine. So, you know, we're trying to get the information
out, but they're trying to stifle us from doing this because the truth needs to be told.
And we'll set you free.
And as we know, the truth will set you free. And we're going to keep on showing you our
progression throughout it. I have a latest trailer that I'd like to share with the audience right now.
And this will showcase a couple of the new people we've talked to.
So here it is.
The Greatest Reset.
You know, I interviewed Catherine Austin Fitz for my podcast a few weeks ago,
and what she said about this whole situation is death is not the worst thing that can happen.
I just want to be known as, to my children and their memories,
a fighter, a foot soldier for Christ that was on the right side
of the battle. One of the most vitally important issues of our age, and that is United Nations
Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. It is the inventory and control plan, inventory and control
of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all
construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and all
human beings in the world.
And this is a plan that was agreed to by 179 nations back in 1992.
The important point is that yes, the events of the Alta Vendita seem to have played out
in the late 20th and early 21st century.
When we're talking about the men who gave us a Francis Pontificate, we're talking about
a group that deigned itself the South Golan Mafia. As a matter of fact, I have to be careful here,
what I say.
We are entering right into the realm of transhumanism.
They always go too fast.
They're always too complacent.
They're always overconfident.
And they're heading to a point where I don't think
they can possibly succeed.
What a glorious thing it is to be responsible
for saving the world.
Humans have got to fight back against the idea
of human extinction, it's so obvious.
Number one, laugh while you can, right?
Because this side of the eschaton is fleeting.
And number two, do your worst, and I'll do mine.
I'm excited, Matt.
If you do even a half of a good a job as you did with Sacrificing Liberty.
Oh, this is going to be amazing.
I think that's super important.
And for the men who went through that, that was needed.
But for humanity, this film is needed.
We saw the Catholic Church.
It's like this thing has been a plan for hundreds of years for these people.
This is not something that just in 1992,
they became, wanted to come up and figure, this is a plan that some of these, you know,
global elites have been planning for hundreds of years, the takeover of the Catholic church
from within. We've discovered documents that were passed around from Freemason lodges on how they'll infiltrate the church.
This thing is deep, it's corrupted, and we are living through these hundred-year plans right now.
And the media is so compromised. There's a reason why there's a unification between all the mass
medias of whatever we're going through
and that same voice is being heard through all of it.
It's because they're owned and they're paid for
and they have their marching orders.
Free press is our last stand against
what we're going through.
And that's why what we do here is so important
because we are that last bastion of freedom.
And we see once we get too close, what happens?
We get deplatformed.
But it's not going to stop us.
We're going to keep on pushing through.
And with your help, the viewers are so integral to this because we can't do it without you.
And we're going to push through and we're going to keep on bringing truth to the world
because right now we need it more than ever. Amen.
And that truth that you're absolutely right is necessary. We're going to be girdled with truth.
And Doc, we've covered the rioting, the prospective burning of cities. We've also
talked about the injustice of lockdowns and the tyranny that many of the body cries are
having to experience around the world.
What would be your message as a pastor to those listening who might be afraid of what
is to come?
I suppose any other pastor right now would say, I want to give you a message of hope
and a message of, you know, that there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
But I would say that light at the end of the tunnel that's coming at you is an oncoming train.
And that train is about to lay some massive destruction
on this nation.
We have all the symptoms of a society
that is not just sick.
We're a perverted society.
We've abandoned the God of the Bible.
We've abandoned Jesus of the cross.
We abandoned the faith of the Bible. We've abandoned Jesus of the cross. We abandoned the faith of our fathers.
What limited faith there was, we've abandoned that.
Yet we still claim to be chosen.
We still claim to have some semblance of Christianity when we're just a shadow of it.
Any rights that we have today, the freedom of the press, freedom of speech. They were granted to us by our creator.
The freedom to be able to do all this, the freedom to assemble pastors,
open your churches up for goodness sakes.
It's in the constitution.
You can do it.
These are your rights, but you don't believe in God anymore.
So you don't believe in God given rights anymore.
I would like to say I'd see this nation
repent. I don't see repentance coming, but there are still a people that can repent. There are
still individuals that can turn their lives to God and start walking a new path and a new life.
I have no hope for the nation, but I have a hope for you as an individual that right now you can cry out to God
and by faith receive his son, Jesus Christ. Believe that God raised him from the dead
and you can start a new path and a new life and you can change your life. You can change your
family's life. You can change the lives of your descendants just by making that confession of
faith. Maybe if enough people do that, we might be able to save a portion of this nation.
But what I'm saying right now, this is lifeboat preaching.
The lifeboats are here.
Titanic, the iceberg hit hours ago.
Titanic's going down.
What we're trying to do at this ministry is telling you, get in the lifeboat.
Jesus is the lifeboat.
I'll join you in that commission, Doc, while I draw breath.
Well, thank you for watching today's Godcast.
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We'll be back here tomorrow to continue reporting the good news
as we approach the second coming of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Thank you, and God bless you.
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