TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Mr. Evil: Bill Gates Plots to Block Out Sunlight
Episode Date: March 24, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall discusses the latest shocking revelation from Sidney Powell, as she admits that many of her comments on the Dominion election conspiracy were 'exaggeration and hype...rbole.' The team also talks about the plan by Billionaire Bill Gates to use chalk to block out the sun. Then, in closing, is the alien invasion upon us? The new Coronavirus bill contains language saying that the government information about UFOs is due to be released later this year. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (3/23/21)
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The following program is made possible by the faithful prayers and financial support of listeners just like you.
To find out how you can help, visit www, 2021. I'm Edward Zoll. Attorney Sidney Powell has sworn under oath that she believes no reasonable person should have concluded
that the statements she made in December and January about historic election fraud were truly statements of fact.
Under penalty of perjury, President Trump's Kraken lawyer has stated in court filings
to dismiss the $1.3 billion Dominion defamation suit
that political statements are prone to exaggeration and hyperbole,
and that she simply repeated claims she sought to have validated through the courts.
Merriam-Webster's dictionary defines lying as to create a false or misleading impression.
Is that what took place here?
Join me to discuss this story and Bill Gates' mad plan to cool the earth
by blotting out sunlight. Our True News founder Rick Wiles and Doc Burkhart.
Hey, Edward.
Hey, Edward.
It's another Tuesday.
Let me get this straight. Sidney Powell, a lawyer, a former federal prosecutor.
Almost special prosecutor for the United States of America in this in this election fraud who told the world that?
That there was massive fraud in the election and she had evidence she had proof
She of course she's been sued by Dominion. That's what is happening here
Her defense if I get this straight her defense
against the lawsuit is that nobody
in their right mind would have believed her. Yes. Yes. That's her defense.
But millions of people in their right mind did believe her.
They're not reasonable. That's what she's saying.
She's saying all the Trump supporters are unreasonable because they believed her.
They misunderstood her. They took what she was saying as factual, as truthful, as not, as she stated here, exaggerations or hyperbole.
So let me try to get this straight again. she was sworn in on the stand, on the witness stand.
She raised her right hand.
She swore to tell the truth, nothing but the truth,
so help her God.
And she said to the judge,
I swear to tell the truth.
And the judge said, and what truth are you telling us?
And she said, that I'm a liar.
Is that what's happening here?
The truth that she's swearing to tell to the court right now
is that she's a liar.
Can you swear to tell the truth that you're a liar?
I don't know.
Can you say, yeah, I swear that I'm a liar?
Well, I mean, if Satan was being sworn in and he was telling the truth, then yeah, he would say.
The truth is I'm a liar.
So right now she's telling the court I'm a liar.
It's a very, very odd, peculiar, and really disingenuous statement she has made in court filing,
as again an excuse for why she didn't commit defamation.
Because, Rick, the facts are millions upon millions took what she was saying as factual, as truthful, so much so they were willing to put their lives on the line to preserve the country.
That's not a hyperbole.
That's not an exaggeration.
That's just what happened two months ago. Okay, this defense is crazier than Alex Jones, who... Performance artist.
Yes, he was just a performance artist. And I think Tucker Carlson used the same defense.
An entertainer.
I'm an entertainer. You know, reasonable people wouldn't take me seriously. I'm an entertainer.
Well, clowns are entertainers too.
We can recognize a clown by the way they behave.
Glenn Beck has at least said for years that his company is the merger of information and entertainment.
So he's at least been out in the open about it. What I believe Sidney Powell's doing is that she is facing the battle of her life. She's going to be wiped out financially,
professionally, if she loses this lawsuit. And either she concluded or her lawyers concluded that her only defense is to tell
the court that she was lying.
That if you're a reasonable person, you never would have believed her.
So all these statements were imaginary, just like the Kraken is an imaginary creature.
Is that where we're at with this? That's what she's telling us.
You're actually giving her another angle to her lawsuit. She'll say that.
And when I say this, that's how her statement in the lawsuit is characterized.
She'll say that clearly, look, I named it the Kraken lawsuit.
And you certainly knew that a Kraken is mythical, Doc.
It's not real. You didn't believe in a Kraken lawsuit. And you certainly knew that Kraken is mythical, Doc. It's not real.
You didn't believe in Kraken, did you?
I wanted to.
So this is the statement.
This is real.
Number three for control.
Well, so did millions of other people.
And they went to Washington, D.C. on January 6th.
I believed Sidney Powell based upon her past, upon her reputation.
Her reputation.
Representative General Michael Flynn.
That's right and she had won uh you
know court battles based upon her integrity upon her honesty she's an officer of the court and she
was a fighter and so that's why i trusted sydney powell and now sydney powell is telling me well
you should have known better you should have you know if you if you had any kind of reason in your
mind at all doc bur Burkhardt,
you would know that I was exaggerating and using hyperbole.
Why are you being so unreasonable?
This is the statement right here in the lawsuit.
No reasonable person would conclude that the statements were truly statements of fact.
Reasonable people understand that the language of the political arena, like the language used in labor disputes, is often vituperative, abusive, and inexact.
It is likewise a well-recognized principle that political statements are inherently prone to exaggeration and hyperbole.
Given the highly charged and political context of the statements, it is clear that Powell was describing the facts on which she based the lawsuits she filed in support of President Trump.
Indeed, plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as wild accusations
and outlandish claims.
They are repeatedly labeled inherently improbable and even impossible.
Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support defendants' position
that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact, but view them only as
claims that await testing by the courts through the adversary process.
Furthermore, Sidney Powell disclosed the facts upon which her conclusions were based.
Oh my gosh, you know what she said? You know what she's saying?
She's saying that Dominion Voting Systems is saying in their lawsuit
that she made wild accusations, outlandish claims, and she's saying,
yes, I did, because no reasonable person would believe them.
Therefore, they're not slanderous.
That's her argument.
That's her argument.
There's many parts of this I have issue with.
A primary one is there's about 600 people now who have been arrested facing sedition
In theory, they could be hung.
If we're going to take this to the extreme, people may be hung for actions they took,
which may have been motivated.
I say may, because you've got to talk in lawyer speak, right?
I don't know their intent.
But I do know what people were saying that day, Rick.
People were quoting Sidney Powell when they showed up on January 6th.
Somebody had a gallows in front of the Capitol that day and they were planning to
hang somebody. I never did understand how you carry lumber for gallows into the Capitol. Well,
they managed to do it. They got some two by fours, nailed them together and hung a rope on it.
But Edward, you and several other members of our team were in Georgia. Yes, Alpharetta. Yeah,
in Alpharetta for that big press conference that they had.
Lin Wood, Sidney Powell was there, of course, and everything.
So by all impressions, both Lin Wood and Sidney Powell
were presenting to the people there, all those unreasonable people
that were there, information regarding the election.
So we weren't supposed to believe Sidney Powell or I guess Lin Wood, because Lin
Wood has said he's been prone to exaggeration and hyperbole as well. Is that the defense now? Well,
I'm prone to exaggeration and hyperbole. You know, that just means I'm a lawyer.
That is what they're saying. And I don't know how. They must have had selective amnesia.
Because why I say that, when you listen to the statements,
re-listening to what Linwood and specifically in this case, Sidney Powell said back in December,
they were matter of fact statements, not things that anybody would unreasonably believe.
No, you believe based on reputation.
She called them facts.
She called them facts.
She called it truthful.
And again, to prove this, don't believe me. Believe Sidney. She called them facts. She called them facts. She called them facts. She called them facts. She called it truthful.
And again, to prove this, don't believe me.
Believe Sidney.
Here is Sidney Powell herself in an interview with the Epoch Times in December of last year.
We filed suits for the process in Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Arizona because all
those were fatally flawed by massive fraud in every manner and means you can think of,
but especially insidious and troubling,
is the machine fraud conducted
through the Dominion voting systems.
In fact, one of our experts says Dominion fraud
was 5% higher votes for Biden across the board.
Everywhere there was a Dominion machine running.
Given the level of foreign interference we can demonstrate and the country has evidence
of in our filings of foreign interference in the election, it's more than sufficient
to trigger the president's executive order from 2018 that gives him all kinds of power
to do everything from seize assets to freeze things, demand the impoundment of
the machines.
I think under the emergency powers, he could even appoint a special prosecutor to look
into this, which is exactly what needs to happen.
Every machine, every voting machine in the country should be impounded right now.
There's frankly more than enough criminal probable cause to justify that.
For anybody who's willing to address the law and the facts
purely on the basis of truth and not politics or corporate greed or global wealth, it's going to
blow the mind of every citizen in the country who's willing to look at the truth and the facts.
Because we've never witnessed anything like this in the history of this country.
And it's got to be stopped right now or there will never be a free and fair election.
So this is what you mean when you say you feel the republic is at stake?
It is, absolutely.
Any election from here on out is an absolute farce and a joke and a manipulated charade if we don't fix this
right now. That's author, License to Lie, that's her book, Sidney Powell.
What did President Trump say about Sidney Powell during that controversy between November
and January? He said it was crazy.
He said he never believed it,
at least by the account we got from Axios
and secondhand from Patrick Byrne,
who was in a meeting with President Trump
in those really the last hours of intervention.
He thought it was crazy, according to those accounts.
All right, I'm gonna tell you what I think.
First of all, this is the craziest defense I've ever heard in my life in a lawsuit that, hey, you should have known I was lying. I didn't slander anybody. You should have known I was lying.
Should have known I was a snake. Yeah. So that's, that's her defense. Why is she doing this? Is she a liar? No, no, it's not.
This is what I think is happening. I think, I think Sidney Powell uncovered the biggest scandal in the history of this country in politics.
I believe she did everything within her power to expose it.
But she was opposed by the most powerful forces in this country inside the Democratic Party and inside the Republican Party.
I believe she was burned by Donald Trump, the man she was trying to save his political
I believe she got burned by him.
He made fun of her.
He didn't defend her.
And I think Sidney Powell learned that anybody that gets close to Trump gets burned, that Trump uses people.
And he doesn't defend anybody.
He only defends Donald Trump.
And he did not defend her.
And when she said in that December interview, she said, if we don't fix this now, there will never be another free election in this country. I believe she knows
It's not going to be fixed
there's not going to be a free election there's been a takeover of America and
She's done. She's finished. There's nobody going to help her
Nobody's going to help her Trump's not going to help her Republican Party's not going to help her
nobody's going to help her she knows's not going to help her Nobody's going to help her. She knows the country's gone. It's finished and
She's in deep trouble
That's why I believe she's doing this crazy
Defense she has no other way out
What and if you're right Rick we have to look at Sidney Powell as a victim. I mean, really,
if that's the scenario, and that's a plausible explanation for such a bipolar turn. I mean,
you saw what she said in December. You see what she said in this lawsuit. Those don't square
together. They don't make any sense. No, they any sense. No. She didn't lie.
And she didn't deliberately deceive people.
She did her best to tell people the truth.
And she's come to the conclusion that the takeover is complete.
So she's lying now?
Is that what you're saying?
She is saying her defense is you should not have believed her. Okay. So is she lying
now? Yes. Yes. She's lying now. She's lying now because she doesn't have any other defense other than to say she made it all up.
That's her defense.
I made it all up.
She's a smart woman.
She's looking around.
She sees what happened.
She sees where we're at right now.
She sees that there's an Alzheimer's patient in the White House.
Nobody believes he's the president of the United States.
Who's running the White House?
Barack Obama.
China has its hooks into this country, into the political system.
The system is totally corrupt.
It's collapsing.
We're getting ready to pass now a $3 trillion spending bill.
Another one, Doc.
But does money mean anything?
On top of the $2 trillion.
Why not?
Why not 20?
Because we're insane now.
We've reached the insanity place.
She knows it.
She knows it.
She's trying to get out of this mess.
And I wouldn't be surprised if she leaves the country.
I think she knows the country's finished.
It's over.
So this is really the symptom of the rotting empire.
And she knows that the system,
the corrupt people that rule the system,
she knows that they know that she knows what they do.
And it's dangerous.
It's very dangerous.
I don't agree with her defense.
But she knows if she tells what she knows, it'll be the end of her.
And she realizes it doesn't matter how much evidence you have.
The Supreme Court wouldn't even allow her to present her evidence.
She knows there's no point at this point. There's no point in doing anything at this point.
You can't.
Truth is not going to prevail right now in the United States.
The country is thoroughly corrupt.
We've come accustomed to our unfair and misbalanced scales.
That's where we're at.
Well, let's move on to somebody sane like Bill Gates.
Well, he's sure open to ideas that seem wild.
Wild Bill.
Wild Bill.
He wants to, of course, get everyone vaccinated and fix the pandemic,
but he also wants to fix climate change.
He wants to fight the climate climate and it's changing temperatures. Well, he was saying we need to eat fake meat.
Synthetic beef. Yes, that was one of the craziest ideas. The whole world needed to go to synthetic
beef. But he has taken it to a completely new level, Rick. He has a new plan that I think a
reasonable person would say is crazy.
The Times of London is reporting that Bill Gates has backed a bid
to cool the earth with chalk dust.
Now, he's not going to post a bunch of videos
with a blackboard and him writing with chalk.
No, his plan is actually to send balloons up into space,
like that one there,
and disperse calcium carbonate dust
into the atmosphere.
To block the sun and cool the planet.
Problem solved.
Well, you can chalk that up as a crazy idea.
You've been waiting all day.
All day.
All day to say that line.
He thinks he's going to plot
this out.
This man is out of his mind.
This is geoengineering. I thought this was a conspiracy
I was talking
on this show in 1999
about chemtrails. Oh, that's a conspiracy
theory. So now they call it
Right. Or Bill Gates' smart idea. He's literally talking about releasing a substance into the
atmosphere and it blocking sunlight. The last time I checked, Bill Gates does
not own the atmosphere. No.
He doesn't own the planet. He doesn't have a degree in space or meteorology.
He's not a doctor.
The only thing he's been good at is creating viruses for computers.
And his arrogance.
He has built up quite the arrogance.
He has no right to make me inhale chalk dust.
He has no right.
And you and billions of others.
He has no right to make. And you and billions of others. He has no right to make little children in hell chalk dust. Who does this idiot think he is?
Well, I'll tell you what inspired him.
He's confused himself with God. That's who he thinks he is.
Well, in this sense he is.
He's so rich, he's so rich he thinks he's a god.
He wants the power of a volcano. And that's not hyperbole. What has inspired Bill Gates for this plan, according to
the Times of London, is the volcano eruption in the Philippines in 1991, the Mount Pinatobo
volcano eruption. He said he saw what that eruption did with the plumes of smoke, and he wondered,
what if we could replicate that? What if he could harness that same power
and unleash it on the world to save us?
Who looks at a volcano and says,
I'd like to do that?
Bill Gates does.
To the entire planet.
Bill Gates does.
I think a reasonable person,
let's say a crazy person,
would look at a volcano that could kill people
and say, that's good.
That could, we could use that.
This is like a scene out of a sci-fi movie.
Or a Bond movie.
Mr. Evil.
Yeah, you got the Bond villain there.
He said, I plan to block out the sun, Mr. Bond, and there's nothing you can do about it.
While he uses his billions to be able to do that.
Do we have Mr. Gates on video talking about this?
No, we have his statements
and what's been quoted about him in Times of London.
His inspiration is what you're about to see here.
This is a report about what inspired Bill Gates
to blot out the sun.
Upheaval of a different sort altogether in the Philippines.
A volcano dormant for 600 years,
erupted in multiple explosions
that sent up huge clouds of ash
visible 60 miles away in Manila.
NBC's Keith Miller is there.
This could be just the beginning,
according to the experts,
but everyone who witnessed the eruption
of Mount Pinatubo say they've seen enough.
Three powerful explosions
sent molten rock, mud, and ash
more than 10,000 feet into the sky.
People in surrounding villages ran for their lives.
And within minutes, falling ash turned day into night.
Clark Air Base, 18 miles from the volcano, was deserted.
15,000 Americans were evacuated Monday, effectively
shutting down one of the most important U.S. bases overseas.
Eyewitnesses say moments before the eruption, the air began to vibrate, and volcano observation
posts recorded earth tremors
The alarm was sounded just seconds before the explosions
Tonight the volcano continues to spew out tons of molten rock
Experts described today's eruptions as major but warn the catastrophic one. They've been predicting may occur at any time.
Okay, so all that volcano dust inspired Bill Gates to say, if I could harness the power of a volcano
and saturate the Earth's atmosphere with dust.
To lower the temperature, that's the plan.
Yes, so I could then control the climate of the world.
There's two things that come to my mind. Number one, he's introducing into the atmosphere
on a massive scale a poisonous dust. I mean, it's just not good to inhale chalk dust.
Right. And that's not our opinion.
That's actually a fact.
This is the New Jersey Department of Health Hazardous Substance Fact Sheet.
The inhaling of calcium carbonate causes irritation to nose, throat and respiratory system and can cause coughing.
It's a hazardous substance that produces, oddly, COVID.
COVID symptoms.
OK, so that's where I was going with this. Bill Gates, who is Mr. COVID, Mr. COVID vaccine,
we have a global pandemic that involves serious respiratory issues.
And Mr. COVID vaccine wants to saturate the world
with a dust that causes people to cough.
This is what he wants to do?
You got it.
That's exactly what he wants to do.
Are these two connected?
Well, yeah.
How could they not be?
I mean, look, Bill Gates is well-read, right?
Try to think what this mad man is doing.
Well, this is the man we know on record has met with other world leaders to discuss population control.
Population control is the nice depopulating the earth, like the man you saw running on his bicycle, putting, you know, basically cloth on his face to avoid the dust.
Those folks. OK, are not in this scenario. So phase one is the China virus from Wuhan.
Phase one.
And we're well into phase one in this hypothetical.
Phase two is the vaccine.
Phase three is the chalk dust.
If you survive phase one and two, well, folks, you have the volcano to deal with.
If you're still breathing after phase three, what does Bill Gates have left to make sure you die before the turn of the decade?
Then you have the synthetic meat.
Let's block out the sun.
He's going to give you the chalk dust.
It's diabolical because the chalk dust on record will cause respiratory problems.
The very same. I mean, they might even say, you're not dealing with the chalk dust. record will cause respiratory problems. The very same, I mean, they might even say,
you're not dealing with the chalk dust, you just have COVID.
Does he have a permit from the U.S. government to pollute the atmosphere?
Bill Gates is operating in a very nefarious gray zone.
And I say this is that space is the wild, wild west right now.
No one owns it.
Some have made claims to it.
There's some treaties which govern it.
For example, the discussion of mining asteroids falls under a loose tree that's about to expire.
But no one has even conceptualized what it would look like for someone like Bill Gates to do what he is doing.
And he is doing this, Rick. He actually has already paid for an expedition that will operate out of Sweden to send one of these balloons up into the air by mid-April and to do this.
OK, so if I did this, if I get a balloon full of dust and I launch it from Vero Beach and it goes up over Florida and I pop that balloon and that dust goes out in the atmosphere. How long until the EPA comes here and arrests me?
Oh, forget the EPA.
The FBI, the Department of Homeland Security, this place will be swarmed.
You'll be a terrorist.
But why can Bill Gates do this?
Oh, because he's a billionaire.
Oh, he's a billionaire.
That's why.
Well, I have a plan for that.
Oh, that's right.
We confiscate his billions. I plan to start and look very good. Yes, I have a plan for that. Oh, that's right. We confiscate his billions.
I plan to start and look very good.
Yes, yes.
Looking very reasonable.
He needs to be defanged.
And I'm very serious about this.
We need communism for billionaires.
Because we're now seeing what these billionaires can do, the damage that they can do.
It's reached the insanity level.
And I wish other billionaires would call him up and say, Bill, you're giving us billionaires a bad name.
You know, you're going to cause a global uprising.
People are going to take away all of our money.
They're going to take away our yachts, our jets, everything, our mansions.
We're just trying to be billionaires and you're trying to be a god.
But at some point we have to take his money away. Let him sit
somewhere living on Social Security and Medicare and let him talk all day long about dust and
vaccines. He can talk all day, but if he doesn't have any billions,
he can't do it. Take his, what, 242,000 acres of farmland, confiscate it, and give it to young
families that want to start a farm. Give all of them 100, 200 acres, let them start a farm.
Why does Bill Gates need 242,000 acres of farmland?
I think it's bigger than that now.
How is he any different than a rogue nation or a narco?
I'm talking about someone like El Chapo.
If you think about it, we've already accepted that someone like El Chapo,
a former drug lord, that it's okay to take his resources that he's using for illicit games
or a rogue state like North Korea.
It's okay to sanction them because they're launching missiles into the air which could harm people.
How is this any different?
But he's going to push for the Paris Climate Accord.
And yet he's going to pollute the planet's atmosphere.
These people are insane.
They're dangerous.
There needs to be like a Nuremberg war tribunal.
These people are committing crimes against humanity.
Bill Gates is committing crimes against the human race.
This is a bizarre time to be in.
The other thing besides saturating the atmosphere with chalk dust while there is a respiratory pandemic underway.
Which makes no sense at all, but go ahead.
Unless you're trying to kill off the planet's population.
But the other thing is I am thoroughly convinced that a mini ice age started in the year 2015.
That's right. And sunspot activity has come to an almost zero. That's right. And so what would a blanket of dust around the planet do?
Make it much worse.
And actually, it expedited.
Not an expert in this, but it appears it expedited.
Which will cause massive food shortages.
And then-
That Rabobank research report you said makes sense.
Massive food shortages result in famines.
And do you know what people do during famines?
They die.
They die by large numbers.
The man is diabolical.
I mean, I'm starting to believe we're talking demon possessed.
He's really bizarre, man.
And he needs to be handcuffed.
What is it about money or billions of dollars that makes somebody think they're God?
Billions of dollars.
That's it.
The heart of man hasn't changed.
Getting your way on everything.
And nobody questioning you.
And nobody questions you.
I would postulate he's got the heart of Nimrod in that sense.
Isn't it?
Man hasn't changed.
And once you see that you can almost achieve any kind of power and be like God,
I mean, you're starting to act like Nimrod.
Well, there must be something else out there we could talk about besides insane, mad billionaires.
What about COVID? Well, and speaking of COVID,
there's a new marketing campaign.
You know those campaigns the government does
to keep us safe, to teach us how smoking's bad, for example.
Public service commercials.
Public service commercials.
But they got a new topic, a new fight, a new crusade.
This time they're going after vaccine hesitancy. Vaccine
hesitancy. And they have a specific target here. They say conservatives, but what they're actually
talking about here, Rick, they have a problem with Christians in America.
My, this is the Wall Street Journal. White House teams with groups on vaccine hesitancy campaign
to sway conservatives.
We're talking about those left-leaning conservatives, right? Those left-leaning Christians and stuff, right?
I think we're talking about evangelical Christians, black Christian churches,
Latino churches, Trump voters, patriots.
Anyone who doesn't want to put an experimental cocktail into their arm.
And doesn't this smell like a propaganda campaign?
I would argue that this may be the definition of a propaganda campaign.
Their specific target looks like here are Christians.
And they're saying, this is a quote from the
Wall Street Journal, the Biden administration is enlisting the help of groups including
the Christian Broadcasting Network, Inc. and NASCAR to encourage more people to get the COVID-19 vaccine.
So Dr. Pat Robertson and the folks over at CBN are going to be pushing the COVID vaccine.
Maybe Franklin Graham will be in the commercials.
And T.D. Jakes and Bob Jeffers,
they can all make commercials that will be seen on the 700 Club.
Maybe this has already been part of the campaign.
And there's nothing quite as American
and quite as conservative as NASCAR.
They're using NASCAR to roll out this campaign.
I mean, it just shows you how far that they've gone.
But the fact that so many Christian groups, including CBN and others that you've mentioned,
have already capitulated on this.
They've already given up.
They've given in on this.
Doc, I really believe, I don't have any proof. I haven't had time to research this. They've already given up. They've given in on this. Doc, I really believe, I don't have any proof, I haven't had time to research this, but
you can smell rats. And I have a feeling
in that last COVID relief bill, that there's a lot of
money in there for public relation campaigns to
persuade people to be vaccinated. Community activists helping the government
fulfill mandatory vaccine quotas. Well, I know where the minds of a lot of preachers and pastors
are right now. They want to reopen their churches. And they're saying to themselves,
the only way I can reopen my church is to get everybody vaccinated so they can get back in
church. What's the point? I know that. I know that. Just reopen your church. Yeah, I know that. You
know that. But in their minds, I know that. You know that.
But in their minds, they've given in to the state's authority. They've given in to the state's power.
And they've said, well, the only way I'm going to have permission to have people come back to church is to give in.
Instead of standing up.
Past the ones who are intentionally doing this, intentionally working for the devil, they need to do some soul searching.
If they are stupid enough to believe the mantra behind why they need to have their church
closed, you need to start thinking, what is the church's role?
What is the reason for church?
First of all, it's to praise Jesus Christ.
We gather as a group, as a community of Christians to praise the Lord.
If that is your mission, you would never close your church.
Speaking of CBN, so they had the director of the National Institutes of Health on CBN here a couple weeks ago.
His name is Francis Collins, Dr. Francis Collins.
Isn't he the one who, he's a confessing Christian.
He is.
And he made the explanation.
He admitted that the vaccines did originate with aborted fetal cell lines,
but they're so far removed from that that you really can't count it anymore.
That was the argument, Rick.
That's the argument.
What if the argument was, well, the research I used was from Nuremberg when we killed all the Jews.
I'm using that research to help better people.
It was almost a century ago.
Would that be okay?
Would that be all right?
No, they would be offended by that, right?
But somehow we have convinced the confessing Christian audience out there
that it's okay that we killed these people,
that we killed these babies before they were born.
It's okay now
because we're harvesting them
thousands of generations later
for the betterment.
I get to live a better life
because someone was murdered
on my behalf.
That's my beef.
I'm very passionate about this.
This is wrong.
It is wrong.
And there's plenty, plenty of evidence that the vaccines are dangerous.
Of course, the news media is covering up the reports of vaccine injuries, vaccine deaths.
Obviously, the government is doing it.
The pharmaceutical companies clearly don't want anybody talking about it. I think very soon you're going to see that anybody that questions the safety of vaccines will be labeled a domestic terrorist.
We're getting very close to that state. And, you know, I'm expecting in the coming weeks that they will start branding anybody who talks against the vaccines as a dangerous person.
Or domestic terrorist.
That you should lose your bank account.
You should lose your job.
You should be deplatformed.
You should be ostracized from society.
And criminalizing reasonable people. Right. Yes. And I know they're desperate.
You know how I know they're desperate. We see stories like this where they have to bait you.
Oh, this is just the 30 pieces of silver. Well, you get doughnuts and marijuana.
Right. I'm going to get high. All you have to do is get vaccinated, Rick.
And you can get a dough every day. Every day.
Not just one donut.
You can bring in your vaccination card into Krispy Kreme every day and get a free donut every day.
I can get high and a sugar buzz at the same time.
That's right.
I mean, this is where we're going, where we have to bait people in.
Man, I'd love to have a donut every day.
What are we going to see next?
Are we going to see Marlboro give away cartons of cigarettes if you get a vaccine? I mean,
is that where we're going next? Why not? The Federal Reserve is printing money like crazy.
Doc, this money is just flooding the markets. Nothing is normal anymore. There's no connection to reality.
And so the money is flowing into the corporations.
Do something with the money.
And so these incentives are coming.
Yes, they're going to keep giving things to people.
They're going to be incentives to go with this plan. And the sad thing is that
Christian leaders are telling people to do it. But in my view,
the rats in the church are exposing themselves. Yes. And that's what I'm calling them.
They're rats.
All right.
They're outing themselves.
The Freemasons, really what we're watching happening right now is the true church is forming on one side and the apostate harlot church is taking shape on the other side.
And it's primarily Masonic.
It's Freemasonry.
And they're exposing themselves now.
They're revealing themselves.
The compass cabal.
And it's stunning to watch, to witness it happening in real time.
It's very stunning.
I mean, for years I heard about, as a young Christian,
you know, the great falling away is coming.
People are going to be falling away from the truth
and the great apostasy.
Well, this is what it looks like.
That's right.
This is what the great falling away looks like in real time the the apostasy look
pagans don't fall away
christians fall away that's right you fall away from the truth pagans never had the truth
so there can't be a great falling away among buddhas won't fall away because they never had
the truth the people that fall away
in the end times
are people who claim
to be Christians.
They fall away
from the truth.
And it's taking place
right now
in front of our eyes
and it is a spectacle
to behold.
And it's incredibly sad
to watch brothers
and soon to be
former brothers
in Christ
take this path.
But the response to it is not to empathize with them, to try to reason with their position.
No, we have to call it out.
Yet more follow that Pied Piper to hell.
That's right.
Anybody, if you're watching today and you did not see yesterday's True News,
you got to watch it because we talked about Franklin Graham's long time association with Greta Van Susteren,
former Fox News commentator.
And what we didn't know until recently is that Greta Van Susteren and her husband are
high level influential members of the Church of Scientology.
A cult.
A cult that is rooted in the occult.
With Aleister Crowley.
Because L. Ron Hubbard was an associate, a friend of Aleister Crowley.
Hubbard started the Church of Scientology.
And Crowley started the Church of Satan.
That's right.
And they were all Freemasons.
How about that?
At the center of it is Freemasonry and Satanism.
Those are just the facts.
And so Satan has his denominations.
He's got the Church of Satan.
He's got the Church of Scientology.
He's got the Moonies.
He's got the church of Satan. He's got the church of Scientology. He's got the Moonies. He's got denominations.
But it always goes back to there's a common denominator
and it's Freemasonry.
Jehovah Witnesses started by Freemason.
Mormonism started by a Freemason.
So these Freemasons start these fake religions
and they grow and they
entrap people into their false doctrines. But what we're witnessing right now is Franklin
Graham, the son of Billy Graham, has been hanging out as a personal friend with Greta Van Susteren
and her husband, John, who are at the highest levels of the Church of Scientology.
Yes, they've not just been hanging out.
He's helped to promote her, promote her and the husband,
actually created a charity in their name, branded them to other Christians as an ally,
a friend of Christianity.
And invited her to speak at events sponsored by Samaritan's Purse.
As you said, named a ministry in Haiti for Greta Van Susteren.
So this has really been shocking to me
because I can't believe Franklin Graham didn't know that Greta Van Cesteren was a Scientologist.
And then we hear what he said about the vaccine.
If he didn't know, then his discernment is off.
Because surely, Doc, the Holy Spirit was saying, Franklin, whoa, listen to me.
You're promoting a member of a dangerous cult.
So either he doesn't hear the Holy Spirit or he disobeyed the Holy Spirit.
Or he doesn't know the Holy Spirit.
It's one of those.
I don't know which one it is.
I just know that.
You don't have to dig too far to figure out that Greta Van Susteren is a Scientologist
and a prominent one at that.
Very prominent.
As we pointed out yesterday, her accountant and her law firm is the mother of David Miscavige.
Is it Miscavige?
The Grand Poobah.
The highest official in the Church of Scientology.
And he is the successor to Ron Hubbard
and so Greta Van Susteren's accountant
is his mother
so there's something really
rotten happening over there at Samaritan's Purse
and so Franklin Graham for me
right now is totally off limits
until I get an explanation from him.
I want to hear a legitimate, convincing explanation for his association with Greta Van Susteren.
And we'd need to hear him really recite back to us the gospel.
Because again, we go back to what even sent us down this route.
He doesn't believe Jesus Christ is divine.
He thinks Jesus could be infected with coronavirus.
He said Jesus would get vaccinated,
which shows you he doesn't understand that Jesus Christ is God in human flesh.
And anybody who denies that Jesus is God in human flesh,
that person is Antichrist.
That's the gospel.
We're back to Freemasonry. Yes.
This is a very, very bizarre time to be alive and it's dangerous and everybody needs to be
fully on guard spiritually. Guard your heart. Guard your heart. Get into the Word of God
and get into prayer with the Lord.
Get in communion with the Lord. It's a dangerous time right now.
Well, really about the only thing left on the checklist, Rick, is an alien invasion.
It's really about the only thing left.
It's coming, isn't it?
They've started talking about aliens. And what a weird year it has already been.
But now we have, I think, something in store for later in the year.
According to the Jerusalem Post, evidence of USOs will be revealed by national intelligence in 2021.
That's this year.
What they're referring to here is that in the omnibus COVID relief bill,
this was passed under President Trump, in that there was a provision that our deep state, our intelligence infrastructure,
and our Pentagon had to, for the first time, discuss what they have in their vaults
about unidentified flying objects.
Now, it's kind of curious, Edward, why this was included in the COVID relief bill.
And why now? I mean, was that on anybody's
radar? Did anyone, you know, was there a clamor for, you know, hey, we got to get this included
in the COVID release? John Podesta was always obsessed with it. And that's a fact. John Podesta,
Hillary Clinton's campaign manager, you know, the director of a campaign chairman in her 2016
campaign. He loved to talk about UFOs, actually pledged if Hillary Clinton had become president,
that that would be one of the agenda points.
Well, I don't think it's any accident or coincidence or coinkidink, as I like to say,
that they put the prospects of UFO revelation within a bill about deception, COVID.
Okay, so this is part of the COVID plan. Yes, so what if, Doc? within a bill about deception, COVID. Okay?
So this is part of the COVID plan.
So what if, Doc?
I mean, I've always, for years, believed at some point
Satan's people on Earth will roll out the greatest deception.
The greatest deception is the UFOs, the space aliens. This is the greatest deception. The greatest deception is the UFOs, the space aliens.
This is the greatest deception.
Now, do I believe in space aliens?
Do I believe people have had encounters with beings that they thought were extraterrestrials?
They're demons.
They're demon creatures.
They're Nephilim.
So I'm not surprised by this.
I've been waiting for it for over 20 years.
It's coming.
But it's coming at a time that we're having a pandemic.
We need to be rescued, Rick.
Wait a minute. What if when the aliens appear,
what if they mistakenly release a foreign virus on the planet that there's no human immunity to?
Because over the years with space exploration,
one of the things that they've been concerned about space viruses?
Space virus. Yes, a rock a meteorite
An asteroid something that would have a virus
on the rock would enter our atmosphere and
Release a virus unknown to mankind, wipe us out.
I've never thought about this before until right now.
It's not science fiction in the sense that when we were excavating Egyptian ecological sites,
there were viruses that we'd uncovered.
That's right.
We got sick with viruses that hadn't been seen in mankind for a thousand years.
I mean, the immune system wasn't ready for it.
That's a good point. So, you know, you can imagine the global news coverage if there's extraterrestrials that
appear, which we know are demons.
And then the shock later that they carried a virus that has now been released on the
And now you have to have the super vaccine.
And what has to go into your body?
The same, a portion of the same virus that's in the alien's body.
Alien DNA.
Alien DNA.
You think I'm making this up?
We just talked about Bill Gates going into space and crop dusting us.
OK, this is the facts.
You're right.
These people are insane and they're demon possessed.
At how high a level is this being taken seriously, Edward?
The former director of national intelligence, John Ratcliffe, is discussing it.
This is President Trump's, not President Biden, but President Trump's director of national intelligence.
He brought this up with an interview with Maria Bartiromo just this past weekend.
I listened to it and he just talked about it like, oh, by the way, I got to talk to you about the UFOs.
Like, hey, we're talking about, you know, we're talking about Iran right now, but let's switch, let's change the subject.
We're talking about UFOs.
Yeah, let's watch this clip.
Actually is a program that's been in place for a few years in terms of a task force that has been there under the National Defense
Authorization Act. But as you correctly point out, Maria, there's now a report that will be issued
by the Pentagon, by the Secretary of Defense and the Director of National Intelligence. I actually
wanted to get this information out and declassified before I left office, but we weren't able to get
it down into an unclassified format that we could talk about quickly enough.
But, frankly, there are a lot more sightings than have been made public.
Some of those have been declassified.
When we talk about sightings, we're talking about objects that have been seen by Navy
or Air Force pilots or have been picked up by satellite imagery that, frankly, engage
in actions that are difficult to explain, that movements that are hard to replicate,
that we don't have the technology for, or traveling at speeds that, you know, exceed the
sound barrier without a sonic boom. So in short, things that we are observing that are difficult
to explain. And so, you know, there's actually quite a few of those. And I think that that
information is being gathered and will be put out in a way that the American people can see.
We always when we when we see these things, Maria, we always look for a plausible explanation.
You know, weather can cause disturbances, visual disturbances.
Sometimes we wonder whether or not our adversaries have technologies that are a little bit further down the road than we thought or that we realized.
But there are instances where we don't have good explanations for some of the things that we've seen. And, you know, when that information becomes declassified, I'll be able to talk a little bit
more about that. Can you tell us where it was seen? Actually, all over the world. There have
been sightings all over the world. And when we
talk about sightings, the other thing I will tell you is it's not just a pilot or just a satellite
or some intelligence collection. Usually we have multiple sensors that are picking up these things.
And so, you know, again, some of this are just unexplained phenomenon, and there's actually quite a few more than
have been made public.
So I think it'll be healthy for as much of this information to get out there as possible
so that the American people can see.
Right on schedule, Doc.
The Great Reset is underway, and we're witnessing it.
But the Greatest Reset is coming with the arrival of Jesus Christ
and the full manifestation of the kingdom of God.
He's got something way better than a vaccine or space dust.
Hey, I saw a video clip of Florida Senator Marco Rubio,
and he's just casually talking to a reporter about UFOs.
Yes, actually, this political story was actually created by TMZ, the entertainment outlet that
often goes with music and movie stars.
But today, they actually ran down the member of the Senate Committee on Intelligence to discuss the possibility
That aliens might be making a debut in the United States of America
On that Senate Intel Committee man
I saw you guys are supposed to be the government is gonna actually have to put out everything they know about UFOs to the public
I guess it's not
Well for me the whole thing was this and that's why we put that language in there. People think about
space aliens. For me, it's their stuff flying over
military installations,
and no one knows what it is, and it isn't
ours. So for me, that's logical. You want
to know what it is, and it's common sense, right? Stuff's
flying over the top of your most sensitive installations,
and it's not ours, and no one knows
whose it is. You should find out what it is,
and tell us. I mean, are we going to get, like, the
friendly aliens, you think find out what it is and tell us. I mean, are we going to get like the friendly aliens you think?
Honestly, should people be worried?
I mean, I guess that's a better question.
Well, I think the worry is there's stuff flying over our facilities and we don't know what
they are.
You know what I mean?
So, I mean, that's the concern.
Maybe it's got a logical explanation to it.
But, you know, people want to know.
I want to know what it is.
I mean, who's a bigger threat right now?
Do you think, I mean, people are always talking about like China's a big threat, but shouldn't
we also be worried about what's outside the universe? Well, I wouldn't take it one step at a time. You know what it is. I mean, who's a bigger threat right now? Do you think, I mean, people are always talking about like China's a big threat, but shouldn't we also be worried about what's
outside the university? I wouldn't take it one step at a time. You know what I mean? I mean,
I'm not, I'm not saying that's what it's all about. Like I told you, I don't know. I don't
know the answer to what it is, but it's stuff that's there. So you're on the intel committee.
They don't even tell you what's going on. Well, I think they tell us what's going on. I mean,
there's stuff flying over the top of our military installations and they don't know who's flying it.
They don't even know what it is. So that's a problem. We
need to find out if we can. So just a quick question. Everyone thinks we're the smartest
out there in the universe, but are the aliens possibly smarter than what we are right now?
Well, if they made it all the way here, they probably are, yeah. They're probably more
advanced. If they can get here and we can't get there, that tells you they're more advanced. But
I don't know if there are aliens. I don't know if they've ever visited here. I'm not, you know, when you talk about that stuff,
everybody gets, you know, stigmatized about it.
No one wants to sound weird.
My thing is very simple.
We don't know what that stuff is
that's flying over the top of our installations.
Let's find out.
Maybe it's another country and that would be bad news too.
But let's just say hypothetically, one last question, man.
Hypothetically, if somebody comes down,
there's aliens, should Biden and should the government, should we try to be friendly with these folks? Oh, I don't know, man. I haven't think given this, we have so many problems going
on as it is. That would be, that would be one heck of a way to top the last year and a half.
Wow. He admitted there's things flying over our military bases. We don't know what they are.
That's a sitting U.S. Senator said that. On the Intelligence Committee. Yes. Gang of eight members. It's all planned, Doc. I know. It's a carefully
planned release of propaganda. The Great Reset is underway. The reset of the human civilization.
What is coming? I believe we're going, what they're seeking to do is to restore the pre-flood civilization before Noah's flood,
when Satan had a global world government. And I believe that they're getting things ready.
I'm talking before Nimrod. They're going back before Nimrod and the Tower of Babel. They want to bring forth Satan's kingdom and present
his kingdom to him and worship Lucifer himself. I'd encourage you to get the book, Final Day.
Go to and order the book. I'll talk about what's coming in the last days.
This will change your mind about the second coming of Jesus Christ.
Change your mind and inspire you to fulfill the Great Commission. I know it has for me.
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