Episode Date: June 3, 2021

Today on TruNews, guest hosts Milo Yiannopoulos and Lauren Witzke respond to viewer emails and comments on filling in for Rick Wiles and Edward Szall. Patrick Howley joins the godcast to help sort thr...ough the latest release of the Fauci emails as he is being kicked to the COVID curb. Milo opens up regarding his journey of recovery from his ‘homosexualist’ lifestyle. The team exposes the shocking monetization of miscarriage by Abby Shapiro, the sister of Ben Shapiro. Milo Yiannopoulos, Lauren Witzke, Doc Burkhart. Airdate 06/03/21.

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Starting point is 00:00:00 The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you. To find out how you can help, visit This is True News for June 3rd, 2021. I'm Doc Burkhardt. Thank you for joining us. We would sincerely like to thank the True News audience for your continued show of love and support for this ministry. We have received thousands of messages, emails, and letters from our Godcast family sharing your concern for Rick and Susan Wiles and their family
Starting point is 00:00:56 and also the staff here at True News. Rick and Susan continue to recover at home and are improving on a day-to-day basis. Two weeks ago, the two of them took some time off to move into their new home. And as that week ended, both Rick and Susan started experiencing flu-like symptoms, with Rick's reaction becoming so severe it was enough for him to be hospitalized over the Memorial Day weekend. So that's the status on that. We also want to encourage you to continue to pray for our team members too. We have several in recovery now, including True News host Edward Zoll. Now, we also wanted to alert you to be praying for Kerry Kinsey. Now, last night he was taken
Starting point is 00:01:34 to the emergency room with flu-like symptoms as well. He's at home today, resting and recovering as well. So please keep Edward, Kerry, and our other team members on your prayer list. And thank you for remembering this ministry at all times. The True News Godcast goes on and Rick has asked a couple of new friends to fill in for him and Edward as they recover. And if you saw the Wednesday edition of True News, it was like Mr. Toad's wild ride at the amusement park. We asked for your response to the show and you let us know with emails, messages and more. So joining me to discuss that feedback from yesterday's Godcast plus much, much more, our Trini's guest host, Myla Yiannopoulos and Lauren Witzke. Welcome back, you two.
Starting point is 00:02:14 Thank you. Thank you so much. And we did get a lot of response last night, hundreds of emails from people. And we thought we'd take just a few minutes here at the beginning of the Godcast day to share a few of them. Now, I want to say to our audience, the response by email was overwhelmingly positive to yesterday's Godcast. I mean, like 90 plus percent. And so I just wanted to put that out there. We had a couple of naysayers and everything, but let's start off here with a little bit of feedback from our audience here. These are just a few of the emails that we received, and here's a few that we can start off with here. This one here is from Neil, and it's from your home country there. A fine town, a seaside town.
Starting point is 00:03:02 And just a quick email to say well done to Milo and Lauren, and thank you for standing in the gap during this difficult time. It was an interesting program. Although as a father of two young boys, I found some of the content very disturbing, being shocked but just appalled at the level of vile gall spewed out by that community. To call the community is a bit of a joke because they all seem to hate each other anyway. So really proud of Rick and the team to be brave enough to take a chance, especially with Milo. You hear that?
Starting point is 00:03:27 So I can see his mind racing, trying to avoid what pops up in his head naturally. Lots of tongue biting. Very funny to watch, but in a nice way. Looking forward to what's ahead with two news and have been praying for you all. So any responses to that? No response.
Starting point is 00:03:44 Guilty as charged. Look, it's a process, not a destination, rewiring your brain from a particular way of thinking and way of being. And it's funny, you know, I asked my priest, if I'm giving up this particular life, do I have to give up leopard print? Do I have to give up being caustic?
Starting point is 00:04:07 And he said, well, you know, to be honest with you, it exists on a continuum. There's a spectrum, you know, that starts with aesthetic choices and ways of thinking that's all to do with this construction of a false self and ends in urges and acts. So it's a process, ladies and gentlemen. I may never be entirely free of mischievous private thoughts you can read on my face,
Starting point is 00:04:31 but I'm doing a better job every day of keeping at least most of them to myself. Well, here's another one. This is from Rachel in Texas, and she's writing, thoroughly enjoyed the content and the presentation on yesterday's show with Milo and Lauren as co-hosts. This is my first time even hearing about True News, and it's because of them. Thanks for having them on to speak boldly. We look forward to watching them over the next two weeks. Another one here.
Starting point is 00:04:53 This is from Kathy Lee Dean, and she writes, I want to say thank you for continuing True News in spite of the convicuous absences. Be assured we're praying for all as mightily as we know how. It would be disastrous to have to spend two weeks without any true news. I agree with that. Amen. I was thrilled with your guest. Lauren Witzke is a courageously outspoken spokeswoman for Christianity in America and the right political forum. And while I have never heard of Milo, who hasn't heard of Milo? I know. Until his recent interview with Rick. You leave Kathy Lee alone. She's about to say something
Starting point is 00:05:21 nice. I found him to be enjoyable, genuine, and I rejoice it is courageous and open profession for faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. My only criticism, I would like to hear equal time for all the panel. I found it a wee bit lopsided. God bless you all abundantly. Thank you for your time and hard work, both on screen personalities and never seen essential workers out there too. So some great responses there. Let's do another one. Can I just say, Kathy Lee, I am stunned and offended at the suggestion
Starting point is 00:05:50 that I am some kind of overbearing blabbermouth. Shocking. I'll try to do it better today, all right? All right, here's another one from the UK. We had a lot of people write us from the UK. And he wrote, I wanted to write a quick email to thank you for having Milo on your program yesterday. I found the link via Milo's profile on Gab and was curious. I have never watched your show before or seen your website, but following what I saw yesterday,
Starting point is 00:06:13 I can assure you I'll be tuning in again to see the well-informed and astute commentary and, of course, the cutting humor of Milo's wit. So if you want to call it that. The astute commentary bit. He must be talking about her. Oh, wow. I've been wondering when this Lauren was going to show up. One more. And this one gets me involved. And so while true news, I love the show with Doc, Lauren and Milo. And I also love Rick, Edward and Doc. In fact, when Rick was interviewing Milo on his God cast, I was hoping Rick would let Milo have his own show on Tree News Network. And look now, I get more Milo, Lauren and Doc. This format is a switch for Doc and Doc is so easygoing and able to accomplish anything with success. That's true. Thank you, Doc. Praying for Rick, Susan,
Starting point is 00:06:55 and Edward and the whole Tree News team. You're the only network I watch and trust to lead me down to Godly Bath. Thank you all. This is from Julie. And so I would have to say the emails that we received last night, by the way, this stack of emails here is not the emails we're talking about. That's another stack of emails that we'll be talking about. But let's be honest, we did have a few negative ones and it wouldn't be fair to just do all the positive ones without sharing a few of the negative ones too so let's let's start off with this one this is from Ozzy Hooper okay Ozzy Hooper true news hit a new low allowing Zionists subversive like Lauren Witzke carpet bomb Gaza Milo Yiannopoulos his speeches and writings include it
Starting point is 00:07:40 ridicule Islam feminism and social justice these two zio demons flaunting their giddiness and co-opting a Christian broadcast to showcase the Talmudic corruption infesting the u.s. very disappointing and disgusting that tree news gave them a podium to spread their zio propaganda wow there's a lot to say there ever so well that's that, ever. Well, that's their opinion, and opinions are like belly buttons. Everybody's got at least one. Here's another one. Whoever told you this type of format and these people is a good idea
Starting point is 00:08:16 is giving you some extraordinarily bad advice. I have to wonder if this isn't some kind of hostage situation. Is everyone okay there at the studio? Okay. Darren, I'm blinking in Morse code. Help me, please. Okay. All right.
Starting point is 00:08:35 Here's another one. Okay. You all really expose yourself of the fraud you are. What was in Lauren's ear? I guess they're talking about where we paused yesterday for a little bit. Clearly, she's controlled by somebody. One big huge expose of what this fraud tree news truly is. I'm sure you are funded by the Vatican.
Starting point is 00:08:54 Total embarrassing. So, Zionist and the Vatican were funded by. Total embarrassing exposed show today. That's from Chris Solomon. Yeah, I was actually at NAHU. Giving their orders. Actually, what was actually Netanyahu. Giving their orders. Actually, what was going on yesterday is we were trying to connect with a phone call, and we were hearing the connection of the call in our ears, and it gave us a little bit of a pause.
Starting point is 00:09:15 Are there people at home who think that this is sort of piped in from the UN or something? Yeah, they're just sort of like, shut it down, shut it down, move on, talk about something else. It's like a neural link. All right, one more, guys, and we'll call it a day here. So, dear Trini's team, I pray that Rick and Edward will recover quickly. They're in my prayers. Watching the opening of today's broadcast, I was saddened how your banner at the bottom of the screen portrayed Milo Yiannopoulos. It said that he was a former homosexualist and reformed sodomite. What exactly is a homosexualist, by the way? Yet, under Loren Witzke's name, it said Christian commentator and conservative
Starting point is 00:09:52 political activist. It was very disrespectful and poor taste to label Milo like that, yet you didn't write any of Loren's past sins. We're all washed in the blood of Jesus Christ despite our past sins. When we ask forgiveness and repent of sin, God no longer remembers our sins. Why must you drag up this man's past sins yet make no mention of the woman's past sins? Milo is now a Christian commentator and a conservative political activist. Now why not give him the same title as Lauren? No wonder gays have a hard time feeling accepted by Christians.
Starting point is 00:10:22 They're often made to feel like second-class citizens, second-class Christians. I hope that you will ask Milo for forgiveness. Jesus wouldn't write down Milo's past sins. He would write down that Milo is a child of God washed in the blood of Christ. Amen. That's from Mark up in America's hat, Canada. And so we should probably point out that I wrote those. Yes. Milo wrote those. Let's put Milo on the screen here and one of his, these are his. You see the scrupulously accommodating and polite and lovely people down here in Florida asked me how I would like to be described. There you go. There it is. I'll take the opportunity to be self-effacing, which I thought I'd do. And actually, that doesn't really qualify as an email from a hater because clearly it's
Starting point is 00:11:11 from somebody with a good heart and sincere concerns. So thank you and God bless you. In fact, that was me. I just thought I would poke a little bit of fun at myself since I'm in a place where I'm able to do so. And to answer your question on a serious note, a homosexualist is an old-fashioned British way of saying gay, which marries both the sinful urges and lifestyle
Starting point is 00:11:36 with a particular political attitude. So calling someone a homosexualist is a way of saying that not only are they gay, but they're also one of those LGBT activist types. So it's one of those charmingly old fashioned, slightly patronizing, I'm sure very offensive ways of describing left wing gays, which I use about myself, of course, in satirical, self-effacing fashion. But thank you. Thank you most sincerely for the love there. Very good. And you can continue to send emails and everything.
Starting point is 00:12:08 Let us know what you think of the God cast. You're never shy about that anyway. But I just want to say once again, Rick had great confidence in Milo and Lauren by inviting them here and to represent True News during this time as Rick and Edward are recovering. I ask you this. If you trust Rick, trust Milo and Lauren, okay? So, all right, let's get with it, guys. What's on the agenda today? Yes, yeah, yeah. Pretty good introduction. If I were watching this at home, I'd be thinking, oh no, what's coming? No, no. Actually, we are going to be dealing today with, first of all,
Starting point is 00:12:45 a subject that isn't necessarily holy or exclusively to do with religion. We're going to begin with our segment from yesterday which went down like a cup of cold sick they say, don't they, with some people, but it was very popular with the majority, and that is why isn't it on fire? fire. Now it's my observation that ugly things tend to lend themselves to ugly language. When we're thinking about horrible, disreputable, sinful things, they seem to lend themselves to ugly language and inspire ugly art. I saw a tweet the other day about Demi Lovato and she was changing her pronouns and it said Demi Lovato has announced that they will now be referred to as whatever. And I thought as a writer I thought there's some
Starting point is 00:13:37 complicated grammar going on here isn't there? It seems like when Demi Lovato is mentioned by name it's normal and you say Demi Lovato is mentioned by name, it's normal, and you say Demi Lovato has announced, but then when you use the pronouns it becomes plural. It's very ugly and complicated and confusing because what it's describing is ugly and complicated and confusing. Whereas true and beautiful things are more often expressed naturally in true and beautiful language. And I thought since we discussed so much ugliness yesterday, by necessity,
Starting point is 00:14:08 and we will be touching on a little today, again, by necessity, I thought it might be nice for us to start with something a little more beautiful. So I've asked my co-panelists, and I've done the same, to pick their favorite little snippet of scripture to share something, just a moment where they feel that the literary beauty of the greatest book ever written just touches for a second on the eternal mysteries of the universe and where beauty of language meets how beautiful the truth is. So why don't we start with Lauren? Okay, so for this, I think this is such a beautiful verse. It is Psalm 42, 1 through 4. As the deer pants for the water brooks,
Starting point is 00:14:55 so pants my soul for you, O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night. While they continually say to me, where is your God? When I remember these things, I pour out my soul within me. For I used to go with the multitude. I went with them to the house of God with the voice of joy and praise, with a multitude that kept a pilgrim feast. And I just think it's just such a beautiful verse. You know, David just wrote
Starting point is 00:15:25 love songs to the Lord, even in his anguish. And that's just a beautiful verse altogether. So that's why I chose. He's crying out in pain very often, but there's also these moments of beautiful elevation as well. Yeah. You have, Doc? No, I just, I agree. It's just a, even if it, even if you treat the scripture just as standalone poetry, that's beautiful right there. But it's much more than that. It's the God-breathed word. And so it's not limited to just the literary framework of it. It's the inspiration of life. And so, but you also had a passage that you wanted to share too.
Starting point is 00:16:03 Yes, I picked from Proverbs, Proverbs 8, which we'll have up on the screen if you want to look it up yourself at home. The Lord possessed me at the beginning of his way, before his works of old. I have been established from everlasting, from the beginning before there ever was an earth. When there were no depths, I was brought forth. When there were no fountains abounding with water, before the mountains were settled, before the hills, I was brought forth. While as yet he had not yet made the earth or the fields or the primal dust of the world, when he prepared the heavens, I was there. When he drew a circle on the face of the deep, when he established the clouds above, when he a circle on the face of the deep, when he established the
Starting point is 00:16:45 clouds above, when he strengthened the fountains of the deep, when he assigned to the sea its limit so that the waters would not transgress his command, when he marked out the foundations of the earth, then I was beside him as a master craftsman. And I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him, rejoicing in his inhabited world. And my delight was with the sons of men. Wow. You know, that's even better, being spoken with a British accent.
Starting point is 00:17:18 It really is. I was thinking, that sounds like Alexander Scorby. No, I was reading. The Bible does come with an English version, doesn't it? Before this is out, I bet Rick has you reading our own version of the Bible before it's all done, if he hears that. Well, I chose Jeremiah chapter 1. I'm extremely pro-life. I'm radically pro-life because I believe the Bible teaches that life begins not at birth,
Starting point is 00:17:48 but not even at conception, that God knew me before I was even formed together. So Jeremiah chapter 1 reads this, Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying, Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you. Before you were born, I sanctified you. I ordained you a prophet to the nations. Then said I, ah, Lord God, behold, I cannot speak for I'm a youth. But the Lord said to me, do not say I'm a youth for you shall go to all to whom I send you. And whatever I command you, you shall speak. Do
Starting point is 00:18:18 not be afraid of their faces. That's Jeremiah chapter one, four through 10. For I'm with you to deliver you, says the Lord. Then the Lord put forth his hand and touched my mouth. And the Lord said to me, behold, I have put my words in your mouth. See, I have this day set you over the nations and over the kingdoms to root out and to pull down, to destroy and throw down, to build and to plant. To me, that's a beautiful passage of scripture. It's stunning, isn't it? To build and to plant. To me, that's a beautiful passage of scripture. It's stunning, isn't it? To build and to plant, meaning to, as God the maker, to construct it, but also to plant seeds that will grow on their own. But that we are the ultimate one, that God's plan was always humanity. And he
Starting point is 00:18:57 knew us, Milo. He knew us before he formed us in the womb. He knew us. He knew, had a plan for each one of us, had a plan for you, had a plan for knew, had a plan for each one of us. Had a plan for you, had a plan for Lauren, had a plan for me. That's how much he cared for us, that he planned out our lives before we were even conceived in the womb. So. That's a good argument against these people who want to nitpick about, oh, is the morning after pill technically what? Yes. Yes, it is. Yes, it is. Because you were known before you were conceived. Because that baby existed before either of you two were, yeah, I like that a lot. So we talked about the beauty,
Starting point is 00:19:30 okay? So I guess now we've got to talk about the ugly, right? Well, just a little bit. It is now time for Why Isn't It On Fire? You heard beautiful things lend themselves to beautiful language, to beautiful expression, to beautiful expression,
Starting point is 00:19:45 to beautiful art. Look at St. Peter's Basilica or any of the other beautiful buildings dedicated to the glory of God. But ugly things, lies, well, you can't grow good fruit on bad trees, can you? To demonstrate to you what I mean, here's a song. Fauci, give us vaccines. Help all the people who have been quarantined. We'll wear our masks and we'll have to stay distant. We'll wash our hands and we'll be more resistant. Fauci, promise us please. We'll have a cure that can fight off this disease
Starting point is 00:20:46 restrictions we'll lift with some ease, Dr Fauci don't forget me Oh dear, that reluctance. Thank you, thank you very much. Oh dear, poor thing. You know the worst thing about that video is he's probably not even gay. That's just what American men look like these days. Pathetic smattering of applause after that. But Dr. Fauci's in the news, and so... That's why I thought I would treat you all to this auditory feast. Anyway, yes, compare that to the Allegri Miserere or the Bach Ave Maria,
Starting point is 00:21:32 and you'll see how beautiful things create beautiful music and ugly things create ugly music. All right, well, we're here to talk about a serious issue, and it is this. Dr. Fauci, we've got your emails. Here they are and we've, well one of the reasons I'm feeling a little weary today is all the time I spent last night printing all this out. I spent literally minutes watching YouTube commentary about it before I became so sick of the subject that I called over to Lauren's room in the hotel and I said, can you please do this segment? It makes me so miserable just thinking about it.
Starting point is 00:22:10 And there she was all night. So Lauren's going to take the helm with the help of a guest who's calling in to explain to us what the leaked emails from Dr. Anthony Fauci mean, what they reveal and why we should care. So please take it away. Okay, sure thing. Well, as everybody knows now that the Fauci emails were leaked, so I want to encourage people that are reading these emails right now to understand that these bureaucrats like Fauci and Bill Gates, they will never be held accountable. They are untouchable. So we have to ask ourselves, why are they releasing these emails now? Why are they letting this be a PR disaster for Anthony Fauci to the point where he is losing his book deals? Everything is to keep your mind on something and focused on something. As somebody who is in politics, I understand that nothing in politics
Starting point is 00:23:02 moves unless it's pushed. They have the media. They can certainly spin this any way they want. They can direct any narrative they want. However, they are allowing this to happen and they're allowing you to believe it. So you need to ask yourself, how does this benefit them if I believe them? So the emails did and that were released. It was true. Fauci knew that hydroxychloroquine was effective against COVID. Masks did indeed not work. The virus was concocted in a Wuhan lab.
Starting point is 00:23:34 There's even emails touching on that it was possibly a bioweapon as well. However, last week, Joe Biden announced that he wants to call an investigation into the origins of COVID-19. So what are they planning on doing? Are they planning on investigating themselves? Because, I mean, that's what it is. So, you know, we also now they're saying that it was amateur journalists who leaked these emails and got this information out. Like they're the heroes of the day. Always question things when the left wing media is pushing these emails out and pushing this narrative out. However, you know, the truth is we had media outlets last year, in April of last year,
Starting point is 00:24:14 releasing the same content, saying the same thing. So this is no surprise to intelligence. This is no surprise to the CIA and everybody who is investigating it. They knew all along, and right now they're calling for an investigation to basically set up a fall man. You know, like I said before, Fauci is untouchable. He is a ruling elite bureaucrat who will not be. You think that our DOJ is going to charge Anthony Fauci or Bill Gates? Absolutely not. There's no smoking gun in these emails. It's just enough to give Americans somebody to blame, to keep the attention off of who really was responsible for COVID-19 and unleashing it on
Starting point is 00:24:59 a people. Also keep in mind that it wasn't China that locked down America. It was Republican elected officials that put draconian lockdowns on the American people. It was our elected officials that did this to you, that put your small business. It was not China that did that. It was Donald Trump. Yeah, I mean, Donald Trump is also responsible as well. He did hand, I do, he should have handled COVID-19 federally instead of leaving it up to the states. He should have taken charge of this, but he also should have fired Fauci instead of giving him a national platform to direct the narrative as well. And he still maintained that platform until they
Starting point is 00:25:36 decided to dispose of him. He served his purpose. He knows that he will never get charged for anything. So you need to understand how does it benefit them if I believe what they're saying, what they are telling me to believe. Do not come to your own conclusions of who really is responsible for this, because intelligence was aware of this. This has been an ongoing, COVID-19 has been ongoing. I mean, it's been developing since 2013. There's already been links to the studies, the funding of organizations, the funding of universities studying it. And so this was there. Fauci is just a fall guy. So I wanted to bring on Patrick Halley, who is just he's with National File.
Starting point is 00:26:18 Awesome investigative journalist. Now where they're trying to tell us that it's amateur journalists who are now releasing this content that intelligence committees will be investigating. Patrick Halley broke the story last year. He knew way ahead of time. He is always ahead of the curve. He's always early and he's never wrong. Patrick, are you there? Thanks. Thanks for having me. Good to see my old friend Milo. And it's great to be here. Great to hear from you, man. All right, Patrick, so what do you think, have you had a chance to look at the emails, and what kind of conclusions are you drawing from this?
Starting point is 00:26:54 So basically what happened here is that Dr. Anthony Fauci, the demonic little garden gnome, was funding the bat coronavirus project at the Wuhan Institute of Virology. He was working during this time, as we now know from the emails, in coordination with Bill Gates. Bill Gates has been a longtime ally and benefactor of Dr. Anthony Fauci. And it's obvious now, considering that President Trump and Mike Pompeo have identified the Wuhan lab as the source of the outbreak, that Dr. Fauci was the Frankenstein of This coronavirus much in the way that Bill Gates was the Frankenstein of his mosquito army that he's unleashing And he's trying to block the Sun and whatnot
Starting point is 00:27:36 I guess he's doing that from the Econo Lodge because he just got divorced from Melinda And I could see why Melinda would want to put a mask on her face, by the way, let me just say. But the fact of the matter is... Sorry to interrupt, Patrick, but I just want to ask you, have you noticed they seem to be sort of crossing genders? Like Bill looks more like a woman and Melinda looks more like a man with each day that passes. I wonder whether that has anything to do with them breaking up. They seem to be sort of like ships passing in the night, exchanging genders. Have you noticed that? I'm glad you pointed that out, Milo.
Starting point is 00:28:11 They do seem to be crisscrossing. Bill Gates has developed breasts, whereas Melinda, she looks a little bit like Rachel Levine, Biden's health advisor. I don't know why health officials are the least healthiest people in our society. Have you seen that Belgian health minister? 600 pounds. The Belgian minister of health is she would qualify for my 600 pound life. I mean, I'm amazed she hasn't been on TLC yet. The Belgian health minister, look her up. Astonishing. Yes. And Milo, as you know, the whole mask thing, in addition to being about the suffocation fetish of the elites that they're
Starting point is 00:28:51 trying to inflict on everyone else, and that's a real thing, of course, but it's also about 400 pound women in our society who want to have authority over others. They want to inflict themselves upon others because they have no man. Even their cats hate them. They're very sad people. And so they must they seek authority over others. The only way to do that is by by forcing people to put demonic slave masks on themselves, including on children. Have you heard about this bacterium that supposedly exists in what cats leave behind them in the litter tray that can get into your brain and turn you a bit loco? I have heard that. Yeah, no, I mean, I thought, yeah, okay, fine, that sounds like something that, you know, somebody lunatic would bang on about for hours.
Starting point is 00:29:41 But it's actually real. It's true. It can turn cat ladies a little bit loopy. And it's from their cat's daily excretions. Right. Yeah. True, true, true. Anyway, but you're absolutely right about. I definitely see the results of that, yeah.
Starting point is 00:29:54 I think we've all seen the results of that. You're definitely right, though. There's something about the gleefulness with which people are policing their fellow citizens, dobbing them in, which is British for, what would you say, snitching on their fellow citizens. There's this sort of really weird, petty vindictiveness that this has brought out in people, I have to say, seems to be primarily unmarried, childless spinsters who are the driving force behind this as they are the driving force behind gay pride and drag queen story hour so yeah no I must confess I share your view I share your
Starting point is 00:30:35 analysis tell us about the masks there's an email here that says from from Anthony Fauci says masks are really for infected people to prevent them from spreading infection to people who are not infected rather than protecting uninfected people. The typical mask you buy in the drugstore
Starting point is 00:30:50 is not really effective in keeping out viruses. The virus is small enough to pass through the material. It might provide some slight benefit to keep out gross droplets, meaning if you cough on someone
Starting point is 00:31:04 and there are big droplets in the air, then perhaps it'll help. I do not recommend that you wear a mask. Wednesday, 5th of February, 2020. Yes. That's Fauci. Why is this? I mean, I have to ask you the question.
Starting point is 00:31:20 This is the name of our segment. Why isn't it on fire? Well, you know, he was saying that to a former Obama administration official. So the elites are saying one thing. They don't wear masks. You know, Fauci would pull his mask down. But meanwhile, they seek to have social control over our children. And even Elmo wears a mask.
Starting point is 00:31:37 In fact, Dr. Anthony Fauci told Elmo on CNN that he vaccinated Santa Claus. That's not a medlib from hell. That actually happened. This is a sick guy. This is a disturbed man. He's a demon elf. He's mentally ill. He's a mentally ill sociopath. Meanwhile, we know that the CDC inflated the COVID death count in 2020 by at least 1600%. So they were creating a fake case for why this was some kind of massive pandemic when we know that gunshot wound victims were being treated as coronavirus deaths. This was about vaccines. This was about paper ballots. So Ruby Tuesday, Ruby Friedman could take her little suitcase full of ballots out from underneath the table there in Fulton
Starting point is 00:32:22 County, Georgia. And this was about social control and seeing how much they can get away with in terms of pushing the satanic New World Order. Right. At one point, Anthony Fauci received an email describing how coronavirus was a bioweapon, the production of it. What are your thoughts on that? Do you think that coronavirus was a bioweapon concocted to unleash globally on the American people? Or do you think it was always about the vaccine? Do you think every pathway led to the vaccine? We all know that these people are absolutely obsessed with population control. Bill Gates has openly advocated for methods of population control.
Starting point is 00:33:00 But what are your thoughts on this? Do you think it was a bioweapon? Do you think it was just something that leaked from the lab? Do you think this was orchestrated? I'm really interested in hearing what you have to say about it, because I know you talked about this last year. I remember you talking about it. You've been openly advocating for states' rights, people's rights, families' rights, children's rights against the coronavirus lockdowns. And I'm curious what you actually think the origins of this coronavirus virus was, were. Well, Bill Gates has suggested that there's going to be another pandemic that's going to be even deadlier. This one was more of a test run, I believe. And I mean, we have a Gates Foundation
Starting point is 00:33:40 Chinese partner, the Center for Global Public Health, going into the Wuhan Institute of Virology in 2018 after Fauci had already started this research. It's obvious to me that this was intentional. It's obvious to me that they were using this as an obedience test to see how much degradation people are willing to accept. And, of course, in the case of the cat food, box wine, Maddow people, they're willing to accept a whole lot of degradation because they hate themselves. But we know, for instance, that and Fauci knew, by the way, that 99 percent of a sample of the deaths had comorbidities. Nobody was well, the vast majority of people were not actually dying from coronavirus. They had other preexisting conditions as well.
Starting point is 00:34:27 And one very disturbing thing that you're seeing here, because we have to talk about judicial activism, which is really the worst thing that's going on in our country right now. You are starting to see, for instance, Judge Dale Cohen down in Florida, who was appointed by Jeb Bush, cut off a mother's time sharing with her son when she was caught on social media not wearing a mask. We published the audio of him showing his bias on the mask issue. He was forced to recuse himself. But this is happening all over the place. The Child Protective Services Agency in Los Angeles went into court, a lawyer told me,
Starting point is 00:34:57 tried to take a child away from their parent just because the parent had tested positive. Of course, we know that there were massive amounts of false positive tests. And in fact, Cary Mullis, who died shortly before the outbreak, was the inventor of the PCR test. He won the Nobel Prize for inventing the PCR test. He never intended for his invention to be used for something like this, to test for a virus. It was mostly used for crime scene, like CSI kind of stuff,
Starting point is 00:35:24 to find a substance within something else, used for crime scene, like CSI kind of stuff, to find a substance within something else, within a crime scene, really. And so Carey Mullis even said on tape, Anthony Fauci doesn't know anything about science. He's willing to go on television and lie. So this guy, Anthony Fauci, has been known for decades, ever since the AIDS crisis, which he oversaw but never solved, never cured. He's been known as a political operator and a very demonic individual by the people who know him. Yeah, absolutely. I agree.
Starting point is 00:35:52 Patrick, thank you so much for coming on. I appreciate you. Do you think that you think that this is going to happen again? Do you think that Fauci right now is just being the fall guy for all this? I mean, he couldn't have done this all on his own. He was just the face of it that was willing to lie and go on national television. And why now? Why have they all turned on him now? I have to wonder about that.
Starting point is 00:36:14 I mean, it wasn't necessary for him to have a fall at all, surely. I mean, surely he could have just escaped scot-free like the rest of them do. So why is it that he's going through this public humiliation ritual? Is it just theater? Is it all spectacle? What do you think, Patrick? Well, they've been thrown for a loop because nobody can deny that this came out of the Wuhan Institute of Virology at this point. Even the mainstream media is admitting that they need a fall guy and they see Fauci as a fall guy. Not necessarily that he's going to go to prison, but they are
Starting point is 00:36:45 going to pin the blame on him on this, especially to divert from Bill Gates as he's going through all of his revelations, but his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein. So I do believe that Bill Gates will pop up again during the next pandemic. And I do want to say, since I've now been suspended a second time by Jack Dorsey for pointing out Fauci's links to the Wuhan lab, I just want to say since I've now been suspended a second time by Jack Dorsey for pointing out Fauci's links to the Wuhan lab, I just want to say, man, listen, much like Milo, I'm an artist on social media. I don't know what you're into, if you're eating bugs, if you're doing your ice baths, if you're going to Burning Man and vibing out with the other Silicon Valley CEOs who go to Burning Man, whatever you're doing,
Starting point is 00:37:25 you want to do the dreads, Rasta out. You are suppressing another artist, man. So if you want to lift my suspension, I think the people need to hear my truth. I need to kick out the jams to the people here and enlighten the world. There's a Woodstock meets Coachella style appeal to Jack Dorsey, which we love and appreciate from somebody with your political leanings. Thank you, and God bless you, Patrick. Thank you, Malek. I have to confess, I'm a little bit cross with you.
Starting point is 00:37:53 Me? You told me he'd come on and express opinions. You said he'd be entertaining. We didn't see any of that. Just kidding. What a firecracker. Love him to bits. That's great.
Starting point is 00:38:03 We appreciate him being on here with us. He's a national treasure. Patrick Howley is a national treasure. I bow to nobody in my admiration and appreciation for Patrick Howley. Nobody whatsoever. I can clip that one. He's a real deal, too. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Another thing that's in these emails, by the way, did you spot this? I haven't read as many of them as you have, but he keeps repeatedly denying that Trump is censoring him.
Starting point is 00:38:26 Yes. Do you remember that was a big thing? Like Trump is like telling Fauci what he can and can't say, so on and so forth. By the way, if you're listening at home and you're hearing noise, we're zeroing in on Fauci and suddenly the heavens open. Thunder, the thunder above the studio is getting closer. Why is it on fire? We might be in a minute. Sorry. The thunder above the studio. It's getting closer. Why is it on fire? We might be in a minute. Sorry about the thunder. You left that rainbow flag in here from yesterday. No, I didn't. I didn't. I took it out. I took it out. I think that must mean we're over the target because somebody down there is mad with us. No. In those emails, there's a repeated, explicit,
Starting point is 00:39:04 Fauci even begs somebody to stay quiet on the subject because he is not being censored by Trump, which means all his lies are his own. Yes. Doesn't it? Yeah, it sure does. It just seems odd that now is the time that they've decided to turn on him. I don't. I haven't heard a persuasive explanation about this yet. But what I suspect is the case that there's stuff that we don't know that's way worse. So let him fall for this trivial stuff so that when he's got his book
Starting point is 00:39:30 canceled and he's been publicly disgraced, people will stop digging and they won't get what's really out there. I think that I think we're being inoculated. That's what I reckon. So that's what I reckon. We're being we're being we're being vaccined against the real truth about Fauci, aren't we? That's right. Brilliant. OK, well, on the subject of COVID, I guess you had a little something to say about a story in NBC. this week. Do you want to take us through that? Right. So recently, NBC News just put out a hit on Pastor Wiles. And it was.
Starting point is 00:40:02 You can say his name. It's OK. Pastor Rick Wiles. You don't have to. You don't have to swallow. It's NBC that should get his name out of their mouths. You go on. Go ahead. The title of their article that just came out was Right-Wing Pastor Gets COVID After Saying Vaccines Were Part of the Mass Death Campaign, where it's a celebratory headline that is celebrating the fact that a pastor, a right-wing thought leader who had the audacity to oppose these vaccine mandates, these vaccine passports, this mass campaign to brainwash people into taking an experimental vaccine,
Starting point is 00:40:40 he had the audacity to think that. And they are celebrating the fact that he got sick. This is just clear evidence that these people want us dead. These are the type of people that they hate. And, you know, white Christian pastor, you know, they're calling for him. You know, they're celebrating the fact that he was getting sick. And I find that very interesting. That is why I wanted to bring this up. You're right about this. I mean, this is a headline. Just looking at the structure of it.
Starting point is 00:41:08 Yes. I'm a grammar nerd, as I revealed my Demi Lovato diversion. I mean, this is this is this is basically saying he got his just just just desserts. That's exactly what it's saying. Right wing pastor gets COVID after saying vaccines are part of a mass death campaign. This is a see, we told you, and now he's sick. Yeah. What sort of person takes pleasure in, and we'll get to, by the way, we'll get to what's actually demented about this in a second. But just on the face of it, what sort of a person takes pleasure in the sickness and misery of another? When, well, they're the ones responsible for the confusion in the first place, parroting
Starting point is 00:41:46 things they must have known were lies. Right. Right. Absolutely. You know, they're, they specifically hate people that just operate in truth. Rick Wiles, I mean, he asks all the wrong questions according to them. He questions the things that need to be questioned. He's a voice for people that have concerns about these vaccines. And I don't doubt for a second that he's even wrong. Recently, there was a headline done by, well, I guess we'll mention the name of the newspaper afterwards. The big headline that recently said that 5,800 breakthrough infections reported in fully vaccinated people. Right. So these are people that have been vaccinated, some even double-dosed. Right, so this is another major news organization which is saying even if you do get the vaccine,
Starting point is 00:42:32 you'll probably still get infected anyway. So one of the many things that's ugly about this story is that the vaccines don't work. They don't perform their stated purpose, their job. Purpose in the first job. They don't. Which outlet was that? Oh, let's see. Which outlet was that? Which outlet was it reported? Oh, that's NBC. Oh, I see. It was also NBC. What do you know?
Starting point is 00:42:58 Yeah, well, I guess the right hand doesn't know what the left clubbed foot is doing. Yes, exactly. I like that imagery. I guess the right hand doesn't know what the left clubbed foot is doing. Yes, exactly. The hoof. But I find it very interesting that they went after him over that glorifying. But, you know, it's no coincidence. It really is no coincidence that. I meant cloven hoof. Cloven hoof.
Starting point is 00:43:19 I meant the right foot doesn't, the right hand doesn't know what the left cloven hoof is doing. That's what I meant, not clubfoot. I don't even know what that means. A clubfoot is a congenital thing where your foot is the wrong shape. But a cloven foot is associated with Satan. You don't have that? Cloven hooves? Because it's beasts of the field. Oh, like a baphomet hoof.
Starting point is 00:43:43 Yeah, yeah, because it's supposed to be. See, you've got to lead with the right word. What kind of animal is it with cloven hooves there that? Well, there you have it ladies and gentlemen, there's no such thing as coincidence They describe Rick as a homophobic racist Well someone who propagates homophobic, racist, and other hateful conspiracy theories. And then they sort of do the accidental service of merely quoting him. Yeah. And he goes on to say, and this was something we put out here with the ministry, this was a full frontal hit from hell on the Trin family because Jesus Christ lives in us. We shall live
Starting point is 00:44:25 too. And he requests prayer. He goes on to say, thanks to Jesus Christ, I survived the CCP COVID genocide on the American people. And Rick does not back down from that statement. And Rick will not get the vaccine. I can guarantee you that he is adamantly opposed to vaccines at all levels. And so he will not get the vaccine. And he's made it clear here on the God cast. He if it's his time to go, he'll go. It's not going to. But he's not going to volunteer for it by taking the vaccine. We need him. We need him for a good few decades. Yes. Not just yet. We pray. I did just notice one line
Starting point is 00:45:06 in this story before we move on. He's quoted as saying, which I thought was great, the only good thing that will come out of this is a lot of stupid people will be killed off. Well... Where's the lie? I mean, have we not seen story after
Starting point is 00:45:24 story after story of people gloating about their vaccination, calling Republicans idiots and retards and all kinds of other ghastly language? And then, oops, that doctor's dead. Have we seen that again and again and again? These mysterious nurses that vanish and then we're supposed to believe that some. There comes a point where. Calling a spade a spade as offensive as it may be. You can't even say that anymore, Milo. You know that, right? You can't call a spade a spade. Why not?
Starting point is 00:45:52 That's racist. Oh. So you can't do that anymore. It doesn't even, the toughest stuff doesn't even occur to me. Yes. It doesn't even occur to me. What kind of a mind do you have to have to be positive? So right now, Right Ring Watch is, you know, writing up an article on that right now. Well, I'll give them something extra then.
Starting point is 00:46:08 Don't worry. No, no. There's a wonderful line in The Importance of Being Earnest, Oscar Wilde, which I guess these days I should stop reading, where Gwendolyn Cecily says, on such occasions it becomes more than just a duty, it's a pleasure to call a spade a spade. And Gwendolyn, who is a very grand young woman, says, I have never seen a spade. It is obvious that our social spheres have been widely different.
Starting point is 00:46:41 It's probably the best arch British comebackritish comeback of all time in literature. All right, look at this. You hear this? This is because they know where we're about to go, ladies and gentlemen, because we are not backing off from the difficult stuff. All right, that's all great. NBC, yuck. Pressing forward.
Starting point is 00:46:58 What else you got to say? So here, this is what I have to say about this. I don't think it's any coincidence that the true news crew all got deathly ill got very sick um right after they had uh they brought milo onto their show and he showed uh he shared his testimony you best explain what you mean by that i don't know where this is going yeah we have to remember that this is a spiritual battle as well and our enemy retaliates what this is i believe my opinion is that this is a spiritual battle as well. And our enemy retaliates. What this is, I believe, in my opinion, is that this was retaliation. You know, we constantly battle demonic spirits, demonic attacks on ourselves.
Starting point is 00:47:34 And we as Christians must stay equipped. But also we must continue to stay prayerful as, you know, we walk into these times where the enemy, it seems like he has the upper hand. But it was no coincidence that Rick and his crew are in the situation that they're in because they stood for Christ and had, you know, the spine to bring Milo on and share his platform and his testimony. Milo was somebody who belonged to the darkness. He was already Satan. Satan's favorite sodomite, wasn't he? And we took him back. Christ took him back. He likes music and good jokes. But yeah, no, it was an easy thing to lean into because it's easy to go with the cheap laugh and with pleasure rather than restraint. And one of the things
Starting point is 00:48:17 I've liked being on here and I'm enjoying easing into is the pleasure of restraint. That email from the viewer saying, I can see what you're thinking and not saying, you know, but in a good way, it's nice to watch. I am learning in this new chapter in my life, the virtues of restraint, which is a whole new level of being for me. Right, right. Well, it just goes to show the importance of weaponizing your testimony. Everybody comes with something. Everybody has struggled with something. Many people have overcame something. And you can choose to sit in your shame of your past sins, or you can choose to weaponize your testimony for the kingdom, for winning other souls and taking out these demonic attacks that are happening on our people and your friends and family. So whatever darkness was so agitated by Milo's testimony
Starting point is 00:49:08 and his weaponized testimony of the goodness of God and being set free from bondage through Jesus Christ, it had our enemy so agitated that they sent illness to the true news crew. This is my opinion. And it was just so agitating to them that we felt like Milo needed to share it again. It's lethal. It's lethal. But, you know.
Starting point is 00:49:33 You're trying to kill everybody. I was going to say about those emails. There were some viewer emails last night that were so spiteful and horrendous we had no choice but to read them out. Okay. Well, sure. I won't go into the bodily functions because nobody wants to hear that. I'll tell you instead about the second chapter of what happened, which came later. When I made the announcement that I was leaving that lifestyle behind. It was with an interview with LifeSite News,
Starting point is 00:50:05 good guys over there. And something began to happen to me immediately after I did it. Now, look, I know I lean on this a lot as a get out for being a cynic, but I'm very British in a sense of being quite sort of dismissive of, let's say, the fantastical, right, of the supernatural, of the transcendent, in a way that can sometimes get in the way of faith and belief, because, oh, come on, you know, it's a sort of British dismissiveness about anything that you can't
Starting point is 00:50:37 immediately see, that sort of reliance on the physical reality around you, and whatever else is not there, it's like, come on, you need to grow up. So whenever I heard in the past, and I've lived in this country for about half a decade now, so I've experienced plenty of it
Starting point is 00:50:57 from people that I like and respect. Whenever I've heard in the past people talk about spiritual attacks, I have to be honest, I have kind of internally rolled my eyes slightly because I've thought to honest, I have kind of internally rolled my eyes slightly because I thought to myself, all right, okay, all right. This is a country of deranged people, all of whom seem to think they met Jesus.
Starting point is 00:51:17 Until, and I'm not saying I had some sort of Damascene vision. I didn't. But when I, well, two things happened. One of them is funny and one of them is not funny. I'll tell you them both. When I made my announcement, the first thing that happened, which will make you laugh, but it's true, is dogs stopped barking at me. I am one of those people. You know, everyone's got that friend that dogs always go nuts around.
Starting point is 00:51:41 You're familiar with this, right? You've got pets? Yes. There's always somebody that dogs... My dog doesn't bark at you. I keep my dog in the... That's something he barked at me. He barked at you, but that's okay.
Starting point is 00:51:51 He barks at people. You must have some work left to do. But he didn't bark at mine. That is true. But I was always one of those... I know this sounds so stupid, but this is just how I think that God reveals himself to us, right?
Starting point is 00:52:06 This is just my experience of it. I was somebody who invariably, without exception, always used to make dogs go crazy. So we have a friend who's a political candidate down here, right? And her campaign manager has two of these little yappy dogs. And they would not stop. I couldn't be in her house for more than 20 minutes because it would drive everybody crazy. Even growing up, we had Alsatians, we had black Labradors. They just didn't like me at all. The dogs don't bark at me anymore. And it happened almost overnight. Now they seem to quite like me. And it sounds as the stupidest thing in the world.
Starting point is 00:52:42 But it's something you notice and you connect with something that's transformed. It is because I always, I mean, you know, we're sitting around the table, cousins and brothers and sisters in Christ. She's Orthodox. I'm Roman Catholic. You know, and so we're cousins in Christ or whatever, however you want to put it. We're all headed in the same direction. And for me, you know, church teaching says that animals, you know, probably aren't going to end up up there with us. I think that's crap. And Rick would agree with you. Dogs and horses definitely have souls.
Starting point is 00:53:16 There is no question in my mind. You can see it in the eyes. It's not like birds or fish or reptiles where there's something cold and dead about the eyes, you know. You look at, no, I mean. Oh, fish. No, you know what I mean, though. They've got the same kind of eyes. They're sort of like, they're quite sort of, they're sort of superficially beautiful, but
Starting point is 00:53:34 there's no there there, if you know what I mean. But dogs and horses, I mean, come off it. In fact, we'll just skip ahead and play a video that I think proves. No, no, no. You're already done. No, I want to because I think it proves my point. And I'm going to get back to the serious stuff, I promise. Can we play number 10?
Starting point is 00:53:52 This is a video that I think proves... If you are doubting my sincere conviction, and this is somebody who has had horses since the age of five, built my own stables, believe it or not. I've always my own stables, believe it or not. I've always had horses. I've always had absolute certainty that these animals had immortal souls of some kind. Here's a video, if you don't believe me, that will prove it to you.
Starting point is 00:54:18 Here's some lovely horses. Mountain police horse. MALE SPEAKER 1, 2, 3, 4. MALE SPEAKER 1, 2, 3, 4. MALE SPEAKER 1, 2, 3, 4. MALE SPEAKER 1, 2, 3, 4. I don't like the colour. I don't like the colour. They will not walk over the gay pride flag that's been daubed on the sidewalk. Look at this. That's amazing. This poor little guy has to be forced over it. Isn't that amazing?
Starting point is 00:54:45 Isn't that amazing? There's loads of videos like that, and it's always dogs and horses. Now, if you are a horse owner, you're probably already leaping to your keyboard to pour water, to rain on my parade, as they say, and say, well, it's just because horses can't judge depth, and they probably just thought it was steps or something. No. Stop it. Anyway, the dogs not barking. I've always had a good relationship with horses, but never with dogs.
Starting point is 00:55:12 Dogs stop barking. The second thing that happened, which is serious. When I made my announcement, when that story in LifeSite News came out, in addition to all the lovely messages I received from people, I suddenly kind of almost overnight, I've always been a bit of an insomniac, but I suddenly overnight started to experience very disturbing dreams that I would wake from every hour, every hour and a half.
Starting point is 00:55:39 Seem to be, you know, it's a REM cycle or whatever, it's like 90 minutes or something. I just couldn't sleep through a whole cycle. And this being a family show, I won't go into detail about what was in the dreams, but they were featuring things that I was trying to get away from. Physical, involving drugs as well, all kinds of things that were in my past that we won't go into detail with. But except to say that they were in the sense that Coleridge meant the word sensuous, meaning you could sort of taste,
Starting point is 00:56:10 smell, touch it, right? In addition to being sensual, they were also sensuous like Coleridge meant it. They were very vivid. They were very- Yeah, visceral, visceral, right? That's what I mean. And I would wake up in a panic thinking I'd slipped, thinking that it just happened yesterday and I'd sort of passed out in the middle of this whatever. And it would happen over and over again. And I felt myself getting stupider as time went on. And I was I thought this is what it must be like to be a new mom, never getting a full night's sleep because I'm waking up four or five times in the night, like in a panic with the sheets in a horrible state, drenched with perspiration. Bolt upright, like, oh, heavenly, what did I just, no, wait, I'm okay, I'm okay, I'm okay, okay. it's like having to check myself to see if you know I mean um as far as I go I promise but um this was relentless it was it was an instant onset it was relentless it was immediate it is now
Starting point is 00:57:17 petering out I'm sure assisted by my my newwear. I have a Lauren Witsky for Senate T-shirt that she gave me yesterday. I felt safely enveloped last night, so I slept pretty much all the way through. But it's difficult to describe the effect of a dream that is this visceral, right? And I came to understand the meaning of a spiritual attack, of spiritual warfare, right?
Starting point is 00:57:52 And there have been other things that have been going on, and I won't bore you with all of them, except to say I haven't for a moment regretted or reconsidered my trajectory, my change, my new commitment. Not for a moment. Praise the Lord. But it has not been easy. No.
Starting point is 00:58:12 And you know the way the male libido is. The less you have, the less you want, to put it another way, right? I mean, to put it in a euphemistic fashion. So over time, it becomes easier to resist sinful urges. Does anybody who has struggling with pornography or or you know adultery or whatever will will be able to to tell you. So that's been getting easier over time and the dreams are starting to peter out and whatnot. But it's difficult to explain how shaken it can leave you when you really sincerely feel like
Starting point is 00:58:49 this thing just happened. You could feel it, you could smell it, you could, you know. And it's four or five times a night, and it's going on for weeks. So I kind of went a bit dark for a week or two, thinking, you know, whatever I post online is going to be some sort of, it's going to be rightly interpreted as some kind of cry for help. So I think I'll just, you know, disappear for a week. But I now know what that means. And I suppose just to say, if you, I don't, I mean, I very firmly believe that it is my solemn moral spiritual obligation to help other people out of the place I was in. But I now appreciate how difficult and how terrifying that is. Because when there's something that really doesn't want to let you go and is clinging on for dear life. It's like one of those Disney movies,
Starting point is 00:59:45 the pirate movies, you know, where just when you think you've got free, another tendril from the giant kraken snaps around your ankle and drags you back under again. Only really having people like her, like Lauren, texting me every once in a while, just checking in, you know, if you need anything.
Starting point is 01:00:07 That and just not wanting to go back to that thing that was leaving me so empty. I'm not saying I didn't waver once or twice in terms of, you know, temptation, but my resolve in my mind and in my heart never changed for which I'm grateful because something was giving me the strength. It certainly wasn't me. But it is astonishingly difficult to go through that process, which is why, although we laugh and we will continue to laugh at the absurdities and ugliness of gay pride. It's worth considering the people who are behaving in those grotesque ways in public as victims, in a sense.
Starting point is 01:00:54 And that's not to say that they're not inflicting harm on the people around them, because they are. But it's very much a cycle of abuse. This is both a product of childhood trauma, what they're doing, and also a sort of spiritual disease with a spiritual solution. In fact, a spiritual solution is the only medicine that will work. That's right. And I've always despised homosexualists, those people who give in to those urges and at the same time have the package of left-wing opinions that always seems to go with it. But I suppose this experience has given me a more compassionate appreciation for people who are so obviously in crisis and miserable they don't really realize what they're doing to themselves and doing to others so that's my anyway that's my mission
Starting point is 01:01:52 for the next 10 years and probably for the rest of my life is to is to try to take what I have learned about the process and help other people out of it. But it is, I, as a very cynical, if I can't see it, I don't believe in it, kind of, you know, Brit, grew up on a farm and all the rest of it. This has taught me the meaning of true, you know, spiritual attacks and of the transcendent. So now I sort of start to see it everywhere, you know, now I'm sort of starting to see it's like, it's like, it's like a, sorry, we had to lighten the tone a little bit. So I'll use this example. It's kind of like one of those Instagram or TikTok filters that picks out things and puts a little stardust on them. I've started to notice little things in life where I'm like, there's a little touch of,
Starting point is 01:02:38 there's a little touch of, touch of light in that, you know? If I can give you a word of encouragement. And Proverbs 3.24 says, if you lie down, you will not be afraid. When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. And so when we're disturbed in our sleep, it's usually as a result of either the Lord is trying to speak to us. But when the Lord is speaking to us, there won't be the fear involved. But if we're being disturbed in our sleep, it can usually be related to fear. And so you're going through a very difficult transition and it's not an easy one.
Starting point is 01:03:11 And for our audience to assume that things can transition instantly in people's lives, think about your own life and the things that God has to do in you. So I have a great deal of compassion understanding that. And one of the biggest battles that every new Christian faces is confronting fear, that fear of failure, that fear of disappointing others, the fear of, you know, what if I fall? But Isaiah 41 10 says, and this is to you.
Starting point is 01:03:39 He's saying, fear not for I am with you. Be not dismayed for I am thy God. I will strengthen you. Yea, I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am thy God. I will strengthen you. Yea, I will help you. I will uphold you with my right hand of righteousness. And you see, Milo, and for anyone else that's watching today, if you're going through a tremendous trial, if you're going through some sort of circumstance where fear has gripped you,
Starting point is 01:04:02 understand you're not alone. Many are going through that same process as well. But we also know that there's a remedy, that there's a remedy that's found in the Lord. And the Lord says, fear not. Why? I'm with you. I am with you.
Starting point is 01:04:18 That's what blows people's minds. I mean, I've been a Catholic all my life, but of course I've been quite far from my faith, as you might imagine. That's one of the things that blows people's minds when they convert to Christianity later in life. I think, well, I've got these feelings of not being good enough. Well, guess what? You're never going to be, and it doesn't matter because. I'm afraid of not meeting up to it.
Starting point is 01:04:40 Well, you never are going to meet up to it, but it's okay. And here's why. And it's that sort of people think they're going to get a package of strategies to make them virtuous enough and good enough and deserving enough if they go to church and they do all the things the priest says. And actually that's not how it works. So that's the great eye opener when you come to Christianity later in life or when you return to your faith with a newly reinvigorated passion and fire. It's that realization that this enormous mountain that you think you have to climb, you don't. All you have to do is the best you can do today. Yes, well, speaking of...
Starting point is 01:05:23 We should get back to fun. Thank you for sharing that. That was brave for you to do that, Milo. I hope our audience appreciates Milo opening up like this. So we appreciate it, and they're going to be praying for you. For somebody whose natural instinct is to deflect into humor, it's quite difficult for me to be serious for a sustained period of time. But it's important. Five or ten minutes without cracking a joke is like
Starting point is 01:05:48 being on the rack. Anyway. Well, this will get back to your opportunity to do that because coming out of that lifestyle, now you can look back and say, you know, that really was crazy. Look back and laugh as I cringe, which we're about to do, ladies and gentlemen, because we're not just here to share our testimony and stories and encouragement, but we're also here to give you the tools you need. I wish that you could fight the horrors and hells of Pride Month.
Starting point is 01:06:20 You call it Christianity Month? It's now Christianity Month. It's Jihad June. You can't just fight it with love. You also have to fight it with some of the other more sophisticated and occasionally more effective tools at your disposal, including ridicule. I have to tell you, it is powerful. It is important and done from a place of pure heart, I believe anyway. These guys might have other opinions. I believe that you can troll for Jesus.
Starting point is 01:06:48 So with that in mind, I'd like to introduce you to the last segment of our show, which is about, quote, unquote, Jihad June, Christianity Month, and our special toolkit. Okay. Well, one of the very first things here, take a look at this. I love it. Reclaim the rainbow. I didn't see any jihadis in there either. Yeah, well, whoever is out back assembling these things obviously has a thing for Lauren. But look, we've got a little toolkit.
Starting point is 01:07:54 We've got a few things we want to show you. We've shown you the horses already. I'm going to post all these on my Telegram and on my Gab, and I will bully the guys at True News to repost at least a couple of them. Oh, I'm sure they will. So I just want to show a couple of these things. And then I want to go back to Lauren because we've got to talk about Abby Shapiro, sister of the poison dwarf Benjamin.
Starting point is 01:08:16 And we're going to get there. And I want to get your insight, woman to woman. I want you to appeal to Abby and ask her what on earth she's thinking. But before we do that, we've got a couple of little things. Here's a meme that we'd like you to appeal to Abby and ask her what on earth she's thinking. But before we do that, I've got a couple of little things. Here's a meme that we'd like you to use. So I don't know if you know this. If you don't, if you're an older viewer and you don't know this, there's a sort of smug way of phrasing things that liberals use on Twitter
Starting point is 01:08:38 with a sort of hand clap in between every word. And one of the things they love to say is, teach young kids LGBT history. And they do it by putting a word and then a clap emoji, a word and a clap emoji. So we've come up with our, now we're at an incursion.
Starting point is 01:08:52 We've come up with our own version of teach kids LGBT history. And here it is. So we'll post that. You can, that of course, being a Sodom and Gomorrah. What they want you to do. And that is LGBT history, Bob.
Starting point is 01:09:08 It is. It is. Of course, what they want you to, they want to teach Harvey Milk and the black trans women who won gay rights. No, we think this is better. So there's something in your toolkit. The horses are in your toolkit. What else have we got in the toolkit?
Starting point is 01:09:22 Oh, my favorite, possibly my favorite GIF. There's little animated videos you see online. My favorite GIF ever. We'll post this online as well. It is the gay pride slide. This is a beautiful, happy little moment of sportsmanship, fun, pleasure, and amusement park, which does also give you a little taste
Starting point is 01:09:40 of what might be at the end of the rainbow. There it is. Oh dear. Okay, well, there we go. She's a little horrified by that, which pleases me. It's accurate, though. What's it? That's right. You know, it's shocking, but it's accurate.
Starting point is 01:10:02 It skittles, doesn't it? Taste the rainbow. Well, if you want to taste the rainbow, that's what's on the end of it. Yeah. Right. Good. Have we got anything else? Oh, I love this one. Better than any of us ever could, Entertainment Weekly has summarized, I think, all of our collective feelings about Pride Month in their logo. This is an act of extraordinary subversion. Ew!
Starting point is 01:10:24 Sums up my views, and it probably sums up yours. Aren't you sick and tired of every corporate logo out there? Every single one incorporating a rainbow image. Well, except for their Middle Eastern departments. That's right. If they have an office in Pakistan or Indonesia or anything like that, you notice that these corporations don't promote the LGBT agenda in those countries. Why? Because they like money.
Starting point is 01:10:51 That's why. They like money. Well, you know why they want diverse workforces in the U.S., right? I mean... Because they can't unionize? Exactly. Isn't she brilliant?
Starting point is 01:11:00 She's brilliant. I knew there was a reason we had you. Hey, you mentioned Abby Shapiro, and that's Ben Shapiro's sister. And she had some, when you showed me this, I said, you've got to be kidding me. Tell us, what's going on here? I'm going to hand this over to you. I'm sorry, Lauren. I'm going to pass the ball on down the field. See, I'm with sports metaphors. I'm getting better already.
Starting point is 01:11:26 This is the most ghoulish thing that I have seen all year. Right. Summarize briefly what we're talking about. So recently, Abby Shapiro went on YouTube and talked about how she had recently had a miscarriage, which is a horrible, tragic thing that happened. However, she and her brother Ben have both been open advocates for vaccines. Ben Shapiro also has mandated for vaccine passports as well. And, you know, I'm all about truth.
Starting point is 01:11:58 I need to know the truth. And, you know, as somebody like Abby Shapiro, who does have a national platform, she took to YouTube and I know she's reading the comments. I know she's seeing it, but use this. We need to know if she was vaccinated. People are asking if she was. And she went on there and she monetized her YouTube video. So what she did was she went on there to tell everybody that she had a miscarriage.
Starting point is 01:12:24 But not only that, she did it in a way to make money to sell things. And as opposed to warning other women the real risks of taking this vaccine. I mean, this is serious. You could save the lives of a million other babies if you would just tell the truth. I mean, I have no doubt that it's more than likely that Abby received the vaccine. Her family has been pushing it on us. Right. And if it cost her baby's life, she made a mistake. Yes. She's a victim of whatever propaganda is out there. But we have a right. You know, we need to know. Doesn't she have a moral obligation to tell people? I wouldn't think so. And even if she didn't have it, if everyone's asking because her brother is pushing it so
Starting point is 01:13:05 hard, shouldn't she just say? Yeah, no I didn't get it or yes I had it. But even more tragic on this is to make such an announcement and my wife had several miscarriages when we were trying to start a family. I understand the pain. I understand from our partner. I wanted to share the pain. Let's say as well, sorry to interrupt you, but I also understand the desire to post something
Starting point is 01:13:29 about it online to seek the comfort of others. I get that too. There are some people who would say putting this kind of private stuff online is revolting enough on its own. And when John Legend's ghastly wife does it, I think there's something a bit up with that. What's her name? Chrissy Teigen. Chrissy Teigen, who kind of is almost, I mean, she's practically on the verge of smiling as she's describing her. And if people want to share, I understand that.
Starting point is 01:13:54 But I could not imagine in my wildest dreams if my wife and I, when we were a young couple, if we would have taken our experience going through that, if she was in a great deal of pain, a great deal of sorrow, and then trying to make a buck off of it. And teamed up with Domino's Pizza. All right. Let's put that still back up there because- It's so shocking.
Starting point is 01:14:21 And I have to confess, I'm responsible for the little close-up on the right-hand side because I found it so simultaneously hilarious and horrifying. Video replay after ads. And there she is, tearfully daubing her under eyes. I mean, I have to say, it's equal parts horrifying and hilarious, I'm sorry to say. And then there's, look, I've had a YouTube channel for a long time, and it's probably way below your pay grade, Doc, to know this. But when you upload a video, you have to manually select monetization. Yes, you do.
Starting point is 01:14:54 It's not automatically monetized. That's right. So she put the makeup on. She did a blowout, or maybe she got it done. She switched on her soft boxes, her professional lighting. She turned on the camera. She made this video, which at turns seems, I mean, this is just purely speculation from me, at turns seems sincere and at other moments there's something off about it, but that's
Starting point is 01:15:20 just me, did all this and then added the hashtags, hashtag conservative influencer, hashtag classic crew, hashtag let's be classic. Now, what are the classic hashtags? Well, I think she calls herself classically Abby because she's a musician. Ah, I see. But still, I mean, come on. If you have the slightest modicum of good taste, decency, even if those things are auto-populated for every video you put up, you'd scrub that stuff out, wouldn't you?
Starting point is 01:15:54 And especially, you would not take the extra step of clicking monetize. And not just that, but these days on YouTube, you can't just click monetize. You have to let YouTube know through this exhaustive questionnaire whether your video contains any sensitive content so they can put the right kinds of ads next to it. This was a process, a conscious, deliberative, on-purpose process. So she's monetizing miscarriage. Monetizing her miscarriage. And this is a level of ghoulishness that I find it difficult to wrap my head around,
Starting point is 01:16:26 and I've done some pretty ghoulish things in my life. How does it make you feel? So, I don't know. I don't know. It's really bad. I mean, it'd be different if it was an accident, but it is specifically intentional that she had to click multiple buttons to ensure that the Domino's pizza ads,
Starting point is 01:16:50 that she gets a portion of the money, that she makes money off of this video instead of it just being a video informing her people that follow her, listen to her. But I'm more so hung up on the vaccine thing because I'm hung up on that because I need to know. Look, that is the big issue. Yes. And I can understand. As a woman, that is what bothers me. As a woman who wants to have children, I understand that that would be your priority. For me, it's the mercantile grubbiness of it that just turns my stomach, you know.
Starting point is 01:17:17 But I think they're both awful. Yeah. But both were conscious choices. And so. I mean, whether it was her or whether, as is probably the case for a family like that, some functionary did all this stuff for her. I mean, don't you see this Domino's ads playing before the video when you check it, when it goes live and say, whoa, hang on a second.
Starting point is 01:17:40 Doesn't that kick in? Isn't that what a normal person thinks? It's very upsetting. It is difficult to comprehend. Before I hand over to you for the close, here's another example of ghoulishness from major corporations. Now, I have to preface this by saying that we suspect this may be a mock-up, but I don't care.
Starting point is 01:18:02 If you could put number 13 up, please. This is from Nintendo of America, or at least it purported to be. I don't see the verified check, so maybe it wasn't. Nintendo of America, happy Pride Month. Our staff is filled with people of all sexualities, so we love supporting that. Anybody tell what the problem is with that one? Well, I don't know. There's something off about this.
Starting point is 01:18:22 I think you know. I think you're being coy. Aren't those guys brothers? Yes, yes they are. Yes, they are brothers. Bruh. Those two are brothers. Now, as we went to air and did our due diligence with the usual level of care,
Starting point is 01:18:37 thoroughness, attention, and scrupulous dedication to the truth that characterizes this program and our careers, we did discover that's probably not real, but it was just too good to show you. But let's put it back up because there's something I want to point out to you. Even though it's a constructed image and it is not from the actual Nintendo of America account, okay, I want you to look at the numbers below that image of Mario and Luigi brothers kissing and notice how many people hearted that. Meaning how many people believed that it was entirely plausible that Nintendo of America
Starting point is 01:19:10 would have posted it? Not only believed it was plausible, but endorsed it with the heart button. And liked it. And how many retweeted it? Right, right, right. 1,211 retweeted this. Yeah. 1,349 comments.
Starting point is 01:19:22 It could have been a variety of comments. But the retweets and the hearts tell a huge story that's the real story isn't it? That's such a good point I didn't think of that and I suppose the other thing to say about it perhaps is that you would consider this ludicrous were it not for the fact
Starting point is 01:19:38 that yesterday we examined Blue's Clues Pride Parade and discovered that there is unequivocal evidence. And by the way, of the 700 or 800 people who wrote into True News, the 200 that wrote to me, we had over 1,000 emails. And it's very easy for people to put a comment or join a chat when there's something that they love or hate on the Internet. But writing an email takes a little bit more care and attention.
Starting point is 01:20:09 Over 1,000 people, in some form, got in touch with us after the show and had things to say. And I did invite people in the last show to write to me if they thought that I was wrong, that Blue's Clues was not in fact secretly encoding the minor attracted person's flag. Not one of a thousand. I mean, maybe you got one and didn't tell me, but I don't think so. So if it were merely out of the blue, we would call it ridiculous. But people obviously thought that it was real. People obviously thought that it was plausible. And in the context of a culture that is secretly encoding pro-pedophilia messages in children's entertainment, I mean, is anyone surprised that thousands of people thought it was real? Yes. And not only thought it was real, but agreed with the concept.
Starting point is 01:20:58 Agreed with it and endorsed it. Agreed with incestual homosexual relations and felt strongly enough about it to put your heart into it. And so… Literally put your heart into it. It probably also, as a last moment before I hand over to you to wrap us up, we've got some news coming from the Middle East and the wrap up. But before I do that, it's also worth pointing out that were that… there have been tweets
Starting point is 01:21:21 that boneheaded from major corporations. And it's typically a sign that the people who are employed there know nothing about what that company actually does. It is entirely believable to me that Nintendo would tweet that, because the people who are tweeting that kind of stuff from the company accounts are employed there not because they love video games or love Nintendo or have a deep emotional connection to the intellectual property to the franchise, to Mario, or to whatever, but because they have taken it upon themselves to subvert Western civilization and culture in all of its forms, even its Japanese variants.
Starting point is 01:21:57 But anyway, that's as far as we should go for today. And I want to hand over to you because you have some news for us. Right. We try to keep up to date with what's going on in Israel and the Middle East. And we thought we'd give just a quick update. If you've been watching in the world news that's going on, you know there's been some major changes taking place at the highest levels of government in Israel. First of all, Reuben Rivlin is stepping down. He's the president of Israel. And this was expected. And so this isn't a surprise.
Starting point is 01:22:32 But Isaac Herzog is now the new president of Israel. Now, the president of Israel serves more as a functionary role more than anything else. It's not the role of power in Israel. But this is a significant change within the government of Israel because it is definitely moving the format of the government a little bit more to the left rather than to the right. And so Isaac Herzog now, educated in the U.S. and built businesses in Israel. He is going to be the new president of Israel. But the bigger news that's going on, of course, is the change in the prime minister. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is now on his way out and is going to be replaced likely by Naftali Bennett.
Starting point is 01:23:27 And it's significant. Now, this is Benjamin Netanyahu. I don't know if you remember this image at the U.N. a couple years ago. But, no, he wasn't blown up at the U.N. But this is it for Bibi, folks. This is it. No more elections unless there is some sort of wild card that gets thrown in at the last minute here. This is going to be it.
Starting point is 01:23:53 But don't be confused. Just because Netanyahu is on his way out doesn't mean that there's going to be a major change in the policies of Israel. Because Naftali Bennett is just another brand there and says, and this is a quote from Naftali Bennett. He says, I have killed lots of Arabs in my life, and there is no problem with that. And so don't be fooled by this change going on. In fact, when we think about it, first, that Netanyahu, he has been ousted. And this shows that Israel basically lost the skirmish with the Palestinians,
Starting point is 01:24:30 even though they killed 200 times more civilians. Now, this can be taken as a victory. However, in reality, the removal of the Netanyahu is a move to prevent even heavier political losses. They lost that conflict. So allow me to explain. They're replacing Polish Netanyahu with an American, Naftali Bennett. He has all the same policies of genociding Palestinians and taking their land. That has not changed. They're just putting a new face on it so that liberal American Israel supporters are no longer embarrassed by Benjamin Netanyahu. And what
Starting point is 01:25:06 the Zionists in Israel really fear losing is that bipartisan support from America. They need to control both sides of American politics. And right now, they're losing their grip on both fronts, but more so with Democrats. Pelosi and Biden are from that silent generation, and that won't last forever. Millennials and Generation Z were raised by the internet with free access to information, and Zionist control of the mainstream media isn't getting to them. And while there have been some institutional attempts to try to socially engineer them, their minds are free. So that generation of millennials and Gen Zs will be the ones that make the real difference.
Starting point is 01:25:45 And I want to thank Siri and girl for those images and those words today to help us get that. So we're going to stay on top of that. You know, Rick would be staying on top of it all the time and giving you all the information about it. So I didn't want you to feel left out. I want to thank you guys so much once again for stepping in and sitting in for Edward and Rick. It really is a treat to have you guys here. I think things are going great, and I just feel good about things. And once again, I want to encourage our audience, let us know what you think, good, bad, or ugly. Just let us know.
Starting point is 01:26:20 And if what you have to say is especially vindictive, mean-spirited, churlish and spiteful, please don't limit yourself to one or two paragraphs. Really go nuts because we'd love to read it. We'd love to read it out. Now you know there are going to be people that are writing things specifically trying to get on the air with it, right? I want an epic. I want the Iliad.
Starting point is 01:26:39 I want the Iliad of hate. Yes. So please feel free to write us, info at You see the email address there on the screen. But we also want you to write us as well by regular mail. I want to thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News. Please share this Godcast with your friends and family and consider becoming a partner with this ministry
Starting point is 01:26:59 as we report the truth every day with courage and conviction that you will hear nowhere else. And you can support True News by going to That's T-R-U-N-E-W-S dot com. Click on the heart on the left-hand side, or you can call our toll-free number at 1-800-576-2116. That's 1-800-576-2116. You can also donate to us by mail at P.O. Box 690069, Vero Beach, Florida, zip code 32969. We accept stocks, cryptocurrency, precious metal, whatever you want to bless us with,
Starting point is 01:27:31 we'll gladly receive and put toward our mission here to save souls and report the good news as we approach the second coming of Jesus Christ. Thank you, and God bless you. To find out how you can help, visit

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