TRUNEWS with Rick Wiles - Nazi-Obsessed Zionist Frank Luntz advises GOP to embrace trannies and Covid jabs
Episode Date: May 5, 2021Today on TRUNEWS, host Edward Szall exposes the influence of political operative Frank Luntz, the darling of Republicans. Together with the team, they look at the wheeling and dealing with the GOP to... get the rank and file to accept vaccines, homosexuality, abortion and transgenderism. Edward also has the opportunity to interview Lauren Witke as she stands up against this wave of debauchery. Edward Szall, Rick Wiles, Doc Burkhart. Airdate (05/05/21)
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I'm Edward Zoll.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy got himself into some hot water this week
with a hot mic trashing Warhawk Congresswoman Liz Cheney.
In a statement caught before his interview with Fox & Friends, McCarthy can be heard saying
he's lost confidence in Dick Cheney's protege and a vote to remove her may be imminent.
I think she's got real problems. I also had it with her.
And it's not just because she thinks 100 million Americans are co-conspirators to an attempted coup. But Cheney isn't really the story. It's McCarthy. And she isn't influencing
the party. His roommate Frank Luntz, maybe. Joining me to discuss this story and the transition
of the Republican Party from the party of Lincoln to the party of warmongers, trannies,
and Zionists are True News founder Rick Wallace and Doc Burkhardt.
From Abraham Lincoln
to Trannies.
From Abraham Lincoln
to log cabin Republicans.
That's where we're at now.
There you go.
The Republican Party
started on two
foundational principles.
The defense of life and the defense of marriage. Right. And The defense of life
and the defense of marriage.
And the defense of life
in the sense of they were...
And defense.
And defense of marriage.
They opposed polygamy
and the Mormon church.
That was the beginning
of the Republican Party.
And they have strayed
greatly from their foundation.
They sure have.
And it's a party that most of us no longer recognize nor want to be part of.
Well, they call themselves a big tent now.
It's a circus tent.
Right, with all the freaks in it.
We can say for the Democratic Party, they they were heavily influenced by the
Jacobins. Thomas Jefferson had a warm spot in his heart for the French Revolution Jacobins.
And they were the party of slavery and segregation and the KKK and Jim Crow laws and all that stuff.
In other words, Democrats were the party of racism
and they have stayed true to their founding principles.
They are still the party of racism
and still the party of Jacobins.
They've just added communism to the mix.
It's just Republicans are all messed up.
That's why I'm not a Republican.
So anyhow, we have today, well,
Kevin McCarthy, the Republican minority leader, who will forever be in the minority position because they don't have a plan.
They don't have a plan to get out of that place of being subservient to the Democratic Party.
Their plan is let's bring trannies into the Republican Party.
That will broaden our base.
That will excite our base.
I just can't imagine that there's that big a block
of people who identify themselves as transsexual.
I don't believe there's any such thing,
but people who identify themselves as such that would make a difference in Republican votes anywhere. And so, but that's, that's further on
in our discussion today. Yeah. Well, Kevin McCarthy is, he's also in the news because of
his living arrangement. This is number four, New York Post. Kevin McCarthy has been staying in Frank Luntz's apartment,
supposedly amid COVID.
I don't know what that has to do with anything.
So, you know, on an average Wednesday,
it wouldn't be a story where Kevin McCarthy sleeps at night.
But the stars have aligned today.
So yours truly, here at True News, we've said, why don't we look deeply into this relationship
of Kevin McCarthy and Frank Luntz.
He's the senior Republican in the Congress, in the House.
He's bunking with Frank Luntz.
Now, I don't know. He's not staying in the same the same house in the same room.
The story is broken. It was released by Tucker Carlson on Friday just before the weekend.
The story was that he was a roommate and he was renting one of four apartments that Frank Luntz has at the penthouse
level in D.C. The apartments are in a building. The apartments are at the top level. They're
very nice. They're described as swanky. Are they separate apartments or are they
just separate bedrooms? My understanding is that they're separate apartments. But
what was interesting was Tucker Carlson described it not as neighbors, but as roommates.
That's what he used.
If it's a penthouse level and there's separate apartments, that means there are five penthouses.
Well, now we have a little clarification.
So it means Frank owns five penthouses.
That's what I'm asking.
And I've seen different stories. It was unclear to me whether these are separate living places, apartments, condos, whatever,
or separate bedrooms in Frank Luntz's penthouse.
Well, to help us in this, Kevin McCarthy himself was asked about this.
And he gave some clarification.
What he told Fox & Friends, probably after he made that hot mic comment about Liz Cheney, he said, I didn't know how this was controversial.
Frank has been a friend of mine for more than 30 years.
I met with Newt Gingrich back when they were working on the contract with America.
He went on to say that, and so, yes, I've rented a room from Frank for a couple of months, but don't worry, I'm going back to
where I normally am on my couch in my office. But yes, we pay fair market rate. Okay. So I've got a
couple of questions here. Okay. My first one, Doc, the minority leader of the house sleeps on his
sofa in his office? Yeah, that was my very first question. I mean, this is the minority leader.
I mean, I know that rental prices are high in the D.C. area, but you're the minority leader.
Don't you? I mean, I don't know how other people in Congress operate, but don't you have to meet
people after hours? Don't you have a special guest? I mean, international. What are you going
to do? Bring him out on Frank Lentz's patio
where the barbecue grill is?
What's going on there? Well, it is a
problem for members of the House and the Senate.
You know, they have
a set income
Washington, D.C. is extremely
expensive, but you have to have a home
in your home state and a
home in Washington, D.C.
So on your congressional salary, you're paying for two houses. I get that. I've always thought
the solution is public housing. Yeah. Dorm room setting. Yeah. I'm serious.
It makes sense. I wouldn't be opposed. Public housing, public housing for the House and the
Senate. There's your room. A dormitory. There's your room
when you're in Washington. That's where you stay and you're on your own. But listen,
today's true news isn't about housing, housing arrangements. It's about who Kevin McCarthy
is bunking with and what influence Frank Luntz has on the Republican Party.
That's really what we want to talk about.
So this thing broke out as a controversy with Tucker Carlson.
And so he brought this out a few days ago.
Yes, it was his Friday program.
And we've grabbed a soundbite from it just to show you what was said before we show you
what Tucker missed.
And for quite some time now, we've wondered what's going on with congressional Republicans.
A lot of nice people in the Republican Party.
But the point of a political party is not to be nice.
It's to represent the interests of its voters.
That's the only reason political parties exist in the first place.
There's no other reason to have them except to represent their own voters. Yet year after year, on issue after issue, the leadership of the Republican
Party fails to represent its voters. And we're not guessing about that. We know what Republican
voters care about. They tell pollsters all the time. And since they kept getting ignored in 2016,
they elected Donald Trump just to make it incredibly clear what they cared about. If that wasn't a wake-up call, nothing would be. And yet nothing really changed. It remains true,
as of right now, that the priorities of the people who run the Republican Party are very different,
in some cases completely different, from the priorities of the people who vote Republican.
Why is that? Well, there are a lot of reasons for it, probably, but Frank Luntz is definitely one of those reasons.
Luntz, Dr. Frank I. Luntz, as he is often called at his request,
is the Republican Party's longest-serving message man.
For decades, Frank Luntz has told elected Republicans
what to say and precisely how to say it.
Luntz massages language for politicians.
He does it now, just this week, in fact, the
National Republican Congressional Committee, the NRCC, invited Luntz to Florida for its so-called
Policy Summit, where he was asked to weigh in on the hot topics. Luntz's job was to tell
Republicans, officeholders, people with power, how to think about the most important issues of the
day. Now, we didn't hear the presentation, but there's no doubt it was compelling. Frank Luntz is a smooth salesman.
That's why he's been around for a while. The problem with Frank Luntz is that his views,
his personal views, are very different from those of your average Republican voter.
Frank Luntz is a conventional liberal. His main clients are left-wing corporations like Google.
When Frank Luntz
gives advice to congressional Republicans, he's got Google's perspective in mind. That's a huge
problem. Frank Luntz's view of immigration is very much like Google's view of immigration.
America needs a lot more immigration right away, and anyone who disagrees with that is a racist.
Now, rather than simply say that out loud, rather than make the case for his
own opinions, Frank Luntz slyly dresses up his own personal opinions as social science. He'll
conduct something called a focus group. That's a moderated conversation between several people
that has in fact no actual relevance to anything. It's just random people yammering. Your 90-second exchange with the UPS guy this morning
meant more than a Frank Luntz focus group.
And yet, purely on the basis of that irrelevant conversation,
Luntz manages to make pronouncements about the country
and how the Republican Party should respond to it.
Most of those pronouncements, as you can imagine,
tend to comport perfectly with his own views,
as well as with the views of Google executives.
Axios recently reported on Luntz's findings about immigration.
So what did Frank Luntz supposedly find out about immigration?
Well, it turns out, according to Frank Luntz, that Republican voters, in fact,
are dying to give amnesty to as many foreign nationals as they possibly can.
They're demanding it right away.
It's a top priority for them.
They believe in immigrants, in immigration.
They are pro-immigration.
And honestly, I was a little surprised
because of what I see reported in the media.
Trump voters support the DREAM Act.
They support the ability of these
people who are brought here through no fault of their own, the ability to earn a path to
citizenship. We need these people. We actually have an economy that's expanding, that's growing.
I was a little surprised to find out that deep down Republican voters agree with me and Google.
We were not surprised.
People brought here for no fault of their own.
Does that mean slaves?
Illegal immigrants.
You know, I like Tucker Carlson, and he is a breath of fresh air on the stale news networks.
And my only problem with Tucker is his close friendship with Hunter Biden,
but that's another topic. But there's one word that Tucker Carlson is terrified to say,
and that word is Zionism. Even if they attack him, think about it. He just got out of a huge
fight with him. Yes. And he will not say the Z
word. You can't talk about Frank Luntz and his influence in America without connecting him to
Zionism. Frank Luntz is a salesman for the Zionist agenda. Yes. Now, we've all known the name Frank Luntz.
I mean, he's been around a long, long time.
Going back to Newt Gingrich Day's contract for America.
Of the two parties, Democrat, Republican, which party is Frank Luntz?
He was officially a Republican until January of this year. Officially a Republican. He's no longer a Republican. Which party is Franklin's? He was officially a Republican until January of this
year. Officially a Republican. He's no longer a Republican. Oh, really? What is he now? I guess
he's independent. He's not a Republican. Was he ever a Republican is the question. Well, I don't
know. But the point I'm making is the Republican leadership treats him as, you know, the voice, the conscience of the Republican Party.
Well, if he left.
But he's not a Republican.
Right. That's what I was just going to ask.
You're saying he left the Republican Party in January.
He was just at the NRCC.
Well, Doc, he left their party, but they didn't leave his.
I got you. So the question, and I think what Tucker Carlson is asking is, why does a guy who is not affiliated with the Republican Party, does not believe in the Republican Party, why does he have so much influence?
And why do Republican leaders, why do they pay him for his advice?
Why do they seek his advice?
Why does the minority House leader sleep at his house?
What's going on here?
And I'm telling you, you can't get the answer unless you say the Z word.
That's the connection.
We're going to show you some really bizarre stuff here.
Hang on.
Get ready. Okay. We'll start with the Daily Mail.
Okay. So Frank Luntz has a really nice home out in California, Brentwood, California. Very,
very nice place worth over $6 million. In this home that he's remodeled. He has a replica of the Oval Office in there.
A real red phone that was used? He has the Lincoln bedroom, a replica of the Lincoln bedroom.
He even has on one of the bathroom doors a replica of the Monica Lewinsky dress, the famous blue dress that's hanging on a bathroom door.
So he's, you know, there's that.
It's not the actual dress.
It's a replica of it.
It says there's the Lincoln bedroom, which he made up in his mansion.
And, of course, there's Frank Tennis Shoe Luntz.
He always wears tennis shoes.
And so this is him lounging around.
This is a picture from 2016 as we're leading up to the 2016 election there.
But as usual, Rick, there's more to the story than just, hey, look what the lifestyles of
the rich and Republican famous there.
And so what else does he collect?
So this is something that was excluded from Tucker Carlson's report.
First of all, he collects Nazi Olympic torches.
To find this, I had to actually go to the interview
that took place for those photos you have there.
So he's turned a pool house into a 50-themes diner.
He's added a newsstand, a bowling alley, and an arcade.
Now he collects letters.
He also collects sports memorabilia.
And in the article done by the Hollywood reporter, it states that he has the
1936 Olympic torch from the games in
Berlin. Okay. The real one. The real one. Not a replica.
That's Hitler's Olympic torch. He has it.
Now, it's not the only Nazi memorabilia that he has in his house.
In the living room, Frank Luntz has some uniforms.
It just so happens that one of those uniforms is a Nazi Luftwaffe uniform.
He's got the hat, got the main uniform.
I found a photo of what it looked like when the Nazis were wearing it back in World War II.
Wait a minute. Frank Luntz is Jewish.
Yes, that compounds us even further.
Your point is?
No Jew would purchase Nazi memorabilia as a hobby.
Maybe it was gifted to him.
Sure they would.
No, no.
The ADL and Jewish groups condemn.
They condemn.
Collection of Nazi artifacts.
Oh, no, no, no.
You don't understand, Rick.
It's wrong for you to do that, but it's okay for a Jew to do that.
But they'll go to, you know, like a used bookstore and demand that any kind of books, old books related to the Nazis, they have to be trashed.
No one's allowed to buy them.
I don't have any interest in buying them
other than, you know,
it would be strictly from a historical research point of view.
But Frank wants a Nazi military uniform.
In his living room.
In his living room.
On display.
So he can do that.. So he can do that.
No, he can do that.
At least it's not a portrait of Chairman Mao.
Oh, well, now that's something else other Republicans do.
And so they have a picture.
Billy Loeffler of Georgia.
And so, but this does beg the question.
So why would the, quote, Republican pollster have this fascination with Nazi artifacts?
What is this fetish that he has for things from the National Socialist Party from the 30s and 40s?
Well, you know, he has certainly, he has a lot of Jewish friends who visit his house.
Aren't they appalled at his collection of Nazi memorabilia?
Well, I think we're starting to see that even those who advocate for the state of Israel,
fight for Zionism and lobby for the efforts in that regard,
that they're actually also collecting the very trinkets,
the very artifacts from that era of the Holocaust.
Now, in addition to the Nazi memorabilia, he also has some interesting friends.
Frank Luntz, actually out of Hunter Biden's laptop, it turned out he was emailing Hunter.
He knows Hunter Biden and the Bidens very well. According to Frank Luntz, I'll read just what
Frank Luntz said. This is October 31st, 2012. Hunter Biden had written Frank Luntz and he was
saying, hey, you're not covering.
How can you go on TV and not mention the Jeep ad?
Just in fairness, moving Jeep to China.
That's not worth talking about as one of the most outright fabrications ever paid for on television.
Again, I think you are smarter than anyone in politics, but if you're doing a piece on ads in the last days,
leaving that one out is just, you know, dot, dot, dot.
That's from Hunter.
Replying to Hunter Biden.
This is Frank Luntz.
Because your dad hasn't said one word to me since the moment he was nominated for vice president.
That's why.
Fair weather friends get fair weather treatment.
And Beau knows I feel this way.
That's not how I treat anyone in
politics or in life. And by the way, I declared your dad the winner of his debate against Paul
Ryan, even though Paul Ryan is an actual current client. All right. Do you read what he is saying
there, Rick? There is absolutely no loyalty by Frank Luntz to the Republican Party at all.
He's got long-term friendships within the Democratic Party.
This is 2012.
And he'll even dump out his personal views over current clients, people that are
actually paying him money.
And so this is the kind of guy Frank Luntz is.
And this is the guy that's still to this day advising the leadership of the Republican Party.
But Tucker Carlson is a close friend of Hunter Biden.
That's why he left this email out of his presentation.
He also left out quite a bit of another end of Frank Luntz's business.
And that's the business of opium, oxycodone.
Turns out Frank Luntz, this is an interview he gave to PBS a long time ago.
But this is a segment in the interview.
Frank Luntz said,
You can't lie ever because a lie destroys the credibility of a product.
And credibility is more important than anything.
Credibility even more important than clarity.
They have to believe you before
they will listen to you. So you can't lie. This is an interesting line because in my own life,
in some of the things I've worked for, I get angry. I am a proponent of the pharmaceutical
industry. I believe in these heart medications and these anti-cancer drugs. I'm a supporter of
a very famous medication right now, oxycodone, oxycontin,
because I think that this is a miracle drug which allows people to get through the day.
And this is a medication that some people want to see taken off the market.
Now, his opining in this interview to PBS was followed up, actually, by a paid contract by the Sackler family.
The Sackler family are involved with Purdue, Purdue Sciences.
Purdue is one of the biggest producers of pharmaceutical products,
specifically OxyContin.
In a lawsuit that I dug up from a court in Vermont,
Frank Luntz is quoted as being the inspiration for this.
Also in April, Purdue's executives considered more ideas
about a way to promote Purdue's opioids. The proposal matched the Sackler's own plan, which Richard Sackler
had concocted as CEO. Deflect blame from Purdue's addictive drugs by stigmatizing people who
become addicted. That's a nice way of saying blame them, blame the victim.
The proposal identified key messages that work
Including this dangerous lie. It's not addiction. It's abuse. It's about personal responsibility
Now that message right there you go down to the notes section of the lawsuit
That was produced by Frank Luntz's company in a presentation. Luntz created this diabolical messaging about an addictive drug?
Yes, and the court was reviewing this specific message.
The Sacklers had to give up where they got it from because it was intentionally deceptive.
Who were the Sacklers?
The Sacklers are the owners of Purdue.
Now, Purdue is the producer of OxyContin. Now, they have recently been in a
settlement agreement, a $4.28 billion settlement agreement over the biggest lie in American
history. This is the Wall Street Journal. That OxyContin is not addictive. They lost this suit
and are now in settlement talks for $4 billion over this. Frank Luntz produced that messaging, that messaging that's going to cost them billions.
And that settlement number, Rick, is actually larger than the original lawsuit
was asking for.
This was an increase.
So that means not only is there the implication there that the Sacklers and everyone else
involved sought to hid this, but did so in
an aggressive way.
Can we go back to the earlier screen?
Because that is so, is that it right there?
Yeah, they're going to show the footnote too, but that's it right there.
That's for the Vermont court.
I see. All right. So. Purdue's executives considered more ideas about ways to promote opioids.
So these ideas are coming from Luntz. Yes. Yes. How to make more money selling dope.
Getting people addicted to dope. The proposals match the Sackler's own plan, which Richard Sackler had concocted as CEO.
Deflect blame from the addictive drugs by stigmatizing people who become addicted.
And then you have Luntz's work there, key messages that work.
This is the marketing, the messaging, the propaganda. The whole idea is Luntz advised the
Sackler family on how to get more people addicted.
Blame the addicts.
Don't blame your products. Say that they have
a personality defect. They're flawed people.
It's not your product that made them addicts.
It's bad people.
They're bad people.
Man, Lentz is one evil dude.
No wonder he has a mansion.
And pharmaceutical companies.
What else do you know about the Sacklers?
Honestly, I don't know anything about them.
The Sackler family, they're Jewish immigrants to the United States,
and their claim to fame was actually in 1996 when they debuted OxyContin.
OxyContin was considered a miracle drug as Frank described it because it treated pain.
Everyone's dealt with pain from a surgery, from an injury.
They introduced it, and they said that
it was going to be something that wouldn't be addictive.
Something that people would easily be able to get
off of. We're about 20 years on
from that and we've seen an epidemic
of drug use from this. Thus
a lawsuit was brought a couple years back
which has now gotten to the point where the Sacklers have had
to admit that it caused addiction.
Now the Purdue
brand is a staple in pharmaceuticals.
The Sacklers, Rick, are considered to be the fathers of the pharmaceutical industry in
our country. They have the most successful pharmaceutical business and the model itself
has been replicated by the other major pharmaceutical companies in the United States and outside.
So the biggest drug addiction crisis that we
have in this country right now didn't come from China. It came from a Jewish family.
Yes. That's the facts.
With Frank Luntz, a Jewish advisor, telling them how to make more money and blame the addicts.
Right. Now you think this kind of person would be shunned. This is easy to find if you are willing to read it. But he hasn't been shunned. He's been welcomed in almost as if he's part of the family, especially for Republicans. President Mike Pence, not Joe Biden, but Mike Pence, to join the State Department and become
the Undersecretary of Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs to basically control the messaging
for our government's foreign policy.
This is from National Pulse.
They claim that, from a leaked document at least, that this was shut down.
It was put forth by Mark Short, who is the Vice President's Chief of Staff.
But he almost got to do what he did for the drug industry in our government.
Who was who was Pence's chief of staff that referred?
Mark Short.
Oh, Short.
Didn't we talk about him on some other?
We we suggested at the time of the load star load star load star op in the new york times that
boy this is very similar to the way mark short speaks and we also said that uh it appeared that
mark short as the chief of staff vice president mike pence might be running an operation to
fundraise aside from president trump because we were covering in 2019, 2020, that it appeared
Vice President Pence was trying to build his own kingdom, his own run, potentially.
Mark Short wasn't the only person that recommended Lentz for that undersecretary role.
He also had endorsements from Newt Gingrich, Jim Lankford, Rex Tillerson, and a number
of others.
But those are some high-profile names.
And yet, he didn't get the position.
I wonder why.
I wonder what it was about Frank Luntz that this deeply, you know, endorsed person, why he wasn't able to get that position.
Somebody blocked him somewhere.
Where else do we see Luntz's fingerprints in a pro-Zionist, pro-Israel arena?
The Iraq War, first of all. He was one of the key architects of the messaging to sell the Iraq War in 2003 to the American people.
But he also was hired specifically by none other than Leslie Wexner.
Leslie Wexner was trying to figure out a way
to sell Zionism to the American people in the 90s.
Wait a minute, Leslie Wexner.
This is the money man behind Jeffrey Epstein.
He hired Frank Luntz's company
to come up with the messaging to convince the American people
that the Palestinians were both invaders,
terrorists, and a problem, and that American
people must side with the Zionists, with our foreign policy and our hearts.
So a propaganda campaign that says Palestinian is synonymous with terrorism.
If you're born a Palestinian, you're born a terrorist.
And obviously it's been effective, right?
They've been able to convince a lot of American people about that.
Hey, I heard yesterday, Susan played about a minute of a religious TV show.
Some of our admirers on the religious TV networks, they had a whole panel there.
Some of the people used to be guests here on True News, and they were bad-mouthing me. And they were referring to me as a promoter of,
I've never heard this, Palestinian Christianity. I watched that today. Rick, did you hear what
they said about? That's what I just checked out at that point. I said, okay, I'm guilty. I'm guilty
of defending Palestinian Christians. Okay, you got
me. Rick, aside from what they said about you, did you hear what they said about the Israeli people?
They said that the persecution or the killing and Israelis dying is good because it forces
Israelis to go back to the land. They want Jews who live in America, Jews who live overseas,
to be persecuted in their countries because it will force them to return to Israel.
Oh, I didn't hear that part.
Yeah, that panel was, there was a lot of crazy in that panel.
Okay, so back to Mr. Luntz.
So what had come out was, this is through the Independent, there was a secret report that was leaked naming Frank Luntz,
naming him not only as an advisor to the government of Benjamin Netanyahu, but being hired by Leslie Wexner.
And they also, they found a way to spin Palestinian kids getting shot.
Yes. So if you want to wonder why, because when I say that they wanted to make the Palestinians look like terrorists. That was the way you sell shooting Palestinian kids, unarmed kids who are simply in fields near their homes getting shot by Israeli snipers for fun.
He came up with a propaganda line.
To justify the shooting of Palestinian children.
He's wicked.
He's really wicked.
You know,
Luntz is a close associate of Benjamin Netanyahu,
by the way,
one more time is on his way out.
The fourth election in Israel,
Netanyahu could not put together a winning coalition.
And he's out. He's still in the prime minister's job,
but he's no longer able to form the government. That mandate has been handed to someone else
who probably will not be able to form a government either. But here's where I'm going with this.
Netanyahu is a zealot, a Zionist zealot.
I mean, he is a dangerous Zionist zealot.
He is the leader of the Likud party.
You've got to go back to the beginning of this state of Israel,
which is not the Israel of the Holy Bible.
It is not the Israel of the Holy Bible. It is not the Israel of the Holy Bible.
It's not.
It's an imposter.
But to go back to 1948,
the political movement
that became the Likud party.
Albert Einstein wrote a letter.
He was a cosigner.
I want to say 40, maybe 40-some prominent, respected Jewish Americans
were signatories to the letter to the editor of the New York Times.
And Albert Einstein and the other Jewish co-signers of that letter in 19, I think it was
1948, they pointed out, they warned the Truman administration that the political movement
in Israel, in Palestine, was birthed from Nazism, from fascism.
That's exactly what they said.
I want you to understand this. Albert Einstein, Jewish man, brilliant.
He warned Harry S. Truman in a letter to the editor of the New York Times that Menachem Begin's political movement in Israel, in Palestine, in 1948, came from the Nazis, it started with New Palestine Party,
visit of Menachem Begin, and aims of political movement discussed.
To the editor of the New York Times,
among the most disturbing political phenomena of our time
is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the Freedom Party.
That is the day's Likud party.
A political party closely akin in its organization,
methods, political philosophy, and social appeal to the Nazi and fascist parties.
I'm not teaching that at CPAC.
It was formed out of the membership of the following of the former Ergun,
a terrorist right-wing chauvinist organization in Palestine.
Ergun was a group of Jewish terrorists.
They still operate today.
The modern Zionists are Ergun, Jewish terrorists, armed Jewish terrorists.
They killed women and children.
So Benjamin Netanyahu is simply the latest iteration of Ergun.
They are armed Jewish terrorists.
And Albert Einstein bravely warned the Truman administration,
do not allow Menachem Begin to come into the United States of America.
He was the bin Laden of that day.
Yes. Think about this. If true news had been on the air in 1948, Albert Einstein would have been a guest on true news. And he and I would have been in agreement.
About Zionism.
About Zionism. Yes. He was an opponent
of Zionism. He was warning these people are Nazis. They're from the Nazi and fascist party.
Now we go back to Frank Luntz. Now let's put the photo back of the Nazi uniform. Now this starts to make sense.
Can you now connect the dots of Frank Luntz Nazi, I mean,
Zionist zealot with Nazi uniforms in his house?
Because true Zionists admire Nazis. That's right for Einstein.
They're a kid.
They're the same.
Nazism was not defeated.
It just simply.
Germany was defeated.
It just simply changed its branding.
And who knows branding better than Dr. Frank Luntz, right?
Well, there's another subject that he has branded with this ideology.
And it's the subject of abortion, the killing of the unborn.
Now, Rick, you'll be hard-pressed to find what I'm about to show you here.
But before his death, the late Larry King
did an interview with Frank Luntz. He was Jewish. He was Jewish. And to Larry King's credit,
his interviews are very fair. He just let the guest talk. Yes, he did. Larry King was a great
interviewer. And he was also hungry. He was hungry to know about God. And I've always wondered if at the end did Larry
King, did he come to know Jesus Christ as Lord? He was hungry.
That would be great to see in eternity, wouldn't it?
It would be.
Well, in the interview with Frank Luntz, he let him speak. He let him talk a lot
about the issues facing Jewish Americans. And Frank Lund said something that was so dangerous,
RT had to delete it afterward.
Can a Jew be elected?
It's not.
How do I say this and not have people email into you?
He's not that Jewish.
Do you understand what I mean?
Well, he's from Vermont.
Okay, so he's a Vermont Jew, which means...
But the other day he was eloquent, talking about how Judaism is in his soul.
He had relatives at Auschwitz.
He doesn't tap Vermont trees for maple syrup on the Shabbat, I'm told.
It's not a big issue for him.
And he is one of the most pro-Palestinian of the Democratic candidates. He has said that he will play an even role, an honest broker. I think the Jewish community, when you look at what Donald Trump has done, backed the moving of the embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, backed Israel, and I'm not sure I agree with some of this, but backed Israel's annexation of
some territory and been a very strong supporter of Bibi Netanyahu, the election's coming shortly.
It's hard to find another president who's been more pro-Israel, but I'll tell you something,
Larry, the number one issue for Jews is not Israel. Do you know what it is? Abortion.
Really? They are more concerned about maintaining
America as pro-choice, that if you ask which is a more
important issue to you, by a small plurality, Jews would
choose abortion over Israel. It's remarkable. The right to abortion.
The right to abortion, yes.
Who brought abortion to America?
Why do we have abortion in America?
It's a Jewish value.
It is a Jewish value.
America was Christian and pro-life.
Then America was led away from Christ.
And I would show you 1962, the court decision
removing prayer and Bible study from public schools
was the beginning of it.
By the 70s, we had Roe v. Wade,
and we had Jewish values replacing Christian values
as the basis of the law of the land.
Look, people talk about Judeo-Christian values.
There's no such thing.
There's either Jewish values or Christian values.
When we have Christian values, we have righteousness.
When we have Jewish values, we have abortion and homosexuality
and all...
Transgenderism and all kinds of vices.
This is what's wrong with America.
And until the Christians get their nose out of Zionism and get back to defending the new covenant Bible and the doctrines of Jesus Christ, until they do that, they will never overturn abortion.
They will never do anything about the sexual perversion in the country.
The pornography industry is owned by Jews.
Yes, it's a fact.
That is a fact.
Even Billy Graham said it in private to Richard Nixon.
But nobody will take them on.
So I've just written off most of the preachers in this country.
They don't mean business.
They're not really serious.
They'll have to account to God for it.
So until you take on the elephant in the room,
you are not going to deal with the pile of elephant crap that's on the floor.
I like that analogy there.
I mean, everybody's talking about the elephant crap on the living room floor.
And no one's asking.
Could it be coming from this elephant?
It's Zionism.
Our court decisions and the laws of the land on abortion are based on Jewish thought.
Jewish teachings allow abortion.
And that is a fact.
The Talmud.
It is in the Talmud.
It is a Jewish family value.
So choose God's Holy Bible
or choose the devil's Talmud.
Which one do you want?
So far, America has gone
with the devil's Talmud.
And our country has gone to hell.
Well, there's no greater example of that, Rick, than our current politics and the candidates.
You've seen this story by now, but I'm not sure if you've seen the full of it.
Bruce Jenner, who now goes by the name Caitlyn, is running to be governor of California. Now, this man who
dresses now in a dress is doing an interview with Sean Hannity. But before this interview
tonight, he's produced America First, Make America Great, I'm Your Candidate political
advertisement. And this is airing throughout the country.
I've always been a dreamer.
California was once the envy of the world.
We had what everyone else wanted.
The American dream grew up here. Yet career politicians and their policies have destroyed that dream.
It's been locked away, closed, shuttered, left in the dark, burned down.
The government is now involved in every part of our lives.
They've taken our money, our every part of our lives. They've taken our
money, our jobs, and our freedom. California needs a disruptor, a
compassionate disruptor. I came here with a dream 48 years ago to be the greatest
athlete in the world. Now I enter a different kind of race, arguably my most
important one yet, to save California. I want to carry the torch for the parents who had to balance
work and their child's education, for business owners who were forced to shut down, for pastors
who were not able to be with their congregation, for the family who lost their home in a fire,
for an entire generation of students who lost a year of education.
This past year has redefined our career politicians as elitists
and the people of California as the warriors,
the kings, and the angels.
We never take kindly to glass ceilings here.
Instead, we shatter them.
This one's way out there.
We're the trailblazers, the innovators.
California is facing big hurdles.
Now we need leaders who are unafraid to leap to new heights.
He does not want to finish record in this race.
He wants the world record.
Who are unafraid to challenge and to change the status quo.
I want to prove that it is absolutely possible if we only do it together.
California, it's time to reopen our schools, reopen our businesses, reopen the Golden Gates.
So I don't care if you're a Republican, Democrat,
I'm ready to be governor for all Californians. To reclaim our true identity, to bring back the
gold to the Golden State. Now is the time to achieve that summit, to be the shining city on the hill and together we'll restore and renew the California dream.
It's about what happens from here.
It's not just about one person.
It's about all of us.
Oh man.
God bless America. Reality has become a freak show.
Keeping up with the Babylons.
Why does Caitlyn Jenner sound like a man?
Because it's Bruce Jenner, a man, Rick.
It's a man.
It's a man in a dress.
It's a man wearing a dress.
And he's the QB's answer. But if you say that, you're a bigot. Okay. Label me a bigot.
It's still a man in a dress. Okay. So do you understand that it's people like Frank Luntz
behind the scenes who come up with these strategies? This is how you move millions of people from one position to another.
And so what have they done now?
It has been, the message has been, if you say that a transgendered woman is really a man, you're a bigot.
No, you're real.
You're sane.
Bruce Jenner is a man in a dress and California is nuts.
Yes. And the reason California has has collapsed.
Is because California has forgotten. The God that made this country great.
Everybody wants to make America great. You've got to make America good.
That's the problem.
America's not good anymore.
But here's where we confuse things. So if you would have run that ad and had taken all the imagery of Bruce Jenner dressed up as a woman out of it.
And put Reagan in it.
And put Reagan.
Pete McCloskey in it.
Put anybody in it.
That ad would have gone, man, I believe all those values. Yes,
we need to reopen California. Hey, he wants to reopen the churches. If former Olympic gold
medalist Bruce Jenner, before all this craziness in his life happened, I would have voted for Bruce
Jenner. I would have been in support of Bruce Jenner to do that. I want to know who are the Republicans who are helping this man campaign as a woman to
be elected the governor of California.
Well, the first one, the campaign manager, really chief advisor, is none other than President
Trump's campaign manager, Brad Parscale.
Brad Parscale is, man, he's really down, isn't he?
Oh, he's so down.
In addition to him, Rick.
He's desperate for money now.
But he might be able to pull this off, Rick.
That's the thing.
He might just be able to pull this off.
Brad Parscale, as critical as people have been of him in the past year,
he really, he pulled it off.
Yes, he does.
By pulling it off.
I don't diminish his capabilities.
I diminish his choice of where he wants to put his talents.
Right, but this is today's Republican Party.
This is today's Republican Party.
The log cabin Republicans.
So you have Jay Sekulow, supposedly a Christian evangelical. He is a Zionist. Jay Sekulow
is Jewish. And he hired Rick Grinnell.
Yes. Rick Grinnell works for the American Center for Law and Justice and co-hosts the radio program.
And convinced Bruce Jenner to run.
Rick Grinnell's involved in this?
Rick Grinnell convinced Bruce Jenner to run.
So are the evangelical right-wing cheerleaders in the Republican Party, are they going to
get behind Bruce Jenner and say he, she, it is supporting conservative values?
They will.
I just know they will.
I mean, if he ends up being the front runner for the Republican ticket out in California,
yeah, they're going to line up.
Sure they will, Rick.
Why not?
We're a Judeo-Christian nation, right?
And we believe in Judeo-Christian values.
So what that simply means is we're going to take the Jewish values and override the Christian
values with it.
That's what it means.
Well, even the Jewish books in the Scripture
of the Old Testament, there's still
Deuteronomy chapter 22, verse 5.
That's right. And it says,
let me pull it up here,
the woman shall not wear that which pertaineth
unto a man, neither shall
a man put on a woman's garment.
For all that do so are an abomination
unto the Lord thy God.
That's God.
Pretty simple there.
Just, you know, pretty clear.
Where does God stand?
I think it's an abomination.
That's God's opinion on it.
And our responsibility is to proclaim God's opinion.
And that's what the Word of God says.
It's not His opinion.
I know. It's His decree. Yes. We that's not the word of God. It's not his opinion. Right. I know it's his
decree. Yes. We're ambassadors of that decree. To say it's God's opinion means he's entitled to
his opinion, but you're entitled to yours. No, you're not. You're not entitled to your opinion
that violates what God has decreed. God has decreed that a man dressed as a woman and a
woman dressed as a man is an abomination in the eyes of God.
That's the end of the discussion.
Our role as ambassadors of the king of heaven is simply to say this is what the king says.
You deal with it.
You don't have the option of changing what he says.
That's exactly right.
This is what the king says.
You mentioned Sean Hannity.
Now, Sean's always been, you know, a paid shill for the Republican Party and the CIA.
And he's been questionable on social issues, especially the rumor.
We never really got a confirmation on it, but that he was carrying on an extramarital affair with Fox News host Ainsley Earnhardt.
Well, in this, he's going to be doing an interview with Bruce Jenner.
Sean Hannity is reportedly traveling out to Malibu, is going to go to the home of Bruce Jenner,
and it's going to be live tonight.
Let's just hope that Bruce keeps his legs crossed.
Yeah, we don't want any manspread sitting in this interview.
You're not commenting?
No, I'm going to leave that one alone.
All right.
Manspreading belongs to Governor DeSantis.
He owns that.
We don't want Bruce Jenner taking on that role.
We can't bet we're a Christian organization, so we can't bet. Okay. But if we were,
if we did, if we were betting, you can predict, you can predict. Will Sean Hannity promote Bruce
Jenner as a Republican front runner for governor of California, or will Sean Hannity challenge
Bruce Jenner for dressing like a freak and being an abomination?
Well, he's certainly not going to do the latter of those two.
Because he won't.
He's a Roman Catholic.
He's a Roman Catholic.
But he's agreed to have Bruce Jenner on the program, so he already knows.
Who is his God?
Who is his God?
Where is his allegiance? This is his God? Where is his allegiance?
This is going to be a litmus test.
Come on, Sean Hannity.
Where is your allegiance?
Jesus Christ or Zionism, the CIA?
Where's your allegiance?
People are going to watch tonight.
I won't.
I'm not going to watch tonight. I won't. I'm not going to watch.
I'm curious as to how many times he will address Bruce Jenner as Caitlyn.
Now, that'll tell me.
That's the first thing he's been briefed.
He cannot misgender the candidates.
That's right.
This is the official Fox News transition.
Transition to transgender. official Fox News transition to tell the
conservatives of America
American conservatism
is transitioning
to transgenderism.
And Sean Hannity
is going to be the Pied Piper
of the transition movement
to transgenderism.
Wow. And if you oppose it?
What price does... I mean... I'd hate to be a prostitute.
Just your soul.
I just would hate to be a political prostitute.
Rick, they're making the silver coins now in rainbow color.
I mean, honestly here, if Sean Haney goes ahead with this, he's done.
No, he's not done.
Not in my book.
Not in the world's book.
But he's not done at Fox.
He's not done. He'll succeed. No Not in the world's book. But he's not done at Fox. He's not done.
He'll succeed if he does this.
No, this will be a highly rated program tonight.
Everybody will be watching it tonight.
They will be watching this tonight.
But he's not going to confront it.
He's going to send the message.
Frank Luntz probably has briefed Sean Hannity.
Here are your talking points, here are the key phrases you need
to introduce tonight to help Republicans accept transgenderism.
And, you know, Frank Luntz has been very careful on the subject of gay marriage and of LGBT
and transgender, but what he'll do is he has promoted certain figures, especially Peter
Thiel, for example.
When Peter Thiel spoke at the Republican National
Convention, Frank Luntz tweeted in support of it, saying this is a great direction that we're
going. In addition to this, Frank Luntz, his messaging has been used by Liz Cheney, something
a lot of people don't know about Liz Cheney. Other than having Dick Cheney as their father,
she has a lesbian sister. So the politics of the Cheneys has always been somewhat pro-LGBTQI identity.
I remember the night of the vice presidential debate with Dick Cheney when he was running for vice president,
which would have been his reelection campaign with George W. Bush.
I remember that night when Cheney was asked about same-sex marriage, and Cheney endorsed civil unions.
And that night, that night, there we go.
The Republican Party just moved into homosexuality.
Just happened tonight.
And no evangelical Christian condemned or criticized Dick Cheney.
They just marched in line.
Yeah, because we've got George Bush.
He's our man.
He's our guy.
He's the one, the guy that has direct.
Don't worry about Dick Cheney.
These evangelicals have sold out the church time after time after time.
They are morally bankrupt. And they do not deserve
our respect nor our support. And I don't need to go down the list of names. You already know
who they are. They're sellouts. They've been selling out Jesus Christ for decades,
and it's been done stealthily
so that the congregations move incrementally towards,
it's really going towards Freemasonry.
The country is, the nation is a Freemasonry. The country is the nation is a Freemason
This is a Freemason
Our government is Masonic.
And you can't
separate Masonry from
Judaism. They are synonymous.
Benai Brith. That's Jewish
Freemasonry. Benai Brith.
Benai Brith is Freemasonry, benign birth. Benign birth is Freemasonry.
You can't separate the two. The origins, actually. You have a book proving that.
Yes. So we're a Masonic nation, and they are convincing American Christians to accept Masonic ideas.
That's what's taking place.
And a lot of these TV preachers are Masons.
I am absolutely convinced of it.
I'm not going to say names because I can't prove it, but in my heart, I honestly believe a lot of these big, famous TV preachers
and mega church pastors are secret Freemasons,
and they are working with their Masonic masters
to move the American people towards Lucifer.
you had a conversation today with Lauren Winsky.
Yes, she is the former Senate Republican
in Delaware, a candidate for Senate, against
Chris Coons this past election cycle, 2020. Who is a
socialist. Yes, he's a socialist. His daughter is actually the
one that was in that famous or now infamous Biden hair sniffing video. But more than this,
he has supported all the liberal agendas that we've detailed here. Well, she stood against it.
And also she stood against the demonic agenda we described here today. But Rick, she didn't get
shares, at least from the mainland Republican Party. The Frank Luntz acolytes shunned her.
No money for the RNC.
She actually beat a Republican neocon primary challenger.
And she has now been banned on Twitter.
Her crime, Rick, was saying that man in the bottom right is a freak and a Satan-inspired
maniac for saying little girls can be kinky.
Remember that story we covered here?
She got banned on Twitter for it.
She got banned for calling him out for his endorsement of pedophilia.
Well, I had the pleasure of speaking to her today.
She's in North Carolina at the moment, and this is our conversation.
Lauren, you said the LGBT agenda is a gateway drug to pedophilia.
Now, with the Republican Party, this new Republican Party, embracing candidates like Bruce Jenner,
it appears that the party is not the party of Lincoln anymore, but the party of crossdressers and homosexuals.
Why do they think 30 million Christians are going to vote for this?
Well, you know, it's really funny
because actually 10 years ago,
they were telling us that we were crazy
for talking about the slippery slope
when they first legalized gay marriage.
You know, we said that it is not going to stop here.
When you give your enemy an inch,
he takes the whole thing.
Now we're talking about running a transgender,
Bruce Jenner, for office, not
running him under his biological name. They are running him as a way to cater to his mental
illness as well. You know, we are enabling a mental illness. When I said that the LGBTQ agenda
is a gateway drug to pedophilia, that was statistically speaking. I'm not just making this up.
Forty percent of people, you know, they make up three percent of the population, but still
make up 40 percent of the pedophilia nationally.
Now, that is a lifestyle that enables and promotes pedophilia.
These people keep pushing the line.
You know, it was never just about, oh, we want to get married.
No, now they're coming for the children. And I'm not crazy for saying that. These are statistics, you know, and it is,
it cannot be ignored. And shame on the GOP for giving a platform to this kind of degeneracy.
Well, it also maybe explains why they don't want to make fighting pedophilia, specifically child
sex trafficking rings, a key party platform
issue, even though if they would go out and speak to anyone in the base, even if you're
not a Christian, I think that most Republicans care about this issue.
Well, obviously, you've...
Yeah, anybody normal.
Yeah, absolutely.
It is the primary issue.
Protect the children.
You know, you fought this cabal.
I call them a cabal because that seems what they are now.
You look at this leadership of the Republican Party, you fought them by standing up against
Rick Grinnell, President Trump's, for a short period of time, acting National Security Advisor.
Now he is now advising the Trump campaign and reportedly was the person to convince
Bruce Jenner to start this run in California.
Can you talk to me about that stand you took and the backlash after?
Right. So, you know, last this year, Richard Grinnell was promoting transgenderism at CPAC.
The Republican Party, the one that I signed up for, is still the party of traditional marriage.
In fact, it's actually still on our platform to oppose gay marriage.
But what we have
is infiltrators that have come into our party and positioned themselves in leadership and influenced
policy that promotes degeneracy. You know, I'm a Christian, a normal working class person. I
represent 80 percent of the GOP voting base. And I took a stand against Richard Grinnell
platforming mental illness and platforming
this kind of degeneracy. He was promoting it at CPAC. Look how inclusive the GOP is,
because we have a transgender here. We have Lady Maga here, a man prancing around in a dress
and acting like it's something that we should all be accepting of. No, we are the party of Jesus.
We are the party of traditional family values. And we're the party
that supports the American family nuclear structure. So I took a stand against Richard
Grenell in this, and I got hounded. You would have thought the entire world had come down on me,
and I had just said the most horrible thing in the world. You know, I asked him, you know,
are we celebrating mental illness now? Because that's what it is.
And, you know, instead of forcing Republicans, I mean, I want to know to what extent are you going to force Christian social conservatives to participate in the delusions of Bruce Jenner?
It's humiliating. It just goes to show that these people hate their base.
And, you know, that's very disappointing. And these people should be removed from leadership for doing that. Well, you're, of course, now among the most dangerous individuals in the country in
the sense that they've banned you. They've taken away your Twitter account. And it was for the
high crime of calling out a man dressed as a woman, as a fairy, if I remember correct.
And he was saying that little kids can be kinky.
For that, you were banned. Now, of course, the Republican leadership got behind you and
protected you on this, right? Oh, no, absolutely not. I was actually banned for saying one word.
There was a pedophile man who was saying that young girls are going to get assaulted in the
bathrooms with this new transgender push in gender neutral bathrooms. And he said that these little girls are going to deserve it because they're not as innocent
as everybody thinks.
And instead, actually, they're actually kinky.
I retweeted it with one word, demonic.
And they banned me from Twitter.
So, you know, everything is catered to pedophilia.
Everything, all roads lead to coming after the children.
You know, and no, nobody spoke up for me. Nobody in the GOP
leadership stood up for me. Nobody even explicitly opposed this kind of pedophilia because they're so
worried about being called names. While we are losing our country, we are losing a generation
of children who are rising up. It's almost doubled that these children are growing up not knowing
what their identities are.
They're growing up bisexual. They're growing up pansexual. They're growing up the opposite
gender because they are confused. And there's no leadership here to stand up and fight for them.
And it's very disappointing to be a part of a party that has cowered and has presented
themselves as spineless and taking on one of the biggest issues that's going to be affecting the young generation that's rising up today.
And it's dangerous.
Well, you took a stand in the past election cycle.
And you ran, actually, as a Republican in the state of Delaware.
You did very well.
I looked at the numbers as a first-time candidate, taking almost 40 percent of the vote against Senator Coons.
Quite the accomplishment.
Did you get support from the Republicans as you
were making this stand? I thought you would think they'd want to take away that Senate seat from the
Democrats. Did they support your candidacy? Did they help you in any manner? Oh, no, they did not.
In fact, actually, they gave me a primary opponent, a well-known lawyer. They endorsed him. They gave
him all the support during my primary. And not only did I defeat him, I demolished him.
I embarrassed him because I'm an ordinary people.
I was an ordinary person just running to represent ordinary people whose voices had been forgotten, whose concerns had been forgotten.
And it's miraculous what happens when you actually listen to the problems and the issues affecting your constituents.
And that's why I did so well, you know, because I care about the American family. I care about the issues that the Republican Party
also claims to care about. And I ran on a Restore the Family platform. And we still smashed records
in most Republican votes ever in Delaware history. So don't let anybody tell you that you have to
cater to or pander or change your values
to fight for what you believe in. Well, the Republican Party seems to have made a deal with
the devil in that there are certain Republicans that can be banned, those that they don't really
want in the party, and others that they've got some certain immunity. They can say whatever
they want, but they won't really say anything of value. And I think what you may be tapping into, Lauren, is you're part of this new movement of Republicans,
a new party like Marjorie Taylor Greene or Laura Loomer, people that are running on specific
issues the base cares about, censorship, family values, or again, child sex trafficking. These
issues are important.
Are you planning to run again?
Are you going to keep trying?
What's your plan moving forward?
So right now I work for Hold the Line PAC.
Right now we're focused on election integrity.
I think everybody saw what happened in 2020 in horror and saw that our Republican elected officials
and people like Ronna Romney McDaniel
aren't going to fight for us, are not going to fix the election fraud that we have in the United States of
So we're restoring election integrity.
I just went and cut Stacey Abrams off at the knees down in Georgia.
I think everybody's familiar with the election reform bill that we just passed through.
But once I get free and fair elections reinstated in the United States, absolutely I will consider
running again and supporting true America first, Christian, God-fearing, pro-family candidates and getting
them in office because the system is rigged against them. As you see with people like Richard Grinnell,
Brad Parscale, these people are endorsing and supporting people with mental illness, you know,
and these are the same people like Fox News as well. They're promoting these people.
Jenner's going on TV on Sean Hannity tonight. These are the same people that attack real
conservatives when they run for office. So I want to be there to offer them my support.
And I'm very good at it. I'm very good at this. And I'm very good at seeing the right people that
really have a passion for restoring the American family.
So that's what I'll be doing as well.
So we'll see what happens.
Well, I look forward to following the updates on this, Lauren.
And before you go, I would like to share with the audience, if you can,
can you share your testimony of how you came to Christ?
Oh, yeah, sure.
So, okay, so, you know, I don't come with the beautiful background.
I struggled with addiction all through my 20s.
I was a heroin and methamphetamine addict.
I was, I found, you know, I was just an ordinary person.
Went to college, you know, grew up with a great family.
I was Christian, lukewarm Christian is what I would say.
But, you know, addiction still affected me, you know, as it affects millions of other
Americans every year. And I was able to come to the end of myself, like Jesus Christ literally
reached into my life, picked me up and saved me from a situation where I was working for drug
cartels. I was dealing drugs. I was hopelessly addicted to drugs. I lost everything. And Christ still met me there. And he
raised me up. And I now run one of the most successful PACs in the United States. You know,
we are very effective, but that's just what Jesus can do. I went to a program called Teen Challenge,
which was a year long program. Recovery is supposed to be hard. It's not supposed to be
comfortable. And Jesus took that time to really rebuild my character
from the inside out. He has just been so good to me, you know, and my story is a story of hope too,
because I know there are parents out there who have children that are addicted to drugs,
and there's always hope for you. You know, there's always hope for them. God is still moving. He's
still doing amazing things, no matter how grim things look. He still sits on the throne
and he still is in charge of everything that goes on in America. You know, and I want to encourage
other people who are struggling with not just addiction, you know, homosexuality, pornography,
gambling addictions, you know, you can break free and your past does not disqualify you from the
future that God has planned for you.
Amen. Well, thank you for your time, Lauren. And again, I look forward to speaking to you again soon.
Thank you. Thank you so much.
Good interview.
Oh, thank you, Rick.
She's an amazing woman.
Yes, she is.
What a story. I love testimonies.
Amen. that, you know, whatever problems she had in life, the addictions, the trouble that she had,
Christ, Jesus Christ came looking for her. He wouldn't let her stay in that condition.
And her life has been turned around. It's a great testimony. She's a very impressive,
very smart woman. And I hope my advice to her would be get
out of Delaware. I don't know if she still lives in Delaware. Get out of a Democratic state,
move to a conservative state, and run again in a conservative state. It's impossible at this point
to win in these far-left states first of all just the political environment is against you
right but second the system is rigged in the democratic states it's rigged so why waste
precious years of your life trying to change it you'd be better off to go to a conservative state
and start a political career in a southern state.
Yeah, like Florida.
Personally, I think everybody, you should just vacate the Democratic states.
If you're living it, just get out.
Let's flee.
They're imploding.
California is imploding.
New York is imploding.
That's not even talking about the droughts and wildfires that are coming out west.
New York, they're the first ones to put in a COVID passport.
Soon, you won't have a choice.
You will have to leave these bastions of demonism.
Well, hey, we have another family to talk about regarding transgenderism
connected to a sitting governor, the governor of Illinois.
Yes, and the family we're speaking about is the Pritzkers.
Now, the Pritzkers, they generate their wealth from the Hyatt Hotel business.
They're billionaires.
A family has about $29 billion to their name.
Biz Journal has noted that Jennifer Pritzker,
that's the name James Pritzker goes by,
the cousin of the current governor in Illinois,
he got in the news recently because he said he was going to take Hyatt out of Tennessee if they dare ban boys from playing in girls sports.
Hyatt Hotels owned by the Pritzkers.
I did not know that.
Another thing we didn't know, Rick, until today is that they didn't make their fortune simply in the hotel industry.
They actually made quite a lot of money in another endeavor.
It's called Superior Bank.
Now, Superior Bank was a subprime lending racket.
That's not my opinion.
It's the opinion of the court that forced them to pay a $460 million settlement
for ruining the lives of scores of poor people. Who is this?
Oh, that's James Pritzker. That's the transgender individual that has been pushing transgender
policy. And he is the governor. I mean, he is the cousin of the governor of Illinois.
Yes. He's also the cousin of the man in Jeffrey Epstein's Black Book.
That's a separate subject, another pedophile.
Does he know that he's dressed like a woman?
Oh, he knows and he's proud of it, Rick. So much so, he's actually in the military
before this. Does he think that he looks like a man
dressed like a woman?
I don't care how long he says he's a woman. He looks like a man dressed as a woman.
Just like Kalen Jitter, Bruce Jitter, looks and sounds like a man because he is a man.
The squad of sociopaths. Well, in this case, Rick, that man you see on the screen is responsible for the transgender movement in the country.
Now, why I pin it on James Pritzker is due to the money donations that he has made to this endeavor.
First of all, they've donated millions to the University of Minnesota's Medical Department of Human Sexuality.
Now, they had it named the Pritzker School of Medicine.
They also carved this out at the University of Chicago for transgender studies.
$25 million was given to that endeavor.
They also have donations to the University of California, San Francisco.
And as I mentioned here, James Pritzker, the man wearing the dress and the makeup that you saw on screen,
he was in the military.
He is responsible for the transgender acceptance movement in the military.
He actually paid for the University of Norwich's ROTC program to generate an accommodating policy for transgender recruits
to give them a special exception to be inside bathrooms with people of the certain sex.
Okay, let's put that man's picture back up.
This is James Pritzker.
James Pritzker.
And he or his family are the owners of the Hyatt Hotel chain?
That's correct.
The family owns this.
James has a stake in that.
All right, so they're billionaires.
About 29 billionaires. They're about 29 billionaires.
$29 billion.
And they're using their wealth to fund the homosexual, transgender, mental illness campaign in America.
In Chicago, they're responsible for the gender reassignment human experimentation at the Magnus Hirschfeld's Weimar House.
And Rick, they're also huge donors to Barack Obama.
They were able to generate $800 million for Obama's campaigns.
Are the Priskers Presbyterians or Methodists?
Neither, actually.
They're Jewish.
They're Jewish.
Just coincidence.
I'm shocked.
I'm shocked. I'm shocked. Another rich Jew using his money to turn America into a perverted cesspool.
And we're supposed to say this is normal.
We're supposed to say this is the way it's always been.
This is the way we have to accept it now.
No, we don't have to accept it.
When are the American people going to rise up against this Jewish oppression?
It better be now. It is oppression.
This is oppression. The American people are oppressed
by Jewish tyrants. And this is, you know,
this is where they, you know, say you believe a lie.
They will tell you this man is a woman.
And that's a lie. No, it's a woman. That's a lie.
It's a lie.
It is a lie.
They'll tell you Bruce Jenner is Caitlyn Jenner.
It's a lie.
It's a man.
It's a man.
It's a lie.
And yet the Bible also says God will let them go.
Let them choose to believe a lie.
And what happens to them?
They end up destroyed.
They end up in destruction.
They become a reprobate mind. A reprobate mind, which means they're beyond salvation. They cannot
be brought back to sanity. Do you realize this is where these people are at? Reprobates. God has
turned them over to a reprobate mind. He will not make any effort to save their souls. They're gone.
Completely gone.
That's a terrifying thought.
Eternal separation.
But America itself
is being turned over
to a reprobate mind.
And every evangelical
who promotes Zionism
in his or her church,
you are guilty of it.
You're part of it.
You're being an evangelist
for Satan.
Well, speaking of living a lie.
I'll let you take it from there.
I'm not going to say anything.
Well, the lies have been knee deep. I say they're to the bone in this country for almost an entire century.
But another instance that happened that left
Americans wondering was the attack of a ship that was told to be a simple vessel, a supply ship.
Well, we've learned that the tyranny of the Talmudists, of the Zionists, it's not just
translated into the transgender movement, not just translated through Frank Luntz into messaging to murder Palestinian kids.
No, it was also used and translated through President Lyndon B. Johnson
and his cover-up of the attack on the USS Liberty.
Now, we have a docuseries that we produced in-house, amazing work.
This is a docuseries you have to watch.
If you have nothing else going on this weekend,
you need to set aside time to watch Sacrificing Liberty.
And here is a trailer for you about it.
Well, there's no question.
It was a big cover-up from the top on down.
What did we do wrong?
Why are we being labeled the bad guys?
We can't talk about it.
Why would they go ahead and tell me not to say nothing?
If you do, you're going to go to prison or worse.
They sent all of us in different directions.
That was to ensure that we didn't talk to each other
and come up with a plan.
It was only the USS Liberty items that you were not permitted
to put on your uniform.
Lies and deceit cover up the truth.
We want to uncover the lies and deceitfulness
for the last 52 years.
It's a terrific combination of American money,
French equipment, and Israeli Air Force pilots.
What was he doing about all these people
who were wandering in and out of the White House at the time?
His girlfriend from the Mossad told him
that he could raise all kinds of money
to continue the Vietnam War.
The story has to be told.
I am not saying anything about the Liberty, period.
Hey, the anniversary of the attack on the USS Liberty is coming up very soon.
It was June 8, 1967.
So a month from now will be the anniversary of the attack on USS Liberty.
And I encourage you to organize and hold a USS Liberty viewing in your home for Sacrificing Liberty.
You can get this documentary that we produced.
It's four one-hour episodes, and you can stream it.
You can watch it right now. You can stream it, or you can order the DVDs,
whichever is your preferred method of watching.
But start inviting your friends to come to your house on the weekend of June 8th
and have a USS Liberty, I don't want to call it a party
because it's not a party, it's not a celebration,
have a screening of the movie in your home.
Invite your neighbors.
Invite people that need to be informed about what really happened on June 8th.
Most Americans don't even know, have no idea.
And the few people who have heard of the liberty, they say, oh yeah, it was an accident.
It was an incident.
An incident, really.
34 Americans died, 171 were injured.
It's the most decorated U.S. warship but a single encounter in the history of our country.
And it was an intentional attack on the liberty
to get America into a war with Egypt.
This was the 1967 war.
And nobody has done what we have done,
and that is we interviewed the survivors.
There are other documentaries
about the Liberty, but none of them talked to the men who were on the ship and survived it.
We did. We recorded hundreds of hours of their testimony. Some of these men have passed away.
In fact, one of these men passed away about two months after we recorded an interview with.
So we did something that was very, very valuable for the American people.
We recorded the voices of men who survived an attack on a naval ship.
And it was done deliberately by the state of Israel. It was a false flag orchestrated by McNamara and Lyndon Johnson
and their cohorts in Israel.
It was to bring America into a war against Egypt.
That was the purpose of the attack on liberty.
It didn't go down right because the ship didn't go down. The men were too
stubborn to die. And God kept that ship upright long enough to get them rescued. And it took a
long time to get people there to rescue those men because the U.S. Navy turned their back on them. Lyndon Johnson
turned his back on them after he knew his scheme didn't work. Lyndon Johnson was a Zionist.
He was a gun runner to sending guns to Palestine in the 1930s. Lyndon B. Johnson was sending guns and rockets and grenades to the Ergun,
the Jewish terrorists in the 1930s to kill Palestinians.
The people Einstein said were Nazis.
Albert Einstein calling them Nazis.
Yes, because they were Nazis.
This movie will change your understanding about history.
Go to Sacrificing Liberty and order the film, whichever method you want, either online streaming or the DVDs,
and invite people to come to your house on the weekend of June 8th and watch it.
We've got a couple more stories here about, I think we've got some COVID reports.
Yes, and it turns out Frank Luntz laid out a pretty big dossier so far of why you should never listen to something Frank Luntz says,
but he's also trying to influence on the subject of vaccines.
Now, this is a tweet that Frank Luntz shared yesterday. He believes that you should incentivize, and he believes specifically to incentivize,
to Republicans. Pay them money and they will take the vaccine. Now, Frank Luntz was quoting
from the New York Times. The New York Times believes $100 incentive is enough to get most Republicans to go from being vaccine hesitant, you know, that key word now about why you won't take the vaccine,
go from vaccine hesitancy to cha-ching, money in the bank, needle in your arm.
Now, Frank Luntz has been very vocal about this opinion. When you wonder why your local politician or your pastor is pushing you
to get a vaccine, it might be because he's gotten some messaging from this man.
We don't have to go into why so many people feel this way. That's a subject for
a different conversation. But we want these people to get vaccinated.
So what's the biggest barrier stopping these hesitant Republicans from getting their shots?
Well, the key is not to demonize them and to recognize and respect that hesitation, that concern.
We know that the most important person in all of this is their own doctor. And it's one of the reasons why I've been reaching out to medical groups across the country and being active with the Doctors Caucus within the Republicans led by Brad Wenstrup of Ohio.
Because their own doctor they'll trust.
Their own doctor knows them, understands them, and understands their concerns.
And when we found out, thanks to Tom Frieden at the CDC, that 90% of all doctors have been vaccinated. That's a critical number.
That's a fact that the public responds to. So the key, Jake, in all of this is to take out the
politics. Don't demonize them. Don't attack them. To demonstrate that you hear them and to give them
that their doctors are being vaccinated, that this is so much more effective and safe than the
flu shot, which so many of them get. And third is that they're not only protecting themselves,
they're also protecting the ones they love. When you make it personal to them, rather than
political, rather than politicians telling them to get vaccinated, if it comes from a family member
or their own doctor, then it's going to have influence.
What worked? What made them say, the Republican voters, what made them say, OK, maybe I should get a shot?
Senator Cassidy talking about that this is just like wearing a seatbelt.
You hope you don't need it, but you want to have it just in case, or Kevin McCarthy talking about Israel and the fact that Israel has done such a brilliant job of getting people vaccinated. And now the company country is opening up again.
Oh, my. Kevin McCarthy, his little roommate, that bedroom mate is talking about why you should be vaccinated.
These little scoundrels in the Republican Party, they all make their bed together. I don't know why people are conservatives are still in the Republican Party. They all make their bed together.
I don't know why people are conservatives are still in the Republican Party.
I don't know how many times you have to be taken for a ride.
When do you wake up and realize what the Republicans are?
And that you own the car.
I mean, first of all, there wouldn't be a Republican Party without this base.
They need to become the divine right, not just the conservative right. Well, what we heard, Edward, is that Frank Luntz said, we are working with the
doctors to convince their patients, these conservative Republican voters who won't take
the vaccine. We're working with the doctors in the Republican Party to filter down into the community level
the message that it's smart, it's a good thing to get the COVID vaccine.
So there, you know, he gave us insight of how their propaganda operation is working.
But, Doc, another propaganda operation is in the churches. Yes. The new push today, Rick,
is that the churches and your places of work are the places where vaccine clinics need to be set up
because you trust your boss and you trust your pastor. Well, and that leads us to our final story, which is in the Dallas Morning News today.
Robert Jeffress, who said the vaccine is a gift from God and you should not listen to any
conspiracy theorist who speaks against the vaccine and who said that making vaccines with stem cells from aborted babies is like Jesus dying for the innocent people.
That maybe these babies, somehow their death through abortion will help other people live.
That's what Robert Jeffress said.
He actually said that.
I am so done with Robert Jeffress.
I will never listen to this
man again. He will never be a guest on my program. So what is he doing? Robert Jeffress,
First Baptist Church of Dallas. They will have a COVID vaccination site at the church on,
is it May 16? Yes. Now it won't do it mother's day weekend they'll do it the weekend
afterwards so this is your uh this is the face of evangelical christianity in america that's it
right there robert jeffress is the face of today's evangelical church the church is supposed to be
preaching the gospel message they're setting setting up vaccine clinics at churches.
So when you walk out, now think about this.
This has parallels in history, gentlemen.
When you walk out of the church on Sunday, May 16th,
you can go right to the vaccine clinic, Rick, and get your shot.
And the pastor, Pastor Jeffers, is going to be telling the congregation,
if you have not been vaccinated, walk out the church and get vaccinated before you go home.
I want I'm going to make one final statement regarding Robert Jeffers and First Baptist Church.
The history of that church is it was founded in a Masonic lodge.
That's true.
And that is according to the church's own history.
I didn't make it up.
They don't even deny it.
The original First Baptist Church of Dallas met every week in a Masonic lodge.
And to this very day, some key leaders of First Baptist Church are Freemasons, high-level Freemasons. I'd like
Robert Jeffers to tell us whether he is a Freemason. These Freemasons appear to be everywhere
inside evangelical Christianity. We wonder why there's such apostasy in America right now,
because American churches,
the church members are being moved incrementally towards Lucifer.
That's where we're headed.
It is a Babylonian religion.
You cannot separate Freemasonry from Judaism.
Robert Jeffress is a raving religious Zionist. He's also promoting the COVID vaccine. He's also a raving proponent of the secret rapture. All this comes together in one package.
If you want to know something about the rapture, I encourage you to get my book, The Final Day. This will blow
your mind away about the second coming of Jesus Christ. There is no book like it anywhere. It's
the 10 characteristics of the second coming of Jesus Christ. And there are two bonus chapters
in this book that just blow a hole in the whole secret rapture doctrine. And I'll
show you in this book that John Nelson Darby was surrounded by Freemasons. As a young man,
he worked for the Rothschilds. He was a babysitter, a nanny, a tutor for the Rothschild children, that John Nelson Darby, the inventor of the rapture doctrine,
of dispensationalism and all this stuff that is taught today.
John Nelson Darby, his family owned a castle in Lep, Ireland,
to this day known as the most haunted castle in Ireland.
The Darby family held seances in the castle.
The Darby family was haunted with demons walking around in the castle.
There are bodies that were found about 100 years ago in a secret dungeon in the castle.
True story.
It's all in this book.
And I talk about his association with other
high level Freemasons
it is
shocking and then I talk about
the flim flam man
who went from jail
got out of jail for
defrauding innocent people
out of their money he was a con man a flim flam man he got out of jail for defrauding innocent people out of their money. He was a con man, a flimflam man.
He got out of jail and reinvented himself as a Bible prophecy teacher.
Called himself Dr. Schofield. He has no doctorate degree. I would like any rapture enthusiasts out there, please send to me a copy of Schofield's college
diploma. It doesn't exist. And yet that scoundrel got away with it. He was a con man and he,
let's just say he had some high level Zionist help that introduced him to Oxford in London.
And the next thing you know, he's got a book deal from Oxford
to publish the Schofield Bible.
And he put the Zionism in the Bible as footnotes.
And today, millions of Christians believe that those footnotes in the Schofield
Bible are inspired by God himself. Man, what a dastardly deed. It's all in the book.
Those are the bonus chapters. You can get it final day, and it's $29.95 plus shipping and
handling. If you would like me to autograph it, we're asking for a donation of $100,
and I'll personally autograph it.
You can get a copy of the book right away.
Check it out, the book and the film.
It will change your mind about the second coming of Jesus Christ
and about history, about what happened to USS Liberty.
The best thing you can watch and read all year.
Your mind is full of propaganda.
That's all I can tell you.
Your mind is full of propaganda.
Most of what we have been told in modern America is a lie, a fabrication.
It's not real.
It's not real.
You have to renew your mind.
But most of what we've been told about history, politics about religion it's not real you have to get the lies
and the propaganda and the deception out of your head it is a long process I used
to joke that I was going to try to get a deprogramming kit that I could sell for $99, you know, like be deprogrammed in 10 weeks.
It takes decades, decades to be deprogrammed. I'm still being deprogrammed. I started this
journey 22 years ago. I'm still being deprogrammed. I understand what it's like to have your head full of junk.
And I'm going to tell you, a lot of you still have junk in your head.
And it's shocking and painful to discover that stuff you were told was true and real is a lie.
But once you get over the initial shock.
Then there's freedom.
There is freedom.
There's freedom.
Amen. Those are wise words, Rick. Well, thank you for joining us for shock, then there's freedom. There is freedom. There's freedom. Amen.
Those are wise words, Rick.
Well, thank you for joining us for today's edition of True News.
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God bless you.
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